HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-30T13 1 -30 -06
JANUARY 30, 2006
Present: Supv Stephen Trumbull, Jr., Cl Martin Christofferson, Cl Daniel
Tier Ill, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Mary Ann Sumner
Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk
Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney
Henry Slater, "Zoning Officer
Daniel Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner
Supv Trumbull opened the public hearing at 12:05 p.m. and Town Clerk Bambi
Hollenbeck read the notice published in The it:haca Journal. This hearing is to consider an
amendment to mi existing December 8, 2005, approving by re- siting the 4 -story student
housing building from 14 Farview Drive to 18 Fat-view Drive.
Bob Ross explained that since they applied for and were granted the existing permit
they did additional geotechnical survey work and drilled for soil samples. In the location where
they intended to build they found bedrock at shallow borings and found that it would be more
cost effective for theta to start with the building further downhill.
Peter Vars of BME Associates, engineers for TC8 Foundation, presented a letter
summarizing the changes and a revised environmental assessment form. He said as a result of
the geotech analysis there has been a revision to site plan. They have gone from a three
building proposal to a two building proposal. They have eliminated the proposed building that
would have run perpendicular to the contours, and the parking for that building. The permit
previously issued was to allow construction of Phase I (the easternmost building). Phase I will
now be the westernmost building.
The number of toga] beds proposed is now reduced to 268 beds (from 402) and thus
reduces the amount of parking and they propose 1.72 spaces. The overall reduction in
impervious area is reduced by 44 %v to 2.6 acres. Construction will be completed in two phases.
By constructing the west building first they will reduce the amount: of clearing and
earthwork that would be required with the construction of the first building. By doing the west
building first they will be able to confine the earthwork to the building pad, parking area and
pond area. The area for the second building will remain undisturbed during Phase I
construction. This will also make the initial new student body closer to the existing housing
There will need to be some rock blasting to establish the basement at the south end of
the Phase I building, That «till be done by a licensed contractor, meeting the provisions of the
both local and state ordinances.
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P Vars said everything else remains consistent with what was approved by the board in
® December. The stormwater management: area remains the same, with the existing pond being
expanded. Access for the building will be off Farview Drive and will include a 10' %vide pave
access around the building for emergency services purposes. They will provide a pedestrian
link from this building to the existing housing area. They will install a sidewalk solely on
Foundation property (not in the road right -of -way as shown on the plan).
Parking was discussed and it was pointed out that historically only about 60 -65%
percent of the students in housing have vehicles. There are 86 spaces proposed to serve the
134 beds in this building. The variance previously received by the Foundation was for 184
spaces and was based on the first application. Atty Perkins said the 'Town Board can approve
this application based them providing the required number of parking spaces, and the
foundation will need to again go the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance for the parking
With respect to the blasting, an analysis will be performed and only the material
necessary for the day will be brought to the site. There will be no on site storage of blasting
materials. It will be more of a de- lodging of the rock, with just enough vibration in the charge
loads for the natural fault in the rock to separate.
Cl Tier asked whether the
Foundation would now still consider
a third building and if so
they might put it. B Ross
said they had
not thought about it at
this point.
70 Slater said the new Phase I building is moved slightly closer to Par-view Drive than
was previously planned. D Kwasnowski said he would like to see a plan that shows
landscaping and buffers.
The board asked that the Foundation give notice to the neighbors, the media, the 91 1,
center, and the local fire department prior to blasting.
There was no public comment received, and Supv Trumbull closed the public hearing at
12:30 p.m.
Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
A. The proposed action involves consideration of the application of Tompkins
Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. for an amendmept to a special permit granted
on December 8, 2005.
B. The proposed action is an Unlisted Action for which the Town Board of the Town
of Dryden is the lead agency for the purposes of uncoordinated environmental review in
connection with special permit approval by the Town.
C. The Town Board of the 'Town of Dryden, in performing the lead agency function
for its independent and uncoordinated environmental review in accordance with Article 8 of the
New York State Environmental Conservation Law - the State Environmental Quality Review Act
"(SEQR), (i) thoroughly reviewed the Long Environmental Assessment Form (the "Long EAF "),
Part 1, (noting changes from the original application in parts 137, 88, B16, B23 and C2) and any
and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect: to this proposed action and its
• environmental review, (ii) thoroughly analyzed the potential relevant areas of environmenU
concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant adverse impact on the
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environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR g617.7(c), and (iii) completed the
® Long EAF, Part 11;
1. The Town Board of the Town of Dryden, based upon (i) its thorough review of the
Long EAF, Part 1, and any and all other documents prepared and submitted with respect to this
proposed action and its environmental review, (ii) its thorough review of the potential relevant
areas of environmental concern to determine if the proposed action may have a significant
adverse impact on the environment, including the criteria identified in 6 NYCRR §61.7.7(c), and
(iii) its completion of the Long EAF, Part 11, including the findings noted thereon (which findings
are incorporated herein as if set forth at length), hereby makes a negative det:ermuzation of
environmental significance ("Negative Declaration ") in accordance with SEQR for the above
referenced proposed action, and determines that an Environmental Impact Statement will not
be required, and
2. The Responsible Officer of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden is hereby
iffl authorized and directed to complete and sign as required the determination of significance,
confirming the foregoing Negative Declaration, which fully completed and signed Long EAF and
determination of significance shall be incorporated by reference in this Resolution.
2, d CI Pier
Roll Call Vote Cl Christofferson Abstain
CI 'Pier Yes
Supv Trumbull Yes
Cl Stelick Yes
Cl Sumner Yes
Atty Perkins explained that the board would be approving the amendment with the
same number of parking spaces required for the number of beds proposed and the Foundation
will need to seek relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The board discussed conditions for
the permit and passed the following resolution.
Cl Stelick offered the followng resolution and asked for its adoption:
WHEREAS, an application has been submitted by 'Tompkins Cortland Community
College Foundation, Inc. to amend the special permit approval granted on December 8, 2005,
WHEREAS, the Town Board has reviewed said application and submittals and a public
hearing was held on January 30, 2006 allowing for public comment; and
WHEREAS, Phase I of the project is now defined as construction of the westernmost
building, containing 134 beds, parking for 134 cars, the stormwater management plan for both
buildings, all utility work, associated walks and landscaping,
WHEREAS, following a review of farts I and 11 of the Long Environmental Assessment
Form, the Town Board adopted a negative declaration of environmental significance; now
therefore, be it.
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RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby amends the special permit issued to
Tompkins Cortland Community College Foundation, Inc. making it applicable to the project as
described above, subject to the following:
1) Standard Conditions of Approval (7- 12 -00);
2) Provide public notification at least 72 hours prior to blasting, including
notification to the 911 center, local fire departments, the Town of Dryden, the e -mail list of
neighbors maintained by TC3 and an ad in The Shopper;
3) Submission of a revised site plan indicating const :ruction of a pedestrian
walkway outside the limits of the town -owned road.
211d C1 Tier
Roll Call Vote Cl Christ:offerson Abstain
Cl Tier Yes
Supv Trumbull Yes
C1 Stelick Yes
Cl Sumner Yes
Bob Ross thanked the Board for holding a special meeting to address this matter.
On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into
executive session at 12:35 p.m. to discuss the proposed acquisition of real property where
publicity would substantially affect the value thereof. No action was taken and the meeting
was adjourned at: 1:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Bambi L. Hollenbeck
Town Clerk
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Thursday, February 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.
1) Call Meeting to Order
2) Pledge of Allegiance
3) Roll Call
4) Public Hearings
No Public Hearings scheduled
5) Agenda Item
a) Town Historian Report K. Gazzo
6) Citizens Privilege
7) Town Highway SuperintendenL'Depar(ment of Public Works J Bush
8) Count} Briefin; County Repr.
9) Engineering; D Putnam
10) Recreation Department
1 I) Attorney
12) Zoning Officer
a) Introduce proposed Telecommunication Amendment
b) Authorization to pay for soil bearing borings
c) Discuss land use "town property
d) Town Hall Development
13) Environmental Planner
a) Annual Stormwater Presentation
14) Town Clerk
a) Approve January minutes
15) Discussion
a) Town Website Update
b) Bolton Point Road
c) Cortland Rd Sewer Letters to TC3 & Village
d) Village Police — Court Security Contract
e) TG Miller's Engineering Services proposal regarding New Town Hall
f) Z&gner Contract regarding New Town Hall
16) ,Approve Abstract ti 2
17) Future Agenda Items
18) Executive Session - if necessary
a) Discuss Real Estate Issue
b) Personnel Issue
J Dube
M Perkins
H Slater
Henry & Marty C.
Dan & Henry
Dan & Henry
D Kwasnowski
B Hallenbeck