HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-03Board Members Present:
Other Elected Officials:
TB 044)3-02
April 3, 2002
Supv Mark Varvayanis, Cl Stephen Stelick, Jr., Cl Deborah
Grantham, Cl Christopher Michaels
Cl Charles Hatfield
Bambi L. Nollenbeck, Town Clerk
Jack Bush.. Highway Superintendent
Other Town Stag: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney
Henry Slater, Zoning Officer
David Putnam (TG Millers), Town Engineer
Supv Varvayanis opened the public hearing at 7:05 p.m. Board members have
previously received information regarding the application and R Beck presented the Board with
the floor plan and elevation of the building. Supv Varvaya.nis asked ZO Slater or Atty Perkins
to comment on the letter received from the Country. ZO Slater said that he had spoken with the
applicant and his design specialist about the ability to turn tricks around in the driveway and
not to have to back onto the road, and they will redesign to accommodate that request. The
County also commented that the proposed business use does not appear to fit within the
Town's description of allowed uses by special permit, stating that in their experience food
preparation for oil site deliver would not typically be considered a home occupation of a
professional or service nature. ZO Slater stated that he was not sure what they are alluding to.
Atty Perkins said that he thinks it's a new era in County Planning involving themselves in Town
affairs, and if a matter as simple as a site plan review is going to trigger their discretion to
require a super majority of the board over how it accesses a County Road, the Board is free to
make its own determinations about ghat, but really what: they are saying is if the Board does
not do what they say, they think that it will have a significant impact on the County road right -
of -way. He said that he does not know where the requirement is that the site plan show the
County right of way along North Road. A surveyor would need to make a determination as to
width of the County road, unless the County has acquired it by title. He said that creates a
dangerous precedent for people who have businesses along County roads. It is not the
function or responsibility of the property owner to determine what. the County right -of -way is.
Atty Perkins suggested that the County determine what the right -of -way is and if the applicant
agrees it can be incorporated in a survey, but it seems like a lot of extra work for each
applicant, and really doesn't have cuiything to do with the what this Board is reviewing.
ZO Slater stated the applicant will provide a revised site plan that clearly demonstrates
the ability to turn around delivery trucks, etc. on site. Supv Varvayanis asked what kind of
deliveries were expected and applicant replied frozen food, dairy products and bread, which
would be delivered in smaller trucks, not tractor trailers.
Supv Varvayanis read a letter received from TG Miller Engineers recommending that
condition #7 of the Standard Conditions of Approval (regarding drainage) be waived.
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There being no further questions or comments, Supv Varvayanis closed the public ,
hearing at 7:15 p.m.
Supv Varvayanis opened the public hearing at 7:15 p.m. Board members have
previously received application material. Applicant would .like to lease a portion of his building
for a Subway sandwich shop. ZO Slater stated that his letter indicating that the parking lot
striping was inadequate was incorrect. Board members had no questions, and the hearing was
left open at 7:18 p.m.
Matt Shulman explained that this was the second public hearing regarding the possible
submission of a Community Development Block Grain Application to the Governor's Office for
Small Cities. Individual municipalities are eligible to apply for up to $400,000 for one of a
variety of reasons. An earlier public hearing was held January 3, 2002 discussing whether or
not the Town was interested in proceeding with an :application and received comments from the
public and representatives from the Verna Fire Department and Varna Community
Association. Since then they have been preparing an application, which is due next Friday
(April 12, 2002) at 4:00 p.m. The application is for $400,000. Written commitments for match
have been received from 33 people/entities for another quarter million dollars. That would
allow them to totally redo .Forest Home Mobile Home Park. The park was established in the
1930's as a travel trailer park and grew over the years. There is municipal water & sewer,
though no one knows where the lines are and the clay sewer pipes are failing and there have
been numerous cases of sewage on the ground. The twits, with one exception, are pre -.HUD
homes (pre 1976), and are extremely deteriorated. It: is the most critically dilapidated
concentration of housing in the Town and they have done studies going back to 1968 to look at
The terms of this arrangement would be, and all the other commitments are contingent
on the CDBG funding, that the owner of the park would invest $91,600 to replace the sewer
lines and water lines, reconfigure the park, put in underground electric, move the fiber optic
cables and telephone cables underground, and extend natural gas service from Varna as far as
the Ithaca Town line. The cost of extending the natural gas service ($38,000) would be
completely absorbed by N'YSEG. The Varna Community Association has applied for a $4,000
grant from the Community Foundation of Tompkins County. A map of the mobile home park
as it will be reconfigured was reviewed and discussed by the Board. The homes will be farther
apart than they presently are and there will be a play area for children. Park residents will
contribute labor and donated services are also being offered by the Varna Community Center,
habitat for Humanity, a forester has offered assistance with trees and planting, etc. An
executive summary was distributed to board members. ZO Slater has been working with M
Shulman so that the physical plan will meet the requirements of the Town of Dryden Mobile
Home Park Ordinance.
M Shulman stated that if the grant. is awarded, before any monies can be spent they
will have to go through the environment:al review process. One of the in -kind contributions is
there is a planner who will do the environmental work for them. Atty Perkins said that SEAR
$rill need to be addressed at this point because, we are committing to a course of action in the
future. He suggested the Board do a short form EAF for the action of applying for funding for a
plan that is not yet fully developed.
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• David Weinstein stated that one of the concerns with the area has been how close the
park is to the creek and the fact that there is a very steep bank and a lot kids go down to the
creek to play. Erosion is also a concern and he wondered how much things were moved away
from the creek and whether there was a plan to stabilize the bank. M Shulman said he had
consulted with the Soil and Water Conservation District and they have arranged for free
materials and Craig Schutt will provide technical expertise. There is no erosion problem now,
but plantings will be done as a preventive measure.
D Weinstein inquired about whether the amount of impervious surface would be
increased and how the runoff would be handled. M Shulman said the impervious surface may
be increased slightly, and ZO Slater said drainage would be brought to the roadside ditch, not
to the creek. The actual design is not yet. complete.
Supv Varvayanis closed the public hearing on the CDBG application and the Sopp site
plan review hearing at 7:40 p.m. and opened the Town Board meeting.
Board reviewed the short environmental assessment form for the Fleck special permit
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board issue a negative declaration based on the SEQR
review for the special permit application of Ronald C. Beck to establish a home business service
® at 80 East Malloryville Road. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the lead
agency in uncoordinated review. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents.
211d Cl Michaels
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
The board then discussed conditions to be attached to the approval. Standard
conditions of approval, excepting #7, shall apply. ZO Slater will be provided with a revised site
plan showing adequate space for truck turn around. Cl Grantham suggested that there be no
outside storage of trash. ZO Slater and Supv V.uvayanis both noted that the business is
currently operated from the applicant's home on Ferguson Road and you would never know
there is a business there. Cl Michaels suggested that there be screening of any outdoor trash
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the special permit application for a.
home occupation business at 80 East Malloryville Road, with the following conditions:
1. Standard Conditions of Approval, except #7, shall apply.
2. Applicant shall provide Zoning Officer with a site plan showing adequate for a
® truck turnaround.
3. Any outdoor waste facility shall be screened.
2nd Cl Stelick
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Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
C1 Grantham Yes
The board reviewed the SEQR form in connection with the application of Don Sopp for
site plan amendment to include rental of space for a Subway sandwich was reviewed.
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this To«*n Board issue a negative declaration based on the SEQR
review for the site plan review application of Donn Sopp for a Subway sandwich shop in the
existing building at 11 Ellis Drive. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the
lead agency in uncoordinated review. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary
2nd Cl Michaels
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayarlis Yes
CL Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
ZO Slater asked that the prior conditions of approval be replaced with the current:
conditions. Cl Grantham suggested there be outside storage of trash, or that any dumpster be
screened. Applicant said that most trash that: is generated is carried off premises, but. there is
a spot provided for a dumpster if necessary. Condition #2 of the original approval states that
any dumpst:er be screened. The original site plan was approved in 1996. This is an
amendment to that approval. Applicant stated that hours might be 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Board discussed present and previous conditions.
Cl Grantham offered the follo«'ing resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board approves the site plan amendment application
presented by Donn Sopp for the operation of a Subway sandwich shop at 1.1 Ellis Drive,
subject to the following changes to the original conditions of 1996:
1. Hours of operation shall be 7:00
2. Standard conditions of approval
3. The entire parking area shall be
4. Ice cream and related sales and
5. Prior conditions 5 through 9 an(
shall be maintained.
2nd Cl Michaels
Roll Call Vote
a.m, to 11:00 P.M.
of 7 -12 -00 shall apply.
Subway shop sales are permitted.
l 12 through 15 of the original approval
Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
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The Board reviewed and completed the SEQR form in connection with the CDBG grant
application to be submitted for rehabilitation of the Forest Home Circle mobile home park. The
executive summary was attached. The review is for the application only, the project itself is a
separate SEQR issue.
Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board issue a negative declaration based on the SEQR
review for the CDBG grant application for Forest Home Circle targeted housing rehabilitation
project. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the lead agency in uncoordinated
review. 'rhe Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents.
2nd Cl Grantham
Roll Call Vote C1 Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board issue a negative declaration based on the SEQR
® review for the Town of Dryden's application for Community Development Block Grant funding
for 2002. This is an unlisted action and the Town of Dryden is the lead agency in
uncoordinated review. The Supervisor is authorized to sign all necessary documents.
2nd Cl Grantham
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden (Tompkins County) intends to apply for Community
Development Hock Grant funding for 2002, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden, pursuant with the regulations of the Governor's office
for Small Cities, has held two public hearings to discuss prior community development and
housing rehabilitation programs and to present the contents of the proposed applications;
NOW, TI•IEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden apply for a single
do purpose Small Cities Community Development Block Grant for $400,000 for a targeted
Housing Rehabilitation Program in the Forest Home Circle housing community. Using a
community development approach involving inputs from the lows income park residents as well
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as leveraged support from multiple public, private and non -profit sector partners, the project •
will completely rehabilitate the extremely substandard Forest Home Circle mobile home park
into a. vibrant, HUD - compliant manufactured housing community, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to
sign any and all documents neccssary for submission of said application.
2nd Cl Michaels
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Judge Christopher Clauson asked whether there had been any resolution to his
previous requests regarding space and security. Cl Grantham told him that the building
committee is meeting tomorrow and will discuss a call for proposals to do the design of the
building, and she will bring it to the Board next Wednesday for approval. Judge Clauson asked
whether the Board had received a letter from Chief Robertson of the Dryden Village Police
Department. Judge Clauson is concerned with security and the safety of personnel and the
public in the Town Hall and stated it is important to look into it as soon as possible. Supv
Vzrvayalis stated the letter provides one possible supplier of security and the Town has a
budget for a security officer and asked if that was insufficient. Judge Clauson stated that: the
person providing security now is not available during the day for Wednesday morning Court,
and it is difficult to find someone for days. He noted that since the building is in the Village of
Dryden it should be automatic that the Village Police Department provide court security, and
suggested that the Village Board be approached. Judge Clauson also noted that there is no .
door for escape at the front of the room should there ever be a problem. C1 Grantham
suggested he change the room around. Judge Clauson that there simply isn't enough room
since he is only allowed 1.2 people in the Court room, and he has invited the Board to attend
pre - trials tomorrow night. Judge Valentinelli reminded the board that he had a problem in his
court where his secretary was caught in the middle of opposing parties in a civil suit. Cl
Grantham reminded Judge Valentinelli that the Court has the authority to advertise and
interview for security and should do that. Judge Clauson asked if the Board was going to wait
on a new building instead of making changes to the Court room. Supv Varvayanis asked him
what he would want, and Judge Clauson suggested that a waiver be obtained from the State
saving they could have more than 12 people in the room at a time. He said that the Town
should advertise for security or the Village Police force should be present.
