HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-08 ii • TOWN BOARD MEETING AUGUST e6 , 1989 Supv Schug called the meeting to order at 7 : 3OPM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk ; Presents Supv Schug , Clm Hatfield , Clm Evans , Clm Garlock , Clw Walbridge , Atty Perkins and Z . O . Slater APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES ; Motion was made by Clm Evans and 2nd by Clm Hatfield that the Town Board minutes of June 27th and July lith be approved as submitted . Carried COUNTY BRIEFING • Co . Rep Watros - reported that the recycling program is now u nderway . The central process facility site is being discussed , The City of Ithaca is opposed to the site being located on Elmira Rd . The County is standing firm on their position until the e nvironmental impact statement has been received . - � there was interest at the Public Works committee meeting that the George Rd bridge should be replaced . This is going to involve a great deal of planning from the town and from the county . There w ill have to be some traffic patterns to support the fact that • Oil the route would relieve traffic congestion in the Village of Dryden . The County Board might consider this short term plan and maybe force the replacement of the George Rd bridge . He alto felt alternate bypasses should be discussed - • -- - the youth plan is now being reviewed by the various committees o f the County Board . In previous • years the City of Ithaca has ✓ endered services to the youth on a county wide basis . The City o f Ithaca has decided that they are not going to service youth anywhere outside the City limits . The County , through a series of ad hock committees and local representatives to youth boards have developed a proposal which will put the County Board in a position of financing youth services on a county wide basis . The program at this point is of maintenance service levels which was provided by the City of Ithaca and will cost the county about $ 500 , 000 . 00 to $ 750 , 000 . 00 a year , which will be a significant increase in our planning levels . This would be about e C per cent budget increase . The County is somewhat committed to render some level of service and it appears they are locked into the area of a half e million dollars . The City of Ithaca has decided not to continue their programs and fund it by city tax dollars , an it w ill shift to the county tax base . The youth recreational services is not r 'rrared in any way in county other than the division for youth funds . This will go into effect in Jan of 1990 , Ed Thomas - wanted to know if there were results on the DR7 deep well drilling tests ? 4I S { Draft 7lz0f89 To : Town Board Members , Town of Dryden Prom : Planning Board , Town of Dryden Re : Proposed kA Zone in the late 1960 ' s as an outcome of the studies for the General Plan , the Planning Board of that time recommended the adoption of an RA zone as part of the original zoning package . The RA proposal of that time was extremely restrictive , allowing only seasonal recreation buildings ( i , e . hunting cabins ) and certain farm uses The need for such a zone was not evident to the general public at that time due to lack of immediate development pressures primarily , and also partially due to the severity of the restrictions proposed at a time when the Town was just beginning to implement land use regulations . About 3 - P years ago the Planning Board again recommended an RA zone , less . restrictive than the original proposal , as a part of a general updating of our overall zoning regulations . At that time the proposal was as a separate zone which appeared to encompass much of the Town and provided fairly limited usage . One of the concerns expressed was that it eliminated substantial amounts of R - C area at the same time the R- 61 area was being greatly expanded to cover much area previously designated R - P . The problems which caused the Planning Board to request an R- A zone have both continued and become far more evident . We ' ve had extensive development pressures on sloped and hilltop areas leading to runoff problems , siltation , and erosion . There have been concerns about flooding due to increased rate of runoff . Concerns about well water quantity and quality have came up increasingly in association with uphill development . At a suggestion from the Town Board we have again addressed the problem . Instead of a new set of use restrictions , we have considered an overlay zone approach in which most underlying zone uses would be allowed , concentrating instead on water - related factors . We have had detailed maps prepared on a tax - parcel - by - tax- parcel basis which demonstrate that it is feasible to both implement and e nforce such an overlay concept ( similar to flood zones , fresh water wetlands , e tc . designated throughout the state . ) Nonetheless , we recognize that any such o rdinance should provide an appeals procedure for site - specific review of map boundaries . The attached document may still have areas needing clarification . We are also aware that there may be some new definitions needed ( e . g . " forester " , ' overlay" . ) Having spent a substantial amount of time on this concern over the last few years we are looking forward to assisting the Town Board in any way possible to bring about its i• mplementation • DRAFT # 2 7/ 20/ 89 for Planning Board , Town of Dryden Proposed amendment to Zoning Ordinance , Town of Dryden ADD the following article : ARTICLE VI : DISTRICT RECULATIONS i- A ZONES # Section 600 . The Intent and purpose of the R - A Zone Is to preserve the 2 quality and supply of groundwater and surface water , and wisely manage 3 the processes of erosion , flooding and stream siltation . The R- A zone shall be an overlay zone to protect those areas associated with steep 5 slopes and /or poor soil . • h 6 Section 601 . Allowed Uses . 7 . The allowed uses shall be those of the underlying zoning district with the 8 exception of timbering . 9 Section 602 . Uses Allowed by Special Permit . 10 Where timbering is allowed in the underlying zone , timber permits may be 11 , obtained if a satisfactory timbering practices plan prepared by a pro - 12 fesstonal forester is presented along with a satisfactory drainage and 13 runoff control lan as p part of the information required for a special 1 permit . 15 Section 603 . Density and Area Requirements . 16 in areas where public water and sewer are not available , the minimum lot 17 size shall be 5 acres . The minimum frontage shall be 200 ' . The minimum - _ 18 front setback shall be unchanged from the underlying zone . The minimum 19 side and rear setbacks shall be 75 ' . There shalt be no increase of 20 runoff at peak flow during and after construction . A drainage plan prepared 21 by a licensed engineer shall be required . The maxlmum surface of the lot 22 covered by - buildings , structures , driveways , parking lots , and other 23 impermeable surfaces shall not exceed 5 of the total lot surface . 24 25 In areas where public water and sewer are available , the minLmug lot . ' ( page 2 , DRAFT # 2 7 / 20 / 89 for Planning Board , T . of Dryden re - A zone ) 1 size , frontage , setbacks , and maximum lot coverage shall be those of 2 the underlying district . A drainage plan prepared by a licensed engineer 3 shall be required . There shall be no increase of runoff at peek flow 4 during and after construction . CompitAnce with the drainage plan shalt 5 be a condition of a certificate of occupancy . 6 7 In considering any proposed subdivision in the R - A overlay zone , the 8 Planning Board shall give special weight to the impact of any proposed 9 new roads on drainage and runoff . 10 Section 604 Fees ( Since this will require perhaps some additional checking 11 and/or professional assistance in verifying drainage plans , we assume the 12 Town Board might wish to impose any necessary fees to cover those costs ) 13 Section 605 , Criteria for Variance . 14 in areas of the II - A overlay cone where public water and sewer are not 15 available , and there are no slopes greater than 15 within 0 ` of 9 S in existing or proposed man- made impermeable surfaces , the Zoning Board of 17 Appeals in their considerations may wish to grant an area variance . 18 Any variance thus granted shall at no times allow a lot smaller than 19 two acres , and shall provide adequate provisions for implementation of a 20 professionally engineered drainage plan so that there is no increasein the 21 amount or rate of runoff from the site at peak flow . I ' B - 8-89 page 2 • elm Evans - went to the construction management committee meeting and the only report was that the test drilling were within 1GO to 260 feet has they had expected . His understanding is that the shallowest well of 163 feet . There was no documentation given about that while he was there . Co . Rep Wat ro' s - he has not heard anything and felt that there w ould be some general report neat Tuesdays but no detailed data at thin point . Co . Rep Tillapaugh - the public works committee met last week and ✓ oted to recommend to the County Board a disposal fee for all garbage and all construction debris that everyone will pay their • fair share . It used to be called a tipping fee and now it will be called a landfill disposal fee . They hope to implement this by the 1st of January and estimate at the present time for the first year approximately $ 20 . 00 a ton . The fee will increase until the new landfill is built and into operat i on . The burden will not be put on all the taxpayers . All tax exempt properties and business w ill have to Of their fair share . For the first year of the ✓ ecyclable program the county is taking care of . In addition to the disposal fee you will still have to pay your regular garbage collection fee . The disposal fee will take care of the operation at the present time , pay for the new landfill , the operation of the new landfill and the expense of closing the old landfill on Caswell Rd and Landst nom landfill . - - reported on the recycling program for the first two weeks of o peration _ in the Village of Fnyeville they collected 8E0 pounds o f paper and GIGO pounds of glass ; 2nd week was 980 pounds of paper and 280 pounds of glass . In the Village of Dryden was 2 tone of paper and 1300 pounds of glass for the first week . Other area figures were not available at this time . CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR E rica Evans / Turkey Hill Rd - wanted to know the status of the Turkey Hill Water and Sewer Dist . ? S upv dchug - the engineers should hare the plans within a week or two . The Town Board will have a planning session with the e ngineers and then will have a meeting for public input . E rica Evans - also wondered if the Town has ever considered e n oise ordinance as there is more density in different areas . S upv Sohxg - the City of Ithaca just passed a noise ordinance , and yet they do not know how they are going to enforce it . Clm Evans - the Town tried to dog that several years age and at that time that was the problem as to how it would be enforced . This could he looked at again . Tr III 5 - 8- 89 page 3 ilfrEd Brothers - wanted to know if the Fall Creek recreation area w as on the agenda and going to be discussed . S upv Schug - it is on the agenda , but Assemblyman Luster has suggested that the Town of Dryden and the Town of Ithaca have a .joint meeting with him to clear up some questions and answers for both town boards . There was some discussion and a meeting was scheduled for August 29th at the Varna Community Center at 7 : 30PM J im Willard , 5 Hall Woods Rd - sine he has been involved with w etlands protection and he is not a neophyte at this . He has been involved in different portions of New York State and the Gulf Coast . He has learned quite a bit i n this process and one thing that has come out is that quite a few of the soils within the DR7 dump site are hyclric soils , which is recognized by the Federal Government as being that . CROWD has sent a letter to the Army Corp of Engineers , and he has a copy for the Town, Board . They h ave promised to come down within the next two weeks to look at the site . The County hasn ' t applied for a permit for dredging and f illing and this is required by DEC . The Army Corp of Engineers h as a very stringent permitting process . They require avoiding wetlands totally , minimizing the impacts and mitigating the w etlands so that would entail possibly creating a new wetland on some other site . Supv Schi.rg - the Town of Dryden has already contacted the Army ' Corp of Engineers . J im Millard - with regard to the Fall Creek issue he has heard it said that the Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance is strong enough h to prevent any damage to the creek . Considering to what has happened to some of the wetlands on the Wilcox site plus all of the damage that Mark Stevens has done to the hillside , he thought there were definite gaps and loop holes in the zoning ordinance that leads to some problems . There is a model erosion and sediment control ordinance that would allow the town to control any site preparation, that happens before a permit would have to be applied four . The fees from this could also help hire another enforcement o fficer . He has a model ordinance if the Town Board is interested in looking at it . a - reported that the Army Corp of Engineers has ascertained that there are wetlands on the Wilcox Press site . Estimates from DEC are that one quarter to one third of the 23 acre site are wetlands . He thought this was an over site of the environmental ✓ eview and if it had been noticed it would have been recognized that the Army Corp of Engineers should have been applied to for a permit and this could have saved a lot of what has been going on lately _ It would also lead to proper siting and make the building probably cheaper to build and safer . He would like to ask the D and to consider rescinding the negative declaration and reopen environmental process when the Board gets to the regular part of the meeting . He did sub2it a copy of a report to three of the Board members that he did on the environment there . • I RESOLUTION NO . 188 - 1989 ACCEPT OFFER OF DEDIATIO3 OF EXTENSION OF ANMER LANE Cli Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : WHEREAS , the Town of Dryden Planning Board has approved a subdivision for Richard L . and Mary Jane Neff in Military Lot No . 29 in said mown , and WHEREAS , the Town has previously accepted as a Town highway a portion of Annee Lane extending generally easterly from North Road to a temporary turn - around , and WHEREAS , the extension of the Town highway also to be designated as " nnee Lane " and running from the easterly terminus of the existing Annee Lane in a generally easterly direction for a distance of approximately 600 " +/ - to a , " T " shaped turn -around which has been constructed according to Town specifications and such construction has been approved by the Town of Dryden Highway Superintendent , and WHEREAS , the Highway Superintendent has issued his opinion in writing dated July 24 , 1989 as to such construction , and WHEREAS , the developers have offered to dedicate said road to the Town of Dryden as and for a town highway , and have furnished to the Town Attorney the necessary documents and deed to convey the same to the Town as a public road , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by this Town Board that the road shown on the map entitled Road Plan and Profile " As - Built " of Annee Lane , P . O . Military Lot 29 , Town of Dryden , Countyof Tompkins , State of New York , dated October 20 , 1988 and revised August 3 , 1989 and made by George C . Schlecht , P . E . , L . S . Nos . 49832 & 49190 and which is incorporated herein by reference be , and hereby is , accepted as a Town road and the same is to be added to the official Town map , and the Town Highway Superintendent is authorized to take any and all steps necessary to maintain said road as a Town highway from this day forward to be known as Annee Lane . This resolution and acceptance is specifically conditioned and contingent upon the following : 1 . The developers pay all costs necessary in connection with the filing of the map , deed and other documents including all abstract and related costs . 2 . That until such time as the taxable status with ✓ espect to said road is changed to reflect its use as a ✓ oad , the developers pay all real estate taxes assessed on said road . 3 . That the developers warrant materials and w orkmanship in the construction of said road for a period of o ne ( 1 ) year from the date of this resolution indicating acceptance of such road . 2nd C w Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes • a • 8 -8-89 page 4 Clm Evans - with regard to Fall Creek the zoning few could he made to do the same thing if that is the decision of the ✓ esidents of the town _ The concern about that has been that it w ould not protect the area of Cornell Univ . Ken Ti l lapaugh -- was concerned about the water coming down the hill and across the road where Mark Stevens has been excavating . In all the years he has lived there it has never happened before . It created a hazard this last weekend with the heavy rain that they received and felt that there should be something done about it . CUUNCILII*IRN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Cita Evans - since there is a problem with the time limit and Dave LaPoint emptying his lagoon he would like to propose a resolution that this Town Ooard authorize the Supv to negotiate with Mr L aPoint for a reasonable time limit to clean up his lagoons . RESOLUTION # 187 LAND SPREADING - LAPoTNrr Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Supv Sch ra4 to negotiate with Mr LaPoint for a reasonable time limit to clean up his • lagoons . . .r 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote a all voting Yes ATTORNEY RESOLUTION sum ACCEPT OFFER OF DEDICATION OF EXTENSION OF ANIUEE LANE • Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : ( copy in minute book ) 2nd Elw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yee Clan Evans introduced Local Law # 4 - 1989 amending Lor= al Law #2 of the year 1989 , End by Clm Hatfield Carried S upv Schug scheduled a public hearing for proposed Local Law *4- 1983 on August 29th at 6 : 00PM at the Varna Community Center . Atty Perkins - had a request from Mr . Rlmandinger to clean up an old cemetery across the road from his property . Town Clerk Lloyd w ill check to make sure it is a town cemetery and who owns the property . !r .110 3 - B - as page 5 RESOLUTION F, 18 ' CLERN UP CEN1crrERY - RINGWOOD RD Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoptions RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve Mr . Allmandinger ' s request to clean up the cemetery across from his house on certain conditions . Those conditions include the execution of an agreement by Mr . Al brand inger ' s wherein he will agree not to hold the Town liable for any injuries he might sustain while involved in this work and that he obtain the permission of the owner of the cemetery , Benedict and Gorman Anderson at 414 M i neah Rd . Once he has obtained their permission Attorney Perkins will write up the agreement to allow him to proceed . and elm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes AtUty Perkins - wag asked to check on cable franchise . In his o pinion nothing happens because ACC has sold the whale company . Attar Perkins -- has one matter for executive session which involves litigation . - - the Town Board needs to address the request for out of district users to hook up to the Monkey Run Water and Sewer D iet . The Town Board has previously approved Guthrie Clinic , Wilcox Press and William and Millie Reed . Mr it Mrs Reed are requesting that at the present time they only hook up to the sewer at the present time and hook up to the water d istrict within one year . There are also one or ten neighbors that might want to connect to the sewer which will have to be authorized by the Town . The Town has an agreement that no other connections be made unless they were approved by the Town Board . The Town hoard should consider the applicants hook up to bath w ater and sewer if it becomes available . Most of the out of d istrict cennectidns have been with large users who have entered into an agreement with the Town about buying the original improvements that they have installed at a depreciated value . You w ill woe have to decide when water and sewer lines run by private homes and private service connections to be gained by the Town w hat dry you want to be about those . There was some discussion . Mt t y Perkins - will draw up e policy for the Town Board to consider requests for out of district users to hook up the water and sewer districts . RESOLUTION # 190 HOOK - UP TO MONKEY RUN SEWER DIST . WILLIAM h dILLIE REED Cle Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ; RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the request of William and - Millie Reed to hook up to the Monkey Run Sewer District with e meter in read the input , at the present time and hook up to the Monkey Run Water District within one year from August 1989 . and Tim Garlock ' Roll call vote - all voting Yes • MAHLON t PERKINS, Pr C . ATTORNrYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW a 20 b'nT MAN STRUt C' u I I ,1 YI P O. Pox 2 vlrr DRYDEN, NEW YORK 1303 516 I'I Y1A}LION R. PERKINS 'I 7EI_EPFIppE BETH S. mime Kan 844•911] FAX sAD '111TED rN INDIANA ONLY 1 607 1 1544 •BgSI August 10 , 1989 Mr . Walter E . Al1mandinger ,F Sr . 395 Ringwood Road Freeville , New York 13068 - re : Ringwood Cemetery - Dear Mr . Allmandinger : The Town Board has approved your request to clean up the cemetery across from your house ' on certain conditions . Those conditions include the execution of an agreement by you wherein you would agree not to hold the Town liable for any injuries you might sustain while involved in this work and that you obtain the permission of the owner of the cemetery , Benedict and Gorman Anderson at 414 Mineah Road . After you have contacted the owners and have secured their permission , please let me know and I will prepare a simple agreement which will allow you to proceed . If you have any questions , please give me a call . very truly yours , Mahlon B : Perkins a Town of Dryden Attorney MRP /ab cc : James F . • Schug , Town Supervisor July 26 , 1989 t _I - ! •-- _ 1 TO : The Tompkins County Board of Representatives The Ithaca Town Board and Supervisor The Dryden Town Board and Supervisor 9 taxpayer Fr: Arthur L Berkey , r c,(J 222' Tareyton Drive, Ithaca, N . Y . 14850 Re : Concurrent closing of adjacent bridges For the second consecutive summer both the bridge on Frieze Road and in Forest Home ( Caidwell Road ) are closed at the same time( 7 /25 or before to present ) for routine maintenance'. The Frieze Road bridge was closed first by the County on 7 /15 /59 and then by the Town of Dryden ; and the Forest Nome Bridge was closed by the Town of Ithaca according to Mr . William Mobbs. The public inconvenience: and traffic cengenstion/safety hazards from concurrent closing of adjacent bridges; for non-emergency work could and should be avoided. by coord- ination between the municipalities involved .. Since the current employees responsible for scheduling maintence work are unable/Unwilling to effect such coordination , I request that the respective boards take action. tot I . Affirm/establish a policy directing employees• to coordinate) maintenance schedules: with other units to avoid concurrent adjacent bridge closings and /or road closings•. 2: Include ,, ' 1 as a provision iR contracts let by the County for repair of adjacent bridges/roads. Please read this memorandum at the next meeting of your body . Thank you for your attention to this request . Please inform me of the action akin • by your body in response '. • • TOWN OF DRYDEN • DRYDN, NEW YORK 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN , NEW YORK 13053 ' 607-84441 In the Hears of S Finger limier Region ZONING & BUILDIN0 CODE ENFORCEMENT Date : August 3rd , 1989 Tot James Schug , Dryden Town Supervisor & Fellow Board Members 65 E . Main Street Dryden , N . Y . 13053 From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning E Building Code Enforcement Office Town of Dryden 65 E . Main Street Dryden , New York 13053 Sub . i July 1989 Activity Report Dear Jim 8 Fellow Board hembern : During the month of July 1989 there were a total of 26 Bulding Permits issued and are detailed as follows : A - 1 Single - Fami iy Starts : ( 9 ) Site Built . Homes : ( 2 ) Double -wide Mobile Homes : ( 3 ) , 2projec !; s have been abandoned . single -wide Mobile Home new starts : ( Z ) Replace existing Single -wide homes : ( 2 ) A- 1 Renovations , alterations Conversions or etentions : ( 11 ) These arc for existing homes adding such items as family rooms exterior decks and other modifications . C - 4 . 