HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-03TOWN OF' DRYDEN ZONING I10ARD Ofi APPEALS APRIL 33 1990 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Baker, Dominic 13ordonaro, Ann Everett, and Alan LaMotte, The Z +eli.ng Board of Appeals Meeting, on Agri -1- 0 1990 was call to order at 7:40 PH by ChailLman Jack Baker. Two .a.ses were heard and rare as follows: 1) J N ,5 D r a Z a 1 r a 0 S Y tt y t V Ti eph 1". is r€ gle tam den, Ne her tha ar:i.aricc i.ng Ord J 9 i W n ay tie J- y Y t to n Jr s t :1. fio ork lie 5e Ti ce tr m r c Chairman Baker gta.ted : a g e W i. eq tl f I1 a. v a at o th o (1:1. r e on 7 Oreystone Drive Dryden, riance to erect an A -1 r about 139 Southworth Road illy 96.5 of Recta Frontage d 125 feet rand :i -s rf rgjleStli.ne 02.1 of the Dryden Town Mr. Jay is here having been denied permissi.on to build a home at 139 Southworth Road, which i.s in violati.ntt of section 702.1 which is inadequate road frontage. Under practri.Cal, d.i.ff,i- r,ult.i.es rand i.innecessa.ry hardships are as follows A porch t�pproxi mEI.ps an m;i,ntts o a.se offer wa matel.y 55 a.c d reality li F road front s issued and a.cc -epted on res of land J,tt Which the tax st.i.rig stated 1$0 feet plus or ,19e. The sttrvey showed 98 feet of frontage. Over .f,200.00 is cnmmIi,tted for survey fees, al, nng w;i.tli an emotional attachment to the land, wislt to pi.tr• sue a, variance to allow for a re4i.dence an the SouthwnrCit road frontage as ttit;; Zott:i ng Permits. All5o attached i.s a. mitp shtjw:i.ng the property, hoW t}ie 1 �4.nd lays . QUESTAONS FROM THE BOARD The Board unclear what t }re map showed, Mr%. JELL came fOr-w:r.rd and explaincd }tow tine mgeLV had been shaded in to show the a.Pproxi- matel.y 98 feet. of -frontage a.nd where the property was 7- ncatQd. A- Everett asked Wh.,.t ttc irttetjti -on s Were for the rest of t }9e acreage? M1 Ja-y Stated fray field, lKhree or four horses. 19 Mr. Baker. YOU ttriderstalld the need to come here a,t a:ll' the Spirit of the law wa.s written to control, den;4ity, to try and keep a handle on that. '.l'hat' s why the Town decided on tlla figure fOf a road frontage. .So the law -itself isn't a ov il, law intending to squash peoples drea,us. But the spgi.r_i.t of law and the intend of th.e lati, is to control Zon:i_nu in any .uiven area. So that's what We're about a.nd looking at. QUESTION I'19RO i TN[F FLOOR Roder Steve: L'an the land owner on one side and i want to know the approximate width of the 10t ti, ware I're :i,nI: ends to built a house up in? Mr. Jay: Mr. Steve: ;9 r . .l try Disc n e e 4i requ inqu Slop Mr pro a h run t h a U 43i i i e ljn ,0:rt.a.1.n . So it ma.y not even he the f2j feet wide? .Tt "s i1Vo+At 1.00 Yards buclk, p.robab:l.y 3GO feet wade. scion f d Width rements red as (downh St Per &acv off C h The pots then befo home owne the f rom C t Y i_ of a f to i .I. lowed w n1 dist or Hea.l, the di _E ) i t h input from Mr. Henry ante in order to obtain th Department approval+ sta.nc.e from 10h€. cell to ve stated one of. h;i,s Y, which has been a rain h_I_S .front :Fawn from r,ha.t property. 11, and if his well tax ma nt7.al, e t1youl re the owner r Howe e i S r1 runof P 1r buyw d no la.n S . ver, o cl ;4 f. Sla.te.r of. the the needed Mr. ,Steve se Pt :I.0 and the concerns about this whole corn field, J,s that when there is fills up with mud from the He has a well at the base of is gone h'i.s house is worthless. formation Ilas been incorre r had asked the, property o t have been the convern wh d was surveyed, stakes werr, The ]_a.nd was misrepresents the concern is about drai. tch out ley r.>h�e road to cor c t a. n d -1..f 4r wner on either s:i,de, ich was shown when e plaaced on existing d by the previous nage and presently rect the dra.'LrLa.ge Mr. Baker: Our focus is and the reason that we are having the hearing at. all is strictly krhether it's feasible in the Towris eyes to reduce, the road frorkrage requirements to allow him 1'o build in t.her•e at all. it's good to have hearings like this because r.oncerns 'like this come up a.nd 5.t give s you a chance to say something that maybe you wouldn't hiave a chance to be .,a:Ld . Barbara F'i,oratice a.l_so requested f[Arther ideri-L-;i_ficati.orr on the snap here sir. Jai- intonded to placce the home. Where the set back would be and exactly where the home would be placed. 