HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-18 TB 10- 18- 12 TOWN OF DRYDEN • TOWN BOARD MEETING October 18, 2012 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph Solomon , Cl Jason Leifer , Cl Linda Lavine Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery , Town Clerk Other Town Staff: Mahlon Perkins, Town Attorney Dan Kwasnowski, Director of Planning Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7 : 30 p . m . and board members and guests participated in the pledge of alle g iance . The current issue of The Dryden Courier has an excellent article on the Varna bunker program . Supv Sumner said she is proud of that program . There are also bunker programs in rreeville and to some extent in Neptune . It is a good tool for recruiting and retaining emergency responders . Supv Sumner announced that a brief has been received from the appellant in the gas drilling zoning case . It looks like that may be scheduled for a hearing in January . PUBLIC HEARING LOCAL LAW AUTHORIZING OVERRIDE OF TAX LEVY LIMIT Supv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7 : 35 p . m . and dispensed with reading of the public notice . She explained that the board does not plan to exceed the limit , but because we don 't know what exactly that that limit will be at this point in time, this is a precautionary measure . There were no comments from the board . Comments from public : William Tripp, 221 Gulf Hill Road - Doesn 't think the board should be able to exceed the limit and should keep a budget like everyone else has to . If you aren't going above the limit, there isn't a need to pass the law . He said there must have been a savings in snow plowing last year and asked what happens to the extra money from that. Supv Sumner said it goes to fund balance to be applied to next years budget. He is opposed . Supv Sumner explained this needs to be done now because of the timing of the budget schedule versus the amount of time to pass a local law . She said we will not be exceeding the tax levy limit, but if the information the estimate is based on changes , we may need to have this in place . M Robertson , 1665 Ellis Hollow Rd , Chair of the County Legislation , said a number of municipalities in the state have passed to override and did go over their limit last year. Others passed a law but did not go over. The County passed a local law last year and did go over the cap. They have passed a local law and are now in deliberations . She explained that mandate relief was supposed to go along with the tax levy cap, but that hasn 't happened and state has passed costs on to municipalities . Medicaid is 28% of the Tompkins County budget this year . New York is the only state that has a significant local portion for Medicaid . Property taxes are Page 1 of 9 TB 10- 18- 12 • high because of this . It is hypocritical of state lawmakers to take credit for lowering taxes, when they know they have passed this down and put a noose around local governments. The tax cap is simply a. political gimmick . It constrains local governments from making their own decisions. She encouraged the board to pass the local law. Supv Sumner said the town 's tax levy is about 20% of total expenditures , and the tax rate hasn 't changed in eight years. f3 Schickel said he respectfully disagrees with M Robinson . He thinks this is a recognition by the Governor and legislature that people are hurting and recognition that we need fiscal controls in place . This is important symbolically to say you aren 't going to exceed the limit. You may have to tighten spending a bit. If you don 't believe you need it, don 't do it . Let folks go home with the assurance that this won 't be exceeded . Cl Stelick and CI Leifer believe it is important to pass the law as a message to the state legislature that local governments are responsible for their budgets . The said they will not exceed the cap . Local control is an issue for them . Michelle Preston , Gulf Hill Road , said it is good that the board says it will not exceed the limit, and she understands the idea of local government being in control of their budgets . But if the board passes the law to override the cap, it sends a message to residents who aren 't here to hear the reasoning that their taxes may increase . The residents would like to hear that the board is working to keep taxes down . The board agreed that it will send a press release to educate the media with respect to this matter. Cl Lavine invited the public to attend the budget hearings next month . • Supv Sumner said the board last year passed a local law to override , but the budget was still under the cap by several hundred thousand dollars. William Todd , 61 Sweetland Road , said the best way to prove it is to not pass this local law , and