HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-10 A go , PUBLIC HEARING # 1 July 10 , 1984 Hollis Beckwith Parcel # 3- 21 - 16 Auto Repair Shop 674 Peruville Rd . Minutes of public hearing # 1 7 : 00PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of Hollis Beckwith for a special permit to have an auto repair shop in his garage at 674 Peruville Rd . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Mr . Beckwith - had received a letter from the Health Dept stating that since there would not be an increase in the sewage flow from the property which also contains the residence , no sewage system construction permit id is required at this time . However , if the business should expand so that employees are hired they will need such a permit . Mr Beckwith left a copy of the letter with the Zoning Officer . Mr Beckwith submitted a petition for permission from his neighbors and landowner to put in an auto repair shop at his residence . Closed public hearing #1 7 : 10PM PUBLIC HEARING # 2 July 10 , 1984 John Cooper Parcel #24 - 1 - 8 Salvage yard 594 Wood Rd . Minutes of public hearing # 2 7ilOPM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the application of John A Cooper to have an auto salvage yard on his property at 594 Wood Rd . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Mr Cooper - the property location is on a dead end and dirt road . He gave the board members pictures of the property which has natural boundaries of trees and shrubbery all around so that the salvage yard will not be visable 1 from any direction . They will be selling parts off the cars that are no ?' longer usable , and once this is done the cars will be disposed of elsewhere . They will be kept just long enough for junk value . There will only be a limited number of cars in' there at one time of about 100 . He plans on using only the 5 acres of land which he has applied for on the permit . Supv Cotterill - `wanted to know if there were any state regulations? Atty Perkins - the permit could be granted if the boards do desires subject to any state • rules and regulations regarding junk and salvage yards . There was some discussion about fencing around the property or . using the natural boundaries . that are already there . • • • Closed public heating 7 : 20 PM PUBLIC HEARING # 3 July 10 , 1984 Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment LOCAL LAW # 2 - 1984 Minutes of public hearing # 3 7 : 20PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the advisablity of enacting the Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS ` Atty Perkins - this is . the same proposed Local Law that has already been ! , enacted by the City and Town of Ithaca , both of which are participants i ! in the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Project . The Town is also a member and co- owner . The Local Law in this form will provide for a uniform application of enforcement . Also , it will pass the Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Dept- of Environmental Conservation . Atty Perkins highlighted different parts of the Local Law to the Board members . Closed public hearing # 3 7 : 30PM o? ' /% PUBLIC HEARING # 4 July 10 , 1984. Leisure Lane & Meadow Drive Lighting District Minutes of public hearing # 4 7 : 30PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published- in the newspaper to consider the Petition and to hear all persons interested in the creation of Leisure Lane and Meadow Drive Lighting District . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS • • Atty Perkins - the petitions have been filed with the Town Board with regard to the establishment of a lighting district in the sub- division of Leisure Lane and Meadow Drive . The petition is sufficient in the opinion of the Town Attorney . If the Board makes a ' determination that it is in the public interest to form the district it will then be subject to & permissive referendum . Closed public hearing # 4 7 : 35PM • •r TOWN BOARD MEETING JULY 10 , 1984 • Minutes of the Town Board meeting July 10th Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 7 : 35PM - Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance • Roll call, was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb , Clm Metzger , Clm Schlecht ; Atty-- Perkins and Z . O . Stewart APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES :. Motion was made by Clm Evans' and 2nd by Clm Schelcht that the public hearing and board meeting held on June 12th anhspecial meeting. " ' . held on June 19th be approved as submitted . COUNTY BRIEFING • Co Rep ,• Watros would like to clear up a matter of concern with his involvement with the recent discussions regarding the development of the local Dryden IDA . ' It had • been alleged that he had taken direct opposition as well as refusing to meet with this body concerning the matter . This is totally untrue and wants to make it very clear . There was a statement that he opposed the IDA and he has never refused to meet with anybody at any time . • or Pp, BOARD * R 1 . raSE , •: T!VES • 1 ..:�, 1 cou t, No e, '-i .,r M a; a . J 04 $0 • `4 4 a , ' c * * a ' • . TO : • Members of the Dryden Town Board FROM : Robe . ; , ' tros , Representative • •• Drst iA:f O . 14 DATE : July 10 , 1984 RE : Formation of Dryden IDA Below is a brief explanatiol as to my involvement in the matter concerning the formation of a Dryden IDA . . • I IMVA , • • , . a 44;Z On Thursday , June 28 , I received a call . from .Mahlon Perkins stating that Harris Dates was going to oppose the. formation of the Dryden IDA . I immediately Coitacted Dates and discsisse4 the. morte. r with him . He indicated that he could See no benefits in duplicating an existing viable County agency and ; therefore , y' 1anned to respond accordingly to a request from the Covernor • for hi - comments . • 140: ever , he did agree to withhold any comments until the matter could be discussed cvrther with town ' officiais . I then called Perkins and explained the situation to him,, and he agreed to ask for a temporary delay in action on she bill pending such r^eeting . I then called Diane McFall and asked that a meeting be arranged . It was understood that she would be talking with Cotterill at noon and a decision would be made as to the time of such a meeting . On Monday , July 3 , . 1 stopped at the Courthouse and asked Dates the status o .f the .IDA matter , He read me e raft of his response to the Governor. I asked that he include language that acknow- Ledged the town ' s right to form such an aage :ncxy and a .:statement from him that would iwdi_ cate that he would not block the request . I then contacted Pn:1klies and ream) the revised draft of a telegram that Dates planned to send . Perkins asked if the Letter was a response of the views of the Board of Representatives . I stated that - ' the views were of Harris Dates only . I asked Perkins if he new of any additional benefits to be gained by the towns formation of a local IDA . He stated that it was strictly a local option that the town board wished to exercise . In a three -way Conversation , Dates stated that he saw no use for a meeting ; that he was not going -Cu block it . Perkins stated he had talked with members of the town board and the Local Ad Hoc committee and concluded that their position was firm . At that point , T Lhad no knowledge that the town was willing to meet . • Therefore , the three of us Actually agreed not to push further for any meeting to, be held . . - .. I assumed the above matter was fully resolved 'until last Friday evening when �p_ n Tillapaugh revealed - to rite . that the town supervisor was of the opinion: that I . . was actively opposing the formation of the Dryden- IDA and even refused to meet to discuss the subject . First of all , the Board of Representatives has no role to ? lay in advising the Governor . Only Chairman Dates was asked for his personal comments .. 1141 only activities - centered around getting Mr . Dates . to draft a response that was not in direct opposition to the formation of a local IDA . However , as a local resident and taxpayer , I did have concerns as to why a duplicate agency is being formed with out any foreseeable additional benefits . In discussing this concern with Cotterill , he expressed concern as to whether rnerrers of the Tompkins County IDA 4nd Dates in particular would promote 'Dryden to the same degree a local group would . He also said. _ that it will cost nothing to establish and staff a local I.DA . Therefore , I have no personal objections to the formation of such a local agency . •. • . I hope , for the record , that this explanation clarifies my actions concerning the above subject . . . RIW / caw • Co Rep Watros wanted to know if the Town had received a copy of the telegram Harris . I Dates had sent to Gov . Cuomo ? Atty Perkins - No , we were promised a copy but have never received one . Co Rep Tillapaugh - read the telegram that was sent to Gov . Cuomo from Harris Dates . Thank you for extending us the opportunity to comment on the above referendum legislation . Tompkins County Industrial Development Agency was established in 1971 and functions . very closely with Tompkins County Area Development Corporations serving all of Tompkins County . We currently have bonds outstanding on several very successful projects in the City of Ithaca and several *our towns ranging from small and large industrial plants , to a , retail store and a farm . We have never turned down a request to assist any municipality in Tompkins County . Since we 'are a County wide operation I do not see a need at this time for an additional Industrial Development Agency in Tompkins County . However ', I recognise the Town ' s constitutional right to form such an agency . Therefore , I do not want to `be responsible for taking I ', this right from them . • - There was some discussion . O7 3 PUBLIC HEARING # 5 , July 10 , 1984 Assignment of Easement ' to . . Village df . Dryden • Minutes of public hearing # 5 Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper to consider the advisability of assigning to the Village of Dryden certain rights to the permanent easement the Town of Dryden retained over the abandoned Lehigh Valley; : Railroad property between the Village of Dryden and the Village of Freeville . QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Atty Perkins - this goes back to our original intermunicipal Agreement between the Town and the Village of Dryden which was dated Oct . 