HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-03-17TB 3•I; -1{] TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETINCY March 17, 2010 Present. Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, CtJoseph Solomon, Cl David M;: kar, 0 Jason Leifer Flcuted Officials: Satnbi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack bush, Highway f DPW Superintendent Other Town Staff: Henry Slater, Director of Building, 'limning 8s Planning Mahlon Perkin, Town Attorney David Putnam, TG Miller I }ngincers Kevin Ezell, Code, Officer Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental planner Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:04 p_m, and board members and p es i's participated in the pledge of allegiance, PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR BED AND BREAKFAST HOME BUSINESS AT 414 SNYDER DILL ROAD upv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m, Applicant Sherri ZIIit5 c,xpl�tiried that they would like to utilize the second dwelling unit in their home at 414 Snyder Hill Road as a bed and breakfast rather than rent it ack on aparl:mcnl'. No changes will be made to the structure and there is adequate parking. There were no questions from the board or audience, The board reviewed the short environmental assessment form_ RESOLUTION #49 - NEC SEAR DEC - SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A BED AND BREAKFAST AT 414 SNMER HILL ROAM} Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: HEREA , A_ The proposed action involves consideration of the application of Sherri Ellis to operate �t bed and breakfast home business at 414 Snvder Hill Road_ B, The proposed acl.isirk is .3n Unlisted Action for which the Town 80a rd of the Town of Dryden is the lead agcri y for the purposes of uncoordinak -Ld envimrnmental review in connection with approval by the Town, O. The Town board of the Town of Dryden, ire l}r;rforming the lead agency function 0 for its independent ard uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Con servatiou Law the State LnVironmentad Quality Review Act Pago 11FF 13 TB 3.17 -111 "(SEQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the short Environmental Assessment Form (the "Short EAF"), Part: i, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (u) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant: areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) completed the Short EAF, Part I1; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the Short EAF, Part 1, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact. on the environment:, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §6173(c), and (iii) its completion of the Short EAF, Part 11, including the findings noted thereon (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance ( "Negative Declaration ") in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Short EAF and determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution. 2nd Cl St.elick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board then reviewed the special use permit worksheet for the project: (Section 1303.2 board review criteria). a) Whether Section 1303.1. requirements have been met:. - Yes. b) Whether the location, use and nature, and intensity of operation will be in conflict with the allowed uses of the zone or neighborhood. - No. c) Whether the use will be more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent and nearby properties (by reason of traffic, noise, vibration, dust, fumes, smoke, odor, fire, hazard, glare, flashing lights or disposal of waste or sewage) than operation of the allowed uses of the zone. - No. d) Whether the use will discourage or hinder the appropriate development and use of adjacent properties or neighborhood. - No. e) Whether a non - residential use adjacent to an existing residential use shall be screened by a landscaped buffer strip or suitable fencing. - Not applicable. f) Whether health, safety and general welfare of the community may be adversely affected. - No. g) Whether or not a Stormwater Management permit is necessary. if so, has one been submitted, and if so, is it acceptable? No There were no further comments and the public hearing was left open. Pagc2of13 Try 2 -0 -10 PUBLIC HEARING SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A COMMERCIAL GARAGE AND SALES LOT FOR TOW BEHIND CAMPERS AT 112 PERUVILLE ROAD Supv Su inner opened the public hearing at 7115 p. in. and Town Clerk B Avery read tht: public noi:ive published in The }thoca Jourmd. Applicant: Brian Jackson said he would like to put up a small building for automotive repair and have a yard ore:i to displa -+ toil behind campers for sale. upv Sumner annoLkncrd that 'Tompkins County Planning is recommending that all items to be stored or offered for sale be set back frarn the