HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-14TOWN BOARD MEETING
NOVEMBER 14, 1991
Supv Schuy called the meeting to cmirder at 7:00PM
Supv Schug read the notice that was p+_tblished in the newspaper
Concerning the proposed Cortland Rd water district.
Atty Perkins - this is a hearing 1_1n a proposed map, plan and
report which were filed with the Town Clerk establishing a water
district which has the same boundaries as the existing Cortland
Rd. sewer district. I n 1985 the town board passed a resolution
subject to a permissive referendum which appropriated a sure of
money to have a map, plan and report prepared for a much larger
water district. That engineering study was prepared by Hunt
Engineers and contemplated a grOlArid water s- ziurce of :supply.
Several test wells were dug within the proposed water district
and no adequate grournd water source was identified. Negotiations
were on goring all Of this time with the Village of Dryden as
another passible siDurce of water supply. Recently the village and
tclv4ri entered into an agreement whereby the town on behalf of the
water district can purchase water for the C� in 1 arid Rd water
district. The town beard recently appropriated an additional sum
of money to have a map, plan and report prepared on a reduced
® district. The source of water for this district would be from the
Village of Dryden by contract. This area was targeted by the town
several years ago for devel _ipmerit by zoning. Much of this
property within the zone is either RC or% MA zone. Based on pl_tblic
comment the town board can pass a pUbl is interest _order
determining that it is in the pUbl is interest to:, establish the
water district. In which case it wIDuld be an order adapted
subject to a permissive referendum. The board could also decide
that there is further work to be done can the proposal arid direct
the engineer to revise the district at which time another public
hearing would have to be held.
- the
come from
arid would
to a
met the
requirements for this district and supply the increase in
pressure to TC3 and the student housing project. At the
intersection Of Lewis St. and Rt 38 would be an emergency
interconnect to provide automatic Blow in case of a high fire
demand. The fire flow meets the maximum recommendation by the
insurance companies.
Dr. Marti, President of TC3 - right now TC3 has adequate water
pressure. With this proposed district it will cost the college
$359001, 0q per year and will be very difficult for them to come
up with the money in their budget.
T811-14-91 page
Bob Ross, Dear, of College Services - over the years they have
Oexpressed concerns about the water pressure i r, that it is
adequate but it is marginal and they have log =oked for a variety of
solutic-ins. With the formation of the water district and the
amount of mcnney they have to liziok. at this and their
responsibility to the taxpayers that support the college. They
have been paying about $57500.00 per year for water from the
Village of Dryden. If this water district goes through they will
still be paying that cost plus the capitalization costs. They
have also done feasibility studies on their own for water.
Dori Triz mb l ey, represent
advantage tl_, -the srhool
cost. They are alsi_, rec
the village. If this di
additional carts. The 1
between TC3 and Dryden
ing Dryden Cern
district with
eiving an adeq
strict goes th
ions share of
Central School
teal School - he can see no
the amount that it will
irate supply _if water from
ri :lugh it will only incur
the cost is distributed
Karel West er l i ng - Owner of Little Creek Mobile Herne Park - his
concern is not as much with the capital costs but with the cost
of the water. The engineering study was talking about $3.00 per
thousand. When you add that to his capital cost cif $6, X500. C)0 it
came out to about $33,600.00 and if he divides that over his 100
10ts it is per month, many of which are having a hard time
just paying their rent. He is paying over $30.00 per lot a rni_mt h
now flzir sewer. This is one of the last affordable housing left
because the people own their own homes. He wanted to go on record
as being opposed.
Tim Buhl, part owner of the Fairview Assoc, _ they have concerns
about the cost that is involved. He would like the town bi_ard to
take another look at the formula so that it is a More equitable
split to all of the district.
George Srhlecht - the town's objective was that since a MA Zone
was formed was to find ways to ecim ? up with commercial g rcnwt h and
to supply them with ample water. The town has been trying to keep
up :in grant money and is keeping up _in the situation,
Tim Buhl _ one third of the parcels that are
is vacant land. Existing developed properties
the bill for a high pressure zone with a much
than just this district. Tf this does g.• forw
asking for is to look at the formula to make
stands right now they are opposed to this pro
going to be served
are really fr. iot ing
larder service area
and all they are
it equal. As it
posed district.
