HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-12 1. 2 - 1. 2 - 89 TOWN BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 12 , 1989 SP.tpv Schug called the Town board meeting to order at 603OPM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of l 11egiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk ; Present : Supv Schuh , Clm Hatfield , Clm Evans , Clm Garlock , Clw Walbridge , Ptty Perkins and Z . D . Slater ARPRUVPL OF THE MINUTES N otion cabs made by Clm Evans. and seconded by Clrii Hatfield that the minutes of the Town Board meeting November 14th and November e stin and Site Plan Review hearing November 28th be approved as submitted . Roll call vote m all voting Yes except C1w Walbridge w ho abstained . COUNTY BRIEFING Co Rip Ti1lap ugh reported that as of today there is no septic hauler+ r irn the County that has a permit to land spread septic in Tompkins County . All septic now has to go to the Ithaca W astewater treatment plant . There was only one hauler that had a permit to land spread in the County and the permit expired . He applied at the Tompkins County Health Dept and was refused an e xtension . They still hare a problem with the grease trap and car w ash material - ha of now the Ithaca Wastewater treatment plant i s accepting the grease trap material on a trial basis . The State Can states that a permit can be issued for grease trap material • and car wash material for land spreading . - -- was surprised and upset with the Village of Dryden being in f avor of the Route 13 bypass because when the County was working o n the corridor for Rote it from Ithaca to Cortland , the Town Board was in favor of the bypass and the Village of Dryden was ✓ ery much opposed and now they are in favor of putting the trucks and cars past the high school . Co Rep Watros - on Dec 13th DEC will start their hearings on the D EC landfill site at NYSE & G and encouraged everyone to attend . CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Ted Marcdell , Hall Woods by - presented a petition to the Town B oard regarding the installation of a traffic light at ht 13 and Fit 366 ( copy of petition in minute book ) H enry Slater - representing a group of people who are concerned o ver the pour duality and service of cable reception from American Community 6ablevlsirn requesting the Town Board to take action necessary to enforce reception that is acceptable in the Town of Dryden and gave the petition to the 'Town Board ( oI:Iby in minute book ) . • 177 15 -- 1e - B9 page t B rian Earle , representing West Dryden Community Center . They receive $ 1850 . 00 from the United Way to sponsor youth o rganizations , They are also receiving help from Cornell students . It is also used for community meetings . The building was built in 1. 82e and has had no major upkeep since before WW II and is in dire need for restoration . Two years ago they did f i x the cornices on the steeple which cost $ 1E00 . 00 and has depleted their funds . They have also stabilized the facade which was in d anger . They did this with a lot of volunteer help of about 100 h ours and donated material , but still cost over $ 700 . 00 . The fr ', tndati. on of the building and the roof is in very had condition and something has to be done if the building is going to be saved . They are applying for historic landmark status; which will make them eligible for getting grant money and other sources of major funding . The first step is proof of ownership and as it stands now the Town of bryheo owns the property since the association was dissolved i n 1988 . This w i l l have to be checked o n to see what can be done to get a landmark status . They are asking support of the Town of Dryden in getting it designated as a historic landmark . J eff Coates - - showed pictures of pencil drawings of the community building and will eventually be sent to Washington to the Historical duiiding survey in cooperation with the Library of Congress . The drawings will be part of e country wide inventory o f historic sites . Dryden cil1 then be officially represented in the Library of Congress . You would be able to. apply for environmental quality act bond money , but this is only available if you have a building on the national register . They are requesting the Town to earmark some money to pay e consultant to apply for a nomination for the landmark status . They are also suggesting that the Town consider earmarking moneys to deal with the structural problems of the building . The foundations roof and w indows are real serious problems . hot i i e feasibility study is done it would be hard to give a dollar figure for the cost of ✓ epairs . Fran DiTomeaso , 118 Lake Rd . , Operating Supt for