HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-14TB 11 -14-01
NOVEMBER 14, 2001
Board Members Present: Supv Mark Varvayanis, Cl Ronald Beck, Cl Thomas Hatfield,
Cl Charles Hatfield, Cl Deborah Grantham
Other Elected Officials: Bambi L. Hollenbeck, Town Clerk
Jack Bush, Highway Superintendent
Other Town Staff: Mahlon R. Perkins, Town Attorney
Henry Slater, Zoning Officer
David Putnam (TG Millers), Tour Engineer
Supv Varvayanis opened the meeting at 7:10 p.m. Board members and guests
participated in the pledge of allegiance, followed by a moment of silence.
Linda Weaver, 469A Irish Settlement Road, presented the board with a petition signed
by area residents requesting that the speed limit on Irish Settlement. Road be lowered to 45
miles per hour, together with letters of support and photographs of "hazards" on the road.
L Weaver - You have approximately ten intersections on that road within a distance of
just a few miles. Some of these are on curves, a lot of pavement is broken up and there are no
shoulders in the area Per the letters, traffic has been increasing every year and we'd like the
board to consider some options for this area, lowering the speed limit, having the State take a
look at some options, reducing speed or reducing truck traffic on that road. This road is
becoming more and more a bypass between Route 13 and Route 79.
Supv Varvayanis told Ms Weaver that the State lowers the speed limit, and the board
would be passing its recommendation along the County, and then it goes on to the State.
Cl Grantham advised Ms Weaver that she could contact the Sheriff about coming out
and setting up speed traps. Ms Weaver has spoken to the State Police and they advised her
that they would send more patrols out that way, but instructed her to approach the Town
Board. Cl Grantham told Ms Weaver that Sheriff Peter Meskill will come out if citizens call him
and tell him about: what times the worst: problems occur and along what stretches of the road.
Cl Beck stated that after the Sheriff's offer of help a few meetings ago, he felt it would be
appropriate for the board to pass along the petition to the Sheriff also.
Mike Lane stated work is planned for Irish Settlement Road. It is a three -year project,
the first part having been done this year, the second stage will be completed next year, and the
final stage the year after that.
Ms weaver has requested information from the State regarding traffic infractions and
accidents occurring on the road, but has not yet: received that.
ICl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
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WH'I3REAS, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden has received a petition signed by
residents of the Irish Settlement Road area in the Town of Dryden requesting that the speed
limit on Irish Settlement Road in the Town be lowered to 45 mph, and that such a reduction
would be in the best interests of the safety of the citizens of the Town, it is
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby requests that the speed limit on Irish
Settlement Road in the 'Town be reduced to 45 mph, and the Town Clerk is hereby directed to
prepare the appropriate form and forward it to the County of Tompkins and State of New York,
and to provide the Tompkins County Sheriff with a copy.
2nd Cl T Hatfield
Roll Call Vote
C1 Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Ha.tiield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Kate Hackett, Water Resources Planner of the Tompkins County Planning Department
gave a presentation regarding the Tompkins County Vital Communities Initiative. This is an
effort to preserve what the like about Tompkins County in terms of natural areas, agricultural
land, the hamlets and villages, the diversity of people, etc., the thinks that make Tompkins
County unique. They want to minimize unplanned growth, with the understanding; that growth
will happen in Tompkins County and an effort to guide that growth (ic, where it happens and
what it looks like). It: is also an attempt to reduce public costs and make sure that taxpayer
dollars are spent in an efficient manner.
The ittiative is a participatory process. The Planning Department is committed to an
open dialogue about this, and view the effort as a coordinated approach to County planning,
including hoxv, when, where and what kind of development should occur in `Tompkins County.
They want to make sure they are created a "shared vision for the future" and want to get out
and talk to everyone about what they want to preserve and what they want to encourage. They
want to make sure the initiative is an articulation of community values.
Stakeholder workshops were held last year, and maps were drawn of what growth might
look like in the future based on projections to 2050 about how many residents there might be,
etc. Tables were produced based on interest areas, such as environment, neighborhood
quality, land development, economic development, etc. Principles and values were articulated
at the workshops.
Common themes from the stakeholder workshops were developed by planning staff into
what they are calling the draft development and preservation principles. Those are: (1) Build
strong, cohesive neighborhoods and communities; (2) Encourage nodal development patterns
that build on existing infrastructure and population centers; (3) Promote choice and
affordability in housing options; (4) Protect natural resources, green spaces and recreational
resources; (5) Promote agriculture and protect farmland.
Ms. Hackett elaborated on each of the principles. Copies were distributed to board
members and the audience. The Planning Department is interested in receiving public
comment on the principles and the public may do so by notations on the forms distributed or
they may contact the Planning Department directly.
The principles as .finally developed will aid the County when applying for federal grants
or loans or when they are trying to assist communities with their planning. Municipahties
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could use the principles in protecting driXLkinig water supplies or in strengthening the
46 community centers, or 1'hey might influence zon9
X Ra-ckett stated that if the County and municipalities were to adopt these principles,
together with businesses and non - profit organisations throughout the County, we might have a
chance to make change in the County, if there is a foundations from which we can move
together, great tl � can be achieved. She can be contacted at the Tompki.ns County
Planning Department, 274 -5560-
Nlike Lane - Most of the County activity m the last couple of montb,4 has been devoted
to the budget process. We came to a tentative budget which projects a 4.5%p tax rate increase
which also cuts local spending ins our budget by two million dollarsr mast night we had a public
hearing on the budget at Boyntwi Middle School. We only had seven speakers come and ,speak
to us. They were all well spoken and articulate. The comments they made had to do with
asking for more funding for the library, more Funding four youth services, and zu ore funding for
jail staff. We also had sotae phorse -in comments- We had three comments shat asked about
the tax rate- I Think one of them said they could live with 4.5%, would like to see less; and two
said that was too much. We will be acting on the budget at the next mating- if anyune hCis
any comments, they %6LI have time to speak to the hoard or to send something in.
In Public Works, the Bostwick Road project is proceeding. We hope to have the building
addition enclosed by November 22. We'll have a lot of inside work to do a,fier that, but most of
the concrete work is Prop done, and the roofing on the shell ,
Pretty much het%Tecn that and the campu7gn, hat's what I've been working on the last
month. I'll be glad to anzwer any questions. Tom had asked for some figures on the aherifFs
budget and I gave them to him tonight.
1 Beck uTged the board to continue moving ,forward on the new building project- He
has heard that there may be a possibility of a. joint building project with the school- He has
also beard that there were over 85 people in the room a week ago Monday at Court, and this is
not acceptable legally or safety -wise.
Cl Grantham reVond-ed that the committee had received notes back from its last
Meeting with Pam Kingsbury and needs to respond to those. Then she can finali2e b.er report
to us and we will be finished with this phase and prepared to move to the next phase,
Town Clerk has distributed requested corrections /changcs in minutes to Board
members and asked that the minutes be approved,
upv Vaivayanis offered the follo"tmg resolutions and. asked for Its adoption;
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RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the minutes of th.c following
meetings, as amended. July 11 1 2001, August 1, 2001, August S. 2001, September 5, 2001.,
eptezmher 12, 2001, October 3, 2001, and October 10, 2001 _
2nd Cl Cyr4inthaiia
Roll Call Vote
C1 Beck Yes
C1 T Hatfield Yes
upv Varvayanis Yes
C1 C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Cl Gran tbRm r5ta1led that with the insertion of the ward "pay rent" fallow
performance in Resolution #204 of the October 23, 2001, minutes she would move to approve
1 Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for ift adoption;
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the minuCles of October 23, 2001, as
21LLL Cl C Hatfield
Roll Call Vote
Cl Beck Yes
C1 T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
C1 Grantham Yes
Jack Bush explained thal: xionraaliy every year a resolution is done designating weight
lim1ts on certain rowels and designating sea.solaal use roads_ '.I1-iis year he has changed the
resolution with respect to weight limits_ In the past the weight restrictions were for a specific
period of time and he believes it makes more sense to leave the restrictions in place year round
m an atterripl: to keep truck trade off the designated roads year round, and believes the
residents would appreciate thOtrr It would not preclude use of the roadss for local delivery, mill
truck, tc ic, school bus traffic and such. Three roads were added to the list from last year.
Freese Road was adders because people in the area have reported that ten -wheel trucks with
loads on are u i the road, and they are tearing up the deck on the one"lane bFidge_
p inghouse Road was not previously on the list and has Meer added. The Dryden ea -id of
Thomas Road was pasted, but the Caroline end was not The Caroline Town Board has passed
K resolution and their end is now posted_
Cl C Hatfield offered the f❑lloviing resolution and asked for its adoption_
RESOlrVP,I), that this Town Board adopt: an order excluding any vehicle with a. gross
weight in excess of five () tans rrom the foll owir town zaads. The roads have been so posted
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pursuant to Vehicle and Traffic Law 1660 Section 17. The Tawas Clerk shall also past such
notice at the Town Hall-
Morris Road
Ed Hill Road
Bone Plain Road
Bradshaw road
Walker road
Livermore Road
Simms Hill Road
Dutcher Road
Gemge Road
Freese Road
Spriniouse load
Upper Creek Road
Lower Creek Road
Thomas Road
West Dryden Road - From Scofield Road to Asbury Road
Etna Road - from Mohawk to Hanshaw Road
Ellis Hollow Road Creep Road
Genung Road - from Ellis Hallow Creek Road to Ellis Flollow Road
and it is further
RE, SO LVED, that this Town Board accepts the following list of seasonal limited use
highways upon the recommendation of the Highway Superintendent, These roads will not be
plowed nor maintained from November 2001 through AFril 20D2. The roads will be pasted W1 h
the appropriate signs az�d the Town Clerk shall post such notice at the Town Mall,
1. Kile School Road - from # 147 Ed Hill Road west to within approximately 500
feeC of Route 38-
2, SigrWr Tower Road - from Gard Road north to the power lines.
3. Stir Stanton Hill Road - from approximately 800 feet west of Dryden- Harford
Road west For approximately 3000 feet.
4. Caswell Road - from Vest Dryden Road south for approximately -6 mile.
5- Beam Hill load - from the eastern boundary of tax map #50-1 -18.2 south
to the snuthern boundary of tax znap #60.-1-6.1 -
1"' Cl Grantham
Ra11 Grill Vote
J Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yep
upv Varvoyanis Yes
C1 G Hatfield Yes
C1 Grantham Yes
upv Varvayanis stated he has prepared resolution to rename the Dryden Lake Park
Trail as Grandpa chug's'l'ra and read the same i
il nto the record, He explained that the
family's choice for the trail's name was Grandpa Schug's Trail and the James F. Schug wM
appear on the plaque.
Mike Lame - I think dedicatii the trail for Jim S chug is very fitting. I worked with Jim
when I was mayor and the project' first got started and certainly :here are a lot of people who
deserve a lot of credit for the fact the there is a Dryden Lake Park and there is a Oryden Lake
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Trail_ Certairriy Jim was the motivating factor that saw to it that it happened_ lie male the
effort to go to the DEC and the Paxles ]]e rtznent to help. us find funding and he worked with
the Town crew, excellent people, Jack Bush, Kevin Kinsmen, ;Iruzry Carpenter, and many others
to see to it that the improvements were made with the grant money. He farmed the Dryden
Lake Park Committee which regularly met to advise on the project, including the trails. Jim
was scrupu].ou.s about making it i s
important for people, handicap accessibility was very much in
his planning to make sure that iffie bridge crossing were available_ that wiy-body would be able
to use them. He had a vision to wee the trail extended into Freeville and. eveiituoilyF into Ithaca
rind I'm hoping that one day we'll see that vision of his bear fruit. It's more difficult of course
because the nglits of wz�y are not totally in the public domain as the Dryden Lake Trail was.
But it's something that I know this Board can see through and can make happen, i think
that's a very fitting mem,c3rial to Jim Schug, I think he'd be looldrkg clown and watching people
use the braid for all kinds of purposes, biking, jogging, nature walks, crost;- country skiing,
bicycling, and I've seen bomes on the trail. Some people sneak motorised vehicles in there
even though they aren't supposed to. It's used for all kinds of multi -modal uses_ It's given a
focus to recreational ac ftvj tie % in the Town. And it's a model ]:hut other areas are looking at. I
certainly wholeheartedJy support your efforts to memoriabze, Jim Schug,
Supv lfarvayanis offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adoption=
F- Schug felt the
Lake lark Trail was probably bis most
valuable accomplishment
durum hzs years as Town
Supervisor, and
WHEREAS, to many of Dryd.en's ciixL;erns Mr. Schug is best remembered far the Dryden
Lake Park Trail, and
HEREA.S, to Mr_ Schug's family the Dryden Lake Park ]rail was fondly known as
Grandpa Schug's Trail, and
WHERE AS, Supervisor Schug was a father figure to many of 'D den's citizens,
NOW, THEREFORE, ]3E IT RESOLVED: This Town Board hereby declares that
henceforth the Dryden Lake Park 'lYail shall be knio n as the `Grandpa Schu s Trail ".
In addition, this Town BGazd authorizes the trail signs be replaced with that name sign
and an engraved plaque made and installed on the trail in a place to be determined_ The
plaque will be imprinted as .follows: "In memory of James F. Schug, Supervisor 1.989 -1999 who
dedicated many hours cxotnpletitig this tr;Q_ It is apprecia{led by the many who traverse the
211d C1 T I•Iatfield
Roll Call Vote
C1 Beck Yes
C1 `l' Hatfield Yes
upv Varvayanis Yes
1 C I•Iatfield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Supv Varva ands read a proposed resoluti on to honor Edwin R, Sweetland, fornacr Town
Justice, and anted that there have been funds In the budget far quite some time,
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ljl v Vanrayanis offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption=
WHEREAS, Edwin R Sweetland served the community and contributed to the Town of
Dryden Historical Society, and
V1i11 EtlS. Sze served as Village Justice 1]egui inn in 1974, and
WHEREAS, he served as To %vn Justice from 1975 to 1992,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorizes the purchase
of bench with an engraved plaque to be placed outside the Town Hall. The plaque to be
printed wiih the following= "In Horror of Edwin R. Sweetland for his dedicalion and service from
1974 -1992 to the Town of Dryden_" The Sweetland Memorial funds will be used for this
purchase _
2nd 1 Granthara
]doll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
1 C Hatfield Yes
C1Orantharn Yes
Cl Grantham offered the folioving resolution and asked for its adoption_
RESOLVED, that this 'Town Board hereby approves Abstract #111 as audited, vouchers
#812 tLrough 935, totaling $239,851,25_
21° Cl T Hatfield
Roll Call Vote Cl Berk Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
CI Grantham Yes
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, ghat this Town Board hereby reappoints Joyce Gerbasi to serve as its
representative on the Toz apIdns County F�nvironmental Management Council
Cl T Ratfield
Roll Call Vote
Cl Beck Yes
Cl T I•IaLfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham yew
Supv Varvayanis OPened the meeting to comment regarding the aynbWance matter_
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R Taylor - Then: is unu other thing I wottid like to ask. As I said I'm handicapped. I still
have my right hand. If it hadn't been frrr. Dryden Ambulance, f wouldn't have my right hand.
They saved it and got me to 'UpW:ate where a neck and a half in intensive care: and several
surgeries later, 1 still have a hand_ It ropy look a little fanny and ii hangs a little different and
it doesn't let me iLTite as much as I would like to or whatever, but it's still attached to me. And
[ thank the Dryden Ambulance every single &iy for that.
D Tier - One fast comment franc me. As a. member of the department, a member of the
board of direcCors, we are constanely looking at the service that we provide; cunsiAntly looking
at the fire protection we provide_ We understand, and unfortunately the weT-e told at the last
meeting, that i:here were so -called complaints made regarding our service. We never knew
there were any complaints. I want to make it clear that': when you look at the ambulance
service, understand that it's an evolvirxg process. There are some issues that need to he
addressed with regards to the size of the response area that: we }provide, and I think the board
ol` directors is made up of a group of respansi<ble individuals in this cor mu.nity that are
rnnstaYntly looking and will look at changes and update our service to reflect the than ix)g
need of the community.
Ray Harris, Lake Road - Questions ecinrerning what I've heard about certification. If
Lungs were to receive the contract, then Dryden Ambulance toe ill ln%e its ccrti.ficaiion?
D Tier - I can adrl_ress it, Whet he is referring to is the certificate of need_ The
certificate of rived that Dryden holds is for the community here. If we no longer provide service,
we will have to forfeit our certificate of need for that service and wil.1 no longer hold ii.) thu's
leaving Bangs Ambtul:3nce the only provider with a cerbfcate of need,
R Harris - How do you get your: back?
D Tier - We have to go 1:o the State Heal 1J) Department and request a certificate of need.
We have to show that 11here is a need in the conai unity-
R Harris - In other words if Bangs, if ii: doesn't work ou t after a year azld Bangs says
we'd like to keep it anyway, you can't get your..,
D Tier - No. Tfs a process, rnordhs.
R Harris - And this will not be on a trial basis_ This will not be well, we're going to try
Bangs Fbr year and see if he works otrt.
Oers Kelexmen, Lilac Lane - What I'm hearing tonight. and what I 've read in the Dryden
Courier today, and in. my conversations with other people during the campaign, and'so on, is
than we may be ignorant and don't reaxl the classifieds and don't read certain sections of the
newspaper, but an issue like 13iis, I think too many of us are ignorant of the issues at hood._
Such as will Bangs go to Cortland if we ask them to. I think we need more timer. E know the
budget has to be submitted, and this decision will impinge upon the budget. Bu I, before we do
a 180, 1 think that there should be more community involvement and better i farmation
dl wminated to the community. T learned a lot of stuff tonight f did.rn't knowiust from it-he
questions I'm hearing. And this is probably they first time these questions have been asked and
answered, that I know of. I think it's quite valuable. I think we should extend the process, I
don't know how you can do it. Perhaps accepts the status quo. You can always make the
decision ayear fmm now, and I don't think anybody would hold that: against you. But I think
ii: i% so premature to start the whole process two months prior to the time of the budget
delivery. It seems a little strange to me. 1 think the Boling is way off. I think we need more
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time. I'm not one that usually says that, but I think for this one time the Town should spend a
little more time.
D Abbey - Mark, regarding communication, I don't believe the Town Board minutes
have been posted since September 12. Is there a reason for that?
Supv Varvayanis - I'm not: aware that they haven't been posted.
Bambi Hollenbeck - I didn't know they weren't there either, until tonight.
Supv Varvayanis - I'll look into that and see why it hasn't happened.
N Huffman - To clear up the issue about the web, as of 6:00 when I checked to see
about the meeting for tonight, the old agenda was there. There was nothing pertaining to this
issue as far as public notice.
P Mesmer - How long has Bangs and Dryden Ambulance known about this themselves?
Supv Varvayanis - Since the beginning of August.
P Mesmer - Seeing your basis with the web, that doesn't sound too good right now.
Supv Varvayanis - I'm sorry, but I don't understand what your point is. Can you
P Mesmer - You're saying that the people were informed by your website. Evidently that
doesn't sound right.
Supv Varvayanis - We put out a request for proposals. We got the proposals back
October 31, so at what; point did you want to be notified? I'm not sure I understand.
P Mesmer - I think I'm understanding that about 89°/o of the people in this room didn't
know anything about this. That's the impression that I'm getting.
Rita Harris - It's not just in this room. I think that's throughout the Dryden area. I
talked to many people who had no idea that: this was coming up, and asked why wasn't the
community notified? Why haven't we been told? Why wasn't there a public hearing? We
should have community input on an issue that is this critical to our citizens and so critical in
fact that it really upsets me to hear people say, well it's going to cost a bit more for Dryden.
Cost does not matter to me when I need an ambulance. I want the service, I don't care if I'm
paying 25 cents a thousand more on my taxes. That's miniscule. But I really do feel that there
needed to be more community input into this issue.
Bill Ackroyd, 75 Orion Drive, Board of Directors Dryden Fire Department - I just wanted
to clarify the question that he had about the notification. Town of Dryden Board minutes,
August 8, we were officially notified by Mahlon Perkins, attorney for the Town, in a letter
August 29.
Jeff Kirkland, 100 W Main. St - Is Bangs going to participate in the schools as far as the
education and community awareness and community interaction that the current service
® Supv Varvayanis - As far as education I would assume not.
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Mike Lane, East Main Street, Dryden - I'm speaking for myself as a resident, a business
person of Dryden, and not a County Board Representative. Mark, you're absolutely right. This
issue is dividing this Town east and west, and all we're seeing in the last two years is division
east and west. Frankly, I think the way the Town Board has gone about this procedure has
tended to split and widen that split. I'm very sorry to see it happen the way it: has. I think
there's been a failure of leadership at the Town Board level with respect to the Ambulance
District. It sounds to me like there is a need for management, and if there is a need for
management, and they are Town employees, why doesn't the Town hire a manager to take care
of this. There is an ambulance tax which has gone down over the last few years. Why on
earth, who on earth has complained about that level of tax? I haven't heard anyone do that
until these few letters that I just: heard tonight. You know we just heard a presentation about
vital communities. I grew up in a vital community. Many of us have. It's called Dryden.
There's a vital community called F reeville and vital communities that are hamlets all over
Dryden. Part of a. vital community is the people who come together and make it a. community,
and there is no finer group than the volunteers that work for the fire department and the
ambulance service. For over 30 years now they have been providing service to this community,
to the Town of Dryden. They have saved many lives. They've done it on a shoe string, and
people donate regularly because they are so pleased with the kind of service that they have. I
read obituaries regularly asking people to donate to Dryden Ambulance service because of the
service that people have received. Nov we are going to throw that all away? We're going to
demoralize our Fire Department, our ambulance service? I think that's wrong. I think the way
you are going about this is the wrong way. That's a volunteer service that wants to continue.
You should be pleased to have that service and you should continue it.
Supv Varvayanis - Well, we had town employees going with a paid contractor to other
municipalities where a service was provided in those municipalities that the contractor was
being paid for by those municipalities. There was clearly a legal problem. We had to change
the system. It's not a failure of leadership to try to obey the law, Mr. Lane. I would have hoped
you knew that. 0
B Ackroyd - 1 think it needs to be made clear, I think you're referring to Harford and
Supv Varvayanis - Correct.
B Ackroyd - When they go to Harford and Virgil who receives the income from the
invoices that are sent to those patients?
Supv Varvayanis - I pointed out already that's legally questionable too.
B Ackroyd - But you received the income from it.
Supv Varvayanis - Do you have a contract with Harford and Virgil?
F3 Ackroyd - Yes we do.
Supv Varvayanis - Do you get paid for that contract?
B Ackroyd - Yes we do.
D Abbey - This is nothing new. These contracts have been in place for several years
and the Town Attorney has been well aware of these. In fact he's drawn them up. I don't want
it. perceived that this has just come out of the woodwork in the last two months and now the
problem has got to be corrected. 0
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Supv Varvayanis - Mahlon, do you have any comments you'd like to make?
Atty Perkins It's true. They have had contracts with Virgil and Harford for many
years. And my understanding is that the board has been fully aware of that. Those contracts
by the way existed for some years prior to the time when we started providing the paramedics.
Hams - Back to the
service provided. If I
am not mistaken you
earlier 24/7 we
are going to
have an ambulance
and personnel here in Dryden from Bangs
on a
24/7 basis.
Supv Varvayanis - That's correct.
R Harris - 1s that one ambulance or two?
Supv Varvayanis - That depends. They gave us several different proposals. One or two,
depending on what we ask for.
R Harris - And the cost varies quite a bit: does it? 1 guess I can look that up on the net.
Are all four proposals on the net:?
Supv Varvayanis - Yes. Five, Dryden's also.
R Young - I was wondering, did they locate a spot where they are going to be parked at?
That the other thing, with these response times. They said one to three minutes. We're one to
four. We're using realistic time. We're doing it driving to the call, not racing to the call like
they probably assumed. So there's a little difference, and there is no way they are going to
leave their station and be in Varna in four minutes. I'd like to know where they get their times
from. We asked this before and I never did get an answer.
® C1 Grantham - The times are for the ambulance or two ambulances that would based at
this end of town.
R Young - I understand that part. What I'm saying is we could have better times too if
instead of them sitting there doing the billing we just put them in the ambulance and said
drive around the town and stop here and figure out how long it's going to take you to get there.
That's all Timmy Bangs did. He said okay I'm sitting at the four corners and you want me to go
to this place. Well, it's going to look better from my place, so that's the times I'm going to put
on. There is really no way he can justify his times, and if he can get from his base station in
Varna in four minutes, that's just giving more business to him because he's running too many
cars off the road.
Supv Varvayanis - Well on Thursday morning when Dryden didn't respond to a call in
Varna, he got there in three minutes when he was actually called out.
R Young - That was from East: Hill Plaza.
Varvayanis - But
the point
is he got: there. That's what he's saying; he can get
there in four
minutes. You're
saying he
can't do it. Now we say well, he can do it in three, but
R Young - You want to know times from this spot to this spot. It's not because he just
happens to be in the area.
® Tom Warner, Bridle Lane - Where is he going to base them? Where is he going to put
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Supv Varvayanis - He
said he vvas going to
either patrol
in the Village area or park them
near the four corners, as our
T Warner - He's going
to let an ambulance
idle 7 days a
week, 24 hours a day?
Supv Varvayanis - Yes.
Ray Harris - And provide personnel?
Supv - Yes.
C1 Grantham -That's what his contract is for.
S Cardwell - In three feet of snow in the winter?
Supv Varvayanis - Well, if you're sitting in the ambulance, you might as well get out
and brush the windshield. Is there another question?
Rita Harris - This really is coming down to absurdity. In the first place, who wants an
ambulance parked at the four corners of Dryden every day? That's absurd. Obviously they
%vouldn't do that.
Supv Varvayanis - Yes they would.
Rita. Harris - But I don't want them there.
Supv Varvayanis - Well let's put them somewhere else. This is what this meeting is
about. Actually, I think the board already knows how they want to vote, so a lot of this... 0
Rita Harris - So in other words we are really just wasting our time here because you're
making a decision without any community input whatsoever, except for a few minutes...
Cl T Hatfield - Well let us speak for aw *bile and listen and we can maybe straighten out
a few of the concerns. With what the did last week we've taken a lot: of input which has been
greatly appreciated, by me at least. I share a lot of the concerns and so do most of the other
members of this board, if not all. We need to try to keep it at a level where it is informational
and. like a dialogue, not keep sliding into sort of a personal.... I just don't think that benefits
anybody. If we keep it: as a community discussion it's valuable.
P Mesmer - Wouldn't it have been easier to have Tim Bangs here to answer some
questions, seeing how he's the man?
Supv Varvayani.s - Well what: questions do you have?
P Mesmer - Well, the other night the ]rids had a skating party. The firemen were there.
Is Tim Bangs going to be there?
Supv Varvayanis - Well that's not a question for Tim Bangs, that's a question for the
people who write the contract. And our contract would be yes.
Cl Beck - Let me point out, too, that these proposals were proposals. There has not:
been a contract. Dryden Ambulance didn't give us a contract, it was a proposal. And we got
four proposals from Bangs. The contract. is yet to be written, based on further discussion with
whoever we decide to go with. Is that not correct Mark? 0
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TB II -14-01
Supv Varvayanis - Correct.. These were proposals.
® Cl Beck - So there a lot of ifs, ands or buts that are not covered in these proposals that
we've all seen.
Supv Varvayanis - I think there's a lot of emotion that's not necessary. We got these
proposals October 31. It was after we had proposals and we saw options were available that it
made some sense to come to the public. I don't see what you would ask for public input if you
had a complete if you had a completely open agenda. We're not asking for people to come to
the moon or from the moon. We wanted to see what would be available. Possibly nobody came
up with any proposals and then we knew we would go and work with exactly what we had. I
don't understand why you wanted to have public input before there was a request to see what
would be available.
Oers Kelemen - I don't think that's what we're asking for. What I think most of these
people are asking for is that we've not been given time nor voice, nor are we going to be
sufficiently prior to the time of your decision making, which is either going to be tonight or
tomorrow or whatever. We're here tonight.. You're going to make a decision tonight. Some of
you seem to have your mind made up anyway. What input are you willing to take in making
your decision if you are saying you've already decided. What really bothers me, Mark, is the
process, not whatever decisions _you make, haven't made or will make, but the process in
getting there and the time devoted, and the public input that was not properly solicited, in my
view. That's my concern, that's what I'm hearing.
Reba Taylor - I think we've had a lot of input from this end of the floor. I'd like to hear
from the council now. What your thoughts are on what we've said tonight and where you arc
® planning on going from here. Because we're getting a little redundant here.
Supv Varvayanis - Not to be insulting, but my thought is that, no offense to Oers
Kelemen, but I have not heard one thing tonight I haven't heard before and I haven't thought
about and I don't think any other board member has.
Cl Beck - There was a lot of input at last: week's meeting, and that was the public one.
Cl T Hatfield - I'll take a stab at it first. Only from a perspective of the first thing that
caught my ear in the letters that we received tonight and that were read into the record, when
you look at five proposals as diverse as the five proposals that are in front of us, and you look
at four of them coming from one purveyor, you start to ask yourself some questions, as has
obviously the public. As did we when we received them. Our counselor took a shot at
analyzing them, I did, Mr. Beck did, Mr. Varvayanis, others, and the bottom line is if you get
sort of an apples and apples approach, it would appear, because this number appears in all of
these analyses, that there's a $12,000 difference between the two proposals that are the most
similar. That would be the Bangs #2 and the Dryden Ambulance. It provides two ambulances,
same model for billing, same issues, with one major difference. The Dryden Ambulance
proposal has three ambulances available at all times, two at all times assuming one is out of
service for repair or whatever. They'll always have at least two if not three ambulances
available for an additional $12,000. And I totally agree with you, personally, that this is one
time when as a public good we are purchasing a service and the price, whether it's 25 cents or
55 cents or a dollar on a per thousand basis isn't really the issue. The issue is when you need
that service you need response, and you need it then and immediately and for a variety of
personal reasons, some of which we've heard here tonight. The other thing that I wanted to
add with respect to tonight, I think it sort of fits vital communities. I think vital communities
need vital citizens. I look around this room tonight and there is an awful lot of volunteers here
® who are very definitely vital citizens within this community. They have a lot of sweat equity
invested in this operation. They certainly provide a lot of hours of their time on a volunteer
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TB 11 44 -01
basis to this community, and we're all richer for it. So I don't have any problem when I look at
these proposals sorting them out and saying do we have some problems with some response
time issues perhaps? This has been pointed out. Some of those issues have surfaced with
respect to a complaint. 'C'd be willing to bet quite a lot of money that the folks that have the
responsibility for providing these services will work hard to try and solve those problems. If
that means putting some sort of cooperative effort together to provide service to the other side
of town that's equal to what's perceived to be available on this side of town. I'm willing to bet
that. will be looked at very seriously and every attempt will be made to fret there. There's
references made to response times. That part of the proposal, in my opinion, was at best an
attempt to try to get some comparability on the table. If you look at the four proposals from
Mr. Bangs they all have the exact same set of times whether it's one ambulance or two
ambulances working. I don't see how that can be, but that's what's proposed. So I don't think
you can put a lot of stock in that. The response times, along with the mileages provided by the
Dryden Ambulance proposal are simply how long it takes you to drive there from a given point
at regular speed, without siren, without lights, without the benefit: of emergency needs. There
is no way the public can compare by reading the examples on the website or in person take a
look at that and say are those apples and apples. There are a lot of factors which are pointed
out that I think affect response times, not the least of which is the weather. And if you're
coming up out of Ithaca on an icy winter day as opposed to being in Dryden already, having to
go down to Ithaca to go to the hospital. or Cortland, there's major differences in just the ability
to deliver those services to people that are in need. So if you look at all of those things and
balance them, it's very clear to me, speaking strictly for myself, that Dryden Ambulance, Inc
has been doing a great job. We've been in a period of transition for five years. We're at another
juncture in that transitional period. Coming out of this you have a professional managed,
professionally delivered service provider in Dryden Ambulance, Inc and with all the additional
benefits that the volunteers that have been there for years and that I hope will be here for years
to come. I don't see why you throw the baby out with the bath water, basically. You stay right
where we are and go forward and let's get this thing put into a. contract and it will definitely
Cl Grantham - Mahlon, you were to look into how the certificate of need works and
explain that to us.
Atty Perkins - And I haven't had a chance to finish all the work I need to do on that, so I
really don't have a definitive answer for you.
Cl Grantham - I have at least one other question, which you may have found out last
Friday, or you can ask the people here tonight. Will the drivers under the Dryden Ambulance
Proposal be volunteer or paid?
D Abbey - Volunteer.
Cl Beck - Maybe I should comment on the financial side. At first glance it appeared
that one of Bars' proposals with two ambulances would be a significant savings to the
community, but when you looked at the contract price in the one where they are doing the
billing and keeping the proceeds, and the one where the proceeds are being done for us and
turned bark to the Town so we don't have to tax for that money, there's a significant difference.
Roy conclusion, and it's just a supposition, I didn't: ask anybody, but the difference is in how
they are going to bill and how aggressively they are going to pursue this billing. My
understanding is that. when this ambulance district was formed we said we are going to bill for
our services and we are going to bill several times. But if in fact we aren't paid, we're not going
to turn this over to a collection agency; we aren't going to attempt to force people that either
will not or do not have the financial ability to pay their bills to pay through a collection agency.
I'm assuming that Bangs will turn every unpaid bill over to a collection agency, or in some way
enforce their billing. So that is a. burden on this community that will not be reflected in any
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TB 11 -14401
® way in this contract, but it's going to come out of your pockets. And I think that if we are going
to pursue that method of billing, it needs to be a decision by this board and probably it should
be done by the people that have been providing the service. if you want to bill that way, let's let
Dryden Ambulance bill that way, not some outside entity. There was $30,000 or $40,000
difference in the way I calculated the bids in that factor alone. So when you take into account
three ambulances here in Dryden full time, except for one being down for repairs or something
like that, versus two stationed somewhere here in the Village, and they said they may be north
of town or they may be patrolling, it was never decided exactly what spot they're going to park
in, for a $12,000 difference on the same billing cycle with the billing being done by Bangs and
turned over to Dryden, or being done by Dryden Ambulance and going into the town coffers, for
$12,000 and one ambulance difference in a community that's done this for years, I couldn't see
any reason to even think about changing. It just didn't make any sense at all. And back to
this vital communities thing, what: stronger organization is there in any of our communities
around here than the volunteer fire companies and the ambulances. There isn't any. It's very
comparable to closing Mclean and Freeville schools. Look at the hell that's being raised there,
and that's not over yet. And you're going to tear the heart out of a community for no reason to
change services? And this Board never proposed changing the service. We asked for proposals
to see what's out there. What we proposed changing was making Dryden Ambulance on the
paramedic side of it run like a business. This hasn't been done. This board has not provided
the management necessary to make that work. It's not come from the other end. We were in a
constant hassle for two or three years now. That's going to change and that: was the main
impetus for us stating that we are not hiring paramedics. Somebody else is going to hire the
paramedics, and somebody else is going to manage them. And you can bet if Dryden
Ambulance can't do this in the future if in fact we give them the contract, something is going to
happen in the next year or two, because this community won't stand for no service. If this
can't be done right:, well then we'll have to call in somebody else. But I'm betting this will come
around and everybody is going to be happy with it. That's what I base my thoughts on at this
® point.
Cl Grantham - Actually Ron, I think that whatever contract that we sign we can
establish rules about the billing that they have to abide by, and Bangs states that in their
contract and we can do that with either Bangs or Dryden Ambulance service. So if we say you
bill once, tyvice or three times and you don't get payment, then you drop it. We can say that.
We can set it up so that it's the same way that it is now, and protect residents who cant afford
to pay.
Rita Harris - I wonder in that case will the Town then have to pay Bangs. I can't believe
they really would provide the service and not get paid.
Cl Grantham -
If we
went with
Bangs, we would
already be paying them a contract fee.
And so they would get
no matter
what. So
they are protected.
Rita Harris - But they wouldn't get their service fee from the transport.
Cl Grantham - I think that they have figured what they might get from the service fees
and they have calculated that in and they are willing to take a certain amount of risk.
Supv Varvayanis - I think her point, and it's accurate, is if we wanted a big change in
what they were proposing in billing they would adjust the price. That: was your point, and I
don't think we disagree. Again, let me emphasize what's been said many times. We've just
asked for proposals to try to understand what options might be out there. There is no contract
at this point being discussed. We're just trying to get information on what: we should be
looking at uito the future.
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TB 11 -14-01
C1 Beck - Mark, let me just read two paragraphs out of two different Bangs proposals
under billing. The first one is where Bangs bills and turns the money over to Dryden. "Bangs
will conduct billing on behalf of the Town of Dryden Ambulance District in accordance with the
provisions of the Town Law." There's another paragraph that said it will adopt the schedule of
fees included in the appendix as the schedule of fees or charges to be paid by persons
requesting emergency services. The second contract where they are going to bill and keep the
money: "Bangs will accept assignment from the Town of Dryden Ambulance district of its right
to bill residents and third party payors for ambulance services provided under this proposal.
Bangs will retain all amounts it bills and collects for providing ambulance services in the
District." Now to me that says a little bit more than the first paragraph I read. It doesn't say
they will hire a collection agency, but it also says they're not doing it just the way the Town of
Dryden is doing it now. That's Model IV of IV and Il of IV.
Cl Grantham - The second one you looked at was II?
Ray Harris - In support of Mr. Hatfield, earlier when you were mentioning the great
comparison here between response times, I agree with half of that. We know what Dryden's is,
we've been using it for years. So I think we have support for their response times. Bangs is a
total unknown. They haven't done it so we don't know. They haven't done it under fire.
Supv Varvayanis - We have response limes for what they are averaging in the County.
To say they're a total unknown when they've been supplying service in this County for years is
not totally accurate. 0
'cony Hall - Is Bangs aware that you might write up a contract that would prohibit them
from going to collections? Are they aware of that and wouldn't it change some of their
Supv Varvayanis - This is not a contract.
Tony Hall - Are they aware of it?
Supv Varvayanis - Yes.
Rita Hams - May I ask, you keep saying there's no contract, but if you were to vote to
accept one proposal or the other proposal, then essentially you are locking in place that
provider. Am I correct? In other words, if you were to decide as a Board to accept a proposal
from Bangs, essentially what you're saying is Dryden Ambulance is out, Bangs is in. Even
though you don't have a contract, I understand that. Is that: correct?
Supv Varvayanis - That would not be a non - reversible decision, but: yes, that would be
our intention.
Rita Harris - So the contract is not as important right now as your decision of which
proposal to accept, and then you'll move forward with the, contract.
Supv Varvayanis - Correct. I think a lot of these people would. like to hear a vote. They
really want to go home I think. is
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CI Beck - The second one was IV.
I1: Seems to
me if they have the contract and have the
right to
bill and collect, then that's out of
our hands.
We'd accept the contract amount for the
and how they collect their bills is
kind of out
of our hands unless something different is
into the
contract. But to me that's
little bit
different scenario.
Ray Harris - In support of Mr. Hatfield, earlier when you were mentioning the great
comparison here between response times, I agree with half of that. We know what Dryden's is,
we've been using it for years. So I think we have support for their response times. Bangs is a
total unknown. They haven't done it so we don't know. They haven't done it under fire.
Supv Varvayanis - We have response limes for what they are averaging in the County.
To say they're a total unknown when they've been supplying service in this County for years is
not totally accurate. 0
'cony Hall - Is Bangs aware that you might write up a contract that would prohibit them
from going to collections? Are they aware of that and wouldn't it change some of their
Supv Varvayanis - This is not a contract.
Tony Hall - Are they aware of it?
Supv Varvayanis - Yes.
Rita Hams - May I ask, you keep saying there's no contract, but if you were to vote to
accept one proposal or the other proposal, then essentially you are locking in place that
provider. Am I correct? In other words, if you were to decide as a Board to accept a proposal
from Bangs, essentially what you're saying is Dryden Ambulance is out, Bangs is in. Even
though you don't have a contract, I understand that. Is that: correct?
Supv Varvayanis - That would not be a non - reversible decision, but: yes, that would be
our intention.
Rita Harris - So the contract is not as important right now as your decision of which
proposal to accept, and then you'll move forward with the, contract.
Supv Varvayanis - Correct. I think a lot of these people would. like to hear a vote. They
really want to go home I think. is
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T13 11 44 -01
Cl T Hatfield - 1 would be willing to move, if you want, that we approve an ambulance
contract with, or authorize the Supervisor and Town Counsel to negotiate an ambulance
contract with Dryden Ambulance, Inc. pursuant to the guidelines laid out in the proposal, to be
effective January 1, 2002,
Cl C Hatfield - I'll second that.
Cl Grantham - I would like to say that I think that any contract that we come up with
now will answer or begin to answer some of the problems that we've had the past couple of
years, such as retaining paramedics. If dual supervision is really the problem, then well be
answering that. I am still concerned, though, about the ability of the Dryden Ambulance
service to provide drivers as volunteers because that problem has been ongoing. You've talked
to us about that and said that we should be warned that we may have to be hiring drivers
soon. That problem won't be answered in a contract with Dryden Ambulance Service, but it
would be with Bangs. I appreciate the response time concerns for the southern end of Town.
There are people that have talked to me about. that and have expressed concern in addition to
the ones that have expressed concern in addition to the ones that actually wrote letters, and
I'm concerned about the cost too. I think we have to try to contain the cost more than it is.
Cl Beck - I think that all of us realize there's going to be some variation in response
times, and if in fact Bangs has an ambulance in the northern part of the City of Ithaca, they
probably are going to get to Ellis Hollow or Varna quicker than we might from the four corners
of Dryden. There again, if they're downtown and you've got a slippery road, they're probably
not. Yet, if there's a call on Route 13 north somewhere, I can bet the people that are stationed
at the fire station are going to get there a lot quicker than Bangs. If Bangs is sitting at the four
corners, then it: may not be that much different.
isPete Tyler, Town of Dryden - One thing that you really haven't addressed is the
volunteer organization. We're all talking about the ambulance being stationed out here, what
the response times are. All the people that you see here are members of the fire department
and volunteer ambulance service are sprinkled all over the district. So if my neighbor is having
medical problems, me as an EI1T1', I'm right next door. My response time is going to be thirty
seconds. That's something that you have to take into consideration when you are dealing with
a volunteer organization. Tim Bangs can't do that.
1) Abbey -Also don't forget that
there are rescue squads
that are responding
prior to us
that are providing patient care, and in
a lot of cases long before
we are there just to
Bill Raynor - I am in full support of Dryden Ambulance, but I'd be interested, because
it's quite an investment that we have here, as well as the new ambulance that will be coming in
the foreseeable future, as well as Bangs as I understand it will be also have to purchase
additional ambulances. What are you proposing as the term of the contract to protect these
individuals against a financial hardship?
Supv Varvayanis - One year.
B Ackroyd - I wanted to add to what Dana said regarding what they call a tiered
response. You're measuring response times for the ambulance to Varna or Ellis Hollow. The
Varna Fire Company provides emergency medical services rescue where they have EMTs,
paramedics as members, and the advanced life support and medical equipment to be on the
scene. And they are responding from. Varna and not from the four corners of Dryden. So
medical care, if you count their response times in the localities whether its Freevi.11e, McLean,
Etna or Varna, if you count their response times in the equation I think you'll find that they're
Omuch faster. They're also members of those communities.
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TB 11-14-01
J Kirkland - We have a great amount of support from volunteers in these communities.
Emergency response is a large amount of EMS care, and we can provide a large amount of that
that Bangs can't: because he doesn't have the volunteers. What if there is an incident that
requires a. vast amount: of EMS care? The last: couple of months have been kind of strange in
this country. We can provide a large amount of EMS care that: Bangs can't. If you remove the
catalyst that you have for creating this type of education and this care by removing this
volunteer organization, you're going to lose that service. I strongly recommend that the Board
consider that.
Supv Varvayanis - I think we're just about ready to vote. I'd like to make a couple of
comments beforehand. I think this whole process, believe it or not, has been healthy. I think
we should look at other options. As the chief financial officer of the 'Town I do have fiscal
responsibility and in any company the accounting department, no offense Tom, is always
hated. Nobody likes to have to defend what they do. But that's basically all we were doing is
trying to see other ways we can do it. I think foremost on this Board's mind is always the best
service possible. Saving money l don't think was ever, I guess you could call it secondary, but
closer to tertiary. Thirdly, although a lot of people now in this room will laugh hysterically,
when I was elected I said I would not vote on issues of this nature because my wife was an
officer in Dryden Ambulance and I felt there was a conflict of interest drawing me too closely to
it. I think I should stick with that original decision, but: think right now you're all thankful
that I'm not because there seems to be quite a perception that I'm out to get you guys and that
simply is not true. If it was I wouldn't be walking around today at home.
Cl T Hatfield - Before we go on I'd just like to respond to one point Deb made. I think
it's an important point and I think there's enough flexibility as I understand it in the proposal
`h��eree��,mmth��at if�there is a need for a hired driver,, /o`r� need to cover those driver shifts in the
iha re�hkI'm EiAW (M r /IB0 e�1°%7 -VSnod c�cal iCh7'river position, is there not enough flexibility Am
B Ackroyd - Absolutely.
Cl T Hatfield - I think that's
concern shared by everyone. I thin
everybody here is concerned about
with one end of town or the other.
made that point: very clear. They're
pretty hard to get there.
an important point to make because I think that's a
k the point that's made about response time, I think
response time. It shouldn't be an issue that's associated
So those folks over here last time from the five departments
there on G.rst response responsibilities and they work
Supv Varvayanis - Also we'll be looking at dispatch to see if we really can use Bangs
faster on that end of town. There was some objection last week that I didii t come to you, but
the volunteer ambulance obviously must be part of the process in any decisions made. You are
the people who will be instituting whatever decision is made. You can be confident that there
is no way we are going to sneak around and get: to you at the end. You have to be part of that.
There were some little tiny germs of ideas that I rejected before I even came to you, and that in
no way indicates that your input wasn't. respected.
Harris - Before you vote may I just say
thank you to
all of the board members for
listening to
us and if we seem, passionate at times it's because we are passionate about our
But we do appreciate the opportunity
to speak and
thank you for listening.
Chan Fliggins, The Ithaca Journal - Mark, if you accept this proposal tonight, or
whichever proposal you accept, does that mean that paramedics will no longer be Town
employees, or is ghat part of the contract process?
Supv Varvayanis - That. will be part: of the contract.
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`rB 11 -1 4401
Dan Wiggins - But that's what you are looking to do basically?
Supv Varvayanis - Right.
R Young - 1 was going to say that normally if it sounds like an ALS call, we normally
would start Bangs if we thought they could get there quicker. There's nothing we would like
better than to have somebody there before us to clean up the mess. We won't beat around the
bush when it comes to calls. If we think we need the help we call for it. If we don't have them
right there, we do call for it. 1 think that will answer Deb's question. If we need the help we do
call for it.
J Kirkland - In response to your question about last Thursday. One of our rigs did roll
to that call, and I know that because I drove it. We did turn around because Fangs was closer
and in route and was almost there. So we turned around to keep the other ambulance back in
service. So we did respond. 1 wanted to clarify that that did happen, and it was communication
with Bangs and with Varna that allowed that to make sure that: did happen.
Supv Varvayanis - Anyone else?
Cl Grantham - I've been glad to have people come out and talk about it, send a -mails
and letters. It's helpful. And lots of good questions were asked. And I do appreciate the
volunteer service. My sister's a paramedic and now a nurse in an emergency room and rode
ambulance for a couple of decades before she went to the emergency room. So I know a bit
about it, and my parents have both been in ambulances plenty of times. My husband's an
aspiring EMT, but he has kind of a thing about needles.
Cl C Hatfield - I'd just like to make a comment about the volunteers because my son -in-
law has been one for 25 years, and when that thing goes off, he's out of there like a rocket. I
know the volunteer system works. Let's vote.
Cl T Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor and Town
Attorney to negotiate a contract for ambulance service with Dryden Ambulance, Inc., said
contract to be effective January 1, 2002.
2nd Cl C Hatfield
Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Abstain
Cl C Hatfield Yeti
Cl Grantham No
Supv Varvayanis - So it passed. The Dryden Ambulance proposal was accepted.
Matt Shulman - What I've presented to you this evening is a quasi -draft revision of the
1987 flood prevention law. The former Town Board adopted this law as a condition for having
eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. That law has never been updated. That
law was a boilerplate DEC law. To the best of my knoudedge every such law in the County is
virtually identical, taken from the DEC. Certainly, Freeville, Dryden and Dryden are virtually
identical with the exception of specific references to municipalities. DEC recommended in
1998 that this law be revised. I point out that if you choose not to revise this law, it will not:
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TB 11 -14 -01
affect eligibility for NFIP, so there is no mandate to revise this law. However, the DEC believed
that case law plus experience merited your consideration of a revision of this law. What I have
given you tonight is a copy of what the law would conceivably look like. I will have in your
boxes by Monday at the very latest a copy of the original law as it now stands, as well as a
mark -up copy which shows the intersection with additions and deletions.
One of the reasons no municipality to my kno%%4cdge in. Tompkins County has adopted
this revision is because the DEC never explained why they wanted you to revise, what the
specific changes were and why they recommended them. So they're getting used to my
pestering them, and Bill Nechamen prepared, and Ill run off more copies after my presentation.
I asked them to present an explanation, because you might have some questions as to why we
are bothering changing that. So you will have this document to look at.
There is one thing that: I want to recommend to you for your consideration. There is no
crisis to do this in a hurry. You know that we've made some effort to get some remapping
done. This la%v, should you revise it, will make reference to Flood Insurance Rating Maps
which we are trying to change. We shook lose $85,000 from the DEC to do a portion of Fall
Creek by the Ithaca town line and the Village of Dryden. The Fall Creek portion is done and
the part we were looking at is not in the flood plain anymore. The over flight mapping begins
either this Friday or Monday, subject to weather and DEC called me yesterday and said they
hoped they would have enough time to do the entire Fall Creek and Virgil Creek sub- watershed
this year, as opposed to 2004 where it %was originally scheduled. If they don't finish it this year,
they have accelerated the 2004 for the entire County to be next year. So there is no crisis to
adopt this law immediately. What I think you might want to consider doing is look at the law
with the exception of section 3.2 which is the point that makes reference to specific maps and
decide if you like the changes. Then we can contact the DEC and say as soon as the map
revisions are done, and we can make specific reference, then we'll go ahead and formally adopt
it. It doesn't make a. lot of sense to spend all the money, in my humble opinion, adopting it
twice in a twelve month period. 41
That's really the end of my presentation. Other than to tell you I got some other goon
news today on the Forest Home project. The landowner in question is not only willing to redo
the water collection and. sewer collection. lines, infrastructure and work with NYSEG on redoing
the electric line distribution, but we are also going to visit with NYSEG about whether or not
they are interested in putting in natural gas lines there. We've also set up an appointment
with rural development to see if they might qualify for some subsidized loan on their
infrastructure investment, which would be a key element should a CDBG grant be looked at
seriously. That's it for me unless you have questions.
Kevin Ezell distributed a memo to the board and explained that a couple of items have
come up in zoning enforcement and be would like to suggest some changes to make it easier
for enforcement. One of the things has to do with the replacement of mobile homes in mobile
home parks. Should it be part of the zoning law or not? Another item is the fees and permits
involved with small decks or storage sheds. There could be something clearly designated in the
zoning law to deal with this. Atty Perkins and board members were asked to read the memo
and get back to him with their responses.
K Ezell thanked the Board for allowing him to go to the IC13O conference in Greeneville,
INC, a joint conference with the Southern Building Codes Council. The new International Code
is being changed, and the proposed changes are voted on by the regulators there. NYS is going
to adopt the code in January and he was able to go and vote for the proposed changes. I•Ie
took some classes and was involved in the 1CBO board meeting. If Board members have
questions, they can contact him. is
Page 22 of 26
TB 11 4=1 -01
Next month he would like to talk to the board about getting a building code program
(software) that will integrate all the data bases the zoning office now has to assist in retrieving
information regarding specific properties. Program prices are generally in the $7,000 to $8,000
ZO Slater has distributed his monthly report to board members. He noted that Ithaca
Produce has completed their plantings according to the plan that was submitted and he will be
inspecting it tomorrow.
ZO Slater noted that there are approximately 899 mobile home park spaces in the Town
in 15 mobile home parks and to effectively patrol the parks is a strain to the department. It is
difficult to monitor the replacement of mobile homes. They have overseen the building of the
pads in the park and the facilities in the park are checked regularly by the Health Department.
There are park owners who need further education about what kind of home is permitted in the
Town of Dryden. The ordinance is very clear that only HUD mobile homes are allowed to be
installed as new homes or replacement homes anywhere in the town, but the mobile home park
ordinance is silent with respect to that. He is concerned about effectively enforcing this, and
stated that: perhaps they would be better off doing some education and /or require a token
permit before the mobile home is set. Park owners need to understand that its to their benefit
to have the installation certified as being in conformance with the regulations. The Board
agrees that education of park owners would be beneficial. ZO Slater noted that it is often
difficult to prosecute in the local courts.
Cl T Hatfield stated the ordinance should probably be clarified with respect: to this and
Atty Perkins suggested that the mobile home ordinance be amended and will provide a draft.
The requirement of zoning permits for fences and small decks was briefly discussed.
ZO Slater stated that the Village defines major and minor accessory use structures based on
size and the Board should perhaps investigate doing something along the same lines. Set
backs also need to be defined for these structures. ZO Slater will provide the board with some
options to discuss.
Cl Grantham stated that the service garage at the corner of Route 366 & Mt. Pleasant
Road has a couple of truck trailers parked there. ZO Slater stated that they are not addressed
in the zoning ordinance, and three or four years ago the board discussed adopting legislature
that specifically addressed trailer bodies, but nothing ever became of it.
ZO Slater stated that HEPS will be expanding their facility and expects them to submit
plans in the future.
JC Leasing is expanding and there will be a site plan review for them on December 12,
Mr Wawak's project on Dryden Road is proceeding
nicely. ZO Slater stated that Mr.
Wawa.k and his engineer are
cooperative and
easy to work
Supv Varvayanis asked ZO Slater where the money would come from to pay for the
computer program Kevin Ezell would like to purchase and he replied that he was unsure
exactly but that Kevin believes it will pay for itself in the end by bringing all the property data
to one central location.
Supv Varvayanis stated that he thought parcel #52. -1 -1.8 was sold, but 1 see it's still
here for relief of water /sewer charges. ZO Slater said that it has been sold, and the agreement
40 was to relieve it on an annual basis upon request, and there has been no request to relieve it.
He said the lot is being divided up and possibly combined with others.
Page 23 of 26
TB 11 -14 -01
Cl Grantham offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
1RF;SOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the special district and assessment
rolls for 2002.
2 d Cl 'f Hatfield
Roll Call Vote
Cl Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Cl Grantham offered the follo%ving resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby authorizes the addition of the following
delinquent water and sewer and engineering/ legal bills to the 2002 tax roll - if not paid by
November 16, 2001.
Reed, Acct #K4353, parcel #55 -1- l.5
$ 782.91
Nemecek, Acct #K4245, parcel #54 -2 -9
Watson, Acct #K4326, parcel #52 -1-4.9
Carroll, Acct #L3446, parcel #53 -1 -7
Giordano, Acct #L3452, parcel #43 -1 -19.14
Lucente, Acct #L3453, parcel #43 -1 -19.4
Raven, Acct #1,3461, parcel #43 -1 -19.7
Giordano, Acct #1,3466, parcel #43 -1 -19.10
Lovely, Acct #1.3472, parcel #43 -1 -12
Tyler, Acct #L3485, parcel #43 -1 -8
Snyder, Acct #L3490, parcel #56 -3 -7
Gambrel, Acct #14027, parcel #69 -2 -11
Hicks, Acct #L5322, parcel #52 -1. -16
Weaver, Acct #L5390, parcel #56- 4-5.31
lacovclli, Acct #L5333, parcel #69 -2 -23.32
Vanderbilt, Acct #1.5547, parcel #55 -1 -15
Conklin, Acct # 100606, parcel #37 -1 -10.2
Lucente, parcel #56 -4 -7.1
Lucente, parcel #56 -4 -7.2
Lucente, parcel #56 -4 -7.3
Lucente, parcel #56- 4 -7.4
Total to add:
211d Cl C .Hatfield
'Roll Call Vote Cl Deck
Cl T Hatfield
Supv Varvayanis
Cl C Hatfield
Cl Grantham
Page 24 of 26
TB 11 -14-01
Supv Varvayanis - Do we have any changes in the budget other than the 99 cents for
the ambulance?
Cl T Hatfield - I
for the ambulance
that's the only the
one and
we should
out that the driving
force for that is the deficit
that is projected to be
forward for
The board
deducted $124,250 from $529,530, leaving
for the ambulance
district, bringing
the tax rate for the ambulance district. to 76
cents per
Cl C Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the fire budget for 2002.
2nd Cl T Hatfield
Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Supv Varvayanis offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby approves the fire contracts for 2002 and
authorizes the Supervisor to sign the same.
211d Cl T Hatfield
Roll Call Vote Cl Beck Yes
C1 T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham Yes
Cl T Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption:
RESOLVED, that this Town Board hereby adopts the 2002, with the amendment made,
bringing the ambulance district rate to 76 cents per thousand.
2nd Cl C Hatfield
Cl Grantham - I would
to say
that I am going to vote against it because I just can't
go along with the increases in
Roll Call Vote
Cl Beck Yes
Cl T Hatfield Yes
Supv Varvayanis Yes
Cl C Hatfield Yes
Cl Grantham No
Rage 25 of 26
"m 11 -l4-Ol
There will be no public hearings at the 'December 5 meeting. There will be a site plan
review at the December 12 meeting for JC Leasing. 40
On motion made, seconded. and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at:
9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ank No/
Bambi L. Hollenbeck
Page 26 of 26
.r :.
Nazi B. Mistry, 03:05 PM 11/14/01, Town of Dryden Ambulance Propo �,
Return -Path: <nbm2 @cornell.edu>
X- Sender: nbm2 @postoffice.mail.cornell.edu (Unverified)
te: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 15:05:15 -0500
Drydent @lightlink.com
From: "Nari B. Mistry" <nbm2 @cornell.edu>
Subject: Town of Dryden Ambulance Proposal.
Cc: dgg3 @cornell.edu (Deborah Gene Grantham),
kdfl @postoffice.mail.cornell.edu,
vfb2 @cornell.edu, <rhs4 @cornell.edu >, mrob @twcny.rr.com,
"Nari Mistry, Cornell University" <NBM2 @cornell.edu>
T0: The Dryden Town Board
FROM: Nariman Mistry, Town of Dryden
Re: Town of Dryden Ambulance Proposal
I have
in the
Town since 1968 and have a strong interest in the
of the
vote tonight.
Having carefully
volunteers? This is an
considered the pros
and cons of the Ambulance
I urge
you to vote for a
contract with the Bangs
for the following
1) Staffing level: I have the greatest respect & gratitude for the
Dryden volunteers and their past history of serving the Town in
vowever it has become evident that maintaining the level of volunteer
taff is a problem.
The Bangs proposal clearly spells out the staffing levels for each
ambulance. The Dryden Ambulance service (OAS) mentions three
ambulances as equipment, but nowhere specifies what staffing level
will be maintained. This lack of specific staffing level is a serious
question for the future, as staffing levels MUST be specified for the
contract to be valid. How many paramedics are available? Will they be
paid or
volunteers? This is an
important and
which any contract is
ambiguous! How
at all times? Paid
or volunteers?
the maximum
in staff envisioned?
This is
not a mere question of
contractual specification
but is a
concern for emergency
response and life
2) The cost of the DAS proposal is a very significantly larger than
the Bangs proposals. There is no explanation how the large increase
over the current CY2001 expenses is justified ($453K vs. current
$190K cuurent contract). The level of service refers only to the
'equipment' with no .reference to the staffing and personnel level
(see above.) It is hard to justify the consequent tax increase.
3) The long history of service in the County by both organizations
makes them equally valuable. However, Bangs has a very large array of
equipment and professional personnel on.their staff that can
Ommediately respond in case of extended emergencies or crises, and
ted for Dianne
t @lichtlink.com>
1�'1 lJt•c �
?Mari B. Mist=y, 03:05 FM 11/24/01, Town of Dryden .ambulance Propo
that is a very valuable asset.
® hope that the Town Board will make a wise decision on behalf of all
the residents of the Town of Dryden.
Nariman Mistry,
Town of Dryden.
Nari M istry
214 Newman Laboratory
Cornell University, Ithaca,
Tel: 607- 255 -3368
FAX: 607- 254 -4552
NY 14853
ted for Dianne <drydent @lightlink.com> 2
® Bello,
Dr. Seeley would lake this letter read into the minutes tomorrow night.
Please distribute to Town Board members.
Thanks, Deb
From: Robin Hadlock Seeley <rhs4 t(�i,comell.edu>
Subject: Ellis Hollow safety
Dear Dryden neighbors,
On Wednesday, Nov. 14, the Town of Dryden will vote on which ambulance service will serve our Town. Bangs
Ambulance and Dryden Ambulance have each submitted proposals (SEE www.dryden.ny.us) for service.
I am concerned about the cost and response time of ambulance service to our community. Each of us pays for
ambulance service through a charge based on our property value.
over 50 people representing the Dryden
Ambulance Service came to
last Dryden
Town Board meeting to urge the Town
Board to vote to accept their
proposal for ambulance service.
I believe that on both grounds of COST and SAFETY the Bangs Ambulance proposal is far better for the Town as a
COST: The Bangs proposal offers better service for both eastern and western areas of Dryden at a lower cost
(BANGS: $0.53 per $1,000 of assessed property value, DRYDEN AMBULANCE: $0.85/$1,000 of assessed value).
SAFE'T'Y: Because Bangs proposes to serve VARNA and ELLIS HOLLOW from their base in the City of Ithaca,
Bangs can get to these areas more quickly than Dryden Ambulance. Bangs can also get to the center of Dryden quickly
® because it will have an additional ambulance stationed in Dryden.
Dryden Ambulance has volunteers providing service from the center of Dryden. This increases the time it takes to yet
ry P g rY b
to VARNA or ELLIS HOLLOW. Also, because the Dryden Ambulance relies on volunteers, volunteers not being
available will increase response time. In contrast, Bangs Ambulance has staff in the ambulances ready at all times.
Estimated response time to Varna/Ellis Hollow: (information from proposals on town websitc)
BANGS: 4 -6 min
Estimated response time to Dryden village area: (information from proposals on town website)
BANGS: 1 -3 min
ssssssssssssss•r *sssssssss
CONCLUSION: I will urge the Town Board to vote for the Bangs Ambulance proposal, which is not only much
cheaper for taxpayers, but offers a much quicker emergency response to Varna/Ellis Hollow residents (and equivalent
response times to Dryden village area).
I can't think of any reason, given these numbers, for town board members to vote for the Dryden Ambulance proposal.
On the basis of safety for all residents, and cost, the town should choose Bangs Ambulance to serve the Town of
Dryden residents.
Please send email with your comments to the town as soon as possible: drydent @lightlink.com, and /or plan to attend
Wednesday's meeting (1 1/ 14, 7:00 pm) at the Town Hall in Dryden (65 E. Main St).
® Robin Seeley
[ Ken Finkelstein, 10:33 AM 11/14/01, on the Ambulance proposal 30IC1W
Return -Path: <kdfl @cornell.edu>
X- Sender: kdfl @postoffice.mail.cornell.edu
te: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:33:44 -0500
Drydent @lightlink.com
From: Ken Finkelstein <kdfl @cornell.edu>
Subject: on the Ambulance proposal
Cc: 1p26@cornell.edu, dgg3 @cornell.edu, vfb2 @co.rnell.edu, nbm2 @cornell.edu
Dear Town Board,
We understand you may vote tonight (11/14/01) to approve one of 5
proposals to provide ambulance services in our 'town.
We have lived in Varna for over ten years and will not be able to
the Town board meeting tonight.
We hope our "public input" on this issue can be provided by this email
letter. If you wish to verify our sending
this note please .feel free to call. me (Ken) at work 255 -0914 and /or (Lois)
at home (evenings- 277 - 1035).
the Dryden
and Bangs
services. Thank
for posting
them on
is an important
way to promote
k* & kkkkkkkkkkkkit�•
kk• kirdrkk*
kkk• k•kk
*k * *kkk * * *kkkk
*`k *kkk *kk
the Bang's
proposal to
general and emergency
ambulance service!
k�F* kkkksl- kkk• k* �r* �F�I •�Ir�!•k *7kk *kkkirx:l•k�t•k *•k* kirk* k :1•k *k�l'•kk *kirk•k�1•�hk * *k•k*
The reasoning for our strong recommendation is three -fold:
First the response times for an ambulance to arrive at
essentially every
location in the town
is either comparable or significantly
the Dryden Service proposal,
faster for Bang's when compared to
Second the cost of each of the 4 Bangs proposals is
significantly less
than the Dryden Ambulance
proposal. It is my understanding that all proposals under consideration
will result in a major incremental cost to taxpayers (something like a 10
&old increase in that portion of our Town taxes going toward ambulance
Printed for Dianne <drydent @lightlink.com> 1
Ken Finkelstein, 10:33 AM 11/14/01, on the Ambulance proposal f
services if we go with the Dryden proposal. and a 2 to about 6 fold increase
depending on which Bangs proposal is accented).
As a Board you have worked hard to limit the tax burden so
continue this tradition
by being frugal and choosing the appropriate lower priced Bangs proposal.
'.bird, although we greatfully recognize, respect, and
admire the
volunteers who man the Dryden Ambulance Service
families health, we prefer to count on the full
staffed services offered in the Bang's proposal
sound and emergency ambulance services are what
living. We therefore trust the reliability and
s. The
it comes to our
Bangs proposals are
folks do for a
bility of their
Please vote in support of a Bangs Service proposal, and choose the
that makes the most sense
based on your understanding of the Towns need!
CHESS Wilson Lab
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853
Telephone: 607 - 255 -7163
FAX: 607 -255 -9001
email: kdfl @cornell.edu
ted for Dianne
Respectfully yours,
Ken Finkelstein
Lois Pollack
t @lightlink.com>
Mabel Beggs, 09:33 AM 11/14/01, Ambulance sery
M ice
Return -Path: <mcdbeggs @earthlink.net>
From: "Mabel Beggs" <mcdbegas @earthlink.net>
a"Dryden Town Boarddrydent @" <drydent @lightlink.com>
bject: ambulance service
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 09 :33:38 -0500
X- MSMail- Priority: Normal
X- MimeOJ'jE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.00.3018.1300
To Town Board members,
I understand that you will be voting on which ambulance service will be
to serve the citizens of the Town of Dryden.
Since Bangs ambulance service is less expensive, and will be faster, I urge
to vote for Bangs. This in no way is a criticism of the great volunteers
of the
Fire Department in Dryden. It is what will be in the best interests of the
people who live in the Town of Dryden.
Mabel DeMotte Beggs
1309 Ellis Hollow Rd.
Ithaca, NY 148
rinted for Dianne
t @lightlink.com>
R. Sorrells;
10:36 AM 11/14/01, ambulance service
Return-.Path: <nrsl5@cornell I edu>
X- Sender: nrs 15 @pos-toffice.mail.cornell.edu
te: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:36:05 -0500
drydent @lightlink.com
From: "Nancy R. Sorrells" <nrs15 @cornell.edu>
Subject: ambulance service
Town Board members:
Regarding the vote about ambulance service, we are in favor of choosing the
bid that provides the service with the lowest cost. Our understanding is
that the bid from Bangs is significantly lower than the other bid and
provides comparable service for all town residents and better service for
some parts of the Town of Dryden.
We have had excellent service from Bangs for family members. We see no
reason to spend more than necessary in these uncertain times of financial
stress for everyone from the town on up to the state and national
Nancy Sorrells
Mark Sorrells
Town of Dryden
ted for Dianne <drydent @lightlink.com> 1
Neil L. Norcross, 10:01 AM 11/14/01, No Subject _
Return -Path: <nl.n2 @cornell.edu
X- Sender: nln2 @postoffice4.rnai
te: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 10:01:1
drydent @lightlink.com
From: "Neil L. Norcross" <nln2
4 -0500
T have just read a comparison of the services and costs of ambulance
services in the town and understand that you plan to select one of them
tonight. It seems evident, from the description, I read that Bangs gives
more service at a lower cost and I don't understand why the Dryden fire
department recommends Dryden Ambulance service. If it is some reason other
than the "old boy network" it was not stated in the description I read.
The west end of Dryden would certainly be better served by Bangs and I urge
you to choose that service.
Printed for Dianne <drydent @lightlink.com>
Town cf nryden
Town Board Meeting
® November 14, 2001.
Name - {Please Print)
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Town of Dryden
Town Board Meeting
November 14, 2001
Name - {Please Print} Address
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