HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-01-15t TB 1 -15 -04 TOWN OF DRYDEN TOWN BOARD MEETING January 15, 2004 Present: Supv Stcvcn Trumbull, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr,, CI Martin Christofferson, Cl Michael Flattery Absent: Cl Christopher Michaels Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, "fo%vn Clerk Jack Bush, Highvray Superintendent Other'fown Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins; Town Attorney Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Jennifer Glaab. Recreation Coordinator Debbie Gross, Environmental Planner Dave Putnam, TO Millers, Engineering Supv Trumbull opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m., led Board members and guests in the pledge of allegiance, and made the following statement: Good evening everyone. Thank you for coming to the first Town Board meeting of the new year. I would hope that the public would have patience as some things will be done differently. Any changes made are to improve communication between the board and those they serve and to insure that: every citizen has an opportunity to observe this board as we do the people's business. Each and every citizen requesting an audience to discuss matters germane to this board will certainly have an opportunity to do so. Also, I would like to remind anyone who wishes to address the board to sign up prior to 7:00 p.m. at the podium. Each person will have a timed maximum of three minutes to speak. That being said, let's hope we're on to a. positive and productive future for the Town of Dryden. CITIZENS PRIVILEGE David Stotz, 172 Hunt Hill Road, congratulated the new members of board and said he hoped they had a fruitful tenure. He wanted to be sure all members of the board were aware that last summer a petition was presented to the Town Board and to the Highway Superintendent for repaving Hunt Hill Road. That was done and he said it was done very well and so far it has held up pretty well (they'd wait and see what happens in the Sprung and they appreciate it very much. They formed an ad hoc committee at the time to address the improvements that %%gill eventually be made to Hunt Hill Road. He said they sent a letter to the Board and to Jack Bush explaining that the committee had been formed and asking that the committee be involved in any plans for renovation of Hunt Hill Road. He said he understands that at some point, this meeting or a future one, the road improvements will be presented to the board for approval by the Highway Superintendent. I-le wanted to reiterate that this committee of Hunt Hill Road would like to be involved extensively with whatever the solution is for the problems on Hunt Hill Road. He wanted the board to be aware of that, and when plans are available they would like to know and have the opportunity to sit down with Mr. Bush and interested members of the board to go over that. COUNTY BRIEFING Mike Lane said the County Legislature reorganized at its meeting last Tuesday. The Chair will be Tim Joseph and Mike Lane will serve as Vice Chair. Committee assignments will be handed out next week, and he has asked to be placed on the Public Works Committee Page 1 or l3 ^^1 x113 i-1 s.o4, 49 because he thinks it has a lot to do with iSSUes that are partiQulmly important to Dryden. For example, Dryden has orte -third of the bridges that are maintained by the County. There are about 107 bridges in the County and thirty -some are in the Tawas of Dryden. The County is looking for ways to work better with the Towns, Villages and the City. They have gone through a difficult budget process, at the behest of the Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton, they had some State represent,aiives in yesterday and talked to them about issues of unfunded State mandates, particularly the Medicaid problem. They are putting a lot of pressure on State representatives to let them know how important it is the people in a bi- partisan way. This is not such a prcoblem downstate, according to State Rep Richard Gottlieb who :.aid it isn't as big an issue in New York City beeatiLse of the way taxes are paid there. M Lane said he thinks the Assemblymen and the Senators are Starting to get the message. ENGINE'E'RING Dave Putnam said he wanted to talk about the Freese .load sewer pump station and some problems they are having, but there are some legal issues involved, and he would like to wait until Atty Perkins arrives. DRYDEN AMBULANCE No representative was present, but board members have the monthly report. It Was decided that because the board receives their monthly report regularly there was no need to have a representative in attendance, unless specifically requested by the board. FIRE DEPARTMENT Ron P137in said he had dropped of Neptune's required reports and amoral report and wondered if the board had any questions. Because the Board had just received it they had not had an opportunity to review it. Cl Christofferson asked that in the future lbe reports be available to the board a week in advance, and R Flynn said he would try and accommodate that. COUNTY BRIEFING (continued) Martha Robertson congrsl,ulated and welcomed the new board members. She said she had asked the Department of Social Services Commission, Patricia Carey, to determine how much Family Health Plus (a program of eclicaI casts the County. The Senate Task Force on the Reform of Medicaid had recommended that the Sedate came out in favor of the State taping over the cost for Family Health Plus in order to help Counties with their local share of Medicaid. Tumpkins Col.nty this year sprit about $11,000,000 for Medicaid