hYSEhb - wanted t o comment an the petition presented to the Dryden Town Board from Ted harchell , and also his letter to ' the Ithaca Journal . h hSEhb objects to being portrayed as a bad guy in a situation w here Mr herohe11 claims there is poor communication between hYSEth and civic officials be it the State or the Town . He is h ere to refute the letter that was in the J . rr oeic d point out t he inaccuracies and incorrect in stating hYSEdh position . hhhEbb has been motivated through actions in the past with what they f eel their employees needs are and what their wants are and needs o f the community that they serve . This is evident by the strong participation that hhSEhb has in the community . Mr harnche 1 1 first states that about two creeks ago an alternative plan appeared . - the alternative plan that he is talking about is the installation o f e traffic light opposite the consolidated bYbh Rh driveway , � ' IP opposite Pinckney Rd . The fact is that in Feb 1974 hYSEbb • V. 12- 12 - 89 page 3 ✓ equested that NYSDOT review the traffic situation on Rt 13 . In Aug 1974 they responded with a plan that a light could he installed opposite Pinckney Rd if NYSE & G were to consolidate their driveways at that location . In Jar, 1987 NYSE &G again asked N YSDUT to look at the situation again . They did this and in Nov o f 1987 they responded with basically the sane answer . You can see that this is not a new issue and not a new alternative . The ✓ eason no action was taken over the years is because NYSE & G could n ever find a viable way to consolidate their driveways given the layout of the buildings and use of the land that was existing at that time . Mr Marchell also claims that NYSE & G is working without the Town ' s knowledge on this matter . - This is not true . NYSE & G h as worked continuously with the NYSDOT officials and Town of Dryden officials , Supv G '_' tter° ill , Sr.rpv Schi.tg since 1987 in an attempt to improve the Rt 13 safety situation . It was during this period in the last couple of years that NYSDOT first proposed the relocation of Hall Rd to form an intersection with Rt 13 . However , this alternative was to include a yellow blinking light only , On May 1 ` th 1989 NYSDOT proposed a preferred alternative to that and that was they relocate Hall Rd to . NYSEtN ' s westerly d riveway and they would do this without si, gnaiization , NYSE & G has played a key role in the last couple of months in convincing the S tate to install a signal and to install ore that has a three color signal rather than a warning blinker . Now we are at than point where we have a light and all we are going to do is • determine where the best location would be for the light . Mr harchel l also states that NYSE & G hired an outside consultant to work on this . NYSThN has in fact hired Hawk Engineering from B inghamton to do a site development study of their property . They did this in early 1987 because Hawk Engineering has site development experience that they do not have . They made some ✓ ecommendations , but they were not implemented because of their anticipated building addition . In duly 1989 the building addition w as nearing completion . They again had Hawk Engineering take a look at their site development . It was during thTa review that an attempt was made to incorporate the DOT plans for Mt 1. 3 into their site development . On Oct 26th of this year hYSE & B had a meeting with NYSDUT for the purpose of reviewing their plans and to review our plans . It was at that meeting that the possibility o f a light in front of the hYTEtd driveway reemerged . The day after that meeting Supv Snhug was called and informed of that information . This is the proposition that is currently under study by the State and Town of Dryden and is scheduled to be heard on Dec 20th . The safety issues concerning the location of this signal location . is hest answered by hdhh officials . He thought they would be discussed at great length . NYSE &G dealing w ith the State , Town and public have always been straight forward and always will be . They are interested in a safe Rt 13 for the town residents and through traffic , businesses in that area and their customers and employees . This is evident by the fact that the proposed light at the NYSE & G driveway will cost NYSE &O approximately $ E00 , 000 . 