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TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 85 1993 Supv SchlAg called the meeting to r.irder at 7 e 30PM Members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Present .0 Supv Clm Corrigan, Schug, Atty Town Clerk= Clm Perkins Roberts, and Clm Z.O. Slater Baker, Clm Hatfield, APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES regarding the D.R. asked Dewitt for a cement report Motion was made by Clm Roberts and End by Clm Corrigan that the minutes of the board meeting held 5 -11 -93 be approved. Carried CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Torsi A 1 1 port , Master of Dryden Masonic Lodge #47E F &AM presented to the Dryden Town Beard a new POW /MIA flag to replace the flag that has flown outside which has had a lrIng and dedicated service. Supv Schug - since there are a lot of people here regarding the D.R. asked Dewitt for a cement report plant from the special town permit engineer hearing, and the town town attorney. has Atty Perkins -- the MA Zane allows certain uses as of right • through the site plan review. The B. R. Dewitt proposal fi •r that site is an use allowed as of right, provided it meets the industrial performance standards of Section 1207. If it meets those standards then it doesn't need anything other than the site plan review. George Schlecht reviewed the Angevine Acoustical report. He also reviewed them, and they reached the conclusion that based on that report and the EAF it would appear the applicant wiziuld also need a special permit as well as site plan review. The town for B. R. board scheduled a public Dewitt can June 17th at hearing the Dryden for a special permit Elementary School at 7 an OOPMi. point on this, he Atty Galbraith - one procedural point on this, he has what looks like the coning officer's directive to a special permit applicant. no less wondering, really riot filed scheduling It than since only an this been seems 4 weeks app to be before the requirement announced 1 i cat i o n. for June 17th. a This requirement that the requested for the now he assumes may create the hearing special that some B. problems applicant date. He permit has R. Dewitt for file is has Atty Perkins - this is not a .juri strictly the convenience r.1f the Atty Galbraith - the only time re met then would be the publication that would be up to the applicant sdi on qui ar t ct ional matter, it is rig department. rerflents that would have to be d rn,it i ce requirements and meet those. CI u r1 U HOLMBERG, GALBRAITH, HOLMBERG, ORKIN & ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 200 EAST BUFFALO STREET, SUITE 502 LAURA H. HOLMBERG DIRK A. GALBRAITH ANNA K. HOLMBERG JONATHAN A. ORKIN PAUL D. BENNETT Clerk, Town Board Town of Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Dear Clerk. P BENNET� !� f� U r_. P.O. BOX 6599 MiACA, N.Y. 14851 h r� I f _'i `..._ T MAY 2 0 1993 `u' %� L TELEPHONE (607) 273 -5475 May 18, 1993 On behalf of Yellow Barn Water Company, Inc. I would like to request the opportunity to appear before the Town Board of the Town of Dryden concerning the following: (1) The request of Yellow Barn Water Company, Inc. to excavate and lay water pipe within the Town highway right -of -way within Yellow Barn subdivision. Yellow Barn Water Company, Inc. has an easement which generally parallels the Town highway right -of -way and we are preparing to replace certain sections of pipe. However, because of the location of residential driveways, culverts and other terrain features within the subdivision we believe that the pipe could most easily be laid closer to the roadway with the least damage to lawns and driveways. We would not be working in the paved portion of the highway and we would restore the area to its original condition following the installa- tion of the pipe. (2) Consideration of the formation of a water district including the Yellow Barn subdivision. I have been advised that the Possibility exists that Bolton Point water could be brought to serve the area comprising the Village of Freeville, George Junior Republic and the Yellow Barn subdivision. If this is a real possibility then we would wish to consider replacing pipe to Bolton Point specifications if financially feasible. If it would be possible for me to appear before the Town Board at an upcoming meeting, please put me on the agenda and advise me of the date and time of the meeting. DAG:mp Very truly yours, D . GALBRAITH Vice President, Yellow Barn Water Co. Inc. i 8 H E TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 - 844 -8619 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR Dirk A. Galbraith Holmberg, Galbraith, Holmberg, Orkin 200 East Buffalo.Street, Suite 502 P.O. Box 6599 Ithaca, NY 14851 Re. Yellow Barn Water Company Dear Dirk. & Bennett May 25, 1993 You have requested an opportunity to speak on behalf of the Yellow Barn Water Company at a Town Board meeting., We will be happy to have you address the board at the June 8th meeting under citizens privilege of the floor. The approximate time will be 7:45 p.m. Sincerely,.—, ames F. Schug Supervisor cc . og sanne Lloyd Town Board w /att Mahlon Perkins George Schlecht I i i i 65' TB6 -8 -93 Page c COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Atty Galbraith, representing the Yellow Barn Water Co. they operate a sernipublic water system which serves approximately 75 households in the Yellow Barr- subdivision. It has been in place for about 30 years and during the past year they have had some serious problems with leaks in the pipes. They are undertaking a capital improvement to replace a substantial section of pipe near Yellow Darn and Foot H i l l Roads which ar•e town highways. The Yellow Barn Water Co owns easements that para 1 1 e 1 the town roads. The easement is approximately 15 feet wide across the front � �f the home owners property. The town highway is approximately 60 feet wide and completely where they would like j to lay the replacement pipe along Yellow Barn and Foot Hill Reads. They realize that if they were to lay it within the right of way which the Yellow Barn Water Co. actually owns they would be digging up these property owners front