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1-13 1 I - I I- I TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING November 16, 2013 Present; Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent Other Town Staff_ Mahlon Perkins, Town Attornev Dan I{k4as nowski, Director of Planning Kevin Ezell, Code Enforecment Officer Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent upv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:QS p -rn- CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Don Scutt, Palmear load, said this is the fourth time he has brought this to the board - He is concerned about increasing budgets and taxes, and concerned that the town board voted to autharir�e exceeding the tax Cap. The governor has seen u problem with taxes and imposed a cap. The budget proposed in the Town of Dryden has 1.5% growth over last year. He doesn't understand why the board would pass a local law to exceed the % cap- He asked the board again to work toward cutting the levy by 10 °lo- County government voted last night to increase the property tax levy by 4 %. At one time the town was awash in cash and is choosing not to be a leader in tax reduction- He has developed a websitc: and online petition - www. 1()percen.ttaxcut, corn 'There are two petitions; one for the county and one for the town to cut their tax levy by ten percent. He believes a sera percQnt reduction. can be easily done- He said Ilhe board should work. on mechanisms to keep itself under control. A Village resident today Fold him they are selling and moving to Florida and one of the reasons is their Taxes are in excess of $5,000 per year. Bruno chick;el congratulated upv Sumner and Cl Solomon on their e1CLc6on victories. With respect to the budget, he cautioned the board that the non -tax revenue is an extremely rosy projection, considering the state of the economy. In the current. budget year they had projected a non- property tax income of 2.6 million and this year are projecting 3L2 million- Supv Sumner said they have budgeted conservatively in the past. They under budget all revenue and over budget all expenditures, which is why they end up with a. surplus each year, She is confident the saes tax revenue projection is correcf. We have already received all the sales tax revenue we budgeted for 2011 and have ti,rec more payments to go. She is confident they will surpass that budget goal and has modestly increased it for next year's budget. They have budgeted too conservatively in the past, *'.Iti , B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of September 14, and October 12, 1.9 and 2S, 2011. Su pv Sumner said she had root yet reviewed the September 14 minutes. 11agc I of i I TB 1 I -I6 -I1 RESOLUTION 0165 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption- RE OLVIM, that this Town Board hereby approves the meeting minutes of October 12, October 19 and October 28, 1011 - 2nd Cl Soloman Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes CI Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes C1 Leifer Yes HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Supv Sumner said the Joyce erbasi memorial bench that was installed in Dryden Lake Park is lovely. She is grateful for Joyce's contribution to the town and to her family for using this opportunity to commemorate her life- r J Bush said he would like to Cake care of his business after the budget is a.dopted- RECREATION DEPT No report, Supv Sumner said there was a successful presentation of the concept of a possible park on town property an the east side of town. COUNTY BRIEFING No report, Supv Sumner said Andy ciarabba would like to act up a meeting to review the map, plan and report for the Yellow Barn Water District with the infrastructure committee. The meeting waS set for Novernbor 30, 201 1 at 4 =00 p -m- PLANNING DEPARTMENT Zl Kwa.snowski said some very successful work has been done for Varna, including a great public meeting. He asked people to take a look at the posters they developed. They hope to have something ready for public reviow before Christmas, Supv Sumner said it was a great rfLeeting with great concept plans. Everyone seemed to be satisfied. It reflects the amount of work and public input that went into it. With respect to the Toning law that was introduced on October 28, D Kwasnawuki said a lot of public input has gone into this. A lot of planners don't work with the community, and this community has been great. The law has r;hanged since the Planning Board first started working on it- They spent a lot of time on the zoning district descriptions, and looking at what should occur in those districts. The zoning law it5 the beginning of a process. It will be constantly fine tuned. As the market respands and takes advantage of opportunities, you have to continue pl;anning around that. This law is more targeted than the