HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-10-26TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1993 PUBLIC HEARING #1 SPECIAL_ PERMIT - RADEMACHER SUDV Schun called the meeting to order at 7=00OPM Roll call was by Town Clerk Lloyd Presents Supv Schuh. Clm Baker. Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z.O. Slater Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the application for a special permit for Darrell Rademacher. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Mike Ryan, representinq Darrell Rademacher - his plan is to connect the spaces that are in the existing rows with driveways all the way around. Supv Schuh - in the original PERMIT permit it was not specified at to the size seedlings of the were non - commercial stored mots �rhome be stored riot extendinq total of trees that planted. were The to rather be comment planted, is the therefore electronic fence that operational outside was installed if sty gage too large (i.e. a items are construed permit, and a special for the never nerm last used. i t i. s three This i. ssi_(ed. years. should There be fixed so it is has been no . Closed Dublic hearing 7e15PM RESOLUTION #183 APPROVE SPECIAL PERMIT DARRELL RADEMACHER - RENT A SPACE ........................... Clm Corrigan offered the fo11awinQ resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board approve the special permit to Darrell Rademacher, Rent A Space to add about 2160 total square feet -of rental storage space at the existing Rent A Spacelace facility at 3 Yellow Barn Rd. with the following conditions 1. - that the electronic gate installed on the gate so that it is operational and used on a routine basis so the gate is closed and locked when not in use. - all exterior lighting to shine into the property (lights may be placed on buildi.nq or fence) 30 - crushed stone to be placed all around the buildings 4, - n• t outside storage of any property except for personal non - commercial stored mots �rhome be stored riot extendinq total of inside too behind four limited large the items property to for the buildings. ffi ur items on the of inside a the total from entire owner of four storage). This the projects which is previous is items These to be too large (i.e. a items are construed permit, to be boat. to as but a 50 - nO unattended motor or veh i c 1 es shall be allowed ( except as perm i. t t ed in (4) above. i i i LJ TOWN OF DRYDEN 0 DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607444 -9120 In the Heart of the Finger Lake Region ZONING S BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Ithaca Journal News 123 W. State Street Ithaca, New York Attn: Donna Carr, Legal Ads PLEASE PUBLISH the following LEGAL NOTICE no later than WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20TH, 1993 and bill the Town of Dryden. PLEASE TAKE_ NOTICE that the Tow will hold a public hearing to co Special Permit from Darrell Rade Street, Dryden, New York, to add rental storage space at the exis Yellow Barn Road, Dryden, NY, SAID HEARING will be P.M. prevailing time Dryden, New York at given an opportunity by agent. DATED: OCTOBER 11TH, %�'-V mil, Henry M. Slater Zoning Officer Town of Dryden cc: James Schug All Dryden Mahlon R. P George Schl The Tompkin Susanne Llo • , Dryden Town Boa erkins, echt, En s County yd, Dryd n Board of the Town o nsider an applicaticfn macher of Rent -A -Spat +/- 2160 total squar ting Rent -A -Space fac f Dryden for a. e of 37 Elm e feet of ility at 3 held on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26TH, 1993 at 7:00 at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main Street, which time all interested persons will be to be heard. Persons may appear in person or 1993 Town rd Mem Dryden gineer Plann en Tow Supervisor bens Town Attorney in.g Department n