HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-12-27170 TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 27, 1991 Supv Schug celled the meeting to order at 12 noon Members and retests participated in the pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerks Presents Supv Schug, Clm Roberts, Clm Flat f i e l d, Clm Ci_irr i gan and Atty Perkins Absent: Calm Walbridge S[..tpv Schug appointed Clm Hatfield to audit the highway fund bills Approval of the minutese Motion was made by Clm Roberts and 2nd by Clm Corrigan that the minutes of 10-- 22-°91 and 12-- 10 91 be approved. Carried COUNCILMAN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Corrigan street road - reported on the ACC franchise that they were at some some Atty she member paint strong Perkins can of do of reservations on the closure qa forward the cim.immittee board. to go abolAt with back. to some whet they and y_u them, things. might but Clm She is have. She have to Roberts ready to has done appoint has have what another Clm Roberts -- thOlAght that they could get together to discuss their differences regarding the access channels. CAC formatic.on -- rn:ithing to report SUPERVISOR NYSE&G easement for street road abandonment for light at intersection of Rt 38 /George Rd. Supv Schug has contacted have the opportunity to go over NYSE&G to see what the cormt would be to install a light pole on the town read. Qualified road abandonment for certain town highways has been tabled until the board members could have the opportunity to go over some of the roads before January 14th. Certificate of abandonment - Red Mill Rd. -- Upon the recommendation the Highway Superintendent Gilbert that the highway in said Town of Dryden, known arid described as Red Mill Road, has not been traveled or used as a highway for 6 or more years prior to the date cif this certificate, and said highway is hereby declared abandoned pursuant to Section 205 of the Highway Law as a highway a public right of way. (copy in minute book) ATTORNEY RESOLUTION #� 26 GON_D i T I OVAL ACCEPTANCE OF _ PARR„ ROAD Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adopt i on a (ci,npy in minute bock) End Clm Ri_ibert y Roll call vote - all voting Yes E LJ 0 CERTIFICATE OF ABANDONMENT The undersigned, DONALD P. GILBERT, Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins, New York, hereby certifies: That the highway in tl described as Red Mill Road, highway for six and more certificate, and said highway to Section 205 of the Highway way, to said Town of Dryden, known and has not been traveled or used as a years prior to the date of this is hereby declared abandoned pursuant Law as a highway and public right of This certificate is made with Town Board of the Town of Dryden, the consent of a majority of the IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Superintendent of Highways has executed this certificate together with a majority of said Town Board. Dated. Dryden, New York December L.2, 1991 Filed and recorded in Town Clerk's Office of Town of Dryden, County Tompki s, N. Y. on Z 7, 1991. r, Susanne the the of t� Donald - Si4perinti Gilbert ndlent of Z. !, Jam s F. Schur iza I, Beth Corrigan errs ghways Margaret Walbridge Members of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins, New York RESOLUTION NO. 226 - 1991 ACCEPT OFFER OF DEDICATION OF BARR ROAD C1m Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption. WHEREAS, the road to be designated as "Barr Road" has been constructed according to Town specifications and such construction has been certified to the Town and inspected and approved by the Town of Dryden Highway Superintendent, and WHEREAS, the developer has offered to dedicate said road to the Town as and for a Town road, and has not yet furnished to the Town Attorney all the necessary documents including the deed and the easements which will turn over to the Town the water and sewer lines serving the project and beyond, including the ELGAE project to the Northwest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Town Board that the road shown on the map entitled "AS -BUILT Dated 12 -10 -91 LOCATION SURVEY HI -SPEED CHECKWEIGHER and BARR ROAD" made by George Schlecht P.E. and L.S. is hereby accepted as a Town road and the same is to be added to the official Town map, and the Town Highway Superintendent is authorized to place the appropriate road signs thereon and to take any and all steps necessary to maintain said road as a Town road from this day forward to be known as "Barr Road ". This resolution and acceptance of the road are specifically conditioned and contingent upon the following. 