old ordinance, but in a good way. R creates a lot of opportunities for people and the uses are more permissive, still with some control. D Kwasnowski said he is looking forward to getting it enacted and working tivith the public 'n the future to make sure it serves the needs of the community. rngc of I I TH I1 -10 -1I 0 Supv Sumner said she is looking forward to a more regular cycle of adjustments, The actual complete zoning ordinance is very difficult to work with. Supv Sumner opened the public hearing for the proposed zoning law at 7.30 p.m. and asked for public comment_ Public comments; Deborah Cipolla Dennis, congrai;ulated the winners of the recent election and thanked Drive Makar for his service to the town. She said she has read most of the new law and attended many of the meetings where it was discussed_ he thinks they've done a wonderful joky_ It looks like a great product and has everything in it that is important to her, The sound performance standards and ban on natural gas drilling were incorporated and she appreciates that. The direction it is heading with trying to preserve the viewscape of Dryden is apparent and she appreciates that. She hopes the law can be passed and put in place tonight. Hilary Lambert echoes and supports what Deborah said. She grew up in Dryden and has seen numerous changes over the decades, In comparison to other places she has lived, she is grateful for the continuity of the landscape and way of life over time here_ In comparison to the terrible land use decisions she has seen in other places, she is grateful for the long -term wisdom of Dryden residents and other people's leadership. She looks forward to seeing the ne w law in place. Some people think the mtw law is not enough, and some people feel it will hinder business development, so this may be a good compromise, David Weinstein, spcaking as a regular citizen and not as a member of the Planning Board, thanked Dan and Janie for the work done on the Varna plan. Be said they were great to work with, had great ideas, end the town is lucky to have talented professional planners to help citizens who want to get things moving in their community_ He urged the board to pass the zoning proposal. it advances our ability to protect the resources in this town that citizens care about_ I'hc zoning increases the number of allowable uses by 54% but still protects the quality of life, the resources and the environmental protections we care about. It does that �w�ithout giving up citizen control in making sti rh s tat an allowed Use is done in an appropriate way. He asked the board to vote to pass the new zoning law and get it in place. Bruno Schiokel passed out a copy of the use table with suggested changes. He said the board is missing an opportunity to allow for greater flexibility. Where there is currently an something is not allowed at all, and asked if the board really wants that level of restrictions. A special use penTuit there would allow for greater flexibility and give the board the opportunity to oversee and issue a special use permit. The business groups already require special permit approval, so there is additional review already in place. He said one of the things in the Comprehensive Plan waa a focus on affordability and housing choices and reducing casts to the, town and its residents, Some of his suggestions would go a long way in achieving those, 'this proposed law is not allowing 2 family homes in the neighborhood residential zones. They. are currently allowed in those areas, and it is a significant loss of affordability for renters. The map eliminates all the areas that would allow muitifarnily out of right. Currently there are zones that allow that, but the new plan does not allow any multifamily out of right_ He suggests it be allowed in the hamlet zones and mixed use commercial. Some areas need to allow multifamily out of right, V&3c 3 of 11 TD 11 -16-11 On the chart, religious institutions are not allowed without a special use permit. He was surprised by that and asked whether this is a change from the current zoning. He wondered if this an over -reach that needs a closer look. On page 27, the area and bulk table, he has some suggestions. He suggested that a category be added that with public water or sewer the lot size could be reduced to half an acre. That is currently the situation with the Tompkins County Health Department. This should conform with county regulations. B Schickel said the minimum lot frontage requirement needs to be looked at. Currently it is 125 feet. In the neighborhood residential area the new law would increase it to 150 feet. It is 250 feet in rural ag, rural residential and conservation. He believed the idea was that it would help create the shared driveways, so there is still effectively 125 feet, but it would be shared. it refers to Section 603, which really only