HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-Table of contentsRESOLUTION INDEX 2002 RES U 1 - Auth Supv Sign Contract with Approve Abstract # 101 Tompkins County RES #2 - Salary Schedule RES 03 - Rules of Procedure RES #4 - Salary Schedule RES #5 - Salary Payment RES 06 - ,Mileage RES #7 - Designate Official Banks RES #8 - Official Advertising RES 09 - Advance Payment of Utilities RES # 10 - Service Officer/ Fire Warden RES # 11 - Special Fund Assmt Admin. RES # 12 - Payment of Contracts RES #13 - Subdivision Control Officer & Auth Supv Sign Sterns & Wheler Agmt Multiple Residence Inspector RES It 14 - Licensor for Games of Chance RES It 15 - Petty Cash RES # 16 - Court Clerk RES It 17 - Court clerk RES #18 - Receiver of Taxes & Assessments RES It 19 - Appt Deputy Town Clerk /Receiver RES 020 - Appt Deputy Town Clerk/ Receiver RES #21 - Assistant Budget Officer RES #22 - Security Court Officers RES #23 - Public Works RES 024 - Contract Town Attorney RES #25 - Engineering RES 026 - Inspectors/ Machine Custodians RES 027 - Public Works Superintendent RES 028 - Cleaning RES 429 - Appoint Bingo Inspector RES #30 - Dog Control Contracat RES #31 - Deputy Highwav Superintendent RES 432 - Highway Clerk RES 033 - Gadabout RES #34 - TC Seniors & Dryden Seniors RES #35 - Recreation & Youth Services Admin RES 036 - Southworth Library RES #37 - Learning Web RES #38 - Displaced Homemakers RES #39 - Appoint Town Historians RES #40 - Dryden Historical Society RES #41 - Building Code Officer /Zoning Officer RES #42 - Appt Asst Bldg Code /Zoning Officer RES #43 - Appoint Site Plan Review Secretary RES 444 - Appt Site Plan Review Secretary RES 045 - Appt Planning Board Member RES 046 - Appt Zoning Bd of Appeals Member RES 047 - Appoint IDA Member RES 448 - Appoint CAC Member RES 049 - Recreation Commission Members RES 050 - Appt Recreation Partnership Rep. RES #51 - Planning Board Chair RES 452 - Appt Planning Bd & ZBA Secretary RES 053 - Zoning Board of Appeals Chair- RES 054 - Special District Administration RES 055 - Highway Salaries RES 056 - Clothing Allowance RES #57 - Purchase of Small Tools RES 058 - Mandatory Justice Schooling RES 059 - Bolton Point JSCLIWC) Rep RES 060 - MPO Planning Reps RES #61 - Investment Policies /Guidelines RES #62 - Fair Housing Officer RES 063 - Town Board Meeting Schedule RES 064 - Supervisor's Secretary/ Bookkeeper RES #65 - Vehicle Benefit RES #66 - Fair Housing Plan RES 067 - Office Hours RES #68 - Supervisor Appointments RES #69 - Support for Town of Ithaca's Appeal To Appellate Division TOWN BOARD MTG 1 -9-02 RES #70 - Approve Abstract # 101 RES #71 - Auth Supv to Write to Assessment Ragard ng Tax Map Parcel #5214-28 RES 072 - Request Area Speed Limit - -Ellis Hollow RES 073 - Request 4 -way Stop at Ellis Hollow & Turkev Hill Roads & Ellis Hollow & Genung Roads RES ti74 - Auth Supv send Letter to DEC RES 475 - Approve Revised Fire Contracts RES #76 - Auth Amicus Curiae Brief in Support Of Town of Ithaca RES 077 - Approve Recreation Partnership By -Laws RES 478 - Auth Supv Sign Sterns & Wheler Agmt RES 979 - Support Intermunicipal Sharing of Labor & Materials RES #80 - Amend Drug & Alcohol Policy RES #81 - Appt Liason to CAC & Rep to Cayuga l.aake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization RES 082 - Appt Cable Commission Rep. RES #83 - Revisit Joining Cable Consortium RES #84 - Appt Planning Board Member - Hatfield RES 085 - Appt IDA Member - Hatfield RES #86 - F Ic Annual Report by March 1 K01'.''l :0 :I.T`7pji5i�ri76 d!•Y� RES 987 - Auth Highway Equip Transfer/ Purchase RES #88 - Disburse McArthur Fund Interest RES 089 - Declare Lead Agency Status - Virgil Creek Stabilization Project RES #90 - Reduce Youth Commission Funding (! 