HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-14 TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 14 , 1986 • • Minutes of the Board meeting held Oct 14th Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 30PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb , Clip Garlock , Clip Schlecht and Atty Perkins Absent: - Z . 0 : Stewart • Approval of the minutesr Motion was ' made by Clth Evans and seconded by Clm Schlech:t that the minutes of the Sept. 9th Board meeting and special meeting ri held Sept 30th be approved as submitted . f { 'A' CITIZEN PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR Henry Slater from the Town Planning Board was present - he does not seem to be getting any feeling or direction . in general . as to .how the Town . Board wants the Planning Board to .handle zoning changes . He . personally felt . that they should be look nr at trailers on single lots , trailer parks / the zoning layout itself and unit planning . He has • taken ' it upon himself to come and ask what the Town Board wanted in ' terms' of zoning changes . - Clm Evans - the Town Board felt that changes should be made where there is a need and one change ts trailers . The Town Board did include . in the budget a fund so that a consultant could be hired - to; look at the ' zoning : There is a 1i1i't •as. to . what this : Board can do.. Henry Slater - under the .guidance of the County Planning they want to revamp the whole zoning ordinance andhe . felt that was not necessary , . He felt that the Town Board or someone should say what is tmportant . and what needs to be done . ` • Supv • Cotterll - . the. Town Board in the.. past . is . looking for recommendations from the Plannng .Board as . to what is important and . needs to be changed and the Town Board will hold public hearings:: . There was considerable discussion , ° Rober't • Osb'orn : 59 ' Brooktondal'e Rd , . , _ presented a petition to the Town Board requesting a lower speed limit on Brooktondale Rd from 55mph to 45mph . I`? 1 , r, i . It « , RESOLUTION # 156 - REQUEST- FOR- LOWER- SPEED - LIMIT . BROOKTONDAtE ROAD . - Clm Evans offered the °following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED * that this Town Board accept the petition from the residents on ' Brooktohdale Rd and request the Dept of Transportation to investigate and recommend • that the speed limit on Brooktondale Rd be reduced from 55mph to . • 45mph . . . . 2nd Clm Webb ° Roll call vote - all voting YES Glenn Howser , Ellis Hollow Creek Rd - wanted to know how long it took to have the Zoning Officer act on a zoning violation . It started about 4 or 5 months ago 'and involved dumping trash , Which is close to ' his property and is in view where he has to look at which is an eyesore . There was considerable discussion and he . felt that the Town Board should . take. some , action on it . He has reported the . vi'olation to . the Zoning Officer over._ 4 months ago and he cannot live this way _ any longer . Mr• .. Howser gave the Board members some pictures that he had taken of the trash that has been dumped there . Supt/ Cotterill - he would check with Z . O . . Stewart when he came back to work on Oct 20th . . - Clifford . .Norte - had a questi'on • with . regard to- the Building and - Fire • Code as - to .how-- it is: interpreted- and • who . is responsible - for- the interpretation of it ? • ° SUpv Cotteti•il the ' Town Board has appointed Gary Wood . as the State Building Code Enforcement Officer and he is the one who would °interpret and enforce the building code the . way . it . is. •written -. • - - . • . . - _ . • . • _ • 1 Clifford Norte - questioned the Board as to giving him full power for his interpretation . There was considerable discussion . AP 0 . Clm Schlecht L. there IS- an appeals board in Syracuse if there is .any question or problem . • • • • • ‘ lY • . . r . _ _ RESOLUTION NO . 157 - 1986 . Councilman Evans offered _ the following resolution and asked for its adoption': Section 2 of the Town of Dryden Mobile He Park ' Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows : • Ill " Section 2 , Purpose . . ( 1 ) It i s the purpose of this Or di Hance to p ran ote the health , safety , comfort , convenience and the general welfare of the cam munity and to protect and preserve the property of the Town • of • • Dryden and its inhabitants • by regulating mobile '" hcrines and mobile have parks i n the Town of Dryden , • New York . • ( 2 ) Mobile Panes shall only be allowed in mobile a '4 : hame "arks which are established d pursuant to this 0rdina nee . M_ obiie he parks _ may only be es .fa hi. 