yards, gardens, I improved areas and driveways. If it were possible to • encr� teach into the town highway r -w to lay the pipe they could do this a lot cheaper and a lot less damage to the adjoining owners property. They w1_Juld like to propose that the town give the Yellow Barn Water Co. permission in some legal recordable form to lay pipe within the town highway r -o -w in certain designated areas, underst and i rig the paved portion of the highway would riot be disrupted and that the surface of the area would be restored to its original conditiCln upon the installation of the pipe. Supv Schug - the t� 1wn would need a legal description of where the pipe would go and reap along with a description of the as built= The town wr.iuld want to know what is being put in and the size of the pipe. Atty Galbraith - he knows the Town of Dryden has acquired a r^ -c• -w � on the railroad bed from Wi lca:ix Press to Johnson Rd Ext. There is some thought in the future of forming a water district which might include the Yellow Barn Road area, Village of Freevi 1 le and George Junior Republic arid possibly the Village of Dryden. If at some point this should happen they should lay pipe to :, Belton Points specifications. This will have to:, be looked into. George Schlecht - the town has all ready spent mr.1ney for a live analysis in the Yellow Barn Rd area 4 � •r 5 years ago so another big analysis will riot have to be done. Supv Sch ug - wanted to know how the board felt with the proper informat ii:: in to be reviewed by George and Atty Perkins to allow the Yellow Barn Water Co. to lay the pipe in the town right away. Clm Baker - wanted to know if the town would have any liability for the pipe once it is in the town right of way, or if the town • was repairing the road and sk-.1mething happened. TB6 -8 -93 Page 3 ® Atty Galbraith - they had planned on running the pipe on the household side Of the storm ditch which is in the tc,wn right of way Clm Baker - did not have any problem with it except that he did riot want the town to in? be liable. Clm Corrigan - did not have any problem with the Yellow Barn Water Co. laying the pipe in the town r -w. Mayor Robert Day -- the commercial district north of the village is right for economic growth except for% one thing which is municipal water. The water district is too. expensive as designed and the prevailing wage costs further inflates the cost. The village can legally extend mains into the area they have some limited funds which have strict usage. The board has seriously considered putting the main under Rt 38. The Cortland Road water district as it is designed is unprepared for future Bolton Point connection. He Would like to � pry pose that the village work directly with the property owners along Enterprise and Ellis Drive focusing On that area to put the mains in. Also the village work directly with TC3 for art optimum sr_I 1 ut i c to to their pressure problem. The property owners would install mains at their own expense along their frontage and fire hydrants would be distributed are cing them. When the lines were ccimplete and inspected they would be handled much like a developer handled Logan's Run along that same context and then those lines ccluld be deeded Over to the village. The property Owner could deal directly with the cc intractor avoiding the prevailing wage. TC3 could install a tank to provide pressure via gravity at their own expense. There is a way for the village to work with TC3, both to salve their problem and avoiding additional problems. The advantages would strongly promote economic development in that area, minimize the cost by avc,idinq duplicate mains, avoid need to pay prevailing wage, allocate cost to those benef fitted, minimizes the cost to the school systern and TC3, will provide acceptable pressure to customer and would be compatible with future connection to Bc1ltc 1n Point. If the village follows that strategy that would be a clear path forward that might be saleable. If Bolton Point water was ever affordable and available all of the assets could be transferred to whatever water district they would becc ime at that time. (copy in minute book). Atty Perkins - wanted to know why � would Own the lines that the developer put in? Mayor Day - the village would own there until there was a legally formed district that was approved by the property clwners in that area. 0 • 0 • TB6 -8 -93 Page 4 Atty Perkins - thought there was a problem with Section 103 of the general municipal law. Mayor Day - not if the property owners were the private developers. Atty Perkins - felt that this is a question that will have to be reviewed. Supv Schug - part of what you are talking installed is about is already under consideration that lines would that go were and your across put comment the in would road have about would to paying be be great. approved and more between the for the The district by cross pipe or the town engineer. Lake Golf awns and time is The town and village north It won't attorney lake or, what agricUltl_tral, might consider could work together to review everything their retirement. ' .-Jpp� Drtunity to be lost. the best recreation to make sure there are would no problems. town board to � cons Michael Support Lane in the - would Dryden like to thank the Town Board for their Lake park.. The new rest rooms that were done installed is an advantage. June He has received will be a family a lot of compliments OF THE FLOOR on how town should nice the park consider is the looking land and more between the people are using park and the it. Dryden The Lake Golf awns and time is Course the coming on the golf course. when it north It won't side of the is currently be. The owners lake or, what agricUltl_tral, might consider the state but the selling and the future and has it off town generations a potential and using don't seize it as it for the is going being their retirement. ' .