road a distance c >f at: Ir;;�el. 50 feet: and that the area be designated and clearly delineated on the sketch plan for enforcement purposes. After discussion, the board decided 83 feet from the centerline of the pavernent would be an appropriate setback_ 19 he a.ppiicant agreed_ Applicant does not propose a sign at this paint and is aware of the sign guidelines- Su Sumner paused this public hearing, and asked whether there were any other questions or comments on the Ellis special use permit application. There were none and the board approved the permit. RESOLUTION #50 - APPROVE ELLIS SPECIAL USE PERMIT - BED AND BREAKFAST AT 414 SNYDER BILL ROAD t,pv Sumner off( -ed 1he following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this'I'own Board her approves the special use permit application of Sherri Ellis to operate a Bed and Breakfast at 414 Snyder Neill Road, aubjerl: in ( thfE)lIowing conditions. 1. Standard Conditions of Approval (8- 14- X008); and _ Life safety inspection as described in Hemy M_ later'e letter of February 23, 2010, 23 id CI Solorrion Roll Call Vote i Ste.lick Yes Cl Solomon Yes upV umnr:r Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes The board continued to diL5cia9s the Jackson special pr_rrnit application. upv Sumner said the Environmental Planner is concc;rned that some trailer /camper sales businesses have evolvLd to be very large in size and it may be reasonable to restrict the size of the sales area. There is also concern about storage of chem Ica Is can site, and the facility would be considered a stertnwater hotspot. consistent with the Town's Illicit Discharge Detection n.nd Elimination program_ Applicant was givers a copy of the communication from Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner, The board and neighbors (Swearingen of 264 Old Peruville road and Brady of 1049 Peruville Road) reviewed the site plan, noting the location of the proposed building, hedge rock' and nearest neighbors. The site is in ;�n RC zone. James Brady expressed concern about noise Iogc 3 of 13 T13 3 -17-10 from the garage. Applicant said the garage is over 500 feet from the property line and several hundred feet east of his residence. The building will be a pole barn structure. Business hours will be 8:00 to 5:00 p.m. and some Saturday mornings. Chemicals will be. stored in approved, labeled containers. Brady is concerned with the number of trailers that may be there and was told the board can limit. the number. Swearingen is concerned that the proposed business may decrease the market value of her property across the road. The board reviewed the short Environmental Assessment Form. Supv Sumner noted there is a potential for an effect on ground water and it is regulated by DEC. RESOLUTION #51 - NEG SEQR DEC - SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION OF BRIAN JACKSON TO OPERATE AN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND TOW BEHIND CAMPER SALES BUSINESS AT 1125 PERUVILLE ROAD Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, A. The proposed action involves consideration of the application of Brian Jackson to operate an automotive repair and tow behind camper sales business at 1125 Peruville Road, B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in connection with approval by the Town. C. The Town board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law - the State Environmental Quality Review Act "(SEQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Short. Environmental Assessment Form (the "Short EAF"), Part: I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) completed the Short EAF, fart II; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1'. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the Short EAF, Part I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) its completion of the Short EAF, Part II, including the findings noted thereon (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance ("Negative Declaration ") in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact: Statement will Ix; required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Short EAF" and determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution. 