and Family Health Plus is about $600,000 of that. She said this will not solve the prblem, although it is a first step_ Me-m bers of PushBack have met wi0.1 almost all of our Federal legislators and all of our State legislators explaining the scope of the problem. She paid they can't get out of the budget mess they are in locally until the State takes responsibility for its own programs, and that every County in New York State is in the same situation. They will do everything they can to utaintain the essential proms and make them as efliciei)t as possible, M Robertsun said it appears she will again the chair the Health and Human Services Committee and she looks forward to wrapping up a study the committee initiated last year on homelessness and affordable hausir1g. They will be putt i UrIg that information toVther and determine the next steps. The County's comprehensive plan is being dzafted and housing ]s a significant part of that. plan, 0 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT E. Page 2 of 13 TB lm15ml)4 Jack Bush said funds had been previously budgeted for the Freese Road SMwer pump station and the work will tlow need to be done_ They have purchased a used pump to get through temporarily until a new system can be purchased. An amount of money will need to be authorized for the new system, J Bush has provided the board with a proposed resolution to support Mtermunicipal sharing of labor and materials and asked the board to pass it. RESOLUTION #24 - SUPPORT INTERMUNI IPAL SHARING OF LABOR 6 MATERIALS C1 hrisllufferson offered the fallawizlg resolution and asked for its adoption, RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, by request of the Highway Superintendent axid b such authority as extended by applicable sections of the 'four Law of the State of New York, does Hereby permit, authorize and direct the Town Highway Superintendent to fulfill such additional resporLsibili ties fxom time to time as circumstances necessitate, although such acdvities may not related directly to the specific responsibilities of his department as specified by Highway Law. l . Jlny unforeseen need and/ or effort of the Town Highway Department resources as may be determined by the Highway uperimtendent to be necessary and in the best interest of the general populace of the Town of Dryden, _ The offering of Emergenuy Assistance as may be requested by the Chief or responsible officer of a local fire department in support of fire related ennergenCies. 3. The rendering of such assistance as may be requested from time to time to cope with related emergency tuations of any Special District within the Town of Dryden. :2 icy SupV 'Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl stelick Yes C1 Christofferson Yes upv Trumbull Yes 1 Hattery Yes J Bush explained that last yeax he found out that Cortland County had some products in their County bid that Tompkins County doesn't bid. The board can authorize him by resolution to purchase off the Cortland County bid as well as the Tompkins County laid and he asked that the board do that again this year. RESOLUTION #25 = AUTHORIZATION TO USE NEIGHBORING COUNTY BID Cl Stelick offered the following resolutinia and asked for its adoption= RESOL ED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Highway Superineeadent to purchase supplies and materials using Cortland County bid as well as the 'Tompkins County bid, 0 Cl Hauer} Roll Calf Vote Cl stelick Yes Cl Christotberson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Page 3 of 13 TB 1 -15-04 Cl Hattery Yes Board members. have previously received from the Hi way Superintendent a copy of the, proposed Agreement to Spend Tuwn T]ighuay Funds, pursuant to Highway Law §284, between the Town Board and the Highway Superintendenr- It includes roads to be paved as well as those to be surfb.Ce treated. J Hush said he didn't think there would be any major coiacerns with residents outer than perhaps C:enung Road between 1a tlis Hollow and Snyder Mill and Hunt Mill Road- An aerial fly -over has been done far Hunt Hill Road, but the map has not yet been completed. Cl Steliuk asked if the fly -over work should be completed before that portion of the agreement was decided on. J Bush said he wanted to make sure it was included, the agreernenC is not set its stone, is not intended to be and can be amended at any time- Signing the agreement releases the funds to do the wort[ and hauling stone for the work should not be done ian it Il -ie agreement is signed- It is recommended that the, agreement be signed early in the year to allow for preparation such as hauling stone. Cl Christofferson moved the rescalution for discussion and Cl Hattery seconded it. Robin Seeley, 332 Hurd Road, asked if there was any procedure for asking questions as reports are made, and Supv Trumbul asked her to keep it to three rn 6 lutes. She a stied if this was the first time the hoard had seen the list of proposed projects and whether the board would be voting on it tonight, Cl Christofferson said they heel had it for a week ur so and R Seeley asked that the list of roads be read. Supv Trumbull read the roads listed on the agreement for the benefit of those present- Cl flattery said he understands the. agTeement is in the form required for legal purposes, bull he would like to see the list of roads in a spreadsheet format with the dollar amount listed, a description of the improvement, and a toral amount to be spent. Peery Walbridge asked how much was to be spent for Hunt Hill Road and Genung Road and Cl Stelick responded these amounts u*ere $99,500 and $35 respectively, She asked if those amounts