HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-10-14:® "1'R 10 -14 -09 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING October 14, 2009 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl David Makar, Cl Jason l.,eifer Elected Officials: Bambi L. Avery, Town Clerk Jack Rush, Highway /DPW Superintendent Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Director of Building, Planning, & Environmental Andrew Sciarabba, Town 1ingineer Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE None. TOWN CLERK B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2009 town board meeting. RESOLUTION #169 - APPROVE MINUTES Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOI,NED, that this Town Board hereby approves the minutes of the September 9, 2009, town board meeting. 2 ^d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RECREATION DEPARTMENT Supv Sumner announced that Melissa Bianconi was riot present because there was a football program tonight that she needed to attend. A written report was submitted. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Supv Sumner said Dan Kwasnowski is riot here tonight., but he has submitted a written report (attached). There is a joint meeting of the Planning Board and Town Board tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m., so it was a little; redundant for him to attend both meetings. Page 1 of 10 `. CP t T13 10 -1 4 -09 0 ENGINEER No report. Ely trey: -A ,I Du Atty Perkins has previously provided the board with a resolution that would waive any building or zoning fees in connection with permits required for individuals making repairs to their residences under the HOME grant. The resolution would need to be introduced and a public hearing held. RESOLUTION WAIVER OF CERTAIN TOWN OF DRYDEN FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DRYDEN HOME REHABILITATION PROGRAM Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the town was awarded a New York State HOME Grant; in the amount of $315,160.00 and has provided $15,000.00 in local funds to provide financial assistance by way of the Dryden HOME Rehabilitation Program for low income eligible property owners to rehabi.litat:e substandard single- family homes in the town, and WHEREAS, eligible property owners are those who have incomes at or below $0% of the Tompkins County median family income, with priority given to eligible homeowners with lower incomes, at least one homeowner with income below 30% of such median incorne and seven homeowners with incomes between 30% and 50% of such median income, and • WHEREAS, the town adopted Local Law No. l of the year 2007 (A local law providing for the Administration and Enforcement of New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code and Other Town of Dryden Local Laws and Ordinances), and WHEREAS, Section 16 of such local law requires the Town board to establish a fee schedule for the submission of applications, issuance of permits and certificates and inspections therewith, and WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted Resolution No. 65 (2007) establishing such fee schedule, and WHEREAS, such fee schedule can be aMended following a public hearing as provided in said local law, and WHEREAS, the funds awarded the town for the Dryden HOME Rehabilitation Program are public monies, and WHEREAS, the 'town of Dryden desires to obtain the maximum benefit; from such public monies by waiving certain fees of the gown in connection with home rehabilitation improvements which will be needed to bring such homes into compliance with Housing Quality Standards, and WHEREAS, the waiving of such fees will result: in more of such monies being available to bring the homes into compliance with Housing Quality Standards, NOW, '1'llEREFORE, be i1: Page 2 of 10 TB 10=14-09 RESOIX F.D. that the Cade Enforcement Officer is directed to waivr: the fees 50: forth in Sections IJBI and l(C) as set by Resolution Igo, 65 (2007) for Dryden 1•IOME Rehabilitation Program participanin, and it is FURTHER RESOLVEfJ, r.hat nothing contained in this resolution or w;: iver of fees shall be construed as a waiver of the rer{uirement of all ether Dryden H0MEi Rehabilitatiun Program requirements or any other applicable codes, 1awq, statutes, rulrL% or regul<rxtirn7c�_ 211d Cl Leifer No vote waq taken. A pubEI(. hearing on. the resolution will be scheduied for Borne time in the future_ Supv Sumner said she_ needs a resoluHon authorizing her to sign the Farmland Protection Implementation Grant agreement for the Cay-pe n tcr (Wide Awake) farm, and read the proposed resolution. RFMOLUTION NO. 170 - Resolution Authorizing Town Supervisor to Sign Contract with New York Mate Department of Agriculture and Markets Implementing the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Implementation Grant for Wldeawake Dairy Supurvisnr Sumner offered the Toile wing resolution and ask (.d for its adoption; WHI? RPM A S the Town of Dryden vwa% awarded an Agricultural anCd VarmIand Protection Implementation Grant by the New York Starr, Department of Agriculture and Markets to purc;haae a conservation easernCnl' from Robert Carpenter, PVan Carpenter, Brenda Carpenter and Gabriel Carpenter, and HCREA , the Town Attorney has r(wiewed proposed Contract 0800740 for the Period May 13, 2003 through November 12, 2013, no %v, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, uperrt the recommendation of the Town Att()rr]ry and the Town En vi ron rn en ta I Planner, and in furtherance of the app lie, ation submitted by the Town of Dryden in connection with an AgHoulivnsl and Farmland Protection Implementation Grant for proper}? owned by Robert Carpenter, Evan Carpenter, Bm. nda Carpenter and Gabriel Carpenter in the To }awn of Or'yden, 'Tompkins County, New York, the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute Contract 0800740 with the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets to implement the award of the grant funds, 21hi' Cl Makar Roll Call Vote ZONINGS DEPT Cl 8telack Yr!