-Jpp� Drtunity to be lost. the best recreation t• If the � protect that Dryden Lake point village land is unique in the for t • awn. He would like the town board to � cons i der the protection for recreational use for around the lake. Clm Hatfield - was also impressed with the park and the work that has been done there. effective June 19th. COUNCILMAN will be a family PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR C.1m Roberts - registration for the summer swim program is June 16th and June 23rd from 3 n00PM to 5 o30PM at the West Clm Roberts - ACC Thomas Road - 12 c List omers were added to the cable and 2 customers were denied service because ACC felt that it would cost them additional $6,000.00. Clm Roberts - the CAC committee is disbanding in accordance with the county resolution effective June 19th. There will be a family picnic tentatively on June 19th from 3 n00PM to 5 o30PM at the West Dryden Community Center. V F I I 0 11 TB6 -a -93 Rage 5 Clm Corrigan - as the Dryden representative she has been attending meetings regarding the regional youth recreation commission. They have cl.-ime up with a questionnaire which asks the citizens in the county to indicate the kinds i-.1f recreation they are interested in. This would include the ages of the children and what they are now using. They are now on hold for the year since they do n• it have a ci.nunter proposal as t� � whatever riiechanism they have with the city youth bureau on paying for things. She does riot see anything coming out of this youth commission for 2 years. Supv Schug - hopefully they carp make a recommendation to extend the time until this survey is done. ATTORNEY ACC - no report Snowmobile ordinance - n• 1 progress Atty Perkins - the closure of DR -7 financial is complete as far as he knows. He will contact Jan Kubl is to submit his final bills. They have ci -.1ritacted the corp of engineers to ask there the effect of the withdrawal � �f the formal application ti.i e instruct the landfill they have on the nation wide permit and to his knowledge has not received any response. Atty Perkins - he was in court on Fri. June 11th can 2 applications to uphold. The defendants are in cr.intempt in failing to comply with the zoning ordinance pursuant to judgements of the Supreme Court. This involves an individual on B� one Plain Rd living in an unlawfully converted shack that has no electricity except furnished by an electrical extension cr.1rd, no privy, no r%Unning water, rn 0 insulation, unlawful wood stove and various ether vic-ilat is ins 1f both the zon' ing ::irdinance and the building code. They have resisted all of the attempts to comply and Atty Perkins would like the be lard to pass a resCIl Ut ion to authorize him to commence an action in Supreme Court to approve and enjoin him from occupying this structure arid the cause for removal, RESOLUTION #117 AUTHORIZE TOWN ATT- ORN_E"Y TO COMMENCE -� ACTION IN SUPREME COURT --ZONING VIOLATIONS Clm Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its ado apt icon RESOLVED, that this Town action in Supreme Ci -Jurt #22 -1 -27.2 2nd Clm Hatfield Board authorize Atty Perkins to � commence regarding Z oning cases on parcel Roll l call vote - all voting ing Yes Atty Perkins - on May 24th he argued the Shank appeal in the Appellate Division in Albany and he has not received a decision yet. i Is TBG -8 -9 3 Page 6 RESOLUTION #118 APPOINT DEPUTY TOWN CLERK Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt ion° RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Barbarma Ensign as Deputy Town Clerk at the rate of $6.50 per hour for the year 1993° 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #119 POLLING PLACES FOR TOWN OF DRYDEN Clm Roberts offered the following mowing resolut ion and asked for its adoption= offered that polling Center, this places for Ellis the following resolution Town Board authorize $1.� ('.).0 � per district 199 3 e Varna CornmUnity Hollow Community and asked for its the Supv to � pay the for the use of Center, Bethel Grave Center, Dryden Fire Station and Freeville RESOLVED, the Town District of that this Dryden #1 - Town f• •r the Etna Fire Board designate year 1993° Station District Fire Station for #2 - Freeville Fire Station District #5e #3 - Dryden Fire Station District #4 - Varna Community Center District Roll #5 - Etna Fire Station District District all voting Yes #6 - #7 - Dryden Dryden Village Hall Town Hall District District #8 - #9 - Bethel Ellis Grove Community Hollow Community District 2nd Clm Baker #10 - Dryden Town Hall Roll call vote - the following places in Center Center all voting ing Yes RESOLUTION #120 } PAY_ POLLING PLACES IN TOWN OF DRYI:)EN Clm Corrigan adoption= RESOLVED, following their facilities Community offered that polling Center, this places for Ellis the following resolution Town Board authorize $1.� ('.).0 � per district 199 3 e Varna CornmUnity Hollow Community and asked for its the Supv to � pay the for the use of Center, Bethel Grave Center, Dryden Fire Station and Freeville Fire Station. Etna Fire Station for District #1 and District #5e 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes ENGINEERING George Sch lecht - town map report - NYSE&G has taken on a project throughout New York State. They are in the process of comparing computer generated geographical area information. As part of that effort a portion ion of that will include a ci imputeri zed map throughout their service area which would include Tompkins C,_ Unt y. Tompkins County has contributed me::iney for that portion of the computerized map that .jUst deals with planametric features of the road, etc. This will be available sometime in August. The Town of Dryden will have to arrange for the availability of that part through Tompkins County. At that point in time we will know what it will take to turn it into an official town map. (� t Y I • • • Date: June 7th, 1993 James Schug, Dryden Town Super^viso rr F= r_nr: Henry M. Slater, Z_r.lning R Building Code Erifomcement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryderg, New Yor,k 13053 Sub. : May 1935 Building R Zoning Activity Report Dear J i rn a Dur,ing 1 Erect the a rni.- inth private s_If May 193 there were a to.-ital of a 12 Building an existing flat vocof (`) p'er'mits issued and are described as fol li_jws: 0-1 Single - f am i l y Home, New St arts (4 ) (1 -1 Extend an existing single family home (`) A - -1 Replace an Existing Mi.-,bile Home a new home ( 1 ) C - -4. 