HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-16TOWN EQRRIJ MEETINB
JULY 169 1991
SLIpV S hug rallied the fiFetiriq to 1�irdQr at 7!OOPM
Present: Supv Sr_hug, Gl.m Roberts, Clra Walbridge, Ctm Hatfield,
Clm Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Town Glr;r'k Lloyd
iupv 5chug - the district is basically tho same E +xcept that a few
parCO1S haVe bEen taken out of the district to help tFBdUCn the
cost. The revised pl?n Fhow6 the diYfer9nce from the original.
Irene Franklin - with the neW YalllatiOn hers is worse than ever.
She was ttilh origihal1y it wlauld be $SOO.00 and mew it is
$1 , 250. 00.
SLIpV Schug - wanted tw know if her a5se4gment wBrit up.
Irene Franklin - it went LIP 2 1J2 times, but she has gotten it
down a little.
Evaryohe that was present .Sc)iIJ Chat their assessment Went LIP in
dollar va.lUP,
Ir5re Franklin - if she had tri pay 51,250.017 a year for the
length of the bQ'ndlYg it would be irnp05E1b1e for her to keep her
plaov. 4.1, X50.00 would be one tenth of her- inConlP to pay this,
Plus She WOUld have to pay fvr' the water and sewer bi119 arid hook
up charges.
Robin Williahl5 - wanted to kpsw Whclt the different hF?elclings rnet
on the printout.
Atty FrCrk.iins - it is an [alphabetical listing of all of the
parcels within the proposed Water Arid sewer di5$rict. There are
115 parcels and 155 units. Parcels are ideirAifi:ed by tax map
parcel. hLimber and listed iri alphabetic order. The fo7%mL1la that LS
tBrtatively propclrued is based on raising 25 percent of the annual
debt acirvice based . ;r7 thle number of units in the district, atj%
unit$} 'E;SyC acreage and aCI% assessment. This is the formulae that
the town biDar'd a9ked the engivlQol "5 to include in ths%ir map, plan
and report' that they prepr?.r•F.d pursuant tip the proceedings. There
2r'e believed to 122 aoturate, althi7Npl'S there maybe ccinver•sions
that have t,aru °ri place since this was preparcid ri }- there maybe an
apartr6[nt taken out and made into a larger home. It is based on
dwelling .!nits or in part ioular situatiQnS the motel hale a number
based G1n full time equivalent peoplC ivho might be there. The
footage r_ar1 be ignored bec:.gu5e
TB7 -16 -91 page 2
nothing is attributed to footage in this fibrraula. It i€ there for
information purposes only in this voiraiCrP1 Qf the forrniAla. Acreage
irl ta1Sm frcirl the 'taX map and the assessment is believed to be
the current assessment after the county wide reValuatiokq tf2r7k
Place, Water and sewer cslw.rnn5 of 6.6 %; 6.84; T %; and 7.5%, These
are theoretical first year costs for a debt service 15rly based on
t%@mairi bclrldivg as:sl.iraptians. The hording a55,Amption that these
are based on is the 6.6% rate and is not an uncommori ratEs HCM.
The ccilumns reflect the difiPerent, amlaunts for the difflCr9rt rate5
so that you cari make VOL-Li- {awn &43zi mptiori6. He wS1L11d puess that
the bonding rate would come in around S.75% or 6.19% which is a
realistic number based on the bond market at tFSe pres[rit 'tiro€+.
The bonding would be for 20 years grid night flttit�tuate a little
bi;imause some yoars yinr1 would bra paying off a leis r?rllj:imnt of the
principle and interest than others. It could go down if the
dist;r•ic:t has more users come on or the district has more capital
to spay the band off.
1 CWCIbih 41'dYre - he has I house on orie lot ar5d a garage tlb a
separate lot which will not have water and sewer and wondered if
that wav clasaifiRd as a genarate unit?
Atty Perkins - it i4 dawn. fclr Cr l.nit5 and esaoGsed for $1600,CQ
Joe oabes, 1X69 Dryden Rd - ° years ago hm hRar•d there was going
to be an election on this and about 1 year ago he heard there was
an aleiotion and they nemyof' rec�:!ived a notice. He wanted to know
if a notice of the election was mailed beCaµSe they never
r@L.13iVed any.
Atty Perkins - it was published In the riewupapr_sr according to the
Nlecticm law.
Joe Qat)es ^ h ?i.JuL'+5tioriud the acreage because they live on the
aide bf a very steep hill on Rt 4366 and Chore is no way anything
can be built there. He does not think. it i5 fair- for sire much
weight be put on .;,igri:dgc rather than frontace. He wondered why
frOrta[je was abandoned in the forrnµla?
Atty Perhreins - the reason fcrr chorging the formula was to try and
drive the C[iSt d!]wn for a typical single fLi6lily dwelling on a
'typic=al lot. You do that Lit the expense of other, factors
inrl4lajng oriits arid acreage. Whoa y,Srx Change one part of the
1=nr•mula you obvioUT11 y ryut mere ernohasis somewhar& else.
Joe babes
- is that
when some
pa.rrolu arse
deeper than
Others and
there 1F
no way
care bo bu111r
Elm Corrigan -- thd,re were people where ha VG very small places. j.n
a C:r`Tinqrge yet had fr•oritalir: On c different rt7acJF and their
asses. 6rAr'nt was sky high. There were marry jn4;.?qL.,ik ies. based on
TH7 -lu -9i page 3
John Dunn, 'rurk.ey Hill. Rd -• if they are cm - 1,oadS isn't there 2
sets of pipes going in. In hLtl par ^'ticular situaticin j1e is against
th9 acreage berauflL� he has 200 feet of frortage which is tiw£a
zoning restriction in the Town of Dryden for- a buildinq 10t. He
has 3 acres and there is no way that the land ocor1 bt built on.
Clm We.lhridge - the fl;mniulas can be changed if the people came to
the beard with Orie they feel is 'fair.
Helen Lxingq Dryden Rd - wondered if the formula was gust f6r this
district nr if yiyu plan tQ I:hange the forroul.s fbr any futiAr'Cr Or`
current districtr3 lrl the town. Alr3ei, the amOLIrt of acreage ygil
have i5 alr Etady a fartor in yOUr assRuStAthrit so you are actually
weighing more bhar 25% on tho acreage factor,
At'ty Perk.iYls - annually the board hau. to deterrgjpe a formula t9
app1Y to all of the propert.ipF Within the district in cird(ir to
I'aise the money to pay of the debt gervice. This is an annrAal
f'tinction because of charop;i that occur during the year. It has tQ
be applied evenly throughout the district and d6es not have to be
the same a!a any other district. As the board Comes up with any
rdtiohal basis it will be ;iustained. It does not r1eOasgarily have
to be as equitable 000 possible. There will cortiirly tip
inequities because yoi,l. Can't have; c� formula with 62 factors,
Bill clerk., 68 Mt pleasant Rd � he has c Q61"cels. One i3 his
residence and the .;thvF^ is vacsint land which half is nl7t
a9sessabl.e because of the woods. hie is not gpposgd to viater and
sewer, but he is Viet asking fair, it either because hg hd5 a good
well and saEwer sY5tQJ111. If it j8 installed hl5 will not hook up
Until it bet-omes reQFlsSary. The cost goinq by the acreage will
break hint fi.na.ncialiy, Since the bS4ard rezoned his property his
taxe4 Went up $f,5000.00 last year. :If the water and sewer does gc
through with this formula it will be artiother $5,Ci00.00 which will
make his taxes 211, 0615, 0€t which is more than he earru because he
is on di5abil.ity so hR Cl�uld lose his home.
{rene FloAnklin - sh8 has 109 fret of read frontage drld S acres Of
worthless land and dWas ncit think tihat this i5 a fair for ^hula.
Clark, � apparently theme, arm a lot ?f people in
the area
aL?Pd water
and sewer. Could
this; Tbwn Board
out a
ft7r the
peonlo who are going
to bPno?it
this so they
pay the higher
amount. He
is not going to
from thi€
for- a
lortig time
t� came.
Irene Franklin - fihB put i.rr a new lel5ah fielrj Q years agti, a>',d was
hard for her to do, hilt some of Uhe other "5 are waiting for yoLl to
come and firs thoirs all sip,
Nancy Suci - woridered 1f' some gf tiie pegple considered a formula
Cliff dwelling units since that is how you U50 water. fig peop113
devel•3ped their land they cou1+7 pay retr'iactively to evert it up.
TB7 -16 -92 page 4
Atty Perkins - there can be nc, retroactive application of the
benefit assessment. It is an annual function that the board roust
go through. It is possible to put more emphasis on dwelling
units. These are costs simply to retirr3 the debt service for the
original construction. These do riot- include a separate r_harge
that will be made based on actual wator consumption.
Robin Williams, Baker Hill Rd. - he has zero frontage, zerce units
and 1p acres of wasteland which is corverrient for NYSEMB high
power voltage lines and the only thing the land can be used for
is for deer.
Randall Cole - he wondered in the assessment of acreage, if it
could be modified to the extent that if it was availoble and
suitable fort building put that in the equation o.rnd if it is not
eliminate it.
Atty Perkins - this is something that the beard could consider
but the procedural problem would be who is going to classify the
difference in the land and has the burden of establishing that.
