HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-11-100 TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 1(), 1992 PROPOSED LOCAL LAW #6 1995 Minutes r. if local law public hearing Supv Schug call the hearing to order at 72U t5 M Supv Schug read the notice that was published concerning pry 1posed Local Law #G 19920 ( copy QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS - NONE Closed pu.bl is hearing - L e 1CrPM LOU Roscr. ie f r im Cornell Un l members cr. incern i ng CE I S (Ge planning process that Corne 1r_ing term land Use for the in the newspaper in minute book) versity shr.1wed slides to the board ner i c Environmental Impact Statement) 11 University is cr.intemplat ing for university. ,Toe Lal ley, whc-1 is on the tt .-nyn planning, beard and also Chairman of the long range planning is c 1-.1mmittee for the tr. iwn. They did a si_irvey the spring different similar in to the of from the fall 1991. some envirl -.If 1990 Their of the -.1nmental if" and master more impact the reSUlts plan t rad were distributed update is a i t iona 1 ones. statement. little It w i l l in be Tom Neider korn, is trying to develop f• �r the community some kind of long range series of have. Mr-•. "what Neiderkorn guide if" line for types -.if handed lut anticipated scenaricJs a questionnaire change. and the They impact for board developed'a they would members and guests They are :important. ti-.1 trying fill to OUt for% si Mme get a feel input. as to what (copy the in minute community book) feels . is ,Joe Lalley -- general tizzipics i -.1f what they plan to look at in the master plan update is growth. They will be considering growth rate, the development i -.1r existence of activity. Alsl_i land Use constraints and how that might influence or disciziurage or encourage grr. lwth. Another issue they intend to speak to in general terms is what if a ma.j' ir highway connect i izin was needed between the Ithaca area and Route 81 and the impart it might Have on the town. Ani -.1ther wr.iuld be consollda.tlt =in of municipal services. /)-k i NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF THE YEAR 1992 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 10th day of November, 1992, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to consider a Local Law amending Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1984 Regulating the Use of Public Sewer Drains, Private Wastewater Disposal, the Installation and Connection of Building Sewers, and the Discharge of Waters and Wastes into the Public Sewer Systems, the Treatment and Pretreatment of Industrial Waste, and Providing for the Inspection of such Facilities and the Enforcement of such Law by the Town of • Dryden. Such amendments conform Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1984 with recent Environmental Protection Agency and New York State CI Department of Environmental Conservation regulatory changes. Such amendments eliminate from this Local Law local pollutant limitations for wastewater discharges (such local pollutant limitations being the subject of a separate proposed Local Law). Copies of the complete text of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk during regular business hours at 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said amendments. Town Board of the Town of Dryden By: 0 TDFZYiDE.N TOWN BOARD :I.0 hlOVEICIBC::R1 1992 C }UR F:E :.Qu1- :S3'1' T'I -IE V '.I:GL "faTT 'T'C }'TOAL.. TD 1:USRI::: 1= INI V :f. R t:} 111'11.: hl T 1)1Ghl1: *To Ya 1:T rZL::t>P1 :.COT E1)7 OFF' DfZYDEEN.. TO YOU 1: S3 FOR f a S3 S31 1.3 CAA 01` :I: h(1() :I: V T D U fa L, F l GOOD FOR THE RIGH_i. T 1'. S3 fa F: F: C1 U L:: 43 T T• C} Fi E D t:l'T' H f l S or Iii I) :f. V :F. TJ U A L. ;•3 ' a T 1.4 C E. :E h X :i R :I hl G :I: hl G T O hl END CJH T TO PRIVACY AND,; TO T1--IL,: U I...1 :VE 1:M f1 S AF'E. ON D I'E :.AC;I_:F'L}L" U IS 0111:. OF BtiSfIto RIGHTS AND AND f a S R I: {311D I_ hl 'T' f T OF T F•u -. TOWN T' 0 .C'�T"C F - f1ST:1F tL � L:fI f4 F °NL_1_F:h t: }h . lDE,AF` 1 "AFZ;3„ WI:. FI: ::1:=1." 