HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-09TB2 -9 -93 Page 6 • RESOLUTION #97 T APIPIO I N-r MEMBER TO TOt+lPK I NS (.:t il�ih'It.. ►hd HOSPITAL_ CORPIORAT I ON -- JAMES SCF-{UC Clm offered adopt ion e RESOLVED, that this the Tompkins Community to expire in 1995. the following Ti vin Board Hc1spital appoint Corporation resolution and James Sch I_tg for a asked for its to serve on two year terra 2nd Clrll Baker Roll call vrate - all voting Yes The Town Br.fard and Justice L_ 1 oyd discussed a computer for COUrt roclni use during court Sess.i l.- InS. Also d l ::.cusSe_d t erllpl.-Wary a position with a 1 imitat icln of 6 rlicinths fc cr^ ccil_rrt clerical work and to review the position at the end cif that time. +?4t1Y1 Board recessed ft-Jr executive session YIc s act ir!YI was taker's Ad OI_trrled ; 19 ; 00PM • Susanne Lloyd Dryden Town Clerk 0 3 I R • 0 TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 9„ 1993 Deputy Supv Hatfield called the meeting to order at 7o3OPIA Ilembers and guests participated in the Pledge r.1f Allegiance Roll call was Present o by the DepUty *Town St_ipv. Clerk Hatfield, . Clm Roberts, Clm Laker, Clm Corrigan, Absent u Atty Sijpv Perkins Schug. and Z.O. Slater Deputy Supv fund bills. of l Hatfield appointed sales t Clm Rr.1berts to audit the general APPROVAL OF THE M I MUTES e Motion was made by Clm Robe•r ^t s and 2nd by Clnl Baker that the nlint_ites r. 1f 1-- 12 -939 1-- 19- -93 and 2- -9 -93 be a•Pprover..i. Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. W Wft� r�_�s that a year t the courit y enacted a local law o of l line p percent s sales t tax i incolrease t to h help with their financial p pr i iblerns. T The county a agreed t to share 2 25 percent of t the proceeds w with t the towns and t the city. S Since this i is sunset leg islat ir.in t the c ci-Junt y has t t• � go b back t this year t to new leg islat iort t to g get them in 1 1994. T The c city has d decided this time ar��und they w want 5 50 per-•cent � �f the p pr ^�M�ceecl_� i instead � �_1f the 25 percent .' I I f t this h happens y yo a car- 1 1 or k. a at a 20 . p percent tax i increase i in p p-ropert y y tax . ti-.1 c ci,lver t that. There a are some .just t members r.-if t the b bi_iard that h have their m minds set t that we will eliminate t the o one percent a and put i it a all back c c.in the real property w which w will mean a abi -Dut 44 p percent t tax i it e-rea-tse. The county is t tryinrl t ti.n reach s sr.1me sort o of a a cr.imprortiise w with the C City of Ithaca t that w wi .-iuld riot r require t the c cr.lurrt<y t� � p pay r.iver^ The full 50 percent. reported on Sc-il id Waste, they have restructured their cortimittee and decision making proc%eiss. He feels this will move things fi.- irwc-trd. They will have 6 res• it ut ions before the cr_:Im mittee rin March 30th. 1-- CPF which is being studied; C -- DRT will be suspended, they will terminate further action r.1n DR l; ::; -- the isst_ie Df the haulers riot p<Aying their bills; 4- funding _t.- jurces from solid waste pri::igranls for the future years; 5 -° the closure of F-li 1 lview facility; and Ea- develc ape a cc_�ntract arrangement with sr-'rile landfill facility to take our si_il id waste starting next year. -- re PC county with al within rt e Pas 1 J, the d zin dam site. sed a 'r ^e��� 1 t_rt i f the I and c nwrter next few days. '*rri e t twn has paid their portion. ion. The n ce.1rtfirmirig the agreement they have s. The easements shr. +uld be executed 3�f i L� • E I:)at r March 5th, 1994 1 _ Char 1 es Hat f i e 1 d, Dryders f -.Pwri Deputy Super�v i sc lr Zoning R• E{i_ri lding Ccode Erifcwceroerit