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)0)8 ) TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING September 9, 2009 Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen Stelick, ,1r., Cl Joseph Solomon, Cl David Makar, Cl Jason heifer Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk Other Town Staff: Mahlon R, Perkins, Town Attorney Henry Slater, Director of Building, Planning, & Environmental Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner Melissa Bianconi, Recreation Director Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m. and board members and guests participated in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED LOCAL LAW EXTENDING THE DEADLINE FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE TEMPORARY CELL ON WHEELS AT TOMPKINS - CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Supv Sumner opened the public; hearing at 7:04 p-m. and Town Clerk B Avery read the notice published in The Ithaca Journal. There were no comments or questions from the hoard or the public and the hearing was left open. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE Martha Fischer, a resident of Hunt Hill Road and member of Dryden Resource Ac.•arcncss Coalition (DRAC) said she had attended the forum in August at the Dryden Fire Station and has since continued to educate herself with respect to the hydrofracking process. She is particularly concerned about the chemicals used in the process and the lack of available information about those chemicals. It is essential that: emergency response personnel know what chemicals are being used. Maps of properties that currently have gas leases are available at w«NvAggasman.org. DRAC is willing to help the, board in any wav they, can so that the town is prepared in the event gas companies decide to drill in the town. TOWN CLERK B Avery asked the board to approve the minutes of August 12, 2009. RESOLUTION # 154 - APPROVE MINUTES Sups' Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RES0LVF6Dr ghat this Town Board hereby approves the town board meeting minutes of August 1.2, 2009. 2nd Cl Makax �W t ci 12 ;o Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solorrion Yes upv Sumner Yes Cl M;�kar Yes ClLeifer Yes =9 =0 Last month chc_ Dog Control Officer gave the board information about: a net gun orid live trap he would like to have, together with three price quote *. He explained there have been instancc% when dogs could have been captured more quickly and with less to risk of harm if he had the equipment. The Board agreed to purc`,ha,o the equipment for use by the dog contra} officer_ The_ equiprrkent }will remain the property of the Town_ RESOLUTION #155 - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF DOG CONTROL EQUIPMENT upv Sumner offerc;d the; following resolution and asked for itoi adoption: WHEREA S, 11h Town Dog Control Officer would Iik(; to acquire a net gun and live I:r�kp for use in dog control services, and WHFRFA , the Dryden Town Bolird recognizes that this equiprrK-,ntwill allow the Bog Control Officer to perform his/her dunes more eflicIenfly and with less risk of harm to hu1nan or dogs, now, therefore, be it RE OLVE, ]), that this Town Board hvr(-A y authorizes the purchaLw of a net gun and live trap al a total cost not to cxeeed $850,00, and such equipment will remain the: property of the Town of Drydc_n. n{I Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes uI}v Sumner Cl Makar Yc_o� Yes C] ],,eifer Yes HIGE WAY /PF'W DEPARTMENT Highway SupeFoi n1 :en den t Jack 311%h presentee! his yr a.rly inventory of Highway and DPW equipment_ Sharon Tod d Chair of 11hc. Recreation Corn mission, said that Tamrrkv Sherwood is stepping down after two years oi" service ors the Commission, The Commission wanted to recd lue her significant contributions i:o the Commission, including her service as %ecretary, and pre %ented her with a plaque_ T Sherwood said she's enjoyed her time on the ommissicrn, is gf.epping dowrk for personal reasons, and hopes to be :able to serve again at some point in the future, Melissa 13innooni said the Recrt:ation Comal ission has recommended Monica Knight to fill the seat thou is set aside- for a comrnunity cenl:c_r represen1.0 0ve. M Knight is presently !'age 2 of 12 9 -9 -09 president of the Dryden Community Cafe, was involved in Old liome Days, and has attended a Commission meeting. RESOLUTION #156 - APPOINT RECREATION COMMISSION Cl Leifer offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: - KNIGHT RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Monica Knight to serve as the Community Center representative member on the Dryden Recre:at:ion Commission. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Bccause M Bianconi's class schedule conflicts with the meetings of the Recreation Partnership, the Board will need to appoint someone to take her place until January. Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:15 p.m., usually at the Ithaca Youth Bureau, Cl Makar volunteered to do this. RESOLUTION #157 - APPOINT RECREATION PARTNERSHIP REPRESENTATIVE C1 Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town board hereby appoints David Makar to serge as its representative on the Recreation Partnership Board. 211'' Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Board members have reviewed a proposed resolution establishing a recreation capital reserve fund. During the budget: process they will discuss how money will be added to the fund each year. RESOLUTION # 158 - RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE "TOWN OF DRYDEN RECREATION CAPITAL RESERVE FUND" UNDER SECTION 6 -C OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WI•IEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden finds that the Dryden Recreation Commission, an advisory board mad (-; up of Dryden residents whose purpose it is to advise the board on recreation issues, has supported the creation of a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of developing recreation facilities, and Pape 3 of 12 9.9 -09 WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that: recreation programs improve the quality of life within the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that recreation programs foster community spirit, fellowship, health and well being, and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that recreation programs have a net positive economic impact on the economy of the Torn, now, THERHFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pursuant to General Municipal Low 6 -c, there be and hereby is established a Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of accumulating all or part of the costs related to the development and/or improvernent of recreation facilities, fields, parks, trails, and other related assets of the Torn of Dryden. 2. Such fund is to be known as the "Town of Dryden Recreation Capital Reserve Fund." 3. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs an initial transfer of $250,000 from the fund balance of the "Tow•nwidc; A" fund to the Capital Reserve Fund. 4. The monies in the fund shall be deposited in a bank account in a bank or trust company designated by the Town Board and the monies in such fund shall be separately accounted for by the Town Supervisor. 5. At the discretion of the Town Supervisor, moneys may be invested in the fund in the manner provided in General Municipal Law 6 -f. Any interest: darned or capiUd gains realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part of the fund. 6. No expenditure shall be made from the fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden pursuant to the provisions of General Municipal Law 6 -c. 7. This resolution shall take effect: immediately. 2 ad Cl Maka r Roll Call Vote ZONING DEPARTMENT Cl St:elick Yes Cl Solornon Yes Supv Sumner Ycs Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes ZO Slater reported he has received a total of 13 .applications for weatherization grants_ Six are complete and five others have been approved and the work should be progressing. It has been a good program and he has referred most: of these people to the HOME program. There will be a memorial service for Barbara Caldwell on November 1 from two to five in the afternoon at the Women's Community Building in Ithaca. Page 4 of 12 9 -9 -09 COUNTY BRIEFING Mike lalatt:ery said he had no county report:, but inquired about the grant for rural internet service in the town. He was told the signed contract was returned last week and the project can move ahead. M Hattery suggested the 'rown consider other vendors that operate without a subsidy. There is one such company in Onondaga County that is moving to Cortland County. He understands that the grant for Clarity Connect involves an in -kind contribution from the Town and asked the board to consider a vendor that does not require any in -kind services. ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER Dan Kwasnowski reported that all three farmland protection grants are awaiting action from Albany. Lew -Lin Farm is waiting for notification to prepare the final packet and proceed to closing. Jerry Dell Farm is waiting for preliminary approval of the conservation casement and site phui before moving ahead with the survey and appraisal. We are waiting for the contract with New York State for the Wideawake Dairy, but: have received the signed contract for the federal funding portion. D Kwasnowski is working on a draft of the new Zoning Local Law for public presentation. Once the Planning Board is comfortable with it, they will hold a joint, meeting with the Town Board to review the major concepts. They will then schedule public hearings. The Annual Stormwater Report has been drafted and will be posted on the website next week for public review and comment. Highlights include construction of the salt storage facility and pocket wetland and participation of 31 students in the Water Wizards and Floating Classroom program. 