HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-01-11TOWN BOARD MEETING JANUARY 11, 1594 Supv Schug called the meeting to corder at 7:30PM Members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance Roll call was by Town Clerk Lloyd: Present: Supv Schug, Clm Baker, Clm T. Hatfield, Clm C. Hatfield, Clm Roberts, Atty Perkins and Z. 0. Slater COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Evans - reported the beards - the new county representative for approval of a 35 cent tax on telephone April. 911 bills The enhanced understanding within for implementation 3 is that years of that if of the vote 911 starting county the money does in not is March implement returned. or He big have thinks 911 influx been indoctrinated is of people an important issue coming into by the television the in Tompkins county and for 911. County with children with the who Co. Rep. Evans - the county board has been reorganized from previous years. The budget and administration committee has been split. It is now the budget committee and governmental affairs committee. Health and Education has also been split. Health has now become Health and Environmental O ua 1 i t y and Education has moved to the Planning Committee. There is an attempt to improve • the direction of the ability for the county to plan and develope a new direction to meet the needs of Tompkins County. There will be a major attempt to restructure county government, which might end up to be a 5 year project. There will be a leadership council made up of beard members, employees and citizens of the county. Every department will be looked at to see what will be needed to stream line it. Management will be eliminated wherever passible. He feels it will be worse before it is better, but in the end it will show a tremendous amount Of improvement in a lot of areas that are lacking. Co. Rep. Totman - the new county representative for Dryden was present. He w i l l try to attend as many Dryden board meetings as he are can make. complaining He enjoys people because that is calling him at home, the way he knows how even if they they are thinking. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - it was the determination of the board to hold off on the final CO for Wilcox Press until all of the parties including Wilcox Press have signed off on the agreement which would allow the use of the fire hydrant. He has received the agreement back signed by c of the neighbors and is now working with H D Besemer. He thinks all neighbors will sign and can be submitted to Wilcox Press. This is the last open issue that he • knows of. Supv Schug - the only other item is the air quality which is controlled by DEC. He did not see any reason to hold up the final CO since the air quality could take 5 years. M A 9 Oil TB1 -11 -94 RAGE B • Atty Perkins - West Dryden Community Center survey - the survey disclosed about 6C.) feet of property which has been occupied by the West Dryden Community Association of which there is n� � record title to He looked over the abstract of title and obtained an estimate from an abstract company to go back. and search the title to find out if there is any record or title to this 60 foot strip of land. This property is awned by the Town of Dryden. In 1831 this property was originally conveyed to the First Union Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Union Corners in the Town of Dryden. It was so held until 1948 when it was conveyed to the Town of Dryden. In 1970 the town conveyed the property the Greater West Dryden Rural Community unity Assoc i at i ran Inc. Apparently there was some mistake made of the grantee and it should have been the Greater West Dryden Rural Cooperative Community Inc. In any event that corporation was dissolved i n 1988. The deed ti-.1 the Greater West Dryden Rural Community Assoc i at i e.-in Inc. contained a reverter in that if the co rmpi::irat ion was ever dissolved the title would revert t� � the town. The town reacquired the property in 1988 when the corporation was dissolved. Since then the town has been insuring the property and allowing its use by permit to the West Dryden Community Association. As part of the grant application for renovations ins t the structure a Survey had to be prepared and this is what disclosed the 60 foot strip of land. He would like authority to spend up to $200.00 fi_ir an abstract of title to see who owns this 60 foot strip of land. If no record evidence can be found an agreement to secure a boundary line should be made with the adjoining owners of Brian and Jody Earle. They have indicated that there would riot be any problem. RESOLUTION #75 ABSTRACT OF TITLE GREATER WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Clm Baker offered adoption= the following resolution and asked for its RESOLVED, that abstract � •f West Dryden $200. 00. this title Community for Town Board a strip Association authorize of land in ze Atty in question an amount Perkins at not to to the exceed get an Greater 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting ing Yes Atty Perkins - Farmers Home Administration also requires similar agreements both from the Town Attorney and Band Council with respect to bonding i.-if any legal services to be preformed for the town in connection with any Farm Home monies. The board previously approved a similar arrangement for the Turkey Hill Sewer District. He would like the Supervisor be authorized to sign agreements which are identical to the ones except they have t• � be for the water district. RESOLUTION #76 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO SIGN DOCUMENTS FOR TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT •Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authorize SUpv Schug to sign all necessary d0 CUriients for the Turkey Hill Water District. 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes TB1 -11 -94 PAGE 3 Co. Rep. Lane - for the 2 villages the local advisory assessment review will be held in Dryden on Feb. 6th from 3PM t� � 6PM and Freevi l le on Feb. 9th from 3PM to 6PM. Co. Rep. Lane - there is an effort under way with respect to the flood control project. This project is under Federal Soil Conservation Service - PL566. The federal government will pay the full cost of the erection of the darii. They will riot pay the local cost of land rights. Under New York State county law there is a provision where by local counties can be reimbursed for �r the land rights up to 50 percent of the expenditures. This is why Tompkins County was designated as the Lead Aqency in the flood project for the t• awn and vi 1 lane. Unfortunately the state has riot funded or appropriated any monev. even the Urih the law says they have to pay that. There are several these projects around the state and there is a Joint .of effort in trying to DressUre the state representatives into making sure there will be sufficient funding to reimburse all of the counties for this 566 programs Whatever fundinq that will come to the county will lower the share that the town and vi l lane will have to pay. SuQv Schua - has sent Copies to the board members and the naming of the dam will be after Dr. Donald Crispel1. Cs Co. ReD. Lane - the Virgil Creek. Watershed steering committee i recommended that it be known as the Dr. Donald H. Cr i sne 1 1 Flood Control •1 Pro .j ect . ENGINEERING Dave Putnam - reported that they are meeting all of the deadlines for the Turkey Hill Water and Sewer pro.ject. Supv SchL[q - there will be another meetinn in Varna on April 20th for the TUrk.ev Hill water /sewer district. ZONING OFFICER - monthly report arid yearly report D i ven to board members HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Supv Schug - highway has requested an agreement to spend highway funds for the summer work Hwy Suot his money. Davinq or blank for does not Gilbert - the county has to agree The co unt v wants to know what reconstruct next year. He has now until he has a meet inq with know the price of oil or material upon where he spends roads the town plans on no idea so he has left it the county on Thurs. He and he does riot know what roads are qoinq t� � be bad until spring time. 40 a� TBl -11 -94 RAGE 4 Hwy Supt Gilbert - would like approval to bid for a low bed trailer. RESOLUTION #77 AP'P'ROVAL TO BID A LOW BED TRAILER Clm C. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize Hwy Supt Gilbert to bid for a low bed trailer. 2nd Clrti Roberts � Roll call vote - all voting Yes CORRESPONDENCE Dryden Village police report form Dryden Lake Park RESOLUTION #78 DISBURSE INTEREST IN MCARTHUR FUND Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to disburse the interest in the McArthur Fund t• � two schools in the Town of Dryden as follows: $83.41 to Dryden Central School and $5.32 t� � George Junior Republic for a total disbursement of $88. 73. and Clm Baker Roll l call vote - all voting Yes • RESOLUTION #79 AUTHORIZE SUP'ERVISQR TO FILE ANNUAL REPORT Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to file his annual report to the State Comptroller and a copy with the Town Clerk. by March 1, 1994 in lieu of his annual report due February 1, 1994 to the Town Board. 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #80 T.C. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT COUNCIL TOWN OF DRYDEN REPRESENTATIVE -• Dennis Swaney Clm T. Hatfield its ads apt ion: RESOLVED, that th representative on term will expire 2nd Clrir Baker OLD BUSINESS ffered t i s Town the T. 12-31-9E Rol 1 he following resolut Beard appoint Dennis C. Environmental Man 0 call vote - all vot ion and asked for Swaney as the town agement COUnci 1. The ing Yes Jeff Walden, Beard H i l l Rd. - wanted to know the status of B. R. Dewitt Supv Schug - B. R. Dewitt is looking and negotiating for a site in the town at the present time. a� TB1 -11 -94 PAGE 5 • Betsy Taber, Beam Hill Rd. - wanted to know the status of the dog control contract? Supv Schug Taber - - at the end of the year town board meeting the the beards decision was to came to an agreement with the SPCA with a contract. When the resolution was made if the SPCA didn't agree with the terms of the contract it would be left open. If the SPCA does agree to the contract the way it was written then the SPCA will handle the dogs. Betsy Taber - wanted to know when the town would knew of their decision about the contract. Supv Schug - hoped by the end of the week. Dryden annual Baker will att R Clm C. Hatfiel its adoptions RESOLVED, that $31,694.26 and $90,044.90 be 2nd Clm Baker firemans meeting - Feb 5th - Clm Roberts and Clm end . ESOLUTION #81 AUDIT ABSTRACT #93 it #101 d coffered the following resolution and asked for abstract #93 voucher #1 to #27 for a total of abstract #101 voucher #28 to 43 form a total of paid as audited. Roll call vote - all voting Yes Adjourned: 8 0 OOPM .000 �- Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk C I Q ORGANIZATIONAL ME =E -r I NG JANUARY 11, 1994 Orrt arlizat icinal meet inrl was held cin Jan 11th instead c �f Jan 4th d�_te� to I j a d snow s cirr11. The Cirraarl i a at i c:irla 1 meeting was called to order~ at 7 „ 3(eePM Rci l 1 call was by T� iwr1 Clerk Lloyd F'r--esent:: SI-tpv Sch1_tg, Clm Baker, Clm T. Hatfield, Clm C. Hatfield, Clem Rciberts, Atty Perkins arid Z. 0. Slater RES7LU -r' mI ON #1 RULES OF PROCEDURE C 1 m Baker cif fered the f o I Iowirig rescll l_tt ion and asked for% its a.dc1pt i� �n e RIee.�SOLVED; that this Town Beard use Town Law Sectinn ##E3 1_nd Clem T. Hatfield Rcil l call vote - all vcit ing Yes RESOL..0 -rION #E SALARY SCHEDULE Clri, C. Hatfield T. Hatfield offered cif fered the followi.rlg resol1_ttion resoll_tticin and asked fore its asked fclr its adc1pt i Yeta adopt icin o RI SOLVED RESC:ILVED9 that the salaries, cif the elected Town Officials be set fcir cif Dryden w i l l be paid weekly, h):.'I..trly emplciyees the year will 1'x`34 as f ci 1 :l � iws the Sl..tpervisor .. Cc, Line i Iman w be paid monthly and appointed employees will be paid anr11_ta11 Co1_trIci 1man (4) ', C.) C.) Highway SI_tper %intendent �'nd Cl.m Rober%ts %399 500 Roll call vote - all voting Yes Tciwn Clerk 139 140 Ti-.­j wr1 J'I_tst ice (2) 1 cai)i_i and Clem C. Hatfield Ri.-j:Ll call vote -- all voting Yes REsoL_U -r I ON #3 SALARY PAYMENT C: l.rii C. Hatfield #4 TELEPHONE offered the fallowing CREDIT resol1_ttion and asked fclr its adc1pt i Yeta RI SOLVED that salaried employees of the Town cif Dryden w i l l be paid weekly, h):.'I..trly emplciyees will be paid bi- -weekly, the Sl..tpervisor arid Cc, Line i Iman w 11 be paid monthly and appointed employees will be paid anr11_ta11 y. �'nd Cl.m Rober%ts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #4 TELEPHONE CREDIT (BARDS Clm Roberts offer-%(-.-2 d t fci �_-- , ._ 11 _wing r c._ =� �11_tt icon and tasked fc�r its adapt iclna RESOLVED, that the telephone r_redit cards be renewed fclr the year 1994 4 fcir' 't hce Tr.1wr! SI_tpery i scir"' and 'T,-.It/jr, At't � lr'ney. ='rlcl Clrrt Baker Rr l 1 call vote -- all voting Yes E RE)OLUT I ON i#5 M I L_E_AGE C I m Daker of f erned the fo11c awing adctpt i i_tref e RESUL.VE:D, thaj:.- the rni leage w 1 1 i rlc I I..td i enrol e 1 ect i cin 7 )PIS pert i ir"s, at I_t__in[:I their own car fclr official mer-_at ingt_. reees! �II_tt irin and asked fc'r' its be paid tc, the Town Officials, a rate of E_S cents per mile when town business ether^ than town 21'eId Clem f. Fatfield Roll call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #6 DESIGNATE OFFICIAL E-ANKS Clrn T. Fiat .adoot is In e fie1d ciffered the follOwirici resolUtivn arld asked for its RES-OLVED, Drvden and for the Town that the Trlwn the Tornokins of Drvden for Board r_lesinnate County Trust the veer 1994. the First Coi-rmanv National as the official Bank. of banks Cnd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vcite - all voting Yes • REc. -30L JT 1. CAN #7 OFFICIAL ADVERT I S I NC7 C:lrn C. Hatfield ciffered the followinn resolution and asked for its adc,ot icons RESOLVED. that this Beard designate the Ithaca Journal for official ,. , :a.c. vert 1�37.ri17 for the v� =ar' 19194, crud r I m Rcibert s Roll call. v� �t e --• a l l vut i nu Yes RE1 :3)0L_UT 10 N CIrn Rc1berts ciffered the radclpt is in F'.ESOL_VED, t hat t h is Tow advance of the audited nr•ec.ented A At the n next rent- F ?F(;-nl.... (`:1rn Maker offered ad�_�ot i�•r. RECCII._VE.i). that this Officer for the ve.ar ,:'?rl l Clm T. Hatfield ADVANCE PAYMENT OF UTILITIES fc i11cmino re =_icj1 u iori and asked for its Board authorize the Suc)er•visor• to Dav jr, claims the utility bills, all clairns to be ar board meet i rici. a l l vot c. -? - a l l vot i nn Yes TnN #9 gFRVTr %E OFF "TrF.R the fc111owinri r•esc,I Lit ion and asked for its TOwn Board aooci i n the Sur:)ery i. scir as Service 1994. RE C I m T. Hat fi.eld -:If fR-re aciclpt. j.1 -1n Roll .l ca 1 1 vc it e - all vot i n ri Yes UT I ON #10 FIRE WARDEN the f - 11.1.owi.nn resolution and asked for its RFSOL_.VET7. that: t; t'1 i. s T owr, Fri -'ard a m.)o i nt the Su Dery i sor as Fire Warden for the year 1994. c.nd C 1 rn C. Hatfield R03.1- Call. VC& a - all VC1t i nrj Yes RE= SOLUTION #11 SPECIAL_ FUND ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION C1rn C. Fiat fieId offered the followirm -resolution aril asked for its r1 rl - 17 t: 1, r rl RE.SBC)L_VE=:T?. that the Tcawn r;1_1nervi.s�.ar h they nower' and duties of adroi. r,ic-,tr< 4•F i r, Ar,1:i s 1.1 oervisi1: 1n of the Town cif Drvden on. Soecial i- - he r,erfc,rrned �r� behalf �_�f the Town Board �1 --.