HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-Table of contentsLL Drug & Alcohol Policy Einplogee Information Policy Dr. Orispell Flood Control Maint Agmt ReS #54 - Fair Housing Officer RES 465 -'town 1�wrd Meeting; Schedule RE8 #66 - Supv Canf Secretary/SoOkkeeper RJ< M 467 - Vehicle Benefit RFS 463 - Flair Housing Plan RES #69 - Appt J Lalley to County Board RES #70 - 4tr of Support - Fail Creek Wanershed Pmposal RES #7 l - Authorize Supv to Contract w f Coasul- tant (Cayuga Press HUD Loettj RES 972 - File Annual Deport by March i RES 973 = Disbume McArthur Fund Interest RES 974 = Appoint K Parkins E QPcretary to CAC RES 075 - Approve Abstract # 101. RES 476 - Appt Chrinopher Michaels to Planning Bd RES 4177 - Auth Supv to Advertise Public Hearing re' AmbulsnLe Contract SPEC= TOWN HOARD IKTG 1=24=01 RES V8 - Auth Judge to Hire Court Clerk RES #79 - Amend Arrmbulance Contract RCS #80 - Increase Ambulance Fees RES #91 -Auth Highway Dept Fuimchasos for 244) RE$ #82 - ApptJames Buckle} Dead Paramedic RES 083 - increase Hourly Rate far C Bronson TOWN BOARD a4TO 2-7-01 RES 084 - Intro Local Law extendirLe SillihOArd M4rdtori■ u Additional 60 days RLS #35 - Approve Master Plan FFQ RES #86 - Authorize Contract w {Matthew Shulman FES 487 - Modify Ithaca Produce Special Permit TOWN BOARD h" 2 -14 -01 RES #SS - RESOLUTION tKDEX 2001 RES 989 - TOWN BOARD MTG 1-$-Ol PES #1 - Autb Supv Sign AMbLdance Contract RF,5 #2 - Increase Senior Eh[emption #Real Prp Tax RE8 #3 - Adopt Lcc-al Lau; 41 - Qranting Real Property Tax Ex12moon { Peraans w j disabilities RES 94 - Ruies or Procedure RES 95 = Salu" schedule RES 96 - Sal2 y Payment RES 47 - Mileage RES 48 - Designate Official Banks RES 49 - Official Adver icing RES ff 10 - Advcw Payment of Utilities RES 011 - Seivir* Ofricerf Fire Warden RES 01 - Spec Wi Fund Assmt Admin, RES # 13 - payment of Contracts RES 414 - Sulbdiviai011 Control OfP"r a Multiple Residence Inspecur RES ff 16 - Licensor for Games of Chance RES Jr 17 - Co urt Clerk RES '1 19 - Court Cleric RES # 19 - Receiver of Taxes f Assessments RES #40 - Appt Dep Recr /Town Clerk RES 021 - Appt Dep Fecr /Tmvn Clerk RES ik24 - Appt Dep Recr /Assessmemts FES #23 - Assistant Budget Officer RES 924 - Security Court Officer RES 925 - Paramedics - full time RES 925 - Pararnedlrg - part time RES 927 - Public works RES 428 - Contrast To)va Attorney RES 429 - Engjneering RLS #30 - InepectorsfMalchine Custodi=3 RE8 #31. - Public Worka Supt RES #32 - Gleaning RES #33 - Appt Bingo Inspector RES #34 = Dog Control Contract RE.S #35 - Dep. Highway Supt RES #36 = Gadabout RES 937 - TC SBniors 4t Dryden Seniors RES f138 - Rao 8L Youth Services Adm_ RES 439 - Southwornb Library RES 040 - Learning Wei] RES 441 - Oinplaced Homemaker RES #42 - Appoint Tmvn Historian■$ RES if43 - bryden Historical Society RES 444 - Building Cock Orficer /Zoning Offio&r RES 945 - Asat Code OfflceY /.