HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-08-13fil TOWN €BARD MEETING AUGUST 13, 1991. Supv Schug called the mQetinq to carder at 7:,SOPM Members and gLie,tz participated in the Pledge of All.egiarca Holl call was by thc! Town Clerk.: Present: Supv Schug, Clm Ro7Ger1ts, Clrn Walbridge, Clm AatfjultJa Fatty Perkins and Z.Q;. Slater AbSerlt: Clm3 r"Irrigen Supv Schug rrkppoin4ed Clrn Roberts to audit 'the general fund bil]S. RcDprovai 9f the minutes: Motion was made by Clm Roberts and 2nci Clot Hatfield that the rninllto5 of- July 9th and July 16th be apprcivefi. Car"r"ied GIT=N PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOoR Supv Sch4ig - Barbara Hatfield, h&ns written a litter to the town a3kLt)g for their !3tippor-t to have the otate install a 5.ion along Rte 13 Ycahq- Hanshaw Rd. far the Guthrie_ Clinic. Stithrie Clinic has to reque!3t the sign and there is money involved, A6rTORNEY ptty Pyrkiris - regarding TIIF`k.ey Hill water Arid sewer, hear -'inq. He wa5 requested to advi.s2 the town hgard as to the pr•acedur`es that might be ay.-jilable to the tiDwyl. There were vieveral. ccirnments niade at the oecnting, many iDf Which had. to do with the f1irmula t1lat was to be util.-k7ed to raise the Irrival debt Service. He has Spoken wit1% someone from $he State CrZiloptrollers ❑ffico and our boriding council, 'rechnically YOU do not have to go back and hold ariother pli1ulic hearing. YCJLI could go ahead if you f'rZiunj an appropriate formula nerd ntak.e certair, deterrninatigt-is urider- Section 2139 under Town Law, smbr31t your application and attPriipt to explain to the State Comptroller wiry you intend tiD, use a fornrt11�7 which was different thAn was filuii with the reap, plan and report. He eecorameridro that the beard Select one of those forrnula5, have another amended map, plan P.nd report and hold another pw.,blic hearing on that ord then pr•ocebd to make YQLLr^ determinatir_iri5. Supv Schug - thi5 board should pick a fciT1rrlu.la n,]w 5[, that we can schedule another PLIbli.c hearing. Trttir'e was sQFPC Miscussi4n and the bl:a,r•d decided t.5 work Lift a formula using 90% a3sessrnent 17rrd J(vA uriitE3. C1ni Roberto. - had rn> problem with the fl;rrnula, as long as the people on ocCrJ.tlied and Urbc:!cupied are both doing assP;6s�d in paying the same rate. One person owns RS acres Arid is only being charged 1 %„niit and aronther has 26 acres and charged for 10 4Anits becauso his lar� {I is wln'D'C : jpied. TBB -13 -91 page 2 Atty Parkins - yOlt can use the current formula, but with acreage over 2.5 will irer_rr• 1 unit for each ' ?..5 acreage, A typical lot would be 2.S acres. The question is, is the vacant land going to be benefited. Atty Perkins - Cortlerd Rd. water district agreement with the village. The language proposed by the village in paragraph 17. The village has a concern that they will have to incur some expenditures in order to supply water to the town. The village did not want the town to turn around and develope it: own source in the next 3 years and then abandon the village. In exchange for the ability to get out of the contract the town has agreed that the village would be the sole supplier of the water until a major source of water became available. The village is proposing that if Bolton Point water i3 available then the only way the town can get out of buying water from the village is if the town agrees to supply water• to the village. This is a problem because the