1982 contemplating funding . As part of the Intermunicipal Agreement wherein the Village has agreed to accept the affluent from the . Cortland Rd Sewer Dist . The Town of Dryden agreed to assign to the Village of _Dryden the right that the Town has to .the permanent easement ' over the abandoned railroad property between the Village of Dryden . and the Village of Freeville . The reason for the public hearing is because it involves public interest in real property . We must glVe the publican opportunity to comment on it . The Town will be giving the Village the right to place , install , and maintain a sewer outfall line -along the abandoned LVRR property . Closed public hearing : 8 : 00PM • PUBLIC HEARING # 6 July .10 ; 1984 ' Proposed Snyder Hill Water Dist . Minutes of public hearing # 6 8 : 00PM Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper . to consider said petition to establish Snyder Hill Water Dist and the maximum amount proposed to be expended for said water district shall not exceed the sum of $ 91 , 078 . 00 QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Atty Perkins - ' the Town has the authority to decrease the boundaries of the proposed water district . ' Don Willemsen , 330 Snyder Hill Rd . - wanted to know if people had to hook- up to the waterline if the water went by their property , or do so immediately ? Atty Perkins - it is the Town Board ' s option . In smaller districts there usually isn ' t any choice but to hook- up . Don Willemsen - the fire protection would also be enhanced with the water district . There was some ' discussion and most of the people in: :the area agreed that it is worth the cost to have a water district . • Pat Underwood , 329. Snyder Hill Rd . - wanted to know how it is to be assessed and how would it be evaluated ? What would the cost be ? " Would it be on front footage or assessed Value ? Supv Cotterill - every district has the: tight to Set their own formula , so your questions can ' t be answered until the district is formed and the board decides' on a formula , Atty Perkins - the statute states . that the Town " Board shall assess the cost of the improvement to the properties that are ' benefited according to the benefits that they receive . This does not tie the board to any particular formula . Any property that has water going by it has the opportunity to tap into the main will receive at least - some benefit . This proposal serves a relatively small area and the board has to decide whether or not it is in the best interest of. the" people and properties benefited . ' If the Town Board decides that in fact all of the properties originally identified are not benefited it can call another public hearing . The improvements would first be complete so there wouldn ' t be any assessment or benefit determination until after the actual cost of the construction is known . Pat Underwood - is not against water , . but she is against the fact that she may be required to pay for someone else ' s benefit . If it will . benefit her than it is to her advantage . Atty Perkins - presumably , . if the water goes by your property you will pay for it based upon a fannw:Za than will 'be applied equally to everyone within the district . You may not be required to hook= up to it : That will be the option of the Town Board to adopt 2u les° and regulations . ' I I I ( ' a Pat Underwood - has a 50 foot r- o- w that goes . .back to her land . She would like to have . a water district , . but would like - to have a 6 inch or 8 inch waterline to go back the .- 800 feet so _ that she would be able to develop her land of 50 acres . the 50 foot r- o- w is an official roadway . There was some discussion . • • CIm Evans - wanted to clarify a point that in the proposed water district Pat Underwood would like a 800 foot • waterline included down the 50 foot r- -o - w • as part of the basic water district to - what - is proposed . Would that require another public -hearing? • - Warren Underwood - there are several houses down the road now . It will cost just as much to lay a One incbh water : pipe as it would to lay an eight inch pipe . If that property is going to be developed ; now is the time to put in the right kind of pipe . • • Atty Perkins - there are -22 parcels involved in . the -water district . - There will have to be another public hearing if the town wants to include a line down the 50 foot .r- o- w to the Prince- Underwood property , since it . was not included in .. • the - cost or proposal . -The Town Board has . an option . i-f all of the properties are . not benefited. by this first proposal they can appropriate a certain amount of money for an engineering map , plan and . ,report . This scan be justified by the . concerns of this .public hearing : - • . - • • • - - Jim Gutelius , 352 Snyder Hill Rd : - many of them need water now' -and is sure that more will need it in the future . • - Supv Cotterill - wanted to know if there were any more comments or if the board should consider this proposal as it is or should it be changed ? Don, Willemsen - would like the proposal . considered as it is . Pat 'Underwood - would like it ammended to include a large enough line down the road r- o- w to their property or that they be completely excluded from the water district . One way or the other . Atty Perkins = assuming that the extension was made in a southerly direction would you have any objections to hooking on ? Warren Underwood - do we have to hook on ? Can we pay our yearly fee and not have the water? • Supv Cotterill .- . that is a• question that this - board has to decide . Pat Underwood - wanted it clearly understood that if they are included in the . water district. that the line be extended down their- r- o- w to their property . If the line cannot be extended than they want •to- be excluded from the •water dist . Closed public hearing . - - • • ATTORNEY . . • - . Atty Perkins - the Town Board should schedule a special meeting for July 24th . The engineer will have the final cost estimates and- other material available - for the increase and improvements of the facilities in the Cortland Rd Sewer Dist . If the board is - going to bid you should not - let • another month go by without acting on that . The board also needs to schedule a public hearing on a proposal for Thomas and Mary Bordoni to realign Ringwood Court . They have proposed to change the turnaround on the west side of the road to - 56. feet to the south . They will deed to the town a 50 foot square parcel to be used by the town . The town would then deed to . them the existing turnaround which is . 50 square feet . Hwy Supt . Humphrey . has seen the . map. and he has. .agreed to the proposed turnaround . . Supv Cotterill - - scheduled a public heating for 7 : 15 PM July 24th TOWN CLERK • _ Received notification that the Secretary of State has received Local Law # 1 - 1984 Repealing Town of Dryden Local .' Law # 1 of- the year 1983 and was filed 5 - 31 - 84 ZONING OFFICER • • - - • 16 building . permits for . the month of June . . 5 one-family dwellings ; 3 additions ; 4 . mobile homes; 2 garages ; - and 2 . storage • buildings . - ZBOA had .2 hearings : 1 mobile home on a 12 acre lot without sufficient road frontage . 2 - a house to close to the road . Both variances were granted . - Z . O . Stewart . - wanted fo know if he - would be - involved - in the fire enforcement ? Supv . Cotterill - that is something that the board has - to decided . There was some discussion . • • a (1 S • CORRESPONDENCE • Letter from DEC regarding a pre- construction meeting for the sewer dist . - Ambulance report • JUSTICE REPORTS Judge Sweetland - $ 3909 . 00 Judge Newhart - $ 2005 . 00 RESOLUTION #131 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCY ( 1990 . 4 ) TO ATTORNEY CONTRACTUAL (1420 . 40 ) Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that . this Town board authorize the Supv to transfer $61 . 00 from Contingency ' (1990 . 4 ) to Attorney contractual (1420 . 40) 2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION #132 PAYROLL DRYDEN SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED ; that this Town Board authorize the Supv to process a payroll every two weeks for the Dryden Summer Recreation program . -Vouchers will be audited at the Town Board meeting following the end of the program . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 133 TRANSFER FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCY (1990 . 4 ) TO SWEETLAND . CONTRACTUAL (1111 . 40 ) FOR JURY TRIAL . . . . . Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to tranfer $ 518 . 67 from Contingency (1990. . 4 ) to Sweetland Contractual (1111 . 40 ) for jury trial . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 134 AUDIT GENERAL FUND BILLS Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 135 AUDIT HIGHWAY FUND BILLS _ Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the highway bills be paid as audited . • 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 136 AUDIT SPECIAL DIST . AND CAPTIAL BILLS • Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that the special district and capital bills be paid _ as audited . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting YES FINANCIAL REPORTS - given to board members RESOLUTION #137 GRANT SPECIAL. PERMIT - AUTO REPAIR- ' SHOP - Hollis ' Beckwith. • Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption ! RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Hollis Beckwith to have an auto repair shop in his garage at 674 Peruville Rd . with the following restrictions ; 1 -. that there is a limit of 5 cars parked outside at anytime ; 2 - that this permit is for Mr_` Beckwith only and is not transferable by sale or lease ; 3- Six (6 ) day work week , Monday thru Saturday . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - , all voting Yes 4 I RESOLUTION # 138 GRANT SPECIAL PERMIT - SALVAGE YARD John A "Cooper Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to John A Cooper to have a auto salvage yard on his property at 594 Wood Rd with the following restrictions : 1 - that it is subject to any state and local rules and regualtions ; 2 - that there ' is no stock-piling of tires; 3- that this permit is:-Tor John A Cooper and is not transferable by sale or lease ; 4- that the auto salvage, - yard is restricted to the 5 acres only that is shown in the diagram on the application . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting Yes I # - _ •... :. ,- .. :. . S ..: . . , . . P.... .. ... . 7.�_i'nrv ` rmp� ln.Z+il..'tF X<(.q yy,:Y t i1r ' n.. : .Y.k> . i:! M t3u. .. ,. ... . ._ . ;. , .. ., , 4 (P i RESOLUTION # 139 LOCAL LAW # 2 -1984 REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS AND DRAINS , PRIVATE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL , THE INSTALLATION • AND CONNECTION OF BUILDING SEWERS , AND THE DISCHARGE OF WATERS AND WASTES INTO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEMS , THE TREATMENT AND PRETREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE , a . . AND PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF SUCH . • FACILITIES AND THE - ENFORCEMENT OF THIS LAW . Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and . askkd,: for its adoption : COPY IS ATTACHED IN 'MINUTE BOOK : 2nd C1m Evans Roll call - Vote - all voting YES . . .. . . - . # 140 RESOLUTION APPROVING ESTABLISHMENT . OF LEISURE LANE and MEADOW DRIVE LIGHTING_ DISTRICT WHEREAS , ' written ,_ . Petitions . to Establish . a Lighting . D istrict have . been _ filed with . the Towvt Clerk and presented to the - Town - Board of the Zawn of Dryden requesting the "F establishment of the Leisure Lane and . _ Hieadow Drive. Lighting District as more particularly described in said Petition , and WHEREAS ., the . Town Board of St.2 Town . of_ _ Dryde3n adopted an . O rder on . June 12 , 1994 , - calling a Public Hearin, , on said P etitions , and said Order was duly and regul : ° ly published in . The Ithaca Journal and a Copy _ posted on the sign board maintained by the Town pursuant to Subdivision 6 of Section 30 Of - the . ©wn Lawt - and '. WHEREAS , a Public . Hea. ring was duly held at - the Town Hall - on ilu,ly 10 , 1984 at 7 : 30 p . m . to consider . said . Petition and to hear all interested persons on the subject thereof concerning the same , • and WREIQEAS , the Town- Board has - given • etve . dei erartion to • the ' H eatrit13 and tha • test ] ony and allegations ) ese ted and-. ha5 e xam 40ed and reviu: ed `the • ` etitio, S , • - • • • A c7 5 NOW , on motion ' of Councilman itiefeemAJ ICU , seconded by Councilman C t v4Ars , all members present voting • therefor , it is RESOLVED as follows : • • 1 . The Petitions to Establish a Lighting District are signed and acknowledged or proved as required by law and are otherwise sufficient . . 2 . A11 . 4of the property and property owners within the proposed district are benefited thereby . 3 . All of the property and property owners benefited are • included within the limits of the proposed district . 4 . It is in the public interest to grant in whole the relief sought , to wit : the creation of the Leisure Lane and • Meadow Drive Lighting District as more particularly described in the said Petitions . . . . _ 111 5 . The boundaries of said Lighting District shall be all those tracts . or parcels of land indicated as Town of Dryden Tax Map Parcels 27 . 1 Block 2 excepting and reserving therefrom Tax Map Parcels 27 . 1 - 2 - 1 and 27 . 1 - 2 - 2 ( the District comprising all of those tracts or parcels of land . fronting on Leisure Lane and Meadow Drive ) . . 6 . The establishment of the District with said boundaries and the furnishing and providing of lighting services therein is hereby approved . 7 . The Application for Street Lighting Service submitted by the New York State Electric & Gas Corporation for lighting the streets and public places be and the same hereby is approved . P . The Town Supervisor of the Town of Dryden is hereby authorized to execute the Application for Street Lighting Service with New York State Electric & Gas Corporation . Roll call vote - all voting YES .ti i1i . . • aY • • RESOLUTION #141 SUBMIT APPLICATION TO STATE COMPTROLLER TO ESTABLISH LEISURE LANE AND MEADOW • DRIVE LIGHTING DISTRICT Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor and Town Clerk to submit the appropriate application to the State Comptroller for permission to establish the Leisure Lane and Meadow Drive Lighting District . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - all voting - YES RESOLUTION # 142 AGREEMENT WITH- NEW YORK- STATE • • ELECTRIC AND GAS CORPORATION Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor and Town Clerk to sign the agreement with New York State Electric and Gas Corp . for installing the poles , wires and lights AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the written agreement submitted by New York State Electric and Gas Corporation provide street lights in public places of the Leisure Lane and Meadow Drive Lighting District being same as approved . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES RESOLUTION # 143 ASSIGNMENT- OF- EASEMENT TO VILLAGE OF DRYDEN (LVRR) Clm Metzger pffered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supervisor to sign the assignment • and the Town Clerk attest to it and to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Real Property transfer gains tax affidavit of governmental entities pertaining to this transfer of less than $ 500 , 000 . 00 . 2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES There was some discussion regarding the proposed Snyder Hill Water Dist and the Town Board decided to authroize Atty Perkins to contact Lozier Engineers to come up with some figures to address the possibility of extending or • including within the district ,°give us boundaries for as much an area as possible to be served by an existing supply from the - , thaca Town Line: Adjourned : 10 : 00PM XreidearytaiL rip/ Susanne Lloyd / Town Clerk • • I •f ' , tZ, CITY OF ITHACA , TOWN OF ITHACA , AND TOWN OF DRYDEN HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE MUNICIPALITY LOCAL LAW OF THE YEAR D...04.=2 - - A Local Law - REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SEWERS AND DRAINS , PRIVATE WASTEWATER DISPOSAL , THE INSTALLATION AND CONNECTION OF ' BUILDING SEWERS , AND THE DISCHARGE OF WATERS AND WASTES INTO THE PUBLIC ' SEWER SYSTEMS , THE TREATMENT AND6 PRETREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE , AND PROVIDING FOR THE INSPECTION OF SUCH FACILITIES AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS LAW . Be It Enacted by the Municipal Board of the Municipality as follows : PREAMBLE WHEREAS , the Federal Government has enacted and amended the Federal Water Pollution Control Act , now known as the Federal Clean Water Act ( 33 U . S . C . 1150 . et seq ) , and the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States of America , and the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York are directing and supervising the implementation of applicable Federal and State laws and regulations , and WHEREAS , the City of Ithaca , and the Town of Ithaca , and the Town of Dryden have entered into an agreement for the construction and improvement of the public wastewater system as a joint municipai ' project and which will be owned , operated , and financed . jointly by said municipalities , and WHEREAS , the Municipality desires to provide that use of the above - described public wastewater system will conform to the best required sanitary engineering practices , and WHEREAS , the Municipality desires to regulate the use of the public wastewater system operated by it ; NOW , THEREFORE , the Municipal Board enacts this Local Law to be known as " The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law . " PART I ARTICLE I Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise , the meaning of terms used in this law shall be as follows : SECTION 1 . " Building Drain " shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a sanitary drainage system which receives the discharge from soil , waste , and other drainage pipes 1 . . . . , . 4 I u..W..n . ,.... ..., . .,..�.e.. .. ..._.� The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law ' Local Law A 1984 - 2 I ;r. • inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer . SECTION 2 . " Building Sewer , " also referred to herein as house sewer or sewer connection , shall mean the extension from t he building drain to the public sewer or other place of d isposal . SECTION 3 . " Contamination " shall mean an impairment of the quality of the waters of the State by waste to a degree whic creates a hazard to the public health through poisoning o � ~ through the spread of disease . SECTION 4 . " Contracting Municipality " shall mean a municipality , such as the Village of Cayuga Heights , or other municipality , with whom the Municipality has entered or may enter into an agreement whereby the said municipality agrees _ to receive and treat sewage discharge and waste through its municipal sewage works . SECTION 5 . " Garbage " shall mean solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation , cooking , and dispensing of food , and from the handling , storage , and sale of produce . S ECTION 6 . " Industrial Wastes " shall mean the liquid or wastes from industrial manufacturing processes , trade , or business as distinct from sanitary sewage . . SECTION 7 . " Natural Outlet " shall mean any outlet into a watercourse , pond , ditch , lake , or other body of surface or g roundwater . d SECTION 8 . . " Person " shall mean any individual , firm company , association , society , corporation , or group . �j SECTION 9 . " pH " shall mean the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution . SECTION 10 . " Pretreatment " shall mean the reduction of the amount of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a POTW . The reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical , chemical , or biological processes , process changes , or by other means , except as prohibited by 40 CFR 403 . 6 G eneral Pretreatment Regulation for Existing and New Sources of P ollution . S ECTION 11 . " Pollution " shall mean the man -made or man - induced alteration of the chemical , physical , biological , and radiological integrity of water . S ECTION 12 . " Properly Shredded Garbage " shall mean the wastes from the preparation , cooking , and dispensing of food that h ave been shredded to such a degree that all particles will be li J, 2 ' � � `t s Intermunici P al . Sewer Use Law Local Law !g8 •2 carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers , with no particle greater than one -half ( Z ) inch ( 1 . 27 centimeters ) in any dimension . SECTION 13 . " Public Sewer " shall mean a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights , and is controlled by public authority . 1// SECTION 14 . " Publicly Owned Treatment Works ( POTW) " is a treatment works as defined by Section 212 of the Federal Clean Water Act ( 33 U . S . C . 