� Cl Soloman Yes Supv Surnrk(%r Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ZO Slatcr said hiq office has been very busy. He presented board members with a notebook entitled the Unique blatural Area Inventory of the 'Town of Dryden_ This coWd brF used as a toed when dealing with different environmental issues. In some of the gas drilling d i %o i-L mioriL5 it haw been suggested that local municipalities could adopt their own Unique: Natural Ares. Inventory. He has spoken % %eith the ureators of the county darument and they Page i or 10 T6 10 -14 -09 donut have any copyright on it, but will give.L a JorrnaI opinion with re spect to what, if anything, the Town lkkU need to do to adopi: this as a re ference document for the town, Some of the IJNA in our Town exl nd info neighboring co inrnuni tie s. ZO Slater said he; believers when D does an environmental revie v for a gas drilling project, they look at environmental assets in the area. ]f this becoines an official document of the 'town it wiII be given more consideration. He asked the board to revic w if while he investigates what needs to be done in order to utilize it. Weatherizatiiun Grants - ZO dater reported he has been trying to expand partnerships with other agencies relative to weatheriaation. He and Cl NTa.knT reel: widl 'Tompkins Community Action and put together a partnership that will allow- the Town's $1,500 and their typical $4,000 to $8,000 to work together for } +weathention projc:rts_ He said vJILh 'Tompkins Community Action activities, there is typically a participant funding snatch. His experience is that these people are frequently not in a position to put a-ny cash up front, aT1d asked the board to consider allowing participants to use the Town's $1500 contribution as their participant match, Pourteeri weathcn'7Ation applieai:ion% havr; beer, receivc-A, and eleven have been completed. Three of these applicants x gill potentially participate in the HOME program. Last month O Stater worked with the_ Office for i:hr. Aging :end our $1,500 and their $4,0010 turned out to be enough to do a inuch- needed roofing project for an elderly person. O dater M] I be at an event called "Cool it" at TC3 on October 24 with information on the weatherication program. In- service Training - A new iirrrn in the area, TVGA Consultants, will provide Planning and Zoning Board training at the Town Hall on Thursday, October 2 2, from S to 9 p.m_ To crate: there are 31, registered and they expect several morel_ P v[;ry Planning and Zoning Board member in Turn pkins and Cortland Counties has received an invitation_ This morning ZO Slator participated in TC3 President Carl 1•laynes' eampus'Update session, TC3 has expressed a willingness to provide training for Zoning and Planning board members and ZO dater wilt be working with them over the next few inonths to develop a pr0gr0Tn_ They anticipate offering 4 hours of training e;�c.h quarter. IStormwater Management -- ZO dater that sOormwater management has been a conundrum in that there is noi: a real good way to relay the importan(_t: ()f it to the people who are responsible for conforming. His next topic for the rncw 'I'c)wn Newsletter will be on the importarncc_ of stormwater management_ Coi n(dl [university frequently has construction debris that is acceptable fill material. Thee initially only required that: someone getting fill sign a document swing that the Town has no objection, He and D Kwasnowski huve asked Cornell to now verify that what they have been to] d is correct. The board discussed various ways of getting this information W the public. O Slater announced that open hurning, is no longer allowed in Nvw York State, Cl Leifer than ke_(I ZO Slater far his work on i.he weatherization program, Town Newsletter Supv Sumner announced that the first. Town Newsletter is available online and in a few places around town. She hopes that this wi11 be a monthly newsletter. HIGHWAY/DPW DEPARTMENT 0 Jack BLI&i reported that they finished f ke last of this year's paving today. Page 4 of 10 TB t 0 -14 -0 0 COUNTY BRIEFING artlia R.ol• .