HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-01-04TH 1-4 -05 TOWN OF DRYDE TOWN BOARD ORGAAUZATIONAL AMR TING January 4, 2005 Present: Supv Steven Trumbull, l tephcFn Ste Iick, Jr., I [Martin hri,Lao fferson, l Chrit5fopher Michaels, Cl h+�ichael Hattery Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollonbeek, Town Clerk Supv'I'rumbu11 called the meeting to order at 7 =p5 p.m- and led the board in the pledge of :ills lance. Supv Trumbull and C1 Flattery Qxplained to the studenh� in the audience that this rirNt meeting of the year {.ts the framework for ehc; Town's operations for the_ year and included committee assignments, ct(r. RESOLUTION #1 - RULES OF PROCEDURE Cl Michaels offered th6: following resolution mid asked for i i's adoption; RES0IN 1' L) that. this Town Board use Town [..�w Sc;el.1on 63_ 0 SupvTrumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Christofferson Yes SupvTruinbull Yes Cl Michaels 'Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION 42 y MILEAGE C1 Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that mileage will be paid to Town officials, including election inspectors, at the ratc of $_405 Fsr_r mile when uaing their oven car for official token business other than town meetings or travel to and from the job site. mL Gl Stelick Roll Gall dote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl lmlattety Yes RESOLUTION #S - DESIGNATE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= Page I of 19 rj • F* 'rB 1 -4 -05 RESOLVED, that the 'Town Board designate The First National Clank of Dryden and the Tompkins Trust Company as the official depositories for the 'Co rti of Dryden for the year 2005_ n,1 C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yr Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION 04 - AUTHORIZE SIGNATURES OIL ACCOUNTS Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and 0sked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authoriz(rN the fallowing individuals to sign on Town of Dryden accounts: Steven M. Trumbull, Bambi L. Hollenl-,eck, and Wanita R_ Baldwin_ 2 " °� Cl i�lIchaels RolJ Call dote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Christofrerson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl michacls Y(.:% Cl Hattery Yea RESOLUTION 45 - OFFICIAL ADVERTISING Cl Stelick offered the CoIIowing re soIul:i(irk and asked for its adoption; RE OLVE1)1 that this Town. Board designate The I(haca Journal for official newspaper of the Town or Dryden for the year 20105_ 2nr' Cl Hattery Rolls Call Vote Cl SiMick Yes Cl Christoif'c;rson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #6 - ADVANCE PAYMENT OF UTILITIES Cl Michaels offered the following re SO] Ll6oil and at5 ked for ill% adoption= RE� OLVED, that thi Town Board authorize the Supervisor to pay in advance c) f the audil'ed claims the utility hills, a] I c,lairns to be pre senl:c:cl at the next regular board meeting. 210 Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote: CI Stelick Yes Cl C11ristoffersork Yes Supv TrumL'yull Yes Cl Michae:l� Yes Cl Hatte_ry yes Page 2 of I � m 14 -05 RESOLUTION #7 - PETTY CASH Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize a petty cash fund for the Town Clerk not to exceed $100.001 and Receiver of Taxes and Assessments not to exceed $100.00, as needed for postage meter, and Justice's petty cash fund not to exceed $1.00.00, and for the Recreation Department not to exceed $200.00 for the year 2005. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl CI SL C1 Cl Stelick Yes Christofferson Yes ipv Trumbull Yes Michaels Yes Flattery Yes RESOLUTION #8 - APPOINTMENTS Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint the following: • Town Supervisor as Service Officer and rise Warden • Town Supervisor has the power and duties of administration and supervision of the Town of Dryden on Special Assessment Fund functions to be performed on behalf of the Town Board. • Town Supervisor is authorized to pay Fire tip Ambulance Contracts • 'Town Supervisor has the power and dirties of administration and supervision of the Town of Dryden on Special Improvement District functions to be performed on behalf of the Town Board. • Bambi L. Hollenbeck as Receiver of Taxes and Assessments • Bambi L. Hollenbeck as licensor for Games of Chance and Bingo. • Henry Slater as Subdivision Control Officer and Multiple Residence Inspector. • Nita Baldwin as Dingo inspector ($150 annual salary) • Nita Baldwin as Secretary for youth services ($10.60 per hour) • Stephen Bell as Secretary for Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and Conservation Board ($6.50 -$7.00 per hoar) • Barbara Caldwell as Planning Board Chair ($400 annual salary) • Oers Kelemen as ZBA Chair ($400 annual salary) • Historian, when appointed will receive a $400 annual salary 2«d Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl C1 SL C1 Cl Stelick Yes Christofferson Yes ipv Trumbull Yes Michaels Yes Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #9 - APPOINT TOWN ENGINEER CI Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Page 3 of 19 T13 1 -4-05 RESOLVED, that thi% Town 0oard hcr(�b :y appoinCs TG Miller PC as Town engineers acid that they will be consulted on an as needed basis. 