= r-_�ssrolerit: Fiend f unrrt i cans, . �_� _ for the vear 1994. c::Srid Clrn Rohp? - %f :_; Rr-,11 C A 1 1 vote - all votinu Yes PAGE 2 CAN PAGE 2 CAN RE CiOLUT I ON #12 F' I FZE= CC)N "f RAC'1 "S AND AMBULANCE CONTRACTS C:Im Rrlbert4.s offered the a d o F) •t i 1,1 n o •, RESOLVED, that and Ambu 1 ante cont Tact so grid C1rtt Idaker- fol lowing r' E? S. C., 1 U i1:1 n and asked fc ir' its the Si_tpervisor- be authi Sri z ed to pay the Fire Contracts Contracts rur -the year 1994 as per% the budget and the Roll call. vote -- all vint i ng Yes RESOLUTION #_1_3 SUBDIVISION CONTROL OFFICER - - - -- -AND MULTIPLE RESIDENCE INSPECTOR - - C 1 m Baker ad 1:1 pt i � �ri o off=ered the folli:iwirig r�esolUtiCjn and asked fi .-Ir its RESOLVED, Cr Drftr�ol. Officer grid Clm T. that Hatfield this a-rid Multiple I "yawn E ;�_�ard Residency Roll call appoint vote Inspect1 - Henry -.Ir all vc1t Slater fr-Ir ing as Subdivision the year 1994° Yes )RESOLUTION #14 LICENSOR F= OR GAMES OF CHANCE= C1rii Te Hatfield i_lffered the following resolutij_,n and asked for% its RE .SOLVED, that this Ti_,wri Esc yard appoint Susanne L l c iyd as 1 i censo rr fo rr f:]aI'llrYs °!•C Chcrlt�F? fj=r' the yE ?ar 1'x`34. 2nd C I m C. Hatfie1di Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #15 PETTY CASH C I m C. Hatfield offered the following res�?11_ttion and asked fore its ' ztdoF)tionc RESCIL -VED, that this Town Board authorize a petty cash fund for the 1'Dwn C1er-•k. ni:-it to exceed $1oC1, O ), and lax Di.1Iecti_tr' ni.-A to exceed 100, C)t), F'etty cash as. needed fo rr postage meter, and Justice petty cash fund nc_it t exceed $100.0C). E'r•id Clm R lbert =_s Roll call .vote - all. voting Yes RESOLUTION #16 COURT CLERK RESOLUTION #147 COURT CLERK, C I m R� � berts offerned ads ipit ir.1 n e the offer f1.-j1 11 =wing resl::,l Board ut ion and asked fI :jr� i•ts RESOLVED, that this Clerk f• it the year week. Town 1994 f _or the year' 2nd Clm T. Hatfield B oar%d at appr.,int a salary of Jean $259 5C Ryan )o for� as Senior Court a 40 hcnur work Enci Clm Daker-. Roll week. Yes call vcit e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #147 COURT CLERK, PAGE 3 Clm Etakr-_rm ad0Pt i on o RESOLVED, that offer Ezad this the f'DI1owing 'rown Board r^esr.jlution appoint and Debra Smiley a.sP..Lmd four its as Co ur_ t Clerk f _or the year' 2nd Clm T. Hatfield 1:94 at a salary Roll $181600 call. fcnrr a vc_ite - 40 hr.ii..tr all voting witrk. week. Yes PAGE 3 RESOLUTION #18 SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER SUPERVISOR C I m T. Hatfield upcln appoint to be I.If offerred fl rn cif Depi_tty fc lr, the following fclllowirig ad c, pt resolutil -.1n arid asked adopt ion o Yes RESOLVED, that this Town Board, RESOLVED, that Taxeii; this Town Board <.:s, appc l i rat D i anise Mcl= a I I Supervisclr's a salary End Clm C. of $1a, Hatfield Crinfi.dential 7'7`; at fora a Secretary 40 hclIAr wclrk. Rclll call & vote Bl :lclkk.eeper week.. -- all voting fl_Ir, the year, Yes RESOLUTION #19 RECEIVER C:lf-' TAXES & ASSESSMENTS for., its as the 1994 at CIrn C. Hatfield olffered the fclllowi.ng resolUticlr"I and asked fclr. its ad 1.Ipt i l::ln e RESOLVED, t hat t h i s Town Boar-d appoint Susanne Lloyd as Receiver of Taxes and Assessments at a salary cif $59616 fc rn the year 1994. _nd C:;lrn P.o�t:)ert =_> Rio" 11l call vclte -- all vl- .tirig Yes RESOLUT ION 1#c_i_y APPOINT DEPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES & ASSESSMENTS CIrn Rclberts upcln appoint to be I.If fered fl rn cif Depi_tty fc lr, the fclllowirig ad c, pt i on an vote --- a l l voting Yes RESOLVED, that this Town Board, Receiver° of Taxeii; & At:ssesisroent <.:s, Rer..ei.ver olf Taxes & Assessments at week fl_Ir the year 1994. 2nc:l C l m Baker RI 1 1 call vclt e .-I rreso I ut i on and asked f� rm i t s '_ipclrI the rechlmmendat i� in of the appoint Wanita Baldwin as Deputy a salary cIf $41501 fc tr a 10 hoLw a11. vcltir�g Yes RESOLU'l "ION ##�11 APPOINT DEPUTY I -RECEIVER OF TAXES P, ASSESSMENTS C 1 m Baker d t i RESOLVED, Receiver Recel i. v e r Year 1994. u'nd C 1 rn 1`. clfferned the fcl.11owing rescz,1ution and asked for its that this "rc lwn Boo -wd, '_tpCI ri t he re commend at i on of the In f TCA :D and Asses:)sment s, appoint Linda Wl� od i n as Deputy cif Taxes & Assessments to be paid $7. 10 per he urn fora the Hatfield Roll .l call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION 7#22 APPOINT DEPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES & ASSESSMENTS Clm C. Hatfield ad1:1 tir,ria RE C:ILVE-_D, that Receiver^ Iwlf Taxes Rece i ver cif Taxes year 1994. clffered the fill.11ivairig this Town Boiard & A<_iss4pss rile nts and Assessments upcln appoint to be resolution the paid and asked recornrneridat iclr-, Barbara Ensign as $7. 10 per ho urn fl rn cif Depi_tty fc lr, its the the E . r i d C l rn Roberts RI^I l 1 call vote --- a l l voting Yes RESOLUTION Town salary of 7 #E:3 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN CLERK C I m Roberts r_Iffer %ed the f :_11lowirig rest Iution and asked ad t i c In o RESOLVE:.D, that this Tclwn Board, upl_Irt the recclmmendation of Clerk, appllint Wariita Baldwin as Deputy Town Clerk at a $4,501 01 folr a. 10 hoi_w week for the _Year 1994. cnd Clm Baker Rcll 1 call vote - all vclt ing Yes • PAGE. 4 for, its the Town salary of a 5 RESOLUTION #24 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN CLERK C 1 m Baker that offered per' the f11111 -.1wi.rig re so I u t ion and asked for% its services adopt I1 i 1...1r, o RE"IS0LVED, that this Town Board upon the r,ecommendat ion of the Town • C1 ern k. .appoint Linda Woodi.n as Deputy Ti�wn Cler-•k to be paid $7.10 per, 1 -,1 �ur fhlr the year, 1994. 2nd Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all vl.1ting Yes to RESOLUTION 4 *25 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN CLERK C1rii T. Hatfield I.-if fered the fcllll:twing res1-lutic-in and asked fl_Ir its adrIpt i.l_In RESOLVED, Clerk Appoint that this Town BoEand Barbara Ensign as per' hoLurn fo rn the year' 1994. _rid ('v.lm C. Hatfield services u pc-.tri the recommendat i rlri of the Town Deputy Town ('.Ierk to be paid $ 7.10 call. vote -- a l l v� It i n g Yes RESOLUTION #26 ASSISTANT BUDGET OFF I C:ER Clm C. Hatfield i7dl Ipt ii_Ir� s RES:>OLVED, that Budget Officer ='rid C l m Rla beret G., 1_Iffered the following resolutic-In and asked fo rn its this TI_Iwn BiDard apprli.nt Dianne McFall as the assistant •f o rn the year, 19`34 at a salary of $1,275 per year. RI_Il 1 call vote - all v1.-lt ing Yes RI4:SOLUTION #E7 CONTRACT TOWN ATTORNEY CIrir Rl.-jberts ijffer imd the f1_II 11_Iwin1 r .5.111..i•t il_In and asked for its -do pt i1.1nv RESOLVED, t hat t h i s 1-own Board c.c.- Irit Tact with Mah 1 i-. In Perkins as the TI_IwrI Attl.-irney at the rate I.-If $1,600 per rilonth flair the year 1994 tl_I dl L:II_A lar agreed �_�p1ln Town bUSines =s. All 1_Ither' b�_isiness will be billed at a rate of $1.15 per I-II.- rr as per' r Irlt rac•t . �'nc I - all voting ng Yes o � E RESOLUTION #LB ENGINEERING Calm Baker rlffered •th(:= folll .-swing r•esi.Iution and asked for, its adl_Ipt i i 1 1 er P. RESOLVED, Eng i neer r v% the s year t h at and Architects 1994 this TI_Iwn Board coat rac•t with and Georn ge Sch 1 echt as needed. services T. G. M i 1 1 er P. C. , Hunt for engineering services i_rid i lm T. Hatfield RI-.111 call VI.