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January 9, 2008
Present: Supervisor Mary Ann Sumner, Cl Stephen GStelick, Jr., Cl Joseph
Solomon, Cl. David Makar, Cl Jason Leifer
Elected Officials= Sambi L. lloflenbeck, Towm Clerk
Jack Binh, Highway Superintendent
Other Town Staff: Mahlon R_ Perkins, 'rowri Attorney
Andrew Sciarabba, TG Miller Engineers
Henry $Inter, Zoning Officer
Dan Kwaznowski, lii' ]ivironrner4tal Plarmer
Melissa Bianconi, Recreation Coordinator
Supv Sumner opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m. and board members and guests recited
the pledge of allegiance_
Supv Sumner opened the public hearing at 7,07 p, m. and Town Clerk Bambi
Hollenbeck read the notice published in The Ithaca Journal.
Car] Haynes, President of Tompkins Cortland Community College, introduced Jahn
Caruso, Site Engineer For the project, and Mark Passero of Passero Associates, the architect for
the project_ He said this is Phase II of their resident hail expansion, Phase I was completed in
the fall of 2006 and that building was €Fully occupied in January 2007. Phase 11 consists of two
additional buildings of about the carne size. Over the course of the summer their waiting list
for housing has gown to over 000. This is an indiration of a very strong market demand for
this expansion. They anticipate it will be at least four or five years WOTe they would consider
any additional housing accommodations for studenh.
John Caruso reviewed the site plan with the board. The new buildings will be
southwest and downhill from the exiting buildings. There is a courtyard between the
buildings and because of this orientation it will help keep noise from the Lee road area. A
neighborhood meeting revealed that neighbors were concerned with pedestrian traffic„ noise
anrd drainage. The design takes those issues into account.
The roadway will connect to TC3 via the lower parking lot and has been reviewed with
the local Fire Chief who is happy with that plan, They will be able to access the buildings from
any side for emergency services_ Fire hydrants are served by three different directions
(redundant water services ).
Parking lots arc smaller than generally required because they know the use and
requirements for the school is less_ They will obtain a variance from the .oning Board of
Appeals for that (as was done in Phase I). Smaller parking lots also reduce the amount of
starmwater runoff. Thera,• is room to expand the parking area in the future if necessary, but
they don't believe that tiL211 be the case,
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16 There are two stormwater management facilities. They will continue to use the existing
one on site, and a new site will be developed at the bottom of the hill. With the development of
the new pond they will also construct cut: off swales that should help with the neighbors'
drainage problems.
Noise, screening and buffering was another concern that came out of the neighborhood
meeting. Some of the dirt excavated on site will be moved downhill and a landscaping berm
will be constructed.
Prevention Plan
prepared for
the application was done before
the 'T'own's
new law was
They will revise
their plan to
meet the new criteria.
receiving comments from
ZO Henry Slater,
they have
decided to move a
berm to better screen bee
Road. Additional
will also be made.
J Caruso said they have reviewed the comments received from Tompkins County
Planning. He said they did not comment on the site itself, but said they would like to see
pedestrian ways connecting the campus to the community. He said the buildings are
connected with the main campus and other residential halls, so internal pedestrian access (and
the safety of it) is worked out.
C Haynes said the County has strongly suggested they have access to downtown, and
the college is sympathetic to that, but are restricted because of the geographic location and
concerns of Lee Road residents. They are interested in looking at alternatives and said he had
talked with the Town Supervisor about connecting through Town lands. He would like to find a
way to solve that problem and accommodate the Lee Road residents.
® J Caruso said that the Village will now be able to access their reservoir via TC3's
roadways, so the road from Lee Road is no longer necessary and additional screening can be
put there.
He reviewed the list of Town Board criteria.
A. The application is complete and board has the information.
B. Whether the nature, use or intensity will conflict with other allowed uses in the
zone. He said that was approved and evaluated through SEQR and it remains
C. Whether the use will be more ob ectionable or depreciating to adjacent or nearby
properties by traffic or noise. J Caruso said they are trying to attenuate and
change and minimize those issues.
D. Will the project discourage or hinder the appropriate development of uses of
adjacent properties. J Caruso said the answer is no; there is an opportunity for
them to extend their road, but they are not doing that.
E. Whether or not residential use adjacent to existing residential use be screened.
He said they are accounting for that in their plan and.
!•. Whether the health, safety or general welfare of the community %vill be affected;
and J Caruso said they believe it will be better.
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Cl Makar asked J Caruso to review the lighting plan. The college has adopted a
particular light fixture and that will be carried through this construction. It will be a 30' pole
with a dark sky compliant fixture, 400 watts.
Cl Leifer asked if the existing road to Lee Road will be eliminated and was told it was
their intention to do that. They are talking with the Village, who has an easement through the
property, and they have agreed to the alternate access. It is a stone road and they will remove
Mike Lane of the Village of Dryden said when the first foundation building was built
there was criticism from the Fire Department about the configuration of the stairwells and lack
of stand pipes and he asked if these had been addressed. He was told both issues have been
taken care of in the new buildings.
M Lane said he also wondered about the lighting. He noted the lighting in the new town
hall building is confined to the parking lot and no light travels to neighboring property. The
TC3 complex has become a 'glow of sodium vapor orange" and he said he hopes that new
construction would have different lights, confined more to the property. He was told that was a
goal for this project and the lights are dark sky compliant. The color of the light would require
a complete retrofitting of the fixtures.
ZO Slater noted that the Dryden Fire Department has been involved in review of this
project as it progresses and have made several suggestions with respect to the ability to move
their equipment in and around the site. They will continue to be involved.
It was
noted also that
there have been discussions with TCAT
and providing space for
® their buses to
turn around in
hopes of bringing public transportation
to the site.
Stephan Wilde, 53 Lee Road, said his property is probably closest to the site. He said
he was informed by the Village of Dryden today that they have not confirmed a plan with TC3
for access to the reservoir and will be talking about it at a meeting tomorrow morning. He said
the Lee Road residents would like to see that access fenced off to prevent students from
travelling through and down Lee Road. He was assured the Village would like to do this.
S Wilde said drainage has been an issue in the past and there are still outstanding
issues. As a resident this is a number one concern. Past projects have resulted in
dramatically different drainage situations and created runoff issues for Lee Road residents.
Now there will be much more impervious surface space. TC3 has acknowledged the problem
and in the past rebuilt a large swale. He wants to make sure that before any permit is granted,
all of the drainage issues are cleared up.
Noise is a concern for Lee Road residents, and S Wilde said most of what they hear is
parking lot noise, and these new buildings are closer still to Lee Road with more parking lots.
Because TC3 is located uphill, they hear it regardless of screening. If this were an educational
building, he wouldn't have as many reservations, but these are resident dorms for a
community college.
Dan Kwasnowski said that our local stormwater law requires more than is required by
the State, and TC3 is doing a good job with that. One of the things required by the Town is to
incorporate two better site designs, which they have done by reducing the parking areas and
the footprint of the building by making it four stories instead of two. From an environmental
planning standpoint he thinks they have done a good job.
A Sciarabba said some of the critical items that were addressed were what happens
with the overflow of this discharge of the ponds. They are committed to maintaining flow paths
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and review by TO Miller to make sure they can get the overflow from the new pond to not
impact the rear lots on Lee Road. State requirements and local requirements require you to
detain the waters so there is no increase in runoff from the site, as well as water quality
requirements. Both in the first phase and in this phase they have built their ponds exceedingly
large. Assuming everything is built correctly, they will reduce runoff rates between 80% and
95% from existing conditions. That goes way beyond anything the Town or the State would
dictate and he said it is a good response to the fact that there are neighbor concerns. He also
said natural area conservation is a credit that could be applied to this project.
J Leifer asked S Wilde if he could hear noise from the dorms while inside his home, and
S Wilde said sometimes, particularly the bass from car stereos. They did make the residence
hall folks aware of it.
J Solomon said safety is always an issue with a lot of people living together and asked
about emergency service blue light call boxes. These buildings are further from the main
M Passero said all the paths will be lit and they are putting in the infrastructure for the
blue light system. At this point there is a lot more involved with implementing a blue light
system and the college is still putting that process together. There is also a plan to add
additional resident administrators in each of the buildings.
With respect to campus safety and security, Carl Haynes said they are in the process of
hiring peace officers and will hire a Director of Safety and Security who will have a law
enforcement background. This is in addition to the residential staff, etc. The College and
Foundation are discussing how to blend these services. He said the new buildings will not
open until fall 2009 and they have already begun the safety and security process.
Don Scutt asked how many permanent jobs this project might bring to the area. He was
told they estimate 5 in their application, but it could be as many as 10.
