HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-09TB 6 -9 -10
June 9, 2010
Nrf- Lent= Supervisor Mary Aran Su inner, C1 Stephen Stelick, Cl Joseph
Solomon, C1 David Makar, Cl Jason 1. cifcr
Elected ()Fficiils= Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk
Other'1`own Staff: Dan Kwasno�wSlSi, FT1ViMT1rFicnl:al Planner
Brian Mcilmy, Bookkeeper
Sums Sumner opened the meeting at 7 :02 p -m.
Joe W iIt5on of l)rydcn R e sourrea Awareness Coalition, :asked wh(.,thc_r the board iLq
considering the petitions submitted by DRAG for local ordirtances for noise and local control of
land use. He also wanted to know whether the board will pass a resolution situilar to the one
passed by the 'Tompkins County Legislature asking the State to ban Hydraulic fracturing
pending determination of the risks and other factors involved. C1 Leifer has prepared a
resOlLL6011 %irnilar- 1;0 whA11 wO$ FN�Lssrd by TO Mpkins Count} and distributed it to board
members, It will be considered at next week's board meeting. He will al%o br;gin work on an
industrial noise ordinance.
Local land use authority will be addre_s�scd beginning with an aquifer protection lave- it
gas ncYCC3 that. Virgil has adopted a good aquifer protection law that could 1 used as a model.
D Kwasnowski staid that we will soon have complete dada on the Virgil Creek Aquifer that will
be helpful iii preparation of a local low. We don't have good information on f1he of-her aquifers
in the Town- He will begirt drafting that legislation.
Cl Leifer will prepare a report on research and proposed legislation for next week's
me emng-
upv Sumner reported there are new state regulations with respec_1: to fireworks permits
and it appears the Town will no longer be able to issue permil:s For backyard fireworks exhibits.
The new law require% the people in charge of a fireworks display to possess a valid certificate of
cornpcternce as a pyrotechnician-
Time Warner Cable - C;1 Leifer is working with Josh Bogdan and mapping current
service lines. He is also re- writing the franchise: agrecrr4ent. The current agreement does not
cover intern(A access. e don't want 'Time Wanier to begin charging for exceeding a certain
amount of broad4Eaid usage- He will report on progress at the July meeting-
PPIG Reserve - The Lew -Lin agreement is moving slowly through channels in Albany -
The board could appropriate fuiads to close with the Stuttles and wait for reimbursement by
the State, D Kwasnowski is confident it will close, but we don't. know when, if ilhe board
dc_r:ides to proceed in this way, the purchlise agreement will need to be arnendc.,d to reflect the
change. The scnNe of the boaimd i4 that if there was more reassu ranrt; from Albany, they would
likely proceed. The matter will be discussed again in July.
Cortland Read Water District - Supv Sumner has spent, a significant arrkount of tinie
reviewing the history and the most recent report on the Village of Dryden's current water
system- One option to address current it5sues is to form a district that }would include the
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village and utilize
the Keith
Lane wall.
The adequacy of that is being assessed by TG Miller.
Supv Sumner has
met with
the Mayor
to review alternatives.
The old water line on North Street has had several breaks and needs to be repaired.
There are apparently no easements on the properties. The Village is reluctant to invest the
funds to replace the 100 year old line for users that are outside village limits. A small district
could be formed that included the properties the line travels through. Property owners would
have to be in favor of this option and the earliest that process could be completed would be
Supv Sumner said that forming a district that included the Village of Dryden and areas
north of the Village would benefit all parties. The Village would have a new water source and
the areas outside the Village could receive the services they need. She will try to schedule a
meeting with the Village for July 6 at 7:00 p.m.
Alternate Planning Board and ZBA members - Atty Perkins has drafted amendments
to the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Rules and Regulations to create the position of
alternate members for these boards. The resolutions can be introduced at next week's meeting
and a public hearing scheduled. Following the public hearing, the board may adopt the
amendments and publish a notice of adoption. The amendments will be effective ien days after
Teamsters negotiations - are now in mediation. Grievance arbitrations are scheduled
in June.
Community Garden Lease - Board members have a draft for review and may vote to
authorize the Supervisor to sign the agreement next week.
PACE Program - The board has a suggested resolution to support this County program
which would allow property owners to make energy efficiency improvement measures to their
residences and pay for those by an addition to their property tax bill. This way the cost of the
improvement would be spread over a period of time, and would be passed on to the next
property owner if the property is sold prior to the end of the repayment period. The resolution
will be voted on next week.
41j Retirement Resolution - will be voted on next week.
Village Code Enforcement Contract - The Village has prepared and sent us a new
contract for code enforcement for the period June 1, 2010 through May 31, 201. 1. it increases
the annual payment to the Town from $20,764.80 to $23,765.00. The Village noted that they
have not been receiving monthly activity reports from the code officers and would like those in
the future. The board will authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract at next week's meeting.
Varna Trail Grant - There may be Park Foundation Grant money available for this
project that. would run from Game Farm Road to Route 13 along the old railroad bed. Dan
Kwasnowski, Cl Makar, Fernando de'Aragon, and Rick Manning recently met to discuss this.
D Kwasnowski has been talking with property owners about easements. We need design work
at an estimated cost of $35,000 to $50,000. D Kwasnowski will write the grant. application.
The board will authorize Supv Sumner to sign the application next week. She asked they
develop a strategy for working with landowners.
Supv Sumner said Jim Skaley has advised her that they are planning a visioning
® session for Varna to be held prior to a meeting with Steve Lucente.
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Supv Surriner will ask Atty Perkins to draft: local legislation requiring graining for town
board members.
D K%vasnowski plans to present: the Planning Board with a revised zoning law next
week. They will review it and make a recommendation to the Town Board, hopefully by the
August meeting.
The Stormwat:er Audit and Annual Report and Management Plan have been submitted.
The outfalls have been mapped. Most problems are on state roads.
The Finance Committee has revised its financial investment plan recommendation.
They now recommend that 4.5 million dollars be put into a 12 month CDs. CDs in the amount
of 1.5 million each will be purchased in July, October, rued January. R Mcllroy will prepare a
resolution for consideration at next week's meeting.
Southwort:h Library Funding Request - Supv Sumner met with Mary Ulen Rumsey and
Les Cleland and reviewed the budget for the new addition and furnishings. The only thing still
unclear is the actual amount of the endowment. She will try to get that figure by next week,
and the board is ready to act on their funding request.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract: #6, as audited, vouchers
#476 through 585, totaling x,615,017.77.
tad Cl Leifer
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Financial reports were distributed.
There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried,
the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
/ fi'J'Jf/fr I a
Qam bi L. Avery
Town Clerk
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