*'rtst]n reported the County Legislature is deep in i:he budget process. They have meetings with pra,:u °_ntations by department, heads- Pension casts will increase motT than originally thought- The County anticipates an additional $300, 000 in pension expcnsc for 2010. She noted that pension costs are prc ntly 7% of payroll. They arc., c_xpected to go to 1.1% next year and within a couple of nears reach 2 % of payroII Tompkins County Coux,cil of Governments s ubcorn m i dive on gas drilling has tentatively scheduled a meeting for Novcmber 5. This will be a poblir information meeting. They ure locking for peop] e with technical c;xpernse who have read the 0SOEI S to give the public a citizens eye view ofwhat is in the document, what they rn y want to look closer at, and what may be left. cxut- They hope to have a public hearing on November 19 and The Ithaca Journal is talking with them about sponsoring the event. DI.0 his announced four public hearings, two in Chc southern tier, but none in Tompkins County. upv Sumner said the Town has an invitation to an event at Cornell on October 29 from 7 to 9 :30 p.r„- to hear presentations by legal expertt5 followed by an opportunity to ask questions. It will be held at Cornell Vet School's auditorium on TOWer Road. TO M rs will inlude lease terms and considerations, ]ese extc4iOrk9, expi c a en ration, compulsory integration and protection of rights and property- Agencies in attendance will be Sh aleshock, Corn munity Sc:iencc, Interfaith Action for Healing Earth, $arbaru TJEton, Sustainable Tompkins, and Tompkins County Farm Bureau- M Robertson said Barbara Lifton will be calling for a longer comment period. I'hC County legislature has received a report from the task farce that Leas working on public defense and an evaluation of th47; County's assigncd coLrnSel SyStern- The report indic.atCs the current program is less expensive than two other scenarios of a public defender office that were looked at. The consensus is that the current program is of good gLtaIiiy, but. there WCM some suggestions to improve the system and increase efficiency. There were some recommendations with respect to town cvurl:s having to do wi1'.h NehF*duling (minimizing multiple appearances for defendants and waiting time for attornevs) . Robertson said the tov4m justices will be asked to look at how they operate their courts, The report is on the County's website. SUPERVISORS REPORT Supv Sumner reported that the Health Consortium's Board of Directors has met to nominate and elect officers to approve a budgee., i10 rhrose a plan administrator (Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield was chosenj, and to approve the preferred provider plan and the indemnity plans. At the next meeting they will be selecting a drug plan administrator and approving the anc_iII a.ry benefits plan (dental, eye care, life insurance, legal plan, etc) - The Consortium expects to be able to provide the ancillary benc_fii's at a price equal to or less than what the Town of Dr} den now has with the Teamsters. That is a condition for the Tor, of Dryden joining the corisort.ium. The Town is in the middle of its budget process and have made a great start with a preliminmy budget in which this tax levy increase is less than one percent and nix Chance in the tax ralle. Thcy are still re�,lewing salary. proposals and special benefit districts, so them may be soiree changes. The next budget C{ m'ting i s c Otober m 1 at 5:00 p.. Varna Fire 0(—,L y:�rtMCnt is expected to make: a vrescntation. on their plans for a bunker prngram- Two negotiation sessi0rks fkave been held v4-ith the Teamsters on the upcoming con tract- page 5of10 r4 T3 10 -14 -0 At Bolton Point, a 20] 0 budget was. approved. Aftcr a lengthy dissuasion, they agreed not to fund o. new parr: -time position for valve and hydrant maintenance, which is long overdue. The Bolton Point operators wi11 be talking to 0 P Supe.ri nten den ta about taking on some of I:hal: respDnsibility, at least for 2010. Supv Sumner said she understands Lansing already does this. if it fits into our schedule and can be done ;df rc_lativc,Iy no s.ckst, il: would hr_ a hug C help ti) Bolton Point thi& rear. Non -union salary increases of 1.75% were approved. The Personnel Committee had recommended 2.5°110 and the Finance Cornimitwe had recvmmerided I. ° /n- Bolton Point's rake far 201.0 wiII be established at $2.65 per 1,000 gallons, a 2.61'/0 increase over the 2009 gate. The Town Board ikkill be able to set its {eater rate, and Supv Summer nolled that last year t h v hoard agreed to absorb BoI11orl Pc)inCN lncr( am%e, and the Town reduced its rate in order to keep what our customers pay level. The board will discuss this furrhGr n(;xl: month. The Ithaca Area Wastewater Treni'mcnt Rat ilil:y also approved a budget with a 4% wage increase that was .required by union contracts. There will be a small rate increasc- Supv SUrnner reported she has met with the new Town �iistorian a few times this month. He has recommended three individuals who hove algrecd to serve on the History C0Tnrnid:r�;' Care Vial], Ann Leonard, and Clayton Dans. Supv Surnner asked t.hr, board to appoint these: individuals. RESOLUTION #171 - APPOINT HISTORY COMMITTEE Cl I ifer offered the following resointion and asked For its adoption: R 1 C)LVlrIDr that this Town Board here by appoints the following individuals to servo with the Town Historian on the Town of 17rvden History Committee: O�m ll� Viall, Ann Leonard, and C1ayt €)n Darns. "ui Supv Sumner Doll Call Vote Cl S11elicrk Yes Cl Solomon Yes uT)v Sumner Yes C:1 Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes A r CCfing of the committee has been scheduled for October 20, 2009. [1NFINISHED BUSINESS Time Warner Franchise -1 i.eiFc:r reported he is still waiting to hear from }[% imp Warner regarding the proposal hc= sent them, Cortland Roars Water District - Supv Sumner needs to make an appointment to talk with the Mayor of the Village (JIL T)ryden to talk a bout formation o a water district north of the Tillage, purchase of water From Village and development of th e test well that will hopefully