HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-02TB5 -2 -91 TOWN BOARD MEETING SPECIAL PERMIT YELLOW FREIGHT MAY 21 1991 Minutes of site plan review 7:3OPM Supv Schug read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the applieotior, ref Yellow Freight (copy in minute book) is where they transfer QUESTIONS AND /OR COMMENT Don Westcott - they proposed to build a dry freight terminal for Yellow Freight. A dry terminal is where they transfer manufactured goods. They do not store fuel on the site or do any service work on the trucks as changing oil or repairs. It is simply a dock where they back, trunks up and transfer freight from one truck to another. Clm Walbridge - are there any toxic hazardous wastes, etc. Don Westcott - he did not know all of the qualifications for hazardous material, but they have all c.f the equipment and all of, their people are trained to handle any products that they do ® haul. There are certain classificatior'a that they do haul and certain cla5sifiration5 that they do not haul. 1\ Dun Westcott - the building would be 3600 sq feet and have 12 back doors and an office of 14 ft by 50 ft. There would be 3 employees in the office at all times. Right now they are operating about 7 local pick up and delivery trucks which operate during regular business hours. It is a union operation where they come in the morning about 9:0OAM and transfer their freight to the respective truck. s and deliver all day. They also pick up freight from businesses all day and come back at night and transfer the freight to over the road haulers. Sometimo during the evening the over the road haulers come from Syracuse or Binghamton and drop their load off and Dick up the rout going freight. He has a lease with them for 7 years with two 5 year renewals. Z// U Itlaa�a .1V1i I-I'I:a1 Hlralt": l L W. >t 2.t r 'tei f; C3 r]I' ItI1IC_ar t•1E91.1 Y'pl'•Ir. (It 1;r•I: D':rn•ra Carr • Lr•IIE1I rid r, I''I_F= f -1StF= F'IIRL i:ll I: Ftr_• I'r.l Inprl rry 1.f ?I'�Eil., f•11?'I'.I fai tl_• lAter• I;Itr�n �:lllllltl!(I'i 61PPI1. 27th, I'�.b'91 w•I(I Di.l l tll(_ r•.)t)l PI.E:(1'L TAKE PItlI LCF- t11 '_t 1:11= 'J'onhl fe_�En`rf .:.I` tJl!' I'r.lan r'I' hl'yrlr•n tvi I1. h•:�ld a lltlbl i" h:aaring t., - .•_�rt�idrl• an a•ppi.ic&lti•:ns r•:.; :, 3l!ec:i;4 1 Pernr.it rr•n141 Ucc, tr• {.t f: lietoo "I ,arr V _.P P. I.I. } %r.:; • r :rllt?i ^I; LIr`r'r, MntV 'r r'1`N., I;q !:?F tLi511 d /irl 1 }11'ir tT`I�gi: _l PI`F ?1iJ1'It 11Vt1i �1'r•I. 5tn.tic�rl �.t or t�h'., , >F•t;) I;;nl l;lArlri Rr.: {cl 1''rydGtn, M1!r•la y.:•1.1;. ^:P1 p 1 IEf112I HG to i 1 1 pl"C.. cn j I i l;g t i me c It Plet•I 1'_�rlc �t tvhiClr ayel�t. l: q7 Ea: CtpriI _ :m rlrl Clf I'i cc•r- 1'C 'tali Lie INe11l rn-I I'lllil?131)fl'r' 1,11'! c]rl;lr thr' I)rvdnit I•_tar-r E. t LhV? ,�] 1 i, I', t r_-r't -ls l: ra rJ Ur ?rq. i�ir> he ar!I. i'er e;rrrr: nte•'y aI)pr,, -lr i rI .lames Sclomut Dr^ydctrr Vowr S! pel .•iP.ar 011 Uryrlerl T.wtl 13n,,Ird I•inn11 -u]I 1i Plnh 1.1t R. pp.r•I;i rr[:, 1 ?r•yrli -•n I'. �t•!n (l I: toI•rle!•.. ll•r'n•r} {t rhln'I:hf„ I�,rlyirtr�ry• - JJtn "r•'anpl'.Ja'I;i Cr.LIn l;y I:•). Irnti ri If I). p :lrtnn7Ylt IIACl1ar•ri An!i >1 c±r•t 1). U. 1'. I or l; 1<1rid ft 1'r }nrpl :.i li:'y SLI•;:,trnre L I e;o r_It DkNvdm Y.:an'r C l r, r n l 1p _l:. 1 rty Citaricrr��:r Psi l:hir 2i u't' •D IF lir. }ie/; I• E It1i'in ;brr_.r,l: Ih" +Jun• V71 I l Iln q 1 yr?1_ dri fjGrFi -�r, ..I• }• I.:O$A I f, y It• 1, r, l jrj I. I; E lthoca Journal Ncws 123 W. State Street Ithaca, New York. Attn: Da :nna Carr, Legal. Ads PLEASE PUBLISH thr following LEGOL NOTICE no later thar, WEDNESDAY May chrid, 1991 and bill the Towri of Dryden. PLEASE TAKE_ NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town s ?f Dryden will hold a public hearing to consider an application for a Special Permit frxii Westcott Development, of P.O. Box 53'.) Sherburne, New York, to establish and r_onstruct a Freight; Transfer Station at or )hvi,it 299 Cortland Road Dryden, New York. SAID HF:nF71NG will be held on 'TUESDAY 101Y a&th, 1991 at 7:1�i P.101. prevailing time at the Drydcr, Town Hall, 65 E. Main Street Dryder, Ncw YKrrk at which time all interested peral�nn will be given an opportunity to be heard. Personas may appear in person or by agent. DATED: May lath, 1991 O �F 4"� Henry VA S ater Toning Officer Town of Dryden .Tames Schug, Dryden Town .13opervisor Al l Dryden Town, 9oard Members Mahlon R. Perkinii, Dryden Town Attorney George 9ehle:ht, Engineer - The Tompkine County Planning Departmr_nt Richard Bassler•, D_Q.1'., Cortland R Torapkir,s Cor.u•.ty ✓Susanne Lloyd, Dryden Town Clerk nll Property Owners, within .'