1 Erect a Detached private garage (`) C -7 Install a peaked roof over an existing flat vocof (`) C -7 Install are In Gr,o.- iurid Swimming Pi.n o 1 ( 1 ) C`er,t i f icates of Occupancy and CoDropl iarice. Certificate of Occupancy (5) Temp. Cert. of Occupancy (3) Cer,t i ficate � �f Cr-Impl iance (2) Fire Invest i gat ions: 0 (C>> Fire Safety Inspections Multiple Residence Inspections: Fire Safety Inspect it ins c of public/businesses: Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspect ions, Zo:_on i nq BrJard Df Appeals Hearing Request s : (3) (4) (1) I � Old Business: Temporary Pusiness Occupancies. W i .l c,_J x F'r %ess remains under a Temp1-nrary Certificate of Occupancy. As yo u' ll please recall, the item of issue is the final successful testing f the air^ pollution equipment, 1"lft.� tr,y to close out the permit, I've written to Nor�man Boyce of NYS- -DEC who referred it to Randy Young of the Cov%t land DEC Office. Mr Young reps Trt s, " nc_, actual stack tests have been cizinducted at the Wilcox Facility,, incinerator• per ^fortnance to date at the Wilcox Facility, indicates that the inciner,ator is rfperat ing sat isfactiz.Wi ly ". Fo tr rr►al test to yet be done. At thir� ciirecti�_�n �0f the S�_tpervisl test schedule be prv,,v i dyad ot� developed wh confit rm the compliance c-of the equipment, identify the failure of that same eqUipme clut, no one has made any ccimplalnts abim1ut this equipment. In fact, no.wo resident has against the facilitya be req -test i ng that a ich can either v% which will nt. I would point the performance of made any complaints (. lr,rect i.ve actions were requested. Mow ® year upon O LW request and this year, W errcouragement. With the snow issue, it sn ow seas nn to determine- the effective ac.t icons. All and all, I find the faci l ar_r_eptably. • i i r i rig was completed last l c -i x is m_1 w i n g without was to late in the ess � �f the corrective ty to be operating T'he Jenna's Restaur, ant pr,o.ject would appear to be adequately complete unless At t o trney Perkins, Engineer Sch 1 echt o tr any Rr.lard member has any objections. The entrance issue Would appear to be adequately cor%r%ect ed and was the last issue. As you' 11 recall implemented to d the Jenna' s Faci Devise within th entrance. Henry M. Slater, i 1 e the NYS scCII-gage ity. The middy DOT' There was one issue identified use DOT by the Town last year% which was the mowing schedule of the grassy mound and the Varna 1= ire Station filed a cl_implaint against the Wilcox Facility with regard to snow reriloval. (. lr,rect i.ve actions were requested. Mow ® year upon O LW request and this year, W errcouragement. With the snow issue, it sn ow seas nn to determine- the effective ac.t icons. All and all, I find the faci l ar_r_eptably. • i i r i rig was completed last l c -i x is m_1 w i n g without was to late in the ess � �f the corrective ty to be operating T'he Jenna's Restaur, ant pr,o.ject would appear to be adequately complete unless At t o trney Perkins, Engineer Sch 1 echt o tr any Rr.lard member has any objections. The entrance issue Would appear to be adequately cor%r%ect ed and was the last issue. As you' 11 recall implemented to d the Jenna' s Faci Devise within th entrance. Henry M. Slater, i 1 e the NYS scCII-gage ity. The middy DOT' deter %rn i ned what Would be use DOT of the installed secondary entrance to a Deer Deflector of the area of the questionable cc: I Dryden Town Eta yard Members /,.Susanne Lloyd, Dr ^yden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town At t orney I 0 i i I I I i I I JUt' Oe Y93 17:16 I THAC:A BOAPD OF REALTC)PS i 5 ) F.1 June 8, 1993 Memo to the Town Board from Barbara Caldwell Follow- Planning Board expressed he intent of call that the draft sketch ma The Planning Board at their May mHetin a * ** Town Board that the MA zone in the area roughly brecommend to the Hanshaw Rd (north- -south section and Sapsucker Woods be �� Hanshaw Rd. (east -west 3ection), provided, expanded according to the sketch map The expansion Would: a. Expand the whole area along the back line of the sPCA lot from he Lucenteproximatel equal to a line in the east toward the back Y he to the north -south portion of Hanshaw, thence north property in the west portion of the lots facing on zone. There would be three placeB where we reco o the existing MA be Further extend south to meet Ranahaw Road. The are the Property p mmend the MA zone and two current existing all portion adjacent to the Levin property, non - residential uses as property, While we donut a mapped. ® fall in two separate expect w u Jewish to avail which would now status in the near future ail themselves of the MA best meet long term the Planning Board felt that this would Issues be adequately We are deeply concerned that quately addressed before projects are approv traffic area. Royal Road was one of the this area. Another might be dir ®ct Possibilities far some access tto access to Hanshaw on the east west access to Rt. preferably only in conjunction with Royal Road 13. Additional port.ivn is a possibility but accesse and /or direct Rt.13 r� U 9b TB6-8-93 page 7 George Schlecht - NYSERG has set out by satellite locatic_in 100 monuments throught gut Tompkins County. He is concerned that there should be a system to maintain these monuments or it is going to be trashed. He would encourage the town beard to at least think about setting aside a budget to ensure that these monuments. are kept intact. This system will build up an information base in the � future that wi 11 be valuable. Fie has the informat ion in his office of where these are located in the Town of Dryden. ZONING OFFICER Monthly report - given to � b• yard members Letter fri-Xm Barbara Caldwell, Planning Board Chairperson concerning the regl_[est change to expand MA zr.ine in the Hanshaw Rd area. (copy in minute book) Z.O. Planning Slater - the MA zoning Board meeting ':In change June 17th. will be discussed at the � Supv Z.O. secondary Schug - Slater went over has requested Z.O. Slater's DEC for the z oning final fine. report - Wilcox report on air press pollution. This has not been done as of this mc-inth. He has heard no complaints whatsoever about Wilcox Press. Z.O. Slater - Wilcox