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February 11 , 1986
- Minutes of the Board meeting held Feb . 11th
Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 30PM
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Garlock ,
Clm Schlecht , Clm Webb , Atty Perkins and Z . O . Stewart
Approval of the minutes : Motion was made by Clm Schlecht and seconded by Clm
Garlock that the minutes of the Jan 6th Organizational meeting and the Jan 14th
Board meeting be approved as submitted .
Karen -Malarkey-Belden , 334 W Dryden Rd - was concerned about the lack of zoning
in their area regarding mobile homes on individual lots . According to the Town
o f Dryden Zoning Ordinance there is something for mobile home parks , but nothing
for mobile homes on individual lots . They have improved the West Dryden Rd area ,
and within a one mile distance there are two new homes , and two mobile homes on
individual lots in the last year . They themselves live in a mobile home and have
put on an expensive addition and have made a lot of improvements . They would like
to see some type of zoning in regards to mobile homes on individual lots to keep
the pride of ownership on West Dryden Rd maintained . the Town of Groton has a
separate ordinance for mobile homes on individual lots with certain restrictions .
They have to be skirted , the fuel tank has to be 250 gallons and cannot be seen
from the road , they have to be properly - attached , and they have to have sewage
and water . InoDryden a -mobile home can be put in as long as they have proper
sewage , there is no requirement for water . There is no type of regulation
whatsoever . They welcome improvements if they are done according to maintain
what has already been established on that road .
Supv Cotterill - our current ordinance states that mobile homes on individual
lots are the same as a residence and has the same regulations .
Karen - mobile homes- tend to be squatters and that is what they do not want to see .
People have bought on their road and are putting in mobile homes with the attitude
o f in a year or two they will do something better . They will make it a little more
permanent , they will either add a room or wove the Mobile home and build something
more permanent . . 'Ff they aze. , going to do it p it should be skiTte.d z . . the_ duel tank.
should be . put i:n an area that tt cannot ;; he %vj sj;b:le to the. Toad and cannot be
aceessble ' to chl; dren . A lot `o .f people are going into mobile homes- because they
cannot afford a permanent structure . If it is done r.ight ;. this is fine . This is
whatLshe feels should be done for additional zoning in this respect and it is
n eeded in their area .
Supv Cotterill - there has been discussion regarding mobile homes on individual
lots and has been mentioned to disallow- them unless they are on a permanent foundation . ,
Clm Evans - they realize the zoning is out of date and there is money in this
years budget to have a professional look at the zoning along with the Planning Board .
There should be something as to how mobile homes are treated .
Karen -- the Town of Groton requires a certificate of occupancy and the Town of
Dryden does not require one . All the Health Dept cares about is that they have sewer .
Their concern is that more land is available where they live and would like to
express that in their area more and more mobile homes are going in . To maintain
the homes that they have now and the value of them they do not want mobile homes
coming in and depreciate what they have built up .
- Clm Schlecht = the Planning Board _is looking at the zoning ordinance and suggested
that they approach the Planning Board with their concerns and suggestions .
Karen - last month they spoke with them and they referred her to the Town Board .
Supv Cotterill - the Town Board has authorized the Planning Board to give the Town
Board any suggestions and things that : . they_ would :like to recommend , . not only on
mobile homes but on the complete zoning ordinance .
Karen - wanted to know who was going to redo the zoning ordinance ?
Supv Cotterill - the Planning Board will probably do it along with a professional .
Once they have come up with the proposals they will make their recommendations to
the Town Board . The Town Board will have to go through the procedure and have public
hearings for any changes .
Karen - she was told by the Planning Board to come to the Town Board , that
the only thing they were interested in was sub - division .
Supv Cotterill - the Town Board asked the Planning Board over a year agog to look
at : the zoning as a whole and come up with some recommendations , because there
have been several requests over the past for changes .
Karen - they did go to the Planning Board and their opinions have been voiced .
Supv Cotterill - said he would contact the Planning Board , because the Town Board
is responsible for getting something done .
Clm Evans - would prefer that a comprehensive job be done .
_ Clm Schlecht - has talked with Barbara Caldwell to let her know that the
Town Board has money in the budget for professional help with regard to
changes in the zoning ordinance .
Clm Evans - one of the problems is that the Planning Board is a volunteer
organization and it just does not have the hours available . That is why in
this budget there is money for professional help to help them with some of
the work so that things can get underway and hopefully it will be done as
correctly and expediently as possible .
Supv Cotterill - there will be a lot of opposition when public hearings are
going to be held and the Town Board hopes that they will have support .
Clm Evans - they will chlange the zoning ordinance but will do it correctly and
that is the best that can be promised .
Clm Evans - wanted to know the status of the Snyder Hill Water Dist . ?
Atty Perkins - all of the information that the State Comptroller ' s Office
requested has been sent together with the answers to their questions and a letter
asking them to expedite the determination and the application .
C1m Evans - wanted to know how soon it would be because he was sure that the
people were going to need it .
Atty Perkins - it would be months . The only way would be through our elected
✓ epresentatives. A letter was sent along with the request stating that many
o f these poepie do not lave water . He would check on it .
Clm Schlecht - • had a request from a neighbor regarding extension of cable
t elevision service . Heilives across the street from a pole , which is about
82 feet and was quoted a price of $ 1 , 300 to $ 1 , 400 .