1. The developer is with filing of the map, including all abstract and Town Attorney in reviewing the sufficiency thereof Dryden requirements. to pay all costs necessary in connection deed, easements and other documents related costs and reasonable fees of the and preparing documents and determining ind for their compliance with Town of 2. That until such time as the taxable status with respect to said road is changed to reflect its use as a road, the developer pay all real estate taxes assessed on said road. 3. That the developer warrant materials and workmanship in the construction of said road for a period of one (1) year from the date of final completion of the road and that the developer contribute to the Town the sum of $1,450.00 toward the cost of paving the road in 1992 following any necessary corrective measures by the developer which are covered by the one year guarantee to run from the date of recording of the deed. 4. That such acceptance shall not be effective unless and until the developers have furnished to the Town Attorney the necessary abstract of title, survey, road profiles and all required documentation to convey the same to the Town of Dryden and indicating a good and sufficient marketable title to the road and all of which is to be the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes T812 -27 -91 page 2 Supv Schug - reported that $116,0979 10 has been spent; on the DR7 landfill i n 1991 and to date $322,998.68 since 1988. Supv Schug ° there is a wastewater conference in New Y•irk. City on .Ian 29th and 31st regarding trash and would like the board to ai.ithorize Atty Perkins and George Schlecht to attend for an a I'll 1DUnt not to exceed a total of $1400900, Commission on Solid Waste Management Atty Perkins ° was interested SOLID in the talk on the interstate solid waste bans and the new war between the states. This it sponsored by the State of New York Legislative Commission on Solid Waste Management Council and State Governments. RESOLUTION #228 28 #EE7 TRASH SOLID OUT OF STATE WASTE CQNF•ERE-_NCE Clm Ritiberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authoriue Atty Mahlon Perkins arid George Schlecht to attend the solid waste conference ire New York City on .Tan. 29th to ,Jan. 31st for an amount n,_nt to exceed $1.400.44 total. 2nd Clm Carrigan Roll call vote all voting Yes RESOLUTION #228 28 TRASH HAULING OUT OF STATE _ ® Clm Hatfield ciffered adoption RESOLVED, that this; amount not tot exceed trash hauling out of should be doing, 2nd Clm Corrigan RESOLUTI Clm Corrigan offered adoptiono (copy 2nd Clm R• jbert s the following mowing resol ut ion and asked fi-Jr its Town Briard authorize the S►_tpv t_, spend an $5,444.44 ti.n look into the possibility of state, which is ground work that the c {-runty Roll call vote - all vizit ing Yes ON :11229 the fol in minut Rol 1 TURKEY HILL WATER DISTRICT liziwing resolution and asked for its e book) call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #230 TURKEY_ HILL SEWER pisarRICT Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: (copy in minute book.) 2r,d Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes Atty Perkins with respect to:, They have great board previi.nusl establish the T election. He wi ® new rules go in prefiled in the approval of the that State has bef,,ire it a new set of regulations the formation Hof a water and sewer districts. ly strearilined the application and process. The y approved the presubmissio n of applications to Urkey Hill water and sewer districts befizre the 11 nc.ot be submitting the applications until these to effect. There is also a bill which has been State Legislature which would eliminate the state cl:imptroller in the formation of a district. RESOLUTION NO. 229 ® Councilperson Corrigan offered the following resolution. WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted Resolution No. 194 on October 220 1991 approving the establishment of the Turkey Hill Water District which resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum, and WHEREAS, Notice of Adoption of said resolution was duly posted on the Town signboard and published in The Ithaca Journal as required by law, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has received petitions requesting that the proposition be put to a vote of the qualified voters of the proposed Turkey Hill Water District at a special town election, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient signatures on enough of said petitions and the same were filed in the time required by law and are otherwise legally sufficient to require such special town election, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS. 1. That a the establishmE