HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-09Pre sent= Absent- Elected Officials: Other Town Staff: 1913 I 1=9-] L TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEE77NG November 9, 2011 Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, C1 Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl Jason Leifer, Cl David Makar Cl Stephen Stelick Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent PUBLIC HEARINGS BUDGET, SPECIAL DISTRICT IMIPROVEMEI'fTS & FIRE CONTRACTS PROPOSED LOCAL LAW WHICH WOULD AUTHORIZE THE TOWN BOARD TO OVERRME THE TAX LEVY LrMIT ESTABLISHED IN GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW §3 =c Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 711.0 p.m_ and opened the public hearings on budget, special distract improvements, fire contracts and the proposed loca] law for the tax cap override. She said the new state tax levy cap has a provision where, if necessary, local governments can override it with a majority vote. Like many taums, the board he% induced this local law to give them the authority to override it, even though they do not anticipate the need to override it. Supv -Omner said as far as she can tell, we are not even olose to having to override it, but because it takes a certain amount of time to hold a public hearing and so forth, they wanted to have this place. She read sorne of the text of the proposed local law and asked if there were, any comments from the public. Them: were none, There were no cornmentS on the special improvement c]istricts budget. Supv Sumner said shy was surprised to find it a relatively s Triple task to develop the budget this year. The tax levy cap as we understand it was 1.2 million. To Cal expenditures for 2412 increased only $7,000- Revenue is anticipated to increase substantially, largely because we have undereskimated sales tax revenue in thr; past. Still being conservative, she is antieip tiTxg a $580,000. 22 % less an fund balance is being appropriated to cover tho difference this year. The total tax levy for the four operating funds will be $1,248,123, about a $14,000 increase over last year. She said a $1,000 increase in appropriations is about a 17 cent I ncrease for the average household's tax bill_ She told the board there ire few substantial changes, and asked if there were any comments or questions from the audience or board. Don Scutt, Palmear road said Iast spring he asked the board to look at possibly cutting real property tax 10 %. He would like Dryden to set a standard for the state of New York. He said government starts locaUy and works its way up. Property taxes in the state of New fork are out of control_ He said the town is awash in cash and the board can set a good example that can be paswed on to the county level and state level, The governor has not gone far enough in his approach_ He asked that the brxard vote agafnst exceeding the % cap, Supv Sumner assured him that they have no intention of exceeding the tax cap- 0 Scutt said he would like the board to do a couple of different budget projections_ One would be as it stands now and a second one that cuts spending by 10%. He said he would like to see the town leed in the state and set the example and set tone with respect to property Fn4n I of fi 771 1 1 -9 -1 1 taxes. The town has the opportunity with its cash to help lower the tax burden. He'd like to see the O town step up to the plate and lower the property tax burden by 10 %. Supv Sumner said there is a substantial difference between budgeting and spending. We always budget very conservatively. We estimate our expenses on the high end and estimate our revenues on the low end and we never spend as much as was provided for. We always have revenue higher than that. She said we do lead in property taxes. We have the second lowest tax rate in Tompkins County, which is on the whole much lower than the state average. Town tax on a median priced property is $216 a year. That is not the biggest part of the tax burden. D Scutt said he understands that, but the town has the opportunity to lead and set an example. The town could ask the state, county, and school to cut by 10 %. 'luxes and the amount of spending done in the state of New York are driving people from the state. It has to stop somewhere and he is asking his town to try and solve this problem. It is a real issue and needs to be addressed. He asked that the town at least entertain the idea of doing a budget that cuts taxes by 1.0 %. Chad McMullen, reporter, asked why the town would pass a local law to override the tax cap when they don't plan to go above the 2% cap. He asked by they didn't pass some kind of measure that said it won't happen no matter what. Supv Sumner said the calculations have not been confirmed by the state. They are complex and a little bit slippery so they will do it on the chance that the state changes the amount. Don Scutt said if the town board can't lower the property tax by 10% maybe it can explore the option of a local law that it will never exceed increases in the tax levy above 2 %, and if it does it will have to go to a public referendum. This would be an automatic process. e The town has an opportunity to lead in this state in getting rid of the enormous property tax burden. Cl Leifer asked if there were any comments on the fire contracts, and there were