What if part of the land is that way and part is not. Are the
individual owners willing to haves the burden of taking a survey
and topographical map showing that. There are some procedural
considerations that would have to be taken into account.
• Richard Maxwell, 34 Turkey Hill Rd - he bought his property 2
days before the last vote was taken fcr this proposed district.
He was concerned because the sewer lines would be going through
his back yard and upset a lot of the old trees which is me of
the reasons he bought the property. He wondered if there would be
a referendum for the people that this will be effecting like the
last time. However things are decided in terms of formulas it
should be put to a vote to the people that are being effected to
deride rather than :leaving it up to the counril to decide.
Atty Perkins - the procedures throughout this whr_ole process is
[governed by Town Law. The next step after the public hearing is
for the board tc@ determine the comments made tonight and to
consider them and make a decision either to modify the proposal
or to approve it. In doing that it makes certain determinations.
If it is approved by this board it is done subject to a
permissive referendum. In order for a vote to take place a
petition must be filed within aq days of the date of the vote
requestinlg that that proposition be submitted to the qualified
electors within the district. If the petition is filed, the board
will schedule a special vote And takes a majority of those voting
to approve it. Assuming that the Town Beard approves the
formation of the district the burden is then put on the property
owners within the district to petition for the referendum.
1'57 -16 -91 page 5
Atty Perk,lriv for L•he typical property the sewer cost i5 dgwn
slightly, but the water coat is dawn substantially. There will be
.c propositions, k for water and 3 for sewer.
Irene Franklin after it is mailed to Albany the State
C6rop"tro.11er, can refuse t•6 Sign it again if he fr:5lr it is t6
Atty Perkins - that is coo %rest. The comptroller loijk.g At typical
Sean Muller, Forest Lane - if the board goes back, t6 f6[itage she
is one that will suffer because she lives on a corner 1[t and
will be assessed f:rl' both sides off the 1,5� and they only read t6
hook on t6 one street Crr the other. She wanted to go on record in
terms of - ,.QriEid9ririg front fl74tage vs acreage Qr wL +J.1hing it. I:f
someone had Zercl units woUlii they be a5Seased at all..
Supv Sotlug - he woukcir-il t be assessed for` any units, brit Ire would
Lo assessed for his acrea!3p and his asse54�5rflent.
.Tenn Miller -• the last time we had a meeting the Kirk,'s were
talking about the Health cippaintmE.nt coming CiUt in our d ;rest i6n
and many of the seGt'ic tanks Ord wells in thig &y-ea would not
pass must Er. She wantpd to know if there was any o-rare informati4;in
r"egardinq that.
Atty Perkins - thmr ^e are new health department r*gul.ations Which
hsive come into ef'fect since. this district was first proposed.
Some i71' those repulAtions may ioffect the ahility to replace
systems 6r• put in Fyatoins that comply.
GegrEje Schlecht - the town 0skCid him to look into what it might
Cost to replace a septic systern. The State of Pleb Ycrk. iniqtit+Ated
new r[gulati�rr5 With design guidelines f6r` septic Sy3terns whirnh
are effective thr4L1gh0ut New Yot%k State a,, �if .7an. Tr 1391. He
100ked at ,D typical case On a small lbt in a subdivision and
computed that it would r_ryst &.round li�,DOC.bO to $l21r)6L).0p to
replace a system if it had tq be done to the literal
int9Drpretati1;1nl 6f the new Wart 75a r•r.lations. Since those
r&�gulati,nE have COMID out, therm h53Ls been r7 lot of cgr110aints
thryugh, }ut the State at th9 cost of pLIttinq in this type of
system and changQS are now being contemplated. If Fart 75a
requlaticins ar€ changed it could bF less. Even tc, do a sy5tgr„
today that Tompkins CCLlhty is er+for•cing is probably ahciut 1/3
less. It is a very experisi.ycj proposition to replelce a sy5tmgl1
Turkey Hill
- "Ilat
is the
unit capacity now
buing grop1C3Ld
the water,
sewer• 1.i1`jes.
TB7 -16 -91 page 6
Putnam -
the lines
in this
district, water lines are 6 and 8
and the
Jim Gresher, - the minimum 8 inch sewer line has the capacity of
500,00(1 gallons a day. Water is based on fire flow and has the
capacity of 750 tip a 1,000 gallons.
Clm Corrigan - read part of the engineers report that 590#4 of the
lots within the proposed district are either ore slopes greater
than 15% r_.n which the new Part 75a health rules and regulations
on New York restrict any type of system or contain soils which
are generally riot suitable for on site systems. If a new sewer
systern was to be installed it would riot meet the new state
Irene Franklin - if it gets that bad that we have to have a water
and sewer district- why can't we get state or federal aid.