supple nient the village wate19 supply- S h P hopes to have a report next month. Mareellus Gas Drilling Issues Timeline - Cl. Leifer said TCCOG has provided some sample tcrihm laws For regulating truck traffic and road cut and drive -6way permits. Ho asked Ac. y Perkin& to r(;view these and comment- He added we need to be careful to rk0t adversely affect existing local busincsnes. Page 6 of 10 Y' TB 10�14=09 NEW BUSINESS Supv SumnCr said last month the board passed a resolution e:st:ibfishing a highway equipment reserve fund, and that a separate funs] is necessary for DPW equipment_ Board members have reviewed a proposed resolution. RESOLUTION # 17 - ESTABLISHING THE TOWN OF DRYDEN DPW EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESERVE FUND UNDER SECTION 6 -C OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW upv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptiOrl: W H C4 RE AS, the Town Board of t -1k o 'Town of Dryden determines that pr u dent financial planning includes periodically setting aside funds for the PLLrchasc of expensive equipment or nt of 'ublmaclnery far the m 1 Works (DP I, and WHEREAS, the Town 0oard finds that accumulating some or al! of the avq -u iAilion costs «f expensive equipment and machinery aver st�veml years enables the town to stabilize the tax rate turd avoid large rate 1ncrrrAsr,cj in the year of acquisition of such equipment or machinery, and WHEREAS, accumulating the acquisition costs of such equipment or machinery sakes taxpayers the cos nsgnrion ted with financing some or all of such acquisition costs, and THEREFORE, BE I'f RE OLVE D AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pursuant to General Municipal Law 6 -c, there be and hereby is established a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of accumulating all or part of the costs related to the acquisition of equipment or machinery far the Town of Dryden DPW. Such fund icq to tx,• known as the 'Town of Dryden DPW Equipment Capital Reserve l4ind." 3. The Town Supervisor shall transfer to such reserve fiend such funds as the'I'ou. by Soard may from time to [.ime by rVAOIL for by th( %, Town tiOn authoriz&. 4. The monies in the fund shall Eye &,posited in a bank account in a bank or trust compz1ny designated by the Town Board and the inonies in such fund shall be separately accounted for by th( %, Town S-upervisorI 5. !fit the discretion of the Town SaperviSur, moneys may be invested in the fund in the mariner provided in General Municipal Lain 6 -f_ Any interesll earned or capital gains realized on the moneys so de_posil:cd or invested shall accrue to and become parr of F.)kc; i`und_ 6_ No expenditure shall be made from the fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden pursuant to the provisions of General Municipal Lake 6 -c_ 7. This resolution s}iall take effect immediately_ 21,11 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl steliQk Yes Cl Solomon Yes Page 7 of 10 TB 10 -14 -0 Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Celebrations Grant Agreements - Supv Sumner explained that the Town of Dryden :3 rc,r,S to act: as the fiscal puss - through for ag ncieS applying For mom tax funding from the Count}_ Grants were awarded i10 the History Society For ;� marker in Binh el Grove and to the Tompkins County Quitters Guild for the show they held last weekend. The Town has received the agreements for these and the Supervisor asked for authori2nfion to sign the carne_ RESOLUTION #173 - AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS FOR TOURISM GRANTS Cl Stclick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. C ESOI,VEI }, that this Toikn Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor W sign agreements with Tompkins County fc)r I:ourism grants for $500 for the Tompkins C:ounily uill:Ur Guild and $400 for the History Societe. 21111 Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl SI:<_tick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supw.r Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Tax Bill Insert " Supv Sumner said Atilc�rna.tives Federal Credit Union would like to come back this year to too lax preparation for qualifying irid1vitlua]is, They liked the program, but didn't. have as much turnout as they would have liked, and are looking for ideas to promote their service. Supv SUNUICF suggested putting an insert. in the tax bills. After discussion, it was decided not to put an insert in the tax bill%, but lock for other ways to promote the program instead, Supv Sumner said she has received an agreement to sign for participation in the TOM Pkins County Drug aTId Alcohol Testing Consortium. She asked the board to authorize her signature after it has been reviewed by the Town Attorney, RESOLUTION # 174 - AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION IN TOMP INS COUNTY DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING CONSORTIUM Cl Soloman offered the following resolution acid asked for it's adoption: R E S 0 LVED, that this Town Board hereby ;authorizes the Town Supervisor to execute an agreement for participation in the Tompkins County Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortium, after the document has been rev ie;ww�ed and approved by the Town Attorney. "{[ C1 S1:(-,Flick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes 1 Solomon Yes UPV Sumner yes Cl Makar Yes Cl heifer Yes The TechnoloU Committee has