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February 11, 2016
Present: Supervisor Jason Leifer, Cl Daniel Lamb, Cl Deborah Cipolla-
Dennis, Cl Linda Lavine, Cl Greg Sloan
Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk
Rick Young, Highway/DPW Superintendent
Other Town Staff: Jennifer Case, Bookkeeper
Ray Burger, Director of Planning
Rick Case, Deputy DPW Superintendent
Supv Leifer opened the meeting at 7:10 p.m.
Discussion Items:
Creation of Trails Committee –
G Sloan said he is compiling a list of potential members to contact and will talk with
Bob Beck and board members who may have suggestions. Supv Leifer said Fred Bonn would
like to talk to the board in April about the funding that may become available for parks and
trails. The charge to this committee will be to find funding, talk to landowners, etc. The
concerns of the people that are wary need to be addressed. There will be a statement for next
week with respect to the McLean to Freeville section. Supv Leifer stated there is a distinction
between the portions of the old railroad bed that are now farmland and what is behind a
residential neighborhood. In Varna there a lot of people that will be able to take advantage of it
right away. The focus will be on the Freeville to Varna to Cornell first.
Bob Beck stated there are a significant number of people in the Freeville McLean area
that like the idea, including some adjacent landowners.
Correction to Purchasing Policy – Supv Leifer explained there was an error in the policy
adopted at the organizational meeting. It should say permission instead of purchase order for
purchases of $500 and over. He will draft that correction for next week.
Red Mill and Malloryville Bridge Agreement –
A draft agreement has been distributed. Construction should happen in 2017 or later
this year. The town’s share is $350,000 but no payment will be required until 2017. Supv
Leifer is trying to determine whether the county will need it in a lump sum or over time.
Disposition of the Red Mill bridge needs to be determined. There has been talk about
using it on a trail, possibly in Freeville. The town must decide what to do with it soon. The
initial move is free. Ideas for what to do with the bridge should be sent to Ray Burger.
Highway/DPW items -
Yellow Barn Road – R Young explained we still don’t have a lot of meter readings. There
is a meeting being scheduled to try and find a solution. He is recommending auto read heads
for the meters. The cost without labor for installation is $19,000 for 85 accounts. Bolton Point
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charges the town $6500 (per year) to take the reads and bill it out. He suggested we could
recoup this if we make an investment in software.
A resolution for plow equipment for the new truck is necessary. R Young would like
$85,000 from the equipment budget. He is also requesting $150,000 from the equipment
reserve for a new loader they would like to purchase. He would like to take $145,181 from
5130.2. Unspent funds from 1490.2 (estimated at $7,300) will be moved to the DPW capital
reserve and unspent funds from DA5130.2 (estimated at $10,900) will be moved to the highway
capital reserve.
West Dryden Rd pipeline –
The Planning Board wants to look into this and discuss it at their February meeting. It
will come to the Town Board after that.
Zoning review for Ag Plan –
Cl Lamb will prepare a resolution for next week to allow the Supervisor to sign a
contract with George Frantz to do the review. He explained that this is to the town and the
farmers’ benefit. There are meetings scheduled for March 1 and 29 at 7:00 p.m. at the town
hall for farmers and large landowners to have an overview of what the plan is about and
breakout sessions so that things can be prioritized for inclusion in the plan. It would be a good
idea for some board members to be present. The town of Lansing has their Ag Plan on their
town website if anyone would like to get an idea of what will be done.
There is a grant program for Ag projects in the county ranging from $20,000 to
$50,000. He suggested the Town could help come up with mechanisms to help with the
farmer’s share of the grants.
Planning Dept –
R Burger said the department’s January report has been distributed via email and is on
the web. The Planning Board is doing site plan reviews for two businesses this month. One is
on the Route 13/Route 366 intersection and one is on Hall Road. Verizon is looking at siting a
tower on the Route 13 corridor and that will be coming up in a couple of months.
February 18 Agenda Items -
Public Hearings -
• 1401 Dryden Road – Is ready for review next week.
• 902 Dryden Road – Applicant is meeting with TG Miller tomorrow and may be ready for
next week.
• PEG co-location application – Is ready to act on.
• Zoning Amendment – There were a couple of small corrections. Otherwise it is in the
form as introduced and the hearing can be held.
Unfinished Business -
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• Barn proposal – For $3500 someone has proposed to take everything down. It was
noted that some people will take it down for nothing if they can keep the timbers. Supv
Leifer said anyone interested should get in touch with him.
• Hoag-Harvey Purchase – Any petition for referendum is due February 22. There will
likely be enough signatures. The board discussed how this might affect the purchase
and whether there is another path to making the purchase, whether the town could
make the purchase with other funds and then hold the referendum in November. Does
the board have the right to take it out of the general fund? Supv Leifer said the
purchase is still subject to referendum, regardless of where the money comes from. Cl
Lavine suggested the Town should write a great piece about why the purchase is
important, get information on the radio, send letters to the editor and make efforts to
inform the public in whatever way possible. Supv Leifer said his support was based on
using the recreation reserve because they are the only funds set aside to buy land.
• DRYC vacancies – Supv Leifer said we need to advertise for members and asked the
board to spread the word. Cl Lavine said we need to infuse this board with people who
really want to make things happen. People don’t seem to be multiplying their affect by
bringing in other volunteers. Cl Cipolla-Dennis said the board is open to ideas on
getting more people involved. They have tried to get parents and others involved. Cl
Lavine would like to see more connections to Family and Children Services.
• Fire Dept Call Reports – Will be moved to the Town Board folder so that board members
have access to them
The board reviewed the abstract. Insurance bills that were received today are not listed
but will be included.
Supv Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #2, as audited, general
vouchers #26 through #103 ($1,060,370.73) and TA vouchers #62 and #63 ($4,081.32) totaling
2nd Cl Cipolla-Dennis
Roll Call Vote Cl Sloan Yes
Cl Cipolla-Dennis Yes
Cl Lavine Yes
Cl Lamb Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
• Agreement with Tompkins County re §239 Review – R Burger explained that currently a
lot of our land use issues go to the County for review. They have agreed that a certain
amount of minor issues can be agreed to ahead of time by the county. He would like
the Town Board to sign. The Planning Board and ZBA will also be approached to sign
the agreement because they have separate powers and jurisdictions from the Town
Board. This would apply to items like the home business level 1, minor subdivisions
(fewer than 5 lots), setback variances, lot frontages, and special permits for change of
use in an existing building. It will be introduced next week.
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• Local Government Efficiency Grant – there is a resolution in the packet to support the
County’s application. There is potential to get funding for shared Accela services.
New Business
• Appoint Vice-Chairs for the Conservation Board
• Transfer funds to highway equipment reserve
• Community Grant Application Approval
• Ag Plan Resolution
There was discussion about whether alternates to town boards and commissions have
full participatory power for discussion. Supv Leifer said it is not clear if they participate, but
they cannot vote unless another member is unable to. Joe Wilson will share what was sent to
him by Joe Laquatra. Cl Lavine will ask this question at the Association of Towns meeting next
Cl Lamb said he was contacted by Andy Zepp of Finger Lakes Land Trust. They would
like a resolution in support of the county purchasing land on Midline Road in Dryden. He will
get the details to share with the board.
B Beck noted that though the board appointed an alternate to the Conservation Board,
there is no provision for that in the Conservation Board bylaws.
There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bambi L. Avery
Town Clerk