if there isn 't money, you can 't spend it. Cl Lavine suggested that there be wording in the resolution adopting the local law that the board doesn 't anticipate going over the limit. Supv Sumner said there could be a "whereas" added . She said the board does not need the tax levy limit to control its spending. The town underspends on the budget year after year. They budget for what they may need or wish to do and are never able to do as much as is budgeted for. There is always a surplus and there has always been a very responsible governing board . The minutes will reflect the position of the board . There were no further comments, and Supv Sumner closed the public hearing at 8 : 02 p . m. SKETCH PLAN BELLISARIO as PHILLIPS CORNER OF FREESE ROAD AND ROUTE 366 U Kwasnowski explained that the applicants originally wanted to use this lot for a material storage area (paving material and stone) . It was used in this way this summer for a short period of time . Under the new zoning ordinance, that use is not an allowed use . They also wanted to combine the material storage yard with a towing business, and would like to • move forward with that part of the application , because it is allowed under the new ordinance . A temporary or seasonal material storage yard could be considered under the new zoning amendment for the area. I'agc 2 of 9 TB 10- 18- 12 N Bellisario explained they have a vehicle towing business and need storage for damaged vehicles until the insurance company is able to adjust and salvage or move the vehicle . They need to store the vehicles in a secure area in the meantime . Occasionally the cars are not claimed and are later scrapped . They currently are taking some of them to Bells in Dryden . They are trying to find a use for the land . The board has a sketch plan . Concerns include what type of fence will be used , screening, and visibility for cars entering Route 366 from Freese Road . Applicant prefers chain link fence for security . Placing it the required 50 ' from the centerline of the road and adding room for screening may not leave a lot of usable space on the lot. Applicant believes lighting from the street lights may be sufficient, but the board may require additional lighting . There has been no decision with respect to signage . D Kwasnowski will address screening with the applicant when discussing the fence . The design guidelines for the area provide for an area for a future sidewalk. Applicant is concerned with the loss of available space on the lot . This could be addressed in site plan review . No paving or structure is proposed so stormwater may not be a problem , though vehicle fluids are a concern . Some detail with respect to a drainage plan will be required . He noted that landscaping is required in the Varna plan that is adopted yet, and that can be used for screening. The sketch plan is compliant. D Kwasnowski asked for a sense of board regarding moving forward before developing a site plan . Supv Sumner said she would like to see this move forward, but is concerned because it is a high density , high traffic area. The board is willing to entertain it and tentatively scheduled it for November 15 . Applicant will need to submit requirements to the Planning Department by November 1 . The special use permit also considers sound performance levels and other requirements that the applicant is now aware of D Kwasnowski provided suggested conditions in his memo . SKETCH PLAN SELF STORAGE FACILITY ON PINCKNEY RD Jason Demarest appeared on behalf of the applicant . The proposal is to put a third identical structure behind the two existing ones . The existing storm water facility appears to be sufficient and has functioned well . Because this property has gone through site plan review for the town , D Kwasnowski recommended to move ahead with the special use permit , which is a new requirement in that zoning district for this type of facility . The only condition he recommends is requiring a buffer of no activity within a certain distance from the stream . He will work on that language . The sense of the board is to move ahead with the special use permit. It doesn 't require county review because of the distance from the highway . The board scheduled the matter for November 1, 5 , 2012 , at 7 : 30 p. m . SKETCH PLAN HEAD OVER HEELS HANSHAW ROAD Applicant, Dean Altes, owner of Head Over Heels Gymnastics (formerly known as Finger • Lakes Gymnastics) wants to move his business to this area. Customers have indicated two to one according to a survey that they prefer the Hanshaw Road location . Their peak hours are between 3 : 30 p . m . and 6 : 30 p . m . Page 3of9 TB 10- 18- 12 411 The property is 1 . 