Clerk i TB 1 O 26 -93 • 6. - that the total for the square feet. third sign to Barn Road on segment of th • Page 2 applicant - this be permitted will to have three six feet from the signs property line whole One sign pr1:1ject • •n each riot to end exceed of any a total one building the fence of 80 and a be installed border, which at maturity away from be at least the corner of Yellow the northeast e application. corner of the property in the new 7, - that the applicant - this install a fence that will be at least six feet from the south property line and that the fence will have planted outside of the fence a dense evergreen border, which at maturity will be at least as tall as the fence. 8a - this permit is for a retail storage facility intended for community and not commercial use. 9a — ab� �v 100 preen appl thi e na th ises icat s permit vied i nd i is permi be bu i 1 ion tai t is non- transferable and is limited to the victual only. t is issued upon the condition that the t and placed can the lot as set forth in the he Town Board. 11. - this permit expires one year from date of special permit is approved 10- 26 -93. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote Clm Baker Yes Clm Corrigan Yes Supv Schug Yes Clm Roberts and Clm Hatfield arrived at 7e15PM PUBLIC HEARING #2 OCTOBER 26, 1993 GTE TELEPHONE COMPANY Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 8: 15PM SUpv SchUg read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning an application for a grant of Telecommunication Service Franchise. (copy in minute book.) DUESTIONS.AND /OR COMMENTS Hwy Supt Gilbert - wanted to make sure that he was they were ready to bury any cable in the town right that it was buried deep enough. contacted when of way so I Post -It" brand Fax Transmittal Memo 7s�2 100 F` "Onsu„e• °No of Pages Today's Date Time 15'*, oJ5't consumer Waste From / a dL2C.40 � _. `Compa Comp Locate tLoFati' ,jji Dept CharaeP Fax # Telephone # Fax # / � d / .. , >.7`7,° y.� 94 Telephone '_�y `Comments Original Disposition: Destroy Return Call for pickup ; I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF Dryden COUNTY OF Tompkins , STATE OF NEW YORK, ON APPLICATION •- Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden County of Tompkins and State of New York, will hold a meeting and a public hearing at 65 East Main. St. , Dryden,NY in said Town on the 26th day of October 93 7:45 19 at •O'clock in the evening of that da y , p , on the proposition osition that said Town grant to Contel of New York, Inc., d /b /a GTE New York, its successors and assigns, the right to use the streets, highways and public places of said Town for the erection and maintenance of poles, cables and other fixtures and appurtenances for the transmission and distribution of telecommunication services upon such terms and conditions as may be deemed proper and may be permitted by law. Dated October 12: 19 93 TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF Dryden Supery S 9 TB i i � 26 -93 Page 3 • Atty Perkins - the highway department has the how deep their cable has to be buried if it is of way. • CJ Closed public hearing 8 °. 20PM PUBLIC OCTOBER BUDGET HEARING 269 1993 HEARINGS right to tell GTE in the town right Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 8:2OPM Supv SchLkg read the notices for the preliminary budget. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Supv Schug - sinc voting district. for the purchase provision that wi amount of $19500. Monkey Run Sewer would only affect other to be consi e the redistricting the town will need another The budget will have to be increased $2,900.00 of another voting machine. There is another 11 be needed which is for dog control in the 00. This amount w i l l cover the SPCA costs. District has to be increased $3,4('J0.00. This the sewer district and not the whole town. The dered is $10,000.00 for the fire department. Supv Schug - the board members have received Dryden Fire Dept. regarding the problems with Supv Schug Village of they would of the rep repair the also asked Dryden since share in hal air work is $ truck proper the D they f of t 89295a ly and information the ladder from the t ruck.. ryden Fire Dept. ton contact act the are also served by them to see if he cost of the repair work. The cost 00. He has asked the fire company to safely and give the town a copy of the bill so that it may be paid. C l m Corrigan - wanted to know if the fire company could come up with part of this cost for the repair work on the ladder truck.. Greg Fitts - no, that is why they are making the request, because normal maintenance is already used and this is an unforeseen problem they have been trying to deal with for several yeas. This has been an on going maintenance problem for a long time. Brad Perkins - t it going and thi $40,000.00 he k.r in the control i hey have s is not ows about ssue, the spent $409000.00 on this truck to keep in our replacement budget. Of that $99 5oO. 00 they have already spent .just rest was spent just on body work.. I 9 1 • TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 - 844 -8619 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR To. Robert Watros Charles Evans In the Heart From: James Schug Re: Redistricting Costs Gentlemen. the Finger Laker Region October 26, 1993 With regard to the subject the Town of Dryden has been • notified by the T.C. Board of Elections that due to redistricting the Town's districts will expand from ten to eleven. We will be required to purchase an additional voting machine for 1994. The cost for this voting $21825.00. I'd appreciate the amount of money to relieve the Town of Dryden. /m cc: Town Board Lausanne Lloyd Shary Zifchock Lee Shurtleff CI machine and placement will be County's reimbursement for this burden on the taxpayers in the I R n IkaCY!" T C'E' O I�'i�El_ I t +I :C IVi:dI�Y Ftl.J11iL�l I'JOI`1GE: IS HEREBY GIVEhd, that the P-rel ifninary r, ie 11Er=a1 year bi= ginning Jarll..( _ti'-'y 1, 1994 filed irl the Office of the l__iv -in C�lerk. if said 1-.r lrisapei_`t i n by arl interested persciri dl_4)' -'lr,g %J:001411 daily and 9 : C)i )A1:1 t cl 12 ncic-ln Sat. A BI_idget jf the T ivin c -if llryderl t-iis beer) is irnPli =ted arid TC,WF1, where it is available the t-���I_ire� I 1 �a00Fitrl to i Ufi7"HER afld L he_s rl NLDTIC;E review <-i2Aid "T' c ,wrl Iia'1 1 the 26th 15 Prel , 65 day HEREBY irninar-- East Main c 1= Oct _: (3IVEll that the y BuL-lget and Ii St . , 1.) 1 yd erI, bear 1993 , I _aJn l d _.. 1A. Y. E: 1d 131DZ:rr''d f:)LibI is C::C_)J_IV,t thaL 111 y at f said l _ vwl t')et.)�i.'riel 'Lricre�: 'I= I'c:.rn f.)I. i i "�:, sl_ic:ri rie�:�i i w 1 I rncEL't rl �;t 8:00] a t i'Ig rly P cCrilpIied, er5C �rl roay , be f 1r, heard .•r' against $ 8 in favcir arty �_ 1 r items agz therein _ -t rlLt trit c_;-rl_�irled. Pr'e11rn1ilai'y k;l..idrli t en's I='L.rrsl_iant t � P Sect i � �n a C) 7 _1f T 1/-Jn l_aw, the pry: ip used sa 1 ar i es- fc -1r t hre 1" =l l =UJli "III to�•Jn ciff.icers are hereby sf:)ecifit d :�s 1 11G'w5: ;]I_tpe.,.`; i ........ 8 800 00 C;Li- _,arrrle;: L_.1 oyd -I c wt lrl C:1 erk. • 0 I (4) ----------------------- - - - - -- ----- - - - - -- $ 8 000.00 , f _4Jrl f.li;r'k. j--------------------------------- - - - - -- $13,140.00 Hii1liwary Superintendent ------------------------ . $392500.00 ,4frl .J'..k -tire (2) -------------------- »---------- - - - - -- $203000000 • f) 'I 1 ersclns shall be heard at such t ifoe. r c' =SPY CD tt-le arlt ire hr :Ip ,<� - -ed bl..idge�t is ay._:�i 1::ble at tti�., I,,4r', "I" i.:;a Office, 65 East Main Street-., I r.yden, t'Jew Yiir ~I: du -rirlg regl_ilar- bl.isines By c,rder, cif the l -civin BcIard C;Li- _,arrrle;: L_.1 oyd -I c wt lrl C:1 erk. • 0 I r101" ICE OF Pl. BL...IC HE:_ARING 'I CE IS I...II_F1EE;Y G:LVE�haI that- the Tclwrl B lar(:I ij the T warI f Dr,c:l(ILL tdi1J hct1d a UbI is hevwirig at the Town Hal 1, 65 East 1%11 -- in St. , DI.