Atty Perkins said there is a crowding problem in the Court, though he has not seen
anyone try to remove people when the number was over 12. He thinks the question of the
waiver can be addressed by the Zoning Officer and there is a process for it. Supv Varvaya is
said he would talk with the Mayor about providing Court . security. Cl Grantham said she had
no objections to rearranging the room for Court sessions.
Joyce Gerbasi, the Toum's representative to the Tompkins County I ?.nvironmental
Management Council - There xvill be a public meeting on the Vital Communities project on April
1 1 at the DSS Building in Ithaca for comments. The EMC is recommending that Tompkins
County opt in to the New York State Pesticide Neighborhood Notification Lave and will be
sending a resolution to that effect to Tompkins County. Cl Grantham said she would bring it
up at the Town's Conservation Advisory Council meeting.
David Weinstein, 51 Freese Road - As you all
know a law suit has
been brought
by the
Town, specifically the 'Highuray Department, against
me requiring that I move the stone
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• that is on my property and has been there since well before I bought the property sixteen years
ago. To move it so the Highway Department can have access to the drainage ditch that: is on
my property. This drainage ditch is 26 feet from the side of the road, so to have jurisdiction
over the drainage ditch, the Highway Department would have to be claiming something
between 70 and 80 feet of right -of -way at that point. The Highway Department has never
approached me at all about any problem relating to this ditch. There has never been a
complaint or an approach to where they said "We need to have access to this ditch, what can
you do about it ?" The Highway Department has also never done any work in this ditch at all. I
have always maintained the ditch. I dig it approximately twice a year to make sure it's clear.
I'm happy to do that. I've always been happy to maintain the ditch, and as 1 said the Highway
Department has never touched it.
The culvert underneath my driveway was replaced four years ago by the Highway
Department and that's the culvert that leads into this ditch. It was replaced because the pipe
that had been put in by the previous .Highway Supervisor was slightly smaller diameter; it was
corrugated; it was put in with a bend in it, so it wasn't letting things flow very well and material
was accumulating in the pipe.
At the time that we replaced it, the suggestion vas made to me that we might have to
widen the ditch where the pipe exits to make sure nothing is preventing the rapid flow of water
out of the pipe. At that time I inquired whether this was something the Highway Department
did and was told no, I would have to do it myself. I would have to hire a private contractor to
go do it. I happily did that. I went out and I have a bill from four years ago that my wife, who
is wonderful about saving things, saved, to show you that I paid out of my own pocket to make
sure that there was not going to be a problem. There has never been a problem since in this
So that's the facts of the case. You can judge for yourself the merits and motivations
behind the suit that's being brought against me. And this is a suit that was a counter claim
attached to the suit that's been brought to the Town. So I guess all these things will be
eventually resolved in a Court..
I'm t:alki ng to you because as a Town Board you set: the tone, you're responsible for the
tone, of the way things are done in this Town. It's one thing for the Town to defend itself
against a suit that citizens are bringing against it. It's a whole other thing for the Town to
initiate a suit against a citizen without any prior attempt to resolve the situation,. without ever
any notification that there's even a problem going on. So the question I have for you is, is this
the way we want to conduct business in this Town? If you don't think that's the way, I know=
that the Highway Department has it's own regulations from the State and you don't have
authority, except for budgetary authority, over things that they do, but you do set the tone of
the .may that we do business in this Town. And if you don't like this as being the approach that
the Town has to its citizens, you do have responsibility to try and figure out a way to change
the way that: we do business in this Town. So I hope you think about that.
Geoff Potter, 902 Dryden Road - I had a similar problem, it started about 20 years ago.
I co -own the house at 902 Dryden Road. I've been told by the Town, the County and the State
that once that tube hits your property line, you are responsible for that ditch. So for somebody
to say that they need to come in and maintain a ditch on your property is not going to happen
because I fought with the State and the Town and the County for over ten years to gel: a tube
replaced across the yard. And we finally ended up spending $5,000 to do it just to get the
water from the road to the creek.