Press is now mi swing the mound without being told this year. Atty Perkins - there is still the questic_in about the fire hydrants. Pie will check with Z.O. Slater regarding this matter. Jenna' s Restaurant - SUpv Schug wanted to know if George has checked on the driveway situation t make sure everything was complete. George Schlecht - he has not been out there. Z.O. Slater - George had made a recommendation to waive the � I specific contouring and grading drainage ditch in the back � because you thought upon your inspection that it looked like it would work sufficiently the way it was Supv Schug - this should be checked out to make sure everything was correct. Z.O. Slater - the deer deflectors that the state installed at the secondary driveway are working fine. Schedule public hearing for a special permit :in July 13th at 7a30PM - Bed and Breakfast - Paul and Nancie Conklin is TOWN iUSTIC;ES CAROI.,S. KLEIN PETER J. AfASELI.A (914) 469 -9541 COUNCILMEN RWHARD ELORIO • E. S'1'EI'IIEN SIlOR7'ESS MICITAEL SUSSMAN WILLIAM TUL.LY Sl1PERVISOR - MARGARET Al. GRUAIBACII IIIGIIWAY SUFI•. (914) 469 -2796 DAVID S. RELL TOWN CLERK - ELIZABETH A. REILLY'( �� (914) 469- +101 (914) 469 -2277 l ( ASSESSOR OF C /� ANDREA NILON, IAO His (914) 469 -9655 p EST. 1845 TA{ COLLECTOR 7+C _�� ' 1 GRETCHE,N LARSE.N FCOU BL_t1 LDINC: INSPECTOR (914) 4T CONKT.IN TOWN OF CHESTER (9'14) 469 -2278 R.R. #3, Box 85, KINGS HIGHWAY CHESTER, NEW YORK 10918 FAX: (914) 469 -9242 May 140 1993 Supervisor and Town Board Members ,....... 1 "own of �I�deh New York Dear Friends In Government& F.Y.I. To: '� la•9_9� From: Return❑ Keep or toss ❑ Post -Wu FF,Yrr`Pad 76 @8 I-low do I request your assistance and,.with just a few words, portray how sad the happenings in our town? I've contemplated my statements • to you over and over and all I can say is PLEASE. Ka.tie Bonelli, the Supervisor of Blooming Grove, and myself need your understanding so you will unite with us to alleviate the fear, stress and tension that New York City has imposed on our small towns by sending into our_ communities men with outstanding criminal warrants, thus,helping felons escape from the Criminal Justice System. Our towns are small and rural and our citizens deserve their basic constitutional rights. We have for eighty (80) years been good neighbors and helping .hands to Camp LaGuardia, a New York City homeless shelter'for one thousand (1,000) men. For the past two (2) years under the new rules, our community has seen increases in drugs, criminal acts, verbal and physical abuse and health threats. I APPEAL TO YOU TO STAND WITH US AS WE FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF OUR PEOPLE. En •d e Ne ci ma fo th c10s tail ighb tize Y P r o is b e e 0 n a U i d is d na rhood s by ss t t"s tan 11 by tL s, S 0 di d truthful re. -. :requ a bil enat:or- L support ng warr eliverin an este 1 s a r-k.i us ants g th d town doc d- by ._... our_ ponsored i n. Also e in having I will em to the n umen town n A nclo all use e c e s ted c from Iba'ny sed i of th your sary o r r th a s a e m re Sta espo e. 1CO t th res en s solu to L ndence mmitte e requ olutio ent he tions e g i s I a e e n r t t 0 s e 0 0 f a more for Safe t of our that you checked support rs. �I I! I� 0 • If I can and for be of you have further this matter. Please assistance, it is us who determine the do call me as it will be my pleasure quality of life to answer those we govern any questions. Katie Bonelli and I extend our thanks and appreciation for your time in reviewing this information and for the consideration you have given to this matter. Please remember it is us who determine the quality of life in all aspects for those we govern or help. Very truly yours, MARGARET GRUMBACH, Supervisor, Town of Chester Enc, MG:dd I i Dear Supervisor, • The City of New York has solved 1 /7th. of it's single male homeless problem. They have dumped them and the related problems into small rural communities of Chester and Blooming Grove. The city says they are doing a wonderful job. We know better. They are bringing unbelievable, disgraceful, disgusting conditions to our community. • • Some of the recent incidents are: 1 - Burglary of a house where condoms were left in a 12 year old girl's bedroom. 2 - Masturbating in front of 6 children at a school bus stop. 3 - Robbing our mail bones. 4 - Urinating at will on lawns, buildings, cars and in front small children. Even'-defecating in a Post Office parking lot. 5 - Aggressive behavior to elderly people and women. 6 - Constant shop lifting.in local stores. 7 - Drug Materials disposed of alongside roadways. 8 - Skyrocketing crime in our rural community.. 9 - Communicable diseases being brought into our community without supervision. 10 - Little or no control of former mental patients* and many, many, more problems. This has caused tremendous fear and concern in the community. Many people are attempting to sell there homes with little success. The city is doing the equivalent of "Burning Down Our Towns ". Imagine if you can the impact on your neighborhood:if your children could no Longer play on their front lawn, you didn't feel safe leaving your wife home alone, you are constantly aware of persons under the influences of drugs or alcohol wandering through your town behaving in a manner not acceptable to you. Perhaps it's acceptable on 42nd Street, New York City, but not in your hometown. We beg for your help in restoring our community to some degree of sanity. Sincerely, Pie Ca-4a— Mrs. Susan G. McCabe Corresponding Secretary for Committee for Safe Neighborhoods. a • • � STATE OF NEW Y 0 RK 2150 1993 -1994 Regular Sessloils IN. SENATE February 17, 1993 Introduced by Sens. LARK I U t COOK, IIOLLAND L. read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Social Services AN ACT to amend the social services law, In relation to requiring opera- tors of homeless facilities to conduct outs.tanding.warrant checks ion ..prospective facility entrants The People of the State of New.York represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: I1 Section .L . Section 44 of 'the•social'se'rvices law is amended by adding 2 a now subdivision 5 -a to read as follows;.,. 3 5 -a. The commissioner shall require the ope[ator of any homeless pro - 4. ject receiving financial assistance pursuant to this article to contact• 5. the local law enforcement agency-to determine whether an applicant for 6 the services of the homeless proi2ct Is the subject of an arrest warrant 7 and'shall notify such local law enforcement agency of the whereabouts of 8 such subject upon a finding that such subject Fs the applicant,' con - 9 sistent with regulations promulgated by the department 10. •S 2. This act shall take effect on'the one hundred twentieth day at- 11 ter, it shall have become a law, EXPLANATION Matter ln.ltallcs (underscored)AS' .new; matter In brackets I ) is old law to be'omitted. L©D06222 -02 -3 .2 POW s O ON /(cvct10 IIII A i A 0 On by to Resolution Motion of and duly the following resolution was carried by adopted: a vote Seconded of WHEREAS, Grove the no City and of New criminal York operates records a facility for homeless people in the etc. Town of Chester, by NY, and City of New York prior to WHEREAS, the Towns of Chester and Blooming Grove have and are experiencing difficulties with individuals who reside at that facility causing public safety and health concerns, and WHEREAS, the Towns of Chester and Blooming Grove have ascertained to theirsatisfaction that a certain number of the residents at the facility are the subject of outstanding criminal warrants, and WHEREAS, Grove into no screening and of criminal records for outstanding warrants, etc. is performed by the City of New York prior to placing the residents at this facility, and W t • c f 40 H h a h a E e s e c REAS, help sage c k s ility the Towns of Chester and of other municipalities of legislation designed prior to admission to (S2150 and A2526), Blooming Grove have requested in the state to help insure to require criminal record this non — secure residential NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of _ Chester and. bills enacted Blooming Grove into law, and in their supports the Towns of desire to have the above BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the State Senator and State Assemblyman representing the Town of _ with our request to support said bill(s), and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Town Supervisor of the ? "own of Chester, i I Y TBG -8 -93 Page 8 • HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION #121 BUY BID l._ I ST FOR - HIGHWAY SE. RV I CES Clm Hatfield offered ad••pt ion = RESOLVED, that this on county bid fiTir hi vegetation cr. introl, drainage, bridge rep solution and traffic 2nd Clm Corrigan CORRESPONDENCE the fi -.11 lowing Town Board autl ghway servicesm microsurfacirig, air, guiderai l line painting. Roll call vot resolution and asked for its or i ze Hwy Supt. Gilbert to buy Included in this bid are= installation of subsurface installation, calcium chloride e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #122 SUPPORT TOWN CHESTER & BLOOMING GROVEw Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption= WHEREAS, the City of New York. operates a facility for homeless people in the Town of Chester, _New York, and WHEREAS, the Towns of Chester and Blooming Grove have and are experiencing difficulties with individuals whi.i reside at that •facility causing public safety and health concerns, and WHEREAS, the Towns of Chester and B l ot .-im i n g Grove have ascertained to their satisfaction that a certain number of the residents at the facility are the subject of outstanding criminal warrants, and WHEREAS, no screening of criminal records for i_iutst and ing warrants, etc. is performed by the City of New York prior to placing the residents at this facility, and WHEREAS, the help the of Towns of other mi_lrticipal Chester and Blooming it ies in the state Grove to have help requested insure passage prier to and A2526), of legislation admission t• i designed this ti � require non- sec'_ire residential criminal record checks facility (S2150 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town � �f Dryden supports the Towns i if Chester and Blooming Grove in their desire to have the above bills enacted into law, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the State Senator and State that a copy Assemblyman of this representing resolut is in be sent to the Town of Dryden, with our request to support said bill (s) , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to • the Town Supervisor of the Town of Chester. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll l l call vote - all voting Yes Dryden Lake - police report for the month of May i E i TBG-8-93 Page 9 RESOLUTION exceed $400.00 to Mr. #k 1 c'3_ AUTHORIZE to make up the difference PAYMENT what his - GLEN DOWNE Y will be and would have been if it were still ag exempt. This Clm Corrigan offered the following resolutic-in and asked for its adoption RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the payment of an arilount not to exceed $400.00 to Mr. .BALANCE Glen Downey to make up the difference between what his taxes will be and would have been if it were still ag exempt. This payment be -half of the amount due for ' 1993 school and 'Y'will, 1994 Town 'Yoe and County taxes. Tompkins County is responsible form the nether half. 2nd Clrfl Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #124 AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURE FOR APPRAISAL. _ OF .PROPERTY - EMPIRE LIVESTOCK & MR._ TUTTLE Clm Baker offered the following resolution �n and asked for its adizipt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board authc-jrize the expenditure of an am• aunt riot to exceed $1,0( ' )C). (_)Cr for the appraisal ref pr• �perty to be purchased for the Town Hall which includes Mr. Tuttle's land and Empire Livestock pro pert y. 2nd Clm R• Ebert s Roll call vote e - all vc it i ng Yes RESOLUTION #125 AUTHORIZE _EXPENDITURE _FOR WEST DRYDEN COMMUNITY CENTER GRANT • Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion„ RESOLVED, that this Town Board aut hi_ir i e the expenditure of an artiount not to exceed $20,000.00 for the town's cash share for the West Dryden C• immun i t y Center grant, 2nd Clm C• err i g an Roll call vote e - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #126 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO TRANSFER UNEXPENDED FUND .BALANCE TO DRYDEN COMMUNITY CENTER CAPITAL FUND _WESTX . Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisr.Ir to transfer $109000.00 from unexpended fund balance to the West Dryden Commu.nity Center Capital Fund. 2nd Clm Baker R• i 1 1 call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #127 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO SIGN BANK CUSTODIAL AGREEMENT WITH FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF DRYDEN Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its ads apt i oo e RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to sign the bank custodial agreement with First National Bank of Dryden. This will be reviewed annually at the Organizational meeting in • January. 2nd Clra Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes I I i a 0 n l.J 11 TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607- 844 -9120 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT December 28, 1992 Jean Barrett, Tompkins County planning Department Biggs Building A, 301 Harris B. Dates Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 Sub: Special Permit, Application to Reaper, Convenient Store under General Municipal Law 239 L &M. Dear Ms. Barrett Please find enclosed a copy of an application and supporting documents detailing the pr'�Opoted reopening of an existing convenient store at 750 Fall Creek Road near the Harslet Of McLean, New York.. As You may or may not recall, the Town of Dryden approved a similar Special permit #_in 11/13/90, applicant was Joseph Edward Al l ington. Appl icat io: ors remains the same Other than, applicant proposes •se s t o install Gaso 1 i ne Service if the project becomes and remains success f u 1. As you are aware, gasoline service would fall under the jurisdiction of NYS DEC. At this time, the Town Beard would desire to held this hearing con January 19, 1993. The Board would also desire to be lead agency with regard t. � the S. E.O. R. process, As you will no dol -i than 30 clays away, cOpy of your% revie 1/19/93 suggested request, the Board received. bt observe, th We wO U 1 d red w Comments and hearing date. delay decisio is hear nest 7 i recomra In the n until i n.g date is somewhat less f possible, we receive a endations prior t that event yoLj can not I' 1 1 a response has been If YOU shOL(ld have any gUestions or desire further information, please feel free to ca11 LIS as necessary at 844 - -9120 between the hours of Sao(,) AM and 1600 pM Monday - Fridays Very truly y. ors, r Henry Slater cc: James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor Town Board Members Mah 1 o rr R. Perkins, Dryden Town At t i. orney George Schlecht, Engineer Susanne Lloyd, Dryden 'town Clerk Our Project Files I • CI • Date: To Sub, October 14th, 1992 James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor Schedule Public Hearings Dear Jim: Please find attached a copy of c Public Hearing Notices for the requested Site Flan Review and the Special Permit Request which were established for Thursday November 5th of this year. All required notices have filed as required for each application. Very truly yours, Henr1<-Slater CC: All Ti_iwn Board Members Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney C�_tsanne L 1 j.-�yd, Dryden Town Clerk George Sr_hl.echt, Professional Engineer I I • U 7 Ithaca Journal News 123 W. State Street Ithaca, New York 14850 ATTN: Donna Carr, Legal Ads PLEASE PUBLISH the Members of R. Perk. following the Dryden ns, Dryden LEGAL NOTICE Susanne George The rio later than SATURDAY OCTOBER 24TH, 1992 property and bill the Town of Dryden. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that an application has been received from Cayuga Press � �f Ithaca of 1650 Hanshaw Road Ithaca New York, to lease an existing structure and site at 1771 Harishaw Road to a second party tenant who intends to relocate an existing coffee roasting, ing, packaging, wholesale and retail sales business to that 1771 Hanshaw Road Site. The Dryden Town Beard, acting in it's capacity as a Site Plan Review Board, will review this application at a special meeting scheduled for Thursday November 0th, 1998. SAID HEARING wi Dryden Town Hal undersigned hav proposed activi District in whi Therefore, I' m 11 be held at 7%(:)() P. M. 19 60 E. Main Street Dry e reviewed this applicat ty is a permitted use in ch the proposed site is recommend i rig to the Town prevailing time at the den, New York. The ion and found that the the M. A. Zoning located within. Board that this application be approved with such conditions regarding such concerns as lighting, waste handling, traffic hours of operation Arid all other concerns that the Board deern appropriate. DATED: October 14th, 19 By Order of: He fM. Slater Zoning Officer Town of Dryden CC: James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor All Mahlon Members of R. Perk. i the Dryden ns, Dryden Town Town Board Attorney Susanne George The Lloyd, Sch 1 echt, Tompkins County Dryden Engineer Planning Town Clerk Department. All property r.1wners within 200 feet of the Site. A N i I • n U is Date: October 14th, 199' T Jean Barrett, Planner Tompkins County Planning Department Biggs Building A, 301 Harris Dates Dr. Ithaca, New York 14850 From Henry M. Slater, Zoning R Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden 85 E. Main Street Dryden, New York. Sub.: Site Plan Review and SE DR, Cayuga Press, Lease tip 2nd Party �_inder NYS '39 L.& M. Review. Dear Ms. Barrette Please find mentioned the Public Special Permit enclosed project. Hearing Hearing a copy A Review for this Application of Date project an application has been as well cif J. Kilmer for the established as for the and above for Associates earlier hearings this at for 298 Cortland rilorith. Thursday The Town Ni .-ovember Road Board which 5th has of was scheduled this Supplied t � � these year. YOU (E') I believe that the J. Ki lrner^ your hands for the required required f• 1r "Lead Agency" Obviously, the Cayuga Press will be somewhat less than Application will have been in 30 days prier to hearing as Status for the SEOR review. SEOR other agency review period the generally accepted 30 days. Since the Cayuga Press Applications will only involve only a change of tenants for an existing structure and site with no physical changes to either the structure or site, we respectfully ask for your assistance by completing this review within a shortened review time. You will find that a short f to the nature of the request appropriate form t� o supply. If you are unable to review the November 5th Hearing Dat be Conditional pending Count 1_irm EAF has been submitted. Due we feel that this is the and provide an opinion prior to e, I'll suggest, any decisions y Planning Opinion. If you should have any questions or desire further information, p 1 ease feel free to Call us as necessary at 844-9120 between the hours of 8*('.)(') A. M. and 1 : i 0 P.M. Monday Friday. Thank. you, a4b Henry M. Slater CC : Our Project Files and as required. I I I • • Date: October SEOR 14th, 1992 T1,: Whom it May Concern as, FromsHenry M. Slater, 1iDning & Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden E5 E. Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Sub. : S. E. Q. R. Dec 1 arat i on as, "Lead Agency St at us ". Ladies and /or Gentlemen: An application has been received fromm Cayuga Press of Ithaca, NY. whom are requesting a Site Plan Review Hearing. For: the lease of of an existing structure and site owned by them to � a second party tenant who proposes to use the facility t o relocate an existing coffee processing and distribution business. Site: 1717 Hanshaw Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850M which is under review by the Dryden Town: Site Plan Review Board and by the SEOR requirements are now declaring themselves as, "Lead Agency" in the review of this application. Since you may have interest, input or may yourself want to assume the lead agency in this review, we request that you respond to this office in writing by no later t h ari : November 13th, 1992 I f we have not received a response by then, it will be assumed that you have no abjectit :ln to us being Lead Agent and that you have n•, input for the review. Thank yo ul Henry M. Slater cc: Tompkins County Dept. of Health, No. Dept. of Environmental Conservation, No. Tompkins County Planning Dept. Jean Barrett, Yes. Dryden Town Board & James Schug, Yes. 1 s , • Ithaca PUBLISH the Journal the Town Board News 123 Town Dryden will W. State Street 30TH, Ithaca, and bill New York 14850 ATTN: Donna Carr, Legal Ads PLEASE PUBLISH the following the Town Board of LEGAL NOTICE Town Dryden will hold Permit Retail no later than FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1992 and bill the Town of for a Special to establish a structure Dryden. prevailing PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town Dryden will hold Permit Retail a pUbl is hearing as applied for Jewelry Store to by within consider J. Kilmer an an R existing application Associates commercial for a Special to establish a structure and site prevailing at 298 Cortland time at the Dryden Town Hall, Road Dryden, Street New Dryden, York. New SAID HEARING will be held on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5TH, 1992 at 7:10 PM prevailing time at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York at which time all interested persons will be given an Opp artUnity to be heard. Person may appear in person or by agent. DATED: October 14th, 1992 �t ak By Order of . Henry M. Slater Zoning Officer Town of Dryden CC: James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor All Members of the Dryden Town Board Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk George Sch 1 echt, Engineer All property owners within 20() feet of the Site. I I 0 B6 -8 -9 Page 10 RESOLUTION #128 AUTHORIZE SUPV TO SIGN RFP FOR ENGINEERING _ SERVICES -- TURKEY HILL -WATER & SEWER DISTRICTS Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its ads +pt i +_ +n a RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authorize the Supervisor to sign the RFP for engineering services for Turkey Hill water and sewer districts arid to mail to designated engineers'- Peter Novelli, Robert Hunt, O'Brien & Gere, Sterns & Whe 1 er, LKB and others hers i f required. and Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #129 AUDIT VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #106 Clm Baker offered the following resolution �n and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that abstract audited for a total of #4031. and Clm Corrigan #106 voucher #369 to #455 to be paid as $3059 107. 18 with the exception of voucher Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $79 940 m i D(") for the month +:_If May NEW BUSINESS B. R. Dewitt special permit hearing June 17th 7e0(")PM - Dryden elementary school Ad.j ourned o 10:15 Ar� Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk �3 i i I • z w Q W W Q u • o z 0 u w z F O O • a w C� W x imm( w O x F 0 z z Foot C/1 0 O .�, v . 'o O � " � ed c� a� � o � v ', v � 04 cu ' •784 VW4 u �, e� .� (U .� 0704 (U •� w •� O Gmw 0� OF4 V via ' VO4 60 bo u ra fu � .�.+ (U PUM4 > > 'a Lr) O rml bA w 0 M �A ( d 41 F 4 W W woo a� O Orjj ;M( a W •Z $:L4 cu W �(A w WW - �$14 > o V � •-� ~W �o0� xo 00 a, uo W .,�. M a, V �H zo 4 rb O 0 O O X33 PMMI 0 Oa P4 O* • polo 94 3 O 0 a, u �04 vd 040 ; vm4 ® °a 0 ®a4o o 3 C14 ® rmm4� ®o 444 Ormr4 •�W� mw rm4 O rm4 'o rO .•4 X a{ o 3� ea � ;ff4 �,• o ®bo • ® ro `.x o s~ '~ o • O V H 1 1 iF O, N b4 a w Go w'OW I 0 • W cu k c�C O W � � AO O U :> o O 4) O 0 0 •~ .~ V w � c v o � b4 o•� Mai 7 p v ;I G cl) 04 cn O •,O o ��,� II C.7 bA w •~ 0 vwE a* � A Oro a •� rij a c4 MINA .4.0 > O •" 1401 (U •� '�'� v bA USrA O (A cn � a 0 1=4 ' a a %4MA low pill 4 O cu rb ON ON a Poo Ow a' c� 'O > e� 0O ,PO4 ,W4 O O In O n �a epp" �Qo �a� S a t I • • I .N W 4 o W W o c� >� I� _A I� u x O Ems, r .w vw w o . 00 cam. aj rM-I V . ZW � ro aU O • Z w • �) Oro c� tl II tl O P4 � x A to q �v �QQ w �aa i� 7� �I fj ,A • pmq 0 W I u O z 0 u w IN H 0 0 c. w C� W x H w O x FMMq 94 0 z cam• w E'+ H H x �J e mw y WWR • O � O F A A � II II II c� FI u i cu %404 to LP PLO i•i O �Y w O . 3�cm rb w o � . n UP,V+60 QO vw �•aw •0 w > CJ Ci 0.4 Qj t/1 � to •�+ .� OW W �QA * rM4 OEM,° ar A o� �, rx >