HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-08-13TB 8-13-15 Page 1 of 5 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING August 13, 2015 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Greg Sloan, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl Jason Leifer, Cl Linda Lavine Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Richard Young, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff: Ray Burger, Director of Planning Jennifer Case, Bookkeeper Richard Leonard, Dog Control Officer Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. There is a request for a budget modification from recreation to move $150 to the community music line to cover the ASCAP annual fee for the town. RESOLUTION #118 (2015) – APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modification: From Acct To Acct Amount A7989.401 Community Music A7989.402 CAP grants $150.00 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Sloan Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes A budget modification is necessary in the DA fund for an increase in revenue and expenditures to accommodate insurance proceeds and repair of a snowplow. RESOLUTION #119 (2015) – APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modification: To Acct To Acct Amount DA2680 – Misc Insurance Recoveries DA5130.4 Machinery Contractual $25,198.00 TB 8-13-15 Page 2 of 5 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Sloan Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes A budget modification is necessary in the DA fund to accommodate sale of a vehicle in the amount of $69,000 and adding that amount to another line for use in purchase of a new truck. The purchase price is about $117,000. RESOLUTION #120 (2015) – APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves t he following budget modification: To Acct To Acct Amount DA2665 Sales - equipment DA5130.2 Machinery - equipment $69,000.00 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Sloan Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes Planning Department Matters 902 Dryden Road – This is a 16 townhouse development at the corner of Route 366 and Forest Home Drive. A public hearing will be held next week with an updated sketch plan. Applicant has been alerted that there will likely be a full site plan review. Initial SEQR review will likely occur that night. The line of sight for the driveway is still a concern for board members. It was suggested that R Burger experience that turn at the speed limit. The flood plain is important in placement of structures on the property. Some neighbors and Cornell University have raised concerned about drainage and appropriateness of the density. A b uffer area between the housing and the Cornell Natural Area might be considered because they are two conflicting uses. Todd Bittner of Cornell Plantations and some Varna residents are expected to attend the meeting. Supv Sumner said she expects the board will get through site plan review, may or may not close the public hearing, and probably won’t do SEQR for the special use permit until the following month so there will be time to work out the details. Ray Burger said he is expecting more submittals from them prior to next week and will forward them on to the board. 145 Main St, Freeville – this is a home business occupation Sybil Coburn is moving her business to her home. They plan to utilize two rooms in the home and have six parking spaces. The initial presentation will be next week. TB 8-13-15 Page 3 of 5 Dryden Road near NYSEG – The Storage Squad wants to build a business on Route 13 across from the recently developed Moore property (another storage facility). There was a discussion about the need for more storage buildings in the town and what the expected development of that area should look like. Supv Sumner said that nationwide there is now 7 square feet of storage space for every man, woman and child in the United States. The storage facility near Guthrie is now among the top ten taxpayers in the town with an assessment of over a million dollars, though part of the reason may be due to access to public water and sewer and being a large parcel of land. Asbury Road – A developer applied for a building permit for a multiple family development on a parcel on Asbury Road. At the time it was deemed to be an acceptable use in that zone although it is a much higher density than anything in that neighborhood. It is currently being reviewed by the health department for well and septic adequacy. The density of the project comes into that. Town staff has been talking about clarifying the definition of multiple family dwelling. It is subject to interpretation and may not be a tolerable density in that neighborhood. No permits have been granted. R Burger has been discussing the m atter with legal counsel and is looking to amend the multi-family definition. The Health Department has responded to concerned residents that they are waiting for the town to clarify the definition and whether it is an allowable use prior to issuing any septic permit. Other Discussion Items DRYC resolution – The DRYC has asked permission to study alternative sites for a town park facility. Supv Sumner said studying alternatives is rarely a bad idea. The town board can determine some things to be taken into consideration. Cl Leifer will draft a resolution for next week. Planning