Cl Makar asked whether the construction would move uphill or down, and was told that
some things will happen simultaneously, and construction of the pond needed to be done early
in the process. Construction of the buildings will be staged.
Cl Stelick said he found it interesting that Tompkins County Planning in their 239 1 &
m review suggests a trail to Lee Road when the intent has been to keep away from that for the
residents of Lee Road. ZO Slater said they had not spoken to him about that.
Cl Stelick asked Carl Haynes to comment on shuttle bus service for students and
whether that service to the Village would be improved so that students could shop locally. C
Haynes said the current system is that students sign up on an as needed basis for
transportation via college owned vans to specific areas. They are working to improve that.
They are also served by the TCAT system.
for a
number of reasons they would like to continue to
emphasize a
to the Village.
The public hearing was closed at 7:55 p.m.
Carlton and Jean Ryan of 615 Fall Creek Road asked the board to request a reduction
of the speed limit on Fall Creek Road. Mr Ryan was hit by an out of control car while snow=
blowing his driveway on January 3, 2008. He was not near the edge of the road. They state
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that excessive speed is a problem on the road and there is a lack of enforcement. He has
spoken with Bill Szcesny of Tompkins County Highway, the State Police and the Sheriff's
Department. It seems everyone is aware there is a problem on the road, but nothing is done
about it. Homes have been struck by out of control vehicles and lives have been lost. A lot of
accidents go unreported. A request was made for speed reduction in 1999 and that request
was denied.
After further discussion, the board decided it would be appropriate to request that the
speed limit on Fall Creek Road between the Village of l+reeville and the hamlet of McLean be
reduced to 45 mph.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Town Board has been made aware of repeated incidents of excessive
speed and accidents on Fall Creek Road in the Town of Dryden, and
WHEREAS, the safety of residents and motorists in the Town of Dryden is a concern,
RESOLVED, that this Town Board respectfully requests that the speed limit on Fall
Creek Road in the Town of Dryden be reduced to 45 miles per hour between the hamlet of
McLean and the Village of Freeville, and that New York State Department of Transportation
initiate the appropriate investigation.
2nd Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
TC3 Foundation Special Permit Application
The board reviewed the SEQR document for the Tompkins Cortland Community College
Foundation Application. D Kwasnowski noted that the acreage on page 4 in answer to the
question about how many acres of vegetation and trees will be removed from site should be 5.3
and after discussion that change was made. The depth to bedrock was changed to 2 feet and
depth to water table was changed to 3 feet. The project sponsor agreed with those changes.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
A. The proposed action involves the issuance of a special permit based on the
application of Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation to construct two 4 -story
student residence halls (134 bed each) at 26 and 30 Farview Drive
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® B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the Town
of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in
connection with approval by the Town.
C. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function
for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the
New York State Environmental Conservation Law - the State Environmental Quality Review Act
"(SEQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Long Environmental Assessment Form (the "Long EAF"),
Part I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this proposed
action and its environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of
environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse
impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and (iii)
completed the Long EAF, Part II;
1, The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the
Long EAF, Part I, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this
proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant
areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant
adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §617.7(c), and
(iii) its completion of the Long EAF, Part Il, including the findings noted thereon (which findings
are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative determination of
environmental significance ( "Negative Declaration") in accordance with SEQR for the above
referenced proposed action, and determines that neither a full Environmental Assessment
Form, nor an Environmental Impact Statement will be required, and
2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby
authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance,
confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Long EAF and
determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution.
2nd CI Stelick
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Cl Solomon Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
Cl Makar Yes
Cl Leifer Yes
The board discussed the stormwater prevention plan submitted and the fact: that it was
prepared prior to the board's recent adoption of its local law for stormwater. Atty Perkins
stated that the requirements in the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance made at the same
time as the adoption of the stormwater law state the applicant must submit its stormwater
plan as part of the application. The plan submitted does not meet all the requirements of the
local law, and Supv Sumner asked whether it would be possible to approve the special permit
application with a condition that a new stormwater plan meeting those requirements be
submitted and approved by the town engineer. Atty Perkins said that is a board decision and
also noted that approval would have to be subject to the applicant obtaining a variance for
parking. Only the Zoning Board of Appeals can grant that variance.