-lte °- all vo•ting Yes RESOL_UT I ON 29 INSPECTORS C 1 m T. Hatfield o f f e -rn e the following resolution and asked forr its ad;,p•t ii:_Iri RESOLVED, that t h i =_s Tiylwr-i Bciard inspects 1rs who wl :Ir,k in 1994 as gs1i-5n C) O f. r% registration and $80m 00 c_nd Clrii C. Hatfield IR1.-i11 call aut h1_Ir- i z e payment fo11cwdsa $50n 00 for elect i.l.ln day. vote e - all voting PAGE 5 to the election foil primary day, Yes N RESOLUTION l #30 PUBLIC WORKS SU1JER I NTIE'NDENT Clm C. Ha•I,fie1d -If fered the following ress_i1l..ttion and asked fora its adc,pt icon • RESOLVED, that t h i s WI_Irk {s Si_tperintendent year-%, 2nd Clrn Roberts "town Board appclint Donald fcjll1_Iwirig Gilbert rescilution arid asked for its as the P1 -cblic Town Hall fc lr the year 1994 at a salary rate extra of of $2985() the per Roll call. vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION i #31 CLEANING CONTRACT Clrn R�iberts2 clfferned adI-Dpt i cir•1 e the fcjll1_Iwirig rescilution arid asked for its offer °ed RF-SOLVE_r ?, that this perscIn fClr the Town T45. C) C) per week for Town Hall three Board fcir the (:) appoint year hours> Debbie 1994 to perm Foote be paid week. as the cleaning at the When asked, rate extra of cleaning to be paid Crid C 1 m E: ;esker at the R c - i same 1 1 Call rate. vi-It e - a 1 1 vcjt i ng Yes appoint L_i RESOLUTION #31=: API -'O I N•T B I NG0 I NS1='E.CTO R RESOLUTION #33 DOG CONTROL CONTRACT C1 offered the following r °- escilution and asked for% its adcipt ion RESOLVED, t h at this Town Board coat Tact with rid C1 TO BE DONE: AT FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION #344 FIR SIT DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT_ C::Im T. Hatf ield offered the fi_i1 lowing resc it ut icon and asked for its adapt is on RESOLVED, that this Town Boa.r^d Liocin the reci: irnriiF?riclC-xt i c in of the H i rihway Sur.,ernintencient. aoociint .lack F'ark as first Deouty. Suot cif Hiohways f -.-I Y-% the vear 1994 at a salary cif $31.25). 2nd Cl.rn C. Hatfield Doll call vote - all votin❑ YF =s RFq_ 0k...LITTON #k : Z SNFCONT) DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT CIuI C. Flat fie1d offered the folli_winp rerSolution and asked form its adapt icin: RE:SOL_VED, that this Town Boared aripc1int Randv Riker as the Sec:cind Depl_ity Highway Super^iritendent fcrr the yearn 1994 at an additional hour^l.v rate of $1 . CSC) when, rerfr_;rrn].rlrl these duties. E:nd C 1 ri7 Robert s RcI 1 1 r_ a l l vote - all vc�t i no Ye�S PAGE G R N i lm ksaker offer °ed the fcil 1� swing r%es� ili_tt icin and asked f� �r its adept i can e RESOLVED, that this Tciwn Board appoint L_i rid a Wciodin a<< 13irigo Inspector fcir the year 1994 in the amoUnt cif $150.00 to be paid a n n u a 11 v. 2nd Clrri� "r. Hatf ield Roll call vcite - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #33 DOG CONTROL CONTRACT C1 offered the following r °- escilution and asked for% its adcipt ion RESOLVED, t h at this Town Board coat Tact with rid C1 TO BE DONE: AT FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION #344 FIR SIT DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT_ C::Im T. Hatf ield offered the fi_i1 lowing resc it ut icon and asked for its adapt is on RESOLVED, that this Town Boa.r^d Liocin the reci: irnriiF?riclC-xt i c in of the H i rihway Sur.,ernintencient. aoociint .lack F'ark as first Deouty. Suot cif Hiohways f -.-I Y-% the vear 1994 at a salary cif $31.25). 2nd Cl.rn C. Hatfield Doll call vote - all votin❑ YF =s RFq_ 0k...LITTON #k : Z SNFCONT) DEPUTY HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT CIuI C. Flat fie1d offered the folli_winp rerSolution and asked form its adapt icin: RE:SOL_VED, that this Town Boared aripc1int Randv Riker as the Sec:cind Depl_ity Highway Super^iritendent fcrr the yearn 1994 at an additional hour^l.v rate of $1 . CSC) when, rerfr_;rrn].rlrl these duties. E:nd C 1 ri7 Robert s RcI 1 1 r_ a l l vote - all vc�t i no Ye�S PAGE G R N 0 I6tESOLUTION #36 SECIRETARY-- BOOKKEEf='iER HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT C1rii Roberts offerred the f1:1l li. iwirig resizi1 ut ion and asked fora its the fo11nwing r'•est-Ili_tt i� �n and asked fot� its adopt ir.1nn ion C.Iril Ri_iber-ts i_iffe'red the foIIowinq RESOLVED, that this T'Dwrl F.. oar °d appoint Dianne McFall as Secr,etar,y- Boi_,kkeepet% to the Highway Deparntrrtent for% the year 1994 at a salary of $1115802 authr.ir�ize payriient to Gadatic-1 rt at a 2'.nd Clrn Baker-. that the SLtpermv Roll call vi,1te - a.11 voting Yeas 1:1 pay the Library is RESOLUTION #307 GADABf_IUT C I m Baker offered 1Dffrm r�ed - the f,illowing- r °eiSi:jli..ttion and Tiziwn t :trawl a ut hrirr i ze payment to � T. C. �r% the year 1994 as per% the budget when asked fl::Ir its Sen i ot� s at a the funds are the fo11nwing r'•est-Ili_tt i� �n and asked fot� its adopt ion C.Iril Ri_iber-ts i_iffe'red the foIIowinq r�eso Iuti.r.rr-i and asked form its RESOLVED, that thi.s ad,Dpt i on °u Town Boarmd authr.ir�ize payriient to Gadatic-1 rt at a RESOLVED, that the SLtpermv i sor• be aut hr. lr i zed t 1:1 pay the Library rata of $49600 C ontr-•act form $31500 the year 1994 as per the when the funds are bi..tdget when the funds are avai fable. c'nci Clr�� T. Hatfield R�o�11 call vote - all voting Yes RESOI ... UT I ON #::38 T. C. Sen i l,irs C I m T. Hatfield ad co pt i r.In a RESOLVED, rate �_�f $ avai lab1e. that , 1Ot�) this f� 1Dffrm r�ed - the f,illowing- r °eiSi:jli..ttion and Tiziwn t :trawl a ut hrirr i ze payment to � T. C. �r% the year 1994 as per% the budget when asked fl::Ir its Sen i ot� s at a the funds are 2nd Clm C. Hatfield Roll call vcite - all vc-itinq Yes IRE.S.OLUT I ON #339 RECREATION AND YOUTH SERVICES ADMINISTRATION C1m C. Hatfield ::Iffered the folli .-,wing resl_jlt.tti�in and asked form its Aadr'�:'•L: i'~'n o RE` CLJL -VED, that the Town ref Dryde'r, appoint Wanita Baldwin as the administrator f1:1 r r'ecr' eation and youth r�ervices form the year 1934 at a rate rit' $9.10 per h• ur- . ��nd C l m Robert s Re- 1 1 ca 1 1 v r _ � t e - a l l vc_it i ng Yes RESOLUTION #40 SOUTHWORTH LIBRARY avai I able. �'nd Clm Baker Rr.il 1 call vate -- all voting :ing Yes Rk=SOLUTION #41 LEARNING WED C1rii Baker^ offered the fol lowing rest iIut ion and asked fI:.,r its IRdC,pt iC'ne RESOLVED, that the uper-vi -o be authl.:Irized to pay Learning Web at a rate of $19500.00 fr:ir° the yearn 1994 when the funds at-•e available. ='rid Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes PAGE 7 7 i C.Iril Ri_iber-ts i_iffe'red the foIIowinq r�eso Iuti.r.rr-i and asked form its ad,Dpt i on °u RESOLVED, that the SLtpermv i sor• be aut hr. lr i zed t 1:1 pay the Library C ontr-•act in the am urit r.1f $31500 for% the year 1994 when the funds are avai I able. �'nd Clm Baker Rr.il 1 call vate -- all voting :ing Yes Rk=SOLUTION #41 LEARNING WED C1rii Baker^ offered the fol lowing rest iIut ion and asked fI:.,r its IRdC,pt iC'ne RESOLVED, that the uper-vi -o be authl.:Irized to pay Learning Web at a rate of $19500.00 fr:ir° the yearn 1994 when the funds at-•e available. ='rid Clm T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes PAGE 7 7 i MA in RESC.:LI ... 1 11' 1 ON i #4�=' AIDS WORK C.If,1 T. Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked fr.ir its ads apt i <<r, c RESC)LVED, that the Supervisor b e ZMAthori ed to pay AIDS Work. at a ® mate of $500. 00 form the year 1994 t-dhen the fi..tnds are available. r''r,d Clm C. Hatfield Roll call v�ite - all voting Yes E RESOL_U1 Hatfield offercnd the 1 C]N #4:3 for its RESOLVED, DISPLACED the Su.pery i s o r be a ut horn i zed t o pay D i sp 1 aced HOMEMAKERS BUILDING Fv4lES(3LVED, Homer,rakFer:s Center of { orupkins Cer,ter at rs rate of 4(0. 00 for the amo,.tr,t 1-1f bc o C.) fi.-jr the CIm C. Hatfield riffered the fc.11lowing resi::ilutii::in and asked for its ,adopt i on e Hatfield offercnd the following r e s o I u t i 1-.1 n and asked for its RESOLVED, that the Su.pery i s o r be a ut horn i zed t o pay D i sp 1 aced adj_1pt i C1 ri e BUILDING Fv4lES(3LVED, Homer,rakFer:s Center of { orupkins Cer,ter at rs rate of 4(0. 00 for the amo,.tr,t 1-1f bc o C.) fi.-jr the yearn 1994 to be paid ar,r,,_R :, I. 1 y. B�_!i1ding Cede r'r_)�F t year year when funds ctY�e? available. � �?. 11r per h�1�_tr� f•. =r Roll call vote -• a l l voting Yes the -, year End C 1 m Ri +bert s Roll call vote - a l l voting Yes nd C 1 m RoL.1erts RESOLu'r I ON ##44 AE ='GO I NT TOWN HISTORIAN Yes C�Im Roberte: Hatfield offercnd the following r e s o I u t i 1-.1 n and asked for its SOCIETY ASSISTANT_ adj_1pt i C1 ri e BUILDING Fv4lES(3LVED, t hat t h i s TiDwr, BiDard apps ,.I i n Harland Carpenter as Town Iiisi :Iriar, in the amo,.tr,t 1-1f bc o C.) fi.-jr the yearn 1994 to be paid ar,r,,_R :, I. 1 y. B�_!i1ding Cede Inspect���r at tl�e rat .:.1 nd C:l m Baker � �?. 11r per h�1�_tr� f•. =r Roll call vote -• a l l voting Yes the -, year 1994. C1r,l Ba kin r~ of- adopt. i r, ERE_S'0LVED, that Historical SI::Ic budget when the Cnd C 1 m T. Hat f RESOLUTION Hatfield I #4'7 i #45 DRYDEN H I STOR I COAL SOCIETY ASSISTANT_ BUILDING fered thle fI_&I t h i s TI awn B iety at a rat funds are avai. ield RI:a lowing rJEDSID II.At i yard _IUthori z e e of $1,00C.) for t fable. 11 call vote - al n and asked for :Lt =_ payment tc- 1 the Dryden he year 1994 as per the 1 voting Yes BESOLUT 1' ON #46 BUILDING CODE INSPECTOR C.lm T. Hatfield offered the fr.11l wing resolution arid asked for its RESOL._V +�D5 tt,at this Town Board app_Iint Henry Slater as Building Cede :Cr,spectr.fr fern the year 1994 at a salary of $17,95o. C:lui C. I- latfield Roll call vote - all vr.iting Yes F wSOL.T E Hatfield I ON #4'7 resoll.ttion APPOINT and asked for its Ekd0 G,t i ASSISTANT_ BUILDING I PI PECTOR RESOLVED, thryt this Tovar, Board appi_iint _ ir,ton Cotteri.l l as the assistt�r,'1_ B�_!i1ding Cede Inspect���r at tl�e rat ea i�,f � �?. 11r per h�1�_tr� f•. =r CIr,i C. Hatfield offered the fl:a1.lowing resoll.ttion and asked for its Ekd0 G,t i RESOLVED, thryt this Tovar, Board appi_iint CI ir,ton Cotteri.l l as the assistt�r,'1_ B�_!i1ding Cede Inspect���r at tl�e rat ea i�,f � �?. 11r per h�1�_tr� f•. =r the -, year 1994. nd C 1 m RoL.1erts Roll call vi: -jte - all voting Yes PAGE 8 9 i i I I RESOLUTION #48 ZONING OFFICER C:; 1.m R - 1berts.> offer ^ed the f1_111.1: 1wing resi>o1.ut ion and asked for its ad pt i o n u. RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Henry Slater as Zoning Officer for the year 1994 at a salary of $17,950. and Clm Baker- Ri.- i 1 1 call vote e - a l l vc- it i n g Yes C1.n1 adopt i RESOLY ass i t:St 19 _94 . 2nd C 1 Baker Z n a ED, ari•t m T. RESOLUTION #49 AP'P'OINT ASSISTANT ZONING OFFICER offered the foIIoviirig resi::i 1 ut i i.-in and asked fr.ir its that this Town Board apps pint C1 inti •n Cotteri the fo110 wing l l as the Zoning its Officer at the rate -.if $9. iG ad1: 1pt per hi.nur for the year Hatfield Roll call vote - -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION 1 #5() AP'P'OINT SECRETARY TO ZONING OFFICER C I m T. Hatfield �.:ld pt i r. u RESOLVED, that t to the Z• fining 0 fClr art 1 0 hour w r. I::'nd Clm C. f�atf'iel offered the following resolut ie.in and asked for its his "I"'-.Iwrl Board appoint Wanita Bzildwin the Secretary f icer at the salary of $49501.50 for the year 1994 k. week. d Roll call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #51 AP'P'OINT SECRETARY TO BUILDING I NSI= EC'TOR C1m C. Hatfield c-if fered the following resolution and asked fr.jr its idoF.)t iriIn . RESCILVED, that thi=_> Town Beard appoint Wanita Baldwin the Secretary tI'j the B u i I d i n g Inspector at the salary i.:If $4,501.5o for 'the year 1.994 fors are 10 hour work week. end Clm Ri_iberts R• it 1 call vi.-rte - all vi_It ing Yes RESOLUTION #52 APPOINT S I TF: PLAN REVIEW SECRETARY RESC)LUT I ON #53 PLANNING BOARD CHA I RIDERSON C 1 ril B a ke r - ffered the following r ^esolut ion and asked f I-Dr its adopt i on REE30LVED, that this TC,wn Board appoint Barbara Caldwell as the Planning BoOtrd Chairpersi_jn for the year 1994 at a rate of $400 to be paid aflrl u'a y. �''riC! C 1 m T'. Hatfield • Roll call vCIte -- all viziting PAGE. 9 Yes C;Iril Roberts offered the fo110 wing re =_ o1Ut ir. in and asked for its ad1: 1pt iI_I'rie RE:SOL_VED, that this Town boar-•d appi-J i nt Susanne Lloyd as secretary to the Site Plan Review Bcnard frrr the year 1994 at a rate of $9. 1C.) per hi'lUr. ''nd C : I m Baker Rr.11 1 call vote a l l voting Yes RESC)LUT I ON #53 PLANNING BOARD CHA I RIDERSON C 1 ril B a ke r - ffered the following r ^esolut ion and asked f I-Dr its adopt i on REE30LVED, that this TC,wn Board appoint Barbara Caldwell as the Planning BoOtrd Chairpersi_jn for the year 1994 at a rate of $400 to be paid aflrl u'a y. �''riC! C 1 m T'. Hatfield • Roll call vCIte -- all viziting PAGE. 9 Yes • RESOLUTION #k54 APPOINT PLANNING BOARD SECRETARY C 1 rn T. Hat f i ad gotiono RES01...VE 1='r, t ha I-' 1 and i ng Bl: lard -rid C 1 rn C. Hat eld r.1f fered the fr. ll l owinu resol ut il-Jr, and as=ked for its t this Tr:lwn Board ancrt.- Tint Jean Rvan as secretary for the fi -1r the year 1994 at a rata i.-if $9.10 per hiziur. field R� it 1 call vote - all vot iron Yes RESOLUTION ##55 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS CHAIRPERSON C1ril C. Hat f ield offered the f� �l lowing rei5ol -it i.r. in and asked fc.ir its RESOLVED. that this, Town Board aopc l i nt Bo rd r.1f Aooeals Chairraersi.-in f�!r the Year be paid annually. -'nd C l rn R� � ber•t s R� X 1 1 call v• -1t e -- a l l Aran Everett Hatfield - if as the ress.-ilutir.in Zon i. rip 1994 at a rate of $4c.)o to vot i ran Yes RESOLUTION 1 #56 SECRETARY TO ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS C1rn Roberts- tffered the adopt i -,rye R1 S(6)L.VED. that Z i n a Bnard h� i:'r'jd Clrn Baker f•.'1.l1- ,wirio rest.11uti' -Dn and asked fi -ir its this Town E,r.,ard a or:to i nt Jean Rvan as secret r-.lry for the -�'t Aooea.ls fi -�r the vest r' 1`354t't a r�atF:.� . -.F `9. 10 per RI-1-11.1 cc-0.1 v c - I t . , e - a l l vt;t i nta Yes RESOLUTION # #567 SPECIAL_ DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION CIrn Baker offered ::a d 1 -1 p t i 1 -1 rl u RESC1L.VED. t a—kt the G' a d rn i.11 i to t r i"x t iI in ckyold I rn oroverner,t Dj, s t; r• j, c•t B[:Iar d. Cnd C 1 m T. Hatfield th-ie f - Cllr -fwina resr- I1utiori and asked fc#r its Town SUoervis or• has the [sower and duties. iif sm :)ervisir.-%n 1 -1f the Town 1:1f Drvden on Special f l.,•ric�t i ons to be oerfr Jrrned c.in behalf of the Town Roll call vinte -- all vi -Jtino Yes RESOLUT ION ##58 HIGHWAY SALARIES CIrn T. Hatfield - if fered the f!_lllowinn ress.-ilutir.in and asked fr..'r its ... d C1 Cit i1_!rf u RESOLVED. t hat al l h i ohwav emQ 11 -iyees will be paid in a rarioe nl -it to n:i 1C. 15 oer hi ::iur. r�a.s reciorilrner�ded L>>✓ the H :LLhw4�v Si_toerirrtent :lent .c for the vear 1994. s nd C l rn ('::. Hat f i e l d Roll call vote - all v� �t i ran Yes RESOLUTION i #59 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE C1rn C. Fiat field of fered the f• 111 twino resolut il:_1rl and asked for its _adIn9t i� �rl RESCiLVED. that the Hinhwav Suc)erintendent be authorized to have the f u I 1 t i me perrnanerit h i ohwav ernp 1i 1yees is urchase wi -irk c 1 i -It h i ng in an c- :! I'll C,lirit rant to exceed $1.25.00 eaC. ".he End Clrn Rr- Iberts Roll call vote -- all vot ino Yes PAGE 1 i C7 Jl RESOLUTION #Go PURCHASE OF SMALL_ TOOLS C I m Ri.- ibertts offered the adopt ir.ine fo11owing resi.-jI u t i� to and •asked fl it its RESOL..VEEI:7, that ' small tr.l ols not 2nd C l r,i Baker the Highway t• � exceed $3;, Roll call Superintendent 0t.0o 0o VI.-It e for the - a 1 1 v1_1t be year i rig authorized to pUrchase 1994. Yes RESOLUTION -M:Fj l GASCIL. I NE AND DIESEL PUIRCHASE C I m Baker ij-ffered the f>= ,IIowinrl res���1�_tti��n and a4 ;ke.d for its aricIfit i1-. 1ri F?ESOL -VED, thC-kt the -rown rJf Dryden accept State pricing, Courity Cit.. 1I.-Jca.l bid for gasoline and diesel ti--j be p+..trchased fi_ir the i-tse i_if ti awn e u i pment for the year 1994. 2rid C:lm T. Hatfield Roll call vote= - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #62 TIRE PURCHASE CIm #t64 T. Hat. fie1d offered they f011Owirig t he Town pI..trchas%e 1:1f Roll resOIUtior) and asked f its voting State, County Or 1 COca l for the year 1994. Yes - adopt ii!ri an REi:314 1LVED, that t he Town of Dryden accept State pricing, Cr_1unt y or II:Ica1 hid fcIr the purchase r.1f tires f�_�r the use :in town equipment for the year 19944 2nd C 1 rrt C. Hatfield Roll call v� .t e- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #63 P I PIE AND CULVERT.. C1rn C. Hatfield riffered the fc-1111:1wing resolutii:irl and asked for its Ci apt i n RE:S:30L-VED, that the Ti iwri :If Dryden accept C� unity cq, local pricing for p i pe arjd cu 1 veert purchased f= lr t Ow11 highway p�..trchases for the year 19')4 C 'nd C" ri1 Robert � Roll 1 cal 1 v�:ite -- all voting ing Yep:, RESOLUTION #t64 OIL AND STONE PURCHASE and a=sked f�Ir its RE'ES tL.-VE:D, that pricing fI_rr the ;_'rite C l m Baker t he Town pI..trchas%e 1:1f Roll if Dryden road oils call C1ril R;_Dberts -If a(J c i f:)t i 1n o fered the f r.j 11 :.iw i n g re <-o1uti(In and a=sked f�Ir its RE'ES tL.-VE:D, that pricing fI_rr the ;_'rite C l m Baker t he Town pI..trchas%e 1:1f Roll if Dryden road oils call vote accept and store -- a l l voting State, County Or 1 COca l for the year 1994. Yes RESOLUTION #65 SALT AND AND PURCHASE - C I m Etaker iffered the fo11i.-jwirig resr.,l ,adt ipt: iore RESOLVE), that tFore Town of Dryden accept for the. 1:3urchase i.-If salt and sand fCC C:ILit part meat f r.ir the year 1994. Clm 'T. Hatfield Rr.111 call vl::Ite PAGE 1 I. u i1::1n arid asked for its State, COIDI city or local bid r Use by the town highway - all v! 1t ing Yes. I 1a RESOLUT I ON #66 GLJ I DES RA I L PU RCFJASE CIm T. Hatfield offered the follr.iwinq r�escnlution i.� Ana l m and asked fore its adopt iona on Dec - a l l Joe •gist voting La l l ey to the Dryden 20oo. Yes BOARD MEMBER 31st RESOLVED, fJ -Dr fors the and C the 1 m that pi.!rn year C. Hatfield the chase 1994. TiDwri of guide Roll of Dryden rail call accept foi.% use vote by - all State, the town voting County or° local b i d highway department Yes RESOLUTION C. Hatfield offered #67_ resolutil APPOINT adopt RESOLVED, Planning 2nd C i.� Ana l m that this Board whose Rc1 ber•t s Town term will Roll PLANNING on Dec - a l l Joe •gist voting La l l ey to the Dryden 20oo. Yes BOARD MEMBER 31st 1998. Hatfield RS_i11 call vote -- all voting Yes CIM C. Hatfield offered ion the fi :11lowing resolutil :m and asked fore its adopt RESOLVED, Planning 2nd C i.� Ana l m that this Board whose Rc1 ber•t s Town term will Roll Board appoint expire call vote on Dec - a l l Joe •gist voting La l l ey to the Dryden 20oo. Yes RESOLUTION Y #68 A(='PO I N "C ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEMBER Clm Rc,bc -arts ��ffered the ad! pt i on a R�:SOL.VED, that Dryden Z n n i n g .l 9`_•5.7. 2' 'nd C1.m Baker C:l.m Baker adCI pt i. ors an FZESOL.VE::D, Industria.I 'rid C1m "r . t h i. s Town of Appeals f1 :111 _wing r•eso I ut ion and asked fors its fora its Board Board appoint: whose term Alan w i (Nick) l l expire LaMotte on to Dec the 31st or, Dec Roll call ve.- It e - all voting RESOLUTION #69 APPOINT .I. DA MEMBER offered the foIIowing r e s :_11ution and Yes asked for its that this Hatfield Town Beard MANDATORY appoint Tony Palumbo fora its adoF)t icln a RE- .S0LVEDI dur� i n g the Cnd C1m C. to the Dryden Agency whose term shall attend all expire or, Dec 31st 1998. Hatfield RS_i11 call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION Hatfield #7s �- MANDATORY res,::,1ution JUSTICE and asked fora its adoF)t icln a RE- .S0LVEDI dur� i n g the Cnd C1m C. SCHOOLING the 199+ Justices and be r %eimbI.Wsed be authorized Ri,111 call to for actual vote - attend all � schools Yes C 1 m T. Hatfield offered the folli_Ming res,::,1ution and asked fora its adoF)t icln a RE- .S0LVEDI dur� i n g the Cnd C1m C. that year Hatfield the 199+ Justices and be r %eimbI.Wsed be authorized Ri,111 call to for actual vote - attend all training expenses. voting schools Yes PAGE 12 i i I • 13 RESOLUTION # 7 ]. _I NVESTMEN -f E='OL I C I E S_ AND Y.._ GUIDELINES F OR `f HE TOWN OF DRYDE::N C 1 m C. Hatfield i_:iffer °ed the followint reso1Lttir.in and asked fotr its adopt i on RE:� OLVE:D, that the obJect ives of the Investment policy of the Town of Dr %yderi are to mir•iimize risk; ti=D incur ~e that investmentiS mature when the cash is required tr. i f inance operat is ins; and to insuti e a competitive rate of reti_irn. In accordance with this policy, the ..)Uper%visotr is hereby authc-ir^i-.ed t invest all fUnds iric%1u ling prlDr_eeds of i:_ibl igat ii- 1ns and reserve funds in: Cer -t if i cat es of Depos i t s i ssi..ted by a bank Ot� trust cr.impany authoi^i ed tr.i dr:j business in New York State; Time Deposit Accounts i. n a bank car' trust cr.lmpany authorized to do businec.]s in New Yr.irk State" - Obligation of New Yor %k. State„ Obl i gat ic-ins i:_jf the United States Gi ivernment °v _. Only reserve fUnds may be invested in Obligations of the Town of Dryden. All r=ather Local Gover'nriient fficials receiving mr.iney ire their 1:1 f f i c i;a I capacity must deposit such fI_( nds in negi=1t iable � �rrder of withdrawal acco u.nt s. A11 ir-ivestments made pursuant to this investment pr.1li.cy shall comply with the fr.il.lowing Condit ionsc .1.. COLLATE=RAL a. Cer-%t i f i cat es r f De pc �s i t s sha 1 1 be f u l l y secured by i r�sura.r ice 1_1f the Federal Dep =1sit Insut� ance Ci;r %po)-nations rnr by i.-ibl igat it =ins of New Yor•k State ; tr cibl igat ir.1ns of the United States or 1-. 1bl i gat ik-. 1r1s cif federal algenciens the principal and interest cif which are guaranteed by the United States, 1 =)r obi i gat io ns of New Yormk State Ioca1 rloverrimerit s. Col 1 at E =tra 1 shall be de 1 i vexed t the Town of Dryden or a cu=.� >te1dia1. bark. The market value -Df collater %al shall at all times eqUal f-Ir exceed the principal arilou.rit cif the certificate of depiisit. 11aterrr1 shall be riionitoroed n1 less frecjuently than qLtarterly. b. Co11ate:a a1 shall not be regi_iired with respect ti_i the direct uv� chase cif Dbl i g -tt ions of New York. State obligations Df the United States, and obligatic =iris iDf feder °al :agencies the principal and i rit crest of which are g uar•ant eed by the United States Government s. 21, DELIVERY OF SE.CURITIE:S mot. Payment shall be made by car ors behalf of the Town cif Dryden foyn obligations of New York State, obl igat iijns the principal and interest =�f which are g�_karanteed by the United StCztes. United States Ob 1 i gat i oris, cent if i cater r.1f depcis i t s -, and cjt her pure chased secure i t i es I _lp�-rr-i clef ivery there• if to the c�_Istc dial bank. Al 1 transact is ins shall be confirmed in writing. 3. WRITTEN CONTRACTS a. Written contracts may be required fo rr the pure chase of all cer`tlflcate's i =1f deposits. PAGE 1 I /f 4. DESIGNATION OF CUSTODIAL_ BANK a. The First National Bank of Dryden and I cimpkin- s Ci_i1-trlty Trust Cc1mparly both chartered by the State if New York are designated to act as ct-tst c:id i a 1 banks cif the Town cif Drvden' s investments. • 5. FINANCIAL. STRI:= NGTH OF T. NST I TUT .T. ONS ct. Al 1. t:rar_l i nn part nevnc; mt.lg:t Fie rnrned i t wi-.ir ^t hv_ T'ht . i. r~ f i nanc i a l staterilents rllll at be reviewed annl.tal lv by the 17)LA ]erVisor ti .-j determine satisfactory sr y f inarlcial strength or the Supervisor may use credit ra•tinu agencies to determine credit wc.-Irthiness. b. I rive st ment --s in time deDc is:i.ts and certificates i .-if dept sits are t c i be made with banks cir t ri..tst comnan i es. Their annual reports arts must be reviewed by the Supeynvi.sor tI determine set isf act ory financial strength. G. OPERATIONS. AUDIT AND REPORTING a. The SLkoervisor ir-• Deu)uty Supervisor shall authorize e the purchasE-' ctrld sale and E ?xecute contracts for certificates of deposits can behalf of the Town of Dryden. b. At the t irtle independent auditi-ir=_s conduct the annual audit of the accc,unts and finar-icial affairs cif the Ti.-jwri cif Dryden, the irides- Ye!ridprtt a1.1di.to- nC.; she I audit the irlvestrllents cif the Town cif Drvden fir +'r' coi-ilD1 iance with the Dri ivisi� ins of this investment ricil i ev. • A'I_: least annt"taI Iv. at the Orctani zat ional meeting of the Dryden Town Board, the briard shatI review and amend, if necessary these Invest silent Dci I i c i eS. The Drovisi heretc1 shat rrr i. or•` select: 2nd Clnl R1-II.-)e Ons cif these Inves 1 take effect Drc is❑ i Carl i=if +":1 riV 11 St C,d is 1. its Roll cal tment ect i v Frank. 1 vot Guidelines and any amendments elv and shell r1i_1t invalidate the Car p r i. or investment. e - all vc it i r1u Yes RESCIL ... _IT T ON # . ; =' I PROCIJREt+iENT F'nL... T CY C I m Roberts adopt i can of the foal Iowi.rlD r•esi iI ut icon and asked c. W.1.thin sixty the cE:,oi days ::if the end of each i_sf the first three auarters t o t he cif Ti -.iwr-t the fiscal Board a D cart year, er- 1 v the Supervisor investment shall repcirt Drepare . which indicates and submit the new investments, the inventory of e x i st i nra investments and her such other matters as the Supervisor deerlls aDDr t-Doriate. =_sha 1. 1 d. prepare Within 120 ,arid days 5U bril of the i. t t end cif f: he the Trnwr1 fiscal Bcictrd year, art ann1-la the 1 Supervisor investment • r ~k:_D� tihe in an r esuIts reci::imrilerldat cif the icons arinUel for indeDenderit change in these audit, investment the investment nt_lidel ines, income riacord o rid such either matters as the Super, visor deems apDr� �Driate. • A'I_: least annt"taI Iv. at the Orctani zat ional meeting of the Dryden Town Board, the briard shatI review and amend, if necessary these Invest silent Dci I i c i eS. The Drovisi heretc1 shat rrr i. or•` select: 2nd Clnl R1-II.-)e Ons cif these Inves 1 take effect Drc is❑ i Carl i=if +":1 riV 11 St C,d is 1. its Roll cal tment ect i v Frank. 1 vot Guidelines and any amendments elv and shell r1i_1t invalidate the Car p r i. or investment. e - all vc it i r1u Yes RESCIL ... _IT T ON # . ; =' I PROCIJREt+iENT F'nL... T CY C I m Roberts adopt i can of the foal Iowi.rlD r•esi iI ut icon and asked for its RESOL..VED, that the TOWN of DRYDEN dries herebv ads apt the fi it lc awing procl..tremerlt pi .-Jl icv which is intended to apply to all qr �c ids and services whi.rh are rw.:it rimni,.1ir«-d by law tri t:te nub bid. 1. a, Every p1_trrhasp tf_1 be made must be initially reviewed to dr.•.ai-er^roi riP whetht r^ j.t is a r-,uY`r'Ihase CCIrltraIn t csr a D1"lbl is works Ccsrtt rcict . WAGE 14 I I a I b. Once that determi•riat ii .-jn is made, a good faith effort shall be made tr.1 deternmine whether it is knC,Wri Otn can r^easi_Inably be expected that the aggregate ariio u nt to be spent Cin the item of supply or% service is not subject to competitive bidding, taking into account past purchases and the aggregate am unit to be spent in a year. • c. The foll irig items are nizit subject to competitive bidding p�.xr ^ =. i_lar,t h, izi Sec_'t i on 1 �: ?�'_ f the Gener °a l Municipal Law. p�..lrch ase clwIntracts under $iG, 000 arid pub1. is wo—r ks contracts under $205 000 erilergenCy pur%chasesg g1 gods pI »lrchased fr aim agencies f• •r the blind �r s-ever-'ely handicapped; trod <i purchased ftmom cornt%ec:ticinal institutionsn p_ rnchases under State and c ID Lint y cont r ^act s a and s u r%p 1 us and =- :ec_'Orld- -hand purchases from another' goverrimental entity. d. The decision that a purchase is nl.-it subject to ci_Impet it ive bidding will be documented in writing by the individUal making the pi..lrchase. This dj:_icumentat ii-.in may include written pit verbal quotes frOCI M veridC,r "s, a menil_I fr'e_!ril the pur %chaser indicating how the decision was arrived at, a copy of the ct:_Intrr act indicating the sol..trce which rilCakey the item orr Servicne exempt, a merilo frnom the purchaser detailing thie circum%-5tances which led to an emmergency pi»lrnehase, orr any other wTnitteri di.- icumentat ic.in that is appropriate. e. This pot icy will apply to all equipraent rentals rilade '1.-:t•7YNi.-eu 1h Dut the year with pr'ir-irn Tr -Mrs Board approval per^ rental. • All goods and ser-'vices which are the subject of this procurement ic:y wi 11 be seC.ur-ed by �_lse �-.if written requests fors proposals, Written gUi_itat ions, verbal gl.totat ions, Or� any other' method that as—*)s u ies that gr.1ods w 11 be purnchased at the lowest price arid that fav1 -.1ritisrii will be avoided, except in the following circumStancess purchaCie cont rnac t.s ovE2r $10, 000 and publ is works corltY' acts over $ I M. ) ( ?f?i_i y gi iod5 pl »lY'('_'ha' ed Fror11 agencies "F:ir 'the blind Gr cogreet ii final i ituti. - r-is pu'r°suar-It t Sect ior, 175--b of the State Finance Lawn g d purchased f tnorii cr. lY'rect i i Ana l i nst i t ut i lz ins pur'suant to Section 186 c,f the Correct i� �n Lawn purchases under State cca.fntracts purnsuant tea Secti. -in 104 -if the General Municipal Law; purchases under county c� �l "fit Y'rlct Ci p�_lY'�illc":ln {: t � =j Section 10330 .if the Generna l Municipal Lawn or, purchases purnsuant to subdivisir -in G Ci'F this pezilicy. a The t ime and doe urnentat ion required to purchase goods and sar,vi cuts I..lnder n 'through this policy niay be more costly than the item itself and would ther'efor ^e not be in the best interests of t e taxpayer. Ire additi�_�n, it is n��'t likely 'that such de minimis C FYI t Y'aC: t Gi would b�' c- iwar'ded based � �n f avi -�r' i t i sra. PAGE 15 i I l6 The fc11.1 owi.rlg are the rlliniml_em rrecjuiTenlents necessary for - pur%chases and /1_W equipment rentals when the ariii:.o..trlt ti_i be expended in any one year exceeds $11000 as required by this po l i cy in order to achieve the highest savings° • F_lmourit of_PurI%ehase Contract or - Rental (under $lei, t' 00 ) Method !under $19 Cat) i No action req!° i rL $1 , C) it � -- $49999 c_ Verbal q etch at i ons car^ catalog pricing $5, oo() - $99999 3 Written /fax q not at i inns, wt'itterl requests fotr prioposal.s car catalog pricings Es:)t i. rllat eta Artiouri t _c �f _i_ ub l i t �W��r�ks C ont Tact (Underi Met he id t.trlder $1, 000 No act i c1n req u i r•ed $13000 - $99999 2 Written /fax gUI-Dtat is ns $1(, iuiti - X19, 999 3 Written /fax quotations c r% written req uest s for priopc Asa 1 s A g o faith effort shall be made to obtain the required number f) f proposals or cluotatic-ins. If the purchaser is !enable to obtain the requii ^ed number c1f 13riCipI SaI1S OT gl..tc tat ions, the ptArt-haser will docurllerlt: the attempt made at obtaining the proposals. 4. D0 erlt at i i!n is req l..t i red of each action taken in CcinneCt i on With eac.l ... l prcjc l lrci?ritent . • `' Dr.1curilent at i c �n and an E' x p l arlat i on is req u i red whene..ver a cant tact w.l . is awarded to cItheT than the lowest r,espi:nsi.b1e riffereT. This di-Ir menta.t icon wi. 11. irlc1 ude are exp1anat i.on of how the award will achieve savings cir hcjw the fferer was riot rPesp Insible. A det:errllination that the offerer is riot responsible shall be made by tl'le pl_ercha�Ser and doCUmerrtel d. Pur %c ;uarlt to Genera I Municipal La Sect ion 1ir4 -b(.) (f?, this pi- Iiocul I %erllent p ,I l icy recogn i Mes C i rci..lril st arlces? Whlerl, ID r% It ypes of pr'%ocurrernerlts f which, in the sole discretion of the purchaser, the so iInitat; ion of aIternat ive prclpcjsals cnr quotations will not be in the best interests cif the TOWN. These types of procurements ineludeo au Pri_]fessiona1 services c1r services requiririg special or tE- c:hrliea1 ski 11, training cir expertise. The individual or C I'D rilparly must be c%hos'erl based can LACCi DUrl'tabi l ity, r'e1 iabi l ity, re=.sh:s� �rlsibi 1 ity, skill, educat icon and training, audgrllent, integrity, and r11oraI wr ir'th. These gkAal if iCat ior1 s are nrit necessari 1 found ire the individual car company that offers t he 1 I-D west pr i ce and the rlat 1_ere if these services are such that thtey do riot r-eadi I lend themselves to competitive Prni.D: :Ufriement prcicedl.Ares. • PAGE 16 In determining whether% a service fits into this categ+_+ry the TOWN BOARD shal I take irltc+ cc+rlsiderat ion the following g1_tidel inese (a) whether the services ar•e subject tt � State 1 icensirig or testing r••eg1_ti.rementcsg (b) whether substantial formal ed1_tc8tic +r1 +r training is a necessary prerequisite tc+ the perfi.—imiance c +f the services; and (c) •whether the sery i ces req I_t i. re a per°sona 1 re 1 at i c+nsh i p between the iridividl_LaI and m Lin icipal officials. Professional ore technical services shall include but not be limited to the fol lowing e services +_ +f •a.n attorrney; servi Ces 4f a physician; technical '.services of an � eng i neer engaged t c + prepare p 1 ails, reaps arid est i mates ; secLtr i ng i ns1_lrance CoVeY' cage chid / 1: +Y SeY'V 1 CP5 + +f an i n51_tr'aYICe by " oi{er 9 services c+f a certified p1_tb 1 i c acct +I_ nt arlt ; i rlvest meat management services ; print frig services ir-Ivi;lvi.rig extensive writing, editing c +r art work; management In rn1_Lnicipa.11y 1:1wried property; and cc+mp!tter software c r% pr•:,gramm i n sery i t -es ft.-jr customized pr+ .-jgrr.Ams, + ern services involved i n substantial mod i f i cat i c +n and c1_LSt +_ +m i z i ng of pre- packaged software. b. Re pa i r +f eq I_t i proent arid mach i rlery and maintenance items i.e. e toner%, ribborncs, oil filters, nuts R- bolts etc. These coan be specialized i t ems . The p1_tr ^chaser will obtain at leant tw +-+ verbal, written, faxed co^ catalog prices. It is Up t the p1_trchaser% which prc+dl_tct to p1_trchase. c. E=mergenc %y p1_trc_ %teases pur%sl_tant to Sect ion 103 (4) CI the General Mi..tnicipal Law. UI_te to the natl_tre of this except i+_+n, the. se goods or% ser-pvices must be purchased immediately and a delay in c+rder tc+ seek alternate props +sals may threaten life, health, safety or% we1farNe of the residents. This {sect i i Iri dr ies rI +t prer I I_tde a I t ernat e prop +_+sa 1 s if t i me permits. d. F+I_trchas:>es 1D f s1_trpl i_tS and second-hand goods fr% m any sol_Lr'c•.e. if a l t ernat e prc+p+ Asa 1 s are req I_t i red, the purchaser is • a11.c+wed tc+ purchase SI_tr••pIUS and s.ec+ -+nd -hand gc+ +ds at al..tct i+ on c +r throI..+.gh sper_ i f is advert is :red si-iI_trces where the beet prices are u.s1_ta l l y c+bt a i ned . Prior T� iwn Board a pprc +va l is req 1_t i red fc+r" ann_+I_tnt s over $1,000.00 -7. This. i s. pc +1 i cy shall go + i nt c + effect immediately and will be reviewed arlrll_tally. r'Id C l rrt Baker% R + l l Call vote -- a l l voting Yes PAGE 17 i I i i I8 RESOLUTOIC)N ##72; T(DWN OF I RYUL• N IJA-1-ARD MATERIALS. FLAN fj-.i11i.-jwina resiilutir.in and asked Im Baker~ offered the foIII -Dwing reeoIution arid a. sked for, its ads apt i in RESOLVED that this Town Board apprcive the HazMat Flan as preisented • %R.nd aUth1 :1r'i Z e the Si -tpe visor9 s .-if f ice to r1i .ke copies available as directed i.ri the pIar,. �"'rld C l rii T. Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes • • RESOLUTION #74 TOWN OF DRYMIN EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FLAN Clm T. Hatfield i.-if fered the fj-.i11i.-jwina resiilutir.in and asked for its ads got RESOLVED lan cI- ,nie_. i,_;r� ?.s avail.ab1.e that raresentEad this as Trwn ay -Id autI-)orize direct Boarc1 i,ri the? ar.)nrovc! the plar,. the Emercnenev Sunervi =.:_rr's Preparedness , .-iffice t•, make O =rid Ciril C. Hatfield R o I I call vote - all voting Yes PAGE 18 R • 0 • /y SUPERVISOR APPOINTMENTS 1994 Deputy Supervisor each - __ ................ __ General Fund Bills and R. Ri Ebert Committee - - -- Highway Fund Bills 0o 1 a a. m. 3(? P.m. Cl �riirii i t t ee - - -- Building and and GriJunds Hat f Cr.a-jiroittee Assessment Review C1 Cr.1mm i t t ee -- -- -- - -- Insi.irance Ci_ omittee Hatfield and T. Hatfield Cl Representative Ri. Ibert s to Bj D 1 t 1 Dn Pi: :i i nt - - -__ Representative _ Cl t c.1 Planning Bi.- tard - -- Represent at i ve t r. i Z� in i ng 1-31 Dard Repr ^ese7 °ri,at ive to IAWTf= 1 Representatives Roberts to s f=ire Departments— Public Relat ions 0C)PM Cl Vi Vil.lage 1 l(-Rge of of Dryden Freevi.11e 1st Tries Recreat i is in & Yr.li_tt h Services Ci ire m -. -- Park & Cr.Inservat Hatfield i cin Ce imm i t t ee ------- Pi..(bl is Wr Yr °ks Committee Cl - -- ------ __._.- Public Funds Committee C. Hatfield ---- - - - - -- _.. -_ ,Jan - June Audit -.if Books - - - -- -- - -- July - Dec Audit Cl of Bi.-joks Cl C. Hatfield Cl each Ca Hat f i e l d and R. Ri Ebert s C l T. 0o 1 a a. m. 3(? P.m. t i -.i 3=.00 p. m. a Friday 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon t hru C l ised -_Y -- Hat f i e l d and Baker l". C1 Cats Hatfield and T. Hatfield Cl _Hatfield Ri. Ibert s and Baker _ Cl Cl C. C. Hatfield - and TMRoberts Supv Sch ug and Steve L iLi rC %Rk 1 Cl Roberts s 3rd Thurs. 8 a 0C)PM Cl C. Hatfield 1st Tries 7a3C)PM T.- Hatfield SI_!pv ScI• LLg3_ Cl C. Hatfield Cl Baker Cl Roberts and C. Hatfield T. Hatfield Cl Cl Baker 2nd /4th Thrus 7a15PM Cl each 1'. Hatfield TOWN CLERK; 1994 HOURS (effective Monday 1st Tues 7 a 30PIM 9aG(.) 0o 1 a a. m. 3(? P.m. t i -.i 3=.00 p. m. a Friday 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon t hru C l ised Th 1 urs m �Ra a 3(? to Cl l". _Hatfield Cl C. Hatfield_ Cl 13cib_e_rts C1 T.- Hatfield Cl Roberts and T. Hatfield Cl C. Hatfield and Baker MONTHLY MEETINGS Secia-ind "Fuesday of citherwise designated. each month at 7a30 p. m. at the Town Hall Un1ess TOWN CLERK; 1994 HOURS (effective Monday January thrI Ugh June 1994) Friday 9aG(.) 0o 1 a a. m. 3(? P.m. t i -.i 3=.00 p. m. a Friday 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p.m. Mon t hru C l ised Th 1 urs m �Ra a 3(? to Sat urday 9 a VU a. m. tc i 12 not In C1r.1sed Saturdays for the mi_inth � �f June and July EFFECTIVE JULY 15 1994 Monday thru Friday 9aG(.) aro to 4a 3(? p.m. Fiat urdaV 9=00 aril to 12 no on Closed Sal: urdays for the mi.int h C, f J Une and July ZONING AND BUILDING INSPECTOR Office h Iur s 8 a CyC) am - 1 C a C )C r p.m. 2nd Sat urday 9 a c }() arlr - no o n Inspect icins and ether business by a p pr.1 i n t men t 1 a00 p. m. - 5a00 P. ro. fid j � Burned Susanne L- l oyd TI -.i w n C 1 e'r'• k aaaa PAGE 19 t 1 i