'T'FIfa'T 'TI••1:E 3 Ihf1Y BE TD C}7 :CN PAFiT7 TO THE i._C }C %f1T1:C }N IN WHICH WEE LIVE fahiD7 IIA 1 f1RT7 TO THE:: 1 400ACT THAT WE. A R FE.IYIf11 ... EKO n WHAT T E.VI :. *.R TI••IE REAzitlhl7 OUR RE QUI.ST RE.I''If1 DIS THE.: 43f•1IYII: ::. TFlfa -f 1:43 1'C} E iiE:f- 'tFiT)7 LJhII)I.:Ftif :i "i'C }C }lD faIII) ftiE ::EN ,C ::C','TE.ID! 'T' I••1 E::1�:1 :. :E I :f1t::F•1 F'%: PI ... faYi: : :TD 1: 'T' 43 �7 R T c: • I•I I Nis NE : :EA) F" 0 F F :E11GI : : :R ON INVOLVED 1: i faWf-1 THIS C: t:} hI 1= L.1: C T „ WE:: E::S OI._UTo:011a V, t ! :I: hl'T 111 G RE 0F 'T1 -1 E. t1 ICI I... Y 1 S K OR NA1,11H. CALLING,, AS R t:} 1." E: 1--11:. C} R S3 H f:. F•1 A s THAT YOU WOUi ... TD AS13113T • WI : :: F F :EL. THAI' 1:F' :1:S3.�•.+'ULKS3 ORE C ONF"FtiONTE.'.D DA f1 "i'IME::I_Y 01-41) 1`1 f) Y B I ". T H :L S to 0 hl (= L" I C T W.11 ... L_ E. N TD ,3 1: F" 11A1)TVIDUfaL..S3 ARE RE433 EC:TED AS TC} "i'i °IE.:ER 1: 1:Ci-ITS3 (11•0 VAI...l. )E::7 THEN MAYE�I::: THIS t ONFF'I...:1t:'T' W :CI ... I._ CK14D� IF WI" ALMI 7 RE.GfaF4171.-ESS OF WHOM WE:: ARE OR WHE:R : WE. LIVE., nRI-. G:LVI : :.I',I THE' Fi1:i:il °( °f TC) T:EK F1E.(1FilD7 t.}ICI!) KRS "f0C }D AND RIw:SPI.:t:;TE:a)7 T'HI:.hl MAYBE. THIS t:ONF=L_:CC'T' WILL I.:hlD! •T'F•IAI-111. YOU FOR YOUR TIME f -th11) FOR FdfF : :f1R1I—%IG OUR I.-C }1:S Jon SI:.SS:I:C }hlS 104AD1:INIEK f AF4,8F4:Y w'oop 2gop 0 I 9 • • • TOWN OF DRYDEN PLANNING PHILOSOPHY WORK SHEET November 10, 1992 The broad task of the Long Range Planning Committee is to consider future land use in the Town of Dryden. As a member of the Committee, or an interested official in the Town, read each of the values listed below and think about their relative importance in the Town's future (exclude the Villages for this exercise). Rank your top ten values on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is the least important to you personally and 10 is the most important to you personally. Do not use any number more than once. Two spaces will be left blank when you are finished. Keeping Dryden rural and agricultural (putting a lid on growth) Reducing disruption caused by heavy through traffic Safeguarding natural resources Creating more local employment opportunities Minimizing the need for additional water and sewer services Providing housing for lower income groups Enlarging the taxable property base Keeping land use controls to a minimum Making capital expenditures according to a long -range plan Promoting broad citizen involvement in the planning process Achieving greater efficiency in government Promoting new development Town Board Planning Board Zoning Board Long Range Committee Other Official I I i i i Date: November 4th, 1992 • To: James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor Dryden Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York From Henry M. Slater, ZOning R Building Code Enforcement Off. 65 E. Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 • 9 Sub. October '92 Dept. Activity Report Dear Jim: Building Permits Issued, (10) which are described as follows: A -1 Single - family, New Starts, Double wide Mobile, (2) A -1 Single - family, Convert, Extend Or Renovate existing Home Sites to Living Area, (2) A -2 Erect a Twi_s - -family Home Structure, (1 ) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage, (4) C-4.1 Agriculture Accessory Use Structures, (1 ) C -7 Miscellaneous (0 ) Certificates Of Occupancy and Compliance. (8) Certificates of Occupancy Issued. (0) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy. (7) Certificates Of Compliance issued. Fire Invest i gat i.: .ns. There was (1) Fire Investigation conducted. As a result of a st rmuct ure fire at Conger's Mobile Horne Park; a home will have to be demolished and disposed of in an acceptable manner. I I E I Pg. (c) • Multiple Residence Inspections: (2) Fire Safety Inspections of public /businesses: (0) Herne Day Care Fire Safety I aspect i o *ns, (0 ) Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing Requests: (2) Attached is a notice of decision for each appeal. The Wilcox Press Plant and Jenna' s Restaurant continue operating under a ternporary certificate of occupancy pending the compliance with outstanding Site Plan Review conditions. As You