HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-13Ll • I TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 13, 1992 Supv Schug called the meeting to i girder at 7.30PM Members and guests participated in the pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Tc lwn Clerk=. Present e Supv Schug, Clm R• Ebert s, Clm Baker, Clm Hatf i e ld, Att_y Perkins, and Z.O. Slater Absent o Clm Corr i gan Supv Schug appointed Clm Roberts to audit the highway fund bills C = • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 6 OF THE YEAR 1992 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 13th day of October, 1992, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to consider a Local Law adopting Rules and Regulations of Southern Cayuga Intermunicipal Water Commission by the Town of Dryden. The proposed Local Law will revise the existing Rules and Regulations to conform them to the Rules and Regulations adopted by other member municipalities. Copies of the complete text of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk during regular business hours at 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 130530 PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said proposed Rules and Regulations. Town Board of the Town of Dryden By Susanne Lloyd, Cl 0 I TB 10 -13 -92 page • - The county holding ti_i the in January. because that budget cuts board is very busy working on cr.1st Containment measures of There is n� � decision made yet is dependent ors the sales tax include people being laid off. the budget. They what they passed � �n the county budget figures, Some of The health department are back the is proposing that gees around to drop to pine the different sanitary engineer schools. and a dental hygienist ._ The r.1ther problem is how to charge fi-Jr the solid waste program, since the budget has been cut substantially. The cost for shipping last year was $90.0C.) per ton and this year it is c• ist i ng the c� iunt y $58.00 per t In which is a *c'.T) per cent cut in that pi.-irt ion of the budget. In addit ic- In, they are planning � in dropping the neighborhizziod protectic.1n program can the assumption that they will be dropping the DR7 site. Also, they will be cutting back on the water well pri_it ect i on program around the Caswell Rd site. '1 "hey will also 1 be Cutting beck. r. in their- public relations prCigrarns and will be contracting some of that with D.-ioperat ive Extension. They are loc-iking at increasing the c• irnpcnsing program and a trash tag subsidy program for .low income families. HrUce Lloyd - wanted to knew what the t ir,re frzkme w1:1 Uld be fr.ir the increase in sales tax be reflected in reduced property tax. • Co. Rep. Evans -- the Department of Sr.icc i a 1 Services is held harmless, because it is mandated by the State of New York. That budget has a 10 to 12 percent increase and currently has a deficit of $3,50,000.00. He believes that the beard is dedicated to take any town sales tax available against the property tax levy. They were first talking ref a 30 tr. 1 4C.) percent reduction In sales tax which is not going tr. 1 happen, it will be more likely about 10 percent. He does not know, because he has not seen the figures. COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts � - reported that there was a CAC meeting or, Oct. 7th. The c• 1mmittee made a resolution that property value compensation should continue during the mi_tratorium on DR7. Ken Thr::Impson, from the Solid Waste Divisir.1n, also gave a repr.irt that they were considering continuing of hauling ti_1 New York and keeping the option open Until October- c.1f 94 as well as ci_int inuing negotiations with Chatai ua C� lunty. His feeling was the New Jersey people were not a serious threat for a regional landfill. On October 8th new wells will be drilled in the Caswell Road area near the r.1ld landfill. Town Board members watched a video that was made during the summer by the Dryden Youth Commission. • RESOLUTION NO. 167 - 1992 • TERMINATION OF DEPOSIT FOR HARTWOOD ROAD Councilperson Baker offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, the Town of Dryden has heretofore by Resolution No. 139 - 1992 accepted an offer of the dedication of Hartwood Road as a Town Road, and WHEREAS, said acceptance contemplated certain work to be done by the developer which work was secured by $20,000.00 deposited with the Town Clerk, and WHEREAS, the developer has completed the work contemplated by said Resolution and secured by a $20,000.00 deposit, and WHEREAS, the Highway Superintendent has indicated his acceptance of the work which was to be done by the developer by his letter of September 29, 1992 and the Town Engineer has likewise concurred in his letter of October 8, 1992, and WHEREAS, there will continue the guarantee of the work by the • developer for a period of one (1) year following the acceptance of the work by the Town Board as set forth herein, J • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 10 That the deposit by Precision Builders, Inc. in the amount of $20,000.00 is hereby released to the developer. 29 That the Highway Superintendent shall take such steps as are necessary to continue to maintain Hartwood Road as and for a Town Highway with the express understanding that the construction of the original improvements are warranted to the Town by the developer for a period of one year from the date hereof. Seconded Councilperson Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes J'B10 -13 --` 2 page 3 • ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - matter for executive session regarding ACC renewal Atty Perkins - nothinq new regarding DR7 except that he is fielding q uest i ons about Nedcr.1 and Mr. Nelson. Atty Perkins - matter fi::ir executive session regarding the Town vs Irene Dennis and Town vs Gar 1 i: is Stetson arid w i l l not require and action by the t +wr-i board. Atty district. sufficient election district. RESOLUTION the #167 TERMINATION needs to OF DE POS 1 "1" sr.-+met i FOR HARTL400D ROAD December 7th and December 18th. introduce 0PM regarding call Clm Baker offered the fl -.+llowing resolution and asked for its adoptii-.Ina (copy in rilinute book.) 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call v+.+te - all vi -.1ting Yes Atty district. sufficient election district. Perkins - reported on There was filed with in number, style c_In the pri -.+po sit i +. +n Based on the pr•+visions the Turkey Hill the T1 -.1wn and form tai to establish of the water and sewer Clerk, petitions request a special town a water and sewer Town Law the election needs to be scheduled sr.-+met i me between December 7th and December 18th. introduce 0PM regarding call vote and public - schedule pri -.+p+_+sed sewer. all voting a public Local Law Yes • The Town Board scheduled December 15th at Varna Community Center for the special di =strict vote. Atty Perkins -- called the State C +.1rilptri.-+llers Office ti-nday to find out when he could expect are answer tc-+ his inquiry for an opinion. Their attorney assured him that their response wc.luldn't be any different than what was t iy11 d verbally over the phone. They saw no reason why we shi_+uldn't just go ahead and have only the property owners vi-. 1t e. They did not see any reason with respect to + t he i r posit i+.-in why they wr.luld even want to know what the result to the other was. He believes, this is contrary to the opinion of our bond criunse1. He will have a recommendat i+.In in N+_+vember as t how it should be conducted, even if we dr.+n't have the opinion from the Co mptri.-+llens Office by then. RESOLU:I"ION #k168 INTRODUCE L._OC€-tL_L_AW AMENDING LOCAL LAW #2 - 1984 REGULATING PUBLIC C SEWER Clm Roberts adopt i izin e offered the following resolut it •n and asked for its RESOLVED, that hearing c.+n amending Local 2nd Clm Hatfield November this Law Town IC)th #2 - Bi -Jard at 1984 7a3 regulating Roll introduce 0PM regarding call vote and public - schedule pri -.+p+_+sed sewer. all voting a public Local Law Yes ll(0 8 • Date: October% 8th, 1992 0 To: James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor E5 East Main Street Dryden, New Yorftk 13053 From: Henry M. Slater, Zl:: vning ti Building Code Enforcement Off, 65 East Main Street Dryden, New Yc rrk. 13053 Sub. a September ' 92 Zoning & Building Enforcement Activity Dear Jim: Building Pey rmits Issued, (13) which are described as follows. A -1 New Starts A -1 Site Stick Built (4) A -1 Modular Site Built (1) A -1 Double -wide Mobile Home (1) A -1 Renovations Extensions (`) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage (3) C -4.1 Erect Agriculture Building (1) j C -4.1 Replace Farm Building destroyed by Fire (1) Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance. (38) Certificates Of Occupancy (23) Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (0) Certificates of Compliance issued, (15) Fire Investigations. There was (1) strUctLire fire dur^ing September% which resUlted in the total destruct irjn Of a Farm Barn. All animals were rescued. The barn debris has been Pt operly disposed of. Multiple Residence Inspections (1) Fire Safety Inspections of Publ is /BUsinesses (0) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections (0 ) Zoning Boar -d of Appeals Hear ^ing ReqUests: (1) A prcjposed N� �t i ce of Decision is attached* You'll n. ite a very large number of Certificates :If Occupancy and Compliance issued. With the lull in construction ion and special pr %,--j.j ect s, it has given us the necessary time to review .pen files, update them and close them out. I I I i • • October 8, 1992 Page 2 # 1. Wilcox I believe item. press Wilcox continues this project is now in under ccnu 1 d violation a Temporary be closed of an C. 0. At � iut except item of Site this for time, one plan approval. per growing in the The "earth seas on. mound" was to be mowed one or two � times Update: 9/8/92 3:ii() PM - Mound has been mewed adequately. #20 Jenna's Restaurant also continues under a Temporary C.O. which we have urged the owners to complete by surilmer' s end. Jenna's i_iwner appeared at the last Town Board Meeting. The Board approved same changes and required compliance with others. At this time, it does riot appear the Jernna's will be able to complete all action items by September 8th. Update: Jenria' s was not able to . comp 1 et e : #1. Final. Grade #2. Second driveway entrance. These two iteriis are still open. #3. Please consider a Special Permit Hearing date for late in the rtionth. I also expect to receive a request f.,r a Site Plan Review which may be appri_tpriate to dry at that same time. #4. Melvin Scholes Special Permit to establish a Farm Tractor & Farm Machinery Repair Business at his Wood Read Home has had all required conditions complied with. As you'll recall, some conditions of approval were permitted to remain open until September 30th of this year. Specifically the row of evergreen trees and the extension of the wood fence. These items are now complete. I Could also point out that we've had no complaints of any kind f r� �rir anyr:irie. It Would appear this has worked out well, Henry M. Slater ec: All Dryden Town Boar-%d Members Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney I I I H is 0 s NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GEORGE WHITE, JR. of Route 38 2619 Richford, New York 13835 to establish a building lot at or about 40 Tehan Road, Freeville, NY with only 32 feet of public road /street frontage and is requesting a variance to Section 702.2 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, September 1, 1992 with members present: Chairwoman Anne Everett, Dominic Bordonaro, Charles Hanley, and Alan LaMotte. FINDINGS: 1. This is a relatively new development and the owners should be aware of the Town Zoning Laws. 2. The lot size is relatively small. 3. There was significant neighborhood opposition. 4. The variance is substantial, and is a self created situation. A motion was made by Dominic Bordonaro that the Board not grant the requested variance by Mr. White according to the findings. Second to the motion was made by Charles Hanley. VOTE YES (3) D. Bordonaro, A. Everett C. Hanley. NO DECISION: Dat ed it • jr (1) A. LaMotte VARIANCE DENIED ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, Anne Everett, Chairwoman 1 Ji7 '] * *B10 -13 -92 Page 4 ENGINEERING George Sch 1 echt - reps in ed 1:1n Cizirt 1 and Rd water, district. There has been an application submitted for a grant which will be can � the bal lilt in November as the Jobs Bond Act. There is a list coming out October 15th of possible si.-jurces to be funded and the town has a chance ttzn receive some r,if this money. TC3 is planning i on putt my into their capital budget a request from the State to f Und apprrzix i mat e l -y $6C)C)q 000), 0C) of i mpraDvement s which WOO l d benefit them and indirectly benefit the tizziwn and that whole area. j Within the next month he plans on WC 'eking E_lp a financial scenario and hopefU11y at that point they might be able to get some more support frorti the high school so we can have a public_ hearing or i nformat i -in meeting. Gei urge Sch l echt - reported ed r . lri the SJS c• imm i t t ee. He w i l l be Clm Hatfield - that is not what you told me. setting up a meeting of all of the rnunicipz-1 engineers to try arid see how the water and sewer systems affect the different entities i Jointly. Dryden had requested to buy additional capacity arid this has been stalled. ZONING OFFICER Monthly repr.lrt - given t 1D board members Schedule public hearing date - Site Flan Review - Ni-.1v 5th at 7a00pM Cay +_ir_1 a press Special Permit - Nov 5th at 7 0 1 1 PM - J Kilmer Assn lc. , 298 Cortland Rd. Z. G. Slater- - the new fee schedule and zr.ining permits are now in effect. Supv Schug - there was a cexiirnent made that should be cleared up tonight that Clm Hatfield had asked. The question that permit � fees dr.1 include farriers. Henry seemed to think that at o-ne time YOU made a comment why should farriers have to pay for a permit. Clm Hat f i e l d - Henry had made -the statement that f arrir barns and farm buildings had been exempt. Z.O. longer Slater nr.1w -- they had been since the new i: ird exempt i nance in the past and arErendment s were they are no passed. Clm Hatfield - that is not what you told me. Z. O. Slater - I did not write the rest .-slut ion. SI-ipv SchlAg if vI U are sr. 1 disposed ti_I change that part of the reso1Ut ie Dn, review it and bring a resolution to the board, Clm Hatfield - because they are based on square footage, ,Just the same as a house a permit ti :j build a dairy barn 20() x 100 would be in the the iusands of dollars f• Ir a building permit. Tmo -iu -92 page 5 Z.O. Slater, - if you built a lC i)0U sq ft building it would be about $50 0. 000 Clrii Hatfield - thought that they should take a look at this, because this is not the way that he understood it. Atty Perkins - there are L permits involved and one _If them still has n o fee. Z.O. Slater - the zoning permit. Atty Perkins - the building permit which is done pursuant to the Uniform Code has a fee attached to it now. There never was a schedule beforehand of fees fc-ir the building permit. It was done out of the zoning ordinance. i Clm Hatfield - that is not the way he understr.iod it to be. The board members are going to look over the rest -.1lut ion and decide if they should hold another pUbl is hearing to change that part of the ordinance. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT RESOLUTION #169 TEMPORARILY PIOST TOWN ROADS • Clrii Hatfield !offered the following res� lutic.in and asked for its adopt ionu RESOLVED, that this Town Bi.-jard adopt an order temporarily excluding any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of five (5) tans frorir the following rr. lads, fri-jm November 1, 19'32 to June 1, 19930 The roads have been so posted pursuant to Vehicle and � Traffic Law 166 0 (a) Section 11. 1. Mr.irr i s Road 2. Ed Hill. Read 3. Bone Plain Road 4. Bradshaw Road 5. Wa 1 ker Road 6. Livermore Road 7. Simms Hill Road 8. Dutcher Road 9. George Read 10. Upper Creek Road 11. Lower Creek. Road 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - a l l voting Yes RESOLUTION #17C.) AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT TO ADVERTISE TO SELL RICE: UP TRUCKS AND ACCEPT OR REJECT ALL BIDS Clm Hatfield offered the adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town advertise to sell L pick Any money from the sale 2nd Clm Robert s following resolution and asked for its Board authorize Hwy. Supt. Gilbert to up trucks and accept c- tr reject all bids. goes in the highway equipment fund. Roll call vote - all voting Yes 7 . • • Councilperson RESOLUTION No. 171 Hatf field and asked for its adoption. (1992) offered the following resolution WHEREAS, a Community Recreation Center has been proposed to be constructed and located in the Village of Lansing; and WHEREAS, a study was prepared entitled "A Demand and Financial Analysis for the Proposed Cultural and Recreational Center for the Village of Lansing, New York" in April of 1992 by the University of Michigan, Support Facilities Research Laboratory which concluded that there is sufficient demand for such a facility and that construction and operation of the project is financially feasible although an initial shortfall of revenue to cover operating costs may occur under the current proposal; and WHEREAS, the Community Recreation Center, Inc., a private not- for - profit corporation, is prepared to donate funds in the amount of at least $400,000.00 to help defray the operating costs of the project, and WHEREAS, the above - mentioned study and report as well as other investigations, indicate that the residents of the Town of Dryden will benefit from this project as well as the residents of the Villages of Cayuga Heights and Lansing and the Towns of Lansing and Ithaca (herein referred to as the other participating municipalities); and WHEREAS, the other participating municipalities have requested cooperation and assistance from the Town of Dryden in the 'sponsorship, ownership and management of the project and in 1 providing financial guarantees for the initial period of operation • of the project; and WHEREAS, the other participating municipalities have requested further assistance and advice on how to proceed with this project from the Town of Dryden and, in connection therewith, have formed an Advisory Board comprised of representatives from each of the five above - mentioned municipalities, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden has determined that it is in the best interests of the Town of Dryden to cooperate and assist the other participating municipalities in development of the Community Recreation Center as aforesaid in the preambles hereto, and be it further RESOLVED, that upon negotiation and execution of a mutually • acceptable agreement under New York General Municipal Law Article 5 -G, and subject to all other requirements of law, the Town of Dryden will provide an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 per year for its pro -rata share of any operating shortfall for the project beginning in fiscal year 1994 or the beginning of the first fiscal year after completion of the facility for a ten year period. The Town of Dryden agrees to pay such money only if a deficit exists in the operating account of the Community Recreation Center and such Town funds shall be expended only after all private contributions from the Community Recreation Center, Inc. have been exhausted. This commitment to be subject to approved contractual relations having been entered into between the various other participating municipalities and the Community Recreation Center, Inc.; and be it • further 1 • • • RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden hereby appoints Councilperson ,lack Baker to serve as their representative on said Advisory Board. Seconded Councilperson Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes • • • RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden hereby appoints Councilperson ,lack Baker to serve as their representative on said Advisory Board. Seconded Councilperson Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes Ili TB10 -13 -92 page 6 • CORRESPONDENCE Letter fri::im ACC: regarding winter disconnects Letter from NYS Par -ks Preservat i,: ire grant for West Dryden Ci immunity Center Letter from Town of Caroline regarding Youth Bureau Dog reports for the months i_if May, June July and September Dryden Police September report Letter from Cortland'Pump & Equip. Co. withdrawir1rl bid of 1050iyia gallon tank. Letter fry fm City i.-if Ithaca regarding Inter-- Municipal Recreation Letter frizim ACC - FCC requires a responsible i_ f f i cer. SUpv SchUg appointed Clm Roberts as the respi .-insible r.ifficer. DISCUSSION I i Cultural & Recreations Center -- Town of Lansing and Town of Ithaca have supported the center. Clm Baker - reported ed this is a project that has been thought through and a 1 Cjt r.if research has been done. He thinks this will be a terrific asset tai the avhi.-jle area. RESOLUTION #171 CULTURAL_ ii- RECREATION CENTER i Clm Hatfield offered the fo11Owing r-veS,Dlution and asked for its i adopt iOne (copy in minute bo=ok) j 2nd Clm Rj -.1berts Roll call vote - all vi •t ing Yes Zoning change request fi,ir tax map #44- 1 -2 7.3 r.1f 8.9 acres. The � br.iard members will c• insider t� � change it ti.