111 El (.3) Cene Rotunda stated he had been bcicl< on the logo and +wou.l.d be the' builder for the home.. The lleal.th I)epartment requirement, the Town sex back and si.d0 lat regu.i.rement all. hits to be taken into consideration and Mr. Jo.y ha.s enough land r.o acoompl.i_sh this. As far as some of the land being pUt into lawn shpu]_d help wi-th runoff as compared to bare dart as it is now. If he wanted ion, it's l,ev.l_ for him to build a road and place thirty houses there if he wanted too and you couldn't stop h;i.m. It's a normal subdivision proc;es6, so to have one house seems to be less dense then to have thi.-rity houses back there. MI wha. . Jay Lit stated is like he now to live l,;i. es on on top Gra,ystone of everyone Drive and arLd doesnrC kooks wart that eit hiF Mr. Baker reiterated the .issued is the road frontage not the issues of sub divisions etc., the concerns of locating the house and what kind of density Js the other big concern. How it effects the character of the ne:i,ghborhood those are all concerns and 10he7_r all issues; and all need to he sail. Mrs. F are no tht.t t Gonsci_ JEIy W4 I t h D Ll oranc c'lea ev to us of ]_d pu o 1, t r 0 �1 rcha I th sho wo y d .f e se 1 ink i. t: w a mo ears :! otage and Wi 1 S re 001< r e q the u .9 L . U U n c n 1 t fort c 1A r EL .reme t h 43 unate to pos r prop rl t s an requi that iti.on erty d q LL e red r the a rk S t01 oad reco he s J are On wh f roll rds tated super y Mr. tags. Again Mr. Rotunda pointed out the error in the tax maps and until it was surveyed hUd no idea the l�qnd wa.s not as r-opresented . The 'loco.]_ ]1ea.l.tor took t }tem out to the land, and with the ourners word, measured off the footage: .a.nd. placed the stal <e that Mr. Steve found on hJ.8 land as the represented piece of property. Mr. Steve upsein because no one asked him where the property boundaries were prI.or to purci,ase. A. La —Motte asked :i.f this (Southworth Road) was the only ELCCCSS to the property. Cdr. JRY said JA was and lie wanted to be a. gaud neighbor. 8000 pin HEARINO CLOSED El [111 A p app tr sit fro Off and the ubli lica Ceti c P1 m 46 ice are Dry c hear tion o Dryde an Rev 5paCe loca-te reque den To i f n 1 s S W (4) ng was cond SCHLECHT E New York ew Board :gyp to ,35 SPac at the Sam } 1,ing is vari n Zoning Or Chairman Jack I1alcer stated: U \ P e e 3. d C G O r s n i ted to cans INEERINC of reduce the oved Parkin tLt thei.r E 1.2 9 No.r,th ce to s0cti nance to do 1 1 n t 0 der the 129 North r existing lot plan g:i.rkeeririg r'eet add re8ti n 1401 AD of so. Under The next case subm'i.ttad diffic,ul.ties iknd unnecessary hardship are a.s by Mr. Schlecht. He is here having been denied perm:i.ssi ork to reduce the ':i_ze of the new parking lot at 129 through .I j5 No.rith .street, Dryden. It's in Violation o :f.' Art. 14, Section 1.4.01..:I.Q. Under practical diffic,ul.ties iknd unnecessary hardship are a.s fci1.l,ows: It's a letter to Kenry S]_ate,r and says the followai_ngr Dear Henry, (Letter read in its nt'l,retY) I :1 Henry M. Slater Zoning & Building Town of Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York Dear Henry: (S) GEORGE ScHt.t:CIVIS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER PROFESSIONAL, LAND SURVEYOR 22 GEORGE STREET P.O. RO`( 727 DRYDF.N. NEW YORK 13053 Code Enforcement Officer 13053 TELEPHONE 607 - 844 -8837 March 21, 1990 This letter is my explanation in support of zoning appeal for parking requirements at 129 North Street, Dryden, New York. Article 14, Section 1401 of the Town of Dryden zoning ordinance requires 46 spaces for the proposed project. A site plan was developed and approved by the Town of Dryden Board, showing the 46 spaces and is included on a drawing dated 8/28/89. These parking requirements, if strictly imposed, cause an unnecessary hardship. The required parking is 31 spaces greater than the maximum number of parked cars ever generated by our business in the last ten years. The extra spaces represent an increase in construction costs which is unnecessary. They also result in increased maintenance costs and plowing. It further imposes a hardship by increasing rain runoff from the paved parking surfaces. The requirements of Section 1401 for professional offices is not logically pertinent to our situation, inasmuch as most of our employees are in the field. They come to work in the morning or sometimes go directly