HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-Table of contents2009 RESOLUTION INDEX TOWN BOARD MTG 1 -5 -09 RES #I - Rules of Procedure RTES #2 - Official Advertising RES #3 - Supervisor Appointments and Authorizations RES 44 - Appoint Deputy Supervisor RES #5 - Jason Leifer Appointments RE'S #6 -Joseph Solomon Appointments RTES 07 - Barnbi Hollenbeck Appointments RTES 68 - Dawn Bogdan Appointments RES #9 - Henry Slater Appointments RES # 10 - Mandatory Justice Schooling RES #I 1 - Planning Board Appointments RES # 12 - Appoint Conservation Bd Chair RES 013 - Appoint ZHA Chair RES #114 - Appoint: 1- fistorian Rl'S it 15 -Appoint 'I'oHm Engineer RES # 16 -Appoint Recreation Partnership Representative RES # 17 - Mileage RI_.S # 1S - Designate Official Depositories RES # 19 - Authorize Signatures on Accounts RES 020 - Advance Pavment: of Utilities RES #21 - Petty Cash RES #22 - Annual Salaries for Town Officers RES #23 - Annual Salaries RES 424 - Appoint Dog Control Officers RIES 025 - Contracts RES 026 - Investment Policics/Guidel.i.nes for RES 048 Town of Dryden RES 1127 - Town Board Meeting SnccduIt: RES #28 - Request Extension to File Annual Rcport: TOWN BOARD MTG 1 -14-09 RES #29 - Approve Minutes RES #30 - Contracts for Life Safety Inspections RTES #31 - Approve Agreement for Use of'fown- Owned Highway Equipment RES 032 - Authhorzu; Purchase and Sale of Highway Equipment RES 033 - F..ncurnbcr Funds RES 934 - Introduce Amendments to band Sub- division Rules a.nd Regulations RES #35 - Introduce Amendments to Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance RES #36 - increase Income Limits for Senior Propemr Tax Exemption RES #37 - introduce. Local law - Increasing Income Limits for Property Tax Exemption for Persons with Disabilities RES 438 - Accept. Bid from Tri-County Security Systems, Inc, RES #39 - Authorize Contract with Better Flotisi.ng of Tomkins County RES #40 - Appt Representatives to Tomptcuis County Council of Gcrvcrnmcrits RES #41 - Appoint Fire Officer RES 042 - Appoint Budget Officers RI S y#43 - Appoint l7' Administrator RES 044 - Appoint Bingo Inspector RES #45 - Approve Budget Modifications RES #47 - Approve Abstract # 1 RES 048 - Approve Purchase Prit,c of Developmental Rights for Lew -Lin Farins, LLC RES #49 - Approve Loral Match Purchase Price of Developmental Rights for Lew -Lin Farm, LLC TOWN BOARD MTG 2 -11 -09 RTES #SO - Neg SEQR Dec - Adoption of Town of Drvden Land Subdivision Rules and Regulations Amendments and 'Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance Amendments RES #51 - Adopt Residential Development Design Guidelines RP,S #S2 - Adopt Commercial 1.1evelopment. Design Guidelines RES #53 - Adopt Land Subdivision Rules and Regulations Atncndnients RE5 #54 - Adopt Zoning Ordinance Amendments RI ?:5 #55 - Increase Income Limits for Seniors for Partial Real Property Tax Exemption RES #56 - Adopt Local Law # I of 2009 - Increasing 'rnx Exemption for Persons with Disabilities RES #57 - Approve Minutes RES #58 - Request No Passing 7,,one in Varna RES 059 - Approve Phase III Workscope for Zoning Ordinance Update RES 060 - Authorize: Purchase and Sale Agreement - Lew -Lief Farm Farmland Protection Implementation Grant: RES #61 - Authorize Site Plan for Lew -Lin FPIG RCS 062 - Appt Youth