00 and the same light installed at fit 1 and Rt 3E8 will cost NYSE & G nothing , yet they are in favor of the more costly but safer alternative . RESUME NAME Michael R . Hatter`► ADDRESS Office : Home : Local Government Program 4 Greystone Dr . Warren Hall Dryden , NY 13053 Cornell University Ithaca , NY 14853 ( 607 ) 255 - 1593 ( 607 ) 844 - 4 .361 PERSONAL Birthdate - -October 26 , 1951 ; married ; two children EDUCATION B . A . Marietta College , Marietta , Ohio . Major ; Economics and Mathematics ( June , 1974 ) . M . P . A . Ohio State University , School of Public Administration , Columbus , Ohio ( 1977 ) . Specialization : Quantitative Methods . Ph . D . Cornell University , Ithaca , New York . Major Field ; Development Sociology ( 1988 ) . Dissertation Title : " Revenue Support for Local Public Services : A Comparative Analysis of General Purpose Aid and Local Optional Taxes " . WORK EXPERIENCE A982 - present . Staff member , Cornell Local Government Program , College of Agriculture and Life Sciences . Responsabilities include conducting research , and providing education and technical assistance for rural governments in New York state . 1981 - 1982 . Research Associate , Foundation for Human service Studies , Ithaca , New York . Staff member on a national project to develop self - evaluation materials and procedures for local community action agencies . These materials focused on developing strategic planning oriented criteria and procedures for building a local evaluation component into the planning and management of local programs . 1978 - 19 $ 1 . Research and teaching assistant , Department of Rural Sociology , Cornell University . 1975 - 1977 . Graduate research and teaching assistant , Faculty of Management Sciences , College of Administrative I Science , Ohio State University , kerLikiaj intrvi rittly 91 route4 Ia - 1G - e9 page 4 COUNCILMAN RRIVILJESE OF THE FLOOR Clm Hatfield "yi there is a vacancy on the Planning Board and he w ould like to recommend Michael Ha t t ery of 4 Greyst one Dr for that pos i t i on , This is to replace Ron Roberts who has resigned from the Planning Beard . ( copy of resume in minute book ) S upv 8chug - had a name to recommend for the same position , but thought that it would be after the first of the year so he did n ot have the gentleman ' s resume . C1w Walbridge - . is concerned that this is the way that we typically do these appointments to vacancies when someone comes u p with a resume . Very few people know the person on the Board and the Town Board has not met the person . RESOLUTION 0 271 APPOINT PLAN I N6 WBOARD ..MEMBER MICI-HnEL, , HATTEFAY • • T— Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that this Town Beard appoint Michael Hattery to the P lanning Board to replace Ron Roberts who resigned and term will e xpire December 1391 and Clm Garlock Roll call vote - Clrn Hatfield Yes Clm Evans Yes Clm Garlick Yes I Clw Walbridge No Clm Evans - since this is his last formal meeting of being on the Town Board he would like to thank everyone in the Town for bearing with him for the ] years he has been on the board and trying to learn what everything is all a bo ut . It has been a privilege being able to serve . On the County Board he will continue to try and learn what he is doing and will continue to be available for everybody . S upv Sch '.s g - the Town owes both Clm Evans and Clm Garlock a lot for the years of service they have put in . L orraine Bard - gave Town Board her monthly reports and she is n ow on the road to recovery , but still has problems writing . To h er knowledge everything is going well . She apologized for her injury , and invited Board members to come out to see the improvements that she has been making to her kennel and office space . • et 12- 12 - 89 page 5 DISCUSSION . • There was a question as to whether or not Mlineah Rd could be closed . f tty Perkins a it c 'in n '';it ha closed as long as it is being traveled . S upv Schug - George Schluc:ht , Town Engineer has given a report with regard to a Planning Board application on Hunt Hill Rd . The Planning Board is very grateful for his assist . nr_ e . • ZONING OFFICER °- report given to Board members . H IGHWAY H wy Supt Gilbert a would like to ching ,+ the retirement program for highway employees . S upv Schug - the grader has been put on a lease purchase program f or $ 19 , 3E3 . 00 for the next three years . The front loader is also under a lease purchase program for $ 27 , 518 . 00 . RESOLI,iFIUN mra7a AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT TO PURCHASE UNDER STATE CONTRACT FOR 7710 TRRCTOR WITHAIR COIIJ IT ONINp C : IE1 Evans ' offered the following resolution and asked for its L adoption ; RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Hwy Supt Silbert to purchase under state contract * P34293 one 7710 tractor with air conditioning in an amount not to exceed $ 18 , 500 . 