- -. d ,rly F1. 1` LL , I::c �.irli; _v _ 1 T _vnpk i ns _ r( pctpber. 26, 1993 att 8:OOPM' I- :: r' t ticc i ,r.isidering cclr(tr^ac.ting wit1 -1 tI...te h( r_ r-einz_tft(:rLL de_,igr(ate(:j i =ir(:: Cr_Ir,tI..i._Ar'.i ILL pr,ctec.ticirl tc1 be fur•-riisihed by c',c:::ti cif the_lrn in the designatEad fire _ i.d T_t-Jr(. The f tect> _rl districts establ tstled in °11-tAa:tr(g c retracts tcl be coirtsidered: 1 - Var na Fire Deparlt flier, t ------ - - - - -- $100,235.00 depti -we Hj.se Cl_,. 111 Inc. ------- --� - -- $124,400.00 ILL. tJ ij Strang Fire C�. i= Freevi 11e --- - ----- $ 92,960.00 4 - E t rya Vl_,1 I_(rrt eev Fire i.`o. I rtc. ------ -i - - -- $ 85,320.00 4j Br Dok.'tclndaIe Fire District ------ - - - - -- $ 81580000 f-co- a tc1t-al cif $411,500.00 Pirj:lpcised fire tax rate $1009 E T'he var i1:1u s f i r e cie par,tmeni s 1 1 are _ `s1 --i a �: wei� and attend all the fires protect it:ln district I It the T _IN- f I:)i ydbrl. T- Each 1' ire depart rnert t ties respov•is i b l e_ f c r^ any l'_iss C"C it == fi.re appara•t'..Is s1_(stair(ed iri 3..rr�werincl arty s(_tc:;tr calls B The C_'- clnt r'ac'e s 'sha I I CC1'r(t i'ril.te r _ i" C'i -ie3 `y'ec(r y C`c,IlrrileriC 1 Y 11 :j— SIAC"I -r other iriCidei'(tal 'ter "'ills a'� ril t';' be r(e ?C'e_>Ei ar "y c•c0r(tract ing. The fc,l lowing addit ioir(al terrrl applies cor(ly tt.• 0 ai-•e i w I c�:�11s irl I dariI:`tr3. e to L;roc iktclnda1e F ir•e District. • t ) - S(_ic:tl firne do rcrr trner�t shL:k11 be: rem risible_ fc.r x(11 � I:: ° 7 : p Ia I- Y ILI r rt �_ r. C: airns f1 r 1rl.)ur,1es tc 1 l r ,_ _r tJt �( tI'i c.if rir °c_}nrr_r. ii'( cclrirlect>.c.lirl tJlttr s(_IC:ir cal ts. Ia1.1 persc=r(s interested ire the riiatt(_r wi 11 be tie�tr d at (..(c_:h t irre _in(i p1nc . pY 1 _la �.. a _ _ Iei ^I:.y I. C � -' 0ii 'C l E' e r "I t Y r' E? :1 r', 0_.� .. _� �� E? (:� tJ l (:� I" E3''t 1 s cd V cA 1 lot b �. E' ct t t I' I t_ 01 rice, 65 East Main Etr -eet, Dr yderi, I'dev-j Yc-cr-l:. di(ri -no t:JI_IS>rte_ by i irder -.If the 'Towr( Bclai'd j S(_tsaririaa l._lctyd TC_ AWI C 1 erh i 0 I L;roc iktclnda1e F ir•e District. • t ) - S(_ic:tl firne do rcrr trner�t shL:k11 be: rem risible_ fc.r x(11 � I:: ° 7 : p Ia I- Y ILI r rt �_ r. C: airns f1 r 1rl.)ur,1es tc 1 l r ,_ _r tJt �( tI'i c.if rir °c_}nrr_r. ii'( cclrirlect>.c.lirl tJlttr s(_IC:ir cal ts. Ia1.1 persc=r(s interested ire the riiatt(_r wi 11 be tie�tr d at (..(c_:h t irre _in(i p1nc . pY 1 _la �.. a _ _ Iei ^I:.y I. C � -' 0ii 'C l E' e r "I t Y r' E? :1 r', 0_.� .. _� �� E? (:� tJ l (:� I" E3''t 1 s cd V cA 1 lot b �. E' ct t t I' I t_ 01 rice, 65 East Main Etr -eet, Dr yderi, I'dev-j Yc-cr-l:. di(ri -no t:JI_IS>rte_ by i irder -.If the 'Towr( Bclai'd j S(_tsaririaa l._lctyd TC_ AWI C 1 erh i 0 It I PJi:Ir:[C::E 0E- F LIDL_IC h1E_AR11a[; T0WI'► 0E- D UE.i`A f�MEtt.Jl_At`dt:t_: C0I- Al*RF -ii: T N 011 C'E I I ... IEREBY GIVEN, thiat the ••I"i_ivin Esc bard i= the T• ,wri .ii- Dryderi t•,;i 1 1 ld et publ is hear °ir,y at tPi e "I` ,wry IA _t1 1, 5 E_aG'st I'Irtir� at. , I:)t "ydei'i, N. Y. , I:;ourity cIf "Fc_unpkins Ire i:)ct lber 26, 1993 at 8:OOPM f it the pur-ADC' use f: (2i_,risider-iny ccDritractiny with Neptune-_ H se 1 11.1 lric. fj,jr _ambul.ar,ce s iiervice ire -the Trz,Wri if 1.)'ryderi f r an anrli..taI ttfll of nd 89,A55.00 a c _,,ii 1.r,y with S I a t e r v i 1 le F ='irE 1:)epartnri:sfit fI r :art aY, lei Lla s1_trn Col. �`l' 4,000.00 per == Sciris interested s h a I 1 be heav —rj rtt ch t i.Ioe. r )y the entire pr,c•pj."15ecl budrli: =t i<= i:I -ie Tcit,:O-i i_;1erk.y cA't s 0ffic_e, 6 E:4,st Maim Street, 1)r•yder,, hac_'w Yc,rI. (:li_u-i le, y rei3�_tlt�" b�_tsir�c ;s h1c-,td1'fa* . Ely c irder cif the "I wn He lard ::)AsarnIe L1c1yt -I =Wry Clerk 0 • d 9 I I �J • i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OF DRYDEN SPECIAL DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS Notice if hearing tr.o hear i_nb.ject ions to assessment roll for water, sewer and lighting districts in the Town of Dryden. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden has prepared the assessment rr.-Ills for parcels of land included in the following water, sewer arid lighting districts. The following are the priDposed rates: Varna Lighting (District i #1) -$,33v" per thousand Tr Jtal $3,775.00 Etna Lighting (District $641✓ per thousand To.-it a 1., $2,975.00 � Meadow Drive /LeisUre Lane Lighting (District #3) -$.59 per thousand, Total $19700,00 Sapsucker Woods Sewer- (District #1) - $137.50✓ per unit Total $9, 350.00 i� Varna Sewer (District #E) -- $237.90 ' Per unit f• �tal $88,500.00 CrDrtlarld Road Sewer (District 1#3) - $1Z0,aol(`, per Unit, $,08 Per Pipe footage, $.36 '" Per thousand assessment T� ital of $19--569-:99 �o�po Moroke Run Se er (District #4) bs. y /0�0 � $ per unit, $3.46 PeY'�, thousand, $0.4 per acre = T�.it a l to* o * raise $470�994..00 Turkey Hill Sewer (Sewer District #5) - T• 1tal ti-.1 raise $30,000.00 Varna Water (District #1.) -- $3.3-rbbki 3` dc'per unit, $.v48• -31 per the iusand, $.07 � per fr1 =Pnt I to =o raise $i Snyder H i l l Water (District #c) - $290.91 � per unit, $2.33 �- per the usand, $.44✓ per fry int fo i-.1t = Total to raise $16,000.00 � Monkey Run Water (District #3) -- $56.79 per unit, $3.58 per thousand, $79.83 perm acre, = Total to raise $125,700.00 � Hall Read Water (District #4) - Total to raise $3,336900 Turkey Hill Water (Distri.ct # #5) - Total to raise $209000000 FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 239 of the Town Law, the Town Board of the Town of Dryden shall hold a public hearing t herec on t i hear and consider any c_ib,j ect i ons which may be made to said rolls -.in the 26th day of Oc._- ti_Iber, 1993 at 8:OOPM at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, County r. 1f Tompkins. All interested persons shall be heard at such time. A copy of the entire proposed budget is available for inspection together with copies of the assessment rc-ills at the Ti_1wri Clerk's Office, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York. during regular business hours. By order of the Town Board Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk t 4f • In the matter of the application of Contel of New York, Inc. d /b /a GTE New York to lay, place and maintain equipment, fixtures and other necessary property for transmitting and distributing telecommunications through and on the highways and other /public places in the Town of �b EN , County of T001410 and State of New York WHEREAS, an application has been duly made to the Town Board of the Town of _, County of 76tAPKIAt , State of New York by Contel of New York, Inc. d /b /a GTE New York, for permission to lay, place and maintain cable on poles or below ground with splice boxes or closures through and on the public highways, lanes, streets and other public places in said Town for • the purpose'of transmitting and distributing telecommunication services over said cable; and WHEREAS, said Board having called a public hearing, notice of which was given by publication thereof in the official newspaper of said Town at least ten days before the meeting, and the Board having duly convened and held said hearing, a quorum being present, and heard said application and concluded that the grant thereof would be in the public interests NOW THEREFORE, on