village i, not a ptirty to Bolton Point. He recommends to the town that the village will be the sole source of sr.rpply until such time as a major supply is available. You are giving up the right to look for water yourself. The village language is that this contract maybe terminated or renegotiated in the event that water becr.mes available to the parties from Bolton Point, it wag changed to, .,r from some other source and we didn't limit it to Bolton Point and that him is objection. The prliblem is that it has to be available to the parties. It has to bin available to the Stown rn_t to the village also. Atty Perkins - would like to propose that this contract maybe terminated or renegotiated by either party jr, the event a significant supply of water becomes available to the town. For example water from the SCLWC Belton Point or other significant water supply for purposes of this agreement. Significant supply shall rnear, water from the source which is capable of supplying the Cortland Road water district that meets the same daily quantities that the village has been supplying. Supv Schug -- there is a request for, an extension for the Uniform procedure Act regarding the Hall Road water district. DEC is asking for an exten£ ion of time. Supv Schug - Lorraine Bard has requested more money for dog control warden since her injury because she has had to hire extra tie P. Supv Schug - a r•equr_�pt from the planning Board that they would like to be the Load Agency under• SEAR for the Varn Brothers slitrdivision. • July 12, 1997, James Schug Town of Dryden 65 E. Main Street Dryden, NY 13053 Subject: Rent -A -space Property at Rt. 13 & Yellow iiarx Road bear Mr. Schug, We will, comply with the artier to pla;,c the 94 upright 24" Arborvitae. The plants have been purchased from Groton Agway, and are scheduled for plant,rig on August 19th. There are two (2) of the businesses like ours on Route ],3, The one other rental spacQ bug5.ne5s is over by Cayuga Press. We note that this competitive business is now offering storage of .boats, motor homes, trailers, trucks and autos. Tc he equal, The Town of Dryden should permit our busines-q to also offer the same services. You will note the Compe.titer, is located in a similar area, on the same highway, This competitive rental business is takji,hg business away from out company because of the extra services they are permitted to offer,. We would like to knew is the Town of Dryden authorized our Competitor the permission under special use permit tc;� offer these services of storage of boats, motor homes, trailers, trucks, and autos? please advise, If the Competitive rental space company has been granted the Permission td offer these services, we are asking for the same right. Please bring this before the board, and read this letter aloud tc the mambers of the board, Lastly, we have incorporated OUT- business, and request a change in the name from Darrell and Diane Rademacher. to tha Dame of Rent -A -pace etrporatien, Please write us a reply to our letter after your next town board matting, {-= Sinter 1 r_ parrel:l ademacher P.O. Box 821 Dryden, N,Y, 13053 -0821 r CC! Henry K, slater Kr yLkc n 1]r'}•ds-�r! 'I ['w1'! FrA I. F. hlri i•n Shr'net Drydc r , New Y-L-1 ; Pr'C'rn: Her!rr M. lr�. i1.01j.rrg Code 111171-1rcel!le.r!L Cif. I�. 9r,xla. : July LJ3 1 }elrt. f)cLiYil;y ld!C'j_L:r•i: Dear .Tim: �!.l i,lrii ri[I PQT-Iai L'r:: lrr;jnaxc:d 11urinLl July 1.99J, [25 wh iC- li :x r - '= des�_r'afae.i a =.