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• JUNE 11, 1991
Supv Schuy called the meeting to order at 7:30PM
Members and guests participated ire the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call was by the Town Clerk:
Present: Supv So hug, C I m Roberts, CIra Walbridge, Clare
Hatfield, Clin Corrigan, Atty Perkins and Z. 0. Slater
Approval of the minutes: Motion was made by Ciro Roberts and
seconded by Clnr Hatfield that the minutes of Site Plan Review
5 -2 -91 and Town Board meeting 5 -2-91 and 5 -14 -91 be approved as
Co. Rep. Evans - reported that the resolution was tabled to do
the necessary work for the GEOR process, regarding DR7 landfill
site. A presentation will be made to the county or, Thursday
concerning some people interested ire operating a regional
landfill at the DR7 site. He believes it 03 Dryden Holding but
has not seen it on the agenda. On the 27th the Solid Waste
Committee will bo reviewing the complete status of the DR7 as to
where they stand at the rrroment.
® Co. Rep. Evans - there will be a hearing on 7 -9 -91 on nor, N
discriminatory iosuea on affordable housing. There will be
changes made to the current law and he would like anyones
Supv Schug - wanted to know if there was any information ore the
reapportionment and would Dryden be split up.
Co. Rep. Evans - the committee will meet next Monday and he hopes
that Dryden will stay the same, but they will have to do
something with Groton since it has not grown that much.
Tom Hatfield - gave the board mQinbers a report from the Dryden
Youth Committee (copy ire minute book). He went river their budget
report and would like the board to considers a resolution.
CIm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that upon
of the Town
of Dryden
Youth Committee approval
to request
CYS matching
funds as
appropriate for the
1. C.ansr.rvat ion
$4, 250. 00
materials to
be provided
town (est.)
2. Summer Campefire
troining program
3. Lea'rni ng Web
$69 000. 00
2nd Clm Roberts
Roll call
vote - all
voting Yes
T136 -I1 -91 page 2
• Tom Hatfield - there will be a meeting regarding a needs
assessment program which the town board and village boards are
invited to along with about 75 of the existing service providers.
This will be held in the high school cafeteria on 7 -17 -91 and
would like to ask town support for postage and mailings.
Clm Roberts - was concerned about the traffic that will be routed
through Freeville and Rte 366 when the state plan% to work on the
bridge in the Village of Dryden. His concern is that the state
dons not plan to install any traffic signals and there may be
problems in Freeville and Etna. He thinks the Town Board should
write to the State to let there know that we are still concerned
about those area£.
Clm Corrigan - spoke to Sara Coen at the City Youth Bureau. He
will check with the city comptroller to see if the Town of Dryden
children could participate in the city activities and if there is
some way that the Town of Dryden could reimburse the city for 1/2
the cost by having the youth bureau bill the Town.
Atty Perkins - NYBE &6 has asked for an easement over property
that the Town of Dryden owns at the intersection of Sodom Rd and
Snyder Hill Rd. Thero was a question as to whether or not the
town owns the property and he will check further into this
Atty Perkins - BAN note for the Varna pump station rate will be
5.75 percent.
Atty Perkins - the police service agreement which was previously
approved on May 14th, 1991 and has been amended by the Village of
Dryden Board. The village board wanted sortie provision of
reviewing what the status was of the program at the end of 6
months. The village board has now added the following language to
the previously adopted resolution. Notwithstanding the above, the
village shall have the right to terrinate this contract after 6
months upon 34) days notice to the town.
Clrn Walbridge offered the fallowing resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that this Town Poard authorize Supv Schug to sign the
agreement with the Village of Dryden for police patrol at the
Dryden Lake Park, with the following amendment: Notwithstanding
the above, the Village of Dryden or the Town of Dryden shall have
the right to terminate this contract after 6 months upon 30 days
notice to the village or town.
2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes
T86 -11 -91 page 3
Atty Perkint - has a matter for executive session involving
litigation and no action will be taken after.
ZONING OFFICER - monthly report given to board members
Town Board members went over lt)ndsrape plan for Westcott /Yellow
Supv Schug - there was a suggestion from a neighbor to move the
first row of trees from the back part of his property to 15 feet
instead of the proposed 10 feet.