'i shed in those areas of the Town of Dryden ` t It r Whig :h : ,.: are, served by municipal 1 water . and sewer t , . • at services 4. it "* ;. <:tt Th. s amendmen �t sha l ! take ; .effect after publication and • ea ,'Aawor evade d.. .- law y,. . - .4 �,.1 ;;t'. : ., 4 yN ipgit1 s taxxd'e`dk i Connc i1 ri Garlock. Roll call vote - all voting YES — l ,.� ,}tt ! tug �• 1. d Yt' }= a •' J • ' .•.j. ?A. .....n.., -.r 4 _. w, aY•.r..wa..sn+ AT • '.w+n..,._Is 4 d•.�YY. r. ._ . _..y_.- .___ .0 fa~ymYy _ yai♦—•arm _. ..■ 0 • SOLUTION'- . :, 159 19 86 € p4 .• t "...� — • 3 { 3 _ ctnncil: n ;. Evans : of f ere d• the folk ing resolution▪ 44 ,4 I "T a da • ed' , rota i`� � ts opt1o.tb : , . F A F:": r 'tom The ' "Town '. c f.. � Dryden .. . :Zoni rig ' Ordinance e •i s amended as Pt t , r r t 44 K' .4 '•a t a ▪ t` 1. .; ' $ ore . ion 751 ( 9 ) i s hereby repealed . { { t 11 2 -` ,Section •8 .01 ( 13 ) . is hereby repealed . 1 Lt f ! A vFt .. 31 . ' il teic ;tton 602 ( 9 ) i s hereby repealed . : . . • ' ` ' 4 ; Seat .ton 1101 ( 6 ) i s hereby repealed . . . rs 5 , Sec i.on 1203 of said ordinance i s hereby amended • to , read as follows : ".Seckion, 1203 . Uses Allowed by Special Permit . > � t Any 'use not specifically enuaerated herein ( except _• . those • in ' . Sect ion 1204 ) shall be allowed ,only upon t Of- `, ta..,k :, 'stht4 al Permit issued by the Town Board pursuant ter Art ittl•e XIII of the Ordinance . • , :� - Y This amendrnent shall take effect oaf ter publ. i •cat ion and aa prov' 1ded . by laws „,` co � p ,. Counci lm an Garlock Roll cal ! vote - all voting YES T O , tbt fiI�• i ' .r. yii),4 Nl . ; , } ,' ,n ,r} e. ,6tN t N ,r .. '• y Vy. 1f ...y. �1, s°. f - , 14,109,1* 05 .. • ' , r ien :.?'t tln0a t4-K"`' lyMIF.Aw aVIPPA,...nd d4*-0 .001 911441 rSMALa '&Ane+» b•�n -a, x -1�.FF ;��.r is d J ! r r . ,4 v s �ww*a n:�r-m.arX.To- y ��$$(('' ' �r:+,� grnp rwZ Fj � + V n• ' 'xu p3.a , t'x ' 'tp, f r u. ». F k fi•+t v -Gi �.• •Ff, •tj v .'�cr:� k� r1 5v-,t�b 4 r 0 l Y y"�t 11' i Trid •.,5. tiY-ps ' r i F 11 Z144W4.r _ Nk ,1•• }�u K vim . t i9 tF �5 " a t• ' , Ji .� ,1. t .: t f•n �yS•ip ,y.: M1C1 4r440•4.T \4 '145: 4' J (• (-� areal >� f oat'.T kQ P Y r• f ;;- 4 <oo i , NHS m ,,t .4 • 1 • e7;3• t< d!). 7}i2,4NA+ 39 'ft 404tlUa ki 4 t : 'IS `r , 1�,p .. .t X{8a ' Sa l ATTORNEY Atty Perkins - reported on the proposed Snyder Hill Water Dist . He has mailed the last group of petitions with all of the final signatures ' and a recounting of it to the Deputy Attorney of the Office of the State Comptroller . They have reviewed all of the paperwork and do not foresee any problems . He expects to hear in about 1 or 2 weeks for the final decision . ZONING REPORT 21 building permits for the month of Sept . 6 one family dwellings ; 5 additions ; 1 mobile home ; 2 wood stoves ; 2 storage buildings ; 1 new roof on a house and 1 new roof on a mobile home . ZBOA held 4 hearings : 1 - to replace a doublewide mobile home on Ferguson Rd in a RB Zone , this was granted ; 2- Dawn Potter on Dryden Rd to sell domestic birds , this was granted ; 3- Toothless Bears request for 25 parking spaces Instead of the 43 required in the zoning ordinance , this was granted ; 4 — Norman Edsall to build a garage on an existing slab that was closer than the required 50 feet setback , this was granted . Sufi Cotteri'll there will be a meeting Nov 3rd at the . Freeville Fire Station at 7 : 30P$ regarding groundwater monitoring around the Caswell Rd landfill . N RESOLUTION #159 APPROVE SPECIAL PERMIT Darrell Rademacher Clm Evans- offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the application for a special permit for Darxell Rademacher to install three additional rent -a-space buildings at the corner of Route 13 and Yellow- Barn Road with the following conditions : 1 - that the electronic gate be installed on the gate within the next six months from date special permit is approved 10 -14 - 86 2 - all exterior lighting to shine into the prpoerty (lights may be placed on building or fence) . 