HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-12Y TOWN HOARD MEETING JANUARY 12, 1993 SUpv Sci- Ug called the meeting t• � order at 7.30PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk. Present. Supv Schug, C1m Roberts, Clm Hatfield, Atty Perkins and Z. 0e Slater Absent. Clm Corrigan and Clm Baker Supv Sehug appointed Clm Roberts ti_i audit the general fund bills and Clm Hatfield tai audit the highway fund bills. Approval i_if the minutes. Mc_ition was made by Clm Roberts and 2nd by Clm Hatfield that the minutes of tr.iwn board meeting held 12---2-92 be apprr. lvede Carried CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Rupert Hall, wanted to kr-ii_iw the status of the Turkey Hill water and sewer district. Atty Perkins - reported the application was filed in duplicate on Dec 30th to the State Comptrollers office, and he received an ackni_1wledgment that they have received it. F1_1rtunately, they assigned it to an attorney that was familiar with the file and it should take a ciDuple of weeks to react ti_, it. If the State Comptroller approves it, it is then sent back ti.- i the town board to adopt an order finally establishing the district. Once they do that, it is done in connection with a bond res,_,I ut ic- ine At that time they are free to engage. engineers and Surveyors to begin the design phase if it, which can conceivable be 1993. Rupert Hall, pec_1ple are trying to decide what to d• i at this time, if and when their systems fail. ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - sent SCIri1E? prC1p'_SeC1 IangUage tc., Jr. 1fin Fc.'gerty, the attorney for ACC and he is ril- iw wa i t i-rig for their response. Atty Perkins - seat a letter t_i Richard Harris of George Junior Republic because there seems to be a problem between the residents there and the Freeville Fire Dept. There, is a meeting scheduled c ri Jan. �._St h at 2n(-.('PM F ZONING OFFICER Mc.int h 1 y re.pornt given t o bi_nard members • Yearly report given t o board members 0 L� TB1- 12--93 page 2 Z. O. Slater - r %epor� ted on Jernna' s Restaurant - the road cut was made accr. lyd i ng to DOT criteria arid they did nr.it want to see anything done to the rr.iadside there that WOUl.d alter the conditir.1ris. Deer r-eflectr.lrs have been installed in the middle of the entrance way and this appears to be warn king. The final grading and ether aspects, engineer Schlecht has ni_A been concerned abo lAt where they are ric. m. The Glebe' s say that they will seed. in the spring. The boar-d decided to wait until the landscaping is finished before they are issued a final certificate Cif OccIApancy. CORRESPONDENCE SI-tpv SchUg - it was rect .-Immended that Bailey Insurance be sent a copy back action of with the s� Mme is taken. adopt a concerns. He highway prmogram that sho ..1 suggested anyr.1ne d fors be looked who review. does Bill i nt o before it supply Bailey liability came any i nsurartce. Letter from Board -.If Representatives - r-egarding rabid animals in the. Town of Dryden. DISCUSSION Calm Roberts, and Clm Luker to audit books by Feb 8th Supv Schug - has spoken with Joe Lal leay arid Tom Neiderk.jrrn and they do not feel that $829.00 is imperative for the long range plan that the county is requesting. Supv Schug - sent of Ron Goddard and to RD z1W1ne. The bi_i an t::ippor%tunity to about changing thi the planning board lr the board can t copies 't 1: 1 board Clyde Couteri 1 and had decided get water in th s zone. If the to look. at the ake no action. meriibers reg 1 to change not t c1 d 1 t at 1 scat i on. board wants, zone and rna aiding the reglAest the -Zoning fr rii MA hat since there is He was asked again they can request ke a recrxmmendat iori, The board decided to send it on to the Planning Board. RESOLUTION #73 DISBURSE INTEREST IN MCARTHUR FUND Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED; that th disburse the inte Town of Dryden a's $6.91 to Gef_irge J • $115u 24. 2nd Clm Hatfield is Town Board aut h rest in the McArt l-) unicnr Republic f� �r% orize the Supervisor% to ur Fund to two schools In the to Dryden Cent ra 1 School and a total disbLWsement of Roll call vote - .al all v• it ing Yews /9 Date aJanuary 7th, 1953 To: James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor Town cif Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York. 132053 From:Henry M. Slater, Zoning & Building Cade Enforcement Office Ti.