has to do with flag lots, not shared driveways. He said he thinks this is a mistake the way it is set up. In the hamlet zone there is a minimum lot frontage of 150' and this seems extreme. The idea here should be to make much smaller lots and create more of a village atmosphere. The same is true with the setbacks and those could be reduced. Neighborhood Residential needs to be added to Sections 601 and 603. He believes there is an incorrect notation. With respect to the density table, in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan, if the intent is to create density in the mixed use commercial district, we should try to let it happen. We are not allowing enough flexibility if you want to have something happen in those zones. The ten unit per acre requirement is prohibitive. ® B Schickel said the Comprehensive plan talks a lot about creating density a r ound nodes, around the villages in the hamlet areas, but the map only show Varna as a hamlet. It may be superfluous with the Varna plan that is coming out. Essentially things are identified as they currently are, and we are not allowing for any expansion of those areas. There is no vision for expansion in those areas. It is a missed opportunity. The traditional neighborhood overlay district needs expansion. Etna and West Dryden are obvious places, as well as the northwest corner of Freevi.l.le and areas around Dryden Village. If you really want to accomplish what you are saying in the Comprehensive Plan, to bring density to these areas and take pressure off agriculture and open space, you need to think about being serious about the density in those areas. Marie McRae congratulated the winners of the election. She said she knows that hours and months have gone into the zoning, and she appreciates everyone's input. She said it's time to get it done and hopes it will be put in place with the protections against heavy industry and gas drilling. Joanne Cipolla Dennis congratulated the winners of the election. She said the board did work a long time on zoning, but what makes her feel most safe and want to stay in Dryden is the ban and what that does for all residents of Dryden. It protects people from partnering with foreign entities and taking resources from her property. She knows that there are thousands of people that don't know what they would have lost and what this board has saved them from losing. She hopes this comes out in the future. She said you do have a right to do what you want on your own property until it hurts someone else. Then people have a problem with that. Buzz Lavine congratulated the winners of the election and Cl Makar on a well- deserved break. He highly encourages the board to pass the zoning law as it is, recognizing that it will Page 4 or l 1 TI3 11 -1 6-1 1 ® need to be tweaked in the future. He said some of Bruno's suggestions should be taken to heart. The existing zoning is the reason he invested in Dryden. He felt comfortable his investment would be protected. He asked the board to keep up the process, pass what it is in front of them, and move into the next phase. Having zoning in general and taking care that it is updated are reasons why he came here and is still here. In all the years that he was involved with the town, the largest change is the one associated with impending gas drilling in the region. He is pleased that prevention will be continued in the new law. Jan Shea, Ringwood Road, said she supports the zoning law. She congratulated the board and thanked them for their hours and hours of service. Soon after moving to Ithaca years ago they met Emmen Ogden who had lived his entire life in Ellis Hollow. He was working on developing zoning for the town of Dryden and explained its importance to her and her husband. As time went by and she heard of problems in other towns, she was appreciative of his and the Town's efforts to provide the protection zoning offers. Zoning is a natural outgrowth of a democratic way of life where neighbors give up some of their right to independent choice for the greater good of the gown's citizens or for even a single neighbor who stands to have his wellbeing usurped unfairly by another neighbor. She appreciates the efforts to create a town plan that envisions future needs and direction and for the continuing efforts to make zoning rules to comply to that vision. She can think of no greater proof of the need for that forethought and action to be in place and responsive to the majority in the town as in providing for our defense in the case of powerful outside entities who are poised to impose their agenda and to sacrifice our wellbeing. She is glad to know that it can be adjusted, and she appreciates Bruno's comments. He has a lot of experience with building and so forth. It is nice to see it all operating and see it firsthand. Don Scutt - Would like to see the zoning