motion duly made and carried; RESOLVED, that said Contel of New York, Inc., d /b /a GTE New York, (hereinafter called the Company), its successors and assigns is hereby granted the right and privilege to lay, place and maintain cables on poles or below ground for transmitting and • distributing telecommunications and to erect and maintain poles, I i a-. cables, splice boxes, closures, cable stems, arms, braces, • switching equipment and all other necessary and usual attachments and devices, and to suspend cables over, through and on the public highways, lanes, streets and other public places in said Town, and to transmit over said cable at all times telecommunication service. That at all times after the placing of said poles and the installation of said cable, said Company shall be permitted to examine and keep the same in proper condition and repair, and do all necessary work properly to maintain the construction thereof. terms: This grant and privilege is made upon the following . 10 That the poles and underground cables shall be located under the direction of said Town Board or its duly authorized agent. 2. That all of said poles, cables and fixtures shall be placed, erected and maintained in a proper workmanlike manner so that the same shall in no way endanger the public, and the said Company shall at all times indemnify and save harmless the said Town and the members of said Town Board, from and against any and all actions, suits, damages, costs, charges and expenses by reason of the location and maintenance of said poles, cables and fixtures, in any streets, avenues, lanes and other public places, or by reason of any act done or omitted to be done in the premises by said Company. • -2- I 4 3. This grant and permit is made upon condition that • permission be secured from such public officers and commissions • 11 as is required by law, and the consideration hereof is the expenditure by said Company of the funds necessary for the construction of said transmission lines and the proper maintenance thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Town Board of said Town has caused these presents to be subscribed by its members this day of IF 19 -3- Town councilman I E l C • CERTIFICATE OF TOWN CLERK I. the undersigned, Town clerk of the Town r , eel County of W State of New York, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a counterpart original of a resolution and consent duly adopted and granted to Contel of New York, Inc., d /b /a GTE New York, by the Town Board of said Town at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the 200�- day of ©CZLN;2Y? - 19 and that two duplicate originals thereof were duly executed and deposited with me as said Town Clerk, one of which was filed by me in my office with the records of said Town, and I further certify that at the time.of the adoption of said resolution the • officers signing the same were members of the Town Board, and a majority thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto placed my hand and seal of said Town this 4 day of 0 G7L- 19 93 iWwaz � J% 1 i 1 STATE OF NEW YORK ) • ss,: COUNTY OF tW94k6 ) kZ fwMe7- L LmLmo being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Clerk of the Town of 2&n9 County and State aforesaid, and subscribed the foregoing certificate; that he has read the same and knows the contents thereof and that the statements therein contained are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I 0 day o Notary Public MAHLON R. PERKINS NOTARY PUBLIC. State of New York No.4605632 Qualified in i my Commission Expire I/ Y . is 19 93 I I TB10 -26 -93 Page 4 • Supv Schug - cost of OSHA theme gear was a request and training of $5,000.00 to help when the State refused defray the to pay EMT training. The town has been asked in that fund to include public