February 4, 19 Dryden, County voting from 12: sr !nt 92 of 00 )ecial town election to vote on the proposition on of the Turkey Hill Water District shall be held at the Varna Community Center in the Town of Tompkins and State of New York with the hours of noon until 8:00 p.m. prevailing time. 2. The proposition to be voted on by the qualified voters at the special election shall be as follows: PROPOSITION NO. 2 "Shall Resolution No. 194 adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden on October 22, 1991 establishing the Turkey Hill Water District and providing for the improvement therefor consisting of the purchase and installation of approximately 11,400 linear feet of 8 -inch water main, 1,250 linear feet of 6 -inch water main, 2,850 linear feet of service tubing, together with 19 hydrants, 16 gate valves, land or rights -in -land, original furnishings, equipment, machinery and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith at a maximum estimated cost to the water district of $609,475 be approved "? 3. The Town Clerk is authorized and directed to publish and post the required Notices of the special election according to law. soSeconded Councilperson Rol -)er. is Roll call. vote - all voting Yes U RESOLUTION NO. 230 Councilperson Roberts offered the following resolution. WHEREAS, the Town Board adopted Resolution No. 193 on October 220 1991 approving the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District which resolution was adopted subject to a permissive referendum, and WHEREAS, Notice of Adoption of said resolution was duly posted on the Town signboard and published in The Ithaca Journal as required by law, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has received petitions requesting that the proposition be put to a vote of the qualified voters of the proposed Turkey Hill Sewer District at a special town election, and WHEREAS, there are sufficient signatures on enough of said petitions and the same were filed in the time required by law and are otherwise legally sufficient to require such special town election, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That a special town election to vote on the proposition on the establishment of the Turkey Hill Sewer District shall be held February 4, 1992 at the Varna Community Center in the Town of Dryden, County of Tompkins and State of New York with the hours of voting from 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. prevailing time. 2. The proposition to be voted on by the qualified voters at the special election shall be as follows. PROPOSITION NO. 1 "Shall Resolution No. Town of Dryden on October Sewer District and pro, consisting of the purchase at the Ithaca Area Wastewa- installation of approximat( gravity sewer main, a pump land or rights -in -land, or and incidental improvement at an maximum estimated rn approved "? 193 adopted by the Town Board of the 22, 1991 establishing the Turkey Hill iding for the improvement therefor of additional treatment plant capacity :er Treatment Plant and the purchase and ly 15,515 linear feet of 8 -inch diameter station and force mains, 49 manholes and ginal furnishings, equipment, machinery and expenses in connection therewith, zt' to tha conrc+r A c+- ri. * ..f Col n A-1-1 t-... 3. The Town Clerk is authorized and directed to publish and post the required Notices of the special election according to law. Seconded Councilperson Hatfield Roll. call. vote - all voting Yes 17y TB12 -27 -91 page 3 There was discussion regarding Z.O. Slater doing the zoning is enforcement for the Village of Dryden. Henry would like Atty Perkins have a contract written before anything is done. Clm Corrigan - sugr�ested that he try this for E months which wol.41d include the spring, winter arid summer cycles. This may be very time consuming and should be on a trial basis. SkApv Sehiig - would like Atty Perkins, Atty Winn, Henry, Clint and Mary Jane have everything written up what has to be done and have a 2 month escape clause. Atty Perkins -- you will have to check and see about liability insurance. Henry is willing to try it fcor 1 year, but it is up tozzo the town board to decide whether or ris_•t it is worth its RESOLUTION 0231 ZONING ENFORCEMENT FOR VILLAGE. OF DRYDE.N Clm Carrigan offered the fcillo wing adoption: RESOLVEI) I that this. Town Board hav be not to exceed one year and a ca that time for the code enfo ircernent is 2rd Clm Hatfield Roll call resr.,1 ut io e a suitab reful eval for the V vote - all n and a 1 e cor,t cation illage voting sk.ed for its Tact written be done at of Dryden. Yes Atty Perkins -- the board needs to alAthori ze the Supv and Hwy Supt tcj sign a on behalf of the town to.