Clm Corrigan - they have looked at grant money that is available
and we don't seem to be able to qualify either on the basis of
Proof •tif contamination or pollution or the inpome qualifications.
Most of the money has gone to down state communities, but we will
not stop trying.
Roger Freeman, 11 Baker Hill Rd - 4 months ago he was faced with
• replacing his septic system and he looked intro hooking up to the
sewer system as are out of district user. He was told that he
could hook or, to water and sewer as an out of district user based
on a hardship case. There were hook up fees for both water and
sewer, a fee for Bolton Point, a fee for the town engineer and a
fee for the town attorney. This was in addition to the
construction costs that would bring the system to his house of
about 300 feet at a coat of aboLrt 510.V0 to 615.00 a font for
each. Based on his research business properties were not charged
the same amijunt that he was going to be charged as an individual
to hook on to this system. He was informed that there was a fee,
but the polling he did with the businet,s people that were able to
hook. cm did not bear- out the fact that there was a fee or not.
The point he would like to make before the board and for the
people he went ahead and installed his; own system because he
found it less expensive and in his best interest an opposed to
this system because he was not sure what he was getting. In
addition to all the fees 1 told you about there was the yearly
benefit assessment charge for water and sewer, plus the quarterly
user fee. He wanted to tell everyone that they were looking at
some money. Everyone should make up their own mind, but you
should be told what it is going to cost for a typicll family as
such to be defined for all of the fees and hook up costs that
they are talking about plus the construction costs vs what you
have right now. Granted you have a septic system now and is
Subject to failirr•e, but you are going to have to weigh what the
trade off will be. You will have to make your own derision
because that is what he had to do when he had a septic failure.
TB7 -16 -91 page' 7
Hi!3 wavited to know what Vyinuld have to be dons; if this district is
49 voted tire} what are the rl;�a:;pris for protest or that w2 car, have
arhother say in the matter, how long do we have.
Atty Perkins � it should be made Cli3ar` that Mr. Freeman requested
to be able to connect a5 an out of distric=t Lzustcimer to another
w.lter and sewer district which wdF already paying for the costs
of its srriginal construetlon. Sometime aly.n, b6afore Mr. Freeman
moved to the area the town board adopted a .polis',y Jhat would
al LOW 4Lit 6 d:i strict us'er`s to connBC-t to any water pr• sewer
district. As PeIr^t of those corinection charges each indiy ;dual
pays back a certain portion of the debt service which has already
been paid for by the in district c�it;tlDfiier's. This is to provide
E;ome equity t6 the people that have already been in the district
and have hePn paying all alOrg. It was alflo a policy determined
by the town b4ar'6 that out 1;�f dirtr•ict cu5tkCdAE�rs w.}uld pay &II
costs azi4gciated with the contracts to be servers by an eNisting
water and sewer district. These are thingG which have been
appl.ied to GuthQr'ie Clinic cnrid Wilcox PrQF3 which paid 5orlle very
heavy fe4s to provide equity to the ones that have already paid.
The board i5 taking your• C,7mments for considerat ;nn, At a regular
Oil spfacial town board meeting the board will make a decision. You
then have yC,ur petitkQn pE +4 -iod and thLvn a right t'o an eLectign.
Rnnually of course, yvu may seek rev=iew and yol; mny cornment on
the formula which is pr1C1ppnrd for the Cc411inq year.
D�jn Snyder} 1264 6ryden Rd - has r3rnything changed for the ori�g
on the lower side of Rte 366 to be able tc, Hook intl:� the line
that is already there.
Supv Schiig � you WO4Lld rot be QQnaidered as an out of district
1,13er if this district .I5 sassed and flvLryone h",ks up at the L3ajng�
time. YG!LI wI7uld be treated as an out of d.t5trict user, tf you
w &rated to hook up to tho district toliworrow 13k,e MIA. Freeman
Joe Dabes - y671u said yQu wanted t.7 J�LUL +p the cg5t down to a
typicfil unit. It i.3 units "'Pt use the sewer and skater•. He would
Make units 506 L of the forrna.rla bECaLlSe this i9 what Lases tltie
gQnsumpt ion.