Applicant stated they had received conditional approval on their last application. They
realize their plan was prepared prior to the adoption of the local law and want to comply with
it. It won't change the design, but really only modifies the report. They need to receive
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40 approval for this prior to receiving their funding for the project, and the closing is scheduled for
January 22, 2008.
70 Slater said his recommendations for conditions include addressing the stormwater
management separately. It was a part of the standard conditions of approval when their last
approval was obtained. The remaining standard conditions would still apply. He would also
like to reduce the time for notification of blasting from 72 hours to 24 hours.
There was discussion about whether submission of new stormwater plan would be a
condition of approval or would need to be submitted prior to approval. Applicant explained
they needed to have approval prior to receiving their funding. They will be receiving 19 million
dollars in IDA funding and it was further explained that there is a sunset for this type of
funding (January 31). If it doesn't get approved tonight, it could very well set the project back
by a year and M Robertson said the fees would be lost to the local community.
Cl Leifer said the noise issue after construction hadn't really been addressed and he
would like the college to commit to working with the neighbors if the landscaping doesn't turn
out to be the solution (perhaps soundproof windows for residents closest to the facility). C
Haynes said the college has a long standing history of working with the neighbors on problems.
The noise problems may not be addressed by physical barriers, but by supervision. This has
been discussed in their neighbor meetings and they will monitor the situation.
Cl Solomon said he would like to see some monitoring stations installed to measure any
runoff' that isn't calculated and see if there is extra runoff going downhill to the neighborhood.
A Sciarabba said he wasn't sure that would work. What they usually require is an as -built of
the pond and facilities to verify the volumes are correct. J Caruso said part of the stormwater
prevention plan is weekly inspections of the system and the erosion in and around it. Reports
are created on a weekly and monthly basis and submitted to the Town. ZO Slater said every '/2
inch rain event will also trigger a report.
Access to the pump house by the Village was discussed. The road will be removed and
the Village will have access via college/ foundation roadways. The map was reviewed by board
S Wilde pointed out on the map where there currently were wetlands that were not
there before. He has lost trees on his property because the ground got so wet. He is concerned
about the effect of further constriction and was assured that the stormwater plan would take
care of it.
The board reviewed the special permit criteria and made the following findings under
Section 1303:
a) Whether the application is complete - At the time the application was submitted it
was complete. Since the adoption of the Stormwater law a new stormwater plan
must be submitted. After discussion, the board decided that submission of a
suitable stormwater plan can be a condition of approval.
b) Whether the location, use, nature and intensity of the operation will be in conflict
with the allowed uses of the zone and neighborhood - No.
c) Whether the use will be more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent and nearby
properties by reason of traffic, noise, vibration, dust, smoke, fire, hazard, glare,
flashing lights or disposable waste or sewage than the operation of allowed uses of
the zone - No.
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d) Whether the use will discourage or hinder the appropriate development and use of
adjacent properties or neighborhood - No.
e) Whether a non - residential use adjacent to an existing residential use shall be
screened by a landscape buffer strip or suitable fencing - Yes.
fl Whether the health, safety and general welfare of the community may be adversely
affected - No.
And a new requirement: Written application shall be made via the zoning enforcement
office of the town to the town board and shall include the following: for proposed uses that
meet the definition of land development activity, a stormwater pollution prevention plan shall
be required by the stormwater management officer. The board will make this a condition and
the building permit will not be issued until the stormwater pollution prevention plan is
Cl Stelick said he wants to make sure that the Village has the access they need to their
reservoir and make sure that the residents of Lee Road are protected. He asked C Haynes to
make certain that happens and ZO Slater said he would talk with the Village in the morning.
A variance for the parking spaces will be necessary.
Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the Special Permit application of
Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation dated November 15, 2007, for the
construction of two 4 -story student residence halls (134 beds each) at 26 and 30 Farview Drive,
subject to the following conditions:
1) No building permit shall be issued until the applicant has received approval by
the Town of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan required by Local Law 44 -2007.
2) Standard Conditions of Approval (7- 12 -00), except #7.
3) Applicant shall provide notification at least 24 hours notice prior to any blasting,
including notice to the 911 center, local fire department, the Town of Dryden, and the e-mail
list of neighbors maintained by TC3.
4) This approval is based upon a site plan dated November 15, 2007, which does
not contain the required number of parking spaces. Therefore, this approval is expressly
subject to the applicant obtaining a variance from the Town of Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals
for the number of parking places and the configuration thereof shown on the aforesaid site
2nd Cl Solomon
Roll Call Vote
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® The board took a five minute recess at 9:25 p.m.
