HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-07-21Pre sent- Elected Officials. TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWNBOARD MRS TIN July 2-1. ICIO Supervisor Mar,} Ann Sumner, Makar, Cl Jason Leifer 1,13 7 -21 -LQ 119gc I of Lll Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl D ivid Jack Bush, Highway/DPW Superintendent offier Town Staff: Dan Kw; snokwski, Environmental Planner Patricia C. Millard, Deputy Town Clerk Mahlon Perkins, Attorney Kevin Ezell, Codc Enforcm- v-nt Officer Andy Sciarabba, Town Engineer 'uFav Sumner called the meeting to order 7900 p.m. Board mcuib(Cr*; and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance, PUBLIC E[EA rNO RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Supv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7.02 p.m. and Deputy Town Clerk P Dillard react i1fic rko icx published in 'I'hc Ithaca Jourrial. There w[_rc, no questions or comments frorn the public or board and the hearing was left open. Zoning Board Applicants T here arc: currendy two va[_an(;ics on the Zorking 13 <)anI ofAppeal31 Deb Shipley and Michael Sc;r�1:t have applied to rill those vacancies. Both applicants were present and spoke briefly to the Towm Board on why they wanted to serve on the ZBA. upv Sumner thanked both for corning- Finger Lakes Land Trust - C Proulx The Finger Lakes Land Trust prcviously set a letter to the Town requesting a cot in n mi tment nr $25,000 to support the acquisition of the Berntsson f MiItior pn)perty located along Irish Settlement Road- This is part of a project called the Emerald Necklace which has bsxn idr_ritified as a priority project within New York Staile'w Open Space Plan. In addition to ecological and recreational val%uo, the tract features more than 5000 fee of Frontage on Six Mile Creek as well aq 20 acres of wetlands. It horders the Harnrriond Hill, Yellow Barn State Forest, the Land Trust's Roy Park Preserve and C or -nrll Plantations' Old Six Hundred Natural Areal The City of Ith:ic -a ha r, approved support- The TOMpkin,; County Legislature is curreml_ly considering support and the FLUJ` will alao be approaching Cornell. F1..T,T estimates the project to cost about $500,000- lTk response to questions a%ked, C Proulx stated that: there are no drilling lv. c4c %, ii-k place and The Land Trust will not e rater into that type cif agreement. The Cif }' of Ithaca has approved $5,0100, '1`nrnpJcins County was aak�td for tlle same arr�0urt1:- Other requests are still vut, Aounts re_oc�ived or pledged to darc_ wi11; have to be provided ded later by A epF)- 'There is a plan to have a separate parking ama further doom the: road front the exislling lot for the park preserve, TB 2r -1(1 rage 2 of 10 The Town l3o,frd has asked thf- Conservation Roard to snake a recomm(Mdation to the Town Beard on whether or not to support this project. They thanked the 1+LLT for coming tonight to answer que5tions- PUBLIC HEARrNG RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING HOARD upv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7 =16 p -rn. and stipulated the not.ire published in The Ithaca Journal was the same as for the ZBA but with Planning Board substituted in the wording- There we.re no (jLJCSti0nS Or Comments from the public or board and the hearing was left open, CITIZENS PRIVILEGE While there were memberN of the public present, they slid not wish to speak before the Boa TLC] - CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING JZBA) On a motion made by Supv umn(._r and seconded by Cl Makar, the Put)lV9 hearing on alternate members to Ilk r, Zon ing Board of Appeals was UT]0nirnnusly closed at 7:20 p,m. RESOLUTION # 100 120 10) RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMENDM NT TO THE TOWN OF DRYDEN ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS ,;uperviaor Sumner offered the following resolution and asked fOr its adoption: WHEREAS, Town Law Section 267(11) permits the town by ordinance to est blish alternate Zoning Board of AFIpe:ils mcmher positions, WHEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed am(;ndrricrit wa% hrLl(i hrLfnrt: the tower board on July 2.1. 