= •#'�1.lary =;. r'1 -1 Cer•i: if-i. a:at��, r,f IaS7S:!!6�:.51'!C: `.' Sinelle-- s'a.ruily 5tri.l�:turl =s, M•_w �3#•- +r t:_;: t41 fl 1 "ingIa FamiLy, 1r!= -taIA Couhlc. -widsa Ill) bill-:? 1ICI1IE•: P --a Si i nti I r?- famit 1 v F511I iq ,iI F. i at i -,g !irr.l-SIf :'h Ura• : s71 FirF� tin m ti _lrpi. C -4.1 Wer -e rio l-7.ve P'r•i -eat 91- oraiIu SLr!.i 1 :Lgre No SIa.t-Ls.: MLIAFA1:11e f!} i!" %�. I f ?! "!',.':•VEil:c! L�.7;i.:31::irq 4= 'riVi'.I; ?" e; l;_,'•:i!1'; Virr� �''.� -1'1] tl} Gus i (0' Home-' -' Day {;ere f ire :-Jrlk L .lF'iupe' -'1; ior!_., C: --•i.c Erect- Fir-?a.lght Ir..r7r:fr.:r Sbat:ion: C -..-, At.tarh r.n ::Ni;gri',I- 14Ir15 1,r. f:;ft:;'ti.r!y 1-1 ?11." tit) C: --" Inst:ala Private clwirominil Po„1 L:1 -?r•t: i ricot oLs of p ;nrry and CC'rop 1. i ai ic,e. i 1. LJ' Cer•i: if-i. a:at��, r,f IaS7S:!!6�:.51'!C: `.' €y`s' +sr`C.1- i,ra p7 r:.5 ry !_:u C'# ❑cCUGla''rc }'. f1.5 C:er-t;if-ii:�_ FirF� tin m ti _lrpi. Wer -e rio l-7.ve 1nve.'ist x11 tii1r! r�oarnrl i,pnl, MLIAFA1:11e tic- <. 9.tir:nrr- 7r <:r, ;.,.,1; ir.p :. r(,. Virr� fr!1}y : { 1:1C.•i'�s c.1' pp.kLij.iaf Gus i (0' Home-' -' Day {;ere f ire :-Jrlk L .lF'iupe' -'1; ior!_., ( 3 ) 7.o41 i11g 1':r•ard of APPCcaIS lir_r.rir.g I:r,•tl!u:.sl;e:: i . •) Nrlticep ?f decigi.:his have been akt :a.lain(1. 1 he High—Speed Checkoc. i gher Ctilllp:arry is tit i .l 1. urld er ri 1 "cmpi. retry Certificate of Ocr:r.11ir +ri;•/ %hr(u tco the proli.:srd Barr Proc)d rr_Il: bcirr_y a Town PQ40. The ll i lcox Prese R l,znt eirlrl Pi,mip Hotmzci Facility arr' c•c,nrplete. The;r•c• e1Ctl.l remain eiotou clPer, items which anare r'17!1!!i t -ed as ri_E:apSsary ! 0c:01110ttts to .Supply :'tl'n1 .Icti.ron items tr1 rr;Imp)c•te prior to abtr.ir,irrg a 'lenrporary I:F ?}•1•i irate r•I)e VI %! ❑orlC; f?1'Yl at1_•1.IL Stories ar1U rol; k: being s!Ielr,t?d iYft Ci the Pieta pump tiyst,_m. At thir, t•iwe, it t•oijiIJ al!jlriikv- thPt: o 'aolutioi1 try the fire purar, 1 °1,tr iC: 1. icrri isis1.1:' h. a; Iieerl de l: rule.( rlf ?rA. El d1 ?I ?i'i. i5 Srf'lJ9!1'I hr.s been r17 ^IItJr' %Ia a)III is c:c'hl cIs.;I •cI far• .inst.�i,lal:i•:ir1 C•n Auq!ISI: It)L•h. At L•lua SPms? time, 1:he Illlll I i.r i pc _t 51.1 pp)V we.t Br• IiMori Art! ctI SO chorl% {Ir_il L he .:llr!.ii'r flushed ii'. 111-1 : bL"eillpt to rnnl..ve all rem9iiii.111 l rocks w th ive the!_e sl.I pp t Ai1 -fes. I'III t_ta.d by 111.1rrt Frlrlirleer'inrl, the c1?st cif thig flta!,hinn flieti.jec:t stnxtlrl h$_- abQv l; !I' �r I;I:Ii I,I'nll'n "tLI1'lat:e])'t 1''v� r.onfirfrlc4d tilde l)t llj.j:: (- ', -C'S5t IriQ. ' has t•ylten 1(')ry, nr ;rlSlFancy of the 17 Hall Idn_IIJS R::a.d Far 'iIity. I was irifCW1dPd by Wilcritt Pi%eus V.P. fiarz.ie_le , 'Ill:; i result r,f a.I l the r,!fS:•ri:aed d9l4Dys .in ❑clr,r•1 lalliny thi pr�:jr..l ^t, as lr tlfii r,r3s= de. r_is•ir•'r1, 41 i.]cl:ut 1= ''ria5r Inc. clecided tt; t_t..l(, I�rClal?< :Tn�y l C':rlPir'nu =d t tl ,l �. r:ICr.ilp:!.11i:V viol.ctior, 111.wing _l fire r>dfet y 11'1. ^:•pC:Ct IOYt orr ,71!.ly ?Ctth rif thi.t; yiaa.r•. dt ttlis timr41 1 .ir,fornuxJ Idr. L'<�r•z.ie,).l: , th[tL 1 w1,n11') Italvn rn? 1:'II_•lre but: tp i <,Llntl r_ourt appear•anri.i violratijrt7i under IJ4lh the 1h ^yrli:rl 1700 i.� %rliny Ch'•tlinanre rn'ni the New Vc'*F+. State fire prr•�•r•rlti.orr & Ir11.1ildirtg I'r.,._ Flrevi�ily:i:a. 1 "hat rIr_I;iprr ha b_can r• r• Int p I et r;• r 1, Iioweverl I`ve rrclL 10•rj1:•in.vpd ncit i.ce oP d l:•ap:i`iirg for these vil,),ntiOrlS. 