Lion Westcott - he had no problem with moving the trees to 15 feet
from the property line.
Clnt Walbridge - wondered about the trees planted along the
driveway to be staggered instead of across from one another.
Don Westcott - those are for landscape purposes and not as a
buffer. The reason they were placed across from one another was
because this is art access read and if there is future development
it might lend itself to a driveway. He has no objection to
changing them except that it was done for a reason. He will
change them if you find his reason not valid.
® The neighbors had no objection to the way the trees are placed on
the plan.
Clm Walbridge - was concerned about buffering the project for
future neighbors that might be building near the project.
Z.O. Slater, - buffering is only regi.rired in a MA Zone and in this
case it is not a requirement,
Atty Perkins - it is related to a MA Zone or a special permit.
Clm Walbridge - gr_iestioned whether or not the area should be
paved or unpaved with crusher .run.
Don Westcott - the area will be stabilized with the proper run
Clm Walbridge - wanted an answer as to whether or not a buffer
strip should be required between the proposed project and the
land that is not being used. Are we creating a future problem if
we don't allow for some landucaping around the project if for
some reason the rest of the land goes to someone else. She would
like to hear from the board if this is a concern or not.
Supv Schug - he thought that Aon Westcott was going to develop
the rest of the land himself. If he plans on doing that or if he
does sell the rest of the property he could retain enough land
for a sufficient buffer strip and this Could be written into the
approval of the site.
TBG -11 -91 page 4
® Clm Roberts - by the previous resolution we were requiring any
further development would have to go though the Planning Board
and he would hope that they would require what ever would be
Clm Walbridge - it couldn't be required by the Planning Hoard 4n
this property if the person who is doing the development on the
rest of the property is someone else. Who is to say he is going
to be the one who owns the rest of the property when it ber_omos a
subdivision. Rile we creating a future problem. There would be
residents there that would have to pay for the buffering r[rther
than normally we would say the developer would have to do the
Clm Corrigan - thought this would be caveat emptor as wher, she
would purchase property visually she would be seeing what she was
Clm Walbridge - she is ,just asking and if people don't agree with
her fine, but she wanted the questioned raised and in the
Supv Schug - wanted to know how the rent of the board felt and if
they wanted to make a motion as to how the landscape is presented
and tell F'eggy there is not a problem in the future, or do you
® want to write something in the present plan that if the property
is sold to someone else that he buffers it.
Atty Perkins - gave the board members a copy of the resolution
that was adopted at the 5 -26 -91 meeting concerning Yellow
Freight /Don Westcott.
Clm Corrigan offered the
RESOLVED, that this Town
buffer planted according
presented to the Town So
Flan last revised 6 -i-91
6- 11 -91.
2nd Clm Hatfield
Following resolution and asked for its
Board approve the landscape plan and a
to Site Plan last revised 4 -23 -91 and
and on 6 -11 -91 and the Site Development
and presented to the Town Board on
Roll r_all vote - all voting Yes
TB6 -11 -91 page 5
® Z.O. Slater - Wilcox Press project. Gave board members copies of
all the material required for Wilcox Press for the certificate of
occupancy. (copies in minute book).
Supv Schug - wanted to know if the mound area wan to remain as it
is now and seeded.
Rich Rodriquez - they are waiting to hear if it is what the board
Clm Walbridge - the last time she went by it was still high and
on Henry's report he states that this mound is the proposed
parking lot for the expansion.
Z.O. Slater - it would be for Phase 1I, that is where the parking
lot would go.
Clra Walbridge - how high would this put cars and truck.£ for the
neighbors to see.
Z.q. Slater - they have knocked it down probably 7 to 8 feet. It
is now the same level of the floor of the entire facility and the
floor of the water pump station.
Clm Walbridge - wanted to know how high it was in relation to the
Orailroad bed.
Rich Rodriquez
- the railroad bed is
about 1025 elevation
and the
pad is 1043.5
Z.O. Slater
- the mound is 1043.6 at
its highest level
point so
it would
be 17 feet higher than the
railroad bed. You
have to
take into
consideration the terrain
as it falls toward
Clm Corrigan - wanted to know the purpose of the mound.