- I either MA zi-. 1ne or RD zr_ine. The Planning Board has no objection to the zoning change except that arty entrance would be from Kirk RiDad and not Route I 13. Henry shall review and repizirt prior t r.1 r. l tr next meeting. � RESOLUTION #172:, ACCEF-'l-' DID FROM CRANDAL_L_ TRUCK E:_C >!UIPMENT FOR 10,000 GAL__ 1_)T_ESEL. TANP?- Clm Baker iIffered the following resolution and asked for its adopt i or, e RESOLVED, that this Town Board accept the bid fri-Xm Crandall Truck Equipment for 10,000 gal li .-in diesel tank for $18,095.00 ;_.nd Clm Hatf i e l d Roll call vote - all vi-. 1t i n g Yes Atty Perkins - the minutes should reflect that this is to be approved as Local Law #4 -- 1992. It was pri :iposed as L_r:ical Law #6 - 1992, but in the sequence it should be Local Law 4 *4 1992 0 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE! ,A.,Local Law Filing 162 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NY 12231' (Use this form to file a local law iN ith the Secretary of Stale -) • Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. • GRY Dryden ................... ............................... Town of ....................................... ............................... RtkkgeK Local Law No. ..................... ............................... of the year 19 .92.. A local law adopting Rules and Regulations of Southern Cayuga Lake Interm:?.nicipal ... ............................. I ....... .. )(kmdtXXX)t) Water Commission by the Town of Dryden Be it enacted by the ........................... .... Town Board ........................ . ......................................... .............................of the (Name of Legislative Body) calfif * GIOX Dryden Townof .................)- ......... . ........ . ............................... . ........ ................................ :..... ..................... .......... as follows: a 7". (If additional space is needed, attach pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.) (1) n0c -210 (Pow 710m • • RULES AND REGULATIONS of SOUTHERN CAYUGA.LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION I 4 i6 CI TABLE OF CONTENTS I GENERAL CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS 1. Rules and Regulations as a Contract a. Agreement for Service b. Statement of Agents c. Purpose d. Criteria 2. Definitions a. be c d. • e. f. g• h. i. J• k. 1. SCLIWC Applicant Customer Occupant Owner Plumber Premises Water Supply Transmission Main Distribution Main Service Connection Water Service Line 3. Work to be Performed a. SCLIWC b. Plumber 4. Supply of Water a. Quantity and Pressure b. Quality c. Failure d. Discontinuance of Service e. Restoration of Service 5. Independent Service Pipes 6. Inspectors • 7. Territorial Limits 8. Easement through Private Property 9. Prohibitions i Page ON 1 1 1 1 2 K 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 4 4 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 TABLE OF • a. bo c. d. e. CONTENTS (Con't) Page SCLIWC Property 8 Hydrant use 8 Curb Stop 8 Sub - metering 8 Wells and Other Sources of Water 9 ZI APPLICATION FOR SERVICE 9 1. Forms 9 a. Application for Water Service 10 b. Permits 2. General 10 a. Water Available to Premises 10 b. Other than Single Family Buildings 10 c. Independent Water Service Lines 10 d. Inspection e. Plumbing Deficiency 11 3. Owner of Property Liable for Charges 11 4. Temporary Services 11 • a. Responsibility for Costs 11 b. Application 11 5. Services for Construction Purposes 12 III INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SERVICES 12 1. Right to Reject Service 12 2. Taps 12 a. Size 12 b. Separate Service 13 c. Illegal connections 13 d. Tapping done by SCLIWC 13 3. Trench Specifications 13 a. Distance from Other Utilities 13 b. Orientation 13 c. Depth 14 d. Size 14 e. Safety 14 f. Backfill 14 4. Service Line Specifications 14 ii . 1 , 0 • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con't) a. SCLIWC to Set Specifications b. Pipe c. Fittings d. Joints e. Outside Valves f. Goosenecks g. Stop and Waste Valves h. Testing 5. Water Service Line Maintenance a. Water Service Line Responsibility b. Repair of Water Service Lines c. Interference with Facilities d. Defect in Customer's Water Service Line e. Internal Plumbing f. Abandoned Services 6. Winter Provisions a. Winter Service Installations b. Frozen Services IV METERS 1. Meter Installations a. SCLIWC to Furnish Meters b. Meter Space and Location c. Setting Meters d. Check Valves and By- passes e. Outside Meter Installations f. Spacer Pipes 2. Ownership 3. Seals 4. Unaccounted -for Water 5. Remote Reading Devices 6. Inspection of Premises 7. Meter Tests a. Request Tests b. Testing by SCLIWC 8. Reading the Meters V HYDRANTS, VALVES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES Page 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19' 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 I i /, • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con't) 1. General 2. Hydrants a. Hydrant Control b. Use of Hydrants c. Damages 3. Street Valves VI INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES Section A B D E F H I J K M N O P 4 R S T U V W X VII Work to be Done Trench Excavation Rock Excavation Installation of Pip Installation of Pus and Appurtenance -on Joints Installation of Mechanical Joints Cutting Cast Iron Pipe Installation of Valves and Valve Boxes Installation of Hydrants and Branches Installation of Services Backfilling Concrete Thrust Blocking Borina and Installing Casing Pipe Testing Disinfection and Flushing Site Restoration Maintenance The Engineer Pavement Removal and Repl Safety Maps Connection Dead Ends Additional Requirements PAYMENT FOR SERVICES acement 1. Billing to Customer or Owner 2. Billing Period a. Due Date b. Exceptions 3. Non- payment 4. Partial Billing Periods iv i- e - 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 30 31 32 32 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 Ku :, I I U • TABLE OF CONTENTS (Con't) Page a. New Services 38 b. Change in Ownership 38 5. Metered Amount to be Billed 39 a. Determination 39 b. Exceptions 39 6. Unoccupied Premises 39 7. Partial Payments 40 8. Discontinued Service 40 9. Disputed Bills 40 VIII SCLIWC AND MUNICIPAL RESPONSIBILITIES 40 IX PENALTIES 42 v I RULES AND REGULATIONS OF SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER CONIIvIISSION GOVERNING THE USE AND SUPPLY OF WATER I GENERAL CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTION 1. Rules and Regulations as a Contract a. Agreement for Service These rules and regulations are a part of every contract or agreement for service, whether written, oral or implied between SCLIWC and each municipality and are also to be considered part of any contract between any municipality and every water user in such municipality. For ease of administration each municipality has or will designate SCLIWC its agent for the purpose of enforcing these Rules and Regulations with respect to the ultimate water user. The continuance of the water user to take water after amendment or change of these rules shall be deemed an acceptance of such amendment or change. The local law for cross - connection control (1/1/80) and Local Law entitled Backflow Prevention, adopted by the municipalities in 1991, shall be considered to be a part of these Rules and Regulations. b. Statement of Agents No agent and /or employee of SCLIWC has authority to make any promise, agreement or representation inconsistent with the provisions of these rules or to waive their application to any water user. c. Purpose These rules and regulations are designed to define the conditions and methods of use and supply of water by SCLIWC and construction, inspection and billing services. furnished by SCLIWC. If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of these rules and regulations shall be judged invalid or held unconstitutional, it shall not affect the validity of these rules and regulations as a whole or any part or provision thereof other than the part sc decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. Where a relationship between the'\Commission and • the individual customer is mentioned, `it should be understood that the Commission is acting on behalf of the municipality in which the customer is located. -1- • d. Criteria Conditions, practices, specifications not expressly set and regulations shall be subject Building and Fire Prevention Code Works Association Standards, restrictive* 2. Definitions materials and down in these rules to the NYS Uniform or the American Water whichever is most a. SCLIWC - Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission, known locally as Bolton Point Water System, is directed by SCLIWC Commissioners who are appointed to represent the member municipalities of the Town of Ithaca, Town of Lansing, Town of Dryden, Village of Cayuga Heights and the Village of Lansing for the purpose of supplying water, system maintenance and related services to the member municipalities. Repair services provided by SCLIWC are billed to the appropriate municipality. If, in accordance with these rules and regulations, the cost of such service is deemed appropriate to be borne by one or more customers, then the municipality will bill the customer(s). b. Applicant - The owner of property or agent making a request in writing for any service to be furnished by SCLIWC. c. Customer - The owner of the premises being served legally responsible for payment of charges to a municipality for water or other services furnished by SCLIWC. d. occupant - The person actually in possession or control of any premises or part thereof. e. Owner - The person who has legal or equitable title to any premises* f. Plumber - ,The owner or person hired by the owner to install, maintain or alter the plumbing facilities on any premises, including the water service line. g. Premises - The integral property or area, including improvements thereon, to which water service is or will be provided. This is typically a single tax parcel, but many also include properties operated as a related, common and logical entity. h. Water Supply - That part of the water system between the water treatment plant and the individual curb or shut -off valve. -2- • • i. Transmission Main - A pipe owned by SCLIWC for the purpose of delivering water to member municipalities. j. Distribution Main - A pipe owned by a municipality supplying or capable of supplying more than one (1) customer. k. Service Connection - The pipe, valves and all required appurtenances used to carry water between the distribution main and the curb or shut -off valve of the premises to be served. 1. Water Service Line owned and maintained by the supplying water from the curb premises to the meter. 3. Work to be Performed a. SCLIWC - A water service line, owner of the premises, or shut -off valve of the No persons other than SCLIWC personnel or persons specifically authorized by SCLIWC shall be permitted to tap or make a connection with any transmission main. For those municipalities who have contracted with SCLIWC to service their distribution facilities, no persons other than SCLIWC personnel or persons authorized by SCLIWC shall be permitted to tap or make a connection with any distribution main in service. SCLIWC will do no plumbing of customer owned lines except under emergency conditions as mutually determined by SCLIWC and the owner. All costs of such plumbing in responding to an emergency or any damage done to customer plumbing by SCLIWC personnel during normal performance of the job shall be the responsibility of the owner. SCLIWC may require the home owner's plumber to complete the repair beyond SCLIWC emergency action. b. Plumber The plumber will attach the service line to the curb stop, lay the water service line into the house and prepare the meter setting. All plumbing work to be connected to the water supply shall be performed by a trained and experienced plumber competent to such standards as deemed appropriate by SCLIWC. Such work shall not be performed until a permit for such work has been obtained from SCLIWC, and shall be inspected prior to final direct or indirect connection to the SCLIWC system. SCLIWC shall require appropriate plans or drawings of any plumbing work to be done to be submitted in advance of the issuing of a permit and all -3- 9 I work done shall be as shown on said plans and drawings. No deviation from such plans or drawings shall be made • without the prior approval of SCLIWC. 4. Supply of Water a. Quantity and Pressure SCLIWC reserves the right at any time, without notice, to shut off the water in its mains for the purpose of making emergency repairs or extensions, or for other purposes, and it is expressly understood that SCLIWC shall not be liable for a deficiency or failure in the supply of water or the pressure thereof for any cause whatsoever, or for any damage caused thereby, or for the bursting or breaking of any main or service pipe or any direct or indirect attachment to SCLIWC property. All customers having installations upon customer s premises or on the property of others that depend upon pressure in the SCLIWC pipes to keep the customer supplied are cautioned against danger of rupture or lack of pressure. All damage shall be borne exclusively by the customer. Customer owned pressure regulators are required on service lines. b. Quality • In the interest of public health, SCLIWC will not knowingly permit its mains or services to be connected with any service pipe or piping owhich is connected with any source of water supply not approved by the Department of Health or the State of New York unless protected by approved means. SCLIWC will Nalso not knowingly permit its mains or services to be connected in any way to any piping, tank, vat, or other apparatus which contains liquids, chemicals or any other matter which might flow back into SCLIWC's services or mains and consequently endanger the water supply. Without limiting the foregoing. SCLIWC shall not knowingly permit any connection that does not comply with the Cross - Connection Law, as amended from time to time, of each municipality. c. Failure (1) Emergencies SCLIWC reserves the right, in its discretion, in periods of drought or emergency or when deemed essential to the protection of the public health, safety and welfare, to restrict, curtail or prohibit the use of water for secondary purposes such • as sprinkling, car washing, or filling swimming pools and shall have the right to fix the hours and periods when water may be used for such purposes. -4- (2) Accident or Repair • SCLIWC may at any time shut off the water in the mains in case of accident or for the purpose of making connections, alterations, repairs, changes or for other reasons and may restrict the use of water to reserve a sufficient supply for public fire service or other emergencies whenever the public welfare may require it. SCLIWC, its member municipalities, SCLIWC employees and /or officers shall not be liable for any damage which may result to any person, property or premises because of such shut off, even when no notice is given. SCLIWC will, so far as circumstances permit, notify customers to be affected by any scheduled interruptions in the water service. d. Discontinuance of Service Ten days after an has been presented to the emergency, as determined discretion, endangering the customer, water service may for any one of the following appropriate written notice customer, or sooner in an by SCLIWC in its sole health, or safety of any be discontinued by SCLIWC reasons: (1) For use of water other than as represented in the customer's application, o "r through branch connections on the street side of the meter or place • reserved for meter. (2) For willful waste of water by improper or imperfect pipes or by any other means. (3) For tampering with any service, pipe, seal, meter, valve, or any other appurtenance owned by SCLIWC. (4) For nonpayment of bills for water or services rendered by SCLIWC. (5) For cross - connecting pipes carrying water supplied by SCLIWC with any other source of supply, or with any apparatus which may endanger the quality of SCLIWC's water supply, or which may affect the quality of SCLIWC's water supply as stated in Article 5 Section II of the Local Laws for Cross - Connection Control. (6) For the use of water without benefit of application, meter or other means of paying for such use. (7) For refusal of reasonable access to the property for the purposes of reading, repairing, • testing or removing meters or inspecting water piping and other fixtures. -5- • i • (8) For willful violation of the rules and regulations of SCLIWC as filed at SCLIWC or appropriate member municipality offices. (9) For plumbing deficiencies in occupied premises, if such deficiencies are not corrected within said 10 day period. (10) For failure to follow conditions of a plumbing permit or the NYS Sanitary Code Part V as set forth in the Intermunicipal Agreement. (11) In the event that the municipality in which the premises are located has delivered to SCLIWC a written request that water service to the premises be disconnected as a result of violation at the premises of the applicable building code, provided that such violation has or is reasonably likely to give rise to any one or more of the above named reasons for discontinuance of water service (1) through (10). e. Restoration of Service When water service to any premises has been turned off upon the order of the customer, or for any of the above reasons, and service at any premises is again desired by the same customer, including seasonal customers, a minimum charge will be made for restoration of service during regular business hours upon filing a water application request. If other than regular business hours or discontinuance of the service has required removal of SCLIWC equipment from the customer's premises and /or closing the curb stop or turning off the water elsewhere involves any unusual expense in excess of the minimum charge, the charge to the customer will be the actual cost including overhead incurred by SCLIWC for the discontinuance and restoration of service. Any restoration of service by unauthorized persons will be penalized as set forth elsewhere in these rules and regulations. If water service to a premise has been discontinued at the curb for inadequate plumbing, as provided for above, and the curb -stop is subsequently turned on without SCLIWC authorization, then SCLIWC shall excavate and turn off the corporation stop at the property owner's expense. Any future reactivation of the corporation stop shall be at the owner's expense. Restoration of service will occur only after all costs for discontinuance or restoration have been paid. Ignorance of code contents shall not constitute justification for variance from this policy. -6- • E • 5. Independent Service Pipes Each building or request for individual other premises involved with a meters shall be supplied through an independent service valve or valve box from otherwise specifically SCLIWC. 6. Inspectors pipe from a separate control the distribution main unless approved and authorized by Properly identified employees of SCLIWC or SCLIWC's authorized and properly identified agents may enter and must be permitted to enter upon any premises where application is made for a permit to connect plumbing with water pipes for the purposes of installing, reading, removing or repairing meters or for the the inspection of the plumbing and fixtures of the water service and all work in connection with such service. 7. Territorial Limits for the Supply of Water a. SCLIWC's authority to provide water is limited to areas within member municipalities as such member municipality shall elect. New water extensions are subject to review and approval by SCLIWC for compliance with these Rules and Regulations and SCLIWC's determination that sufficient supply and transmission capacity exist to serve such new water extension. b. All municipalities, water districts, persons, firms or corporations within the territory described in 7a above desiring a supply of water, hydrant service or other services shall apply therefore to both SCLIWC and the municipality in which the premises to be served are located and shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations of SCLIWC Governing the Use and Supply of Water and shall be subject to such rates and fees as established by the municipality through which they are served. SCLIWC reserves the right to refuse any application from such potential users and to discontinue the supply of water to such users at any time on the conditions stated in these Rules and Regulations. 8. Easement through Private Property In case proposed water lines pass through premises other than those making connection with the water system, no connection will be made until a deed of easement satisfactory to the municipality involved -7- and SCLIWC shall have been secured, recorded in the Tompkins County Clerk's Office at the customer's expense and filed at SCLIWC offices. The filing of • such easement does not obligate SCLIWC to provide nor maintain such service. 9. Prohibitions a. SCLIWC Property No person shall injure, tamper, or interfere with any equipment, building, meter, seal, street valve, corporation stop, valve box or other appurtenances or divert water from mains or cut into any water pipe or main belonging to and /or serviced by SCLIWC Water System without a permit. The control of the water supply by the customer shall be by means of separate stop and waste valves to be located on both sides of the water meter. b. Hydrant Use No person shall open, use, draw water from or in any manner interfere with any hydrant in SCLIWC Water System without a permit from SCLIWC and the consent of the municipality involved and without the use of a standard hydrant wrench. This prohibition shall not apply to fire fighters in the pursuit of • their duties. No person shall break, deface, injure, remove or in any manner tamper with any hydrant or any part thereof: c. Curb Stop The curb stop may not be used or the customer's agent for turning on the water supply except in the course c services or repairs in an existing formal permit. d. Sub - metering by the customer or shutting off if connecting new service with a (1) SCLIWC shall allow and shall provide only one service point to each premise operated as a related, common and logical entity. SCLIWC shall allow and supply only one meter to a single. tax parcel. Additionally, SCLIWC shall allow and supply only one meter to a building or group of buildings that has been developed and /or redeveloped and /or sold in accordance with a condominium plan, or to any building or buildings that are owned by one or more cooperative corporations, or to any other adjacent or contiguous buildings under any form of common ownership 'and operated under any form of common management agreement. • Additionally, SCLIWC reserves the right to allow and -8- N supply only one meter whenever contiguous developed properties have common ownership. The meter must be placed to cover all the fixtures connected with the water service line, and must be in a position where it can be conveniently read. The meter location is subject to-the approval of SCLIWC. (2) Any additional meters for sub - metering must be furnished, installed and maintained by the owner at his own cost and expense, and must be placed so as not to divert any water from passing through the meter belonging to SCLIWC. All water must pass through SCLIWC's water meter, with stop and waste valves on both sides, before passing through any additional meters. These additional meters will be neither read nor used for billing purposes by SCLIWC for the customer(s). It shall be understood that any premises with additional meters for sub - metering will receive only one billing per quarter per water service line based on the readings from the SCLIWC owned meter only. e. Wells and Other Sources of Water (1) No water from wells, unapproved water supplies or other sources of water shall be interconnected to SCLIWC Water System without specific permission of the SCLIWC. SCLIWC shall be under no obligation to grant such permission. II APPLICATION FOR SERVICE 1. Forms a. Applications for Water Service No water service shall be laid, enlarged, repaired or discontinued at or on a premises without filing an application for water service with SCLIWC and with the municipality in which the premises are located. Applications for water service shall be made on forms furnished by SCLIWC, signed by the owner or the owner's agent and fees for which shall be paid to SCLIWC. SCLIWC shall not approve an application until it has received confirmation that the municipality in which the premises are located has approved same, however, if such approval of the municipality is not communicated to SCLIWC with thirty (30) days of the date of the application, such municipality's approval of such application shall be deemed to have been given. When approved and accepted by SCLIWC, the application shall constitute a contract between SCLIWC, the municipality and the applicant obligating the applicant to honor the municipality's established rates for • water, to pay the municipality for customer related services performed by SCLIWC, and to comply with these Rules and Regulations as they presently exist or may be amended from time to time. -9- 9 C b. Permits Upon receipt and approval of the application • for water service, SCLIWC will issue a permit to the owner designated in the application. Work done without a permit will be subject to penalty. Any person or party doing work under this permit shall be considered agents of the owners during the progress of the work. There will be no formal inspections without a permit. Permits cover any work covered by the NYS Uniform Building and Fire Prevention Code (typically internal to a building) as well as any work covered by these Rules and Regulations (typically related to the supply of water) as well as sewer connections in certain municipalities. Any plumber, owner or agent of the owner working under a permit issued by SCLIWC shall be bound by the Rules and Regulations of SCLIWC Governing the Use and Supply of Water. If such a person or party violates these rules and regulations, the forfeiture or suspension of that permit shall occur. Issuing of future permits to the violating person or party may be suspended or denied for continued or flagrant abuses of the rules and regulations. 2. General • a. Water Available Applications will being an existing main abutting on the premises shall in no way obligati extend its mains to serve to Premises be accepted subject. to there in a street or right of way to be served, but acceptance SCLIWC or municipalities to the premises. b. Other than Single Family Buildings Application for other than single family buildings shall include construction drawings showing location of main, proposed service line and interior plumbing. c. Independent Water Service Lines If more than one service is desired for the same premises, a separate application shall be made for each service. d. Inspection Work done under a permit shall not be back - filled or covered until tests and inspections acceptable to SCLIWC have been performed. No occupancy • of a premise shall be allowed until all internal and external inspections are completed. -10- • e. Plumbing Deficiency at Unoccupied Premises Any deficiency in plumbing at any unoccupied premise shall result in the water service immediately being discontinued to that premise. 3. Owner of Property Liable for Charges All water rents or other charges relating to water service and repairs shall be a charge against the owner of the premises connected with SCLIWC water mains and the municipality in which the premises are located and such owner and municipality shall be held responsible for all such accounts and charges. If so legislated by the applicable municipality, in default of any payment of such charges the consumption charge and any other charges may become a lien upon the premises served, as provided by local law. 4. Temporary Services a. Responsibility for Costs Whenever a street service connection is made to or retired from the main for temporary service, such as contractor's construction trailer for a specific project, the applicant will bear the entire cost. Included will be labor and material for tapping the main, meter and meter setting and any other special equipment and material required. b. Application Application for temporary service will be accepted and temporary water service will be supplied providing: (1) and The applicable municipality approves same, (2) It does not interfere with use of water for general purposes. The quantity of water taken for such purpose shall be determined either by meter or by estimate at the discretion of SCLIWC and paid for in accordance with the rate schedule applicable to metered general purposes. Customers requiring temporary water service shall reimburse SCLIWC and the applicable municipality for all its expenses in connection with the necessary temporary service connections. .11- , . A deposit, in an amount specified by SCLIWC, will be required in every instance. The application is merely a written request for service and does not bind • the applicant to take service for any particular length of time nor for any amount of water above the minimum for that size service that is used. The application does not bind SCLIWC or the municipality to give service unless water is available and such connection as may be necessary can be made during usual hours and conditions of work. S. Services for Construction Purposes Water service during the construction stage of premises covered by a permit will be granted providing• and (1) The applicable municipality approves same, (2) It does not interfere with use of water for general purposes. A construction service will begin after approval of the outside service has been made by SCLIWC and the applicable municipality and continue until a permanent meter is set. The quantity of water taken for such purposes shall be determined either by temporary meter or by estimate at the discretion of SCLIWC and paid for in accordance with the rate schedule applicable to metered general purposes. • SCLIWC is not bound to grant such services and the service may be terminated if violations of the rules and regulations occur. The property owner :is liable for any charges or expenses covered under the rules and regulations during this period. Occupancy of the premises may not occur in any case, until the permanent meter is set. III INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER SERVICES 1. Right to Reject Service SCLIWC may refuse to connect with any piping system or furnish water through one already connected if such system is not properly installed and maintained in accordance with SCLIWC requirements. To discourage improper installation, SCLIWC will charge a reinspec- tion fee for return visits on defective work, payable before plumbing approval. 2. Taps a. Size SCLIWC will determine the size be inserted in any water main under any permit. -12- of the tap to application and I I b. Separate Service • Each premise must have one distinct and separate tap and service pipe and each service must be provided with a curb stop and metal extension curb box outside of the premises connected with the same. c. Illegal Connections No fixture shall be attached to, or any branch made in the water service line between the meter and the street main. d. Tapping Done by SCLIWC All tapping of transmission, and distribution mains in service will be done by SCLIWC or its authorized agents and no other person will be allowed to make such taps. 3. Trench Specifications a. Distance from Other Utilities No water service pipe should be laid within ten (10) feet of a sewer pipe measured horizontally. In no cases shall a water service pipe be laid within three (3) feet in all directions of a sewer pipe, . another utility, conduit or structure. No water service pipe shall be laid within five (5) feet of any open excavation or vault. Sewer laterals may share a cc; :-j-aon entrance to premises if constructed of piping w.1 .a leak proof joints at all points within three (3) feet of the water service and the sewer lateral is placed a minimum of six (6) inches vertically below the water service line. b. Orientation Water services shall, whenever possible, be laid in a straight line from the street main to the building and at right angles to the street main. This will assist future owners in locating service line if maintenance is required. Where it is impossible to comply with this provision, the plumber shall notify SCLIWC and, if so required, the applicable municipality so that curb card records can be made for any change in the orientation of the service. Any damage resulting from SCLIWC wrongly indicating the location of a customer owned pipe shall be the customer's responsibility. SCLIWC may elect to have a damaged customer owned pipe repaired without notification if the owner is not home and the leak cannot, as • determined by SCLIWC in its sole discretion, be satisfactorily controlled by the curb valve. -13- Y c. Depth Water services will be required to be laid no less than four feet six inches (41611) from the surface • of the ground to the top of the pipe at any point outside of the foundation wall of the building into which the service is to be introduced as well as through or beneath the foundation wall. Such depth is to be observable at the time of inspection. Proposed additional backfill shall not be considered in determining the proper depth at the time of inspection. Future grading shall not reduce the earth cover to any depth less than four feet six inches (416 "). • • d. Size Water services shall be laid in open cut trenches unless special approval is secured from SCLIWC. Trenches shall be wide enough throughout their entire lengths to permit proper workmanship, with shoring and bracing if necessary, taps and proper inspection. The property owner shall keep trenches free of water by pumping in order to permit proper inspection. No service tap shall be provided by SCLIWC until an acceptable service trench to the house (or curb -box location) has been excavated. e. Safety Bridges, barricades, signal lights, shoring and bracing shall be maintained by the property owner (and any contractor performing work) for the safety and convenience of the public and persons working in and around the excavation. The inspector may order such additional precautions taken in order to assure safety as, in the inspector's opinion, seem necessary. However, the inspector shall not be responsible for directing proper work procedures. Such responsibility shall belong to the Owner, (including any easement owner) and the contractor. f. Backfill Water service lines shall be backfilled with a minimum of six (6) inches under, on either side of and six (6) inches on top of the pipe with sand, gravel or crushed limestone no greater than two (2) inches in diameter, or other suitable material such as dirt. It shall be free of lumps, frozen material, slag, cinders, ashes, rubbish or other material which in the opinion of the inspector is objectionable or deleterious. 4. Service Line Specifications -14- a. SCLIWC to Set Specifications Complete service • attached to the permit, but these Rules and Regulations. size, kind and quality of th e laid between the curb valve premises to be supplied. E_J • b. Pipe line specifications are are considered a part of SCLIWC will specify the materials which shall be and the structure on the Water service pipes two (2) inches or smaller in diameter shall be Type K soft copper water tubing or of such material as SCLIWC may specify in the future. Lead and galvanized iron are specifically excluded. Water service pipes larger than two (2) inches in diameter shall be cement line, push -on joint, ductile iron pipe meeting AWWA specifications. c. Fittings Fittings for copper pipe shall be fittings especially adapted for copper pipe and meeting AWWA specifications. d. Joints No joints will be allowed under the street pavement area between the corporation stop and the curb stop connection. e. Outside Valves All water vices shall valve at the curb and valves just wall. Each meter will have its ow placed at the curb. All curb services will be of quarter turn, through design. All curb stops mus service box, cast iron top section word "WATER" marked thereon, centering ring. The operating rod the curb valve 'th be equipped with a inside the building I curb valve and box shut -offs on copper full flow, straight t be provided with a and cover with the operating rod and is to be attached to wi a brass or copper pin of appropri- ate diameter. The curb box must be kept in view and so exposed as to be readily found at all times and in a serviceable condition. The curb stop must be laid on a brick or flat rock in order to facilitate operation. The curb stop, where practical, will be set just on the highway right of way or boundary line but not within five (5) feet of a ditch line. The municipality shall endeavor to record the location of the curb -box and to assure its good repair at the time of installation. If a curb valve or curb -box is damaged or does not exist, the customer is responsible for installing a new one or repairing the old one or for the excavating of the main -15- 0 • Cl tap, if necessary, to control the flow of water. If a main tap has to be excavated, or main pressure shut down, a curb valve and box will be installed at that time. f. Goosenecks Copper water services at the street main that are formed into "goosenecks" shall be completely supported with well tamped sand, gravel or crushed limestone no greater than two (2) inches in diameter. g. Stop and Waste Valves The customer shall install stop and waste valves on the service pipe immediately inside of the foundation wall of the building supplied and such valves shall be so located as to be easily accessible to the occupants and to allow availability to SCLIWC personnel for the placement, replacement or repair of the water meter without having to drain either the water service line or the internal building water pipes. There shall be no fittings, except compression unions, before the first (upstream) meter valve. The meter and meter tailpiece shall be plumbed directly out of the first meter valve with no intervening fittings except bushings or adapters. No sweat solder joint shall be installed ahead of the meter or in any part of the service line. h. Testing Before the tubing, valves or other appurtenances are covered, they shall be tested to water pressure available at the main or to 100 psi air test. All defective tubing, valves and appurtenances shall be removed and replaced with sound items and all leaky joints made tight. The test shall be repeated after the repairs are made until no leaks develop when the line is subjected to the required pressure for a period of thirty (30) minutes. All tests SCLIWC Inspector presence. Trenches the satisfaction of test, shall be made in such manner as the shall direct and in Inspector's shall be kept free from water to SCLIWC until the completion of the The owner, or Owner's Contractor, shall furnish all necessary appliances, equipment, personnel, and apparatus and make the test at Owner's own expense:' -16- w 9 I 5. Water Service Line Maintenance a. Water Service Line Responsibility The owner of property into which water is • introduced by a water service line will be required to maintain, in good working condition, at owner's expense, the said water service line from the curb valve to the meter on or for the owner's premises, including all fixtures. The customer is responsible for maintaining access to the curb valve. SCLIWC is responsible for the operation of the curb valve. The municipality is responsible for the maintenance of the service connection from, to and including the curb valve. In the Village of Cayuga Heights, the customer is responsible for the entire service line from the main tap to the house. b. Repair of Water Service Lines In case a customer has been notified in writing that the customer's water service line is not kept in good repair, it must be repaired by the owner of the premises so as to comply with the rules and regulations of SCLIWC. If repairs are not made within ten (10) days after written notice of a need to repair has been presented, SCLIWC may shut off the water until such repairs are made. In an emergency SCLIWC reserves the right to make temporary repairs without written notice and charge the.expense thereof against the owner . of the premises and to the applicable municipality. c. Interference with Facilities No person shall turn the water on or off at any street valve, corporation stop, curb valve or other street connection or disconnect or remove any meter except SCLIWC personnel or SCLIWC's authorized agents. The control of the water supply by the customer shall be by means of separate stop and waste valves. d. Defect in Customer's Water Service Line SCLIWC shall in no event be liable for any damage or inconvenience caused by reasons of any break, failure, leak, or defect in the customer's water service line, meter, plumbing or fixtures. The Owner shall cause, at the owner's expense, any existing customer owned service line (or portion thereof) to be upgraded to current standards if excavation shows it to be below standards required by these regulations. e. Internal Plumbing • -17- A service call resulting from a customer's internal plumbing condition will be chargeable to the customer. Internal plumbing problems shall be handled by the home owner or his plumber. • f. Abandoned Services Any service connection to a premise that has _been inactive for one year shall be considered abandoned and shall be disconnected at the main. The disconnection and any subsequent reconnection shall be at the owners expense. This rule shall cover existing situations as well as future situations. 6. Winter Provisions a. Winter Service Installations Neither SCLIWC nor any of the municipalities shall be required to install any service connections or taps between December 1st and April 1st except by special arrangement, in which case the customer shall pay for the excess over normal costs. b. Frozen Service In those cases where SCLIWC reasonably determines that a customer owned water service line is frozen, the thawing will be done, after notification to SCLIWC, at the expense of the customer. In those cases . where it cannot be determined whether the water service line is frozen or the service connection is frozen (or both), the following procedure will be followed: (1) The customer will, at customer's expense, endeavor to thaw customer's water service line. (2) Should this fail to establish the flow of water, the municipality or SCLIWC may endeavor to thaw the service connection. (3) To avoid a recurrence SCLIWC may order an examination of the customer's water service line and if the same is not at a depth of four feet six inches (4'6 ") as required, SCLIWC reserves the right to require it to be so relocated before service is resumed. SCLIWC shall bear no liability for defects in the water service line prior to or resulting from its freezing. A service pipe prone to freezing shall be protected according to SCLIWC recommendations. Any subsequent freezing of the service line, and damage thereto, shall be the customer's responsibility. IV METERS • -18- . I 1. Meter Installations a. SCLIWC to Furnish Meters . SCLIWC will furnish and install for each customer a suitable meter and will keep the same in repair. SCLIWC will own all meters used as the basis for billing. In the case of meters one (1) inch or less in size, the meter will be provided as part of the water application fee. In the case of all meters over one (1) inch in size, the customer will bear the entire expense of the meter and its installation. In case of misuse, abuse, negligence, or damage by frost, hot water or other external causes, the expense of repair by SCLIWC will be billed to the owner and paid by the owner. Any required change in a customer's method of metering caused by the customer's change in consumption or by a customer's preference shall be paid by the owner. Occupancy of premises must not occur until the water service to that premises has been metered. b. Meter Space and Location The owner shall at all times provide a safe and readily accessible and protected location for the installation of a meter at such point as will control the entire supply to the premises, which location must be acceptable to SCLIWC as most convenient for its • service so that the meter may be easily approached, examined, read, removed or serviced in a standing Position without the need for crawling. c. Setting Meters Owners shall provide for the insertion of the meter. An approved stop cock shall be located on the service line so sized as to accept an appropriate meter tail piece and installed in such a way as to allow the meter to be placed in a horizontal position 2 to 4 feet above the floor and in such a location as to be read or serviced in a standing position. Installations in crawl spaces will not be permitted. A second stop cock shall be provided on the house piping within one (1) foot of the meter. d. Check Valves and By- passes All meters installed by SCLIWC, where it is deemed necessary by SCLIWC, shall have SCLIWC approved check valves or back flow preventers placed next to outlets, installed by the owner or owner's agents at the owner's expense, to prevent the return of' water from the internal house plumbing back through the meter toward the street service connection. • -19- R Meters two (2) inches or larger in size will be installed with by- passes, so that meters may be removed for testing or repairs without hindering the supply of • water. The expense of such by- passes and additional work shall be borne by the owner. All such by- passes shall be locked and sealed and under the exclusive control of SCLIWC. e. Outside Meter Installations Where a water service pipe extends one hundred feet or more beyond the curb stop or where no suitable place in the premises is available for setting a water meter, the meter may, at the option of SCLIWC be located in a flood - proof, frost -proof meter pit, box or building provided by the owner or his agents at the owner's expense. It shall be the customer's responsi bility, as with any other meter installation, to maintain an outside meter installation so as to be flood - proof, frost - proof, vandal -proof and safely accessible. The design of the outside meter location is subject to SCLIWC approval. f. Spacer Pipes Any spacer pipe (jumper, idler bar) installed in place of a meter shall not be tampered with and shall be subject to the same restrictions and penalties as a meter. Such devices are to be installed only by SCLIWC personnel. 2. Ownership All meters installed by SCLIWC shall remain the property of SCLIWC and property owners in whose premises such meters are installed will be held responsible for their safekeeping. 3. Seals All meters installed by SCLIWC and all by- passes shall be sealed. All persons are forbidden to break seals, disconnect, disturb or in any way tamper with meters, after they have been installed on the premises. If a seal is broken, the meter will be removed, tested and replaced at the expense of the owner. 4. Unaccounted -for Water In case of any changes or additions in piping for the use or distribution of water which is not accounted for by the meter a proper charge for such unmetered water shall be made. The amount of the charge shall be • wholly at the discretion of SCLIWC. -20- A S. Remote Readinq Devices SCLIWC will, at its option, install remote reading devices mounted on the outside of each building being metered at a location determined by SCLIWC. SCLIWC will provide remote wire from the meter to the remote reading device to be installed by the owner. On new construction the remote wire shall be run to the area of the NYSEG electric meter. The water meter reading shall be used as the correct reading in case of discrepancy regardless of the reading on the remote reading device. Remote reading devices will be installed in a location that facilitates reading and protects the device. SCLIWC will accommodate the customer's needs and wishes as they are consistent with these criteria. The customer shall provide for the protection, continued accessibility and safety of the remote reading devices. The customer should monitor the accuracy of the remote reading device to determine if it reads the same as the meter and report any discrepancy to SCLIWC. 6. Inspection of Premises The customer shall grant employees of SCLIWC or SCLIWC's authorized agents who have properly identified themselves with written documents, permission, at any reasonable time to enter the • premises of any water user for the purposes of examining the pipes, meter, and fixtures or for ascertair.ng the quantity of water used and the manner of its use. 7. Meter Tests a. Request Tests Any customeV may request SCLIWC to make a special test of the accuracy of a meter. For such test, the established fee shall be paid in advance by the customer, but should the said meter be found upon said test to over - register by four (4) per cent or more, the fee advanced shall be returned to the customer and the customer's bill shall be adjusted for a maximum of two billing periods prior to the date of the customer's request. If the meter is found to be correct or to under - register, the deposit will be retained by SCLIWC as payment for testing the meter. b. Testing by SCLIWC SCLIWC reserYes the right to remove and test any meter at any tiro and to substitute another meter • in its place at no ch ge to the customer. -21- I • 8. Reading the Meters a. Schedule: SCLIWC will endeavor to collect water meter readings on a regular schedule. The readings will be conducted by either a SCLIWC staff member, an owner or an owner's representative. These readings will be the basis of the subsequent water bill. b. SCLIWC Staff Readings: When a meter is not reasonably accessible to the ,meter reader, a card will be left at the premises requiring the customer to provide a reading to the SCLIWC office within a specific time period. Should no reading be received within the stated time period, SCLIWC will generate and issue an estimated bill based on meter size, number of units and past consumption history. Once an accurate reading is obtained, a subsequent bill will be generated and issued using the highest unit cost then in effect for consumption greater than the estimated bill previously generated and issued. Credit will be provided, if applicable, only for one previous quarter at the then current rate. SCLIWC reserves the right to reject any meter reading taken by other than a SCLIWC employee. c. Owner or Owner Representative Self -Read Program: All residential customers whose meters are not read by SCLIWC staff are sent meter reading cards approximately 15 days prior to SCLIWC's billing deadline. If this card is timely returned with an accurate reading, hereinafter referred to as a "read ", the record of water consumption for the account will remain current and a bill be generated and issued, hereinafter referred to as "sent ". The use of "accurate" here means the reading fits a normal use range for the account. Staff will investigate any inaccurate read, including an attempt to contact the meter reader, prior to considering the read as a "no read ". At least every five years the quality control (20% audit) program will confirm the accuracy of the customer read. If the quality control program discovers a mistake, reconciliation of the account will occur at that time. Consumptions greater than those resulting from inaccurate reads will be billed at the highest unit cost then in effect. Credit will be provided, if applicable, only for one previous quarter at the then current rate. i. If a read is not provided for a quarter, the account will be flagged to receive a meter card with a warning message in the next quarter and an estimated bill will be sent. ii. A card sent to an account where a read was not provided for one quarter will be "yellow" in color and -22- contain a warning stating "WARNING: NO READING WAS RECEIVED FROM YOU LAST QUARTER. FAILURE TO PROVIDE • WATER METER READINGS MAY SUBJECT YOU TO METER READING AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES". If a read is then provided, the account will be reconciled, returned to a current status and a bill will be sent. iii. If no read is provided for two consecutive quarters, an estimated bill will be sent, and a certified warning letter will be sent out at the end of that quarter, approximately five business days prior to the meter card mailing for the next quarter. This letter will inform the customer of the consequences of self -read meter program non - compliance and specify the administrative course and fees that may follow. iv. A card sent to an account where a read was not provided in the previous two quarters will be identical to the yellow card sent in the previous quarter. If a read is then provided, the account will be reconciled, returned to a current status and a bill will be sent. v. If no read is provided for three quarters, a SCLIWC work order will be completed to conduct a meter read visit. The customer will be sent a notice by certified mail, at least 3 business days prior to the visit, explaining the necessity to be present for the read. If the notice is refused, a written notice of water service discontinuance will be sent in accordance with the current terms of Section I. 4.d. hereof. If the visit is successful, a bill will be sent which includes a meter reading fee. This bill will also reflect an account reconciliation and provide a credit, if applicable, for only one previous quarter at the then current rate. If staff is unable to obtain a read, an estimated bill will be sent which shall include an estimated meter reading fee and an administrative fee. vi. The card sent to an account holder if a read has not been provided in the previous three quarters will be identical to the yellow card sent in Quarter #2. If a read is then provided, the account will be reconciled, returned to a current status and a bill will be sent. Bills sent on accounts that were non - complying in the previous three quarters, that have now provided a read, will include an account reconciliation and provide a credit if applicable for only one previous quarter at the then current rate. vii. If no read is provided for the fourth • consecutive quarter, an estimated bill will be generated which will include an estimated meter reading fee and an administration fee. -23- viii. A card sent to an account where a read was not provided' in the four previous quarters will be • "red" in color and contain a message stating "WARNING: DUE TO NO METER READS FROM THIS ACCOUNT FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE QUARTERS, THIS ACCOUNT IS NOW DELINQUENT. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS QUARTER'S READ WILL RESULT IN DISCONTINUANCE OF WATER SERVICE." If a read is then provided, the account will be reconciled, returned to a current status and a bill will be sent. Bills sent for accounts that were non - complying in the previous four quarters, that have now provided a read, will include an account reconciliation and will provide a credit, if applicable, for only one previous quarter at the then current rate. ix. If no read consecutive quarter, an which includes an estimE administration fee. proceedings will then be the then current terms of is provic estimated Lted meter Service initiated Section I. ied for the fifth bill will be sent reading fee and an discontinuation in accordance with 4.d. herein. x. Fees described in this section will -be established from time to time by resolution of SCLIWC to reflect actual cost of providing the service noted plus any overhead cost attributed to the service. A copy of the current fees is attached to the latest version of the SCLIWC Rules and Regulations. V HYDRANTS, VALVES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES 1. General No person shall injure or interfere with any equipment or building belonging to SCLIWC water system, tamper with meters, divert water from mains, use water without permission, cut into any water pipe or main, operate any valves or take water from any public%fire hydrant for any use other than fire purposes unless specifically authorized in writing by SCLIWC. No person shall place any structure, road or engage in any construction or alteration of the earth cover within ten (10) feet of any transmission or distribution water main without express written permission from SCLIWC. An owner and an owner's contractor, shall conform to the requirements of these Rules and Regulations as presently in effect and as the same may be modified from time to time where and when any work of the owner will be in the vicinity of the SCLIWC water system pipe lines or other facilities. The owner shall so conduct his operations that no harm or damage will come to the SCLIWC water system or other facilities. Wherever any • construction will cross over above or below or parallel -24- 9 • • any SCLIWC pipe line or facilities, the exact relationship of the existing and proposed facilities and the construction operations thereof shall be determined prior to the installation or construction of the proposed facility or pipe line. If the intervening space between the existing pipe or facility and the proposed construction is less than 10 feet, no such construction shall be performed without the approval of SCLIWC nor without the presence of a representative of SCLIWC at the site of the proposed construction. The presence of the representative of SCLIWC shall not relieve the contractor of any responsibility under this contract. No blasting may be performed closer than 10 feet to an existing pipe or facility. No building shall be constructed over a water main. No main shall be below a 45 degree line ex tending down and away from the edge of a footer as indicated below. 2. Hydrants 45" ° a. Hydrant Control 0 -No water main permitted. All public fire hydrants are under control of SCLIWC. The use of fire hydrants will be restricted to the taking of water for the extinguishing of fires and water shall not be taken from any fire hydrant for construction purposes, irrigation, sprinkling streets, flushing sewers or gutters or for any other use unless specifically authorized in writing permitted by SCLIWC and the applicable municipality for the particular time and occasion. No person shall place any obstruction that would prevent free access to any fire hydrant or leave any vehicle standing within fifteen feet (151) of the hydrant. No person shall paint or in any way change the color from the standard color established by SCLIWC. b. Use of Hydrants If water is used from public fire hydrants without specific authorization from SCLIWC the quantity used will be estimated and the user and the municipality will be billed at the meter rates set forth in the rate schedule. If usage is estimated at -25- an amount less than $100.00, the minimum bill will be $100.00 per use for administration expense in monitoring the use and preparing the bill. If use is . properly authorized, and if required by SCLIWC, a meter shall be applied to the connection made with the hydrant at the expense of the party using same and said party shall pay for all water by meter measurement at the stipulated rates. Water must not be allowed to run except when used. No other person shall operate a hydrant except as authorized in writing by SCLIWC and the applicable municipality and only then using a proper wrench as approved by SCLIWC. Violators may be prosecuted under existing laws of the municipalities. Hydrant use may be terminated at any time, without notice, as deemed necessary by SCLIWC, for the public health or benefit. c. Damages In case any damage to a public fire hydrant is done by any person or person's agent having a permit for taking water from said hydrant, the holder of the permit shall pay such damages and all costs and expenses that may be incurred by reason thereof on demand to SCLIWC. 3. Street Valves No person except an employee of SCLIWC or SCLIWC's authorized agents shall open, close or in any way interfere with any street valve in a water main. Any person who has disturbed or displaced a valve box so that the valve stem cannot be reached by a key, or who has covered a valve box or manhole cover of a valve chamber with dirt, paving, plank or other material, shall immediately remove the obstruction and replace the valve box. VI INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES Section A - Work to be Done Detailed plans and specifications prepared by a professional engineer, licensed in the State of New York, (hereinafter the Owner's Engineer), shall be submitted to the Tompkins County Health Department and SCLIWC. No construction, installation, removal or alteration of water mains shall occur until SCLIWC has approved such plans and specifications. Once approved, no deviations from same shall occur without prior consent of SCLIWC. Without limiting matters that may otherwise be required the Owner's Engineer shall certify that the design of the water distribution system is in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, laws and ordinances and that the same is -26- in accordance with good engineering standards and criteria. All construction done once the plans are approved shall be supervised by the Owner's Engineer. Before allowing a permanent tap into an existing main, such engineer shall provide written certification as to all matters required by SCLIWC including, without limitation, certifications that the water system and mains have been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, that as installed they meet all applicable governmental rules, regulations, laws and requirements (including SCLIWC's Rules and Regulations) and, that the system has been tested and found to be in good operating order free from defects. No permanent tap shall be made until the applicable municipality consents to same. Such water mains shall not provide service until proper as -built drawings have been accepted by SCLIWC. Section B - Trench Excavation All trenches shall be excavated to the lines and grades specified on the drawings and established in the field by the owner's Engineer. All trenches shall be braced and shored as necessary. The width of the trench shall be made as narrow as practicable consistent with easy handling and laying of the various size water mains. The sides of the trenches, between the horizontal center of the pipe and an elevation of one (1) foot above t}e top of the pipe, shall be • vertical. The depth of -_he trench shall be sufficient to provide a cover over =he top of the pipe of at least four feet six inches (4'6 ") after all finish grading of lawns and roadways has been competed. The trench, or section of trench being excavated, shall be kept free from water during the time pipe joints are being made. Bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit the joint to be made properly. If the bottom of any excavation is taken out beyond the limit indicated or prescribed, the resulting void shall be backfilled with thoroughly compacted run -of -bank gravel. If, in the opinion of the Owner's Engineer, material unsuitable for foundation is found at or below the grade to which excavation would normally be carried in accordance with the drawing and /or specification, such material shall be removed to the required width and depth and replaced with thoroughly compacted run -of -bank gravel. 0 -27- I E Section C - Rock Excavation Should rock be encountered, the trenches shall be excavated such that the clearance between the pipe and remaining rock will be not less than six (6) inches after the pipe has been laid. Rock shall be excavated to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Owner's Engineer. Following excavation and before placement of the pipe, the trench shall be backfilled to the correct subgrade with a minimum thickness of six (6) inches of thoroughly compacted, suitable material. Backfilling of trenches where rock as been excavated shall be as specified in Section K, Backfilling. If blasting is required to loosen any rock encountered, all permits shall be obtained from the appropriate agencies in accordance with Section 1926.900 through 1926.914 of the Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for the Department of Construction concerning excavation and discharge of explosives. Appropriate insurance coverage shall be in effect. Said coverage shall be a part of the insurance certificate furnished with the agreement for the water main extension. Section D - Installation of Pipe and Appurtenances Care shall be taken in handling pipe to prevent the cement lining and any protective coating from becoming damaged. All pipe shall be carefully examined for defects and no pipe shall be laid which is known to be defective. If any defective pipes shall be discovered after having been laid, they shall be removed and replaced with sound ones. All interior surfaces cleaned before they are until accepted by the surfaces and bell and thoroughly cleaned prior of pipes shall be thoroughly laid and shall be kept clean Owner's Engineer. Exterior spigot ends shall also be to making joints. Suitable water tight end caps or plugs shall be used for capping the ends of pipe when pipe laying is not actually in progress. Materials such as burlap, canvas or plywood will not be acceptable for this purpose. Water standing in the trench when work is resumed shall be pumped out prior to removal of a cap or plug. Section E - Installation of Push -on Joints -28- A 9 The gasket and the gasket seat in the socket of push -on joint pipe shall be wiped clean with a cloth. The gasket shall be flexed and placed in the socket • with the large round end entering first and sprung into the gasket seat so that the groove fits over the bead of the seat. A thin film of non -toxic gasket lubricant shall be applied to the inside surface of the gasket. Lubricant other than that furnished by the pipe manufacturer shall not be used. The plain end of the pipe shall be wiped clean, aligned, and carefully started into the socket so that it comes in contact with the gasket. In some cases, it may be desirable to lubricate the outside of the plain end for about an inch back from the end of the pipe. The joint shall be made up by exerting sufficient force on the entering pipe so that its plain end is moved past the gasket until it makes contact with the base of the socket. Power equipment may be used to move the plain end past the gasket. However, extreme care must be exercised when using power equipment in order not to damage the pipe. If proper assembly is not accomplished with the application of reasonable force, the plain end shall be removed to check for proper positioning of the gasket. If the plain end is removed then each of the above steps under "Installation of Push -on Joints" will be repeated until • proper assembly is accomplished. The maximum allowable deflection per length of pipe shall be in accordance with the following schedule: Pipe Diameter Pipe Length Maximum Deflectio 6" 20' 2011 6" 18' 18" 6" 16' 16" 8" 201 20" 8" 181 18" 8" 16' 16" 12" 201 20" 12" 181 18" 12" 16' 16" Section F - Installation of Mechanical Joints The joint gasket and surfaces against which the gasket will come in contact shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to assembly of the joint. The gasket, bell, and • spigot shall be lubricated with a thin film of non -toxic gasket lubricant approved for potable water -29- • • • systems. The gland and gasket, in that order, shall be slipped over the spigot, and the spigot shall be inserted into the bell until it is correctly seated. The gasket shall then be seated evenly in the bell at all points, centering the spigot, and the gland shall be pressed firmly against the gasket. After all bolts have been inserted and the nuts have been made up finger tight, diametrically opposite nuts shall be progressively and uniformly tightened all around the joint to the proper tension by means of a torque wrench. The correct range of torque as indicated by a torque wrench shall not exceed 60 - 90 ft. -lbs. If effective sealing of the joint the maximum torque indicated above, disassembled and thoroughly cleaned, Bolts shall not be overstressed to joint. Section G - Cutting Iron Pipe is not attained at the joint shall be then reassembled. tighten a leaking Cast and ductile iron pipe shall be cut by approved power saws which will produce a clean, true cut free from irregularities and a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. All cut ends shall be beveled. Section H - Installation of Valves and Valve Boxes The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, tools and equipment required for excavating, setting of the valves to lines and grades, joining to the pipe lines, and setting the valve boxes to lines and grades and backfilling. Unless otherwise directed by SCLIWC, all gate valves shall be set with their stems truly vertical. The valves shall be joined to the pipe line with mechanical joints. The tops of the valve boxes shall be set neatly to the grade of the street or the surface of the existing ground. The valve boxes shall be set so there is a uniform space around the operating nut, and the sides of the valve box shall be parallel to the axis of the stem of the valve. Valve box tops shall be maintained at road grade or ground surface for a period of twenty -four (24) months after the completion of each project. Section I - Installation of Hydrants and Branches The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, tools, and equipment for excavating, setting SCLIWC approved hydrant, auxiliary -30- I I valve and valve box, and installing branch and backfilling trench. The hydrant shall be set vertical at proper elevation and braced in position. An 8" x • 16" x 4" solid concrete building block or equivalent shall be placed under the base of the hydrant as approved by SCLIWC. The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish the block for the hydrant support. The excavation for the hydrant shall end sufficiently below the base of the hydrant to allow for setting of the 8" x 16" x 4" solid concrete building block or equivalent and gravel drain bed, and the hydrant shall be firmly set on the concrete block. The hydrant, valve, and branch shall be installed and secured with concrete thrust blocks plus one of the following: a) Asphalt coated anchoring rods. b) Integrally locking joints or c) Retainer glands. Hydrants shall be set truly vertical and plumb, and hydrants shall be flushed out after hydrants are set to make sure branch valves are open and that hydrants close and drain properly into a sufficient size gravel bed. Gravel shall be thoroughly tamped to prevent • settlement of hydrant. Hydrants must be braced just below grade with a concrete pad or pressure treated lumber to insure the correct operations of break flanges, bolts and couplings. r� U The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall be responsible for clean up around the hydrant and along the excavation for the branch. The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall also be responsible for maintenance of backfilled areas and hydrant elevations with respect to ground surfaces for a period of twenty -four (24) months following completion of the work. The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall further be responsible for painting each hydrant following installation and clean up with one coat of finish paint the color to be approved by SCLIWC. The paint shall be applied after all loose scale, rust, dirt, grease, and other foreign matter has been removed completely from the hydrant. .31. Section J - Installation of Services The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools and equipment for trenching, laying copper pipe, installing curb stops and boxes, and backfilling for service connections. Services shall be installed from the main to the street right -of -way line with curb stops and boxes being placed on the right -of -way line but not within five (S) feet of a ditch line. All pipe, connections, curb stops and boxes shall be installed in accordance with- standards of good workmanship. No curb boxes shall be installed in parking lots, driveways or roadways. Services that cross streets where pavement is in place shall be installed by drilling or other methods approved by the Municipality's Engineer. Pavement shall be cut only with the permission of the Municipality's Engineer, as provided by the appropriate regulations of the Municipality. All excavations, be properly tamped Tamping shall be backf i l led . Excaw properly compacted i any tamping is done. both in and out of pavement, shall to eliminate future settlement. done as the excavations are Ltions shall not be considered f they are completely filled before During winter months, no frozen material shall be placed back in the trench. i I Any excess material shall be hauled away from the job site by the Owner and the Owner's Contractor. Taps shall be made between the 2 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions or between the 9 o'clock and 10 o'clock positions on the pipe. The service pipe shall rest firmly on undisturbed soil or compacted backfill. There shall be a minimum of 4 all portions of the service pipe. be set vertically and as near possible. Curb boxes shall b identification to protect said equipment being used to construct 1/2 feet of All curb to finishe e staked boxes from new houses cover over boxes shall d grade as for proper damage by Blank curb cards for service installation shall be furnished to the Owner by SCLIWC. It shall be the responsibility of the Owner or the Owner's Engineer to furnish on the cards all requested information plus a sketch showing the exact location of the curb box. rCompleted curb cards shall be returned to SCLIWC within -32- four (4) weeks after approval of water samples. Under no circumstances shall there be any deviation in complying with this specification. • The purpose of a curb card is for future reference information when location or repairs are required. Clear and accurate measurements and information are therefore required. SCLIWC prefers measurements to curb boxes from permanent close -by, visible man -made objects such as buildings, hydrants, utility poles, concrete monuments, head walls, off sets from center line, catch basins, manholes, gutters, etc. Measurements are to be shown with dimension lines and are not to be referenced to the survey stationing of the subdivision. Meter information will be completed by SCLIWC after the cards are returned by SCLIWC. All information must be printed on the curb cards in waterproof ink. Section K - Backfilling In general, and unless other material is indicated on the drawings or specified, material used for backfilling trenches shall be suitable material free from cinders, ashes, refuse, vegetable or organic material, and boulders. • The backfill material in the zone around the pipe (with a minimum of twelve (12) vertical inches equally distributed under, around and over the pipe} shall be select material free of sod, debris, excavated rock, and stones over two (2) inches in diameter. This material shall be placed in layers not to exceed six (6) inches in depth and shall be thoroughly tamped with approved hand or power tampers specifically designed for this type of work. Hand tamping by means of stock dimension lumber, or by picks or shovels or their .handles, or other similar devices, will not be accepted. Special care shall be taken in placing this portion of the backfill to avoid damage to the pipe or pipe coatings. Wet or frozen materials shall not be used, but shall be replaced with suitable material that will provide a dense, compact fill. • The remainder of the trench from twelve (12) inches above the pipe may be backfilled with approved materials obtained from the trench excavation by filling in the entire trench in one operation and compacting the backfill by rolling with construction equipment, leaving the fill mounded over the trench. Stones over eight (8) inches in greatest dimension shall not be incorporated in the backfill. -33- Where excavations are made through existing permanent highway or street pavements, curbs, driveways, or sidewalks, backfilling shall conform to • the requirements of the particular agency or highway department involved. In general, crusher -run gravel, or run -of -bank gravel shall be used and placed in six (6) inch layers and thoroughly compacted with approved power tampers. This technique shall be used throughout the traffic and shoulder areas. Section L - Concrete Thrust Blocking All tees, tapping sleeves, plugs and bends are to be restrained from movement with thrust blocks formed of 2500 psi, 30 -day concrete. Concrete shall be furnished and delivered by approved transit -mix companies. The concrete shall be poured between the fitting and undisturbed soil. The size of thrust block shall be as indicated in the following schedule. Thrust blocks for tapping sleeves shall include a cradle for vertical support. The mechanical fitting bolts shall be protected from cover by concrete so that they can be removed if necessary. Area, in Square Feet, of Thrust Blocks Against Undisturbed Soil Fittings • Pipe 11 1/4 22 1/2 45 90 Tee,Plug Size Bend Bend Bend Bend Tapping Sleeve 6" 2 2 3 6 4 8" 2 3 6 10 8 12" 3 6 12 22 16 Section M - Borina and Installina Casina Pipe This section shall apply when the highway authorities who grant permission to cross a highway specify that the water main being installed be encased in another pipe. Boring shall be done in a manner not to damage any existing structures. The minimum diameter required for the bore shall be ample to provide for the insertion of the casing pipe. The bore shall be true to lines and grades as determined by the Owner's Engineer and as shown on the drawings,and shall be made after all existing structures have been located. Any damage to existing structures shall be. repaired, or structures replaced, at the Owner's expense. • -34- Care shall be taken prevent the protective becoming damaged. This blocks to the carrier the casing pipe. in handling the carrier pipe to coating and cement lining from shall be done by banding wooden )ipe before pushing same through After the water pipe has been successfully, laid in the casing pipe, space between the outside of the carrier pipe and the casing shall be completely filled with sand by methods approved by the Owner's Engineer. Sand fill shall be a well- graded granular material of which all will pass a No. 4 sieve but not more than 5 per cent will pass a No. 200 sieve. The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall make all necessary excavations for boring and shall backfill same in accordance with Section K, Backfilling i or VI INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES. All of the above applies only to boring and installing casing pipe under highways. Should it be necessary to bore and encase a water main under railroad tracks, the Owner shall meet the specifications and requirements of the particular railroad company. Section N - Pressure Testing . All mains and appurtenances shall be pressure tested in accordance with the following procedures. The pressure in the new system shall be raised, by pumping to a pressure of 150 pounds per square inch based on the elevation at the lowest point of the section under test and corrected in accordance with gage location. If the specified pressure cannot be achieved and maintained for a period of one (1) hour, the section under test shall be considered as failing the pressure test. If the aforementioned pressure can be achieved and j then maintained without further period of pumping for a one (1) hour, the section under test shall be accepted without further testing. If, however, after achieving the aforementioned pressure, additional pumping is required to maintain the specified pressure, then the amount of water required to maintain this pressure shall be measured during the one (1) hour period. This measured quantity of water shall be classified leakage and shall be compared with allowable leakage as calculated by the formula for pipe lines with mechanical and push -on joints as given in Section .4.2 of AWWA Specification c600 -87. Should the actual leakage exceed the allowable, then the section under -35- test shall be considered as failing the test. If, however, the actual leakage is equal to or less than allowable, then the section under test shall be • approved. Section O - Disinfection and Flushin Before or after a section of the main has been pressure tested and found acceptable, it shall be flushed thoroughly by SCLIWC. Upon completion of flushing operations, the Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall disinfect the main with a chlorine solution. The strength of this solution shall be such that a residual of 25 ppm. of chlorine shall be retained in the main after at least twenty -four (24) hours. Disinfection shall be in accordance with the current AWWA Standard Specifications for Disinfecting Water Mains, Designation c601 -81 Sections 1 to 10, inclusive, continuous feed method only. Following disinfection, all treated water shall be thoroughly flushed from the main until approved by SCLIWC. Chlorinated water shall be disposed of in a manner acceptable to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Samples of water shall then be taken by SCLIWC and • the main shall not be placed in service until the water has been approved for service. If tests are unsatisfactory, additional flushing shall be• done, or the main shall be re- chlorinated, or both, until new water samples indicate that the water is acceptable. The time and rate of flow of water for flushing new mains shall be approved by SCLIWC before each flushing is started. Section P - Site Restoration The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to do all top soil work and seeding, in existing lawn areas which are disturbed during the installation of water mains and appurtenances for new subdivisions. Section Q - Maintenance The Owner shall be responsible for any breaks or leaks that may occur on a main extension or appurtenance for a period of twelve (12) months after the particular installation or project has been placed in service. -36- Section R - The Engineer The Owner's Engineer shall be designated by the Owner as the Owner's Consulting Engineer who prepares the drawings and inspects all construction. The Owner's Engineer is identified in the construction documents accompanying the water permit application. The Owner's Engineer shall act on behalf of the Owner in furnishing the necessary statements and completion records as stipulated by SCLIWC. Any extension or relocation of a water main shall be under the direct supervision of a N.Y.S. licensed professional engineer hired by the owner. Such a main extension shall comply with current SCLIWC Rules and Regulations, including a N.Y.S. Dept. of Health completion certificate and "AS BUILT" drawings. SCLIWC must receive as -built records before the main will be put into service. With regards to the requirements identified in all Sections (A -T) of VI INSTALLATION OF WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES, SCLIWC or SCLIWC's authorized represen- tative shall determine the Owner's obligations under the terms of the Spec ifications,and shall have the power to interpret and enforce the Specifications and if such is not done by the Owner require the cessation of all operations dealing with water lines until compliance with the Specifications is obtained. • Section S - Pavement Removal and Replacement The Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall furnish all materials, labor, parts, tools and equipment and shall do all work necessary to replace street pavement, driveways, gutters, curbs, and walks removed or damaged in the installation of water mains and appurtenances. All pavement replacement, except driveways, shall be done in accordance with the regulations and specifications of the public authorities of the Village, Town, County or State Highway Departments having jurisdiction, and the Owner and the Owner's Contractor shall respect the orders of the inspecting engineers from said departments during the period that the project is in progress. All sidewalks, gutters, and curbs which have been damaged or removed shall be restored to a condition at least equal to that in which they were found immediately prior to the beginning of operations. Materials and methods for all restoration shall be subject to approval of the inspecting engineers representing the particular agencies involved. • 37- I Driveways be restored which they beginning of restoration Engineer. which have been damaged to a condition at least were found immediately operations. Materials shall be as approved Section T - Safety or removed shall equal to that in prior to the and methods for by the Owner's All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work and that will avoid obstructing sidewalks and driveways. Hydrants under pressure, valve pit covers, valve boxes, or other utility controls shall be left unobstructed and accessible until the work is completed. Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions made for street drainage, and natural water courses shall not be obstructed. To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, construction signs, torches, lanterns and guards as required shall be placed and maintained during the progress of the construction work and until it is safe for traffic to use the highway. All material piles, equipment and pipe which may serve as obstructions to traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barricades and shall be protected by proper lights when the visibility is poor. The rules and regulations of the local authorities respecting safety provisions shall be observed. Section U - Maps No newly constructed water main, water main extension, fire line or service line of 4 inches or greater diameter shall be approved for service or supplied with water until SCLIWC- has received an acceptable "AS BUILT" map from the Owner's Engineer. Section V - Connections Connections to existing water mains for the purpose of extending the main shall be done in a manner approved by SCLIWC. Wet connections are preferred. Section W - Dead Ends Any main extension resulting in a dead end shall have a hydrant with a guard valve at the dead end. A properly restrained main line valve shall also be provided so that a future connection can be made without shutting down any part of the current extension. Any main extension shall go to the farthest boundary line of the last property receiving water or a right through easement or fee simple to extend in the • future. -38- I Section X - Additional Requirements i The requirements set forth in these Rules and is by are in addition to any requirements imposed by any municipality or any municipality's engineer. If j any conflict exists between the requirements of these rules and requirements imposed by the applicable municipality, the more restrictive requirement shall govern. If there is an unresolvable conflict, the Owner or the Owner's Engineer may apply for a waiver from the rules of SCLIWC and SCLIWC shall have authority to grant such a waiver, but shall not be required to do so. Any water main specifications that SCLIWC provides to the contractor as part of the plan review are considered a part of these Rules and Regulations. VII PAYMENT FOR SERVICES 1. Billing to Customer or Owner Where it is stated that SCLIWC will bill the Customer or Owner, the charges made by SCLIWC will be billed by SCLIWC to the applicable municipality and then billed to the Customer or Owner by the municipality in which the work is performed or costs incurred, and the Customer or Owner will be responsible for prompt payment to the municipality. Nevertheless, the municipality shall be liable to SCLIWC for payment of such charges. The following rules for collection of bills, disputes over bills, and /or penalties may be altered, supplemented or waived by any municipality upon written notice to SCLIWC. 2. Billing Period a. Due Date All bills shall be rendered quarterly, or monthly at SCLIWC's option and are due and payable on or before the date specified thereon and such due date not to be less than twenty (20) days from the date rendered. b. Exceptions No exception will be made for public institutions, private firms, or private individuals as to the acceptance of net payment of water bills after the net due date. After twenty (20) days the gross payment (net plus 10% penalty) is due and payable. -39- 3. Non- Payment Whenever the owner of any premises which is • supplied with water shall be charged for water supplied, for services rendered, water furnished or expense incurred by SCLIWC pursuant to these rules and regulations and if said charges are not paid and if the water is turned off on account of such non - payment, no application for water service for such premises need be granted by SCLIWC (notwithstanding the said premises may have changed ownership) until such charges shall have been paid in full. Such charges shall constitute a lien on the premises. The current property owner is responsible for all outstanding charges to a property such as water, service charges or penalties. Failure to receive a bill shall not be considered an act or waiver of payment. U 4. Partial Billing Periods a. New Services If, at any time during a billing period, a new service is installed, an active service terminated or an inactive service reinstated, the reduced period will be billed as if it were a full billing period. A bill will be rendered to the customer of record according to actual consumption or the minimum -charge per quarter, whichever is greater. Such a bill includes the cost of initiating or terminating said service, unless unusual charges are incurred. b. Change in ownership Whenever change special reading will be SCLIWC's Meter Department the customer of record schedule. 0 in ownership occurs, a taken only upon request to office and a bill rendered to according to the following The old owner will pay a 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, or 3/3 minimum bill and the new owner will pay a 3/3, 2/3, 1/3, or 0/3 bill depending on the time during the billing quarter that the special reading is taken. The new customer will then be entered as the customer of record. If a bill is not paid on or before said due date, service may be discontinued after ten (10) days written notice to the customer. Customers are urged to have a special reading made by SCLIWC upon any change of ownership. -40- . is v 5. Metered Amount to be Billed a. Determination The quantity recorded by the meter shall considered the amount of water passing through meter which amount shall be conclusive on both customer and SCLIWC. Such amount may be used as all part of the basis for billing. b. Exceptions be the the or Consumption charges may be determined without benefit of metering under the following conditions: (1) Credits for frozen services. (2) In has ceased to the quantity registration period when cases where it is found that the meter register or has registered inaccurately, may be determined by the average of the meter in a corresponding past in order, except where it appears that there has been a change in occupancy of the premises or in the use of water, in which case an equitable adjustment shall be made. (3) In cases where it is cannot be obtained, an estimated rendered to the customer. Alterr bill based on equitable customer rendered. Such criteria shall be both parties. found that a reading minimum bill will be Latively, an estimated class criteria may be based on fairness to (4) In all cases where a meter is found to be defective, SCLIWC shall replace, the same by a meter that has been properly tested and adjusted. (5) Multiple housing and mobile home parks of more than two (2) dwelling units, using a master meter, will be computed as follows. The quarterly master meter reading will be divided by the number of dwelling units and water charge will be figured on this number as if the unit was individually metered. The water charge will then be multiplied by the number of units on the master meter and this will be the billing rendered. 6. Unoccupied Premises Premises whether occupied or unoccupied will be billed on a periodic basis unless the customer arranges to have his service discontinued. -41- 7. Partial Payments A partial payment is any amount less than the • total due amount of a bill. In the event that a bill includes more than one (1) billing period, a partial payment is defined as any amount less than the oldest due bill plus penalty. Water bills are intended to be paid in whole increments of a billing period. 8. Discontinued Service Any customer may discontinue water service by giving SCLIWC written notice not less than ten (10) days prior to the discontinuance, and all liability for charges for service rendered after the discontinuance of service, as herein provided for, shall cease. 9. Disputed Bills In the event of a dispute between the customer and SCLIWC, respecting any bill, SCLIWC will forthwith make such investigation as may be required by the particular case and report the result thereof to the customer. Any disputed bill that, upon investigation, is sustained as correctly rendered shall be due by the original due date and the penalty computed as of the original due date. Any disputed bill that, upon investigation, is found to be incorrect will be corrected and resubmitted to the customer. The due date of the corrected bill shall be considered to be as of the submitted date of said bill with up to ten (10) extra days after the corrected bill was issued, and the customer shall pay the amount due within the time provided in these rules and regulations, and failure to so pay shall render the customer and the customer's service liable to the penalties herein provided. Any amounts paid by the customer in excess of the amount disclosed to be due by SCLIWC's investigation of the dispute shall be forthwith returned to the customer upon approval by SCLIWC if the error arose from any cause other than the incorrect estimating of a customer's consumptions for the period in dispute. A corresponding reduction will be made by SCLIWC in the amount due it from the municipality in which the premises is located. VIII SCLIWC and Municipal Responsibilities 1. The SCLIWC water rate is set to provide the following services to municipalities and thus to their customers: Supply potable water along with appropriate quality control from the SCLIWC owned system to the • municipal take -off point. -42- i The cost of power to provide such water as set down by agreement elsewhere. Routine inspection of municipally owned equipment and property. Telemetry within Oakcrest Booster Station or the Filter Plant. Metering, reading and billing. Record keeping as appropriate to above. 2. Exams is assessed- les of SCLIWC Plumbing inspections. Backflow inspections. services fo Repair of municipal mains. which a charc SCLIWC's responsibilities for its water system end at and include the municipal take -off point from the transmission main. The municipal take -off point is defined as the first outlet valve off the transmission main subject to Burdick Hill Road / Oakcrest Road pump tank pressure. SCLIWC reserves authority to maintain its water in a safe and pure condition throughout its delivery and use and to prevent its waste. Adequate fire protection, hydraulic characteristics,, security, good repair, leak detection, necessary mapping and aesthetic appearance of municipal systems beyond the municipal take -off point is the responsibility of the municipality. Any work done by SCLIWC downstream of the municipal take -off point that is necessary for the sound operation of the municipal water system and is not provided for in the SCLIWC water rate will be billed to the municipality. It is the responsibility of each municipality to control hydrant usage within its boundaries. Each un- authorized use of a hydrant will be billed by SCLIWC to the municipality at an amount estimated by SCLIWC. If the estimated amount is less than $100.00, the minimum charge shall be $100.00 for expenses in monitoring the unauthorized use and billing. Each municipality may use hydrants within its boundaries for municipal purposes upon prior notice to S.C.L.I.W.C. except in emergencies, in which event notice shall be given as promptly as possible after such use. • -43- s IX PENALTIES If legislated by a municipality, any person • violating any provision of the Rules and Regulations of Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Governing the Use and Supply of Water shall be guilty of a violation and shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty -five dollars ($25.00) and not more than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding fifteen (15) days or by both such fine and imprisonment, with each day's violation constituting a separate and additional violation.. In any event, SCLIWC may enforce compliance with these Rules and Regulations by cutting off the supply of water. The foregoing fines in which the violation occurs shall be assessed, collected and retained by the municipality in which the violation occurs. • -44- C] 1 (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) • ' 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) 1 hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 4 of 1992 of the (amws��ait�z)Town)(Yi14xg4X) of Dryden was duly passed by the Town Board on 19 Z in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. Name of Legislative Body I 2. Nkpassage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval the Elective Chief Executive Officer'.) I herebybK of the (Cou tify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. 11 )(City)(Town)(Village) of was du on 19 and was (approved)(not disa v� ame of Legislative Ikody disapproval) by the 1G dive %.Lue[ rxecutive tjtucer') in accordance with the a licable provisions of law. 3. (Final adoption by referendum. I hereby certify that the local law anne) •of the (Count y)(C1ty)(Town)(Village) of on Name of Legislative Body disapproval) by the Elective Chief Executiv, ppro and was deemed duly adopted of 19 Passed by the repassed after 19 , hereto, designated as law No. of 19 loc< 19 was duly passed by the _, and as (approved)(not disapproved)(repassed after 0 19 Such local law was submitted to the people by reason of a (mandatory) r ssive) referendum, and received the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified electors votin 4 hereon Xthe (general)(special)(annual) election held on 19 accordance with the pplicable pro N ions of law. 4. (Subject to permissive referenda and final adoption because no vale petition was filed requesting refernddm.) I hereby certify that the local/raw annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the (Count y)(City)(Tow Village) of ame of Legislat disapproval) by _ on 19_, and was (approved)(not di on Elective Chief Executive Officer of 19 was duly passed by the proved)(repassed after 19_. Such permissive re rendum and no valid petition requesting such referendum was filed as of in accords a with the applicable provisions of law. 1 law was subject to 9 19 ! I •'Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief executive officer of a county elected on a county -wide basis or, if there be none, the chairman of the county legislative body, the mayor of a city or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto local laws or ordinances. (2) A City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) 41 I hereby ify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the City of of 19 having been submitted t erenduni pursuant to JI the provisions of sect 36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having ived the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualifi lectors of such city voting thereon at the s ial eneral I 19_1 became op ive. )(g ) e ection held on 6. (County local law concerning adoptio�arter.) I hereby certify that the local la nnexed hereto of the County of the electors at the eral Election of November section 33 of Municipal Home Rule Law, and qualif' a ectors of the cities of said county as a aid county considered as a unit vot' designated as loca w No. of 19 State of York, having been submitted to 19 subdivisions 5 and 7 of having received the affirmative vote majority of the unit and of a majority of the qualified elec of the towns Ong at said general election, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed lease \ p provide an appropritate certification.) I further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph I , above. J�Nasa[x6ta�rXaily�cpy �xKa>iC x>+ t' �xacxliesigarexe�d�yxrra�c >��xx;xx�ICx Susanne Lloyd, Town Clerk (Sea!) Date: October 15, 1992 (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Pillage Attorney or other authorized Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Tompkins I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of t e local law an d hereto. Signature Mahlon Perkins Town Attorney Title �f33dRSty r • of Dryden Town Xx Date: October 15, 1992 (3) t n `',"BOLTON POINT4��` IWATEW SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION SYSTE�V TOWNS OF DRYDEN • ITHACA • LANSING — VILLAGES OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS • LANSING HACA, N j (607) 277 -0660 — FAX(607)277 -3056 MAILING ADDRESS: e P.O. Box 178 .I 1992 3 FtA � T H E H O R A N D U H Ithaca, N.Y. 14851 5 Uurcr SHIPPING ADDRESS: 1402 East Shore Drive Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 TO Suzanne Lloyd (Town of Dryden ) Bonnie Bowles (Town of Lansing) i Joan Hamilton (Town of Ithaca) Sylvia Smith (Village of Lansing) Anne Krohto (Village of Cayuga Heights) COMMISSIONERS: FROHs Ted Wixom. Operations Manager GEORGE J.CONNEMAN Chairman DATE t September 18, 1992 LAWRENCE G. LEVER Vice Chairman RE a CALL -OUT PROCEDURE SHIRLEY RAFFENSPERGER Treasurer JEFFREY CLEVELAND LAWRENCE FABBRONI Attached you will find Bolton Point s Call -Out JEANNINE KIRBY A&PHEN LIPINSKI Procedure. Please take the time to read over and pass MICHAEL NEWMAN JAMES SCHUG RONALD ANDERSON on to municipal personnel. SHAILER PHILBRICK Consultant If you have any questions about this procedure, j please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. ,I KEVIN M. KAUFFMAN, P.E. Executive Director LAWRENCE R. PARLETT Administrative Manager THEODORE C. WIXOM Operations Manager 0 TW,bj Excellence in water quality and customer service Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission Bolton Point Water Systems 1402 East Shore Drive Ithaca. New York 14850 Phone #1 277 -0660 (Inside Lines 277 -0666) Fax #, 277 -3056 Husiness Hours 8800 a.m. to 4 00 Operating Hourss 8100 a.m, to 9100 p.m. Monday through Friday Pone 365 days per year Review of Call -Out Procedures Products water treatment. billing and customer service for the Towns of Lansing. Dryden and Ithaca, and for the Villages of Cayuga Heights and Lansing. Implement Call -Out Procedures Whenever the caller mentions or implies problems with► a) public health] b) safety of drinking Water] C) property damage, d) leaks or main breaks, e) no waters f) rusty. muddy. dirty or distasteful Water, 9) low pressure, h) hazards or any kind, i) e11_�gencv UFPO (Underground Facilities organization) calls, and /or �) calls from Bolton Point's Automatic ® Refer Caller t routine in nat a) ques b) ques C) rout d) "bus o Next Business Days when ures such ass tions on water bills, tions on plumbing permits, ine UFPO calls, and /or iness" calls. Protection Alarm system, calls are non - urgent or If there are any questions in determining Which is in. ASK 11111E CAI.I.ER category the call if they consider the problem to be urgent. If the answer is "yes"o implement the Call -Out Procedures Call -Out Procedures a) collect the caller's name. address. call -back phone number. and nature of tl►e problem, b) call the following numbers in sequence until the individual is reached. then transmit the messages 1) Water Plant (8x00 a.m. to 9100 p.m. every day) 277 -0666 2) Jack Rueckheim 3) Paul Tunison 539 -6710 4) 'Ted Wixom -387 -9051 5) Alvin Parker 257 -6578 6) Joan Foote 533-4159 7) Kevin Kauffman 838-3342 '8) E/H Pager 533 -7343 • 9) Customer Service Pager 844 -0401 844 -0490 C) If no answer at any number. repeat ically. the sequence period- 9- 92 /TWsbj i 0 �w� 130L1UN PUIIJI "o °(WATER) SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION sYr,rf :M; 1.OWNS_OF fRYt�f �! IiHACn LANSING - VILLAGES OF CAYUGn HEIGHTS LANSING • (607) 277 - -0660 -- FAX (607) 277 -3056 August 26, 1992 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 178 Randall I1hoca.N.Y.14851 Barney, 315 North B. 11r,rr_us, Grossman, Tioga Street Esq. Roth & Dubow Ithaca, New York 14850 SHIPPING ADDRESS 14102 Post Shore Drive Flary Geldenhuys, Fsq. Ithaco.N.Y.14850 Sovocool, Pfann, Tyler & Baker Village Office Campus 2333 North Triphammer Road Ithaca, New York 14850 COMMISSIONERS: Richard D. Thaler, Esq. Thaler & Thaler GEORGE .J. CONNEMAN 309 North Tioga Street Chairrnari Ithaca, New York 14850 IAA^ /RFr\IC[ G. LEVER Virn Chairman John C. Barney, Esq, SI IIRLEY RAFFENSPERGER Harney Grossman. Roth & Dubow lre surer 315 North Tioga Street JELLREYCLr_VEI RO Ithaca, New York 14850 I.n�,��RErac.E rnBi3RONI JEANNINE KIRBY S.IEPHENLIPINSKI flahlon Perkins, Esq, OAMICHAEL NEWMAN 20 West Hain Street NIFS SC HUG Dryden, New York 13053 RONALD ANDERSON Ret SCLIWC - Agreement To Change Water Rate Schedule SL1A:JLZR PHILBRICK Consultant Dear Counselors, Enclosed is a copy of the above referenced Agreement. P.l.e@,se review this Agreement for your respective Municipal. client. if the Agreement is in a satisfactory format, please arrange for yc i r. client to consider a resolution authorizing its execution. 1t. J KFVlt1M.KAl. -JU 1AN,PT. requested that your client consider such a resolution prior to Fxr =(;utivcDirector September 30, 1992. L,AWRENCER.PARLETT The Commission approved the rate structure incorporated in thi s Adtninistrative Manager p Agreement at their General fleeting held on August 24, 1992. The language of this Agreement is identical to the Agreement e�c11 11+EC)DC PE C. WIXOM }iunicipali ty considered and approved for the 1992 Water. Rate Oporatior)sMangger, Schedule. Thn pP purpose of the September. 30 deadline is to ernsuro the 1993 rate structure is in place prior to any water being consumed at the new rates. Per past practice, water consumed i n the Towns of T,ansing and Dryden and the Village of l,.ansing from October through December, 1992 will J .1 he billed in .January, 1.1103 at the new rates. This billing practice Is similar for the Village Of Cayuga Heights and the Town of Ithaca= with consumption periods • being November, 1992 through January, 1993 and December, 1992 through February, 1.993, respectively, Excellence in water quality and custorner service 8 • t" iunirpipalities Legal Counsel August 26, 1992 page 2 of 2 Following the adoption of all, five t9unicipal resolutions, the Commission will distribute an Agreement original for execution. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter, questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, C'. Kevin 116 Kauffman, P.E. Executive Director cc, ttayors and Supervisors Village and Town Clerks • tcommissiontratesisch93 0 Should you have any w • • SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION AGREEMENT TO CHANGE WATER RATE SCHEDULE THIS AGREEMENT to change Water Rate Schedule is made as of the 1st day of January, 1993. between the TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN, Tompkins County, New York. on its own behalf and on behalf of all water districts in the TOWN OF DRYDEN served by the Southern Cayuga Lake Intermuniclpal Water Commission. (here- after referred to as "Dryden "), the TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA, Tompkins County, New York (hereinafter referred to as "Ithaca "), the TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LANSING. Tompkins County. New York, on its own.behalf and on behalf of all water districts in the TOWN OF LANSING served by the Southern Cayuga Lake Inter - municipal Water Commission, (hereinafter referred to as "Lansing Town "), VILLAGE OF LANSING. on its own behalf and as successor to LANSING WATER DISTRICT It Tompkins County, New York, (hereinafter referred to as "Lansing Village "), and VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS. Tompkins County, New York. (hereinafter referred to as "Cayuga Heights "), all of the parties hereto sometimes collectively or individually referred to hereinafter as "Municipalities" or "Municipality ". WITNESSETHi WHEREAS, the above named municipalities have entered into an amended, supplemental, restated and consolidated agreement of iuunicipal cooperation for construction, financing and operation of an fntermunicipal water supply and transmission system dated as of June 5, 1979; and WHEREAS. pursuan to pay to the Souther Commission (hereinaf revenues based upon. Exhibit I of Schedule t to said agree n Cayuga Lake I ter referred in part. a wa A to said Agre ment e ntermu to as ter ra ement; ach municipality agreed nicipal Water "Commission "). water to schedule annexed as and WHEREAS. because of increased costs. the Commission believes it is advisable to adopt a new water rate schedule in the form annexed to this agreement; and WHEREAS. Schedule A of said June 5, 1979 agreement provides that the water rate schedule may not be changed by the Commission without the written agreement to such change of all the parties; and WHEREAS, Exhibit I of Schedule A to said agreement has been amended from time to time since the initial date of the agree- ment; and r WHEREAS, the parties believe it is necessary to amend Exhibit I of the Schedule A furthers and WHEREAS. the parties are willing to agree to such change; NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual undertakings of the • here 1979 ther rate parties by agre agreem eafter schedu pursuant to saic e that Exhibit I ent be amended of the Exhibit I ann le for all purpos I J1 of fec exe es ine 5, 1979 agreement, the parties Schedule A annexed to said June 5, tive January 1, 1993 and that d hereto is adopted as the water under said June 5, 1979 agreement. This agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts which, when taken together, shall constitute a complete document even though each of the counterparts may not bear the signatures of all of the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement to become effect4ve as of the day and year set forth above. TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN AND ON BEHALF OF ALL WATER DISTRICTS IN THE TOWN OF DRYDEN SERVED BY THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTERMUNICIPAL WATER COMMISSION TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF ITHACA • Page 2 of 3 • I • i • TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF LANSING ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF LANSING AND ON BEHALF OF ALL WATER DISTRICTS IN THE TOWN OF LANSING SERVED BY THE SOUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE INTER14UNCIPAL WATER COMMISSION VILLAGE OF CAYUGA HEIGHTS BYE VILLAGE OF LANSING ON BEHALF OF SUCH VILLAGE AND AS SUCCESSOR TO LANSING WATER DISTRICT I BY, is Page 3 of 5 i i i • U EXHIBIT I PLATER RATE SCHEDULE METERED WATER CONSUMPTION (GALLONS) RATE PER 1.000 GALLONS $2.30 $2.20 $2.00 The foregoing rates are for water consumed during each quarter Notwithstanding the foregoing rates the following charges shall be applicable to the meter size indicated below each quarter. The table below shows the amount of water consumption that is per- mitted before the minimum charge would be exceeded: METER SIZE (INCHES) 3/4 1 • 1 -1/2 2 3 4 6 Multiple Hous using a maste master meter units and the unit was ind: multiplied by ALLOWABLE CONSUMPTION (GALLONS) f .,,, •, •, ro •, . , ., ing:and mobile home r meter, will be con reading will be divi water charge will be Lvidually metered. the number of units MINIMUM CHARGE $23.00 $67.00 $199.00 $441.00 $761.00 parks of over 2 dwelling units, puted as follows, The quarterly ded by the number of dwelling figured on this number as if the The water charge will then be on the master meter and this will Page 4 of 5 is U I A a V be the billing rendered. If the ca •per dwelling unit is less than tt three - quarter inch meter. then the multiplying the number of units on minimum charge for a three - quarter 20 dwelli 0 lculation of the water consumed e allowable consumption for a billing will be calculated by the master meter times the inch meter (e.g.. if there were ng units on the master meter, and total water shown by the master meter was 100,000 gallons, the billing would be $460.00 (20 units times $23900) rather $221.00 (10,000 gallons at $2.30/1000 gallons + 906000 1000 gallons) or $230.00 (100.000 gallons divided by 2 multiplied by $2.30/1000 gallons). Page 5 of 5 consumption Commission than either at $2.20/ 0 units pane 7 RESOLL_IT I Ot:l # 173 REDUCE SPEED ON GAME FARM ROAD Clm Roberts offered the following swing resol ut ion and asked for its adoptiona. WHEREAS, pet it icining the Departrrlent for a reduction of Public cif Safety at Cornell 1 University is speed limit c in Oarite Farm Ri:_Iad as the road is presently unsigned for speed; and WHEREAS, said road is in the three part .jurisdiction of the Town of Dryden, T+_1wn cif Ithaca, and Tompkins Cciuntyg and WHEREAS, the read is a narrow rural read narrowed again by a bridge, crci sled by a. bicycle, pedestrian pathway, used by State arrd University farm egr_tipmc-.:nt, and used by .joggers and bicyclists, and WHEREAS, said read is also intersected by two 45 mph zcjned reads, Ellis Ho l l c,w and NYS Rcir_tt e 3661 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tclwn Board of the Town of Dryden does hereby support and request the reduction of speed limit to i 45 mph, and the signing for speed can the Game Farm Road. End Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # #174 ADOPT LOCAL. LAW # #4 -- 1992 CIDORT I NG RULES & REGULATIONS FOR C;OUTHERN CAYUGA LAKE I NTERMUN I C I PAL_ WATER - COMMISSION BY THE TOWN OF I: }RYI: }EN Clm Roberts adopt icrro offered (c _spy the follcming in rriir��_tte reSolr_ttion book) and asked for its End C 1 m Hat f i e 1 d Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #175 APPROVE WATER RATE SCHEDULE FOR . ,OL. THE R C:AYUGA LAKE I NTE RMUN 1' C I PAL_ WATER COPS I I SS I ON Clm Hatfield offered the following r-*escIlr_tticin and asked for its adc opt i� �n RESOLVED, that this Tciwn Beard accept the water rate change for 1993 as proposed by SCLIWCa 2nd Clm Rnbert s Roll call vote a l l voting Yes RESOLUT I ON # 1 7 6 TRANSFER FUNDS Clm Hatfield offered the fc11 lc1wing resolution and asked for its adopt is In v RESOLVED, that this Town Beard authcirize the Supervisor to -transfer $259000.00 from Ltnapprcpriated fr_tnd balance ti-.1 A1442 0m 401 (landf i 1 1) , transfer $2,500,00 to A5182.400 (street lighting); $1,000.00 to A816C)e 400 (refuse collection) from cc,nt ingency (total C3, 000a 00) transfer $4, Ca0C), ia(:) frcirn ASi�2()e 4ti(,) (highway engineering) to A144o.400 general engineering. 2nd Clm Baker RrD 1 1 ca i 1 vc it e - all voting Yes a I THE 10 -1C -92 page 8 ® RESOLuT I gN #177 ADOP _ .TOWN POL I C I E4i Clm Roberts offered the following resolutilzin and asked for its adopt 1i �Y'to (P�P:P1_)y In r�11Yi�_Ite book) 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL.- REPORT - available to board members JUSTICE REPORT - $79200,0() for the r,it_ nt h cP f September RESOLUTION #178 AF-PFPf-'2OVA1_ OF VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #110 Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: ion RESOLVED, that the vouchers be paid as audited with the exception of vouchr -ar 1 --k773. Abstract #110 -- voucher #718 to #803 for a total of $3051418.41 2nd Clm Baker Roll call vote - all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS Site Plan Review - Cayuga press - November 5th at . 7 e oO PM Special Permit - J. Kilrjrer Assoc - November 5th at 701OPrT1 P"Ablie Hearing on budget November 5th at 7#20 PM E Ad,j ourned n 9 a 30 PM Susanne L 1 oyd ']'own Clerk 0 Ial P 0 October Minutes TOWN OF DRYDEN EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND POLICIES GUIDE INDEX: • I YOU AND THE TOWN OF DRYDEN Introduction............. ... ..............................1 Effective Date and Ammendments .............................1 Typesof Employment .......... ..............................1 HireDate .................... ..............................1 II PAY PRACTICES MandatedDeductions .......... ..............................1 Optional Deductions .......... ..............................1 Personal Life Insurance Deductions .........................1 Loansand Garanshees ......... ..............................1 Overtime..................... ..............................2 CompensatedTime ............. ..............................2 PaymentSchedule ............. ..............................2 W -2 Forms .................... ..............................2 W -4 and IT- 204 .............. ..............................2 I -9 Forms .................... ..............................2 NYS Local & Employees Retirement System ....................3 SalaryIncreases ............. ..............................3 III BENEFITS Vacation..................... ..............................3 SickTime .................... ..............................4 Holidays..................... ..............................4 LeaveTime ................... ..............................4 PersonalTime ................ ..............................5 MilitaryLeave ............... ..............................5 Funerals..................... ..............................5 JuryDuty .................... ..............................5 Short Term Disability ........ ..............................5 Long Term Disability ......... ..............................5 Worker's Compensation ........ ..............................5 HealthInsurance ............. ..............................6 SocialSecurity .............. ..............................6 UnemploymentInsurance ....... ..............................6 Clothing Allowance ( Highway) . ..............................6 IV GENERAL INFORMATION WorkingForeman .............. ..............................6 Seniority.................... ..............................7 WorkingHours ................ ..............................7 Alcohol and Controlled Substance Abuse .....................? BuildingAccess .............. ..............................7 Coffee Breaks ( Highway) ...... ..............................7 Purchasing................... ..............................7 SafetyEquipment ............. ..............................8 MedicalInformation .......... ..............................8 LicenseChecks ............... ..............................8 Careof Equipment ............ ..............................8 Changeof Records ............ ..............................8 Confidentiality ............... ...........�..................8 • Recycling .................... ..............................8 SmokingPolicy ............... ..............................8 I 8 I IV GENERAL INFORMATION - CONTINUED Grievances................... ..............................9 Codeof Ethics ............... ..............................9 Re- employment ................ ..............................9 Benefit Chart ................ .... . .• -- .................... 9 EmploymentChart ............. .............................10 V TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT Resignation.................. .............................11 Retirement................... .............................11 V DISCIPLINE Rulesfor Discipline ......... .............................11 SexualHarrassment ........... .............................11 The Town of Dryden is an equal opportunity employer. It abides by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and state and county statutes covering discrimination in employment. Permanent full time and regular part time positions advertised. Opportunities for promotion from within posted. The decision to hire will be based on objective for education, experience or special training for the in question. may be will be criteria position 1 i I YOU AND THE TOWN OF DRYDEN INTRODUCTION: This booklet is benefits and This informatj with the Town of Dryden. EFFECTIVE DATE: - January 11 September 91 1986, Amended - 1987, Amended - November 91 19 intended to serve as a guide for policies, .on which should aid you in your employment 1983,Amended - April 8, 1986, Amended - January 1, 1987, Amended - February 10, 88, Amended - October 13, 1992 TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT: PERMANENT PART -TIME: Those employees scheduled to work less than 30 hours per week. PERMANENT FULL -TIME: Those employees scheduled to work 40 hours per week on a permanent schedule. They are entitled to overtime pay at a rate of 1 1/2 times their hourly rate or in the case of salaried person at a pro -rated hourly wage, unless they are exempt. Exempt employees includes elected officials and ZO /CEO officer, deputy highway superintendent. TEMPORARY PART -TIME, FULL TIME OR CASUAL: Those employees employed for a specific length of time including but not limited to: election inspectors and youth workers. ELECTED OFFICIALS: Those persons who are elected at a general election. HIRE DATE: The first day you report to work for the Town is considered •your hire date. Eligibility for some benefits (see individual benefit) may be calculated using this date. During your first year of employment certain benefits such as vacation may be limited. II PAY PRACTICES MANDATED DEDUCTIONS: The Town is required by law to make the following deductions from your pay - Federal Income Tax, NYS Income Tax, Social Security and mandatory contributions to the NYS Local and Employees Retirement System. OPTIONAL DEDUCTIONS: SAVINGS: With prior arrangement and authorization, we will deduct from each paycheck your requested amount and deposit it in your account at the First National Bank of Dryden or the Tompkins County Federal Credit Union. These deductions will continue until you provide authorization to discontinue or employment is terminated. LIFE INSURANCE: With prior arrangements and authorization, we will deduct from each paycheck a requested amount to be used to pay for life insurance from a reputable company. This will continue until you provide authorization to discontinue or employment is terminated. LOANS AND GARNISHEES: These amounts will be deducted from each paycheck as authorized by the NYS Local and Employees Retirement System and other agencies once written authorization is received. Page 1 I u I i OVERTIME - A full 8 hour (10 hour for highway employees from April through October) day must be worked in order to receive overtime pay. Overtime worked, when necessary and approved by the appropriate issupervisor, will be credited to an employee. Overtime rate will be time and one -half. Employees exempt from overtime are all elected officials, the zoning officer and code enforcement officer, deputy highway superintendent and tax collector when combined with Town Clerk position. COMPENSATED TIME. All employees who work overtime, have the option of accumulating up to 27 hours overtime and .taking compensation time up to 40 1/2 hours total in time off. These hours and the time to take them must be mutually agreed upon by the employee and Superintendent of Highways, deputy highway superintendent or department head. All accumulated compensated time will be paid upon termination or retirement. PAYMENT SCHEDULE: HOURLY - Payrolls are on a bi- weekly basis. As of January 1, 1987 the pay period for all hourly employees will end on Wednesday. The payment for that period will be made on the 2nd Thursday following the end of the pay period. The payweek period runs from Thursday through Wednesday. SALARIED AND ELECTED OFFICIALS EARNING OVER $10,000 PER YEAR: As of January 1, 1993 - Payrolls are on a weekly basis. The week will run from Saturday through Friday with payday being Friday. In the event a week contains days worked in one year and days worked in another year with different rates, the pay will be adjusted to reflect the varied rates. ELECTED OFFICIALS EARNING UNDER $10,000 PER YEAR: As of January 1, 1993 - Payrolls are on a monthly basis and will be mailed or delivered on the last day of each month during the year. ANNUAL PAYMENTS: The chair of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals, the Historian, the Bingo Inspector or others as approved by the Town Board will be paid their annual salary the last week of December. W -2 FORMS: The Town of Dryden will supply each employee, the Federal Government and the State Government with a statement of annual earnings. You will receive a statement of earnings (W -2) which includes amounts withheld for retirement purposes and income and social security taxes. Your W -2 form will be provided to you during the month of January for the prior year. If you terminate employment be sure to notify the personnel office of your new address. You will need to use the W -2 form in preparing your personal income tax return. FEDERAL W -4 FORMS AND STATE IT -204: Each employee is required to complete a W -4 and IT -204 form on their first day of employment. Adjustments may be made at any time by completing new forms and submitting them to the personnel office. I -9 FORM: We are now mandated to have an I -9 form completed for each employee. These forms will be given to you to complete within three days of employment. The requirements for identification are included with the instructions. Page 2 I a I NYS LOCAL AND EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM: The Town of Dryden is a member of this system. It is mandatory for all full time permanent employees to join and 3% will be deducted from your gross wages. The forms will be given to you at the time of employment. Part -time and temporary employees are given the option of joining and will receive a form to sign if they do not wish to join; otherwise they will complete an application and as of this writing 3% of their gross wages will be deducted from each paycheck. SALARY INCREASES. As a general rule salary increases are effective January 1st of each year. They are given at the discretion of the Town Board and /or Highway Superintendent. III BENEFITS VACATION: Vacation time will begin to accumulate from the first day of the first full month of full time permanent employment. No vacation time may be used during the first six months of employment. If any vacation is used during the last six months of the first year and employment terminates before the end of the first year of employment, the amount of vacation time used will be deducted from the final paycheck. All vacation time off must be arranged for in advance with the department head. Unusual circumstances in which prior arrangement is not possible, must have the written approval of the department head or such time off will be counted as an unexcused absence without pay. Vacation time may be carried over for only the number of weeks for which the employee is entitled to as of December 1st of each year. Payment of vacation time in excess of one years eligibility will be paid •to each employee prior to year end. By prior arrangement additional earned vacation time may be carried over with the permission of the department head and when taken will be paid at the rate at which it was earned. Accumulated vacation time will be honored at retirement time. Any employee who terminates employment with the Town will be paid for accumulated vacation time. If an employees dies while employed by the Town the accumulated vacation time will be paid to the employee's estate. Susanne Lloyd, the Town Clerk, will receive payment for all of her accumulated vacation time in December 1992 and then will no longer track vacation time while an elected official. Donald A. Gilbert, the Highway Superintendent, will receive the amount of accumulated vacation time as of when he was first elected, during December 1992. He will no longer track vacation time while an elected official. Annual vacation with pay will be granted to full -time employees on the following basis: AFTER one (1) years employment one week AFTER two (2) year employment two weeks AFTER ten (10 years employment three weeks AFTER fifteen (15) years employment four weeks By way of explanation, the above means that after one year is completed the employee will have accumulated one week vacation. After one year the employee begins to accrue vacation so that they will have two (2) weeks accumulated at the end of two (2) years. After nine (9) years the employee begins to accrue vacation so that they will have three (3) weeks accumulated at the end of ten (10) years. *After fourteen (14) years the employee begins to accrue vacation so they will have four (4) weeks accumulated at the end of fifteen (15) years. Page 3 Earned vacation time will be added on a pro rated annual basis at the beginning of each month for the previous month. Part time, temporary and elected officials do not earn vacation time. • SICK TIME. Eligible employees of the Town of Dryden will be granted 8 hours of sick time for each month worked (96 hours per year). All time for which an employee is paid shall be considered as time worked for this purpose. Sick time may be accumulated from year to year up to a maximum of 960 hours. Eight hours will be added at the beginning of each month for the previous month. To be eligible for sick time pay, employees must notify their department head prior to working hours. Failure to do so when possible will result in the absence being considered as, unexcused without pay. Medical substantiation of illness may be required in any case by the department head. Accumulated sick time will be credited at retirement time toward health insurance premiums. When accumulated credit is used up, the retiree may continue coverage under the Town's health insurance policy by remitting at least one (1) month premium in advance and each succeeding month thereafter by the 15th. The spouse of a deceased retiree may continue on the Town's policy by remitting in the same manner as other retirees. Part -time, temporary and elected officials will not be eligible for any sick time. HOLIDAYS - Eight paid holidays will be allowed as follows: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, General Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day. To be eligible for holiday pay, employees must be present the working day before and after the holiday. A list of the days will be posted in January of each year. The Town Offices will only be closed for those days and open at all other times. The remaining days for 1992 are: November 3rd, November 11th, November 26th and, December 25th. The Town Hall Offices and the Highway Department will be open all other weekdays without exception. LEAVE TIME: 1. A leave of absence without pay, not to exceed one year, may be granted to a permanent employee by the Town Board. Where a leave of absence without pay has been granted for a period of which aggregates one year, a further leave of absence without pay shall not be granted unless the employee returns to his position and serves continuously therein for three months immediately preceding the subsequent leave of absence. Absence on leave for more than one year shall be deemed the equivalent of a resignation from the service upon date of commencement of such absence, except as provided in subdivision (2) of this rule. 2. A leave of absence without pay, not to exceed four years, shall be granted by the Town Board to an employee who is a veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, providing such leave of absence is for the purpose of taking courses under the educational benefits provided for in Title 38, United States Code or under a New York State Board of Regents War Service Scholarship, Education Law, Section 614, An employee taking such a leave shall be reinstated to his position, provided he makes application for such reinstatement within sixty days after the termination of his courses of study. PERSONAL TIME - Each eligible employee is allowed to use up to 24 hours from their sick time per year for personal reasons. Other personal time may be granted by the department head without pay, or vacation time may • be used. MILITARY LEAVE - The Town will grant regular full -time employees a leave of absence for military duty or training. Such a leave will not constitute a break in service. You may continue health insurance coverage during a leave of over thirty days by paying the premiums at least one month in advance. While on active reserve duty, full -time permanent Town employees will receive their normal wages for up to a maximum of thirty days per year. FUNERALS - Paid time off will be al member of the immediate family whic step- father, mother, step- mother, grandparents. One day will be al Ithaca - Cortland area and one -half Ithaca - Cortland area if the deceased family, lowed up to three (3) days for a h are limited to spouse, father, children, step - children or lowed for a funeral outside the day for a funeral within the is not a member of the immediate JURY DUTY - The Town will reimburse employees for the difference between what the juror earns while on duty and their normal wage. The employee must bring in a slip to the Personnel Office showing the amount earned while serving on jury duty. SHORT TERM DISABILITY - The Town pays the entire cost of short term disability. All non - elected employees are covered under the Disability Benefits Law for non - occupational illness or injury. Benefits are available for up to 26 weeks and begin on the 8th .consecutive day of disability. Each employee is responsible for filing the claims within 30 days of the first day of disability. Forms are available at the Personnel Office. If the employee chooses, the Town will use accumulated sick time, if any is available, to make up the difference between the disability payments and the normal pay. This will continue as long as accumulated sick time does not run out. LONG TERM DISABILITY - May be available through Social Security. The employee should check with the Social Security Administration approximately two months prior to the end of the short term disability. WORKER'S COMPENSATION - All employees of the Town are covered by N.Y.S. Worker's Compensation. Any employee injured on the job or who becomes ill due to job related causes should notify their supervisor immediately and file a report within ten days with the Personnel Office. Anyone who is injured on the job or becomes ill from job related causes should receive medical attention immediately. Page 5 HEALTH INSURANCE - Family and individual policies are available through Central N.Y. Blue Cross, Blue Shield. Major medical is also available through Blue Cross Blue Shield. Non - elected permanent full time •employees are eligible for health insurance beginning on the first day of the first full month's employment. Susanne Lloyd, the current Town Clerk, may continue to accumulate sick time at a rate of 5.5 hours per month, up to the maximum of 960 hours, as long as she is an elected official of the Town. She will continue to track sick time as long as she is an elected official. If she becomes a non - elected full time permanent employee she will then earn and track sick time as other full time permanent employees. She will continue to receive family coverage at no cost to her as long as she is an elected official or full time permanent employee. If she should retire from the Town she may use the accumulated sick time built up to pay for health insurance premiums in the same way other retirees do. Donald A. Gilbert, the present Highway Superintendent, has reached the maximum sick -time of 960 hours and no longer will track his time as long as he is an elected official. He will continue to receive family coverage at no cost to him as long as he is an elected official or full time permanent employee. If he becomes a non - elected full time permanent employee he will then begin tracking his sick time as it 6-applies to other full time employees. If he should retire from working for the Town he may use the accumulated sick time to pay health insurance premiums in the same way other retirees do. All elected officials, with the exception of Susanne Lloyd and Donald A. Gilbert as noted above, will be eligible for health insurance for themselves while they are employed by the Town. If they wish to have family coverage the extra amount will be deducted from their pay. Once they are no longer elected officials they may continue on the Town's policy,as long as they pay the premiums at least one month in advance. SOCIAL SECURITY All employees receiving a paycheck are covered. The Social Security program is designed to protect covered workers against loss of income caused by retirement or disability. It also includes survivor's benefits for dependents. The program is financed 50% by the Town and 50% by employee contributions and the amount of benefits is based on the employees' past earnings. Your contribution (FICA) is deducted from your salary each payday and forwarded along with the Town's portion to the Internal Revenue Service. It is a good idea to check on the amount in your account at least every four years, because some errors cannot be corrected after that time. This can be done by calling the Social Security Administration Office at (607) 273 -0979 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE The entire cost of unemployment insurance is paid by the Town without any deduction from your wages. Should you be laid off you may be eligible to collect weekly benefits from the State of New York until you return to work, find suitable work or until the benefits expire. Elected Officials and employees who resign, retire or are discharged for cause are not normally eligible for unemployment insurance. • Page 6 O I R CLOTHING ALLOWANCE HIGHWAY - AFTER ONE clothing allowance for highway employees Superintendent's approval, at the rate set employee will be required to sign at the time IV GENERAL INFORMATION (1) YEARS EMPLOYMENT, a will be given with the by the Town Board. Each of the approved purchase. WORKING FOREMAN - When a working foreman is assigned to a job, they are also responsible for the action of the entire crew on that job. SENIORITY - Employees will lose all seniority upon resignation or termination of employment for all reasons (except for time under NYS Retirement rules) with the following exceptions. A. Military service in the U.S. Armed Forces B. Leave of Absence without pay - There is no break in service if employee pays all benefits in advance for missed time and has written approval of the Highway Superintendent or the Town Board. As a general rule, leave of absence shall not exceed one (1) year. However the leave time is not computed for retirement, sick leave or vacation benefits. A. and B. will not apply if other employment is held during the time an employee leaves and then returns to employment with the Town. WORKING HOURS - Regular working hours for the highway department will be from 6 :00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday in the summer and from 6 :00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday in the winter. Lunch will be from 12:00 to 12 :30 p.m., unless otherwise scheduled by the department head. All employees will be expected to report and be ready for work prior to the time regular working hours begin. All time for which highway employees are to be paid, will be taken from the time clock card. Full time employees other than the Highway Department employees will work their assigned 40 hours. Any employee called in to work extra hours during snow emergencies or similar circumstances, must not be under the influence of alcohol or other substances. If an employee is asked to work, and is under the influence as stated above, they are expected to report the condition to the Supervisor who is calling Such employee will not be penalized for reporting this condition. ALCOHOL OR substances gatherings be served. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - No alcoholic beverages or controlled j are permitted on Town property and no parties or employee are permitted on Town property if alcoholic beverages are to BUILDING ACCESS - No employee of the Town of Dryden is permitted to be in any building owned by the Town during non - working hours, except by permission of the employees' supervisor or the department head. Persons who are not employees of the Town of Dryden are not permitted in buildings owned by the Town during non - working hours, unless required to be there for business purposes. Page 7 COFFEE BREAKS - HIGHWAY - Coffee breaks will be granted when possible from 9:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. and no other breaks will be permitted unless authorized by the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent. Only one man from a three man crew is to leave the job or the Department Buildings for the purpose of obtaining coffee. Breaks will normally be taken at the Highway Department buildings or from the job location. PURCHASING - The Highway Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent must approve all purchases made by the Highway department. The Town has a procurement policy in effect and these rules must be followed by all personnel purchasing for the Town. SAFETY EQUIPMENT - Hard hats WILL BE WORN by all employees when engaged in physical labor or when there is danger of accidents caused by falling debris or at other times when danger of head injury is imminent. Gloves and other safety equipment shall be worn when necessary. All employees must wear safety goggles, masks or required safety equipment while near an operator or operating drill presses, cutting torches, welder, portable drills or saws. The first time a warning will be given, the second time the employee will receive up to three days off without pay and a third offense by the same person means dismissal with cause. MEDICAL INFORMATION - All employees must fill in a medical report and the Town may request a physical at the Town's expense. LICENSE CHECKS - All employees and elected officials may have their is checked prior to employment and periodically throughout their tenure with the Town. CARE OF EQUIPMENT - The proper handling and upkeep of equipment will help to ensure its continued use. It is essential to the Town that trucks, computers, tools and equipment are kept in good condition. If a problem is noticed with your equipment, report it to your department head immediately. Some of our equipment is under service contract; therefore a service representative must be notified as soon as possible in order to make a scheduled trip. Employees are responsible for routine maintenance and cleanliness of their equipment. Preventive maintenance is always beneficial. CHANGE OF RECORDS - Good communication provides for efficiency. It is important that we maintain accurate records on each employee; therefore you are required to notify the Personnel Office of any change in your name, address, telephone number, marital status or additions to your family, if receiving family health insurance benefits, as soon as possible. All employee records are strictly confidential. Under the Freedom of Information Act all employees have access to their own official personnel records. CONFIDENTIALITY - At times, depending on the nature of your position, you may have access to information of a confidential nature. This information should not be discussed in such a manner to be overheard by outsiders. If a questions arises in which you have questions, please see your department head. The Town will not disclose your salary or hourly wage without a written request from an approved institution, a completed form under the Freedom of Information Act or a governmental agency. It is recommended that you not discuss your wage with other employees. RECYCLING - The Town of Dryden is striving much as possible. Effective September 1, mandated recycling by all businesses, etc. cardboard, cans and bottles. These will be of the County recycling centers or recycled SMOKING POLICY - As mandated buildings have designated non - smoking. to protect the environment as 1992 the County of Tompkins The Town will recycle paper, sorted out and taken to one by other means, by law the Town Hall and smoking areas. All other the Highway areas are GRIEVANCES - If any employee has a grievance they should discuss it with their immediate supervisor. If the problem is not resolved at this stage, it may be referred to either the Superintendent of Highways or the Town Supervisor as appropriate. If not resolved at this level the grievance should be submitted in writing to the Town Board and if not resolved at this step the grievance will be forwarded to the Dispute Resolution Center for final resolution to be accepted by both the employee and the Town. CODE OF ETHICS - Each employee will be given a copy of the current Code of Ethics, adopted by the Dryden Town Board, upon employment with the Town. RE- EMPLOYMENT: Any person who resigns from Town later date is rehired will have a new hire date. used to calculate benefits with the exception of Local and Employees Retirement System which credits EMPLOYEE BENEFIT CHART employment and at a This is then the date membership in the NYS actual time worked. Benefit Elected Full Time Permanent Part - Time /Temporary Disability N Y Y Funeral N Y N Health Insurance Y Y N Holidays Y Y N Jury Duty N Y N Life Insurance Y Y N Savings Y Y N Sick Leave N Y N Social Security Y Y Y Vacation N Y N Unemployment N Y Y Worker's Comp Y Y Y Retirement Y Y Y Page 9 �C n r� E M H H a z H • Page 10 r 7d En rij C) �c m ro C H C ro H t�7 n i b�7 ro O N O d ro C H H t+7 L=7 ro r m r� z� cn y O H z z r r O C) x cn H H 0 C=! x H x a K C ro t71 H z H m z d t2! z H cn C ro c H 0 H O E z n r rn 70 H 0 E x O d �C d t+7 z H a ro a K x a t� cn C7 - ;U y H n • Page 10 r 7d En rij C) �c m ro C H C ro H t�7 n i b�7 ro O N O d ro C H H t+7 L=7 ro r m r� z� cn y O H z z r r O C) x cn H H 0 C=! x H x a K C ro t71 H z H m z d t2! z H cn C ro c H 0 H O E z n r rn 70 H 0 E x O d �C d t+7 z H a ro a K x V TERMINATING EMPLOYMENT RESIGNATIQN - If an employee resigns the Town requests the following procedure in order to make your separation efficient and amicable for all concerned. It is requested that at least two weeks written notice be mailed or given to the department head. Employees who terminate their employment will receive an opportunity to continue health insurance with the Town,by paying in advance. You will be expected to turn in any keys or Town property in your possession prior to leaving. RETIREMENT - Retirement from the Town should be a happy occasion. There are some things to note before you are ready to retire in order to have a smooth transition. You may want to make a trip to Horseheads on a first come first serve basis to discuss your individual needs with the people from NYS Local and Employees Retirement System. This should be done at least six months before retiring. At least three months before retiring you should complete the necessary forms which are available from the Personnel Office. Employees are eligible for Medicare when they reach age 65. Employees should notify the Health and Human Services district office three months before their 65th birthday to insure Medicare will begin promptly. Accumulated vacation time will be paid prior to retirement and accumulated sick time will be used to pay health insurance premiums. VI - DISCIPLINE The following Department rules will be posted in the Town and Highway Department buildings and any violation of these department rules will be subject to disciplinary measures as follows: 1st offense - oral warning 2nd offense - time off without pay 3rd offense - employment terminated The Highway Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent or Department Heads are in charge of handling discipline. A memo will be placed in the respective employees records noting action taken. If employment is terminated earned vacation will be paid with the final paycheck. SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Acts of sexual harassment committed by co- workers, department heads or visitors with respect to other supervisors or department heads are expressly prohibited. Page 11 supervisors, co- workers,