HomeMy WebLinkAboutTable of contentsRESOLUTIONS 1991 ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING JANUARY 2, 1991 (page 1 to 13) Res #1 - Rules of Procedure Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Ins Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 Salary Schedule Salary Payment - Te 1 ephizine Credit Cards Mileage Designate Official Banks #10 -- #11 - #1 62, - #13 - pect it #14 - #13 - #16 - #17 - #18 #19 -- #20 - #21 - #22 ` #23 - #24 - #25 - #2E - Official Advertising Advance Payment of Utilities Vendor Discounts Fire Warden Special Fund Assessment Administration Fire Contracts & Ambulance Contracts Subdivision Control Officer R• Multiple Residence - Henry alater Licensor for Games of Chance Petty Cash COUrt Clerk - Jean Ryan Court Clerk - Debra Smiley Secretary- Bookkeeper to Supv Susanne Lloyd Dianne McFall Receiver of Taxes - Susanne Lloyd Appoint Deputy Town Clerk - Linda Woodin Appoint Deputy Tax Collector - Linda Woodin Assistant: Budget Officer - Dianne McFall Contract Town Attorney - Mahlon Perkins Assistant Bookkeeper - Wanita Baldwin Contract Town Engineer - George Schlecht Payment for Election Inspectors Res #27 - Public Wa3rks Superintendent - Donald Gilbert Res #28 - Cleaning Contract - Debbie Foote Res #29 - Appoint Bingo Inspector - Linda Woodin Res #30 - Appoint Dog Control Warden -- Lorraine Bard Res #31 - Deputy Highway Superintendent - Jack Park Res #32 - Sec- Bookkeeper fcor Highway Supt. - Dianne McFall Res #3 3 Gadabout (payroent to.) Res #34 - Recreation, & Youth Services Administration - Dianne McFall Res #35 - Southworth Library (payment) Res #36 - Appoint To_iwn Historian - Ruth Sweetland Res #37 - Dryden Historical Society (payment) Res #38 - BlAilding Code Inspector - Henry Slater Res #39 - Appoint Ass't. Building Inspector - Clint Cotterill Res #40 - Appoint Clerical Ass t. to Zoning /Building Inspector Nita Baldwin Res #41 - Zi_nning Officer - Henry Slater Res #42 - Appoint Asst. Zoning Officer - Clint Cotterill Res #43 -- Appoint Site Flan Review Secretary - Susanne Lloyd Res #44 - Planning Board Chairperson - Barbara Caldwell Res #45 - Appoint Planning Beard Secretary - Jean Ryan RESOLUTIONS Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res Res #46 #47 #48 #49 #50 #51 #52 #53 #54 #53 #56 #57 #58 #S9 #6o page 2 Zoning Board of Appeals - Jack. Laker Secretary to Zoning beard cif Appeals - Jean Ryan -- Special District Administration - appoint Dianne Highway Salaries Clothing Allowance Purchase of small tools Gasoline & Diesel purchase Tire purchase Pipe and Culvert Oil and Stone purchase Salt and Sand purchase Guide Rail purchase McFall Appslint Zoning Board of Appeals member - Fran DiTommaso - Appoint IDA member - Tom Hatfield Investment Policies & Guidelines f_ir Town of Dryden TOWN BOARD MEETING JANUARY 89 1991 (page 14 to 22) Res #61 - Authorize Atty to defend town - Ensmenger Res 062 - Outhorize Supv to sign agreement with Cornell • University Res #63 - Cornell Apple Orchard Connection Water Model Res #64 - ALAthorize Hwy Supt to advertise for bids for a new dump trailer Res #65 - Authorize Hwy SL!pt to advertise for bids for a single axle dump truck Res #66 - Approve Installation of street light at intersection of Pinckney Rd & Lower Creek Rd. Res #67 - Approve Installation of 4 way stop sign at the intersection of Pinckney Rd & Lower Creek Rd. Res #68 - Approve driver training course Res #69 - Schedule public hearing Cross C•innection Law Res #70 - Support Village of Lansing for installation of strobe light Res #71 - Dishonored checks - service charge Res #72 - Disburse interest in McArthur Fund Res #73 - Annual report Res #74 - Crises in Persian Gulf Res #75 - Historic Status West Dryden Community Center Res #76 -- Audit & Approve abstract #90 Res #77 - Audit & Approve abstract #1 Res #78 -- Armstrong request for purchase of land Res #79 - Association of Towns RESOLUTION page 3 TOWN BOARD MEETING FEBRUARY 12, 1991 (page 23 to 28) Res #80 - Insurance liability increase Res #81 - Hunt Engineer - Turkey Hill sewer