00 2nd CIw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #r ; 7 . AI.JTHORIZE: HWY SUPT TO ADVERTISE • FOR BIDS FOR A MOWER ---- — Clan Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Ti: wn Board authorize Hwy Supt Silbert to advertize for bids for a mower 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vote ' - all voting Yes CORRESPONDENCE Letter of resignation fr ':' rn Roger Lampila as ):jingo Inspector and Chairman of the IDA1 L etter of resignat ion from Ron Roberts as Planning » oar• d member Ambulance report I 12- 12 - 89 page 6 S upv Schuy - has estimate on the installation of street lights at the intersection of ERt 13 and Warshaw Rd and Pb 13 and Lower Creek Rd . S i.tpv Schug - the 4 - way stop sign that was requested at the intersection of Turkey Hill Rd and Mt Pleasant Rd was turned down by the County . RESOLUTION #r274 . 1-IU I_ENGINUER S Clm Evans offered the following resolution end asked for its adopt ic' n RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize payment to Hunt E ngineers in the amount of t2 , 200 . 00 plus reimbursable expenses for the separation ion of the water and sewer district and the SEER review . and Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 275 WORK ON PROPOSED DR 7 L ANDFXLL SITE. Clm Oarlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ; RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint John WK.tlforst as the soil scientist to wo_ork on the proposed DR 7 landfill site at a rate of ,37 . ?i O per hour plus travel . and C1w Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 27e APPOINT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL = Jay q i l l rte. r Clrri Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that this Town Door~ d appoint Jay Miller as the Town of D ryden representative to the Environmental Management nagement Council whose term will expire December 31 , 1992 . End Clm Garlock Rol / call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION x# 277 HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT PURCHASES MOWER. . Clm Evans offered the 'Following resolution and asked for its adoption : ( copy in minute book ) End C1w Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yee RESOLUTION # 278 H ! c HWPY._. . EPU ! PMEWT _PLJRCHASES LOADER Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : ( copy in minute book ) 2nd Clwu Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes S FT:SOLU.J ION FOR TOWN HICFIWAY EQUI .PHftTT PL1RQ-LAS,rS X277 RESOLUTION BY Councilman Evans • A. $ECONn a eY Councilwoman Wa1bridg.e yyWHEREAS , THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS DID , ON THE 12th DAY OF December S 9 . ;f9 - , , DULY RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE OF CERTA I II IYQU I PMENT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 142 OF THE HIGHWAY LAIN , Now THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED THAT TIME TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS IS AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISION$ OF ARTICLE 5 - A OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW , 984 Catt'r .17.1cr ]. 4QQ motor railer From s • zacuseu 1 3 yQgr leascfputchase • • FOR A 1.1AXII,&uM PRICE OF . , Fifl r , seven . thousand nine hundred six nine and no cents. DOLLARS , ts . .77 • 969 , 00 } DELIVERED AT S Dryden N Y BY Janyaxy 10 IS 90 • r THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS IS AUTHORIZED TO SURRENDER TO THE VENDOR , THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AT AN AGREED TRADE - IN VALUE OF . S • • A CONTRACT FOR THE I TEM { S PURCHASED SHALL BE DULY EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE BETWEEN THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF f l I GHWAYS AND SUCH VENDOR , WHEN THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND APPROVED , AND UPON DELIVERY OF THE I TEM I S ) PURCHASED , THE SUPERVISOR SHALL PAY THE FOLLOWING N.IOUNTS AS SPECIFIED . . . S • , $ FROM BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT 2 , . $ FROM THE PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO LOCAL FINANCE LAW , - AUTHORIZED BY SEPARATE RESOLUTION , • 3 . 19' 023 . 00 per year INSTALLMENT PURCHASE - SPECIFY TERMS January 1 , • VOTE of TOWN WARD ( AYE ) 4, I. � $ ' • SUPERVISOR VOTE OP TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( KIM ) Cber1Rs . 3f tic14 TOWN COUNC 1 LMAN VOTE OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( N :4 Cb $rles - )1741} S TOWN COUNCILMAN VOTE 07 TOWN BOARD ( AYE N ( 04.104 4ar1 - G$flcck. . TOWN COUNCILMAN VOTE OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) KNAlci Uargdret. . WaLbxjdgc , - , TOWN COUNCILMAN TYPE OR WRITE IN NAMES OF TOWN DOARD AND INDICATE HOW THEY VOTED . P RESOLUTION FOR ' COWN HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT PURG-IASF.S # 278 , RESOLUTION BY Councilmen Evans I� SECONDED BY Councilwoman Walbridge WHEREAS , THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS DID , ON THE 12th DAY OF December bULY RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 142 OF THE HIGHWAY LAW , NOW , THERE . BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT or HIGHWAYS IS AUTHORIZED TO PURCHASE , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE S - A OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW , 19 $ b cat xP llar . 