-jwn of Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York Sub. x1552 Zoning &. Building Cede Enforcement Office Report. Dear Supervisor Schug 9 During 1992, I'm pleased to report, residential growth remained steady with the growth of previous years. On the down side, there was very little commercial growth. In fact, other that the expansion of an area church which dies ricit add tco the tax base, there was less than $200,00(). of tax base from commercial construction. This is the second straight year cif very poor commercial grOwt h. Over a 1 1 growth stayed even with the 1991 growth, a little mcire than 7 million d• • 1 1 ars. See spread sheet # (1 -5) can Building Permits attached. • The prime reason for this was the construction of high dollar residential homes. As you w i l l observe from the attached Growth Summary, the average construction value of residential homes .jumped considerably. This is a result cof two new housing projects. The Sparrow Crest and Hart wo od Road Subdivisions. Both subdivisions have seen immediate and substantial growth. As you will recall, both of these subdivisions and resulting Town Roads have been approved within the past year and a half. I believe this is an excellent example of well designed development and Town review. During the past year there was a rash of structure Fires which are detailed elsewhere. The Zoning Beard of Appeals received 16 hearing requests. In past years, there have been wore than 30 requests each year. The Planning Beard completed 2 reviews. Both of these were for minor subdivision, 2 lots each. Other requests were received that were dropped after the sketch conference phase. Generally, these plans were very pcIorly designed and the applicants were either not willing c or nc it able to produce well designed plan. There were a couple of modification of existing sUbdivisions which were reviewed and apprcived. The Beard also worked with the Long Range Planning Group providing value review and development ideas. • our office continued its assault i:in unregistered motor vehicles with results similar to these of years past. We'll never run out of this type of business. As usual, several cases ended up in the Town Court System. Other cases such as occupancy violations were also sited and resolved. Again some required court action. In Summary, residential growth during 1992 was steady, where the Surrounding communities inform rile, growth has been as l i t t l e as 50% of what it was in 1991. On the Down side, commercial growth was non existent. It would appear, something needs to occur to encourage commercial growth. Maybe the up coming rezoning will help if it is approved. In any event commercial growth needs a j crap starts As we r1l eve to this new year, I' 11 be look adventures that we' 11 share and conjure t can be of aid or help t• � you, please feel office as necessary. We can be reached at till l : tai► P.M. Monday - Friday. Henry M. Slater CC : A 1 1 Town Board Members Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Barbara Caldwell, Chr., Dryden Anne Everett, Chr. , Dryden Town • Joseph Lal ley, Chr. , Long Range • ing forward t� � the new ogether. If our office free to contact our 844-9120, 8 as 0 0 A. M. Attorney Town Planning Board Z . Be A. Planning Committee (Pg. 1/4 ) n LJ A -1 Single- family StV%LtCtUt� e New Starts and Related Permits. A -1 New Housing Starts which total 44. Site Built Homes with attached C--4.1 Garages, 21, average value, $146,323a Up $301 584, f rom t he 1991 va 1 ue. Site Built homes, no garage, 12, average va1Ue, $115,958. Up X46, built 1(')8 fri_,rn the average 1991 value. New Single -wide Mobile Homes, c with an average value $15,500. Six were installed dLWing 19910 New Double-wide Mobile Homes, 4, with an average value $35,400. The 199. ' values are down. The following permits do not result in a new dwelling unit. • Replace existing Single- -wide Mobile Home with a new Single -wide Mobile Home, 5, $3(-.), 38( =) average. Replacement cost of these homes are up by 200 % f rt =im the 1991 stated values. • Replace existing site built home destroyed by fire with a site built home, 2, average $99,000. Single - family Extensions, Renovations, repairs alterat ion. Extension of existing hr-imes, 27, $23,516. average value. The average investment here is up about 20 % for these projects. Miscellaneous horde improvements, 15 at an average value of $39 6i �i) each. Miscellaneous swimming por.11s, 3, average Value 'of $8,833 each. • • (Pg. 2/4) • A--2 Two - family New Starts, 4, $879500. average. The average value is down $31,50C) f r• •m 1991 values. B -1 Multi- family Homes, i with 1 Dwelling Unit, C -4. 