211d C1 Michaels Roll Call Unto Cl telirlk- Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Su PV Trumbull Yes C1 Michaels Yes C1 Hattery Yes The board decided that prior to budget preparation next; year, they would review ah professional rvices, RESOLUTION # 10 - ANNUAL SALARIES FOR TOWN OFFICERS C:1 Michaels offered the fc�llc���ring rcr solution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, i,hnf the annual salaries for Town Officers as stated in the 2005 General Town Budget be as follows; Supervisor councilperson. Councilpersorn Cou ncilperson (voonvIIperson f Deputy Supervisor Town Clerk Highway 8 uprriritendent Town Justice Town ,iusticc Stephen Trumbull $15,0[10 Mart y Christofferson 5,123 Mike Hattery 571.23 Chris Michaels $ 50123 Stephen Stelick 57123 Bambi Hollcnbeck $2M40 Jack Bush $52,523 Chris 1c�U%Or] $1.5,590 Joseph Valerntinelli $15,590 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, i.hal: the Supervisor be authorized to pay the abovc; salaries_ 2,][1 Cl Stelick Roll Gall Vote C'1 Stelick Yes Cl cl riatofft:rson Yes Supv Trumbull Ves C1 MichaQls Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION # 11 - APPROVAL OF 2005 SALARIES C1 Hattery offered i:he follou-ing resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, on October 25, 2004, during the budge C workshop the Town F3oard approved the proposed 200 S wages presented lay thy: Human Resource Committee, and WHEREAS, the; proposed 2005 wags us increased most Town empioyees pav by 3 %. A few Town employees received a higher increase due to comparison of wages for similar }ohs irN other municipalities, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town 2oard does hereby approve the rec_ornmendations of the H urn an Resource Coniinittee and Hereby adopi,s the 2005 wage schedule as cji ckc ussed during the budget process. Page 4 of 19 TR I -4 -05 n11 Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes upv Trumbull Yes C1 Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION 91 - CONTRACTS C~I Michaels offered the following re. soIul:ion ark asked fc�r ir.% adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board contract with the following= !Mahlon Perkins as the !Attorney for the Town at the rate of $2,150 per month to do regu 10r agreed upon Town bii%inv%ms- Nork- mimbur blc business - $1.75 per hour and reimbursable business - $175 per hour. Randall Marcus- Annrnc�y For Zoning Board of Appeals - paid Monthly at a rate of $190/hr ,RCA, - $17,589,96, paid $1,465.85 per month. Gad a bolo L ail a nib[ of $ 4,9'72 - when funds arc available, when signed contract. received T. C. Seniors - $3,600 - when funds are available, when signed contract received Dryden Seniors - 500 - when Funds are available;, when signed contract received Southworth Library - $10,500 - when funds are available, when signed contract received Learning Web - $1,600 - when finds are available, when signed c�cnl'ra(�r. c_ <:ivcd W0fTLCrk'S Opportunily of Tompkins Center - $500 - when funds are available, when signed contract received Dryden Historical Society $1,100- when funds are available, when signed contract received 2nd C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes CJ Michaels Yes C1 Hattery Yes The board discussed chc services provided by the SPCA, the cost For those services and what: other options may be available. They will obtain a copy of their operating budget, t.;1 Michaels suggested the SPCA could �s2t up a meeting with representatives of the ToWns and pX_rhapq o County representative, RESOLUTION 0 13 - APPOINT BUDGET OFFICERS C:I Michaels offered the following re soiudori and eked for its adoption; RESOLVED, that Stephen TruirlbLllI be named Budget Officer and that Dawn Bogdan be named Co- Budget Officer for 1_hc year 20051 21111 Cl Christofferson Roll Call Vote CI S> elick Yep Cl Christofferson Yes upv Trumbull Yes C1 lc.hach Yep Page 5 of 19 � Tn1_4m,b C1Hat@ry Yes RESOLUTION #14 = DE GNATE a PAY POLLING DACES Cl S»»Ek offered m«R] >W 2s resatution and asked for its adoption,r ]*2RESOLVED,t e bI the list of designated paHing places a the Town of Dry a Dr t p 2005, @aU #l. Etna Fire Station District #2- Freevillc R7 Station Distriell 03 - OT-vden Fire Station District #4 -Varna Com un;@ Center District 05 -2me57 aon DiL,qtrict 06 Dryden Village Hall District - Dryden m7 Station D 4M ■B - Bethel Grove Church acs m&q Center District 09 - earnaCommum«C ter U2tTi ct #l0 -Ors n Bali« Church District iY 1 1. - Drvdun Sapdst Church And J R further RESOLVED, t attMs wn Roar authorize the, Supervisor to pay the polling places $100.00 Mr aHct for e u thL g §H Rr200m @i C1 Christofferson Roll Call Vote C1 S »!