-_'00' Gf Projer_'t Property n �2 T65 -2 -91 page 2 Don Westcott - in response to the County Plarnirrg r ^egarding that the site plan makes very inefficient use of the topography on the site ignoring potential impacts cen drainage ways, and the proximity to Dutcher Road. They have done as they have been advised by moving the site to the north to avoid the interference with the ditch. 'they did not igrcme the fact that Dutcher Road is there and they would vr?ry much like to Fnter on Dr,tcher Road but it is posted to S tcm per axle. Therefore, they have picked a location that has good site distance from both directions and yet falls in the criteria of NYSDOT. He was not sure where they came up with the 4 trucks per hour. He calculated that as including salesincer, and empl,'.Nyees and not heavy trucks. He could not tell how ninny trips per hour. Clm Walbridge - wanted to knew how Long the stops took and if they Sat there with their engine running for 3 hours. Dor, Westcott - did not know the answer to that. Doug Flannigan - is concerned about lights from the building chinning in his bedroom window at night and is also concerned about traffic and noise. Don Westcott - the lights that are planned are shown on the blue prints and they are intended to shine down and on the building O itself. Clrn Walbridge - wandered about the reaps and talking about future expansion. The project that they are currently looking at talks about an additional 6 trailers and future dock expansion with 12 doorm net. What are we looking at now and what are the plans for the future? Don Westcott - an future expansion. much in 1S years, having to have no that business has y commercial business would make provisions for He would be surprised that they would grow that but you make the provisions now rather than provision and then coming back here stating grown and we need room for expansion. CIrn Walbridge - we are supposed to looking out for eveyone's right and should be looking at what the mi?ximum project is rather than what you ore proposing tonight. Don Westcott - he ha:i no real way of knowing that. The project is based on a 7 year lease with two S years renewal. John Taylor •- this land io zoned commercial and as far as uses are Concerned in commercial use wouldn't a truck. trailer have a lot less usage in view of traffic thon perhaps a retail business, an ice cream stand, gas station or any type of retail business where cars will be coming and going all day. T135 -2 -91 page 3 Supv Schug - since he is only going to be r_rsirig ore tenth of the O property for the trailer terminal and he has access to Dutcher Road what is the other portion of the property going to be used for? He wondered what the plans were for the other part of this property. Don Westcott - he has rv:o other plans at the present time and if you don't want it developed they, he shol.rld be leaving bocause he bought it for one reason and that was to develop it. 11 E Robert porter - was wondering if they had permission for tractor trailers to pull out on the corner near Dutcher Road? Don Westcott - they have permission for that Arid the site distance is 685 feet and site vision from a tractor trailer world be a lot better. Robert Porter - was concerned about once the trailers were on the road and the slow speed that they would be traveling. There also is a concern about all of the traffic going to TC3 and the intersection of Simms Hill Rd, Livermore Rd, and Dutcher Rd meet Rte 13. Avery park. - wanted it known that Dutcher Road is not legally posted. Those signs were put there at his request back in 1985. So there is a potential that they could put a driveway to enter can Dutcher Rd. Supv Schug - in speaking with DOT there was a suggestion made that the developer make the shoulders wider and heavier- no that the trailers could use that for a turnoff lane therefore leaving the center lane open. Also if the shoulder was reinforced orr, the east side of the road that would also leave a lane open for cars. Avery park - if that wa% done the people corning from Simms Hill Rd would have to co'nt'end with 2 north bound lanes and that would create a problem. There was corcerrr about trailers running all night long. Don Westcott - the trailers that stay there during the night would have a block. heater to use. Atty hnrkins - if Dutcher Road were not posted 5 ton would you consider mowing your driveway off Rte 13. Don Wcatcott - curtainly, they would prefer to do that. Supv Schug - wonder'ed Rd than Rte 13 because site distance, why they would prefer to came out Dutcher of the grade in the road there and the ❑1 DI r�� C �rRAtFtL evimT Fw t�UTMER REAP FFIVAy S �o I91 t{:eo PM - *70oo PM Lp3 c.ARS v TRUCXS M0NVAY 5A319t y:oo F'M --,.00 -PM Al 3 e.AR6 I T RUCK TUESDAY S/14 111 3 9 c.