district Res #82 - Hunt Engineer - Turkey Hill water district Res #83 - Accept bid for 10 wheeler w /snow equip & dump body Res #84 - Accept low bid - Varna Interceptor Sewer Res #85 - Sign notice of award for bid for Varna Interceptor Sewer Res #86 - Sign NYSE &G agreement Res #87 - Appoint delegate to Fire Steven Moore & Disaster Advisory Board - Res #88 - Appoint alternate delegate to Fire & Disaster Advisory Board - Frank Lewis Thomas Law Pendell Res #89 - Appoint Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee - Henry Raupp Law Res #9(-,) - Appoint Control Thomas Law Pendell Dep!l.ty Res #91 - Appoint Nancy Morgan -- Jane Res #92 - Appoint Res #93 - Appoint Res #94 - Appoint Res #95 - Audit & Res #96 Res #97 KoeIsch Res #98 Res #99 Control Res #1oo Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee - Landfill Neighborhood Protection Committee - Planning Board member _ Robert Fletcher Tomp. Co. Hospital Corp. - Brad Perkins Ecizinonl i c Opportunity Corp - Peter Barton Approve Abstract #102 TOWN BOARD ME=ETING FEBRUARY 22, 1991 (page 29) -° Introduce Laca 1 Law Crs :iss Connection Control Law - Appoint Dep!l.ty Town Clerk & Deputy Tax Cc,llector -- Jane Credit to Karl Wester 1 ing Adopt Law TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 7, 1991 (page 30) Local Law #1 - 1991 Local Cross Conrndct i on Accept bid for dump trailer RESOLUTIONS page 4 TOWN BOARD MEETING MARCH 12, 1991 (page 31 to 35) Res #101 - Audit & Approve abstract #103 Res #102 Res #103 Res Res #104 - Dryden Lake Park Res #105 #110 Res #106 Run Sewer Res #107 - Agreement #117 Opposition TOWN BOARD MEETING APRIL 9, 1991 (page 36 to 40) Support Dryden Youth Commission Local Government Seminar - Authorize Turkey Hill Sewer Dist. Turkey Hill Water Dist. Audit & Approve abstract #104 Ithaca Area Waste Treatment Plant - TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 14, 1992 (page 41 to 55) Res #106 - Fireworks permit - Robert Res #109 Res - Dryden Lake Park - Police Res #110 Res - Amendment Monkey Run Sewer Res #111 - skipped - "Zebra Mussel Control number Res #112 - Reduce Res speed limit Res #113 - Urging #117 Opposition Localities - Y0uth Services & Youth Services & of NYS Executive Law Fletcher Flat ro 1 agreement Clm Roberts Joint Sewer Schwan Drive to Inequitable Cuts in Aid to Support for Article 19A Section 420 Res #114 - "Zebra Mussel Control Res #115 - Change Order Randsco Res #116 - IDA Res #117 - Y0uth Services Varna Interceptor Sewer Res #118 - Audit & Approve abstract #105 RESOLUTIONS #132 page 5 Lake Park - police patrol hearing Res #133 - Approve landscape TOWN BOARD MEETING Yellow Freight Res #134 #142 - Change Order PUBLIC #2 - HEARING bid Sewer Res #135 - ALlthorize MAY sell 289 1991 equipment Res #136 - Joint Sewer (page Committee 56 to 61) Res #119 - Short EAF form - Charles & Deborah Witty Res #100 - Approve application places of Charles & Deborah Witty for a Tack Shop - Sewer rates for Sewer Dist #1 Res #121 - Negative Declaration EAF form - Yellow Freight Terminal Res #122 - Grant special permit to Yellow Freight Terminal Res #123 - Post Weight Limit - Dutcher Rd Res #124 - Turkey Hill water district Res #105 - Ti.krkey Hill sewer district Res #126 - Pertaining to required Environmental Review under SEOR for Turkey Hill water district Res #127 - pertaining to required Environmental Review under SEAR for Turkey Hill sewer district Res #108 - Order calling plAbl is hearing - Turkey Hill water dist Res #129 - Order calling public hearing - Turkey Hill sewer dist Res #130 - Dryden Lake multiple passive recreation area TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 119 1991 (page 62 to 73) Res #131 - Dryden Youth Commission Res #132 - Dryden Lake Park - police patrol hearing Res #133 - Approve landscape calling plan - Yellow Freight Res #134 #142 - Change Order leader #2 - Varna Intercepter bid Sewer Res #135 - ALlthorize to sell highway equipment Res #136 - Joint Sewer Committee Res #137 - Designate Palling places Res #138 - play Polling places Res #139 - Sewer