2010 at 7:00 p.rn,, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Section 1900 of Article XIX: APPEALS, of the Toikr r of Dryden Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding thereto a new subsection 3 to r-ad as follow%: "3- Alternate Members- (a) There may be appointed by resolution of I.he To rr 2[ rcl u P tQ two alternate rnembvrs of the zoning board of appeals, (b) The chairperson of I:hs; 20rrir1g buurd of appeals shall designate an alternate member to wti btAitute for a member when such member is unable 1:0 participate because of a conflict of interest on an APPlic;ution or matter before the board. When so designawd, tfic3 ulternate member shall possess all of the powers :Ind responsibilities of such member of the board. Soch designation %hull be entered into the minutes of the: inI1:i0l zoning board of appeals at which the substitution is made, (eJ All provisions of this ordinance or any applicable local la % %r relating to zoning And, be it further law. Tli "-211 -10 Page. 1 of 10 board of appeals member training and continuing education, attendance, conflict of interest, compensation, eligibility, vacancy in office, removal, and service on other boards, shall also apply to alternate memtx:rs." RN:SOLVCD, that this amendment shall take effect upon publication and as provided by SECOND: Councilperson Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION It 101 - APPROVE MINUTES Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approve the gown board meeting minutes of June 9 and June 1.6, 2010. tad Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Highway Superintendent / Dept of Public Works Has the Pasco issue been decided? Supv Sumner has signed the quote to have the HVAC work done. It was given to J ]hush. Has the Valley Engineering and repairs to the salt storage structure been discussed yet? This «rill be put on the August agenda. Supv Sumner asked whether the contract: for the Delta project was holding up work. J Bush said it was. There is a small change needed in the agreement in order for Supv Sumner to sign. She will contact them again. J Leifer sent Jack an email on the agreement Danby just approved regarding road cuts to compare to what we have. Sunset West circle and Sunset West Road, just before the intersection of Pinckney have large crossover culverts. They were both proiects scheduled for this year. J Bush has been working with TG Miller on these projects. Due to changes in information required of TG Miller by the DEC for this project, there is an increased cost - likely to be an additional $5500. Per A Sciarabba - There would be other increased cost as well in the form of footer and structural support to keep one side of the road open wile the other side is Lwing worked on. J bush wanted to forewarn the Board that he mill more than likely need another Budget Modification in order to finish this project. County Briefing - M Lane TB7 -21 -IQ Nr.g 11 of I The C }aunty health De partmerit. has now TnOV d from the old Biggs building to the new ht;aIth department facility can Brawn Road, off of WarmFk Road. They haven't set a date or time for 1:he, open house, but believe 1t will be held in August. This move puts t:hr, Hrroth Department closer to thv (:eater of population for the county, The counily legit5lature passed a resolution last in i-i ighl: support of Tompkins County law enforcement and emergency servic_4;s personnel, especially Sgt. Brian Bang of the Ithaca Police Department, condemning the criminal acts that were pr:rpetrate[l against him and his fA ilyI Sales tax summary is ouC and receipts are up for last gUartcr, The county is hack on track with wh1: they paned to have at th1& prink. last year. Sales withi o ln n t.hc; City still seem to he outpacing areas outside the city. Sales talc proeec:dt5 on sales that happen inside the city (on the bo!51C 3 %) are split 50 f 50 bttwecn the city and the county Sales tax proceeds on sales that happen outside thc: f.ity are split with half going to the county mud the other half being split among the t u owns according to poplation- The other I% is divided 1 y a formula included in an agreement with the city- Th(-L County is looking at a problem because when the