passed. The vast majority of the document he A read is rock solid, but as a business person, it seems the board is setting the tone that Dryden is closed for business. There is a pending doom coming with revenue and taxes, and you don't want to set the tone that you're closed for business. He would like to see the board be creative and put zoning up for public vote. Let the people decide. Make a few changes. Some of Bruno's changes sounded good. Now it sounds like Dryden is closed to business and closed to growth, and you are not looking for ways to increase your tax revenue base. Supv Sumner said the business people that they've included in this discussion don't feel that way. A special use permit is not a closed sign. Businesses recognize that as a clear path to being able to do what they want to do. Linda Mix said she appreciates the meetings she has attended. She felt she got a lot of information, and felt that some of the suggestions she made were taken. Some changes were made. I would like to see the zoning law passed, though there are some changes that Bruno brought up. When she drives around town and looks at current businesses, she sometimes realizes that: their parking will not comply with the new law, or different things. She wonders whether it will make it harder for business to come into the area. She asked that the board consider Bruno's suggestions. She appreciates the opportunity for public input. Craig Anderson said he doesn't think there is enough protection for productive farmland. They talk in the Comprehensive Plan about redirecting growth away from the productive farmland, and as written, this law does not do that. Some of the most controversial parts were moved to the subdivision law, and that is not complete. The zoning law refers to the subdivision law in several places so there is a hole there. If someone wants to do a subdivision after this is adopted, they will be in limbo. The subdivision law has the most controversial part and the density issue. That's where the constrained lands are and where everything is buried that everyone hated a year ago. Page 5 Cd 11 TB II -I6 -11 Jack Bush said he sees no problem with waiting another month on adopting the zoning law. There were no further comments. The board has not vet received the report from Tompkins County Planning. The hearing will be continued next month. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Supv Sumner first read a letter from Dirk Galbraith thanking the Highway Department for their work and communication. Supv Sumner said the public meeting on the critical environmental areas was well attended. The current version is posted on the town's website. She asked the board to consider introducing those now and scheduling a public hearing for the December meeting. RESOLUTION #166 (2011) - INTRODUCE INVENTORY OF CRITICAL ENVIRONMENTAL AREAS Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby introduces the document referred to as Town of Dryden Critical Environmental Area Inventory (July 2011), and will hold a public hearing on the designation of 35 areas pursuant to 6NYCRR 617.14(8) on December 21, 2011, at 7:00 p.m. 211' C1 Leifer Roll Call Vote Budget Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner reviewed a few minor changes made in the preliminary budget to accommodate the cost of the contract for IT services. To cover that she is suggesting the following decreases: A1220.101- $1,500 A1220.4 - $500-00; A1220.401 - $5,000.00; A1910.4 - $4,000.00. Budget line A 1.680.401. will increase by $6,000.00. This will bring the tax rate back to $1.43 per thousand. RESOLUTION #167 (2011) - ADOPT SPECIAL DISTRICT & ASSESSMENT ROLLS Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this ToiArn Board does hereby adopt the Special District and Assessment Rolls for the Town of Dryden for 2012. 2,'d Supv Sumner ® Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Page 6 of 1 I TB 11-16-11 Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 168 (2011 ) - ADOPT 2012 GENERAL BUDGET Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the preliminary general budget, as amended, as the Town of Dryden's general budget for 2012. 2nd Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner thanked the department heads who prepared their budget with amazing apparent ease and zero increases. She said it made the process go so much more easily, and she appreciates it. Cl Leifer said the board has been working on the budget since August and have had several meetings that were open to the public. There isn't a lot of comment from the board at this stage. It was done over the course of several months at public meetings. RESOLUTION #169 (2011) - ADOPT 2012 SPECIAL DISTRICTS BUDGET Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the preliminary special districts budget as the Town of Dryden's special districts budget for 2012. 