Greg Page .. wanted tq know all Qf the feP:i tltiat would be
rr:gi.k i red.
bitty Perkin!: - the printout that you have diSes not inTlude
anything other than the drinu.al debt service. The enginpprri ng
rep' >rt addresses those i�ther annual costs,
Richard Maxwell - wondered if there would be an prpC..edent in a
water, .district for those people that are interested in hoink.ing up
L� J
/0 '.�
T137 -L5 °81 page 6
being that they arQ the crily tires that are
drb 1:he ones that are going t[, be using it.
chooses l;r; J966k tip at some later time they
that would be cclrnparahle to the acc4inq,ile&ti\
per (;'d Of time that the 5y5tem r175 been in
aDEeECed since they
If arl individual
could then pe.y �q fern
e costs ever, the
Atty Perkins - no thrat could not be d'7rr8 because this is a
benefit district. All prop5rtles ar'e deemed to 17P. benefited
Because you have water, and sewer available. If the ¢i�ptlliCt i5
approved in the referendum then everygne will be in the district
and they will not be able to opt c'iit of the ann�ial oasts. you do
hcwe b choice about h8.ving to connect. but you will pay the
benefit a6ie35hrent whether 4r Yn-Lt you are hooked up to the system
bPCaLlSe your prgpprtyy is deemed to he benefited. Thy Qnly way
that you cc'uld be forced to hook up to the Vyrtem is that yo %qr
property would pcEe a health hazard.
1'im Deveggd, iPG Turkey Hill Rd - wanted tQ knew if there would
be a referendum for this district.
Supv 5rhug - if ons i5 Wailted there will have to be ahni,it 15
signatures aubmittad 30 day3 after the adoption approving the
dl5trict. The tc'wn board has 4S days to hold the election.
Tim Devoc'gd •• can the diutrirt be r^evl3ed either larglsr or
A'tty Perkins •- the district would have to be revipcd before the
town bQ£lT'd initiated approval i_f it which +a'7uld then trigger the
3p day filing pericid. Yt ;ym Can't do that after YQU hAva formed the
district. The district is forrimd once tho resolutloo is adopted
5Ubject to a permissive referend','rA. If rio petiticros are filed
then the district is a.ltc,matically approved.
Tun 6evoc'gd - wanted to know if there would be any l.andscapi.nq
considered in thci5ae figure-a.
Atty Perkins - this includes restoring the property a5 practical
as possible to its or.ig.inal u6ndition.
1?111 Clark - thi: PL%port i5 Just the tip of the iceber•q. This is
whit it i5 going to cost just t¢ run it past your house. There
will be a tremendc.us Charge tl:c hork cmtp the system and you mray
have to have plunrhi.r,g reploQed. He ry':-rl.ld like the board ho go
back and look. St this to see if there was 50ftle way to work thi4
OUt equitably so that the pt.?6ple who @.4 °e directly going t6
benefit from thiE right nilm pay the Most. He his devg16pAble
property, but if hQ h,as to pay on what you ar•e raw ppproving he
is going to Lase that property. If he c%In CfevelopR that property
and r•eali ;!P sl }me lw)come then boast his up ai4dl drop somebody else.
At thi {; time ha is reccjiviirjg rc, income from tha'L' property and net
in the foreseeable Future with this way thy; real estate market is.
'lB7 -16 -91 page 9
Ireno Franklin - wondered why the assessment wouldn't be the
• fairer way to g,D and leave the acreage out.
Charlene Whitmore - wanted to know what a typical house would be.
Atty Perkins
- a typical household, a
family dwelling with
one unit has
an assessment of $051344.00
is located con 2.32
George Schlecht - there would be a hook up fee from Bolton Point
for a single family 3/4 inch muter is in the neighborhood of
$150.00, the cost to run the pipe from the main to the house is
approximately $15, (it) a foot for sewer and $15.00 a foot for
Henry Munger, 76 'turkey Hill Rd - is concerned about 59% of the
Properties having a slope greater than 15% would bo allowed to
install a new septic system if the present one fails. Isn't that
saying that 59% of these properties are at risk if their- septic
system fails they have no alternative. What do we do, abandon our
properties if we have a greater than 15% slope.
George Schlecht - if it was a new piece of property with a slope
greater then 15% according to Part 75a as they currently exist he
would not be able t.:, install a septic system or, that property. If
you have to replace o system, the new requirements are that you
need to hire an engineer to design a system and you have to ask
for a special waiver from the health department, fill out an
environmental assessment form, etc. The type of system that the
engineer is told that he has to design is considerable more than
what Mr. Freeman put in because his was installed before the
deadline of the new requirements.
Barbara McDonald, Dryden Rd - thought that it would be a good
idea to put more weight on unit rharge because having water and
sewer would lead to mr_me development in this area. How dr. these
fees compare to Other water and sewer districts.
Supv Schr_ig - it would be a lot less if there was a house on every
acre in the entire district, but there is a lot of open area with
Helen Lang
- was
the original
district ever approved or denied by
the state
Atty Perkin% - it was not approved.