123 Notices of Ground Disturbance have been reviewed for projects in the town, and all 1.35 catch basins in urbanized areas have been inspected. A total of four violations and Stop Work Orders have been issued. Often the offenders have been hauling in fill material received from Cornell University and the Zoning Office has spoken with the University about this. A hauler recently reported that they now have to fill out a form at Cornell letting them know where the material will be dumped. D Kwasnowski said he will do a labor analysis of storrnwater report activities. Cl Stelick asked him to prepare of map of the roads in the town showing the speed limits and weight limits on the roads. ENGINEERING No report. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins reported he had finally heard from the Finger Lakes Land Triust. with respect to the Campbell property. Apparently Mrs Cainpell has been unavailable and the Land Trust was unable to take title by July of 2008 as called for in the contract. `l'hev would like an extension until the end of December to accomplish this. Once they have title, the property can be conveyed to the Town. 0 RESOLUTION # 159 - EXTEND DATE FOR FINGER LAKES LAND TRUST TO ACQUIRE CAMPBELL PROPERTY Page 5 of 12 9 -9 -09 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this 'Town Board hereby extends the deadline in the contract behveen the Town and the Finger Lakes Land Trust for the Finger Lakes Land Trust to acquire title to the Campbell property to December 31, 2009. 2rul Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl d4akar Yes C1 Leifer Yes With respect: to the local law extending the time for TC3 to remove the temporary cell on wheels, Atty Perkins said while radio transmissions and microwave activities are not specifically exempt, there is no substantive change from the previous local law and that the board had done the SEQR review for that local law. The board agrees this applies and it is a Type II Action. RESOLUTION #160 - PROPOSED LOCAL LAW SEQR DETERMINATION Supv Surnner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby determines that adoption of a Local Law extending the date for removal of a "temporary cell on wheels" from lands of Tompkins - Cortland Community College is a Type 11 action, and exempt under NYCRR §617.6(c)(26). 2ad Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #161 - ADOPT LOCAL LAW #6 -2009 - EXTENDING DATE FOR REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY CELL ON WHEELS FROM LANDS OF TOMPKINS- CORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the following local law, and the Town Clerk is directed to rile the same with the Secretary of State of the State of New York: Proposed Local Law No. (2009) 1. Local Law No. 2 of the year 2006 (regulating siting of telecommunications towers, antennae, and related facilities), as amended by Local Law No. 2 of the year 2008 (permitting a temporary telecommunications tower on lands of Tompkins - Cortland Community College), is hereby further amended by revising paragraph 8 of Subsection C to Section 15 (Applicability of Special Use Permit to Telecommunications Towers) to read as follows: "8) The "cell on wheels" and all other appurtenances shall be completely removed from the installation site by December 31, 2009." Page 6of°12 'rP 3 Local Law No. 2 of the year 2009 (which local wheels" as October 1, 2009) is hereby repealed. 9 -9 -09 law set the date for removal of the "cell on This local law shad] take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State as required by the Municipal Home Rule Law, 21,41 Cl Solomon Roll Call Vote UNFINISHED BUSINESS Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Time Warner Contract - C1 Leifer has prepared a proposed franchise agreement with Timc Warner. Board members have reviewed it and he will forward it to Time Warner to begin the negotiations. One of the main concerns is the number of homes per mile necessary for Time Warner to extend service. Ithhaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant - Supv Sumner and board members reviewed and discussed a resolution passed by the City of Ithaca with respect to ownership of the real property that the sewer plant sits on. Atty Perkins has also reviewed the resolution and said it accurately reflects the current situation and a reasonable solution. RESOLUTION #162 - ENDORSE CONCEPT FOR IAWWTP Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board endorses the concept embodied in the City of Ithaca's resolution entitled "Authorization of New Offer to Towns of Ithaca and Dryden, Regarding Joint Sewer Plant Site Ownership, and Related Changes to the Leaser and Sublease for the Steamboat Landing Site" adopted f.�y the Common Council of the City of Ithaca on August 5, 2009. 