2nd Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl St:elick Yes Nags 4 of 13 el%R 3- I "- i 0 Cl Solomon Yus upv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes 1 Leifer Yes The hoard revip wed the special use permit worksheet. a) Whether Section ].303_ ] re;quiromeni;t5 have been met, - Yes. b) Whel:hr;r the location, use and nature, and intensity of operation will be in conflict ikith the allowed rises of the zone: or neighborhood. - No. Whether the 4zse will be more objectionable or depreciating to agiacent and nearby properties (by reason of traffic:, ncisc -, vibration, dust, fumes, smoke, odor, rim., harrird, glare, f]ashing lights or disposal of waste or %e wage) than operation of the allowed uses of the zone_ - No_ dj Whether the use will discourage or hinder the appropri opmerit and use of adjacent properties or neighborhood_ -Flo. e) Whether a non- residenl.ieil use adjacent to an existing residenllial use shall be ereened by a landscaped buffer strip or suitable fencing, -Not neeess ry given the location_ f) hei'her health, safety and general kw6fare of the community may be adversely affected. - No- g) Whether or not a Stormwater M;1 nagvment permit is necessary. If so, has one been submitted, and if so, is it acceptable? A simple stormwater and erosion plia n will be subrn itl.(rd to the Loning Office_ The public hearing was closed at 7.54 p-m. and the board discussed ei)nditi.ons for approval_ RESOLUTION #5 - SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL - JACKSON 1125 PERUVILLE ROAD upv Sumn r offered the following resolution and risked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Special Use Permit application of Brian Jackson to operate an autornotive repair and tour behind camper sales business at 1125 Pcruvi11e Road in the To %%.rn of Dryden, subject to the followirir, conditions' 1.) Trailers displayed for sale shall not be less than 83 Feet front the cyerkterline of Peruvillc Road. ) Applicant shall file a simple Si:nrrnwater Pollution Prevention Plan_ 3) Standard Conditions of Approval (8-14-2008). 41 Vehicles being serviced must be registered, confined to the designated parking area, and is limited to vehicles b6ng dropped off or picked up for repair. 5) The number of camping trailers is Iimited to 20 at any one time. 61 Outside. storage of material shall be li»-iited to behind the building and not visible from the road or .adjoining property, 2nd CJ Leifer Roil Call dote 1 Stelick C1 Solomon upu SU mirk er C1 Nlakar Cl L[_ifer YeI5 Yes Yes Yes Yes 1'aEV 4 of 13 TA 3 -17 -10 TOWN CLERK B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of February 10 and February 17, 2010. RESOLUTION #53 - APPROVE MINUTES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVI,I), that this Town board hereby approves meeting minutes of February 10, 2010 and February 27, 2010. 210 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Lcifer Yes The Town Clerk's monthly report will be included in the packet: for the abstract and agenda meeting. B Avery reported that the Governor's budget bill contains a provision that will give dog licensing responsibility to the gowns. If passed as presented, the Department of Agriculture and Markets will no longer be involved in that process and will not maintain the current dog license database. There will be no spay /neuter fund (now funded with $3 from each license issued to an unaltered dog) and no money %%611 be turned over to the counties for dog damages. Changes are anticipated to take effect January 1, 20111 HIGHWAY /DPW DEPARTMENT Highway Superintendent Jack Bush gave the board some background on a road maintenance plan he developed with a Cornell intern after a. presentation at the Cornell Local Roads Program ten years ago. He is currently working with the Town Attorney on establishing weight limits on local roads. The department has just completed visual traffic counts on about 50 roads. Highway Superintendent Jack Bush introduced Steve Messmer of Delta Engineers in Binghamton, New York. Mr. Messmer explained the program his firm has developed to help municipalities determine and track damage to roads by use of heavy equipment. The traffic associated with gas drilling will definitely damage town roads. it is already happening in the Southern Tier along the Pennsylvania border where roads are being severely damaged. One of the first efforts specifically addressing the issue of road damage was in Sullivan County. They put together a consortium of towns and organized and developed a process. They put: out an RFP for engineering services to help them put together a road use agreement: permitting program geared in the best interests of their towns. Delta Engineers was selected and assisted in developing a process and a program intended to protect public assets. The process begins (Phase 1) with an analysis of the existing condition of town roads, providing a 0 basis for determining anticipated and /or actual damage. In Phase If, Delta. Nge 6 uP 13 TB 3 -17 -to Engineers assists with the adoption of a local law and road use agreement permit process. In Phase III, Delta otT'ers a web -based road use agreement: processing system. Atty Perkins said having a baseline on the roads prior to heavy- use is important. J Bush is in favor of using the services Delta has to offer. Supv Sumner said the board will look at this and the budget implications and discuss it at the next board meeting. Community Garden J Bush introduced Jean Simmons. She and other community members are asking that the Town provide space for a community garden (about 200' square). They would like to fence the area and members would have a spot of 10' by 10' for personal garden space. J Bush said if the board allows it, the area behind the old Tuttle barn would be good and there is parking nearby. The group would like an area with room for expansion if the project is successful. J Simmons said it would be good to have some storage space and perhaps they could use a portion of the barn. The fence will probably not be chain link. There will be rules for participants such as no use of chemicals. They don't necessarily need running water at this point, but a rain barrel would be good. J Bush said there is room out in the area behind the barn and he would be willing to clear the area. 'There are piles of stuff that need to be removed from the area and it could all be done at the same time,. la Kwasnowski and J Bush agree that the area behind the pines near the bio- retention filter would be good. The group is getting a lot of help from Cooperative Extension. They would like a pile of woodchips to be used for paths and will probably designate an area for compost. The board endorsed the concept.. Atty Perkins will talk with Cornell and the City of Ithaca and see what they do with their community garden areas. J Simmons said she has their rules and regulations and can provide those. They have advice on forming a 501(c)(3) if they decide to do so. ZO Slater and Atty Perkins were asked to work with J Simmons on this project. J Simmons announced the group will have an organizational meeting on March 251h at 6:30 at the Dryden Community Cafe. Official Town Map Atty Perkins advised the board that a public hearing is necessary to complete the process of approving changes to the official town map due to the road swap agreement with Tompkins County. The public hearing can be held next month and the resolution authorizing the Highway Superintendent to sign the Memorandum of Understanding can be adopted after the public hearing. The board set the public hearing for April 21 at 7:00 p.m. The board recessed at 9:l$ p.m. and came back at 9:31 p.m. COUNTY BRIEFING Martha Robertson reported that they accompanied a group to Albany recently and visited several offices, including the Governor's office, regarding gas drilling. One scientist at Cornell is convinced that the carbon footprint of Marcellus Shale drilling is far worse than that isof coal and may be dirtier than mountain top removal of coal. New York has a climate action Paige 7 of 13 TB 3 -17 -]0 goal of reducing emissions 80% by 2050. This would make it impossible and accelerate us in the uFrong direction, DEC has not yet. decided TLubether there will he another comment period on sDGE[S. If they don't do a substantive review on what they have already received, they can be legally challenged, If they do a substantive review, than they have to have another comment period. Robcrtsc�n said there will be ant>Cher letter - writing campaign to the Governor and IFC to ask for another cominent period, Resolutions from mManicipalities urilI help with that Census Day is April 1.. Forms have been mailed, People with post office boxes will not receive a form in the mail. Those people will have to visit a census assistance enter or wait for a uerisus person to corner to their door, Tompkins County Assessment has bcgun sending out notices to property owners whose assessed k=alues have changed. The number of sales in Tompkins County has gang clown since 2007, but the average sale price has gone up- Mike Lane reported that the County's snow removal budget is hurting this }Fear- One pass over all county roads costs $6,500.00. Projects this year include the capital improvement project at Ellis Hallow Road and Ringwood Road overlay. A copy of a glossary of highway terms was offered to hoard members- The County does have a pavement management system in use, though it needs upgrading. Red Mill Road l3ridge — It appears 11h t: County will be telling the federal government they will not he constructing the project, so they won't have to pay the $78,000 received for design - They are trying to sec if they can close the project now without doing the full engineering plan. Lane a %ked whether the board had contacted any area residents about this bridge. Supv Sumner said she had riat yet. J Bush said the,p Assistant i! ire Chief in McLean has expressed concern because they used to refill their trucks at Red Mill Road Bridgc an they would Iikc, to see it reopened so they can use it- J Bush ha% previously ex pre s svLd concern that the Dodge Road Bridge way on the work plan and is not in as bad condition as Red M) 11. M Lane said they think they have funds available to repair the Dodge road bridge, and to do Red Mill with local money would take about t'hrc_e years of the entire local bridge project fund. That is why they wanted federal money for Red Mill Road9 J Bush said r.hat a recent traffic count on Red Mill was 9 vehicles in a two hour period, and he would be in favor of doing away with that bridge and putting a snowplow turnaround on the south side. M Lane said he would be willhig to bring that up, The County and s?me towns recc;nCl.y participated in a. meeting having to d vAth the broadband initiative to to to receive some stimulus money through the Southern Tier East Regional Planning BooTd's application- It would have cost the County $800,000 and probably. at least a $300,000 annual mainW. nance fee for their share of the rtiultiple county use- One of the thing% they heard at the meeting was I:hat there is a lot of broadband in Tompkins County, but don't have that: "last mile to get il: to the rural users, They were told that if they are willing to spend the money, they might lie able to have more wireless access. The County can't justify the money for what they think they need hc;te- Clarity Connect has an initiative fur a larger regional :area, Google is anking for six communities across the country that might. be demonstration areas and Cornell hay asked the group i:r) take a seriaus look at that.- They are going to submit, W Google and continue to se=e what "s out there- The Government OperationL3 Committee has been charged with looking at the County plan for broadband service. They will be taking, a look at exactly what: they need so 0 they can take advantage of something approprialx. when it corner along. Y- L! Ji ol, 13 TB 3 -17 -10 • The County is asking communities to plan some sort of event for Census Day (April 1). ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER D Kwasnowski distributed copies of the Draft Stormwater Management flan. It was submitted to the DEC on the 15c1. The Plan is split into an administrative plan and a program implementation plan. He asked the board to review and provide comments. Supv Sumner has reviewed it and said it is excellent. D Kwasnowski said he understands that several years ago there was a contract: with the Town of Ithaca for mapping the catch basins in the MS4 areas. He has not seen that map and has not been able to locate one. The outfalls have to be inspected, so they will do that mapping when the outfalls are inspected. D Kwasnowski said he has had recent discussions with DEC about responsibility for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans in connection with applications for well drilling. Supv Sumner and Atty Perkins will discuss this. The next public meeting on the proposed zoning law will be Mondry, March 22, at the Varna Community Center. The Conservation Board is moving forward with their Critical Environmental Area project and will probably be making their recommendation to the Town Board next month. ENGINEERING 0 No report. ATTORNEY No report. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Tower Special Use Permit Fee Local Law — There is a proposal to amend the current Telecommunications Tower Siting law that would allow applicants to.apply for a waiver of the fee amount charged. To obtain that waiver the board would consider: (a) Whether there is public funding involved for the proposed project, the source thereof and the amount in relation to the total project cost; (b) Whether the proposed project would serve an existing under or tin- served population of the town, (e) Whether the proposed project would benefit public centers such as schools, community centers, fire stations, etc.; (d) Whether a similar or the same designed tower is proposed on multiple sites; (e) The completeness and sufficiency of the application and the supporting documentation submitted therewith as required by Local Law No. 2 of the year 2006; (t) Whether it: is in the overall public interest to waive a portion of the fees and/or deposit. The following proposed local law was introduced and the public hearing scheduled for April 21, 2010 at 7:15 p.m. Page 9 (if 13 TB 3 -17 -IQ SA local law amending Local Law No. 2 of the year 2006 to provide for a waiver procedure for certain fees and the deposit required by such local law. 1. Section 20 of Local I.aw No. 2 of the year 2006 (the Telecommunications Tower Siting Law for the Town of Dryden) is hereby amended to add a new subsection C to read as follows: "C. (1) At the time that a person submits an application for a Special Use Permit for.) Telecommunications 'rower, or for co- location on an existing Telecommunications Tower, the applicant may submit a written request for a waiver of a portion of the application fee called for in subsection A above, and /or for the initial deposit required by Section 14(13) above, and /or for the payment of the reasonable costs of the Town's consultant and expert evaluation of any such application as required by Section 14(f3). (2) No such request shall be considered unless it is in writing and submitted at the time the application is submitted. (3) No application shall be considered complete until the gown board has determined by resolution such request. The town board shall hold a public hearing at least ten (10) days prior notice. At such public hearing the applicant, or the applicant's authorized representative, shall present the case for such a waiver. In determining such request ® the town board shall consider only such materials that have been submitted in support of, and in opposition to, such request and the comments made at such public hearing. In submitting such request: the applicant shall be deemed to have extended the time in which the town board must decide such application by sixty -two (62) days. (4) In determining such request for a waiver the town board shall consider the following: (a) Whether there is public funding involved for the proposed pr(Ject, the source thereof and the amount in relation to the total project cost; (b) Whether the proposed project would serve an existing under or un -served population of the town; (c) Whether the proposed project would benefit public centers such as schools, community renters, fire stations, etc.; (d) Whether a similar or the same designed tower is proposed on multiple sites; (e) The completeness and sufficiency of the application and the supporting documentation submitted therewith as required by Local Law No. 2 of the year 2006; (f) Whether it: is in the overall public interest to waive a portion of the fees is and /or deposit. I'fioe III of 13 TB 3 -17 -1 0 2. This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State and shall apply only to the application filed on or after the effective date. NEW BUSINESS Supv Sumner has provided board members with a revised Draft Municipal Cooperation Agreement. The consortium has asked that a new resolution approving this agreement and authorizing the Supervisor to sign it because a few changes have been made. The most substantial change is the introduction of the Benefit. Plan Committee which includes a representative of each bargaining unit and a representative of each municipality. The chair of that committee will have one vote on the board. It. is not anticipated that the consortium will be functional before June 1., 2010. RESOLUTION #54 - AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE GREATER TOMPKINS COUNTY MUNICIPAL HEALTH INSURANCE CONSORTIUM Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Council of Governments ( TCCOG) is comprised of all the municipalities in Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, health care costs for Tompkins County and other local governments have been increasing each year at rates much higher than inflation, which can be addressed by pooling our buying power, and WHEREAS, in 2007, the County, on behalf of TCCOG, accepted an incentive grant award under the New York State Shared Municipal Services Program to assist the municipalities in Tompkins County to create a local municipal health care consortium, and WHEREAS, the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health insurance Consortium developed health benefits coverage for all participating municipalities with the intent of providing a net savings to the taxpayers of Tompkins County, a goal the Town of Dryden supports, and WHEREAS, TCCOG encourages the signature of an inter - municipal agreement by TCCOG members, and RESOLVED, the Town Supervisor of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized to execute a municipal cooperative agreement effective on or about May l., 2010, with the Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium for the, New York State Shared Municipal Services Program, pending review by the Town Attorney. 2nd Cl Stel.ick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Cl Solomon Supv Sumner Cl Makar C1 Leifer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 11 o1613 TB 3 -1' -10 RESOLUTION #55 - APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES TO HISTORY COMMITTEE Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints David Makar as its representative to the Town History Committee, and Stephen Stelick, Jr. as its alternate representative. 21LI' Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar No Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said she has received correspondence from the NYS Retirement about the 41U) resolution that was passed recently because it was a part of the current Teamsters Agreement. They have a fonn of resolution that must be used, and the cost to the Town will be $1,295.00 annually. The board will consider this next month. COMMITTEE REPORTS Emergency Services Committee - There is current discussion about whether anyone other than Fire Department Chiefs should be allowed at the Chiefs meeting. Personnel Committee - Supv Sumner said the committee did a great job assisting with the hiring of the new bookkeeper. The new person in the position is Brian Mellroy. Loans & Grants Committee - No report. Technology Committee - Cl Lc;ifer reported that the Public Service Commission will be looking at four areas of the town where Time Warner has refused to extend service. Recreation /Youth /Community Centers Committee - No report. FINANCE REPORT The quarterly investment report: was distributed to board members. RESOLUTION #56 - BUDGET MODIFICATION Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modification: The amount of $10,787.33 from DA2680 (Insurance Recovery) to DA5130.4 (Machinery= contractual). 2iii1 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Page 12 oI' 13 Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes There is a new form to be used for budget modifications. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, thi ��jiUl f Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk 11'agc 13 of 13 TH 3-1 740 Dryden Town Board Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 East Main Street Wednesday, March 17, 2010 ti 7:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Hearing a. Special Use Permit —Ellis Bed & Breakfast b. Special Use Permit— Jackson Auto Repair 5. Citizens Privilege 6. Town Clerk a. Approve Meeting Minutes for February 10`h and 17`h 7. Highway Superintendent/Dept Of Public Works a. Agreement with *rompkins County to effect road swap b. Delta Engineers Road Use Agreement presentation 8. Recreation Department 9. County Briefing 10. Zoning 0f icer 11. Envirorvnental Planner 12. Engineering (no report) 13. Attorney 14, Unfinished Business a. Tower Special Use Permit Fee Local Law b. \Appoint representative to Recreation Partnership 15. New Business a. TCHIC Resolution b. Appoint alternate representative to History Committee e. Retirement Section 41 J d. CB review of DEC Industrial Stormwater regulations 16. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a. Emergency Committee b. Personnel Committee e. Loans and Grants Committee d. Tecluiology Committee e. Recreatio»/Youth/Community Centers Committee 17. Finance Report a. Budget Modification b. Investment Report 18. Future Agenda Items 19. Executive Session (if necessary) B Avery J Bush M Bianconi County Rep I-I Slater D Kwasnowski A Sciarabba M Perkins D Makar S Stelick AEI Sumner M Stunner M Sumner M Sumner Stelick/Leifer Makar /Leifer Makar /Leifer Stelick/Leifer The Next Abstract and Agenda Meeting will be Wednesday, April 14, at 7:00 PM The Next Regular Town Board Meeting will be Wednesday, April 21" at 7:00 PM Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting March ,1.7, 2010 Name - lease Pant Address or Board C.oy'41 PUa v Uh k' l r r'`A J a lJa�� av /M2 at0o 04/0 ,•'20'10 1.2:.10:03 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: 0"ant to See.,, ion 1,25 of `he To;ln LGsv, I hereby render the .f.ollowiiig detailed st•atertent -11 moneys "ecei v ed and disbursed h'v me during the moat} # of March, 20101: DATI'.D: April 7, 2010 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE SUITRVIsoit Balance Balance 02/28/2010 Increases Decreases 03/31/2010 CASH - CHECK:f.N1G 14,959.83 12 ?, 717.79 1331806.74 :1,27,717.79 128,004.78 0.00 20,':61.79 CASH - SA':TNGS 1,796,227.95 CAS:: - SA'o'TIdGS 4, 028, 1L0. 42 920.39 1,623,962.23 111, 6:1.6. 66 3, 923, 914.10 4,266.95 PETTY CASH 600.00 -500,'82.91 0.00 • T'0'PAL 0.00 133, 946.29 6500.00 PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 3,736.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 3, ?36.99 2,541.35 D.r1w Equipmeat Caplt�al Reserve 39,039.44 18.80 5:1.1 , 0.00 341053.24 363.06 ReCreacion :,ipital Reserve 2501253.24 1,38, 22 ��.00 OB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND 250,391.46 2'O'PAT, 9, 331, 699 .92 140, 684 . :1C 239, 621.49 4, 232, 957.58 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHF CKING 0.00 12 ?, 717.79 0.00 :1,27,717.79 2R, 0.00 11 CASH - SA':TNGS 1,796,227.95 5,452.0 "' 127,71 7.79 1,623,962.23 FlIG `.1nY MJIPMENT. C APITA_ RESE 500, 506.48 276.43 4,266.95 0.00 -500,'82.91 • T'0'PAL 2, 246, ?39 .43 133, 946.29 255j435,58 2, 124, ?95.19 B GENERAL — OUTSIDE FUND CASH — CHECKING 0.00 2R, 0016, 11 28,076.1.1 0.00 CASH — SA�iIrl15 508,702.2^ 4,266.95 28,0'76.1.1, 489,9_3.09 PETTY CASH — POSTAGE 2,541.35 0.00 0.00 2,541.35 T,JT�L 5:1.1 , 243.60 32, 363.06 56, 1.52.22 487;454.44 OB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CAS.: - CHECKING 3,883.27 3.883.27 0.00 CASH - SAVINI;S 10453,218.49 275,:1 ?0.96 3,883.2? 1,724,506.18 TO z. AL 114531218.49 279,054.23 ?,766.54 1, 724, 5C 6. 18 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CAS - CHECK :NC; CASH - SAVIN:;S 5i7,419.95 0, COO 116, :1,98. 221.6C 17 .1.16, 116,198.1.? 198 .,1.7 401,493.38 0.00 TOTAL 5_ ?,419.95 116,929.77 2321396.34 401,443.38 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVIr'GS LZ ,363.67 0.00 316. 2.79 4 9 31C.49 316.45 50050.17 0.00 0.17 • TOT": L• 5, 363. $" 632.98 5, 0513. 1.7 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKTKG 0.00 "1.54.90 254.90 0.00 Page I . Y: iN10N'THLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 02/28/2010 Increases Decreases 03/31/2010 • CAS!? - SAVINGS TOTAL SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECK.ING CASH - SAvTKGS TOTAL SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVI:dGS TOTAL SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVIP;GS TOTAL SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAV.T,OGS TOT n.1, 03- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHFCKING CASH - SAVINS"S POSTAGE SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 4,243.55 2.20 254.90 3,990.85 4,243, 55 25;.10 509.50 3,990.85 0100 205.02 205.02 0.00 31 48Ce. 51 1.81 205.02 3o2"77,33 3,480.54 206.`;3 4i0.04 3,277.33 C.00 7.62 7.62 0.00 335,603.56 185.35 .62 335, "1.39 335,603.66 192.97 15.24 335,781.39 53,844.65 "1' 9 29.44 f?. 00 53t8`4,413 2Ut,23h�.38 14,633.35 53,844.69 74.92 218,796.61 29.7.1 0.00 53,874.43 0. 00, 0.00 :89,213.52 189,213.52 7,121.93 100.41 ?,522.34 7, 42:1,.93 7 42! 93 14,843.86 4.00 J .1,810 892.00 181,892.00 0.00 "1' 92 "4.92 640.CJ4 01. 2Ut,23h�.38 14,633.35 74.92 218,796.61 21.21 0.00 0. 00, 2:.24 TOTAL 2J4, 259.62 ?1, 708.27 149.81 21.8, 61y.05 TOTAL SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKIN'G CASH - SAVINGS TOT °.T. SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - C=ECKIN CASH - SAVING; ^OTA =, S7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHFCK1 :hiG CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 4, 640.04 41 640.CJ4 0100 1.87,964.15 142.98 4,640.04 '83,46'4.09 187,964.15 Q.0o 20°., 828.37 4,783.02 1,085.08 132.63 1,217.71 9,280.0" ;I„ 085.Oc „085.:.'8 2, 1.70.:1,6 183,467.09 0. 00 204,875.92 204,875.92 0.00 455.65 455.65 0.00 95,187.03 70.37 455.65 95,601.75 655,987.03 526.02 911.30 95,601.75 0.00 203.89 203.39 0.00 30,332.95 1.6.64 203.89 30,145.70 F8 �e MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERV1SOR Balance Balance 02/28/2010 Increases Decreases 03/31/2010 • TOTAL 30,33:.95 220.53 4low" .70 30,145.70 SW1- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING x:1.00 241.48 241.48 0.00 CASH - SAVI`S$ -,4 "s, 79 =1 .84 189175 241.48 343, .043.1.1 TOTAL SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TO = P.L SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER WASH - CHECK.ING CASH - SAV1:NGS TOT ' ,,L SWg- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - SAVINGS TOTA �5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - SAVINGS TO TAIL Y.L SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - SAVINGS T0TA i, PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECK.I ?dam - SPFCIAI., R�ScRVES TOTh:4 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING TOTAL TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST & AGENCY i OTA $ MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR CASH - SAVINGS IOTA 343,794.84 431.23 482.96 343, 713. 11 0.00 34.34 34.34 0.00 65,354.04 77.30 34.34 65,33 ?.00 6s 354. 104 1,11.54 6E. 68 65, 397.00 0 r1 o 1':94, 639. 79 194,639. -9 it 140. 55 :1,93.54 1,334.09 1,140.55 1„ 140.55 2,281.10 0.00 193,692.78 193,692.78 39,199.13 16.89 0.00 341218.02 34,199.1.3 i8.89 0.00 34,218.02 20.1 „363..6 119,230.63 202.57 119,335.63 01 C0 201,565.63 i, 416.81 201,363. -36 202.57 7, 11i.81 0.M 201,565.63 33, 151. 18 :1.9.31. 0. X10 33, 169.49 33, 151.. 18 18. 31 0.00 33, 169.19 4,922, 9! 0.00 0.0% 2, 922.90 2,922.;0 0.00 210,651.10 7,978.65 210,651.10 0.0'0 6r_i, 472.56 2,922.90 158, 157. i9 7o 978.65 60,472.56 156,157.i9 7,416.81 119,230.63 119,335.63 7,311.31 i, 416.81 119e230,63 11?, 335. 63 7, 11i.81 29.40 0.00 0.0;1 29.40 29.40 0.00 0.00 29.40 Page y MONT"LY RGPOICI' OP SUPER%'ISOIt dfCORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL HE CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS 1'UT" L HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVINGS TOT 46"t L TOTAL ALL FUNDS Balance Balance 02/28/2010 Increases Decreases 03/31/2010 24, ?9?.65 0.00 :.x.00 24, ?98.65 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24, ?98.65 0,030.39 16.59 4.00 30,046.98 30,030.39 16.59 0.00 30,046.98 35,035.45 19.35 0.00 35,054.80 35, 035. 45 19.35 0. 00 350 05?I .80 1.1, 559, 820. 18 861, 513, 21. 1, 003, 344. 1.3 11., 417, 989.16 Page 4