budget was adopted In�0, year, there was an increase in the mortgage tax proposed and the County pa sed legislation and it u+as Uerit to our rc;presentatives in Albany to carry for home rule legislation to allow the `/4 °16 increase on the mortgage tax- Unfortunately, none of 1:C�ose home rule iegisIotion bills have been puL , d by the legisl�kwre - not just Tompkins County but manv towns that need extensions of Sales Taxes. Unsure of �wi-,en these will be rCviuwed, This could m( .Lan as much as a $1,000) 000 hit in our budget that u?e -were noi, anticipating for 2011 - Funding passed 1;w night for cornputer assisted dispatch; this is par•I: of thc; Tompkins County Public Communications .'ystem. It will provide for the prograrrkrriing necessary to update corn puter assisl:6;d dispatch. This will allow ]nobile radio units to be hrnked with the sysCern and receive more infonnation in the vehicles them selves. The current system is no Ionger supported. The County was able to gave over $105,000 over 5 years 1.y paying an additional $25,000 the first year in maintenance costs, They also w[;re able to negotiate a cap on future ye:.rs rnaintenarwgt; costs. The PIanning Position for assisting murnicipalities orid the count+ with gas drilling issues has been funded for a year in port from a grans. form the Park Foundation ($50,000). The remainder of the funds needed, primarily to ply for the fringe benefits for this person, will be coming frarn the County. This position will lac assembling information for the kinds of I _Vslation anticipated to be nemc 5ary in townN and villages :end the county to protect Jand use during all of this oil and gas lease dev< .Lloprnent- The Fjnger bakes Land 'Trust request. to the Tompkins County 1-4 1&Fislature for $25,000 way approved, County Briefing - M Robertson The. County received a $50,000 grant from the Park Foundation toward the cast of a staff position in the Planning Department to assist with gas drilling issues. The I•Iorne Rule issue: -The legislature feels the mortgaZc tax and the transfer 1:ax are important ways Co diversify the county': income. '191 -ke county has so few options. The +County continues to cut spending where they care, Tire President: of NY AC: has announced that he is going to form a Medicaid cornruission to study how the state could take over Medicaid altogethc;r, That one mandaile is 29% of our } roperiy tax levy- 'There arc about six skates that. have a local share orl Medicaid- e have the 7'I 7 -21 -10 119w ,i ail, 10 biggest shii.re in NYS with ,l7% being paid by counties. Thf, largest percenl:age by any other state is 3 -4 %. The sta1:c calls the shots cin the hicorne limits, what medications are covered, etc_ if the whop; thing was under their control, inc] uding the requirement to pay for it at that level, 11hey may ruake different deci5iQT1%. This would rriC�ke it so that people had to pay for this program eased on ability to pay through iTICOme tax rather than through p rop. ed:y taxes. The Federal GoverTSmr;rit pays 50% or the a ost uFit13 tl�e rr 'MR 33% being paid by UYS, In trying to un(jerl'and how our money is spent a litllc; better, the Legisil um has asked all County 0opartments to do a program invente)ry_ Department huads have stated they e:an't triin anymore, but are at the point where: they would have to cut programs (services)_ This I nformation is allowing the county legislators to familiarize thernselves with the local programs run by the County. For example, The Office for 1.hc Aging has about 20 programs. They also have a lot of diffem -nt funding Streams. `]`he Sheriff's Departme;ni. has 3 or 4 programw_ 'the de;wripl'ions tell what the programs are, what I`unding streams they have including and in addition to the county, and are to nse that information to 1•ielp with the budget prooe,ss. The TC EAgislature now has a book of about 360 programs, one page for each_ M Robertson gave a summary of the pre - construction meeting that was held Monday night for Ellis Hollow Road- CLOSE PUr13LIC HEARING [PBJ On a motiorn made; by Sups+ Sumner and secondcrLd by Cl Makar, the public heuring on alternate rru.mbers to the Planning F3oard was closed at 7:45 