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• May 12 , 1987
S upv Cot ter• i. l. t cal 1ed t he meet i. ng t +_+ . order at 7r, 50
)~Member' s and guests part ic :i pat ec:i to the P1 edge of Al leg lance
Rol 1 cal 1. was by t he Town Clerka Present e Su Cot teri. l l. , C: l. rn
E vans , C 1 m Webb , C 1 m Garlock , C .lm Schlec_ ht , At: ty Perk ins and Z . O .
S later .
ai_' F= rigvAL_..pF 0 INUTEE.. S1 Motion was made by C l m Schi 1. echt and seconded
by Clm Garlock t hat the minutes of the Apr i 1 14th Board meet ing and
special meet i. rig held May 5t h be approved as submit ted .
D on W :i 11emsen , 330 Snyder Hi 11 Rd -•- the resident t here have been
trying to get a water district for ,. years , and t hey have overcome
e very +.+ bs:. tacle in their way except for the County E-iea1t: h
Comm issionie? r . It is his E. nderst and ing that the Co Health Comm .
has had the plans and spec i. •i i. cat ions for 2 m onths and refuses to
appr= ove t he wat er distr' i (:t based on fire pr +:ftection . When the
✓ esi. dent Cs c-• t art E_' ci this in 19835 t hey asked t he engineerinil company .
if f ire prat: ect ion was necessary , they said no . It was also •
m iii. sc_ E.( ssec:i at Board meet ingss and 3 of t he houses t hat are at t he
h� iginest level of the d istrict Might be at rEr <:arrlinal. water' pressure .
/ It was decided i. f necessary - one way valves e_ ou1d be put: in at th hose
h ouses to prevent any I:aac:: k flow of wat er di..( r' ing a fire sit E_( ation .
The other point is t hat fi. r-• e hydrant would be i. r-E =: tal. led up t +_+ 600
feet along the district of 1900 feet long which would extend fire
protect ion a 1 o fUYther than at t he present t irne . Apparent 1. y Mr
Ander' ssson , the County Health COmmu has decided to h +_+ 1d everything
u p based on the fact that t; hey do not have adequate pressure for
fire? pratection . 1t is +every +:_ ne ' s opinion that fire prate ction is
secondary to water . F•+ eop1. e who 1. ]. ve on the sar_+ E.( th-I side of t he road
w ould benefit a lot more by having Water than f ire protect ion . He
w ondered i. f Co Rep Ti. 11apaugh•t and Co Rep Watr +_+ ss could help t hem t + +
get the Count y Health Dept attent ion and approve this so that they
can get ruiC+ virig . 1 f they don ' t they will be in 1988 and they wi 11.
n ot have construct uct i +: n for another year , which this seems
u nreasonable to him . . .
Co Rep Ti11aj:aaE_igh - this was discussed at their last board rneetirip
and he has spoken with Jc+ hri Ande •r' ss +o+ n about the problem and he was
n ot sure what the problem was . john told hi. m t hat has contacted
t he eng i. l'7 _..-er' s arnei? t I. recent 1 because he had 3 or 4 quest ions
that he had t• i i have more irif- c+ r' mat ion on . He was not sE_tr' e? ]. "E" he has
✓ eceived t hat informat ion yet or not . He cal le= d At t y Perk ins and
told him t hat he had talked with . John and t hat either he or John
w { + i..ctd get in touch with you s + + met irne soon , and that is where he had
aN\ left i -�_: . John had told hirn t hat there were quest ions t here t hat he
wanted answered and he Goes not know if he has received the answers
yet or not .
- - Atty Perkins -- his understanding is that he has received the
410 \\ answers almost ras soon as the questions were asked .
Co Rep T 7 l 1a p a _ t - needs a list of specific c Y ^ e r rc - - that he
can discuss this next week at the county health meeting . •
S upv C.: otter' i. 1. 1 -- there is a lot Less fire protection now than if
this district was built . There was some discussion and the concern
is the continual delay .