1I!: ak'e a.l -q. 1S, di.r'1;•rF,pll ' by the? Nparcl con July rCith, prepari.1,ol vic•1ot'i iobls frlr. irnpropi•m ar_t ion by I;Ji l rrlx i i-t_Ss dur i.>nl a f i'rr_• :a.l6wrol rr.. 1pcmrrse by 'v'arrr:! 1=ir_ `:;tet:i4ii l`�-•r,�clr•enl'1 an .laly .131:h -•I' tIIi.11 Year. • • WHCU Radio 5tati.._ni. 77 VI]� 1'•f•_'� °1^ I Vb;d tVl" 11. 1; 1'il C7rllpl tUi] I`21, i �; q'I I r�'�ni 1;hv I i'oll'll; i lIF; f;nI Ir1l;y 1) 11 ?1iri i rlil 114'.8 ?.;•I; mr'I-,t i *Iid i i;`:lt i, liq is hr''t . " as I'. +r •�_. they are c:()rrcer'1'led, the 'lowro of Oryde!r, is flee tr irlC a i I'm dgs;i I -oti to) itlr this QI'O f•c'Ct rev i Ht•) I$ . L ve crLt LC!'llV•!I N., c._,l,y of that; nlf!LIC fCm y,".II.Ir fiIro• 7 r,rn; ili r�'c4•l.pt arry other cfncumr =r,ts which warp= Of thrl al ?lllit ?n1,1: lynrit. 1 wculd inforr,l yc!I.l, that the 1)ry(lctn Tt!wrl Z. 13. A. dill al)prove the Par'kinq Lot Space Redr.l,_Licvl As rC.gml?r1tr'0. brat to he rn)Il.n_I ?li t ?. t'e. ''5 ;I)al-�c>>. L 13r::l i@vo tIItkl: ths., <spol irarlt 1)<rs 13F'4 Y1 r'r ?Cl tar Fitetl L'n glappIy, water a1•lif sewF.'r illr'telI lahictii II1'I�t- I;.r'gls 17Cri' 1'iwirl rr'vi_o) and connnerIt. L''rovide arl llp dAtrcl ;survey rYhLnh ^•hpw6 rcorr'ertcod bnuricl"iry and ).':lt E!.ntl llr'• ?v idr^ n .J@ta.i led Ck P_t7Cri pl: it)rr for the I.; ��r�h 1 sly) <lYlll 1' 1.1 hr_•t inr'I Q 't, he toali:•r• % 4.1 it7 1-1 IBtlrl i pnle Y' It. li rlrii'y 14. '.°•I at or" GI Jnrnes iic•hl,lq, Pryllt'll 'legvitI _;fApervI .n AL l Dryden T_lwrl Bo:rrtl Ft ^nlb_r ^l5 :raLiv':rA18 Lie!yd, 1!I`y'jBri Trpwl L'le14l� �lElh.l lYi q. 1= 'ertci.ns, Dr- viler) Toves Al;tov'r,nv • C Tompkins Codnly • DEPARTMENT OI: PLANNING Blgas aolming A, 101 Ilarrls A. Pon' Drive Irhan, Yew y'or► 14810 n L� James W. ilanson, Jr. Cummts"oner of Planning *1 cicphnne (607) 2 74-5 7(,[1 TO: Ilenry Slater, 7,oning and Building Code En N rcxment Ufftce FROM: James W. Hanson, Jr., Commissioner DATE: July 30, 1991 RE: 7oninp Review Pursuant to §239 -1 and -nr of the New York State General Municipal Law Action: WHCU WYXL Radio Station Relocation. Tax Map No. This mentorandum acknowledges your referral of the proposal identified above for review and comment by the Tompkins County Planning Department pursuant to §239 -1 and in of the New Yolk State General Municipal Law, rMc proposal, as submitted, will have no significant deleterious impact on intercommuuity, county, or state interest. Vierefore, no recommendation is indicated by the Tompkins County Planning Depallrnent, and you are free to act without prejudice. Plcasc infomi us of your decision so that we can make it a part of the record. n• ILO fte ji-Irripa pet I'1 u • CI NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY JULY 029 1991 A public hearing to consider the Application submitted by JOYCE PIERCE of 661 Irish Settlement Road, Freeville, New York to build a (2) bedroom ranch home and is requesting n variance to Section 603.2 6 41 804.1 R 2 and 1704 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, July 27 1991 with members present: Chairman, John Acker, Dominic Bordonaro, Ann Everett, Alan LaMotte, and Francis DiTommaso. FINDINGSr 0 14 The applicant proved significant economic hardship. A motion was made by Ann Everett that Joyce Pierce by granted the variance as requested. Second to the motion was made by Alan LaMotte. VOTE YES (S) NO (0) DECISIONt jr F. DiTommaso, J. Baker, D. Eor•donaro, A. LaMotte and A. Everett. VARIANCE GRANTED. ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, John Baker, Chairman 1] NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY JULY 029 1991 A public hearing to consider the applir_otion submitted by RICHARD AND DORIS WOOD of 23 -3 Hanshaw Road, Ithaca, New York to build m Residential structure and is requesting a variance to Section 753.1 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden Board of Zoning Appeals an Tuesday, July 21 1991 with members present: Chairmnn, John Baker, Dominic Bordonaro, Ann Everett, Alan LoMotte, and Francis DiTomeaso. FINDINGS: 11 The applicant proved unique circumstances based on State Insurance Funds requirements. A motion was made by Alan LnMotte that based on the findings Mr. and Mrs. Wood be granted a variance as requested. • Second to the motion was made by Dominic Bordonaro. VOTE YES (5) F. DiTammnso, J. Baker, D. Bordonaro, A. LaMotte and A. Everett. ' NO (0) ABSTAINED (0) DECISIONe VARIANCE GRANTED. jr • Respectfully submitted, John Raker, Chairmnn • is s NOTICE OF DECISION TUESDAY JULY 029 1991 A public hearing to consider the application submitted by GARY WADE of 241 West Dryden Road, Freeville, Now York to build a Multiple Dwelling (4 family) Apartment House and is requesting a variance to Section 751 of the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance. A public hearing was duly conducted by the Town of Dryden @card of Zoning Appeals on Tuesday, July 2, 1991 with members prosent: Chairman, John Baker, Dominic Pordonaro, Ann Everett, Alan LaMotte, and Francis DiTommaso, FINDINGS: 1. The applicant failed to was prove any practical that Gary Wade be denied a variance as difficulties or unnecessary hardships to grant n variance. A motion was made by Ann Everett that Gary Wade be denied a variance as requested due to the findings. Second to the notion was made by Francis. DiTommaso. VOTE YES (4) F. DiTommaso, J. Baker, D. Bardonaro, and A. Everett. NO DECISION: jr (1) A. LaMotte VARIANCE DENIED. ABSTAINED (0) Respectfully submitted, ()John Baker, Chairman TB6 -13 -91 Page . RESOLUTION #160 PLANNING BOARD LEAD rvE NCY SEOR FOR VARN BROTHERS Clm Roberts offered the fl;illowing resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint the Dryden Planning Board to act as the Lead Agency under SEAR For the Vann Brothers subdivision on Snyder Hill Rd, 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes ZONING OFFICER - resort given to beard members Z.O. Slater - has received resplfnse from the County Planning Dept regarding the WHCU /WYXL application. They have revised the SEAR report to reflect changes that have been reviewed by the board. The ZBOA did grant a reduction for parking spaces at their meeting on 7 -30 -91 for WHCU /WYXL. CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Peter Davies, 755 Snyder Hill Rd - requesting that the town does not install a street light at the intersection of Sodom Rd and Snyder Hill Rd. He thinks that it destroys tho rural riature of the area. The safety problem in not related to the visibility at that point. He had a stop sign installed there 22 years ago for safety reasons. He does riot think that putting a light there will • help. It destroys the rural character of the area and is valued by the residents who chose to live in that division. Therefore, he would like to request that the town does riot plane a light at that intersection. Supv Schug - the town has already held a public hearing and approved a pole