Comm. Member - Waterrnari RES 1163 - Approve Abstract, #2 TOWN BOARD MTO 3 -11 -09 RES #64 -Adopt Official Town Map RES 06..5 - Adopt Local Law 2-2009 - Amending Telecommunications Tower Siting Law RES 066 - Arnrnd Resolution #32 (009) and Auth Salt, of Two Trucks RES #67 - Accept Low Hid for Live Bottom Tri -Axle Trailer RES 668 - Approve §284 Agreement RF.:S #69 - Request. Lower Speed Limit. in Varna RES #70 - introduce Proposed Local Law - Attendance & Education Requirements for ZHA RES #71 - Introduce Proposed Local Law - Attendance & Education Requirements for Planning Bd RF,.S 472 - Request Termination of McArthur Fund RES 073 - Approve Amendment 45 to Engineering Services Agmt. w /Stearns & Whelcr for Misc Improvements to IAAWTP RES #74 - Approve Program Grant for Varna Community Association RES #175 - Approve Abstract #3 RES 076 - Approve Budget Modifications SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG 3 -26 -09 Res #77 - Adopt. Order Calling Pubhe Hearing TOWN BOARD MTG 4 -11 -09 RES 078 - Adopt Local Law #3 -2009 (Education H; Attendance Requirements - ?_HAJ RES 479 - Adapt Loral Law #4 -2009 (Education & Attendance Requirements - Planning Board) RF;S 0RO - Approve Minutes RES #81 - Approve Minutes RES #82 - Adopt; Order Establishing Weight Limit on Palmear Road RES 1183 - Establish GIS Technician Position RES #84 - Appoint GiS Technician - J Bogdahl RES #85 - Appoint: Director of Recreation - Bianconi RES #86 - Appoint. Recreation Coordinator - Picrce RES #87 - Approve Community Center Uranus RES 1188 - Approvc Abstract 04 TOWN BOARD MTG 6 -13 -2009 RES #89 - Close Verizore Wireless Public Hearing RES #90 - Approvr. Minutes RTES #91 - Appt: V Wilkins - Rcc Commission 111:5 092 - Appoint F Brann - ZBA RES 493 - Appt M Jacquet - Project Asst. RES #94 - Support hairy Day RES #95 - Support Old Home ]Days RES #96 - EMS Week RES 497 - Bel.tcr Housing Authorir.:ations RES (498 - Approve Abstract #5 RES 499 - Auth Memorandum of Understanding Clevi Corruuunities of Central New York TOWN BOARD MTG 6 -10 -09 RES # 100 - Repeal Pee Schedule for Duplicate Tax RES 41 Receipts RES #101 - Authorize hands For Fireworks for - Award Survey Bid RES Old Homc Days RES # 102 - Schedule Public Flearling on Fee for Operating Pcrmtty RCS e L03 - Auth Contract - Renovation of Tuttle Barn RES # 104 - Hire Summer Field Intern R18 # 105 - increase Salary for Rcc Coordinator RES # 106 - Adopt Personnel Appraisal Procedure RES 4107 - Approvc Budget M <xlilications RES 4108 - Approve Abstract. #6 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG 6 -16 -09 No resolutions TOWN BOARD MEETING 6 -2409 RES # 109 - Approvc Voucher for Ptiyment RES 41 10 - Neg SEQR Dec - Verizon Tower on HRnshaw Road RES #111 - Approve Application of Vetizon Wireless For a Telecommunication Tower at. 1536 Hanshaw Road RES # 112 - Amending Frc Structure fa• Operating Permits as Eslxblished by Res 465 -2007 TOWN BOARD MTG 7 -8 -09 RES 4113 - Close AT&T Mobilitv Public I•Irori.ng RES #.114 - Close Autoworks Public Hearing RES # 1 15 - Approve hl nutrs RF:,S # 116 - Award Survey Bid RES # 1 17 - AH^ard Wclf Drilling Bid RES # 118 - Auth Supv Sign Agmt for Federal Award for Wide -Awake Dairy RES #'l 19 - Authorization to Entcr into Agmt %vith Greater Tompkins County Health hnsur;uhcc