2" d C1 Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes Alternatives Federal Credit Union, Dryden Business Individual Development Account Program- Cl Makar said that last fall the board authorized an agreement with Alternatives Federal Credit Union (AFCU) to administer Business Individual Development Account Program and reviewed the agreemer►t: between the Toixii and the participant: and the accompanying survey and log to be completed by the applicant. Cl Makar presented a proposed agreement, economic development log, and annual survey and asked the board to approve these forms so they can be used by AFCU in administering the program. RESOLUTION #163 - APPROVE FORMS FOR USE BY AFCU Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Page 7 cif 12 9 -9 -09 RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following forms to be used by Alternatives Federal Credit Union in administering the Dryden Business Individual Development Account. Program: Agreement, Economic Development: Log, and Economic Developircent Survey. 2,,d Cl heifer Roll Call Vote; NEW BUSINESS Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Budget Workshop Schedule - The board established the following as the budget workshop schedule: 6:00 p.m. on September 29, 2009, October 6, 2009, October 21, 2009, October 28, 2009, and November 4, 2009 if necessary. Cortland Road Water District - Supv Sumner reported she has TG Miller looking into the expense of forming a Cortland Road Water District. She estimates the cost to not exceed $7,500.00. Atty Perkins will prepare the necessary documents to appropriate the funds for a Map, Plan and Report and have it for the October meeting. Highway/DPW Equipment Reserve Fund - Att:y Perkins has prepared a resolution establishing a Highway Equipment Capital Reserve P~und. i•le will look into whether a separate fund is necessary for the Department. of Public Works. Teamsters Negotiations - Supv Sumner said September 14 at the Town ]-Tall. ']''here is no proposal been notified that the cost of retiree health insurance month. Retirees pay this amount: themselves. She w contribution to this in the future, the first meeting is scheduled for on the tal.Ae yet. She noted we have just has increased from $503 to $558 per ould like the Town to consider a RESOLUTION # 164 - ESTABLISHING THE TOWN OF DRYDEN HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESERVE FUND UNDER SECTION 6 -C OF THE GENERAL ]MUNICIPAL LAW Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden determines that prudent financial planning includes periodically setting aside funds for the purchase of expensive highway equipment or machinery, and WHEREAS, the Town Board finds that accumulating some or all of the acquisition costs of expensive highway equipment and machinery over several years enables the town to stabilize the tax rate and avoid large rage increases in the year of acquisition of such equipment or machinery, and WHEREAS, accumulating the acquisition costs of such equipment or machinery saves taxpayers the costs associated with financing some or all of such acquisition costs, and 'T'HEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: $. Pursuant to General Municipal l.aw 6 -c, there. be and hereby is established a a Page 8 of 12 9 -9 -09 Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of accumulating all or part of the costs related to the acquisition of equipment or machinery for the Town of Dryden Highway Department. 9. Such fund is to be known as the `Town of Dryden Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund." 10. The Town Board hereby authorizes and directs an initial transfer of $5)00,000 from the fund balance of the "Townwide A" fund to the Capital Reserve Fund. 11. The monies in the fund company designated by shall be deposited in a bank account in a bank or trust the Town Board and the monies in such fund shall be separately accounted for by the `Town Supervisor. 12. At the discretion of the Town Supervisor, moneys may be invested in the fund in the manner provided in General Municipal Law 6 -f. Any interest earned or capital gains realized on the moneys so deposited or invested shall accrue to and become part: of the fund. 13. No expenditure shall be made from the fund except by authorization of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden pursuant to the provisions of General Municipal Law 6 -c, 14. This resolution shall take effect immediately. 