with a street light to be installed at that intersection. Since the agreement has not yet been signed and NYSE&G wants to put the pole there, the town will request a street light to be installed at another location. Z.O. Slater - regarding Darrell Rademacher• issue. Mr. Rademacher agreed to comply with the r_rder, tro plant evergreens 14 inch at the time of planting. (cnpy of his letter in minute book) Supv Schug - we are trying to get Mr. Rademacher to comply with the site plan review requirements and clean the proporty up. The board should recommend that the buffer should be planted where it should be if he had taken care of it and mairtained it, rnow the lawn and that he can't have any outside storage other than what is in the site plan review resolution. Mr. Rademacher now wants to rent outside storage to ether poople. Supv Schug - told Henry that Mr. Rademacher should plant at least 3 to 4 feet tall and keep them maintained. n U IJ 6 //7 T86 -13-91 page 4 • CORRESPONDENCE - Supv Schug - reported sales tax revenue is dawn foil the quarter because they changed the way the city took their money. Dryden Lake police report State purchasing pilot program fcn� state vehicles. Schwan Drive - request f-or lower speed limit has been turned down. builts for Abbott DISCUSSION Supv Schug - would like approval to proceed with getting as builts for Abbott Road, Atty Perkins - r4eported on Barr Rd, cone thing that was holding everything up was the NYSE &G oasement which is pending. Hwy Supt Gilbert - wrote a letter of Acceptance for Parr Rd. last year and he would not be able to accept the road now with the conditinrr, that it is in. Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Floard appoint Deborah Holtz of 6F.2 West Dryden Rd., Freeville to the West Dryden Rehabilitation Comm i t t ee. and Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUT14N #162 WETLAND STUDY DR -7 LANDFILL SITE Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that thin Town Board authorize expenditures of up to $6259000,00 to Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett Inc.; Subconsultant Orland J. Blanchard; for services to delineate Corps jur ^isdictional wetlands. These Are additionAl services for Wetland Study DR -7 site. and Clm Roberts Ro_oll call vote - all voting Yes R UTION #163 GTE PHONE SYSTEM F SOLOR TOWN HALL R HIGHWAY GARAGE Clm Hatfield offiared the following resolutioon and asked for its adopt ioro: RESOLVED, that this Town Hoard approve prs.)posal from Robert ® Watros of GTE for a new phorie service for town hall and highway garage. 2nd Clm Walbridge Roll cc)ll vote - all voting Yes • • TBB -13 -91 page 5 • RESOLUTION #164 AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT TO ATTEND HIGHWAY CONFERENCE Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Huard authorize Hwy Slipt Gilbert to attend highway conference from Sept 24th to Sept :37th and to pay expenses not to exceed $400.00 2nd Clrn Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #165 APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS ABSTRACT #10 Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the bills be paid as audited. Abstrar_t #108 voucher #476 to #567 for a total of $148,755,9P dnd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available upon request JUSTICE REPORT - 48511.00 for the month of July NEW BUSINESS September board meeting to be held on Thrusday Sept Sth. Ad j o! irned : 10: 3OPM Susanre Lloyd Town Clerk / /<r/