will recall, on October 1st of this year, the Zoning Permit and revised building permit fee schedule took effect. In order to implement these changes, we needed to develope a Zoning Permit Application, Certificate and tracking process. The long and short of that is, we have and are having no problems. Please feel free to stop by for a review of this process or any of the many ethers that we use to conduct � ur% department functions. • r� U Henry M. Slater CC we All Dryden Town Board Members vSI= tsanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney it i I NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY OCTOBER 59 1992 • A public hearing to consider the application submitted by DAVID HEGELEIN, of 59 West Dryden Road, Freeville, NY 13068 to move an existing structure to within 6 feet of a side lot and 2 feet lot line and is requesting a variance to Section 804.2 of the of the rear Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, October 5, 1992 with members presents Chairwoman Anne Everett, Dominic Bordonaro, Charles Hanley, Joseph Jay and Alan LaMotte, FINDINGS: 1• The benefit sought can be achieved by another method. 2• The requested area variances of two (2) feet from the rear lot line and six (6) feet from the side are very substantial. 3. There was neighborhood opposition. &A motion was made by Domonic Bordonaro that the variance application from avid Hegelein by denied based on the findings. Second to the motion was made by Charles Hanley VOTE YES (S) D. Bordonaro, A. Everett C. Hanley, J. Jay, A. LaMotte. NO (0) DECISIONS VARIANCE DENIED Dated bl13 7Z jr • ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, Anne Everett, Chairwoman E R 0 NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY OCTOBER 5, 1992 •A public hearing to consider the application submitted by LINDA AND THOMAS WARNER, of 40 Meadowbrook Trailer Park, ark, Newfield, NY 14867 g permission to establish a building lot at or about 36 Spring Run Road, Fa vari n NY with 123.9 feet of road frontage and are requesting a variance to Section 70201 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, October 5, 1992 with members presents Chairwoman An ne e h Ja Everett, Dominic Bordonaro, Charles Hanley, Joseph y and Alan LaMotte, FINDINGS% 1- The 1.1 'foot amount is not a substantial amount. 2. Will not change the character of the neighborhood. 3- This was not a self recreated situation, A motion was made by Joseph Jay that the variance be granted. • Second to the motion was made by Alan LaMotte. VOTE YES (5) D. Bordonaro, A. Everett C. Hanley, J. Jay, A. LaMot t e. NO (0) ABSTAINED (0) DECISION: VARIANCE GRANTED Dat ed 1 D 1 3 L74 �L jr • Respectfully submitted, V4�4 - Anne Everett, Chairwoman I i 9 T911 -10 -92 page TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 10, �, 199' Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 8o40PM blembers and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the T. iwn Clerka. Present: Si_ipv Schug, Clm Roberts, C1m Baker, Clrii Hatfield, Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z.O. Slater APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Motion was made by Clm Roberts and 2nd by C 1 rii Corrigan that the minutes r. if town board meeting 10­13-92 be approved. Carried COUNTY BRIEFING Co Rep. Evans - reps lrted the county br.sard will hold a public hearing on the budget tDr, 11- 19-92 and will be passed at the beard meeting held Most i -If the committees are attempting to conform to the fiscal plan which called for a 10 percent redIACti'-in in ciDurity tax funded programs and then a 3.1 per cent increase 1 -1n top of the iCr percent in 1993. The highway department has been cut aver the last few years to balance the budget, and now there w i l l be nr J co urit y r• lads paved in 1993 which they usually do 20 miles a year. No equipment will be purchased in 1993 and he does nrDt think. the cr. iunty can operate that way. He is r3oing t• 1 fight ,fi •r $3, 0()Cr, 00 to be added for AIDS w• irk arid also $147 50on (W) for za personal emergency response system. Cc- jr- iperat ive Extension budget has been cut by $11, 000. C)Cr arid that organization creates abiz iUt one and a half mi i l is -in di-il lays in volunteer' effort within a lot � �f their pry igrams. Dept. of Social Services is mandated and there is a,$350,000 ')(r deficit which has to be made up. Another is the county jail which is mandated by New York. State. Another area in the budget is the siol id waste. The 01-. 1urity negotiated an arrangement with Superior and the ether haulers that rather than go t• 1 court the county would charge no mr. ire than $95.00 per ton for a tipping fee if Superior and the other haulers wr uld ci .-inforrii to the f 1r.1w ci:jntrol law tc. 1 bring all of their trash to the transfer stat ik -1n in the ci :iunty. If they set the tipping fee to existing costs arid deal with the 1.2 million dollar deficit which exists the tipping fee would be around $180.00 per ton. The alternative to that is a User fee that would cover the costs of recycling, administration and the closing of the gild landfills. There is ni-.1 cc1ricrete figure at this time, bUt there WCj 1d be a user fee assessed on single family dwellings between $50.00 and $60. 00 per _year. An• 1ther area in the solid waste is DR7. The sc-il i d waste committee passed a rest .-i 1 ut i on to pUrsl.!e neg� �t iat ic- ins with Cattarau qus County for as long a term possible for an intermunicipal agreement to ship the trash there. They have a landfill which receives about 700 i t � ins a day and they would like ti raise that tri 1,000 tc- iris a day. They will lor.ik for /Ci I I i E I 13 TD11- 10-92 page S a rolling contract for v year's, so Tompkins C i lunt y cart be protected against escalated costs. He thinks the DR7 site will be dropped by the end of the year. The nei ghbr. 1rhood protection program has been put on hi-.11d. He does not krn_1w what the county tax increase will be and does not believe there will be a tax increase. When the sales tax was first propr. ised you heard 40 percent, but that was before the decision was made to give GJ percent of it after the first year to the ti_iwns and city. He hopes to see a 10 r to 20 percent decrease. The county has laid of f several pos i t i i-.Ins and have decreased their budget by 10 r percent . CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Lois Sess i c- ins - read a letter t o the town bi_Jar•d members concerning violations of individt_ials right to privacy and total disregard for the right to live in a safe and peaceful environriient. (copy in minute book). i Supv Sch ug - wanted ti-.1 kn ow what the town board could do Lois Sessions - her request is in her area the law seems to be overlooked. The rules and regulat ir.ins that would hold trite elsewhere in the township i.-jf Dryden are ti_1tally denied for them. Their lives have been threatened by people in the neighborhood and they have to put up with people who run cars that are • unlicensed and unregistered up and d'Dwrt the road, and per.1ple who live i n chicken ciziops. These are not t r.1 erat ed anywhere else i n the town and they are asking for the same respect and cI Ur %test' to be t_rndersto c-id and heard by the people c_if the town. Because they live where they do, does nizit mean that they are not decent people. They request the same rights and they wi.-juld like the board ti,i look at the area and consider enfr.,rcing some cif the zoning and enforcing some of the laws that would be enforced anywhere else in the ti awn. Supv Sch ug - as far as the y fining ordinance they are enforced throughout the tr. i�jn pretty r,it_ich the same. There is a problem in that area, and one of the biggest frustrations is how sliDw things work. The fire department has burned down one of the zoning pri_iblems over the past weekend. Legal papers have been filed about living in the rabbit hutch. If there is something that is being done illegally the ti -.1wrt does nr. it have a police fi-. 1rce as such. We depend on the sheriff department and the state police. Lois Sessions - because of the area they live in the police agencies do not care. It is like a catch and they want to knew where do they go for help. Their lives have been threatened by people who have said that they would .just as sc -lon kill them to get them out of the area. The area has singled them out as the villain no matter what happens. They appreciate that Supv Schug has helped them out of situations in the past. It is a sad •situation and they would like their community to be so that they can take pride. TB11 -10 -92 page 4 Clm Ci.-irrigan - she went up to visit Lois Sessions and when she left she was vehicularly harassed by are unregistered vehicle, obscene gestures and literally a 1 m• Est driven r.if f the road. She was .just a town awn board member up listening t o a constituent. These people are nit manufacturing anything, because it is happening. She saw it herself and was frightened by the man that was after her. This board is hemmed in by the restrictions of what the board can do and what they can't. When it comes to zr,ining we should correct all i.-if the situations. The other things should be taker- care of through the sheriffs department or d• ig warden. You riil_tst know that y.lu have the while board's ci:: impassion You must know that you will get a quick. response from the fining officer and any board member serving in an official capacity where they have the authority to do it. Supv Schug -- suggested they could videmo tape some of these actions that maybe the neighbors could all get together .OR OF M and talk AND this Roll pri-.1blem over. Corrine Little - this would not work out because they were neighbors that were run off the rr.iad by these people even before Lois and Nadine mrived there. Yr. lu carp ni jt talk t o these people. There is miz fine than one persc. in that is d• ii ng this. It Would only mean m• ire late -night phone calls, m• ire horn honking, more threats, more running y. iu off the road. They have two i children that they do not let walk. the read because i.-If this situation. Att_y Perkins - all he has heard so far are generalities and there has to be specifics. If y„u have a clear vii.-ilation i.-if law as apposed t� � some ones sensibilities them you wr. iuld have to follow through with a complaint either through a local cO Urt Cjr a police agency. He thinks what the law enforcement agencies have been telling them is pri.-ibably accurate. There isn't much they can do unless there is a vii slat ion. You can't force peg 1ple to be nice. Clm Baker - suggested that maybe they could videmo tape some of these actions for diz icumented proof. - LOWER_ SPEED L I M I T Supv Schug -- the b• tard will try and cr. lme up with siz ime ideas as tc_i what can be done to help the situation, Bruce Barkley - presented the town be -lard with a petition requesting a 4 - way strip sign at the intersect ir. in c- if Ellis Hollow Rd, Quarry Rd. grid T Urkey Hill Rd. and a lower speed limit to 355 MPH. RESOLUTION ## 188 :- FCC %EF,I` PE�r I T I ON • RESOLVED, that F=OR A 4 WAY SIGN _& - LOWER_ SPEED L I M I T o CC MPH at INTERSECTION .OR OF M E'_L_LIS _A_T76HE'_ HOLLOW R�OAD,_.Q.UARRY_ROAD AND TURKEY ROAD Roll call v• It e - _HILL Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion e • RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept a sign and 1 twer speed limit t o CC MPH at Hollow Road, Quarry Road and Turkey Hill C'nd Clm Hatfield Roll call v• It e - petition for a 4 way step the intersection of Ellis Read. a 1 1 voting Yes /3 • • TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, -NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 807 - 844 -9120 ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT October 19, 1992 In the Heart of the Finger Laker Region Mrs. William J. Breidinger 2118 State R,.-jute 13 Ci_irt 1 and, New Yo.