p.m, Roll Call bate Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makcar 'Yes -upv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer YCL RESOLUTION # 102 (20101 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE TOWN OF DRYDEN ZONING ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF ALTERNATE MEMBERS TO THE PLANNING BOARD Supervisor Sumner offered the following re so] u0uTi and asked for its adoption WHEREAS, Town Lake Section 67(111 permits the town by ordinance to c:sta.bliNh alternate Planning Roard memb {'r puz5ifilms, WHIM; AS, A Public hcLa.ring on 1:he praposcd amendment was held before the town board on July 21, 2010 at 7:00 p,m., No wr THFRF }FORE, BE 119 RE OIXED THAT Section 1.900 of Article XIX: APPEALS, cif t'hC 'I't)u r� ()f I)rydein t)ning Ordinance is hereby srnr;rlel ,d by adding thercAo a ne�w� subsection 3 to read as follows: °`3. Alternate_ Members_ (dj There may be appointed by resolution of 1'he '!'tywr� Board up to two alternate members of thei planning board_ (e) The chairperson of the planning board shall designate an alternate member I'I 7 -, _IU 1'agc 6 01` 10 to substitute for 0 rneEriber when such merrEber is unable to participate becauNQ of a conflict of interest on an application or matter before the board_ When so desj6mated, the alternate member shall poss#;ss 011 of the powers an(] me ;ponsibilities of such member of Ow l-,oard_ Such designation shall be entered into the minut,r_s of the initial planning board at which the qub%Litution is made, {i All provisions of this ordinance or any Opplica -ble local law relating to planning board merrEbCr (raining and continuing education, attendance, conflict of interest, corn pensabon, eligibility, vacancy in office, removal, and serviu;; on oil her hoards, shall also apply to alternate members," And, be it further law, RFSoIMlr;D, t.ha1' Phis amendment shall take effect upon publication and as provided by SECOND; Councilperaorl Makai- Roll Call Vote Cl. Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION # 103 (20101 APPOINT D SHIGLEY AND M SCOTT TO FILL ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS VACANCIES Cl 'Ma kar offered ilhc_ rollo wing resoIutiorn and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, 1_haf. LFEir# `Town Board hereby appoints Deb Shigley to fl11 the CU TTM f ()r]ing 8()ard of Appeals vacancy, term ending 2014. RE90LVED, that this Town Board herrhy aT)P yirits Michael Scott to fill the current Zon nirE� Board of Appear vacancy, term ending 2011. SECOND: Counvi]Flerson Solomon Roll Cali Vote Cl Salomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner ves Cl Lcir(Lr Yes RESOLUTION # 104 12010) APPOINT T QUINN AS ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIR Supv Sumner off(;rtrd the following reLgi)]ution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that 11his Toiirn Board herr,b y appoints Thorn25 Quinn to fill the_ current Zoning Board of Appeals (;hair position. T13 7 -21 -10 page 7 ell 10 SECOND: Councilperson Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yeas Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl l eifer Yes Environmental Planner - No Report Engineering Report - A Scirabba Currently working on Cortland road water district development., some Varna development issues, and a failure in the salt storage barn design. Attorney Report - M Perkins Reminded the Board of the Marriage Officer resolution that was sent to them. There are 3 matters for executive session - 2 for litigation and 1 potential discipline issue. Appoint Marriage Officer Last month, it was brought to the Board's attention that: sometimes when people are applying for marriage licenses, there are no justices available. 