�lRS �:oo AM - 9:ov AM I TRUCK TB5-2 -91 page 4 Dan WeStCGtt if they ptit A traffic contr101 light there it, Would Irk 1p, but it has it[i pluses and min[mfi, The site Whore we have it loCAtod 3.s where most o .4rnmercial property is. There is no rua57ri that the tormirial has to have rGlad appeal. (Avery park - wanted to know if this type of huainess wbUld be Qzappatible with title nrrighbovhocd. 8upv Schug - if yGLI Come gaff Dutcher Ruad with a to�r'minrdl and you devolapo the rest :f the pr%rrpprty. would you be connecting to Dkitchev Road even if ti°ailer-s didn't gb dClwrl Dutcher Rd? Don WeatrQtt - it would rl?i, have to be, given the way we have Started this site plan dove I1apment now. 'they would have access to that property nPj�r the certer of tho property. This is ntit to say th E if they sold some is r•euideri%Xal it would not tits Ve a driveway on Dutcher goad. 3upv Srhtag - ay-e we at the star ^t of a 51.;bdi.vision and doing tit piece meal Arid dbii'ig 4r14= block at a time. Sohn Taylor - if there Was fL!rther development for` the property they would Come in with a plan for the whole parcPl. It would not he piece meal. There primAr�y cevnoarn rlaw is to find a place f'pr Yellow Freight and the property is zoned light industry and co mrnerc i a 1. Public hearing ad.jOLMACd was and decision was tabled until further infc1rmation was available. i..onc2rriv to kp addressed were: 1 - list of rnateria19 that i.Fi going to be transport*dm 2 -- when thfl transfers would be; 9 how lgng rgould the over the road trucks be there at night 4Dnd what time of night; 4 - how big does the terminal 1'Inve gl get before yclu have ar oVQr'rright shift or ar6ther• shift that would be working there in terms of eRpansion; 5 - the otlnr;ern for lighting; 6 - trLlekm r unninrp at night and t1rE nQi,se carrying; 7 - the hours that they ngr'rnally work; 8 - whetner they use DutGhPr Rd or Rte 13 for entrance and exit. St�sanr4e Lloyd Town Clerk I TOWN BOARD MEETING MAY 1.41 1991 'S Supv Schug called 'the meeting to ok%der at 7e3QPK Mehibers and guests pal'ticipatod in thO pledge of AlLeglance Ro11 call was by the Town Glerk: Present a Supv Sch!.g, Clo Rciberts, Cirn Walbrldge, C1M Hatfield, Clm Ccirrigari, Rtty Parkins and 'l..O. Slater approval of the nii'mutes: Motion ward made by Glm Roberts and grid by C1ra Carrigan that the minutes of 3- -i' -91 and 4 -12 -91 be approved as submitted. Carried COUNTY BRIEF�INL3 Co. Rep. Watros reported that the d•9m project i.s at thF point where they are starting the land aCillliSition. The Coilrity is Concerned than there Will not be tiny state hicinEmy for lZOd acquisit -i €inj and the county had Gir'ipirially planned cln el SO per cant 54are. I$ waf, comrnittr-fd between the courity, town arid v-illage to 275, 0100 and the. i7thipr $75,000.00 was ti, ba paid for by the state. At this poirt the state has no funds to allocate and ether Concerns rained were liabilities. Her will get more infol ^oration for tho board anel kS'ep there up to date uri the progress. Ce+. Rep. Evans - he has been appointed tri this colrlroittee for redistricting and thinks there will l ?B a probleet With the i'iawn Of Groton which has nest Qrr4wn at the sarn4= rate as the rest of the county or Dryden. Co. Rep. Eviiins - the Dounty is lorlking at the p65!;ibi1ity of a new terminal at thin airport. He ttiinks that it w:il.l not be built with county tax Kearney. The current plan is tO tax tickets up to $3.00 a piece that are sold to people thGuph that airpor -t, and those funds would be used to pay the eciunty portiin of the terminal cost. If this is nor the case ther, it will not likely be built. Co. Rep. SvdAns - the human sarvices committeLm is Looking at their 1991.11`392 budget to determine how to allocate fursda and this is a problem when you don }t even have a state budget yct for this year. He thinks they are goinR to have to siriDnd their money wherever' it will do the roost good. Fie will keep the board pt15ted on the pro_gr^e55. -- tMP f;gunty has appoirted a 1:4nimittee 'tip Start the process for redistricting} which i5 always done after- the Census is taken. Ce+. Rep. Evans - he has been appointed tri this colrlroittee for redistricting and thinks there will l ?B a probleet With the i'iawn Of Groton which has nest