-irk. 13� X45 Re: Procedure for Requesting Agenda Status with the Dryden Town Planning Board. Dear Mrs. Breidinger: I'm responding to concern i ng Planning seem confused as are scheduled 1 :jrt this 1pportunity your Or_tober Board Practices to how you c-,r, a Dryden Town t• � review the 1.5th, any other Planning practice 1992 inquiry with and Regulations. Since potential subdividers Board Agenda, I and requirements my office you am taking with you. When an applicant desires t be on any given Dryden Town Planning Board Agendas he i_Ir she i. s required to file notice and appropriate document packages with the Dryden Town Clerk no less than 10 clays prier to the requested agenda date. The Clerk then provides this office with those requests or documents. Our t::iffice then schedules hearings, develops agendas and distributes all necessary hearing agendas and so forth with all appropriate part i es. I have not received any notification or document packages from the Town Clerk. nor anyone else. I have also daub 1-ed checked with the Town Clerk. who reaffirmed, ric. 1 requests were filed for agenda t ime. If you will consult the Subdivision Rules and Regulation Towr-1 of Dryden subdivissir-en package, Section IV .1 .2 tt .39 you will be able to � cc_inf i rro what I've related to you. If for some reason, yl_,U do not have this information, you may obtain a Subdivision Application Package from 1: 11_tr office. I would alsib urge you tC, ,Dbt a i n a copy of the Selected Ordinances Arid Local Laws of the Town of Dryden, 1988 edition as last revised. YOU may obtain a Copy at this office or at the Town Clerk's office for $5.00 cash or good r_her_k. payable to the Town of Dryden. You may also_ obtain a copy by sending $7.50 t o :, our o f f i ce, the extra $2.50 covers shipping and handling. In answer to your question, w• u 1 d we call or notify YOU of a cance11ati _in? Yes, we would if you were on the agenda. Mrs. Eire i d i nger October 19, 199 2 • Flage Two 0 • If you should have any further questions or desire further information, please feel free to call as necessary at 844 -9120 8:00 AM and 1:00 Monday though Friday. Very truly y, ors, 'jje/YVLgf N, \L Henry M. Slater Zoning & Building Cede Enforcement Officer cc : �sarine Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Barbara Caldwell, Dryden Planning Board, Chair James Schug, Dryden Town Supervisor Mahlon Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney Jean Ryan, Planning B• yard Sec. T811 -10 -92 page 5 • COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts - reps rrted that Mark Allen is still working with the snow mr.1b i l e r. irgan i zat i � in and insurance company to find rl+_it information r ^egarding the snow mobile law. Clm Roberts - r+c. , resporise yet fr �om ACC regarding the petitions from the citizens Cin Thr.1mas Road ZONING OFFICER - rep, rrt giver+ to board members Z.O. Slater - zr.ining change request ft-ir pi .-risible zi.-ining change fo rr parcel #44-1-27.3 on Route 13. There was some discussion for a MA Zcnne- c.ir% extend the existing RD Zone. No action was taken until Henry could ci .-jr +t act the residents involved t see what zone they would like to be in. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION _ ## 189 ACCEPT _BID TO SELL ONE 1984 GMC PICKUP TRUCK� -- Clm Corrigan offered the fi_il lowing rmesizilut it .-in and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept Hwy. Supt. Gilbert' s recommendat ir. fn to � sel 1 T.- Ine 1984 GMC blue pickup truck to the high bidder, David R. Griffin, in the amount of $220.75 arid that money be added to the equipment budget fl_lr highway. 2nd C 1 r+i Roberts Ri .-I 1 1 call vote - a 1 1 voting Yes RESOLUTION #190 ACCEPT BID TO SELL. -- ONE 1984 GMC PICKUP TRUCK CIm Hatfield i_jffered the ad• apt for +o RESOLVED, that this Town recommendation to � se 1 1 or bidder, Edward Abr�uzzi:: i, i be added to the equipment following resol+_it i or+ and 8i Dard accept Hwy. Supt. e 1984 gold pickup truck n the ar+n OUnt of $751.01 b+_idget for highway. asked fr rr its G i 1 beet' s to the high and that money ;:2nd Clm Cr. lrrri gar, Roll call vote - all voting CORRESPONDENCE Dog report FINANCIAL_ REPORT - r^epi art available to bi:: ,ard members JUSTICE REPORT - $8, 8`8. oO f• tr the m• inth of October Yes RESOLUTION #191 ADOPT" LOCAL_ LAW #5 -- 1992 ESTABLISHING LOCAL POLLUTANT LIMITATIONS FOR TOWN OF DRYDEN _USERS OF THE ITHACA� —y - WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY -- -- • Clm Roberts offered the following -resr. ilut- ion�and asked f� tr its adopt ir.1n (copy in minute book) 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes /3&)oe i TB11- 10--92 page 8 RESOLUTION #193 AGREEE TO PLOW AND SALT __._._ .._._.._..._....