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January 12, 2011
Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl Jason
Absent: Cl David Makar, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr.
Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk
Other Town Staff: Brian Mellroy, Bookkeeper
Daniel Kwasnowski, Director of Planning
Supv Sumner called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Supv Sumner said there has been some concern about the role of ZBA &, Planning
Board alternates. The amendments to the Zoning Ordinance providing for alternates says that
they can only participate in the event of a conflict of interest of one of the regular members.
She would like them to be able to act in the absence of another board member. D Kwasnowski
said it is not the intent to simply provide another person so there is a quorum for a vote. The
intent is that when a conflict of interest is identified at the time an application comes to the
board, an alternate is chosen to participate through that whole project. review. Supv Sumner
said she would table this for now, but would like to address it in the future.
Next week's
agenda will include a discussion about acquiring a small
parcel of property
from an Oakbrook
Drive property owner
in order to improve the turnaround
Clarity Connect; - D Kwasnowski reported that he met with Chuck Bartosch and Jeff
Kirby regarding the Clarity Connect project and three applications for towers. One is for a
location on Beam Hill on town -owned land, one is off Midline Road and one is off Bone Plain
Road. The applications are pretty good. Clarity needs to fast track the approval process in
order to meet: their grant: deadline. 17 Kwasnowski said if he has the completed applications by
the end of next week, he will send them to the board and the board could hold a special
meeting for the public hearing. Supv Sumner said the board will discuss it next: week, but: she
believes a public hearing could be scheduled for the first Wednesday in February. D
Kwasnowski said they could then close the public hearing on the second Wednesday, allowing
for public comment in between, and vote at the third board meeting.
D Kwasnowski said he will have a new department policy. When an application is
complete and sent to the board, it will also go on the website. They are also working on
outstanding permits, etc. In the future they will inspect special use permit sites for properties
that have a special use permit, there will be a map and the conditions online and put on the
website, They wriH be checking to make sure that conditions are adhered to.
Supv Sumner said they have talked about a policy to cover difference between
Teamsters & Consortium coverages, but she and the bookkeeper don't quite have that ready.
The Town will cover the difference in the annual cap for dental (about $1800). She would also
like to be able to cover an existing dentist who was in the Teamsters network but is not in
CSEA network. She hopes to have a proposal next week and will also get clarification on
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whether or not we have a $10
co -pay. Supv
she was under the impression that
the coalition was matching coverage prior to
the time
Teamsters instituted a co -pay.
Supv Sumner has received a thank you letter from a snowmobile club for using town
property. There is also an invitation to a breakfast at the Brooktondale Fire Department.
Noise ordinance -
Cl Leifer
has received
on the draft from Joe
Wilson. He
will review those and will
and put the
into a form for public
J Wilson said the fines are not sufficient to deter a large company. There should be
escalating penalties and provisions for enjoining on- going violators. The Town of ithaca's law
says if they have to go to court, expenses are paid by the offender. He said there should also
be a severability clause in the ordinance. Fine limitations were explained by Cl Leifer and D
Next week's agenda will include the continuation of the Solat special use permit hearing
and a presentation by the Dryden Listening Project. The board was asked to review the
proposed equipment purchase & sale resolution requested by the Highway Superintendent. No
petition for referendum was received on Cortland Road Water District appropriation for a map,
plan & report and the board will authorize the engineer to move ahead.
The committee structure detail form will be distributed next week.
Brian Mcllroy reviewed proposed budget mods with the board and asked for approval.
One is because of a large refund to Hanshaw Village Mobile Islome Park. Their assessment was
reduced retroactively and they are entitled to a refund.
CI Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes and approves the following budget
A 1990.4
A 1.420.4
A 1990.4
A 1.330.4
2nd Cl Solomon
Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
Cl Leifer Yes
$ 6,719.22
The board will need to appoint a Zoning Officer and decided that should be D
Kwasnowski. The appointment will be made next week.
Zoning Discussion
The Vania Community Development Plan will start this month. D Kwasnowski and
Mike Welti are working on getting a work plan together, trying to decide on concrete products
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and what the budget will be. The bigger question is the climate in which the plan will be
executed and how that affects the zoning law rewrite.
17 Kwasnowski said a few months ago the timeline was a little different and he thought
if a successful application was submitted for a larger project they could handle it, but now he
is not so sure. He said the board should be prepared for that case. He wants the community
development plan to be coordinated with the zoning law rewrite to the extent possible.
D Kwasnowski and Atty Perkins have discussed the potential of proactively enacting a
moratorium in the Varna area. He said he hates to see it in reaction to an application, but
there may be a need. The town has identified a need for extra planning and is trying to come
up with a real analysis and then developing and revising the zoning law. He wants to make
sure we don't get into a situation where we can't get: anything done. He will provide the board
with a memo. The Town would be justified in enacting a moratorium in this instance. D
Kwasnowski said it is better to try to get: landowners involved in planning first and get their
meaningful participation. He advises moving ahead, but be ready to enact a moratorium if
Items still to be done for the new zoning law:
Adding a Neighborhood Residential Zone. This seems to be favorably viewed by the
public. Supv Sumner thinks this is okay.
Mining -needs more discussion.
® Rural residential allowed uses - allowing more uses by special permit: by creating a
Neighborhood Residential Zone.
Mixed use commercial district - D Kwasnowski has drafted language defining that.
Mobile home park ordinance - This is a stand -alone ordinance. This will be left out of
the new zoning law, except where it is an allowed use. It is now only allowed where there is
public water and sewer. D Kwasnowski said the Planning Board felt the town should not
dismiss that type of development, but it should be managed well, because it is an affordable
housing option.
Conservation subdivision will be moved to the subdivision law.
Large scale retail
- There
to be a
reluctance to
put this zone
on the map.
There is a plan ready to
go, so it
can be
left out
for now, and enacted
if necessary
in the future,
Elder cottage - This is taken from state law.
Administrative provisions and enforcement section don't need much work.
D Kwasnowski said he is working toward a new complete draft in adoptable form. He
suggested that the density table will be put: aside until the Varna Plan is done and go back to
using a minimum lot size. The plan itself can be an appendix to the 2005 comprehensive plan
and be adopted as an amendment with the density formula and table. This would allow the
Town to get through the major portion of the zoning law- and get it adopted.
J Skaley suggested substituting his document for Article 8 as interim zoning for the
hamlet of Varna_ it defines what currently exists as residential, etc within the hamlet and
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provides definition that the RC zone doesn't. 1) Kwasnowski said he likes what: was proposed
• in that document and sees the logic, but. can't see the rationale to support it. That's what: the
community development plan will get us to. J Skaley said this will give property owners a
feeling of protection. D Kwasnowski said there is still a need to do transportation study and
water/ sewer study, but we will likely end up with something similar in the end.
D Kwasnowski said we can wait to do the whole thing when the Varna plan is done
which will likely be July. We can be done with the zoning law sooner if you put the Varna part
aside for now.
D Weinstein said the advantage of interim zoning is that there is a template of the
pieces that need to be included.
Supv Sumner said it is much simpler to finish the larger part and finish Varna later.
There is a need to move ahead with the rest of the town, and there is a mechanism for putting
a place holder in for Varna.
The consensus is to pull the density table for the Hamlet district out of the zoning law
and replace it with a place holder that uses the minimum lot size for density as it was when the
law was passed to the Town Board from the Planning Board. When the Varna Plan is
completed, the comprehensive plan will be amended by taking out the recommendations on the
hamlet zone and replacing it with a reference to the Varna Plan, which will be appended to the
The status of the hamlet plan will be discussed next week at Planning Board.
isSupv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVI' 0, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #13, as audited, vouchers
# 1290 through # 1369, totaling $91,973.39, and Abstract # 1, as audited, vouchers #1 through
#32, totaling $169,149.50.
2nd Cl Solomon
Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
Cl Leifer Yes
Mining - The board needs to talk about: where mining is allowed and the general
regulations under Article 9, Atty Perkins is editing this portion and it will be easier to read.
The board needs to decide where to allow it and whether there is need for a minimum lot size.
The zoning ordinance currently requires 20 acres and special use permit. We need to clarify
that this addresses a mine or excavation that is not otherwise regulated by the mined land
reclamation act. The Town can exclude where mining or quarries are allowed, but cannot
regulate them.
D Kwasnowski has had several inquiries about topsoil removal. With setbacks this is
self - regulating and requires significant acreage (at least 15 acres) to meet the setbacks. (350'
setback from top of slope.) This is subject: to special use permit: so the board would have full
review. This also applies to gravel and swid.
As currently written, the mining section of the zoning law does not: address gas drilling.
This could be done as a separate regulation or as a separate part of the local law.
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• The board needs to decide where to allow mining and address subsurface rights. It is
currently allowed in the R -C and R -D zones. D Kwasnowski said it should be in low density
areas, including R -A, cu-id will be subject to special use permit. Topsoil, gravel and sand are
currently mined in the Town. D Kwasnowski can go through the process of determining where
likely mining resources are and map an overlay. Gravel deposits tend to be north of Route 13.
We can say there will be no mining below the water table and we must consider recharge areas.
It is important to get an aquifer protection law in place. 17 Kwasnowski will get the
aquifer map from Todd Miller. He will also collect information on where gravel deposits are.
The board will then consider where the resources are and where there are constraints against
it. Mines of significant size will be regulated by the DEC, not the town.
Large scale
is not allowed because there is no provision for it. If it is
proposed, then the
can address
The section on shared driveways still needs to be addressed. Atty Perkins will review
Signs - Park Outdoor would like the town to revisit this. D K.wvasnowski asked the
board to review it and make sure it is what they want. Park says the sire of billboard allowed
in the law is not a standard billboard size and they cm-i't rent them. They have signs that
cannot be repaired because of DOT regulations (pre - existing, nonconforming structure).
Basically, if it's not okay with local law, then DOT won't allow the work. Atty Perkins said
Section 1502 would cover this situation. D Kwasnowski will share a letter from Park Outdoor
and a letter from iaOT.
D Weinstein suggested a minimum lot size for a PUD. D Kwasnowski said one reason
for a PUD is to consider a proposal as a whole instead of in pieces. it provides for creative and
thoughtful review of projects and allows for innovation, but sets standards. PUD avoids
traditional zoning code and assumes you will consume all property.
Article 13 - D Kwasnowski said he still doesn't know what to do with commercial riding
facilities. The rest seems fine. They have not been regulated in the past and there have been
no problems. D Weinstein said the planning board felt it could cause neighborhood conflicts.
Supv Sumner suggested it be allowed by special use permit and regulated by conditions of the
permit. The board agrees.
D Kwasnowski will provide a clean version of the document with the changes talked
about so far. Supv Sumner asked the board to review that for other concerns. The next
meeting will address frontage, density, mining, signs, shared driveways and PUD.
There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barnbi L. Avery
Town Clerk
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Name - IeaTrintol
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Town of Dryden
Town Board Meeting
January 12, 2011
Address or Board
je� j I
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
Dryden Town Board Meeting
Dryden Town Hall
93 East Main Street
Wednesday, January 12, 201.1
3, Discussion Items
a. Role of ZBA (cuid PB) Alternates
b. Oakbrook Drive Right- of -wa y purchase
4. 1 -19 -11 Agenda Items
a. Solat Public Hearing
b. Dryden Listening Project Presentation
c. 2011 Equipment Purchase & Sale Resolution.doc
d. CRWD MPR authorization
5. Abstract approval
6. Zoning Discussion
a. Mining
b. Density requirements for the hamlet zone and the mixed use commercial zone
c. Density and Frontage Formulas
d. OTNDO Review
e. Large Scale Retail Overlay (LSRO)
f. Planned Unit Development
g. 'Timeline for remaining; sections
The Next Town Board Meeting is
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 7:00
The Next Abstract and Agenda Meeting will be
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 7:30 (note new time)
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
Dryden Town Board Meeting
Dryden Town Hall
93 East Main Street
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 !7 O0
3. Discussion Items
a. Role of ZBA (and PB) Alternates
b. Oakbrook Drive Right -of -way purchase
4. 1 -19 -11 Agenda Items
a. Solat Public Hearing
b. Dryden Listening Project Presentation
c. 2011 Equipment Purchase & Sale Resolution.doc
d. CRWD MPR authorization
5. Abstract approval
6. Zoning Discussion
a. Mining
b. Density requirements for the hamlet zone and the mixed use conunercial zone
c. Density and Frontage Formulas
d. O"[NDO Review
e. Large Scale Retail Overlay (LSRO)
F, Planned Unit Development
g. Timeline for remaining sections
The Next Town Board Meeting is
Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 7:00
® The Next Abstract and Agenda Meeting will be
�I Wednesday, February 9, 2011 at 7:30 (note new time)