recommended the purchase and installation of eight speakers in the large meeting moan. The total cost is $900,00, There are Funds available and Supv Sumner asked the board to authorize the purchase. Page 9 o f 10 rrB ] O -14 -09 RESOLUTION #175 - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF SPEAKERS FOR MEETING ROOM Cl teIick offered the foll owing resolution and asked for iN adoption; RFSOWCT), that this Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase and installation of eight speakers for the largo mrol.ing room at a cost not to exceed $900.00_ "d C1 olOrnon Boll Call 'dote O] Stelick VeLq Cl Solomon Yes Su]Dv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Ol Leifer Yes Supv Sumner said the hoard has been invited to participate in the Veteran's Day Parade in Ithaca on Sunday, November S. It was nok -,F 3 there is a local Veteran's Day event, COMMITTEE REPORTS Emergency Services CommiEttee - Supv Sumner said she has spoken with at lens(: three of the chiefs abnul. 1:he1r budget proposals_ Thty are having some iR�Ues among themselves about the town -wide training, Freeville and Etna have ordered new truck, for April delivery, butte well within their reserve funds. C1 Stelick said it is important to know that because they have these reserve funds, they don't have to bond i`Or their purchase_t:. Personnel Committee - No report. Finance Committee - RESOLUTION # 176 - APPROVE ABSTRACT # 10 Sups• Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptiork: RESOLVED7 that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #F 10, as audited, vouchers #928 through # 105 8, totaling $555, 06.83. 2,d Ol Steliek Roll Call Vote Cl Ste Iick Yes Cl Solomon Y[Ls Supv Sumner Yes Cl Imakar Yes Cl Ieifer Yes Loans & Grants Committee - C1 Makar reported the Alternatives IJ)A partnership kicked off wiEfk prec3s releases two weeks ago. and they have secured 11heir first parti(-Lipant, There was an article in The Ithaca Jourrial last week about tht program, 0n Septernbc-r 80 Cl Makar, ZO Slater vmd Stacy Murphy (Tom F)kins Community Action) met. regarding wen therization partnerships. O Slater has already spoken about this. Cl Makar has drafted what their next steps might be and sent it on to Supv Sumner acid ZO Slall r. After review, it will Yee shared with the entire board. Technology Committee - Minutes of the last meeting havt_ been emaikA. Supv Surr3ner said shL understands the broadband project is ,making slow progress, page 9 of 10 TB 10 -14 -09 Recreation/Youth /Community Centers Committee - CI Makar said h<_ :1 t11cridcd his first Recreation Pari_ner hip rnetk ire t the end of September. After the meeting he spoke with Melissa Bianconi and Dominic rrongilla from Caroline (both former Chairs of i_hi� PVC Partnership)- At thf_ir next medling he will be pre %tinting a resolution to change their meeting schedule from every mantle to every other month because he feels a lot of titre i:q not being used correctly, The Rec Partnership will be a akin g' Tompkins Co unty to stay with their contract for the R.ec Partnership and fund at the increase stipulated in the fivfa-year contract, Supv Surnncr not,i�.c3 thc_ Dryden Youth Commission was in a similar pnsil.ion, and they asked the Town to consider keeping the Town's furkclin g level vkith this year- Generally the Town matches the Country funding, Etna has con sl'rucl;cd their playground funded through i,he Town's community center grant program. Q Slater said there are internship oppori,uni tic s available through TO 3. They have an Associates Degree in Commu nitation5 and perhaps we could get sornQone in the program to assist us with communicating with the community- On motion mane, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into execubve session at B.40 p.m. to discuss tnatlx:rs of litigation. No action was taken, and the meeting wa adjourned at 9.10.rn - Respectfully subrniiltoc3, 4ri L' � F, ; /) J�P // arnlli L. Avery Town Clerk Page 10 of 10 ~ �r Environmental Planning 9$ East Main Skeet Drydon, NY 13053 T 407 844,0808 F 647 8b4m8008 dank @dryden.ny.us Ww.w dry_den,or ua October 14, 2049 Town Board Meeting Report As I ,brill not be attending this evening'.S rncoing, I though1..1 would supply a written progress report on key projects. Zoning Local Lain A s you Cire all aware, tlne "nt night v.'ill be a joint meeting tivC changes to the upprouch to the approaches, a stratcgy schedule for moving Inward ning, 'w" zoning project is approaching an important milestone. Tomorrow between the Town Board and the Planning Ooard lu review the subsmn- to zoning as developed in the dra#1 law_ Barring any outright objections For delivering the new code to the public for review and comment, and a adopliun, will be discussed following the prcF�cTrtatiou by Behan Plan- The law itself is not in final form. However, I thought it would bu best to start Town Hoard involvow ment when the major ;approaches [award implementing the Rocommendulions in the Comprehensive Plan were worked out„ lxut nc� morn administrative issues were yet to be tack.led, The devil is truly in the details. Open Sparc Lind Recreation Plan i'reviowu ly I sent to you a timeline (via Patty) for the Zoning Law and the Opcn Space and Recreation Plan. This plan wi I I "work" wish the Zoning Law in many respects. and so has to be ui. least in a good draft fonn by the time the Zoning Lain may be adapted. Graduate student intorn