Helen Lang - hoped that when the people are making a decision on
which way to go with this that they consider some costs are very
dofinite and some costs are projections for what we might pay if
something comes up in the future. If this goes through we will
7'87- 16 -'3i oage io
have an annual cost of an annual assessment, ho.?k up has not been
discussed if the inside of your house needs plumbing work donrs t
hook up to the syntern or- rlgsing off the rald plurnbing aystem,
tall these things you will have to pay far. It might be better for
some people then putting in a riew system uridtnr, thu cdrr•erit
r`rz[2ulatiorsr but we d.on•t know what the r-egul.ations s1re pojnt} tSl
ba 5 e:r 10 years from now. We don't know if sewer districts
become so expensive that the state will be forced again to have
funding for districts like this.
Helen Lang - she believed that one of the boaard rnernbers stated at
a previou.5 btilard raeeting that the cast of the original district
would have been the rACist r_nkpLsrisiVLm district per capita basin ever
approved in clew York State. It is now only about 24% XQ:S per
capitt�). and did not think that is waE that Significant. There are
11 houses for sale new on Dryden Rd between Tk.irkey Hill Rd and
Rte 368,
Ken Tillapaugh - it LE 3 gUestiori of paying riow or plying latter,
He understands that the sa7+.r" lire from his house to the current
lirie thtet is on the old railroad bed and w €orlEt�d to know if he had
to pay fOr` L-hat 300 or 40 +7 feet of lire. People that live on the
other side of the rcmxd would only be 50 tQ 1' ?(' feet from their
housrs to the new l ins; t!] get it to the main road. Ttii[3 i5 d big
cost for thenn to foot by thernsolvES just because they llvo on the
north side of the road. There was tc111[ of putting a main line
t'Ihr`uugh the field send then connect the district. Has this gone by
the wa Xf]j.dc1.
Dave Pl'itrieirrl - there was dis urisi.i]n at the la...t publ:lc hearing
that running pur't of the laterals ffjr people that Were that far
away froru the sewer and tho iridividual ho�iseg going part of the
distance, but that Was the last it Wbs talked at,"t.
SUPV 5chug
- there was discusni3F'i
Or 4 home owners
bringing it
together at
�:Iri arigle
shat ^r =
Rupert Hall - some PCzople are asking about the Cost f6r• water and
sewer in CIM- area. He has spoken with SOMLi Lansing peQplLs and was
told that thira is a good cost fi5r both water and sewer becdjge
they are paying a lot mare than what the costs are proposed for
us. The water and sewer sErvice is riot that eKpenSivC orice you
&re hooked up arid there arg a lot of things that you can do to
cut doyen your costs, Your fire inSUPance will r'llso go down. if
YOU db your homew{rrk you will firrd out this is not a bad +ieal,
Molly Case - her quarterly costa are about $37j.100 or $40.00 Sind
she ham an dpe5r"tment inolUding her hql�r3c. She did note have to do
anything eNtra to hor plurnbing when she hooked on.
Bill Read - yo�ir property Will have rn2r'a value once you have
Water and Hewer available.
TD7 -16 -91 page 11
Soq Kirk, Turkey 1-4ill Rd - w
i7ave to have water and sewer
before you can cell. Y,]u may
come and irispect and if they
before yS,61 get authorii &'Sion
mod if' i cat iona,
hen you want tO sell your houBe you
approved by the health department
not have problems now but When they
fiAd any Problems you rgsny find that
to Bell you will hove to make
Nancy 5uci - wondered if the tQwri beard had Considered what land
was now bL%coming develCipable, liay{ mLILh land is beybAd that 15%
grade. RlsI7 wanted to knaW who was eligible to vote: if there is a
refQngr,d um.
Rtty Pgrk.ins - all pr'rnperty own�r5, properties L?wr1[sd by a
cInrrporatiorl, and any rezident of the district for rrrnl,C, man 30
days prer;Qdirlg 'the electic)n and over le whether they own property
or nCit.
- if this di�3tr`ict
is passed he wanted to k.'rSUW' how
soerl It
be available.
vote it in
Supv Schuq about a year and a half.
PLIpert Hall - every time we have a public hearing nN this that ie
the time
length that we
heard ei Yid
wondered how
CrrtaE other
vote it in
they let
the+ bids out
and within a month
they can
Why is
it always
a year, and a
Supv 9rhug
if You sprp
talking abs
;imt Lansing
they are all water
and is a
Jim Greoherl - part rif the prcibleri is that before yakk let the
project out to bid the $inwn beard hiss to authoring who will
prepare the plans for 5peclfications and this i.s %) falir'ly size
42xpenditure. Y6u should know if the projects are going tin go or
not befCir•e you spend the money. You have to have plans, survey
work. dorinr ';pecificatloriS prepared and approver) by the requle.tary
a[lencies, if thtt town wants to garnble and take the chorce and
have that readj+ tin go in the nyent inf paS5.ig12 or fa.il4irie it will
speed up thu process. It does take mcitge tirne if you do everything
in 9r^der.