® Peggy Walbridge, Hunt Hill Road - At the last meeting one of the residents mentioned an
issue about maybe having a Town policy for tree cutting and 1 think that given the situation in
the southern part of the Town, the time is ripe for the Town Board to look at a tree policy so
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that work is not: done beyond rights-of-way. Recently, earlier this week, the Highway •
Department cut a tree thinking it was on someone else's land, wasn't sure whose land it was
on. I think that a tree cutting policy and process is the only way to try and resolve this. People
are much concerned about the trees on their property and how that connects to quality of life
of the neighborhood. 1 really hope that you sill quickly work on this issue so that we can all
stop snapping at each other.
The other is the issue of road policy of which. I heard another citizen talk in a meeting
about Ellis Hollow* Road. How it really needs to be connected to planning. It can't just be how
much traffic can a road bear. So 1 would like the Town Board to really look at the issue of
roads connected to whether it's the planning document or separately so that again we don't
start battling each other over roads. I'm really hopeful that the Board will, I know it's difficult
to go into this area, but go ahead and really look at citizens' rights on their own property.
Alicia Alexander - I have a paper to turn into you all but, you saw me here not long ago.
I have a bed and breakfast on Hunt Hill Road. I am concerned about the cutting of trees and
the trimming of trees because for me this is not just a like or dislike, this is my livelihood, and
in fact my only asset, on which I need to survive for the rest of my life. I have spent hundreds
of hours tending my property. The DEC has graciously given me licenses so that I can
maintain what I've established on my property, my bushes and so forth, so the deer can't get in
my bushes and so forth. I've plucked zillions of gypsy moths off of my white oak which is one
of the finest in the County, and I even paid to have it sprayed and it: is one of the few remaining
oaks on Hunt Hill after that gypsy moth infestation. My trees offer protection from dirt and
noise and create atmosphere in an increasing bed and breakfast business. They are coming up
all over the place and you really need to have something unique and lovely for people to want to
come back to. I feel like I've cooperated and trimmed back my trees to where anyone can go
and see that they in no way visually impair any given driver and there's never been an accident
on my hundreds of feet of roadway by my house. My feeling is that while I appreciate the •
Highway Department and want to support them, as a. resident of Hunt Kill I would like to see
my road kept nice and clear and blacktopped and the holes kept out of it. That's where I would
like to see my taxpayer money going for the Highway Department,
Robin Seeley, 332 Hurd Road - As you just heard, on Monday a tree was cut, apparently
by the HIighway Department, on one of the properties protected by a temporary restraining
order against the Highway Department cutting of trees. The best possible spin that you could
put on this incident is that the Highway Department is confused about who owns what
property and cuts trees without really knowing who owns ghat where. So as a follow up to
that, I'd like to ask the Town Board to pass a resolution tonight requesting that the Highway
Department stop all tree cutting until the Town has it's new tree cutting policy or at least until
these current legal issues are settled.
Cl Grantham - Seems like that would be a good idea. Can you live with that Jack?
J Bush - No.
Cl Grantham
- Why
not? I think it's an opportunity to resolve this until we can come
up with a policy for how to
do it, and I think
that you're part of that discussion about the
policy. So why can't
it just
be all suspended
until those decisions are made?
J Bush - I don't think that's the answer.
Supv Varvayanis - Mahlon, do you have any idea when this thing may wind it's way
through the Courts?
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Atty Perkins - We'd have a decision from Judge Mulvey, I would think, on the injuction
before the end of the month. Whether it takes longer than that to resolve it is an open
question. I think one of the things that you have to keep in mind here is that your request to
Jack to stop cutting trees will be nothing more than a request. You don't have any jurisdiction
over the trees; he does. He has a statutory and a. common law non - delegable duty to maintain
the highways in a safe condition and that includes of removal of trees or other obstructions
within the highway that he considers might pose a danger to the public. The same really can
be said of any policy that you might develop. It would be advisory only. So 1 think its
important that you keep in mind where the lines of authority begin and end here.
Supv Varvayanis - I think that's been made clear at meetings previously.
Atty Perkins - You can certainly suggest to him that that's what _you should do, but on
the other hand, there are lots of areas where there are no problems. I would guess that the
majority of the roads don't present problems where he has consent or there is no issue about
whether he should be cutting or not. I don't think you should paint this with too broad a
Geofrey Wetzler - I reside at 90 Hunt Hill Road and have for about 20 years. I'd like to
add to what Mr. Perkins said about: responsibilities, and one of the responsibilities that Mr.
Bush has is to work within the existing highway law which is at issue at this point. As a
resident and taxpayer of the County I fund it most objectionable that not only is money being
spent by the Town Highway Department to do things which residents of a given road object to,
but also now Town monies are being spent to defend an action on top of that issue. So it
seems to me that the Town Highway Superintendent is working with cross purposes to the
governing authority and the budgetary disposition of monies that is your responsibility.
® A Alexander .stated that the swath of trees taken down on Hurd Road was quite beyond
what anyone could possibly conceived of as the safety of the road. They were good healthy
trees. On Hunt Hill Road there are several extremely dead trees that are still standing up the
road from her house. She's wondering why the dead trees are still standing and healthy trees
are being cut. It makes her nervous that you put someone in a position of authority and they
choose to arbitrarily do as they choose. She said they should take down tine dead ones not: the
live ones, and asked about the citizen who has to live with the result of this. It is their
property, their major investment, and her only investment, so she does not feel this person can
do as they darn well please on her property and there is no governing authority. It makes her
G Wetzler - There seems to be an awfutly large change in attitude between the current
Town .Highway Supervisor and previous Highway Supervisors. I have trees, and this goes back
to the discussions earlier about: gypsy moth infestations as well as Ms Alexander's comments
about cutting down dead trees. In a previous highway administration I was approached by the
Tox�m Highway Supervisor at the time and asked if some rather large oak trees which had not
survived one of the gypsy moth infestations because they were too stressed out. I was told
there were branches falling in the road and could we please cut these dead trees down. Of
course I had no ol?iection whatsoever and said >uie, go ahead, cut the trees down. I don't see a
problem with that. But the current policy seems to be one of having no reflection upon the
desires and wishes of the residents of the Town of Dryden.
A Alexander - Or at least our hill.
G Wetzler - Ultimately, if the Town is found to be in violation and damages are assessed
® it will be a third cost to the taxpayers of this Town. First cutting the trees, secondly defending
the lawsuit, and finally paying the damages. That's inexcusable.
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C Michaels - Could somebody identify for me the property where somebody said a tree
was cut on theirs?
R Seeley - Steve Horn.
G Wetzler - Right next to a posted sign.
CL Michaels - I've probably received pretty close to a hundred phone calls on trees and
road issues, and this is the first time I've heard somebody say a tree was cut where they had
not given permission for it to be cut. To me that's actually a pretty important issue. The trees
that have been cut that I'm aware of could have been cut by the individual property owners,
actually one of them came and spoke on the road where most of the tree cutting occurred. He
said he was strongly in favor of them being cut and specifically requested it so there was a
complete synerV between the resident who owned those trees and the Highway
Superintendent as to what should be done: I'm very interested in where specifically actions are
being taken on a resident's land or what they believe to be their land, where there's ambiguities
between what the highway right- ofwway might be on their land, and any situation where the
-Highway .Department might be doing something against: what that resident desires. This is the
first time I've heard it in all the discussion that's been heard.
R Seeley - Chris, I think what's raised the issue now is that list of work that came with
the Town papers in this lawsuit: that I think I faxed to you, work that is needed. In some cases
the list of work that Nvas going to be done contradicted what had been told to that property
owner and had been worked out face to face Nvith the Highway Department. In other cases,
people were suddenly aware of what needed to be done and hadn't gotten any letters, as some
residents of Hurd Road had, and so I think that is raising fears all over again.
G Wetzler - I'd also like to add is that one of our concerns of course, is that once trees •
are cut, it's irreparable. They can't be easily put back. I would also like to point out that it's
my understanding and Mr. Perkins will correct me if I'm wrong, my understanding at the
hearing held last Friday in State Supreme Court was that there was a general agreement that
the Town's right -of -way existed only to that area which has been continuously used and
maintained for ten years. That there is in fact no set number of feet of right -of- -way. Would
you agree with that or disagree with that?
Atty Perkins - No, I wouldn't agree with that, not the way you phrased it. No, I
G Wetzler - How would you....
Perkins - I'm not
going to discuss
the intricacies
of the litigation in public. `['hat's
matter for Mr. Bush and this
Board to take a
position on. I think since it is a
matter of
litigation, that the best place
to resolve that
will be the forum
that was chosen.
G Wetzler - Then I will add that it is my distinct impression from the conversations that
I heard at the hearing that there is, in my opinion, even if not in Mr. Perkins' opinion, in my
opinion the Judge agreed that the right- of -xinay extends to that area. which has been
continuously used and maintained for the past ten years and that there is no such thing as a
49 1/2 foot right -of -way. My opinion.
P Walbridge - This is somewhat in response to Chris's statement. As a citizen I have to
admit I am concerned about the Town doing private work for other people. I think there are
liability issues and what: not, and whether it's logging for people, or whatever, I'm not sure the
Town wants to, outside of where they have an easement, whether it's with permission of
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somebody or not, I think that is not a good precedent for you, as you are responsible to us, to
be having; the Town do private work.
Supv Varvayanis asked if there were other questions or comments. Atty Perkins
responded that he would like the board to convene an executive session to discuss current
litigation; Seeley, et al vs. Bush and the Town of Dryden, et al vs. The County of Tompkins.
Atty Perkins asked the Board to pass a resolution authorizuig the Supervisor to sign an
agreement between the Town on behalf of the Monkey Run Water District and NYSEG for the
dedication to the Town of the new electric line to the meter pit and in exchange for that the
Town formally taking over the water lines which were always intended to be conveyed to the
Town from the tank down to the hydrants, making it part of the distribution system (which it
always has been). These were details which %were apparently never completed in connection
with an agreement that was reached thirteen years ago or so. Atty Perkins has worked with
the counsel's office for NYSEG and the agreement is now in suitable form.
Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor, on behalf of the
Monkey Run Water District, to execute an agreement with New York State Electric and Gas
Corporation with respect to the Town formally taking over the water lines from the tank to the
2nd Cl Grantham
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
C1 Grantham informed the Board that she did some more follow up on the aquifer
study. There is a possibility that: there could be state funding through the DEC to look at the
Virgil Creek aquifer. She spoke with an Engineer at DEC who suggested that the Toum send a
letter to Phil DeGaetano, Acting Director of the Division of Water, stating the Town's local
commitment. She said they probably will have some funding left over this year and they can
distribute that to new projects. One of the criteria for choosing new projects is local
commitment. She has provided the Supervisor with a draft letter.
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked that for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Supervisor to send a letter to
Phil DeGaetano, Acting Director of the Division of Water, Department of Environmental
Conservation stating the Town's local commitment, $30,000, to an aquifer study.
2nd Cl Michaels
Roll Call Vote
Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
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TB 04 -034)2
Cl Grantham has drafted comments on the draft EIS Wastewater Treatment Collection
and given them to Supv Varvayanis and Cl Michaels. 40
Atty Perkins has provided the hoard with a copy of the local law which is in place for the
Zoning Board of Appeals regarding meeting attendance and Cl Michaels said that he believes it
makes sense to have uniformity in the boards in that regard and it provides a way to replace
people who don t attend and get effective people on the board. Atty Perkins will draft a
proposed local law and distribute it the board. It will have to be introduced and a public
hearing scheduled.