3 -, crushed stone - to be placed all around the buildings 4- no outside storage of any property except the personal , non- commercial property of the owner which iS too large to be stored inside limited to a total of four items- (i . e . a boat , motorhome to large for inside storage ) This is to be construed as not extending the four items from the previous permit , but a total of four items on the entire project , 5- no unattended motor vehicles shall be allowed (except as permitted in (41 . above 6- that the applicant be permitted to have three signs total for the whole project not to exceed a total of 80 square feet , One sign on each end of any one building and a third sign to be installed away from the corner of Yellow- Barn Rood' on the northeast corner of the property in the new segment of the application , 7-. that the applicant install a fence that will be at least six feet from the south_ property line and that the fence will have planted outside of the fence a dense evergreen border , which at maturity will be at least as tall as- the fence , 8 - this permit is for a ,retail storage facility intended for community and not commercial use , 9_ this permit is non- transferable and is limited to the above named individual only 10. this' permit is issued upon the condition that the premises' be built and placed on the lot as set forth in the application to the Town Board 11 that this' permit expires one year from date special permit is approved 10-14 -86 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES' CORRESPONDENCE Dog report Ambulance report Letter of resignation from Robert Bland - Environmental Management Council Letter of resignation from Roger Lampila - Town Planning Board Letter from Office of Aging re : tax exemption Justice report - $5 , 878 . 00 . Financial report - given to Board members • RESOLUTION # 160 ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR ONE NEW MATERIAL SPREADER Cim Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Highway Supt to advertise bids for bids on a new material spreader . 2nd Cim Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 161 ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Preliminary budget be adopted by this Town Board and placed in the Clerk ' s Office for viewing by the public . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #162 APPROVE PROJECT APPLICATION AND BUDGET DRYDEN RECREATION PROGRAM ' FOR 1987 Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the project application and budget of the Dryden Recreation program for 1987 . 2nc Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #163 APPROVE CONTRACT WITH THREE FIRE COUNCIL OF CAMPFIRE Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve the contract with the Three Fires Council of Campfire in an amount not to exceed $ 3 , 610 . 00 (half of which will be reimbursed by the State ) and that the Supv and Bookkeeper be authorized to process the application with the NYS Division for Youth. . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 164 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS . Cim Evans- offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , t4ht the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #165 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited . l ` 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #166 AUDIT SPECIAL DISTRICT BILLS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption RESOLVED , that the speical district bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES NEW .BUSINESS ' October 28th - Budget hearings 7 : 00PM • • November 5th - zoning hearings on mobile homes 7 : 00PM & 7 : 15PM November 19th - public hearings on water & sewer dist in Varna area 7 : 00PM & 7 : 15PM Town Board meeting to follow Special board meetings to follow all public hearings Adjourned : 9 : 00PM ' / � e' Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk • • 1 (93 • 6y SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 28 , 1986 • • Minutes of the special board meeting held Oct 28th Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 00PM Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance Roll call was by the Town Clerk Present : Supv - ' Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb Clm Garlock and Clm Schlecht _ PUBLIC HEARING • FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING October 28 , 1986 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper for the '. purpose of allocating the balance of $9 , 700 . 00 for repairs and improvements and $ 100 . 00 for Administration from Federal Revenue Sharing monies for a total of $9 , 800 . 00 Category Proposed Use of FRS : . Expenditure Entire Budget General Government $ 100 . 00 $ 274 , 412 . 50 Public Safety - 0 - 98 , 450 . 00 Health - 0. - 42 , 800 . 00 Transportation 9 , 700 . 00 1 , 070 , 875 . 00 Exonomic Development • - 0 - 6 , 000 . 00 Culture/Recreation - 0 - 19 , 260 . 00 Home/Community Services - 0 - 15 , 000 . 00 • Employee Benefits - 0 - 127 , 650 . 00 Debt Service - 0 - - 0 - Other - 0 - 0 - TOTAL $ 9 , 800 . 00 1 , 654 , 447 . 50 • PUBLIC HEARING October 28 , 1986 SEWER LIST -#1 # 2 & # 3 • WATER DIST # 1 - Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning the assessment rolls for water and sewer districts in the Town of Dryden : . Rates as follows : Cortland Road Sewer Dist . - Total of $ 28 , 000 . 