HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-12-291A SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 29, 1993 • Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 12vU(:) noon Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by Town Clerk Lloyd: Present : Supv Sch Ug, Clm Roberts, C 1 m Corrigan Clm Baker arrived at 12alOPM, Clm Hatfield arrived at 12:15PM and Atty Perkins arrived at 12:30PM Approval of the minutes Motion was made by Clm Corrigan and 2nd by Clm Roberts that the minutes of town board meeting held � �n 11 -9 -93; 11 -16 -93 and 12 -14 -93 be approved. Carried COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts asked they would - ACC regulation the municipalities want them to regulate recommend that the - t� � let the state reported their rates regulate office by that the the NYS know end of rates Cable whether the until Commission or year. such not He time the town wants to. RESOLVED, on Cable that Television this Clm Corrigan - agreed with Clm Roberts and felt it would be good to be on file. RESOLUTION #229 NYS COMMISSION ON CABLE TELEVISION Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, on Cable that Television this Town and Board request contact act them to New York negotiate State Commission rate regulations for the town until further notified. This resolution is upon approval option t� � 2nd Clm Carrigan get out from of Town the Attorney contract. Roll Perkins call vote that - a 1 1 this is voting an Yes Clm Roberts - public official liability insurance - no action taken at this time because more information is needed. He should have more information by January 14th. DISCUSSION Supv Schug - dog contract. The Town of Darby has not renewed their contract ract with Lorraine Bard so the town share would be 74 or 80 percent of the cost. Lorraine Bard - the Town of Enfield would like to stay with her and they are trying to figure out what else car, be done. She was thinking of a slower scale with a little heated portion in the barn for this year and the following year put in concrete and work at a slower pace. Supv Schug - wanted t• � know the boards pleasure. TB12 -29 -94 Page B • Clm Corrigan - in view of Danby dropping Out. she has reservations about general ho�_isekeeping and hygiene and her track record in the past as witnessed to by some of the letters she has received. She is Sure this is riot poinq to charge and for the town to assume the kind of burden that we would have to and have no guarantees of change, she does not see it. She thinks the well documented letters and complaints she has received from two veterinarians are enough. • E Lorraine Bard - wanted to know why she was never told abo ut it. Clm Corrigan herself. She is a repeate get changed not see the knowing how accord in❑ has very st d practice i by Just the board taking_ it is Q ping to the � ine vet r� Ong reservat i� r n the past and i physical change on the extra ex to turn out. It she told you about it s this is something that s riot sure it is going to in the building. She can dense of burden and riot seems a risky venture. Clm Roberts - has heard things from both sides. She has done a much better Job in service than the SPCA has given previously. however, he does not see that the town should have the additional expense at this point. Motion was made by Clm Corrigan that this Town Beard accept the contract with Tomok.ins County SPICA with the charge not to exceed the CPI figure with a 5 percent cap and 2nd Clm Roberts SUpv Schun - town agrees would like to n o with an amendment to the the SPCA until such time resolution the - contract if the is signed Lr.irra i ne Bard will still do don control on a monthly basis. Lorraine Bard wanted to stay - saw with no problem her. with that as t� � how l orig the town contract with Tompkins County SPCA with the RESOLUTION #230 ACCEPT CONTRACT WITH SPCA FOR DOG CONTROL_ SERVICES Clm Corrigan offered the fo l l owinq resolution �n and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the contract with Tompkins County SPCA with the charge riot to exceed the CPI finures of 5 percent can in any given vear. The Town of Dryden w i l l continue inue to use the services of Lorraine Bard until such time the SPCA signs the contract and to pay her expenses. 2nd Clm R• Ebert s Roll 1 ca 1 1 vote e - all voting Yes R I I I r. Li 0 • --t TOWN OF DRYDEN a DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 FAX 607 - 844 -9599 In the Heai-t of the Finger Lakes Region TEL. 607 -844 -8619 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR December 30, 1993 H. Carl McCall State Comptroller NYS Office of the State Comptroller Albany, NY 12236 Re: Town of Dryden Response Plan Dear Mr. McCall: Attached please find the Town of Dryden Action Plan in response to audit 93M -504. As you can see we have attempted to the best of our ability to outline our plan based on your request. This plan was approved by resolution of the Town Board at a special board meeting on December 29, 1993. Just as a friendly suggestion, the audit report pointed out negatives in our operation but there were no specific overall comments on the good parts of the Town's procedures. Another suggestion I believe that would be helpful would be to point out the accomplishments of the Town as to prior audits and what was done to correct the problems. As an example in our last audit it was recommended that we review the gas and diesel fuel system. This has been corrected at a cost to the Town of approximately $ 50,000.00. I know you do not want to come across only with the negatives and these suggestions are just that - suggestions, We appreciate the time and effort put forth every three years to help the Town control their costs and expenses and to help us with sensible and business like operations, /m cc: Sharon Lauer -Wolf Kirk Schanzenbach Brian Lind w /att Town Board Town Clerk w /att Sincerely, I pervs F.