Rich Rodriquez - it was just excavation material that was left
there and some of it was used for surcharging.
Z.O. Slater - the elevations before were 1028; 1053; 1040; 1032;
so it already was 10 feet above the railroad bed. Now it is about
5 to 7 feet taller.
Clm Hatfield - tho intent is to seed the mound.
Rich Rodriquez - the landscape plan was to seed it with low
growing need mix R and maintained.
TB6 -11 -91 page 6
AClm Walbridge - as long as it holds the ground, preventz erosion
and is basically green she would not have any problem with it.
7.0. Slater - when they come to Phase II you have the opportunity
to address that area.
Supv Schug - wanted to know what the future was for the mound if
it would be dug up or left as it was.
Rich Rodriquez - he had no idea. It would be left up to the
developer or Wilcox Press. All they were required in their
contract was the landscaping and Heeding.
Supv Schug - if it is kept picked up and clean 54 that is not
full of papers and scrap he could see nothing wrong with it. He
thought the neighbors liked it higher because they couldn't see
Wilcox Press. The neighbors could be asked if they like this
mol.rnd at the present height.
Supv Schug - item #1 & #2 final plumbing.
Z.O. Slater - this is Bolton Point problem since they keep
rescheduling because of manpower shortage. This is their final
inspection of live water everywhere con the site.
® Rich Rodiiquez - that is supposed to be done tomorrow.
Supv Schug - DEC report - Wilcox is going to ask for an extension
of their start up time from 6 -21 -91 because they do riot have
their equipment running. Baeod on that a final C.O. should not be
issued until ouch time it has been approved by DEC because of the
concern of the smell when they were in downtown Ithaca.
Supv Sr_hug
- item #3 railroad
planting and surrounding areas
is in compliance.
sewor station to put
Supv Schug - was wondering why the backhoe was working along the
rai l read bed.
Rich Rodriquez
doing work
sewor station to put
home drainage
request of
Everything will
be put
back the
was before
are finished.
Supv Schug - itern #4 certificate of drainage, report from T.G.
Miller everything is complrrted except for the work that they are
now doing.
Rich Rodriquez
- it
is all
compliance with
the plans and
specs, this
he added.
(0 Z
786 -11 -91 page 7
ASupv Schug - item #5 DEC is currently assembling a report that
details date testing and future plans for monitor on site
emissions equipment. DEC report in minute book„ Wilr_ox Press is
asking for time because they are still putting in presses. This
has nothing to do with the way the place is built.
Slater- -
can ask, for an
time of
year for
request, but
you couldn't
get one
.70 days.
Supv Schug - then they car, operate _n their temporary C. O. until
such time it is complete.
Z.O. Slater - felt that was an agreeable point with Wilcox Press.
Item #6 all necessary permits and approvals from required
agencies have been met before the issuance of the building
permit. There are still certificates of compliance that have to
be met from Bolton Point, Board of Fire Underwriters, Electrical
Industrial Insurance Underwriters, certification of all fire
equipment, devices and alarm syfltems.
Si.rpv Schug - item #7 package agreement for water and sewer
facilities between Wilcox Press and Town of Dryden. This item is
still open.
Atty Perkins - they have not notified us or certified to us what
® th(a construction costs are for the water and cower improvements
which are subject to this agreement. They know they have rot done
this are apologetic and keep promising to do it.
Supv $chug - Wilcox Press and their attorneys were told what had
to be done in May 22, 1990 regarding the agreements.
Supv Schug - item #8 complaints during the project.
Z.O. Slater - he knows of no outstanding issues at this time and
all others have been mitigated satisfactorily. A lot of the
credit should go to Rich Rodriquez because whenever there has
been a problem he had corrected it immediately.
Supv Schug - item #9 open at this time until appropriate
documents are received by Attorney Perkins before a temporary
certificate is issued.
Atty Perkins - the purchase of water trnd sewer facilities
agreement is awaiting certification of the cost. It is their
responsibility to get that information to the Town. Your Site
Plan Review Eroard resolution stntes that no certificate of
occupancy shall be issued.