Off. 65 E. Main Dryden Site Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New Yclr-+ F'r cIrn: Flerwy M. Slater, Zoning R• E{i_ri lding Ccode Erifcwceroerit Off. 65 E. Main Street Site Dryden, Homes, (G) New Yclr- k. 13C) 5 Februar�y 19' Dept. Activity Report Dear, Charlie: Building Perri i t s l ss)ued, (5) which are descr i bed as f'::'lI cows : A••-1 Single-family, New Star-•ts, Site Built Homes, (G) A - -1 Extend, Repai.r� w -w Renc ivate Existing Single -- family (l. ) A - -1 Single Derm_i1 ish wide Exist Mclbilvn irig Log 1- lcime F.I��me and replace with a (1 Erect F ltr i vat e Garage Cent i f i.cates cif Occuparicy and Compliance. (4) Occur..Iarlcy Issued. (Ci) Temp• Crary Ce0, i f i.r_.ate ref OccUparlcy. ( 1 ) Cerrt if i cat es Cif ClDmp I i t-mce issued a F i re Investigations. (J ) There were (4) Fire 1 nwE1st i g at i l -Jr, c _ind uct ed by cll. r _office. One was a Structi -rre fire and the ether three were chimney f i. res. The st r�_ic: t �_rre f i. r °e, a pr i vat e accesscirry use st citrage huilding, was found tl::, tae unfit f_rm fi_wther^ use and has been denn-I1.i. stied. The chirimey fires were mini-Ir, cartsing rc) damage to: —, eitherm the hr-Ime civ the rhironrey. After a ccimpleted i aspect i s in by 1 -il.w f f i re, use . was3 pev,m i t t ed t c o c:cirlt i rlue. P • f ='y. (`) Multiple Residence Inspections& (0) Fire Safety Inspections of public/businesses: (C)) Home Day Care Fire Safety I aspect i s nns, (0 ) Zoning P yard of Appea 1 s Hearing Red _rests : (3 ) One was a coat i nuat i rin fri_trn the January agenda which was denied after review c-if additional data which had been supplied by the applicant. One _if the remaining (`) applications, has) br:•�r -_.ri with drawn and the (..3rd) was approved. The 3rd appeal involved the addition of a private garage to a pr-e-- existing home which does rn_ft meet the front yard set back.. Pre-existing homes, is a { er nr used to describe be tiornes built prior t i_p the ad• ipt i c_in ,:-If Dryden Town Zoning. During February, we cr-impleted our review .-if the Mobile Home Parks which was started during January. Overall, rirost of the 15 Parks are being found in acceptable ciindit i� �n and clDrnpl iance the Town and ether agency requlat ions. We have determined si_ime m i ncor problems which has resulted in the issUe of notices ices of. violations. One Park, Beacr-in View "; had several r_ourt appearances issued to tannates. Fi �r the most part t hose violations are for accurflu 1 at i c_ons i_1f junk, trash and rubbish. Not only do such materials ICI Ok Uriattractive, bUt aisi =, can be a fire safety hazard. Pis we also f• and last summer at one of the M i neah Road Apartment C' imp 1 e xes, such materials attract Raccoon and the pi -Rent ial fr.ir rabies. We are also ril-.fw in the middle of fire safety inspection rif public buildings, business establishments and multiple residences. When we fist started this program about (3) years ago, it was meet with sc.1me apprehension. I n _,w notice, that oDur business and especially residential l and l i_Irds are quite anx i ous to have us come. I believe that they find it easier to force compliance with their rules ::in tenants. They simply, tell tenants, " The Town Makes Me Do this ". If that is all it takes, st-1 much the better. Henry M. Slater CC All Dryden Town Fig yard Members James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor �S�anne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mah 1 e_In R. Perkins, Dryden Town At t i rney i TB3 -9 -93 pale i CITIZEN p'RIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Larry F abro n i , representing Steve L uceartt e - they are r'eq nest, i rig a zoning change on Hanshaw Read. The LUcerttes OWn, a 55 acr r-R- parcel with no access to R,-Jute 1 .3, and is in the airport hazard zone. To developea that li =trtd is .light industrial, This parcel a'( land gains an access from Hanshaw Rd. and wt.