Consortium for NYS Shared Municipal Scrvicrs Program RES 34120 - Approvr, Credit Card Application RES # 121 - Appt Historian - Weldon RES # 122 - Accept. Internal Audit Report. RES # 123 - Approve Abstract: #7 RES #t 124 - Budget MOd.ihCationS TOWN BOARD MTG 7 -15 -2009 RES # 125 - Comment on it:ei:ns not Addressed in NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation Final Scope for Drag SGEIS on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program for T1he Marcelltas Shale RES # 1.26 - Neg SEAR Dec - Autoworks Special Use Permit Amendment - 1278 Dryden Rd RTES .4127 - Atncnd Condition 46 of Autoworks Special Use Permit RES # 128 - Approvc Vouchers for Pa)nncnt. RES #1129 - Credit. Card Borrowers Resolution RES # 130 - Introduce local Law for Partial Property Tax Exemption for Capital Improvements To Residential Buildings RES # 131 - Order Public Hearing on Bolton Point Bonds TOWN BOARD MTG 842 -2009 RfrS # 132 - Adopt Local Law #5 of 2009 - Partial Property Tax Exemption for Capital Improve- ments to Residcthtial Buildings RES # 133 - Close Public Hearing - Bolton Road RES # 134 - Adopt Public Interest Order RiS # 135 - Res Authorizing the Issuance of $750,000 Joint Bonds of the Towns of IDrvden, Ithaca And Lansing, and Villages of Lansing and Cayuga Hcighn:s to pay the Cost of the Town's Share of a Stipulation and Settlement Agtnt. RES # 136 - Approve Minutes RES 4137 - Reel. Reduced Speed limit on Farview Dr. RES B 138 - Honoring Barbara Caldwell RES # 139 - Appoint Planning Board Chair RES 4140 - Establish Fees for Maps RES # 141 - Neg SEQR Dec - ATL�T Wireless 'Power - FF'arvicnv Drive RES # 142 - Approve AT&T Special Usc Permit - Tcle- cotrtmunic,-ations Tower - FRrview Drive, RES # 143 - Authorize Supervisor to Write, a Letter to Dominion Transmission RES # 144 - Credit Crud &,)rrotivrr's Resolution RES # 145 - Adopt Credit Card Policy RES # 146 - Approve Code Enforcement Agmt— Vi.11agc of Dryden RES # 1.47 - Adopt Mileage Rcimbursetrient Form RES 4148 - Appt Director to Board of Directors of Greater Tompkins County Hcalth Insurance, Consortium NO RES # 149 RES # 1.50 - LA A WTP Offer RES # 151 - Approve Performance. Appraisal Review Policy RES N 152 - Approve Abstract #8 RES # 153 - Approve Budget Modifications TOWN BOARD MTG 9 -9 -2009 RES # 154 - Approvr, Minutes RES # 155 - Authorize Purchase of Dog Control Equip. RES # 156 - Appt. Rcc Conunission Member - Knight RES # 157 - Appt Rec Partnccrship Member - Makar RES # 158 - Establish the `Town of Dryden Recreation Special District ti: Assort Rolls Capital Reserve Fund' RES # 159 - Extend Gate for Finger Lakes Land Trust Budget RES To Acquire Campbell Property RES #1 &0 - Proposed Local Law SEQR Detr_rmiruition RES # 161 - Adopt Loral Law #6 -2009 - Extending 184 - Charge. to Conservation Board Date for Removal of Temporary Cell Tower # 185 - From Tompkins - Cortland Comm. College RES # 162 - (Endorse Concept for IAWwTP RES # 163 - Approve Forms for Use by AFCU RES # 164 - Establish Town of Dryden Highway Scluip. # 187 - Reserve Fund RES # 165 - Appt Alternate Director to Hoard of Establish 'Town Water Rate for 2010 RES Directors of Greater Tompkins County Health 189 - Approve IAWWTF 2010 Sewer Rate. Insurance Consortium RES # 166 - Approve Budget Modifications and