2iii1 Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote CODE OFFICER Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Kevin Ezell said he recently attended an International Code Council Conference. They held public hearings on changes to the international code, and he described the process for amendments to the code. New York State has home rule law and adopts certain codes. The new International Careen Code is considered an overlay code, and would be in addition to codes for commercial properties. It addresses things such as water usage, energy usage, and electrical. There is also a Green Code for residential properties. He thanked the board for allowing him to attend these conferences, saying it makes him a better code official, and helps the town in being ahead of schedule on energy code issues. "Wr�iT ►� Atty Perkins reported that on April 21, 2011., Chuck Bartosch signed the fee waiver agreement for his multi- telecommunication tower project. Under that agreement, the Town Page 7 of I I 'M 11.16 -11 would waive $25,000 in fees, provided that: he did certain things. He would let us know when the project was operational and we would measure from that point. The idea was that he would get a fifth of the total fees reduced each year, if he gave a reporting setting forth the information required, and if there was no report, he waives the right to have that year's portion of fees waived. There is an obligation on Bartosch to prove his compliance. Atty Perkins received a call from his attorney who wants to revisit it, after the second agreement was sent. Under their new proposed agreement there is no reporting, automatic waiver, etc.. Atty Perkins said he has no sympathy to revisit the issue. It is a fair agreement. C Bartosch has not signed and returned the agreement sent: in September and his building permit is about to be revoked. He asked the board if there was a good and compelling reason to revisit this. Cl Leifer said Bartosch should come to the board and make a case for his position. The board agrees. Atty Perkins reported the dog case on leisure Lane has been completed. It was tried Monday night and resulted in two convictions (numbers 11 and 12). The defendant was fined $450 total. It was a different dog this time. NEW BUSINESS Supv Sumner asked the board to pass a resolution authorizing her to sign the contract for IT services, pending review by the Town Attorney. She said he has reviewed it and has suggested changes, but in general, the idea is that we will go with this company. RESOLUTION #170 120 11) — AUTHORIZE CONTRACT FOR IT Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a contract with Concept Computing for IT services, upon review and approval of the contract by the Town Attorney. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said she has received a report from the Varna Fire Department: about the Varna bunker. When the Town funded the bunker program we required a report. The report says that in 2009 the average en route time was 6 minutes 21 seconds. It dropped in 2010 to 5 minutes 20 seconds, and then to 3 minutes 50 seconds. The number of bunkers is increasing and there is a direct correlation between the number of bunkers and faster response time. Members sign up for particular nights, in addition to the bunkers, to have someone on call at all times. It has been an effective recruitment tool and membership has increased from 30.6 members in 2009 to 40 in 2011. It frees up non - bunking personnel for training and more are now qualified to respond. The number of emergency medical service motor vehicle accident calls that don't have an EMT from Varna responding has decreased from 32 in 2009 to only .l in 2011. It is motivating to the membership to know they have this backbone of support. Their budget request was also less than last year. Supv Sumner said this is a remarkable success story. FIdge A cat' TB I1 -16-11 HIGHWAY Jack Bush distributed photos of the Jim Schug trail bridge south of Keith Lane that was repaired. Smoking policy - J Bush said since the town hall has been built some people have complained about smoking and he would like the board to consider a no- smoking policy on town property, similar to what is done at the school bus garage. He spoke with Mike lane and the county has a policy. He would like to know that the concerns of taxpayers and workers will be addressed. He has received an email and a picture in his mailbox. Beam Hill Radio Tower - J Bush said he received email today and the tower on Beam Hill Road was put up on Monday. The guy that was working on the project has taken a leave of absence. The new guy said it looks like on the 2131 the town's radio person will work with them to install the town's equipment. He is hoping for better radio reception in the trucks. Campbell Meadow - asked where this is headed spoken with D Kwasnowski allowed to do with the props Our plan for maintaining it ahead and put the sign up. J Bush said the sign has been delivered to the Highway Dept. He and should the sign be installed. Supv Sumner said she hasn't yet. She said we are on a slow but clear path about what we are :rty. Someone from ringer Lakes is doing some PR with the donor, is clear within the agreement. 