Hollenbeck asked
board to approve the town board meeting minutes of November
5, 2007
13, 2007.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Hoard hereby approves the meeting minutes of November 8,
2007, December S, 2007 and December 13, 2007.
2nd Cl Makar
Roll Call vote
Supv Sumner
B Hollenbeck said the board has her monthly report and annual report and noted the
increase in revenue due to the passport service fees and photograph fees.
B Hollenbeck expressed her displeasure in the late receipt of the tax bills due to a
mishap at the County. Dryden's bills were not received until January 2, 2008. Supv Sumner
said that it made things difficult here. B Hollenbeck added that it was certainly a waste of
money to have to print the bills t%vice. Martha Robertson said that the Solid Waste Department
actually paid for it, and she didn't have the details having heard about it after the fact. They
are an enterprise department actually and it is not tax money; they have their own fees and
reserve funds and it is not out of tax funds. 13 Hollenbeck noted that years ago they billed
separately and it was not included on the tax bill. B Hollenbeck said there were a lot of
residents calling and wondering where their bills were because we always work hard to get
them out by the first of year.
M Robertson apologized for the inconvenience. B Hollenbeck said she didn't
understand how one department didn't know what the other was doing and that the County
Legislature didn't convey the message to the Assessment Department,
Martha Robertson said the County Legislature is setting committees and schedules.
She is serving as Chair of the Planning and Development and Environmental Quality, and is on
the Health and Human Services and Public Safety Committees. Anyone wanting minutes or
agendas for any committees should let her know or call the Legislature Office.
M Robertson is serving on the search committee for a new County Administrator. They
will be interviewing seven of the forty -six applicants in the next couple of weeks. Two to four of
that group will be recommended to the legislature for a final choice. They hope to have the
process complete by the end of March.
• The Assessment Department will be revaluating the entire County this year and has a.
very aggressive public relations effort. Their staff is available to attend a town board meeting or
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set something up
the public.
The intent is to make the whole operation a lot more user -
friendly and they
actually be
doing some
interviews over the phone.
M Lane asked whether comparable assessed properties will be included in the mailings
to homeowners and M Robertson said she didn't think those would be included, but are
available through the assessment office. M Lane said in the past at least three comparables
were included in the notices and it made things easier for the public.
Melissa Bianconi reported that basketball games will begin on the 19th for boys and
girls. Wrestling matches will begin probably the last weekend in January. There will not be an
annual wrestling tournament in Dryden this year. They decided to take a year off when the
high school first offered to take it on and then decided against it. She said she actually thinks
it is a wise decision and will give everyone time to recover from past tournaments and start
Planning for Music
in the }park
is going
and she
had a lot of response from the
letters of interest she sent
out. She is
adding some new acts.
There should be some adult programming soon, and she hopes to secure space in the
town hall building for that programming. She asked the board to be able to use the big
meeting room for some low impact yoga classes, digital photography and some others. She
asked the board to consider that and get back to her.
0 The Wall Street dugouts are moving forward with a tentative construction date of March
29, pending confirmation with Craig Basl. She will also ask SUNY Cortland, Ithaca College and
TC3 to get some sports teams to do their community service work on this project. The project
should be able to be completed in a weekend.
M Bianconi said they had a very good DRC meeting last night, one of the most
productive in a long time. D Scutt thanked Mike Lane for his presentation on the old fair
Jack Bush said he had contracted Fnvu•o- Contro Technologies, Inc. to do the survey on
the Tuttle property. That was received this morning via e-mail. There is asbestos in the
building —in the floor tiles, around the chimney area, the ductwork, the windows and there are
asbestos shingles on the house. The next step is to contact three different contractors to do
this type of removal. J Bush has sent the report to three contractors and hopes to have quotes
for removal by next month. He will then also try to determine the cost of removing the rest of
the material. Supv Summer, Dan Kwasnowski and Henry Slater will be meeting Monday to
discuss other possibilities for the house and /or barn.
J Bush reported that the dilapidated garage at 1995 Dryden Road was removed by his
Department today. The cost is estimated at about $2,500.00. Supv Sumner said it is possible
the County has foreclosed on the property and we may not be able to recover that expense.
J Bush has presented the board with an agreement for sharing equipment, tools and
machinery with other municipalities. This is done each year. He asked the board to sign the
agreement and they did.
• J Bush provided the board with a list of current highway /dpw equipment and its
replacement cycle. The board was previously provided with a resolution giving the Highway
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Superintendent permission to purchase or sell certain equipment. Some equipment purchases
were postponed because of the salt storage building this year. That resolution was reviewed
and passed.
Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway/ DPW Superintendent
Advertise for bid or purchase off the state contract one 2008 new and unused crew cab
medium duty 4X4 s/a dump truck for the Highway Department not to exceed $50,000.
Sell one
used 2001 Ford 550
crew cab 4X4 s/a dump truck
vin. #1FDAW57F-
41EC74876 at
a surplus auction or
by advertisement to bid or to a
public entity.
Advertise for bid or purchase off state contract one 2008 new and unused 4X4 pick up
truck with snowplow equipment for the Highway Department not to exceed $25,000.
Sell one 2002 Chevrolet 4X4 pickup truck vin #1GCHK24U42E260316 at a surplus
auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity.
Advertise for bid or purchase off stake contract one 2008 new and unused tractor/
mower for the Highway Department not to exceed $58,000.
® Purchase off state contract one 2008 new and unused 4x4 pickup truck for the DPW
not to exceed $25,000.
Sell one used 2006 Chevy 4x4 pickup truck vin #1GCHK24U96E225101 at a surplus
auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity.
Advertise for
purchase off state contract one 2008 new and unused 6x4 utility
vehicle for the DPW
exceed $9,500.
Sell one used 2000 6x4 utility vehicle vin. #W006X4X042747 at a surplus auction or by
advertisement for bid or to a public entity.
Advertise for bid or purchase off state contract one 2008 new and unused lawn tractor
mower for the DPW not to exceed $9,500.
Sell one used 2006 JD X700 lawn tractor vin. #MOX700A0100542 at a surplus auction
or by advertisement for bid or to a public entity.
2"d Supv Sumner
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Cl Makar said one of the topics discussed by the Conservation Board last night was the
Town's long -term preparation for conservation for climate change and one of the things on the
list was getting town vehicles if and when possible moved over to alternative fuels (bio fuels, bio
diesel, vegetable oil). He said it is very early in the stages of how to make that work, but some
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of the items on the replacement schedule could be ones that use alternative fuel. He said he
wanted J Bush to be aware that they are thinking of these things, money- saving solutions as
well as environmentally= saving solutions.
J Bush said with his replacement schedule, they tend to have new emissions systems
and that is an advantage. He will consider some of these options as they become available, but
said there are some problems with warranty issues if the vehicles have been amended to accept
alternative fuels. There is also the additional expense of modification of current vehicles.
Savings for fuel under state bid are another consideration. Cl Makar said he will be working
with the Conservation Board on a policy for alternative fuel use and that they will work very
closely with the Highway Superintendent in developing that policy.
ZO Slater welcomed the new board and wished them luck in the future. He reported
that he had sent out about a dozen invitations to potential sign designer/ installers to submit
an entry of a proposed design to be installed for the Town Hall. There has been only one so far
who is enthusiastic about designing a sign. It turns out that M Biancorti has been working
with the school art department trying to come up with a logo. He hopes to have something for
the board to look at for the February board meeting with the intent of awarding the project at
the March meeting.
ZO Slater said that it would be appropriate to amend the Standard Conditions of
Approval (7 -2000) frequently used in special permit approvals by removing item number 7
because adoption of the Stormwater Law makes it obsolete. Atty Perkins said that number 7
should be rewritten to mention the Stormwater regulations.
Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked that it be adopted:
this Town Board
amends the
Standard Conditions of Approval
by removing the current
#7 and replacing
it with
the following
7. Compliance with Local Law #4 -2007 establishing the Town of Dryden Stormwater
Management, Erosion and Sediment. Control Law.
2nd C1 Stelick
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
ZO Slater reported that he is holding back $23,000 from Frey & Campbell, the people
responsible for the heating and cooling system because it still doesn't work right. He said there
is apparently an air infiltration problem in the lines and they can't get it out.