to the job, but at any rate pick up work and go out in the field to do surveying. They do not typically park their vehicles on the site for long periods. Further, we do riot have many "drive -in" clients. The vast majority of our work and orders for same are mailed to us. In our previous location we had only 2 or 3 spaces for clients and rarely had them full. i ( 6 ) Therefore, we request a reduction in the required parking from 46 spaces required, to the 35 spaces, as shown nn the new plan. The 35 spaces are still far in excess of what we need now but logically fit into the site and will provide for future growth. In conclusion a favorable outcome from this appeal will enable us to better, develop the site and to provide for enhanced landscaping, thereby, resulting in a better project for the Town of Dryden. PBS:igh encs. Yours truly, Patricia Schlecht I A. Everett* (7) QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD Q. C b A. I b a 0 W a C U � g d f E C 0 i g t d f s C rge i ldin; ! we by e ition ice d maki eSS q s 7 a A C1 0 n f your'3 the on re a6Verri=ing 1:c£e cont@mpl 1 building. p an t I WEi f about ]] spa what -e need. II bu for a t e R ossit Ch is Ces I Si�eaS in thr rental Space doing any ly a small twe poilit I 3 tar in Mr. SchlecEt pointed out on the approved mar the aycE Which is 4eSignated for parking, six spaces for the two aPErtments in the farm house with emOUG§ Space if need be to place the deleted park i ng, if approled, back into existence. Mr. Schlecht stated Et the time he didn't have the time to appeal So he went ahead and developed it. 3 =1e PM E THERE WERE HO QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR HEARING CLOSED 8 :j0 rk REOPENED THE' PUBLIC EEARINC FOR THE FOLLOWING DEGIdIO §S ( i CORY IN MINUTE BooE, ORDINAL SIGNED DOCUMENTS IN 2.13.A. FILE IN TOWN CLERKS OFFICE) 8=40 PM NEETINC ADJOURNED II P ectf,ll' Submitted, ]e£ kyam Rec. Sec, for Z. G.A. El U i A pub], constr feet o a vari, i u f. c hearing to ct a. single road fronta nce to secti c.on fami ge r on '7 S i. I at 01 NOTICE OF DECISION Tu11SDAY APRIL 3, 1990 derb the application submitted by JOSEPH F. JAY to home on a. parcel of property that has only 96.5 her than the required 125 feet and is requesting .2 of the lie Be Zon:i.ng District Sect.i.ons. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, April, 3, 1990 with members present: Ann Everett,; Chairman John (Jack) Baker•; Dominic Bordonaro; and Alan L:ai•lotte. FINDINGS 1. The applicant applied in h:i. welfare of th adversely aff demonstr s case ar e communi ect the r.. ated that the restrictions as strictly e unr•el.ated to the public health, safety or, ty, and granting the var*i.ance will riot ommuni. ty . Ann Irverett moved that i•lr. Jay be granted a. vari.a.nce to construct a. single family home on his parti.a.l of land which has 96 feet of road frontage. The mot,i.on was second by Dominic; Bordonaro. Vote Yes (4) DECISION: Jr No (0) VARIANCE CHANTED Respectfully submitted, l een ack Raker, (chairman I A p ENC S:i, t spa add Tow u I e C r n bl1,c NEi;:11I Plan es at ess a Zoni- he NR nd ng . .1. r 0 ev he a 0 ing to c f 129 No iew Boar :i.r Engin re reque rd:i_nance 0 r d e S n t e r, t. NOT.[CE OF DEGTSION TUESDAY APRIL 3, 1990 sider the appl:i-cation submitted by SCHLECHT h Street, Dryden, New Fork to reduce their e.xi.sti.ng Approved Parking Lot plan from 46 spaces to .ZS ring Office :Located at the same 1.29 North Street :i-ng a. var:i.ance to section 1401.10 of the Dryden o do so. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, April. 3, 1990 with members present: Ann Everett; Chairman John (Jack) Baker; Dominic Bordonar•o; and Alan LaPtotte. F1:NDINC8: 1. The applicant demonstrated that the restrictions as strictly applied in his case are unrel i.ted to the pub] - ,-i.c health, safety or welfare of the community, and granting the variance will not adversely affect the community, ® 2. That the room does exist on the lot to add additional spaces if business cond ,-i.ti-ons warrant (a.t the discretion of Mr. Schlecht), Domi.nic Bordonaro moved that, a variance be granted to Schlecht Engineering of 129 North Street, Drvden to reduce the parking lot plan from 46 to 35 spaces as applied here. The motion was second by A.l.a,n La.MoL•te, Vote Yes (4) DECISION Lmmg� ,j r No (0) VARIANCE CRANTED Respectfully submitted, CJack Baker, Cha-irman