3 acres and the building will be a pre-engineered 9 , 000 square foot meta' building with 0 ' high eaves. It is high to provide a mezzanine area. Parking (46 spaces) will wrap around the building There is an area at the front they can potentially use for stormwater retention . D Kwasnowski said instead of requiring a fully engineered bio- retention filter they will use some green infrastructure_ Craig Schutt of Tompkins Soil and Water has indicated he will assist with designing some bie- swales along the ditch . The parking lot will require lighting and downward pointing fixtures am preferred . Purchase of the property is contingent on site plan approval and financing_ The sense of the board is to move this forward and the matter was scheduled for November 15 , 2012 , at b , bb p. m . CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Jeremy Sherman , speaking as dice President of the Tompkins County Parra Bureau , said that at their annual meeting they passed two resolutions he thought the Town Board should be aware of, The first resolution was in opposition of farmland in agriculture districts being included in Critical Pnviranmentsl Areas . The Bureau 's position is that it conflicts with New York's Right to Farm Law and Agriculture and Markets Ag District Laws, The second supports the formation of the Dryden Farmers Committee . Cl btelick said they are close to being able to present this to the Town hoard . He and Cl Leifer would like to have it in places by the end of year . Bruno Schickel - Asked what the total reserves and unencumbered funds at end of 201. 1 vas , It seems like the numbers may be reversed in the IUD . Supv Sumner said she 411 would email those numbers to him after checking_ B Schickel said that the town 's total savings has been dwindling by about $ 1 , 000 ,000 per year averaged over the last four years . He said the town has the opportunity now because of its savings to move a significant portion into a dedicated reserve find to build the trail system . The town has talked about it e long time_ The rails to trails system has been on the horizon . The City has done it. He asked what the cost would be . D wasnowski said the last dme the town applied for funding for the Dryden to Freeville portion , the cost was about $ 1 ,000 , 000 using federal funds . If you did it on your own , the cost was $300 ,000 to $400,000 , The transportation plan that Cornell did dedicates $300 , 000 for the Varna trail . There is a possibility with the Dryden hreeville trail, but the landownership complications have inhibited the project . B hchiedei suggests the Town commit to doing this by establishing a reserve fund for future use , He knows the George Junior Republic is opposed to the trail going through their lance , and other landowners may not support it. He suggested completing the sections of trail where it can be done and is supported . Using this dot-dash approach may help melt away the opposition and build enthusiasm and public support. To create an alternate transportation system would be a significant positive for the tenor . Jim Skaleg, 940 Dryden Road , thanked the Planning Department and 'f own Board for supporting the soon -to- be adopted hamlet plan for Varna , in looking at the tentative budget there was a proposal for $25 ,000 for implementation of the hamlet plan that was reduced to $ 5 ,000 . He said this was seed money for matching grants, etc . Enthusiasm in the community for moving the plan forward and being implemented is significant. He hopes that things don't get stuck on a shelf now . rage 4 uF 9 TB I0- 1S- I2 With respect to B Schickel 's suggestion , J Skaley added that tots of people in Varna are looking for trail development and he is encouraged by the willingness to spend town money in this way . It is important and he hopes the town will consider the suggestion . Carl Graham - Director of Community Relations with Alternatives Federal Credit Union . AFCU has provided free income tax return preparation for residents for the past fear years_ to 2009 , the Town appropriated funds for individual development accounts (IDAs or match savings accounts) for town residents in partnership with AFCU . These accounts are for people the are about to Dart or are in business in the Town of Dryden . lie is hoping that soon he will be able to talk with the appropriate committee about getting that program going. AFCU will be holding a business workshop on Tuesday , October 30. It will be an introduction to entrepreneurship and geared toward folks who are interested in starting a business. Flyers were distributed. TOWN CLERIC With respect to the minutes of September 20 , 2012 , Supv Sumner as k ed that on pale $ the sentence end after "last yra ' and the remainder be deleted The board agreed . RESOLUTION # 156 (20121 - APPROVE MINUTES upv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Toww