%k YC s Cl ChristOffCT'SOT1 yes Sum Trumbull s Cl Michaels '; C]HARcry Yes RESOLUTION #IS- ELECnOK INSPECTORS/ MACHINE CUBTODIALNs C]S@]%k offe red t the RHo wi n 7c5o litti ,and as ked for lm adoptj o RESOLVSD. that this Town Go d authorize p ymcinf, to the election mlspecm who Ax» in ZOOS as follows, $6600 for primary day, $6 00 for registration (or meequivalent. hourly rate), $10300 area §on day, $1ROO for i n s pector cla5s, $10, 00 Fir ca c mad£ clas&and $10. 00 per cl mE E0 Ch m ach ae cu stod arm 11 rece &e$4m00 per machine set R $6. 00 /hr on election day and whi attending or giving class pl-Uw -405 r mile- 21W C1Ml ls Roll CalVote C1 SWlick Yes C1 qr amf mOn Yes SupvTrurnbull yCs CI Michaels Yes Cl Hmmry Y es RESOLUTION #16 &APPOINT PLANNING a0ARD mzmsFJM I ge 6 of 19 TB 1-4 -U5 Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board reappoint James Crawford to the Town of Dryden Planning Board whose term will expire on December 31, 201 1, and further appoints Joseph Lailey to the Planning Board to fill a vacancy with a term to expire December 31, 2008. 2M Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes CI Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION # 17 - APPOINT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint John Goodrow to the ?'own of l)ryden Zoning Board of Appeals for a term to expire December 31, 2009. 2n,a CI Hattery Roll Call Vote CI Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes C1 Hattery Yes RESOLUTION # 18 - APPOINT PLANNING BOARD CHAIR Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby re-appoints Barbara Caldwell as the Planning Board Chair for 2005. 2111' Supv Trumbull Doll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes C1 Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull. Yes Cl ,Michaels Yes Cl Hatt:ery Yes RESOLUTION #19 - APPOINT ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIR Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Roard hereby re- appoints Oers Kelemen as Zoning Board of Appeals Chair for 2005. 2nd Supv Trumbull Page 7 of 19 TB 1 -4-05 Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #20 =APPOINT CONSERVATION BOARD Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Towrn Board hereby appoints Craig Schutt:, Steven Bissen, Jovre Gerbasi, and Nancy Munkenbeek to serve on the Conservation Board with terms expiring December 31, 2007. 211d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Ye-,s Supv Trumbull Yes CI Michaels Yes Cl 1-lattery Yes This leaves 2 vacancies on the Consemlation Board with terms expiring 12/31/06 and 12/31/07. RESOLUTION #21 - PURCHASE OF SMALL TOOLS Cl Michaels offerers the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent be authorized to purchase small tools not to exceed $4,000.00 for the year 2005. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #22 - VOUCHER/ INVOICE SUBMISSION DEADLINES Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby adopt the following schedule for the year 2005 as the last date by all vendors, staff, and other service people to submit vouchers/ invoices to the Supervisor's Office for processing and payment: Voucher /Invoice Submission Deadline Dates [by noon) For Abstract Date: is 1'riday, January 7, 2005 Thursday, January 13, 2005 Friday, February 4, 2005 'Thursday, February 10, 2005 Page8el'19 TB 1 -4 -05 Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, Friday, 2t'll Supv Trun March 4, 2005 April 8, 2005 May 6, 2005 June 3, 2005 July 8, 2005 August 5, 2005 September 2, 2005 October 7, 2005 November 4, 2005 December 2, 2005 December 23, 2005 ibull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Cl Christofferson Supv Trumbull Cl Michaels Cl Hattery Thursday, March 10, 2005 Thursday, April 14, 2005 Thursday, May 1.2, 2005 Thursday, June 9, 2005 Thursday, July 14, 2005 Thursday, August 11, 2005 Thursday, September 8, 2005 Thursday, October 13, 2005 Thursday, November 10, 2005 Thursday, December 8, 2005 Friday, December 30, 2005 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes RESOLUTION #23 - PURCHASE ORDER POLICY Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the following purchasing system is hereby adopted by the Town of Dryden: 0 TOWN OF DRYDEN PURCHASING SYSTEM Effective January= 1, 2005 If the department head is not monitoring their own budget they will need to check with the Budget /Co- Budget Officer to be sure: sufficient funds are available prior to placing any order. The Budget /Co- Budget Officer will check to be sure that sulficie-nt funds are available. If the funds are available, the budget /Co- Budget. Officer will notify the department that they can proceed with their order. • if funds are not available the Budget /Co- Budget officer will notify the requisitioner of such and ask the board for approval to transfer funds from another account if they are available and the item is needed within the current budget year. . if bidding is necessary, the requisitioner will ask for approval of the board to bid and then have the appropriate person prepare the bid specifications. - Purchase orders will be necessary for purchases over $500 ($1500 for the Highway Department — purchase orders will not be required for standard monthly purchases for parts/ supplies, and vehicle /equipment repairs) unless specifically requested by the vendor, or for purchases of equipment or software (i.e. cornputers, printers, monitors, copy machines, and items that would need to be added to the Town's capital asset List). The co- budget officer will prepare the purchase order and return the original and copy to the requisitioner for ordering. F'age 9 of 19 TB 1 -4 -05 All packing slips, delivery receipts, invoices, and sUltements should be compiled for each order and stapled behind the purchase order or a completed voucher form and submitted to the co- budget officer to be checked and approved. After approved they %will be given to the Town Clerk's office for data entry. After entry, they will be submitted to the board for payment approval. This system will not apply to utilities, bills frown other municipalities, legal and engineering services, water and sewer billing, election workers, jury expenses, law book expenses, software/ hardware contracts and insurance payments. These bills will continue to have vouchers and be submitted to the board for approval for payment, no purchase order will accompany these vouchers. Any bill received needing a voucher is to be submitted to the Supervisor for signed approval. The completed voucher will then be given to the Town Clerk's office for entrv. The Co- Budget Officer will receive copies of all contracts entered into by the Town and all resolutions ghat: allot an amount of money for a certain service or item. 2114' Cl Michaels Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #24 - MANDATORY JUSTICE SCHOOLING Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: R SOLVED, that the Justices be authorized to attend training schools during the year 2005 and be reirnbursed for actual expenses. 23111 Cl Stclick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #25 - MPO PLANNING REPRESENTATIVES Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Michael Hattery and Debbie Gross as representatives to the Metropolitan Planning Organization Planning committee. 2n" Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl 11.9d.ery Yes Page 10 of 19 TB 1 -4 -05 0 RESOLUTION #26 - INVESTMENT POLICIES/ GUIDELINES FOR TOWN OF DRYDEN CI Stelick off -,red the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the objectives of the Investment policy of the Town of Dryden are to minimize risk; to insure that investments mature when the cash is required to finance operations; and to insure a competitive rate of return. In accordance with this policy, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to invest all funds including proceeds of obligations and reserve funds in: - Certificates of Deposits issued by a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State; ft Time Deposit Accounts in a bank or trust company authorized to do business in New York State: Obligations of New York State; Obligations of the United States Government; Only reserve funds may be invested in Obligations of the Town of Dryden. All other local Government officials receiving money in their official capacity must deposit such funds in negotiable order of withdrawal accounts. All investments made pursuant to this investment policy shall comply with the following conditions: 1. COLLATERAL a. Certificates of Deposits shall be fully secured by insurance of the Federal Deposit insurance Corporations or by obligations of New York