were less than what ores previously proposed to be spent and J Bush responded they were very close, M Robertson said a major amount of work was done on Hunt Hill last summer and J Bush said that was not a big project, just, a bandaid. Cl Christofferson suggested the board pass the resolution, then the public can look it over and give the board their thoughts later- M Robertson said perhaps it could be tabled. Cl Christofferson said he wziuld like to call question Io approve it- RESOLUTION #26 - APPROVE §284 AGREEMENT TO SPEND HIGHWAY FUNDS Cl Christofferson offered the following resolut[on and ked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the Agreement to Spend Highway Funds pursuant to Highway Law §284 as presented, 11a Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Sfxlick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Battery No Cl Christo&rson encouraged the audience to take a look, at the agreement and give the board Their feedback because the agreement can be amended- Peter Walbridge asked if that was assurance that no work would be dune until there is public input, and C1 Christofferson said there was ;ui opportunity to get back to the board before any VMrk is done in the, next month or twK). He said there is a public comment period at the beginning of the meeting and that is where he would like them to comeback and give their thoughts and ideas. He said he is aware there have been is&sucs iu the past and he would tike to hear what those are, and they have some information to review and then they can come back to the troard. Once the board Page 4 of l3 TB M549 40 starts the meeting their goat is to get through the business part of the meeting and that's why they have reserved time up front for public comment, M Robertson said the agreement had not been available, and C1 Christofferson said it will be available and can be amended- J Bush has provided the board with a proposed resolui an for purchase and sale of *12way egLUpmenL C1 Stelick asked if there anything out of the ordinary and J Bush responded it is no different than Iasi' year and in keeping with his equipment replacement program, RESOLUTION #27 - AUTHORIZE PURCHASE & SALE OF HIGHWAY/ DPW EQUIPMENT Cl Christafferson offered the follo wing resolution and asked for its adoption; RE, SOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorim the Highway Superintemi dent to: 1) Advertise for bid or purchase off state bid two 2004 new and unused ten wheel dump trucks with snowplow equipment not to exceed $250,000, 2) Sell one 199 used ten wheel dump truck vin #1M2AMOS 4RN1.002469 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to !rid or to a public entity or private iudividu al at fair Market value, 3) Sell one 1995 used ten wheel dump truck vin #4 5J DJF6T'.EZ845252 at a surplus ariction or by advertisement to bid or tc) a. public entity or a private individual at fair marlcet. value, 4) Purchase one 2004 new and unused 4x2 pickup truck through the state bid not to exceed $15,000, 5) Sell one 2002 used 4x4 pickup truck vin. #lC` I Y.24US2E5'9478 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to hid or to a pub ck, entity or a private individua], T nimum bid $16,500, 6) Purchase off state bid one in ew and unused tractor /,sweeper not to exceed $35,000. 7) Sell one 1994 used 4x4 tractor/ sweeper vin #T3b87885 at a surplus auction or by advertisement to bid or to a public entity or a private individual at fair market value, 8) Purchase one 2004 new and unused lawn tractor with 54" mower through the staj,e bid not to exceed $7,500 and to sell one 2002 John Deere 425 law tractor with 54" mover serial 0M00425A093700 at a surplus auction or by a.dvertisenaent to bid nr to a public entity or private individual, minim -am bid $5,00'), 9) Purchase one new and unused six wheel utility vehicle off state bid not to exceed $8,500 and to sell one 2000 JD Gator utility vehicle vin #W406X4X442727 at a surplus auction or by advertiseincnI to bid or to a public entity or private individual at fair market value_ 10) Purchase off state -bid one 2004 new and unused 4x4 pickup truck for the Department of Public Works not to exceed $25,000_ 2nd C1 5telick I otl Call Vote Cl stelick Yes c1 clihstofferwri 'Yes 5upv Trumbull Yes PRdge 5 of l3 TB 1-15 -04 a Cl Hattery Yes RECREATION DEPARTMENT J Glaab presented the ln«ard with her monthly report and said her annual report for 2003 will be available soon_ There was caroling its the Village of Dryden on December 19 with about 19 participants, Only one person showed up for the caroling FTeeville on December 20 so that was cancelled. Travcl basketball is currently ursderway with a 6th grade ]goys' team, 6+h grade girls' team and 511, grade girls' team and runs through March. Volleyball for grades 4 through 6 will begun next Thursday and run through late February or early March_ Thirteen are currently signed up for wrestling (mure expected) which runs through March and includes a towmarnent in Dryden in March that historically has drawn 300 or more wrestlers. The Town is co-sponsoring Dryden Soccer Club's Winter Indoor Recreational Leagues for grades K through 3,. This week's Shopper includes a survey a€ king for input about what the community would like to see in 2004 regarding classes and workshops. The Village of Dryden has f2ooded the basketball courts for ice skating. It is skate at your own risk and rules are pasted, It wW not be maintained and users are asked to bring a snow shovel. Cl Christofferson asked that the signs advise hockey players wear heirnets while playing. February 4th is National Girls & Women in Sports Day and i he