Board hereby approves the minutes of September 6 , 20 .12 , September 13 , 2h12 ,and September 20, 2012 , as amended, 2 "LI Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Ste lick Yes Cl Solomon Poe lipv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yee CI Lavine Yes B Avery asked the hoard to approve the amount of unpaid water and sewer bills to he relevied to the 2013 real property tax bills . These are balances prior to the October 2012 billing_ Any bills paid prior to the last date to provide the information to the County will not be relevied _ RESOLUTION # 157 (2012 ) - RELEVY UNPAID WATER/ SEWER BILLS Cl Solorrton offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ; RESOLVED , that this Town Board hereby authorizes the reievy of unpaid water and sewer bills as reviewed by this board in the total amount of $47 , 863 . 56, provided, however, that if payment on an account is received prior to the last date for transmittal of data to Tompkins County for tax dill preparation , it will not be relevied to that individual bill , 2 " Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Steliek Yes Cl Solomon Yes body Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Poo Cl Lavine Yes noe r of 9 TB ] 0- ] 8- 12 40 InONWAY DEPARTMENT N o report COUNTY BRIEFING M Robertson said the County Legislature is working on their budget and has had 20 hours of presentations by department heads and will start voting next week. There is a public hearing scheduled for November 13 , 2012 , at 7 ; 00 in the legislative chambers in the main courthouse . The property tax levy in the county administrators proposed budget is up about I . 4 million dollars , and so are the mandates from the state . The total budget, however, is up only . 4% . This is a modest increase . The rate will go up to $6 . 78 per thousand (about $ 18 . 00 on the median home value of $ 160 , 000) , Problem areas looking ahead are the library , TAT and TdAD_ T AD is a critical now. Their fund balance has been spent down over the years and the they are deciding whether the county should be putting funds into TOAD and if so, where that money should dome from . There is a task force looking at that. the library and TAT reserves are evaporating and next year they wii11 be looking more closely at those . They both have structural deficits and very big capital needs . *MAT currently has l. 7 buses that should have been replaced long ago and they have outgrown their facility . They are expecting to hit over 4 , 000 , 000 riders this year . Yesterday they out the ribbon on a disability taxi that will run all hours , RECREATION DEPARTMENT • $ianconi provided a written report (attached) . Supv Sumner acknov ledged poi $ioweuot's work in coordinating the merger of the Youth Commission and the Recreation Commission . PLANNING DEPARTMENT D huasnorvski announced that the public hearing on the Varna Plan amendment to the zoning ordinance will be October 28 , 2012 at 7 : 00 pan On hbhay , he drove to Albany to drop off the Jerry Dell application . After conversations there, he said he would be surprised if we don 't have the funds fronted for the Stuttle FPIG try the end of the month . The Jerry Dell matter should be able to close in the Spring_ idoAwake Dairy may see some movement , There were some changes in federal requirements that the Carpenters will have to consider. D hwaenowski said he attended a Cleaner Greener Regional Planning meeting. It is parallel to the Economic Development 'Council , It was a technical advisory meeting and he was able to provide them with a lot of information that they didn 't have , he said that plan is becoming mom and more important and people should pay attention to it. There is a lot of information on their website . The Town should think about what to be working on and looking. for grant tunde for , ENGINEERING No report, ATTORNEY 410 No report , rage 6 u I 9 TB 10• 18- 12 IJNVINISHED BUSINESS IAWWTP 20 / 3 budget 85 rate - The recommended budget is 3 . 5 million dollars for 2013 , a decrease of more than $500 ,000 from the 2012 budget, and about the same as 2011 . They will be transferring some funds to fund balance instead of using fund balance to decrease the rake . The recommended usage rate is $21 . 53 for 10,000 gallons , same as last year . RESOLUTION 2155 12012) -- APPROVE IAWWTF 2015 BUB •ET AND RATE Cl Steliek offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board hereby approves the 2013 Itllaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility budget for fiscal year 2013 and the 2013 usage rate of $21 . 23 per ten thousand gallons . g]Jr Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote dl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Sups Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes Bolton Point water rate - The board has approved the Bolton Point rate of $0 . 