State or obligations of the United States or obligations of federal agencies, the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States, or obligations of New York State local governments. Collateral shall be delivered to the Town of Dryden or a custodial hank. The market. value of collateral shall at all times equal or exceed the principal amount of the certificate of deposit, Collateral shall be monitored no less frequently than quarterly. b. Collateral shall not be required with respect: to the direct purchase of obligations of New York State, obligations of the United States, and obligations of federal agencies the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States Governments. 2. DELiVERY OF SECURITIES a. I'ayment shall be made by or on behalf of the Town of Dryden for obligations of New York State, obligations the principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States. United States Obligations, certificates of deposits, rand other purchased securities upon delivery thereof to the custodial bank. All transactions shall be confirmed in writing. 3. WRITTEN CONTRACTS a. Written contracts may be required for the purchase of all certificates of deposits. 4. DESIGNATION OF CUSTODIAL RANK a. The First National Bank of Dryden and Tompkins Trust Company, both authorized to do business in the State of New York, and having an office for the transaction in the Town of Dryden, are designated to pact as custodial banks of the'Town of Dryden's investments. is 5_ FINANCIAL STRENGTH OF INSTITUTIONS (age. I I of 19 1413 1 -4-05 a. All trading partners must be credit worthy. Their financial statements may be reviewed annually by the Supervisor to determine satisfactory financial strength or the Supervisor may use credit rating agencies to determine credit worthiness. b. Investments in time deposits and certificates of deposits are to be made with banks or trust companies. Their annual reports may be reviewed by the Supervisor to determine satisfactory financial strength. 6, OPERATIONS, AUDIT AND REPORTING a. The Supervisor or Deputy Supervisor shall authorize the purchase and sale an(] execute contracts for certificates of deposits on behalf of the Town of Dryden. b. At the time independent auditors conduct the annual audit of the accounts and financial affairs of the Town of Dryden, the independent auditors shall audit the investments of the Town of Dryden for compliance with the provisions of this investment policy. c. Within sixty (60) days of the end of each of the first three quarters of the fiscal year, the Supervisor shall prepare and submit to the Town Board a quarterly investment report, which indicates the new investments, the inventory of existing investments and such other matters as the Supervisor deems appropriate. d. Within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year, the Supervisor shall prepare and submit to the Town Board an annual investment report:; recommendations for change in these investment guidelines; the results of the annual independent audit:, the investment income record; and such other matters as the Supervisor deems appropriate. At least annually, at the Organizational meeting of the Dryden Town Board, the board shall review and amend, if necessary these investment policies. The provisions of these Investment Guidelines and any unendments hereto shall take effect prospectively and shall not: invalidate the prior selection of any Custodial Bank or prior investment. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl St.elick Yes CI Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes The board discussed some of the other options available for investment opportunities and will investigate that further this year. Cl Flat:tery noted there are good reasons to use local banks as depositor banks because the money gets turned over in the community, and you should weigh the value of that against a marginal interest rate increase. RESOLUTION #27 - TOWN OF DRYDEN FAIR HOUSING OFFICER Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board designate Code Enforcement Officer Henry Slater as the Fair Housing Officer to coordinate all actions of the Fair Housing Plvl. 2^d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Page 12 of 19 0rB 14-05 CI Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #28 - TOWN BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Dryden Town Board will hold its regular monthly meetings on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes CI Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #29 - VEHICLE BENEFIT Cl Flatten: offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Dryden