17 Kwasnowski said we should go Supv Sumner will contact the Campbells. Donation of Property - J Bush said the owner of a lot on the corner of Pinckney & Sunset West Road has offered to donate it to the town. Someone should respond to the letter from their attorney. Supv Sumner said she needs to talk with D Kwasnowski about whether it is conservation land or if there is another reason to accept it. J Bush said he talked with A Sciarabba about it because he thought with the water issues we have, the property could possibly be used for a detention pond, or converted to wetland. A Sciarabba said it may be worth taking a look at it, but it may not make sense. Cl Stelick asked D Kwasnowski to take a look at it and come up with some suggestions or recommendations. Drug & Alcohol Consortium - Supv Sumner will sign the letter agreement to continue with the service. J Bush reported that two people in his department have retired and one person found other employment. He has decided to hold off as long as possible on hiring someone. So far he has saved $40,830. J Bush asked for a resolution to purchase two new trucks. The money will come from next year's budget and reserve funds. There is a significant savings in ordering now, and no down payment due; with the order. The funding resolution can be put off until January. RESOLUTION #171 (2011) - AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO TRUCKS FROM 2011 STATE CONTRACT C1 Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent: has prepared specifications for two 2012 or newer Western Star tandem axle dump trucks with snowplow equipment and spreader, and has determined that the trucks are available on the 2011 state contact, and ® WHEREAS, the highway department equipment replacement schedule includes the purchase of two trucks in 2012, and Page 9 of 1 TB Il -lb -ll ® WHEREAS, the same trucks may not be available on the 2012 state contract, or may be available at an increased cost to the taxpayers, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent is hereby authorized to order by December 31, 2011, two new 2012 or newer tandem axle dump trucks with snowplow equipment from the 2011 state contract in order to take advantage of the availability of such trucks, and the cost savings from purchasing off the 2011 state contract. 2ni1 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Maker Yes Cl Leifer Yes Tuttle Barn - J Kush said NYMIR has said this is a liability. In this weather he can disassemble it. The cost to rehab it was over $120,000. The three large hand hewn beams can be saved, stored, and possibly put in a new building. In his budget request there is $70,000 that can be used toward something that makes more sense, such as a recreation storage building. The current sports equipment storage space could be used for highway purposes. Supv Sumner would like to hold off. She has someone who will look at the barn, and may be able to do it for less than $70,000. O Cl Stelick said the smoking sign that J bush showed them is specifically for NYS buildings. Municipalities can set their own. He asked if the Highway barn was now a smoke free zone. J Bush said there is no smoking in the building or in town -owned vehicles. They do smoke outback. Cl Stelick said he and Cl Leifer will work on something for the town. Supv Sumner asked to consider an authorization to donate $300 to the Council of Governments to help defray the cost of holding a DEC hearing on sGEIS on December 1 at the State Theater in Ithaca. She has funds in the Supervisor's budget. She will know tomorrow whether other municipalities are donating, and they have a grant funding source. RESOLUTION #172 (2011) - AUTHORIZATION TO DONATE FUNDS TO TCCOG Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the donation of the sum of $300.00 to Tompkins County Council of Governments to be used toward rental of the State Theater for a DEC hearing. 