-juld be mare logically zoned are light indt..tstrial similar tl -.1 the ad.jr.lining property, so they could develi -JpLL: some kind of access. They have talked to the F'lanninq Board about two different kirlds of access. Tn1= pca'cel .is near the SPCA and Cayuga Press. The Town Board decided to have the Planning Br.ia.rd 'rE-eview this request fc. jr 'a i:ininq chartge :in Hanshaw Rd. . for their recf.- ,mmend at i on. ATTORNE`! Att y have or, 12- appl Perk i ns - Status all received -19-.92 which icat ir.1n. The of a copy _urtrrti,a.rizes board is Alfred t:_If a ran the the Ekddy letter current mailing permit. sent to status list The beard members the town supervisor of that for any correspondence letter t :o the sinc�_xi supervisr_rr, and has that tithe.,. should to the Tr,'I �•e constitute letters a together recrird ti �f with his what is qoing on. bottom trailer tandem t Tact _rr #7; 0 ZONING OFF I CER -- riu:inthly rep =irt given to board rtiertibers Schedule H� �vanec a special Builders, permit in hi -Xme hearing sale MIf f on ,4- 13 i ce at -- -93 1575 at 7:30PIM Dryden for Rd. The application I- Ilanninq is Dept. for cl_implete-a their, review. and has been sent to the County Atty Perkincs - the "r.twn Pl,oard should for a special perm i t pertly for C j, 1 r.,rig there. Apparently the reprx7�t_rttat i� art is going to live in this house. This and .jest. build nii::ide l hi �riie. be aware that this qualifies as the applicant lives of the applicant is that he canto .-It be a hi -xtie l .-jccupat ion i'.O. Slater -- cc rtfirmed this t,:IdC:zy that the a'pplic-ant does intend to live there. HIGHWAY Sl IPER I NTENDENT U T ION 4i TO SELL.. OLD ADVERTISE Cl m C1--jrri Bart offered the fell 1wing re so l ut ic_In and asked for its ads apt ion o RESOLVED, that this Tc-1vin Board advertise for bids to sell 1- c:- 1970 F"WD #16a 3- John Deer; 433; ° 5 -- 1959 V bottom trailer tandem t Tact _rr #7; and 8— h °lei 1 �=: nd Clm Baker Roll authorize Hwy Supt Gilbert to 19802.' �8i= H1'pr'e ?eSt_lr'e wc1t:_tner%ratF?ariler'9 tractor; 4- 1959 V bottom trailer #.34 g E. -- 19165 excavator #29; 7 -- 1969 tr, -ai ter #360 call vote = all voting Yes J jjloo� I 1 i I 1 E TB3 -9 -93 Clm Roberts - replaced. Page 3 wanted to know if arty of these items have t+_+ be Hwy Supt. Gilbert -- n.+, they would r-i+.It be replaced, CORRESPONDENCE Letter from Displaced H+.+rnemakerNs Center thanking the tc-+w'ri for providi'rig funds of $30(:)u00 in si_!ppC+rt• of their 1` 93 pr+z+gramse Dog reps +rt from Lorraine Bard DISCUSSION ZBOA appi+i.ntment -- Clm Cc_-crri.gan - -. the board Baker t4J schedule a visit with a candidate with the candidate on Sato and they l+_+ccked Since that time another cE.-ind idate has cc+nle i nt erest ed e She would like t recommend ni +t appointment tonight, but ask. the other card the sarile process cadril i n i St e-r•ed si- +rile' i rile this that then apps- +intment be delayed until I the A appointed her and Clrl for the ZBOA. She met over yC.0ril ig Cases= forward who c is to make an idate ' t + have exactly N wee. S he recommends pr i 1 board meeting RESOLUTION 1 #89 ACCEPT RES T CNA -r I ON FROM ZBOA MEMBER - I)+_ +ril Bordc_in0kr-o Clm Baker r.+fferNed the following reS011_rtiuln and asked for its adopt ion a . RESOLVED, that this T+ awn Board rerlret f u 1 1 y accept the resignation of Dom Bordonarc_+ as ZrJning Bc.