Qrr4wn at the sarn4= rate as the rest of the county or Dryden. Co. Rep. Eviiins - the Dounty is lorlking at the p65!;ibi1ity of a new terminal at thin airport. He ttiinks that it w:il.l not be built with county tax Kearney. The current plan is tO tax tickets up to $3.00 a piece that are sold to people thGuph that airpor -t, and those funds would be used to pay the eciunty portiin of the terminal cost. If this is nor the case ther, it will not likely be built. Co. Rep. SvdAns - the human sarvices committeLm is Looking at their 1991.11`392 budget to determine how to allocate fursda and this is a problem when you don }t even have a state budget yct for this year. He thinks they are goinR to have to siriDnd their money wherever' it will do the roost good. Fie will keep the board pt15ted on the pro_gr^e55. U L iJ 7B5 -14 -91 page 2 Co. Rep. Evens - DR7 the county board voted to have engingers look at the cfi.nf3puratjorr, for the 44 acres of the 00 Plus that they can uee for thD landfill. The Citizens pdvisor%y Committee Said no Closer than 500 fL t and no highel' than 50 feet. They can come pretty c1,5Cie to thalt. Another resollAtion was riot brpupht to the board bFc ause there was a claLlSe in it that said they WQUId have to have the 4ApproV31 of the Army Ccrrp of Engineers. They have applied for a national permit, but have not rpCe>-ved it yet. The county hiss spent over 2.6 million dollars on the GR7 5it:e and have yet tit put a Shovel ther'a- Dn thQ Landstrom site 'there is poilutionf but no one known where it is coming from.. The county is going to dr %ill a well in the ce7Yter of the landfill to determine what the flow of poliutarit arse. Supv Schufj - wanted to know what the plan was iV the DR% site falls through. Co. pep. €vans - tYie aunty does not have ary plan. Their Plan is to tell DEC that they havo Spent so mueh money ,5vii this site that thOy have no other chBiea that they are going to have to use it. This has been their plan from the first day and was recammendEd by their attorneys. Co. Rep. Watros - repcirted that the land pl"oterticm Committee has met and are going to acquire rrij7ther pie ce r]f property lei the W�s't Dryden area. ratty Perkins - wanted to kYuSw if the courity had done any iinvastigation as to whether ar not they were 'trafihing any wetland area when they dErnuded the prwerty for the runway. Co. Rep. Watros - yeiy the issues was discuSSed, but could not L-011 you how it was- resolved other thakA the decision wr75 made to have the pr^ojert move fcli weird. He. Car'i f:ir,d out what procedure they followed. Supv Schug ' it is upsetting that the county never let the Town of Dryden know that they were ever, going to dc. it. CITIZ €NS PRIVILEGE OF THE FLCGP Gary Lee, SLaterville Springs - was concerned about the Dryden Lo ke park and the adcesei bllity for the har,dicappad since the town has I',r]w installed signs stating nQ motorized vehicles. They have always shored this roadway with pedestriAriE dnd hoped that they would still be ab1E to Llse it and pet the cars off turf road, Supv Schug - they only reASL,ri iU i5 marked that way is because it is going to be a pedestrian walk way and will be handicapped s + cc: ess i b le. V6 T65 -14 -Si page 3 Clm Corrigan - when Gary i*vans had talked with her he wordered that in the Case of handicapped pe0pl0 Could you qet a Special permit just t4 drive thom in and take them back s6 that tfiey could have accessl she thinks this wodld he a 900d solution to get a permit so this baridicaPPF.md people will be ak71e to use the lake. Lloyd Mi-x, - he oWIrlU property on YeIIc1w Barn Rd and they have asked the town for soffiet ;me to get that Section Of Yellow Earn Rd it coriditil ?n for th£rn so that they can yse it. Right r6W it is a seasonal limited use. The town did start to up grade that dries section of 'thY road e. years ago and rio.W they have 6topped. His daughter and son"i.n'law wanted to get a mc1rtgage on the house they are btAildiriq on Yellow Barn Rd, which has sufficient road frontage and the bsnk will runt give a wcirtpage on a road that is c14D9Ladx even thc,ugh there i5 a sign that says SQaSonal use road. The road has been survLtyed} but they can't get the tOWrl tt, even run a grader on the road so that they could k.15e it. Tho last tir1U that it was maintained was .Ah[iLlt 3 +3 years ago. His ilui)dirig permit is for Yellow Barn Rd even though he has a fright of Way to Ringwinnd Rd. Nis sori ^Sri -law haS a building permit for Yellow Harr, Rd with no right of way tc, Ringw3ml0d 32d. Ht jUst has a shell cif a homes there and