2nd Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ® D Maker said he was contacted by Alternatives Federal Credit Union regarding our matching grant program (individual development accounts) for small businesses. There have been no applicants in three years, but they now have three people interested. The problem is Page 10 ur II TIC 11 -16 011 our contract with Alternatives has expired. The Town had committed $10,000 to this program and he asked whether the board would like to continue the program. The Board would like to continue, and Cl Makar will bring a new agreement for the Dec 14 meeting. Cl heifer said the sGEIS comments are due by December 12. He asked if the board wanted to delegate the response on approval of the Supervisor or whether they need to be reviewed and voted on by the board. The board will discuss this at a special meeting on November 30. Supv Sumner said she has a MOU among the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, and Town of Dryden regarding the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility. It has to do with a NYSERDA grant and ensuring that municipalities engaged in measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions within their government operations do so with the highest degree of transparency, precision and accuracy possible by sharing methodologies and clearly stating goals and intentions, and it has to do with avoiding double counting of emissions. Since the three municipalities share ownership of the wastewater treatment plant, we shouldn't all count all their greenhouses as our own. This proposal is to share according to the proportionate percentage of ownership the greenhouse gas emissions and the improvements. The Town's share is 2 %. Atty Perkins has reviewed the document. RESOLUTION # 173 (2011) - AUTHORIZE MOU - IAWWTP Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca regarding reporting of greenhouse gas emissions in connection with the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant, 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes COMMITTEE REPORTS None. On motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the board moved into executive session at 9: 10 p.m. to discuss current litigation. No action was taken, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk Page I I of 11 .11:2/x1 ~l2011 13:51:94 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE ,town of Dryden: *suant to Section 125 of the To'r'n Law, I hereby .render the fo3.1owing detailed statement all moneys received and disbursed 'ay me during the i nth of November 2011: DA,ri7A): Mccniber 7.2011 SU FRVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2011 Increases Decreases 11/30/2011 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE CASH - CHECKING 3,552.60 195,568.23 195,; 12.26 31348.57 CASH - SAVINGS 880,535, 63 164,479.67 195,693.75 899,321.55 PETTY CASH 700.00 0.00 0.00 ;00.00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 1,626.31 9,000.00 0.00 5,626.31 DPI' Equipment Capital Reserve 34,406.09 14.01 0.00 39,420.10 Toler: Buildings Capital Reserve 50,229.48 20.46 0.00 50,249.94 Recreation Capital Reserve 303,215.38 123.51 0.00 303,338.89 General Capital Reserve 50,229.48 20.46 0.00 50,249.94 TOTAL 1,329,994.97 3E9,226.34 391.,466.01 11297,255.30 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 61,446.99 61,446.99 0.00 •CASH - SAVINGS 91.3o310.04 1.39e350.45 61.1 446.99 991, 213.50 HIC14WAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESE 3 ?9, ?85.14 354. ?0 0.00 379,939.84 TOTAL 1,293,095.:1.8 200,952.14 122,893.98 11371,153.34 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 25,181.68 25,181.68 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 384, 544 .12 177f381-05 25, 1,81, 68 536, 713.49 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 781.64 1,000.00 0.00 1,791.64 TOTAL 385,325.76 203,562.73 50,363.36 5380525.13 DS HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHE'CKING 0.00 380829.24 381829.24 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1,696,114.79 91,045.31 38,829.24 1,798,330.86 TOTAL 1.,696,114.79 3,290 874,55 77,659.48 1,798,330.86 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 210,128.84 114.11 0.00 280,242.95 T0T1' t1:. 280, 1.28.84 114 . li 0.00 280, 242.95 SLl- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 x'02.68 602.68 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 4,032.07 1.40 602.68 3,930.79 T©TI�",L 4, 032. 07 604.03 1, 205.:;6 3r430,79 .79 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT Page 1 iNION'I;HLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2011 Increases Decreases 11/30/2011 - CHECKING 0.00 486.64 486.64 0.00 •CASH CASH - SAVINGS 2,927.42 0.99 486.64 21441.7: TOTAL 2, 92411 .42 467.63 9.73.28 2o441,717 SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECKING 0.00 406.70 400.70 0.00 CASTE - SAVINGS 2r542,55 0.... 406.70 2, 136.72 TOTAL 2,542.55 407.57 8i3.40 2,136.72 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 56,941.00 56,941.00 0.00 CASH, - SAVINGS 229,444.49 70.27 56,941.00 172,5 ?3.76 TOTAL 229,446,49 57101i.27 113,882.00 172,573.76 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 49,262.31 212.15 0.00 49,494.46 TOTAL 49,282.31 212.15 0.00 49,494.46 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 3,037.27 3,037.27 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 177,461.21 277.81 3,037.27 1741701.75 0 TOTAL 177,461.21 ?,315.09 61 0 ?4.54 1 74,701.75 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 41, 369.2:1. 