Meghan Jucquet carter up with a good concept for the plait over the summer. it is a systennatic approach which dc- scribes three distinct Open Space systems= Conservation.. Agriculture, and recreation_ I have been working to refine her }nark and prepare a comprehensive docwnent that quite: frankly has a lot of pieces, The hard work is keeping it in a streamlined form, while creating a document that h2Lq the up- prorriaw uonwxt, and is still useable as a live document. RijII when coin pleted, it wi I I describe a sys- tem of Open Space R.csourcc protection and provision that is intended to balance devolopmeni. to date, as well as future developmcni. I will pres;Qnt the approach behind ilnis document tomorrow night ai th4 joint meeting_ I presented the approach at 111E rCCCnt Conseivation Board meeting and it was well received_ I have been working 1� closely with Melissa Bianconi and Meghan, and of course I have discussed the approach with the Conservation Board, When I have a good clean draft of the plan, which should be within the next couple of weeks, Melissa and I will work on "shopping it around" to the various boards, and then will hopefully have stand alone meetings in the town to present the plan, as well as tag along presentations IF at Zoning Law public meetings. Farmland Protection Currently, all work on the three grants, Lew -Lin Fames, Jerry Dell Farms, W'ideawake Dairy, is off of my desk, and all partners await approval from Albany. For Lew -Lin we await. the go ahead to prepare the final packet and proceed to closing. I am scheduled to review material for Jerry Dell Farms for preliminary approval of the draft Conservation Easement and Site Plan to move forward with the sur- vey and appraisal this fall. Fer-t#de . Next week I have been invited to a meeting in Albany to discuss the future of this program, and T am hoping to find out about any risk to payments due to the current budget situation. l also am still hop- ing to close around the end of this year or beginning of next. W'e'll see. Gas Drilling As you are all aware, the DEC has released the Generic Environmental Impact Statement. I have not had any opportunity to review the document. However, I have reviewed the Critical Environmental Area portion of the State Environmental Qual- ity Review Act ( httn:// www. dec .ny_gov/permitsl45500..lttml). There has been great interest in desig- nating CFA's in the town relative to gas drilling. I have been thinking about using this type of desig- nation for further protection of water resources, and so 1 had already been thinking about their role in the town. It used to be, about fifteen years ago or so, that activities in a CEA were all considered Type I actions, which would require the preparation of a Long Environmental Assessment Form for practically any activity (new home etc.). Currently, it only requires that projects already under SEQRA review give "specific, articulated consideration" to project in a CEA. Of course, how spe- cific and articulated depends upon the lead agency doing the review, or the project sponsor. For gas drilling, designation of UNA's as CFA's would alert he DEC, the permitting agency, to the designation, and they would have to give "specific, articulated consideration" to the specific CEA. As you are aware the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council created a Unique Natu- ral Areas report. This report, and the work behind it, is in my opinion far more rigorous than the re- quirements for designating a CEA under SEQRA. So, it would seem a relatively simple thing to des- ignate all DNA's in the town as CFA's following the procedure under SEQRA. u= 4 Cr,��k The best part is that it wouldn't affect at all the administration of SEQRA locally. Our department already uses the UNA's in SEQRA reviews. So there would he absolutely no change in the town's operations. However, what it would do is put the UNA's on the state's map, and DEC permit admin- istrators would have to recognize the UNA's during their own internal SEQRA review. Dan Kwasnowski 13/P9/2009 12:30:52 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD OF THE Town of Dryden: *suarit to Section 125 of the Town Law, I hereby render the following detailed statement all moneys received and disbursed by me during the month of October, 2009: DATED: Novcmbcr 9, 2009 A GENERAL FUND - TOWNWIDE Balance Balance 09/30/2009 Increases Decreases 10/31/2009 CASH - CASH - PETTY PETTY CHECKING SAVINGS CASH CASH - POSTAGE 419741207.05 106,195.66 1,957.24 600.00 254,599.67 81007.77 41500.00 0.00 205,i47.17 230,650.63 0.00 0.00 41751,563.99 155,648.16 600.00 6,457.24 TOTAL 5, 082, 959. 95 267,107.44 435,798100 41 91.4,269.39 DA HIGHWAY TOWNWIDE FUND CASH - CASH - CHECKING SAVINGS 1, 168, 0.00 172.17 39,037.50 3.95, 91 6. 80 39,037.50 39, 03 7.50 1, 325, 0.00 111.47 TOTAL, It 1681: 235f014,30 78,075.00 1, 325, 1.11. 