21111 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl St:elick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl Leifer Yes MarceHus Shale gas drilling issues - The board discussed whether to hire a consultant to assist with review of and comment on the EIS. D Kwasnowski will prepare an RFF in the event: they decide they need the assistance of a consultant. Protection of roads was discussed. The 'Town can impose weight restrictions and require bonds for trucks in excess of the weight restriction. There could be jurisdictional issues. Cl Leifer will check with the County to see what: their plans are and report next month. The Board can review the UNA's (Unique Natural Areas) and decide whether to apply to convert any or all of them to CEA%. They can also protect scenic view sheds, waterways and wetlands. The stormwater law is in place and the riparian buffer law should be completed soon. Cl Leifer will gather and distribute more information prior to the October meeting, including examples of what other municipalities have done and educational opportunities. Atty Perkins will move forward with respect: to the weight restrictions. He said the board should keep in mind the effect on local business. ® Health Insurance Consortium - Supv Sumner reported it is necessary to appoint cur alternate director to the consortium. Page 9 of 12 9 -9 -09 RESOLUTION #165 - APPOINT ALTERNATE DIRECTOR TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE GREATER TOMPKINS COUNTY HEALTH INSURANCE CONSORTIUM Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, in 2007, the County, on behalf of Tompkins County Council of Governments, accepted an incentive grant award under the New York State Shared Municipals Services Program, and WHEREAS, the grant: assisted the municipalities in Tompkins County to create a local health insurance consortium with the intent to provide a net savings to the taxpayers of Tompkins County, and WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden joined the Greater Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium via resolution #1.19 on July 8, 2009, and WHEREAS, the resolution includes the provision for this municipality to enter into an inter - municipal agreement that outlines duties of the hoard of Directors, which is charged with the. operation of the consortium, and WHEREAS, each participating municipality must appoint an alternate director to the Board of Directors who can vote on behalf of the municipality, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints David Makar to serve as its voting Alternate Director of the board of Directors. 2,,,' Cl Solomon Roll Call Vole COMMITTEE REPORTS Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes Cl heifer Yes Emergency Services Committee - Supv Sumner has reviewed the budget request from Varna and has received financial statements from Etna. Personnel Committee - Department heads will be receiving performance review training on the 1511, from Judy Drake, Human Resources, Town of Ithaca. Finance Committee - Met today at 5:00 p.m. The board reviewed the budget modifications and appropriations. RESOLUTION #166 - APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVEia, that: this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modifications and appropriations: Budget Modifications: Page 10 of 12 V 9 -9 -09 • From B8010.420 (ZBA Atty fees) to 83520.105 (Part time typist) - $1,500.00 From 68010.420 ('Zl3A Atty fees) to 138010.105 (Part time typist) - $1,500.00 Appropriations: From DA2680 (insurance recovery) to DA5130.4 (machinery contractual) $35,129.00 From A2680 (insurance recovery) to A1490..1. (DPW personal services) - j$11352.46 From A2705 (gifts Lis donations) to A7330.4 (recreation programs) - $2,228.00 From A599 (fund balance) (2008 insurance recovery) to A1490.1 (DPW personal serv.) - $15,000.00 From A599 (fund balance)(2008 insurance recovery) to A1490.4 (DPW contractual) - $19,210.00 2nd Supv Sumner Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes RESOLUTION #167 - APPROVE ABSTRACT #9 Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract #9, as audited, vouchers #803 through #922, totaling $195,084.40. 2n(I CI Solomon Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Cl Makar Yes CI Leifer Yes Loans & Grants Committee - Cl Makar has met with AFCU regarding the business development program and they are preparing posters and press releases. The housing oversight committee met and have approved five projects. Technology Committee - Minutes of the September 2, 2009 meeting have been distributed. The committee recommends purchasing 26 copies of Office 2007 at $300 each. This will insure each seat is compliant and able to receive upgrades. Cl Makar has checked with the bookkeeper and funds are available. RESOLUTION #168 - PURCHASE OFFICE 2007 Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that: this Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase of 26 copies of Microsoft Office 2007 at a total expense not to exceed $8,000. 211d Cl Makar Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yeas ® Cl Solomon Yes Supv Sumner Yes Page l 1 of 12 M-09 Cl il9akar Yes Cl Leifer Yes Recreation /Youth /Community Centers Committee - The Old Homes Days Committee will be meeting next week to wrap up for this year, and begin discussions for next year. Supv Sumner noted there was some confusion in the Zoning office about who gets charged for maps, and there will no charge to town departments for maps. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1 ell, ambi 7AVery Town Clerk Page 12 of 12 DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING • Dryden Town Hall 93 East Main Street Wednesday, September 9, 2009 ~ 7:00 PM 1) Call Meeting to Order 2) Pledge of Allegiance 3) Roll Call 4) Public Hearings - Ammendment to Local Law No 2 of 2006 5) Citizens Privilege 6) Town Clerk a) Approve Meeting Minutes for August 12, 2009 7) Highway Superintendent/Dept of Public Works a) 2009 Highway /DPW inventory update 8) Recreation Department a) Recognition of departing DRC member T Sherwood b) Recommendation to fill DRC Vacancy C) Recreation Partnership representation 9) County Briefing 10) Zoning Officer a) Weatherization Grant Report b) B Caldwell's memorial service 11/1 @ WCB 1 1) Environmental Planner a) Farmland Protection easement ® b) Zoning update timeline 12) Engineering 13) Attorney a) Campbell property 14) Unfinished Business a) Recreation Reserve Fund Resolution b) Time Warner Franchise C) Resolution regarding Joint Sewer Plant Site Ownership d) AFCU DBIDA Agreement 15) New Business a) Budget Workshop Schedule b) Cortland Road Water C) Teamsters negotiations d) Flighway /DPW Equipment Reserve Fund C) Marcellus Shale gas drilling issues timeline 16) Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please) Emergency Services Committee Personnel Committee Finance Committee: Budget Modifications Approve Abstract Loans & Grants Committee Technology Committee Recreation /Youth /Community Centers Committee ® 18) Future Agenda Items 19) Executive Session (if necessary) B. Avery J. Bush M. Bianconi County Rep H. Slater D. Kwasnowski A. Sciarabba M. Perkins M Sumner .I Leifer M Sumner D Makar M Sumner ivI Sumner M Sumner M Sumner J Leifer M Sumner Stelick/ Leifer M Sumner M Sumner Makar /Leifer Makar /Leifer Stelick/Leifer 9 -09 -09 SPEAKER SIGN IN SHEET If you wish to address the Board under citizens privilege of the floor please sign in below. Speakers will be limited to a maximum of three minutes. Please provide the Clerk with a written summary of your statement. Name Address 40 �v�of W l� �l Name - 1 P1:Ease L4 i 6h�i.�o•n Q,�. S \K, Elio te, Town of Dryden Town Board Meeting September 9, 2009 Address or Board �G Town of Dryden Economic Development log This log is to be kept for each participant in the Town of Dryden / Alternatives Federal Credit Union Individual Development Account program. It should be stored in a private location in the Town Hall. Name of Participant: Today's Date: Current Mailing Address: Business Physical Location (Address): Business Phone Number(s): Business Email Address(es): Name of Business: Any Additional Comments (Year 1): Any Additional Comments (Year 2): Any Additional Comments (Year 3): The survey form should be filled out by May 1" for the previous year. The Town of Dryden Supervisor's office if responsible for adding in the year's information. Attach any additional sheets as applicable. Town of Dryden Supervisor's Office 93 East Main Street ® Dryden, NY 13053 Year -1 Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total Gross Income for Business increase/ Decrease from Prior Year Total Sales Tax Paid (County and /or Municipal) Number of Employees (incl. principal) Any Additional Comments (Year 1): Any Additional Comments (Year 2): Any Additional Comments (Year 3): The survey form should be filled out by May 1" for the previous year. The Town of Dryden Supervisor's office if responsible for adding in the year's information. Attach any additional sheets as applicable. Town of Dryden Supervisor's Office 93 East Main Street ® Dryden, NY 13053 Town of Dryden Economic Development Annual Survey This survey is for participants of the Town of Dryden / Alternatives Federal Credit Union Individual Development Account program. It is to be completed by May 1" for the previous calendar year. Name of Participant: Today's Date: Name of Business: Year of Report: For the year you are reporting on: Total Gross Income for business: Percentage Increase or Decrease in Total Gross From Last Year to This Year: Total Sales Tax Paid: (County and /or Municipal) Number of Employees (including principal): Any additional comments on the business that you would like to report in the past year? (Property value increase for businesses located in formerly vacant properties, new customers outside of the Town of Dryden or Tompkins County, significant changes in your business in the last year, etc.) This form will need to be filled out 5 times as you participate in this program. The form should be filled out for the most recent year and the year before when you receive your first asset payment. The form should then be filled out by May 1" of each year after that asset is purchased for three years. "Town of Dryden Supervisor's Office 93 East Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 AG REEKENT Tb1.18 AGREEMENT is made this I day of , 2009 by and between the TOWN Olf` DRYDEN, a municipal corporation, 93 East .Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053, hereinafter referred to as the "Town," and New York hereinafter referred to as the "Participant." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Town, in collaboration with Alternatives Federal Credit Union ( "AFCU'�, has established the Dryden Business Individual Development Account Program ( "Program "), and WHEREAS, the Program involves the establishment of Individual Development Accounts (IDA's) at AFCU to which the Town will match on a 2:1 basis, contributions made by the Participant, and WHEREAS, the Participant wishes to enter into this Agreement with the Town to participate in the Program to assist the Participant with the acquisition of business assets through an IDA administered by AFCU for Participant's business located in the Town, NOW, TUMRE ORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the parties agree as follows: tj The term of this Agreement shall be from t0 The Participant agrees to provide the following reports to the ToI&m for the years of. participation in the Program including the year preceding this Agreement, the year beginning; with the date of this Agreement, and the three (3) subsequent years: a. Total gross income of the business; 0 b. Percentage increase or decrease in total gross income from year to year; c. Total sales tax collected by Participant; d. Number of employees (including principals of Participant). 3, The Town agrees to pay up to $2,000.00 on a 2:1 match for Participant's business asset acquisition following receipt and approval of the current year survey and Participant's completion oil ' the contribution requirements of the Program. Payment of said sum shall be made based on a voucher submitted by Participant and AFCU. 4, The Tol;rn reserves the right to recoup from the Participant monies received from the Program if the Participant faits to complete the annual reports required by paragraph 2. is 5. The Participant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Town and its officers, employees, agents and elected officials from and against any and all claims and actions brought against the Town and its officers, employees, agents and elected officials for injury or death to any person or persons or damage to any property arising out of the performance of this Agreement by the Participant, its employees, subcontractors or agents with the exception of all actions and claims rising out of the negligence of the Town. IN NVYIN.ESS WHERFOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written, Dated: .Dated: IDA Participant By: Town of Dryden By: Mary Ann Sumner, Town Supervisor ai F U W w W W h E Z J J J o o w a a O x L > 0 a o° w �iQi w �i 0 ~ o ~ o a o o o x o Q w .- U. I� ~ to T x Q7 T f0 °0 O W O) ' C? N y z N .1 � ww rn U U Y O Y I a CM0 } } L) 0 U v_ w Qd� w `n w °D CD z v H 0� 4 Z O U 4 44 vi Fes- v) O < < C Q N to U z ul V) V) uwi m x a z F' CL a d o o D D L) > T T c0 m > > > > a 5 c a 0 a a a a a a a a a o w w w w w w w w w w w z z_ _z z_ z_ zz z` z z z u x x x x x = = T 7 Y 0 U U U U U U U U U U U x x x x x a a x x x x :0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a F- F- h F- F- �- h (1) z z z z z z z z z z z p w w w w w w w w w w w > > > > > > > > > > > C z z z z z z z z z z z cq t a a a a = w c o w ° LLI cr w w p z U D o Q U) z z cn C F 0 0 -j . a '} U) U) Y° a L) z > Q 0. C p a Y Y co `� C- m E� -I a U U U � U d '� D D U 0 a a � a a 3~ v s v w r xh ¢ w 2 M C # N 0: a. a v x ow ~ o 0 p D = U U w a x h Q N Q F- h M V In (D tp� W ^ N it iC ittk Xk xk Yk asa U U L U U U U U U t/! 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SFI' DRYDEN EIRE DISTRICT CA$H - CHECKING 11,237.50 210. 314, B] 7.w 5, 352. 6+1 CASH - CHECKING 106,135,66 0.00 CASH - S+VFNGS 5, 099, 155, 5'n SC, 061, G3 175,01O.00 CASH - S�VTNGS 339,125.31 •„ 974,20-7,45 185.28 PETTY CRH -00 6100.04 308,0611,59 0,0O TOTAL 339,125.31 O.00 3,435,28 600.00 Pr TTY CASH - POSTAGE '1 . 95'' . 24 SLl- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT 0,00 ? . 04 1. 95� .24 TOTr1,, CASH - CHECKING 0.00 492_04 492,04 01 UO 5, 152,95U,-7O .3, 844.77 260F71 _59 ;30,362,54 492.44 5,082,959 -95 TOTAL DA HIGHWAY TOWNWTDE FUND e4. el -'7 4 94 , 06 964 . OB 3f354-75 �L2` ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASK - CHECKING 0100 64F 760,11. 54,754, 11 0.00 O,OO 403,97 CASK - S.AVTNCS 1,102F�114.35 403.97 130x021 -93 54r�60,il 3)331,42 1,168x172.17 1, ?5 TOTAL 11„ ;1,02, 910, 35 154, 752, 04 1 ?9, 520, 22 1, 168, 1'l2.1? GENERAL - OUTSIDEi FUND CASH - CHECKING 0.00 81,288.31 03,288.3i O.00 CA H - 3AVING5 5.19, 09$ -60 139,509.21 ?7, 24t 31, 626. 3x9, 551 P2TE'Y CASF - POSTAGE 2,246_;1, }i O.00 0 -04 2,245,14 '1'CTAL `21oJ44,74 1100536,62 628,605,64 DB HIGHWAY MTSIDE FUND CASs: - CHECKING 41,00 46,48$ -55 46.988.55 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1x0 0,10�,4v 228,034,93 46.468,55 x, 57„653,83 TOTAL 7„0,70.10'7,45 27.1x$23.48 92,9 ?;.14 1,251,63? 