+ard + -+f Appeals rilerilber, and with high pra i se f� +rN a job well d+ 1neo c'nd Clm CrJrrigan Ro11 call vote - all voting Yes Deputy Si_rpv Hatfield - the Dryden T,.-jiAn Board has been asked to support the historical designatic -in of the Ellis f- Iollow Community Ch+_rrche RESOLUTION #91 -rAX INCREASE REASE ON BANKING INDUSTRY Clm Roberts offered the following and asked for its adoption" RESOLVED, that this Dryden Tc.-+wn Board have the Supervisor write a letter to +.+i_lrN Assemblyman and State Senator +_opposing the tax. increase r.ln the banking industry. 2nd Clril Baker Roll call vote - Clm Robcert s Yes Clm Baker Yes Deputy Supv. Hatfield Yes Clm Cnr+ rigar-i Abstained 0 i i RE_._SO.__ L►_'r I ON t_t._q) S..._ U_ P T._. I LL..._O._W I TY __._ _.._ CHURCH FOR _OR._T_' ._.._E._._L HISTORICAL STOR _ _ .S .._H._I_:.I._ _.C._...C._MM_L._..N ..... _ I CAL DES I C�NA`r I ON CIm Corrigan offered the f� �11owing res +_ +li_i.t i.� cYi and t,sked for its adc_cpt iono RESOLVED, that this Dryden Tcawn BrDard have the Si_rpervis+ .-cr write a letter +f si_rppc,rt for the Ellis i-l+_c1. 11 �w C+Driimunity Church for historical designation. 2nd Clrn Roberts Roll call vote -- all voting i.ng Yes RESOLUTION #91 -rAX INCREASE REASE ON BANKING INDUSTRY Clm Roberts offered the following and asked for its adoption" RESOLVED, that this Dryden Tc.-+wn Board have the Supervisor write a letter to +.+i_lrN Assemblyman and State Senator +_opposing the tax. increase r.ln the banking industry. 2nd Clril Baker Roll call vote - Clm Robcert s Yes Clm Baker Yes Deputy Supv. Hatfield Yes Clm Cnr+ rigar-i Abstained 0 i i 0 page 4 Clm Corrigan abstained voting on tax increase ':in the banking industry because she did not know enough abr.lut this and would like to l,_„ -,k. -at it and see hi �w other municipal it ies felt aboLit ita RESOi_U1" i ON #a 7.' AUl"f� OR I ZE AL.L. HIGHWAY DRIVERS T .Q ._.A _` T E N D SAFETY ._.F =' Fi Ca G R A M_.__- __._._.__.__..____._- Cir,l Corrigan Corrigan offered the the following lowing resiW1lut ic.in ut ion arid and asked adoption° RESOLVED, fT_1r its adopt i i in v Ti.-jwn B, :;ar ~d agree to ci -Dr-it ract with Carilp Fire Boys and of $4, 518° 'nd Clm 2= Girls Beaker (.a Ca, .'wie 1 half •f Reliance to be RI-. 1 Pr• � eimbursed l 1 call ,gram vi_It e RESOLVED, attend a April or $38.00 ai a per 2nd Clm Safety May Iaaker that this Grogram r. ,f 1993° person. "rr.{wri to The Board be cost Roll authorize held ti-.1 call a 1 at Dryden the T,_,wn vote - 1 will all highway Village be vtYIt approximately ing drivers Hall t, t in Yes RESOL_Ul" I C:lN #93 C:Afli"IF' FIRE F. C)YS & G I F ?L_ i SELF RELIANCE. PROGRAM FOR 199 ; Clm . C =_r "r'i.]an Corrigan Cffered the f� �l l� •wing resSol iC'n arid ut ion arid asked fr �r its adoption° RESOLVED, that this Ti.-jwn B, :;ar ~d agree to ci -Dr-it ract with Carilp Fire Boys and of $4, 518° 'nd Clm 2= Girls Beaker (.a Ca, .'wie 1 half •f Reliance to be RI-. 1 Pr• � eimbursed l 1 call ,gram vi_It e for b� the - a 1993 Divisirn l l vi:_It fi, +r i ng a t,-.,t a frr Yes 1 amount Youth. RESOLUTION 1*94 ZBOA HJOTEND CONFERENCE AT CO RNELL_ UN I VE RC:; I TY Clm Corrigan offered the r•esolut iC'n arid asked for its adopt ion o RESOLVED, that this (appeals members to March 311. 