00 per thousand gallons. The board decided to keep the Dryden administrative portion the same at $0 . 58 per thousand gallons , making a total rate of $4 . 58 per thousand gallons _ RESOLUTION 2255 (2012 ) - APPROVE TOWN OF DRYDEN WATER RATE Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board hereby establishes the Town of Dryden waiver rate for 2013 at $0 . 58 per ten thousand gallons . 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Steliek Yes Cl Salomon Yes Su pa Sumner Yes di Fifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes Supv Sumner said the concrete walls for the Burdick did Tank (cast on site) will be raised later this week if anyone is interested in seeing that. NEW BUSINESS upv Sumner introduced Steve Bissell, who has served on the Conservation Board for several years . He is interested in representing the Town of Dryden on the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. The 'Town has not been represented on that board since Stan Marcus resigned _ The process is for the town to recommend him and the appointment is made by the Tompkins County Legislature. Page 7uf9 I B 111- 18. 12 RESOLUTION # 160 (2012 ) - RECOMMEND S EISSEN FOR TOMPKINS COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Cl Stetiek offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED , that this Town Board hereby recommends Steven Bissen , who currently serves on the Town of Dryden Conservation Board , for appointment to the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. " Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote CI bbtelick Yes Cl Solotrion Yes upv Sumner Yes CI Leifer Yes Cl Lavine Yes The County EMC is currently re -evaluating the unique natural areas in the count} , but it hasn 't involved the Dryden TNAs yet. upe Sumner introduced Caine Bissen who has job shadowed her today in connection with his career exploration class . Section 18 procedures - P dwasnowsld said he has received the remaining information from Teriznn and an explanation with respect to the equipment swap_ The engineers after the permit was issued decided to go with something that had less of an visual impact . The application is complete and the board scheduled the matter for November 1 b at 8 : 30 p . m . The tower company representing Sprint wants to swap out equipment on the ground _ This is a simple application and should be ready next month , It was scheduled for November 15 at 8 : 45 p. m . dupe Sumner said she has received a letter of resignation from Tom Quinn, Zoning Board of Appeals Chair , effective December 31 , 2012 . She has received a letter from a resident asking for noise ordinance legislation and restrictions on outdoor wood boilers _ hoard members received a copy and it vvas referred to the Planning Department, the board briefly discussed a recent noise problem on Lower Creek Road , Apparently Cooperative Extension had leased 4- 0 acres for a peace day celebration . Neighbors called police in the middle of the night . When the police responded they were told the celebration had received a ° permit" from the Town , which of course they didn 't , Cooperative Extension is now revising their rental use application . Road Protection Law - May be ready to introduce at the November meeting _ Aquifer Protection - D Kwasnowski anal Cl Leifer are meeting on this tomorrow . CI ddtelick has spoken with someone at the DEC who is willing to do a conference call to discuss CEAs with the board . She is willing to do this at night and perhaps it could be done at the November 8 meeting. COMMITTEE REPORTS None _ tree w i l' t in I0- 18- 12 0 The board discussed the proposed local law to override the tax levy limit and decided to delay the vote for now . It was suggested a press release be prepared to go to the media in the event it is adopted . There being no further business, on motion made , seconded and unanimously carried , the meeting was adjourned at 9 : 53 p. m . Respectfully submitted, II ,4 - Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk ID Page 9of9 Resolution in support of the Dryden Farmers Committee Whereas, The Dryden Town Board has agreed to the creation of a formal Farmers Committee as an advisory board to the Town Board , as specified in the Town of Dryden Comprehensive Plan ; And Whereas, Farmers in the Town of Dryden have organized and created an ad - hoc farmers committee ; And Whereas, the ad -hoc Farmers Committee has identified several persons from the farming community willing to serve on the advisory board and has formally requested the Dryden Town Board to create the advisory board . Therefore be it resolved, that Tompkins County Farm Bureau supports the creation of a Farmer's Advisory