'These are not: always people from the Town of Dryden. The Town Board has the authority to appoint; a marriage officer. RESOLUTION # 105 (2010) APPOINT B AVERY AS MARRIAGE OFFICER Councilperson Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, New York Domestic relations l,aw 11 -c authorizes the town board to appoint a marriage officer who shall have the authority to solemnize a marriage performed in accordance with other provisions of law, and WI•IEREAS, there may be times when a gown justice is not available to preside over a marriage ceremony, and WHEREAS, Bambi L. Avery is the town clerk and by reason of such office is familiar with the requirements of the Domestic relations l..aw as they pertain to the solemnization of marriages and is willing to be appointed as a marriage officer, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AS l+ "OL.:LOWS: 1. Barnbi L. Avery is hereby appointed a marriage officer of the town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, for the term, and on the conditions hereinafter set forth. 2. The authority to solemnize a marriage shall apply only within the town of Dryden. 3. The marriage officer shall receive no salary or wage for her services but may accept and keep up to seventy -five dollars ($75.00) for each marriage at which she officiates, paid by or on behalf of the persons married. ® 4. The term of appointment shall expire December 31, 2011 and notwithstanding appointment for the term ending then, the marriage officer shall serve at the OrB 2t -lo P.1geKt&IA pleasure of the town board and may be removed at: any time with or without cause according to the provisions of Domestic relations Law 1 1 -c (4). S. This resolution shall take effect immediately. SECOND: Supervisor Sumner Roll Call Vote-. Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl heifer Yes New Business: Health Insurance Consortium Update - this is coming closer to fruition now that: the insurance dept has approved the inter - municipal agreement with the labor representation as we proposed it with 2 voting members on the council. The Town's bargaining unit signed the memo endorsing the union representation proposal today. Now the member municipalities need to approve the final draft of the membership agreement. The membership agreement will be on the agenda for August. The final agreement: just became available today, so it: was not available in time for tonight's meeting. The Insurance Department has also approved the IBNR Reserve Fund to be 12% of total premiums rather than 17% previously requested. The review of the experience rating showed that this amount would be sufficient. This amount is feasible while the 17% was not. Each municipality will contribute an amount in proportion to their representation in the fund. Some municipalities will be investing over and above their required amount to account for the City and County not having liquid assets to contribute the full amount at this time. They will be repaid with 3% per year interest by 2013. Memorandum of Understanding for Sustainability Planner This MOU has been reviewed by Attorney Perkins and Environmental Planner D Kwasnowski, RESOLUTION# 106 (2010) APPROVE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR SUSTAINABILITY PLANNER Councilperson Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the Town of Dryden and Town of Ithaca for a sustainability planner and authorizes the Town Supervisor to sign the same. SECOND: Councilperson Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl heifer Yes ® RESOLUTION # 107 2010 T13 7-2 1 - 14) 118ge9 ul 10 ESTABLISH STANDARD WORK DAY AND REPORTING Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Torn of Dryden hereby establishes the following as standard work days for elected and appointed officials and will report: the following days worked to the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System based on the record of activities maintained and submitted by these officials to the clerk of this body: SECOND: Councilperson Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes C1 Makar yos Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer ye,s Note: The elected and appointed officials not listed in Participates In Da3�s/Month =M� timekeeping system. Term Employer's Time Work Day (based Begins/Ends of ■ ElecTAM— L Official's • • / 1 / / I Highway Superintendent Board Member Jason Leifer' Board Member Stephen • • 1/1/2008- 1 • oonO1r l COa �� �Pt r•� if1 .-�� te a.. ..t" Deputy • Highway 12/31/2010 Superintendent "7 777W `1 j3ls�a..� r 7Y 1l' ,?•1�.1W- - �J.�.{... ♦ .L4 �� �i. Y.lI.+VF.�. a7i.�_ b.r T..�.i.-�a .L _.. a<.. �- ! 