rates for Sewer Dist #1 Res #140 - Audit & Approve abstract #106 TOWN BOARD MEETING JUNE 13, 1991 (page 74) Res #141 - Order calling public hearing - Turkey Hill water dist 0 Res #141 - Order calling public hearing - Turkey Hill sewer dist Res #142 - Accept leader bid - wheel leader RESOLUTIONS page 6 TOWN BOARD MEETING JULY 91 1991 (page 75 to 96) Res #143 - Judicial Proposed County Law C - 1991 Res #144 Res #151 - Easement Cornell University member - Steve Lipinski Lake Res #145 - Michael Lane - Terminate revocable license Appoint Res #146 board member - Proposed Local Law #1 Res - 1991 Highway Sign agreement Superintendent with City of Ithaca re: Res #147 - Wilcox Press approval Res #148 Res - Approve read specifications Installment Res #149 purchase - Reject all bids for trucks agreement - Abbott Road Term of Office for dated 7-5-91 Res #150 - Judicial training - Judge Sweetland & Judge Lloyd Res #151 - Dryden member - Steve Lipinski Lake Park Committee - Michael Lane Res #152 - Appoint IDA board member - Robert Porteus Res #15 - Sign agreement with City of Ithaca re: Youth employment Res #154 - Installment purchase contract CFC Associates Iroc. - wheel loader Res #155 - West Dryden Community Center rehabilitation committee Res #156 - Appoint SCLIWC member - Steve Lipinski Res #157 - Approval of vouchers abstract #107 TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING - Turkey Hill water JULY 169 1991 no resolutions (page 97 to 111) TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING JULY 3o, 1991 (page 112 to 113) & sewer Res #158 - Authorizing grant of easement to NYSE &G Corp Res #159 - Local Law Establishing the term of office of the Highway Superintendent RESOLUTIONS page 7 TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST 13, 1991 (page 114 to 118) Res #160 - Planning B, :,ard - Lead Agency SEGR - Varn Brothers Res #161 - Appoint West Dryden Rehabilitation Lakes MUssel calling Committee - Deborah Holtz agreement Joint Increase Res #167 Dist. of & Hall Res #162 - Wetland Study DR -7 landfill Finger site Res #163 - GTE phone system for town hall #168 & highway garage Res #164 - Authorize Hwy Supt to attend Lakes highway conference Res #165 - Approval of vouchers abstract NYS #108 TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER J, 1991 (page 119 to 126) Res #166 - Zebra Mussel - Lead Agency for SEAR EAF form - Book Barn of the Finger review #179 #180 Lakes MUssel calling Point Control public Project hearing agreement Joint Increase Res #167 Dist. of & Hall - SEOR negative declaration -- Book Barn of the Finger Lakes Res #168 - Grant special permit - Book Barry of the Finger Lakes Res #I69 - Dog Control Officer - Lorraine Bard - NYS Worker's Compensation ion Law Res #170 - Wilcox Press - amendment of water agreement & amendment Of purchase of water 8 sewer facilities agreement Res #171 -- Seasonal limited use highways Res #172 - Order calling public hearing - Turkey Hill water dist Res #173 - Order calling public hearing - Turkey Hill sewer dist Res #174 - SCLIWC rate changes Res #175 - Install flashing light at Dryden High School] Res #176 - Repairs at West Dryden Corinmunity Center Res #177 - Approval of vouchers abstract #109 TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HEARING - Turkey Hill water & sewer OCTOBER 29 1991 (page 127 to 130) Res #178 - Zebra Mussel Control Project ratifying & confirming SECR Res Res review #179 #180 by Bolton - Zebra - Order MUssel calling Point Control public Project hearing agreement Joint Increase & Improvements Water Dist. of & Hall facilities Rd. of Water Dist. Dryden (Zebra Water Dist. Mussel #1; Monkey Run Control Project) RESOL,UTIOiNS page A TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 8, 1991 (page 131 to 136) Res 0181 - Introduce & schedule public hearing - Accept on proposed Cross CQnnect Big ion Contr4D1 Res # 199 #198 - Grant Res #182 1 � Water service agreefoent between Town of Dryden & Village 01'30 -- of Dryden Interest Order Zebra Mussel Fees #183 - Water Sewer f ac i 1 i t i es