=1tt• y Perkins - he had checked with the engineers and was told that
they finally heard from the Health Dept and sent back all of the
information that at they had requested . The engineers had submitted
e verything and are still waiting for approval .
Co Reap W <iatri_is said that they will C.". hec. k on this matter tomorrow to
see what the hold up is .
S upv Cotter- ill warted to bring up again the dissatisfaction of the
S tate doing nothing to upgrade Route i since there was another
bad accident on Drycien Rd . •
CITIZEN r-' RivlLt-: car oF- .I El '- F- t._ OC) R --
Roger L. ampi. la -- the committee that the Town Board appointed to
✓ eview the zoning regulations f it mobile homes . He had asked
question of that committee specifically dealing with mapping and
• was told that the _town Board charged the committee with only
✓ eviewing regulations of wher' e and how a mobi 1e home will be .
e stablished . He felt that it is inappropriate for u :: to be asking
S or those kind of regulations when we have done nothing about
mapping . He would like to know if this Board intends on doing any
mapping as far as mobile homes and mobile homes parks will be
S upv r ' -.� t; teril. l. - this has not been discussed yet as to what
procedure ure will be done first .
Roger L. :: mpi. la - - if you are going to allow the zoning officer" to
. .sue permits for a mobile horile to be established there should be
' rr, es where they can be putt . The way the regulations are written
now mobile homes would be allowed In about 80 % of the town .
S upv C: otteri. l. 1. - you suggest that the zones be established first
before they are allowed to be moved to a lot .
Roger asked Catherine Brown her opinion since she was on the
committee .
Catherine Brown -- it was the opinion of the committee that they do
n ot want to cut mobile homes out of everywhere and Rt.: is the least
- - � r' es • ri. ct• i. veg they are not allowed in RD , MA and the committee
• ' proposed not to allow t hem in RI'_{ .t .
Roger wondered if that would be the approach to take or create new
-tones where mobile homes would be allowed on lots .
- i ; h �? r~ iri £? r- �:3z� ri tiief ri �-i1. 1• hirik � �tk: r� �a wl� �a c� � I 1e w =rriL. 4 ? ri Barbara Caldwell , fanning Board Chairperson - read her report
. regarding the expansion of RB - 1 Zone . We have been considering the
possible expansion of the RI) -'- 1 zone for or so._ome time . We have been
presented with petitions and discussion , follow - up information on
o ur questions , have had ample opportunity to review the request ,
have made adjustments as n .... .. d , and feel t hat it is timely that at we
act on this at l: hli. ::s time although we are still in the process of a
comprehensive review of our total : _ ni ng ordinance . Therefore ,
!'lc' VeE.it___2nd.zCarried that the 1 ' I. anniriC_I Board recommends to the Town
. Board that the F: I.,; - 1 zone be expanded as per the petition on file
w ith the zoning officer and with ti°re approximate boundaries as per
the ! zr 1 a y available b _ t more specifically a s
follows :
Starting Ii ca •lw the southwest corner at the Ithaca Town line at
the northern edge of the existing CA zone at Fall Creek , thence
n orth along the Town of Dryden n western line to the southern edge of
the MA zone , then counterclockwise around the MA zone to where it
meet ' s the town line again , then northerly along the '(; {:own line
again , as far as the northern boundary of the first lot on the
n orth side of Asbury cii_ary Rd . in the Town of Dryden ( 30 -'" 1. .-- 2 . ) , turning
e ast at the north edge of said lot , then
pattern ea : ; along north edge f every l :
with f" Y ' o rl t ca Ll F? on
n orthern side? of Asbury Rd , and following contiguously along north
e dge of every lot with frontage on the north '_side of West Dryden
✓ oad to the west side of Caswell Fed . including 1. o . 29 - 1 - 24 . 25 then
south along the center of Caswell l Road to the present R B '-- 1 zone ,
• I then following C: : _ r t e r _ 1 : " { w i £ around t h £ present R F " 1 zone C : the
I northern edge of the MA zone , then westerly along , ie ' southern
e dges of i '1A , RD and CA zones to the town line .
S i..lpV r_Jf:ot 'l er i 1. 1 °-' wanted to know if any other portions of the town
h ad been studied ?
B arbara-4r a C.: aal. dwel l -"' there may be other areas whi. C:' hi may be suitable
for RL: '-- 1 , bi_rt this I. not been addressed at this time .
j ohn We i. s s i. . ..S ' 136 Ellis Ho:i 1 l o:w C: r ft. Rd --• submitted a petition to
the Town Board regarding Mr Wilbur Gerii..rrig , c property . We as
✓ esidents of the °Ic' wri of Dryden acknowledge our obligation to o
maintain {:our property i n compliance with '(; h e regulations o:1 f the
Dr' yde n zoning board . We also recognize the zoning boards obligation
to enforce those regulations . However , we are increasingly
concerned by the Boards'
apparent failure to o dowo so in some cases .
The violations which are so painfully o ' bVi. o.oi_ts o;ir"I Wilbur and (, 1ai. rie
4.1 £:: r' i +_t Y'i Cl , property have persisted for many months now . Well beyond
w hat most would consider to be a reasonable time table , evert
allowing owi. ng for weather and health . The February ar' y boctrd meeting
indicated that progress was being made , fruit, the results of that
' progress has been minimal . We respectfully request prompt and
tangible evidence that the Town of Dryden is enforcing the zoning
✓ egulations in the matter of. Mr"' Wilbur C erii_rnip ' s continuing
• 1 violations .
V 4.21
Z . O . Slater progress t +.°:+ clean up the violations is slow . He Flc:t ':::,
Am to visit. Mr t:ier', ung about every other week to make sure he is
1 working . on it . h°le.. was in the hospital for v.; weeks in the month of
March and was there again for ca brief time in April .1 . I-ie does have
some building material which he has sorted' t_! ,_tt and as of the end of
last week he has been back at moving some +:_+ $_ the violations as far
as trash , rubbish and unused material . He felt the only way to get
anything . done is to work along t 1c- • lines of keeping confidence
between him and the town or we (,i1. l. l end up at the FJ +.+ i. rrt where it
w ould end up back in court and theY-, nothing will be done until that
trail has been exhausted such as the first st t 1. me he was sited with
✓ iolations . He has carried several messages 't" 'r +..+ IIi the Ellis Hollow
Rd residents to Mr C , -: r€ i.1rii_:i offering help , solutions and labor and he
has refused them all on the. basis that he does not want to have the
insurance liability of people on his property .
• ii.pv Cotte i l t - wanted to know what the possibility is of making
this property conform with zoning ?
Z . O . Slater -- we have a written agreement that a s he has agreed to
that by the time his building permit expires for his shed all
things will be in compliance t +_+ . his judgement which is the end of
'.IL" 1• +=:+ F:+ (::'. r . He does not see that it is not being p '.y £ • {=• 1. ble yet . In the
• agreement was ra condition on his health , and weather conditions .
Supt/ (•_ot te? r" i l l - it is something ng that most neighbors are not going
~ h to be happy with and he 'felt we do have an obligation , but the
(:; nee. t: ieir, i. s how (:o we g ._ it done . He felt that Henry maybe right.
' / if We d +.- go ' FJack, 1.1 +;i court things could get worse .
. .. . .) . __ also 1. 1. 've in the area and their concern is that the
agreement with Mr 't-+-' eni.trli; its open ended . He has not built anything
additional for months but has brought in cii_ti. te ca bit of material ,
plus one half of a bus , and things like the barbwire fence and sign
painted on hiis . fe nce , and old tires . He felt that this is somewhat
o f an indication of ( shat his intentions ..are . Henry mentioned there
w ere offers to give him help , which he turned down . Mary' be it was on
the basis +_+ '!- insurance ,nce•' , but there is concern with those of us who
have a number of young children in 't° Is-ie area . They do try to keep
:. heir children en :awwaay from there , but kids are kids . There is a lot
- +-1f lumber perched up against precariously installed walls . He fel. t.
that they do have a legitimate concern . It is more than just an
.... .. •... _. r-' e it is a potential hazard . They s2 +.+ ,.( ]. d .t. ike? to see a halt of
the trash that is being brought in at the present time and some
constructive. construction io being done , if that ). 5 the intent . Also
they are concerned about what he burns +_tr-, the weekends . There was
considerable discussion .
* _} i-( civ C: ot= ter' 1. -. 1. -"' the Board will have the Zoning Officer keep
pressure on Mr (_- er! (.( riC to get the violations taken care !=+ T . if this
is not successful at some point then there will have to be legal
action taken . He does understand the residents concern and
frustration . the Board members will keep in tr. .. .... to ..:.. .' ems what is
happening over the next 30 to 60 days .
Lloyd Mix -'- was concerned about building a house on ca seasonal+:! r'! al. uEse
road . He wanted to make sure e thiat a certain ri p !_ort ion of Yellow Barr ,
Rd was not going to be abandoned . There was some discussion and if
a t'} fii.. .. - its built on as secasonal. use road the town is obligated to
maintain the road to the location where the house is built .
Carl fabbattista -- he has spoken with t=atty Perkins regarding the
concern of the neighbors about a proposed airstrip by Mr Dayton on
h is property located at 1621 Per• i_lvi l le lid . He wanted to know the
correct procedure to follow .
Arty Perkins -.. until t here is a request st for this Board to approve
the siting of a privately owned airport or landing area we are
w ithout jurisdiction of duty . There are provisions in General.
Municipal Law and there are rules and regulations promulgated by
the Commissioner of Transportation regarding this section . Until
the Board is presented with an application there is nothing the
B oard can or will do .
Carl. Abbat• t; i s_ t a `•" in an ESC zone would t here be need for a variance ?
ance ?
P tty Perkins -- if it is not an allow use there would have to be a
✓ equest f or a variance .
Carl Abbattista --• we are a _smal. l group of people here representing
a much larger group who have voiced their opposition to this in
writing and wanted to know if he was in order at this time to bring
• ) these petitions to he Board .
S upv Cc:' tt. eri. 11. - cii. d not •think that the E? c:oarci should receive them
u ntil such time an :appl.. icat ion has been made . When application has
been made there is certain information needt'_ d and Arty Perkins will
riiake `:sure that all of the procedures dare followed .lowed . Haay .lril:l never
d ealt with such a request before he felt that there are certain
state and federal regulations .
Carl Abbatt ista -- he is mainly asking for the procedure because
this i s something that most of us do not go through everyday , but
they intend to follow i. t: through . He dial not know if the Board was
aware of it urn '
not but Mr" Dayton has already started construction
o n this project
S upv C. ..* teri l. l. - dial not think the Board members were aware until
tonight .
Z . O . Slater -- no request has been made as of yet by Mr Dayton .
Amy Truman , Dryden Youth Pride -- would like to recommend Shanr-iar!
'vTood i n as coordinator for the youth pride program .
-� .
• 1 Cl m Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its i adoption :
. RESOLVED ,D , that this Town Board appoint Shannon Wo odin as
k..... c-' 1._Idiriator for the Dryden Youth Pride program .
2rid Cl. m Webb Roll call vote - all voting Yes
!_: irii Schilecht °'- was concerned tht: t t• he Town should consider bond
. anticipation nots , if necessary , before interest rat e? s are
increased .
There was some discussion concerning the water agr' t:? fc? nient with thie
✓ illage of Dryden .
C. .im Garlock -'- reported on ins !_trance coverage for thie:? town . C ], Cii
G arlock r' e? c { Sri mended that the Town continue with the present agency •
at $ 89 , 937 . 37
C1iii Evans Offered the following resolution and asked for its
adoption :
RESOLVED , that this -I- oWr! Board accept the low bid of $ 891937 . 37
f rom George •• Bailey Insurance for r to W •il insurance L: o V e i' age.
2nd C .i. m Garlock Roll call vote -- all voting Yes
F T -I) . l •fl� `{
✓ t t y Perkins _ reported that there , c informational meeting
h eld May 5th regarding mobile homes . There are 3 routes you can
take . 1 "'" the proposal osal. W3. thi the noted changes at the informational
meeting can be I. ntroC . ce d upon the recommendation of the c '`'rlir!ii. tte ? R
II • the ; ! c
r C has cz copy . of the Fir o p o {a c"'l 1 in its most recent o r rl1 and
after %a discussion and working session the Board __ _quid elect to
✓ evise - the most recent form , and this could be introduced as a
proposal or 3 "'- would be to Ciri nothing and leave the ordinance in
its present form .
Atty Perkins ns °-' wanted to remind the Board members that they have a
proposal requesting changes in the zoning iirCiinisnce halving to do
w ith the issuance nce oi` building permits , certificates of occupancy ,
applications , reimbursable costs , fees , and violations .
At t• y Perkins requested ci short executive session .
There was cons:siderable discussion regarding zoning and mapping
changes :i the zoning ordinance for mobile le homeE= e
E.. 1rii Schle ht -- wanted to girl on record that the Town should hire ::a
private consultant and set as time table. to look at the complete
a: oniriri ordinance . Also set up cl separate Ad Hoc comCiiittee of the
P lanning Board , i ;_ottar! Board and the community . He asked Barbara
Caldwell if she would ask the Planning Board to access the
situation regarding mobile l. e h-ior!1es and report back to the Town Board
w hether or not it would be possible to come up With how this should
be accomplished with in = months . Would the Planning Board be able
to Gila this �� r should a consultant be hired to help so that this Can
• be accomplished in a timely fashion .
ill\ -
Barbara Caldwell -'- requested help to find a secretary r: ry for the
P lanning Board , since they have been without one for sometime .
. l_ipv C; +::Itte? r' :ll l -'- the Zoning Officer has also requested some part
time help since he is buried with paper wor.. L<. q he does not have time
to do enforcement , which is listed in his monthly report . There was
some discussion .
- Z . O . Slater -_ felt that maybe a half time per-' son would be helpful .
Csim Evans would like_ to ::see a written proposal for this request of
what is going to be done and who they are going to do it for
Z . O . Slater '-- would I ike to have the time to do a better job for
site plan review preparation , and would like more training and
education relative to SEOR , DEC involvement
t.. lm Evans wanted to know if a Manpower person would solve the
planning board and problem , and Barbara felt that it would.
ZU1P'JI: N U ." IC: E : H
Z . O . Slater -° gave report to Board member' s . 20 permits= were iss= ued
for the month of April . 5 one - family ly dwel. l ingss ; s garages ;;
swimming pools ; f'., additions ; and 3 replacement mobile l. e homes . There
----Thwere i__ site plan review hearings .
40 C.? .. dtdEMSt" UNDE ' NCEr:
report •
Dog report
Financial report -'- given to Board members .
J ustice report "° $ 7097 . 00 for the [Month of April
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its
RESOLVED ,,. L_. VC: D , that the ge_ neral fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Cl l m Webb Roll call vote -- all voting Yes
Calm Garlock_ k of ered the following resolution and asked for its
adoption ;
RESOLVED , that they highway fund bills be paid as audited .
..- rid Cl. iii _3chle rht Roll call vote? - all voting Yes
a607-844-9120 In the Heart of the Finger Lakes Region
Date : May 12th , 1987
To : The Dryden Town Board L
From : Henry M . Slater , Zoning & Building Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Dryden
65 E . Main Street .
Dryden , New York 13068
Sub : April 87 Report
Building Permits Issued For April 87 . There were twenty ( 20 ) permit issued .
Single Family Dwellings , ( 5 ) .
Private Garages , . ( 3 )
Swimming Pools , ( 3 )
Home Additions , ( 6 )
Replacement Mobile Homes ( 3 )
Zoning Variance Hearings , See attached review of hearings .
Site Plan Reviews :
There were two ( 2 ) Site Plan Reviews in April .
Mark Stevens requested to erect a Mini Deli and Gasoline Station at 1321
Dryden Road in the M . A . Zone . Hearing tabled pending more detailed infor -
mation . Details were reugired on how drainage and buffering were to be done .
Mel Bartlett requested to erect a Budget Rent A Car Garage , Office and fleet
car wash at the corner of Hanshaw Road and Route 13 in the M . A . Zone . This
Hearing was also tabled with more detail required on the overall site as
to the car wash and drainage . were to be completed .
Job Review :
Back in January when I took on this assignment , Supervisor Cotterill suggested
that I keep track of how much time that I actually spent at this job and
where the time spent was being applied . Since this is a new position , Clint
felt that it would be important to the Town to know if there were any problems
or issues that would limit the effectiveness of my position . So since the
last week in January I have kept a log of my time . This includes daily hours ,
night meetings and time spent at state schools for building code enforcement .
See attachment number two ( 2 ) for a summary of the weekly hours spent at
this position .
To date this year I have issued 56 Building Permits . Last year at this date
36 permits had been issued . I also am providing inspection service for 119
permits outstanding from last year . There are also 19 still outstanding
from 1985 .
To this date the biggest problem that I have is being inexperienced at the
® job . There is a tremendous amount of detail to learn and responsibality that
goes along with it . In the begining I was spending as much as 3 hours doing
single family house reviews . I now can do one in about an hour and a half .
The biggest bottle neck that I have is clerical work . i ! m spending 4 - 6 hours
everyday and time on week - ends to get this work done . As you know , there are
deadlines that must be meet with hearings and their follow ups .
By the time this work is completed and ongoing building inspections are
done the day is over . '
Things that need to be done and are not being done are as follows .
Zoning is being handled on a complaint only basis .
I need to get a program up for , Inspection on places of assembly . These
must be done on no less than a yearty time frame . I must also put together
a multiple residence inspection program . This program allows the town and
its ' inspector to administer this program on a more liberal time frame .
The one thing that I am sure of is that we are bigger than the staff is at
this time . I do think that the best answer to the problem is to hire some
clerical help . There may also be some need elsewhere in the building for
clerical help as well as in my area . If that is the case , it may be the
Town of Dryden could hire someone full time to cover more than one area .
Please feel free to comment on what I ' ve presented here . If you have any
questions or issues with this please call me here at , : 844 - 9120 or at my
• home at , 844 - 9715 evenings or week - ends . • .
Please find as follows a list of the time spent at this position in terms
of hours spent per -week since January 24th , 1987 .
. . I
Jan . 31 - 78 . . . 47 . 5 .
Feb . 7 - 87 42 . 5
14 - 87 44 . 5 ,
" 21 - 87 43 . 5
28 - 87 54 . 0
Mar . 7 - 87 49 . 5 -
" 14 - 87 58 . 0 .
" 21 - 87 46 . 5
" 28 - 87 50 . 0
Apr . 4 - 87 46 . 0
" 11 - 87 51 . 5 •
" 18 - 87 . 53'. 5
" 25 - 87 47 . 5
May 2 - 87 48 . 0
8 - 87 63 . 5
I •
lo. - . 1
• P. O. BOX 516 65 EAST MAIN STREET, DRYDEN, NEW YORK 13053 • • . •
or ) •
607-844-9120 In the Heart of the Finger Lakes Region
i, .•
NINO OFFICE , . t . ;;y � J){t`•"Ftit, , /
Y; . ..:;••, , 5 Y1• t.
. . ,Y t'+ ( 1 •
March : 30 1987 v } ';• , ;
L { .< R
To : The Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals . t
. : ,
From : Henry M . Slater . -
Zoning S Building Code Enforcement Of'fi 'cer
Town of Dryden
5 T
' 6 E . Main Street � , '`rl: ` .