Supv Sr hug - wanted to know if Henry has the letter from the Army
is Corp of Engineers regarding the national permit.
TB6 -11 -91 page 8
® Z.O. Slater - he does not have it and didn't
one per say. The Army Corp of Engineers ;gems
verbally over the telephone. He would be more
construct scomething.
think he ever had
to want t deal
than happy to
Supv Schug - there must be a national permit issued and that
would be a document that would be available. The Town is
requesting a copy of it. If we don't get it we will not grant tho
temporary C.O.
George Schlecht - did not know if there was such a rational
permit that is in place. Everyone has that permit. He has been
going around with them over a year and a half on another matter
and they basically tell you that they do not issue a permit
because you have the permit.
Supv Schuy - even on a site Much as this where they name down and
there is federally regulated wetlands on that site?
George Schlecht - that is correct the permit is in place. You may
be able to get a letter of permission or some letter that will
say yes we have agreed ire this particular case because there was
some unusual circumstance and you have done everything that was
asked to be done.
Z.O. Slater - he did verify with several agencies that you can
work up to the boundaries where DCC has designated the wetlands.
Clm Corrigan - so if the resolution called for e copy of the
permit from the Army Corp of Engineers it would be a copy of
whatever is in the federal register.
Supv Schuy - if the Army Corp carne down and said that they find
them in compliance and if they are in compliance than there is no
reason not to get a letter stating that they are operating within
the national permit based on their review.
Z.O. Slater- - all he can get is a verbal
that in 2 years they will corny back and
is the last thing they have to do. If it
certify it. They give you some instructi
damage has occurred over the 2 years. Th
from one of the persons that was on the
response and was told
look at the site and that
is fine they will
ons to mitigate whatever
is is what he was told
Clm Walbridge - did not think that it was the zoning officers
responsibility to do all this and it is Wilcox Press
responsibility to have everything in order.
Z.O. Slater - he has asked for the national permit and hart gotten
nothing only verbal.
T86 -11 -91 page 9
Supv Schug - it will be up to Wilcox press to get the letter from
the Army Corp of Engineers stating that they have looked at it
and everything is fine.
Supv Schug - when all of the other requirements have been
satisfied Henry can issue them a temporary certificate of
occupancy. The only thing that would be holding this up is the
paper work.
- the electric work
already been
finalized and
the paper
has not been sent in
has been verified
Ferris and hoping that it will
in by tcmtorrow.
Supv Schug - DEC letter States thcit Wilcox Press has not run
enough to do any testing because they still aro in start up and
on 6 -21 -91 Wilcox will probably ask for an extension for the
testing permit. They will have to operate under a temporary C.O.
until such time Lis the pollution equipment can be tested
properly. Even with the certificate of occupancy Wilcox press
will have to be in compliance as to the way the site plan review
resolution is written for the li.fe of the plant.
Rich Rodriquez - warited to know what he had to do today so that
Wilcox can got their temporary certificate and move all of their
® equipment in the office space.
Z.O. Slater - they are sticking strictly to the schedule. We have
to complete all of the normal routines. Water and sewer
agreements have to be certified and given to the 'town and
approved. Final C.O. would be contingent upon DEC. Certification
for the wetland stating that they have complied.
Rich Rodriquez - concerninq the wetlands the Army Corp of
Engineers stopped the project until they checked it and they said
it was all right to go ahead.
Supv Schug - they told Wilcox it was okay to go ahead and was
told that he was operating under the national permit.
- then you want his permit
that he was operating
George Schlecht - do you want to see the original correspondence
from the Army Corp of Engineers stating that if you do this you
have a national permit. Or do you want to see the Army Corp of
Engineers come down to see that everything has been done Wilcox
said they were going to do.
Akum T. Fuutenem, L.B.
nwe li A. & AM. L9-
DAwO A. NlAT10X. P.e,
1 0
June 6, 1991
Hr. Henry Slater, CEO
Town of Dryden
65 East Hain Street
Dryden, New York 13053
P. O. SOX 777
I'M%CA. NtMI YOnx 14851
TeLe 4ome J607) 2726477
Rio Drainage Improvements, Wilcox Press
Dear Mr. Slateri
THOM" O. MMLZR, P.E.. L.9.