1 Private Storage St C -4. 1 Accessory Farm St r% C -4. i Storage Structure C -4. 1 Convert C -4. 1 into C -4. 1 Cl::invert C - -4. i into $6, 500m r. 0 r rust ores, 35, $6, 181, average value, ur-t ores, 7, $16,785 average value. for business storage 1, $51 000m 0o C -2 Poo k. Store 19 $50, 000, 0, 0o Commercial Self-Storage facility 1, C -5.4 Extend Church 1, $3001000.00 C- Occupancy New Starts, those structures, residential use. of Public Occupancy with no C-4.2 Erect a Commercial Rent -A -St r. gage Facility, 29 $807000m C -7 Miscellaneous Const ruct i on C -7 Private Swimming P.iols 3, Zoning Bi_sard of Appeals Request. 15 average value $3,490. average valve $8,833. The Z.B.A. heard a total cif 16 Requests and a summary for each have been supplied during the year. See out% Monthly Reports. P 1 ann i'ng Board Fire The Planning Board received applications for 2 purposed Subdivisions and cont i ni-ted review on several others that various stages of review. Departments Our% Office Made 23 Fire Structure Fires Ch i nrney Fires Miscellaneous Fires Total I rivest i gat i runs. 9 7 7 23 During 1992, there were 9 structure fires wh lass of 8 structures. Two cif these, single rebuilt during 1992. Two more will be reply requiring demolition, Two � cithers were dem i1 replaced. The fast actions if both Etna and resulted in minor damage to an area business new were in ich resulted in the family homes, were ced, two remain ished but not Freeville Stations on New Year Eve. {Pg. 3/4 ) 0 GROWTH SUMMARY A -1 Single Family Dwellings all New S A -1 R A- °2 C• 1rivers i ons A -1 New Mobile Home Installations A -1 Replacement Mobile Home Installat A -1 Repairs, Renovations, Extensions A -1 Rebuild Fire Destroyed Structures A -2 Two Family Structures, New Struct B -1 Multi- family, Add (1) Dwelling Un Total t Mict Ures (33) $ 494641300 (8) 280,30o (6) 173900C) ions (5) 151,000 (27) 6349950 (2) 1989000 ores (4) 348,000 it (1) 18.000 (86) $ 692679550 C -4. 1 Accessory Use Private Storage, Garage (35) 216,340 • C -4. 1 Agriculture Use (7) 1179500 C- Occupancy New Construction (e) 4459 100 C -7 Miscellaneous Const ruct i can (15) 52,350 C -7 Private Home Swimming Pools (3) 36, 500 Total (68) 8679790 Totals ( 154) $ 79135,340 • 1 ^(Pg. A/4 ) • TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607- 844 -9120 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT STATEMENT OF FEES COLLECTED, 1992 Building Permit Fee 154 Permits Applied for' $ 10$ 6oU, o.() Zo vn i ng F"'er,m i t Fee 29 1, 475. Oo Site P1ari Review 3 600m 00 Special Permit 6 " " " 275m00 Zoning Appeal 16 Hearings Requested 800W00 Su bd i v i s i an App l i cat i ors 2 Reviews bey orid, Sketch Phase. 200000 Dr^ydero Totem Z_ori i ng Ord i rjarice Sales, 48 copies sold $5 ea. 240=00 r Total $ 141 19i r, 0� i • Respectfully Submitted, • C Henry M. S 1 at er, Co Dde Er-ifr. ircement Officer Towri if Dr %yderi i R Increase iii tart base in terms of Willow; of estimated $ bf Cohstt-uction within the tow of bri 'Ihese valtte5 do tiot thelude c6h��tttction in the villages of bryden of Preovllle. 1111110" $' 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 1J 14 15 16... 17 18 1980 ( (117 her 1ta for $1,- 6;0( ) 1981 (104 her iteot 1982 � s ��� •, ) 1983 I (115 Pet lEA for $1, d,0( . ) 1984. (132 Per itd for $2, 7 i2,(Y , ) j QlU Pein lts for ,1985 � (157 Per !tg for $4, 7 X2,0( 0. ) 1986 • (173 Perm ltg for. $5, )g,0( 1987 � • i (211 Pert its for $7, 109q , 1988 (210 Per ►lts for $169 16, ►0. ) 1989 I - (21 Per lt§ for $7, _305( ) An 1 (193 Pe -mit fo $18 579 169;0 1991 (187 Pe mtt6e fo $ 7 246 261 i 1992 (15 )'Pi mit fo $7 135 340 1993. 1994 199.5 I 1996 I 1 1997 998 i 999 i _ 000 DC 3 )04 ,.........0 • Irt Unitq of (10) 1980 1981 1982 1983 r 1984 . -1985 -_- ` 1986 1987 1988 1989 1_. J 199 1993 1994 1995 i 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ?001 ADO �f Singie Family housing Starts * = Singh Pamlly Nome txtenttohs lblal bwvlling thtits Cstablished for year - - — lU 20 .30 40 @ 50 60 70 80 90 10U 110 1.20 130 140 150 160 1 9 F FF I� -- I � e / 0 Millon , 1980 1981 III 1982 1983 1984' 1985 1986 1987 1989 19, 1991 1992 1993 1994 t 1995 .996 .997 ; 9999 81 999 i 000 001 00 D03 )04 ! Commet twit Mitts aril Tax Base Itesulthig. 