00 to be $ 43 . 79 per unit = 40% 3 . 91 per thousand assessed value = 50% - . 317 cents pipe footage = 10% Sapsuckerwoods Sewer Dist # 1 - Total of $ 3 , 600 . 00 to be for 48 units = $ 75 . 00 per unit Varna Water District # 1 - Total of $ 21 , 800 . 00 to be for 332 . 75 units = $ 39 . 31 per unit 60 % $ 1 . 01 per thousand assessed value = 30% . 06 front footage = 10% Varna Sewer District # 2 - Total of $ 45 , 000 . 00 to be for 345 units = $ 130 . 00 per unit • (0 • PUBLIC HEARING October 28 , 1986 Preliminary Budget tupi Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider • the preliminary budget with the proposed salaries for the following town officers : • Supervisor $ 5 , 500 . 00 - Councilman ( 4 ) $ 1 , 750 . .00 each - Town Clerk - • $ 8 , 460 . 00 Highway Superintendent $ 22 , 500 . 00 Justice Lloyd $ 5 , 500 . 00 • Justice Sweetland` $ 6 , 825 . 00 1/1 . PUBLIC HEARING October 28 , 1986 ,. Ambulance Contracts Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider contracting with Neptune Hose Co . # 1 Inc for ambulance service in the Town of Dryden fora an -annual sum ,. of $ 40 , 000°. 00 and contracting with Slaterville Fire Dept for an annual sum of ;' $ 2 , 800 . 00 PUBLIC HEARING October ' 28 , 1986 ° Fire Contracts . . Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the fire contracts-. as follows : • 1= Varna Fire Department - $ 46 , 000 . 00 2 - Neptune Hose Co . # 1 Inc - $ 64 , 000 . 00 . 3 - W B Strong Fire Co . of Freeville - $ 44 , 000 . 00 4 - Etna Volunteer Fire Co . Inc - $ 41 , 000 . 00 5 - Brooktondale Fire Dist . - - $ 6 , 000 . 00 for a total of $ 201 , 000 . 00 QUESTIONS AND / OR COMMENTS . . Clifford Wallace - representing the Etna Fire Co . - it is harder ' to get along each year and to get new members . As far as the increase is concerned he felt that the Town' Board did the best they could with what money was available . Every year gets harder because there is more time required for training and that means less time for fund raisers . ° David Armstrong - representing the Dryden Fire Co . - the cost of fire equipment is going out of site with what they are mandated to have and what they feel they need to have in order to supply the kind of service that they are supplying to this Town and County . They are finding it harder to get along and are receiving quite a bit less than what they had asked for , which seems to happen every year . He felt that this is the, one, tax ( fire ) , that. no one would complain about . He would much rather pay a better rater for fire, tax and know that he would have responsible people to do the job that needs to be done . It costs quite a bit of money to train the personnel , and all of their time is Volunteer . He felt they should be treated a little bit more fairly . They have , had to make repairs on some of their equipment that they had not planned on and this does drain the budget , so they need more help financially . Richard Blackman - representing Freeville Fire Co . - since the time their department submitted their proposed budget they have now been informed by OSHA that they need new personnel gear and safety equipment . This means they are now required to spend another $ 7 , 000 . 00 that they had not planned on to supply new equipment for 20 men that is OSHA approved . Harry Eversdyke - representing the Dryden Senior Citizens requesting financial help with their tours , They are requesting $ 400 . 00 and felt, this could come out o f the bingo fund receipts . The VFW donates $ 9 , 000 . 00 a year from their receipts t o the Town and Villages and public organizations and the Dryden Fire Co spends all o f their receipts on themselves . The Senior Citizens are not broke because they have as of last January $ 41 , 000 . 00 in an account . Supv Cotterill - the bingo revenue last year was $ 2 , 000 . 00 and this amount goes into the general fund . There is an item in the budget for the aging and elderly . The Town is currently giving money to the Gadabout Bus to assist in transportation . State law does allow the Town to use money for certain programs for the aging . There was some discussion about the Senior Citizens request and the Town B oard felt there should be a specific program that they would like to accomplish . Clm Schlecht suggested that a committee of Supv Cotterill and Clm Webb , along with representatives from the Village of Dryden and Freeville to meet with the fire chief s before their budgets are proposed to see what can be worked out for long range planning . RESOLUTION # 167 INCREASE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board increase the fire contracts as follows : 1- Varna Fire Dept to $ 50 , 000 . 00 ; 2 - Neptune Hose Co # 1 Inc to $ 66 , 000 . 00 ; 3- W B Strong Fire Co of Freeville to $ 47 , 000 . 004 4- Etna Volunteer Fire Co t o $ 43 , 000 . 00 and Brooktondale at $ 6 , 000 . 00 for a total of $ 212. , 000 . 00 , and t o raise the budget by that amount . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 168 ADOPT ANNUAL BUDGET Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : WHEREAS , that this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of the public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon , now therefore be it RESOLVED , that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as amended to include the increase for fire contracts as the annual budget for this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January 1987 , and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the preceedings of the Town Board and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Town Clerk of this Town Hall shall prepare and certify in duplicate copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board together with the estimate if any , adopted pursuant to Section . 2024 of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Representatives of this county . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES Clm Evans submitted a petition from the residents on Sodom Road requesting their road name be changed to Wild Rose Lane . Ross Gerbasi - 561 Bone Plain Rd — gave the Board members a copy of a letter regarding water passage under Bone Plain Road . , In June of this year he wrote a letter to Don Gilbert regarding a water problem they have on Bone Plain Rd . Every since he has owned the land he has raised questions to the Town about ' getting the ditch. properly dug down and sloped to get the water off . Each time they dig the ditch. it ends up below the slice pipe that runs under the road . He has asked to have the sluice pipe put down because the frost heaves the pipe so that it can ' t drain the water properly . He has been told that they can ' t drain the sluice pipe on the north side of the road because there is not enough slope . His concern is that the water has followed a natural drainage way over the years from the south side of the road to the north side . At this point he feels that the Town has a legal responsibility to correct the drainage problem because the road is the primary cause of the water problem and the water pooling on the south side of the road . 6 d & i . _ • - - 0 Until recently , the water drained at least to the level of the sluice pipe . This spring the Brotherton ' s started to fill in the ditch on their side of the road which caused additional pooling on the north side as well as the south side of the road . He feels that this is an illegal act causing problems with the roadbed eventually , and will cause additional problems on his side of the road as well . He would like to hear from the Town Board as to whether they have any legal obligation to take care of this problem or how far into it they intend to look , and what his responsibilities are going to be . Supv Cotterill - that would be the responsibility of the highway superintendent and asked Don Gilert if he had any suggestions . Don Gilbert - he was aware of the situation . This has been a problem for a number of years . They have opened up the ditch below the Brotherton property . The problem is that between the crossover pipe and the driveway pipe is all rock and you can only go down so far because of the electric lines that also crossover there . As far as dropping the crossover pipe down that is in the road now , will not solve the problem . , Since he has been Supt he has never seen it flooded . Laura Ellis - there is a problem with flooding and this did not exist when her parents first moved there in 1948 . There was no sluiceway pipe there in 1948 , so between that time and now one has been put in . The problem is , it just does not go down through the ditch , but through the fields so they cannot get into their woods , and it washes their roadway out . Over the years it has built up in the back, and part of this is in the designated wetlands . What is happening is that they are draining Mr Gerbasi ' s wetland to create more wetland for themselves . The majority of the water does run during the fall and the spring . There is just enough water so they cannot clean up their property and the water does get very deep at times , and she is worried about her small children . XSeh feels they should not -\ have to put up with the wet water during the summer , which creates mosquitoes and bugs . It is wet all summer so that they cannot even mow the lawn . The Town has provided some sluice pipe that they are going to attempt to put in , until she was asked to wait and see what was being brought up at the Town Board meeting . This is depreciating their property the way it is now , because they do have workable farm land that they cannot even get to because of the excess water . Supv Cotterill - did not want to make any opinion since he was not a legal authority . The law does require the Town to maintain the road right of way , beyond that they do not require the Town . If the Town can be helpful to remove water out of the road they do benefit , so it appears to him anything that they can do to get the water away from the road , they should do so . Ross Gerbasi - he knew where the water could go if you wanted to do the job correctly . In the first place he did not think the Town had the right to build a road and back water up on his land . Supv Cotterill . - the road has been there a long time . Ross Gerbasi - wanted to know where the water drained before 1948 . Laura Ellis - it didn ' t drain because her father told her it was 6 feet deep . Ross Gerbasi - if the water didn ' t go someplace in 1948 , then how did you obtain the right to put the sluice under the road and run the water where it is running now and has been running there since 1948 . When he bought his land it was dry , and then one year it was wet . There is now a ditch built so that he can ' t even get into the front 100 feet of his land . The solution would be to dig a ditch deep enough so that the water can be drained so that a pipe could be put in and covered . A ditch might have to be dug down His side of the road and sluice in front of the Newhart property . He didn ' t care except that he wanted to know what the Town ' s obligation is and what they intended to do about it . Hwy Supt Gilbert - will contact Atty Perkins to see what the legal obligations are . RESOLUTION 4169 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT - Parkwood Village Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the recommendation from the Planning Board to grant the special permit to Parkwood Village Assoc . to expand their mobile home park for an additional unit at 1871 Hanshaw Rd . 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES • RESOLUTION FOR TOWN HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT PURCHASES # 170 JLUTION BY : C; S' org . Sc. . I- ecbt. Karl Garlock . : . ' NDED BY -IEREAS , THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS DID , ON THE . . 28th DAY : OF Oct t ob Q r . . DULY RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ON 142 OF THE HIGHWAY LAW , w , THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE . TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS IS AUTHORIZED JRCHASE , IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 5 - A OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL LAW , ) FOLLOWING One . ( 1 ) . new . and . unused . Swenson . maGerinl . shroador . • a MAXIMUM PRICE OF lour . thousancl , three . h4ndr, cc. OiCty . t; QQC 7t] c{ , raq./ DOLLARS . 4 , 334 . 00 ) DELIVERED AT . . . 1 1 : , Main . t1; eet , . P yder % . Ni , 1 ; 051 . . . . . . . . N : Y . December. 15 , , 19 86 • . AE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS IS AUTHORFZED • TO SURRENDER TO THE VENDOR OLLOWING EQUIPMENT AT AN AGREED TRADE - IN VALUE OF S - • • .:ONTRACT FOR THE ITEM ( S ) PURCHASED SHALL BE DULY EXECUTED IN DUPLICATE BETWEEN TOWN .SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS AND SUCH VENDOR , WHEN THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN UTED AND APPROVED , AND UPON DELIVERY OF THE ITEMS ) PURCHASED , THE SUPERVISOR PAY THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS AS SPECIFIED . . . . • S 4 ,, 1 _14 ., QQ FROM BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROM THE PROCEEDS OF OBLIGATIONS ISSUED PURSUANT TO LOCAL FINANCE LAW . - AUTHORIZED BY SEPARATE RESOLUTION . $ INSTALLMENT PURCHASE - SPECIFY TERMS 4 , 334 . 00 OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( y ) Clinton F. Cotter.ili $ SUPERVISOR OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( NAY4 Chat:l P. S' . _T wa n ,S TOWN COUNCILMAN OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( MAX ) Merton Webb ''OWN COUNC i _MAN OF TOWN BOARD ( AYE ) ( Mr ) Kar2 . Ga 2Qck TOWN COUNCILMAN OF TOWN BOARD - ( AYE ) ( NAY ) George . SChlecho' .. TOWN COUNCILMAN OR WRITE IN NAMES OF TOWN BOARD AND INDICATE HOW THEY VOTED . • 7v • '✓ RESOLUTION 4h17I1 ACCEPT RESIGNATION PLANNING BOARD Roger Lampila it! , • Clm ' Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the resignation of Roger Lampila from the Planning Board . . 2nc < Clm Evans Carried RESOLUTION #L1 n1APPOINT PLANNING BOARD MEMBER Gene Rotunda Clm ' Sdhlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : 4 RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Gene Rotunda to the Planning Board to fill theHunexpired term of Roger' Lampila . Term to expire December 31 , 1989 r,2ndz Clm Evans Carried • • RESOLUTION /L173ACCEPT MAP , PLAN AND REPORT • F*OM HUNT ENGINEERS MONKEY RUN WATER & SEWER, I . Clm • Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the map , plan and. report as prepared by Hunt Engineers regarding the establishment of Monkey Run Sewer , and Water Districts . 2nd ' Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting . YES • RESOLUTION Ids 174 ACCEPT SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT - '? FORM AS PREPARED BY HUNT ENGINEERS Clm, da'rlock offered : the following resolution and asked for its adoption : • „RESOLVED , that this Town Board accept the short environmental assessment form for whi:chHis answered -in the negative as prepared by Hunt Engineers . • 2ndtClm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES + " RESOLUTION # 117.5 AUTHORIZE SUPERVISOR TO SIGN SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM C1m, Garloek offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED ; that this Town . Board authorize. the Supv to sign the short environmental assessment review form that there is no significant environmental impact of the ' proposed water and sewer projects , also both projects are unlisted actions . • 2nd, C17 Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES 1 i Motidon; .was made by Clm Garlock and seconded by Ctm Evans to adopt the following order,° . . • • , • In the Matter of the £ stabl4shment of a proposed water district in tae Town of Dryden , + Tompkins County , New York , ORDER CAt ; • to be known as Monkey Run Water 1 EQBLIC HSk3Itw District ( 2 ) of - said . Town . WHEREAS , a map , plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York , relating to the establishment of a proposed water district in said Town , such water district to be known as Monkey Run !Water District ( 2 ) of the Town of Dryden ; and . HEREAS , said map , plan and report were prepared by Hunt Enginners , P . C . , competent engineers , duly licensed by the State of New York , and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town , where the same- are available -luring regular offic ? hours for exan1nation by any persons interested in th ? subject matter thereof ; and ..,,LiW.. '4 .A+" L. bE'�'. iS i .? : -aL° 'J ttC'*y.i 4;: : aw •- 0.:t.v... ' H. i '. f.T-,.nWrt.7'.t":x �•a:++aaves.:w, . ve- -. _ > -..._--.ifl..-r.' -.- -,a., -. - . _ . • . R7� z � ( ( k: AS , said water district shall ' he bounded and described as • -tt cofth in Appendix A attached hereto and male a part hereof ; and WHEREAS , the improvement proposed for s = ii water district shall WHEREAS ,l V 1 consist of the puchTse and installation of approximately 13 , 000 linear feet of 12 inch water main , together with pump stations , sate ✓ alves , necesa y appurtenances and land and rights in land ; and v9EREPS , the esttm * ei cost of said improvement is ; 6n0 � CD!!0'erOCI, , ilid WHEREAS , the proposed method of financing nanc_ i_ n 1 q sucn cost of - sari improvement is by the issuance of serial bonds of the sail Town having a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years ; and that the cost of said improvement shall be assessed , levied and collected from the several lots and parcels of land within such water district in ! just proportion to the amount cf benefit which said water improvement shall confer upon said lots or parcels ; and WHEREAS , iit is now desired to call a public hearing upon the Question of the establishment Monkey Yun V!atc 'r District ( 2 ) of the . . Town of Dr ; ieniin the manner aforesaid ; and pursuant to - Section 209 - d o f the Town; Law ; NOW , THEREFORE , RF IT : ORDERED , by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins . I. County , ' New lark , as follows : diZ- tiQU_ 1t A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York , shall be held at t: he Town nil 65 Fast Main Street , in Dryden , New York , in said Town , • on 1 the 19th diy of November , 1986 , at _ 7_ 00 o ' clock P . M . , Prevailing Tinie , for the ; purpose of holding a public hearing ' to consider the establishment ) of a proposed water district of sail Town as described 1 in the preambles hereof , to be known as Monkey Run Water District ( 2 ) of the . ; Town of Dryden , and to consider the • mao , plan and report filed in ✓ elation thereto , and to hear all persons interested in the subject 1 matter thereof concerning the same , and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or snail be proper in the premises . I the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in Ithaca Journal the the official newspaper of said W ;� ', 1 , i t .. r� y T a7a • I Town , the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid , and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign - board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid . Becti2n _ 4 _ This order shall take effect immediately . Motion was made by Clm Garlock and seconded by Clm Evans to adopt the following order .. . 0 In the Matter c ` of . the Establishment of a „ ' proposes sewer district ' in the Town of Dryden , ' Tompkins County , New York , ORDER_ CATLTII to be known as Monkey Run Sever EUBILC _ NElRIYG District ( 41 of s•aicl Town WHEREAS , a map , plan and report have been prepared in such manner and in such detail as has heretofore been determined by the Town . 4 .- Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins County , New York , relating to the establishment of a . proposed sewer district in said Town , such sewer district to be known as Monkey . Run • Sewer District ( 4T; of the Town of Dryden ; and • WHEREASW said map , plan and report were prepared by Hunt Enginners , P . C . , competent engineers , duly licensed by the State of New York , and have been filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town , where the same are available during regular office hours for ` examination by any persons interested in the subject matter thereof ; C and WHEREAS , said sewer district shall be bounded and described as 111/ set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part hereof ; and wKEREAS , the improvement proposed for said sewer district shall consist of the puchase and installation of approximately 13 , 000 linear feet of 8 inch sewer main , together with necesary ' appurtenances and land and rights in land ; and WHEREAS , the estimated cost of said improvement is S9334000 _00 ; and WHEREAS , the proposed method of financing such cost of said improvement is by the issuance of serial bonds of the sail Town } a3 hawing a maximum maturity of not exceeding forty years ; and that the Cost of said improvement shall be assessed , levied and collected from -Clue several lots ! and parcels of land within such sewer district in suit proportion toI the amount of benefit which said sewer improvement 51-011 confer upon Said lots or parcels ; and . WHEREAS , it isInow desired to call a public hearing upon the ?' ciy •� stion of the I establishment of said Monkey Rein Sewer District ( 4 ) • of the r down of Dryden in the manner aforesaid ; and pursuant to Section 209 - d 61- the Town Law ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT . ORDERED , by the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , Tompkins Ce, uaty , Naw York , as follows : I algctign_ 1s A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Dryden , V4 • tmmpkins County , New York , shall be held at the Town Hall , 65 East i ' min Street , din Dryden , New York , in said Town , on f} 19th day of November , 1986 , at 7_15 o ' clock P . M . , Prevailing Tulle , for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the ec;tblishment of I a proposed sewer district of said. Town as described IN the preambles hereof , to be known as Monkey Run Sewer DiStrict (4 ) of the i Town of Dryden , . and to consider the map , plan and report filed in i 1 tei3tiof thereto , and to hear all persons interested in the subject Matter thereof concerning the same , and for such other action on the • Art • of said Town l Board as may be required by law Sr shall be proper the premises . I dectign_24 The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to Cause a copy of this order to be published once in Ana _ _ _ U11ac.a .iournaL _ _ , the official newspaper of said tb � 1- own , the first ; publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more IInn twenty days ! before the day set herein for the hearing as aSoresaii , and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be .- osted on the sign - board of. the Town maintained pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law not less than ten nor more than twenty ! days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid . ' & acti n_ 4s This order shall take effect immediately . Adjourned : 9 : 30PM ' Susanne Lloyd it( • Town Clerk f