199; and person f0r' a t nt a. 1 I.nd Baker T 1wn Board auth 1r,ize the Zi_ining B,-,ard of attend a Ci_in f erence at Cr. irne l l University on t,�, pay expenses, 'The amr.iunt i s $1 !:a, i ai a per R• , l l call vote e - all voting Yes JUSTICE REPORT - $79934=00 FINANCIAL. RE='T='ORT - available to board members OLD BUSINESS Erica Evans - wi_ u l d like f i:ar the reci Ord t,_, read a letter fry ,ray the Office of the State Comptrciller a{-Hiking the questi.,.,ns which have ncit been answered and -which have held up the Turkey. Hill water and sewer district. These were the q uest i c,ris that were not answered please send our office the following additional document at i c-in wh iz.'h is relevant t i the processing of these appl icat ions° 1 -- a statertlent concerning the berief it form ula proposed to be used by each -.if the t w ! districts assessments which states the total nuriit:aer , .-,f benefit units, explains the number r.-If benefit unit=: to be assessed against the different 31 i i 3� ..t.BS -9 -932 Page 5 categories I :f prl :Iperties In this area. `- the fl-Dllowing dl :lcurtlents which c.incer-•n the supply ,_If water, ti-.1 the prl :lposed Turkey Hill water district.. (a) a cl :Ipy of the interrilunicipal agreement with -the Southern Cayuga Water Corilmi.ssil :In9 (b) the current user r=ate schedule i :If the Si uthern Cayuga Water CI :Immissil :,r-; (c) a statement , 'hrl:m an i :Iff icial i ::if the Southern Cayuga Water CI :Iri missil :In stating that the. cr. Iri1r,lissiC Iri is willing tr 1 supply water to the pry (posed 1..,_rrkey Hill water district: pUrSUant tcl the abl:lve stated agreement. the f1 :1111 :1wing dl:lcuments which concern the treatment or' the sewage to be collected by the prClposed Ti.(rkey Hill sewer district. (a.) a copy of the interriiunicipal agreement front the Ithaca area Wastewater Treatment P l art 4 , (b) the current user rate schedule by the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treat relent P l ant P (c) a statement from an official represerat ing the .ja �int board r) t= the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatrnent Plant stating that the .ji-Jint_ board is willing 't+ treat the sewage` from the proposed Turkey Hi 11 sewer district pursuant tcn the above stated agreement. Kindly =uend the dl:courilents requested abl :lve to the attention Of t =bra Marks, Office of the State Comptrollero This later was seat on Mars. `7th. On Feb 18th she inquired -about this and was told this was privileged infl :lr�rilat ion,. so she had t,:, write tl,_t Albany. On Feb 23rd Mr Marks called up and said he had rrl :it - received answers to these q nest i 1 :iris. We were ti-.11d these were questions t hat were not necessary and have never been asked befl :Ire. Their feeling is that each application as time gl :les ori, its very possible that it carp • be d i f fererit and perhaps it is the duty r.if the board or attorney to look into 1 whc-ftt exactly is required before the application is actually seat in. If it had been dl :Ire that way the engineers I could now be progressing. j Deputy Supv Hatfield - that is true, but every tir>>e we send an application in the state arks different quest ilzins. He is sure they have all i :If the info Irrnat ion they need now. Atty Perkins -- everything went to the State Comptroller that their own •regu1at iz Ins required. 'They requested this information, I although they have never requested it before under similar applicati Iris O'Driling frl :Iri1 thie.tl :Iwna They have had all of this � info brat ic- In, in fact they have signed off I :In the legal j sufficiency of all of the prl :Iceed:i.rigs and the application. They I have forwarded nl :lt'ir. e to that affect te., the (::.m1:,unt;S which went out ,i.-�f the CI :Irilptrollers Office I :In March 4th. T1-1day the paper work went to Financial Affairs Divisil:ln fl:lr review and they hl :Ipe to have a r�esprinse arid a rec immenda•t irn tc the Depl.(t.y CI :Ir�lptr�l_Il ler~ by March :-:22nd. I C l m Corrigan - wanted to knl :w if t ll :Ise steps would have 1 :1r_c1..