Howard Evans, Twrk.ey Hill Rd .. rsk.ed the engineers why we went
thi'eu]h thiF disagreeahle process bpfGi`e and was ,- Actually
submittOd and turrod down as being tr. expeniaivo. Wandered Why the
engineers didn't have are idea that this would be a price agyond
Which thre state v)L)% wilLing tin Approve. The engineers 513CiLild know
this mi7r"e than any44dy else and .�rllparirig it Kith other di %triCts
they knDw what the prices are p1 sewhere. Why do we have tin go
through this thing twice when their e3tirnate was flU bad. What
makes uS Uhink that the second timid it wi11 go through?
TB7 -16 -91 page 12
Jim Greshen - the efltimates were not bad the first time. There
• have been many circumstances that have changed since the initial
estimate particularly in the water. The water district was
originally $990,000.00 and is now reduced to $606,475.00 due to
the fact of the development of the Hall Rd water district, the
elimination of the additional water tank and some people deciding
not to be in the district. The reduction in the cost makes a
difforrence in the formula.
Kathy Wilson, Dryden Rd - she might be rni3underst and ing
something, but when she talked to the lawyers at the comptrollers
office it wasn't that their bids were to high for our area it was
them looking at figures of population of 19ao not 1990 and basing
that On what the figures were that came in, in the cost. She also
wanted to remind everybody what really upset her the most when
talking to the lawyer was finding out that she was told several
times that the town had not heard anything from the comptroller.
The lawyer she talked to there told her that we vOhed in May and
you heard in July, she thinks July 29th and here we are in July
again before any of this is corning back for a vote. She was told
one of the things that the lawyers in the comptrollers office
looked at was that at least 20 people wrote to them against how
the meeting was run and against the water district. She asked
them how about all of the people who assumed we voted that it was
all okay and that none of there questioned it. She was told that
is right and the next time it conies to a vote and something
• happens everyone should at least write to there and express their
Rtty Perkins -
was not aware that
were basing
any decision
they made on volumes
of response.
people who
are in favor
of it, anybody
can write to them.
Kathy Wilson - none of us did, but they said that they had all of
these responses from people and they quoted different things that
the meeting was run wrong, and they had some good legal remarks
and that was one of the thinys that they looked at. The main
thing was basing it oar some kind of 1980 census and that is how
the comptroller looked at it ire saying that in our area for• the
amount and the type of people in that area was why the bid was to
Supv Schug - wanted to know the name of the person she talked to.
Kathy Wilson - she was not sure if she still had the paper but
she talked to a woman, who was a Cornell graduate and a man.
ptty Perkins - the census information is totally new to him
because we are basing this not on population, but on parcels.
Howard Evans - it has to do with average income because when he
talked with the health department that was where some of thin
• information comes from.
T87 -16 -91 page 13
Atty Perkins - this is in computing what people can afford.
• Clm Corrigan - if there was something illegal that people are
accusing us of at the cornptrollero level we would like to know
about it. It would be fair to write to the town and tell us what
was done wrong.
Atty Perkins - one of the things that brought the water tout down
was the timing of the construction of the Hall Rd water district.
The board knew this might be a problem last summer, but they were
also in the process of forming the Hall Rd water district and we
didn't get bids for the cost until Sept. and awarded the
contracts at that time. 9a then we had a firm number to work with
and there w.arld be no problem with that project. The water costs
have crane down substantially because of the existence of the
additional capacity which was built into that tank. Originally
all that was needed was a 3001000 gallon tank, but we spent the
additional money to build a 400,000 gallon tank thinking that the
100,000 gallons of additional capacity could replace the tank
that was proposed to he constructed or, Mt. Pleasant Rd. By saving
that cost we have been able to get the cost down more than a
third. This is part of the reason for the delay il; beca!9e of the
construction of that district.
Don Snyder- - he did get his assessment lowered, but the town has
him down for 9 units and there wore never• 9 units there the
maximum was 7. He has since closed the park, so now he only has 2
Atty Perkins - you should come to the town board and point out
those errors in the roll.
Don Snyder - ho pointed those out at the last meeting.
Atty Perkins - he can run the numbers based on the current number
units which would be used at the time of first benefit asse+ssrnent
Don Snyder
- he wr,uld appreciate
finding that out
because they
have him down for $3:00.00 a unit
and he can't afford
that and
would lose
the house. He now only
has 2 units and
he has had his
lowered from $142,100.00
to $77,500.00
and is on file
as of July
Ken Tillapaugh - wanted to know what happens if a person wants to
sell their- house and they know they have a failing septic system
is the bank, going to loan money on that. He knew when he bought
his hous4 he had to put in a s[rnd filter bed in.