Rizin Palmer, owner of Mott Rd. trailer park - agreed with
everything that Karel Westerling has stated and he is opposed to
this district. He has very goad water and water pressure in his
Carl Taylor, Mott Rd. - wanted to know if there was any hardship
® cased in this prop_ised water district where people do not have
adequate water.
TN 1 1 -14 -91
page 3
Supv Schug - there are some places that do rnr_it have very good
Joan Curtiss - the Tompkins County Trust Company does not have
adequate water or gcicod water.
Michael Cane - does
retroactive refereed
referendum on its or
college and the high
particular the long
the town board have the option of a
urn without waiting for a permissive
der. How are the actual water cost_s for the
school affected by the district. In
terra contracts that they have.
Supv Schug -- the long term cizintrar_ts would be honored by both the
village and the to =wn.
Atty Perkins - the town board does not have the option of putting
it directly to_, referendum. It takes a petition to trigger a
referendum, which is 5 percent of the district.
Clifford Norte, resident and school board member . the school
district will only have one vote, but all of the taxpayers in the
town will be supporting this project with their tax money. This
will be about $309000.00 that they will be taken away from
educatic-in. If the district does go thri.mough he does not see where
it will enhance educat icm in, therefo_ore he is opposed.
John Dedrick, owner of Dedrick Fruit Stand -- he has his own water
supply and is adequate for him so he is opposed to this district.
- he is concerned about the formula
George Schlecht - this is a prt,iposed benefit formula, and is one
of rnany that they have 1i_,oked at and reviewed with the town
board. This formula is based •.-in pipe footage, area of the
property, assessed valUcIt il.m in, consumpt i _1n units, (which is the
same units that you are paying as part of the sewer district).
This has its own formula that Ed is referring to and it terms of
consistency it was iricli.tded in this formula. The fifth column was
vacant loot unit which was met to recognize in the boards opinion
that a vacant commercial lot that does riot otherwise have water
will now have water and is benefiting in a greater proportion
than someizne why, already has are existing well.
Roger Hatfield - there are 54 landowners and if you divide this
O'At is comes Coot to about $25,inoO.00 per landowner. This is quite
a cost to run some pipe � C)o feet f eir $259000.00. Where is all the
money going, has this been bid c.ut already?
Supv Schug - this is just the map, plan and report and nothing
has been bid. This is just an estimate.
T`811-14- -91 page 4
George Schlec:ht - the total cc)
informational meeting. The fir
• and the one we have today was
council. The construction cost
t be cr,lnservat i ve 1 y estimated
can not qo over that figure,
St has not changed
st year payment was
a recc,rnmendat i.on fr
s, engineering admi
high because if t h
fro =lm the last
revised by me
om the bond
nistrat ior, tend
is is adapted we
Roger Hatfield
- can
riot see a big benefit at this paint and is
Karel Westerl ing - at the first meeting it was his impression
that the reason for the district was the fact that both the
school and TC3 really needed the water. At this meeting
apparently that is not the case.
Supv Schuq - it wasn't so much the high schooll but when they
were looking and talking about a middle school and the need for
more water, and TC3 does have a pro_oblem with pressure. You could
say that the problem could be mitigated by putting in another
pump. TC3 has a pro: blem and we have addressed that pri_iblem and
they were interested until they looked at the page that was sent
out and the numbers carne Out. It is a big bill, but TC3 nor the
Dryden High School contribute any tax to the town. It is all tax
free land and they would be in a benefit district, therefore they
would have to pay. There was a limit of interest previcii.tsly from
TC3 and riot as much from the high sch oo l .
is Karel Westerl.i.ng - the reason he brought this up was the major
need was for TC3 and the high school. In fact, they needed the
water arid, everybody here that was against it felt a little
guilty that they were going against the twos schor_sls just because
the residents did not want to pay for it. His feeling now is that
it does not make sense since neither of the schools are
interested and =on 1 y one person or one i nst i t ut i rin is interested
in the affirmative and everybody at both meetings other than that
one has been against it. The only way to derail it is by a
permissive referendum.
Supv Schurl - the town board is only trying to get input. None of
the beard members live in that district, but have heard reg1.Lests
for doing a study.
Tim Buhl -- they feel that it is expensive for what they will get
back,. There may be other alternatives.
Les Cleland - his cobservat
for this arid there are oth
You will be.? spreading two :,
two counties. YOU are ask. i
the residents of Tompkins
operating expense for a pu
they pass out to the taxpa
Trumarisburg, Marathon, and
ion is that some people will pay once
ers that will pay twice or three times.
thirds of the cost of this project over
ng the residents f Cortland Cc-runty and
C_Unty to pay for this project. An
blic institution will be a part of what
yers ire the two courities. The people in
pe,iple in two counties who have no
TB11- 1` +--91 page 5
knowledge about this, will be asked to pay for this through their
Otaxes. The residents of the school district will be asked to pay
twice, once through the town and -.,rice through the school. The
residents of the water district will pay three times. If you add
that up you will see those that will benefit the most will pay
the least and that is the vacant property owners of the district.
They are the ores to benefit most fri,mi this project. He dies not
think that this is the kind of project YOU want to get involved
in. We have seem to much _if that and here is an opportunity in
what you are hearing tonight from the people.
Clifford Norte -- he will be attending a school beard meeting
Monday night and will bring this information to them and will let
the town b_iard know what their feelings are toward the district.
Bill Raynor, representing TC3 as a t
know at this paint if the town board
drawing beard and 1 rook at the a 1 t errs
another public hearing prior to movi
and having a referendura,
rList ee - he would like to
is willing to go back to the
atives and then proceed with
ng forth with this proposal
Clm Corrigan - the board has presented a proposal tonight and
does not mean that everyone on the board will vote to put the
district in. The referendum only occurs after that vote has taken
place and this may not happen.
Supv Schug - ariye.nne that is in the district will be notified as
to what is happening and as it pr_1gressea or if it is voted dawn.
It can be voted dawn by the town board based on what we have
heard tonight. He has heard en'Z'ugh interest from a couple of
people to talk, and maybe find another alternative.
George Schlecht - he would like ti,i ask everyone tv "., think that if
the district is reduced he would welcome suggestions on how
people who are then outside this district and not pay, when 19
years from now they have water problems and the people inside the
district who are paying for it are treated fairly.
Les Cleland -- he thinks there is a way of doing it and if it is
to be extended it could be done on a c_ist basis to the people who
want ti_, apply fc_r it.
Clifford Norte - there is no way of knowing what scimeories well is
going to be 10 years from ncnw, but what about the village they
might riot have a never ending supply of water either,
Supv Schug - the only gizood supply of water is from Bolton Point.
It would be a natural progression to bring the water oi.it this far
from Bolton point fi -zir this district and probably the village
rather than to depend on ground water wells.
TbII1 14 -51 page 6
Les Cleland - st_,me time ago there was discussio .min of this and
wondered about annexing this portion of the town to the village
and in -that rase the property owners would pay no more than the
village is paying. He wondered if this has been considered and if
this has been pursued?
Supv Schug - yes it has, but you would still be paying for the
capital casts for the extension.
Les Cleland - are you saying that the system is -the absolute
essential system to serve this area and rtathing less even though
the two current major users are receiving what appears to be
adequate service at this time. Are you saying this is the
absolute minimUm systern that can serve the needs .-if this area.
Supv Schug - absolutely not.
Atty Perkins - those two users also depend l.in contracts for their
water and those contracts have an expiration date. If they are in
the water district they will be guaranteed water from some place.
Michael Lane - the cost of water if it were in the village would
be single rate instead of the rate and one half.
Supv Schug - the cizzist of the water is a small part of the
pry, j ect .
George Schlecht - if this property was annexed into the village
there would be a small cost savings because the line which gees
to TCU dawn to North St. could be eliminated. The reasizin the line
is there now is because of the contract with the village.
Closed public hearing"
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk.
64 1Opm
/6 z