1l•I'.Y� .' i:ii7:` ti.) �tl \�lf✓�>E =E� %t RES #91 - Speed Limit Req - Upper Creek Road RES #92 - C. O'Connor Water & Sewer RES 4193 - Auth Attendance of Highway Employees At Cornell Local Roads Workshops RES #94 - Approve Abstract # 102 RES #95 - Approve Union Contract RES #96 - Neg SEQR Dec - ICS Press RES 097 - Approve ICS Press Site Plan Application RES #98 - Approve changes in Fire Contracts RES #99 - Appt Planning Board Member RES If 100 - Appt Recreation Comm. Member II iel,,Yzfflle" RES If 101 - Approve Union Contract RES #102 - Auth Attendance at Clerks Conference RES # 103 - Support Application of K Ezell RES # 104 - Offer Leave of Absence to Employee RES # 105 - Approve Agmt to Spend Hwy Farads RES # 106 - Approve Abstract If 103 RES # 107 - Adopt New Abstract Approval Procedure r RES # 108 - Neg SEAR Dec - Beck Special Permit RES # 109 - Approve Beck Special Permit RES #1 10 - Neg SEQR Dec - Sopp /Subway RES # 1 11 - Approve Sopp Site Plan Review RES # 112 - Neg SEQR Dec - CDBG Grant App for Approve RFP for Building Design RES Forest Home Rehab Project RES # 1 12a - Neg SEQR Dec - CDBG Application RES # 113 - Approve Submission of Town's Forest RES # 126 - Horne Circle Targeted Housing Rehab App. RES #114 - Auth Agmt with NYSEG RES # 115 - Auth Letter re: Aquifer Study RES # 116 - Support Ellis Hollow Civic Center #130 - Auth Revitalization Plan RES # 1 17 - Approve Abstract # 104 RES # 118 - Set Ambulance Rates RES # 119 - Adopt Billing Policy for Ambulance RES #120 - Auth Dryden Ambulanco, Inc. to Subcontract for Billing Services RES # 121 - Appoint CAC Member - C Schutt RES #122 - Approve RFP for Building Design RES #123 - Authorize Funds for Lacrosse RES # 124 - Approve Minutes RES 41125 - Auth Supv sign Engineering Agmt - Virgi.l Creek Stabilization Project RES # 126 - Extend Contract w/M Shulman RES # 127 - Auth Hwy Supt to Attend Hwy School RES #128 - Payment from SJS Unexpended Fund Balance RES #129 - Rename Lake Trail - Jim Schug Trail RES #130 - Auth Supv sign Rec Partnership Agmt TOWN BOARD MTG - 5 -1 -02 RES U 131 - Auth Supv sign Contract w/ Brocktondale Piro Department RES # 132 - Advertise in Pennysaver Summer Guide RE5 # 133 - Neeg SEQR Dec - Patten Special Permit RES #134 - Approve Patten Special Permit RES # 135 - Neg SEQR Dec - Howlett RES # 136 - Approve Howlett Special Permit RES # 137 - Approve Burial Agmt - Armstrong RES #138 - Auth Contract w /Multi -Med for Collection of Ambulance Bills RES 0139 - Support for Adoption of Vital Communities Development and Preservation Principles RES #140 - Approve Agmt w /Village of Cayuga Heights RES # 14 l - Designate & Pay Polling Places RES # 142 - Approve Minutes RES # 143 -Amend Agmt to Spend Hwy Funds RES # 144 - Auth Additional Vacation Tirne RES # 145 - Appoint Deputy Purchasing Officer RES # 146 - Introduce Local Law Regarding Atten- dance for CAC & Rec Comm Members RES # 147 - Introduce Local Law Regarding Atten- dance for Planning Board Members RES # 148 - Approve Abstract # 105 RES # 149 - Support Acceptance of Donation of Property to Town SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MTG - 3 -10-02 RES #150 - Authori2c Supervisor to Hire D Harp RES #151 - Neg SEQR Dec - HEP Sales, Inc. RES # 152 - Approve HEP Sales. Site Plan RES # 153 - Deny Crown Castle, LLC Application RES # 154 - Approve Abstract # 106 RES # 155 - Hire Egner & Associates for Design Oversight - New Town Hall RES # 156 - Adopt NYS Deferred Compensation Plan RES 4157 - Neg SEQR Dec - Hurd Road RES I] 158 - Approve Minutes RES # 159 - Accept Quote from Bailey Insurance TOWN BOARD