�:Onirfg Officer 1IZES #46 - Secretary to 79ning & CEO OfFioe RE%S #47 - Site Plan kBYiew Sec endly RCS #48 - Planning $d Member - Lalley RES 449 ZBA. fftrnber - Hanley RES +150 - Appoint ]DA Member RES 4,51. - Planning 9oard Chair RE3 452 - Appt Planning E3d & ZSA Secretary RES #53 = 2BA Chair Chalj' RES u54 - Recreation Commission f Green tea Stelick ICES #55 - Special UtArict Adminiatraton ICES #5b - Highway 5alades RES #57 - ClorWnF, AllDwarice RES 458 - Purcchase of Small Tools RES #59 - Mandator} Juntice Schooling RES #60 - fnvestrncrit Policies/ Guidelines RES #61 - PTOCUMIFIent Policy Rt S #452 - Purchase Order Syatem RES M3 - Hazard Materials Plan Emergency Preparednesz3 plan Drug & Alcohol Policy Einplogee Information Policy Dr. Orispell Flood Control Maint Agmt ReS #54 - Fair Housing Officer RES 465 -'town 1�wrd Meeting; Schedule RE8 #66 - Supv Canf Secretary/SoOkkeeper RJ< M 467 - Vehicle Benefit RFS 463 - Flair Housing Plan RES #69 - Appt J Lalley to County Board RES #70 - 4tr of Support - Fail Creek Wanershed Pmposal RES #7 l - Authorize Supv to Contract w f Coasul- tant (Cayuga Press HUD Loettj RES 972 - File Annual Deport by March i RES 973 = Disbume McArthur Fund Interest RES 974 = Appoint K Parkins E QPcretary to CAC RES 075 - Approve Abstract # 101. RES 476 - Appt Chrinopher Michaels to Planning Bd RES 4177 - Auth Supv to Advertise Public Hearing re' AmbulsnLe Contract SPEC= TOWN HOARD IKTG 1=24=01 RES V8 - Auth Judge to Hire Court Clerk RES #79 - Amend Arrmbulance Contract RCS #80 - Increase Ambulance Fees RES #91 -Auth Highway Dept Fuimchasos for 244) RE$ #82 - ApptJames Buckle} Dead Paramedic RES 083 - increase Hourly Rate far C Bronson TOWN BOARD a4TO 2-7-01 RES 084 - Intro Local Law extendirLe SillihOArd M4rdtori■ u Additional 60 days RLS #35 - Approve Master Plan FFQ RES #86 - Authorize Contract w {Matthew Shulman FES 487 - Modify Ithaca Produce Special Permit TOWN BOARD h" 2 -14 -01 RES #SS - Approve Abstract # 102 RES 989 - Adopt Loco] Law for Third Moratorium - On Billboards RES 490 - Approve MinuricS RES 991 - Auth Clerk ,attend MYS Conference RES +092 - Support Flood Hazard Mitigation App. RES 493 - Auth Supv re: Ambulance phones RES 04 - Auth Supv to Act re: Coun 'Q Comtnkinica- tion7bwers Project RES #95 - Req Reduced Speed W, DiydcrL Road RES #96 - Agir n L4 Spend Higbwat° Funds R2'S 497 - Req Tax R1011ef for 77ai1 PrOpCrtiea RES G98 - Proclairp 2 f 27 f O 1 SpEy Qay RES #99 - Intro Zoning Ordisianec Amendment re: Billboard regulations TOWN BOARD WTG 8 -I4.Ql R S +1100 - Approve Abstract # 10$ RF$ ♦4101 - Auth Action Againnt Doug Sun n RES 4f 102 - inc Hr]y Rate for M ShUITnan RES #103 - Accepn Bid ror 2002 Trunk $ Plow RES # 104 - Raise AmbuiwiLce Mileage to $7,50 f mi a} t RES 4105 - hicrease Pay for paramedics Rir5 # 1.06 - Reappi M B9543aCk 10 CO, YOUth Bd RES it 107 - Appi M Varvavanis to Cayuga Mad Cntr SPECLAL TOWN BOARD 1HTO $•26 -01 RES #108 - SEQR Neg Duc- Cornell Ornitholojv ICES #109 - Approve Site Plan Review Application Cornell Lab of Qrnitholog f RES #1 10 = Adopt Amendment% to Zoning Ordinance re: Billboards RFS +t l 11 - Intro Proposed AtttorLdment to Zoning Ordinance ro- 9illboards REB A112 - PaLv Rata for Pull Tuna Paramedics RES i t l ] 3 - PFAy Rate for Part Time Pared Ics + " • * r f RES fl 114 - SEQR Neg DeeTC3 Fin undabou TOWN BOARD Z9TG 5 -2 -01 RES #122 - Cantuiue Waupak PuViic Hearl■ig R[�S # 123 - Neg SEQR J7ec - Zoning Amendments For Sillboardg FES 9124 - Readapt Zoning Amendments re: Billboards RES 0 12 5 - Adopt Toning Amendment re MAA Zane +1& Billboards RES 4126 - Auth Supv to Sig, Agm1 W f C6TTLBIl Re: Sapsuclour Woodia Road RES #127= Req Speed Limit Reduction on Hollister Road RFB5 #128 • Ex,emcutive Session Re: Tottev RES ff Housing Project RES ff 1 15 - Appr Special Permit for TC3 RES # 1 16 - Add Lacrass to Town Sporw Programs R E5 # 1.17 = Contract wf C Frantz for Mater Plali 321~5 #1 18 = Approve AtiRtrtu t # 104 RES #1 19 - Authorize $625 for Audit for Sewer Plant RES #120 - Request l.Cgtslative Change RLS A 121 - Auth Supu to Approve Gtr W I'I = froin RJLS # $uwui Brock TOWN BOARD Z9TG 5 -2 -01 RES #122 - Cantuiue Waupak PuViic Hearl■ig R[�S # 123 - Neg SEQR J7ec - Zoning Amendments For Sillboardg FES 9124 - Readapt Zoning Amendments re: Billboards RES 0 12 5 - Adopt Toning Amendment re MAA Zane +1& Billboards RES 4126 - Auth Supv to Sig, Agm1 W f C6TTLBIl Re: Sapsuclour Woodia Road RES #127= Req Speed Limit Reduction on Hollister Road RFB5 #128 • Ex,emcutive Session Re: Tottev RES ff 129 - Approve Abs> tact # 105 RL5 4130 • Ratify 17w rat" sp By-Laws 121~5 11131 = DBSi riate # Pay polling Pi,ace`: 17135 # 132 - Auth Hiighway Supt to Attend fi 143 - Highway Sr hool RES #199 - Auth Agmt a-f G Frantz for 144 - Neg SEQR Dec - B f& Q Flooring Master Plan Work RES 41;34 • Auth Supv sign S.JS Agrot RJLS # 135 • Auth Use of Facsimile Signa[ures RES # 136 - Moue to executive session RES # 137 - Terminate Employment of J Torte y s - - ■ u le L f Res # 138 • Tog SEQR Dec - Qing 1pul Wireless Ca- Laaation at M[ Ple Rant Rd RES #139 • Waive rag. for Cingular App. i2iv5 #140 - Approve Cingular WiiUeEa App For Ca- Locatlon RES 1114 ] - Determination that Appl of wireless #155 = Neg SEAR Dec - Park Outdoor billboard One is Incomplete RES #342 = Neg SEAR Dec - J Brown self -stot Approve Perk Outdoor Spec Permit At 1131 Drvden Road RES fi 143 - App J Brown Spe cal Permit for self - Dr%rden Road RES Starr3ge at 1191 Dryden Road RES # 144 - Neg SEQR Dec - B f& Q Flooring R7 S #145 - Appi7ove Spec Permit - B & B Flooring 11160 = Approve Abstract ff 106 2215 DiTden Road RF15 # 146 • Auth Supu Sign loan documents - Cayuga Pmss HUI) loan RES # 147 - Aulh CompiiYar maintenance contract Davelle Ofiim Equipment RES # 148 - Extend Project Impact CeokAinator Cant, RES #1149 - Auth Agrnt w {Cornell rc S.apsucl efT Woods RES N 150 - Sell 1991 Chevrolet Truck RES 0151 - J7r31ease of Interest - 50 Main 3t Freeville RES # 152 - Health Fnsuraneie rbr J Tottey RES # 153 - Oppose Cowity's Rudistrieting Plan RES #154 - Approve Minuues RES #155 = Neg SEAR Dec - Park Outdoor billboard Auzh Supv Sign At NYS Rt 13 Mile Marker 3047 RFS #1156 • Approve Perk Outdoor Spec Permit NYS Ri: 13 Miles Mrarker 3047 RES #1.57 - SEQR Neg Dec - Parli Outdoor billboard 1476 Dr%rden Road RES J1158 - Approve Park Outdoor SPee Permit 1476 Dryden Road RES #159 - Auth New Phone Sysccm RES 11160 = Approve Abstract ff 106 RES Ak161 - Amend Res 9160 TO1aV1'N BOARD MTG 7m 11401 RES 4Y 162 - Support for F uridiN Continued Aquifer Studies RES # 163 - 5EQR Neg Dcc-- Independent Wi■ elms One - 204 Walker Road RES #164 - Approve Independent Wireless One - 204 WN jlker Road RES 9165 - SEQR Neg Dec - Independent Wireless One - 523 Cortland Road RES #156 - .app Independent Wiretess 011e - 523 Cortland Road RES #167 - SEQR Neg bea - Wav:ak- -1068 J]) yden Rd FE3 # 168 - Approve Wawak Spec Permit " " RES #169 - Support vugaLako Watershed Inter - Municiped ASTLuBrnent RES 4170 - Sell John Deere 425 lawn tractor RES 0 17 1 - Approve Minutes RHS #172 - Auth K Fn11 aTtend 1CF310 Canfercnoe RES if 173 - A uth Contract w f 1:gner Assoc - for Pacilitiec� f Needs Study RES A 174 - Waive Insurance Requirement for Space study RES f#175 - Approves Abstract # 107 RES # 176 - Approve Minutes RES #177 - Relinquish Sewer Units RES #.175 - Support NYS EC's Price Protection Plan RES 4179 - Auzh Supv Sign Cayuga Lake V: trshd Agmt • I� A RES RES RES RES RES RES RES # 180 - Intro Local Law Changing Town Clerk's Term of Office to Four Years 0IS1 - Auth Supv Sign Contract for Code Enforcement Service w /Village # 182 - Project Impact Coord. Contract # 183 - Auth Supv to Engage TG Miller 0184 - Auth Funds for Paramedic Uniforms 0185 - Put Dryden Ambulance Inc on Notice # 186 - Approve Abstract # 108 TOWN BOARD MTG 9 -5 -01 RES # 187 - Adopt Local Law #3, Extend Town Clerk's Term to Four Years RES #188 - Adopt Election Districts RES It 189 - Sell John Deere 425 lawn tractor RES # 189a - Appt TG Miller for oversight on Virgil Creek /Lake Road Project TOWN BOARD INTO 9 -12 -01 RES # 190 - SEQR neg dec- Conwav Construction 1465 Dryden Road RES 0191 - Approve Conway Site Plan 1465 Dryden Road RES # 192 - Auth Supv Hire Paramedic w /less Than one year experience RES # 193 - Support Cayuga Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization Application RES 0194 - Establish Trust & Agency Acct for Cayuga Lake Wtshd 10 RES 0195 - Payment for Election Inspectors RES #196 - Support Forest Home Mobile Home Park Project RES 0197 - Authorize Budget line transfers RES 0198 - Approve Abstract # 109 TOWN BOARD MTG 10-3 -01 RES #199 - SEQR Nag Dec Hicks Moving & Storage 460 Livermore Road RES #200 - Appr. Hicks Moving & Storage Sp Permit RES #201 - Aquifer Study Funding RES 0202 - Auth Agent w /NYS Emergency Management Office RES #203 - Approve Abstract # 110 TOWN BOARD MTG 10 -23 -01 RES #204 - Auth Pay Increase for Highway lie DPW TOWN BOARD MTO 11 -7 -01 RES 0205 - Nag SEQR Dec - Paso RES 0206 - Approve Poso Special Permit RES 0207 - Neg SEQR Dec - Alexander B & B RES #208 - Approve Alexander Spec Permit TOWN BOARD INTO 11 -14 -01 RLS 4209 - Req Lower Speed - Irish Stimt Rd RES #210 - Approve Minutes RES #211 - Approve 10/23/01 mLrutes RES ® #212 - Design al Weight Limits & Seasonal RES Use Roads Add Delinquent Water & Sewer Bills 8t RES #213 - Rename Divden Lake Trail RES 0214 - Edwin R Sweetland Memorial RES #215 - Approve Abstract 0 11 1 RES #216 - Reappoint J Gerbasi - TCEMC RES #217 - Auth Contract w/ Dryden Ambulance Inc RES 0218 - Adopt Special District & Assmt Roils RES #219 - Add Delinquent Water & Sewer Bills 8t Legal/ Engineering Bills to 2002 Tax Roll RES #220 - Adop Fire Budget RES #221 - Approve Fire Contracts RES 0222 - Approve 2002 Budget TOWN BOARD MTO 12 -5 -01 No Resolutions tie ' • • T Zivke . RES 0223 - Nag SEQR Dec - JC Leasing RES 4224 - Approve JC Leasing Site Plan RES 0225 - Approve Abstract # 112 RES #226 - Approve Contract Negotiated with International Union of f0perating Engineers On Behalf of Southern Cayuga Lake intermunicipal Water Commission's Employees that Elected to be Represnted by the Union for the Purposes of Collective Bargaining RES #227 - Approve Agmt w /Cornell for Dry Hydrant Use tip Auth Supv to Sign RES #228 - Approve Minutes RES #229 - Appt B .McGory Dep Tax Ccllector RES #230 - Appt CAC Member - Bisson RES 0231 - Transfer Funds RES #232 - Auth Supv Sign Ambulance Contract