47 GENERAL - OUTSIDE FUND •B CASH - CASH - PETTY CHECKING SAVINGS CASH - POSTAGE 626,359.50 2,246.14 0.00 30,715.31 21,231.95 1,000.00 30,715.31 30,715.31 0.00 616,876.14 3,246.14 0.00 TCTAL 628,605.64 52,947.26 61,430.62 620,122.28 DB HIGHWAY OUTSIDE FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1661027.57 166,027.57 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1,251,653.83 193,891..88 166,027.57 1,279,5:1.8.14 TOTAL 1,251,653.83 359,919.45 3321055.14 1,279,518.14 SF1- DRYDEN FIRE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 308,060.59 194.46 0400 308,255.05 TOTAL, 308,060.59 194.46 0.00 308,255.05 SL1- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 266.06 266.06 0400 CASH - SAVINGS 3r354.7115 1.95 266.06 3j090,64 TOTAJ4 3,354175 268.01 532.12 31090.64 SL2- ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0100 217.12 277.12 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 2,929.21 1.71 217.12 2,713.80 TOTAL 2,929.21 2:1.8.83 434.24 2,713.80 Page i MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2009 Increases Decreases 10/31/2009 ® SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECKING 0.00 195.84 195.84 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 2,108.97 1.21 195.84 1.,91.4.34 TOTAL 2,108.97 197.05 391.68 11914.34 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 229,364.39 1,44 .78 0.00 229,509.17 TOTAL, 229,364.39 1.44.78 0.00 229,509.17 0.00 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS 58,211.06 58,21.1.06 0100 CASH - CIMCKING 0.00 17.72 17.72 1,499.20 0,00 CASH - SAVINGS 42,651.05 1,763.01 17.72 44,396.34 200,732.71 TOTAL 42,651.05 1,780.73 35.44 44,396.34 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 71183.24 7,183.24 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 168,993.57 6,31.4.03 7,183.24 168,124.36 TOTAL 168, 993.57 1,3r491.27 14t366.48 168, 1.2 4 . s6 SS3- CORTLAND RD SEWER •CASH - CHECKING 0.00 85,301.68 85,301.68 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 192,239.54 15,566.56 85,3 01.68 152,504.42 POSTAGE 48.52 0100 0.00 48.52 'DOTAL 192,288.06 130,868.24 170,603.36 152„ 552.94 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 58,211.06 58,21.1.06 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 200,732.71 1,499.20 58,21.1.06 144,020.85 TOTAL 200,732.71 59,710.26 1:1,6,422.12 144,020.85 SS5- TURFY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS J.39,239.53 0100 6,11.3.55 3,757.74 6,1.13.55 6,13.3.55 136,883.72 0.00 TOTAL 139,239.53 f +,871.29 12,227.10 136,683.72 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 95,278.57 0100 433.05 385.35 433.05 433.05 95,230.87 0100 TOTAL 95,278.57 818.40 866.10 95,230.87 SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER isCASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 25,287.33 0.00 8,061.2'7 70.11 81061.27 8,061.27 1.7,296.17 0.00 TOTAL 25,287.3.3 8,1,31.38 16,122.54 17,296.17 Page 2 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance 09/30/2009 Increases Decreases Balance 10/31/2009 �SWI- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 CASH - CHECKING 0100 43,096.67 13,363.96 13,363.96 CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 324,980.45 15,783.40 13,363.96 327,399.89 198,017.62 TOTAL 324,980.45 29,147.36 86,1,93.39 261127.92 158,533403 327,399.89 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 0.00 8,058.19 11729.98 81058.19 1, 7,29.98 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 65,245.76 31,343.72 1,536.1.4 2,582.15 8,058.19 1,729.98 58,725.71 32,195.89 TOTAL 65,245.76 TOTAL 9,596.33 16,116.38 58,725.71 SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 43,096.67 43,096.67 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 198,017.62 3,612.08 43,096.67 158,533.03 TOTAL 198,017.62 46,708.75 86,1,93.39 158,533403 SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 11729.98 1, 7,29.98 0000 CASH - SAVINGS 31,343.72 2,582.15 1,729.98 32,195.89 TOTAL 31,343.72_ 4,312.13 3,459.96 32,195.89 SW5- TURFY HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING 0100 5,259. 71 5,254.77 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 168,024.2.3 5,877.39 5,254.77 168,646.85 TOTAL 168,024.23 11,132.16 10,509.54 168,646.85 SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 7,051.13 7,051.13 0100 CASH - SAVINGS 26,118.49 177.14 7,051.13 19,249.50 TOTAL 26,118.49 7,228.27 14,102.26 19,244.50 PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECKING - SPECIAL RESERVES 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 TOTAL 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH — CHECKING 195,165.09 2,988.32 25,921.88 172,231.53 TOTAL 195,165.09 2,988.32 25,921.88 '.02o 231,53 H CAPITAL PROJECTS — TOWN HALL CASH — SAVINGS 1,012.33 0.64 0.00 1,012.97 OTA AGENCY FUND TOTAL 11012.33 0.64 0106 1, 022.97 CASH - TRUST 6 AGENCY 7,751.49 112,7.51.38 3.12,777.38 7,125.49 Page 3 z MONTFILV REPOR14 OF'SUPERV ISOR Balance Balance 09/30/2009 Increases Decreases 10/31/2009 TOTAL 71751.99 112,151.38 112,777.38 I 71125.49 CM MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR CASH - SAVINCS 22.03 0.00 0100 22.03 TOTAL 22.03 0100 0.00 22.03 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS M796.65 0.00 0.00 240798.65 'TOTAL 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 240798.65 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 1.0, 587, 033.08 i, 363, 954 49 11 535, 1,68, 60 10, 4.15, 868.37 . Page 4 TOWN OF DRYDEN Town Board October 15, 2009 Town Board Members Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, David Makar, Steve Stelick, Jason Leifer. Planning Board Members Present: Joseph Lalley, Chair; Tom Hatfield; Joseph Laquatra, Jr.; Megan Whitman; Martin Hatch, Staff Present: Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner; Patty Millard, Recording Secretary. Others Present: Town Attorney Mahlon Perkins, Mike Welti and Susan McLaughlin from Behan Planning, Town Residents: Wendy Martin, Simon St. Laurent, Jim