MTO 740 -02 RES # 160 - Approve Abstract # 107 RES # 161 - Approve Aquifer Study Funding Proposal RES # 162 - Appoint J Wood - Recreation Commission RES # 163 - Appoint V Wilkins - Youth Services Comm. RES #164 - Designate New Polling Places RES # 165 - Appoint P Lisi - PI Bd & ZBA Secretary RES a 166 - Hire Matt Shulman RES #167 - Hire Darrell Harp RES #168 - Increase Hourly Rate - M Shulman RES #169 - Neg SEQR Dec - Fox Special Permit RES # 170 - Approve Fox Special Permit RES # 171 - Neg SEQR Dec - Walk on Wood RES #172 - Approve Walk on Wood Site Plan RES # 173 - Neg SEQR Dec - Ralph Crandall RES #174 - Approve R Crandall Site Plan Modification RES #175 - Support & Concur w /Tompkins County Area Development's Appl. For Designation of Areas for Empire Zone RES # 176 - Support NYSDOT Relocation RES #177 - Waive Refund of Youth Services Funds RES # 178 - Approve Abstract # 108 RES # 179 - Approve Snow & Ice Agreement RES #180 - Neg SEQR Dec - Mt Pleasant Rd Project RES # 181 - Amend 284 Agreement RES # 182 - Waive Insurance Req. - -TG Miller RES # 183 - Ratiry Rec Ptnrshp By -Laws RES # 184 - Hire Court clerk - D Gallagher SPECIAL TOWN BD MTG - 8 -21 -02 No resolutions Res # 185 - Reconsider the Denial of the Application of Crown Castle Atlantic Company, LLC et a] for special permit - NYSG property TOWN BOARD MTG 9 -11 -02 RES it 186 - Approve Abstract # 109 RES #187 - Approve minutes TOWN BOARD MTG 10 -2 -02 RES # 188 - ModiAr Boutros Special Permit RES 0189 - Appt Mary Schlarb to ITCTC TOWN BOARD MTO 10 -9 -02 RES # 190 - Neg SEQR Dec - TC3 Foundation RIrS # 191 - Approve Special Permit Mod - TC3 RES N 192 - Approve Abstract # 110 RES #193 - Designate Seasonal Use Roads RES #194 - Auth Supv to Sign Agmt for Design Services - Egner Assoc. RES # 195 - Intro Local Law C - CAC & Rec Comm. Attendance requirements RES # 196 - Into Local Law D - Planning Bd Min. attendance & education req. RES 13197 - Intro Local Law E - increase # of Rec. Comm. Members RES #198 - Continue Crown Castle Hearing RES # 199 - Adopt Local Law # 1-2 00 2 - Est. Min. Attendance req_ for CAC & Rec Comm. RES #200 - Adopt Local Law #2 -2002 - Est. Min. Attendance & Education req. - Planning Bd RES #201 - Adopt local Law #3 -2002 - Increase # of Members of Rec Comm from 7 to 9 RES 0202 - Appt B Caldwell & D Grantham to Town & Village Planning Coalition RES #203 - Appt R Kowalski to Youth Commission RES #204 - Appt Lisa Stuttle to Planning Board RES #205 - Adopt Special District & Assmt Roll RES #206 - Amend Assmt Formula for Turkey Hill Water & Sewer Districts RES #207 - Increase 2003 Youth Service Budget RES #208 - Adopt 2003 budget TOWN BOARD MTG 11 -15-02 RES 4209 - Approve Abstract #I 1 l RES #210 - Nog SEQR Dec - Buzz Stop RES #211 - Approve Buzz Stop Site Plan RES #212 - Approve Agmt for Aquifer Study RES 0213 - Add Delinquent. Water /Sewer & Water Repair bills to 2003 Tax Roll RES #214 - Auth Supervisor to Write Off Ambulance bills �ENr —r RES #216 - No Payment of Expensees re [AWTP/ Joint Server Negotiations •��RES #217 - Ruth Neptune Hose Fire Contract RES #218 - Auth Varna Fire Contract RES #2 19 - Auth Brooktondale Fire Contract RES #220 - Auth Etna Fire Contract RES #221 - Auth WB Strong Fire Contract RES #222 - Auth Contract w /Dryden Ambulance RES 0223 - Appoint M Richmond to CAC RES 0224 - Form Committee to Work w /Village To Relocate NYS DOT Facility RES #225 - Appt M Hamel & V Wilkins to Recreation Commission RES #226 - RES #227 - RES #228 - RES #229 - RES #230 - RES #231 - TOWN BOARD MTO 12 -11 -02 Approve Abstract # 112 Red Mill Bridge Auth Ambulance Contract Approve Minutes Meet With Fire Departments Budget Adjusunents