�Schu 9 i or q i 0 Iq TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 FAX 607 -844 -9599 112 the Heart of Ih. e Fiizger Lakes Regina TEL. 607 - 844 -8619 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR Comptroller's Office Division of Municipal Affairs Bureau of Research and Statistics A.E. Smith Building - 10th floor Albany, NY 12236 Re: 93M -504 Town of Dryden December 30, 1993 Pursuant to Subdivision 4 of Section 35 of the General Municipal Law and Section 11.4 of the Financial Management Guide for Local Governments, the following is the Town of Dryden action plan adopted by the Town Board of Dryden on December 29, 1993: Page 8/9 - Lack of Internal Controls • The Supervisor will review the accounting records of the Bookkeeper at least monthly or as the records are generated beginning in 1994. A check signer machine will be purchased by April 1, 1994 and will be under the control of the Supervisor and /or Deputy Supervisor. Any check in an amount greater than $10,000.00 will require a second signature of the Town Clerk or designated deputy. The town Board will initial the records checked when doing the audit of the town books and /or will make comments at a town board meeting. Page 9/10 - Highway Repair Contracts The procurement policy will be changed and approved by the Town Board at the Organizational meeting on January 4, 1994 to include a policy for documentation and pricing for highway equipment rentals. The Highway Superintendent or his designee will obtain the required number of quotes for rates. The obtained quotes for rates will be presented to the Town Board prior to any rental of equipment by the Highway Superintendent or other authorized personnel. The rates will be discussed by the Town Board, approved by resolution and entered into the minutes. No rentals, other than for emergency purposes, will be authorized for payment without a prior resolution. The duties of one of the highway men, Randy Riker, will include verifying the • rates for highway equipment rentals and other costs as per the present policy and including the necessary documentation with each claim. 0 49 is Page 2 - Action Plan Mr. Riker will also be documenting and including such documentation with each highway claim as to whether items were purchased on state, county or local bid. Such findings will be included with each highway claim presented to the board. Mr. Riker will be responsible for each highway claim including any delivery or shipping tickets received and he will be responsible for each highway claim including the name of the item and for what purpose it was purchased. Page 11/12 - Office of Receiver of Taxes and Assessments At the Organizational meeting Susanne Lloyd will again be appointed Receiver of Taxes and Assessments. At the same meeting her deputies will include Wanita Baldwin (20 hours per week as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments and Deputy Town Clerk at a salary set by the budget), Linda Woodin and Barbara Ensign as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments and Deputy Town Clerks used as needed and paid hourly. With an extra person in the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments Office and the Town Clerk's office from 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. this should allow for daily deposits of tax monies. The position of Town Clerk will be responsible for preparing the vouchers for the abstracts, maintaining the water and sewer accounts and receiving monies from the Zoning and Code Enforcement Office. These monies will be submitted to the Supervisor's office at least twice weekly (Tuesday and Thursday). The Town Board by resolution on December 29, 1993 authorized the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to have a separate checking account and the Receiver will be responsible for signing all checks written on this account. The penalties received on taxes will be Supervisor's office no later than the 15th following receipt of such penalties. The shifting of personnel will alli Receiver of Taxes and Assessment office t a.m. through 4:30 p.m. each week day. effective July 1, 1994. (The reason for current hours are printed on the 1994 The position of Receiver of created in February 1965 subject (Copy of resolution attached.) /m cc: Town Clerk tax Taxes to a paid to the of the month )w the Town o remain These the late bills) . Clerk open from hours will change is and 9:00 be the and Assessments was permission referendum Sincerely, "C lc t ames F j/ Schug Supervisor TB12 -29 -93 Page 3 • Supv Schug - temporary C.O. regarding Day & Night. They have done everything they said they were going to do with the exception of striping the l ot and some of the downhill drainage. Z.O. Slater - the final coat of blacktop has riot been put on. They have extended the drainage ditch on-the eastern boundary. The rear portion of the property on the parking lot needs to have the final grade and seeding done. There was si_ime question on the installation of the gas tanks and Henry will check to make sure everything is correct as it was presented at the hearing. RESOLUTION #231 LITIGATION 2301 HANSHAW ROAD ( PARCEL #351-1-17.4 Clm Baker offered adoption: RESOLVED, that th whatever action i compliance with t 2nd Clm C• err i g an the following resolution ion and is Town Board authorize Atty s necessary to have 2301 Hans he building code. ( parcel #31 Roll call vote - all as Per haw -1- vot ked for its kins to take Rd come in 17. 4)a ing Yes Supv Schug - Dryden the Family Youth Coordinator - Family & Children Service I contract. 5 different •county is They towns only have which going a supervisor the county t• � pay until for 5 has June people that works with the always paid fern Now the or July. The board discussed the Family & Children Service contract and no action was taken at this time. Family & Children is gaping to drop their supervisor since they do riot have the money to continue with the program. RESOLUTION #232 ADOPT DRYDEN ACTION FLAN Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that the Dryden Town Board approve the Dryden Action Plan in response to audit 93M -504. 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all v� •t i ng Yes Supv Schug - would like Atty Perkins to look over and answer Town of Ithaca water agreement. Supv Schug - Eastern Collegiate Cycling Championship will not take place in the town after all. CI TB1E -E9 -93 Page 4 • Supv Schug - railroad right of way on the trail regarding who owns this land. It belongs to Penn Central railroad and he has two prices for the sections that are in the Town of Dryden. He would like to appropriate some money to have this property surveyed. The Town of Dryden already has permission from DEC to improve the track where they own. He would like a resolution to make an offer to Penn Central to purchase the land and have it surveyed. If the town could purchase this land it would preserve the Finger Lakes Trail. He would like to appropriate riot more than $5,000.00 f• jr the purchase of land, survey and legal fees. • • RESOLUTION #233 APPROPRIATE MONEY FOR PURCHASE OF LAND AND SURVEY Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion o offered the fo11i• wing resolution RESOLVED, that this Town Board appropriate m_oney riot $5,0oO.i_0 fees. (railroad for the possible purchase of r -o -w near Dryden Lake land, survey Park) 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Supv Schug - RMS gravel. the plans and input. He wil expanding the officer to ma beard membe Z.O. Slater will send 1 also send operation ke Sure it 1.5 to exceed and legal I Yes rs have copies of mining permit regarding and Engineer Dave Putnam have reviewed the letters to DEC so they have the towns a letter to the Downer. Since they are they have t� � come before the zoning is zoned properly. RESOLUTION #234 TRANSFER FUNDS C1m Corrigan offered the fo11i• wing resolution and asked for its adopt i � �n m RESOLVED, that $750.00 from Deputy (A1410. Attorney contractual litigation (A1420. expenses (A1450.410) from the contingency - $209500.00 to signs (A3310.422) fall & cultural from General this Town Clerk 110) q 490) to Public (A7310.414) A unappropriated Town $5450.00 (A1420.400) - to (A1990.421) W.-irks $2,000.001 Board legal $6.:50. election assistant to approve the notices (A1410.44) from Landfill - $59200.00 00; $850.00 persona to Garage (A1490.11) $400.00 Youth Pride fund balance following legal from 1 (A1450.1); contractUa1 from (A7310.405); t• � transfers: to Town Clerk (A1420.401) to and Attorney Election county $307 0008 00 (A5132.4) - $7,500.00 and Family & Chi ldrens $409100 Dryden Lake Park contractual (A7110.4) - $12,200.00, $70,000.00 from outside (B9901.9) and Turkey B unappropriated - $15,200.00, Hill Turkey sewer (A8030.405) fund balance Hill water (AS030. 404 ) - $12,700.00; and to Highway town 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes I i I i • Is TB12 -29 -94 F'age 5 RESOLUTION #235 BOND COUNSEL. AGREEMENT Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authorize the Supervisor to sign the bend counsel agreement with Willkie Farr and Gallagher concerning the Turkey Hill Water and Sewer Districts. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - board members have Dryden plan in response to the Office of the State Comptroller. i I RESOLUTION #236 DRYDEN EMERGENCY PLAN Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the Dryden Emergency Flan. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #237 APPROVE SNOW & ICE AGREEMENT Clm Hatfield offered adoptions the following resolution and asked for its RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the snow and ice agreement with Tompkins County the condition upon 2nd Clm Baker and waiver Roll authorize of call the highway vote the Supervisor - all work voting permits to sign Yes with RESOLUTION #238 LEAD AGENCY IN TYPE 1 ACTION TURKEY HILL _WATER AND SEWER DISTRICTS Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden be the Lead Agency in a Type 1 action for Turkey Hill Water and Sewer districts. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes ; RESOLUTION #239 AUTHORIZE RECEIVER OF TAXES ASSESSMENTS TO HAVE SEPARATE CHECKING ACCOUNT Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to have a separate checking account and authorize that signature only on any checks written from that account. 2nd Clm Corr^ i gan R o l l call vote - all voting Yes • 0 • Date: December. Dryden .: �_iper�isorTo James Schug, 4 S!_ib, Day & Night St ores 1414 Dry den load, _ .d it i onal Occ _icanc a, Dear Jima As per Condit Dean is a c and th to the yoI_Ir r ?a ional Car owIer opy of o e Condi-ti Day & ;'%J i Li e s t tiff Corr t t onal ght ple cat pants he Si Cert Store a 0 t i se fina as o.11ows, a review Or the f Occupancy that was issued to the DBA, Day and '%light Stores. Attachea e Flan �eview onditional approval ficate of Occupancy that was issued Since there is a specific direction to comply with the NYS Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, I requested that Dave Putnam oversee this portion of the project which he has. Since the final grading of the rear unpaved portions of the site remain incomplete and the east drainage Swale is also only roughed in and not fully extended, Engineer Putnam required a silt fence, to his specification, be installed at the end of the roughed section of the east drainage Swale. This fence has been installed as a security measure in case of any !_unforeseen run off issues that may arise prior to completion of drainage Swale and final site grade work. That installation has been adequately completed to Engineer Putnam's specifications. The second concern under Site Plan Review Approval Conditions would be, the application of the finish coat of paving and the appropriate striping of the lot and entrance area as required by item (9) of the same Site Plan Approval. Other tan these (c) issues, the site plan conditions have been found to be in compliance as possible. By this I mean, those items that are current and not future oriented. All building, fire safety and health dep have been certified as in complete compl this analysis, I've issued a Conditional Occupancy. Once we find that the above s adequately completed, I will recommend t Board, a final Certificate of Occupancy that time the conditional Certificate sh Very tr�_c1 V0I_trs, dater, C�0 ;Members Mahlon .3 =r':ins, Dryden ; own iPttorney Dave I_ktnam. 'Engineer Susanne L -loyd, Dryden Town Clerk" a i i 0 i 0 rtment requi anee. Based Certificate to work as b you and the s in order. uld be appro cements upon of een Town Until priate. i • • I TOWN OF DRYDEN 4 DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 -844 -9120 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Tt ft P ul' QDrrU }Ii111Cy I This is to certify that Dean Fowler oil Co. , Inc DBA, Day & Night Storeso b t a i n e d a building permit and that the building(s) described on the application for building permit No. (99 -93) l o c a t e d a t 1414 Dryden Road Freevi l le, NY 13068 Tax Map # 52 -1-8.3 as constructed has been inspected and t11e same complies with all the applicable sections of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance and the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Codes as they were in effect on the date of issue. It is issued to and on behalf of the Owner of Record as listed above and does not contain or imply any warranty to any third party. Furthermore, it is based on inspections which were conducted for purpose of code compliance and does] not carry any implication reguarding the quality of workmanship or materials used In the structure. This Certificate is issued for the coWleted conversion and relocation of an Existing G-5.1 Restaurant to a G-1 Convenient Food Store with accessory Fuel Sales. ! � ISSUED : December 17th, 1993 g y ; %lI"L2Q (Date) (Code Enforcement Officer) Special Approval Conditions: Please note, there are (2) Site Approval Conditions that require further work j prior to a final unconditioned Certificate of Occupancy being issued. j I Item #(1). Site Plan Approval item # (9) requires that the entrance / exit lams have a center strip installed. The Parking Lot, "shall also be stripped in ccmpliance with the Dryden Town Off Street Parking requirements. Approval Condition item # (11) requires, all green area be maintained and kept the same. Since final grade work and seeding is required in the rear of the facility, w< require such work be completed when the conditions are appropriate. Until that time, there shall be a silt fence adequately installed at the end of the existing Fast Drat Swale to prevent erosion and siltation of this rea property and that property North L the Fowler Property. .r r • TOWN OF DRYDEN SITE OF DAY & NIGHT FOOD FOR SITE The application of Day project at 1414 Dryden Road, D fol.l.owing conditions: • 0 PLAN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL STORES, INC. APPLICATION PLAN APPROVAL & Night Food Stores, Inc. for the ryden, New York is approved upon the l.. The Environmental Assessment Form prepared in connection with the project as answered and supplemented by the project engineer, Richard Rassler, on August 31, 1993 is approved and accepted based upon the fact that the project will have no adverse environmental impact. A negative declaration is to be filed. 2. Except as herein provided the project shall be constructed and maintained according to the site plan submitted by 'the applicant and last revised 8/30/93 which site plan is hereby approved and filed with the Town of Dryden Code Enforcement Officer. 39 That the project during comply with all applicable Town, statutes, codes, ordinances, app 4. That the project during shall not constitute a public or and following construction shall County, State and Federal laws, rovals and rules and regulations. construction and upon completion private nuisance. 5. That when municipal water or municipal sewer is available to the site the applicant shall connect to the same upon notice to do so from the Town. 69 That should the Town require easements for munico wat�x lines or sewer lines and necessary appurtenanceg in cohnec ion wit11 the construction of a municipal water system or sewer system that the applicant, its successors and assigns, grant the same to the Town without the necessity for compensation. 7. The drainage plan and st►_tdy s►_►bmitted by the applicant Opproved sL(bject to the condition that d►..tring and following constriction the applicant will install and maintain erosion cnntrnl measures in conformity with the New York Go_►idel.ines of Urban Erosion and Sediment Controls, if required by the Town Engineer. Any drainage improvements constructed by the applicant ar•e to comply with this approval and shall be maintained by the applicant both during and following construction, e� 8. The areas next to NYS Route 13 between the highway lines and within the curbs and the areas between the curbs and property lines be topsoiled and grass be planted and maintained along with I D the shrubs shown on the site plan. Such areas are to be mowed • regularly and maintained in a neat and orderly manner and kept free of debris, rubbish, etc. 90 The centerlines of the entrances (exits) shall be striped and the parking spaces shall be striped in accordance with the site plan and all such striping be maintained. 10. The applicant shall plant as a buffer at least 7 evergreen trees 6 feet tall at the time of planting. The locations to be agreed upon by the applicant and Ralph Crandall, the property owner next west of the project site. 11. That the evergreen buffer required to be planted shall be maintained by the applicant and trees replaced, if necessary. All lawns, green spaces and grass drainage swales shall be mowed and kept in a neat manner. i I TB12 -29 -93 Page 6 RESOLUTION #240 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF CHECK SIGNER MACHINE R SIGNATURE PLATE Clm Roberts offered the following swing resolution the and asked for its adoptiona adopt i on a Board members have copies of RESOLVED. that this Town Board authorize Sur)ervisor the purchase of a check sinner machine and signature plate their in an amount not to exceed $3.000.00 for use by the Supervisor the Supervisor's or Deputy Supervisor. to have T. 2nd Clm Hatfield do Roll l call work vote - all vot inn Yes RESOLUTION #241 USE OF" CHECK SIGNER MACHINE Clm Hatfield offered the following swing resolut the ion and asked for its adopt i on a Board members have copies of RESOLVED, that the Supervisor or Deputy Sur)ervisor have stile use of the check sinner machine for all checks their written by the Supv Supervisor's office. Any check written resolution by the Supervisor's office $3.000.00 to have T. G. Miller do survey work in an amp Unt over $10, o00. 0o will require proposed the check signer the town imprint and the signature of the Town Clerk. or Deputy Town Clerk. This will be effective c-in or about April 1, 1994. 2nd Clm Corr i qan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #242 STRATEGIC SPACE PLANNING.FORUM_ Clm Corripan offered the fo ll owinp resolution and asked for its adopt ior, RESOLVED, that Clm Ronald Ro Strateqic Space Planning For and to reimburse hire for act 2nd Clm Baker Rol 1 ca beets be authorized to urii on January 24. 1994 ua 1 expenses. I 1 vote - Clm Baker Yes Clm Hatfield Yes Clm Corrinan Yes Clm Roberts Abstained attend the in Syracuse RESOLUTION #243 APPROVE ABSTRACT #113 .........._ ............. Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve abstract #113 and voucher #'s 905, 911, 912, 927, 928 of December 14th and $55.19 of #938, #994 Abstract #113. Abstract #978 to #1024 for a total of $135,316u15 2nd Clm C� err i qan Roll call vote e - all vot i nq Yes 1. Supv Schun - regarding the hearing on the town hall expansion. Board members have copies of letters from the neighbors. The Town Board has gone thro uQh and answered all of their Questions. Supv Schuq would like a resolution riot to exceed $3.000.00 to have T. G. Miller do survey work and site distance on the proposed plan the town has, • IS� a i CJ i, • TB12 -c9 -93 Page 7 RESOLUTION #244 SURVEY WORT, FOR TOWN HALL EXPANSION Clm Roberts offered the adoptiona RESOLVED, that this Town $3,000.00 for survey hall expansion. following Beard work done authorize by resolution T. G. Miller and asked an amount not regarding for its to exceed town 2nd C l m Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv SchUg - all beard members have signed the Bolti•n Point Back Flow Prevention program. Adjourned: c : 00PM Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk I I