their assps5rapnt is *E%000-00 with n0 road to the prciperty, He feels that the warlc l;ould be dories by the town since they have all Of the equipmOnt. It is abbot 2 1/2 miles frore Midline kd or the end of Yellow Bar`rl Rd and dirt viat make any difference* to him which direction that they upgraded the road. Banks will not give 19ans when the road is not accessible, All they are asking fi7r is to fix the road sn that it is Aar 5able. Supv SchUq - they will have to check the road gtilt to s�!o what can be done. GOUN(:ILM4AN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Clm Roberts 4 at the last board meeting it waF decided to give Michael GI ^ant and his agsc,ciate feed k,ar:lt from the town as to whorF) ore want to go with their decision regarding the DR 7 landfill aitclm His opinion to the town board is that at thtiv time tho town is irivolviud with several diffBr'ent actions and did not think. that it Would be good use of oAr time at th:i3 pvirit to continue ariy dAscussiori at this time with thLAW. Maybe at a later date wilco, wp have heard from Some other pimoblems that are ponding. He would like to recornmekid tok the town board that ariy further discussion be glut Off for at least 6 months. AL1 of the town bolard members agr -eed with Clm Roberts that no furthtir• discussion be taken at, least for 6 months regarding the DR7 landfill site and Michael Grant and hit: aaaaciates. 5upv Sehu.g - clean up day at the 76wri Hall - May lgth 0 �•J 7L }i -14 -91 page 4 RTTORNEY Atty Perkins - the board membEr`6 hay =e a copy+ of prel imirary report regardincl the proposed Turkey Hill water and sewer" dlstrir_t which is revisions raf the previous report and iE an attempt to justify arjd minimize the cast to nlake the project more acceptable to tl'rt state comptrollers offiCP Who Piist approve it. Yhese reports Fro preliminary for the bC$rds review prier to accepting them to bE:� filed in final form. if there are no Questions then the. hoard could take aCtion at their May 28th njGptin4, by adi:hptiny an order calliYig a public hearing on the rrryap, plan and report. TentAtive date Would biro June 20th at the Varna Community CGht0r' r7it 7:OCiPM. Atty Perkins - annually Idr. Robert FIRtcher from 77S Snyder" Hill Rd requests that he be grantf.�d a permit to display and discharge fireworks lit that location on July 4th. H2 submitted all of the documentation and certificate Of ir'9Ur^alricg that is necessary. If this is acceptablr' the tciwn bc,ard Should pass a resolution authorizinq the flkxperviFor to sign the display of fireworkE permit. RE.SOLUTIQNM,}t108 FIREWORKS PE "EMIT - RCIHERT FLETCH.FR Clw Hatfield offered the 'finllowirq r'eaQlt.ltion and asked for its adoption RESOLVER, that this Town Board authorize Supv Schug tG sign the fireworks display permit for the year 1991. 2nd Elm Walbridge Re11 call Vinte - all vQting Yes Atty Perkins - a proposed police service agreement between the town and the village. It is ati agrae.mert 0 municipal er.�ejper ^atiorr whereby the village would provide police service and park patrol at Dryden Lake Park. It was agreed upon the arm ual cost being s3, 6$r}.i3 €i which would bE+ paid mor thly. RESOLUTION #109 DRYDEN LAKE PARK - POLICE F1ATRDL Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its ad,Dpt iQn i REsbLVECY, that this Town Board authorize Supv Smug tQ €ikgn the agreement with the Village of Dryderi for police patrlal at the Dryden Lake Park for the year from Jvrie ] 9 1991 to May 31, 1992 rand Clm Cor'rixjaln Roll call vote - all yntirg Yee Atty Per50n3 - W'ilt ^ox Press project is rapidly coming to completion Arid BE; part of the project initially the tclwri negotiated a water and �iQwFr' ai}r`celnent and the purchase of water and sewer facilities. Since those agreements were negotiated and signed in ,Tune of 1.983 cCr ^tam changes have taften place with respect t.3k tht% r:onfiguration in the water' and sewer, which wad the result in the ChongcS of the site plan revieW, With respect tQ the water and sewer apreer4u3nts you need to pass an ameridrneyt which attaches tho correct descripti<1n of what was actually installed and a ci7rre.rt cGpy a-r the map showing what was installed, The water and sewer ayreeroente just have new exh.ibit5 which reflect what was actually installed and where. `/ I? '1133• °1 1+ -91 page 5 Rtty Perkins - in the memor^dndUfnl of understardirg which wa3 approved by the town and Wil_cClx Press having to do with the L�15ri5'tructior of Hall Rd water distr "1gt we contel'eplatemd that wt2 i,rpµ.ld have to 2Rlevid the water Land sewer agreerents becaus$ of certain CheeingeG that were jainp by or within the site p1a11 review and the approvals that were giveri. R11 these amendmeritS do is to get the paper work caught up With what was actually installed accordirig to the approvals. This is just t-o approve what iG in the grCiLind and is different than what was 7riginally approved. Rtty Perkins - pT'ior to conStriACtjQri of the pr'Ojoct the town negotiated with Wilcox rlrees a water and sewer agr'l�aement and thQ pL4rchasr of water arid seWErr' facilities. 3 agreements iri Jun L' Of 19139. The water and iiewey- agreements 00.Ctl c._.ntemplate+d the construC'tjQD of certain irdpr'rvemerits in order t,Ci eiriable Wilcr}x Press to connect to the Monkey Run water send sewer diStriCt. Those impr[vetient5 as ccinstructed hacame also subject tq the purtha¢1>r cif water and sewer facilities agronerr19nt5 which gives the town a night tic, btiy back a pcirtiori Of any of those impr`ovQments that the town might want to use fclr the future corintrUCtion of a water and sewer system. After the agreement way negotiated there were subsecluerit charges in the site plan review and the arn:urit of watgi% line that was put in grid the location of the Sewer pump house. All we are inte =nding to do i5 t:7 attar:h exhibits which reflect exactly 'what was approved and Constructed so that there is n0 CQrif i,ISion in the fut LIrEi a,bPut something that aCttially does not exist. These r: agreements contemplate a third agreement and that is the pu.rrhase of these >FaLilitie5 agreements. The purchase of the faciLities agreement has riothirig to do with the Hnll Rd water diatri.ct. These irfryrgv8nients are something that may be used in the future sh6pild the town decide to use the old abandoned railroad right of way to extArd wat' ®r and sewer from that d iT'ect ion. Rtty Perkins - the Hall Rd water diStriCt consists of the WilcoK Press property and they rjot their water from a tank which is in another district. RESCILLJTiCN 41110 AMENDMENT MONKEY RIIM SEWER AGRi =EMEN7 Clm Corrigan offered the following resolutifnI6 and a5ked frlr its adoption: RE50LYED, that this Town dgard approve the amendment to the Monkey Run newer district to reflect the actual changes. 2nd Clm Walbr^idpg Roll call vote - all voting Yes I7rSCUESION Yciuth recreation reimburseanerit with the City, cif Ithaca, - when V;{imeone frti.rn out of the district comes tc, the Youth i;ureail they cUUld charge them Line and a half, and ch :,rpQ the town one and a half. Clrn Corrigan will check on this. So 725 -14 -91 page 5 Supv Schug - Hi-Speed Chec'.tweighQr applied to the 7130A for a sign valiance and as it turns nut cane is riot needed and would likra this removed froi-41 their rer_ords siivoe the variance was granted. ;CONING OFFICER - monthly t -OPQVt giver, to board mr?rlbers ',v, Slater r^Spor -tea that Wilr_oH Press wq jl be finished before the next town board neeting and he WCIiIld like the board welobiir5 take a look at where it is and if they have any coricern:r get them to him before May 29t1h s4l that he car, star -t working on them relative to the site plan review. Supv Schul] - it is his ,job tip lock at the Fite plan review application arid go over it to make sure it has beef, dL+ne exactly the way that it was 541pposed 4,0 iriGlNdir,g the gradir,g- i. CI. Slat Qr - he was r,int sure about this Brig hill that has 3h4w►, up and was not something that was ever, addressed- You could take the point that it was Something that shY[,WPd 41p and would naed app"vgl Qk- it was a ncin Item. The board should decide and if you Do from the elevations that could be the determining factor. Clro Walbridge - wanted Henry to do a very 'strict reading of the landscape Grid bring the information to the board and then they. c-an diFruSS as to whether there is actually a problem, IDSupt/ SLchtmg - 5,jggested that maybe the board wanted HiuY,ry to wait until the next board meeting tP give them their C.O. so that they c,_.uld PreVra a fall report that ever'ythillg haS been done proper, rather than leaving all of the responsibility to him. Clrn Walbridge - agreed with thlit Eririce the Wilcox project Mars had a lot c.f problems. HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Supv Schug - the screen at the 5tor,e gL4srirry needs to be repaired rxtit 't.a excr%ad 15}+)00.00 and there is money in the repair budget this year which should la.5t 2 t;b 3 years. A new one costs #SCI, Or](). Un S;LIpV Schug received two bida for wf�rk on Star Stanton Rd and Hi Le School Rd from Hunt Engineers, (C39000.04) and Sr_hlecht Engineering, S SS, 1 700.CIO1 Hwy Supt Gtlbert - would likoj to Flirt a uiach,ir,e ti'quipnaerit operator and publig works Pimp l4yee. CORRESPDNDENCE Varna Interceptor sewer is completed 1 Tompkins [;aunty uale5 tax receipts $271,411.55 is the town sharfaM Cpl iriterest $1,923.89 = $273, 335. 