RES 0191 Appropriations RES 11167 - Approve Abstract 89 RES # 168 - Purchase Office 2007 RES RES RES RES RES RES R NHS RTES RES TOWN BOARD MTG 10 -14-2009 # 169 - Approve Minutes # 170 - Auth Town Supv to Sign Contract w/ NYS Ag & Mkts - Wideaw•ake Dairy LP1G # 171 - Appoint History Comtnit.tee Members # 172 - Establish DPW Equiprncnt Capital Reserve Fund # 173 - Authoriu; Agreements for Tourism Grants #174 - Auth Agmt - TC Drug & Alcohol "Testing Consortium # 175 - Auth Purchase of Speakers for Meeting Ra,tm i# 176 - Approve Abstract. # 10 TOWN BOARD MTG - 10 -15 -2009 4177 - Appoint. Planning Bd Member - W. Martin TOWN BOARD MTG - 11 -409 RES #178 - Adopt Special District ti: Assort Rolls RES # 179 - Adopt 2010 General Budget RES #180 - Aclopt Special Districts Budget TOWN BOARD MTG - 11 -12 -09 RES if 181 - Approve Minutes RF.S # 182 - Add r,)etinquent Water /Sewer Charges To 2010 Tax Roll RES #183 - Designate Seasonal Limited Use Ilighways RES # 184 - Charge. to Conservation Board RES # 185 - Auth Conu•act w /TCSWCD for Li Dar Data RES N 186 - Adopt Retirement & Social Security Law §4 1q) provisions for Unused Sick Ixave, RES # 187 - Approve SCLIWC 2010 Water Rate RES # 188 - Establish 'Town Water Rate for 2010 RES # 189 - Approve IAWWTF 2010 Sewer Rate. RES # 190 - Estxbl.islt Town Sewer Rate for '2010 RES 0191 - Auth Agreement & Permit Pr(m;ess for Keith Lane Well RF;S # 192 - Appt S Marcus to TC EMC RES 4193 - further Extend Comment Period for dSGEIS on the Oil, Gras & Solution Mining Regulatory Program for Marcellus Shale RES # 194 - Authorize Budget Modifications RES # 195 - Appropriate Punds ® RES # 196 - Approve.. Abstract: #I 1 TOWN BOARD MTG - 12 -9 -09 RES # 197 - Approve tninut:es RES # 198 - Auth Application for Grant for Sustainability Coordinator RTES # I99 - Authorize Let.tcr of Support for Tompkins County PACE Program RES #200 - Auth Town Supervisor to Sign Fire Contracts RES #201 - Auth Dog Control Appointments & Kennel Lease RES #202 - Auth LiDar Agreement. RES #203 - Appt. Rec Comm Membcr - Martin RES 4204 - Introduce Resolution Increasing Pailial Real Prop Tax I Exemption for Persons over 65 years of Age RES 4205 - Introduce Local Law Increasing Partial Prop Tax Exemption for Persons with Disabilities RI 8 #206 - Reschedule Public Hearing to Consider Resolution Waiving Certain 'Town Fees in Connection pith HOME program RES #207 - Amend Perwilutel Policy - Time Sheets RES #208 - Approve Abstract # 12 RES #209 - Accept Corunents on Marcellus Shale Drilling Project rind Forward to NYS DEjC RES #1210 - Adopt Local Law 07 -2009 - Increasing I'artia.l Tax Exemption for Persons with Disnbiht.ics RES 0211 - Adopt Resolution Increasing Partial Tax Exemption for Persons over Sixty -five Years of Age RES .0212 - Waiver of Certain Town of Dryden Fees in Connection with the Drvcicn HOME Rehabilitation Program" RES #213 - Authorize Postage for Tax Hills RES #214 - Authorize Deputy Clerk /Receiver - Parker RES 11 125 - Approve Grant Application Forms for Community Center Grants RES #216 - Appt: Recreation Comm Member - Downs RES ;1217 - Authorize; Contract. with Computing Center f'or Exchange Server & E-mail Archiving RES 0218 - Approve Tex Bill Insert RI:,S 4219 - Approve Legal Defense Agreement RES #220 - Approve Budget Modification