none. Supv Sumner said the total fire department appropriations were down this year due to Varna having paid off its first mortgage. That left enough money for Freeville to increase its bunker program. Public hearings on the budget were closed at 7:40 p.m. and Supv Sumner said the board will vote on the budget next week. Supv Sumner closed the public hearing on the proposed local law at 7:41 p.m. RESOLUTION #16112011) - ADOPT LOCAL LAW NO. 1 OF 2011 AUTHORIZING THE TOWN BOARD TO OVERRIDE THE TAX LEVY LIMIT FOR 2012 Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the following proposed local law and directs the Town Clerk to file the same with the New York State Department of State, State Records and Law Bureau: Proposed Local Law 1 of the year 2011 A local law to override the tax levy limit established in General Municipal Law §3 -c for the fiscal year 201.2. Section 1. Legislative Intent. Page 2 of 6 '1'B I1 -9 -11 O It is the intent of this local law to override the limit on the amount of real property taxes that. may be levied by the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins pursuant to General Municipal law § 3 -c, and to allow the town board of the Town of Dryden to adopt a town budget for (a) town purposes; (b) the fire protection district; and (c) any other special or improvement district governed by the town board for fiscal year 2012 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the "tax levy limit" as defined in General Municipal Law § 3 -c. Section 2. Authority. This local law is adopted pursuant to General Municipal Law § 3 -c(5), which authorizes a town board to override the tax levy limit by adoption of a local law approved by vote of sixty percent (60 %) of the town board. Section 3. Tax bevy Limit Override. The town board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized to adopt a budget for fiscal year 2012 that requires a real property tax levy in excess of the tax levy limit specified in General Municipal Law § 3 -c. Section 4. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law, or the application thereof, shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unconstitutional, such order or judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, or part of this local law directly involved in the controversy in which such judgment or order shall be rendered. O Section S. Effective Date. This local law shall take effect immediately upon filing with the Secretary of State. 2 °d Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said TCCOG has asked the board to consider funding for the DEC hearings on the sGEIS. Funds are available in the supervisor's budget. The board will vote on this next week. Supv Sumner asked whether the IT Committee had a recommendation for computer support for the coming year. Cl Makar said the committee spent a number of hours looking at the proposals. Concept Computing seemed to be the better choice. The price is good and reviews from the Town of Lansing where they have 5 years experience are good. In reviewing responses W the RFP the committee looked at price, location, the services offered, among other thing. The sense of the board is to move forward with an agreement with this firm. Supv Sumner will ask Atty Perkins to prepare /review the contract. J Bush said he received a phone call from Tracy Road Equipment today and the state contract on trucks was extended. OGS would like to have a one size fits all truck, but that may not work out. He needs to decide whether to purchase trucks now in order to take advantage of lower pricing. The board will need to authorize the purchase. According to his equipment replacement program, in 20.1_2 we should purchase two news trucks. There may be a savings in ordering two trucks at the same time. There are only a certain number of slots for orders from Page 3 of 6 41513 11 -9-11 Western Star. Prices will increase after December 11 by over $2,000 per truck. We can avoid that by purchasing/ ordering now. One truck will be replacing a 2002 Freightliner, and he has a buyer for that used truck. The other truck due to be replaced is a newer truck, Sterling, that they have had trouble with. It hasn't been dependable so he would like to replace it. It usually takes 6 to 9 months to get the truck, so they would be paid for in 2012, around the end of June or July. They can be ordered after the 2012 budget is passed next: week. There is $382,000 in reserves that will pay for one truck. Supv Sumner said she will work out the details for next week for funding and will talk with Atty Perkins and ask him to prepare a resolution for next week. J Bush said he had three employees retire in August that he has chosen not to replace at this time, so there is budget savings there that could be used toward the truck. He believes at this point he will just need a resolution authorizing him to order the trucks. With respect to the Beam Hill Road radio tower, Supv Sumner said there needs to be an agreement with other users of the tower. The tower is being constructed and the base is in place. Equipment belonging to the town, school and Cornell will be moved to new tower. There was a user agreement in the past. The school was to pay $150 a year and Cornell was to do maintenance. These other users have a fear of the future and need an agreement detailing responsibilities. The details need to be ironed out and an agreement prepared. J Hush asked whether the Delta Road Use Agreement will still be necessary because of the ban. The board agrees we should proceed with this because it would apply to situations other than gas drilling. OThere has been the offer of a donation of a piece of land at the corner of Sunset West and Pinckney Roads. The owners live in Massachusetts, J Bush encouraged board members to visit the site. J Bush said he is trying to determine whether the town would have a use for it and noted there may be restrictions on it. Supv Sumner said D Kwasnowski and the Conservation Board are working on criteria for accepting donated land. Cl Makar asked that the board be provided with the parcel number, size, and assessed value. They will discuss it in the future. With respect to the Tuttle barn, J Bush said the NYMIR representative said two years ago that the building should come down. J Bush said it has been two years, and he would like to know how to proceed. In this weather, the DPW has time to get it done. Supv Sumner said she is committed to saving the building if she can. He said it is not unique and doesn't have valuable lumber. The only thing that is historical is the hand -hewn beams. Those could be put to use in a new structure. Money has been shifted in his budget: that could be put toward a recreation equipment storage building. Campbell Meadow property - J Bush said he disagreed with the decision to accept the property because he has seen how it has flooded in the past. Supv Sumner pointed out it is to preserve the flood plain. J Bush said it has been taken off the property tax rolls and is useless to the town unless we can do something with it. D Kwasnowski had asked that it be mowed and the former property owner stopped workers from mowing it. Supv Sumner said the Finger Lakes Land Trust is working with the former owners and the Town won't keep it if there are more strings attached than we knew about it. Smoking Policy - J Bush said he has been approached by people who are concerned O about smoking on town property. The County has a policy in place. Supv Sumner would like to know more about the complaints he ha_s received. J Bush said he is leaving the matter to the town board to be resolved. Page 4 of 6 OSolar panels at Highway /DPW Facility - J Bush said he is not sure it would be cost effective to install solar panels on the highway office building and highway garage. Supv Sumner said Ken Thompson is working on the report. Dryden Lake pavilions - J Bush said people are frequently surprised when they call to reserve one of the pavilions that there is no use fee. He suggested the board may want to consider a use fee, and will ask his secretary to find out what other municipalities charge for use of a pavilion. The fee would help offset the cost of DPW employees removing garbage, etc. Jim Schug Trail - The bridge south of Keith Lane has been repaired. They may pave the surface to help protect the wood. Drug Testing Consortium - J Bush has received a letter /contract to continue to participate in the consortium. Supv Sumner will sign and return it. Supv Sumner said she met with representatives from FEMA today. She told them we need the floodplain redefined since the Virgil Creek Flood Control project. They were skeptical at first, but after an explanation of how successful it has been and seeing some photos, they were more interested. She will work with Jack Bush to get information for them. She has been working with G1S'and the Planning Department and have a pretty good idea about how it would affect people. it would help residents that currently have to purchase flood insurance. Next week's agenda will include: Public Hearing on the new zoning law O Introduction of Critical Environmental Areas Approve IT support services contract Authorize Highway Superintendent to order trucks Vote on budget Supv Sumner said the NYSERDA grant was not included in the 2011 budget, and in order to get an additional $6750.00 into the budget line for that contract, funds will be moved from trail funding, which is not being done this year. RESOLUTION #162 (2011) - BUDGET MODIFICATION Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RE, SOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the following budget modification: From Account To Account Amount A7110.411 A8790.406 $6;750,00 2n(I Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl heifer Yes The Director of Recreation has also requested a budget modification because of increased advertising expenses due to rescheduled events, a shortfall in the CAP funding for intergenerational band and to cover wages for part -time workers. Page S of 6 TB 11 -9-11 RESOLUTION #163 (2011) - BUDGET MODIFICATION Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board herebv authorizes the following budget modification: From Account A7020.202 A7020.203 A7020.203 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote To Account A7020.1.02 A7989.4 A7330.414 Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Amount $1,000.00 100.00 300.00 RESOLUTION #164 (2011) - APPROVE ABSTRACT #11 Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #11, as audited, vouchers #1016 through #1110, totaling $320,762.78. 21,11 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk Pi%c 6 of 6