Town Board authorize the Highway Superintendent and Deputy Highway Superintendent the use of town vehicles as long as they are clearly marked with the Town of Dryden logo and provided they are not used for personal use, other than travel to and from work. 2rol' Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelirk Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #30 - FAIR HOUSING PLAN Cl Flattery offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Dryden Town Board adopt the following Fair Housing Plan for the year 2005. FAIR HOUSING PLAN TOWN OF DRYDEN JANUARY 2005 Introduction The Town of Dryden received a 1995 and 1998 Small Cities CDBG grant to undertake a housing rehabilitation project: in the Town, The Town anticipates further participation in the • Small Cities program. As part of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Page 13 of 19 `rR 111 -05 regulations for grantees, the Town must "take actions to affirmatively further fair housing." This Hair Housing Plan describes actions the Town will undertake to meet this requirement. Town Profile 1. Location The Town of Dryden is located in the Finger Lakes region of New York State, and is part. of the Southern Tier East Regional Planning and Development Board service area. The Town includes two villages, Dryden and Freeville. The center of the Town is approx. 40 miles southwest of Svracuse and 4.5 miles northwest: of Binghamton. 2. Population The 2000 population of the Town of Dryden was 1.3,532, with 1,832 persons located in the Village of Dryden and 505 persons located in the Village of Freeville, for a total of l 11195 located outside the incorporated areas. The Town's population increased by 289, or (2.65) percent between 1990 and 2000, a slightly larger increase than the County's increase of (2.55) percent during the same period. The Village of Dryden, the Town's largest incorporated place, has 1,832 residents, or 13.53% of the Town population. A small portion of the Town with 979 persons is located in the Ithaca Urban Area, the remainder of the Town is rural (12,553 persons). . Dryden's population is largely white, with 1.2,816 (95.3 %) of the population being white_ Persons of I•lispanic origin are the largest ethni, minority in the Town, with 223 persons (1.6 %,). There are also 201 Flacks, 45 Aincrican Indians, Eskimos, Aleuts, and 204 Asians and Pacific Islanders in the 'town. Tompkins County is 85.5% White, 7.2% Asian and Pacific Islander, 3.6% Flack, 0.3% American Indian and 3.1% Hispanic, according to the 1990 U.S. Is Census. 3. income Characteristics The Town had a. per capita incorne of $22,51.4 based on 2000 U.S. Census data, and a median family household income of $54,886. 7.3% percent of the persons in the Town of Dr den were below the poverty line in 2000. 2.8% percent: of the households in the `Town were on public assistance. Tompkins County had a per capita income of $19,659 in 2000, and a median family household income of $53,041, according to the U.S. Census. 17.6% of the persons in the County were below the poverty line in 2000, and 1.9% of the persons were receiving public assistance. 4. Land Use The Town of Dryden covers 94 square miles, which is 14 percent farmland and 10 percent forestlands. Commercial and industrial uses in the Town are largely concentrated along State Routes 13 and 366, which go through the'rown. The population density of Dryden is 141 per square mile. 5. Housing Characteristics The 2000 Census indicates there were 5,781 housing units in the Town of Dryden, of which 5,492 were occupied and 289 were vacant. Sixty (60 %) percent of the housing units in the Town were renter - occupied, and forty (40 %) percent: were owner- occupied. Units included 3,274 single - family homes, 928 units in structures with two to nine units, and 236 units in structures with more than 10 units. There were 1,049 mobile homes in the Town in 2000. • 6. Substandard Housing Conditions Naze 14 of 19 TB 14 -05 There is no current, definitive data on housing conditions in the Town as a whole. 2000 U.S. Census data indicates that approximately 70% of the housing in the 'Town is 30 years older or greater, and the Tompkins County Planning Department: and Better Housing for Tompkins County, Inc., a not- for -profit housing agency in the County, indicate that there are substantial numbers of deteriorated units in the rural portions of the County, including the Town of Dryden. 7. Vacancy Bates The 2000 U.S. Census indicated a vacancy rage of 5.6 percent. 8. F. conomic Base The Tow1i's economic base includes many persons who work at: Cornell University, Tompkins County's leading employer. Portions of the University property are located in the Town, and employ many persons. In addition, several medium -sized companies and organizations, including Hi -Speed Checkweigher, Wilcox Press, Tompkins - Cortland Community College, New York State Electric and Gas, and the George .Junior Republic are located in the Town. Fair Housing Problems The Town has not undertaken a formal study of fair housing problems in Dryden I:o date. Discussions with the Tompkins County Affordable ]-lousing Advisory Board, Cornell University, the Tompkins County H uman Rights Commission and other interested agencies, have identified the following possible but not substantiated areas of concern: ® -- Possible discrimination against families with children. -- Possible discrimination against: the mentally handicapped. -- Economic constraints that restrict: housing for low and moderate- income persons. -- Possible problems associated with renting to students. Through the efforts outlined in the following section, the Town will attempt to quantify and address the above areas of possible concern. Actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing The Town of Dryden has undertaken the following actions to affirmatively further fair housing: 1. The designation of the Code Enforcement: Officer of the Town of Dryden as the lair Housing Officer who will coordinate all actions described herein. 2. Maintain a dialogue with agencies and organizations that provide assistance to persons who feel they have been victims of discrimination, including but not limited to: --The NYS Human Rights Commission Agency Building #2 Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12220 1 -518- 474 - 2705 -- The Community Dispute Resolution Center 120 W. State St. • Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273 -0347 Pagc 15 of l9 'rR 1 4-05 -- Neighborhood Legal Services DeWitt Building Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273 -5521 -- NYS Bar Association Lawyer Referral Services 1 -800- 342 -3661 -- Tompkins Country Planning Department 121. East Court Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 274 -5560 3. Publicize the availability of assistance; through newspaper publications at least twice annually in the official paper of the Town. This is done by Tompkins County Planning Department. 4. Solicit the cooperation of local banks and realtors in maintaining a fair housing environment in the Town at least once annually. This is done by the Tompkins County Planning Department. 5. Preparation and distribution of a surnme y brochure that summarizes fair housing laws applicable in the Town and assistance available. This is done by the ' Tompkins County Planning Department. Undertake appropriate actions needed to respond to fair housing problems as they may occur. 21d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Cl St Cl Cl Stelick Yes Christofferson Yes ipv Trumbull Yes Michaels Yes H attery Yes RESOLUTION #31 - REQUEST EXTENSION TO Fl1LE ANNUAL REPORT Cl flattery offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Town Supervisor to write to the New York State Office of the State Comptroller and request a 60 day extension for the filing of the 2004 annual report, if necessary. 211a Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes Appointment and committee assignments for 2005 by the Supervisor as follows: Secretary/ Bookkeeper----------------------------------------- Deputy Supervisor--------------------------------------------- Town Hall & General Fund Rills Committee--------- - - - - -- Highway Lip Hwy Fund Bills Committee------ ... ------ - - - - -- Highway & Public Works Committ :ee---- ..... --......... - - -- Page. 16 of i 9 Dawn Bogdan Stephen Stelick, Jr. Cl Stelick tip Cl Christofferson Cl Michaels & Cl Hattery Cl Michaels & Cl I-lattery Assessment Review Committee------------------------------- Insurance Committee------------------------------------------ Representatives to Planning Board-------------------- - - - - -- Representatives to Zoning Board of Appeals--------- -- - --- Representatives to iAWTF- ....... - ------- - ..... ---- ------ -- ... Representatives to Fire Depts & Emergency Services---ft. Representative to Recreation & Youth Services Comm-- - Community Block Grant Review Comm--------------- - - - - -- Rep to MPO Policy Comm-------------------------------------- Human Resources Committee- ....... -- ...... ft- ----- --- ..... - Town Hall Building Committee------------------------------- Representative to Conservation Advisory Council-------- - Representative to Cayuga Lake Watershed 10------- - ----- Human Resources Committee------------------------- --- - -- Liason Officer to Dolton Point (SCLIWC)------ .... =ft ...... -- TB 1 -4 -05 Cl Stelick fib Cl flattery Cl Stelick Cl Christofferson Cl Christofferson Cl Christofferson Supv Trumbull & Cl flattery Cl Stelick & Cl Michaels Cl St:etick Supv Trumbull & Cl Michaels Cl Hattery Supv Trumbull & Cl Christofferson Cl Stelick & Cl Christofferson CI Michaels Cl Michaels Cl Christofferson, Supv Trumbull, Henry Slater, Dawn Bogdan, Bambi Hollenbeck Supv Trumbull & Steve Lipinski The board still has questions about the voucher submitted for business cards for Judge Valentinelli. The concern is that the salesperson listed on the invoice is Town Justice Christopher Clauson. Cl Hattery said the invoice does not avoid the appearance of impropriety and noted that the amount. seemed high. Supv Trumbull will talk with the justices about this. RESOLUTION #32 - APPROVE ABSTRACT # 113 Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that: this Town Board hereby approves Abstract. #113, as audited, vouchers # 1214 through # 1266, excepting # 1217, totaling $156,074.64. 2n,a Cl Michaels Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes Supv'Trumbull informed the board that the Association of Towels will be holding it's annual meeting in February in New York City. B Hollenbeck informed the board that the County is apparently considering taking over tax collection from the Towns. She is against that: and does not believe that the County can serve Town residents as well as local Town Clerks do, and said that this is another example of the County Uiking local governmcmt further away from the people. The board agrees tax collection should be left at the local level. Bookkeeper Dawn Bogdan reviewed the budget modifications with the Board. RESOLUTION 033 - APPROVE BUDGET MODIFICATIONS Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the following budget modifications for 2004. Page 17 of 19 FROM A1990.400 A1450.400 Al 990.400 A1990.400 A1990.400 A7020.200 A7110.400 Al 990,400 A8745.400 Al 990,400 68010.400 DA9060.800 DA9060.800 DA5120.400 3'aM *I M SF -01- 3410.407 SF-01-3410.407 SS -01- 8110.400 SS -03- 8130.400 SS- 03- 8130.400 SS-03- 8130.400 SS -04- 8120.400 SS -04- 8120.400 SS -04- 8120.400 SS -05- 9710.700 SS -05- 9710.700 SW -01- 8320.400 SW -02- 8320.400 SW -02- 8320.400 SW -03- 9710.700 SW- 03-8340.400 SW -03- 8340.400 TO A1220.101 A1450.100 A1620200 A2980.400 A3989.400 A7020.400 A7110.100 A7310.4 A8745.100 A8745.401 68010- OZ.400 DA9010.800 DA9040.800 DA5142.400 SF -01- 9040.800 SF -01- 3410.406 SS -01- 8110.100 SS- 03- 8110.100 SS -03- 8110.400 SS-03- 9030.800 SS-04- 8110.100 SS- 04- 8110.400 SS -04- 9030.800 SS -05- 9710.600 SS-05- 8130.400 SW -01- 8310.400 SW -02- 8310.400 SW -02- 8340.400 SW -03- 8310.400 SW -03- 8310.400 SW -03- 8320.400 2111.1 Cl Christofferson Roll Call Vote AMOUNT 10,996.83 2,893.12 9,098.62 1,000.00 415.48 1,199.78 182.70 2,750.22 797.38 16,534.32 4,589.35 1,111.00 895.79 10,498.31 1,111.00 1,791.57 3,012.97 1,939.48 140.82 502.86 31050,25 19.19 379.20 288.30 17.27 5,000.00 4,965.67 68.50 468.50 6.80 2,644.00 257.75 1,054.19 Cl Swlick- Yes CI Christofferson Yes SuRv Trumbull Yes Cl Michaels Yes Cl Hattery Yes Page 18 of 19 TB 1-4-05 "1413 1-4 -05 Cl Hattery said he has talked with the ZO Slater about education and training for the Planning Board members to review the 'Town's laws and talk about the basic kinds of planning decisions the board might: encounter. ZO Slater is willing to arrange for that training as long as the board supports it. The board is in agreement. Cl Stelick distributed a copy of .s Memorandum of Agreement signed by Dryden Ambulance and the Town's fire departments detailing a response plan for calls that would normally go only to the Etna Fire Department. Every time Fts►a Fire Department is called out, an additional department will also respond, depending on the location. He said that all departments worked together to come up %with this plan and that: it is a temporary fix, but a step toward a long -term solution. Cl Stelick said he was very impressed with the individuals involved in devising the plan and though Natan Huffman is new to the position, he was a great help. Cl Michaels noted N Huffman has been a great help with a number of things, including increasing the effectiveness of radio communications. The board also noted that Ron Flynn has been a great help and has a lot of forethought in considering disaster preparedness. On motion made, seconded and unanitrunisly carried, the meeting was adjourned at. 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /YL�L Wimbi L. Hollenbeck Town Clerk page 19 of 19