There was some discussion about the maintenance/ cleaning of the new building and
the need to have the floor buffed. J Bush said he will check into the cost of
renting/ purchasing a propane buffer. He had created a position for a maintenance worker for
the purpose of the DPW Department as things progressed and a proposal for cleaning for the
building for $18,000 was considered. He thought at least temporarily the new person could
clean the new building. Since he was hired, we are discovering how much time it takes to
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TB 1 -9 -08
clean the building and figuring out what to do each day. When it snows a lot of time is spent
removing that from the parking lot and sidewalks. The floor buffing has been put off because
of all these other variables. Supv Sumner said she doesn't think you can combine building
maintenance and cleaning. J Bush said he was certainly open to having someone clean the
building and his department providing maintenance. Supv Sumner said she will discuss it
further with ZO Slater and J Bush. She would like to have the floors buffed at least once. J
Bush will check into renting a buffer.
D Kwasnowski said that NYS
Markets has announced that the Town
won another conservation easement.
This one is
the Jerry-Dell Farm.
He reported he has been busy working on administering the Stormwater Law and
getting the forms together. They were pretty much finalized today. Josh Bogdan has been a
great help with that.
Board members have received his annual report.
The Conservation Board is putting together its work plan for next year and should have
it ready for the February board meeting so the Town Board can give them their charge for next
The Planning Board is busy with the residential design guidelines and the commercial
design guidelines. Those may be ready for presentation at a public meeting next month.
Supv Sumner said it is necessary to appoint a Stormwater Management Officer and said
she would like to appoint ZO Slater.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Henry Slater to serve as Stormwater
Management Officer.
2nd Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
A Sciarabba reported that when the ground thaws in the Spring they will be working on
the retention ponds at the new town hall site to determine why the first pond isn't functioning
No report.
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•m 1 -9 -0s
Supv Sumner said a person who is interested in being an out of district user (Monkey
Run District) will be at the February meeting.
The board
received a resume from
Mark Maybury
for the vacancy on the Zoning
Board of Appeals.
Slater said the ZBA had
reviewed his resume and recommends him.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Mark Maybury to the Zoning Board
of Appeals for a term to expire December 31, 2012.
2A Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Supv Sumner said the board should consider withholding the funds granted to the
Bethel Grove Community Center until their management situation is resolved and encumber
the funds. Atty Perkins suggested the board revoke the offer of the contract until the matter is
Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby revokes its offer of funding for the Bethel
Grove Community Center until its management issues are resolved, and it is further
RESOLVED, that the amount of the funding offered $7,531.90 is hereby encumbered
from the 2007 budget.
2rid Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Cl Makar noted they are meeting on January 17 and hopefully the matter will be
resolved then.
Committee Reports
Emergency Services Committee - no report.
Personnel Committee - no report.
Finance Committee - no report.
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TB 1 -9-08
Supv Sumner distributed committee structure guidelines and asked for responses
within the next two weeks.
HUD Loans /Grants Committee - Cl Makar said that in December the Town approved
working with Thoma to apply for two federal housing rehab grants. One is a Community
Development Block Grant and the other is the federal HOME Program. If the Town receives
the CDBG funding, administration fees are included so we can take applicants in and turn
around and get projects started. With the Federal Home program there is a limit to how much
of the grant can be used for administration. Before we can apply for that grant we have to tell
the federal government how much we will match for projects. He would like to have Thoma
write an application for the federal Home Program requesting funding for 15 projects which
will cost a total of $22,500 in administration fees in 2009. If we are awarded the funds they
can be paid out from the CDBG fund we currently have (a balance in excess of $150,000). The
Thoma calculation is $1500 per housing rehab project and the average project size would be
$15,000 to $20,000. By the Town offering to spend $22,500 that is already in an account for
this purpose we can turn that into 15 projects. Thoma needs this information for the
Cl Stelick asked why 15 applications and not more. Cl Makar said after talking with
Heather Filiberto of TCAD and the Town's bookkeeper, they estimate about $110,000 of the
HUD fund was money repaid by Cayuga Press (economic development loan) and $40,000 was
housing rehab money. Some of that $40,000 could be used this year and fund one or two
projects, or we could use this year to apply for the new grants and pay the $22,500 from the
fund. If we applied for 20 projects the administration costs would be $30,000 or % of what is
set aside for housing. After further discussion, the board decided to go with 20 projects.
Supv Sumner offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes Thoma Development to write an
application for the Federal HOME: program requesting funding for 20 projects, which will cost
the Town $30,000 in overhead administration fees in 2009. If the application is successful the
administration fees will be paid from the current CDBG fund.
2nd Cl Makar
Roll Call Vote
Supv Sumner
Public hearings for the CDBG grant application will be held at the February 13 and
March 12 board meetings.
Technology Committee - Cl Makar reported the Committee met with two different web
developers about redesigning the Town of Dryden website with a content management system
that will allow each department head to administer their own pages within the website. The
committee recommends going forward with the proposal from a company called Beautiful and
Functional in Ithaca, NY.
Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
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0118 1 -9 -o8
® RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes a contract with Beautiful and
Functional for redesign of the Town's website and the 'Town Supervisor is authorized to sign
the same after review and approval by the Town Attorney.
2nd CI Stelick
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Cl Solomon Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
Cl Makar Yes
Cl Leifer Yes
Recreation /Youth /Community Centers Committee - Cl Stelick reported that the
Recreation Commission would like to have the local law that created the commission re- written
to make it applicable to today's situation. The law was adopted prior to the creation of the
Recreation Coordinator position. They have an initial draft and will continue to work on that.
Larry Hinkle of the Dryden School District was present at their last meeting and he and Cl
Stelick will be meeting with the School Superintendent to discuss how the youth programs will
work with the school in the future. This is important because the available space used for
youth programs is school property.
Water /Sewer Committee - Atty Perkins expects to have a draft of the contract with
the Village for the Cortland Road Sewer District available for review by the end of the week.
The goal is to be able to vote on that at the January 18 meeting.
Supv Sumner said she will be working on an annual report starting with the next staff
meeting. She hopes to get it out in February.
New Business - Cl Makar said he is interested in holding Town Board meetings at other
locations such as community centers and fire halls. He will bring a resolution to the board in
February to ask the community centers and fire departments, if they are interested, to ask the
board to host a meeting. He distributed to the board information from discussions about this
last year. He suggests having four meetings in the year at other locations. Supv Sumner
suggested perhaps April, June, August and October.
The abstracts were reviewed. It was suggested that the Finance Committee could
review the abstract and actual vouchers between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on the day of the
board meeting and then make a recommendation to approve the abstract to the rest of the
board. This way they can be reviewed in advance of the board meeting and not while trying to
conduct business at the table. Supv Sumner noted that the vouchers are entered by the
Deputy Clerk and then reviewed and signed off on by the department heads. They then go to
the bookkeeper and then to the Supervisor. So they have actually been through four people
before they come to the board. The board may actually end up with more information from a
recommendation by the Finance Committee than by looking through the vouchers at the
M :T *T67 it i` 4 tiRKIMa
Cl Makar offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract # 13, as audited, vouchers
#1103 through #1148, totaling $167,580.11, and Abstract # 1, as audited, vouchers # 1 through
• #51, totaling $108,473.23
2«d Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
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TB 1 -9 -08
Cl Solomon Yes
Supv Sumner Yes
Cl Makar Yes
Cl Leifer Yes
There being no further business, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
carried, the meeting was adjourned at 11:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sambi L. Hollenbeck
Town Clerk
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93 E. Main St, Dryden, New York 13053
Wednesday, January 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
1) Cal I Meeting to Order
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Public Hearings
7:00 p.m. TC3 Foundation, Speeial Permit, Student Suites
5) Citizens Privilege
6) Town Clerk
a) Approve Minutes for 1 1/8/07, 12/5/07, and 12 /13 /07
7) Town Highway SuperintendenUDepartment of Public Works
a) Purchase and Sell Equipment Resolutions
B Hollenbeck
J Bush
b) Use of' Town Owned Highway Machinery, Tools, or Equipment: Agreement
8) Recreation Department
9) County Briefing
10) Zoning Officer
11) Environmental Planner
12) Engineering
13) Attorney
14) Committee Reports (3 minutes or less each, please)
a) Emergency Services Committee
b) Personnel Committee
c) Finance Committee
d) HUD Loans & Grants Committee
e) Technology Committee
f) Recreation/Youth!Cormn tin ity Centers Committee
15) Unfinished Business
a) Monkey Run Out of District User
b) Appoint Mark ,Maybury to Town of Dryden Zoning Board of Appeals
c) Postpone grant to Bethel Grove Community Center and encumber funds
16) New Business
a) Plans for Annual Report (5 minutes)
17) Approve Abstract # 13 and # 1
18) Future Agenda Items
19) Executive Session
M Bianconi
County Repr.
H Slater
D Kwasnowski
A Sciarabba
M Perkins
Name - ;Please Print
Town of Uryden
Town. Board Meeting
January 9, 2008
Address or Board
I � Sy