Clm Evans - thought that they had to extend if it was within a certain distance .
•Atty Perkins -7 said that he would check the franchise regarding the line
extension . policy .
Clm Schlecht - there is also a flashing sign at the corner of Yellow Barn Rd
and Rt 13 on the property that belongs to Mr Rademacher_ .
z ; 0 . Stewart - reported that he has already contacted Mr Rademacher and the
sign is of legal size and he will correct the flashing part of it .
Atty Perkins - reported that he has several items for executive session .
Supt/ Cotterill - at thj last Board meeting the Town Board made a resolution and
changed some of the election district boundaries back to - the original lines .
The Town received a letter from the County Planning Dept , Gary Evans that this
was not acceptable because the boundaries do not -meet state law-.
Atty Perkins state law states that any election district boundary must be
based upon streets , rivers ,, railroad lines or other permanent characteristic
of the landscape which are clearly visible to any person without the need •
to use any technical or mechanical device . There was considerable discussion
and the Supv and Town Clerk will send a letter of explanation to all of
the residents that have had their polling places changed along the Ellis
Hollow- Rd area and the Mt Pleasant Rd area .
Atty Perkins - felt that the solution would be to tell all of the people involved
that the problem was created by the State , implemented by the County and the
best that the Town can do is ask the local elected representatives to change the law .
Supv Cotterill - when these boundaries were changed last year the people did . go
to the Commissioner of Elections , and they sent them to the Planning Dept and
the Planning Dept told them not to talk to them it was the Town Board that changed
the boundaries , and the Town Board received the full blame . - Supt/ Cotterill asked
Gary Evans to come to a public meeting for the people in that area and explain
the situation . Gary said that he would not talk to any citizen , and will only talk
to the Town Board , that it is the Town ' s problem .
/Cf .
Atty Perkins - the Planning Dept is only serving in an advisory capacity to
the Board of Elections . The lines are drawn for two purposes 1- to create
equal election districts and secondly to divide the Town so that the county
✓ epresentatives have districts that are equal .
Atty Perkins will write a letter and the Supv and Town Clerk will find out all
o f the resident owners and send a letter of explanation for the change in the
polling districts .
4 building permits, for the month January . 1 one- family dwelling ; 1 refurbished
house ; 1 garage and one mobile home . ZBOA had one hearing - convert an old barn
into a small motorcycle repair shop with possible sale of small engines .. This
was granted .
Z . O . Stewart - sent a letter to Amos Brown regarding the number of cars stored
outside . The special permit allowed 5 vehicles and there are 7 unregistered .
- Mr Brown saa.d that 2 of them will be gone by that night and will try and get
the rest of them out the following week weather permitting . There was some
discussion and the Town Board authorized the Zoning Officer to contact Mr Brown
that if the situation was not corrected the Town Board would revoke his special
permit .
Ambulance report
Dog Control Officer report-
Supv Cotterill - reported that Robert Everett will start working with regard
to zoning violations along with Sib .
. The question was brought up who picked up dead dogs along - the highway and no
decision was made .
Judge Sweetland - reported on court actions that were taken in Jan on zoning
violations . One of the problems is that 3 of the people served have since died .
Another problem is the Stetson property ' in West Dryden which has many vehicles
around and this was brought up by one lady . She Only has one unregistered and
• Tight next door they . have 7 . Judge Sweetland and Sib have been around to review
these and -most of them have come into compliance .
Clm Evans thought that the Board had agreed to allow one operable vehicle ..
Judge Sweetland some of the people say that these vehicles are ones that they
have for use in the wintertime and want to get their good car off the road .
He wanted to know- the : status on the Stetson property , is something going to be
done about it so he knows what to tell the people when they say that Stetson
has 6 or 7 vehclees . .
Atty Perkins - the Stetson case is in litigation and a request for judicial
intervention has been made and he expects a conference with Judge Bryant will
be heard later this -month or in March.
Supv Cotterill all you can tell the people that is has been turned over to the
court and is being handled by the Town .
Financial reports - given to Board members
Justice report for the month of January $ 6 , 770 . 00
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote all voting YES
Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd . C1m Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the special district bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES
Supv Cotterill reported that he and Dianne have done a little bit of looking at
possible software and computer hardware . When he goes to the Assoc . of Towns
meeting in New York he will check there about available software that would meet
the town ' s requirements . In about a week he will try and get a group or committee
o f Clm Evans , himself and possibly Justice Lloyd who have ideas about computers and
hopefully discuss it before the next meeting , so that something will be reported
back to the board for consideration .
/ 13
Clm Webb wanted to know if the Justices were satisfied that they are covered
under the Town liability insurance policy .
Judge Sweetland - at this time they are , but is not sure what will happen with
the policy when it is renewed .
Supv Cotterill - Bill Bailey does not think that our insurance will be any
worse and hopes that it will improve . He will come and talk with us to
explain . What happens in the state legislature will have more to do with
the insurance problems than what the town is doing now . The Town record
is not a problem , it is what happens on the state level .
Recessed to executive session .
No action was taken in executive session .
Adjourned 9 : 00PM
Susanne Lloyd 1
Town Clerk