thirtieth awaiversary of Title 9 and J laab is trying to coordinate with the school to do some kind of event recognizing that, She is also organizing winter dwaces to be held 'in February, March and April and is interested iu doing .something in Ellis Hollow or Varna. This will probably be on Sunday afternoons and will most lilwly consist of Contra Dancing and be appropriate for all ages. Financial report was provided to board members and it was noted that wrestlitng, volleyball and travel basketball overlap from 2003 into 2004, ZONINQ OFFICER ZO Slater explained to the board that his monthly reports will include activity for the preceding month, a recap of approved projects and their current stows, and construction activities among other things. He has applications from people interested in serving on the Plannt board and the Zoning Board of Appeals and 1LLrW provide them to Cl Stehck and Cl Hattery who were appointed by upv Trumbull to review them and make a rccommendation to the board for the appointments- ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNER D Gross distributed to the board a copy of her summary of the Hunt Engineering report about the water supply inn the Cortlafnd Road area, together with a summary of the newer report. She noted there axe two vac�Eumies on the Conservation Advisory Council (9 available spots and 7 are filled). D Gyro%.% said her report encompasses what she has done so far and %Vhat she would like to do in the future. She has assisted with public Gutrea.ch in connection with the draft comprehensive plan, taken minutes at the public hearing and made transcripts, and prepared a summary of public %nput and recommendations for the planning board, With respect to stormwater management D Gross has gathered and read information on the new regulations and best management practices, Collaboration with a County -wide stormwater group is required by DEC and she has been working closely with Tompkins County stormxtj�lter Crroupl ]gage 6 of 13 TB 1 -15 -04 The Aquifer Study is progressing and D Gross is communicating with Todd Miller of the Ithaca. Office of t:he US Geological Survey as he directs research efforts. $12,000 has been secured to assist with funding this effort, $7,000 from the Tompkins County Health Department and $5,000 from Soil and Water Conservation District, D Gross has assisted with project; reviews and has been reading materials from the Zoning Office, attending Planning Board and Zoning Board meetings to see how project reviews happen, and decide how she can best help. She has attended meetings of the Conservation Advisory Council and helping them with their projects. Future projects include stormwater management, comprehensive planning, working on trails for bicycle/ pedestrian use, pre - disaster mitigation grant, working with the CAC and Planning Board, aquifer study, seeking out funding for environmental/ planning related projects, a web page providing relevant environmental information and links, public workshops on environmental topics, working with Jennifer and Dan Karig on a cross country ski program, and looking into starting a Farmer's Market. There are training sessions available and D Gross, ZO Slater and ZO Ezell would like to attend one each, at a total expense of $1,185 plus transportation. The consensus of the board is that: the expense of those training sessions would come from each Department's budget. Jarrett McLaughlin, a Freeville resident., has volunteered to help with Town planning efforts. He is considering pursuing a career in planning and would like to learn more by getting involved locally. D Gross asked if there was a policy with respect to this. Cl Stelick said he had no problem with it, but asked her to consult with Atty Perkins. D Gross has received some information on trans ings for various boards that make decisions on land use from the Pace Land Use Law Center and offered to share that with anyone who is interested. ZO Slater said that both the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals have training requirements, and this might be an opportunity for them. TOWN CLERK Some appointments were not made at the organizational meeting, including Town Historian, ZBA Chair, Conservation Advisory Council appointments, and engineering appointment. RESOLUTION #28 - APPOINT ZBA CHAIR Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVF4D, that this Town Board hereby appoints Walter Matyjas as Zoning Board of Appeals Chair for 2004. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #29 - CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS 0 Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: Page 7 of 13 •rB 1 =154)4 RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Dan Karig, Milo Richmond and Charles Smith to the Conservation Advisory Council with three year terms expiring December 31, 2006. 2nd Supv Trumbull Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes Ilene Miller whose term expired December 31, 2003, does not wish to be reappointed, and Bruce Osadchey whose term expires December 31, 2004, has resigned, so there are two openings on the Conservation Advisory Council, The Board has received the Town Clerk's monthly report for December, her annual report for 2043 and a statement of current tax collection to date. The last amendment to the Bolton Point agreement has been reviewed by Atty Perkins and was signers by all board members. RESOLUTION #30 - DISBURSE MCARTHUR FUND INTEREST Cl Christofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board disburse the McArthur Fund to ]Dryden Central Schools in the amount of $10.22 and to George Junior Republic in the amount $0.66. 