41r369,21 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 228,253.7E 23,894.8E 41,369.21. 210,779.45 POSTAGE 44.11 0400 0100 44.11 TOTAL 228,297.89 65,264.09%4 82,738.42 210,823.56 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,527.00 1,527.00 0100 CASH • SAVINGS 186o445.331 1.54.87 1, 527.00 185, 0 "'3.20 TOTAL 186,445.33 10681.87 31054.00 185,073.20 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - C'r',ECK.rNG 0.'010 763.01 763.01, 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 166,023.31 141.03 763.01 165,401.33 TOTAL 1,66,023.31 904.04 1,526.02 165,401.33 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 96,782.76 164.82 0.00 96,947.58 TOTAL 96,782.76 164.82 0.00 96,947.58 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 17,561.23 0.00 241.55 7,05 241.55 241.55 171326.73 00) Ioo page 2 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2011 Increases Decreases 11/30/2011 isTOTAL 17,561.23 0.00 248.60 483.10 17,326.73 24,798.65 SW1- VARNA WATER 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 CASH - SAVINGS 357,466.51 671.81 0.00 358,138.32 TOTAL 357,466.51 671.81 0.00 358,!38.32 SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 21.78 21.78 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 73,981.64 238.03 21.78 74,197.89 TOTAL 73,981.64 259.1 43.56 74,197.89 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 280.1.6 280.16 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 206,018.67 310.34 280.16 206,048.85 TOTAL 206, 0:1,8.67 590.50 560.32 206, 048.85 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - SAVINGS 28,820.75 11.. "4 0.00 28,632.49 TOTAL 28,820.75 11.74 0.00 28,832.49 TURKEY HILL WATER ®SW5- CASH - CHECKING 0.00 900.00 400.00 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 1841f413,36 298.02 400.00 .1.81, 3.11. 38 TOTAL 121.,413.36 698.02 800.00 181,3!1.38 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - SAVINGS 32,708.39 13.32 0100 32,721.71 TOTAL 32,708.39 13.32 0100 32,721.71 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING 176,616.33 0100 3,000.00 :1.73,616.33 TOTAL 176.1 616. 33 0.00 3, 000.00 1.73, 616.33 TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST F. AGENCY TOTF441 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL E CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL 6, 887 .73 6,887.73 116, 51.4.40 116r514,40 1.1,60551.83 116t551..83 6,850.30 6,850.30 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 30,309.39 12.35 0.00 30,321.74 30,309.39 12.35 0.00 30,321.79 Page. 3 r MONOVI-ILY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 10/31/2011 Increases Decreases 11/30/2011 •HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL TOTAL ALL FUNDS 95,539.20 36.92 0100 95,576.12 95,539.20 38.92 0.00 95,576.12 7,3591520.73 1,147,84.1.94 974,087.66 528,275.Oi Page 4 Dryden Town Board Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 East Main Street Wednesday November 16 ti 7:00 PM (Blue hyperlinks are web pages. Green hyperlinks are on the local server.) 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Hearing: New Zoning Law - Proposed Zoning Law Resource Page 5. Citizens Privilege 6. Town Clerk B Avery a. Approve Meeting Minutes for October 12, October 19 and October 28. and Sept ? 7. Highway Superintendent /Dept Of Public Works J Bush a. Resolution authorizing purchase two new trucks b. J Gerbasi Memorial bench 8. Recreation Department M Bianconi 9. County Briefing County Rep 10. Zoning Officer H Slater 11. Environmental Planner D Kwasnowski 12. Engineering A Sciarabba 13. Attorney M Perkins 14. Unfinished Business a. Introduce CEAs and schedule public hearing - CEA final draft; CEA's local server b. 2012 Budget approval - 2012 Preliminary Budget, 15. New Business a. IT Support Services Contract 16. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a. Emergency Committee b. Personnel Conunittee Stelick/Leifer c. Loans and Grants Committee Makar/Leifer d. 'Technology Committee Makar /Leifer e. Recreati oil/ Youth/Community Centers Committee Stelick/Leifer 17. Future Agenda Items 18. Executive Session (if necessary) The Next Town Board Meeting will be Wednesday, December 21 at 7:00 Name - {Al sea e,.Pnnt, h Ojj C i)-- -F V �uZZ Town ct Uryden Town Board Meeting November 16, 2011 L c til Kr v� 70 0, Lr�i..:L\x Cqol A-(\Ak% 9 Address or Board 13 `t ALmwAr R b F k6c ✓i cwt c Orcr4 j�Fsl4U� i_ t�� 70cl?& D}j() C, to c4, LD 0 `vakr\ c)?(. IT.SZO R f L�L� lacwn cf Dryden Town Board Meeting November 16, 2011 Name - {,Ple ern Address or Board w e k k Q 51/�00 J �' u�,r 19 % V I&Q f J gc wD 11 -16 -11 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you wish to address the Board under citizen's privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name �,r 4 Address �li�•ry r