4 tt'�•. \11I�4_�.l [r ri. - SECOND: Councilperson Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes C1 Makar yos Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer ye,s Note: The elected and appointed officials not listed in this report are either not in the Retirement System or are participating in the Town's timekeeping system. IT] d:7 NYMIR had a capil:al payout this year. We agreed to get our liability insurance with New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal three years ago, and this year we got a refund of our capital investment of $4309 and we will get another payout next year. Not only has our rate for insurance been lower, but we are also getting some of our money back. Committee Reports - None RESOLUTION # 108 (2010) APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATION '1413 ?•21 -10 Page I 0 of 10 Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, this Town Board herc,by approves the following budget modification: The sum of $2326 from 58030.4 (mapping contractual) to B8030.2 (mapping equipment. 2r1d Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Cl Maka.r Y Cos S Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes M Lane - As a ti-ustee of the Libr uy, M Lane wanted to extend a thank you to Supv Sumner for coming down to the groundbreaking ceremony a week ago Saturday and for Deputy Makar's letter. Work has begun. C1 Leifer handed out a Dryden Gas Drilling Update document for the Board's review and information. RESOLUTION # 109 (2010 ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE Supv Sumner made a Motion to adjourn to executive session at 8:30 pm to discuss pending litigation with the Town Attorney and a potential disciplinary matter involving a specific individual. 2134 Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Solomon Yes Cl Makar Yes Supv Sumner Yes C1 Lc;rifer Yes No action was taken in Executive Session. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 p.m. fly su tI 11 (i Town Clerk 08/04/2010 13:26:46 MONTHLY REPORT, OF SUPERVISOR 0THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: siaant to Section 125 of the Tor.:n Law, I hereby render the following detailed statemen. of all moneys received and disbursed by me du.ing the month of July, 2010: OATL-D: August 4,20 10 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE SUNI;RV1S0R Balance Balance 06/30/2010 Increases Decreases 07/31/2010 CASH - CHECKING 91437.14 180,434.59 1751455.23 14,416.50 CASH - SAVINGS 31395,661.97 11,110.70 1,652,987.73 1,753,784.94 CASH IN TIME DEPOSI^xS - CD 11500,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,500,000.00 PETTY CASH 600.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 PETTY CAS: - POSTAGE 1.0936.05 0.00 1,206.68 729.37 DPfl1 Equipment Capital Reserve 340108.35 19.34 0.00 39,12 ?.69 Recreation Capital Reserve 250,796.66 142.24 0.•00 250,938.90 TOTAL 5,192,540.17 191,7'06.87 1,829,649.64 3,554,59'7.40 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASrA - CHECKING 0.00 262,693.38 262,693.3E 0.00 ®CASii - SAVINGS 1,989,127.111 762.85 212,693.38 1,227,196.48 HIGHZdAY EQUIPMENT CAPITI'ALj RESE 50l,593,32 284.48 0.00 501, 877.80 TOTAL 1,990,720.33 263,740.71 525,386. ?6 1, 1 -729, 1 0-74,28 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.D0 0.00 33,061..12 498,242.23 33,061.12 1,710,855.03 0.00 2.30 CAST - SAVINGS 429,766.'10 4,054.61 71952.00 33,061.12 4041657.58 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 21 638.13 0.00 377,09 2r261.05 Cash, Custorr:ers Deposits 0.00 ?,500.00 82.50 7,417.50 TOTAL 432,404.83 48,513.12 66,581.32 41.4,336.13 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTr'.L SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL 0 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL 0.00 1,961,169.69 11961,169.69 0.00 361, &22.42 498,242.23 247,927.57 746,169.80 103.91 205.15 4981242.23 235.58 0.00 235.58 498,242.23 0.00 1,710,855.03 996,484.46 103.91 103.91 1, 71.0, 855 .03 0.00 361,923.66 361,822.42 309.06 207.62 3611923.66 0.00 235.58 235.58 0.00 4,287.89 2.30 235.58 4,054.61 4,287.e9 23!.88 4 ?1.16 4,054.61 Page i MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 06/30/2010 Increases