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SPECIAL PERMIT - Integrity Home Builders
September 11 , 1984
Minutes of public hearing held Sept 11th at 7 : 30PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in.-: the newspaper to consider the
application of Integrity Home Builders Of 40 West Seneca St . , Ithaca , NY for a
special permit to have a Mobile Home & Modular Home Sales lot at 1968 Dryden Rd
(formerly Dryden Drive In Theater) .
Mr . Shippy , President of Integrity Home Builders showed the board members plans
that have been prepared .
Supv Cotterill - wanted to know if this was strictly for the sale of mobile home
and modular homes?
Mr Shippy - it is for retail sales only and there will be no used ones for sale ,
they will be all new ones , There is water and sewer there now that just has to
be hooked up and approved by the Health Dept . They would like someone to stay in
one of the trailers' at night as a night watchman , but there will be no':permanent
residence there in any of the trai'lers' .
Closed public hearing - 7 : 35 PM •
September 11 , 1984
Minutes ' of the board meeting held on Sept 11th
Supv Cotterill called the meeting ' to order at 7 : 35PM
Members and guests participated ' in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb
Clm Metzger , Clm Schlecht , Atty Perkins & Z , O . Stewart
Approval of the minutes : Motion was made by Clm Metzger and seconded by Clm Evans
that the minutes- of the public hearing and board- meeting " held on Aug 14th be
approved as submitted .
There was some discussion regarding dog enumerator for the Town of Dryden
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Leland Kirk as dog enumerator for the Town of
Dryden at the rate of 70 cents per dog .
2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
Co Rep Watros would like to thank the Board Members and Clm Schlecht for all the
work that was done to obtain, a special permit to dump the fill by the Senior Citizen
Housing from the Cortland Road Sewer Project .
Richard Weber , Bone Plairi: :Rd . - they felt that they were neglected since their road
is in such bad shape and they are also having drainage problems there .
Supv Cotterill - he would check with Hwy Supt Humphrey to see what can be done .
• LOCAL LAW # 3-1984
Motion was made by Councilman Metzger and seconded by Councilman Schlecht that the
following Local Law # 3- 1984 be adopted .
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(Please Use the Form for ; your :.,Gct l .:•mow with t e � .c°et:.•d _ . _ .
Text o , law should ee given as amended , Do not L; ciude m: tt6r being • - • _
eliminated and do not use italic' or underlining to indicate new matter . _ , .
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Town Board
Be it enacted by the ._.... .. of the
occim'o -Q.4 Lgitolativa aoiy) • .
. ;it.y:.�,' of Dryden . - - . . . . . . , "
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SECTION 1 . 0 .
Statutory Authorization and Purpose . . . -
. The People of the State of New York: have In. The New York
State Constitution , Ar. t_icle . IX , Section 2 , delegated the
responsibility to local governmental units to adopt
regulations designed - to promote • the public health ; safety, and
. - gen- eral welfare • of lb citizenry' . . '
1 . 2 STATEMENT • OF -PURPOSE - - - - • .
It is the purpose of this local law to promote the public
• - - hea-lt•h , - safety , and - general Welfare , • and . to minimize public
• • • and private ' losses due ' 6to flobd conditions in specific areas
by provisions designed : .
( 1 ) To protect human life and health ;
• ( 2 ) TU minimi 'ze expenditure of public money for • costly
flood control projects ;
( 3 ) To minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts
associated with flooding . and generally undertaken at th
expense of the general publ •ic ; •
( 4 ) • To minimize prolonged business interruptions ;
( 5 ) To minimize . damage to public facilities - and
utilities such as water and gas mains , electric , telephone ,
and sewer lines , and streets and bridges located in areas of
special flood hazard ;
( 6 ) To help maintain a stable tax base by providing for
the sound use and development of areas of special flood hazard
• so as to minimize future flood blight areas ;
t;::"'( lf additional s ace is needed , please attach sheets of the same size as this and number each}
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Page 1
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( 7 ) To insure that potential buyers are notified that
property is in an area of special flood hazard ; and ,
( 8 ) To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special
flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions .
' Unless specifically defined below , words or phrases used in
this local law shall be interpreted so as to give them the
( 7 ) To insure that potential buyers . are notified that
property is in an area of special flood hazard ; and ,
( 8 ) To ensure that those who occupy the areas of special
flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions . .
Definitions •
Unless specifically defined below , words or phrases used in
this local law shall be interpreted so as to give them the
meaning they have in common usage and to give this local law
its most reasonable application . • ,
2 . 1 " Appeal " means a request for a review of the
interpretation of any provision of this law or a request for a
variance .
2 . 2 " Area of special flood hazard " means the land in the
flood plain within a community subject to a one percent or
greater chance of flooding in any given year .
2 . 3 " Base flood " means the flood having a one percent chance
of being equalled or exceeded in any given year .
2 . 4 " Development " means any man - made change to improved or
unimproved real estate , including but not limited to buildings
or other structures , mining , dredging , fining , paving
excavation . or drilling operations located within the area of
special flood hazard .
2 . 5 " Flood " or " Flooding " mean a general and temporary
• condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry
land areas from :
( 1 ) - The overflow of inland waters and / or
( 2 ) The unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of
surface waters from any source .
2 . 6 " Flood Hazard Boundary Map " ( FHBM ) means the official map
issued by the Federal Insurance Administration where the areas
of special flood hazard have been designated Zone A .
2 . 7 " Lowest Floor " means '-. owest level including basement ,
crawlspace , or garage of lowest enclosed area .
2 . 8 " mobile Home " means a structure that is transportable in
o ne or more sections , built on a permanent chassis , and
designed to be used with or without a 'permanent foundation '
w hen connected to the required utilities . It does not include
✓ ecreational vehicles or travel trailers .
2 . 9 " Structure " means a walled and roofed building , . a mobile
home , or a gas or liquid storage tank , that is principally
above ground .
2 . 10 " Substantial improvement " means any repair , reconstruc -
tion , or improvement of a structure , the cost of which equals
o r exceeds 50 percent of the market •• value of the structure
e ither :
( 1 ) before the improvement or repair is started , or
( 2 ) if the structure has been damaged and is being
. restored , before the damage occurred .
For • the purposes of this definition . " substantial
improvement " is considered to occur when the first alteration
o f any wall , ceiling , floor or other structural part of the
building commences , whether or not that alteration affects the
external dimensions of the structure . The term does not ,
however , include either :
( 1 ) Any project for improvement of a structure to comply
with existing state or local health , sanitary , or safety code
specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe
living conditions , or
( 2 ) any alteration of a structure listed on the National
Register of Historic Places or a State Inventory of Historic
Places .
2 . 11 " Variance " means a grant of relief ' from the requirements
o f this local law which permits construction in a manner that
w ould otherwise be prohibited by this local law .
General Provisions
This local law shall apply to all areas of special flood
hazards within the jurisdiction of the Town of Dryden .
The areas of special flood hazard identified by the
Federal Insurance Administration on its Flood Hazard Boundary
Map ( FHBM ) , No . H05 dated July 2 , 1976 and any revisions
thereto , are adopted by reference and declared to be a part of
this local law . The FHBM is on file at the Town Clerk ' s
Office , Town Hall , 65 East Main Street , Dryden , New York .
In their interpretation and application , the provisions
• of this local law shall be held to be minimum requirements ,
adopted for the promotion of the public health , morals ,
safety , or the general welfare . Whenever the requirements of
this . local law are at variance with the requirements of any
o ther lawfully adopted rules , regulations , or ordinances , the
most restrictive , or that imposing the higher standards , shall
govern .
The invalidity of any section or provision of this loca
law shall not invalidate any other section or provision
thereof . ,
No structure or land shall hereafter be constructed ,
located , extended , converted , or altered without full
compliance with the terms of this local law and other
• applicable regulations . Violation of the provisions of this
local law by failure to comply with any of its requirements
( including violations of conditions and safeguards established
in connection with conditions ) shall • ' constitute a misdemeanor .
Any person who violates this local law or fails to comply with
any of its requirements shall , upon conviction thereof , be
fined not more that $ 1 , 000 . 00 or imprisoned for not more than
• at93
1 year or both for each violation . and , in addition , shall pay
all costs and expenses involved in the case . Nothing herein
contained shall prevent the Town of Dryden from taking such
other lawful action as necessary to prevent or remedy a
violation .
A Development Permit shall be obtained before
construction or development begins within any area of special
flood hazard established in Section 3 . 2 . Application for a
Development Permit , shall be made on forms furnished by the
Building . Inspector and may include , but not be limited to :
plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature ,
location , dimensions , and elevations of the area in question ;
existing or proposed structures , fill , storage of materials ,
drainage facilities and the location of the foregoing .
The Building Inspector is hereby appointed to administer
and implement this local law by granting or { denying
development permit applications in accordance with its
provisions .