Crawford and David Bravo- Cullen. Call to Order Chair Joseph Lalley called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Introductions - Board members and the public introduced themselves. Summary - 17 Kwasnowski gave a summary of the work to date. Presentation — Mike Weld from Behan Planning gave a presentation on the zoning draft to date. Discussion Discussion of changes in the current zoning draft and how they tit with the Comprehensive Plan, Special Use Permit Review Power Discussion of possible transfer of Special Use Permit review from Town Board to Planning Board and how that would look. Which would be better, full transfer or recommendation only? Should this be based on type of Permit, Area permit is in, something else? For SEQR purposes, would Town Board have to be lead agency? Subdivision work load The Board suggested asking Henry Slater to put together numbers regarding the number of lot splits he's reviewed for the past 2 years for an idea of how the work flow of the Planning Board would be affected. The County Clerk might have an idea of how many bypassed the town that now would need to be reviewed. Since these are currently not going before the Planning Board, the potential increase in subdivisions reviews under the proposed legislation will be helpful. Joint Committee for creation of Toning Law Draft Joint committee to be formed — 2 "town Board, 2 Planning Board, 1 113A, 1 Conservation, plus Dan Kwasnowaski. They would go through the ordinance and see what other issues need to be addressed and come to some consensus on the final draft that will be released to the public. These meetings would take place over the course of the next couple of months with the goal of having a drag to release by February. V I'B 10 -IS -2009 Page 2 of 2 DRAFT Changes in current draft recommended by Attorney Perkins It is referred to as both a local law and an ordinance. This should be cleaned up and referred to as a local law. The section on appeals should be ornitted. This is governed by state law. Refer to "the current State Law" instead of quoting it here. It can be included as an addendum in the printed version if desired. Zoning Map Review of proposed Zoning Map. Discussed the name changes from things like RB and RC to Conservation and Rural Residential; included Hamlet as a zone to reflect those areas never covered previously. Timeline When should public meetings start? `I`he information is available in the Town Clerk's office now. Timeline should include joint meetings as well as public meetings. The need (or not) for side by side comparison of old ordinance versus new law was discussed and how beneficial it might be versus how labor intensive. It was determined that the work involved would outweigh the benefits. Next steps: Joe Lalley and Mary Ann Sumner will work on forming the committee and setting a timeline. The next regularly scheduled Planning Board meeting will be November 19, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This may be the first committee meeting. Dan Kwasnowski talked about how the Open Space and Recreation Master Plans fit in to the timeline of the new zoning law. This Master Plan can help to identify incentives that can be given to a developer in certain circumstances. Vacancy — Marty Hatch made a motion to recommend the Town Board appoint Wendy Martin to fill the current vacancy, Joe Laquatra seconded, all members voted in favor. Town Board Resolution # 177 — Fill Planning Board Vacancy CI Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Wendy Martin to fill the current Planning Board vacancy, term ending 2013. 2 "d Cl Leifer Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Adjourned at 9: 10 pin. Respectfully submitted, Patty Millard, Recording Secretary Yown of Dryden Town Board Meeting it October 14, 2009 Name - {Please_ Printl r'_ 1.GjA*� dC (hOn SC, bt u('QI1 Address or Board I ? 1 Ge "a �. Frce"Iw� (70 17 10� ilk 2k Dryden Town :Board Meeting • Dryden ••town Hall 93 East Main Street Wednesday; October 14, 2009 7:00 PM 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Public Hearings 5) Citizens Privilege 6) Town Clerk a) Approve Meeting Minutes for September 9, 2009 B Avery 7) IAighNkay SuperintendentfDept of Public Works J Bush 8) Recreation Department M Bianconi a) Recreation Masterplan 9) County Briefing County Rep 10) Zoning Officer H Slater a) Update Weatheriution Partnership -10/24 TO Community Day b) Stormwater Update 1 1) Environmental Planner D Kwasnowski a) Wideawake Farmland Protection Contract 12) Engineering A Sciarabba 13) Attorney M Perkins a) Resolution Allowing Waiver of Fees ® 14) Supervisor's Report 15) Unfinished Business a) Time Warner Franchise J Leifer b) Cortland Road Water District M Sumner C) Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling Issues Timeline M Sumner/ 16) New Business J Leifer a) DPW Reserve Resolution b) Celebrations Grant agreement authorization M Sumner c) Tax Bill Insert 17) Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) Emergency Services Committee tM Sumner Personnel Committee Stelick/ Leifer Finance Committee: Approve Abstract # 10 M Sumner Loans & Grants Committee Makar/Leifer Technology Committee MakarA,eifer Recreation /Youth /Community Centers Committee Stelick/Leifer 18) Future Agenda Items 19) Executive Session (if necessary) The next Town of Dryden Board Meeting will be TUESDAY, November 10, 2009 due to Veterans' Day