44 >riCreavo over the same period last year of about Stinky's Tank. Servir..e - hae a permit: is land spread septic in the Town x,f Virgil just: above the Yillage of Dryden water shed, TB5 -14 -91 p�1ge 7 ® Atty Perkins - has written to the Town of Virgil suggesting that that might consider adopting a similar 11acal law that the Town of Dryden has regarding land spreading of septic Supv Schug - petition from residents of Dutcher Rd requesting a posted weight limit sign. Reduced spend limit signs have been installed near NYSE&G. At the entrance of NYSE& -G and Rte 366 will have sign placements and changes will be implemented in the near future along with permanent pavement markings. Mandate relief proposal - should be supported by the town and he will write a letter. Schwan Drive speed limit reduction RESOLUTION 011E: RE,uQCFf�FED LIMIT SCHWAN DRIVE Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Hoard request a speed limit reduction on Schwan Drive .01 mile in the Town of Dryden to 30 MPH. Clm Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes El T1J5 -14 -91 page a ® RESOLUTION #113 URGING OPPOSITION TO INEQUITABLE CUTS IN RID TO LOCALITIES AND YOUTH SERVICES OF NEW YORK sorATE EXECUTIVE LAW Ciro Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: WHEREAS, the Governor's 1991 -9 2 State Budget includes drAGtic reductions in aid to localities that affect the Town's ability to continue valued services for municipal residents and WHEREAS, the Governor has also recornmended an additional 55% reduction in the amount of local assistance available to the Towns for youth services, and WHEREAS, the Town is currently engaged in planning and providing new and expanded services for children Lind youth that will rely on the availability of continued state aid from the Division for Youth and WHEREAS, the NYS Executive Law Article 19A Section 420 which provides per capita aid to localities for youth services has been the foundation of the State's successful youth service system for more than 45 years, ® WHEREAS, the Governor's pr•opo5al to allow DFY funded programs to charge fees will not generate enough alternative revenuca to offset the proposed cuts in services for families least able to pay fees, NOW THEREFORE RE IT RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Dryden Youth Commission, the Town opposes inequitable proposed cuts in aid to localities, especially those fco, youth services and further, RESOLVED, that the Town urges the Senate and A3Se14bly representatives and the leadership of the Legislature to oppose inequitable cuts in state aid and further RESOLVED, that the Town urges continued support for Executive Law Article 19A Section 4EC19 and apposes any attempts to eliminate or weaken the State's youth service system and further, RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to transmit the resolution to Governor Cuomo, the leaders of the Senate and Assembly, the leadership of the legislative committees responsible for recommending state aid for youth services and to our local representatives. 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes LI TB5 -14 -91 page 9 ® RESOLUTION #114 7.F.BRA MUSSEL CONTROL, C.lm Walbridge offered the fnllowi'ng resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this Town Board authorize Southern Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Water Commission to be the lead agency for the zebra musael control project. 2nd Clm Roberts Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #115 CHANGE ORDER RANDSCO VARNA INTERCEPTOR SEWER Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that this 'town Board authorize the change order for RANDSCO for Varna Interceptor Sewer in the amount of $4,B97.16 as recommended by Hunt Engineera 2nd Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes 11 • ;3 J� WHEREAS, because the foregoing developments would have an extremely detrimental effort on the ability of the Dryden IDA to continue its economic development function, and thereby have an adverse effect on the Town of Dryden, the Dryden IDA desires to express its opposition to the foregoing developments. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Dryden Town Board as follows: (1) 12ho Town is strongly opposed to the enactrnant of $.2951/A43445 which would limit the sales tax- exernptior, afforded Dryden IDA projects. (2) Dryden strongly opposes the enactment of $424/A.2137 -A which would greatly increase the cost of Dryden IDA projects by requiring union scale wages to be paid thereon. (3) The Dryden Town Board favors the extension of the ability of the IDA to issue bonds for civic facilities. is (4) The Dryden Tr..wrr Hoard favors the extension of the ability of the IDA to issue bonds the interest of which is excluded from federal income taxation to finance manufacturing facilities. and Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes TD5-14 -91 page 14 RESOLUTION 0116 IDA Clm Roberts offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Dryden presents this resolution to express Dryden's opposition in restricting the powers of the Dryden Industrial Developrirent Agency (Dryden IDA) and indicate Dryden's support for continuing the IDA's existing powers. WHEREAS, the Dryden IDA was established in 1987 as a public benefit corporation for Dryden for the purpose of promoting economic development, creating arid retaining jobs and improving the real property tax base of Dryden, arid, WHEREAS, among the powers granted the Dryden IDA was the ability to issue industrial development bonds, including bonds the interest of which is excluded from federal incon're tax and, WHEREAS, there currently oxi5t a number of legislative devolopmerits which could adversely impact the ability of the Dryden IDA to continue its ecOn6mic activities, these developments include: (1) The proposed enactment of s.295/A.445 which would restrict the availability arid use of the sales tax exemption for Dryden IDA projects, ® (2) The proposed enactment of s.424/A.2137 -A which would apply union wage scales to all projects financed by the Dryden IDA, (3) The elimination of the ability Of the Dryden IDA to i98U5 bonds for civic facilities, which would be effected by the sunset provision contained in the General Municipal Law, (4) 'Ihe elimination of the ability of the Dryden IDA to issue tax - exempt bonds for manufacturing, which would be, effected by the surrset provision cont'niried in Section 144 of the Internal Revenue Code of 19669 as amended. WHEREAS, because the foregoing developments would have an extremely detrimental effort on the ability of the Dryden IDA to continue its economic development function, and thereby have an adverse effect on the Town of Dryden, the Dryden IDA desires to express its opposition to the foregoing developments. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Dryden Town Board as follows: (1) 12ho Town is strongly opposed to the enactrnant of $.2951/A43445 which would limit the sales tax- exernptior, afforded Dryden IDA projects. (2) Dryden strongly opposes the enactment of $424/A.2137 -A which would greatly increase the cost of Dryden IDA projects by requiring union scale wages to be paid thereon. (3) The Dryden Town Board favors the extension of the ability of the IDA to issue bonds for civic facilities. is (4) The Dryden Tr..wrr Hoard favors the extension of the ability of the IDA to issue bonds the interest of which is excluded from federal income taxation to finance manufacturing facilities. and Clm Corrigan Roll call vote - all voting Yes r �66 TB5 -14 -91 page 11 QRESOLUTION #117 YOUTH SERVICES Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption: RESOLVED, that the Town of Dryden hereby assigns their 1991 calendar year allocation from Tompkins County for Youth Services to be pooled with the Village of Dryden and The Village of Freeville monies. The Town of Dryden will act as the central repository And disbrd'rsing agent. 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes FINANCIAL REPORT - available upon request JUSTICE REPORT - $71959.00 fOr the month of April COMMITTEE REPORTS Dryden Lake Park - bridges are in the process of being repaired by the town highway and the walkways are being made handicapped accessible. Dryden Village water agreement discussion - May 23rd at 8:00PM RESOLUTION #118 AUDIT R APPROVE ABSTRACT N105 Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its ® adoption: RESOLVED, that the general and highway fund bills be paid as audited. Abstract #105 voucher #249 to #335 for a total of $302. '330.97 2nd Clm Roberts R011 call vote - all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS Schedule public hearing May 28th 7:00PM -- Witty Continuation of site plan review 7 :15PM - Westcott /Yellow Freight Board meeting to follow Adjourned: 10:30PM Susanne Lloyd V Town Clerk