(r-e d , if they were still l.l±i :Iking for ri11_I1r "e documentation, �J TBS -9 -9S Page S Atty Perkins - no, they will ni Ft send � ir- complete their review until they have all r. 1f the information they deers necess�xry. The board should be aware that we were able to cr.inv i rice them that -they did not need all. of that documentation, because we would still be waiting foro' r.irie of those items. We wanted t send the State Comptrollers Office as complete a package as possible in response to their cjuest is nri.s, rather than in drips and drabs. Clm R� Ebert - s - wondered if there was any further d i sci..tss i l Dr, needed regard.ing she it was was discussed, wi Auld t em porary, the cr.iurts and the ternp1_1rary as kind of a they help. Clm Corrigan Supv - it was her understanding after talking we shl -Juld backlog with Judge Lloyd long vote. that as It she it was was discussed, wi Auld t em porary, be willing but it but no to _go ali::ing with was never put kind of formal to act something any ion. as kind of a Clm Roberts - his impression was that it si- Jurided like we gave him the go ahead. We didn't make a resolution and wrJr-idered if we needed to fiwirmaliZe that r.ir disrn ss it further. Deputy Supv Hatfield - maybe we were mislead a little that we we shl -Juld backlog had a lot of infr.rmat felt is -in to go in there. He got the message that they .about it. agreed riko.-I way tc.1. did If the there board is wart a need to were caUght !gip arid maybe the tempr.trary help is not even needed. l+'laybe- we shriu l d wait unt i .1 next mr.1r-tt h t l-. 1 make a dec i s i r. in and get some infOrmat ir. 1n iz in the -whr ale sit Uat ion. Clm Corrigan talk - in to him fairness ti, again„ - wanted we shl -Juld backlog t•, know how far Judge Lloyd has g lrje, since it was his felt that understand br.lard needs to:, irig. Clm Roberts - only as far as putting an ad in the newspaper. Clm back Corrigan and talk - in to him fairness ti, again„ him, If this the we shl -Juld backlog wait has until beer- he c0mes caught Up. She felt that the br.lard needs to:, talk to hirii .about it. agreed riko.-I way Clm Roberts - felt felt that was is willing the full board should meet with both JUd ges and the r. - %o u.rt have has clerks. a said temp irary f u,1 1 Clm Corrigan no way of - knowing. felt this She was is willing a very gor.1d idea to stand behind becauaSe what they she have has previously for some approve a said temp irary f u,1 1 and time what help, emp 1 � the fine, tyee. br.lard but agreed riko.-I way tc.1. did If the there board is wart a need to Jean Ryan - the only thing that when Judge Claus�ln asked him abr_lut a -few things, he said well at the least the ad had been placed. We do have applicatic.ins if there is a need to go:, ahead. At least we are that ore step ahead. We have the appl icat it �ris to do the review if needed. Any lne who applied, they were tcold that there may or may nj:_it be a possibility of a part--time position. She felt that it shi Auld be a .j� �ir�t meet ir�g �r at least the two Judges. Decision was tabled until a meeting c�Iuld be held between the two JlAdges, trJwn board and court clerks. 9 I • TB3 -9 -93 Page 7 RESOLUTION #95 AUDIT VOULDHERS ARSTRAC;T #`=.x C:lm Roberts offered the ft -.11 .1. 1wir-,q resolution and asked fc Ir its adopt ion o RESOLVED, that abstract #103 voucher #126 to #2.07 to be paid as audited $78.019.06. 2nd C l m Gcirr i q an Rc i 1 1 call vote -- all voting Yes New Bus i,ness Special permit hearing 4 -13 -93 Board meet in to follow Adj�urnede 9u15PM Susanne L_lIOyu Town Clerk 1 7 n 30PIM I-lc.1vanec Builders t i