education and assistance. Closed public hearing 8:40PM TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 26, 1993 Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 8o40PM RESOLUTION #184 GRANT OF A TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICE FRANCHISE - �CONTEL OF NEW YORK. INC. dab GTE NEW YORE: Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt i or, : (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #185 INCREASE BUDGET — VOTING MACHINE AND DOG CONTROL C-lm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board increase the budget by $29900m00 to purchase a voting machine and increase Dog Control A3520.4 in the amp unt of $11500s00 2nd C l m Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #186 INCREASE BUDGET - REPAIR OF FIRE TRUCK. Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptiana RESOLVED, that this Town Bayard increase the fire budget not to exceed $10,000.00 to cover the cost of repair work on the ladder truck and try to be reimbursed for half of the aril unt by the Village of Dryden This is to be a r.1ne time item. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #187 INCREASE MONKEY RUN SEWER DISTRICT Clm Roberts offe adoption: RESOLVED, that t District in the 2nd Clm Hatfield 0 red the follow his Town Board amount of $394 Roll ca ing in 00 11 resolution and asked for its crease the Monkey Run Sewer Chi = vote - all voting Yes P a U n LJ is TBIO -26 -93 Page 5 RESOLUTION #188 ADOPT BUDGET Clm Corrigan offered the following swing resolut ion and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Beard adapt the budget with the previous chanties made for vot inu machine, doQ control and Monkey Run Sewer District and fire truck. repair. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes Atty Perkins - there was aooarently a conflict with the zoninq ordinance and local law which set the fees for the zoning permits. There was a zoning permit and a building permit. In the zoning ordinance there was not a charge for art auxiliary farm building. This proposal is to make a requirement for every buildinn a zoninq permit is required. This proposal is farm comm itte of Clm Hatfield and Atty Perkins. The zoninq permit is either $25.00 if it is less than 10,000 sq ft and $75.00 if it is more than 10,000 so ft. This amendment to the zoning ordinance would be to eliminate that provision which states that no charge for a zonino permit shall be made for the ere,t ion, enlargement. or extension of any aUxi l iary farm bui ldinq, exclusive of any farm residence. All building is the Town of Dryden will have to have a zoning permit. We will keep in place the prevision of the local law which sets the fee for non farm buildings. There will be n� � fee for farm build inns except farm residences. It will still cr.Int i nue tin he the law in the Town of Dryden even if no fee is required you must construct them acc� �rdinq to the code with the zon i nn permit. Thew is also a proposal 1 t amend Appendix A of the zoninq ordinance with respect t• � the definition of a farm. This is updated to make it closer and more consistent to the definition in the Riqht to Farm Law. The board will need a resolution introdUcinq these changes to the zoninq ordinance and schedule a public hearing. { RESOLUTION #189 INTRODUCE AND SCHEDULE A I PLIRI.._ I r_. HEARING - ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Clm Roberts offered the fol lowi.nq resolution and asked for its adopt lon: RESOLVED,_ that this Town Board introduce pry �p� used amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoninq Ordinance and schedule a public hearing. 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes SuDv SchUD - scheduled a public hearing on Nov. 16th at 7: 15PM Ad ' -turned : 9 : 3DPM Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk.