HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-07 TOWN BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 7 , 1989 S upv Schug called the meeting to order at 7 : 30PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Schug , Clm Evans , Clm Garlock , Clw Walbridge , Atty Perkins and Z . O . Slater Absent : Clm Hatfield Supv Schug - appointed Clm Garlock to audit the general fund bills APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES : Motion was made by Clm Evans and 2nd by Clm Garlock that the minutes of the Town Board meeting of Aug 8th be approved as submitted . Carried Motion was made by Clm Evans and 2nd by Clw Walbridge that the minutes of the Aug 29th Town Board meeting and Aug 29th Site Plan Review meeting be approved as submitted . Carried CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR B ill Bailey - reviewed the insurance program and gave the Board ® members a report . Shirley Otis , representing Dryden Historical Society ( copy of letter in minute book ) B eth Herren , 3 Hall Woods Dr - gave Board members pictures of Marchell property or Wilcox property of abandoned vehicles and barrels and wanted to know if this could be cleaned up ? S upv Schug '-- thought that it was the r -- o - w behind Ted Marchell property and he will speak. with Ted . He did not know what was in the barrels but was sure that Ted would be willing to clean them up . B eth Herron - she knows that the Town Board can ' t talk about the W ilcox site per say since you are waiting for the Judges d ecision . She is real curious how we got to where we are now . B asically , we have spent a lot of time and money and energy to bring this to the Town Board ' s attention , way back in October . S he would like to bring to the Board ' s attention a copy of the e nvironmental assessment form that they can lcook at it . She thought it all starts from when the Town Board took the e nvironmental assessment form prepared by Trowbridge & Trowbridge and took it to heart without checking any of the facts on it . She can show the Board that she has checked all of the facts on it , u nfortunately she does not have a number of copies for all of the 1141 Board . The misinformation and the mistakes on it simple little things that Henry ' s signature isn ' t there . We don ' t even have correct dates , but that is just some little mistakes , and she thought this should be reviewed . She has also brought a cease to • /3 ( 8 - 7 - 89 page 2 work letter from the Army Corp of Engineers , directed to Torn P arziale for Wilcox Press . Basically what they want , and she is speaking on behalf of the group on Hall Woods Rd , they are curious as to how the Town Board got to where we have gotten and w hy it is such a mess . They certainly were trying to talk way back in October and beyond whether there was a vote taken or w hatever . Why are we where we are now as taxpayers and citizens in the Town of Dryden . It is obviously a course of action we did n ot want to take because it is very expensive and time consuming . They want someone on the Board to tell them how they got as far as they did without being stopped or commented on or talked about . Mr Schug was not Supervisor at the time , and Clw Walbridge was the other one that was not on the Board at that time . S upv Schug - was at a few of the meetings and heard both sides . Clm Evans - when the vote was taken in the environmental impact statement to the best of their knowledge their were circumstances • that could be mitigated with the drainage plan . There is the issue with the wetlands and at that time it was his understanding and the understanding of the Board that NYSDEC regulations specified wetlands to more than 12 . 4 acres in size and he believes that is the case . The Army Corp of Engineers is in the process of making a determination of wetlands based upon federal law . ® Beth Herron - that has nothing to do with it , they turn the ✓ esponsibility back over to Wilcox Press who hires an outside agency and they have not completed that study yet . What she is saying who prepared this information and why was this never q uestioned when the Willard ' s were Sc' adamant in bringing it up . Clrn Evans - didn ' t think that the Willard ' s were quite that adamant at that time . Mr Willard ' s letter appeared almost the end o f December . D iane Willard - the first letter was Oct 17th Clrn Evans - but certainly not the one that you outlined a variety o f concerns with connection to the site . It is his personal o pinion the environmental impact statement was legitimate . The problems of drainage could be mitigated . In fact in the Site Plan Review it is specified that the plans would have to be prepared by a licensed conservation officer to meet the requirements that there is no more run off created on the site . B eth Herron - Kathy Wolf contacted her landlord and said that she w as from a soil survey and wanted to know if they could have permission to put a larger pipe and culvert in for larger run off o ver her property and she said no way . ! 3v 8 - 7 -89 page 3 ` ® Clm Evans - The Board said that there will be no increase in w ater run off from the project and he assumes that this Board would stand by what they said . He would assume that this Town Board would stand by the requirements that they placed on both and assure that there is no increased run off . He is sure that if this is done and it may be expensive , but the point is there is to be no additional run off created by the structure . Beth Herren - she was under the impression that this was a direct ✓ esult of the empire soil test that was done at the end of June and beginning of July that showed additional water . They came in and did correct soil testing and actually walked the property . You can walk the property and be up to your thighs in water . Clm Evans - the plan done by whatever licensed conservation o fficer was to be brought to this Board and approved by this B oard . It was not given a blanket agreement that they can do anything they please there . He assumes that this Board would stick by what they said that no additional run off will be allowed to flow off the property than currently exists . He d oesn ' t know how much stronger he can put it . Beth Herron - isn ' t there something that we can look into , because this is happening all over the Town of Dryden . She is not saying that you took the information that was presented to the B oard as did Wilcox in good faith . Mr Schug did call Trowbridge & Trowbridge today and in good faith should listen to them also . Clm Evans - the point he is trying to make is that they have to meet the run off conditions and if they can ' t meet it than they h ave problems .. B eth Herron - read from the Army Corp of Engineers letter the ro e p � ct will involve construction of an industrial building of approximately 270 , 000 sq ft in size . In addition to the building as indicated on the plan is somewhat located in the center rear portion of the property . It is within this area that my staff d etermined the wetland . Clm Evans - there are certain ways to mitigate the wetlands and is designed to protect the water shed . They have the right to create a wetland elsewhere on the property . B eth Herren - that is only one item and one of the options . It is w ith avoidance , minimization and mitigation . Avoidance is what the Army Corp of Engineers goes on . They avoid the wetlands all together and bring it back to where it was before they plowed it o ver . Clm Evans - under New York State law the wetlands has to be 12 . 4 411 acres and he does not believe this is the case . • /33 8 - 7 - 89 page 4 ® Diana Willard - that is the state and you are also responsible under the federal government . S upv Schug - this is the first time the federal government has e ver been involved . B eth Herron -- when she was on the site with Ray Nolan he stated they do not determine wetlands with soil samples and the federal government does . When they get finished with their soil surveys than they will be able to tell the boundaries and it may fall w ithin the 12 . 4 acres so than it would fall back under the state . Clw Walbridge - what she is hearing is the concern of the whole issue of filling out the forms . The person filling them out tends to be more optimistic than the neighbors who might know the land better . The question she is hearing from the citizens is how as a Town Board is there a mechanism so that we can verify the information that we are initially given to make sure that it is correct . B eth Herron - if anyone looked at the soil surveys done by Tompkins County they would have seen the wetlands . That land is n ot the gravel land that it was reported to be , it is 2 other soils that is indicative to wetlands . That information was in front of everyone at the time . She would not take someone else ' s information as being gospel . i Clw Walbridge - it is quite complicated and there isn ' t a mechanism for us to sit down and look at maps and verify a lot of the information . S upv Schug - Trowbridge & Trowbridge is the one who presented all this . Maybe they should prepare an affidavit that they have met all the criteria . The problem is between the architect , Wilcox P ress and the State and the Federal Government at this point . He f elt that the Board took their input as proper and voted on it . The Town Board felt that Trowbridge & Trowbridge had answered and took care of all of the problems that Jim Willard did address . The Board did say that Wilcox Press would have some contingencies that they would have to follow . He felt that DEC would have said something during the SEAR review . He never heard of the Army Corp o f Engineers working any place out side of the streams . Clm Evans - studied this a lot and felt that he made an honest e ffort to make the right decision . Beth Herron - with those feelings in mind would you be willing to consider reversing the negative declaration . Cirn Evans - he personally would not be willing to reverse the decision . He felt that it has been escalated beyond the Town of Dryden . If the U . S . Government and Army Corp of Engineers are w illing to give them a permit he is not willing to reverse the decision already made . 8 - 7 - 89 page 5 • Diana Willard - when you reviewed this form in October when they I didn ' t have the Croton soil investigation people come until June I why wouldn ' t the Town Board want that information before you made the decision . If you had their report you would have known that the information Kathy Wolf gave you was wrong . She doesn ' t 'know w hy the Town Board didn ' t ask for that i nformat ion . • Clm Evans - if they are willing to spend some money they can mitigate the problem and net the restrictions that this Board placed upon them to build the plant . S upt/ Schug - all permits that are allowed all carry the same restrictions in that they comply with all federala state and local laws . This project did comply with local and state law , but P J P , did not comply with federal . Clm Evans - when they apply to the federal government for a permit than they have complied . B eth Herron - she is still asking the Town being the lead agency for this project let this many things get through and now we . are in the situation we are in now and we didn ' t want to be . We want the Town to stand up and be responsible for the different things that they are allowing to crew into the Town _ Elm Evans - felt that they were and there is a difference of o pinion . . Supt/ Cehug - maybe the Town will have more information in the middle of Sept and have everyone involved meet . Diana Willard °- one thing they are getting frustrated over is Trowbridge & Trowbridge end Tom Reruiale will not talk to them . S ir Evans - said that he would be willing to call them and talk to them otrut it and get an er< planation . Beth Herron - she called Will Wilcox at 7ebddM on Sat morning . He was there at 7215AM and walked through the wetlands with her den h is first time . He is a majority stockholder and his feelings are that he al / owed Tam Werziale to run this company and he cannot intervene . he feels that he will end up with no one to run the company and he does not want to to that He was very niSe7 yet he ✓ eally did not car^ e . She could tell he didn ' t car^ e about the w etlands or the trees . He was honest end made an effort to come and talk with each and everyone of Ors . S upt/ Schut - the Town could consider e part time engineer frr 1 assistance in certain miss for the CC8R review _ • f• i �4. / 5 S -7-89 page 6 Lorraine Bard - reported that since she has been laid up after her accident she has fallen behind on her paper work . She is continuing to catch it up . Since workman ' s comp has not paid anything she has had to pay people out of her pocket to help her and wince she has ran out of money she has had to go back to work before doctors orders . She has checked with the State Police , Sheriff ' s Office and the Town . Clerks of the different towns and as far as she has heard there have been no complaints . The state • has stopped issuing appearance tickets so she is working with the court clerks to devise a new appearance ticket . • Supv Schug - he has a standing request with the Village of Dryden that if there are any complaints they are to be registered with the Town Clerk9 as they can be forwarded to you . Beth Marano , 111 Wood Rd - has been in ccaatact with the Army Corp of Engineers and hopes to have information next week with regard to the Dht landfill site _ - - residents in her area would like e drop off point for the recycling somewhere in the hest Dryden area . It is in the planning stage and might be cost feasible for at least once a month for curb side pick up . h upv hrhub -" that was discussed at last month meeting if there was any recommendation for drop off centers that would serve the people that are not on the routine pick up . B eth Mor^ ana - - she has several locations for consideration and they are the West Dryden Community Center , Etna Fire Station and H outz Hall . The problem is that the town would have to pick up the insurance on whatever4 place is decided upon . She would at least like to see garb pick up and this might solve the pick up locations . There was some discussion . Beth Moran ° - was also concerned about Cornell University acquiring land in the Town of Dryden and not having to pay taxes on land that is used for educational purposes . Was wondering the percentage of land they own in the Town of Dryden and where it is going in the future because she is concerned about the tax base in the town . h upv Sahug not all of their land is tax exempt . A good share of the land that belongs to Cornell is the State of New York . ATTORNEY At t y Perkins Board members went over and discussed Dryden Lake hark items to be considered . ZONING OFFiCER - report given t o Board members • • i 736 9a7 - 89 page 7 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT Machinery list in minute book RESOLUTION 0211 AUTHORIZE HWY SUPT TO L IID A „LEASE / PURCHASE FOR 1 DOZER & GRADER CXm Garlock of 'f' ered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Hwy Supt Silbert to advertise for bids for a year lease / purchase contract for a 19ElM grader and a 1987 wheel loader . 2nd C I m Evans Roil call vote - all vot i ri g Yes RESOLUTION # 212 ACCEPT LOW DID ON YELLOW BARN ROF . - - ---- -- - -------- TEHfIN ROAD AND SIGNAL TOWER ROAD SURVEYS Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept low bid for . survey ' s of r ° Yellow Barn Road , Tehare Road and Signal Tower Road. - - -egma04?"1� E nd Glary Garlock. Roll call vote - all voting Yes CORRESPONDENCE j 421,47, ,, ,e .Q . n. L Adult care facility an Armory Rd Ambulance report Tomp Co . Municipal Officials meeting -' 9•- EC - BS at 6 30PM RESOLUTION # a1 ,3 HIRE PART T THE NEELP FOR COURTAND 7. DNINg OFFICE-- G lm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize part time help for the court office and zoning office not to exceed $4 . 00 per hour . C1w Walbridge Roll call vote a all voting Yes RESOLI.I -[ I DN 214 IJFPO i . RV ICE UNTIL THE END OF 1 '98 ' L im Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its dopt ion _ l RESQLVEDs that this 'Town Bard author- ize Supv Schug to sign agreemar1rt with UEP ° for service through the end of 1989 for $ 100 . 00/ End Q1F Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes I . 1,31 S -- 7 -89 page 8 DISCUSSION Pall Creek designation - Supv Schug - there were five options 1 - go with the State as it isy 2 - go with Martin ' Luster ' s taylored bi11q 3 - go with Town of Ithaca , City of Ithaca and Cornell ' s overlay of the creek ; 4 - go with Dryden and Cornell ; or 5 - do nothing . There was considerable discussion . H Supv Sch '.tq •-- felt that we should know in what direction to go so w e can put the thing to rest as to what the ' Town is going to do . Clw Walbridge - from the last meeting with Martin buster she was hearing from the citizens and the different town board ' s that h hey do not want to let the State he it as they would like . There seemed to be core support for teyleriog the bill specifically for the specific areas . We would make sure that we had the protection that we felt was necessary . She heard a lot of support for doing it locally in a sense of doing an overlay inning which has a certain appeal . She questions that we will at that done in a ✓ easonable time frame ( C or 10 years ) . She felt that it was difficult and that is the problem she has with option # 3 and #4 . Her feeling is she questions whether being on the Town hoard for o nly 4 months she has noticed how slowly things go and she has concern that we would not be able to do it in C months . She would like discussion if we could really do that . # 2 Martin Luster; bill would be a minimum of protection and we can to more protection in 4 � terms of overlays or talking with Cornell . She would like to see a taylored bill to see if there is an area where we feel we can compromise on and approach Cornell and do some negotiations . If we can find something local that would be great , than we each h ave to deal with it , but don ' t lose the way the county does with the land fill and just put out one option . There should be some back up options . S upv Schug - felt # 4 could be done within less than 6 months with Cornell . Clm Evans - felt that government involvement should be kept at a minimum . He thought that if we went with a taylored bi 11 prepared by Martin Luster there is no question that we Will have to negotiate with the Town and City of Ithaca to come up with e bill . After the meeting in Varna , he was told by Margaret h' abrizio that if we supported this they will drop Forest Home ✓ ut . His concern with that kind of a program we should probably be dropping Varna out also . If we drop Forest Hose and Varna out there really isn ' t much left of the creek to be protected , and doubted if the State would approve it _ hithough Martin Luster is willing to taylor a bill , he specifically said that if it didn ' t come close to DEC expectations , DEC would oppose it and the chance for passing would he minimum . His choice would he to n egotiate with the Town of Ithaca and come up with an agreement that Cornell would agree to and would not bind the local (. ! 1 governments to change if it was appropriate sometime . You still have Pa • • • /3g) 9 - 7 - 89 page 9 t ' I negotiate with the Town and City of Ithaca and Cornell if yo u goo w ith Martin Luster taylored bill . We all have to come to an agreement . He would go with # 3 and leaving options *2 and 04 open . This resolution was not originally brought up to protect Fall Creek but to block hydropower at the bottom of Fall Creek . The reason they want to block it is they do not want to spend 5 . 8 million dollars on a plant that is not economically feasible at this time and is the only way they feel they might be able to keep control over it . Back in the 70 ' s it was feasible and it surely will face Us again in the future . He would hate to see an o ption , that future generations may need because of short sited situations like now . If there is a way to protect portions of Fall Creek this would be reasonable but the responsibility should ✓ emain at • the lowest level that you can enforce , S upv Schug - questioned the creditability of DEC for enforcement . H e asked for a resolution to set up a meeting with the Town of Ithaca and Cornell University and City of Ithaca to develop a ✓ easonable criteria . Clw Walbridge - wanted a time limit put on this and there was S OME discussion . RESOLUTION 02th NEGOTIRTF WITH TOWN & CITY OF ITHACA AND CORNELL UNIVERSITY RE : FAL. L. CREEK Al Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town toard authorize Supv Schug to negotiate for the Town of Dryden , with the Town of Ithaca , City of .Ithaca and if appropriate Cornell University to develop a reasonable criteria for the protection of Fall Creek on a local 1 eve l a 2nd Clrn Oarlock Roll call vote Clm Evans Yes Clm Barlock Yes Super Schug Yes Clw Walbridge No { RESOLUTION 11216 FILE APPLICATION / DRY1)EN LPKE , PARF<_ Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : ( copy in minute book ) 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOE _ UTION 0a17 AUTHORIZE CFWANC3E" ORDER BAT °° C: ON elm Garlock offered following the resolution and asked for its adoption : • RESOLED , that this Town Board authorize the change order for Bat - Con in the amount of $ 1897 . 65 End Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes • • 1 RESOLUTION NO . 216 ( 1989 ) I � l Councilman Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED that , James F . Schug , the Supervisor , is authorized and directed to file an application on forms prescribed by the New York State Office of Parks , Recreation and Historic Preservation for financial assistance in accordance with the provisions of Title 9 of the Environmental Quality Bond Act of 1986 , in an amount not to exceed $ 37 , 750 and upon approval of said request to enter into and execute a project agreement with the State for such financial assistance to the Town of Dryden for the Dryden Lake Park , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that Susanne Lloyd , the Town Clerk , is authorized and directed to certify a copy of this resolution in connection with the application of the Town for such financial assistance . Seconded Councilwoman Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes 1 9 - 8 - 89 page 10 11 RESOLUTION 4 : 218 i' 5.r,F RANER . FUND ---- -.m Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer funds from Contingency A19910 . 420 $ 2 , 750 . 00 to A1110 . 400 for jury trials to A1420 . 401 ( landfill litigation ) $ 25 , 00 . 001 A1420 . 490 ( litigation ) $ 109000 . 00 ; AB03O . 4r? E ( M / R Water ) $ 5 , 000 . 00 ; A8030 . 407 ( MIR Sewer } $ 5 , 000 . 00 ; R8160 . 400 ( recycling ) $ 250 . 00 for a total of $ 36 , e5Cr . 00 from unexpended f und balance . To 98r010 . 400 $ 100 . 00 ( supplies ) from contingency B19' 0 . 421 . To SS / - 8120 . 400 for Cayuga Heights bill $ 3v500 . 00 from unexpended fund balance . Ti: S92-6i3Q . 400 for study of pump upgrade $ 2 , 500 . 00 from unexpended fund balance . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION 0219 SEASONAL LIMITED USE HIGHWAYS Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the following list of seasonal limited use highways upon Highway Superintendent Don S i l bert ' s recommendation : 1 . - Red Man Run - entire 2 . - Canaan Road - from Red Man Run to Star Stanton Hill Road . 3 . - Red Mill Road - from W . Mal loryvi l le Rd south for 1000 ft 4 . - Hammond Hill Road - from Camp Fire caiip south to Town of Caroline line 5 . - iii le School Road - from Ed H i l l Rd west to within 500 ft Route 38 6 . - M ineah Road - NYSE & D power lines south t o within 300 ft Pleasant Hollow Rd intersection 7 . - Yellow Barn Road - from Dusenberry Sports Club north to within 2500 ft of Foothill Rd 3 . - Signal Tower Road - entire 9 . -- Star Stanton Hi11 Road - from Route ( 38 west for 3000 ft 10 . - Beam Hill Road - from tax map ## 50 - 1 - 44 north to within 200 ft of tax map # 50 - 1 - 18 11 Caswell Road - from West Dryden Rd south for . 6 mile 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vc:+ te - all voting Yes RESOLUTION ' YOUTH SERVICES WITH CITY OF I THI CAA Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Scrpv Schug to negotiate with the City of Itha a . to spend the Town ' s share of SE , i eQ . 00 for Town of Dryden children for the end of the year for youth services with the Village of Dryden not participating . and Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK es EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 ® 6074449120 In the Heart of the Finger Lake! Region 4 ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Date : Sept . 7th , 19 8) To : James Schug , Dryden Town Supervisor From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning E Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden Sub . : August Activity Report Dear Jim : First off , I ' ll have to apologize for another month of typed reporting . The computer reporting system is not yet completed . Teri has had to make several changes in the program to provide the detail that is necessary to develope the number of reports that I ' ll need for yours and my own needs . Building Permit issued during August : During the month of August 1989 , this office issued 2. 4 Building Permits and are ® described as Follows : A - 1 Single - family Starts ., site built : ( 2 ) A - 1 Single - family NewiDouble - wide New Start : ( 1 ) A- 1 " " Replace Existing Double - wide with Modular : ( 1 ) A - 1 " " Peplace Existing Single - wide with Double -wide : ( 1 ) A - 1 " " Extend or conversion o41 existing home : ( 6 ) C - 4 . 1 Private Storage Structures : ( 9 ) C - 4 . 1 " " " extentions : ( 2 ) Cr4 . 1 Commerical Storage Structure extention : ( 1 ) C - 7 Erect an exterior deck for Existing A - 1 Structure : ( 1 ) Certificates of Occupancy : Certificates of Occupancy : ( 15 ) Temporary Certificates of Occupancy : ( 3 ) Certificates of Compliance , non - structures : ( 4 ) Fire Pamage Certificates of Compliance : ( i ) There were a Total ( F ) Zoning Variance Requests heard in August . @tails of each are on an attached sheet . Please find attached , an update on the status of the ( 5 ) unsafe structures that the board orderd removed in June 89 . As useral , the unlicensed vehicle war continued with many removed and several cases going to the Dryden Town Court for compliance . We also sent other (Wilding & Zoning Ordinance Violations to the Town Court . As of Sept . 1st , 89 , 32 Cases have been turned over to the Town Court . . CC : Al. 1__DrydenTown Board _ Members _ / Susanhe Lloyd , Dryden Town Clerk Mahlon R. Perkins , t'den �Town Attorney TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN , NEW YORK 13053 ® 607-844-9120 In the Heart of the Finger Cakes Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT August 29th , 1989 To : Whom it may be of Interest From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden Sub . : August 29th , 1989 Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing Results 7 : 30 P . M . Bailey Homes are requesting a variance to omit the Dryden Town Required Skirting Wall for Double-wide Mobile Homes for their client Dorthy Oakey Approved : ( 5 - 0 ) of 424 Sheldon Road Freeville , N . Y . Board agreed ' that the skirting -wall has no structural value , that the cost hardship of $ 3 , 000 . is valid and there was no neighborhood opposition to the request . 7 : 45 P . M . Ronald E . Palmer is requesting a variance to expand his existing Mobile Tabled : ( 5 - 0 ) Home Park on Mott Road without municipal water as required by the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance for all Mobile Home Parks . Mr . Palmer had indicated that he has sufficient water , howerver , the Board wanted an Engineering report that this is the case as well as some other documents that Mr . Palmer 410 said that he has at home . 8 : 00 P . M . Henry Lower of 1955 Dryden Road Freeville , is requesting a variance to the 15 ' side set-back requirement for a proposed private garage at 1955 Dryden Denied : ( 5 - 0 ) Road . Mr . Lower could not show that there was a valid hardship or practical difficulty . 8 : 15 P . M . The Scott Landscape Co . , is requesting a temporary variance to continue Approved : ( 5 - 0 ) operations at 700 Ringwood Road until October 31st , 1989 . This an R . B . Zoning District Use Variance Request previously denied in July 89 . There was no opposition to this request and Mr . Scott showed that there would be a financial difficulty if he were forced to move his business twice . 8 : 30 P . M . Katherine Cutting & George Walker of Brooktondale are requesting a variance to the R . B . Zoning District requirement for 125 ' of Road Frontage for a 15 Approved : ( 5 - 0 ) Acre Lot at or about 250 Southworth Road Dryden . The applicants are buying this 15 acre parcel for a single - family home and did not create this issue , the lot does have sufficient frontage for access by all service vehicles & there was no oppsition by the existing community . 8 : 45 P . M . Charles Russell of 469 Bone Plain Road Freeville is requesting a variance to the Dryden Town Requirement to place a Non-HUD Mobile Home that he purchased Approved : ( 5 - 0 ) prior to the requirement date of June 10th , 1989 .. Placement is to be at 469 Bone Plain Road replacing an existing Mobile Home . Mr . ' RUssell provided proof that he had purchased this home prior to the date that this requirement taking effect , he could not resell it in the Town of Dryden & their was no community oppsition . 9 : 00 P , M , Kent & Inga Wolcott of 1476 Ellis Hollow Road Ithaca are requesting a variance App ved : ( 5 - 0 ) to the R . B . Zoning District 25 ' rear set -back requirement for a proposed Private Garage to be built at 1476 Ellis Hollow Road . The appliacnt showed that the property has a step bank that would cost more than a garage to fill sufficiently to allow a structure to be built in compliance , there was no oppsition by the existing community nor any other practical place on the parcel to place the structure . r • i Zoning hearings of August 29th , 1989 Continued . ti 9 : 15 P . M . Arnold & Rose Kannus of 2020 Hanshaw Road are requesting a Variance to the Dryden Town Zoning Ordinance regirement for an exterior skirting-wall for Approved : ( 5 - 0 ) *- 1 all Double-wide Mobile Homes placed within the the Town of Dryden . This home to replace their fire dlstroied Single-wide Home . 0 - 1 ) : The board only ' approved the request to omit the skirting wall since the applicant was now positive that a Double -wide would be the selected home . The board sited the same reasons for the decision as they had in Bailey Homes request . S M 1 F TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDEN, NEW YORK „ 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN , NEW YORK 13053 5 607-144-9120 In the Heart o the Fenger Likes Region ZONING & BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Date : September 6th , 1989 To : Whom it Mai Concern From : Zoning E, Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden Sub '. : Unsafe Structures for Removal within the Town of Dryden , Tax Parcel 11 Owner Address Structure 26 - 1 - 9 . 62 Gerald Sherman 31S Cortland Rd . 'Dryden , N . Y , Wood Frame Barn Sherman has started action to remove structure . It is about 1 / 3 done . 37 - 1 - 24 Dominic Romeo Sr . 155 Bradshaw bad 'Dryden , N . Y . Wood Frame House Structure was burned by the Dryden Fire 1TFt . by permit July 89 57 - 1 - 38 Thomas Keane 210 Mt , Fieasant Rd . Ithaca , N . Y . Wood Franc Barn Barn has fallen in on contents and Keane has not made any progress . p 59 - 1 - 39 . 8 Benedict Anderson 312 Ringwood 0 . Freeville , N . Y . Wood frame Morn 1, � ..., p Barn has had some removal action by Wiliam Enelew , Enslow needs a date by when he must complete removal which he will complete as required . 59 - 1 - 36 . 1 Patricia Ensmenger 957 hMidline Rd . Freeville , M . Y . h+esonery Foundation Structure is remains of a Fire which distroyed all but Foundation . Ensmenger has indicated that she would want the Town to have this foundation removed . • This office would like to have the hewn Board provide this office with a date that all structures removal must be completed by . • • RUN DATE 09 -07 ° 19893 AT 06 : 32s57 PAGE 1 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOWN OF DRYDFN COUNTY OF TOMMMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 - 30 ° 89 YEAR PURCHASE 0 DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE CUND ID # 1 TRUCK 01 PICKUP 1988 S 8 , 974 . 00 GC 1 B7HD 14Y1 JS75660 2 TRUCK # 1A — PICK —UP 19 $ 4 $ 7 , 944 . 4i GO ECTDC 14H7E1 534 .36 3 TRUCK # 2 — DUMP 1983 $ 9 , 148 . 55 GO 15DHC34TBDV52789 4 TRUCK 4t — DUITIP 1980 $ 8 , 581 . 00 GO CCI . . f , V 12 3 ,3 38 TRUCK # 4 ° SNOW EQUIP & DUMP 1985 3 814 678 . 00 GO 1GDT9E4JOFU50390 6 TRUCK 05 — TANDEM 1969 s 14 , 000 . 00 GO 69599 7 TRUCK 06 — SNOW EG?IJIP 1988 $ 79i15 . oo BU 1GDT9E4JXJV60101 8 TRUCK # 7 — TRACTOR 1969 $ 71496 . 00 FA N3 & 1TLY - 2 2 -- 7 / 0 6 9 TRUCK # 8 — FUEL TANKER 1564 $ 204 450 . X10 FA 63489 10 TRUCK # 9 W / SNOW EQUIP 1974 $ 40 , 485 . 00 GC 83744 11 TRUCK # 10 — TANDEM W / SNOW E 1975 f 43 , 985 . 00 UO 84265 { J 2 TRUCK X311 — W / SNOW EQUIP 1958 S 34 , 460 . 00 PO / 068880 13 TRUCK # 12 — SINGLE AXLE W / SN 1989 $ 74 , 590 . 00 GO 1M2P197Y7FKW00581 14 TRUCK # 13 -- DUMP 1968 $ 1 , 125 . 00 GO 809612633E198 15 TRUCK ## 14 ° DUMP W / SNOW 1979 $ 56 , 277 . 24 CSC] C49EJ9Y126858 16 TRUCK # 15 . TRACTOR WISSNOW E 1969 $ 234 920 . 00 GO 70039 17 TRUCK 016 — W / BNOW EQUIP 1970 $ 35 , 69 :3 . 00 FP Raemaes 18 TRUCK ## 17 PICKUP 1958 $ ' 8 , 974 . 00 uu 1B7HD14Y6JS76820 19 TRUCK 018 — SNOW & BODY 1989 $ 81 , 490 . 00 U[3 4V22GCBCF3JU501 45 20 TRUCK # 20 — PICK — UP 1984 74 944 . 41 FA 2GTDC 14H2r 1 5347 21 BULLDOZER — # 21 1972 32 , 698 . 00 GO 965 = 7' 88 E2 140G GRADER 022 ° LEASED 1984 $ 0 . 00 27Y7473 23 TRUCK *23 — TRACTOR 1986 S 60 , 994 . 00 GO 1 DT9F ► R7GY5i38;7 24 TRUCK ## 24 — DUMP W / SNOW E[ IJI 1972 $ 35 , 885 . 00 GO 76384 RUN DATE 09 - 07 -- 1989 AT 06 : 33g13 PAGE 2 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 -- 30 - 89 YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE COND ID # 25 966D LOADER # 25 - LEASED 1986 $ 0 . 00 99Y @4463 26 LOADER # 26 - WHEEL 1973 $ 52 , 097 . 00 GO 76J6752 27 TRUCK # 27 - W / SNOW EQUIP 198E $ 75 , 068 . 00 GO 1GDT9E4J8CV58122 28 EXCAVATOR # 28 1985 $ 177 , 870 . 00 GO 86240 29 EXCAVATOR # 29 1965 $ 8 , 450 . 00 GO 37T3588 30 TRAILER # 31 - V - BOTTOM 1966 $ 3 , 50000 GO A155025 31 TRAILER # 32 1979 $ 33 , 022 . 26 GO 8069 32 TRAILER # 33 - V BOTTOM DUMP 1959 $ 2 , 500 . 00 GO 2094 33 TRAILER # 34 - V BOTTOM DUMP 1959 $ 2 , 650 . 00 FA 2111 34 TRUCK # 35 - DUMP 1967 $ 1 , 200 . 00 FA CE637T113527 35 TRAILER 3636 - SEMI 1964 $ 2 , 950 . 00 FA 900125 ilk s TRAILER # 37 - DUMP 1970 $ 8 , 300 . 00 GO 7598 37 TRAILER # 38 -- DUMP 1954 $ 975 . 00 FA FW89421 38 SHOULDER MACHINE # 40 0 $ 975 . 00 FA 990 - 158 39 LAWN TRACTOR # 41 1967 $ 4 , 580 . 00 GO 58978 40 MOWER ATTACHMENT # 42 1987 $ 3 , 900 . 00 GO 8713157 41 ROLLER # 43 1 978 $ 33 , 200 . 00 GO 1 812 - 137874 42 CHIPPER -- # 44 1986 $ 13 , 497 . 35 GO 502 43 SCREEN - # 45 1978 $ 42 , 990 . 00 GO 44 SPREADER S# 46 1978 $ 4 , 500 . 00 (3O 560 - 12 - 3085 - 004 45 SPREADER 3647 1978 0 4 , 500 . 00 60 560 - 12 - 3086 - 004 46 SPREADER # 48 1986 $ 4 , 740 . 00 GO 47 SPREADER # 49 1979 $ 4 , 500 . 00 GO 560 - 12 - 3188-004 48 SPREADER # 50 - SAND / CINDER 1986 $ 4 , 334 . 00 GO 11125 RUN DATE 09 - 07 - 1989 AT 06033028 PAGE 3 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 - 30 - 89 YEAR PURCHASE ® , DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # 49 SPREADER # 51 1980 $ 2 , 000 . 00 GO 560 - 12 - 3776008 50 SPREADER # 53 - MATERIAL 1982 $ 3 , 962 . 00 GO 0560 - 12 - 3558 ° 006 51 SPREADER # 54 - MATERIAL 1984 4 4 , 792 . 38 GO 560- 13- 3900008 52 SPREADER 255 - MATERIAL 1979 $ 2 , 942 . 00 GO 0560 - 9 - 3306005 53 SPREADER # 56 - MATERIAL 1987 $ 4 , 588 . 75 GO 54 SPREADER # 57 - STONE 1975 $ 3 , 769 . 00 GO 1074483 55 SPREADER # 58 - MATERIAL 1988 $ 4 , 900 . 00 GO 4918 - 87 56 SNOW WING # 59 1977 $ 6 , 750 . 00 (GO 57 ONE WAY SNO PLOW ( USED ) 0 $ 700 . 00 G0 58 TWO WAY RADIO - COMMUN I CAT I O 1977 $ 26 , 306 . 50 GO 59 RADIO UNIT - MAXTRAC 1989 $ 452 . 00 428FPA2741 0 0 RADIO UNIT 1987 $ 482 . 50 GO 475FMS2747 61 VACUUM a 10 GAL WET / DRY 1987 $ 127 . 74 FA 62 TIME CLOCK 1978 S 300 . 00 US M11652 63 TIME CLOCK - TWO WEEK DATED 1987 $ 384 . 43 GO X74535 64 POST HOLE DIGGER 1980 $ 534 . 54 GO 'Z' 0031 - 008939tH 65 PUMP - 2 INCH TRASH 1989 4 937 . 50 GO HJ2770018 66 CHAIN SAW 1981 S 430 . 25 GO 502 800057 67 CHAIN SAW 1986 $ 153 . 00 GO TY25EVA009415 68 CHAIN SAW 0 $ 50 . 00 GO 69 CHAIN SAW 1984 $ 2230 . 00 GO 26170414 70 CHAIN SAW 1987 $ 150 . 00 GO TY25EVA009040 71 WELDER - PORTABLE 1960 S 749 . 50 FA 72 WELDER - ELECTRIC 1960 4 319 . 20 GO RUN DATE 09 - 07 - 1989 AT 06133" 43 PAGE 4 INVENTORY OF HIGHWfAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EC! UIPMENT TOWN OF D RYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPK I NS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 - 30 - 89 YEAR PU1 CHRSF DESCRIPTION MA1VUFPCTURED PRICE COND ID # 73 WELDER — ACETYLENE WITH TWO 1965 I 233 . 00 J0 GOJ 74 SIGNMAKER 1960 $ S75 . 00 30 75 BATTERY CHARGER 1982 $ 200 . 00 GO A102037 76 BATTERY CHARGER 1983 `s 225 . 00 GO HC 1231 77 LAWNMOWER — a1 INCH PUSH 1936 '$ 275 . 00 GO 54035793 78 PORTf- POWER 1950 S 219 . 50 FA 79 JACK — FLOOR , fl I R 7 TON 1951 123 . 60 GO 80 JACK — HYDRAULIC , AIR , E0 TO 1963 $S 565 . 00 DO 81 JACK -- HYDRAULIC , FLOOR , AIR 1359 $ 585 . 00 GO BE JACK — FLOOR , 20 TOM 1977 $ 49 „ 95 60 63 DRILL PRESS 1950 $ 199 . 50 FR 40 _ 4 DRILL PRESS 1983 % 299 . 00 GO 089205 85 CHAIN FALL HOIST — MANUAL OP 1960 S 99 . 75 GO 86 VICE — BENCH 8 INCH 1960 s 59 . 85 Fie 87 VISE -- BENCHI 18 INCH 1960 $ 159 . 60 PA 88 COMPRESSOR ..- AIR 1979 $ 1 , 551 . 00 GO 30T44119 89 COMPRESSOR -'- AIR 1969 $ 350 . 00 FA 90 COMPRESSOR — AIR 1984 $ 1 , 400 . 00 00 041884100 91 LEVEL -- TRANSIT 1974 $ 283 . 50 GO 92 LEVEL — MINI —B TRANSIT 1985 $ 295100 GO 1P -2373 93 PAINT — SPRAY WITH EQUIPMENT 1958 $ 273 . 00 Eft 94 TOOL CHEST — MECHANICS WITH 1 950 $ 3 , 000 . 00 GO 95 GRINDER — PORTABLE WITH flCCE 1978 $ 345 . 40 GO 96 GRINDER — BENCH 1994 $ 338 . 89 SO 1SO ` 0127 RUN DATE 09 - 07 - 1989 AT 06d33ri57 PAGE 5 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 ° 30 - 89 ® YEAR PURCHASE DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURED PRICE COND ID # 97 VENDING MACHINE — COLD BEVERA 1960 $ 175 . 00 FA 270 — CD - 5 — A7 -2191 98 WASHER — STEAMER — HI —PRESSURE 1982 $ 2 , 950 . 00 GO 3B1012 99 SNOWBLOWER — USED 1976 $ 200 . 00 FA 100 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 20 # , CO2 1965 $ 60 . 00 GO 101 FIRE EXTINGUISHER —• 20 * , CO2 1965 $ 60 . 00 GO 102 FIRE EXTINGUISHER 5 # CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 103 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5* CO2 1965 6 35 . 00 GO 104 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 # CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 105 FIRE EXTINGUISHER ° 5 #k CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 106 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 ## CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 107 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5# CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO . i 1 FIRE EXTINGUISHER -- 5 ## CO2 1965 $ 35000 GO 109 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 #I CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 110 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 ## CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 111 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 * COE 1965 6 35 . 00 GO 112 FIRE EXTINGUISHER -- 50 CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 113 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 # CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 114 FIRE EXTINGUISHER — 5 # CO2 1965 $ 35 . 00 GO 115 CALCIUM TANK 1988 $ 1 , 000 . 00 GO 116 CALCIUM TANK 1988 $ 850 . 00 GO 117 TRIMMER — STRING 1988 $ 110 . 00 GO M0110GA117583 118 TYPEWRITER , MANUAL 1960 $ 59 . 85 FA 7 - 187200 119 CALCULATOR , ELECTRONIC 1982 $ 49 . 88 GO 82094954 ' '? 0 CALCULATOR — TWO TONE BEIGE 1977 $ 366 . 44 GO M169275 RUN DATE 09 - 07 -- 1989 AT 06 ; 34 : 1 =' PAGE 6 INVENTORY OF HIGHWAY MACHINERY , TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT TOWN OF DRYDEN COUNTY OF TOMPKINS DATE OF INVENTORY 9 - 30 - 89 ® YEAR MANUFACTURED DESCRIPTION FACTURED PRICE COND ID # 121 DESK — WOODEN , 3 DRAWER W / LE 1950 $ 66 . 75 FA 122 DESK — METAL , 4 DRAWER W / LEF 1965 $ 116 . 50 FA 123 DESK -- GREY METAL 1968 $ 210 . 00 FA 124 DESK — GREY , 6 DRAWER W / LOCK 1960 $ 34 . 00 GO 125 CHAIR — METAL FOLDING ( NINE ) 1960 $ 54 . 00 FA 126 CHAIR — WOOD OFFICE EXECUTIV 1960 $ 65 . 35 FA 127 CHAIR — METAL OFFICE , SWIVEL 1960 $ 31 . 92 FA 128 CHAIR — EXECUTIVE SWIVEL , BR 1979 $ 95 . 31 FA 129 FILE — 2 DRAWER , TAN 1974 $ 71 . 19 FA 130 FILE — 4 DRAWER , GRAY 1960 $ 27 . 93 FA ' 31 FILE — 4 DRAWER , GRAY 1960 $ 27 . 93 FA ® 2 FILE — LEGAL , t3RAY9 2 DRAWER 1975 $ 44 . 50 FA 133 FILE — 4 DRAWER , GRAY W / LOCK 1987 $ 157 . 10 GO 134 TABLE — FOLDING 8 FOOT , BROW 1975 $ 47 . 54 FA 135 TABLE — FOLDING 8 FOOT , BROW 1975 $ 47 . 54 FA 136 SCANNER — PROGRAMMABLE 1983 $ 169 . 95 GO 382A - 00942 DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED COST 1 TON TRUCK 20 , 000 . 00 LOADER 30 , 000 . 00 50 , 000 . 00 LOW BED TRAILER 31 , 000 . 00 TRUCK 90 , 000 . 00 121 , 000 . 00 MOWER 9 , 000 . 00 TRACTOR 209000 . 00 29 , 000 . 00 LEASES — GRADER 20 , 000 . 00 LOADER 28 , 000 . 00 48 , 000 . 00 TOTAL 248 , 000 . 00 • e ,ta. CS- TOWN SUPERINTENDENT L S List of Possible Items to be Submitted for State EQBA Funding The list below contains items that could be considered for 50 percent funding by the State of New York for the Dryden Lake Park . Cost estimates are approximate , based on the best information I could find . Most of the items on the list can be located on the Schematic Plan - Phase I that I sent to you last month . If the Board decides to proceed with an second application , they should pick from the list , or add to it , and pass the attached resolution at the Sept . 6th meeting . Then let me know immediately so I can finish the application next week . 1 . Tennis ( basketball ) Court ( bituminous surface , net , fencing , etc . ) $ 16 , 300 2 . Baseball Diamond ( grading , seeding , backstop , etc . ) 10 , 000 3 . Second Bathroom ( there is one in the current grant ) 17 , 500 4 . Fishing Pier 6 ' x 75 ' ( piles and decking ) 13 , 500 5 . Footpath to Pier ( Handicapped accessible ) 900LF at $ 3 . 00 2 , 700 6 . Well and Drinking Fountain ( allowance ) 1 , 000 7 . Playground Apparatus ( allowance ) 5 , 000 8 . General Landscaping ( allowance ) 2 , 500 9 . Engineering and Design Fees 7 , 000 Total estimated cost $ 75 , 500 Local Share $ 37 , 750 As you can see , most of the items are concentrated on the south side of the lake . This was done because , after the first phase is completed , conditions on the north side of the lake should be pretty good . An improved road would be built on the south side in phase one but not much else . As with phase one , much of the local share in phase two could be in -kind services provided by Town forces . September 6 , 1989 _ . . - - - List of Possible Items to be Submitted for State EQBA Funding The list below contains items that could be considered for 50 percent funding by the State of New York for the Dryden Lake Park . Cost estimates are approximate , based on the best information I could find . Most of the • items on the list can be located on the Schematic Plan - Phase I that I sent to you last month . If the Board decides to proceed with an second application , they should pick from the list , or add to it , and pass the attached resolution at the Sept . 6th meeting . Then let me know immediately so I can finish the application next week . 1 . Tennis ( basketball ) Court ( bituminous surface , net , fencing , etc . ) $ 16 , 300 2 . Baseball Diamond ( grading , seeding , backstop , etc . ) 10 , 000 3 . Second Bathroom ( there is one in the current grant ) 17 , 500 4 . Fishing Pier 6 ' x 75 ' ( piles and decking ) • 13 , 500 5 . Footpath to Pier ( Handicapped accessible ) 900LF at $ 3 . 00 2 , 700 6 . Well and Drinking Fountain ( allowance ) 1 , 000 ! 7 . Playground Apparatus ( allowance ) 5 , 000 8 . General Landscaping ( allowance ) 2 , 500 9 . Engineering and Design Fees 7 , 000 Total estimated cost $ 75 , 500 Local Share $ 37 , 750 As you can see , most of the items are concentrated on the south side of the lake . This was done because , after the first phase is completed , conditions on the north side of the lake should be pretty good . An improved road would be built on the south side in phase one but not much else . As with phase one , much of the local share in phase two could be in-kind services provided by Town forces . September 6 , 1989 4 410 . .� _ �._ • ; • • SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS I September 19 , 1989 I t Mr . James Schug S upervisor Town of Dryden 65 East Main Street , Dryden , New York 13053 D ear Mr . • Schuq : • The Tompkins County SPCA would like to fulfill the dog control and animal sheltering responsibilities for the Town of Dryder, during 1990 . The features of our proposed contract include carrying out all duties and responsibilities of Dog Control Officer as mandated in Article 7 of the State ' s D ock Law , as well as enforcing Dryden ' s own local dog ordinances . These duties include picking up all stray dogs upon complaint . We would issue tickets for expired licenses according to a list compiled by Albany . The SPCA vans would make special patrols upon request of the township . Stray currently New York State licensed dogs would be returned to their owner whenever possible with the I owner being ticketed for the dog being unidentified and running at large . The town would receive monthly reports of the SPCA ' s activity within this area . ® We operate a state approved shelter where each ani _ ial is housed individually . the SPCA consistently receives the highest rati, nrjr during our inspections . We are located on Renshaw Road within the Town of Dryden making us more accessible : o the residents than the current facility located in the Town of Denby . The SPCA has weekly health consultations done. by 1cal veterinarians . All animals are vaccinated and wormed upon entering our shelt . The SPCA uses a computerized lost and found system to reunite lost pets with their owners . The SPCA supports and enforces all state approved guidelines and laws pertaining t o dog control and public health . Evidence of a ranies vaccination and license must be presented before any dog is released . To help in controlling the numbers o f unwanted stray animals in our communtiy , our adppb• ion agreement includes a mandated sterilization contract . Euthanasia is performed by the only two state certified euthanasia technicians in Tompkins County who are not veterinarians o r licensed veterinary technicians . }`a5 coovpi, ,,1,r l 1640 HANSHAW ROAD • ITHACA, NEW Y )RK 1 1850 • ( 607) 257. 1822 • ?CIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS• ® . Our animal control officers are required to attend a New York State Certified Peace Officers training course . We currently handle many types of animal calls I in the Town of Dryden . Tompkins County contracts with the SPCA to provide cat , 1 bat and livestock control in your area . We pick up injured wildlife and do p cruelty investigations into complaints of animal abuse . Each of the SPCA ' s vehicles is equipped . with a two - way radio so that each officer can be easily reached . The shelter provides a 24 hour , 7 days per week emergency service for all sick and injured animals , and for responding to complaints of vicious and dangerous dogs . We are currently installing a new answering system which will allow each emergency call to be responded to in the most efficient manner . The caller will speak directly to an officer instead of an answering service operator . The SPCA has active programs in pet visitation and humane education . -`. I respectfully submit a request of $ 11 , 500 for complete dog control and ' 4 sheltering services for the Town of Dryden . This fee includes all veterinary expenses , insurance , equipment , mileage , postage , • answering system and pet food and supplies . This request is based on our current knowledge of the dog • control situation in Dryden . Future bids would depend . on a prorated share based on the actual use of our services . On behalf of the SPCA , I appreciate the Town ' s consideration of this bid . If there are any questions or concerns , please do not hesitate to call me . • Sincerely yours , 1)1617\- Pam Stonebralcer Director • .. �£5 cow,Ty 410 r t.ti,N , 9 • , yg '.Lois • 1640 HANSHAW ROAD • ITHACA, NEW YORK 14850 • ( 607) 257. 1822 • • i7b 9- 8 -89 page 11 RESOLUTION # 221 AUTHORIZE PLANNING MEETING Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Ron Roberts and Joseph L alley to attend New York Planning Federation from Oct 15th to O ct 18th and to pay expenses not to exceed $ 800 . O0 ' ( $ 400 . 00 each ) E nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION 4# 222 VIRGIL CREEK DAM Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Supv Schug to sign agreement for Virgil Creek Dam 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION #223 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ' RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited ( $20 , 602 . 11 ) End Cirri Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes ® RESOLUTION 4# 224 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited ( $216 , 267 . 62 ) 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 225 AUDIT BAT - CON VOUCHER Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the voucher for $ 5 , 500 . 00 to Bat - Con Inc be approved or contingent upon the approval of Town Attorney Perkins with respect to maintenance bond . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes J USTICE REPORT - $ 7 , 026 . 00 for the month of August FINANCIAL REPORT - given to Board members 9 - 7 -89 page 12 RESOLUTION # 226 AUDIT SPECIAL DISTRICT BILLS Clrn Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the special district bills be paid as audited ( $ 28 , 923 . 84 ) 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes NEW BUSINESS - Turkey Hill Rd with Hunt Engineers - Oct 5th 6 : 00PM Budget work session - Sept 27th at 6 : 00PM Adjourned 10 : 30PM Ill >itarel494°LC 9 Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk All •