• • Dryden , New York 13053 ' / ; .`
s a as
Sub . : Agenda for April 7 , . 1987 •
1 I . ' t . J; . .. . r .. ' • try
Please find inclosed copies of all submited. information which you . may
find helpful in determining a decision in each matter . Also please note
the starting time and applicant subject . •
. ,
�,: . .
a 7 : 30 Mr . Richard Dunn , Requesting a variance to 125 ' of road frontageJor
• building lot . `�_{' } ..
" .4 , f
`` ' '- APPROVED 3 - 2 .
7 : 45 Mr .- John Dedrick , Requesting n ' variance to locating a building ., no .. closer
than 70 ' from the center of the road . ' .
8 : 00 The First National Bank of Dryden is requesting a variance to a , free- standing
sign that excedes the 15 ' height requirement . '
• , . APPROVED 5 - 0
8 : 15 Ted Marchell , is requesting a variance to the requirement not to locate a
building any - closer than 15 ' to a side lot line and no closer than 25 ' to
ti ) . . •.. .„ I '
a rear lot Line . ° :F '. . . •'• i APPROVED 3 - 2
8 : 30 Roger F . Standsted is requesting a variance to construct . a . private . garage
closer than 70 ' from the center of the road . APPROVED 5 - 0
• 8 : 45 L . Werninck & Sons Supply Co . are requesting a variance to construct an
') addition to a existing structure in the R . B . Zone . Building ,. bullt on variance .•
, ' "APPROVED 5 - 0 .
9 : 00 Michael MeCutcheon is requesting a variance to ' construct a home on a lot .
than hasn ' t the required road frontage or square feet of area . Normally
this wouldn ' t be a problem except that , this lot has been abandoned for
about . two ( 2 ) years and requires a variance to continue use . `,. : `: "j .,/4: . :
c . 4 '-.
NOT APPEAR �' �+ cir ' , ` { :
', t : ,% i
�, t
1 1 I ♦ . . ,. ' n ,tr t i Yit Y
l lr Evans offered the following resolution ari asked for LtV
adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Towr, Board authorize the Supv to sign the
agreement betweer•, the Village of Cayuga . Heights and the Town of
Dr: ydear• , regarding the charge in the billing system
and Clr,i achlocht Roll call vote - all voting Yes
Adjourned : 10 : 00 PM
...„„ae_Aazi„.c. or
Susanne i'- rle L.. l oyci
Town, Clerk
. \\
May 26 , 1987 12 : 00 noon
Minutes of the special meeting held May 26th
Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans and Clm Schlecht
411_ Absent : Clm Webb , Clm Garlock and Atty Perkins
RESOLUTION NO . 95 - 1987
Councilman Schlecht offered the following resolution
and asked for its adoption :
WHEREAS , Dryden Lake is a potential recreational source
which has been largely untapped and undeveloped for public '
u se , and
WHEREAS , pursuant to the New York State Environmental
B ond Act of 1986 funds are available for the development of
areas such as Dryden Lake as public parks and recreation
areas , and
WHEREAS , it would be in the best interests of all the
✓ esidents of the Town of Dryden to have a public park at
D ryden Lake developed according to detailed professionally
prepared plans , and
WHEREAS , applications need to be made for a grant for
funds available under the Environmental Bond Act which funds
_ must be matched by the Town of Dryden on a cost. sharing
basis as hereinafter set forth .
NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Board of the
Town of Dryden , New York as follows :
1 . Thoma Development Consultants of Cortland , New
York are hereby authorized to prepare and submit an
application on behalf of the Town of Dryden for a grant
u nder the Environmental Bond Act in the approximate amount
o f $ 90 , 000 . 00 for the purposes set forth in the preambles to
t his Resolution .
2 . The Town of Dryden , upon the receipt of such a
g rant , is committed to a cost sharing off the development
costs in an amount not to exceed $ 45 , 000 . 00 , such cost
sharing to be in cash , contribution or force . labor .
3 . The Town Supervisor is authorized to sign the
grant application on behalf of the Town , and he is directed
and authorized to submit such other documentation or
evidence in support of the grant application as shall be
advised . . . r
Seconded by Councilman Evans
All voting aye .
Adjourned : 12 : 15PM
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk