HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-08• 0 PUBLIC HEARING #1 SEPTEMBER 8, 155E LOCAL LAW #3 - 1992 Supv Schug called the public hearing to order at 7:30PM Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning Local Law #3 -- 1992 (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS - none Closed public hearing - 7e40PM PUBLIC HEARING #2 SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 LOCAL LAW #4 - 1992 SUpv Schug called the public hearing to order at 70n4OPM Supv Schug read the notice that was pUbl ,shed in the newspaper concerning L• Ical Law #4 - 199E (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /DR COMMENTS --- none Closed public hearing - 7o50PM PUBLIC HEARING #3 SEPTEMBER 8, 1` 92 LOCAL LAW #5 - 199 SUpv Schug called the public hearing to_, order at 7e50PM Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning Local Law #5 - 1992 (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Closed public hearing - Buu()OPM PUBLIC HEARING #4 SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 TURKEY HILL_ WATER DISTRICT Supv Schug called the public hearing to order at 8*000PM Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning TUrkey Hill water district. (copy in minute book.) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS Supv Schug - there has been no change in the map, plan or report that was offered the last time. CJ 40 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 3 OF THE YEAR 1992 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 8th day of September, 1992, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to hear all interested parties and citizens for or against a proposed Local Law pertaining to Permits, Inspections and Fees under the Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (enforced by the Town of Dryden) and under other Town of Dryden Ordinances and Local Laws. The proposed Local Law establishes procedures for applications, for building and demolition permits, certificates of occupancy and completion, inspections, orders and violations and a schedule of fees for the issuance of such permits and certificates. Copies of the complete text of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk during regular business hours at 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said amendments. Town Board of the Town of Dryden I: Susanne Lloyd, Town lerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 4 OF THE YEAR 1992 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 8th day of September, 1992, at 7:40 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to consider a Local Law amending Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1984 Regulating the Use of Public Sewer Drains, Private Wastewater Disposal, the Installation and Connection of Building Sewers, and the Discharge of Waters and Wastes into the Public Sewer Systems, the Treatment and Pretreatment of Industrial Waste, and Providing for the Inspection of such Facilities and the Enforcement of such Law, which • amendments conform Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1984 with recent Environmental Protection Agency and New York State Department of • Environmental Conservation regulatory changes. Such amendments eliminate from this Local Law local pollutant limitations for wastewater discharges (such local pollutant limitations being the subject of a separate proposed Local Law). Copies of the complete text of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk during regular business hours at 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said amendments. Town Board of the Town of Dryden By: • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. 5 OF THE YEAR 1992 LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 8th day of September, 1992, at 7:50 o'clock P.M. prevailing time, to consider a Local Law amending Local Law No. 2 of the Year 1984 Regulating the Use of Public Sewer Drains, Private Wastewater Disposal, the Installation and Connection of Building Sewers, and the Discharge of Waters and Wastes into the Public Sewer Systems, the Treatment and Pretreatment of Industrial Waste, and Providing for the Inspection of such Facilities and the Enforcement of the Law, such amendments . pertain to the enactment of a separate Local Law which revises the local pollutant limitations of wastewater discharged into sewer lines which transport wastewater to the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant. Copies of the complete text of the proposed Local Law are available from the Town Clerk during regular business hours at 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said amendments. Town Board of the Town of Dryden By• Susanne Lloyd, Town Cl • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Boaz.d of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, ado e ;np . ptec l.adG" �'J calling a public 'gearing for September 19 9,4 connection with the establishment of a proposer c; TI, i.,., to be known as the Turkey Mill Water Dryden, 0 R • 0 • In the Matter of the Establishment of a proposed water district in the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, ' to be known as the Turkey Hill Water District of said Town ORDER CALLING PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, a map, plan and report including an estimate of cost have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment of a proposed water district in said Town, such water district to be known as Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden; and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof; and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said Water District shall consist of the construction of a water distribution system including approximately 11,400 linear feet of eight -inch water main, approximately 1,250 linear feet of six -inch water main, approximately 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $606,475; and I I { I • is -2- WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvements is by the issuance of $606,475 serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within said Water District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate or am sufficient to a ount p y the principal of and interest on said bonds as the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have determined to be an Unlisted Action been as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in an significant environmental effects; and y WHEREAS, it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT i I i 0 -3- ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, shall be held at the Town Hall, 65 E. Main Stregt in Dryden New York, in said Town, on the 8th day of September 1992, at 8:00 0' clock P.M., Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden, the boundaries of such District being as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof and to conaide.r the map, plan and report including estimate of cost filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter th ereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign -board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. SSection 3. This order shall take effect immediately. TURKEY HILL WkT ER DISTRICT • APPENDIX A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL. OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tanpki ns and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows i HEGIN NI NG at a point of Mount Pleasant in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said centerline with the northwest line of the abandoned Lehigh Val ley Rai 1 road proper ty; proceedi ng ther,ce f ran said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance c, aaprCA irately 400' to a point; proceedinq thence sou`_h (and along the west line cf Parcel 56 -5 -420, being a 14.8 acre +: - Pa reel own e by Cornell University (said west line being approximately 950' , west of the centerline of lTM arxe y Hiles i Road) and also along the west li nes of Parcels 56 -5 -20; I 25.1; 28 and 29 and also along the west li ne of Parcel (said wes t line being approximately 900' west of the centerline of T. r' Hill Road)) to a point in the centerline of Steven son Road; prcceedi ng thence east and 0 along said cent erli ne for a distance of approx irr.a*_ely 90C' to a point in the cent erli ne of Turkey Hill Road; proceeding thence northerly and along said centerline of Turkey Hill Road to its intersection with the centerline of Mount is Pleasant Road; proceeding thence easterly along the center li ne of Mount Pleasant Road for a di stance of approx imately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel • 57 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' . nd along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28 ; 27 ; and 26 to a point in the south li ne of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; prcceedi ng thence nor th (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) f or a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the n ^r = ± c'7 r r °_r a rroceeW na ±i c•l ce- ea s t °r 1 a:. sa::� Parcel; _ • aru alcn:, soluth ilrle of Parcei 57 -1 -20 for 'a ai=tarr�� cf 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the c n we s *_ .a- el lie of Parcel 5 % -1 -3R for a distance of P�j ` ti1S ^int a �� _Ox 1F-3 �_ 165G tc a point p� b ina t:._ southwest corner of Parcel 54- 1 -16); proceemna thence ^er theas ter ly a n3 along the south parcel li nes cf Parcels 54- 1- 16;1. 1-17 -; 18; 19; 21 ; 23 and 26 to the s hea= t ccrner cf Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence northeasterly an3 alona the south parcel li nes of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a point in the west line of Parce_ 57 -1 -43; proceeding then c Eout h er1y to the soot hw =st ccrner c` said Far ^e 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of • approx imately 60 0' to a point ma rking the southeas t corn er of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the 0 0 east line of said Parcel for a distance of apprcx imat ely • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north- easterly and along the south 1i ne of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker E4iil Road; proceed= ng thence northwesterly and along sai d centerli ne for a distance of approximately 400' to a print; precee3ino thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' • • to the seu`_heacc t corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwe=sterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south li ne of Parcel 52 -1 -19; precee.aing thence ncr theas terly and along the south li ne of Pa reel= 52 -1 -19 18; 17 of 16 artid 15 to the southeast ecrn =_r of Parcel 52 -1 -15; tv-, 1s a __ �J 1 a p '� iu�a'. I . e Cf ' - i�n e f? r Water I _ 1'•1.= _ �, I 1 �. =.•w F r i� 1 r 1 r '� ;' ~ l..' -• _ �.0 .. t _ _i 1 _ _ 7 t� . _ . _ n�_.r C.Flw�-=-st? -1y ar- alo ng the eas t li ne of Farrel 52 -1 -15 to a *�� rerterllrt� of '� York Stat- Ro °�`e 366; p _�` _�, �C•C° ":t7 tIr!e�ICe S ^`.]�EIw�S`eriy aiCn� Sd: d Ce`EtEr ne fOr 3 d=s`anc e- cf apr'ror: i�ra, -- y 2,110' to a poi rnt marking the sc'utt:east corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding then ce north arm c�Cn.'. -t fs eas'_ llne of said Parcel fC a �lstar.E Gf a )p.rc}:imately 775 to a print; (to a point in the south. line cf the former right of way of Lehigh Valle% railroad F.- �.r.e - ='); proceeding _ her.. . ^e generally sc:`hwes'erly a nd Wes `e. a' � r.g t he s, th : ine of the aban ned -�' lgn Val1�; 1 1 F.a1 1 read proper tJ to a pC int app rox imat eiy 2, 5' eas It cf the cer, ter li ne of Monkey Rin Road (abandoned); proceed= ng thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point �I E marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53-1-179, proceeding • thence west for a distance of approximately 240' to a point the centerline of Monkey Ran Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where sai d centerli ne intersects the south li ne of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line of New York State Pout_e 366; proceedi ng thence southwas terly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Tow n of Dryden Sewer Distr i c t # 2 ( the parcel 1 ines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 an3 5.1 to the L r..!-- or Place of begin ni no . 0 Where've:" r=ference i= rradc2 to a Parcel, said reference- is to Town of Dn*den Tax Map Parcels and such parcel niymbers were taken fray the Tax Maps last revised March 1, 1990 a�3 1 rL CrTt.a ~'1G'? ._ -pe- jai ^1 ng to the reputed owners of parcels 4:aS taken from the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for the Town of D d?n . 0 f I • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins Co calling a public connection with the to be known as the Dryden: 0 unty, New York, adopted the following order hearing for September 8 1992, in establishment of a proposed sewer district Turkey Hill Sewer District of. the Town of C r7 LJ • In the Matter ' of the Establishment of a ' proposed sewer district ' in the Town of Dryden, ' Tompkins County, New York, ' to be known as the Turkey Hill Sewer District of said Town ' ORDER CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, a map, plan and report including an estimate of cost have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment of a proposed sewer district in said Town, such sewer district to be known as Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden, and WHEREAS, said map, plan and report were prepared by Hunt Engineers and Architects of Corning, New York, duly licensed by the State of New York, and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town, where the same are available during regular office hours for examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof, and WHEREAS, the improvements proposed for said Sewer District shall consist of the construction of a sanitary sewer system including approximately 15,515 linear feet of eight -inch gravity sewer main, a pump station and forcemains, 49 manholes, purchase of an interest in the unused capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment plant, and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of said improvements is $914,422, and R I d ) I .2- 0 WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvements is by the issuance of $914,422 serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be annually apportioned and assessed upon the several lots and parcels of land within said Sewer District which the Town Board shall determine and specify to be especially benefitted by the improvements in an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds as the same become due, but if not paid from such source, all the taxable real property in said Town shall be subject to the levy of ad valorem taxes without l.imitation as to rate or amount sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds as • the same become due; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have been determined to be an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said. establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, it is 'now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden in the manner aforesaid; and pursuant to Section 209 -d of the Town Law, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT -3- ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York shall be held at the Town Hall, 65 E. Main Street in Dryden New York, in said Town, on the 8th day of September 1992, at 8:10 o'clock P.M. , Prevailing Time, for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden, the boundaries of such District being as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof and to consider the ma ' p, plan and report including estimate of cost filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in • the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises. Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the Ithaca Journal, the official newspaper of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign -board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid. • Section 3. This order shall take effect immediately. i TURKEY HILL SIN ER IR S TR IC T APPENDIX A --- - - - - -- --------- - - - - -- ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dry den , County of Tompkins and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: HEGI N!E NG at a point in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the i rte.secticn of said centerline with the northwest line of the aba ndc ned Lehigh Valley Railroad property, proceeding t!:ence f rar: said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerli ne of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of a rrc:x i�ate'_y 900' to a point; proceeding thence south land alone t`,e °wes t li ne cf Parcel 56 -5 -20, being •a 14.8 acre +/- pa reel owned by Cornell University (said west line being apprcx imat el 9'.V 4/ w e t of the centerline of Turkey Hi l l Rcad) ana also along the west li nes of Parcels 56 -5 -20; 25.1; 28 and 29 and also along the west li ne of Parcel 57 -1 -7 t sai d wes t li ne being approximately 900' Wes t of the centerli ne- of Tu rkey Hill Road )l to a point in the center li ne of Stevenson Road; proceeding thence east and along said centerline for a di to a point in the centerline of thence nor the_ly and along sai Road to its intersection wit Plea sa nt center 1i ne stance of apprcm imately 900' Turkey Hill Road; proceeding d centerline of Turkey Hill :h the centerline of !fount Road; proceeding thence easterly along the of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of i i Mr 0 approximately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57 -1 -28 ; proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south li ne of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east line of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel `7 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the nor thwest corner of said Farcel; proceeding thence easterly •and along the =oath line o`_ Parcel 57 -1 -20 for •a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line cf Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of apprcy imately 160' to a point ( this point being the southwest corner of Parcel 5.4- 1 -16); proceeding thence nor theaster1y and alona the south parcel lines of Parcels 17.;_ 18; 19; 21; 23 and 26 to the southeast corner of Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57-1-41.2, 41.1. and 42 to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence southerly to the southwest corner of said Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52-1-280 proceeding thence northerly and along the A •I .i• east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north- easterly and along the south line of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52-1-19F proceedi n g thence nor theasterly and along the south li ne of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 131 17; 16 anJ 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; tth is a1 s'? b? nna a bounda r;' line of the Monkey R--in Water • �•lc �-r a-fd M' :-T —K tXJ ='.-p r nor thwes terly and along the east li ne of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a pni n in the cen terli ne cf NENa York State Route 366; FroCeedin^ thence sc:Ithwes terly along said cen ter li ne for a distance of approximately 2,110' to a point marking the so; .3`heas t corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding thence north and along the ear t li ne of said Parcel for a distance of approximately 775' to a point; (to a point in the south line of the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad proper ty) ; proceeai nq thence general' sc: thwesterly and �E:= ter ly along the south line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Rai 1 road proper ty to a point approx imately 275 eas t of the centerli ne of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence • north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point I N • • cr- _.ten.... _ _ . marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53 -1 -17; proceeding thence west for a distance of approximately 240' to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceeding thence south to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road where said centerline intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line 6f New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town of Dryden Sewer District #2 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the point or place of beginning, w7er�V -r reference is made to a Parcel, said reference is to Town of Dryden Tax M,ap Parcels were taken from the Tax Maps last in:ormiaticn "pertaining to the reput taken frcrr, the 1990 Final Assessme D')' de- n . and such parcel numbers revised March 1, 1990 and ed owners of parcels was int Roll for the Town of TB9 -8 -92 page 2 • Atty Perkins - there is no change in the proposal to create a new water and/i.-jr sewer district. The reasr. 1n for the public hearing and the proceedings from this stage -.in are tiza cr.imply with what the State Ccimptroller views as the current state of the law in New York. on who is eligible ti_i vi.-jte in a special district elect i In. Yr.iu will recall the referendum that was held after a petition was filed allowed all owners of taxable real property who lived within the district to � vo•te, all owners of taxable real property within the district even if they didn't live within the district to vote, all electors who reside within the district to vote whether they own property or not, and all citizens 'cif the Untied States aver the age of IS years and have resided within the prc1pc ised district fc-ir s) days. That determination of who could viz it e was made by him and the bond cO Unse 1 W i l 1 k i e, Farr and Gallager in New York City. That was extending the franchise to all of those people who they believed were entitled to vote on the questir.in based Upon the prov i s i j :ins of New Yr.lrk. Town Law and court cases interpreting that sect ic. in .-If the Town Law. The application was Submitted to the State D imptrr. it ler and the State Co mptrrzil ler indicated to � LIS they were ready to � approve the appl icat ir.in and send it r_in to their fiscal affairs unit except for one question. That is the qualification that we put in the opinion r:in the fi_irr,lat ion of the district on the guest ic-in c-if who c� U 1 d vote e had not finally been or conclusively been determined in the State of New York. 'There are several cases b•ith from the • United State Supreme Court and friZim the New YiDrk CQUrt cif Appeals which depending :in how you read them may have eroded the grant of the franchise to all of those people that he ,just stated. Our bend counsel advised LIS they thought the people we alli.iwed to vote was proper and we should submit our application based or, -those people vc it ing in the elections. The State Cr.imptrc l ler took. months to came to grips with that question and finally on the prizimpt i ng of State Senator Seward indicated t o us they felt that they ci_i!!ld nc 1t approve the application because of who we had allowed to vc.te. The did nr.t offer us their opinirn as tC who could vote and left it to us to determine that if we sought to resubmit the applications. The town b• lard determined that we ask. the app]. icat ions be returned to the town and we would take further proceedings co.-insisting with what had indicated to LIS by the Comptroller as to their opinion as to who could vote. This issue is not clear in the State of New York. According to Town Law Section ;. 09e, owners c.if taxable real property within the district can vr. it e, and owners of taxable real property ever, if they don't live within the district can vote. Old opinions of the State Compt ri 1 1 er have allowed corps irat i cins one vi. it e, partnerships one vc- it e, tenants in common each one vote, husbands and wives if they are both j.-in the deed each one vote, and the tradit icIr,al requirements that you are familiar with. A court case which went to the New Yi -.,r %k. State of Appeals in 1975 called Wright vs Town Board said that section of the Town Law is . unconst i t Ut i Gina l . You have limited the franchise t • • only owners of taxable real pri_1perty. • • • TB9 -8-9e: page S You have excluded renters from having the privilege Cif vOt ing arid we feel that this i s Unconst it Ut i onal , deprivation and we feel that it is a violation ion i_if one man one vote rule. Those people tv%ho are tenants and renters within the district also feel the impact because they will pay an increased cost in property taxes and special assessment thri ugh the rents they pay. So for years the Town Law was not changed. The feeling was ami -Dr,g all bond counsel and local attorneys and including the Ci_imptrollers office that You had to read that section of Town Law and Wright vs Town Board to determine who � co old vote. S� � for years that was the way it was done and other districts in the TiDwri of Dryden have been formed under those guidelines as t� o who Could vote in the election. The COur't � � f Appeals recently decided a rase called Hessler which Provided different Pr Ov i s i ons, different articles and different proceedings cif Town Law involving existing water districts. Hessler stands fl .-ir the pr %op,v,siti,e,n that the state legislature can limit the right to vc,te_� in proceedings involving water districts to Conly owners of taxable real property. It was the opinion of Cllr band counsel and his opinion that Wright was still good law and Hessler dealt with a very narrow exception. When the CiDu•rt � �f Appeals decided Hessler, they discussed Wright and did ni.it over rule it and they had the c_1pportunity to ever rule it. Based on that and the Court of Appeals failure to act and the State Legislatures failure for siDme Sig years.to clarify as to who could vote the Comptroller has taken the 1: 1pinic-in that Hessler has over ruled Wright even the iugh the C• curt of Appeals has not dr.tne that. They have indicated to the town they would reject our application if it was based on the franchise being extended acc!irding to those per.1p 1 e in Town Law whose gives a franchise t r. 1 and those use people Wright vs Tj-.1wn Beard gives a right too The T. 1wri Board has indicated t readopt a public interest order after the public hearing being held tr.1night fair bi_ith Turkey Hill water and Turkey H i l l sewer districts. Those use public interest orders will be ads ipted subject to a permissive referendum. This time we will h� 1ld the election in a different manner. Depending ,,in the opinion that we have requested fry Irii the Comptroller's Office we may still allow the franchise to be extended to allow all those people. However, we will di � it with a system of coded ballots. No one w i l l kni_1w who voted which way, but we w i l l be able tr. 1 know how many owners of taxable real property voted yes or rno and how many qualified voters v• it ed yes or no. This is a system that has been employed in other special town elections around the state and has been approved by the State C• imptri.- I11er. Supv Schug - the only other option was to sue the State which could take 1C) years. Robert Kellogg, 1226 Dryden Rd. - was concerned about coding of the ball,.-Its and knowing how they would vote. l "1Es9 -8 -9� page 4 PUBLIC HEARING #5 SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 TURKEY HILL SEWER DISTRICT Supv Schug called the public hearing to order at 8 e 15PM Supv Schug AND/OR read the -- discussion ni-. 1t ice that proposed water was published in the newspaper concerning Turkey Hill sewer district. QUESTION AND/OR COMMENTS -- discussion was held cc-incern i ng both h proposed water and sewer districts. At t y Perkins - nobody wants to kniDw how any particular person voted. He is only suggesting that because it is not clear there is a l eg i t i mate legal disagreement among at t i_irneys and courts throughl.-lUt the state. The State Cl: imptrizil ler is suggesting this is one way to s1: 1lve the problem. Nobs idy wants t• � know hr.1w any specific individual votes. The ceding of the ballots would only allow us to krn•w hi_iw many ric-in property r.twners that would qualify and how many property cnwners voted. Helen Lang - suppi:ise the pry iperty owners turn it down and the total number of vi_Ites apprc.ive it c. it vice versa then do you submit it n o matter how it comes � iut and YOU have to wait months to find out what the final decision would be. Atty Perkins - t been any clarifi submit the appl i the district and disapprove i t w and would be out h l Ij cat cat YCI u 1 d 1f ght that it would depend on ii.-in in the status c-if the la ion. If you have a total vo u are able to � say that the be up to the Comptroller's our hands at that time. Robert Kirk, TUrkey Hill Rd. - wanted to know another vote is there a mechanism for absentee denied the last time? whether w at the to that property Office there has time we approves owners to decide since there will be ballots which was At t y Perkins - the Town Board has not considered registration for this specific elect ic.1n, sc, there will n• 1t be absentee voting. Alice Barkdr_I11, 1301 Dryden Rd. - they are in favor of the district for the people that can afford it. She knows that it is an advantage for them who have new h� imes and a husband and wife who are working, but in their case they have 7. ived there over 50 years and they hi_Iped t� I retire there. Since this has happened they will not be able ti::i stay there because they couldn't afford it. She was wondering if there wi Auld be any assistance for people in their situation. Rupert Hall, Turkey Hill Rd. - if the ground water contamination continues in their area they will all be stu.ck., becau.se you want even be able to sell your hi'Duse. There are houses in the area now that will not pass either the water or septic test. Closed pUblic hearing 8a30PM F` TB9 -8 -92 page 5 • PUBLIC HEARING #E SEPTEMBER 8, 199: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS Supv Schug called the Public hearing to � order at 80 30PM SL(pv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the zoning amendments. (copy in minute book) QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENTS - none Closed public hearing - 8040PM TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, 199E Supv Schug called the board meeting to order Members and guests participated in the Fledge of Allegiance •Roll call was by the Town Clerk Present 0 Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Hatfield, Clm Corrigan, Atl y Parkin% and Z. O. Slater Absent 0 Clm Baker Approval of the minutes0 Motion was made by Clm Robert s and 2nd by Clm Corr i gan that the minutes cif Aug 11th be approved. Carried U Supv Schug appointed Clm Hatfield to � audit the general fund bills= COUNTY BRIEFING Co. Rep. Watros - the main topic at the county level is the 8 per cent sales tax which will prcid uce scime 8 m i 1 1 i cin dizi l l ars in revenue. This is a 1 year law until December 31, 1993. Of that 13 months revenue one quarter of the 6 mcinths period will be divided among the towns or the city, so you can predict some additional revenue for next year. The legislation wo u l d only be approved by the state le9islatc1r for only a one year period. This means that next year vie will have to consider whether we go back to the one percent increase again whether we look. at alternate means of revenue c it look. at possible reduction in costs. A • • E NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS TOWN OF DRYDEN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York, on the 8th day of September, 1992, at 8:20 P.M. prevailing time, to consider proposed amendments to the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance. The Town Board reserves the right, in the manner provided by law, to enact any, some or all of the proposals. The proposed amendments are as follows. PROPOSAL 1. Section 702(l) of Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows: 702(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 301000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL 2. Section 753(1) of Article VII -A of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows. 753(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL 3. Section 803(1) of Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three sections to read as follows: 803(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at i • least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL 40 Section 904 (1) of Article IX of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows: 904(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL S. Sections 1800; 1801; 1802 and 1803 of Article XVIII of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to read as follows. Section 1800. Enforcement. • This ordinance shall be enforced by a person designated by the Town Board by resolution, ordinance or local law who shall not, except by written instruction from the Town Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, issue any Zoning Permit or Certificate of Occupancy for any building or land use which is not in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances, local laws, and rules and regulations pertaining thereto. Section 1801. Zoning Permits. 1. No construction in any district shall be begun, enlarged or extended or any work commenced that will change the present use of any structure without a Zoning Permit issued by the person designated by the Town Board. No mobile home, replacement mobile home, or extension thereof, shall be placed on any lot without the required Zoning Permit. 2. Every applicant for a Zoning Permit shall state in writing the intended use of the building or mobile home and shall furnish a sketch, survey or other drawing in such scale and detail as may be required by the person charged with issuing the Zoning Permit which shall show the lot shape, dimensions and indicate the size, shape and location of the building, all easements, rights -of -way, significant topographical features and proposed and existing • driveways and landscaping. 3. A Zoning Permit shall expire 12 months from the date of • issuance unless there has been substantial progress for which the Permit was issued. Such Permit shall be posted or displayed in a conspicuous place and shall face the nearest public road. 4. No charge for a Zoning Permit shall be made for the erection, enlargement or extension of any auxiliary farm buildings, exclusive of farm residences. 5. No building or mobile home shall be occupied without first obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy from the person charged with enforcing this ordinance. This provision shall apply to any construction or work done or placement or replacement of any building or mobile home for which a Zoning Permit is required, whether or not a fee has been charged. 6. The fees for Zoning Permits, Certificate of Occupancy, Building Permits and fees for other permits shall be as provided herein or in such other local law, ordinance, rule or regulation as may be promulgated by the Town. Section 1802. Certificate of Occupancy. Each property owner shall be responsible for compliance with all terms of this ordinance affecting his property. Upon proper • application and inspection the person charged with enforcing this ordinance shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy when satisfied that the proposed use complies with this ordinance and that the buildings have been erected and the site developed in accordance with the approved plans. Section 1803. Health Department Requirements. No Zoning Permit or Certificate of Occupancy issued under the terms of this Article shall become or remain valid unless the holder thereof complies with the rules and regulations of the Tompkins County Sanitary Code as they pertain to individual water supplies and on -site sewage disposal systems. No permit shall be issued unless the person charged with enforcing this ordinance has written proof of the prior approval of the Health Department for such water supply and sewage disposal system. PROPOSAL 6. Article XXIV of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed in its entirety and a Article XXIV is enacted to read as follows: Article XXIV: FEES, COSTS AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: 1. Except as where otherwise provided in this ordinance or any other ordinance or local law or rule or regulation of the Town of Dryden, the fees, costs and reimbursable expenses required by I CI 40 this Article shall be is made or an appeal paid when billed and paid to the Town at the time an application filed except reimbursable expenses shall be in any event before any permit is issued. 2. Zoning Permits and Certificate of Occupancy (Section 1801). When the cost of the proposed construction as determined by the person charged with enforcing this ordinance is under $10,000.00 the fee is $25.00. Where the cost of such construction is over $10,000.00 the fee is $75.00. No additional fee shall be charged for a Certificate of Occupancy where a fee was paid for a Zoning Permit. 3. Filing an appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals (Section 1902). The fee is $50.00. 4. Application for a planned unit development (Section 2206). The fee is $150.00. 5. Site plan approval application [Section 2302.3(B)]. Where the proposed structure is 2,000 square feet or less the fee is $100.00. Where the proposed structure is over 2,000 square feet the fee is $250.00. 6. Special permit [Section structure is 2,000 square feet or the proposed structure is over $250.00. 1303(1)(h)]. Where the proposed less the fee is $100.00. Where 2,000 square feet the fee is 7. Reimbursable costs, fees and disbursements. The reasonable and necessary costs, fees and disbursements incurred by the Town or its officials for consultation or review by professionals including architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors, attorneys or others, on any application for a Zoning Permit, Certificate of Occupancy, appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, application for subdivision approval, application for a planned unit development, application for a special permit or application for a special permit for a mobile home park shall be paid by the applicant. These amendments shall take effect after publication and as provided by law. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, at the aforementioned time and place all citizens shall be afforded the opportunity to voice their approval or opposition of said amendments. Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk TB9 -8 -92 page E • Co Rep. Watros - the opposit ic_in to DR7 is increasing and there will be additional discussions in the next few rnn_inths. By year end he thinks they will be forced to reconsider because we have the 1andr.fwners protectir.in program and property is not m wing. So more and rni-. 1re of those properties are coming to the ci-Jun t y and asking the cl-jurity to buy them out. This means we will have to appropriate mr.ire money next year. He thinks that all county board members w i l l give serious reconsideration as to DR7 w i l l ever be a reality. If, in their minds it is not ge.:iing to be a reality they are not going ti_j want ti_l c� irit iriue to buy property in the West Dryden area. That in itself will force a decision. Clrn Hatfield - wanted tr.1 know the status r.1f the trash haulers hauling ti-. i the correct facilities. Co. Rep. Watrl :ls - the hauling is still in dispute. There are laws now requiring the ci_ntrol � �f the solid waste that it shall flow to the county landfill. There will be litigation r. in the part of the county to proceed tc.1 the next step to get then, in ci.-impl iancbe. In the meantime the ci -Junty is 1cnrking at alternate means of financing the solid waste program. They now have a tipping fee arid addition to that there will be a users fees which will be assessed on the basis of occupancy. This is designed so that the tax exempt parcels would pay a fee. Also � a small fee of the budget is being considered to be raised through the real pri- .jperty • tax, which wi.nuld be used to close the r.11d landfill. Nothing has been finalized at this time and he would like the boards opinions. The present $145.00 per ton is made up c- if abr.iut $70.00 transport waste, abr.,ut $60.00 for recycling pry gram arid the balance is capital program ci.- fists. The cr.iunty is now shy in of aboUt one million dollars because the haulers did n• i•t bring their waste to the c� ur,ty landfill. Clm Corrigan - wanted explained how the user fee aceording to occupancy was gi :jing to � work. Co. Rep. Watri •s - he is pessimistic about the administration of that program, because it is very complex. There w• iuld be categories if users, such as apartment buildings and businesses which is based on traditir_inal vi-.11umes that they would contribute. Thri Hugh the tax bill they are proposing sing _y• u would put a line itern ,_in the bill and bill this with the taxes which would be a user fee. The problem he sees is how d• � y. ii_t identify a 10 unit apartment fri_im an 8 unit apartment and what happens when people have guests. It has its merits frizzim the standpoint that it will the tax exempt, the fraternities and sororities, etc. Supv Schi_ig - wizindered if the county was still moving forward with -the central pr• 1cessing facility? • 1 (?7 9 I 0 • CI TOWN OF DRYDEN 0 DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 607 - 844 -8619 OFFICE OF THE SUPERVISOR Mahlon Perkins P.O. Box 27 Dryden, NY 13053 In the Heart of the Finger Lakes August 18, 1992 Re: Qualified Road Abandonments Of Certain Town Roads Dear Mahlon. Attached for your information is a response from William Mobbs, Commissioner of Public Works /Co. Supt of Highways. The last paragraph says it all in that the Town's action is proper and we can continue on and formalize 'the qualified abandonment of the roads presented. You are to prepare the statement necessary which we will be responsible to sign to complete the process of the subject. /m cc: Town Board w /att Don Gilbert w /att Henry Slater w /att Clint Cotterill w /att sanne Lloyd w /att George Schlecht w /att Sincerely J 6s F. erviso i i 0 • 11 TOMPKINS COU William J. Mobbs Commissioner Date: August 10,1992 Te )OEiii PART", It OF PUBLIC WORKS. 262 luz $I hT 7 IN I Hwy's To: Jim Schug - Supervisor, Town of Dryden From: William J. Mobbs - Comm. of Public Works /Co. Supt. of Subject: Qualified Abandonment of Certain Town Roads - Town of Dryden Follow up to the Public Hearing - Town of Dryden 6/11/92 on June 11th at 12:00 noon in the village of Dryden offices, a public hearing was held in compliance with Section 205 of the Highway Law regarding the qualified abandonment of certain roads in the Town of Dryden. The purpose of this meeting was to comply with the Highway Law which requires that a public hearing be held by the County Superintendent of Highways prior to determining whether the County Superintendent concurs with the Town in its' determination that certain highways should be abandoned under this provision. Therefore, in compliance with this requirement and after hearing comments from the interested public, the following comprises my response to the Town proposal. A qualified abandonment of a highway right -of -way in summary permits the Town to maintain the "ownership" of a right -of -way without a responsibility or obligation to maintain it as a highway. Based on my review of the proposal of Town Resolution No. 68 dated January 14,1992, the following points are relevant. 1) For maintaine passage i accumulat and trees the mos d nor h s next ions of t part, the highways in question are not now ave they been in several years. In many cases, to impossible due to severe rutting and water together with the encroachment of brush 2) Public comment was made at the hearing regarding the devaluation in property value as a result of the Town taking an action which would place these roads in a condition of qualified abandonment. 3) The Town Attorney indicated that under the condition of a qualified abandonment, that individual adjacent property owners could place gates across the right -of -way although they could not be in a locked condition. 4) Comment was made regarding the proposed sale of certain AIRPORT BUILDINGS & GROUNDS ENGINEERING HIGHWAYS SOLID WASTE 4M toRecycled paper i • parcels which were implied to be conditional on the Town not placing these roads in a condition of qualified abandonment. 5) A representative from Cornell University indicated that research plots in the area of one such road would be subjected to vandalism and other unwelcome activity if the roads were placed in qualified abandonment. The preferenced expressed was that the roads be placed in full abandonment which would allow the property owners to deny access to the public. G) Several comments were expressed at the public hearing which would indicate that the status quo was preferable to the Town taking action for qualified abandonment. 7) Certain property owners feel that they would be" unable to obtain a building permit because of zoning law requirements. This in fact appears to be true in that the applicant would need to apply for a variance from existing zoning law in order to obtain a permit. Having heard all of the above and in consideration of them the following statements are appropriate: a) In terms of real impact on the roads in question, the placement of these roads in qualified abandonment would result in no apparent change in the level of maintenance from what has been • experienced in the past several years. From a practical standpoint, the roads have been in qualified abandonment by virtue of the inaction of the Town to maintain such roads. It appears that the Towns interest in pursuing a qualified abandonment is to allow the practice of the past several years to continue for the foreseeable future. Without the qualified abandonment classification it would be possible for certain land owners to demand that the Town perform their duty to maintain a Town road. The Town, by their resolution to place such roads in qualified abandonment, appears to be reflecting the interest of the general Town population in their unwillingness to be taxed to maintain highways which serve the purposes of relatively few individuals, or in some cases an individual, who may demand that such maintenance be performed. In the majority of cases, the roads in question traverse State lands wherein the adjacent property owner is a tax exempt entity. Therefore, it is likely that any taxes which might accrue from adjacent property owners would be insufficient to maintain such roadways. The Town's action to place the subject roads in a condition of qualified abandonment is an attempt to put the public on notice that the practices of the Town over the,past several years will be continued and that they may not make claim on the Town to do otherwise. In the interest of majority rule, it • appears to me that this is a reasonable action on the part of the Town and if future events change the circumstances which have caused this determination to be made on the part of the Town, then the • right -of -way can be removed from this classification by Town Board action and maintenance be assumed on these roads. At the same time, any property owner who suffers a reduction in property value as a result of such action, should be considered for a , reassessment of their property values for tax assessment purposes. A contact with the County Director of Assessment confirms that this would be reasonable cause for a review of•the assessed value of a property and such.a request for review would be appropriate. The concerns of Cornell University and their stated preference for a total abandonment is another subject and could be pursued separately with the Town. At no time during the public hearing was it stated that occupants or owners of adjacent lands had in the past attempted to have the Town perform their duty on sSuch toads- and - therefore implied their tacit approval of the Town's informal decision to withhold the expenditure of maintenance effort on these roads, which was, in effect, to place them.in an informal state of qualified abandonment. In summary therefore, it appears that the action of the Town is proper and will not cause injustice or hardship tb the owners or occupants of any-land adjoining the subject roads, in i consideration of the opportunities for redress that are open to. them. This act on the part of the Town is a formalization of i informal actions over the past several years, and I concur with the Town's action to place these roads in qualified abandonment. PW16:65 • I //D 616689 -8 -92' page 7 Co. Rep. Watri--15 - that is mc_iving fi .-Irward, but it is being scaled back. It was estimated at 3 1/2 milli • 1n or 4 million prr.i j ect and the bids came it at 9 million dollars. He thinks that it will be in the area of 4 1/2 million di.-il lays. The primary reason that it is moving ahead is whatever happens to waste is that it is going to be packaged in se.ime form to transpi -zirt if that is the sc_Iluti"n. There w i l l also be a lot • • f recyc 1 ab 1 es that w i l l be processed through this facility. Clm offered Corrigan li-. 1wing resolution - wanted tc_1 kni-.1w his view on the increase in the sales asked for. its adeptione tax. Co. Rep. Wat ros - thought ought t hat this was a much better source of revenue then the real property tax because it hits the tax exempt as well as the taxable people. One condition with moving this sales tax forward was because it reduce the real priDperty tax in 1993. His opinion is that it should at least gi � back by 2'0 percent. If the cOUnty ti_tok all of the m•1ney fri•m the increase sales tax and applied them ti -.1 the real property tax it would be ab' DUt 41 percent in reduction. COUNC 1' LMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts - had received petition for extension of cable service r.in Thy imas R� iad. • ATTORNEY RESOLUTION #156 PROPOSEEI:) LOCAL LAW #6 SCLIWC RULES & REGULATIONS Clm Corrigan offered the fi -.11 to wing resolution and asked for its adapt iono RESOLVED, that this Town Bciard introduce L� Ica 1 Law #6 - 1992' SCLIWC Rules & Regulations and schedule a public hearing on Oct. 13th at 7 e 3OPM. 2nd Clm Hatf i e l d Roll call vc_it e - a l l voting Yes RESOLUTION #157 SCHEDULE PUBLIC HEARING w)C.eL I WC:I AGREEMENT. TO CHANGE WATER RATE SCHEDULE Clm Roberts offered the fol li-. 1wing resolution and asked for. its adeptione RESOLVED, that this T• iwn B Dard schedule a public hearing for SCLIWC Agreement to change the water rate schedule on Oct. 13th at 7 a 4i PM. G=rid Clm Corri gars Ri -.111 call vote - all voting Yes Atty Perkins - circulated to the bi .-Iard members a certificate of qualified r r.lad abandonments that have been signed by the county highway superintendent and the town highway superintendent and will then be filed with the town clerk.. a • e • • ,Local Law Filing NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE 162 WASHINGTON AVENUE, ALBANY, NY 12231 (Use this form to file a local law with the Secretary of State.) - Text of law should be given as amended. Do not include matter being eliminated and do not use italics or underlining to indicate new matter. 11 M9 Town xulp of Dryden too. Local Law No. 3 of the year 19 92 A local law .Pertainin& to Permits. Inspection and Fees under the Uniform Fire Preventionrt ....... ............................... 1Uk* and Building Code and other Ordinances and'LocaY Laws Be it enacted by the ..............T.own „Board go. ... .................. ............................... (Name of Legislative Body) of the s. of 10060 ........................................................................... ............................... as follows: (If additional space is needed, attach Pages the same size as this sheet, and number each.) DOS-239 (Rev. 7/90) (l) • r: • 4 1. RULES PERTAINING TO PERMITS, INSPECTION AND FEES UNDER THE UNIFORM FIRE PREVENTION AND BUILDING CODE AND OTHER ORDINANCES AND LOCAL LAWS Introductio (a) Local Law No. 1 of the year 1988 adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden on May 10, 1988 and effective May 16, 1988 provides for the enforcement by the Town of Dryden of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (herein the Uniform Code). (b) The following procedural rules shall pertain to such enforcement by the Code Enforcement Officer (CEO) and the other individuals designated and authorized to administer and enforce the (1) The New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code (2) The Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance (3) The Town of Dryden Mobile Home Ordinance (4) The Town of Dryden Mobile Home Park Ordinance (5) The Electrical Code of the Town of Dryden (6) Flood Damage Prevention Local Law and all other laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to the plans, specifications, or permits for the construction, alteration, and repair of buildings and structures, and the installation and use of materials and equipment therein, and the location, use and occupancy thereof. (c) These procedural rules are hereby adopted by the Town i a • Board and the Code Enforcement Officer to be effective October 11 1992. All permits, fees, certificates, services, inspection, etc. on or after such effective date shall be subject to these rules and the fees set forth herein even if application or construction, demolition, etc. shall have commenced prior to such effective date. 2. (a) No person, firm, corporation, association or other organization shall commence the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, improvement, relocation, removal or demolition of any building or structure, except a nonresidential farm building or structure, nor install heating equipment, without having applied for and obtained a permit from the Town of Dryden. • No permit shall be required for the performance of necessary repairs which do not materially affect structural elements, and /or Plumbing, electrical or heating /ventilation systems, including, for example, the repair of' siding and roofing with like or similar materials, nor for the erection of fences, nor for the construction of noncommercial storage facilities of less than 140 square fee of gross floor area. Such work shall nevertheless be done in conformance with the Uniform Code. (b) Applications for a building permit or demolition permit may be obtained from the Town of Dryden Code Enforcement Officer. A completed application may be delivered or mailed to the Town of Dryden Code Enforcement Officer, Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, Dryden, New York 13053, and must include: (1) a signature of the applicant or authorized agent; E I I i • (2) a description of the site on which the proposed work is to be done; (3) a statement of the use or occupancy of all parts of the lands and of the proposed building or structure; (4) a brief description of the proposed works (5) the full name and address of the owner and the applicant and, if either be a corporation, the names and addresses of responsible officers; (6) two [2) sets of plans and specifications for the proposed work which plans and specifications will be retained by the Town of Dryden; and (7) the fee specified in these Rules; and • (8) A copy of, or proof of all other necessary permits, such as Tompkins County Health Department, SCLIMWC, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, etc. The applicant may request that the requirement of plans and specifications be waived where the work to be done involves minor alterations or where such plans and specifications are otherwise unnecessary. (c) The applicant shall notify the Town of Dryden of any changes in the information contained in the period for which the permit is in effect. A when the application has been determined t the proposed work is determined to conform • the Uniform Code. The authority conferred application during the permit shall be issued o be complete and when to the requirements of by such permit may be a I limited by conditions, if any, contained therein. • (d) A permit issued pursuant to this Part shall be Prominently displayed on the � property or premi ses pertains, to which it (e) A permit issued Pursuant to these Rules may be suspended or revoked if it is determined that the work to which it ert is not proceeding in conformance with the Uniform alns j form Code or with any condition attached to such permit, or if there has misrepresentation or falsification of a material fact been a with the a in connection application for the permit. i (f) A building permit issued pursuant to this Part fo purpose of erecting, the g constructing, enlarging, altering, improving, or relocating any buildin g or structure or for the . installin 9 heating purpose of ng equipment shall expire one [1] year from the date of issuance or upon the issuance of a certif (other than a temporary certicate of occupancy ificate of issuance of or upon the a certificate of com letion p whichever occurs first. A demolition permit issued pursuant to this Part for the removing or demolishing any building or structure shall urpose of [6] months from the date of issuance or upon 11 expire six P n the issuance of a certification of complete ion of the permitted work, whichever occurs first. A building permit may, upon written request, be renewed for successive one [1] year periods. A demolition written re permit may, upon quest, be renewed for successive six [6] month periods. Renewals of permits may be granted only if: (1) the permit has not been revoked or suspended p d at the time the application for renewal is made; I • (2) the work contemplated by the permit is not then in violation of any applicable code, permit, ordinance, local law, rule or statute; (3) the relevant information in the application is up to date; and (4) any applicable renewal fee is paid. 3. Certificates of occupancy and completion. (a) Upon completion of all projects for which a building or demolition permit has been issued, the property owner shall obtain a certificate of occupancy or completion. No building erected subject to the Uniform Code and these Rules shall be used or occupied, except to the extent provided in this section, until a • certificate of occupancy has been issued. No building similarly enlarged, extended, or altered, or upon which work has been performed which required the issuance of a building or demolition permit shall be occupied or used for more than thirty (30] days after the completion of the alteration or work unless a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion has been issued. (b) No change shall be made in the nature of the occupancy of an existing building unless a certificate of occupancy authorizing the change has been issued. The owner or occupant of such building must demonstrate that such change will conform with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Code before a certificate of occupancy will be issued. (c) A temporary certificate of occupancy may be issued if the • building or structure or a designated g portion of a building or I structure is sufficiently complete so that it may be safely put to the use for which it is intended. A temporary certificate of occupancy shall expire six (6) months from the date of issuance or at an earlier date if specified thereon. A temporary certificate of occupancy may, at the discretion of the Town of Dryden, be renewed an indefinite number of times. (d) No certificate of occupancy or completion shall be issues unless: (1) An inspection is conducted which indicates substantial completion of any work for which a permit has been issued; (2) no uncorrected deficiency or material violation of the Uniform Code is observed within the area for • work which for which the certificate is to be issued; and (3) any applicable fee is paid. 4. inspections. (a) Work for which a permit has been issued under these Rules shall be inspected at appropriate stages of the project. Work shall be inspected prior to enclosing or covering any portion thereof and upon completion of each stage of construction or demolition, including but not limited to building location, site preparation, excavation, foundation, framing, superstructure, electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating and air conditioning. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, applicant, or his • agent to inform the Town of Dryden that the work is ready for i i i I • inspection and to schedule such inspection. (b) Buildings shall be subject to periodic inspections for compliance with the Uniform Code on a yearly basis. Notwith- standing any requirement of this subdivision to the contrary, no regular, periodic inspections of owner occupied dwelling units shall be required, provided, however, that this shall not be a limitation on inspections conducted at the invitation of the occupant or where conditions on the premises threaten or present a hazard to public health, safety or welfare. (c) Areas of public assembly as defined in Part 606 of Title 9 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations shall be subject to a fire safety inspection at least once (1) per year. (d) Multiple dwellings and all non - residential occupancies of • buildings shall be subject to fire safety inspections at least once every three (3) years. (e) Notwithstanding any requirement of this section (4) to the contrary, any building or area subject to inspection which shall be the subject of a bona fide complaint regarding conditions or activities allegedly failing to comply with any permit or certificate issued under these Rules or with the Uniform Code shall be subject to immediate inspection and as often as necessary to determine if such building or area is in compliance with any such permit, certificate, the Uniform Code or other applicable codes, local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, etc, which are the responsibility of the Town of Dryden to enforce. 5. orders and violations. (a) Except as may be provided elsewhere in these Rules the i. I I � • inspection and to schedule such inspection. (b) Buildings shall be subject to periodic inspections for compliance with the Uniform Code on a yearly basis. Notwith- standing any requirement of this subdivision to the contrary, no regular, periodic inspections of owner occupied dwelling units shall be required, provided, however, that this shall not be a limitation on inspections conducted at the invitation of the occupant or where conditions on the premises threaten or present a hazard to public health, safety or welfare. (c) Areas of public assembly as defined in Part 606 of Title 9 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations shall be subject to a fire safety inspection at least once (1) per year. (d) Multiple dwellings and all non - residential occupancies of • buildings shall be subject to fire safety inspections at least once every three (3) years. (e) Notwithstanding any requirement of this section (4) to the contrary, any building or area subject to inspection which shall be the subject of a bona fide complaint regarding conditions or activities allegedly failing to comply with any permit or certificate issued under these Rules or with the Uniform Code shall be subject to immediate inspection and as often as necessary to determine if such building or area is in compliance with any such permit, certificate, the Uniform Code or other applicable codes, local laws, rules, regulations, statutes, etc, which are the responsibility of the Town of Dryden to enforce. 5. orders and violations. (a) Except as may be provided elsewhere in these Rules the i. I • inspections required by section 4 of these Rules will be performed by employees or agents of the Town of Dryden. Such inspectors are authorized to order in writing: (1) that any condition in violation of the Uniform Code or these Rules existing in, on, or about any building or structure be corrected within a specified period of time; (2) that work on a building or structure which is progressing in violation of the Uniform Code or these Rules be stopped until the Town of Dryden is satisfied that such violation has been or will be corrected; and (3) that a building or structure constructed or maintained in violation off the Uniform code or these Rules not be occupied. (b) Orders to correct violations Rules shall be served in person upon authorized agent or by registered mail responsible party. Stop work orders shall be served in person upon a authorized agent, or by certified or of the Uniform Code a responsible party sent to the address and not be occupied responsible party registered mail sent )r these or his of such orders or his to the address of the responsible party, or by posting such order in a conspicuous spot upon the building or structure which is the subject of such order. If an address for a responsible party has been set forth in any relevant application for a permit or in any relevant certificate, that address is the one which shall be used • for service of an order when the order is served by mail. A I I • responsible party who fails to comply with any order issued by the Town of Dryden shall be subject to a penalty as provided by law. (c) When a stop work order has been issued in connection with a particular project, no work shall proceed on that project until the stop work order has been rescinded or unless the specific work to be undertaken has been approved in writing by the Town of Dryden. When a not to be occupied order has been issued by the Town of Dryden, except for the purposes of inspecting or securing the building or structure, no building or structure which is the subject of such an order shall be occupied until such order is rescinded or unless the occupancy is specifically approved in writing by the Town of Dryden. • 6. Third-party inspections. A person subject to inspection under section 4 of these Rules may be required by the Town of Dryden to have such inspection performed at his own cost and expense by a competent inspector acceptable to the Town of Dryden. Such inspector may be a registered architect, licensed professional engineer, certified code enforcement officer, or other person whose experience and training has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Town of Dryden. Such inspector shall certify the results of his inspection to the Town of Dryden. Any person required by the Town to have an inspection performed at his own cost and expense shall not be assessed the fees otherwise prescribed in this Part. 7. Fees, (a) Fees for building permits. I i i i • (1) New construction: (i) one and two family dwellings; (a) one and two family homes including accessory structures constructed contemporaneously. First 1,500 square feet of area...* 200 Each additional 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 100 (b) siting of a mobile home .................$ 50 (ii) multiple dwellings including accessory structures constructed contemporaneously: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ........... ...........................$200 (iii) installation of an approved factory manu- factored home: First dwelling unit or sleeping room ........$ 100 Each additional dwelling unit or sleeping room...:...... ..............................$ 50 (iv) garages, swimming pools, and other miscell- aneous structures not constructed contempor- aneously with the construction of a dwelling: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction .. ther e o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 0 (v) sheds or other miscellaneous storage struc- tures =under 500 square feet ................$ 25 (vi) general building construction: • Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ...... ..............................$ 200 I • (2) Additions, alterations and renovations: (i) fees for projects which involve the alteration and /or renovation of an existing structure or a portion thereof as well as the construction of an addition onto the existing building shall be computed solely on the basis of the square footage of the proposed addition. additions. (a) one and two family dwellings: Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ....... ..............................$ 100 (b) multiple dwellings: • Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ....... ..............................$ 200 (c) garages, swimming pools or other miscell- aneous accessory structures. Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ....... ..............................$ 50 (d) general building construction. Each 1,000 square feet of area or fraction thereof ....... ..............................$ 200 (iii) alterations and renovations: (a) one and two family dwellings including structures accessory thereto ................$ 75 (b) multiple dwellings including structures is accessory thereto: (1) alteration or renovation to an I i • 0 electrical, heating, ventilation, air conditioning or plumbing system or to any combination thereof .................$ 200 (2) other types of alterations or renovations including structural alter- ations or renovations: Each dwelling unit or sleeping room to be altered or renovated ...............$ 50 (3) alterations or renovation to an area not included as part of a dwelling unit or sleeping room .................$ 200 (c) general building construction: (1) alteration or renovation to an electrical,heating, ventilation, air conditioning or plumbing system or to any combination thereof ...............$ 200 (2) other types of alterations or reno- vations including structural alterations or renovations: Each 11000 square feet of area or frac- tion thereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0 0 i I 0 I 1 � (Complete the certification in the paragraph that applies to the filing of this local law and strike out that which is not applicable.) 1. (Final adoption by local legislative body only.) I hereby certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the (f3o=iyMW(Town )tV;El9ap)xof Dryden Town Board on September 8 1 _, in accordance with the ap (Name o Leg attve Body) 3 of 1992 was duly passed by the cable provisions of law.; (Passage by local legislative body with approval, no disapproval or repassage after disapproval by the Elective Chief Executive Officer'.) I herebi of the ( =,r certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. unty)(City)(Town)(Village) of - - was duly pas eau a va o v on 1_, and was (approved)(not, disapproved)(repa disapproval) by a and was deemed duly adopted on (Elective to Executive Officer') in accordance with t applicable provisions of law. I 3. (Final adoption by referen m.) thereby certify that the local law • of the (County)(City)(Town)(Village _ Name of Legislative Body on disapproval) by the nexed hereto, designated as local law Hof submitted to the people by reason of a (mandator! vote of a majority of the qualified electors voting 19 S in accordance with the api 19_, and was ( on of I iy the after 19 I of 19 was duly passed by the )(not disapproved)(repassed after 19_ Such local law was ssOA) referendum, and received the affirmative /at the (general)(special)(annual) election held on provisions of law. 4. (Subject to permissive referendum and f fial adoption becaus no valid petition was filed requesting referndum.) P I hereby certify that the local law an xed hereto, designated as local of the (Count y)(City)(Town;' Villa of disapproval) by the Permissive referendu in accordance withA 19_, and was (app No. of 19 was duly passed by the not disapproved)(repassed after i E F on 19 \as ocal law was subject to e e Chief Executive Officer and no valid petition requesting such referendum was 19 , applica ble provisions of law. ' Electve Chief Executive Officer mepns or Includes the chief executive officer of a county elected NIC county -wide basis or, if there be none, the chairman of the county legislating body, the mayor of or village, or the supervisor of a town where such officer is vested with the power to approve or veto It laps or ordinances. (2) LJ City local law concerning Charter revision proposed by petition.) I hereby tify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law No. of the City o of 1 having been submitted to referendu suant to the provisions of sec ' 36)(37) of the Municipal Home Rule Law, and having received th Irmative vote of a majority of the quali i lectors of such city voting thereon at the (special)(gen election held on 19_, became o ive. 6. (County local law concerning adoption of ChAvtgIr I hereby certify that the local law anneto of the County of the electors at the Gene ection of November section 33 of the tcipal Home Rule Law, and qualified ors of the cities of said county as a of ' county considered as a unit voting at said designated as loca No. of 19 State of ork, having been submitted toy 19 , pursuant bdivisions S and 7 of having received the affirmative vote o ajority of the unit and of a majority of the qualified elector the towns general election,, became operative. (If any other authorized form of final adoption has been followed, please provide an appropritate certification..) 1 further certify that I have compared the preceding local law with the original on file in this office and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original local law, and was finally adopted in the manner indicated in paragraph I , above. (Seal) or officer designated by local Date: September 9, 1992 ative body (Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorneys Village Attorney or other authorized Attorney of locality.) STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF Tompkins 1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all proper proceedings have been had or taken for the enactment of the Alocal law anneXt&'hereto. Signature `Mahlon R. rkins Town Attoney Title Town of Dryden Vs Date: September 9, 1992 (3) TB9 -2 -92 page 8 TOWN CLERK Appoint dog enumerator for the year 1992 RESOLUTION #158 APPOINT DOG ENUMERATOR MARGARET VERNIER- SINGER Clm Roberts 1-. Iffered the fl-. 11 11Miwing resolution and asked for its adopt ion RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint dog enumeratc-Ir for the T•±wn of Dryden pay $1.35 per dog enumerated. Margaret Corrigan Vernier 11 Dwing reSiDl Ut - Singer as for the year 199` RESOLVED, -provision Treatment. that in and to 2nd Clm Corr^ i g an Roll call vote -- all voting RESOLUTION #159 LOCAL LAW #C - -• 1992 ZONING PFZOCEDURES Yes Clm Corrigan offered the fr11 11 Dwing reSiDl Ut iOn arid asked for its adopt ionan (copy in minute book) RESOLVED, -provision Treatment. that in Local and Clm Hatfield Roll call v•ite - all voting Yes Perkins 1 Law #2 RESOLUTION #160 LOCAL_ LAW #4 -- 1992 Clm Hatfield adopt ion, offered MAKING the folli_twing N DETERM rest.-, I ut i on arid asked IN for its RESOLVED, -provision Treatment. that in Local this Town #4 - Board 1992 92 direct amending At t y L� Ica Perkins 1 Law #2 to redraft - 1984 TO & a Sewage 2nd C l m Corrigan TURKEY THE ESTABL_ I Roll call v c - i t e - a 1 1 voting Yes TOWN vOF; I t� S C:OIJ>r TYR. NEW YORKA Town Board 1992 amending took. no Local act i t Dn Law at #2 - this 1984 time Local regarding pO 1 1 Local Ut ant limitations. Law #5 - RESOLUTION #161 MAKING MAKING CERT'A I N DETERM I NATIONS IN IN RELATION RELATION TO & APPROVING THE 1SH_MENT OF TO & APPROVING_ THE TURKEY THE ESTABL_ I SHMENT OF THE TURKEY OF THE HILL t•1ATE1R D I ST ._ GF THE_ TOWN vOF; I t� S C:OIJ>r TYR. NEW YORKA PURSUANT TO ARTICLE _._DRYDEN... 1L=.--A _.TOMPIIK C��'Tt -IE TOWN NEW LAW PURSUANT TO I_C::LE_ 1 N OF THE TOWN LAW Clm CI- Jrrigan offered the fl -.11lowing MAKING adopt ions 2nd Clm R• Ebert (crz 1py s in minute Roll book) call res� 11ut ir.in and asked for its v• it e - a l l vi-. 1t i ri g Yes RESOLUTION # i Cam_ MAKING CERTAIN DE "I'E: RM I NATION IN RELATION TO & APPROVING THE 1SH_MENT OF THE TURKEY HILL. E:WEF? D_Ti "_I'.a OF THE _ESTABI TOWN OF CiF DF1YDEW ,f[JI��F!N._hl%CCIUI�ITY, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO I_C::LE_ 1 N OF THE TOWN LAW _-A _ART � Clm Roberts r. Iffered the following resolution and asked for its adopt ion o (copy In minute book) 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes 0 I I d • • r � L_J 20127 -308P At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall, 65. East Main Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Town, on September 8, 1992, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time. The meeting was called to order by James F. schug and upon roll being called, the following were PRESENT: James F. Schug, Supervisor Elizabeth Corrigan, Councilperson Ronald Roberts, Councilperson Charles Hatfield, Councilperson ABSENT: John Baker, Councilperson The following Councilperson Co=Zjj=R Roberts Councilperson gffi Hatfield resolution was who moved its adoption, to -wit: offered by seconded by 20127 -308P • T RESOLUTION DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1992s A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS IN RELATION TO AND APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TURKEY HILL SEWER DISTRICT OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12 —A OF THE TOWN LAW. WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment the Turkey Hill Sewer Districts and WHEREAS, said map, competent engineer, duly have been filed in the where the same are avai examination by any per; thereof; and plan and report were prepared by a licensed by the State of New York, and office of the Town Clerk of 'said Town, lable during regular office hours for >ons interested in the subject matter WHEREAS, said Sewer District shall be bounded and described as hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, the improvement proposed for said Sewer District consists of the construction of a sanitary sewer system including approximately 15,515 linear feet of eight -inch gravity sewer main, a pump station and forcemains, 49 manholes, purchase of an interest in the unused capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment plant, and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, ® and . -2- WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvement is $914,422, and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing the cost of said improvement is by the issuance of serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and parcels of land within such Sewer District in just proportion to the amount of benefit which said sewer improvement shall confer upon said lots or parcels, and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have been determined to be an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by said Town Board on August 26 1992, reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed Sewer District, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvements, the fact that said map, plan and report, were on file in the Town Clerk's office for public inspection and { { 0. -3- specifying the 8th day of September, 1992, at 8:10 o'clock P.M. , Prevailing Time, at the Town Hall, 65 East Main St. it in Dryden New York, in said Town, as the time when and . the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of said Sewer District and said map, plan and report, filed in relation thereto and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, and WHEREAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearing was duly published and posted in the manner and within the time i prescribed by Section 209 -d of the Town Law, and proof of • publication and posting has been duly presented to said Town Board; and i WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and i place in said order, as aforesaid, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard, and WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered said map, plan and report, and the evidence given at said public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Upon.the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby found and determined as follows: a) The notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is otherwise sufficient; 9 0 -4- i I b) All the property and property owners within said proposed Sewer District are benefited thereby; C) All the property and property owners benefited are, included within the limits of said proposed Sewer District; and d) The establishment of said proposed Sewer District is in the public interest. Section 2. The establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, to be bounded and described as hereafter set forth, and the improvement therefor consisting of the construction of a- sanitary sewer system including approximately 15,515 linear feet of ei ht -inch g gravity sewer main, a pump station and forcemains, 49 manholes, purchase of an interest in the unused capacity at the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment plant, and land and rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, quipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, all as more fully described in the aforesaid ma p, plan and report, at a maximum estimated cost to the Sewer District of $914,422, are hereby approved. , • n LJ 40 -5- Section 3. Said Sewer District shall be bounded and described as follows: I ,i E TURKEY HILL SIN ER M STRICT • APPENDIX A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows BEGI N!Z NG at a point in the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road. said point or place of beginning being located at the inte:secticn of said centerline with the northwest line of the agar, -4oned Lehigh Valley Railroad property; proceeding t)..ence f rap. said point of beginning southeasterly and along the centerli ne of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of • a. r -c:x :Tate'_} 400' to a point; proceedi no thence south [and alcrna t`;e west line cf F%arcel 56 -5 -20, being -a 14.8 acre +/- pa reel owned by Cor r; ell Uni vers ity (said west line being at prcx irsat el y 9501 4/- we: t of the centerline of Turkey Rill Rcad) ana also along the west 1i nes of Parcels 56 -5 -20; 25.1; 28 and 29 and also along the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -7 (said west line being approximately 900' west of the centerli ne of Tu rkey Hill Road )) to a point in the centerli ne of Stevenson Road; proceeding thence east and alory said centerline for a distance of approximately 900' to a point in the centerline of Turkey Hill Road; proceeding thence nor the:ly and along said centerli ne of Turkey Bill Road to its intersection with the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road; proceedi ng thence easterly along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of E I w approx imately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel •57-1-28* proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' and along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635 to the southeast corner of said parcel; proceeding thence north (and along the east li ne of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) for a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of Parcel `7 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence north along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the northwest cc -ner of said Parcel; proceeding thence easterly • and along the south lane of Parcel 57 -1 -20 for •a distance of 928.90' to a point; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a distance of apprcxiroately 1650' to a pcint (this point being the southwest corner of Parcel 54-1-16)t proceedi ng thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 54 -1 -16; 171_ 18; 19; 21; 23 and 26 to the southeast corner of Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence northeasterly and along the south parcel lines of Parcels 57-1-41.2. 41.1; and 42 to a point thence 57 -1 -43; is approx im of Pa rc( in the west line c southerly to the soft proceedi ng thence ately 600' to a point !1 52 -1 -28; proceeding if Parcel 57 =1 -43; proceeding homes t corn er cf said Parcel eas t for a distance of marking the southeast corner thence northerly and along the i 1 f I +y . Imo' east line of said Parcel for a distance of apprcx imately • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north- easterly and along the south li ne of said Parcel to a point in the centerline of Baker Hill Road; proceeding thence northwesterly and along said centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a poi nt; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a distance approximately 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52-1-190 proceeding thence r►or theas ter ly and along the south line of Parcels 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; th is also being a belinda ry line of the Monkey Rin Water • C I C =r1�. C r _ a-d Seker Dis`_rict) r.ro r r ..CEc..I^ . the.. northwesterly and along the east li ne of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a pci n in the centerli ne of New York State Route 366; Proceeding thence scithwes terly along said center li ne for a distance of approximately 2,110' to a point marking the southeas t corner cf Parcel 53-1-10 °; proceeding thence north and alena the east line of said Parcel for a distance of aYproximiately 775' to a point; (to a point in the south line of the former right of way of Lehigh Valley Railroad proper ty) ; proceeai nq thence general' southwes terly and tee_ terly along the south line of the abandoned Lehigh Valle} Rai 1 road proper ty to a point approximately 275' east of the •centerline of Monkey Run Road (abandoned); proceeding thence north for a distance of approximately 100' to a point i I i i 1 44 I marking the northeast corner of Parcel 53-1-17; proceeding • thence west for a distance of approximately 240' to a point in the centerline of Monkey Run Road; proceedi ng thence south to a point in the centerli ne of Monkey Run Road where sai d centerli ne intersects the south line of Monkey Run Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; proceeding thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north line of New York State Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town of Dryden Sewer District. #2 the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the Point or place of begi nni ng. • weer °r reverence is made to a Parcel, said reference is to Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcels and such parcel numbers were taken from the Tax Maps last revised March 1, 1990 and in.'ormiaticn pertaining to the reputed owners of parcels was taken fray, the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for the Town of D V den . 0 Section 4. -6- The Town Clerk shall, within ten (10) days after the effective date of this resolution, file certified copies of this resolution in duplicate in the Office of the State - Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, together with an application by this Board in duplicate for permission to establish such District as provided for by subdivision 3 of Section 209 -f of the Town Law of the State of New York. Such application shall be executed and verified on behalf of the Town Board by the Supervisor of the Town. Section 5. This resolution is adopted subject to. permissive referendum. 0 0 3 I, the undersigned Clerk of� the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the • resolution contained the original thereof a true and correct said original so far therein referred to. Town Board of said Town, including the therein, held on September 8, 19924p with on file in my office, and that the same is transcript therefrom and of the whole of as the same relates to the subject matters I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had due notice of said meeting, I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public, I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said • meeting to be given to the following newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or other news media Date given The Ithaca Journal August 28, 1992 u .6- • The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows; James.F. Schug VOTING Aye Elizabeth Corrigan VOTING Aye Ronald Roberts VOTING AY Charles Hatfield VOTING AY VOTING The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted. 0 I Ll .2 I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I. duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public location(.$) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) of posted notice Town Signboard Vestibule - Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Date of Posting August 28, 1992 I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town on September is (SEAL) 0 14 1992 . if Town Elefk • • • 20127 -309P At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, held at the Town Hall, 65 East Main Street, in Dryden, New York, in said Town, September 8, 1992, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., Prevailing Time. The meeting was called to ord b James F. Schug W er y and upon roll being called, the following were PRESENT: James F. Schug, Supervisor Charles Hatfield, Councilperson Elizabeth Corrigan, Councilperson Ronald Roberts, Councilperson ABSENT, John Baker, Councilperson The following Councilperson GGt=xIMM Corrigan Councilperson GMUMOXIM&M Roberts resolution who moved its to -wit: was adoption, offered by seconded by 20127 -309P RESOLUTION DATED SEPTEMBER 8, 1992. • A RESOLUTION MAKING CERTAIN DETERMINATIONS IN RELATION TO AND APPROVING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT OF THE TOWN OF DRYDEN, TOMPKINS COUNTY, NEW YORK, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 12 -A OF THE TOWN LAW. WHEREAS, a map, plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, relating to the establishment the Turkey Hill Water District; and WHEREAS, said map, competent engineer, duly have been filed in the where the same are avai examination by any per: • thereof; and plan and report were prepared by a licensed by the State of New York, and office of the Town Clerk of said Town, lable during regular office hours for ;ons interested in the subject matter WHEREAS, said Water District shall be bounded and described as hereinafter set forth, and WHEREAS, the improvement proposed for said Water District consists of the purchase and installation of approximately 11,400 linear feet of 8 -inch water main, 1,250 linear feet of 6 -inch water main, 21850 linear feet of service tubing, together with 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves, land or rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, as more fully described in the aforesaid map, plan and report, and -2- • WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvement is $606,475; and WHEREAS, the proposed method of financing the cost of said improvement is by the issuance of serial bonds of the said Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years, and the cost of said improvement shall be assessed, levied and collected from the several lots and. parcels of land within such Water District in just proportion to the amount of benefit which said water improvement shall confer upon said lots or parcels; and WHEREAS, compliance with the provisions of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been performed and the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden and the improvements proposed therefor have been determined to be an Unlisted Action, as to which a negative declaration has been made determining that said establishment and the improvements proposed therefor would not result in any significant environmental effects; and WHEREAS, an order was duly adopted by said Town Board on August 26 1992, reciting a description of the boundaries of said proposed Water District, the improvements proposed, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said improvements, the fact that said map, plan and report, were on file in the Town Clerk's office for public inspection and specifying the 8th day of September, 1992, at 8:00 o'clock -3- • P.M. , Prevailing Time, at the Town Hall, 65 E. Main Street , in Dryden New York, in said Town, as the time when and the place where said Town Board would meet for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of said Water District and said map, plan and report, filed in relation thereto and to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof concerning the same, WHEREAS, notice of the aforesaid public hearing was duly published and posted in the manner and within the time prescribed by Section 209 -d of the Town Law, and proof of publication and posting has been duly presented to said Town Board; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was duly held at the time and place in said order, as aforesaid, at which all persons desiring to be heard were duly heard; and WHEREAS, said Town Board has duly considered said map, plan and report, and the evidence given at said public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, as follows: Section 1. Upon the evidence given at the aforesaid public hearing, it is hereby, found and determined as follows. a) The notice of hearing was published and posted as required by law and is otherwise sufficient; b) All the property and property owners within said • proposed Water District are benefited thereby; i -4- c) All the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of said proposed Water District; and d) The establishment of said proposed Water District is in the public interest. Section 2. The establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, to be bounded and described as hereafter set forth, and the improvement therefor consisting of the purchase and installation of approximately 11,400 linear feet of 8 -inch water main, 11250 linear feet of 6 -inch water main, 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, together with 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves, land or rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and apparatus and incidental improvements i and expenses in connection therewith, as more fully described i in the aforesaid map, plan and report, at a maximum estimated cost to the Water District of $606,475, are hereby approved. Section 3. Said Water District shall be bounded and described as follows: I 0 C lie i TURKEY HILL W►T ER DISTRICT • APPENDIX A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Dryden, County of Tcmpki ns and State of New York, generally bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Mouunt Pleasant Road, said point or place of beginning being located at the intersection of said centerline with the northwest line of the abandoned Lehigh Valley Rail road property; proceedi ng thence f ran, said point of beginning southeasterly an3 along the centerline of Mount Plea sa nt Road for a distance of approx irately. 4011,' to a point; proceeding thence south arid • along the we =t line e` Parcel 56 -5 -20, be 16 n a 14.8 acre +.,- pa rcel owned by Corn el l University (said west line being approximately 950' +/- west of the centerline of Turke%, Hill Foad) ar.d also along the wes t li nes of Parcels 56 -5 -200 25.1; 28 and 29 and also along the west li ne of Parcel 57 -i -7 (said west line being approximately 900' writ of the centerli rie of T;;rke- Hill Road)) to a pz) in. in the centerline of Ste. v-en son Road; proceedi ng thence east and along said cent erli ne for a distance of approc irr.3tely 9001 to a point in the centerline of 'hurkey Hill Road; proceeding thence northerly and along said centerline of Turkey Hill Road to its intersection with the centerli ne of Mount • Pleasant Road; proceeding thence easterly along the centerline of Mount Pleasant Road for a distance of • J • apprax imately 235' to the southeast corner of Parcel 57-1-280* proceeding thence northerly for approximately 520' . nd along the east parcel lines of Parcels 57 -1 -28; 27; and 26 to a point in the south line of Parcel 57 -1 -25; proceeding thence easterly for a distance of approximately 635' to the southeast corner of said parcel; proceedi ng thence nor th (and along the east li ne of Parcels 57 -1 -25; 57 -1 -24; 23; 22 and a portion of Parcel 57 -1 -21) f or a distance of approximately 1,353' to a point in the east line of parcel 57 -1 -21; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 509' to a point in the west line of Parcel 57 -1 -30.9; proceeding thence nor th along said west line for a distance of approximately 97.7' to a point marking the of said Parc2?1; i=roceedina thence East�rl) a,Zi alcn2 tn_ south line of Parcel 57 -1 -20 fcr 'a distanc9 cf 928.90' to a port; proceeding thence north and along the west parcel line of Parcel 57 -1 -38 for a a1s:ance of approxir:.ately 1650' to a point (this oin *_ b_ir. t.._ P a r, e southwest corner of Parcel 54- 1 -16); proceeding thence nor theas ter ly and along the south parcel lines of parcels 54-1-].60 -17 18.; 19; 21 23 and 26 to the sc;:theas t ccrner cf Parcel 54 -1 -26; continuing thence. northeasterly and along the south parcel Ii nes of Parcels 57 -1 -41.2; 41.1; and 42 to a p ^int in the wec_t line of Parcel 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence c^it h erlI to the southW�st ccrner of said Far ^ ='_ 57 -1 -43; proceeding thence east for a distance of approximately 600' to a point marking the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -28; proceeding thence northerly and along the I east line of said Parcel for a distance of approximately • 400' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -25.3; proceeding thence generally north- easterly and along the so °ath Ii ne of said Parcel to a point in the centerli ne of Baiter Hill Rcad; procee3i ng thence northwesterly and along sal d centerline for a distance of approximately 400' to a point; proceeding thence northeasterly and along the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -20 for a distance of approximately 275' to the southeast corner of said Parcel; proceeding thence northwesterly for a d i sta n; a approx imat ely 60' to a point in the south line of Parcel 52 -1 -19; proceeding then =e ncr theas terly and along the so -ith line of ParcE? s 52 -1 -19; 18; 17; 16 and 15 to the southeast corner of Parcel 52 -1 -15; is e1 =_ 5< i-c a h� °� Ada line cf the PL �i: _, P. :r. Water • _ 1 1 _ _ :rte '1_ "_.:1 U15trlC ��; pr C� =i:.. t` =n.E' n c r thw= sterli are, along the east li ne of Parcel 52 -1 -15 to a pn:n- i n *' e centerli ne of Nor Yerk Sta == P 0 j t e 366; t ly along sa:d ce :,r amine for a di stance c apt•rox imately 2r110 to a point rrar}.ing the _au *_f :east corner of Parcel 53 -1 -19; proceeding *_hence north and alcnc t_he eas = line of said Parcel fcr a di=_taP.._e of a :.TrcximateIy 7'5' to a point; (to a point in the south line c: m the forer rioh.. of way of Lehigh vaIley rai 1 road F -cr_; :.) ; orj eedinc thence aenera11v so nwesterly and ' wester _ a'cng the sc•.:tf: line o: the aba :,d �ned ?= �.ig'r, t�a� 1 � -:- F:ai lrcad property tc a point approximately 275' east of the Scenterline of Monkey Ran Road (abandoned); proceedi ng thence north for a distance of approx imately 100' to a point I • • 40 ma rki ng then ce in the south t sai d cf the northeast west for a d i s centerline of o a poi nt in t �nterli ne inter corner of Parcel 53- to nce of approximately Monkey Run Road; p he centerline of MonkE sects tha cniith Ii n, 1 -17 ; proceeding 240' to a point roceedi ng thence !y Run Road whore Water District and Monkey Run Sewer District; prcceedi nq thence generally southwesterly and westerly along said District boundaries to a point in the north Ii ne of New York state Route 366; proceeding thence southwesterly and along the boundaries of Town of Dryden Water District No. 1 and Town of Dryden Sew e District #2 (the parcel lines of Parcels 55 -1 -17.2 and 17.3 and Parcels 56 -4 -3 and 5.1 to the pci nt or F1 a ce of begin ni ng . �' °re'c' L =Aerence i= rr.ade to a Parcel, said reference is to Town of Dn?den Tax Map Parcels and such parcel nimbers were taken fray the Tax Maps last revised March 1. 1990 and i rif crmat ion pE r tai ni n; to the reputed owners of pa.cel � s w25 taken frcm the 1990 Final Assessment Roll for the Town of D r: den . • .5- I. Section 4. The Town Clerk shall, within ten (10) days after the effective date of this resolution, file certified copies of this resolution in duplicate in the Office of the State - Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, together with an application by this Board in duplicate for permission to establish such District as provided for by subdivision 3 of Section 209 -f of the Town Law of the State of New York. Such application shall be executed and verified on behalf of the Town Board by the Supervisor of the.Town. Section 5. This resolution is adopted subject to-permissive referendum. • ID I 9 • 0 .6- I The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows: James F. Schug VOTING Aye Charles Hatfield Aye VOTING y i Elizabeth Corrigan VOTING Aye Ronald Roberts VOTING Aye VOTING The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted, i i i • 0 • STATE OF NEW YORK ) ss.: COUNTY OF TOMPKINS ) I, the undersigned Clerk of the Town of Dryden, Tompkins County, New York, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That I have compared the annexed extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Board of said Town, including the resolution contained therein, held on September 8, 1992, with the original thereof on file in my office, and that the same is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original so far as the same relates to the subject matters therein referred to. I FURTHER CERTIFY that all members of said Board had due notice of said meeting. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, pursuant to Section 103 of the Public Officers Law (Open Meetings Law), said meeting was open to the general public. I FURTHER CERTIFY that, PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused a public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be given to the following newspapers and /or other news media as follows: Newspaper and /or other news media The Ithaca Journal Date given August 28, 1992 I a • • -2- I FURTHER CERTIFY that PRIOR to the time of said meeting, I duly caused public notice of the time and place of said meeting to be conspicuously posted in the following designated public - location(s) on the following dates: Designated Location(s) Of posted notice Town Signboard Vestibule - Town Hall 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 Date of Posting August 28, 1992 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town on September' 14 1992. (SEAL) _ - I . • • • RESOLUTION NO. 163 - 1992 Councilperson Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. PROPOSAL 1. Section 702(1) of Article VII of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows: 702(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL 2. Section 753(1) of Article VII -A of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows. 753(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. PROPOSAL 3. Section 803(1) of Article VIII of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three sections to read as follows: 803(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (c). The lot area for (a) and (b) above shall be at least 30,000 square feet with at least 125 feet of street frontage. CI �J • PROPOSAL 4. Section 904 (1) of Article IX of the Zoning Ordinance would be amended to break that subsection into three subsections to read as follows: 904(1)(a). One Family Dwellings. (b). Two Family Dwellings. (C). The lot area f least 30,000 feet of street PROPOSAL S. or (a) and (b) above shall be at square feet with at least 125 frontage. Sections 1800; 1801; 1802 and Zoning Ordinance would be amended to Section 1800. Enforcement. 1803 of Article XVIII of the read as follows. This ordinance shall be enforced by a person designated by the Town Board by resolution, ordinance or local law who shall not, except by written instruction from the Town Board or Zoning Board of Appeals, issue any Zoning Permit or Certificate of Occupancy for any building or land use which is not in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances, local laws, and rules and regulations pertaining thereto. Section 1801. Zoning Permits, 1. No construction in any district shall be begun, enlarged or extended or any work commenced that will change the present use of any structure without a Zoning Permit issued by the person designated by the Town Board. No mobile home, replacement mobile home, or extension thereof, shall be placed on any lot without the required Zoning Permit, 2. Every applicant for a Zoning Permit shall state in writing the intended use of the building or mobile home and shall furnish a sketch, survey or other drawing in such scale and detail as may be required by the person charged with issuing the Zoning Permit which shall show the lot shape, dimensions and indicate the size, shape and location of the building, all easements, rights -of -way, significant topographical features and proposed and existing driveways and landscaping. 3. A Zoning Permit shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance unless there has been substantial progress for which the Permit was issued. Such Permit shall be posted or displayed in a conspicuous place and shall face the nearest public road. • 4. No charge for a Zoning Permit shall be made for the erection, enlargement or extension of any auxiliary farm buildings, exclusive of farm residences. 5. No building or mobile home shall be occupied without first obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy from the person charged with enforcing this ordinance. This provision shall apply to any construction or work done or placement or replacement of any building or mobile home for which a Zoning Permit is required, whether or not a fee has been charged. 69 The fees for Zoning Permits, Certificate of Occupancy, Building Permits and fees for other permits shall be as provided herein or in such other local law, ordinance, rule or regulation as may be promulgated by the Town. Section 1802. Certificate of Occupancy. Each property owner shall be responsible for compliance with all terms of this ordinance affecting his property. Upon proper application and inspection the person charged with enforcing this ordinance shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy when satisfied that the proposed use complies with this ordinance and that the buildings have been erected and the site developed in accordance with the approved plans. • Section 1803. Health Department Requirements. No Zoning Permit or Certificate of Occupancy issued under the terms of this Article shall become or remain valid unless the holder thereof complies with the rules and regulations of the Tompkins County Sanitary Code as they pertain to individual water supplies and on -site sewage disposal systems. No permit shall be issued unless the person charged with enforcing this ordinance has written proof of the prior approval of the Health Department for such water supply and sewage disposal system. PROPOSAL 6. Article XXIV of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby repealed in its entirety and a Article XXIV is enacted to read as follows: Article XXIV: FEES, COSTS AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: 1. Except as where otherwise provided in this ordinance or any other ordinance or local law or rule or regulation of the Town of Dryden, the fees, costs and reimbursable expenses required by this Article shall be paid to the Town at the time an application is made or an appeal filed except reimbursable expenses shall be • paid when billed and in any event before any permit is issued. f i • 2. Zoning Permits and Certificate of Occupancy (Section 1801). When the cost of the proposed construction as determined by the person charged with enforcing this ordinance is under $10,000.00 the fee is $25.00. Where the cost of such construction is over $10,000.00 the fee is $75.00. No additional fee shall be charged for a Certificate of Occupancy where a fee was paid for a Zoning Permit. L� u 3. Filing an appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals (Section 1902). The fee is $50.00. 4. Application for a planned unit development (Section 2206). The fee is $150.00. 5. Site plan approval application [Section 2302a3(B)]. Where the proposed structure is 2,000 square feet or less the fee is $100.00. Where the proposed structure is over 2,000 square feet the fee is $250.00. 6. Special permit [Section 1303(1)(h)]. Where the proposed structure is 2,000 square feet or less the fee is $100.00. Where the proposed structure is over 2,000 square feet the fee is $250.00. 7. Reimbursable costs, fees and disbursements. The reasonable and necessary costs, fees and disbursements incurred by the Town or its officials for consultation or review by professionals including architects, landscape architects, engineers, surveyors, attorneys or others, on any application for a Zoning Permit, Certificate of Occupancy, appeal to the Zoning Board of Appeals, application for subdivision approval, application for a planned unit development, application for a special permit or application for a special permit for a mobile home park shall be paid by the applicant. These amendments shall take effect after publication and as provided by law. Seconded Councilperson Corrigan Published: 9 -12 -92 Effective: 9 -22 -92 Roll call vote - all voting Yes • • Date: September 3rd, 199; T•.•: James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 From: Henry M. Slater, Zoning It Building Cede Enforcement Off. 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York. 13053 Sub.: August ' 92 Zoning & Building Enforcement Activity Dear Jim: Building Permits Issued, (14) which are -descr i bed as f 1 lows. r A -1 New Starts (1) Site Built & (1) Double -wide (2) A -1 Replace Single -wide with New Double -wide (2) A -1 Demolish & Rebuild Single family home (1) A -1 Single family, Convert, Extend or Renovate existing Home Sites to Living Area (2) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage (4) C-4.1 Erect Agriculture Horse Barn (1 ) C -7 Miscellaneous - Replace Existing Roof (2) Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance. (32) Certificates of Occupancy (18) Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (1) Certificates � .f Compliance issued. (13 ) Fire Investigations. There was (1) Fire Investigation cond uct ed, which was another her C tructure fire. It will require demolitic-in & disposal. Multiple Residence Inspections (1) Fire Safety Inspections of PUbl is /Businesses (0) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections (1) Zoning Beard of Appeals Hearing RegUests: (3) A proposed Notice of Decision is attached: You'll note a very large number- of Certificates of Occupancy • and Compliance issued. With the 1u11 in construction and special projects, it has given Lis the necessary time to review open files. As YOU may or may not be aware, at any A I tA Date: September 3rd, 199; T•.•: James SchUg, Dryden Town Supervisor 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York 13053 From: Henry M. Slater, Zoning It Building Cede Enforcement Off. 65 East Main Street Dryden, New York. 13053 Sub.: August ' 92 Zoning & Building Enforcement Activity Dear Jim: Building Permits Issued, (14) which are -descr i bed as f 1 lows. r A -1 New Starts (1) Site Built & (1) Double -wide (2) A -1 Replace Single -wide with New Double -wide (2) A -1 Demolish & Rebuild Single family home (1) A -1 Single family, Convert, Extend or Renovate existing Home Sites to Living Area (2) C -4.1 Erect Private Garage (4) C-4.1 Erect Agriculture Horse Barn (1 ) C -7 Miscellaneous - Replace Existing Roof (2) Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance. (32) Certificates of Occupancy (18) Temporary Certificates of Occupancy (1) Certificates � .f Compliance issued. (13 ) Fire Investigations. There was (1) Fire Investigation cond uct ed, which was another her C tructure fire. It will require demolitic-in & disposal. Multiple Residence Inspections (1) Fire Safety Inspections of PUbl is /Businesses (0) Home Day Care Fire Safety Inspections (1) Zoning Beard of Appeals Hearing RegUests: (3) A proposed Notice of Decision is attached: You'll note a very large number- of Certificates of Occupancy • and Compliance issued. With the 1u11 in construction and special projects, it has given Lis the necessary time to review open files. As YOU may or may not be aware, at any A I • • I September. 3, 1992 Page 2 given moment, it is common for us to project files. What we have done is lull t o update and close out as many would anticipate the next duple of results. have 200 taken ad projects months to to 300 active vantage of this as possible. I produce similar # 1. Wilcox Press continues under a Temporary C. O.. At this time, I believe this project could be closed out except for one item. Wilcox is now in violation of an item of Site Plan approval. The "earth mound" was to be mowed one or two times per growing season. As of this date, it has not been mowed this growing season. On August 6th, Notification was sent to Wilcox Press informing them that we expected compliance with this requirement. No a action to date, second notice has been sent. #2 Jenna' s Restaurant also continues under a Temporary C. 0. which we have urged the owners to complete by summer's end. Jenna' s owner appeared at the last Town Board Meeting. The Board approved some changes and required compliance with others. At this time, it does, not appear the Jenna' s w i l l be able to complete all action items by September 8th. #3w Shew Furniture complaints We have been making an analysis of Solid Waste handling at this facility since the Jack R Helen Ford complaint. To this date, we find no unreasonable handling or trash blowing around the site. Clint has reviewed this concern with the owner. The owner fully admits there probably was a few days during late July and early August when Shew' s was over stocked with Solid Wastes. Shew' s was a Customer of "Doug's Trash Removal". When Doug Brown ceased to be in business, Mr. Armstrong, current yawner of Shew' s was away on vacation. Once he returned he contracted with a new hauler. It appears that this should conclude this problem. We will continue to monitor this situation for some more time as necessary. Henry M. Slater cc : A 1 1 Dryden Town Board Members �sanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon Perkins, Dryden Town Attorney I I i d i NOTICE OF DECISION. TUESDAY AUGUST 4y 1992 A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GEDAGE SHANK of 176 Wood Adad# Fr�bville; Ni. Y. to create :(2) two building lots at or about 99 Wood Road with no roa frontag%�'but"i�ith nigh$ away from Country Manor Estate Mobile Home Park driveway and is requesting a variance to Section 753.1 .of the Dryden Town Zonitig Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, August 49 1992 with Members presents Acting Chairwoman Ann Everett; Dominic Bordonaro, Joseph Jay; and Alan LaMdtte.:;;; •. FINDINGSe i. The applicant did not appear 2. The Board lacks sufficient inforaation on which to grant the variance. �. A motion was made by Joseph Jay based on the findings:to denied the variance. Second to the motion was made by Alan LaMotte3, VOTE YES (4) D. Bordonaro, A: Everett J. Jay; and A: LaMottb NO DECISIONe (0) ABSTAINED VAhIANCE DENIED Dated jr L1 ae4pect fu. lly submitted,:. Ann'Everett Acting Chairwoman r. NOTICE OF DECISION • TUESDAY AUGUST 4, 1992 A public hearing to consi CAROL SRINKA of 6353 Irad Parcel at or about 204 Ma passing with the property residence or an accessory Section 701 and 701.5 of der the application su ell Road, Trumansburg, in St. Ext, Freeville; to the buyer to build use structure and are the Dryden Town Zoning bmitted by CHARLiS AND N.Y. to sell a 7.26 acre N.Y. with a variance either a Multi — Family requesting a variance to Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 with members present: Acting#Chairwoman Ann Everett, Dominic Bordonaro, Joseph Jay, and Alan LaMotte, FINDINGS: 1. The applicant has not met the unnecessary hardship criteria. 