I have made a final engineering review of the as -built
drainage system for the Wilcox Press Project and can certify
the work completed to date is in conformance with the
originally approved drainage plan dated 1/9/90. Minor
revisions in the exact location of catch basins, grates or
swales have been made to accommodate construction but such
revisions have not altered the drainage plan. Please contact
me if you have questions or additional information is needed,
Respectfully Submitted,
David A. Herrick, P.E.
eel T. Parziale
K. volt
R. Rodriguez
V W6t1 NAIN SI1L11
P. C. WX]7
May 20, 1991
Henry M, Slater
Town of Dryden Code Enforcement Officer
65 East Main Street
Dryden, New York 13053
1 017 1 8 4-0 -9411
RE: Wilcox Press, Inc. (Punchlist for Certificate of Occupancy)
Dear Henry:
Add to your list of items to be taken care of before a Certificate
of Occupancy is issued for Wilcox Press the following:
of amendment
Sewer Agreement which was
by the Town
Board on May
2. Resolution of issue regarding amendment to Water Agreement
and amendment to Purchase of Water and Sewer Facilities Agreement
which was not approved by the Town Board on May 14,
3, Payment by Wilcox of the sewer connection fee to the
Monkey Run Sewer District. I am forwarding to the attorneys for
Wilcox Press the computation of the connection fee for their
review. I will send you a copy of that letter indicating the
amount to be paid by Wilcox Press, Inc, prior to the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
In the meantime if you have any questions, please give me a call.
Ver.' truly yours,
Mahlon R. Perkins
Town Attorney
MRP /lm
pc: James F. Schug, Supervisor
Town of Dryden
65 E. Main Street
Dryden, New York. 13053
Oune 11, "1991
James Schug, Supervisor
65-E. Main Street
Dryden, NY 13053
Dear Jim:
Subject: Wilcox Press
The Wilcox Pres6 project is now complete other than some minor changes and
corrections resulting from various Final Inspections. The only major
Final Inspection remaining open, is that of the final plumbing inspection
by Bolton Point. That will be done orr, Wednesday orlThursdav_of__this
week. Also, the D.E.C. emissions testing remains in, an on going
evaluation. A memo, attached from D.E.C. briefly describes the current
status as well as future analysis, final certification and on going
inspections. To aid you in determining when a Certificate of Occupancy is
Appropriate, I've gone over the (11) points of the Site Plan Review
approval, the Letter to myself from Town Attorney Parkins dated May 20th,
for the purpoving of updating you as to what stage of completion each
Gonditional requirement is at. Yor.r will find, within the monthly report
ackage, a copy of both of these documentF.
Since the (11) point approval addresses most of the project Concerns, let
un begin the review with it. We' 11 look at each of the eleven points,
review compliance and completeness.
Item 01. Our department has made a comparison of the completed
installation and the item 2 site plan package and have determined as
follows: lot coverage, buffer planting, landscaping meets or exceeds all
approved site plan requirements. We counted trees, shrubs and other
planting verifying both quantities as well as locations. If you will take
a look. at site maps C -31 C -4 you'll find that I've noted planting,
driveways, parking areas, inspection dates and other important details.
The Dryden Town ZDA authorized a reduction in the on site parking for 150
spaces for phase (1) of the project. There are 185 conforming spaces
currently on Site. All trees on the Railroad Buffer Strip are alive and
doing well. The seeding is growing and is an example of Seed Mix A. I
feel that the coverage could be more dense, but it does grow short and
stays short.
I believe items (1) 3 (2) are complete, other that a final determination
of the final status of the mound area, and final plumbing, D.E.C.
Emissions Certificate,
46n inspection of the Railroad bed plant
hat the entire length of it is in very
(3) criteria.
Item 04, Certificate of Drainage. Atta
that, David Herrick, P.E. has Certified
Also, on the occasions of rain this spr
ing and surrounding areas, indicate
good compliance, as far as item
ched to this report, you'll find
the Drainage System for the Situ,
ing, such as the 1.6 rain fall on,
Jim Schug
June 11, 1991
loge Two
I believe Friday, May 10th, I found there to be no problem with water on
Hall Woods Road. The new culvert installed by the Town under Hall Woods
Road will handle all the water that can come to it.