__.__.�ABBOT'I" ROAD Clm Ri_iberts offered RESOI._UT I ON # 1 92:' ADOPT LOCAL LAW #8..._ w._1. 92' ESTABLISHING SEWER USE REQU T REMENTS Clm adoption: Baker offered the (copy in fr.il lowing minute and resu book) l ut ic.in and asked for its 2nd Clm Roberts Christopher O'Connor as to the Fire, Disaster R Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #193 AGREEE TO PLOW AND SALT __._._ .._._.._..._....__.__.�ABBOT'I" ROAD Clm Ri_iberts offered the following the folly wing resolution for a $43.219.00 and asked for its ads ipt iron c Town Board appoint Carter as alternate Christopher O'Connor as to the Fire, Disaster R RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authorize C3Lipv. Schug to sign all necessary Road 2nd for Clm documents one more Hatfield winter required for season. Roll call the town Date vote to is 11-12-92 - all plow voting and to salt 6-3('.)-930 Yes Abbott RESOLUTION #194 LANDFILL. NEIGHBORHOOD I''ROTEECT I ON COMMITTEE.- Nancy TenWat e. Clm Hatfield i.-iffered the fr.111owing resolutic.in and asked for its ad• apt i� to RESOLVED, that this Town Br.lard appoint Fancy Tenkate ti i the Landfill Nei ghborho id Protection Committee. Term to expire 12-31-95a • 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all v• 1t ing Yes RESOLD "r I ON #195 ARRO I NT DELEGATE & ALTERNATE TO FIRE, DISASTER & EMS ADVISORY BOARD Clm Baker 1 -.1ffered the following the fi -.il l•'wirlg resolut ic_ir, and asked for its ads apt ion e for a $43.219.00 be paid total of $3019 RESOLVED, delegate that and William this Town Board appoint Carter as alternate Christopher O'Connor as to the Fire, Disaster R EMS Adv i si.-jr_y Board. Terms to expire 12-31-95. End Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all vcit ing Yes RESOLUTION #196- FEUD I T __VOUCHERS_ _ABSTRACT #111 Clm Corri. gars offered the following adopt ione RESOLVED, voucher #773 in that the vouchers #874 to #918 the amount of for a $43.219.00 be paid total of resolUtiCin and asked for its as audited. Abstract #111 $3019 116.0B. Also voucher 2nd Clm Baker RC 1l 1 call vote - all voting CJ Yes 13.3 I l3q TBII-10-92 page 7 • RESOLUTION #197 ADD DELINQUENT NQUENT W_ATE --R - _& --- S4E =WEFT �YCHARGES TO THE 1.993 TAX ROI L- Clm Baker offered the following resc- it ut ir.ln and asked for its adapt ion RESOLVED, that this Tr.,wri Br. iard add the fi-.111c.iwing delinquent water and sewer Parcel charges #56 -5 -12, t� � the K3427 1993 - tax .John rr it 1 0 Marche 1 1 - $963.49 water and $699.15 and $516.13 sewer fir- a t st a 1 1 f $1662.64 - Arthur of $369.25 Parcel #55-1-.17.2, #43-1-19.15, K3439 -- V i n i t a Bu i van (owner Edward & Bruner � Mazza) Party -- - $656.27 water and $516.13 sewer for a total of $1172m40 ( 1015 Parcel $132.00 Dryden Rd.) f• Ir L3459 a total Parcel #52- 1 -4.4, K4267 - Lipinsky (Boxcar) Realty - $154.49 water and $124.96 sewer for a total of $279.45 (1 274 Dryden Rd=) Parcel #55 -1 -1 `.;, K4353 - M. Reed $150.98 sewer- only. Apts. 1065 Dryden Rd. Parcel #56 -5 -3, L3413 -- R & R Rentals, (Richard & Ralph Varn) •. $145.46 water and $111.59 sewer f i_Ir a total of $257a(")5 ( 849 Dryden Rd.) • Parcel #56 -5 -3, L3414 -- R & R Rentals, (Richard & Ralph Varn ) $98.89 water arid $71.46 sewer for a total of $170m35 ( 847 Dryden Rd.) Parcel #`,6 -5 -1 1, L3426 - Ted Marche 1 1 - $147.40 water and $113.23 sewer for a total. of $260.63 Parcel meeting #43-1-19.15, Turkey Hill L3454 - Ni -Jrbert Sch i cke 1 -- $329.19 and $264.00 Party -- sewer for a t i:_It a .l of $593.19 Parcel $132.00 #43-1--19.6, sewer' f• Ir L3459 a total - Arthur of $369.25 Koehler - .$m=:37. 25 water and . ::rid Clm Cr.irrigan Ri_il1 call vote - all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS Regular meeting - 12 -8 -92 Turkey Hill Water/Sewer vote - 12- -15 -92 - Varna Community Center Town Hall Christmas Party -- 12 -22 -92 - NOON - DISH TO PASS Special end i f year meeting - 12 -29 -92 noon Organizat i Ina1 meeting 1 -4 -93 at noon Ad.j ourned o 10m.00 Susanne L 1 � rya is 'T• awn Clerk.