Decreases 07/31/2010 L2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CAS!: - CHE;:XING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL TOTAL SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS isCASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASs - SAVINGS POSTAGE 0.00 193.26 193.26 0.00 3,36?.86 1.60 193.26 3,117.40 3,368.86 195.06 386.52 3,177.40 0.00 2,70:1.20 190.03 1.42 0.00 190.03 190.03 178,652.55 0.00 2,511.59 70253.85 21700.20 191.45 380.06 21511.59 0.00 293,667.51 34.90 160.86 0.00 34.90 34.90 178,652.55 0.00 2B3,793.47 70253.85 283,667.51 195.76 69.80 283,793.47 0.00 44.00 0.00 44.00 178,652.55 0.00 70253.85 42,879.1.5 1,657.22 44.00 44,492.37 42,879.15 1,701.22 0.00 6,979.00 0.00 210,928.45 178,652.55 1.,427.29 70253.85 5.52 178,652.55 14,232.85 0.00 39,426.95 0.00 210,928.45 61979.00 1.,427.29 5.52 0.00 88.00 44,492.37 6,979.00 0.00 0.00 341428.95 61979.00 172,926.79 178, 927.40 130958.00 178,927.40 39,428.95 0.00 341428.95 172,926.79 13.20 -7.68 T0TyT, 2101933.97 40 , 56.24 08,871.10 172,919.11 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 4,616.67 4,616.67 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1.79,912.57 1,257.26 4,616.67 176,553.16 TOTAIL 1 79,912.57 5,873.93 9,233.34 176,553.16 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0100 i,332.19 1,332.:9 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 117,721.40 4,130.28 11332.19 150,519.49 TOTAL 147,721.40 51462.47 2,664.36 150,519.49 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 377.65 377.65 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 95,543.35 353.50 377.65 95,519.20 IOTA? 95,543.35 731.1.5 755.30 95,519.20 Page 2 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 06/30/2010 Increases Decreases 07/31/2010 �S7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER fl.''0 3,361.43 3,361.4"3 0.00 CASH - CHECKING 205,028.:1,"' 0.00 5,553.09 125.89 31361.43 125.89 207,249.83 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 29,902.78 8,944.52 82.23 6,722.86 125.89 29,859.12 TOTAL 29,902.78 208.12 251.78 29,859.12 SW1- VARNA WATER 0.00 892.41 892.41 0.00 CASH - CHECKING 32,703.90 0. 00 26, 222.45 26, 222.45 31,997.60 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 345,080.44 15,079.40 26,222.45 333,937.39 TOTAL 345,080.44 41,301.85 52,444.90 333,937.39 SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 :1„ 178.52 11176,52 0.00 CASH — SAVINGS E9,669.33 1,291.30 1,178.52 69,782.11 TOTAL 64,669.33 2,469.82 2,357.04 64,782.11 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH — CHECKING 0.00 4,374.24 4,374.24 0.00 CASH. — SAVINGS 169,109.94 21886.49 4,374.24 187,622.18 'DOTAL 189,109.• s4 or260.1i2 8,748.48 1,87,622.18 SW4— HALL ROAD WATER ® CASH — C14ECKING 0.00 2,373.83 2,373.83 0.00 CASH — SAVINGS 33,668.48 2,819.94 2,373.83 34,114.59 TOTAL 33,668.48 5,193.77 41747.56 34,114.59 SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH — CHECKING fl.''0 3,361.43 3,361.4"3 0.00 CASH — SAVINGS 205,028.:1,"' 5,553.09 31361.43 207,249.83 TOTAL 205,028.17 8,944.52 6,722.86 207,249.83 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 892.41 892.41 0.00 CASH — SAVINGS 32,703.90 186.11 892.41 31,997.60 TOTAL 32,703.90 1,078.52 1,784.2 31,997.60 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING 181,504.52 TOTAL TA AGENCY FUND CASH — TRUST & AGENCY 0 TOTAL HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH — SAVINGS 181, 504.;;2 18,695.26 18,695.20 24,798.65 58,848.84 58,848.84 182,349.27 182,348.27 11 M 26,321.00 26,321.00 182,348.27 182,348.27 0.00 214,032,36 214,032.36 16,695.26 18,695.26 24,796.65 Page 3 MONTIMY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 06/30/2010 Increases Decreases 07/31/2010 0 TOTAL, 240798.65 0.00 0.00 241"98.65 HE CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - S4WINGS 30,095461 17.07 0.00 30,112.68 TOTAL HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL TOTxiLs ALL FUNDS 12, 2768, 693•.50 1, 627, -808.98 31 8.1.01 914 . 97 10, 095, 587 .51 Pace 4 30,095.61 35,111..53 17.0^ 19.91 0.00 x.00 3011,22.68 35,131.44 35,111.53 19.51. 0.00 35, 131.44 12, 2768, 693•.50 1, 627, -808.98 31 8.1.01 914 . 97 10, 095, 587 .51 Pace 4