966D wh l loac2er Tram S racusc Suxpl THE FOLLOWINf., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Three year :Lease /purchase • FOR I+LA:CII. JN PRICE OF Eighty two thousand five hundred fifty roar. and no cents .( $ - ,8.2.o- ,}5A. PP, - , , , , , ] , DELIVERED AT P1 'ydep N Y SY , , J ajippry ) 1 9 . 9P . . THE TOWN SUPER I NTEFIDENT OF HIGHWAYS I S AUTHORIZED TO SURRENDER TO THE VENDOR 0 THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT AT AN AGREED TRADE - IN VALUE OF , $ • A CONTRACT FOR THE TTEM ( S } PURCHASED SHALL QE DULY EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE BETWEEN • THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS AND SUCH VENDOR , WHEN THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN EXECUTED AND APPROVED , AND VPON DELIVERY of THE ITEM ( S ) PURCHASED , THE SUPERVISOR SHALL PAY THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED . , , 1 . . $ FROM BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF EQ, ,J I pM ENT • 2 . . $ FROM THE PROCEEDS Or OBLIGATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO • LOCAL FINANCE LAW , - AUTHOPI ZED pY SEPARATE RESOLUTION . 4 a . , s , . 2? , } )-8 . OQ , per , year , , , , , , , , , INSTALLMENT I RCHASE - Jan . 15 , 1990 �U 4, PCCIFY TEIgMS � E VOTE OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) rfcgOtI James ,Scbug SUPERVISOR VOTE or . TOwn BOARD { AYE ) W M Charles , ila Cf field TOWN COUNCILMAN VOTE OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ] ITODcl Charles - Evans TOWN COUNCILMAN a, VOTE of TOWN BoAr ( AYE ) MINNOtit Karl , Gar,Lock TOWN COUNCILMAN VOTE OF TOWN !BOARD ( AYE ) t ) Ma rgar t , Wa2bridge TOWN COUNCILMAN TYPE OR WRITE IN NAMES OF TOWN BOAR AND INDICATE HOW THEY VOTED , TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK SU EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 •. 6014444120 IN the art 11 the Finger , ear Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Date : December 11th , 199 • To : James Schug , .Dryden Town Supervisor Town Hail 65 E . Main Street Dryden , New York 13053 • From ; Henry M . Slater , Zoning 6 Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden Sub : : Zoning 41, Building Code Enforcement Office November 1989 . • Dear Jim : During the Month of November 1989 this office issued 1 (} Puilding Permits w hich are described as follows : A - 1 Single - family Hones with attached C -- 4 . 1 Private Clarages : ( 2 ) A- 2 EI5ubie - family Homes : ( 1 ) C - L1 . 1 Private Storage / Garages : ( 5 ) Cr7 ,iiisscellaneous Contruction , ( I ) Exterior Deck & ( 1 ) Chimney Repair : ( 2 ) Fire Investigations : • This office conducted ( + ) Chimney Fire investigations . Two required ✓ epair and ( 2 ) did not . Zoning Variances : Since the normal Z . B . A . Hearing night was to be on Election Night , the November Schedule .w ee held on October 17 th of this year . There were only ( 2 ) request . The Deeernber Wearing Night was held on Tues . Dec . 5th of this year . For the results of both of these hearing nights , please find attached copies o f the unofficial Notices of decision . TO close , I would like to take this opportunity to thank Karl Garlock and Charles Evans for their support and confidence that they have given to me during the past three years . I ' ve enjoyed working with you end wish to each o f yvu the very best of luck in your future endeavors . • Thank you , Henry h . Slater CC : All Dryden Town Board Members Mahlon R. Perkins , Dryden Town Attorney F-5usanne _I_ loyd , Dryden Town Clerk f t r\ , C Or We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Routes 13 & 366 ( Plan A ) . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . i . B J Name Affiliation or . Residence 1 . . 47 4 , "At Cs . i to di . jae : :. 1 Aff • / . . .J - /2 l rap . I -#, . • 4 . (` 1 ter7- +r / 4& � � rl 1 3 :! • _ { • J �_� A � ' C4- t s Yi . . , 4t a i 1.1 _.1 411 � � � 3 U- / r 7 Or • ",(15 , 1; (J6L-t) enert-ami t - F di / &esZ die 1d2çP0L , lk e�9 _ . I / Air ,,----- lew Ir . , I a? I •-• / / . A Ic et i • ...____ 11 . . " merg- ' } x . yet 0 1 ` Lei 13 e , Am 14 . LUt Air _ IS 15 . iiii.L � 16 a ILI Lje— [JO& 111 F All . /A 17 . } 1 �o Iv A . ~ ti - CO , • . 1 A . .eee / hi(de4,-- fra----"F-2-- O ; sr Co , -2.--,tir via 19 r r eV / f e; 4% IO 20 . L /L. /C-� rC-. ! } r _ 4� r. d „:(1,, 1 # iafr _ ./ - r . 1.. 0I _ Y•21 . • 3+ r a. " , Iac&' . £ . ' 77 . r r ' 1 – 4 . if 22 - 1 4.; 4 1 . � & f A s e 7? At1 � M 2 3 . B / ' DriAn"› <Cr\Ce-11) 24 . '1L , • t IWAX-C__ '7 it 1 2 T- 25 . €r :Lica / —. / &11,6,--- ...a .lerAff-r;darberaigreei Ze. twmer AS altar/ / \J Liget; 2 6 . ' no • sea__ on? &r. , 1 ere, F . . , . . • } 28 . S , ' . 4 ! ' ' d 29 - Lf.r _ y . � - , ' _ _ I r fix 5 30 . .&ttsz&L. ieWA` Pt, p 04,1ett im7 44. I n m Ma /4706,44141% */ au— / Li 31 - atirif4CP rif . AA a ct l • . fl-AP 7 r f + rer- 3 2 . / 1 • / ti e 4er/ 33 . 1 ' /(ii� A s trilleill r :, 4 C i fa% , :ages id .11 fa A il: Ce941r964. /lief Sega C2 ! : _ . La � r & z12,6 tr i •36 . _. 4. - : - I. °A 1 0 i Fa 0 37 -38 . 4 .- c - -_,s . i #00....,, . / 39 :it )1at Zgat- c- Etact. is v /'c� b 1 • 46 • evid vC L2r awa-t3 o r 6yVI . 41 . ;a a a ! ataLasr - 4 2 . là ` / ... /1 T/lv oFfi5 G ���f f/O U 54"7.: 4 3 . Q i G� arai-JeA o--) Js .�- 4 4 1 ) ; i of ,r f� -�� %' // 1 / • 45 . J; 1- '� ?-`% 7 g_ 6. • 4 6 . �tI � .. &m(QéL 00-ac- 4 VAteece-e------ ire /49(ed r 48 . J -� l� ei r ' , 'M ' S PAve . /3 ,1 ./) 74.u. a pc)4 9 . ((/b 1 -1 H ��1 � `r• 5 0 • P/4.24.-Ad/be 71°-• c A/1- 141114 ' r f • • We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the installation of a traffic light at the ' intersection of Routes 13 & 366 ' ( Plan A ) . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . Name Affiliation or Residence• 1 . 0,- , ,, : c .M PS oa. enho. \ 2 . 1/41 ) Sta-ALICia-n d 3k lAffilt.01 air /0 Rmewneho . 4 . * /AL3 3 ))111Adefit a 0 5 . t\- fie-WA/die/A, / i 6 2 aJ ( 0 ( % i j . -Je f;dLJ ® 7 . / p-L 00/•-t%eadi, i�f 1 Lam) Ac-c- -.W 8 . .9 , (^ ' / / / � 9 .. . D � 10 . t ' �'a E 444 A� 11 . I „ ,, ` /1wt [' �� _40- aj,ctc;j9 12 • ( JG��L� 13 . C-211 , ` _7” -l9 29,n ( 4-id ? 14 . LOCa Pte_ 15 . (� - kt' &(\ i'lLt Ste • ® , / 1 . 16 . efidil-ed jr‘ _ / iii 17 . tea C V ' ♦' ; / 7 We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Routes 13 & 366 • ( Plan A ) . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . Name Affiliation or Residence � 1 . � p 5aArvii ?MS &1i& 5 1 fr T' ; i 24 [� _S t cc/ cIr-ym 3 . Pae BIZ-Mkt F47- °M T- • 4 . I Ya tick { 1 r /rtil USA 5 . 6 . IP 7 . B . 9 . . 11 . 12 13 . 14 . 1s 16 . 17 . We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the ihetallation of a traffic light at the intersection of Routes 13 & 366 ( Plan A ) . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . • Name Affiliation or Residence 1 . , -S✓ II P ,�014 - Z J! _ a• / 2 . L( ASio 30V I / ,He )W � • • I ( . It 3 . t� 1A tl..t.!`'.,f _. 41 � c 1 YY 1 R 0 4 . Q dm7/ter 1 L €k 5 . 6 . • 7 , 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . I, 15 . 16 . 17 . - . p . We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the ' : installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Routes 13 eit 366 ( Plan A ' . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . . t. Name Affiliation or Residence 1 . £z_caae ;wNL 891 Kee-- iv : Pli IR 3 Free , 4 f f g ` Igo 2 . ,, , - 2 c Aso PCP Aft_ 13053 1906rovivaii guy-i w_ditiLettedgiN )rfirryid,_az_i , , 1 rwickeloy_4 .' 0-t-,c>c�_ -A-(7 A 70 d aP-t- - 2 A -i -.4 , , ' Pin- ; eat �i • j ( r 305.E / 5 i njig IDJK27067. Ai Ay Air& II J 7 . 7 2 7 4.. ,.e a l e i e Zkrb t .,4 ! a i L1 Y+ + o f f ,0 / JJJ 8 . L LA -' Ir1 71. 0 � 9 . se es ;, i Ams 14. 6 L o a ii3v Cu . -imiud py , 4e 6 10 . 77 & L td r f d ' cLGc- 1 11 . 1 t s_... F t v 1 - 4 0 , (_d f , [ f } , a 12 . . ` f l . " '. .dI 4/41 -to ar# r 1 t 0 .i t 1160 I Den, . . . 1 i gdm 13 . £., -. l- sdn _ 'Acta, Err , . , 4 / .1,, pr{ a fr% l , , #° IL 9 +/ 1' 9 " Fr / Y . 4., }j f 14 . - . 0 0 3 f 3 Mr7Acii Aa) he s) 1 rTh , 0 15 . . A f i6 . , r � i i#f )l l f ,27YX2cN, es 171 72174.—c_ 1 A Afr g_ / 0 I 2 A 1' / --- . wr 7--ijaire"Ctr. ;).I ice:. y L M •• p AJ tt>te:Lt m • 19 . &I/ 4.41 tricteA ..,.. Fareefeere---an 40 DA,..12 ki, A? 1. 1 II v 'i / i 20 • crTharra--A , --4-&-Prec . FragArminte:al 4_4,iri.. . - • c iv 21 / I) , . l c •+ . `l. ° i 4 l C_, i +'y ++yyfff T 4 4 CI 24 . kJ c7 shi n ik f a 4- cj J e Ii c Ret. p + u . V 1 25 • t o f M e�t i _ L V V f 4„ _f! 7,6„. F ivy( era? 7 Pi 26 • 0 13-1-IT-71 `- 'T° .r& -,• r �� Jr' `- I //l €bM'\ c( L AR_ � 0 8 . _ VuA. rI) .,Q-. ' 32r .� Pic ema i r 30 . i LAMIL 1 .la Piz e. zi • : Ott Rt _., vi a .4 - " � 31 . .. a - if - 7 {2 /6 , l2 d� 17-14ztc I • 32 %% I 1 - . 2 1, / , - I Aft 3 - _ :al - 'c . . & . .' / i/ 'f .- • _ . -SI . / / ..e. 34 " 35 / . I. Cl7re®afS / - a- --_- - • --. . �.�.rim - - 3 V • • i-_.au. .- . - _ .. - - . - . - yVnkT G.nrsr.�lall• . _ - a . • --a. , . - -. ., ._ a- / 1 • 0 37 i r We the undersigned urge the Dryden Town Board to endorse the installation of a traffic light at the intersection of Routes 13 & 366 ( Plan A ) . We feel that public safety and economic growth will be best served by this alternative . 0 Na m Affiliation or Residence 1 . w Sc-N•c----cA Sfe (' LY ( mica. p(t..ES , r 2 . j't . I- --'--?/ i// • c , c LI c;;,41 . dy Jo 3 . i'u'rfiu2 / 4 . ji(diaksphitelon Scroriteea 4 _ 5 . Gatrn li< e___1". eA 4,-..-1.1 as 4-Atirrady. 6 . 1 , . ! abtAktet1/4. cc 0 7 1 , O Ir . s SY-e-et- 1 I 4 LArrel 8 . ' - c ��� /L %.I 5-fil'e--°-... SIA..4. t 9 . . 041 ..41/ Sepia , net Sul Y ie . ews-/ /it , lb 1 1 . -tILLar Je4J $n2a stetyvi. 12 . d-ig-4-4--- S-r. -t ,I 13 . �i'" .� ) ' ,; tLI 14 . Q. . 9.Ae∎- ,C ,at I L5Wth a - 0 i t 1 f 0 15 . / " . L1/. . A ( _ i, . .Par 13•7,01„/C P , 1 t 16 . 17 . (r)1J2L ilillt- . 1 \ . 0 • I 0 . _.._, _ 19 . a Clat-W- rattr" c-.2e; �v too "-, . I di( 20 . in li.a-;9, ti€c -°y 21 CV a 'E r( bin fkrill /`W Co . . 22 . ? el7-4s tc-tCa ervn..,v1( V � ' 23 . Aril l V I / ) 1 f L Lk &`� • -. . o !:. ; 24 . • Ri cJ(ZCd44- Freeci, y /c . 25 . tt it���ra l ��D�' ` ^ ♦ p 26 .6);24.O� d 27 1 , - 30 . 11 a . aarer - f____ ' se/ 31 . LOA& rib 'f/ - SeAACL, - Stratr 32 . 4 .411 I ei : Pd 5:a -be, - 33 . - 4,-.4 ..,:111" .. 1 r f Zc4. a-7- CtUt3/42i357-2-: 34 . 35 . - 36 . __ _ . . . . . ....a.. . ._.-nra . - - • - • - . - . - - — 0 37 . - , g; 4 7.D‘filti: I . . . TO : The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board WE THE TINDERSIC RD , request that the Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village . Board take action as necessary , to force America, Community Cablevision Co . Inc . , to REPAIR , or REPLACE their service lines and / or equipment . which supply the ' television signal to the residents of the Village and Town of - Dryden : ' , '., . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co , Inc ., unwillingness to make acceptable repairs . NAME ADDRESS - DATE 464.60,-, e , t k5 ..J, I, i ' As veer, V 1 7 '' . t C* � a ll 3S— 5, u 1r On_ , Diu ,, - ? - D, : / g K X30 {; t, ,ceLict W - --u , • i. f DiCaP-7, cam,---- 1661--zwAliLlit% t I iii . Or, /, Y r IF (,/ ,e/ r Vrrcedi, es---p- A 4 )741/ECL 11170-- i 6. 174#°" " °rte CM" ' • r / f — 'am- es AniZeir Tr— 36- 11 \ 7/ , �� 1i - ~ e i 3SI a&Agen4 . 44) et ,Se..0.1,... 'I ( 0 /Pyi ofs J f a fend 7 . ,�J 5-C 7e S aturri X. ( / 7 /77 ra_a_04-t•Lef - icdri- Sisi-glaid-CLud Sia:&4_, Pallse Dirgupc /0/1F-9 caw} lie // , ,,, , ,, scilh 7- -' Si- kgea # dde - - igkilithre Sr° 3 5 LoCie ,• r Pc 0 0 , a- ? . - 1 rreada- /,17, -73- / 1 alkyme Je„, ve DigyiscA) / 7--i 7 -.sr—, i ei/L:,.. d2tWkI• In, q144 33 jjibut 3,0,4 pk. biz Li , 177 S9 r'nn�r it t ao L - A� , t r r al 4 a C / 0/ c l am s 7,4 0-1/ 4 f 6/ S . W / 7 TO ; The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board WE THE UNDERSIGNED , request that the ]Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village Board take action as necessary , . to force American Community Cablevision Co . Inc . , to REPAIR , or REPLACE their, service lines and / or equipment which supply the television signal to the residents of the Village and Town of Dryden . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cabievisi, on : ' Co . Inc ., unwillingness to make acceptable repairs . ' NAME ADDRESS DATE . �� go eus . , � & 40*, ~ #_ik I S104,1kNi i_iakul cCii)Irti,c3CdtQi)` eav s J 3 w r 4 r-,_ y , _4th sin at ° / c)/5/17 ckSa:) ' 37clar . c - c - : .. 1 . - / , � �nte, lki:' Ckb-\ 3 1M Kci, Lid* Ji1 - 95 - E9 , ta,,,,27( - i ettc, cri. . dr , , P1 /ee,( Ls'll.e4 -Oceiy-74 /A-•/ t-ee/ 71.# j) 1 ficiaLt nil • Ci_Okit 3LO 1 A . A Ext . deruf 1 \ 111 * 4rie 3 --1 tieS IS-194:911Liks,-,:‘ 1AA___, 0.4., w .c.ci c..,Siar _p_______ ' p+- Fr `tit �--$ 1 --� i '1 Ca ` Q "' , 4 . xI F ii,etitvr. Ketoekr , i , , d / fT Gc 111 . 1 , { fr , I it A7NO r) ).- ) 1 If 7 4 dOje.6 0(94- I ON,Ca a J 4 2 4 VP/ la riA 1 I L . -. i c -L.: I) / ZA 059 er °Aritai r firlYil Cm31 M °Al / afrAlfil igetLethiaea 9 err&a""2QfP P Z.)7& a ),QL6 IC\Tt4L) a / I a i K 1 OpinA 4 L i 3 -11 CITLLACILLia)1AS-)dt.-- n abj . . a-•. '•, a 14. x- - , Di.-' I i 01 TO : The Dryden Town Board , Dryden Village Board and Freeville Village Board • WE THE UNDERSIGNED : request that the Dryden Town Board , Dryden Village Board , Freeville Village Board take action as necessary , to force American Community Cablevision Co . Inc . , to REPAIR , or. REPLACE their service lines and / or equipment which supply the television signal to the residents of the Town of Dryden and Villages of Dryden and Freeville . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co . Inc . , unwillingness to make acceptable repairs . NAME ADDRESS DATE 2 aO SP a . _ , , /V / ion 3 /2 _ 7--ei tilifte , )11417/1h9 e t 090 Atictuptte lb . .._ , ear e / 30 3 /9 -/v - fl gck . i r t 3 V ervu-gt/ a , durealt, L77 , . , 303-3 , oz . io - try 3 ? CaC at, 4 des, wf t 3 , , , ( -). l 6 et 4teicCed-1 tffre " leal 1 0.i / 7:2/2 -12 n 5 9 • &,04---Pitn:lc-C- AP 0 fits---c.�� M.y, 3v - 3 . / tAce y 0 3 , C ee ;- _ _ o i ► ' 't A . . / )e ieb df et,e41.4 , ,04-. ittetaL 1 - / 3os J .�f . I e� ` 1 r C� erAC. R1 / kxdc..,, /J/ l �� J� "� �f V •� ` )fit Li/01, a 5 Q -the��r� Or, Ow e° Al 1 3 65 / a��ai lt- � 3o .i 3 /al/dirt fe-it crte!eAk- -Z 2 (24L. 4 , X /i/wiri; . ibi Al IlidAk / 27 • /21„%__ 444..e___ ondcw_ / 0 g`_ the v. /3 033 JO v/ g% Ø4!;4J2 , 4 0 io �h/ 7 Ave Z'ryJt i) /Py 1WW,3 y � 1 . . TO : The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board 40 WE TEES L1 EDERSIGNI;D , request that the Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village Board take action as necessary , to force American Community Cab 'Levision Co . Inc . , to REPAIR , or REPLACE their service lines and / or, equipment which supply the television si_ ; nal to the 'residents of the Village and Town of Dryden . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co . Inca unwillingness to make acceptable repairs . NAME ADDRESS DATE 101/ v + 112 Ear Jeelie I 049 eerrid pt OA A [] ~ f • a a TO : The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board ti:T, ' I'1' E uNI3ERS :IC I) , request that the Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village f3oard take action as Necessary , to farce Rmed. csn Community Cablevision Co , Inc . , to wEPA:I: I t or l Ei'tACI1 their service :Lines and / or. equipment which supply the tel.evis :Lon signal to the residents of the Village ruin Town oc Dryden . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co , Inc t, to make acceptable repairs . ttd1E ADDRESS DATE /9--) { t 3° �iz 0 .. i . ,.� f ,� Df( 1-141)--19.) DA-07 y MI tiWZ 0-0-4111 lial He ? /34/5;asileex_. .- ' crit:Caric JO /le) / zez_Ln___T___„:_f_trk_e_ //oa/ Aelpet-7 i a -,wA 07_0 cap -c- /go/ _ / cvvreib • 0 s • / Ult,A) •• • TO : The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board . WE THE UNDERSIGNED , request that the Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village Board take action as necessary , to force American Community Cablevision Co . Inc . , to REPAIR , or REPLACE their service lines and / or equipment which supply the ' television signal to the residents of the Village and Town of ' Dryden ; The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co . Inc ., unwillingness to make acceptable repairs . • NAME ADDRESS DATE JAN' Li "41 ,34, 444,, txy . Nat Se_ A:ge"....- fDaxniapyG ®v . `-i It - A2,87 �5 Moly as n i, P t'v r// /V Y 1 'e 12 e / 17 3% t tuuu t it I /ittzc Oec 44r_ 451; �jieV/rte f/7 , a t I ' C hr - "0 £ € q ,- I /i -yam tI J =Z.t �LCL� Q��JU L`�� tL' )i- \ La 4 cie c>t‘boccAtt.-,,,,f9 I / S 5/ &lack 4 `U / . 1L - / z 25 2 , eirS • • at yO& ) TO : The Dryden Town Board and The Dryden Village Board WE THE UNDERSIGNED , request that the Dryden Town Board and Dryden Village Board take action as necessary , to force American Community Cablevision Co . ' Inc . , to REPAIR , or REPLACE their service lines and / or equipment which supply the television signal to the residents of the Village and Town of ' Dryden . The unacceptable reception gets worse daily and American Community Cablevision Co . Inc .., unwillingness to ' make acceptable repairs . . NAME ADDRESS DATE • A c-0 9tc \ / 12- 12 - 83 page 7 . R {:; SCILUTUQN # 27S APPOINT_ TOM _NEIDERKOFN TO L.CPDRTL MASTER PLAN FUR TOWN DE DRY�ZiE rim Evans offered the following reso l ut i on and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Toren Neiderkcirn to update the master plan for the Town of Dryden in an amount not to exceed s10 , 000 . 00 end Clw Walbr Adge Roll call vote -^ all voting Yes RESOLUTION 280 AUDIT- GENERAL_ E=' LJND BILLS Cl" ni Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited t30 , 088 . 51 2nd C l m Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes RE yOL. UT I D 4FEr' 81 EilI} I T H X OHYJRY FUND SILLS LLS Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited S15 , 464 . 35 2nd Clm Garlock. Roil call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 262 AUDIT SPECIAL DISTRICT DILLS LL. vC l in Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that the special district bills be paid as audited $ 966 . 00 2nd C l rri Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes J USTICE REPORT - $ 5277 . 00 for the month of November FINANCIAL REPORT -' given to Board members COMMITTEE REPORT Olin Evans will be resigning as of Jan 4th from the Citizens (Advisory Board Adjourned „AL7,2„. S usanne Lloyd Town Clerk 4