-, plow and sand Abbott lid. until /permit Em "3c.i °7Lw RESOLUTION 1#23_2 AB_BOI -T ROAD r PLOWING AND SANDING _ Clm Hatfield _offered the following resolution and asked for its adept ion: RESOLVED, that th Gilbert to sign t and sand Abbott R 2nd Clm Corrigan is Town Beard authorize Supv Schug and Hwy Supt he necessary paperwork to allow the town to plow d. until 6- 30 -92. Roll call vote all v_iting Yes ZBOA member -- G 1 rrn IRobert s and Clm Hat f i e 1 d voted for Joseph Jay and Clm Corrigan and Supv Schug voted f_ir Bonnie Richmond. decision tabled since there was a tie vote. Town Beard decided to keep the same fee of $17.00 for marriage license fees and $5.00 for a marriage transcript. RESOLUTION_ #233 . ATTEND YOUTH COMMISSION MEETINGS Clm Roberts offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Triwr, Board authim.,rize Nita Baldwin attend the YOMth Commis51Crl meetings. 2nd Clm Carrigan Roll call voDte - all voting Yes /75 1'812 27--91 page 4 Si.kpv Schug - the only thing left for the pE:rmarient Certificate of Occupancy for Wilcox press is the noise problem and the air pO11►_ttion final check, which is the DEC problem. Clm Carrigan °- werit over to listen to the noise and it is annoying, but is ni_, worse than a farmer watering his fields. She can not see this as a nuisance. to Z.O. Slater - as meter and what he is well within th that application. neighbors are coal far as the standards that were provided with the received from the county and City of Ithaca it e acceptable limits of the decibel range for Traffic noise is louder than the noise the plaining abciut. Supv Schug - one of the prizovisio ris in the Site plan Review is that this is not to be a public nuisance, before, during and after construction. Clm Corrigan - this beard has same fociting to fall back, on if this noise problem becomes a nuisance later on. At t y Perkins - wi_iu l d not like t see the permanent certificate of accUpancy issued Until the issues regarding the pending vic4laticins have been disposed of. Atty Perkins _ regarding the Neptune ambu.larice determinations and ambulance contract, he recommends that another public hearing be held for the name of the new corporation. Hopefully he will have everything reedy by the organizational meeting on Jan. End. RESOLUTION #234 APPOINT LANDFILL NEIGHBORHOOD PROTECTION COMMISSION Clm Hatfield offer adoptiano RESOLVED, that thi. Dryden representat Commission. 22nd Clm Corrigan ed the following resolUti s Town Board appoint Henr ive to the Landfill Neigh Roll call vote - a on and asked for its y Raupp as the Town of- bonccocid Protection 11 voting Yes RESOLUTION #235 ENV I RONIMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Dennis P. Swaney as the Town of Dryden representative to the Environmental Management Counci 1. End Clm Roberts Roll call vote -- all voting Yes RESOLUTION #k, 2 6 NYS_ PLANNING SESSION SPRING OF 1 992 Clm Corrigan _offered the following resoluticin and asked for its adopt i din RESOLVED, that this Town Beard co- sponsor with the Town of Lansing and Town of Groton a NYS planning session in the spring of 1'992. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes TB12 -27 -91 Clm Corrigan adopt iron page 5 RESOLUTION #237 APPOINT IDA MEMBER offered the following resolution and asked for its RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Joan Curtiss to the Dryden Industrial Development Agency whose term shall expire or, Dec 31st 1996. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #238 TRANSFER FUNDS Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Supv to authorized to make the following transfers: $125.00 from contingency ingency tea A122 ='Q. 42 (Supv po stage) "v $150.00 from contingency to A1410.421 (clerk. postage) $100.00 and A1410.43 (clerk S&E) $5(").00. $12,200.00 from unexpended fund balance to A1420.401 (l and f i l l) $1 U, 00� ). 00, A5182.4 (street lighting) $650.00, A8030.404 (Turkey Hill water) $800.00 and A8030.405 ( Turkey H i l l sewer) $750.00 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #x'39 EXPRESS APPRECIATION MARGARET WALBRIDGE Clm Hatfield offered the folli_owincd resolution and asked for its adopt ion: RESOLVED, that this Town Board express their appreciation to Margaret Walbridge for the fine .ji_1b that she did while serving lan the Town Board from January 1989 to December 1991. End Calm Corrigan Roll call vote -- all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS Organizational meeting - 1 -2 -92 Regular board meeting -- 1- 14 - -9c Vote on Turkey Hill water /sewer Adjourned 1 : 3OPM Susanne Lloy d Town Clerk U at 6:00PM at 7 e 3OPPI dist. - 2 -4 -92 176