Item #5 Norman Boyce of D.E.C. is currently assembling a report that
details the date testing and future plans for monitoring to on -site
emissions equipment. Boyce report attached.
Item #6 was completed prior to the issue of the Building Permit.
Compliance Certificates will result from, Holton point, N.Y. Board of Fire
Underwriters; Electrical Industrial Insurance Underwriters, Certification
of all Fire Equipment, devices and alarm systems. At this time, A.A.T.
Alarm Company still has riot completed the alarm installation. I would
guess that, maybe by Friday or Monday next it will be ready for final
test. Also, as mentioned prior to this, Final Plumbing remains open.
Item 07 Package Agreement for Water & Sewer, facilities between Wilcox &
Town of Dryden. At this time, this item is open.
Item #8 Although there have been several complaints during this project,
Span Construction, especially Rich Rodrigr,rez, has addressed and corrected
each problem as each occurred. As of this time I do rot see there to be
any open issues. Item #8, currently is in compliance.
OOem #9 Would remain open at this time, however; Temporary or a Contingent
C.O. might be a consideration option.
Items 10 & 11, 1 believe are in compliance simply, if for no other reason,
we're working with this set of documents. .
We now come to the Attorney Perkins memo of May 20th, 1991.
In reviewing current status with Mahlon this noontime, I find that
items (1) & (2) are both open items.
Item 03 would be closed. Wilcox presented a check to the Town or, Jurie
10th in the amount established by Mahlon.
If you can think of any other issue, please ndvise this office. To the
best of my knowledge, this is a list of all items /concerns that would be
relative to a Certificate of Occupancy.
Very tr- ulyy%%our3
Henry M, Slater
Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer
Town Board Members
Mahlon Perkins
George Schlecht
N �l•Ydfk-SlAtBCll
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Note Yoill:$�Nt 00�ektndHt g16*6nmentel conaervatlon
O B)s stil bled: W'.,,�ykbula; NY itiob2400
-k64i6fi:.VhVirofi6onta1 quality office
June Ili 1991
Town of brydsn
site plan Review Board
881?z Est gain 8traet
Dryden; ' HY 19033
Thomas C. JorRnp
The following information is intended to be a brief status report
concerning the progress of the'air pollution related construction
activity within the scope of air pollution permits) issued by
this 6genay to Wilcox Press on June 21, 19904 TO date, due to
the Very limited prose activity at the facility, there have been
ifndil unquantified volatile organid emissions, no identified or
reported odors; and no documented degradation of air quality.
Please note that regulation GNYCRA 201.8(d) excuses unavoidable
emissions during the start -up activities for any industrial
process# combustion, or incinerator. It is expected that a
certain amount of uncontrolled air -. omissions will occur during
shake-down and fins tuning operatiods, prior to full scale
paid rspresehtativse inspected the Wilcox facility on lurch 27 and
again on June -10; 1991. Construction•vas observed to be
consistent with.the.appproved pormit(s) to construct (PC), and the
applicable rules: Wilcox will be applying for An extension of
their PC(s); Which are due to ex
iro on 6/21/91,"as construction
and/or equipment installation and fine tuning are not yet loot
completa. The thermal afterburner was operational during the
Julie 21, inspection:
We hill continue to inspect the Wilcox facility periodically and
in more detail is the mechanical and electrical systems are
brought, on 6line9 �Bventually a "final" construction phase
inspection vill-be completed, prior to issuing Certificate(e) to
operate. Thereafter, inspection& Will be carried out annually,
to document compliance with the permits) and regulation(&).
JUN 11 '91 13 =46 DEC REGION 7 SY�E N.Y. P.
®Town Of Diydon
Site Plan Review Board
Page Two
Juno il; 1991
Should the Board Have any concerns that have not been.addresaod,
Please contact the writer (319) 426 -75520
vary truly yours,
cc: R.
TH6 -11 -91 page 10
Supv Schug - that would be nico, but doubts that they will come
down and check the project over. This letter has been asked for
quite awhile. The board can give a temporary occupancy once the
11 iteniu are in place except the water and sewer agreements have
to be approved. The air- pollution is no reason to hold up that
portion of it as long as DEC is working on it.
George Schlecht - gave board members a draft copy for road
specifications and went over with members.
Clm Roberts - thought the road specifications should be made
available to the planning board.
George Schlecht - status report on road abandonments. Co. Hwy.
Supt. Hill Mobba would be the person who would hold any hearings
for a qualified road abandonment and make the final decision. Mr.
Mobbs suggested that he should meet with the county attorney,
deputy highway sUpv., Hwy Supt Gilbertr Atty Perkins and himself
as to what direction to take. Everything should be done arid all
information available before any of the reads go to public
hearing. He would like the boards authorization for the meeting
and perhaps a member, from the board should be present also. He
will be willing to set up the meetinq.
Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked foil its
RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the change order for
Randsco Pipeline Inc. for Varna Interceptor Sewer in a net
decrease of $927.00 as recommended by Hunt Engineers. Increase
the contract $500.00 to install thermoplastics highway markings
as per the attached letter of May 31, 1991. Decrease the contract
$1,427.00 all quantities shown on payment estimate #3 are the
final quantities installed.
2nd Clrn Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes
Town Clerk Lloyd - reported that without the installment for town
and county takes last year she returned to the county 250 unpaid
tax bills. In 1991 with the new 2 installment tax payment she
returned tr_4 the rounty 363 unpaid tax hills.
Supv Schug - reported that there were 2 bids for a loader
• installment /purchase agraeraent. The low bider came bark wrong and
the high bidder was done properly. Atty Perkins will have to go
over the docurnents to make sure everything is in order.
T86 -1i -91 page 11
Clm Corrigan offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that this Town Hoard 'authorize Hwy Supt Gilbert to sell
one 1967, Chevy dump truck; one 1969 Brockway tractor; tend one
1974 tandem axle dump and the money from the sale of this
equipment go back into the highway egr- riprnent fund.
2nd Ciro Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes
Supv Schug - reported that he has looked nt Yellow Harr, Rd tit the
request of Mr. Mix and there is 2.1 rnilOS of seasonal use road.
It doesn't make much difference if you come in from the Yellow
Barn Rd side or the Midline Rd side ber_ause the house is located
about in the middle. There is a drainage problem that will have
to be taken care of. It has been surveyed and since there are
homes there it will have tq be some upgrading done.
- Tomtran
schedule will
bm expe.nding
to Lansing and will be going
- CIm Roberts will be attending County Planning Board moeting
Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that this Town Board appoint Supervisor Schug as the
Town of Dryden representative to the joint Town and Village of
Lansing and Town of Dryden special sewer committee and accept the
goals set forth
2nd Clrn Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes
Clm Walbridge offered the fallowing resolution and asked for it,
RESOLVED, that this Town Beard designate the following polling
Places in the Town of Dryden for the year 1991: District 411 Etna.
Fire Station; District #2 Freeville Fire Station; District #3
Dryden Village Hall; District #4 Varna Community Center;
District #5 Etna Fire Station; District #6 Dryden Fire Station;
District #7 Dryden Town Hall, District #8 Bethel Grove Community
Center; District 09 Ellis Hollow Community Center; District #14
Dryden Town Hall.
2nd Clrn Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes
TBG -11 -91 page 12
Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its
RE= SOLVED, that this Town Board authorize. the Supv to pay the
following polling places $100.00 per district for the use of
their facilities for 1991: Varna Community Center, Bethel Grove
Community Center, Ellie Hollow Community Center, Freeville Fire
Station, Dryden Fire Station, and Etna Fire Station for District
01 and District #5.
2nd Clr Hatfield Roll cull vote - all voting Yes
Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize the quarterly sewer
rates for Sewer District 01 (Sapsucker Woods area) to be
increased to $30.00 per- unit por quarter- effective with July 1st
2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote -- all voting Yes
Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED, that the bills be paid as audited. Abstract #106
voucher #336 to 0407 for a total of $1311140.64
2nd Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes
FINANCIAL REPORT - available to board members
JUSTICE REPORT -- $6,267.00 for the month of May
Adjourned 10 :30PM
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk �`I