1 Pe i votes Garage for Single - family home use : ( 5 ) C - 7 Miscellaneous , Erect a private 12 " Fence . { ti ) Total 26 Certificate of Occupancy / Compliances ( 18 ) 14 Certificates of Occupancy permits , if new homes 1 Replaced a Temporary C . O . - There was ( 1 ) New Temporary issued and ( 3 ) Certificates of Compliance issued . Zoning Variance Requests : . There were a - totsl of ( b ) Zoning Variance Hearing held at the July 89 Hearing Night and are detailed on an attached sheet . fonluf . Issue : During July there Were ( 2 ) Trials heard the Dryden Town Court for Zoning violations . In each case , the property owner wan not violator . Each case involved abandoned motor vehiles by a tenant . Each tenate claimed no responsibilty time they didn ' t own the property . The judge has given both this office and the defendants ( 1 ) week to submit reasons as to whom we think is responsible . for the removal of the vehicles . I was the oniy one to file . As of this date , the judge has not render a decision . The point of this is , I think that the ordinance should be modified to reflect whom is responsible . . July. 89 Ibport Pg . ( 2 ) • Unsafe Building Removal Progres 's : • As . of August 3rd , the following action has been noted by this Office . The Unsafe Structure on Bardshaw ; Rbad owned by , Doninic Romeo , was burned by the Dryden Fire Dept , on . July 9th . . The barn on Cortland Road , owned by , Gerald Sherman , appears to have had some action taken in an effort to • remove it . Some of material has been removed , however: , most of the structure remains . The fallen barn owned by , Thomas Kean , on Mt Pleasant road has not had any attention and remains as It was at the time of the public hearing . The foundation at the carner • of . MidlEne 5 . Ringwood also remains unchanged . The Alexander Barn on Ringwood Road is about 1 /3 removed and removal continues at a slow but steady pace . . . . • Other action at this office • Clint has completed all reirement • ne qu cessary to receive N . Y . S . Certification as a Cody Enforcement Officer , '. • • • I have also retained the services of Terri McFall as cue Computer Operator . Terri will be working ' with this office 40 she attends T . C . - 3 here in Dryden . •Terri will be . doing a number of things for us . She will be imputing data , designing programs for us l as well as retrieving data . Terri ' cill also be doing work for the Town Court . Terri has experience . will computers and programing . Starting next month , these reports will be developed with aid of our computer . My goal . is to use Terri ' s experience and knowledge of computer programing to • developer, design and implement . the programs necessary to Increase oor • outpdte and reduce the clerical work load here . Terri is the daughter of Bill and Dianne ocFall . I believe that Terri is bringing a much needed talent to this Department . I ' m locking forward to her joining en . .. As always , the fight against Zoning Violations continue will about the oewe ! tesutts . The potent of compliance and resistance seems to never change . As always , Henry M . Slater • • • CC : tusahne Lloyd , Dryden Town Clerk • Mahlon R . Perkins , Dryden Town Supervisor htl Members of the Dryden Town Board . • • • • • r TOWN OF DR DE +T • D . DE T, NEW YORK *it 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRY ❑ EN , NEW YORK 13053 • • 60x-B44-912o In the Hear: of the Finger Lakes 1?e ion • • • ZONING R BiJILDNNG CODE ENFORCEMENT Sub . : Agenda for Z . B . A Hearing Requests Dear Jack s Fellow Board Members Schedule Change : Since the 1st Tuesday falls on July 4th , • l ' ve taken the liberty to schedule the July Hearings on WEDNESDAY JULY 5th , Please make that note to yourself . 7 : 30 P . M . Scott Landscaping Is requesting a variance to move their existing business to 700 Ringwood . Road in an R . B . Zoning District and Is seeking relief from the allowwed use requirement . 7 : m5 P . M . Electra Services New York Is requesting a variance to move their existing business to 1991 Peruville Rd . in an R . E . - 1 Zoning District and Is seeking relief . from the allowed use requirement . 8 : 00 P . M . Thomas Ludgate of 760 Ringwood Rd , is requesting a variance to establish an auto - body repair shop in an existing structure at 32 Etna Lane in. an R . D . - I Zoning District and is seeking relief from the allowed use requirement . 8 : 15 ' P . M . Kenneth Frost of 487 Groton Rd . Freeville is requesting a variance to establish a building lot at 485 Groton Rd . with less than 125 feet ' of rodd frontage . 8 : 30 R . I . Steven Utter of 1175 W . Dryden Rd . Ereeviile Is requesting a variance to establish a building lot with less than 125 . . feet of Road Frontage and place a Double - wide Mobile Home on that same lot without installing a Skirting wall . around the exterior . The location . is at about 1177 W . Dryden Road . 8 : 45 P . M . Carol Schleuning of 107 Morris Road Freeville Is requesting a variance to • to extend her existing home closer than . 15 feet from the lot line at this ' same Morris Road Address . Results :. Scott . Landscap .ing , Request denied by a vote of ++ -0 and abstention . Didn ' t establish a hardship and much neighborhood objection . • Electro Severces , Request denied by a S - O . vote . The . same reason as with Scott . were y t ven • for denial here . . • Ludgate , Request . dented by a vote of 5 - 0 . Reasons same as 1 & 2 above . • • Frosts - request approved with the limitation to only . ( 1 ) allowed use occupancy by a vote of 5 - 0 . An ongoing request that the approves . as it too did - with Utter . Utter , both requests approved by a vote of 4 - 1 . , Request . was reasonab ] e . • • • Schleuning request approved by a vote of 5 - 0 . There wre hardships that would • prevent . constructlon ' in a direction were set back . requirements could be complied with . • • 1 • 8 - 8 - 89 page 6 ZONING OFFICER - report given to Board members: L RESOLUTION # 191 TOWN OF -._DRYDEN ZONING -- ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RB TO RD Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that this Town Picard schedule a public hearing to change tax parcel t55 - 1 - 13 . 12 and # 55 - 1 - 15 from RB to RD Zone and f tty Perkins will draw up the legal description , Fnd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes S upv Schug - scheduled a public hearing to change the zoning ordinance from RCS to RD Zone on August 29th at Varna Community Center . Z . ID . Slater -- wanted to make an arrangement to the have the parking lit in front of the door to the Town Hall striped yellow for no perking . Z . O . Slater - wanted it clear as to whose responsibility it is to clean up the unregistered cars , whether it is the property owner or the owner of the car . There was some discussion and the Town H oard felt that it was up to the Judge for him to make the decision _ HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT .. . :ii RESOLUTION # 192 ACCEPT HID FOR FWD TRUCK Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept bid offer from Ne119 s Auto Sales for a 1967 FWD truck and more equipment in the amount of $ 2 , 000 . 00 and the money go back in the equipment fund of the h ighway department . 2nd Fin Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes Catherine Brown - moo concerned about road spraying and felt that it was . a waste of money . CORRESPONDENCE • Ambulance report Letter from Luster re : Ni 366 and Etna Lane light • L etter from freohire County re : 4 way stop sign at Turkey Iiii and Ft Cieasarrt L etter re ; Frank Liguori recognition dinner L etter from Mr Berkley re : closing of Freese Rd bridge and bridge in Forest Home at the same time ( copy of letter in minute book ) -� - - 1 M-5 8 - 8 - 89 page 7 S upv Schug - the Town has about $ 6 , 000 . 00 for youth money . If the ® County is willing to pick up those services would the Town Board w ant to spend another $ 6 , 000 . 00 of our money and the County will match it with $ 6 , 000 . 00 for $ 12 , 000 . 00 to see if the City of Ithaca would maintain their service for youth until the end of the year . Clm Evans - if the City of Ithaca will maintain their services u ntil the end of the year than he could see no problem with that . This is for at risk children . S upv Schug - Mayor Lane is also going to see if the Village Board w ill approve using the money in their budget and see if the County will match their funds . If so this will give us close to $ 19 , 000 . 00 . Clm Evans - this is clearly if we agree to do this that is going to be the requirement , that the City of Ithaca will accept any at ✓ isk child until the 1st of Jan . This is of course contingent u pon the Village and County agreeing . RESOLUTION # 193 YOUTH SERVICES Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board request the City of Ithaca to ® maintain their youth service to the Town of Dryden until the end o f this year . This is contingent upon the Village and the City agreeing . 2nd C1w Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes S upv Schug - he will try to negotiate with the Village of Dryden and the City to see if they will give the Town support . RESOLUTION # 194 APPOINT ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Myron Rosh Jr . , employee o f Commonwealth Electrical Inspection Service Inc . , Manheim , Pa . as a duly authorized electrical inspector for the Town of Dryden . 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - Clm Hatfield Yes Clm Evans Yes Clm Garlock Abstained Clw Walbridge Yes D ave Putnam - went- over new pump station plans in Varna . There was a problem with putting a slab for the telephone system over the top of the Town of Dryden septic system and they are ✓ equesting an easement so they can build their switch station on ® Town of Dryden property in back of our pump station . I L • 8 - 8 - 89 page 8 RESOLUTION 4195 GRANT REDDEST FOR EASEMENT TELEPHONE COMPANY Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution, and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant an easement to New York Telephone Company over Town property in Varna which contains the Varna Sewer District pump station, on the following conditions : 1 . The telephone limes be encased in concrete ; a , The operation and design be approved by Hunt Engineers . 3 . That if in the future the Town use of the property requires the relocation of th easement that it be relocated at the request of the Town and at the expense of the Telephone Company ; 4 . That the Town Attorney review and approve the form of the instrument granting the same . 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supv Schug - Dave has the final drawings for the pump station in Varna and specifications for a generator . He would like the Town Boards authorization as soon as he receives all information he would like to put this out for bid . RESOLUTION 4t19S UPGRADE PUMP STATION IN. VARNA • Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ; RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Supt/ Schug as soon as he receives all of the information needed for the pump station in Varna to be put out for hid . And Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting has Supt/ Schug - Hunt Engineers has installed the Monkey Run Water and Sewer District and according to Dolton point there is a problem that there should be a chlorinator installed on the Monkey Run pump house . The chlorinator will cast about $ 700 . 00 , installation is about t1hb . .hi , wiring the controls $ 1. 00 . 00 , maintenance is about $ 12 . 00 per week . Bolton Point will install and maintain the chlorinator for approximately $ 70 . 00 per month . RESOLUTION # 197 AUTHOR I t E INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE PT MONKEY RUN PUMP STATION Clw Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , authorize Supt/ Schug to have Bolton Point install and maintain the chlorinator for the Monkey Run pump station for approximately $ 70 . 00 per month . And Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes Supt/ Schug - received request from principal of the Dryden Jr - Sr High School . They have a group of teachers that will he working with a group of at oink children from the ages of 14 and 18 in the Dryden school district . The school would like to find ,jobs for this group during the school year . • M5 8 - 8 - 89 page 9 I 1 RESOLUTION # 198 APPOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBER _- JOSEPH LALLEY Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Joseph Lalley to the Planning Board to replace Kenneth Friedman who resigned . Term expires Dec 31 , 1993 . 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote Clm Hatfield Yes Clm Evans Yes Clm Garlock Yes Clw Walbridge No RESOLUTION # 199 AUTHORIZE. SUPV TO ATTEND SYMPOSIUM ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Supv Schug to attend symposium on local government on Oct 15th to Oct 17th and to pay expenses . 2nd Clm Hatfield Roll call vote - all voting Yes S 'ipv Schug - the County has asked if the Town of Dryden would allow recycling locations for the people that want to be served for recycling pick up to let the county have one or two main stream recycling centers ? They would buy the containers and keep track of them and keep there clean . He felt that they should be installed some place that they can be closely monitored . RESOLUTION # 200 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Hatfield offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . ( $40 , 782 . 51 ) 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 201 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Walbridge offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited . ( $ 173 , 343 . 06 ) 2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting Yes RESOLUTION # 202 AUDIT SPECIAL DISTRICT FUND BILLS I Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the special district fund bills be paid as audited . ( 445 , 241 . 31 ) 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes I I I la ( a8-8 - 89 page 10 fil FINANCIAL REPORT - given to Board members JUSTICE REPORT - $ 5 , 568 . 00 for the month of July COMMITTEE REPORT Firemen ' s pension Clm Evans - thought that the Town should get the fire chiefs together . Since the Town does have a single tr_'wnwide fire district , we should get them to agree on a standardized pension plan for all of the districts so that it was the same . It would be appropriate to put it up for a referendum . The decision was tabled for this year since there was not time to be put on the ballot . They will try and get the consensus from the different fire departments . OLD BUSINESS Clw Walbridge - reported on the proposed RA Zone , it was mentioned that August was not a good time for public input since a lot of the residents would be on vacation at that time , so she is trying to schedule a meeting for Sept . This will not be a public hearing , but a public meeting for input . Clm Evans - he felt that it should be a Planning Board function . Clw Walbridge - they would prefer that the Town Board ran the meeting . The Planning Board will be there and have all of the proposed maps and information . Supv Schug - said that he would be happy to run the meeting . Town Board recessed for executive session . Town Board reconvened after executive session and the following resolution was made . RESOLUTION #203 APPEAL UNDER ARTICLE 78 DR7 LANDFILL SITE Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Town Attorney Perkins and Attorney Jan Kublic to appeal under Article 78 decision regarding the DR7 landfill site . 2nd Clw Walbridge Roll call vote - all voting Yes Adjourned : 10 : OOPM II Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk