HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-09-08Prrsenl:_
Elected Officials:
C}tN�or 'I'nwrt l,aff_
TB yaS -10
Septiumber 8, 20 10
Supeirrisor Mary. Ann Su inner, C1 Stephen Stelick, C1 Joseph
Solomon, Cl Jason Leifer
Ramhi L. Avery. Town Clerk
Srian Mellroy, 800kkceFie:r
Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner
Mahlon R_ Perkins, Town Attorney
Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m,
14own lt:rk Surribi Avery reported that she has collected a feu,' sample local laws for
implementation of the new dog licensing regulations_ NYS At,=riculture & Markets is supposed
to have a teinplate in the noeor ri41:ure, One of the things the Board %. II need to decide is
whether t.o continue a purebred license option, and if so, how 11: should be structured.
Information on the number of purebred licenses the town currently has was distributed to
board members_ The board d1suussed a couple of different fee sc;enar+os far purebred licenses_
13 Avery asked board members to email her prior to the next board meeting with their
preference and cornments. 8 Avery recommended than if purebred licenses are continued, the
owners h<. given permission to print their li[ en qe number on their own identification tags.
Town Clurks in the County wiII lac asking their boards to pa %!i a resolution at their
regular- meetings supporting a county spay f neuter program_ If this comes to fruition, the
spay/neuter surcharges collected with license fccn by clerks in the courtly will be used to fund
this program. B Avery and April Scheftier, Groton Town Clerk, met with the Director of the
SPCA earlier this week to discuss haw this could work. They anticipate it will operate as a
voucher program_ The clerks will help with copies, etc, to keep any administration fees to a
Bookkeeper, Brian Mullroy, explained that for 3 years we have been rolling over BANS
for three water and SC Wer districts_ We hove the money to pay them off now with money from
appropriated fund balance in this respective districts. He uFould like the board to do a budget
modification so the SANS can be paid olt This will help save; any fees associal:cd with renewing
1'lle F3ANs. There swill be about $150,000 left in appropriated fund haIance after these
Cl S teIic%k ofTered the foI[owing resolution and asked ror its adoption:
RES0LVEU, that this Town board hereby. approves the FoIIovD llg budge 1: modification:
The amount of $33,332,00 from S83m5gg (Appropriated [amend 13aiance) to S 3Y9730_
"d Cl Makar
}toll Gall Vote
P„ge I of G
01114 9-8-10
A budget mod will be necessary before a check can be cut to the Southworth Library for
the& $25,000 the board agreed to give them. A public, hearing was supposed to have been
scheduled for next week. B Avery will check on that. The money will come from the A fund,
unappropriated fund balance, and go the library exFx;nditure line.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget: modification:
The amount of $25,000 from A -599 (Appropriated Fund Balance) to A7410.4 (Southwort.h
2nd C1 Solomon
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Clarity Connect Broadband Grant - Our Local Law was changed to provide for a
reduced cost (upon request and meeting certain criteria) for tower permit: fees when several like
towers are constructed. Clarity Connect would like all permit fees, building and tower permit
fees, as well as all the cost of engineering, completely waived. C Bartosh sent a memo detailing
what he thought the town had agreed to as trilateral partner with Clarity Connect and the
State of New York under the contract. As proposed, the towers will provide broadband to 90%
of those areas of the town that currently don't have access to broadband. Of all municipalities
that applied only 15 for this grant funding were awarded in 2008. Very few were fully funded
and have been cut in tic: past two years. The grant for Clarity Connect was one of only three
that still remain fully funded, probably because of the amount of funding /sc,rvices received
from the town. The number of towers has been reduced to five from the 12 originally proposed.
Maintenance of towers needs to he defined. It: was noted that 50% of engineering fees incurred
in this type of application relate to tower(s) and 50% to the site.
Cl Stelick would like to see Clarity Connect enter into an agreement for a price freeze for
Town of Dryden customers for a period of five years.
Supv Sumner said C Bartosch needs to create an agreement in order for us to waive
fees under the criteria: public funding, public good, etc. This will be discussc;d again at the
October agenda meeting. Cl Makar will forward copies of the communications from Chuck
Sept 15 agenda items will include:
o Authorize Supervisor to sign Varna Bunker agreement:
o Authorize: Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Membership Agreement
o Authorize Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Reserve Funding Agreement
o Presentation of in Shik Lee of the Dryden Youth Commission
o NYSERDA RFP Agreement with Cooperative Extension
o Pro -rated benefits for part time employees - report by Personnel Committee
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'173 9 -8-I0
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #9, as audited, vouchers
#850 through #957, totaling $494,1 l 2.02.
2114 Cl Solomon
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Y c s,
Wood Road zoning violation corriplaint - Supv Sumner said the board should be
prepared to take action at the next meeting, after discussing it in executive session. They will
also discuss labor negotiations in executive session. No action will be taken.
New Zoning Law
D Kwasnowski reviewed six things the Planning Board didn't: do, including zoning in
Varna. There may be time to include that because the plan the community put in is workable,
but it will take some discussion.
o Large Scale Retail Overlay was never mapped. This could be reserved stating the
course they' would like to take, in the future and enact as law when necessary, or
a place for it could be chosen and it: could be enacted. Atty Perkins suggested it
could be dealt with as a Planned Unit: Development. Board was in general
agreement with the language and approach.
o Special Use Permit and Site Plan review - It: seems like everyone believed the
Town Board should continue doing special use permits. If an application only
requires site plan review, it would be handled by Planning Board
c Density - One table was eliminated. It's on the right track, but there are still
some decisions to be made.
o Overall organization of the law needs to be looked at.
o There needs to be thorough legal review.
The use table should be organized by zone. We need to make sure it reads well. People
seem to have a good handle on why certain uses are allowed in certain places. Things need to
be based on solid criteria.
With respect: to new concepts, the frontage density formula didn't receive a lot. of public
comment. Density is a big issue.
The board began review of the draft document, It was noted the pages need
renumbering. Minor grammatical changes are not noted.
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• Article 1
The title will be changed to reflect: local law instead of ordinance.
This is a type I action and there is a presumption that it requires an environmental
impact statement. Before the board can act, they will have to do a SCQR.
Article 11
Section 200 - "Ordinance" changed to "Local Law ". "most appropriate" changed to
"appropriate ".
Ordinance will be changed to local law or law throughout the document.
Article III: Definitions
Active Recreation: The definition refers to an area. There are also definitions for
"Recreation, Active" and Recreation, Passive ". "Active Recreation" definition was deleted. The
recreation definitions will be redefined. The terms should be the same in the use table as they
are in the list of definitions.
Supv Sumner said the definitions need to be terms that are actually used in the laws.
'There are a several "Adult" definitions and the need for so many of those were
questioned. Atty Perkins cautioned that we don't want the law to be void for vagueness. Those
definitions will be reviewed by Atty Perkins and D Kwasnowski and discussed at the October 1.3
"Agricultural use" definition - There was a question about the term "c m to ment ".
There is a list of types of animals you can feed but not the types of crops you can grow. There
is no mention of forest crops (ginseng, timber). Atty Perkins and D Kwasnowski will work on
"Appeal-"- Atty Perkins said zoning board procedure is already spelled out in Town Law
so we don't need to talk about the procedure. lie and D Kwasnowski will determine whether
this should be removed all together. Atty Perkins said the section on appeals and variances in
the laws can be greatly reduced.
"Automotive Repair Garage" - should read "Any building and /or lot used for the repair,
and /or servicing of motor vehicles, such as motor vehicle body work, structural repair or
"Automotive Sales - should read "Sales, rental or leasing of new or used cars, trucks,
motorcycles, boats or other motorized vehicles, including tractors or construction vehicles."
This use is only allowed in LIO districts by special use.
"Automotive Salvage and Junk Yards" - Changed to "Automotive Salvage Yards ".
"Automotive Towing Service" - "removal" changed to "transport: ".
"Bar" - This definition was removed.
I* "Building, series" - This is intended to describe construction that has shared walls
between units, such as townhouses. Atty Perkins and D Kwasnowski will review this.
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"Building Permit" -This is not a definition. D Kwasnowski will work on this.
Supv Sumner said we need to make sure that each definition is actually used
somewhere in the document.
Definition review stopped
here and
the board moved
on to review of
Districts. These definitions were
taken from comprehensive
The Hamlet District applies to areas where there is currently water and sewer
infrastructure. Supv Sumner said there are areas other than Varna with water and sewer that
could become hamlets. 'There are other communities without sewer and water that may get it.
She cautioned that we need to not just describe what we have now, but plan for the future.
Optional traditional neighborhood development overlay district provides for future hamlet -type
Rural residential is essentially based on an established subdivision -type neighborhood
although it is applied more expansively than that. There is no allowance for neighborhood
commercial development. We could create a neighborhood residential zone, and that would
perhaps be more applicable in places such as Dryden Road near NYSEG. Rural residential
does not accurately describe some areas such as that. There is also water and sewer in that
area, and Rural Residential says there is not existing water and sewer. Cl Leifcr said a
neighborhood designation and a higher density allowance may help some areas to gent access to
Time Warner cable.
Supv Sumner said she would like to work on the definitions of the zones we have, that
she doesn't hear a strong case for changing them, but they could use some revision. Each
definition was discussed and changed as follows.
"Rural Residential District" was revised to read "The purpose of the Rural Residential
(RR) District is to define an area of the town where residential uses situated in a rural
landscape constitute the primary land use. Public water and sewer does not exist and is not.
planned for this area. Single- and two - family homes are the predominant form of development.
Agriculture is also expected to be a substantial land use."
"Rural Agricultural District" was revised to read "The purpose of the Rural Agricultural
(RA) District is to define an area of the gown primarily for agricultural use and associated
natural areas protection. The Rural Agricultural District is an area that is intended to remain
rural and where agriculture is recognized as the primary land use. Small scale rural
businesses which are agriculture related or supporting businesses may be appropriate in this
district with site plan review."
'Conservation District' was revised to read "The purpose of the Conservation (CV)
District is to define areas of the town that contain a variety of ecological and open space assets
that warrant: protection from the impacts of development. Residential uses and agriculture are
likely to remain the primaiy land use activities."
"Hamlet District" was revised to read "The purpose of the Hainlet. (H) District is to allow
traditional patterns of higher density and mixed -use development. The I•lamlet District
encourages new development and redevelopment that will increase the attractiveness of these
areas by offering a diversity of options, including townhouses, single - and two- family dwellings,
small apartment buildings, and mixed use (residential /commercial) buildings. New
development should complement the architectural and urban design character of the existing
buildings and streets in the hamlet consistent with the Residential and Commercial Design
Guidelines. Agriculture is an allowed use in this district."
Pige 1; of 6
FM 9 -4 -I O
"Commercial District" -The board discussed whether this should be limited to business
of a "local service nature" or "neighborhood oriented". Commercial includes service or retail
businesses. The current definition doesn't mention residential and it has become more of a
mixed -use zone. D Kwr.►snowski and Atty Perkins will work on this definition for the next
"Light industrial /Office District" rewritten as "The purpose of the Light Industrial/ Office
(LIO) District is to define an area for light industrial and warehousing enterprises, office
buildings that house administrative operations and service enterprises, or research and
development enterprises such as computer software and equipment design businesses.
Agriculture is an allowed use in this district."
"Light Industrial /Office /Adult: Use District" will read "The purpose of the Light
Industrial /Office /Adult Use District is to define a location for adult uses that is separated from
and minimizes the impacts to non - compatible uses such as residential areas, schools,
churches and parks. in addition to adult uses, all other uses permitted .within the Light
Industrial/ Office District are permitted within the Light: industrial /Office /Adult Use District.
Agriculture is an allowed use in this district."
Supv Sumner said they will revisit the overlay definitions and the reasons for them.
There should be a new article of overlays. The overlay is to be used as a tool.
Section 401. - The latest version or date of t:he zoning map should be noted.
Section 402 - Boundary Determinations -
Atty Perkins said number 5 is void for vagueness. You can't leave that for someone else
to define. There will be a new article for overlays and the boundary should be defined.
402(8) was removed.
Simon St Laurent said it is great that the board is going through this line by line, but
he hopes the board finds some time to step back and look at the big picture. He said he
questions the wisdom of applying zoning that was basically designed for Ellis Hollow to West
On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into executive
session at 1,0:15 p.m. to discuss a matter of potential litigation and collective bargaining
negotiations. No action was taken, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
111 % to , L.
Sainbi L. Avery
Town Clerk
I'uee 6 0(6
Town ct Dryden
Town Board Meeting
fSeptember 8, 2010
Name - lease �?rint}
Address or Board
�� 4PVr L "SoI[Nl-1
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Discussion items
Dryden. Town Board Meeting
Dryden Town Hall
93 East ]Main Street
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 � 7:00 PM
a. Dog I..icensing
b. BAN payment budget mod
4. Zoning Proposal: Part 1
a. Title
b. General Provisions
c. Definitions
d. Zoning Districts
e. Use Regulations
f Area and Bulk Regulations
g. Conservation Subdivision
5. Possible September 150' Agenda Items
a. Authorize Supervisor to sign Varna Bunker agreement
b. Authorize Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Membership Agreement
c. Authorize Supervisor to sign Health Consortium Reserve Funding Agreement
d. Presentation — DYC by In Shik Lee
6. Abstract approval
7. Budget Modifications — BAN payment; Southworth Library
The Next Abstract and Agenda Meeting will be
Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 7:00