2. There was neighborhood opposition present, increased traffic was a concern. 3. No proof offered as to the RB Zone uses. • 4. The present owner- has owned the land since 1983 with previous division. A motion was made by Dominic Bordonaro to deny the variance for Charles and Carol Srnka based on the findings. Second to the motion was made by Joseph Jay. VOTE YES (3) D. Bordonaro, A. Everett and J. Jay Zug DECISION: jr (1) A. LaMot t e VARIANCE DENIED t ed_ ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, cvo� as.AQ.-T �� Ann Everett, Acting Chairwoman I e A public hearing to con MOLLY CUTIA of P.O. Pox lot at or about 30 Spri public road /street fron of the Dryden Town Zoni NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY AUGUST 4, 1992 sider the application 195, Truxton, New Yo ng Run Road, Freevill tage and are request i ng Ordinance. submitted by RICHARD AND rk to establish a building e, N.Y. with only 50 feet of ng a variance to Section 702.1 A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 with members present: Actin] Chairwoman Ann Everett, Dominic Bordonaro, Joseph Jay, and Alan LaMotte. FINDINGS% 1. 2. 3. A motion `variance. The applicant did not appear The Board lacks sufficient information on which to grant the variance. The strong neighborhood opposition was present. was made by Joseph Jay based on the findings to denied the Second to the motion was made by Dominic Bordonaro. VOTE YES NO DECISION: (4) D. Bordonaro, A. Everett J. Jay, and A. LaMotte (0) ABSTAINED (0) VARIANCE DENIED Dated jr 0 Respectfully submitted, Ann Everett, Acting Chairwoman I i ORIGINAL RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:57 PAGE 10 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Tn�N OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS • DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # -------...................... ----------------------........ --------......... - -- 145)CHAIR - METAL FOLDING (NINE) 1960 $ 54.00 FA 146)CHAIR - WOOD OFFICE EXECUTIV 1960 $ 65.35 FA 147)CHAIR - METAL OFFICE, SWIVEL 1960 $ 31992 FA 148)CHAIR - EXECUTIVE SWIVEL, BR 1979 $ 95.31 FA 149)FILE - 2 DRAWER, TAN 1974 $ 71919 FA 150)FILE - 4 DRAWER, GRAY 1960 $ 27.93 FA 151)FILE - 4 DRAWER, GRAY 1960 $ 27.93 FA • 152)FILE - LEGAL, GRAY, 2 DRAWER 1975 $ 44950 FA 153)FILE - 4 DRAWER, GRAY W /LOCK 1987 $ 157.10 GO 154)TABLE - FOLDING 8 FOOT, BROW 1975 $ 47.54 FA 155)TABLE - FOLDING 8 FOOT, BROW 1975 $ 47.54 FA 156)TELEPHONE 1991 $ 44.95 GO K8 -FC- 2500 -A 157)TELEPHONE - 2 LINE SPEAKER 1991 $ 62.94 GO EXY9MJ 17592 MT E 158)SCANNER - PROGRAMMABLE 1983 $ 169995 GO 382A -00942 I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESTIMATED COST WHEEL TRUCK 100,000000 1 _ N 4WD W /PLOW 18,000000 MOWER 16,600.00 DOZER 76, 0.00 . o0 TOTAL 210,000.00 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:03 PAGE 1 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # .................. -........................ ----------.............. -........... 1)PICKUP TRUCK #1 1992 $ 81092.47 1GTDC14Z4NE541750 2)TRUCK #lA - PICK -UP 1984 $ 71944.41 GO 2GTDC14H7E1534364 3)TRUCK #1B PICKUP 1988 $ 81974.00 GO 1B7HD14Y1JS756603 4)TRUCK #2 - DUMP 1983 $ 91148955 GO 1GDHC34T8DV527899 5)TRUCK #3 1990 $ 161498.00 GO 1GBHC34K7LE198787 6)TRUCK #4 - SNOW EQUIP & DUMP 1985 $ 81,678.00 GO 1GDT9E4JOFV503909 I 7)TRUCK #5 - TANDEM 1991 $ 86,705.00 GO 4V2JCBDF5MR809322 • 8)TRUCK #5A - TANDEM 1969 $ 14,000.00 GO 69599 9)TRUCK #6 - SNOW EQUIP 1988 $ 79,115.00 GO 1GDT9E4JXJV601015 i 10)TRUCK #7 - TRACTOR 1969 $ 71496.00 FA N361TLY -22 -71036 11)TRUCK #8 - FUEL TANKER 1964 $ 20,450.00 FA 63489 i 12)TRUCK #9 - DUMP W /VIKING 1991 $ 90,611900 GO 1M2AMO8CIMM001885 13)TRUCK #9A - W /SNOW EQUIP 1974 $ 40,485.00 GO 83744 I 14)TRUCK #10 - TANDEM W /SNOW E 1975 $ 431985.00 GO 84265 15)TRUCK #11 - 4 x 4 W /SNOW EQ 1989 $100,194.00 GO 2M2S141C5KC001089 *6)TRUCK #12 - SINGLE AXLE W /SN 1989 $ 741590.00 GO 1M2P197Y7KWOO5817 C RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:06 PAGE 2 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # ........................ -----....................... ---......... --------- - - - - -- 17)TRUCK #14 - DUMP W /SNOW 1979 $ 60,827.24 GO 18)TRUCK #15 - TRACTOR W /SNOW E 1969 $ 23,920.00 GO 19)TRUCK #16 - W /SNOW EQUIP 1970 $ 35,693.00 FA 20)PICKUP TRUCK #17 1992 $ 8,092947 GO 21)TRUCK #17 - PICKUP 1988 $ 81974.00 GO 22)TRUCK #18 - SNOW & BODY 1988 $ 81,490.00 GO 23)SWEEPER #19 8 1/2' 1990 $ 21775.00 GO • 24)TRUCK #20 - PICK -UP 1984 $ 71944.41 FA 25)BULLDOZER - #21 1972 $ 32,698.00 GO 26)GRADER #22 1984 $ 57,969.00 GO 27)TRUCK #23 - TRACTOR 1986 $ 60,994900 GO 28)LOADER #25 1986 $ 82,554900 GO 29)LOADER #26 1991 $142,123900 GO 30)TRUCK #27 - W /SNOW EQUIP and 1982 $ 84,293.00 GO 31)EXCAVATOR #28 1985 $177,870.00 GO *2)EXCAVATOR #29 1965 $ 81450.00 GO C49EJ9V126858 70039 R22288 1GTDC14Z7NE540916 1B7HD14Y6JS768200 4V2SCBCF3JU501452 9034T9 2GTDC14H2E1534725 72VO7473 1GDT9F4R7GV538377 99Y04463 4YG00820 1GDT9E4J8CV581222 37T3588 u RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:08 PAGE 3 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # --------------............................. -............ ----------------------- 33)TRAILER AND CART 1992 $ 11350.00 GO 47FTEO810NR001519 34)TRAILER #31 - V- BOTTOM 1966 $ 31500900 GO A155025 35)TRAILER #32 1979 $ 33,022.26 GO 8069 36)TRAILER #33 - V BOTTOM DUMP 1959 $ 2,500.00 GO 2094 i 37)TRAILER #34 - V BOTTOM DUMP 1959 $ 2,650.00 FA 2111 38)TRUCK #35 - DUMP TRUCK 1991 $ 29,264.30 GO 1GBM7H1J108894 39)TRUCK #35A - DUMP 1967 $ 11200.00 FA CE637T113527 40)TRAILER #36 - SEMI 1964 $ 21950.00 FA 900125 41)TRAILER #37 - DUMP 1970 $ 81300.00 GO 7598 42)TRAILER #38 - DUMP 1954 $ 975.00 FA FW89421 43)TRAILER - #39 DUMP 1991 $ 33,518.00 GO 1H4DO3021MK023901 44)SHOULDER MACHINE #40 0 $ 975.00 FA 990 -158 I 45)LAWN TRACTOR #41 1967 $ 41580.00 GO 58978 i 46)LAWN TRACTOR 1992 $ 3,851.00 GO M00318X114271 47)MOWER ATTACHMENT #42 1987 $ 31900.00 GO 8713157 *8)ROLLER #43 1978 $ 33,200900 GO 1812- 137874 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:11 PAGE 4 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT JJN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # -----............ -------....... -............. ---------------------............. 49)CHIPPER - #44 1986 $ 13,497.35 GO 502 50)SCREEN - #45 1978 $ 42,990900 GO 51)SPREADER #46 1978 $ 41500.00 GO 560 -12- 3085 -004 52)SPREADER #47 1978 $ 41500900 GO 560 -12- 3086 -004 53)SPREADER #48 1986 $ 41740.00 GO 54)SPREADER #49 1979 $ 41500.00 GO 560 -12- 3188 -004 55)SPREADER #50 - SAND /CINDER 1986 $ 41334.00 GO 11125 • 56)SPREADER #51 1980 $ 21000.00 GO 560 -12- 3776008 57)SPREADER #52 - CONVEYOR 1990 $ 21900.00 GO 58)SPREADER #53 - MATERIAL 1982 $ 31962900 GO 0560 -12- 3558 -006 59)SPREADER #54 - MATERIAL 1984 $ 4,792.38 GO 560 -13- 3900008 60)SPREADER #55 - MATERIAL 1979 $ 21942.00 GO 0560 -9- 3306005 61)SPREADER #56 - MATERIAL 1987 $ 41588975 GO 62)SPREADER #57 - STONE 1975 $ 3,769900 GO 1074483 63)SPREADER #58 - MATERIAL 1988 $ 41900.00 GO 4918 -87 *4)SPREADER #58A 13 FOOT CONV 1990 $ 31385.00 GO AFCS 13 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:13 PAGE 5 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # ------------------------------------------.............. --..................... 65)SPREADER #58B 13 FOOT W/O 1990 $ 4,750.00 GO AFH 13 66)SNOW WING #59 1977 $ 61750.00 GO 67)TRACTOR - #60 W /CAB 1990 $ 18,113.00 $ 416.00 GO BC42933 68)ONE WAY SNO PLOW ( USED) 0 $ 700.00 W /EXTERNAL SPEAKER GO i 69)MOWER - SIDE MOUNT 1990 $ 11,143900 428HQL1193 i GO I 70)SPREADER 13 FT W/O GRIDS - S 1991 $ 4,990.00 i GO 125- AFHI3SS 71)TWO WAY RADIO - COMMUNICATIO 1977 $ 26,306950 GO 72)RADIO UNIT - MAXTRAC 1989 $ 452.00 GO 428FPA2741 73)RADIO UNIT 1987 $ 482950 GO 475FMS2747 j 74)RADIO 1989 $ 659.50 GO 428FPU2207 75)RADIO 1989 $ 659.50 GO 428FPU2208 76)RADIO W /EXTERNAL SPEAKER 1990 $ 416.00 GO 428HQL1192 77)RADIO W /EXTERNAL SPEAKER 1990 $ 416.00 GO 428HQL1193 i 78)VACUUM - 10 GAL WET /DRY 1987 $ 127.74 FA 79)TIME CLOCK 1978 $ 300.00 PO M11652 00)TIME CLOCK - TWO WEEK DATED 1987 $ 384.43 PO X74535 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:15 PAGE 6 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T#nN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # -------------------------................... -----.............................. 81)TIME CLOCK 1992 $ 11395.00 GO 1166866 82)POST HOLE DIGGER 83)PUMP - 2 INCH TRASH 84)CHAIN SAW W /15 -INCH BAR 85)CHAIN SAW W /15 -INCH BAR 86)CHAIN SAW W /14 -INCH BAR 87)CHAIN SAW • 88)WELDER - PORTABLE 89)WELDER - ELECTRIC 90)WELDER - ACETYLENE WITH TWO 91)SIGNMAKER 92)BATTERY CHARGER 93)BATTERY CHARGER 94)LAWNMOWER - 21 INCH PUSH 95)PORTA POWER 06)JACK - FLOOR,AIR 7 TON 1980 $ 554.54 GO 00031- 008939GH 1989 $ 937.50 GO HJ2770018 1992 $ 344.95 GO 026/141816 1992 $ 344.95 GO 026/140120 1992 $ 329.95 GO 021/354897 1987 $ 150.00 GO TY25EVA009040 1960 $ 749.50 FA 1960 $ 319920 GO 1965 $ 233.00 GO 1960 $ 575.00 GO 1982 $ 200.00 GO A102037 1983 $ 225.00 GO HC1231 1986 $ 275.00 GO 54035793 1965 $ 279.60 FA 1961 $ 123.60 GO RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38: INVENTORY OF HI Tf OF DRYDEN DATE OF INVENTORY 09 ----------------------------- DESCRIPTION ................. ----........ 97)JACK - HYDRAULIC, AIR, 2 18 PAGE 7 GHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT COUNTY OF TOMPKINS -30 -1992 --------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # --------------------------------------------- 0 TO 1969 $ 585.00 GO 98)JACK - HYDRAULIC, FLOOR, AIR 1969 $ 585.00 GO 99)JACK - FLOOR, 20 TON 1977 $ 49.95 GO 100)DRILL PRESS 1960 $ 199.50 FA 101)DRILL PRESS 1983 $ 299900 GO 089206 102)CHAIN FALL HOIST - MANUAL OP 1960 $ 99.75 GO 103)VICE - BENCH 8 INCH 1960 $ 59.85 FA • 104)VISE - BENCH, 18 INCH 1960 $ 159.60 FA 105)COMPRESSOR - AIR 1979 $ 1,551900 GO 30T44119 106)COMPRESSOR - AIR 1969 $ 350.00 FA 107)COMPRESSOR - AIR 1984 $ 1,400.00 GO 041884100 108)LEVEL - TRANSIT 1974 $ 283950 GO 109)LEVEL - MINI -G TRANSIT 1985 $ 295.00 GO 1P -2373 110)PAINT - SPRAY WITH EQUIPMENT 1968 $ 273.00 FA 111)TOOL CHEST - MECHANICS WITH 1960 $ 31000.00 GO 02)TOOLS - SMALL MISC 1992 $ 21000.00 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:30 PAGE 8 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT T4jN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # ............... -------................................... -.............. - ...... 113)GRINDER - PORTABLE WITH ACCE 1978 $ 346.40 GO 114)GRINDER - BENCH 1984 $ 338.89 GO 115)VENDING MACHINE -COLD BEVERA 1960 $ 175.00 PO 116)WASHER- STEAMER - HI- PRESSURE 1982 $ 21950.00 GO 117)HIGH PRESSURE WASHER 1989 $ 31895.00 GO 118)SNOWBLOWER - USED 1976 $ 200.00 FA 119)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 20 #1 CO2 1965 $ 60.00 GO • 120)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 20 #1 CO2 1965 $ 60.00 GO 121)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35900 GO 122)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 123)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 124)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 125)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 126)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 127)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 08)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 1BD -0127 270- CD -5 -A7 -2191 3B1012 H14936 RUN DATE 09 -03 -1992 AT 12:38:43 PAGE 9 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT Jv SOF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 09 -30 -1992 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # ....................... -.......... --................... ---------............. -- 129)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 130)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35900 GO 131)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 132)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 133)FIRE EXTINGUISHER - 5# CO2 1965 $ 35.00 GO 134)CALCIUM TANK 1988 $ 11000.00 GO 135)CALCIUM TANK 1988 $ 850.00 GO i 136)TRIMMER - STRING 1988 $ 110900 GO M0110GA117583 137)GROUND POUNDER 1992 $ 11550900 GO 138)TYPEWRITER, MANUAL 1960 $ 59.85 FA 7- 187200 139)CALCULATOR, ELECTRONIC 1982 $ 49.88 GO 82094954 140)CALCULATOR - TWO TONE BEIGE 19 141)DESK - WOODEN, 3 DRAWER W /LE 19 142)DESK - METAL, 4 DRAWER W /LEF 19 143)DESK - GREY METAL 19 04)DESK - GREY,6 DRAWER W /LOCK 19 77 $ 366.44 GO M169275 50 $ 66.75 FA 65 $ 116.50 FA 68 $ 210.00 FA 60 $ 34.00 GO i • August 28, 1992 Town Board Members Town of Dryden 65 E. Main St. Dryden, N.Y. Dear Mr. Shug and Members, ;..x SEP — 2 1992 {Fa We are writing to thank you for your recent decision to restrict the operation of the motorbikes on Ringwood road. On behalf of all the Ellis Hollow residents who signed the petition, thank you for restoring "peace in the valley." We sincerely appreciate your help in this matter. Thank You, a �4z o�- ynn Daniel 507 Ellis Hollow Creek Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 G. McDonald i F.Y.I. To: J 1 From: Keep or toss ❑ Post-It' F.Y.I. pad 7886 / / Z- TD9 -8 -92 page 9 • RESOLUTION #116344' ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS, Clm Roberts offered the f� Il lowing resolution and asked for its adopt ion a (copy in minute book) 2nd C1m Corri gars Roll call vote - all vr.1t ing Yes ZONING OFFICER - report given to board members RESOLUTION #16-4 BUILDING OFFICIALS SEMINAR Clm Roberts adopt i on o RESOLVED, that offered this that she the Town fl-.1110 wing Board resolution aUthi-Drize C.E.O. and asked Slater for its and Assistant C.E.O. the Southern Tier Route Cotterill Education ()0 to attend Seminar the at Owego, Building New Officials York. of on Oct. 28th in an 2nd C 1 rjl Hatfield amount Dusenberry no -.1t to Roll exceed call $70.00 vote -- a l l voting Yes HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT - I event pry report giver, t o board members. RESOLUTION #165 SEASONAL LIMITED USE HIGHWAY Clm Roberts offered the following rest.-, 1 ut ion adept ir.- ine RESOLVED, that the Town Board accept the fo l seasonal limited use highway upr_in Highway Su G i l beet' s r ~ecomntendat i on 1. - Hi le School Road - from #147 Ed Hi 1 and asked for its lowing list of per i rat endent Dori 1 Road west to within FINANCIAL REPORT - available that she and Clrn Hatfield audited the t� � board members 500 JUSTICE feet � �f Route #38. ()0 for the month 20 - Yellow Barn Road - from Dusenberry Sports Club north to within 250() feet of Foothill Road. 3. - Signal Tower Road - f rC im Card Road north to the power 1 i ne. 40 - Star Stanton H i l l Road - from tax map #50-1-44 n• firth to within 200 feet of tax map #50 -1 -18. 5. - Caswell Road -- from West Dryden Road south for .6 miles. 2nd Clm Cor ~r~ i gan Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available that she and Clrn Hatfield audited the t� � board members Town Clerk period of There were JUSTICE REPORT - $9, )i)i, ()0 for the month of August RESOLUTION #166 APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #109 Clm Roberts offered the fol l• wing res� it ut io n _and asked for its adi_�pt i� one RESOLVED, that the vouchers be paid as audited. Abstract #109 Voucher~ #646 to #717 for a total of $123,649.88. end Clm Hatf i e l d Roll call vote - all voting Yes Clm Corrigan - reported that she and Clrn Hatfield audited the Zoning books be in Officer, for the order. Town Clerk period of There were /Tax Collector January thru a few clerical and June 1992 changes Justice Department and found them to that were needed. TR9 -8 -9 2 page 10 • CORRESPONDENCE Letter, from resident of 699 Wo od Rd about a dog. Dog report. DISCUSSION Town Board tabled decision on cultural and recreation center. Ad J Urned Susanne L. Town C 1 er L .� 9 e 30PM l oyd k. I A3