1 2 3 4 I ate t k .dt. I I 5 7 0 og- � 994 ,00h ,o - -- ,y6 9 99 r _ a � •`}�4�� � a� 83,600 ni b, �0 r i o 0 / LMI G4 C1 Date: January 7th, 1993 T James SchUg, Dryden Tl_lwri Supervisor% Dryden Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York Fr.•m: Henry M. Slater, Zoning & Building Code Enfor, cement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New Yor,k 13053 Sub. : December% 992 Dept. Activity Report Dear% Jim: Building Permits Issued, (14) which are described as follows: A -1 Single - family, New Starts, Site Built Homes, (3) A Two-family Home (1 ) A -1 Extend, Repair ot% Renovate Existing Single- family(6) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage (B) C-4.1 Farrm St ruct l_tre (1 ) C -7 Miscellaneous (1 ) Cert i f i cat es of Occupancy and Compliance. (7) Certificates of Occupancy Issued. (0) Ternpor,atNy Cer,t i ficate of OccLtpancy. (1) Certificates of Cl .-imp l i anr_e issued, Fire Investigations. There was (3) F i r,e Investigation conducted. Two St r,'_tct ure fires and one appliance fir %e. One st mtct ure was found to be unfit fov� fi_trther, use and will be demo1 i shed. By quick r %esaponse, v0 1 Ltnt eer ^s from Etna and Freev i 1 1 e Station saved a commer,c i a 1 st rLtct ure on Route 366. Little damage was suffer,ed arid business continued as nor,mal. 1 _ _ r Pg. (2) • M�_�lt iple Residence Inspect ions: (U) Fire Safety Inspections of- public/businesses: (Q) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections, (0) Zi.-ining Board of Appeals Hearing Requests" (ir) The Wilcox Press Plant and Jenna's Restaurant continue operating under a temporary certificate of occupancy pending the compliance with r.lutstanding Site Plan Review conditions i:: it terms. I can riot speak for the Wilcox issues, however, there has been one improvement taken by Jenna's Restaurant to complete one of the two Open site plan concerns, As you'll recall, there were (`) entrances t � i the Jenna's Facility rather the site plan requirement for only one entrance exit. John Glebe, co -owner of Jenna's committed to resolve the entrance issue. As you, 11 further recall, NYS DOT appeared toa have jurisdiction over the facility entrance. The reason for this jurisdiction is, the Jenna's road cut permit is issued • and approved by DO'F. As result, the Jenna's entrance was constructed to DOT specifications rather than the agreed to site plan review approved entrance. As I was further informed ors 12/8/92, by the Cortland Tompkins County DOT Office, DOT is satisfied with the road Cut and grade work along the Jenna's portion � . f NYS Route 13. r� U During this same ct:: Deer Reflector has prevent use c-i f this DOT installed this So far, the barrier in place and no tra This would leave on to be completed. roversat i on, I was been installed as non authorized en barrier and find i appears to be w� �r ffic appears to be ly the final facil informed that a a barrier to trance exit area. t to be adequate. king. It still is passing in or out. ity site grade work These are the only projects that require further~ actions Prior to issue of a Final Certificate of Occupancy, ;� �� /'; � a,*,. �' Henry M. Slater cc: Al 1 Dryden Town D� ward Members SUsanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney a • and approval of the Dryden Youth Commission will: A. Develop programs of youth services for all youth of the Town of Dryden including the Villages of Dryden and Freeville. B. Identifying funding sources for such programs and apply for such funding. Co Administer such programs consistent with guidelines established by the Dryden Youth Commission. D. Establish a budget for subsequent periods in consultation with the-Dryden Youth Commission and anticipated funding. E. Render such periodic reports to the Dryden Youth Commission as they may from time to time require. 