Duties of the Building Inspector shall include , but not
be limited to :
4 . 3 - 1 Permit Review
( 1 ) , Review all development permits to determine .
that the permit requirements of this local law have been
satisfied .
( 2 ) Review all development permits to determine
that all necessary permits have been obtained from those
Federal , State or local governmental agencies from which prior
approval is required .
( 3 ) Review all development permits to determine if
the proposed development adversely affects the flood carrying
capacity of the area of special flood hazard . For the
purposes of this local law , " adversely affects " means damage
to adjacent properties because of rises in flood stages
attributed to physical changes of the channel and the adjacent
overbank . areas .
( i ) If it is determined that there is no
adverse effect , then the permit shall be granted consistent
with the provisions of this local law .
( ii ) If it is determined that there is an
adverse effect , then flood damage mitigation measures shall be
made a condition of the permit . .
4 . 3 - 2 Use of Other Base Flood Data
When base flood elevation data has not been provided in
accordance with Section 3 . 2 , BASIS FOR ESTABLISHING THE AREAS
OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD , the Building Inspector shall obtain ,
review and reasonably utilize any base flood elevation data
available from a Federal , State or other source , in order to
administer Section 5 . 2 , SPECIFIC STANDARDS .
4 . 3 - 3 Information to be Obtained and Maintained
( 1 ) Obtain and record the actual elevation ( in
relation to mean sea level ) of the lowest floor ( including
basement ) of all new or substantially improved structures , and
whether or not the structure contains a basement .
( 2 ) For all new or substantially improved flood -
proofed structures :
( i ) obtain and record the actual elevation ( in
relation to mean sea level ) to which the structure has been
floodproofed .
( ii ) maintain . the floodproofing certifications
required in Sections 5 . 2 - 1 ( 3 ) and 5 . 2 - 2 ( 3 ) .
( 3 ) Maintain for public inspection all records per -
taining to the provisions of this local law .
4 . 3 - 4 Alteration of Watercourses
( 1 ) Notify adjacent communities and the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation prior to any
alteration or relocation of a watercourse , and submit evidence
of such notification to the Federal Insurance Administration .
( 2 ) Require that maintenance is provided within the
altered or relocated portion of said watercourse so that the
flood carrying capacity is not diminished .
4 . 3 - 5 Interpretation of FHBM Boundaries
Make interpretations where , needed , as to the exact
location of the boundaries of the areas of special flood
hazards ( for example , where there appears to be a conflict
between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions . )
Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction
In all areas of . special flood hazards the following
standards are required :
. 5 . 1 - 1 Anchoring
( 1 ) All new construction and substantial
improvements shall be anchored to prevent flotation , collapse ,
. or lateral movement of the structure .
( 2 ) All mobile homes and any additions thereto
shall be anchored to resist flotation , collapse , or lateral
movement by providing an anchoring system designed • to
withstand a wind force of 90 miles per hour .
5 . 1 - 2 Construction Materials and Methods
( 1 ) All new construction and . substantial
improvements shall be constructed with materials and utility
equipment resistant to flood damage .
( 2 ) All new construction and substantial
improvements shall be constructed using methods and practices
that minimize flood damage .
5 . 1 - 3 Utilities
. ( 1 ) All new and replacement water supply systems
shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of
flood waters into the system ;
( 2 ) New and replacement sanitary sewage systems
shall be designed to minimize or . eliminate infiltration of
flood waters ; and , •
• ( 3 ) On - site waste disposal systems shall be located
to avoid impairment to them or contamination from them during
flooding .
5 . 1 - 4 Subdivison Proposals
( 1 ) All subdivision proposals shall be consistent
w ith the need to minimize flood damage ;
( 2 ) All subdivision proposals shall have public
u tilities and facilities such as sewer , gas , electrical , and
w ater systems located and constructed to minimize flood
damage ;
( 3 ) All subdivision proposals shall have adequate
drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood damage ; and ,
( 4 ) Base flood elevation data shall be provided for
subdivision proposals and other proposed development which
contain at least 50 lots or 5 acres ( whichever is less ) .
5 . 1 - 5 Encroachments
Any proposed development shall be analyzed to
d eytermine effects on the flood carrying capacity of the area
o f special flood hazard as set forth . in . Section 4 . 3 - 1 ( 3 ) ,
P ermit Review .
In all areas of special flood hazards where base flood
e levation data has been provided as set forth in Section
4 . 3 - 2 , Use of Other Base Flood Data , the following standards
are required :
5 . 2 - 1 Residential Construction
New construction and substantial improvement of any
commercial , industrial or other nonresidential structure shall
either have the lowest floor , including basement , elevated to
o r above the base flood elevation ; or , together with attendant
u tility and sanitary facilities , shall :
( 1 ) be floodproofed so that below the base flood
level the structure is ' watertight with walls substantially
impermeable to the passage of water ;
• ( 2 ) have structural components capable of resisting
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy ;
( 3 ) be certified by a • registered professional
engineer or architect that the standards of this subsection
are satisfied . Such certifications shall be provided to the
o fficial as set forth in Section 4 . 3 - 3 ( 2 ) ,
5 . 2 - 2 Nonresidential Construction
New construction and substantial . improvement of any
commercial , industrial or other nonresidential structure shall
e ither have the lowest floor , including basement , elevated to
o r above the base flood elevation ; or , together with utility
and sanitary facilities , shall :. .
( 1 ) be floodproofed so that below the base flood
level the structure is watertight . .:with walls substantially
impermeable to the passage of water ;
a Y
( 2 ) have structural components capable of resisting
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy ;
( 3 ) be certified by a 'registered professional
engineer or architect that the standards of this subsection
are satisfied . Such certifications shall be provided to the
o fficial as set forth in Section 4 . 3 - 3 ( 2 ) .
Variance Procedure
( 1 ) The Zoning Board of Appeals as established by the
Town of Dryden Zoning Ordinance shall hear and decide appeals
and requests for variances from the requirements of this local
law .
( 2 ) The Zoning Board of Appeals . shall hear and decide
appeals when it is alleged there is an error in any
✓ equirement , decision , or determination made by the Building
Inspector in the enforcement or administration of this local
law .
( 3 ) Those aggrieved by the decision of the Zoning Board
o f Appeals or any taxpayer , may appeal such decision to the
supreme court as provided in the New York State Constitution ,
• Article VI , Section 2 .
( 4 ) In passing upon such applications , the Zoning Board
o f Appeals shall consider all technical evaluations , all
✓ elevant factors , standards specified in other sections of
this local law and :
( i ) the danger that materials may be swept onto
o ther lands to the injury of others ;
( ii ) the danger to life and property due to flooding
o r erosion damage .
( iii ) the susceptibility of the proposed facility and .
its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on
the individual owner ;
( iv ) the importance of the services provided by the
proposed facility to the community ;
( v ) the necessity to the facility of a waterfront
location , where applicable ;
( vi ) the availability of alternative locations for
t he proposed use which are not subject to flooding or erosion
. damage ;
( vii ) the compatibility of the proposed use with ex -
isting and anticipated development ;
( viii ) the relationship of the proposed use to the
comprehensive plan and flood plain management program of that
• area ; 11/
( ix ) the safety of access to the property in times
o f flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles ;
( x ) the expected heights , velocity ; duration , rate
o f rise , and sediment transport of the flood waters and the
e ffects of wave action , if applicable , expected at the site ;
and .
( xi ) the costs of providing governmental services
during and after flood conditions , J. ncluding maintenance and
a& 7
" repai "r of public utilities and facilities such as sewer , gas ,
electrical , and water systems and streets and bridges .
( 5 ) • Upon consideration of the factors of Section 6 . 1 ( 4 )
and the ' purposes of this local law , the Zoning Board of
Appeals may attach such conditions to • the granting of
variances as it deems necessary to further the purposes of
t his local law .
( 6 ) The Zoning Board of Appeals shall maintain the
records of all appeal actions including technical information
and report any variances to the Federal Insurance
Administration upon request . .
( 1 ) Generally , - variances may be issued for new
construction and substantial improvements to be erected on a
lot of one - half acre or less in size contiguous to and
surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below
t he base flood level , providing items ti ) through ( xi ) in
Section 6 . 1 ( 4 ) have been fully considered . As the lot size
increases beyond the one - half acre , the technical
justification required for issuing the variance increases .
( 2 ) ° Variances may be issued for the reconstruction ,
rehabilitation or restoration of structures listed on the
N ational Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of
Historic Places , without regard to the procedures set forth in
the remainder of- this section .
( 3 ) Variances shall not be issued within any designated
floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood
d ischarge would result .
• ( 4 ) Variances shall only be issued upon a determination
that the variance is the minimum necessary , considering the
flood - hazard , to afford relief .
_t .
( 5 ) Variances shall only be issued upon :
( i ) a showing of good and sufficient cause ;
( ii ) a determination that failure to grant the
• variance would result in exceptional hardship to the
• applicant ; and
- ( iii ) a determination that the granting of a variance
- will not result in increased flood heights , additional threats
to public - safety , extraordinary public expense , create
nuisances , cause fraud - on or victimization of the public as
identified in Section 6 . 1 ( 4 ) or conflict with " existing local
laws or ordinances .
( 6 ) Any applicant to whom a variance is granted shall be
given written notice that the • structure • will be permitted to
be built with a lowest floor elevation below the base flood
elevation and that the cost of flood insurance will • be
commensurate with the - increased risk resulting from lowest
floor elevation .
• SECTION 7 . 0
Effective Date .
7 . 1 • This local • law shall take effect upon filing with the
Secretary of State .
( 0v •
Atty Perkins received a letter from Supv Cotterill dated Sept 6th . : :. . He went over
every question and tried:' tc answer them .
1 - According to current school contracts when and how much ' will . ' each school pay
in 1985 ? It is impossible to answer at the present time because there is a
formula that depends on whole time equivalent population regarding the school
and TC 3 . He expects to have the school figure within the next week or so . The
TC 3 figure will •not be known until October 8th . The Intermunicipal Agreement
with the Village of Dryden states that . The Town will honor those contracts , with
respect to TC3 which has a 30 year contract (20 years left ) . We just have to put
in the figures and pass it to the Village . The school contract however , has expired
and the board is free to negotiate anew contract with ' the school as limited in
the Tntermuni'cipal Agreement . The board ' should consider- requesting - the Village
to immediately assign to the Town the TC 3 contract pursuant to the Intermunicipal
Agreement . Also appoint a committee consisting of board members to negotiate
. with representatives from the school for new contract . The first payment
would be Oct 15th of this year . Payments under both contracts are due the same
schedule the Village bills its customers . The district is treated as a customer
so we can expect bills on April 15th and ,Oct . 15th .
2- What is - the current and anticipated 1985 Village user rate ? The current rate
according to . the Village policy is a minimum of 27 , 500 gallons for $ 3630 and over
that is $1 . 32 for each 1000 gallons used . This 'is - the Village rate . The district
• rate will be one and ' a quarter time the Village rate .
3- When does the Rillage bill the Town for user fees ? The Intermunicipal Agreement
deals with that in paragraph 5 . Currently it is semi-annually April 15th & Oct 15th .
4 • When and ' how much will the Village charge the Town for its share of upgrading?
He couldn ' t answer that because he didn ' t know when it would be upgraded or how
much. it will cost : Again it would ' be included in the Intermunicipal Agreement . The
district will payback over the same period of time that` the Village bonds for
the improvements.
5- To whom,: and how much will the Village bill for hook- ups? The Village won ' t bill
anybody for hook- ups, that is the districts responsibility . - Each resident is charged
with hooking up themselves. This is set forth in our Wastewater Ordinance .
Supv Cotterill appointed Clm Webb and ' Clm Schlech.t to work with Atty Perkins to
nego.ti'ate with Dryden School ' for at new contract with Cortland Rd . Sewer Dist . .
9 building permits were issued for the month of August . 1 one- family dwelling;
1 remodeling; 1 mobile home (replacement ) ; 2 garages ; 3 storage buildings ; and
1 swimming pool . ZBOA had 3 hearings 1 - John Brown , Lower Creek- Rd in Etna for
a garage that would be to close to the road and this was granted . 2 - Francis
and Nancy Miller , Meadowlark Rd for an addition to their house which would be to
close to the road and this was granted . 3- James Strickland , Dryden -Harford Rd
• ' wanted a used car sales lot at his home and this was denied .
Roger Lampilla was present to report to the board the progress of the IDA .
Charles Evans- Assistant Cha ': man ; Mert Webb - Treasurer ; Anthony Palumbo - Secretary ;
Dianne McFall - Executive Sec-Bookkeeper; and MahlOn::Perkins as their council .
• Their board has discussed several policies . One policy would be dealing with
• • an application fee which can range from $0 . 00 to $ 300 . 00 . Their board chose to
have an application fee of $100 . 00 non-refundable . A policy that has not been set
yet would be insurance.; He would like the names of the people on the IDA given
to Bailey Insurance so that they could be included in the towns policy . They have
discussed bonding and also - a policy dealing with in lieu of taxes since they are
tax exempt . This will be looked at on a one to one basis . The IDA wants to know
' how- and when they are going to let the public know that they exist . Their function
is to provide help to any development .
There was some discussion about having the Planning Board change the zoning
ordinance . They felt that by spring there would be some changes , made , but
have not heard anything . The Town Board felt that maybe they should hold a
seperate meeting just to work on the zoning changes and have a report back
to the Town Board by a certain date .
Roger wanted to know specifically when the zoning would be redone so that the
• IDA will be able to know in what direction to go . He is not interested in going
out advertising the IDA and hot having a place to . put a development without an answer .
The Town Board would like to recommend to the Planning Board that they meet an
extra night during the month to work strictly on zoning and set up a timetable .
SPCA contract
Ambulance report
Municipal ' Assoc . meeting Sept 26th
Letter of resignation from Sue Gent , Court Clerk
Retirement insentive law
.7 7
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize Judge Newhart to appoint a court clerk
at the rate of $4 . 00 per hour for the balance of the year and will be a 27 hour
work week .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT - Machine inventory given to Board Members -
Clm Metzger • Offered the following resolution and asked -for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Jim Turner and Dave Jilson as sanitary
inspectors for the Town of Dryden. • - - • -
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote . - all voting YES
1450 . 2 to ELECTION ` CONTRACTUAL 1450 . 4
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize ` the . Supv to transfer $ 300 . 00 from election
equipment , 1450 . 2 to election contractual 1450 . 4 .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
1920 . 4 to ' DEC PERMIT 1989 . 4 .
Clm Metzger Offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that thiE Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $10 . 93 from
special items 1920 . 4 to DEC permit 1989 . 4
2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
0 JUSTICE REPORTS - Judge Sweetland - $ 2527 . 00 Judge Newhart - $ 2665 . 00
FINANCIAL REPORTS - given to Board Members
HOME ' BUILDERS 1968 Dryden Road
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its- adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special -permit - to Integrity Home Builders
with. the following - restrictions : 1 - - No residential use is allowed (other than
night watchman , this will not be his legal residence ) ; 2 — display and retail sales
only for mobile homes and modular homes ( this is not ' a mobile home park) ; 3:41_'_ this
permit is for the existing Corporation andowner? Mr James D Shippy and Mr Thomas
E Wright and is not transferable by sale or lease to ' anyc6.fhe±Tpefson ; 4 - approval
from Tompkins County Health Department .
2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Schlecht offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the special . district bills be . paid as audited . _
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Schelcht . offered the following resolution _ and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the capital fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Schedule budget meeting Sept 25th 7 : 00PM
Adjourned : 10 : OOPM if
Susanne Lloyd /
Town Clerk
� 7V •
September 25 , 1984 .
Supv . Cotterill called the meeting -to order at 7 : 00PM
Present : Supv . Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb , Clm -'Schlecht and Atty Perkins
Absent : Clm Metzger and Town Clerk Lloyd
Clrn SchlechtUoffe,red /following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that this Town Board award Altec Construction Co . Inc . the contract
for sewer installation on Freeville Road _in the amount of $ 24 , 280 . 00 .
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to the notice of award , ':the
agreement and the notice to proceed .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Evans introduced a local law to amend subsection .(1 ) of Section 406 of Local
Law No . 3 of 1983 , to allow plastic pipe .
Adjourned : 7 : 30 PM •
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk
OCTOBER 9 , 1984
• Amend Local Law # 3- 1983
Minutes of public hearing #1 at 7 : 30PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper . to consider .
the amendment subsection (1 ) of Section 406 of Local Law # 3-J983
Supv Cotterill - this would : allow. the inspectors to allow cast iron or PVC pipe
with proper specifications . .
Atty Perkins - this is a recommendation made by Hunt Engieers that the Town
allows the use of PVC pipe in the sewer .. latteral connections .
Closed public hearing #1 7 : 40PM •
October 9 , 1984 Robert Plunkett , 983 Peruville Rd
Minutes of public hearing #2 at 7 : 45 ,PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that . was published in . the newspaper to consider
the application of Robert Plunkett for .a special permit to extend his- TV and
Satellite Sales and Service building .at 983 Peruville Rd .
Supv Cotterill read the letter from - Frank Liguori , . County Planning Dept
stating that there will be no deleterious impact and '"the ' town is free to . act
without prejudice .
Robert Plunkett - the building now is 34 , by 20 feet and with the addition it •
will be 34 4by 100 feet .
Closed public hearing 7 : 55 PM :