2nd Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote DISCUSSION Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes Supv Trumbull explained that last week he attended a meeting of the Village of Dryden Department of Public Works. They gave him a working draft of an agreement between the Cortland Load Sewer District and the Village of Dryden. The Village claims to be at capacity, have problems and are looking to the Torn for some help. They suggested 2.9 million for a new plant or renovation of a plant which is 50 y ears old, or build interceptor lines to take the stress off the main lines for about $300,000. Dave Putnam offered to work PLS on open issues. He said one of the things ackn has an INI problem. They acknowledge they it looks like they will be looking to the Town something that needs to be looked at, behalf of the Town and try and resolve all of the Dwledges but doesn't exactly say is that the Village have the extra water but not how it gets there and to correct some of their problems. That is Cl Hattery said there is a series of communications that have gone back and forth between the Mayor and the former Supervisor that would be good for everyone to see, including some engineering reports that talk about: the problems D Putnam mentioned. Cl Hattery said he doesn't think there is an INI problem, that is open to interpretation. There are some letter communications to the former Supervisor basically outlining the capacity problem and how the Page 8 of 13 T13 1.15 -04 existing Cortland road Sewer District kind of commits the Town to that. Cl Christofferson said there is a lot to learn about this and he would appreciate any information. Cl Stelick said that PLS said that the INT problem is a lost cause and Hunt Engineering says they are not so sure about that and have suggested that the Town look at problems at TC3 and at Mott Road Trailer Park, so it looks like there is more work to be done. Cl Hattery said PLS would agree that there are INI problems in the Cortland Road Sewer District. C1 Hattery asked Atty Perkins if he had received the draft sewer agreement. Atty Perkins has it but said it would be premature to talk about it until the Town receives the report from Hunt Engineers, which is due approximately the end of this month, on their review of the options the Town has for sewer service. D Gross will make copies of the preliminary reports from Hunt Engineers for board members. With respect to the annexation petition, Atty Perkins received today the transcript of the hearing held on December 18. Copies are being made for each board member, together with copies of the transcript of the previous hearing for new board members. He suggested that we then attempt to prepare findings. A vote must be taken on the matter by March 17. The Town Board did not prepare findings after the first hearing. The findings will address such things as whether the notices were published and posted properly, whether the people who were required to have notice received notice, comments made at the hearing, evidence that was submitted and how that is interpreted, etc. Atty Perkins will draft those findings based on the transcript and the record, and a conclusion. He will probably have that draft ready by the next meeting for the board's review. Supv Trumbull will obtain a copy of the Village's findings. COUNCIL PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR C1 Christofferson asked about the status of the fire department contracts. Cl Michaels was working on some language for those. Cl Christofferson said he is anxious to get something done with those, in his opinion it should have been done months ago. He would like to get something to the departments with the changes soon, or approve the contract as it was last year. Atty Perkins said he believed Cl Michaels has been in touch with fire department people and there is only one paragraph that he is working on and it is very minor. Cl Christofferson if there is no new proposed language by the next meeting he will ask that the contracts be presented using last year's language. C1 Hattery said he would like to receive any proposed resolutions attached to the agenda when it is released. Cl Christofferson suggested all action items be together. The contract for TG Miller Engineering was not approved at: the organizational meeting pending receipt of their fee schedule. That has been received and reviewed by the Board. RESOLUTION #31 - CONTRACT Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board contract with TG Miller Engineering for services, fees to be charged according to the fee schedule provided. 2nd C1 Hattery Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes Page 9 of 13 TB t -15 -04 • Cl Stelick said he would like to reappoint Jennifer Glaab to the Recreation Partnership again this year. RESOLUTION #32 - RECREATION PARTNERSHIP REPRESENTATIVE Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Jennifer Glaab to serve as its representative on the Recreation Partnership Board. 2RLi Cl Christofferson Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes C1 Hattery Yes There is a vacancy on the Recreation Commission and a. recommendation from the commission to appoint Lisa Stelick to fill that vacancy. RESOLUTION #33 - APPOINT L STELICK TO RECREATION Cl Christ.offerson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby appoints Lisa Stelick to serve on the Recreation Commission for a term to expire December 31, 2006. 2nd Supv Trumbull • Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Abstain Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes 1) Putnam explained that since the Freese Road sewer pump failed on December 31, 2003, town employees have been going there daily pumping the system. The problem is a 40- year old check valve that is in a very bad place to get at to work on. The station was scheduled to be replaced this year, and is situate on the bank of Fall Creek. A temporary pump has been purchased and installed in the manhole to get by short term. It is his recommendation that the `rown purchase a prefabricated basin and pump and install it with town labor as soon as it can be received. He is wondering if this needs to go to competitive bid. The pumps and controls and miscellaneous hardware that come with them is approximately $17,500 and the station is another $10,000 (prefabricated structure that sits in the ground). Additionally, the electrical service will have to be upgraded. J Bush said some money had been set aside a few years ago and last year there were some complications with a different sewer station and some of those funds were used at that time. The temporary pump cost $2,000. D Putnam said he would like to make this purchase as an emergency situation and not go to competitive bid. This would save engineering costs and bidding costs. He is asking Atty Perkins advice on this. Atty Perkins said the amount is over the $20,000 limit at which you have to bid a public works project, plus whatever the electrical upgrades are. He would like a chance to take a look at it and see if it can be classified as an emergency. He suggested a resolution be passed a.uthoriring the purchase pending a determination that it falls within the emergency exception • rules for public bidding. The expense would be chargeable to the district. Page lU of 13 TB 1 -15 -04 RESOLUTION #34 - AUTHORIZE FUNDS TO REPLACE PUMP STATION Cl Christofferson offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the purchase of a pump station, pumps, controls, miscellaneous controls and electrical upgrades for the Freese Road sewer pump station, pending a determination by the Town Attorney than this can be done as Dui emergency situation and is not subject to competitive bidding requirements. 21A Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes RESOLUTION #35 - APPROVE ABSTRACT # 101 Cl Hattery offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves Abstract. #101, as audited, vouchers #001 through #070, totaling $564,766.45. 211d C1 Stelick Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes On motion of Cl Stelick, seconded by Supv Trumbull and unanimously carried, the board adjourned to executive session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss the employment history of a particular individual, the possibility of acquisition of real property where public disclosure of the property and /or price may adversely affect the Town's ability to purchase it, and a matter of litigation. A summary of the board's actions during executive action follows: In connection with the possible acquisition of certain real property, the board reviewed an appraisal and an environmental assessment form and determined that there were no sigmficant environmental impacts. RESOLUTION #36 - NEG DEC - PROPERTY ACQUISITION Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does issue a negative declaration based on the SEQR review in connection with the possible acquisition of a certain piece of real property. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the lead agency in uncoordinated review. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents. 2^d Cl Christofferson Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Clu-istofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes Page llof13 TB 1 -15-04 The board discussed a price range for the purchase of the property and passed the following resolution. RESOLUTION #37 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO NEGOTIATE PURCHASE PRICE Cl Stelick offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to negotiate a purchase price for certain real property within the Town of Dryden in the range of $350,000 to $440,000, and to engage the services of Harris Beach, LLS, attorney at law, in connection therewith, and it: is further RESOLVED, that once a contract is negotiated a public hearing be held to inform the public and collect public comment. Cl Hattery Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes After discussing the employment history of a particular town employee the board passed the following resolution: RESOLUTION #38 - AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO REQUEST ASSISTANCE FROM DISTRICT ATTORNEY AND NYS COMPTROLLER Cl Christofferson offered t:he following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this To«rr, Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to requeset assistance from the'Complcins County District Attorney's Office and NYS Comptroller in resolving any financial discrepancies in 2003. 211<1 Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried the board moved back into regular session at 10:40 p.m. and briefly discussed the fees charged by the Town's telecommunications consultants. RESOLUTION #39 - REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT Cl Hattery offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Attorney to draft: a Request for Proposals and advertise for a telecommunications consultant. 2j)d Cl Stelick Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes Cl Christofferson Yes Supv Trumbull Yes Cl Hattery Yes Pocige 12 of 13 TB 1 -15-(A On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Aj71 /""; /I/y, "t./4C tBambi L. Hollenbeck Town Clerk Page 13 of 13