6, It is specifically understood and agreed that the Town of Dryden will provide all liability insurance in connection with any programs approved by the Dryden Youth Commission and administered by the Agency, 79 This Agreement is not assignable by either party and is • binding upon the legal successors to the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed 'by its authorized representatives as hereinafter set forth. Dated: Dated: 1993 , 1993 TOWN OF DRYDEN BY James F. Schug, sor FAMILY & CHILDREN'S SERVICE OF ITHACA Leon 0 C-7 �I AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this day between the Town of Dryden, 65 East Main 13053 (herein the "Town ") and FAMILY ITHACA, 204 North Cayuga Street, Ithaca, "the Agency ". . l� iP of , 1993, by and Street, Dryden, New York CHILDREN'S SERVICE OF New York 14850 (herein The parties hereto agree hereby as follows: 1. The term of this agreement shall be from the above date through December 31, 19930 2. The Town will pay the Agency the sum of Nineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($19,800.00) for the personal services to be performed by the Agency. 3. In addition to the payment for the personal services set forth herein, the Town agrees to pay the operating expenses incurred by the Agency up to the maximum amount of Four Thousand Nine Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($41F915.00) according to a general budget outline as follows: Contract Service Supplies Postage Printing Travel Prof. Development Miscellaneous $2,755.00 450.00 60.00 300.00 1,000.00 200.00 150.00 The operating expenses shall be paid upon properly submitted and approved vouchers. It is understood that these budget categories can be increased or decreased so long as the total operating expenses do not exceed the maximum amount agreed to be paid by the town. 4. The agency will interview, hire and employee 'a full time person to, perform the personal services (for the Dryden Youth Commission) contemplated herein. Payment of the amount for such personal services shall be made in installments in advance for the month next coming upon properly submitted and approved vouchers. 5. It is specifically understood and agreed that the person employed by the Agency is not an employee of the Town but an employee of the Agency and that this is a contract for the services of the Agency not the person hired by the Agency. In that regard the Agency shall be responsible for any and all employment expenses including Workers' Compensation Insurance, unemployment insurance, FICA, etc. Under no circumstances is such person to be considered an employee of the Town. 6. The person employed by the Agency and the Agency will work with the Dryden Youth Commission and subject to the direction r7 L • 0 TNl -12 -93 Page 3 RESOLUTION #74 ANNUAL REPORT TO STATE compTROI_I..E=R Clm Hatfield offered like the fl;illowing resoilution and asked for its she has diine that is so disastrous. She woUld adopt i� �n a to state that RESOLVED, that this Town Board, Town Board Justice authiirize the Supervi<_.-Ior car anyone that has a problem tii file they should let her k.nOwo She gave his annual report to the State Cciroptriiller and a copy with the i'own: Clerk by March 1, 1993 in lieu of his annual report due February 1, 1993n 2nd C1rii Roberts Rci11' call v 1te - a1-1 vi-. 1t irig Yes RESOLUTION # 1* 5 AUTHORIZE SLJPV TO SIGN AGREEMENT - -WITH FAM I L r' Y AND CH 1 I..DRENSY SERVICE- Clm _.... ___..._ Rnberts iffered the fallowing resiilution and asked flit its ad pti na RESOLVED, that this bizziard authiirize Si_tpv Schug tr., sign the revised agreement dated 1 -12 -93 with Family and Childrens Service. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL. REPORT - available t a i board members JUSTICE REPORT - $75 i 06o (w )(m) f,ir the mjint h of December 1992 Lorraine Dared, DrDg Control Officer - wr Juld like t• � find . T.- lut what she has diine that is so disastrous. She woUld like to state that any fne the Town Supervise Dr, Town Board, Town Clerk, Justice Dept. car anyone that has a problem they should let her k.nOwo She gave -the board rilembers her report. RESOLUTION #76 AUDIT VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #92''. 101. Clm Rt_iberts iiffered the flil 10 wing resol ut iv ire and asked fl- r its ad,::, pt ion a RESOLVED, that th audited $369 919. ii audited $451, 21,28m 2nd C I m Hetfie1d e abstract #92 voucher #1 thru #42 be paid as 1. Abstract #101 voucher #23 thru #47 be paid as 1 Roll call v1it e - a 1 1 voting Yes Ad..j i u r n e d a Boa 1 s PM Susanne L..10 yd Town Clerk ;0