Board by the Dryden Town Board ; And Therefore he it further resolved that; Tompkins County Farm Bureau encourages the Town to seat the Farmers Advisory Board expeditiously, considering rural land use issues currently being debated at the town level . • Send to the Dryden Town Supervisor, the Town Board and the Town Clerk I Resolution in opposition of farm land within Tompkins County Agricultural Districts being included in CEAs (Critical Environmental Areas) Whereas : Farmers are universally recognized as stewards of the land and continually work to protect the environment; And Whereas, farmers are already highly regulated .through NYS DEC and the US EPA to protect water quality and other environmental concerns , And Whereas towns within Tompkins County are working to give large parcels of land, including farm land , CEA designation , And Whereas much of this is farm land lies within the Tompkins County Agricultural Districts , And , Whereas Tompkins County recognizes the NYS Right -to- Farm- Law, and local Right —to- Farm - taw is recognized in most municipal Comprehensive Plans throughout the county; And Whereas PEA designation, and future implications associated with that designation , could conflict with Right to Farm and NYS Ag and Markets Ad District hews Therefore be it resolved that : Tompkins County td supports the exclusion of all farm land within the Agricultural Districts within Tompkins County from CEA designation , * This should be distributed to ail municipal offices in the county, including the Tompkins County Legislature .S� . TOWN OF DRYDEN f mfiLilam- _ , Recreation Department OF R 93 EAST MAIN STREET I DRYDEN , NEW YORK 13053-9505 •} •1 } � � I4 TEL ' 607-844-8888 FAX: 607-844-8008 Recreation Department Report to the Dryden Town Board 10111 /2012 Programs We have 133 kids involved in Fall programs—three age groups for boys and girls football and cheerleading . In 2013 we need implement strict program maximums for our tackle football teams (and travel basketball teams ) because we consistently have too many kids for one team but not enough far two , which makes following rules regarding playing time and safety nearly impossible . This change needs to be considered while setting a fee schedule for 2013 , We now have certified athletic trainers at all of our Some football games . Having them travel with the tackle players is cost prohibitive , so we will work with the TEE to try to make this a standard for all towns in the league , We are planning for our Fall Cross Country Race coming ON on 10120 at Dryden Lake Park . We attempted to form a new adult league called " Big Ball " . The game is played with 15" Softballs on a little league field _ We didn 't have enough interest for e whole season this year, but we do believe interest will grow and we will be able to plan a " Big Ball ° Tournament next year . Planning is ongoing for late fall and winter sports programs . Gym space continues to be a challenge for no and our winter programs , We are trying to arrange gym time for a few hours right after school lets out , but there are conflicts with other programs we are working out. ' Little Voices , Music and Motion " is a music appreciation class for infants and toddlers . The class is full for the Fall Session and almost full for the holiday session . Poke your head into the board room on Thursdays at 11 : 00 AM and watch the furl • We are trying to offer a new series on Scrapbooking with a local business owner. We are still working out the details but it is shaping up nicely, SWe are also planning our Holiday Field Trip Series for Thanksgiving and Winter breaks . We had great success with our field tripe last winter and this past summer . We filled almost every trip and put nearly 2000 miles on the van in the • process . The van is a great asset for us and the programs . D RC/DYC P lanning and discussion of the potential merge of the two commissions is o ngoing . Members are reviewing potential enacting legislation and details regarding terms and new commission structure and protocol are being worked o ut. We have a meeting tentatively scheduled for 11 /7/2012 and hope to have a recommendation to the Town Board by December 2012 . N eeds Assessment I am working with a Research Methods class at Ithaca College this semester. We are revisiting portions of the 2006 Recreation Needs Assessment for the Town of D ryden Recreation Commission . We are looking specifically at our marketing and advertising approach . Park Development I am working with Must Have Play to take the concept design of our community park to the next level of phasing and cost estimates . This will be complete by the end of the year and will assist in future planning . Wellness Committee • The Town is working with the Creating Healthy Worksites grant program on new wellness initiatives . A Committee has been formed and is moving forward with recommendations such a loaner bikes for staff during the work day, a basketball hoop in the back parking lot , standing work stations , and policies for partial gym membership/exercise class /weight loss program reimbursements . Please let me know is you have questions . - Melissa • Dryden Town Board Meeting f — J ) Dryden Town .fall { ;..toNN 1 v } 93 East .Main Street Thursday , October 18 , 2012 — 7a30 PM 1 . Call Meeting to Order 2 , Pledge of Allegiance 3 . Roll Call 4 , Public Hearing : Local Law authorizing Town Board to override tax levy limit 5 . Citizens Privilege 6 . Sketch Plan Review a. 5 Freese Road • b - 53 Pinckney Road c . Hanshaw Road 7 . Town Clerk B Avery a, Approve Meeting Minutes : September 6, September 13 , September 20 b. Resolution to relevy unpaid water and sewer bills 8 . Highway Superintendent/Dept Of Public Works .1 Bush 9 , County Briefing M Robertson , M Lane 10, Department Reports a . Recreation Department Bianconi b . Planning Department D Kwasnowski C . Engineering A ciarabba d - Attorney M Perkins 11 - Unfinished Business 1 - New Business a. IAWTF 2013 budget and rate b, Town Water/Sewer Rates c . Recommend Bissell to Environmental Management Council d . Schedule Section 18 procedures 13 . Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each , please) a- Finance Committee StelickALeifer b. Personnel Committee Stelick/Leifer c . Technology Cornrnitcee StelickfLeifer d . Emergency Services Committee SuwnerTSteliek 14 . Future Agenda items 15 . Executive Session (if necessary) The Next Town Board meeting wilt be 110 Thursday ,ay , l lov mber 15 , 2012 at dd PM 10- 1R- 12 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you wish to address the Board under citizen ' s privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address K41 ( & 323 X. vAR;\ c -# Peckt--e,� �f {e-,., /i v O A-Z4 4411111_41-/ (0-4 tL CidicsSa !' 4f/ issal erea-1 dte," Sla wr z„" (PO C T\ i} • 11 / 08 /2012 11 : 14 : 52 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF Tn'fE T INH of Dryden : suant to Section 125 of the Town Law ,, I aiereby render the following detailed Stat € ment 11 moneys received and disbursed by one during the month of October , 2012 = D.Ai ]): November X , 2012 v . . -ai-d -ial—, _ e —. SUI 'FRV . OR Balance Balance 0g/ 30 / 2012 Increases Decreases 10 / 31 / 2012 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE CASH - CHECKING 3 , 1115 , 00 766 , 907 . 50 158 , 205 . 08 612 , 11 -7 , 42 CASH - SAVINGS 2 , 125r1 .12 , 45 242247 , 46 158 , 757 . 70 1 , 993r932 , 21 PETTY CASH 700 , 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 700 . 00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 1 , 101 , .+ 9 0 , 00 0 . 00 1 , 401 . 79 DPw Fiquipment Capital Reserve 34 , 553 - 28 11 . 91 e . ? 0 34 , 565 . 19 • Town Siildings Capital Reserve 50 , 441 . 34 17 . 39 0 . 0Q 50 , 461 . 73 • Recre iI ion Capital Reserve 304 , 512 . .19 109 . 97 0 , 00 304 , 617 , 46 General. Capital Re, er, ve 50 , 444 . 31 17 . 39 0 . 00 50 , 461 . 73 TOTAL 2 , 5 '13 , 913 . 69 791 , 306 . 62 316 , 962 . 79 3 , 048 , 257 . 53 DA HIGHWAY TQWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 1202127 , B4 120 , 172 . 89 0 , 00 11, CASH - SAVINGS 350 , 450 . 18 1 , 136 , 26 120 , 172 . 84 231 , 413 . 60 HIGHWAY EQUTr?N NT CAPITAL ?ESE 296 , 146 . 90 102 . 09 0 . 00 2M , 218 . 9 TOTAL 64 4 , 597 , 08 121 , 41l . 19 210 , 345 , 68 527 , 662 . 59 n GENERAL - OUTSIDE 102x0 CASH - CHECKING 51 , 599 . 00 10 , 15 35 . 63 20 , 046 . 72 42 , 187 . 91 CASH - STVINGS 351 , 701 . 63 3 , 322 . 85 10 , 635 . 63 344 , 398 . 65 PETTY CASH - POSTAG3 1 .74 , 93 0 , 00 0 . 00 174 . 93 Cash , Custcmers Deposits 12 , O0O . 00 0 , 00 0 . 00 12 , 080 . 00 TOTAL 913 , 555 . 56 13 , 968 . 4E 30 , 682 , 35 398 , 641 . 69 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND ',:ASE[ - CF. ECKING 0 - 0 D 93 , 661 . 09 92 , 664 . 00 0 . 00 CASI'1 - SAVINGS 826 , 811 . 3 '0 405 . 29 93 664 _ ) 9 7 � , . . 5 , 552 , 50 TOTAL 828 , 811 . 34 94 , 069 . 38 1, 87 , 328 . 19 735 , 552 . 50 SF1 - DRYDEN FIRE DrSTRICT 0 . 00 0 , 00 D . 00 0 . 00 :ASH - SAVINGS 268 , 186 . 43 92 . 45 0 . 00 268 , 278 . 88 11OTAL 269 , 186 . 43 32 . 45 0 , 00 2666 , 276 , 88 .$141 - VAR NA LIGHTING DrSTRICT CASH - CHECKIrG 0 . 00 559 . 34 559 . 34 0 , + 0 GASH - SAVINGS 57157 . 11 1 . 58 559 . 34 4 r 599 - 35 i Page 1 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/ 30 / 2012 Increases Decreases 10 /31 /2012 leTOTAL 5 , 157 , 11 560 . 92 1 , 118 , 66E 1 , 593 . 35 SL2 - ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING O . 00 151 - 96 454 . 35 0 . 00 :;ASH - SAVINGS 3 , 597 . 39 1 . 07 954 . 36 3 , 093 . 50 TOTAL 3 , 517 , 39 456 . 