Board resolution regarding infrastructure – The Town Board doesn’t understand the intent and said the resolution is vague. Supv Sumner suggested the Planning Board get some training on what we do have in place. There may be a need for them to talk with someone who knows more about utility construction or talk with people in the PSC or someone from the cable consortium group. There was a question whether the Planning Board has time available to do this. Cl Leifer said there seem to be questions with respect to gas and electric utilities. Supv Sumner doesn’t understand the question they are trying to answer. She will meet with Joe Laquatra and ask him to attend the town board meeting next week. Planning Board resolution regarding the Comprehensive Plan – The Planning Board was charged with reviewing the comp plan with respect to sustainability and assessing the need for updates. This was supposed to have been done by th e end of this year so that budget consideration could be given to the possible need for a consultant. Infrastructure should be addressed in the comp plan. The Planning Board thinks there is no need for a major re-write but it may need some new sections. The board would like clarification on what those sections might be. Supv Sumner said the current section on transportation is poor. R Burger suggested that a rewrite may be premature given the recent adoption of the new zoning law. Experience with that will drive some of those revisions. R Burger and Supv Sumner will draft a response to the Planning Board thanking them for the recommendation and suggesting next steps. RESOLUTION #121 (2015) – APPROVE ABSTRACT #8 Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: TB 8-13-15 Page 4 of 5 RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #8, as audited, general vouchers #567 to #678 ($456,589.41) and TA vouchers #46 and #47 ($3,269.60), totaling $459,859.01. 2nd Cl Sloan Roll Call Vote Cl Sloan Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes Budget - Supv Sumner said we are currently two months behind in the budget schedule that was adopted and are now on track with last year. It was suggested that one budget meeting be dedicated only to the highway budget. There was discussion about establishing a highway reserve for weather extremes. Board members were given requests for the A fund that have been submitted. Yellow Barn Water District – Supv Sumner said the district is about to fledge and the closing will be very soon. It is an occasion worth celebrating. This is a big, new responsibility for the Highway Superintendent and a godsend for people in the Yellow Barn development. She encouraged board members to visit the site and see the work that has been done. She congratulated Rick Young, Andy Sciarabba, and the Yellow Barn board members and residents. R Young reported that the water pressure is now 55-60 psi and for many years some houses only had 30 psi. With the increased pressure, they expect there may be some problems. Tax Levy Cap – Supv Sumner said the cap will be the lower of 2% or the rate of inflation and at this point is expected to be about .73%. After discussion, the board decided to introduce a local law next month to authorize them to exceed the cap if necessary. In 2013 a local law was introduced, but never adopted and the board did not exceed the cap. This is a precautionary measure. It doesn’t mean that the board will exceed the cap. Legal Services Agreements – These have been provided to board members for review. There is no retainer and everything is billable. The board is comfortable with this and will give staff instruction. The board will discuss what would be a reasonable amount to expect each month. The attorneys will notify the Supervisor if something is expected to take more than an hour of their time. They will vote next week to approve the agreements. Weaver Wind Presentation – This will be a 20 minute presentation with a 20 minute question and answer session at 6:00 p.m. on September 17 (prior to the business meeting). Also on the agenda for next week:  Health insurance consortium amendment to be approved.  Appoint Jack Ruckheim to fill the other Dryden position at Bolton Point  Bolton Point budget approval and approval of their water rate (approve Town rate in October)  Appoint Marty Moseley to fill the vacancy on the Planning Board (Lutter resignation) There are trainings in September and October for emotionally charged meetings. Supv Sumner encouraged board members, board and commission chairs and a couple of their board members to attend. Information will be shared with them again. TB 8-13-15 Page 5 of 5 Rick Young said that during some board meetings there has been sarcasm an d attacks on him and the Highway department. He asked that questions and concerns be more professionally addressed publically and if further explanation is needed, a private conversation held at a later date. There has been some confusion about what rules and procedures are actually in place. It shouldn’t appear that people who work for or represent the town are attacked during meetings. It doesn’t look professional. Cl Leifer noted the passing of Clint Cotterill, resident and former Town Supervisor. The board briefly discussed a way in which to memorialize his role in local government and will discuss it again in the future. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk