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OCTOBER 8 , . 1985
Minutes of the Town Board meeting held Oct 8th
Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 00PM
Members and - guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance • •
Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : _ _ Supv Cotterill , Clm Webb , Clm Evans
Clm Schlecht , Clm Garlock , Atty Perkins and tt`
Z . O . Stewart {{
Special Permit - Roy McCartney , 1729 Slaterville Rd
October 8 , 1985 -
Minutes of public hearing # 1 commencing at 7 : 05PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the
application of Roy McCartney , 1729 Slaterville Rd to build a second four unit
apartment building .
Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning stating that there will be . no
significant deletri'ous impact and the Town -Board is free to act without prejudice .
Roy McCartney - the application is- similar to the one that he has just completed .
This will be an additional 4-unit efficiency apartment dwelling on the same 20 acre
site , The original one was built as an addition to their house .
Clm Schlecht - wanted to know if the access was going to be the same ?
Roy McCartney - ' no , there will be a new additional driveway . Tfey have a 15 foot
r-o- w in which they will be putting In a road between the Fitzpatrick property
and the Utage Restrauant and this will be a private road . Actually , for long � '-
range purposes- they hope to add another 4 . unit dwelling in that same area , off the
new- driveway .
M ! :
Clm Schlecht - wanted to know- if this met the frontage requirements for the number
of units?
Roy McCartney - yes , it does . They still have in addition to . the r- o-w- over 300
feet front footage . It Is all one piece of property and they are ptilizing the
r- o-w- because of the shortness and the proximity to the proposed units .
Clm Schlecht - wanted to know why it was not feasbile to have access with the
orgi'ninal driveway ? ' His- main concern is ' that the purpose. . for road frontage is
for fire protection and to make sure emergency vehicles have access to the property ,
Roy McCartney - the reason that they would like to utilize this r- o- w is because
of the lay: of the land . This' would make it a lot more accessible :than if they went
in from the other driveway , which is wooded and gullies . This proposed driveway
would be in favor as far: as access to the property for fire protection and emergency
veh ci°es -
Clm Schlecht - wanted to know the length of- the proposed driveway from Rt 79 ?
Roy McCartney it is' goo feet and is level . That is why they want to use the
r- o-w. It is more accessible , less- costly to develope and shorter . When he plans-
the other proposed unit it will be adjoining the same property line and parallel to
this unit so that both complexes can use the same driveway . This will be the
total development in that area according to the Health Dept . The building will
be 50 feet from the property line and is over 200 feet from the church property .
There is a wooded gully between the church property and his proposed unit , 5
Supv Cotterill - wanted to know- if he had Health Dept approval ? :i ?
Roy McCartney - It is in the process , and they have indicated that it will be approved .
Closed public hearing #1 7 : 10PM
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Motion was made by Clm Schlecht and seconded by Clm Evans
that the minutes of the Board meeting • Aug 13th and the special meeting Sept 9th be
approved as submitted .
� 113
Special Permit - Pete ' s Tire Service -
October 8 , 1985
Minutes of public hearing # 2 - 7 : 15PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider
the application of Pete ' s Tire Service to extend his tire service building at
432 Bone Plain Rd . . .. .
Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning , stating ' that there will
be no significant deletr-ious impact 'and the Town Board is free to act without
prejudice .
Supv Cotterill-wanted to know if this extension will be added on to one of the
existing buildings and are the existing buildings together .
Pete deBruyn - no , they are seperate buildings and this One will be added on to
the front of a building .
Clm Garlock = wanted to know .how many parking places there are and .is this an
existing area where people park now ? _
Pete deBruyn- that area would park at Least 100 cars , . and is now the present
parking area. .
Clm Schlecht wanted to know what the existing buildings were used for now?
Pete deBruyn fox tire work and inventory . •
Supv Cotter '11 . - people living -in the area had asked him if there would be less
tires -left outside once this- building- was built .
Pete deBruyn -• yes , that is why they need the extra building .
Supv Cotterill - wanted to know- if the tires outside were mostly rejects ?
Pete deBruyn - no , the rejects go to thellandfill or they get picked up every week. .
Supv Cotterill -. there was concern by the people in "the area , and anything that
the Board could do to get more ti'res' inside , would be a great help .
Pete deBruyn - in the summertime the tractor tires are stored outside and the
used tires- are in the back . There are a large number of tires that can be
vulcanized that they use for loaners . They don ' t 'like to look at the tires
Mr• McDaiii'e2 $' wanted to know What percentage of the tires stored outside were
read ] for the dump ? .
Pete deBruyn they take the tires to - the dump every week which is a service
that • they provide to the customer . When the . landfill is . closed they : will have
to charge . for ,this service or they will have • to take them away themselves ,
Closed public hearing # 2 7 : 45PM .
Special Permit - Comerford Shippy
a October 8 , 1985
• Minutes of public hearing # 3 7 : 45PM . •
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider
the application of John Comerford and James• Shippy to . build a '30 unit mobile
home park at 19.68 Dryden Rd . • •
Letter from Frank Liguori , Commissioner of Planning stating that there will be
no significant deleterious impact and the Town Board is free to act without
prejudice . _ .
John Comer.•for.•d they have -reduced the scope of the project . . They would like
to have 30 units . located within the drive-in area and will utilize the existing
. loop road . The _ sales • will continue , to be in front where they are located now,
and . will use the . existing entrance . as it is now- with no modification . There are
two wells' on the property at the present time . The leach field will be in the
area back of the drive-in -Screen . John Anderson , from the County Health Dept.
has not completed his- review- of the plans. The sewer system will be an all
gravity operation .
Atty Perkins- - wanted to know if this was in an ag district ?
John Comerford - yes it is . . •• . . . . . . .
C1m Garlock - wanted to know if there was ally plan or existing plan for the
sign out front ? -.
John Comerford - it is used now for the sales operation and anticipated that
it would stay there .
Clm Schlecht - wanted to know if these proposed plans are essentially the same
as what •was presented last month?
John Comerford.'- they have no future plans at this point iri time . In terms
of lot size and layout it ; would be compatible to future expansion if it
becomes. feasible . • - .
Supv Cotteri'11 = It appears that the Health Dept would limit any - park , even
with good drainage , to about 50 units without some type of public sewer or
- package sewer plant approzred by. DEC . . _ . .•
Jim Holman - wanted to know- if there was any need determined for this type
• of low -housing in the area ? He is still opposed to this- application for a
mobile home park because of the traffic problem , and the devaluation_ of . the ,
property i'n . that area .
Atty Perkins - this application is a Type• I action and subject to SEQR •rules
and regulations . In John Andersons letter of Sept 18th , it lists the agencies
that need to be involved. and they are 1 - Tompkins County Health Dept ; 2 - NYS
Dept of Environmental Conservation and the Town of Dryden . It should be made
clear that this . review .±s:Hjust for ,phase. I' of the entire parcel . . This Board
has- to make a decision asjto whether there ' is going to be a coordinated review
and If there will be an environmental impact statement zequired • since it is a
Type I ,action and - who •will be the. Lead agency . .
Job Comerford - the plan that is proposed . torii•ght •for the 30 ' unit Mobile home
park is the ent 're •project , they are not talking about the 200 units .
Closed public hearing # 3 I8c00PM - .
• Special. Permit. .- Thomas Morse (Tollgate)
Minutes- of public hearings # 4 - 8 : OOPM . '
Sup, Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider
the application of Thomas Morse to have a mobile home park for - 21 'units and
sales center at 1928 Dryden Rd (formerly Tweitmanns) '
J .
Letter -from Frank Li'guori1 , _ Commissioner. . of Planning stating . that there is no
significant deleterious impact and the Town Board • is free to act without prejudice .
Letter from John Anderss In , County Health Dept . - •
Mr Morse - this proposal is to reopen the former mobile home park . He- would like
to revamp and rebuild it . Thersewer system • has been approved" by the Health. Dept . •
The well on the property pumps 75 . . gallons •per minute . . There was an existing
21 unit park there . Thelreason the park was closed was because it had 60 amp
electrical service . They will be putting in new electrical service , water lines ,
sewer lines , and install a fence along - Rt 13 so that you cannot see the park .
The bar will be closed in about a year , as soon as they get the park established .
There will only be 15 acres • of the
. , property left to develope . If they did ' put
in for future development - St would only be for a • maximum of 5..0 _units . complete
on . the property . • • • -
Atty Perkins - wanted to know If this was in an ag district ? -
Mr Thomas - thought that lit was in an ag and commercial . di.stribt , . both. .
There is 900 feet of road frontage and will have his sales on the east . side
of the property. He will put in a ' new mobile home •for the -office . and have
7 Or 8 single wides for sale . When he gets finished it will all be fenced
in and have shrubbery around the property . He has a trailer park In Moravia
and one in Weedsport , ifs anyone is interested in looking at to see ' how they
are landscaped :
Larry Caskey - wanted toiknow what . the attraction was . for Rt 13 for these trailer
parks , since it is the worst road . in .NewYork State to try to do anything on ?
. He Is- not opposed to . any ' business coming . :into Dryden , • but just curious why Rt 13 ?
Mr Morse - to be in business you need traffic.
Closed public hearing # 4 ; • - •
Robert Bland reported on the Caswell Rd landfill closing . Resource engineering
in Cortland had submitted a closer plan • to • the State DEC in Nov 1984 . There
were deficiencies in the closer plan . There was no indication of what . was going
to happen to the leachate , as to whether it was • going to be collected or treated
and if so how . ' There was no hydrologic study , and that is a requirement . There
were no plans for long term monitoring and that has to be included in the plan .
There has been nothing done as far as • closer plans right now , other than locking
the gate . "
Robert Everett - wanted to know how the Town was enforcing the current , zoning
• ordinance . . . . .
Supv Cotterill _ some , of the violations have been taken care of • and there are
some that are being worked on . .
Z.:O . Stewart - has contacted most of the people that have been sent violations
notices, some have been taken care of and there ' are some in the court system
at this time .
Supv Cotterill - wondered what percentage of the town has - been covered for
violations other than where there have been complaints ?
Stewart. . - has about one quarter of the town covered . .He has tried to cover
the whole town , but has been very busy with office work .
• Robert Everett wanted to know thetime• schedule for the violations ?
Z . O , Stewart - most of them have 30 days - unless they volunteer to have it taken
care of sooner . There was' some discussion and there have been administrative
steps _ to work with the Zoning Officer t° . have the violations taken care of .
Robert Everetb4a . Since zoning has been in effect , he still sees houses on lots
with. minitiium road frontage , It seems that there should be some type of long
range planning .
Co Rep Tillapaugh - the ' County has been discussion the landfii2 situation and
the alternatives . The first . alternative was to haul 411 the garbage to Landstrom .
The other alternative was to setup a transfer station thinking that- it might
save money' and the . other was ' to set up a landfill in Tompkins County .
Supt/ Cotterill -- wanted to know: If it was true that ' the County was going to
take money from the takpayers- to keep TomTram running before they raised the fares .
Co Rep Tillapaugh not . to his- knowledge , the County has not discussed it ,
Also reported that the Dept of Social Services puts - on a slide presentation
explaining the " ser' ice that is available . to the county :"residents . They are
willing to present It to the Town Board if they are interested .
Tom Ciraffici - was ' opposed to the spe.cial : permit application for Pete deBruyn
because of the increase of a commercial business in the area since it is
residential' , There are a lot of ti'ies there and i' t 'does• not help the value of
their -property . •
14 building permits were issued for the month. of Sept . . 2 one-family dwellings ;
5 additions; 1 garage ; 3 storage• bui'ldi'ngs; °1- ' greenhouse ; multiple storage
building and a permit for Paul ' s Food Market -. • ZBOA had no hearings . Site
Plan review board met for two permits.
Reported that the zoning .ordinance books should be ready by the end of November .
C1m Evans had been asked -at the water commission meeting if Hwy Supt Humphrey
would paint the fire hydrants in the Varna water district .
Supv Cotterill - wanted •to know if all the paper work for the Snyder Hill Water
Dist been filed with the State ?
Atty Perkins - no , it has not , it is in the process of being put together and
ghoul d be done within a month .
) qc
Ambulance report
Tompkins County Health Dept regarding sanitary code requirements .. . .
Letter from Etna CommunityiAssociation regarding changing of polling - place .
The Board felt that when the Association brings the building up to state
specifications`. for the handicapped and meets all of the requirements from
Board of Elections ' the Town will be more ' than willing to move Dist # 5 back
to Houtz Hail . .
. . . - -
Copy of . a resolution from the - County - stating that they hold the Town harmless
for anything that happens in the landfill .
Atty Perkins - this empowers the Chairman of the - Board to enter into an •
agreement with the Town hdlding the Town harmless and agreeing to defend •
the municipalities with respect to damages b
caused by or be
caused by solid waste disposal operations in the county . .
• •
C1m • Garlock offered • the following resolution. . and . asked for i .ts adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Town Attorney to draw up . a • contract
and empower the Supv to negotiate and sign the contract. with the County , regarding
solid waste disposal operations . : . :2nd Clm Evans ° I Roll call vote - all voting YES
Letter from NYSDOT - * they ,have been -requested to do an investigation at then
intersection of Rt 13 ° and Hanshaw Rd ' regarding safety . .
Cim Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its - adoption : -
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Pat Underwood to the Town Planning
Board to fill the vacancyof John Hunt . The:' term to expire Dec 31 , 1986 .
2nd _ Clm Webb
. Carried .
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that tj4 s Town Board approve the project application and - _ .
budget of the Town of _ Dryden Recreationprogram for 1986 . .
2nd Clm Garlock • .i Roll call vote - all voting _ YES
Clm . Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
• RESOLVED ; that - the preliminary • budget be adopted by this . Town Board and placed
in the C1erkts. Office for viewing by the public . . .
2nd ° Clm Schlecht - Roll call vote - all voting _ YES
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : '
RESOLVEDe . that . the Town Board approve the contract with the 3 ' Fires - Council
of Campfi?z in an,- amountInot to exceed $1 ; 651 . 00 and that the . Supv and Bookkeeper
be authorized to process the application with the NYS Division °for Youth .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES .
FUND BkLANCE ' TO B3120 ; 1 . . .
Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked - for its adoption -
RESOLVED , that the Supv - be authorized tq transfer $1 , 200 ;00 from unappropriated
fund balance to $312023 for safety inspector . •
- 2nd " Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
•. . . TOB3120 81 . . . . , .
Clm Schllcht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , . that the. Supv b authorized •to -transfer $ 85 . 00 'from . contingency
to B3120 . 81 for social security . •
2nd • Clm Evans ,Roll • call. vote - all voting . YES
" " . . TO 'B3120 ; 40
Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 250 . 00 from contingency
to B3120 , 40 for contractual ._ .
2nd Clm Garlock Roll call votes all voting YES'
TO 138020 . 11 .
Cim Evans offered the following resolutionfand asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 50 . 00 from contingency
to B8020 . 11 (planning secretary ) .
2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
TO A1950 . 4 . . . .
Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its ' adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $90 . 66 from contingency
to A1950 . 4 for property taxes .
2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES
JUSTICE REPORTS Judge Sweetland - $ 4750 . 00 Judge Newhart - $697 . 00
FINANCIAL REPORTS - given to Board members
Clin Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
• RESOLVED , that. the . general fund bills be paid as audited., .
2nd Clm Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Evans- offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the highway: fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb ' Roll call vote - all voting YES .
Clm Garlock offered the following resolution and asked: 'for its adoption :
RESOLVED , . that the ' speci'ai district bills be paid as audited .
2nd Cim Schlecht _ Roll call vote • all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the capital fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution , and asked for its adoption :
RESSOLVED , that this `Town Board grant a special permit to Roy McCartney of
' 1729 Slatervi'lie Rd to build a Second four unit apartment building at 1729
Slaterville Rd with the - following conditions : 1 - that the property will not
be suJdiv$ded for the purposes of sale , lease or- land- contract without first
obtaining permission from the Town Planning Board for subdivision rules ; 2- that
access be provi'ded, .to carry fire equipment and emergency vehicles ; 3- that this
permit application be completed within .one year from date ? granted , 10- 8- 85 .
If not there will have to be another request for a special permit ; ` 4- also
comply with all town regulations and zoning concerning parking areas and codes.
2nd Cim Evans . . _ . Roll_ call.. vote - all voting ' YES
Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Pete deBruyn to extend
his- tire service building. at 432 Bone Plain Rd with the following conditions :
17 that all inventory new or used be stored indoors ; 2 - that this perinit .application
be completed within one year from date granted , 10- 8 - 85 ; and 3 - . that tlieg comply
wifl. all town regulations and zonning regulations .
2nd Cim Garlock Roll call vote - all voting YES
Atty Perkins - the Town Board can require from each developer a traffic engineering
study , by an engineer with a report and recommendation for a safe entrance , that
will be made from the park , where it is to be located and what requirements need
to be done .
Clm Schlecht - regarding the Tollgate application , there was not an engineering
report , and their plans were not complete . He did not have documented;°.proof of
some Of-the things that were stated and felt that was important .
Supv Cotterill - questioned that the Health Dept had indicated that John Tweitmann
was not applying for a permit , but that he wanted to reactivate his former park .
• Supv Cotterill wanted it made clear that after it has been out of service for so
long you cannot reactivate . It should be treated as though One had never been there .
Supv Cotterill wanted Z . O . Stewart to notify the Health Dept that the Town Board
• is treating this application as new trailer park .
Supv Cotterill - wanted to know if the Board members were in favor of granting
the permits it . he� Ihighway . safety study questions can be answered .
The Board members were concerned about the traffic situation .
Atty Perkins - wanted Co know if they wanted to designate a Lead Agency . You
should consider water • and ; sewer and should the Town Board take the responsibility
or should the Health Dept ' be the Lead Agency .
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board designate Tompkins County Health Department
as the Lead Agency for the special permit application of John Comerford and
James Shippy for a 30 unit mobile " home park at 1968 Dryden Rd and for the
special permit application of Thomas MOrse (Tollgate ) for a 21 unit mobile
_home park and sales center at 1928 - Dryden Rd .
2nd CIm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
The Town Board tabled decsipn on the .. Comerford - Shippy application because .°
they would like . a plan and opinion from an independant qualified engineer,
someone that Is not apart or has an interest in . the application , as to ' a proposed
plan showing a safe . entrance/from the state highway and aWtfa.ffi=csstudyi aridi' that::i .t= will
i'n.teractL with thee'o3.lgater applica.filon' "fomobile home park .
The Town Board tabled decson on the Morse ( Tollgate) application because they
would like a plan and opinion from an independant qualified engineer , someone
that is not a part or has ! an interest in • the application , as to a proposed
plan showing a safe entrance from the state highway and a traffic study and that
it will interact with the ! Comerford4Shippy application for a mobile home park .
Also the Town Board would ' like - more documentation requirements in the town
ordinance and back up statements that were made with respect to the operation
of the park . Also notify the Tompkins: County. Health Dept that the Town Board is
acting on this appicationlas if it were a new trailer park .
The Board is requiring that both Comerford-Shippy and MOrse have these reports
back by Oct 30th so that they have time to go over them before the Nov . Board meeting .
Town Board will take action on the Comerford-Shippy and Morse ( Tollgate )
applications at the Nov 12th board meeting
Schedule public hearing of the budget T. Oct 30th at 7 : 00PM
•The Town hoard recessed and went into executive session . 10 : 00PM
Opened Board meeting back up at 10 : 15PM and ' the following resolutions were
adopted. i
C1m Evans offered the following resolution : and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this_ Town Board . authorize the Town Attorney to_ .take whatever
action necessary to defend and represent the Town of Dryden Zoning Board. of
Appeals actions. . 4 .
2nd CIm Webb i Roll call vote - all voting YES
_ .
Clm Garlock offered " the . following resolution and asked. for its adoption :
. RESOLVED , that this Town !Board authorize the Town Attorney to take . whatever
action . is necessary to request an injunction to restrain any violation use of
property violation . _
2nd CIm Webb " . _ . Roliccall vote - all voting YES
Adjourned : 1020PM
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk -
. . .
OCTOBER 30 , 1985
Supv Cotterill called the special meeting and public hearings to order at 7 : 00PM
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance . -
Roll call . was: by the Town Clerk : Present - Supv Cotterill , Clm Webb , C1m Schlecht ,
Clm Evans and Clm Garlock .
October ° 30 , 1985
Town of Dryden • .
F±±e Contracts
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the
fire contracts as- follows: .
1 - Varna Fire Department - . $43 , 500 . 00
2 - Neptune Hose Co # 1 Inc . - $58 , 000 . 00
3 - W B Strong Fire Co of
Freevi'ile - $40 , 000 . 00
4 - Etna Volunteer Fire Co - _ $32 , 000 . 00
5 - Brooktondale Fire Dist . - $' 5 , 800 . 00
for a total of $179 , 300 . 00
' Ernest Schaufler - Varna Fire Co . wanted to khow . the amount raised by . the fire tax ?
Supv Cotterill - the amount raised this year is $199 , 300 . 00 for 1986 and this
Includes $17 , 000 . 00 that is going to be used from the unexpended balance . The
increase i'n the fire tax rate will - increase about 10 cents per thousand from last
year . It° wou- d be going up 20 cents per thousand if we did not have the $ 17 , 000 . 00 .
Ernest Schaufler wanted to know if there was a breakdown of the assessed value
in the d°ifferent fire districts ?
Supv Cotterill we Have only one fire • district in the Town of Dryden and there is
approximately $172 million in assessed: tasie . This must be used to pay the
compensation and the /±e tcontracts . The Village of Dryden and Village of Freeville
or McLean Fire Dist /pay into . the district . . The Town Board is contracting with the
different fire companies to fight fires in • the town as a whole.
Brad Perkins: - felt that if it was not for Bingo and they rationed the amount of
$27 , 000 .00 to the Town and Village it would represent approximately $18 , 000 . 00
deficit of what the Town gives Neptune Hose . ' The money that they have earned thru
Bingo has• bought equipment , which they . have been able to provide mutual aid
throughout the township . Neptune Hose feels that the • proposal of $ 3 , 000. 00 is a
good gesture , but they would like the Board to consider another $ 3 or $ 4 , 000 . 00
so that they are not penalized so much . They are $ 7 , 500 . 00 in debt right now-.
There was considerable discussion .
Supv Cotterill = if the fire contracts are not changed the firetax . rate will be
about $1 . 67 per thousand . He thanked the firemen for their comments and will let
them know if there is any adjustment 'in the budget .
Town of Dryden •
Ambulance Contracts •
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper ' to consider
contracting with Neptune Hose Co #1 Inc for ambulance service in ' the Town of•- .-�% Dryden for an: rannual sum of $37 , 750 . 00 and contracting with 5laterville Fire
Dept for an annual sum of $2 , 250 . 00 .
none . -
/ 6
October 30 , 1985
Sewer Districts .#1 = # 2 and # 3
i Water District # 1
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning
themassessment rolls for the • water and sewer districts in the - Town - of Dryden ;
Rates as follows : Cortland - Road Sewer " Dist . - Total of $18 ; 000 : 00 to be for
• 142 . 25 units = $ 50 . 26 per unit = 40 %
$ 3 . 43 per thousand assessed
° value = 50 %
. 21 cents front footage = 10 %
Sapsuckerwoods Sewer Dist . ! #1 Total of $ 3 , 200 . 00 to be for 48 units
$66 . 67 per unit
Varna Water District #1 - Total of $22 , 000 . 00 to be for 315 . 50 units
_ $41 . 84 per unit = 60 %
$ . 955 per thousand assessed value = 30 %
$ . 066 front footage = 10 %
Varna Sewer District # 2 - Total of $ 39 , 000: 00 to "be for ' 322 ' units
° = $121 . 12 per unit
October 30 , 1985
Federal Revenue Sharing _
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider
the. .purpose . of allocating $ 54 , 200 . 00 for repairs and• improvements _ .and $100 . 00
for Administration from Federal Revenue Sharing monies for a total of $ 54 , 300 . 00
_ Category Proposed ' Use ' of FRS Expenditure Entire ' Budget
General Government: $ 100 . 00 - ' ' • . $. - -. 212 ; 850 . 00
- Public Safety 0 - 22, 750 . 00 _
Health - 0 . . - • 40 , 000 . 00
Transportation 54 , 200 . 00 . .1 , 041 , 625•. 00
Economic Development - 0 - ° 3 , 500 . 00
Culture/Recreation - 0 - . 16', 556 . 00
Home/Community Services . r 0 - 2 , 000 . 00
Employee Benefits 0 127 , 050 . 00
Debt Service 0 - - 0 -
Other _ 0 _ _ . • 0
TOTAL : • '$ 54 , 300. 00 • x$1466331 . 00
October 30 , 19'85 ' ■
Preliminary Budget •
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider
the preliminary budget with the proposed salaries for the following town officers :
. Supervisor $ 5 , 250 . 00 • . . .
Councilman • . $1 , 750 . 00 . each
Town Clerk $ 8 , 050 . 00 . .
Highway Superintendent $22 , 250 . 00
Justice $ 5 , 000 . 00
Justice Sweetland $6 , 500 . 00 .
Mayor Lane- would like tl?e Town Board to consider in sharing one - third of
the local cost based on the land and easement purchase for the flood control
project . j a _
Supv Cotterill - felt that the Town could not 'afford not to support this flood
project . •
Mayor Lane - reported that Item # 4 , snow removal continues to be a sore spot with
the Village Board . The Village taxpayers are assessed as part of their tax rate
for this service , and yet there is no snow removal done with town equipment in
the Village . They feel that this is a basic inequality that they should have to
pay for that when state law provided by statue that they be exempted from that .
They maintain the streets : . at their own expense within the Village . The Village
feels that they do not get any service for the dollars that they spend on snow
removal .
/0 /
Supv Cotterill - felt that the Town is contributing in other ways to the Village
that has not been charged for . Such as use of town trucks , blacktopping , etc
and felt that the Village gains in thousands of dollars for the use of town
equipment when the Village needs it . The Village does have use of the payloader
for snowremoval during the winter . He felt that the Town has been very
cooperative with the Village when they have needed the use of some of the
town equipment .
Mayor Lane - . wanted to go on record as -being opposed to Item # 4 as being a
basic inequality and the Village is not being exempt .
Kim Chase and Amy Trueman requested $1 ; 200 . 00 for Dryden Youth Employment service .
Mr . Morse presented the Town Board. with a plot plan for their proposed mobile
home park and sales office at 1928 Dryden Rd along with the engineers report
for traffic conditions ' on Rt 13 which the Board had requested .
Mr James Shippy - wanted ' a response from the Town Board to the letter that he had
sent to Supv Cotterill and CIm Schlecht . They have made application for a permit
to the State . They have sent the plans in , and they have the States permission
back , They have a security bond ' and the - approval for the entrance . He gave
the Board members a copy of the bond . The State has bad their engineers survey
the area and have given . them the permit .
There was some discussion and Mr Shippy wondered what else the Board wanted .
All the Board was requiring was a report from a licensed engineer to state
whether or not Rt 13 can handle that amount of traffic in this specific area .
Mr Shippy — they are willing to give the Town Board the same kind of report .
that Mr Morse has given the Board . .
There was some discussion to put money in the budget for services of a
Professional to help with zoning changes that might have to be done .
There was some discussion regarding extensioneofiwater facilities outside the
Village of Dryden .
Mayor Lane - asked Supt Cotterill if the Town Board would send a letter to
NYSE&G authorizing a street light to be installed on Springhouse Rd and Rt 38 .
RESOLUTION NO . 199 1985
Councilman Evans offered the following resolution and
asked for its adoption : '
WHEREAS , this Town Board has previously adopted a
resolution on August 5 , 1985 establishing the Snyder Hill •
Water Disrict , and
WHEREAS , said resolution was adopted . subject to a
permissive referendum in the manner provided in the Town
Law , and
WHEREAS , no petition was filed requesting a referendum
on the question of the formation of the Snyder Hill Water
District , and
WHEREAS , an application has been prepared to the
Department of Audit and Control in Albany , New York , for
permission of the State Comptroller to establish said Snyder
Hill Water District , °
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WHEREAS , This Board being fully advised as to the
roceedings and contents of said application .
NOW , THEREFORE , be it resolved by this Town Board as
Follows ; i
1 . The Town Supervisor is hereby authorized to
verify and sign the application "to the. State
Com.ptroller at the Department of Aud a ' and C . trol
in Albany , New York , for permission to 'establish
the Snyder Hill Water District .
2 . The Town Clerk shall transmit a certified
copy of this resolution ( in duplicate ) to the
Department of _ audit and control ' -tolether with the
application in . duplicate a ,td any other required
supporting documentation . - r
Seconded : Councilman Garlock
• - Roll call vote - all , voting YES
RESOLUTION , NO . 200 , 1985
. , p
Councilman Garlock offered the following resolution and
asked for its adoption : o
WHEREAS , the County of Tompkins has previously
Conducted landfill . operations in the Town of Dryden at the
Caswell Road landfill , and
WHEREAS , the Town has experienced dramatic increases in
liability insurance premiums because of the industry wide
experience with landfill operations and liability claims
.nade against municipalities in connection with those
landfill operations , . and .
WHEREAS , the County has passed Resolution No . 260
a (Athorizing it to enter into an agreement with any Town
requesting that the County defend and indemnify the Town for
any County landfill operations in said Town , and
WHEREAS , such an agreement has been prepared by the
Cpunty and reviewed by the ' Town Attorney ,
NOW , THEREFORE , be iti resolved as follows :
1 . The Town . Supervisor is hereby authorized to
execute the agreement on behalf of the Town of
Dryden .
2 . The Town Clerk shall transmit a copy of this
res-olution , together with the executed agreement
- to the office of the Tompkins County
Administrator . .
3 . A copy of said agreement shall be forwarded
to the Town insurance .
Seconded : Councilman Evans
-A Roll call vote- -•- a-1-1 voting - YES -- -
Adjourned : 10 : 45PMca-v L
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk