HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-01-13TB 1 -13 -1f TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING Jlartuary 1 , 203 0 Present; Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Josrph Solomon, Cl Jason Leifer Absent; Cl David Makar Elected Offi(;ia ig- Bambi Aueo -1, Town Clerk Jack Bush, Highwily /DPW S uperintendeni. Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkin, Town Attorney Henry dater, Director of Building, Planning, & EnVITonmental Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner Andrew 8ciarabba, TG Miller Rngincers upv Sumner opened the meeting at. 7:05 p -m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance, CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Joe Osmeloski, 2180 Dryden Road, said his farm ig locallcd north of the proposed Cook 1 drilling site on Irish Settlement road. He is a member of a group called Dryden Water Rmurces. Monitoring Group and they have put together a proposal for monitoring the water resources that will be direct ly impacted by any drilling activity in Dryden. They will b-e partnering with the Community Science Institute, Cayuga Lake Watershed, Pall Creek Watershed, a t�] Dryden Resources Awareness Coalition. The Dryden Youth Commission has indicated students will be available to help with sampling. It will be a lv�arning experience for the students and a great help to the group because they don't know haw many bodies will need to be monitored at thin paint- He undcr%tands the Crook 1 well has an intent to permit, and so drilling could come at and, time. They need to have base line data before any drilling begins, The group will be asking for some help with funding. They will need to make one time purchases of equipment, and thf; largest expense will be the constani: testing of samples. Baseline data will also be expense. Documents and estimates were provided to the Supervisor, John Confer, Hammond Hill Road, Brooktondale, said he is interested in trying to reduce the highway rnortalitp rate of amphibians as I.hey rriigrdte acrpg!3 Thomas Roud and E Ilis Hollow Road. Previously he had an impractical proposal of installing culverts that the amphibians would migrate through, He is now proposing that on about three nights each spring clnsc'I'hornas Road o.t the- C.arolinc� and Dryden ends to through traffic. Students will then manually move the amphibians across Ellis Hollow Road (they have a County highway work permit for that). He is hoping thc highway superintendent will put up signs closing Thornas RoOd on three nights in March or April when a large number of salamanders and other :amphibians are crossing the road. His reasons for this were pre srnk. d last, vear, and he is available to answer any questions or con cern$- $upv Sumner said she hopes they are starting early enough this year and the materials have been provided to the board- She doesn't hove any questions, and said they %vilI be in touch. I'Htc I nl`Ifi Tn 1 -13 -10 Judy Pierpont, l l 1 pleasant Hallow Road, member of DIVA , said they are concerned that increased industrial activity in the Town may create unacceptable lever of noise in areas where }people live (residential rind agricuU:ural areas). Thev are concerned that it could be disruptive to people's lives and their well - being :ind health. They will be cirt,ulatitng a petition requesting that the board enact a noise ordinance that will regulate noise associated with industrial activity. When 500 signatures are coVected there will be a. formal presentation of the petition_ The language o the draft petition wag read and distributed to board members_ Peter Davies, 755 Snyder Hili k ad, said they will be circulating another petition in town asking the town retrieve back from the State of Nc%v York the right of th(-, people in the Town of Dryden to deLtermine use of lands in the town for maintenanige of the public good_ The petition wa% read to the board and a copy provided. Martin Hatch, 696 Snyder Hill Road, Planning Board member, said when the Planning Board was considering the new Zoning regulations he a %ked why the Town couldn't do something about regulating an obvious and }potentially disruptive and out of charact.eLr activity as drilling for go t5 in certain zones_ He was told this was taken out of our hands by state rule_ It doesn't seem logical if we are trying to create the environmental plan anticipated by the town's comprehensive plain, as determined by our citi ens, that we wouldn't try and stand up for a particular Vision of flow the tawn should be- He would like to i:ake back regulating something that affects the character of our community. if our environment is spoiled by one use_ that we have no control over, then all of 1:hat effort in planning �;eCms to go down the drain. He supports the idea of c1mUlenging this_ A township in Perinsylvalnia is trying to do just that and he read an article_ from a newspaper shout it (copies were given to board members). M Hatch said we have to be move than responsive; we have ten be proactive, We huve to be proactive in all the rok�%q in w'liich we have paid staff to do this work in planning, developmenil, and zoning and in legal areas_ We need to look for way's that we can pronounce and defend the goals that we have for this town. 'There seems to be no rea n why this tovkm can't say something right off about kwhdt we think are the right ways I:o do drilling and let the chips fall where they rnay_ Tompkins County Assessment Jay Franklin, Director of Assessment in Tompkins County said he }would like hi% office Lo have more of a presence at th(; taken level_ Tompkins County is unique, in that it has the only true, cheat - _W1 de assessment jurisdiCti«rL in the state. in 1.968 the County went: to a centralized real property tax administration structure, which saves the taxpayers of Tompkins County about $300,000 a year. He urge t.hn%ev present to contact him if they need any information or reports_ There arc. 1, 128 assessment jurisdictions in New York. There are plaoees that haven't donne a revaluation since the civil war. There, :are places mere valuation is affected by political affiliation. In Tompkins Count,}?, all the employees are civil servants, not Lwbjeeit to six year appointments as town assessors are, ! cO they are, not subject to political influence, rrornp kin % Co unt is currently assessing on all annual basis at 100 %. The real property too law provid€ s for annual reassessments_ The Assessment office takes care of real property tax exemptions, The state allows you to apt in ()r out of s €�me: _x <:mp1'i ns. The Town of Dryden recently passed the capital improvements to residential properties exemptions, Nis office periodically sends a memo to the towns advising what the state currently allows for exemptions_ If the town feels it was to encourage: se5meil:hing in } rnrl:ic�.ilar with I:ax cx rrrpt.inn, he; ran provirlc s(}rr1C uid rye , as there is a multitude of exemptions available. Iii.ge 2 of 1 (F 1B 1 -13 -i0 0 Key dates include: March 1 - deadlinc. for all real property tax exeraptions. This is what the inveritory is based on with values determined as of Jule i of the prrvious year, Mav I - tentative Assessment Roll is filed. 1Fourth Tuesday in May - Grio;vance Day (last day that, a property owner cran file a grievance with thcL board of assessment rowiew- July 1 - Final assessment roll, Thi% i:q the basis for the September/ October school taxes, January t Town and Country takes, and June i Village tax. J Franklin said his office has a great working relaEionship with the Town of 0rydC.n staff that it deals vwit]i. The appraiser for this area k is Michael ayarath. His o ffice wants to be more involved and he encouraged anyone with questions or conocrns to contact hire, upv S urn ner said she would like to be able to educaile i:he taxpayers a little more with r"pect to the process and their real property tax bill, Board members were prrywi�l (1 with a Real Property Tax Primer for ]- h- ,L(;tr_rJ Officials and other handouts_ C1 Leifer said the assessment review training provided is very helpful. A question was asked about whether gas drilling ora a property' will increase or decrease the value. J Franklin said they are looking into that, but there isn't sufficient data at this point. A]1 of their decisions are based on data and wh 1: the re.iI estate market does. They have to value a properily in fee simple ownership, including the right to extract any oil, gas or minerals that are underneath the property. As sales occur that have lease s , sales that transfer just mineral right.% or transfer everything but the mineral rights, they will be able to determine whether there is any value to those mineral rights. They will also have to consider how those leases will alfec;L neighboring properties_ bight now they € re not seeing anything yet in Tompkins County. In neighboring counties, it has added positive value to bigger kra(;ts of land_ IL'S a curnplivated issue and thev may have some data in a year or so_ PUBLIC EMAMNG SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR A SALT DEPOT AT 7 HALL ROAD upv Su rrLner opened the public hc:�rzng at 7 ;40 p.nl, al) d Talw•n Clerk Avery read the notice published. in The Ithaca Journal. Kevin Hoolihmi and Lou Fratano appeared for the applicant_ They have a small shc_d already built where they store bagged products. They would like to si1ore hulk road salt to be sold in small quantities (l to 2 tore) bo plowing contractors that do smaller parking lots and residential work. 'Their business rents and sells construction equipment and that slows down this I:irn(._ of year. Having the bulk storage capability would heIT) their custume£s who plow in the winter, O hriter said his immediate conr_e_rns have been addressed by Andy Sclarab ba's Iscorrespondence about how the but ing would be constructed to protect Water qualit }r. Pa!�o 31 of i6 010R I -13 -10 A Sciarabba asked why the walls of the structure were 1.0' and not the 12' as shown in the diagram. Applicant said with a dome -style roof, the peak would be about 16'. A Sciarabba said their biggest concern is making sure that it is a covered structure. Applicant said the floor of the structure is flat and the apron tapers away. Water should not be able to get inside once it is covered. Sealant: will be applied between the wall and the asphalt. The building will be able to store 90 to 100 tons of salt. A Sciarabba said the roof will need to be designed to work with the walls and they will need an engineer to design that and submit plans. There were no other comments by the board or audience and the public hearing was closed at 7:52 p.m. The short form environmental assessment form was reviewed. RESOLUTION #24 - NEG SEAR DEC - SENECA SUPPLY /VOLVO RENTS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, A. The proposed action involves consideration of the special permit application of Seneca Supply /Volvo Rents to operate a 930 square foot bulk road salt depot at 7 Hall Road in the Town of Dryden. B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in connection with approval try the Town. C. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the New York State Environmental Conservation Law - the State Environmental Quality Review Act "(SFrQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Short Environmental Assessment Form (the "Short EAF " "I, Part i, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §61.7.7(c), and (iii) completed the Short EAF, fart II; NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The 'Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the Short EAF, Part 1, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted u4h respect to this proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii) its completion of the Short: EAF, Part 11, including the findings noted thereon (which findings are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of environmental significance ( "Negative Declaration ") in accordance with SEQR for the above referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, and 2. The Responsible Officer of the "Town Board of the '1'own of Dryden is hereby authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance, IS confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Short EAF and determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution. 2,4 Cl Stelick Page 4 of 16 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon YC�'s Su pv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Y;!5 'M 1 -«•1c� The board discussed conditions of approval, in addition Uj the standard conditions of approval. A Sciarabha will draft those for adoption later in the meeting- TOWN CLERK 2009- B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of December R and December 29, RESOLUTION #25 - APPROVE MINUTES Supv Sumner ofrered the following resolution and asked for il:s adoption: RESOLVED, that. this Town Board hercby approves the meeting minutes of December 9 and December 29, 2009. ,,d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yr;s Cl Solomon Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes HIGHWAYJDPW DEPARTMENT High av Superintendent Jack Bush 4aid he received a Notice of Order to post a 25 Mph on Far View Drive. He has been notified by WS DOT that the speed limit OTI Roul'e 366 has been reduced to 30 rnph from ].00' vest of Ea c�rt.St Horne Drive to 800' east of Freese Road and reduced to 40 mph froirk 200' east of Game Farm Road to 100' west of Ford; Hoene: Dti %re- J Bush presented the board with a list of proposed road & swaps betwern the Town and the County that he received tod'�jy- The_ County proposes to take over a portion of Hanshaw Road, a portion of West Dryden Road, a portion of Game Farm Road(irkelUding a bridge), and the Town section o f obb trcei. The '`u�t�n would take ownership of Lake Road. J Bush said it is an agreement that snakes sense. The board agrees. Atty Perkins wit.] review thfe Memorandum of Understanding and the board will art on it next month- J 8ugh has provided a proposed resolution for purc�hage and sale of equipment, and it has been reviewed by the board. Being able to order new equipment now insures that he will have it in p]acc prior to Lansing's surplus auction ire September. RESOLUTION #26 - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE AND SALE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT Ljpv Sumner ofrcred the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hcrchv authori��s the Highway Superintendent to; fare i pF 16 •rrl 1 -13 -10 Advertise for bid or purchase off the ii milo contract one 2010 new wid unused tan drrn ,e axle dump truck with snowplow equipment for the 1-lighway Department not to exceed 21.5)000- Solt one used 2005 Sterling tandem axle dump truck with snowplow equiprent vin. #2F H} CV{5AN6369 (purchagcd in 20041 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity- Ad verd se: for bid or purchase off the state contract one 2010 new and unused 4 X 4 pickup truck wii;h snowplow equipment fot• the Highway ay Department nat to exceed $30,000. Sell on(~ used 2007 4X4 pickup ilruck with snowplow equipment vin_ 1C EK14 X7E572197 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a }public entity, Advertise for bid or purchase off the state can tract one 2010 new and unused wood chipper for the Highway Department not to exceed x,00,000_ Sell one 1986 Bandit serial # 1 2420 & one 1998 Bandit serial #502 wood chippers at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity, Advertise I'or bid or purchase off the state contract one 2010 new and unused salt/ sand spreader for the Highway Department not to exceed $15,000. Sell one used salt /sand spreader at a surplus a'OCtiOT] or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity_ Advertise For hid or purr;I;,so off the state contract one 2010 new and unused Backloe Cor the Department of Public Works not to exceed $70,000. Sell cane used 2007 New Holland Model B95 Backhoe. vin # 31064302 at a surplus auction or by advertisenicnl: to bid or to a public entity. Advertise for bid or purchase riff the state contract one 2010 Lawn 'r ractr>r for the Department: of Public Works not to exceed $9,500. Sell one used 2008 John Deere lawn tractor ti�in # MOX720A021103 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or i:o a. public. entity, 211' Cl 8telick Roll Call Dote Cl 8telick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RECREATION DEPARTMENT No report, COUNTY BRIEFING Martha Robertson said she is glad that Mike Lane is back on the county legislature-_ There are_ four new and one returning legislator ,nd they are "Vorking hard to get tht;m oriented,ominittee asigraments will be announced at the next meeting of I:he legislature_ 1'qag0 6 of m 1613 1 -13 -L0 TCAT's rnew mute changc;s wkc effect on Monday, and there is a lot of information on their website. H.1N l vaceinations are free and available at the Tompkins County Health Department - Appointments may be made by calling 274 -5609. '[here will be w l k -in clinic an January 21 from 9:00 a - m. to noon at Lifelong_ M Robcri,t5on said she is happy the town % %Fill be hosting Alternatives Federal Credit Union free tax assistance a ain this year. This program offers free tax preparation u�Ni%Wrice to people of low and moderate income_ The prograins help individuals get refunds they may not other %vise, and so it brings money into the county that may otherwise go unclaamed- With respect to gas drilling, the County is working to have meetings with our State Senators_ M Robertson wiII be alitending the rally and lobbying day in AI bany on 41z�knLiary ,lS. There is a bus leaving from Ithaca. She understands that about 12,000 comments were submitted to DEC. and she thinks that Tompkins County should be proud of the caliber of Comments submitted by its municipalities r713d advisory boards. R(-,irnbur%e rnents I`rom the State for basic services are coining in. The County Health Department last week received its reirrtburscmenf. chc. A for the first quarter of 2009. Mike Lane said he is pleased to be back and inl:Cfldm� to take advantage of the opp(]rlLlrlil:} county representatives have to speak at the token rnectings as often as he can. It is Helpful to get feedback from the town_ Ho :�(;knowledged that for the second time since the County's Charter was adopted, there is a Chair from the Town of 1)ryden— Martha Robertson. The previous chair from the town was Robert Watros. Dooly ] <eefer (representing the Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Hcighw) wan elected Vice - Chair. M lane said lie attended the census committee meeting last week. Thit5 wi11 be a fairly short - term, but very important, committee_ This i% the year of the census and it means a lot to local governments. The number of people has to be accurate and everyone should be counted because the rturnber makes a difference for caleulations of redistricting at all govr:rr]rHent levels, Students, immigrants, Farm workers, mud the homeless nc(�d to be part of the count_ In 2000 they striv[ .Ld for a count of 100,000 because the number also makes a difference on eligibility for federal acid stake funding, for communities_ The count in 2000 was around 96,000 but they are hoping for the 100,000 mark this year. It is important to ( %omplete the census forms that are mailed around April L People who don't return the forms will be counted by census workers_ Anyone looking for part - tithe employment should apply. Information is available at the Dryden Town Clerks office, county office, or online_ Lane waid he met this week with the County Administrator, Joe areane_ He was very impressed and believes this a person dedicafx}d to the organization of Tompkins Counfy and is an asset._ M Ume likes J Mareane's effort to do a long range budget plan (at least three years). That coincides with what: economists are saying that in New York the two gears after a receaglon are the toughest and it is generally a three year process until the State starts to ricc over. ZONING OFFICER ZO $later and Cl Leifer have prepared some proposed ret5olutiona with respect to the weatheriz.r:�tion program_ ZO Slater had asked for sonic administrative amendments to the program regarding thy; length of tirnc a participant had to complete the }project. Cl Leifer I's��c 7 pt' 1 G '113 I -13 -14 explained t1iaC titre lira two resolutiu s are structural changes to the program establishing a time limit in which to spend the Funds. RESOLUTION #27 - ESTABLISH EXPIRATION FOR DRYDEN TOWN WEATHERIZATION FUND AWARDS APPROVED PRIOR TO JANUARY 13, 2010 Supv Su inner offered the folln }wing rc_%01UI:iOn and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the TmAm Board has created a Wc.afficrization Grant Program to assist qualified low and moderate income homeowners with financing weatherization projc;et %; and WI. EREAS, sornr; grants approved in 2009 have funds comrnidrd but the projects have not yet been undertaken; and HEREA$, the Town Board {wishes to release funds committed to inactive projccl:s; therefore RESOLVED That each grauitee whose project: wli39 approved in 2009 and who has not yet applied for payment be notified in writing that grant approval will expire six months froin the date of the projetc t approval, but in no case earlier than January 31, 2010_ FURTHER RESOINED, that grantees may contact the Town in writing within I:rn (10) days of such notification to request a 90 clay extension of the funding deadline and provide an explanation for the reason for the project delay. Program administer will notify grantee in writing of the nmv expiration da1:e i F the extensions is granted_ 2,111 Cl Stelick Roll Gall Vote Cl Stelick `Ces Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION 028 - ESTABLISHINCI E PIRA4TION FOR DRYDEN TOWN WEA'1`HERIZATION FUND AWARDS C:I S1:c._lick offered the foIIowiiig resolution and asked for il:s adoption: HFEREAS, the Town Board has created a Weatheri tion Grant Program to assist qualified low and modcrate income homeowners with 5rknnOng eatherization projects; and WHEREAS, funds commiti:W to projects which have approved but not yet been undertaken) reduce availability of funds far new projects; and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to release funds committed to inactive prolertcL; therefore 1RESOLVED, t1iat wea t'hcriza.tion projoc:t grant approvaIc; shall expir(.: six (6) months From the date of the notification of approval_ 1' URTHFR RESOLVE1), that grantees may request one 90 t3 y extension of the expiration date. Such request must be reoCived by the Town 30 days prior to the expiration dai:e and must Provide ara explanation of the reason for the project delay. If the extension is granted, the program administer will notify grantee in writing of the new expiration date within ten (10) days of receipt of the requeal�_ If the extension is not granted, the program administrator W1II notify 19 grantee within ten (10) days of rcxrtril t of the request that: the grant approval will lapse on the original expirationi date_ I}ltgc 9 of 16 •rr, 1 _191_In Grantees not applying for payment or requesting extension by the expiration date will be notified thall f.11 L fun�lin approval has expired and will not be eligible to reapply- until one (1) year after the original approval date, Granters who have received an extension and have not applied for payment by thy- new expiration date will be notified that the funding approval has expired and will not be eligible to reapply until one (1) year after the original approval date_ This resolution shall take effect immediately. 2rul Supv Sumner Roll Call Dote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Surnncpr Yes Cl heifer Yes This next resolution is ft) mw authorize the program. 'The original $30,000 allocated from CDBG funds has nearly been spent_ More furids are available and this resooWtion will allocate another $30,000 toward the program. The intent is to use this money to partner with Tompkins Comm ianity Action so that more Cxl '.[Lnsive projects can be undertaken, RESOLUTION 029 � RErAUTHO1 IZATION OF WEATHERL ATION GRANT PROGRAM upv S urrknvr offered the following resolution and asked for it,; adoption: WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden has been receiving payments from CDBG home rehabilitation and other loans; and U1+HEREAS, the Town of Dryden 1-1 as successfully operated a weath criza tio n grant program assisting low and fixed income horri(,owners weatherize l.heir homes, improve energy efficiency, and improve the quality o(life of Dryden residents; and WHEREAS, ;uch use of CI)SO funds is permissible; now THEREFORE, this Town Board hereby re- authorizes this program under the following terms and conditions: 1. This project will continue to be known as the Wea t he, rization Grant Program. _ The Town of Dryden will provide up to $17500 per project to applicants for weat:herization and energy efficiency home improvements that meat the criteria developed by the Town Loans and Grants Committee. 3. That th(t Town of Dryd (.;n will use the W eatherization Grant Program to partner with Tompkins Community Action O'CA), allowing applicants to apply up to $11500 in Town funds to be used in conjunction with TCA fonds, typically $4,000 to $3,000, to work together for weatherization projects. 4. Thfe program will serve homeowners in the Town of Dryden, 5_ Assistance will be provided to approxirna tely twenty (2 0) households and applications will be m. viewed and approved on a first come fiat served basis until all funds are experkded_ C+_ The Town of Dryden Zoning Department will screen applicants for eligibility and successful applicani's will be notified by mail. 7. Punds to advertise the program will be spent pursuant to Resolution # 170 of 2008. 2°r' Cl Solomon 11agp 9 k) I- Its T11 1 -13 -10 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner thanked ZO Slater for his work on the weatherization project and acknowledged the amount of time he spent with applicants, on the phone and in their homes, and the work with other agencies to get the maximum benefit for applicants. GO Slater said the relationships they have formed with Tompkins Community Action, the Office for the Aging, and Better Housing of Tompkins County have been valuable. With respect: to gas drilling, ZO Slater said that vertical drilling can be done anywhere in New York State at this time. There is an application for a site known as the Cook 1 Site on Irish Settlement Road. The Town has received a copy of the prepared negative SEQR declaration prepared by DEC for that site. ZO Slater has reviewed that and said he believes it contains some omissions and false information that should have been weeded out when it was reviewed by the reviewer. He is currently working on a letter to the DEC, and believes that if the Town had been considered an interested agency and been given an opportunity to review and comment on the SEQR document, that we could have taken care of those omissions. They then would have been addressed in the declaration. He will complete his letter and send it out in the next day or so. Cl Leifer said the 'Town needs to act as a watch dog in these situations. Supv Sumner said the DEC could have had this information earlier if they had asked us. ZO Slater said his office is trying to do everything they can, following the available avenues and approaches. They are trying not to be adversarial, but constructive. Supv Sumner said this is a good opportunity to find out how the process works. ZO Slater is bringing this to the attention of the DEC for two reasons. They are important considerations in the environmental impact statement and to point out the flaws with not including us in the process earlier. The board reviewed the conditions for the Seneca Supply /Volvo Rents special permit application and passed the following resolution: RESOLUTION #30 - APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT - SENECA SUPPLY /VOLVO RENTS - 7 HALL ROAD Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Special Permit application of Seneca Supply /Volvo Rents for a 930 square foot bulk salt depot at 7 Hall Road, subject to the following conditions: 1. Town of Dryden Standard Conditions of Approval (1-14- 2008); 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, applicant will for submit for approvals: a. Details for waterproofing the concrete /asphalt interface; b. flans for enclosing the storage building with a permanent roof structure (open only on the south side). Plans for the roof and any required wall reinforcement to be prepared by a New York State Licensed Professional Engineer. c. Grading plan prepared by a NYS Professional Engineer or Licensed Surveyor showing improvements (if necessary) to slope the floor of the building and any Page 10 of 16 T13 1 -1340 aprons north and the remaining areas outside the building and apron south and /or west. 3. Once constructed, applicant shall ensure all salt that gets dumped or deposited outside the building is swept, scraped or otherwise moved within the confines of the salt: storage building. 2nd Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER D Kwasnowski announced that the Conservation Board has voted and recommended that Nancy Munk(-,%nbeck be reappointed as Chair. RESOLUTION #31 - APPOINT CONSERVATION BOARD CHAIR - MUNKENBECK Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Nancy Munkenbeck to serve as Chair of the Conservation Board for 2010. 21A Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes CI Leifer Yes Amphibian rescue project - D since last: year gct:ting together a lot of said she has to check into the road elo and practical issue raised. She asked Board and get a recommendation from the request in February. Kwasnowski said J Confer has made a lot of progress the things that the Town was looking for. Supv Sumner sing issue further. She understands the legal issues D Kwasnowski to communicate with the Conservation them. If that is received in time, the board may act on Red Mill Road Bridge - John Larnpman is interested in formulating a plan for putting it back on the transportation improvement project list. 1) Kwasnowski said he doesn't: believe the chances of state or federal funding is good, but: credits J Lampmen and the County Highway Manager for staying on top of the project. He will look into other options. There will be a meeting scheduled in the near future to discuss this. There is a zoning local law meeting on January 26 at 7:00 at the Town Hall. There will be a presentation and opportunity for questions. It is early in the process and changes can be made. The process for converting unique natural areas to critical environmental areas is moving along. D Kwasnowski will be helping the; Town of Caroline with some basic mapping. fare I I of 16 '1413 143.10 Keith Lane Well - was done in December and was very successful. They did find • copious amounts of water and it promises to be a suitable well for a village water supply or backup water supply. D Kwasnowski will be attending the Village DPW meeting tomorrow to report on this. This will also likely be discussed at the joint Town and Village board meeting on January 27. D Kwasnowski thanked J Kush for his help in preparing the site. D Kwasnowski noted if the Town had its LiDAR data, they could have modeled the Volvo Rents site. This will be helpful to businesses in town because the information could have been emailed to TG Miller where an engineer could check it at: their desktop. ENGINEER A Sciarabba reported that TG Miller is continuing with the County water /sewer study. They are finishing the data - gathering phase and will be sending the interview sheets back to the municipalities to make sure they have captured everything correctly and will be moving on to the next phase. irNW►e)ziab I Atty Perkins reported that an updated index of Town of Dryden Local Laws (through 2009) had been delivered to the Town Supervisor for distribution to board members. Supv Sumner said the appointment of Mahlon Perkins as Town Attorney needed to be revised because the rate was incorrectly listed. It should have been $200.00 per hour. RESOLUTION #32 - ATTORNEY'S HOURLY RATE • Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby revises the appointment of Mahlon R. Perkins as Town Attorney to reflect art hourly rate of $200.00 per hour. 21,11 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Supv Sumner and Atty Perkins reported they are making progress with the Attorney General's Office on the abandonment of the McArthur Fund. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Recreation Master Plan comments - Cl Stelick would like more time to discuss the plan with the Recreation Director, NEW BUSINESS Computing Center Contract - This is an annual contract covering the calendar year. A retainer of $4,000 will be paid and billed against as service is rendered. RESOLUTION #33 - AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH COMPUTING CENTER 0 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. rage 12 of 16 TD 1 -13 -10 RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the contract for computer support • with the Computer Center as outlined in the contract dated January 1, 2010, and the supervisor is authorized to execute the contract. 2nd Cl Leifer 1, -7 budget. Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sunnier Yes Cl Leifer Yes Exchange Server- Was approved last month. Funds were approved in the 2010 LiDAR data storage - Will be done next month. Road cut legislation - Cl Leifer reported that there is a TCCOG group working on this with Guy Krogh to come up with templates that can be tailored to be specific for each town. The estimated maximum cost to do this is $2,000.00. 1-le asked the board to authorize a maximum contribution of $500.00 toward this effort. It could be less as more towns and villages sign on. Cl Leifer is pleased with the first draft and said this will present a unified approach for municipalities in Tompkins County. Supv Sumner said she will also ask Atty Perkins to review it. RESOLUTION #34 - AUTHORIZE LEGAL EXPENSE FEES Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes a contribution not to exceed $500.00 toward development of road cut legislation. 211' Cl Solomon Roll Call COMMITTEE REPORTS Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Emergency Services - Invitations have been received to the fire department banquets. Personnel Committee - Cl Stelick reported the committee has been considering benefits for part -time employees and the floating holiday. They expect to have a recommendation next: month. Supv Sumner is working on employment: letters for employees. Finance Committee - Year -end budget modifications have been submitted for approval. Supv Sumner said more sales tax revenue was received than was budgeted for and some of that will be allocated to the DR fund. Supv Sumner has asked the bookkeeper to put together an RFP for an independent audit. The board supports this. She hopes to have an RFP for the Finance Committee to consider next month. RESOLUTION #35 - APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this `I'owm Board hereby approves the following budget: modifications: Page 13 of 16 FROM ACCOUNT A1490A A 1620A DA5142.1 DA5142.1 TITLE/DESCRIPTION DPW CONTRACTUAL BUILDING CONTRACTUAL Snow Removal Personal Sery Snow Removal Personal Sery TO ACCOUNT A1490.1 A1620.2 DA5140.1 DA5140,110 0IT4 1 -13 -10 TITLE/DESCRIPTION DPW PERSONAL SERVICES BUILDING EQUIPMENT Purchase of new Microsoft Software for all departments MISC PERSONAL SERV MISC PERSONAL SERV OT AMOUNT $1,415.52 $7,350.22 $8,484.37 $25.95 Snow Removal Personal DA5142.1 Sery DA5140.111 MISC PERSONAL SERV Benefits $41254.91 VARNA SEWER SS2- 8130.4 TREATMENT /DISPOSAL SS2- 8120.4 SANITARY SEWERS $117.40 PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER ADMINISTRATIVE SS6- 8110.1 PERSONAL SERVICE SS6- 8110.4 CONTRACTUAL $409.48 ROYAL RD SEWER ADMINISTRATIVE SS7- 8130.4 TREATMENT /DISPOSAL SS7- 8110.4 CONTRACTUAL $16058.42 Charges from Mahlon and Bond, Schoeneck & King caused this line to go over budget VARNA WATER ADMINISTRATIVE SW1- 8320.4 SOURCE OF SUPPLY SW1- 8310.4 CONTRACTUAL $719.39 SNYDER HILL WATER SW2- TRANSMISSION /DIST 8340.410 DPW SW2- 8340.4 TRANSMISSION /DISTRIBUTION $1,390.58 ADMINISTRATION SW2- 8310.4 CONTR SW2- 8310.1 PERSONAL SERVICES $245.37 ADMINISTRATION SW2- 8310.4 CONTR SW2- 9030.8 SOCIAL SECURITY /PERS SERV $14.21 ADMINISTRATION SW2- 8310.4 CONTR SW2- 9089.8 MEDICARE /PERSONAL SERV $2.55 MONKEY RUN WATER SW3- 8310.4 ADMINISTRATION SW3- 8310.1 PERSONAL SERVICES $248.53 Nigc 14 11 r 16 CONTR ADMINISTRATION SW3 - 8310.4 CONTR ADMINISTRATION SW3 - 8310,4 CONTR TURKEY HILL WATER SW5 - 8320.4 SOURCE OF SUPPLY SW5- 8320.4 SOURCE OF SUPPLY ROYAL ROAD WATER SW6 - 8340.4 TRANSMISSION /DIST I'll 1 -13.10 SW3- 9030.8 SOCIAL SECURITY /PERS SERV SW3- 9089.8 MEDICARE/PERSONAL SERV SW5- 8310.4 ADMINISTRATION CONTR SW5 - 8340.4 TRANSMISSION /DISTRIBUTION SW6- 8310.1 PERSONAL SERVICES HWY /DPW WORKERS SW6 - 8340.4 TRANSMISSION /DIST SW6- 9030.8 SOCIAL SECURITY HWY /DPW WORKERS SW6- 8340.4 TRANSMISSION /DIST SW6 - 8310.4 ADMINISTRATION Charges from Mahlon and Bond, Schoeneck & King caused this line to go over budget FUR'T'HER RESOLVED, that this Town Board approves the following appropriations: $13,41 $0.37 $360.62 $692.92 $75.08 $0.65 $659.59 A2770 Dryden Old Home Days A7330.4 Recreation Contractual $1,400 Money received from the County for Dryden Old Home Days To cover expenses for Old Home Days A2770 QUILTERS GRANT A7550.4 CELEBRATIONS $500 Tompkins Cty Quilters Guild Pass thru grant specifically for this event 2tia Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote: Cl Stelick Yes C1 Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #36 — APPROVE ABSTRACT #13 AND ABSTRACT #1 Page V; nr 10 -m I -13 -10 • Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #13, as audited, vouchers 41255 through # 1.319, totaling $85, 644.94, and Abstract # 1, as audited, vouchers # 1 through #45, totaling $244,067.58 (except that #31 will only be paid when Supv Sumner has received and approved additional supporting information). 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl St.elick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Leifer Yes Loans & Grants Committee - No report. Technology Committee - No report. Recreation /Youth/Community Centers Committee - No report- Supv Sumner asked bow-d members to review her draft finance report. On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into executive session at 9:45 p.m. to discuss the employment history of a particular individual. No action was taken and the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 'Bambi L. Avery Town Clerk I',ige 16 of 16 Dryden Town Board Meeting Dryden Town Hall 93 Cast Main Street Wednesday, January 13, 2010 � 7:00 PM 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. fledge of Allegiance 3. Roll Call 4. Public Hearing: 7:30 Volvo Rents — Special Permit 5. Presentation: Jay Franklin, Assessment 6. Citizens Privilege 7. Town Clerk a. Approve Meeting Minutes for December 9 and 29, 2009 8. Highway Superintendent/Dept Of Public Works 9. Recreation Department 10. County Briefing 11. Zoning Officer a. Dryden Weatherization Grant Administration Amendment b. Enviroiunental Impact of gas drilling on Irish Settlement Road 12. Environmental Planner a. Amphibian migration 13. Engineering 14. Attorney 15. Unfinished Business a. Comments on Recreation Masterplan 16. New Business a. Computing Center Contract b. Exchange server c. LIDAR data storage d. Road cut legislation 17. Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) a. Emergency Committee b. Personnel Committee c. Finance Committee: 1. Abstract and Budget Modifications 2. Sales Tax Revenue 3. Independent Audit d. Loans and Grants Committee e. Technology Committee f. Recreation/Youth/Community Centers Committee 18. Future Agenda Items 19. Executive Session (if necessary) The Next Town Board Meeting will be Wednesday, February 101h at 7:00 13 Avery .I Bush M Bianconi County Rep H Slater J Leifer D Kwasnowski A Sciarabba M Perkins S Stelick J Leifer Stelick /Sumner Stelick/Leifer Makar/ Leifer Makar /Leifer Makar/Leifer Stelick/Leifer Tcwn of Dryden Town Board Meeting January 13, 2010 Name - fPlease 1'r ni t b {r p N- cd r" A rc C © S c''. V( Rou� Address or Board %L CA G r+ . Mn 5 jtl P 1 -13 -10 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you wish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address r. i3 /AI Y17 3 V1t s 02/17/2010 13:27:41 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: r cant to Section 125 of the Town Lvw, I hereby render the followin-g deta:-Lled statement 1.1 moneys received and disbursed by ,ale during the mont> of. January, 2010: DATED: I ehniano 17.2010 SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 12/31/2009 Increases Decreases 01/31/2010 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE CASH - CHECFING 22,785.42 99, 168,133.18 17 :G01774.90 948.17 1,125,792.90 10,:1,43.70 61062.36 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 3,,].1,978.5? 8171 1.47.66 5 ?1,340.1:1, 1145.63 160,19c.39 99,994.0; 79''. 4,123,122.29 :1.1886,094.45 6,062.3.6 PETTY CASH HIGHWAY IdQUIPMENT CP PITAL FiF,SE 600.00 000.00 0.00 2 X 9.13 0.00 0 • G0C.00 500, PETTY CASH - POSTAGE 3,736.99 • TOTAL 0.0C C.co 3,736.99 DPW Equipinen= Recreation Capital Resr -rve Capital Reserve- 3x1, 250,,000.00 000.00 16.94 124.57 776,242.93 0.30 0.00 199,942.24 340 250,124.57 01!5.94 2,366,343.58 TOTAL 4,023,100.98 759,614.8C 350,971,29 4,4211744.49 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CHEC1(1JG 308,645.24 0.00 99, 948. 17 99, 948.17 1,125,792.90 61062.36 0.00 306, CASP - SAVINGS 1,310,042.89 8171 1.47.66 67 CS, 1145.63 C0 99,994.0; 79''. 90 :1.1886,094.45 6,062.3.6 HIGHWAY IdQUIPMENT CP PITAL FiF,SE 500, 000.00 2 X 9.13 0 • 00 500, 24 9.13 • TOTAL 1,810,042. 89 776,242.93 199,942.24 2,366,343.58 B GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 34,239.32 34,239.32 0.00 CASH - SAVIK;5 559, 972. 73 3, 33.4. 51 34r239,32 529, 067 , 92 PETTY CASH - - r03TAGLO 21 541. 35 0.00 0.00 2,541,35 TOTAL 562,514.0: 37,573.83 66,478.44 531,6C9.27 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 19,452.05 19,452.05 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 11290,288.90 633.21 19,452.55 r,271,470.12 TOTAL l t 290, 286.96 20, 055.26 38, 904.10 1., 271, 1 ?0.12 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 308,645.24 8:1.7,147.66 3,583.02 0,0C 1,125,792.90 61062.36 TOTAL 306, 645.24 2,479.34 8171 1.47.66 0. C0 :1., 125, 79''. 90 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 2,479.34 3,583.02 0.D0 61062.36 IOTA 2,479.34 3,553.02 0.00 6,062.3.6 0- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - SzVINGS 2,220.79 2,582.39 0 -(10 4,803.18 TOTAL 2,220.79 2,582.39 0.00 4 , 803 . 1.8 Pa ea e 1 ,NIONTHLY RFPORT OF SUI'E RVISOR Balance Balance 12/31/2009 Increases Decreases 01/31/2010 L3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CAST{ - SAVINGS 10509,56 2, 391 .94 4,.00 3, 9C 1.. 60 TOTAL 11509.66 21391.94 0.00 3,901.£0 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - SAVL:I�S 1.78, 935. 36 334,E55-"12 0.00 513, 491.1.0 T ^_ .L i- 3,535,38 334,55.72 0.00 5131491.10 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 44,516.62 6,912.61 C.CO 53,431.23 TOTAL 49, 518, 62 81 912.6.1, 0.00 53,431.23 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 428.94 928.94 C.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1£3,3"12.13 27,3€9.53 428.94 190,292.72 TOTAL 163,372._3 2 ;,77 8.4 857.86 1.90,292."12 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0 -C'0 37.018 37.78 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 185, 746.17 34, 12 6. 52 3'?, - ?8 219, 825.21 POSTAGk: 21.24 0,0C 0.00 21.24 TOTAI, 185, 767.71 39, 154 .30 75,56 219, 846, 45 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 6,645.61 8,69x.`1 0.00 „ASH - SAVINGS 142,560.56 55,443.01 6,645.62_ 189,35 .96 TOTAL 192,560.56 64,036.62 17,291.22 189,35'".96 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 135,£09.EO 69,296.09 0.00 2C4 o 905.89 TOTAL 135,,609.80' 69t296,09 0. 00 204,,-305,89 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 94,290.43 4,879. T.5 0,00 96,169.58 TOTAL 94,290.43 1, 8^9.25 0, OJO 96, 169.68 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - SAVINGS 15,£25.42 14,923.93 0.00 30,549.35 ':OTA , 15.625.42 14,923.93 O. i3O 30,549.35 SW1- VARNA WATER CzSH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 328,i10.03 0.00 13,632,56 27,925.25 1-�, 13,632.56 632.56 342,902.72 0.00 �0`I'A1, 328,:10.03 41,557.61 2,,265._2 342,402.72 PEI uc 2 LNIONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 12/31/2009 Increases Decreases 01/31/2010 SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECK:FNIG 0.00 1o537.03 10 53-� .03 0,00 CASu - SAVINGS 56,722.30 10,242.15 1,53 "1.03 65,427.42 TO'I_L 56,722.30 11,779.18 3,074.06 65,427.42 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKI•1G 0.00 1.2,819.00 12,619.00 0.00 CASH - SAVI,N•;;S 157t468,132 50, 244.33 12, 81.9. 00 194, 893.35 TOTAL 157,46,,.,.2 63,063.33 25,638.00 194,6 °3.35 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1r7,69.46 :I„ 765.46 0.00 CAS. - SAVINCoS 32,208.28 2,116.2.1 ;L,769.46 32,555.03 1'0'iW.i. 32,208.2,.9 3,85.67 ?,536.'I2 32,555.03 SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - CHEC {,T,R'G 0.00 $, 139 .75 5, 434. "15 0.00 CAS: - SAVIKGS 166,696.29 44,156.67 5,434. "'15 205,422.21 TOTAL 166, 699.2'9 49, 593.42 10, 869.50 205, 422.21 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1,26.39 12.6.'9 w.00 CASH - SAVINGS 16,084.22 17,;1,76.30 126.39 33,134.13 IOTA1 16,084.22 17,302.69 252. °E 33,134.13 PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE C'A*iECx1:NC - SPECIAL 12ESERVES 2, 922. 90 0.00 0.00 2t922,90 TOTAL 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING 173,75'1.46 34„591.75 34,064.90 174,289.31 TcTF.L 173,757.46 34,591.75 3 =,064. +0 1 74,2E4.31 TA AGENCY FUND CASH - TRUST f .GZNCY 7,367.13 182,624.28 132,060.60 950. 61 `1'OT "eL 7,'87.13 182,6L9.2E 132,060.:0 57,950.81 CM MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR CASH - SAVINGS 29.40 0.00 0.00 29.40 TOTAL 29.40 0.00 0. 00 29.40 CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SA'JINGS 24101'98.65 10.00 0.00 24,796.65 TOTAL 24,796.65 0.00 0.00 24 ,798.65 ?gage s • , , Aft MONTHLY REPORT OF SUVERVISOR Balance Balance 12/31/2009 Increases Decreases 01/31/2010 CAPITAL FUND - BARN CASH - SAVINGS 301, 0 000.00 14.95 100 30,0:4.95 TOTAL HF CAPITAL FUND - FPIG CASH - SAVINd s TOT ^: L. TOTAL ALL FUNDS 30, 000. 00 0.00 30,0:1.4.95 35,000.00 17.44 0.00 35,017.44 35roo0.00 17.44 0.00 35,0'_ ?.44 9, 992, 6 6B . 67A is 3, 3191 241. ? 3 92.?,, 284.61 1021446,,625-20 )rage 4