03 909 - 92 3 , 093 .. 50 SL3 - MEADOW/LEISURE LIGHTING CASH CHECKING 0 . 00 402 . 34 402 . 24 C0 - 0D CASH - SAVINGS 2 , 131 . 97 0 . 94 402 . 31 2 , 730 - 57 TOTAL 3 , 131 , 97 403 , 28 804 . 66 2 , 710 - 57 SM AtErULANCE DISTRICT 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 - 00 CASH - SAVINGs 234 , 477 , 25 80 , 63 0 , 00 239 . 558 . 0E TOTAL 234 , 477 , 25 60 . 83 0 . 00 234 , 558 . 08 SM. - SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS 0 . 00 0 , 00 0 , 1720 0 - 00 CASI'1 - SAVINGS 61 , 057 . 93 2 , 166 . 78 0 . 00 63 , 224 - 71 TOTAL 61. , 057 . 93 2 , 166 - 18 0 . 00 63 , 224 . 71 SS2 - VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 9 , 21, 9 , 35 9 . 219 . 35 0 - 00 CASH - SAVINGS 162 , 426 , 69 6 , 109 , 20 9 , 219 . 35 179 , 316 - 54 TOThL 132 , 126 . 69 15 , 328 . 55 1 ? , 93E , 70 173 , 31 , . 54 SS3 - CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKIPG 0 . 00 318 , 75 316 . 75 C , 00 CAS!'] - SAVINGS 249 , 5 ! 7 . 53 23 , 065 . 01 315 . 75 272 , 313 . 79 POSTAGE 36 . 60 0 . 00 0 , 00 y 6 , 60 TOTAL 249 , 634 . 13 23 , 363 . 76 637 . 50 2 .r2 , 380, - 39 SS4 - MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECNI G 0 . 00 6 , 261 , 28 6 , 264 - 26 0 , 00 CASH - SAVINGS 214 , 664 - 50 2 , 970 . 26 5 , 984 . K 211 , 669 , 85 TOTAL 219 , 689 . 50 9 , 231 . 59 12 , 249 , 19 211 , 669 . 65 SS5 - TVRi{EY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 3 , 505 - 67 3 , 505 . 67 0 . 00 CASH - SAVIC G5 266000 , 22 5 , 855 . 11 3 , 505 . 67 :1, 88 , 360 , 26 TOTA1 , 186 , 000 . 82 9 , 370 . 78 7 , 011 . 34 189 , 3E0 . 26 IIISS6 - PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER 0 . 00 524 . 66 529 . 68 0 . 00 ;ASH - SF,VINGS 96 , 949 . 26 49C - 17 524 . 66 95 , 945 - 75 Page 2 ta MONTHLY REPORT Of' SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09 /30 / 2012 Increases Decreases 10 / 31 /2012 • TOTAL 96 , 944 . 26 1 , 010 . 85 1 , 049 . 36 96 , 905 . 75 SS7 - ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 188 . 95 188 . 95 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 31 , 506 . 65 213 . 08 188 . 95 31 , 560 . 78 TOTAL 31 , 506 . 65 432 . 03 377 . 90 31 , 560 . 78 SW1 - VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 17 , 019 . 59 `_ 7 , 019 . 59 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 367 , 115 . 67 17 , 154 . 15 16 , 959 . 16 367 , 310 . 66 TOTAL 367 , 115 . 67 34 , 173 . 79 33 , 978 . 75 367 , 310 . 66 SW2 - SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 2 , 106 . 84 2 , 106 . 84 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 79 , 665 . 75 1 , 777 . 43 2 , 106 . 94 79 , 336 . 34 TOTAL 79 , 665 . 75 3 , 984 . 27 4 , 213 . 68 79 , 336 . 31 ' SW3 - MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 6 , 656 . 79 6 , 656 . 79 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINNGS 245 , 438 . 93 7 , 636 . 81 6 , 042 . 46 247 , 233 . 28 TOTAL 245 , 438 . 93 14 , 493 . 60 12 , 699 . 25 247 , 233 . 28 111164 - HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 3 , 040 . 80 3 , 040 . 80 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 28 , 477 . 36 2 , 885 . 59 3 , 040 . 80 28 , 322 . 15 TOTAL 28 , 477 . 36 5 , 926 : 39 6 , 081 . 60 28 , 322 . 15 SW5 - TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 4 , 251 . 77 4 , 251 . 77 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 199 , 802 . 09 7 , 458 . 71 4 , 251 . 77 203 , 009 . 03 TOTAL 199 , 802 . 09 11 , 71. 0 . 48 8 , 503 . 54 203 , 009 . 03 SW6 - ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0 . 00 1 , 061 . 24 1 , 061 . 24 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 47 , 173 . 52 461 . 78 1 , 061 . 24 46 , 574 . 06 TOTAL 47 , 173 . 52 1 , 523 . 02 2 , 122 . 48 46 , 574 . 06 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING 175 , 1880 . 93 0 . 00 0 . 00 175 , 480 . 93 TOTAL 175 , 480 . 93 0 . 00 0 . 00 175 , 480 . 93 TA AGENCY FUND • CASH - TRUST & AGENCY 6 , 650 . 55 124 , 926 . 52 124 , 663 . 53 6 , 913 . 54 TOTAL 6 , 650 . 55 129 , 926 . 52 124 , 663 . 53 6 , 913 , 54 Page 3 MONTHLY REPORT Of SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09 / 30 /2012 Increases Decreases 10 / 31 / 2012 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN Ill 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 30 0 . 00 CASH - SAVINGS 24 , 798 . 65 0 . 00 0 . 00 24 , 798 . 65 TOTAL 24 , 798 . 65 0 . 00 0 . 00 24 , 796 . 65 HC ROYAL ROAD SEWER BAN 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 HD ROYAL ROAD WATER BAN 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 HE CAPITAL FUND - BARN 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 TOTAL 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 II TOTAL ALL FUNCS 7 , 176 , 236 . 21 1 , 279 , 914 . 49 1 , 010 , 179 . 09 7 , 445 , 971 . 61 • Page 4