HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-19"TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING Convenience, Store 750 Fall Creek Rd .JANUARY 19, 1993 Supv Schug called the meeting to r. trder at E%s 45PM Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper ('.111ricerning the appl icat ion, f� Ir a coriveriience str.ire at 750 Fall Creek Rd. (cI Dpy in minute book.) QUESTIONS ANI) /OR COMMENTS Richard Devine, 767 Fall Creek Rd. - he lives across the road f ri.- +m this prl.jposed convenience st r.1re. There ' was a 1 r.1t .1f traffic when the pizza sti:ire was there. With a ci.Dnvertience stare there will be a lot r +Hare traffic involved. He is nc1t sure what he intends in set l ing there, but if there ire any alcoholic is beverages connected with i t q we do riot need that. 'There ere i s a g e r.1d store already i n McLean now. He felt t hat we . did not need a place f• •r the kids to hang arljund. He did rent think. arn.1ther store was necessary since it is r.in l y 3 miles t Dryden and a l l kinds of stores. There are a lot of people that use this highway between Cortland and Ithaca because it is shorter er arid is ci.ingest ed in the m orning with the wi.Ir.k traffic and the schor.11 buses. Kenneth Roc-iney - there has been a traffic study cOLUrit on that • highway and has been rated for 370C.) cars a day. If the convenience sty Ire appl icat ir. in is appri.Ived they wiJuld be applying fc.1r a 1 a.'Gui.- it license. They wi.Juld expect tr.1 have operating hours that wi.Juld fit within the community. In the winter time they wO U 1 d be c l i.ised by 9 e i OPM on most days. In the surnmer time possibly 1 (') u 00PM and that would be mostly on Friday and Saturday. As far- as people hanging around in that area, they are there now. It might be something that will be inherited, but is nothing that he has created. Richard Devine -- since the pizza parlr.lr has closed they do not have the kids hanging around any ri1r.ire. Kenneth Ri:_icnney had. However, he as a is .aware bus i ness rif man the it is reputatir.in riot the pizza his interest parlor, t i.i create Anyone a hangout. He C� art 1 an(I area runs arid hie several is c� imm other i t t ed ncnt cl.Dnven t rJ i ence that prof stores ess i in r.ina 1 i the sm where while ever he gees. He plans r.oln i.iffering a service to the community. Why shy iuld the residents have to g� � t� � Dryden, Cr.irt land, Freevi 1 le i �r Ithaca tr. 1 get gas. They plan :,n selling gas at the convenience and deli store. Richard Devine - they dr.1 not need gas in the village. Anyone that travels are there. to these areas He dr.ies ncnt is going want tr.1 gas in get the their village gas of right McLean. while they al. SPECIAL PERMIT REVIEW App irant : K %enneth L. Rooney K John CooDe.r� _ Date: Dec. Otion:__Reo v� i_ Exist in __Conveni�ent_Stor,e iroc1�UdingSa1e of Gasoline for Motor, Vehicles. Sites 750 Fall Creek. Road. near h arti l et of McLean,. NY Zoning District: RB 1 Hearing Date: 19th, 1993 Submitted to County on:Review by: _January _ Henry M. Slater Sect i in 1303, SPECIAL PERMIT Req •_t i rernent s Review 1) . Name of the applicant, name of business and legal owner of the property /premises. —_ Supplied See 1/3 3/3 attached, 2). Has a property survey map or o=lt her legal descr i pt i on of premises been provided? _ SuDDl iedoSee attached drawings 1/3, 2/3 K 3/3. 3) . Has t he applicant provided a detailed description of proposed used use which includes, off street parking, read cuts, and other site uses relative to project ?____All such facilities are preexisting, and have been reviewed_ by the Beard for the�Tcseph_Allirgton hearingfor a similar use which_ was approved on 11/13_/90. _� - -- — - -- 4). Has a sketch of site and site improvements been supplied? — . - Althou h sketch is somewhat lacking in exact detail. I believe it is adeg!_iate for review of a^prio�r approved Ilse. _ •. Is Sewage disposal and water supply facilities existing or proposed and permitted by what means? Preexist_inn with No changes prop =osed or rreegUired. 6) . Has applicant provided a description of current Uses of the premises adjacent to the project site? Yes, copy attached. 7). Has applicant provided a general statement appraising the effect of the proposed project and use on the adjacent properties, the environment and future deve 1 opment of the neighborhood and community in general? _ S�= �niewh t,genera b +_tt does make an attemp±.t�Li.sum u the positive aseect o f t h e 8)m Applicant has provided copies of all permits or application for sl_tch permits required by all other local, state or federal agencies necessary for this pryIject. Special Permit is now being applied for..App_licant w 11 r,ecguire e_ fo od permit which has been applied f• =or. C•= vnments or r_oDncerns: A Special Permit for this project site for the same use _was ?ppri::ved by— the _I)r� den Town Board can 11/13/90, Copy attached._ The only .difference is rna_pi ^_a Or s�_ibs and sandwiches. Applicants also sj_tggest „__that they__wc �!_ild..L_ in times install nasol ire service. Gasoline would be a__perArqitted use within _an_(RB —I) Zone, if a neighborhood service which it would be in the McLean area. Such _insta11at ions _ar__e Under the sIA ervis_ion of DEC. Syracuse. NY. _ Henry M. Slater Town Pyard Members Mahlon Perkins, Town Attorney George Schlecht, Engineer Jean Barrett, Tompkins Co r= 'lanning TOWN OF DRYDEN i DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 807444 -8120 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region 0NING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT • December 29, 1992 James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor E5 East Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Re: Special Permit Application Form. Dear Jim: I've completed a preliminary review of the above mentioned applicaticin and find that application sufficiently complete to forward that appl icat iori, all sUppcirt ing documents and my review comments to you and the beard for your review. At t P 1_i b 1 need ester reca his t is Hp ncp 1 bIish 1 1, F, irne, I'm asking th wring Date for thi ess than (2) weeks a hearing date pr :45 PM JanUary 19 at you and the be s application P1 lead time from t icir to that heari 1993 was I lard determine a ease keep in rn i nd, we he time that you rig. As you911 and t i rnee s_iggested as a possible date All concerns that I have determined are listed on the attached comment and review form, If y111_I shc�I_I 1 d have any questions, concerns or desire further detail, please feel free to contact me as necessary. Very truly yours, , A ot) L . //)/I, ) 4�- Henry y Slater Zoning R- BUi lding Cade Enforcement Officer cc: Town Beard Members Mah 1 i_in R. Perkins, Dryden George Sch .l echt, Engineer Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Town Attorney Clerk. I I i i APPLICATION, FOR SPECIAL PERMIT 0 TOWN or DRYDEN DRYDEN, NEW YORK MAIL OR BRING TNIs FORM T0: Town Clerk Town of Dryden Special Permit No Dryden, New York Application date Parcel Number Zone Appltcation is hereby made to (Build (], Extend [J, Convert A Structure located at S� F r, n u, r) r%\ To be Used for Owner or Land If Construction Name c. q ,. Is for other than present Land Own er S o _" o_ Tire Structures) will be as follows: Type of Construction r C, Number of Stories Number of Units Type or Neat _n `T - -- umber or Baths Square Ft. Floor Area: Basement First Floor Second Floor Over Second Town of brydon, Now York, _ At a Cost of Builder cling Address V( rlequired Permits Obtained . Date Tompkins County health Dept. town Clerk: Street Opening Blasting Supervisor: Water Tap Sewer Tap Ifiphway Supt: Culverts Driveway Bldg, hrspector Multiple tte�idence The Undersigned applies for permission to do the above, In accordance whir all provisions or r2egulations of the Town o► bryden, New York, or others Iravin p rs of all Laws "rents and information given herein are correct to the best or his belief, and affirms that ail state. Date of hearing z 9� SIGNATUn Date of Advertising 3 Fee Paid Advertising ,� AUDitESS _ Special Permit Approved . Oc"I Permit Denied Under Article XIII of tine Zoning Ordinance. PHONE N0. ry `� I I,i Kenneth ►�cx�n E .. -, �- ,c�1 -gin Cc�(�e� Ij c'` -� 2uver 0 C�cmerl� ��1 1; n( lorf) ; n e C,_ tee, -Its, ��c��,c:•l n e_ c�. `� 1 � r,47>>' cIL-40 e � -)G )v I 00 _ \ea3L-A\�, 0 � L- �c.��� c"k ., • 0 CD� ✓��� ltd tee- -�.,e ���� l WIM cZ a� l� ,_W.. 14 -16 -4 (2187) —Text 12 PROJECT I.D. NUMBER 817.21 Appendlx C State Environmental Ounlity givlew SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM • For UNLISTEb ACTIONS Only PART I— PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applib8nt t5r Prolect sponsor) SEQR 1. APPLICANT /SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME Kenneth Rooney & John Cooper Reopen Existing Convenience Store 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality Town of Dryden county Tompkins 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road Intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) 750 Fall Creek Road Freeville, NY near the Hamlet of Mc Lean NY A site plan is attached to project package. 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ❑ New ❑ Expansion ElwOdif Ication /alteration Prior Approval Granted 11/13/90 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: It is our desire to reopen under new ownership what was Allington's Pizza, Subs and General Convenience Store within the same site and structure. We also desire, in the future,.to install fuel tanks and provide gasoline service to the Mc Lean Area. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially N/A acres ultimately N/A acres No Changes are proposed, 8. WILL ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? �PROPOSED y Wes ❑ No If No, describe briefly IL 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? DResldentlai ❑ Industrial ❑ Commercial Agriculture ❑ Park/Forest /Open space ❑ Other Describe: 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? UYes ❑.No If yes, list agency(s) and permitiapprovals Special Permit by Town of Dryden To prior Owner 11/13/90 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACT; ''N HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? Yes ❑ N . 11 yes, !ist acency name and permit /approval If gasoline service is included, a Permit from NYS DEC Syracuse will be required prior to tank installation. 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT /APPROVAL REOUIRE MODIFICATION? KxYes ❑No Prio"fi10wnerS?S ecial-:;Per.mitctEx 0i'red: ais Required. I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant /sponsor name: Date: 12/11/92 Signature: I If the action is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, Complete the • Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 P i i I i t.. t a L 0 • l • • s .a 1 dw i • • • • • • • • Sler � �- n ' • `� .♦ s I 1 w 1/'�••+ I . J, :11- o.. -a • v • O W Y\ I i AL �• • �• .� eve fampop `: v r.. op.w' •� g a 34y -Gross %uCA ve ��ea G QveaL. G r u S S � /cb� � rC'o. Gvoss larK spare re / 5 40 p °1 I . Iu •0 .Q a a. Oak f �s. f; `? is �. ;•�:� � "•.`� ,�•.��1•� �I f• so • l� A/ i �f sue. r u I n W PJ u 1 k i� t A% H Joss 1.. . ;;.- .. it to me $o 0 \ so. so III's *0010 40, so cn ,O 1 . f I so 4 sm ,1 i • go a • 0 • i , 0 r 8 i 0 v G I} r r F, r! ,l a� a iA a mr."O JO NA101 16 107 !O 3N17 /,Qo/ o4U r o'o Du+ h X m T 1C , �av3svq acv. ,vya r� o, I I h O N ft �O O � �On 200,, /3 0 • r. N Cd Y O � a Z �u O 04 'O V) Cd Cd O *� 3 O U En .� X E-• H w a w 0 d 4-J a v L z H z O a d H H a AIJ •rA r-4 to -ti E wi 0 4mm- 3 0 H a� -d A N 3 z PO IE r� Fw GN Oh cn cn Ir N 6 C1 N cad A U) N O s 1"+ 0 G b G 0 r4 0 r4 co 41 U) .o a d En: •r4 En d O . VM4 0 a r` v n m t� co fu b .r+ w n a. r-4 9A d r\ v n cc 1 c O a x G O •ri 1J �o ayi 0 0 co r-+ a H r-i r� rn b H G co t� ul .c u �o r4 G 0 a rn r-4 .r4 u r. O z0 N cu ro cn w a r4 I r-4 .r♦ �u a, u y «f •r�l .O a U .0 N G 0 a� c i d TSi -19 -93 page 2 . Kenneth Rcnoney - car- L- inderst and his concerns about traffic flow and n• -rise that might be created. Studies show that most people shop closer to home. He is committed to work with the neighbors if there are any pri -1b l ems, and ncit let this become a hangout like it was for the pizza parli -Jr. He has never Seen a better place to put gas in, because there are two entrances and/or exit's to this 1 I -Icat i on. Clm Roberts i cat ed to the federal Fie w - wanted hOUght have to tie to the to know if ready he was asking for approval of a gas station building. with this application. Kenneth RN oney - this that this was a separate go through DEC, arid all qovernmental agencies would still like the is a long cgImp l entity, due of the state, for their regulations. co riven i ence store. i cat ed to the federal Fie w process. Fie t fact that you and local Without gas, i l l. co me back. hOUght have to tie to the board when he is ready for the gas. building. Clm Rt.- lberrts - was concerned about the parking if there was a gas station there. Kenneth Ro r.1ney - there is plenty NDf parking in the lot. He works for United Refininq that service [:uik Fill arid Red Apple. There is more parking space there then s� ime of the other locations that they have. Clm Roberts - wanted to know what he intended for hours of operat ion. Kenneth R• ucNney - tentatively E-, s i aC;AM Mon. t hru Fri. and 7 s C )C )AM orl Saturday and Sun. In the winter time cli -king Mon. thru Thurs. 9 s tat PM and 1 U s C)C)F'M or, Fri. arid Sat. and 7 s C) PIM on Surf. Clm Rol-.1ney -- Robert s . - wanted t o kni-.1w if he was doing any rent -1vat i ons within l IDr was< He would call it the s work. building. Kenneth Rol-.1ney -- They plan on using the, same rJut 1 i ne that the Pizza par l IDr was< He would call it mr.1re c,Dsriiet i s work. Closed 'public hearings 7sUC)FM o`I N i i P • • TBI- 19 - -93 Flage PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 19, 1993 ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT S,_lpv Schug called the meeting to order at 7oUOPM Supv Sr_hug read the rn.it ice that was published in the newspaper concerning the Zr on i ng ord i nar-ice amendment. (ccipy in minute book ) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Alan there was On the other pry �pcJsed. would be Dclbson, Etna. that. interested Lane - wanted to knew if there was any shortage age of changing RD the or area leaving land in the if as town? Z.O. Slater - he thciught it would be a matter of i opinion. .. 7p . - wanted to knc �w whc� was requesting this zr.ining change? Supv Schug -- back. in September Mrs. Prj-,chazka who c1wns the land, but does not live in the tc1wn requested the change' so that she might be able to sell her property. When the request came up the Town Beard referred it to the Planning Beard for their review. 'The Planning Beard saw n� t prc lblenl with the change. Graham DcIbson, Etna Lane - wanted to kric1w what the original request was for the zciriing change. Supv Schug - lot rezi-Ined. is nc •w being E=tna Lame arid there was On the other pry �pcJsed. would be a request This considered by r.jne person to side of Kirk Read is the i one lot •t ri..lris between Kirk spot zcin i ng and have their one same zone that Road and we try riot do that. interested The neighbors in changing in the or area leaving were the asked zone and is represented if as they it is. wi-Juld be Marjorie Dobson - when the zcining was changed years ago from RB tt- RB1 r,lany people in the cr.mmupity took part in- going door to door. Mulch thought went into, the rezr.tning arid she can see no reason for changing it. Right now on Etna Lane it is qUiet where people can walk with their children and ride bicycles. The more traffic that would be generated would certainly be a detriment. :[n the immediate area that vou want to rezone, yciu canric it forget the I.C.)o families that are living in the me ibi le h� Mme park. They c�Y'e part of ciffr' cc�rllrll�_ll'llty. She is opposed tr. this zoning change. Dr. Walter this prc1pc Baurle, used ciwns 20 acres change. The r.a.4iner of or, the the south side 8 acres that c If requested Rt 13 of the change lives in Maryland and is represented by a real estate agent in a number Dryden of years. who has This unsuccessfully absentee r_Dwner tried to and local sell rea 1 her estate land for C 3 �f. I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment is as follows: Section 401 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance as last amended is hereby amended as follows: The public "Section 401. All land in the within one of the established zones as Town of Dryden shall fall shown on a map entitled "Town of Dryden Zoning Map" originally prepared by Egner and Niederkorn Assoc., Inc. and last revised 1/19/93. The area to be effected by such change is more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marking the intersection of Kirk Road with New York State Route 13; proceeding thence from said point of beginning westerly and along the centerline of New York State Route 13 to its intersection with the centerline of New York State Route 366, proceeding thence northerly and northeasterly along the centerline of New York State Route 366 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property; proceeding thence along the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property in a generally easterly and northeasterly direction to a point in the centerline of Kirk Road; proceeding thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of Kirk Road to the point or place of beginning, which includes the following Town of Dryden Tax Parcel Nos. 44 -1 -11.2; 44 -1 -12; 44 -1 -13.3; 44 -1- 13.412; 44 -1 -13.5; 44 -1 -17; 44 -1 -18; 44 -1- 21.1; 44 -1 -21.2; 44 -1 -21.3; 44 -1 -21.4; 44- 1-2291; 44 -1 -22.2; 44 -1- 27.1; and 44 -1 -27.3. This amendment shall take effect after publication and as provided by law. The public hearing on the proposed amendment will be held at 7 : 00 o'clock P. M.1 prevailing time at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York on January 19, 1993, at which time interested parties will be heard. Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk CJ MAHLON R. PERKINS December 22, 1992 MAHLON R. PERKINS, P C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 20 WEST MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 27 DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 James F. Schug, Town Supervisor Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 RE: Proposed Zoning Etna Lane, Route Dear Jim. Enclosed is a copy of by the Town Board at will note that I have parcels Henry Slater Change Area of Kirk Road, 13 and Route 366 a proposed resolution which can be its year end meeting on December revised Schedule A by adding three thought should be included. TELEPHONE ( 607 ) 844-9111 considered 29. You additional By copy of this letter I am forwarding another copy of the Notice of Public Hearing to the Code Enforcement officer, Town Clerk and Town Engineer adding the three additional parcels. If you have any questions, Very truly yours, Mahlon R. Perkins Town of Dryden Attorney please give me a call. MRP /lm Enclosure pc:, Susanne Lloyd, .Town Clerk (w /copy ` ''!ate otry �r `d Enfclrcemen (w /copy of Notice of Public George Schlecht, Town Engineer (w /copy of Notice of Public 0 of Notice of Public Hearing t'70ffT-Cer '^ Hearing) Hearing) • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment is as follows: Section 401 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance as last amended is hereby amended as follows: "Section 401. All land in the Town of Dryden shall fall within one of the established zones as shown on a map entitled "Town of Dryden Zoning Map" originally prepared by Egner and Niederkorn Assoc., Inc. and last revised 1/19/93. The area to be effected by such change is more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marking the intersection of Kirk Road with New York State Route 13; proceeding thence from said point of beginning • westerly and along the centerline of New York State Route 13 to its intersection with the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence northerly and northeasterly along the centerline of New York State Route 366 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property, proceeding thence along the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property in a generally easterly and northeasterly direction to a point in the centerline of Kirk Roads proceeding thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of Kirk Road to the point or place of beginning, which includes the following Town of Dryden Tax Parcel Nos. 44 -1 -11.2; 44 -1 -12; 44 -1 -13.3; 44 -1- 13.412; 44 -1 -13.5; 44 -1 -17; 44 -1 -18; 44 -1- 21.1; 44 -1 -21.2; 44 -1 -21.3; 44 -1 -21.4; 44 -1 -22.1; 44 -1 -22.2; 44 -1- 27.1; and 44 -1 -27.3. This amendment shall take effect after publication and as provided by law. The public hearing on the proposed amendment will be held at 7 :00 o'clock P. M., prevailing time at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York on January 19, 1993, at which time interested parties will be heard. • Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk 1 I i I 1'r- I V'L kAJU0 f -- 0 1. 811.21 SEAR Appendlx A State EnvlronmOntel Quality Ravlow FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM ,e: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and Agenciet determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project ..; Prepaied by Proj6d Oonsot NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed tTiay have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through F. AnSWert to theta questions will be considered as part of the application for Approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be heeded to complete PArts 2 and I 1is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not Involve w studies, research or investigation. If Information requiring such additional work It unavailable, to indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION �f Eze wit/ - - 70 LOCATION OF ACTION (Include Street Addres , Municipality and County) r NAME OF APPLI`CANNTISPONSOR BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITYIPO NAME OF OWNER (II dllle(ent) ADDRESS CITYIPO ST STATE I ZIP CODE BUSINESS TELEPHONE STATE ( ZIP CODE 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION oger Z �G �r3 "e- . Please Complete Each Question— Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: OUrban lndustrial [6ommercial residential (suburban) ORural (non -farm) C uForest ?Agriculture ?,Other 2. Total acreage of project area: ��'?'� acres. LY AFTER COMPLETION I APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENT — acres /5/ acres Meadow or Brushland (Non - agricultural) acres acres Forested / acres ides-�r Agricultural (Incitchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 666 ares acres c Wetland (Freshwater -or tidal As per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) -�� acres . 7� acres Water Surface Area acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres ��� acres 3 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces _ Acres Z acres Other (Indicate type. 3. What is predominant Soil type(g) on project site? .>/,r' % of site a. Soil drainage: OWell drained �_ % of site DModerately well drained _..— OPoorly drained % of tite b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within toil group 1 through 4 of the NYS • Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR��3770/0). . 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? Yet L7No a. What is depth to bedrock? v✓ (in feet) 2 i I 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with "slopes: 0-10% ___lt7,L gy ❑10 -15 % % 1115% or greater % 6. is project substantially contiguous to, or co►}tain a building, cite, or- district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Placest OYes o Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the ReglO& of National Natural Landmarks? What is the depth of the water tablet (in feet) LO f, 4:5" 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? GYes ?0100 GYes 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? OYes l�fVo 11. Does project site contain any species of plant, or a OYes ONo According to Identify each species 010 !#e thatis Identified as threatened or endangered? 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project iite? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) CYes L�flo Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Dyes uNo If yes, explain 14. Does the present sitp include scenic views known to be important to the community? CYes En o 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary — 16. Lakes, ponds, wetiand areas within or contigu? to project area: a. Name -iP/l �a�✓y� b ' . Slit .(In Atres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? El 'ei CVo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Rfes `=No / b) If Yes• will improvements be necessary to allow connection) CYes :rNo ����✓��+' 18. Is the site located in an agricultural istrict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25 -AA, Section 303 and 304? OYes t�o 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous o a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECI. and 6 NYCRR 617? OYes Vo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? OYei 2100 B. Project Description Z, �- 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor acres. b. Project acreage to b4- developed: acres initially; acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped acres. d. Length of project, in miles: (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed 96; f. Number of off - street parking spaces existing ; proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium • Initially Ultimately L .Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height; width; ~ length. J. linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy ist ft. 3 d 2. How much natural material (Le., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? tons/cubic yards ,0 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? OYes ONo ON /A a. If yes, for what intend.. purpose Is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? OYes ONO C. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? OYes ONO �. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covert) will be removed Front site? acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally- important vegetation be removed by this project? Oyes ONO 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction months, (including demolition). 7. If multi - phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month year, d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? OYes ONO 8. Will blasting occur during construction? OYes ONO 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ; after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? OYes ONo If yes; explain 11. Is surface liquid waste disposal Involved? Oyes ONo a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? CYes nNo Type 4V'YVill surrace area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? CYes ONO Explain 0 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plaint Oyes ONO 16. Will the project generate solid waste? OYes ONO a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? OYes ONO c. If yes. give name ; location d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or Into a sanitary (andfillt OYes ONO e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? Oyes ONO a. If yes, what is th#.&ticipated rate of disposal? tons /month. b. If yes, what is the.anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Oyes ONO 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Oyes ON0 20. Will project produce operating noise *Oxceetling the local ambient noise levels? OYei ONO 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? If yes , indicate type(s) Oyes ONO 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons /minute. 0 Total anticipated water usage per day gallons /day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? OYes ONO •' If Yes, explain 4 'i Submittal ' type Date City, Town, Village Board 934es ONo 1,.N ,rJE,it/7 ' Tp %s/, 400 City, Town, Village Planning Board OYes ONO City, Town Zoning Board (]Yes ONo city, County Health Department Oyes ONO Other Local Agencies Oyes ONO Other Regional Agencies OYes ONO State Agencies Oyes ONO Federal Agencies OYes ONO C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decisiont QYes, ONo If Yes, dicate decision required: `-' oning amendment Ozoning variance ❑special use erm' p it Osubdivisiori Osite plan Inew /revision of master plan Gresource management plan Ooiher 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the sitet 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? d. What is the proposed zoning of the site? 5. What is the maximum potential development of AOO AaL407 ( Fwy7dvsr6 site if developed as permitted.by the proposed zoning? 5. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land Use plans? Cfes •What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y. mile radlus of proposed action? ONO 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within A ' /., mile? fees ONo 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposedt eVW a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? OYes 210 11. Will the proposed action creatt'� demand for any community provided Service4 trecreation, education, police, fire protection)? Oyes LO a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Moll ONo 12. Will the proposed act4n4eiult in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? OYes No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffict Oyes ONO D. Informational Detalls Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to th best of my knowledge. >p 7 Iicant /Sponsor Name ���.� ..iP Of Date ✓y/ 9 %� Sloture � o Title�JrcTi .i ii ✓���� /�✓EEir If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Asie'""Ment Porm before proceeding with this assessment. .� 5 FOR C1 D I AL f, L a WMAI IC • •1 ►. IP'e`. d pf;N Al U ,m Kr3NI% I . tou; c N ID N g c Q an U J U U C CD O A; �IV373vqrl V46 1� cb O 4 — 1 R i11 I 2�0 G v � i c 3 � r e N I I Ono i J U O � C L � O N U cf N c e c sr. i I J =ID i �IDQ« �i- .� s J I I � U J e qo, I Q T sv wi 'w; css � C 4 � U Q I C AID tTi a Y I ~ &. man �y w o 7 I O J U _Q _o c sell !- CP i y i t- W G . ®. A� N n 4! lam T AAJ Q V7 I I I �J CLO r. TI C v O N a o E- = 00 000 3 ch D O d; O i C U � v co ca oD 00 tn O rn c� m o N O i JJ N ti" O "0 4; O O 1.r Q; �. 4 —�Ucl. lam T AAJ Q V7 I I I �J J 3 August 1992 is i AUG — 6 1992 Town Board, Town of Dryden Mr. James Schug, Supervisor 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 REr Request for a zoning change from R -B4 to RD on 8.9 acres + Tax - Map- Number 444-27.3, owned by Fiances Hazell Prochazki Dear Mr. Schug, and.Members of the Boards The subject pareel of 8.9 acres ± fronts on Route 13 betkeex Kirk Road and Etna lane being part of the real property purchased by my father and mother from the Kirk family in the late nineteen - twenties. My parents, Cyril Eben and Frances Penniman Hazell, lived on the property until their respective deaths, and I was raised in the house they built on "Airy Acres." After my father's passing in the Spring of 19800 the real property came to me, and I have tried to market the property since that time. The parcel of 8.9 acres + on which I in requesting the zoning change to RD has been on Multiple Listing as well as listed with the Pogtzline Agene y for ten years. During these several years this eorner property has not been attractive to residential buyers, other than individual lots for trailers. The site has been attractive to buyers for commercial uset indeed, the only serious offers I have received have been from such buyers. One such prospective buyer went so far in the process as to apply for a Variance about two years ago, which variance was denied. This action is hard for me to understand since a variance was granted on the Route 13 frontage just aeross Etna Lane from the subject 8.9 acre f parcel. It is my understanding that the land fronting on Route 13 was changed from RD to R44 in the earl$ seventies, and that no residential building permits have been requested along this stretch of Route 13 since that time. Taking into account- the prospective widening and up- grading of this part of Route 13 by the State in the near future, it seers even less likely that residential buyers will be interested in building homes on this parcel'of 8.9 acres t , situated as it is adjacent to an RD Zone and Flanked by a commereial user just across • Etna Iane. E I r • Town Board, Town of Dryden 3 August 1992 pg.2 In conclusion, I ask that you give my request for a change of zoning from R -B4 to RD on the subject parcel of 8.9 acres f , Tax- Map- Number 194 -27.3, your favorable consideration= and respeetfully suggest that the change from R -B4 back to the RD Zoning of the seventies would be a more realistic approaeh to successfully marketing the 8.9 acres + at this location on Route 13. My father always felt that the Route 13/Etna Lane corner was a natural for commercial use, and it would be good to see it cleaned up and in use again, rather than the overgrown, forlorn and unwanted appearance it now presents. E Mrs. F. H. Proehazka Box 313, Owings Mills, Maryland 21117 0 Sincerely, U 0C )6-A .r i Finger Lakes Land Trust -4 P.O. Box 4745 7° Ithaca, New York 148524745 C ... working to, conserve the natural integrity of the Finger Lakes Region. January 17, 1993 Town of Dryden Planning Board r iowv, -8e4„d Henry M. Slater, Zoning and Building Code Enforcement Officer 65 East Main St. Dryden, NY 13053 Dear Mr. Slater and Members of the Dryden Planning Board5tA,a i Lnv-, 7.�odA On behalf of the Finger Lakes Land Trust, we would like to express our concern about the proposed zoning amendment adjacent to our Etna Nature Preserve. The Etna Nature Preserve would certainly be negatively affected by commercial or large scale residential developments in the area proposed for rezoning. Of special importance to the Preserve are the lands just to the east of the Preserve, and the possible negative effects, - on the two waterways flowing through the Preserve from the area proposed for rezoning. The Preserve is heavily used by the Etna community as well as school and college groups and citizens from a wide area. We feel that it is important to keep the Preserve in as good condition as possible so that future generations will be able to enjoy it as well. While small, as it currently exists, it is nevertheless surprisingly rich -in plants and wildlife. The trails are heavily used by people wishing to experience the tranquillity and the variety of life that • currently characterize it. At the present time, there is a corridor of less intensely developed land along Etna Lane that connects this land to undeveloped land on the south side of route 13. Changing the zoning as proposed would - effectively separate the less developed areas to the north and south of route 13. Such habitat fragmentation is a recognized cause of the alarming loss in biological diversity that we see happening today. This, too, could have a negative impact on the_public preserve.' The current zoning of the area requires a variance procedure for more - :intense uses than those permitted in R -131 zones. This process gives the community an opportunity to directly influence land use decisions that would affect them. The proposed changes would remove that level of public participation. While Site Plan. Review might alter a proposal that met the new zoning regulations, it could not prevent it all together since such a use would now be allowed. For these reasons, we urge you not to make the proposed change in zoning. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely yours, John Wertis, President Carl Leopold, Founding President Betsy Darlington, Director of Land Protection SnC��Vyy [Representing the 14 Boarl Members and the membership of about 500] • 0 JAN -19 -93 TUE James W. Hanson, Jr. Commissioner of Planning 14:31 rot ll9 of yHr!/'4.gll.p to oo ;� to P. �iS ICb,ptlt DEPAI�` I NT :'.0 E NNING 111 �. '1'' � f 1!S! Diggs luloid t� A,, 3�.� pals �Qal a nrivc ,. k , 1 0Br January 19, 1993 Mr. Henry Slater, Zoning Officer Town of Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Re; Zoning Review Pursuant to §239 -1 and -m of the New York State General Municipal Law Action.: Rezoning of 164 Acres from R -B -1 to R -D. Dear Mr, Slater; P. 01 Telephone (607) 274 -5360 This letter acknowledges your referral of the proposal identified above for review and comment by the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to §239 -1 and -m of the New York State General Municipal Law. After a thorough staff review, the Department has several concerns with this proposal, including the impact of the rezoning on traffic, the environment, and community development, The department concludes that the proposal, as submitted, will have a significant deleterious impact on both County and State resources and facilities. The Department's particular concerns under §239 -1 and -m are the traffic impacts of the proposed rezoning and the limitations of the soils for the type of development proposed. The Deparrtment's concerns with the proposed rezoning is outlined below_ Truk: The resulting development from the proposed rezoning may negatively impact present traffic circulation and safety along Route 13, Route 366, and Kirk Road. Presently, there are sight distance problems at the intersections of Route 13 and Kirk Road, .Route 366 with Kirk Road, and Route 366 with Route 13, therefore, an increase in the traffic load may augment the number of auto incidents. Because of these conditions, traffic should be directed onto Etna Lane when possible. For example, the driveway cut for parcel 27.3 should be located on Etna Lane, • The proposed rezoning would increase residential and commercial traffic on Route 13, necessitating improvements to that highway, including measures for additional capacity, signals, and a lower speed limit. The implementation of a traffic circulation plan and access management techniques could mitigate these impacts on Route 13. For example, to minimize curb cuts on Route 13, the driveway for parcel 11.2 should be located on Route 366 instead of Route 13. • lJ JAN -19 -93 TUE 14:32 P.52 Environment: The Planning Department has four concerns with this proposal in terms of its affect on the environment. First, this is a Type I action under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), therefore, Parts 11 and Iii of the Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) need to be completed. The proposal entails a change in the allowable uses within any zoning district affecting twenty -five or more acres (see Environment 1 Impact Review in New Yolk, Benders New York Practice Theory, 1992). Second, the Etna Bird Sanctuary, a Unique Natural Area (UNA), adjoins the subject area. The department and the Environmental Management Council do not have specific information on the composition of this UNA. You may wish to inventory the area for significant vegetative cover, species, and other enviromux�entally sensitive components prior to approving a proposal for rezoning or development. Third, more than three quarters of the subject area is composed of wet soils or marshy conditions, and because of this land is less suitable for higher density residential and conunercial uses. This area should not be targeted for these purposes. Also, there is no water or sewer service available to these properties, and no extension is likely in the foreseeable future. Since these soils are poorly suited for private sewers, iutcreased costs will be incurred for more sophisticated septic systems designed for these conditions, Finally, Federal wetlands and State Department of Health regulations would either prohibit development in much of the area or significantly add to the cost through more. expensive disposal systems (see attached map). Finally, the answer to question fifteen under Section A on the FEAF indicates that there are no streams in the subject area. According to the maps enclosed for our review and based upon a site visit, there are at least two streams traversing the properties proposed for rezoning. Community Development: The Planning Department commends your survey of property owners adjacent to the subject area. we are concerned, however, that the Town might rely on the acceptaitce of this proposal by a small population of residents. The results of the survey may not indicate the sentiment`of the community as a whole, which will be affected by the proposed zoning change. Finally, we 'recognize that this proposal furthers strip development along Route 13 and it is not a logical extension of the Etna community. Aside from the §239 review, I hope these comments are constructive for your planning purposes. If you have any continents or questions, or if you would like staff assistance on some of the technical aspects mentioned in this review, please give me a call at 274 -53600 s .Hanson, Commissioner • CI MAHLON R. PERKINS, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 20 WEST MAIN STREET P. 0. BOX 27 DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 MAHLON R. PERKINS December 22, 1992 James F. Schug, Town Supervisor Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 RE: Proposed Zoning Change Area of Kirk Road, Etna Lane, Route 13 and Route 366 Dear Jim: TELEPHONE ( 607) 844 -9111 Enclosed is a copy of a proposed resolution which can be considered by the Town Board at its year end meeting on December 29. You will note that I have revised Schedule A by adding three additional parcels Henry Slater thought should be included. By copy of this letter I am forwarding another copy of of Public Hearing to the Code Enforcement Officer, Town Town Engineer adding the three additional parcels. If you have any questions, please give me a call, Very truly yours, Mahlon R. Perkins Town of Dryden Attorney MRP /lm Enclosure pc: Susanne Lloyd, Town Clerk (w /copy of Notice Henry M. Slater, Code Enforcement Officer (w /copy of Notice of Public Hearing) George Schlecht, Town Engineer (w /copy of Notice of Public Hearing) the Notice Clerk and of Public Hearing) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment is as follows: Section 401 of the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance as last amended is hereby amended as follows: "Section 401. All land in the Town of Dryden shall fall within one of the established zones as shown on a map entitled "Town of Dryden Zoning Map" originally prepared by Egner and Niederkorn Assoc., Inc. and last revised 1/19/93. The area to be effected by such change is more particularly described as follows: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marking the intersection of Kirk Road with New York State Route 13; proceeding thence from said point of beginning westerly, and along the centerline of New York State Route 13 to its • intersection with the centerline of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence northerly and northeasterly along the centerline of New York State Route 366 to the point of intersection of said centerline with the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property; proceeding thence along the centerline of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad property in a generally easterly and northeasterly direction to a point in the centerline of Kirk Road; proceeding thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of Kirk Road to the point or place of beginning, which includes the following Town of Dryden Tax Parcel Nos. 44 -1 -11.2; 44 -1 -12; 44 -1 -13.3; 44 -1- 13.412; 44 -1 -13.5; 44 -1 -17; 44 -1 -18; 44 -1- 21.1; 44 -1 -21.2; 44 -1 -21.3; 44 -1 -21.4; 44 -1 -22.1; 44 -1 -22.2; 44 -1- 27.1; and 44 -1 -27.3. This amendment shall take effect after publication and as provided by law. The public hearing on the proposed amendment will be held at 7:00 o'clock P. M., prevailing time at the Dryden Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York on January 19, 1993, at which time interested parties will be heard. Susanne Lloyd • Town Clerk a� TS1 -19 -u Rage 4 agent have a primary interest in making this change because it is their interest in the absence of selling the land ti_i make some better effcir�t. Their idea is changing the land ti�i FAD. will make the land moire saleable. What we are really doing is initiating a movement that effects local peiiple far the benefit cif a Maryland resident and a.Dryden real estate agent. He is cippcised to this change. Carl Lei_ip =:gild, Fiit_!nding President cif the Finger Lakes Land Trust they own the Etna reserve that is adjacent to -this proposed 'change. Fur,ct icirt of . this reserve depends upon the water. It is � the riiar h quality that riiak.es it attractive as a nature reserve. Without the marsh and clean water there it wi- it_!ld be useless. To soften the zci'rtinq regt_!irernents cif the prciperty upstream would be very detrimental and he would urge the board not to change the restrictions that exist in that area. Betsy Darl ingti gin, Directcir t any demand for ecimrirerc i a 1 lot-1 bt_!t There was no req uest for a cortimerc i c jf Land f Protection - -read a letter to the board. (c: ~cipy - the request in minute book) Kermit C'arscirts, 1604 Dryden Rd. - he would think that the Plarininr Bciard shciuld. be looking at this plan to see if there was any justification for this ch arig e t ci rein marc i a l. It seems to him frcim c ibservat icin aver the years that generally speaking zc.1ning ordinances prciv i de much rncire commercial land then can ever be used, and shcit_!ld not be controlled by the real estate market. • There is an. encirri7i=it_ls articit_!rtt of commercial land alcing cit_!r roads and this is one of them. Anyone that wants c.cimmercial land Should ricA have any trouble in finding parcels that are perfectly adequate f� i t their _se m The best _se for this l and , particularly � frcirti what yc U have= .just heard fr ^iarn the Finger' L_Gak.es Lartd Tr�!sat, is for . more ripen Uses which doesn't provide more traffic cir riiore runoff and dries rn_it destroy the quality of the naip+_!ral area adjacent tci it. Hie ti-hi.nk.s -Maybe a certain artlot_!nt of planning went into enlarging this, but on the negative side, it is a response to a requec.t t- sprit veining. An individual parcel cif land that j someone wz.--krit s t ci sell for ccirtimerc i a.1 use and -the response inse i s t � enlarge it, Dr. .jt_!st Bat_!r l e, a hope= - there tci ,sell wasri' the Iarid. t any demand for ecimrirerc i a 1 lot-1 bt_!t There was no req uest for a cortimerc i a l t_cse for that land= C,t_!pv Scht_!g - the request was for less restrictive zcining. Kermit Warsciris - there is, rtli.ire than . enough corilrtlerc i a l l y zoned land in the general area. There are already commercial areas with vacant owned stores. He would reci_irtrmend that the town caref t_! 1 ly study the zcining to see if there are not mcire areas that are improperly Ported ccimmerc i C:i 1 land that shi.„it_! l d be cut back to residential zcined 1A. rid. He we it_!.ld go the either way. • n U TBI- 1`3 -93 Page 5 Laura Stealer, 147 Hunt Hill Rd. - is a member of the Finger Lakes Land Tri_kst and she suppcirts the letter that was written to the town bi -Jard and is c ippo sed tc j any zoning change in that area. Susan Schwan, 577 Main St ,- her land abuts to this zoning change and is developed against lets this have prcipcised a read that change. can If handle Rt 13 this is going traffic. tc# be Right now it located is very there. dangerclus What Cayuga tizzi Crushed even walk Stc one on Etna or who Lane ever with it Sery -Rite was there before has left a legacy cif .junk that will probably be there forever and we have to live with that. Lets be cauticius about what daily we basis give for and perm are i very ss i c in much as our a clZimmunity. neighbors. She We is live cipposed t here Carl to this a z oning change. Diane Tessag1ia, 8 Etna Lane - was because of the residential Ithaca is 'a massive commercial, of Dryden would want that to ha little secticin intoi light comme sense of community and sense of opposed tc. 1 the zc 1ning change. the type stri ppen rcia res one reason she m ived community. On Rt. 1 p and did not think here. Even turning 1 zone criuld take aw ident ial atme.- sphere. to Etna South of the Town this ay the She is 'Ted Sandquist, 1609 Dryden Rd. - he supports everything that has been said a-rid is opposed to the change. Alan Dobson, 21 Etna Lane - the propc ised zoning change cuts across his property. He wishes tr.1 cippi -.1se this change on two grounds. First it moves the commercial area from ,just over 100 0 yards from the center of Etna and now it is more like c one half a mile. If yC,11.1. do this there is n o chance cif them getting peciple to buy 1 arid to develop in this area. The sect ind point is cane from him perscorially. He was ccinsiderim _In building a hi_Ime tizzi retire in can his prc ipert y and he will ric it do so if it is zoned commercial next tci hire. He is cinly ccinsiderirrg this at this time, but the action today will determine whether he carries -.in with his plan or not. Supv Schug - the person that wanted tc i buy that 8 car 1C.) acres wanted t ct put in a ! 1.sed car show rocim and put in a read cut on Rt. 13. The town has no cc intrizil cif rciad cuts over the state highways but the town bciard would not allow the special permit unless the applicant had his access fri-Drn either c;ne of the side roads Etna Lane car% Kirk Rd. Rt 13 is dangercius ern ugh as it is. The town board has no vested interest in changing this zone. We were requested to take a 1 ook at it and it was by a local real estate agent and a person why 1 lives clot cif town. If the neighbors and the pec iple whc, live here dr.:ln' t want it, then the town board a� 'FB1 -13 -93 Flage 6 is not giving to change it. Yrziu have to remember that changing the :er.ining does open up the pciss.ibi 1 ity of more light crimmer•ciai. There is ronthing the town board can do under the existing zoning if homes are built on the priW1perty that is there. Two family and single family homes which are allowed, but will create more traffic and carp pollute because irif the septic systems. There is n� � guarantee !try 1 ess you want to � keep it i:: ipen and wild forever that you give the land ti_i the Finger Lakes Land Trust or the people in the area get t• 1gether and purchase the property. Graham Dobson, Sig Etna Lane - is opposed to this zoning change. He has built his house there knowing that the land around him was lDned residential and aro-. 1t her business wi -Du 1 d riCit be allowed there. With this change it has been moved closer to Etna rather than keeping it along Rt. 137. There have been twi -.1 requests for variances at the r.11d Cayuga Crushed plant and have been turned down twice by the Z oning BrDa.rd of Appeals which is a go od indicat ic- in we dr.- in' t want that type of business there. The businesses that they keep trying ti.- i put in there are riii:: ire [_If the large truck. plants. No rz ine has tried to put in something like the Plrudential building which looks nice. On both sides of Etna Lane is very marshy and New York State has passed sizime laws to pri.-it ect. the wetlands. Pieter Hr.1pper, 1621 Dryden Rd. - is opposed to this zizining change, because this property is a woriderf!1.1 piece i-. 1f property for wildlife. Rick plarlett - wi.-indered if the trailer park contacted abr.iut this zi-ining. There are at 1 will pri_ibably be there all their lives. The with, this zrining change. If the town beard zoning, these people shiDuld also be contact people and will be affected by this change. change. people were ever east 1iO renters and y shc-iuld be co:� idered di.- tes change the ed because they are He is c. ipposed to this Russell Schaff - Etna Lane - is -ippi_1sed to this change. He can riot see C-Any benefit ti-.1 the pi_Issible rezE_Ining to any members of the community 1Dr the quality of the land in the area. The only potential benefit would to be to the 1 andk -1wner why i does riot live there. Nina Hopper, 1621 Dryden Rd - is opposed to the change and also her neighbor Felecit_y Gage of 1611 who is linable to c- tttend tomight s meeting is also opposed to the change. Judy Auble, 620 Main St. Etna - is also r. 1pposed to this change. Greg Smiley - 461 in that area. Main St. Etna -- is r.1ppcised to a.n_y z1:: 1ning change Dr. Baur1e was concerned abr.iut the quality c-if the land and the runoff for water. He was ippi::ised to the z oning change. • • TB I - 1?1-133 Page 7 Pam Kellogg, 2 Kirk. Rd. - is also oppr used to the zoning change. Supv Schug - thanked everyone for coming and gave the town board a very definitive mess'age as to � the feeling of the neighborhood. Closed pl_tbl is hearing o B0 1opm Susanne Lloyd Dryden "'own Clerk I 1 I �I I t