The Board has received copies of the Ellis Hollow Community Center Civic Center
Revitalization Plan. Cl Michaels asked it was going to be related to a request for funding or
support. Supv Varvayanis said they were trying to prepare a County Commercial Center
Revitalization Grant Application to get some money to work on the community center. Cl
Grantham said that when the Varna Community Center did this the 'Town Board passed a
resolution in support of it and that it agrees with the Town's master plan. Supv Varvayanis
said Ellis I•Iollow will need that.
Cl Michaels offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOIX ED, that this Town Board offer its support for the Ellis Hollow Civic Center
Revitalization flan dated March 26, 2002.
2nd Cl Stelick
Roll Call Vote Cl Stelick Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl Michaels Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
ZO Slater reminded that board that the contract with Matt Shulman empires the end of
this month. The Supervisor has written requestjng an extension for the Project Impact funds
but has not yet: received a response.
Matt Shulman advised the board that he had received notification that the Forest.
Home Mobile Park is out of the flood plain.
The Supervisor has received a letter from the Ellis Hollow Community Center requesting
assistaazce in repairing the tennis courts. Supv Varvayanis and Cl Grantham said they did not
know the tennis courts were open to the public, and it had been her experience that you had to
go with a member in order to use them. She suggested that if the Town does help them, there
should be an agreement that the courts are open to the public. Supv Varvayanis will get some
more information regarding this.
On motion made, seconded and unanimously carried, the board moved into executive
session at 9:25 to discuss current litigation. No action was taken and the meeting was
adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Aix) 1 41+
Bambi L. Hollenbeck
Town Clerk
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Town or Dryden
Town Board Meeting
iApril 3, 2002
Name - {Please Print} Address
t J
The Town of Dryden will be submitting an application to the New York State
Governor's Office for Small Cities (GOSC) 2002 Community Development Block Grant
Program (CDBG) on or about April 12, 2002. The application may be considered for a
housing rehabilitation activity and will include the administration and program delivery of
such for the Town of Dryden. The Town will apply for a grant in an amount not to exceed
Assistance under the Small Cities CDBG Program must meet one of three
national objectives of benefit to low and moderate income (LMI) persons, elimination of
slums and blight or urgent need. In addition, no less than seventy percent (70 %) of grant
funds must be used for activities benefiting LMI persons and the benefit area must
contain at least fifty -one percent (51%) low and moderate- income residents. Our
program must be designed to meet these criteria. The application is being developed in
accordance with the Town of Dryden's Community Development Plan and its
Displacement Plan.
An initial Public hearing was held on Wednesday, January 2, 2002 for the
purpose of providing an objective and neutral forum for considering overall community
needs and potentially competing or alternative proposals for CDBG projects within the
Town of Dryden's jurisdiction.
A second Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall at 65 East Main Street,
Dryden, NY on Wednesday, April 3, 2002 at TOOPM. This Public Hearing is intended to
give citizens and potential beneficiaries of the proposed CDBG project (especially LMI
persons) adequate opportunity to consider the potential impacts and benefits of the
Town of Dryden's proposed project, and to comment on it, before the Town of Dryden
submits the application. Written and verbal comments will be considered and, if deemed
appropriate, incorporated into the program's design. The Town's Fair Housing and
Displacement Plans will be available for review.
Subsequent to the April 3`d Public Hearing, the application will be finalized and
submitted to NY State Small Cities on or about April 12'h 2002. Questions, comments or
public review after Public Hearings, but before the formal submission to the Governor's
Office for Small Cities, can be arranged by calling the Dryden Project Impact Coordinator
at (607) 844 -9120 or by writing him at Town Hall at the above cited address. After
submission to GOSC, a copy of the application will be available for public inspection at
the Dryden Town Hall.
All interested parties are encouraged to attend the April Td Public Hearing and to
comment upon the Small Cities CDBG application.
Dated: March 25, 2002
Bambi Hollenbeck, Town Clerk
Town of Dryden
Tompkins County, New York