8'. SFI' DRYDEN EIRE DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 31„250.00 31x250,00 0,00 CASH - S�VTNGS 339,125.31 185.28 31x250 -00 308,0611,59 TOTAL 339,125.31 3,435,28 6205{10.00 3080060,59 SLl- VARNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 492_04 492,04 01 UO CASH ` SAVINGS .3, 844.77 2,02 492.44 3e354,75 TOTAL 3, e4. el -'7 4 94 , 06 964 . OB 3f354-75 �L2` ETNA LIGHTING DISTRICT CASH - CHECKING 0.00 403,97 403.97 O.OQ CASH - $AiFINGS 3)331,42 1, ?5 403,97 2x929.2;1, Page moNT11LV REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 08/31/2009 Increases Decreases 09/30/2009 isTOTAL 3,331.4'2 405. 73 807.94 2,929.21 SL3- MEADOW /LEISURE LIGHTING CASH - CHECKING 0.00 384.38 384.38 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 2,492.08 1.27 384.38 2,108.97 TOTAL 2,492.08 385.65 766.76 2,108.97 SM AMBULANCE DISTRICT CASH - SAVINGS 229,226.44 137.95 0.00 2291364.39 TO`I'r?L 229,226.44 137.95 0.00 2290364.39 SS1- SAPSUCKER SEWER - UNITS CASH - SAVINGS 420427.40 223,65 0.00 420651.05 TOTAL 42,427.40 223.65 0.00 420651.05 SS2- VARNA SEWER - UNITS CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1.0 728.26 11728.26 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1 "10,620.19 1.01.164 1,728.26 168,993.57 TOTAL 170,620.19 1,829.91 3,456.52 168,993.5^ CORTLAND RD SEWER ®SS3- CASH - CHFCKING 0.00 36,920.93 36,920.93 0.00 CASH - SAV114GS 229,029.54 130.53 36,920.93 192,239.54 POSTAGE 48.52 0.00 0.00 48.52 TOTAL, 2291078.46 37,051.46 73,841.86 192,288.06 SS4- MONKEY RUN SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 324.44 324.44 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 200,936.42 120.1 73 324.44 200,732.72 TOTAL 200,936.42 445.17 648.88 200,732.71 SS5- TURKEY HILL SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 42.00 42100 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 1390 162.59 118.94 42.00 139,239.53 TOTAL 1,39, 162.59 160.94 64,00 139, 239.53 SS6- PEREGRINE HOLLOW SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 42.00 42.00 0.00 CASH - SAVING;S 95,263.27 57.30 42.00 95,278.57 TOTAL 95,263.27 99.3q 84.00 95,278.57 ®SS7- ROYAL ROAD SEWER CASH - CHECKING 0.00 1.04.83 104.83 0.00 CASH - SAVINGS 25,376.95 1.5.21 104.83 25,287,33 Page 2 f� MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 08/31/2009 Increases Decreases 09/30/2009 TOTAL 25,376.95 120.04 209.66 250287.33 SW1- VARNA WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SW2- SNYDER HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SW3- MONKEY RUN WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS SW4- HALL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS 0.00 325,410.54 325,410.54 734.44 304.35 1,038.79 734.44 734.44 1,468.88 0.00 324,980.45 324,980.45 0.00 602.12 602.12 393.24 0.00 0.00 65,688.89 198,291.717 156.99 119.09 602.12 65,245.76 TOTAL 65,688189 7b1.1i 1 „204.24 65,295.76 TOTAL TOTAL 0SW5- TURKEY HILL WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL SW6- ROYAL ROAD WATER CASH - CHECKING CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL PN MCARTHUR SPECIAL RESERVE CHECKING - SPECIAL RESERVES TOTAL CD REHABILITATION LOANS AND GRANTS CASH - CHECKING TO`1'AL H CAPITAL PROJECTS - TOWN HALL 0 CASH - SAVINGS TOTAL TA AGENCY FUND 0.00 393.24 263.42 263.42 393.24 0.00 31,343.72 0.00 31.1588.29 198,291.717 282.27 119.09 526.84 39?.24 198,017.62 198,291.77 512.33 786.48 198,017.62 0.00 31.,588.29 263.42 18.85 263.42 263.42 0.00 31,343.72 31.1588.29 282.27 526.84 31,343.72 0.00 168,11.4.00 263.42 1.73.65 263.42 263.42 0.00 1681024.23 168,114.00 437.07 526.84 168,024.23 0100 26,366.20 263.42 15.71 263.42 263.42 0.00 26,118.49 26,366.20 279.1,3 526.84 26,118.49 2,922.90 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 2, 922, 90 197p113.13 197,113.13 1,011.72 1,011.72 0.00 10,245.57 10,245.57 0.61 0.61. 0.00 12, 1.93.61 1.2, 193, 61 0.00 0.00 2,922.90 195,165.09 195,1.65.09 1,012.33 1,012,33 Page 3 TOTAL 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.03 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS 24,798.65 0100 0.00 24,768.65 TOTAL 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 10, 3 i 7, 333.15 1, 1.4'1, 863. 94 938,114,01 10, 587, 083.08 Page 4 MONTHLY REPORT OF SUPERVISOR Balance Balance 08/31/2009 Increases Decreases 09/30/2009 0 CASH - TRUST & AGENCY 7,806.49 114,043.00 114,0913.00 7,751.49 TOTAL 7,806.49 114,043.00 114,096.00 7, ?51.99 CM MISC SPECIAL REVENUE /MCARTHUR CASH - SAVTNGS 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.03 TOTAL 22.03 0.00 0.00 22.03 HB CORTLAND ROAD SEWER BAN CASH - SAVINGS 24,798.65 0100 0.00 24,768.65 TOTAL 24,798.65 0.00 0.00 24,798.65 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 10, 3 i 7, 333.15 1, 1.4'1, 863. 94 938,114,01 10, 587, 083.08 Page 4