Atty Perkins - the condition of a water system and septic_ system
are matterm of contract between buyer and seller. What a buyer
. wants is sorile proof that the septic system at the time of closing
hat; been recently pumped and has been inspected. Based upon the
T17 -16 -Si page 14
visual observation it appears to be. wtirkirig normally. This i5 not
any guar'ante5 of any futur -a operation of it. If the septic system
will not pass infpect' ion there the seller wi3l not be able to
satisfy that contingenry and he will either- have to replace the
5,y %tem or raak5 a new deal with a lower• purChl se price With the
buyer, Some lenderr3 require proof that it is Working and some
don't. With respect to the water the buyer is gaj.ng to wart some
proof that the water rneetu Ntuw York State drinking WatCr` quality
stc;ndards. Testing is usually done by the lab at Cornell,
Nancy Cor.nely, 1145 Dryden Rd - is in favor of the water and
sewer district. Basically, over the past few years. 5h(2 has
noticed fl change in her water supply, beca,u.se there is r,ipr'e iron,
6ulfur, and lean hater which she attributes to development thrE.t
is going on. She does not know what the future is. going to bring
with all ,5f the devil Pphle r,'t. -this is. 3 ^rt, t,f an ir,v Ps. t4YOINIt and
insurance policy for the benefit e,f her property.
John Marks, t Monkey Run Rd � concerned cibuut the people that say
they will not by able to make it and was wondering if there Eras
been any assessment of how many people aro ir, that serious risk.
Rupert lull - he took, the petition arQurid 4 years ago and many of
your n.igbbe,'rs complained ab,7ut your septic Systeeo. A lot of them
Lmid that they had a bad system olong with the ne.ighbors. As he
understands it if he had a bad septic :system his neighbeir Could
Complain t: the health dPpar'trnerit and he woU.ld have t4 build a
new 6V)e.
Ptty Perking
- the health
is Phar'ged with
inv BStigating
and if they
find a problsrn they have to
order corrective
art ion,
QeorgLb 5chlecht -• if there is. a failed system that would be a
violation in,r state law And if the a.lithorities fourid about it, Lt
w,.uld have to be fisted. Thin 'First extension was talked a bout 10
yer�rg ago and the board responded to the puopies reque5t. The
Town Board has always rlegponded to requests and authorize money
to be spent to do the study. The m. }n Fly is a townwide expense
Lintil such time the district is farmed. If they err•gr they try tQ
Crror on the side of trying to have the districts formed. This
refl@ffts the policy of the town board trying to rrl;pr_,nd to the
will of the people zind reflQrts the policy that they believe over
the ling terra ground water quality 15 going tq dE�crease.
rit,irnarily, because yGii_i have septic systems end wells 5ok the
quality of ground water i:., going to dQri• ease and will continue to
do so over the long term 1'3 to 30 jReai,S. In response to that you
have to resprwnd now. The town bQard has beer, trying to establish
water tend sewer districts because they realize that it is d long
term process tS, forego wlmjat c,7u1¢ be a very sL5rious problem in
t her 'Future.
TB7 -16 -91 page IS
Richard Maxwell - wanted to know the life of a water and sewer
tsystem is before significance maintenance is required.
George Schlecht - 75 to 1q0 years.
Supv Schug - during that period of time after the bonding is paid
and even during some of the banding period there would be a small
charge what is called operation and maintenance.
Helen Lang - do you know whether the cost is significantly less
this time that if it were passed it would be approved by the
comptroller or could this be a total waste of time and will be
turned down when it gets there anyway.
Supv Schug - was surprised to hear the answer that the
comptrollers office was talking about census and letters written
to them. This was never mentioned in the report to the town which
was a phone call claiming that they would like to see a review.
Atty Perkins - the sewer has not come down as much as the water.
They believe the water is in striking distance as to what will be
acceptable. The comptroller does not publish any standards and
they make their evaluation based on all of the factors in the
district. They will have to look into them using information that
is 10 years old and make sure that they have current information
presumably from the 1990 census. The comptroller assumes a 9%
• interest rate for b:n•rding. We are able to establish that this is
an arbitrary, capricious and an unreasonable assumption given the
history of bond sales that we have collected over the last year
which show that it is way under 7%. The sewer will take more
Bob Kirk - hoped that the beard is going to look into the
comments about the letters and other- things changing because if
20 letters can be written to charrgo the referendum results, it
disturbs him terribly. This is unaccountable on the beard from
the comptroller and you deserve to be told.
Toby McDonald - wanted too go or, record as being in favor for the
water and sewer district. This is an excellent idea and the time
is right and is overdue. There will never be a better- time to get
the work done and have it bonded. He wants to urge the town board
to accept it and move ahood.
Adjourned 9:OOPM
Susanne Lloyd VIC
• Town Clerk