agreement - �ortid - Wilcox Press Res Res 0194 #185 - n dated � y Accept Post t report for proposed i=1wrl ri_iads tempo -%ar i 1 Cortland Control Rd water dirt. Fees #188 Y Appr~cval i-f v- iucheirs abstract #110 Res #187 - A=ept pet it ilzin for lower speed limit on Thczamas fed. TOWN L:QRRD MEETING ' PU8LIO HEARING OCTOBER E24 1991 (page 137 ti_n 143) Res #198 - Negative Ras declaration - Accept SEUR review - Big Boy Toys Res # 199 #198 - Grant - Adopt s p 5C i � 1 pe7�m i t y Boy Toys Fees 01'30 -- Public Interest Order Zebra Mussel Control Project Res # 191 - �ortid t esc 1 I_�t 1 - n dated 10-22- 91 Zebra Muse 1 Control prri JeCt Res # 194 - Local Law - 1991 Cross Connect i l.-in Law Res 4193 - Making certain determinations - Turkey Hill sewer dirt Res #194 - Making s�ertain det�r�n�irrlations � Turkey Hill water dint TOWN BOARD MEETING PUBLIC HOAR I NG OCTOBER a9, 1991 (page 144 to 149) Rea #193 - increase ambu l arice contract Ras #196 - Accept budget Fees #197 - ACeept EAF 1-.1rder filed prop, =ised Cortland Fed water Fees #198 - Adopt Orden frjr Calling pUbl is hearing pr r.4posed Cortland Rd wc"tt er^ d i st . d ist RESOLUTION Res #200 Res #201 Res #202 Rez #203 Rss #a04 Res #205 Rd - Delegate Advisor alter'r,ate Ides #206 Res #247 Res #208 Res #209 Res #210 Res #211 Res #212 Res #21 Res #214 page 9 TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 124 1991 (page 1.54 to-15S) - Liberty Partnership Grant spe(m-�ii�L], - permit - B I g Boy Is Toy Adopt assessment rolls Delinquent water & sewer Dills - Street light a&nd Shawn Flynn inter sect i cn of RID ut a 38 & CE�org e Rd - Delegate Accept alter'r,ate Temp. delegate of Sparrow A1220.420 Lane t- f=ire, pr Disaster & EMS Doard - Oregory Fitts a&nd Shawn Flynn - Transfer; f►,krds 1;1114. 4044 to Clm A1110m 2647 .� Transfer funds Accept A1220.400 Temp. to of Sparrow A1220.420 Lane - Transfer funds pr A1410. x+00 to ion A1410m 42p - Transfer f1.knds unexpended Change fund balance -- Transfer f ands A16EO.400 Don Ci= introl t mi A1620.410 Afirbu lance contract S 1 at ery i 1 le Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. Appoint - Tr•arisfer funds - A8034)m 4DD tim-1 ti-1 A8Q3Q. 4Q3 - Tim arts fer f Lind F* P 1 99 +J. 421 to 98010. 420 - Transfer funds DB5112.210 to DP5110m 13)1 Approve abstract #111 to A 1420 m 401 A1624.451 & DB5110m 4QQ TOWN BOARD IYMEETING 0 PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED CORTLAND RD WATER LAST NCYEMBER 14, 1991 no resolutions Res Res Res Res for Res Res Res Res Res R2S Bos Res #215 - #218 - #217 - #218 Turkey 42113 - 44220 - ##a21 - t. X22 #223 - #2�fr - sack #225 -- (page 157 to 152) TOWN BOARD MEETING DECfEMBER 10% 1991 (page 163 to 171) Audit tf:,w7ri books Advisory C-lmmitte Eompagni Construction Clm Inc payment - Hall Fed water list Accept offer of dedication Temp. Eo. of Sparrow Crest Lane Aut h' =ir i : e Att t1:1 pr ~i =iceed with necessary i nformat ion Hill water & sewar- district Change Order" #1 - decrease Compagni Coast. payment Appoint Don Ci= introl Officer - Lorraine Bard Afirbu lance contract S 1 at ery i 1 le Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. Appoint Youth Ci- immission - dicky Alexander( Citizens Advisory C-lmmitte � Clm Rciberts Appoint Temp. Eo. YOLLth Board Rep, .� Mar} #= _llen Approve abstract vouchers #112 RESOLUTIONS pane 10 TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 279 1991 (page 172 to 176) Res 4226 - conditional acceptance of Darr Road Res #eel - solid Waste Eorifer @rE■ Res #2Ra - Trash hauling out of state Res #229 Turkey Hill water, district Res #239 - Turkey Hill sewer district Res #2,31 - Zoning enforcement for village of Dryden Res #zee - Abbott Rd - plowing and sanding Rea #2 33 - Attend Youth commiseion meeting Res #E34 - Appolr2 Landfill Neighborhood Protection Commission Res #235 - Environmental Management Council - Dennis Swaney Res #235 - NYS Plarrir§ session in spring of 1992 Res #237 - Appoint IAA member - Joan Curtiss Res 4238 - Transfer funds R@» 4239 - Expr @s» appreciation - Margaret Walbridge