1292 ) . This includes any sewers that convey wastewater to the POTW . but does not include pipes , sewers , or other conveyances not connected to a facility providing treatment . . SECTION 15 . " Sanitary Sewer " shall mean a sewer which carries sewage and to which storm , surface , and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted . = . SECTION 16 . " Sewage " shall mean a combination of the water - carried wastes from residences , business buildings , institutions , and industrial establishments , together with such ground , surface , and stormwaters as may be present . SECTION 17 . " Sewage Works " shall mean all facilities for collecting , pumping , treating , and disposing of sewage . SECTION 18 . " Sewer " shall mean a pipe or conduit for - carrying sewage . SECTION 19 . " Sewer Inspector " or " Sewer Superintendent " shall mean any person appointed by the Municipal Board who shall be the Board ' s authorized agent and representative in the administration and enforcement of this law and shall exercise • those powers delegated to him in this law or which may be reasonably required to carry out such powers . _ Until such time as a Sewer Inspector or Sewer Superintendent is appointed , any such powers shall be exercised by such person or persons as the Municipal Board may designate . - SECTION 20 . " Significant Industrial User " . shall be a user which consists of : ( a ) all industries subject to categorical pretreatment standards ; ( b ) industries having substantial impact , either singly or in combination with other industries , on the operation of the treatment works ; ( c ) manufacturing industries using priority pollutants , and ( d ) those industries discharging more than 25 , 000 gallons per day of process waste . ARTICLE II . Use of Public Sewers Required SECTION 1 . It shall be unlawful for any person to place , deposit , or permit to be deposited in any unsanitary manner on 3 • i '¢ l The Intermunicipal . Sewer Use Law $ Local Law 198.4= 2 , I public or private property within the Municipality , or in any area under the jurisdiction of said Muncicipality , . any human or animal excrement , garbage , or other objectionable* waste . SECTION 2 . It shall be unlawful to discharge to any natural outlet within the Municipality or in any area under the jurisdiction of said Municipality , any sewage or other polluted waters , except where suitable treatment has been provided in accordance with subsequent provisions of this law . SECTION 3 . Except as hereinafter provided , it shall . b : unlawful to construct or maintain any privy , privy vault , septic tank , cesspool , or other facility intended or used for the disposal of sewage . SECTION 4 . A . Except as otherwise provided in this Article , the owner of any house , building , or any property used for human occupancy , employment , recreation , t commerce , manufacturing , or other purpose , situated within the Municipality and abutting on any street , thoroughfare , or right of way in which there is located a Municipality public sewer or if such Municipality public sewer is otherwise available or accessible to such house , building , or property , is hereby required at his expense to connect with the Municipality public sewer and , also , at his expense , to install suitable plumbing and toilet facilities therein and to connect such facilities directly with the public sewer in accordance with the provisions of this law , and even if sewage collection and disposal facilities are provided by any other public agency in such area . B . Except as otherwise provided herein , such connection must be made within forty - five ( 45 ) days after date of official notice to do so , except that any new building or construction completed after the date on which such public sewe became available for connection shall be connected to such publi sewer prior to occupancy or use of such building . . C . Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions o this Section , no house or building which was connected to a private sewage disposal system when a public sewer became available in or through any sewer district . heretofore established , shall be required to connect with any such public sewer until the expiration of ten ( 10 ) years after " such public sewer became available for connection , unless : i , Such connection is required by the Tompkins . County Health . Department or other public body or agency having similar jurisdiction , or ii . Such private sewage disposal facilities are not functioning satisfactorily or require substantial alterations or additions thereto . iii . In either of the foregoing cases , a written 4 % • I hie Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law : 1984- 2 notice shall be served upon the owner or o ccupant of any such building by the Tompkins County Health Department , the Municipal Board , o r its duly authorized agent which shall , set forth the reasons requiring connection to the public sewer and such connection must be made by any such owner or occupant within thirty ( 30 ) days after the date of any' such notice . D . The provisions of sub-paragraph " C " of this S ection shall apply to any such house or building located in any - sewer district hereinafter established except as modified by and subject to such rules , regulations , or resolutions which may be • adopted by the Municipal Board . . SECTION 5 . Where there are unusual and extreme practical d ifficulties in requiring a house or building to be connected with a public sewer as required in this Article , the: Municipal B oard may exempt an owner of such house or building from the requirement of connecting with the public sewer under such terms and conditions as it may require and until such time as such exemption - is cancelled by the Municipal Board , provided _ that : A . The owner of any such property shall have filed a written appeal to the Municipal Board setting forth the circumstances , the practical difficulties encountered , and such other pertinent information as the Board may require , and B . The Tompkins County Health Department has • consented to such exemption . . SECTION 6 . No house or building shall be connected to the public sewer unless a valid building permit has been issued for the construction , repair , or alteration of said house or • building . ARTICLE III Private Sewage Disposal , . SECTION 1 . The building sewer shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system complying with the provisions of t his Article whenever : . A . A public sewer is not available , or B . Permission to connect to private sewage d isposal facilities has been granted under the provisions of Article II . . • SECTION 2 . Application for connection to such private sewage disposal facilities shall be made to the Tompkins County • Health Department and any such facility shall be constructed and 5 • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1984 - 2 �. ; r maintained in accordance with the requirements of said D epartment . SECTION 3 . At such time as a public sewer becomes available to a property served by a private sewage disposal system , a d irect connection shall be made to the public sewer in compliance with this law within forty - five ( 45 ) days unless this requirement is modified under the circumstances provided for in S ections 4 and 5 of Article II . SECTION 4 . The owner shall operate and maintain the privat sewage disposal facilities in a sanitary manner at all times , a no expense to the Municipality . ARTICLE IV Building Sewers and Connections . . SECTION 1 . No unauthorized person shall uncover , make any connections with or opening into , use , alter , or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the Sewer Inspector or other authorized person . SECTION 2 . There shall be two ( 2 ) classes of building sewer permits : ( a ) for residential and commercial service , and ( b ) for service to establishments producing industrial wastes . In either case , the owner or his agent shall make application on a special form furnished by the Municipality . The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans , specifications , or other information considered pertinent in the judgment of the Sewer Inspector . At the time the application is filed , a permit and inspection fee shall be charged in such amount as the Municipal B oard may from time to time establish for such purpose . Suc permit shall be kept at the site of the work and be available fo inspection by any officer or agent of the Municipality . An applicant for a permit shall be required to furnish a sufficien insurance policy or bond protecting the Municipality against an liability for injuries to persons or property or to indemnify the Municipality against any loss . or damage which it may sustain . A . Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained , the issuance of the permit shall be subject to such further requirements as may be required by any contracting municipality . The Municipal Board may designate such contracting municipality as its agent for the purpose of issuing permits . B . The Municipal Board or its . duly designated agent may revoke such permit upon written notification to the person to whom it was granted if the work is not being done in compliance with the requirements of this law and any applicable rules and regulations , or is not being performed in a competent manner , or is not being completed within a reasonable time after the commencement thereof , or is endangering or may reasonably 6 7 • g.he intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local: Law _1984- 2 4 I • 1 , • • . endanger persons or property , or upon such other ground as the Municipal Board or its duly designated agent may deem to be justifiable . S ECTION 3 . All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building sewer and the repair , maintenance , and replacement thereof shall be borne by the owner . The owner shall indemnify the Municipality from any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by any such installation , connection , repair , maintenance , and replacement and any work done in connection therewith . SECTION 4 . A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building ; except where . one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley , court , yard , or driveway , the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building . and the whole considered as one building sewer . S ECTION 5 . Old building sewers may be used in connection _ with new buildings only when they are found , on examination and test by the Sewer Inspector or other authorized person , to meet all requirements of this law . S ECTION 6 . The size , slope , alignment , materials of construction of a building sewer , and the methods to be used in excavating , placing of the pipe and the connection thereof to the public sewer , jointing , testing , and backf illing the trench , shall all - conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing code or other applicable rules or regulations of ( a ) the Municipality , and ( b ) those contained in Chapter 245 of the Municipal Code of the City of Ithaca , New York , or other applicable laws , rules , and regulations of said City , as the same may be from time to , time amended as they apply to sewer services , and ( c ) in addition , when the contracting municipality is the village of Cayuga Heights or any other contracting municipality , any additional requirements contained in any duly adopted ordinance or law of said municipality . . SECTION 7 . The connection of the building sewer into the public sewer shall conform to the requirements of the building and plumbing code or other applicable rules or regulations of the Municipality or the procedures set forth in the appropriate specifications of the ASTM and WPCF Manual of Practice No . 9 . All such connections shall be watertight and verified by proper testing . Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials must be approved by the Sewer Superintendent before installation . . . S ECTION 8 . Whenever possible, the building sewer shall be . brought to the building at an elevation below the basement floor . In all buildings in which any building drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer , sanitary sewage carried by such 7 i I . . The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law . . Local Law 19 $4 =2 4 . r building drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the building sewer . SECTION 9 . No person shall make connection of roof downspouts , exterior foundation drains ,.- areaway drains , or other sources of surface runoff or groundwater to a building sewer or building drain which in turn is connected directly or indirectly to a public sanitary sewer . SECTION 10 . The applicant for the building sewer permi shall notify the Sewer Inspector , or other authorized person and in the case of a contracting municipality , the authorized perso of said municipality , when the building sewer is ready fo inspection and connection to the public sewer . The connection shall be made under the supervision of said authorized person . SECTION 11 . All excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard . Streets , sidewalks , parkways , and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality _ and to any other_ municipality having jurisdiction and control of said highway . ARTICLE V SECTION 1 . No person - shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater , surface water , groundwater , roof ✓ unoff , subsurface drainage , uncontaminated cooling water , or u npolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer . SECTION 2 . Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined sewers or storm sewers , or to a natural outle approved by the Sewer Inspector or other person authorized by th Municipal Board . Industrial cooling water or unpolluted proces waters may be discharged , on approval of the Sewer Inspector o o ther authorized person , to a storm sec;rer , combined sewer , o n atural outlet . SECTION 3 . No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged into any public sewer or sanitary sewer any waters , wastes , or any materials , which are prohibited by the laws , ordinances , or other applicable rules and regulations of any contracting municipality and , in addition thereto , and without limiting the generality of the foregoing , any of the following : A . Any storm or surface water , drainage , or flow from roofs , cellars , cistern tank , springs , wells , or swimming pools , or , except as may be permitted by the contracting municipality and the Municipal Board , any discharge from a vehicles washrack ( unless preceded by a grease , oil , and sand interceptor approved by the Sewer Inspector ) , or washmotor or from any air conditioning machine or refrigerator unit . 8 :: 'The Intermunicipal . Sewer Use Law Local Law •: 1/984 - 2 B . Any gasoline , benzene , naphtha , fuel oil , or other flammable or explosive liquid , solid , or gas . . . C . Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids , liquids , or gasses in sufficient quantity , either singly or by interaction with other wastes , to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process , constitute a hazard to humans or animals , create a public nuisance , or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant , • including but not limited to cyanides , radioactive materials , or isotopes , or other substances , the discharge of which are either prohibited entirely or beyond certain limits as provided in and by the ordinances , laws , rules , and regulations of any contracting municipality receiving such waters and wastes for . treatment or by any rules , regulations , or laws of the Municipal Board or ' by any applicable federal or state laws , rules , . or. regulations . D . Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the sewage treatment processes employed , or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that the sewage -- treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of the contracting municipalities or other agencies having jurisdiction over discharge to the receiving waters . _ SECTION 4 . If any waters or wastes are discharged , or are proposed to be discharged to the public sewers , which contain the substances and possess the characteristics described in other provisions of this Article or which may have a deleterious effect upon the sewage works , processes , equipment , or receiving waters , or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public II/ nuisance , the Sewer Inspector or other authorized person may : A . Reject the wastes and sever the connection . and cause the removal of any sewer , sewer pipe , or drain through which such substances are discharged . . . B . Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers . . C . Require control ° over the quantities and • • rates of discharge , and / or . D . Require payment to cover the added cost of • handling and treating the wastes not covered by existing taxes or sewer charges under the provisions of this law or any other law , ordinance , rule , or regulation of the Municipality or contracting municipality . . E . No action shall be taken under sub -paragraph " A " of this Section unless the Municipality shall give the owner or occupant of the premises at least forty - eight ( 48 ) hours notice in writing stating the action to be taken and the grounds 9 . i p The Intermunicipal - Sewer Use Law Local Law `19x4 = 2 Ir therefor , except that such notice shall not be required if immediate action is necessary to prevent injury to the public sewer system or any part thereof in the reasonable discretion of t he Municipality or any authorized officer or employee of the Municipality or contracting municipality . SECTION 5 . Grease , oil , and sand interceptors shall be provided when , in the opinion of the Municipal Board , its duly . authorized representative or the contracting municipality , the are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containin g rease in excessive amounts , or any flammable wastes , sand , o other harmful ingredients . SECTION 6 . All measurements , tests , and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this law shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of " Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater , " published by the American Public Health Association , and shall be determined at the control manhole provided , or upon suitable samples taken at said - control manhole . In the event t hat no special manhole has been required , the control manhole shall be _ considered to be the - nearest downstream manhole _ in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected . Sampling shall be carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effect of constituents upon the sewage works and to determine the existence of hazards to life , limb , and property . SECTION 7 . No statement contained in this Article shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the Municipality and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted for treatment subject to payment therefor by the . industria concern and provided that all requirements and conditions of any contracting municipality are met . SECTION 8 . All provisions of WPCF Manual of Practice No . 3 , Regulation of Sewer Use , 1975 , Article V , Use of Public Sewers , and updates thereof shall be considered a part of this law . ARTICLE VI SECTION 1 . No unauthorized . person shall maliciously , . willfully , or negligently break , damage , destroy , uncover , deface , or tamper with any structure , appurtenance ; or equipment which is a part of the sewage works . Any person violating this provision shall be subject to arrest under charge of disorderly conduct . • ARTICLE VII SECTION 1 . The Sewer Inspector and other duly authorized employees or representatives of the Municipality , and of any contracting municipality , bearing proper credentials and 10 • `, .e , athe Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law . 1984 - 2 • identification shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purposes of inspection , observation , measurement , sampling , and • testing in accordance with the provisions of the law , all the foregoing not to be carried out beyond a point having a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the sewers or waterways or facilities for waste treatment . The foregoing shall also apply for the purposes of but not limited to inspection , observation , measurement , sampling , . repair , and maintenance of any portion of the sewage works lying within any duly negotiated easements between the Municipality and any private property owner . NYSDEC and USEPA officials shall have the same powers and authority of inspection enjoyed by the Sewer Inspector or other duly authorized employees or representatives of the Municipality as pertains to commercial or industrial discharges to the system . ARTICLE VIII • SECTION 1 . Any person found to be violating any .. provision of this law except Article VI shall be served by the Municipality with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction t hereof . The offender shall , within the period of time stated in such notice , permanently cease all violations . SECTION 2 . Any person who shall continue any ,violation beyond the time limit provided for in Article VIII , Section 1 , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be fined in the amount not exceeding $ 500 . 00 for each violation . E ach day in which any such violation shall continue shall be d eemed a separate offense . . SECTION 3 . Any person violating any of the provisions of this law shall become liable to the Municipality for any expense , loss , or damage occasioned the Municipality by reason of such violation . • • • 11 - - - - THE INTERMUNICIPAL SEWER USE LAW , • • • • PART II RULES, REGULATIONS AND PENALTIES of The Board of Public Works CITY OF ITHACA, N . Y . Regarding Water Supply . Sewage Disposal and Air Conditioning Specifications For . The Construction of Water And Sewer Mains Connecting To The Water And Sewer Systems Of The City Of Ithaca , N . Y. Passed January 28 , 1970 . Effective February 1 , 1970 • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law , . ; 1984 - 2 • PART II THIS PAGE IS A BLANK PAGE .' • • 2 • r The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law • Local Law 1984 = 2 ' PANT •1. I a • . RULES, REGULATIONS, AND PENALTIES OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, • CITY OF ITHACA, N . Y. REGARDING WATER SUPPLY, • SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND AIR CONDITIONING Passed January 28, 1970 Effective February 1 , 1970 • I . General 1. Rules, Part of Contract 4. Application of Revenues . . The following rules shall be considered as part of the All revenues derived from water and sewer service and contract between the City of Ithaca and every person who operation of the system shall be applied towards the pay- takes water supplied by the City of Ithaca and/or whose went of the cost of operation and maintenance of plant premises is connected to or ultimately discharges to the and equipment, extensions and improvements, the pay- . City Sanitary Sewer System and every person using these ment of the principal and interest, obligations on the out- utilities shall be bound thereby, and whenever anyone of • standing water and sewer bonds and the creation of a the said rules is violated, the right is reserved to cut off reserve for extraordinary replacements, extension and im- the water and/or sewer service with due notice. provements of the water supply and sewer systems. 2. Applications for Water and Sewer and Responsibil- 5. Service and Consumption Rates and Payments and - ity for Service and Consumption Charges . . - - . -.. . . .. Special Fees and Charges and Hydrant Services All applications for the introduction or supply of water The Board shall from time to time determine and fix and/or Sewer into any premises, or for the extension of the rates for water service connection and consumption, any pipe for the conveyance of water or sewage must be sewer rental fees, special fees and charges for hydrant made in writing by the owner of the premises, or his duly service and shall establish such zones and periods of pay- authorized agent, on forms provided for that purpose at ment as may be desirable. the office of the City Chamberlain. Separate buildings re- All such rates and terms of payment shall constitute a quiring separate meters will also require separate services part of the Rules and Regulations of the Board relating to even if they are on the same premises. If more than one water service as though fully set forth herein and shall be service is desired for the same premises a separate appli- on file in the office of the City Chamberlain. cation shall be made for each service. The owner of such premises shall be held responsible and liable for all 6. Changing Rules and Rates charges for such service and water consumption and sewer The Board reserves the right to change by resolution rental charges to said premises to be collected, in case of from time to time, the Rules and Regulations relating to default of payment, in the manner provided by the rules the Water Supply and Sewer System and the rates for and regulations or the provision of the City Charter relat- the use Water water and and Se. ing thereto. However, when water and/or sewer service is desired for premises in areas outside the City limits • where contracts are made with The City to supply the areas 7. Rates for Service Outside. the City Limits . • with water and sewer disposal, all applications must be The Board shall determine and fix rates for water and . a'pproved by the Board of Pubic `Yorks or designated sewer service and consumption outside the City limits and office representative C City Cha application may be accepted at the for service taps, repairs, etc., and for hydrant service for office of the City Chamberlain. fire protection which shall be included in the established schedule of rates on file in the office of the City Chamber- 3. Independent Service Pipes lain and the collection of any charges for such service Each building or other premises shall be provided with shall be as provided in Section 8. . a separate and independent water and sewer service from the main , provided however that a group of buildings 8. Owner of Property Liable for Charges under the same tenant occupancy, use and exclusive con- trol may be served by a single principal water and sewer All water rents, sewer rental fees, accounts or other service upon permission and terms granted by the Board . charges relating to water and sewer service, shall be a Where two or more branch water service lines from the charge against the owner or iigent ' of the premises con- main sex-vice pipe are used for separate tenants in the nected with the City Water and/or sewer mains and such same premises, each branch shall be provided by the owner or agent shall be held responsible for all such ac- owner with proper fittings for separate and independent counts and charges. meter installations in the respective branches and each In default of payment of any such charges within sixty such branch *shall be provided with a compression stop days after becoming clue, the water and/or service may be and waste cock ahead of the meter. cut off such premises without further notice. Any service 3 • . . l The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law - Local Law 4984- 2 • PART. I, . . . r , and consumption charge shall be a lien upon the premises The Inspector shall have the right to enter any place served and shall be collectible as provided by Section 128 which is connected with the public sewer system for the of the City Charter. purposes of inspection and to ascertain that such connec- • Lion is properly installed and that no improper material is discharged into the sewer. 9. Plumbing in Existing Buildings The Inspector must at all reasonable hours have free Any building that is to be served by the City water access to all parts of the premises to which water is de- and/or sewer systems must have its plumbing checked by livered for the purpose of inspection, examination of fix- the City Plumbing Inspector and the plumbing brought tures, etc., and all persons using water must, at all times, up to comply with the City Plumbing Code in a manner frankly and without concealment, answer all questions suitable to the City Plumbing Inspector. to them relating. to its consumption. . 10. Fees for Service and Equipment Rental 13. Easement Through Private Properly In case the proposed water line, drain or sewer passes For all work done by City forces at a property owner's through premises other than those making connection with expense, see list of current prices and fees posted at the the water and/or sewer, no connection will be made until Water Bldg., 510 First St. a deed of easement, satisfactory to the Board of Public • In no case will any equipment be rented without an . Works, shall have been secured and filed in the office of operator. the City Clerk. . 11 . Inspector . 14. Licenses and Permits • . • Inspector, hereinafter named, is a person duly author- Any plumber licensed to do business in the City of ized by the Board of Public Works. _ Ithaca or any other certified by the Examining Board of Plumbers, or any homeowner working on his own single 12. Inspection, Approval and Record family residence, wishing to engage in the repair of serv- ice pipes, or laying new services connected to the City All materials and work shall be subject to the approval water or sewer systems, must obtain. a Water and/or . of the Inspector. No work shall be covered until such in- Sewer Permit from the Water and Sewer Division, at the . spection and approval shall have been made. Water Building, 510 First Street, prior to each job. No All inspections shall be promptly recorded by the In- charge will be made for this permit. • Spector in the Water and Sewer permit book and he shall A violation of the following rules relating to service in- furnish the City Engineer with a correct plan of such stallation, etc., by any licensed person, or his agent or sewer line installed and he in turn shall record such plans employee, shall constitute sufficient ground for cancella- on the sewer maps. tion or withdrawal of such person's license. . IL Water 15. Installations of Water Mains 17. Owner or Tenant Prohibited from Supplying Ot Except where water mains cross bridges, and except No owner or tenant of any premises supplied with water when variations are specifically approved by the Board , from the City mains shall be permitted to furnish water to all water mains connecting with the City Water System other consumers, and no • multiple consumer service shall must be cast iron hub and spigot pipe meeting the specifi- be permitted in the same premises except as provided in cations of the American Water Works Association, and Rule 3. installed with leaded joints. All proposed plans and sped- fications for water mains must be approved by the Board . . of Public Works and installed under the supervision and 18. Installation and Maintenance of Water Service Pipes inspection of the Water and Sewer Division of the Depart- ment of Public Works. The installation of all service pipes between the water main and curb box shall be at the expense of the owner 16. Cross Connections Prohibited of the premises served ; except that when a service pipe of Type K soft copper or other such material as may here- No person , firm or corporation shall install or permit to after be approved as permanent, shall have been installed be installed any cross connection whether permanent or at the expense of the owner, such installation between temporary between the City Water System and any other main and curb box, shall be considered to be a part of the source or supply of water. • City Water System and shall be so maintained. • Upon discovery of violation of ibis rule by any person, In the event, however, that larger or different service firm or corporation , the City water service to such person , is requested by the owner, or required by reason of the • firm or corporation shall forthwith be disconnected and use of the property served, such larger or different service remain disconnected until this rule is complied with. shall be installed at the expense of the owner. . 4 • • - •. • • . t The' ' I ntermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law : 1:914 - 2 ' , PART II All installations of service pipes between the main and marked thereon and so exposed as to be readily found ; curb box in the City shall be made only by the Water and the whole to be subject to the approval of the Water and Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works. Sewer Division. . All abandoned service pipes shall be shut off at the (d) Service Materials and Sizes All water service main at the expense of the owner. sizes shall be determined by consultation with the Water All installations between the curb box and the meter and Sewer Division and shall be governed by their must be made by a duly licensed plumber, or by a home- recommendation. owner working on his own single family residence. A minimum of 3/4" diameter for house service will be Whenever leaks occur in the service pipes at any point used. . between the main and the meter, they must be repaired For services of 3/%" to 1° diameter, Type K soft copper immediately by the owner or agent of the premises in ac- water tubing is required. cordance with the previous paragraphs of this Section. If For services of 11/4" to 2' diameter, Type K soft copper repairs are not made within fifteen days after notice of tubing or cold drawn, semi-annealed seamless red brass such leaks the Board may shut off the water until such pipe or 2" cement-lined, Mechanical Joint, Cast Iron pipe, repairs are made. meeting AWWA specifications may be used. The Board reserves the right to repair any leaking serv- For services of over 2" diameter, minimum of 47 diam- ice pipe without notice and charge the expense thereof eter cast iron hub and spigot water pipe meeting Ameri- against the owner of the premises to be collected in the can Water Works Association specifications shall be used manner provided by the Rules and Regulations or the pro- and shall join the main with a tapping sleeve and valve to visions of the City Charter relating thereto. be installed by the Water and Sewer Division at the ex- All lateral or service pipes for public or private use and . pease of the property owner. all necessary fixtures connected therewith shall be subject (e) Joints and Fittings—Where ��Type - K soft copper to the approval, and laid under the supervision of the water tubing is used, heavy brass fittings as approved by Water and Sewer Division . Said pipes, etc., should be laid . the American Water Works Association shall be used. not less than four (4) feet deep and must be kept in good Where cold drawn semi-annealed seamless red brass .repair and protected from the frost by and at the expense pipe is used, extra heavy red brass fittings having stand- of the owner of the premises, as outlined previously in this Section . and iron pipe threading shall be used. Where Cast Iron pipe 4" or larger is used, all fittings All tapping of the street mains will be made by the must be hub and spigot and shall meet specifications of Water and Sewer Div. for which the applicant must pay the American Water Works Association. the City at the time of making application such fees there- . for as shall be determined from time to time by the Board. Except in cases of emergency and to be consistent with Inn all cases an approved stopcock with well and cover the normal length of pipe sections, no joints will be al- shall be put in at the curb or outer edge of the walk and lowed under the street pavement area between the corpo- such curb box shall be set and kept visible and flush with ration stop connection and the curb stop connection. All • the grade and put as near as practicable to the curb, at the services 2" and under shall be connected to the main with property owner's expense. a corporation stop tapped directly into the main, or tapped through a tapping saddle. 19. Specific Rules in Relation to Installation and Blain- All curb shut-offs on copper and brass services will be tenance of Service Pipes, Tapping Mains, Cornice of the inverted, ground key, round-way type. Curb shut- tions, etc. offs on Cast Iron services will be AWWA approved Gate Valves. = (a) Tapping Mains—All tapping of the City water Curb and valve boxes and manholes providing access mains will be done by the Water & Sewer Div. and no to slnut•offs shall be City of Ithaca standard. other person will be allowed to make such taps. The tap- ping will be done at the expense of the applicant and the (I) Stop and Waste Cock=A compression stop and fee therefor fixed by the Board shall be paid in advance. waste cock must be located inside the building as near ( b ) Notice—In locations where the City forces do not Practicable to the wall where the service pipe enters dig the street or road for services, notice must be left at and the pipe so arranged that the water can be drawn the office of the Water and Sewer Division on the day pre- from them whenever there is danger of freezing. vious to the one on which the tapping will be required, (g) By-Passes and Valves—By-passes and the speci- stating the hour when the street will be open at the main fled valves shall be provided in connection with large and ready for tapping, giving the street number of the meters, as described in connection with the rules relating location and the name of the person owning or occupying to meters and their installation. the premises. In case the trench is not ready for tapping (h ) Notice of Completion of Work—After comple- the main at the time specified, an extra charge will be tion of installation and connection all services shall be made for overtime or lost time as provided in the rates shut off at the curl) box and disconnected inside and and fees fixed by the Board . notice of such completion shall be filed in the office of (c ) Depth of Pipe—The service pipe must be laid not the City . Chamberlain on forms provided therefor. less than four (4) feet below the surface of the street and ( i) Turning on Water—After completion of the work in such manner as to prevent rupture by settling, and and disconnection as provided in Subdiv. (h) no person must be provided with a stop-cock at the curb line in all shall turn on the water until application by the owner of . cases, protected by an iron box leading frorn the same to the premises has been filed in the office of the City Charn- the surface, with an iron cover with the word "water" berlain. 5 . . ,. • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1982 . . PART .T• I: . ' . F • In case of any changes or additions in piping for *the 20. Replacing Service Pipes use or distribution of water which is not accounted for •Any service in which any other variety of pipe shall • by the meter, a proper charge for such unmetered water be placed than that specified in the "Specific Rules," or shall be made and in default of prompt payment thereof, where opportunity is neglected to replace wrought iron or on notice by the City Chamberlain the water shall be • steel pipe with such pipe as specified, the Board reserves shut off from the premises. - the right to have the water shut off from said premises Where the place provided for installing a meter is un• until such pipe has been installed in accordance with the suitable, the Water and Sewer Division may require such rules. . changes as are necessary to locate the meter in a suitable • place, and the expense thereof, shall be charged to the 21 . Stand Pipes and Automatic Sprinklers owner of the premises. Stand pipes or pipes for automatic suppression of fires Every meter shall be provided with a compressi in buildings, which fixtures are intended only for such stop-cock on each side and on all meters over one in • use, will be permitted to be attached to the City Water a suitable by-pass with valves on each side of it an Supply system, and no charge will be made for the use locked valve on the by-pass shall be provided, which of water for such purposes. All such pipes must be pro- stallation of by-pass and valve shall meet with the ape . vided with a suitable valve outside of the building and . proval of the Water and Sewer Division. which shall be under the exclusive control of the Board. The Board reserves the right to attach or detach meters . • Also, in the case of standpipes a valve must be provided at any time whenever they shall deem it expedient, and placed at the bottom of the standpipe and at each hose charge for the quantity of water measured . or used. All . opening, which valve shall be sealed by the Water and water passing through a meter will be charged for, Sewer Division. In case such seals shall be broken for whether used or wasted. . • • - the extinguishment of any fire, the party breaking the In those locations where the property owner or tenant seal shall immediately thereafter notify the Water and -persists in being uncooperative in making provisions for Sewer Division and the valve shall be resealed. regular meter readings, a remote reading register will be installed , at the property owners expense. All new installa- tions will be provided with a remote reading register Service pipes and meters in buildings shall be located mounted on the outside of each building being metered. in the parts thereof protected from frost but consistent Service pipes must be located accordingly. • . with the need for access to the meter and the installation • . . • of the remote reading device. • In all cases where the service pipe passes through areas 24• Vacant Premises . of basements, having windows, gratings, or traps open to The owner or agent of vacated premises must give the weather, the openings shall be closely covered and notice in writing at the office of the City Chamberlain the windows and doors closed to the outside air during that the water may be shut off, and the owner will be held the cold weather. In all exposed situations the service responsible for all water consumed or meter damages in- pipes and fixtures shall be protected at the expense of curred until such notice is given. . owner and in 'case he neglects to protect his service . as - any case where the meter has to be removed, exc aforesaid , the Board may • cut off the water therefrom. It for temporary repairs, the service must be shut o shall be the duty of the plumber to protect from frost all the curb stop. If the curb stop can not be operated f work done by him. He will not be released from the re- the ground surface, it must be dug and repaired at sponsibility by having the owner of the premises or others property owner's expense. do the work for him. 23. Meters . . • . • . 25. Hydrants . All services shall be metered, except as provided under No person shall open, use, draw water from or in any Section 28. matter interfere with any hydrant in the City of Ithaca Meters will not be placed in coal bins or situations not without authority front the Water and Sewer Division. . easily accessible to •the meter inspector. This prohibition shall not apply to firemen in the pursuit Meters must be accessible to the Water and Sewer of their duties. No person shall break, deface, injure, Division employees at all reasonable hours. remove or in any manner tamper with any hydrant or any After meter is attached any damage which said meter part thereof, and no person shall open any hydrant with may sustain from freezing or from hot water being forced any wrench other than standard hydrant wrench. back through the meter or from any external cause, will No person shall erect or plant any obstruction within be repaired by the Water and Sewer Division and the cost 31/2 feet of any hydrant or cause any obstruction that thereof charged to the owner or agent. . will in any way hinder a Fire Company front hooking If meters need attention the Water and Sewer Division onto . it, or operating any hydrant . No obstruction shall must be notified at once. No person other than Water and be placed so as to obstruct the view of any hydrant for Sewer Division employees shall be allowed to remove a distance of at least two hundred (200) feet up and meters for repairs or for any other purpose. down the street . • 1 All persons are forbidden to break meter seals, dis - No person shall paint or in any way change the color connect or in any way tamper with meters after they have from the standard orange color used by the Water Depart- been installed on the premises. ment in painting hydrants. 6 . t . 1. • The' I,ntermunicipal Sewer Use Law • • Local Law 1.984 - 2 ` 2 ' PART T;I . • .•. . . . . 26. Fraud, Misrepresentation, Waste and Abuses, Vi- and the Board shall not be held liable under any circum- olation of Rules and Penalties stances for a deficiency or failure to supply water, whether occasioned by shutting off water to make repairs, con- In case of fraud, misrepresentation on the part of the nections, extension or any other cause whatsoever. applicant, abuses in the use of water, violations of any . of the Rules and Regulations relating thereto, or non- payment of rates and charges when due, in addition to 28. Water for Building Construction the penalties specifically provided by the Rules and Reg- The Board shall determine and fix the rates for water to ulations, the City Charter or Ordinances, the water may be used for building or construction or repairs, the volume be cut off without notice, and the water will not be turned of water to be estimated upon the basis of the amount ne- on again unless satisfactory assurance shall be given that quired per unit of the square area or cubic content for the • no further cause of complaint shall arise and the payment various classes of construction involved. Such estimated of such fees as the Board may prescribe. schedule charge for such service, shall be paid in advance. In lieu of a schedule charge for such service, a meter may 27. Deficient Water Supply be installed in which case a deposit shall be required as security against damage ' to such meter, any surplus • The Board reserves the right to shut off the water for thereof to be applied towards the consumption charges. alterations, extension and repairs and to stop or restrict See list of current prices and fees posted at the Water the supply of water whenever it may be found necessary, Bldg., 510 First St. III . Sewers . . 29. Installation of Sewer Mains • ( f) Whenever leaks or breaks occur in the service Except when variations . are specifically approved by - Pipes or private sewers between the main .and the building the Board all sewer mains will be 8` cement-asbestos. served, they must be repaired immediately by the owner - or agent of the premises in accordance with the previous All sewer mains shall be laid according to the "Speci- paragraph of this Section. If repairs are • not made within fications for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers Con- • fifteen days after notice of such leak or break the Board netting to the Sewerage System of the City of Ithaca, may shut off the water until such 'repairs are made. N. Y.," copies of which are obtainable at the City En- g ( g ) The Board reserves the right to repair any leaking gineer's office or the Superintendent of the Water and service pipe without notice and charge the expense thereof Sewer Division of the Department of Public Works. against the owner of the premises to be collected in the All proposed plans and specifications for sewer mauls manner provided by the Rules and Regulations or the must be .approved by the Board of Public Works and provisions of the City Charter relating thereto. installed under the supervision and inspection of the ( h ) All lateral or service private ( pipes for public or privy Water and Sewer Division of the Department of Public use, and all necessary fixtures connected therewith shall Works. . be subject to the approval, and laid under the - super- 30. Installation and Maintenance of Sanitary Sewer vision of the Water and Sewer Divisions. Services (i ) All Wyes cut into the sewer main will be done by • the Water & Sewer Div. for which the applicant must pay ( a ) The installation of all drains or sewers between the City at the time of making application such fees ther- the sewer main and curb or curb line shall be at the fore as shall be determined from time to time by the expense of the owner of the premises served ; except that Board . . when a service drain or sewer of cast iron, or such other • . material as may hereafter be approved as permanent, shall have been installed at the expense of the owner, such in- . 31 . Specific Rules Regarding Installation and Main- stallation between main and curb, shall be considered a tenance of Service Pipes . . part of the City Sewer Systems and shall be so maintained . ( a ) Materials Used—All sanitary sewers ( laterals) ( b ) In the event, however, that a larger or different from back of the curb line to the sewer main in the street service is requested by the owner, or required by reason must be of 4" extra heavy cast iron hub and spigot pipe of the use of the property served, such larger or different or Class 2400 cement asbestos pipe in 5' lengths and such service shall be installed at the expense of the owner. quality as required by the Inspector. No quarter bends or (c ) All installations of service; drains or sewers be- tees shall be used. All such pipe shall be installed by the tween the main and the curb in the City shall be made Water and Sewer Division inside the City and by a duly only by the 'Water and Sewer Division of the Department licensed plumber or Sewer Layer outside the City. • of Public Works. AIl. sanitary sewer laterals from the curb line to the ( d ) All abandoned service pipes shall he shut off at building must be either 4` extra heavy- cast iron hub and the main at the expense• of the owner. spigot pipe or cement asbestos house connection pipe to ( e) All installations of service drains or sewers be- be laid in nominal 5' lengths (4" for single to four family tween the curb and the building shall be made by a houses and 5" for five family houses and up) . plumber or sewer layer licensed by the Examining Board _ (b) Grade of Sewer Laterals-All sanitary sewer of Plumbers or, any homeowner working on his own laterals must be laid with a fall of not less than 1/y` to single family residence. the foot , unless otherwise permitted by the inspector, and . 7 • • . . • • • • t The Intermunicipal Server Use ,,,_ n, I Law Local Law 1984 - 2 • PART I: I. . . , . w must be laid true to the line and grade given by the . In- stance, which either singly or by interaction with other spector, and must be properly bedded and tamped. wastes, is capable of creating a public nuisance or hazard - ( c ) Cast from Sewer Pipe Joints—A jute gasket large to life or of preventing entry into sewers for their main- enough to hold the spigot end of the pipe in the center tenance and repair. of the hub must be rammed into each joint with an iron ( f) Any garbage that has not been properly corn- hammer. The joints must then be poured and filled with minuted or triturated. • melted virgin lead and calked so as to form a neat, even ( g ) Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, and watertight joint. metal, glass, rags, feathers,. tar, plastics, wood, . paunch The cement-asbestos joint shall be of the rubber ring manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, lure slurry, lime type joint . • residues, beer or distillery slops, chemical residues, paint . • ( d ) Sewer Pipe, Where Laid—Sewer pipes must not residues, cannery waste bulk solids, or any other solid or be laid in filled ground where there is la possibility of viscous substance capable of causing obstruction to t settling. If an y other pipe or conduit is to be crossed by flow of the sewers, or other interference with the pro . p•p a sewer or lateral the matter of adjustment shall be re- operation of the sewage system. ferred to the Inspector. . : • (h) Any waters or wastes, add or alkaline in reacti . • ( e ) Grease and Silt Traps—Grease traps must be in- having corrosive properties capable of causing dama : stalled and settling tanks at such locations hi fixtures con- or hazard to structures, equipment and personnel of the nected with the sewer system as it may become necessary sewage system. Free acids and alkalies must be neutra- . to prevent the accumulation of grease in the sewer main. lized , at all times, within a permissible pH range of 5.5 A 50 gallon silt trap must be installed in each stall of a car to 9.5. wash or gas station and a 500 gallon baffled settling tank must be installed for up to 8 stalls, and for each 8 there- after. These settling tanks and silt traps must be accessible (i) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life for inspection and cleaning. or concentration as may exceed limits established in com- ( f) Whenever a sewer lateral has to be replaced or p] iance with State or Federal Regulations. enlarged it is to be replaced according to Section 31 ( a ) , (j ) Any waters or wastes that for a duration of 15 at the expense of the property owner. minutes has a concentration. greater than 5 times that of ( g ) In all new sewer services and whenever an old - "normal" sewage as measured by suspended solids and service is dug at or near the trap a clean-out Wye shall be B.O.D. and/or which is discharged continuously at a rate placed in the line, on the street side of the house trap, with exceeding 1 ,000 gallons per minute -by special permit. a length of pipe .leading to the surface of the ground or ( Any storm water, cistern or tank overflow, cellar cellar floor. A suitable clean-out cap shall be leaded in drain, or the contents of any privy vault or cesspool, or, • this pipe to facilitate cleaning the service from the trap except as otherwise provided by the Board; and under to the main . a permit issued by the Board, the discharge of effluent (h ) Floor Drains—may only be connected to the semi= from any air conditioning machine or refrigeration unit. tary sewers to serve kitchens or toilet rooms only. • A fee as established by the Board of Public Works will • 32. " Y" Openings, Location be charged for each air conditioning or refrigeration ef- fluent discharging into the sanitay sewer. The location of "Y". openings will be furnished by the . Water & Sewer Div. Reasonable care will be taken in heat- ing "Y" openings with accuracy but accuracy cannot and . is not guaranteed. ' - • 33. . Improper Use of Sewers No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged • _ - • to any public sewer any of the following described sub- stances, materials, waters or wastes : ( a ) See ( a ) below . • ( b ) Any seaters or wastes which contain grease or oil or other substance that will solidify or become discern- ibly N:iscous at temperatures between 32 and 150 degrees Fahrenheit . . ( c ) Any waters or wastes containing emulsified oil (1 ) Normal Sanitary Sewage shall be construed to fall and grease exceeding an average of 50 parts per million within the following ranges at the effluent of the industrial ( 417 pounds per million gallons ) ether soluble matter. plant in question. ( d ) Any gasoline, benzine, naphtha, fuel oil, or min- Constituents Permissible Range erat oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas. Suspended Solids 180 to 350 ppm • ( e ) Any noxious or malodorous gas such as hydro- BOD 140 to 300 ppm gen sulfide , sulfur dioxide, or nitrous oxide or other sub- Chlorine Demand 5 to 15 ppm . ° ( a) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 fahrenheit I ( 65 centigrade ) or in such quantities that the temperature at the treatment corks influent exceeds 104° fahrenheit ( 40 centigrade ) . R .. ___ T, .. . .. • The Iptermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law - 1914 - 2 . • • PART . I 34. Sewer Pipe Dead Ends sewer constructed ox- used in violation of the Rules and Regulations pertaining thereto. The Board. of Public The end of any sanitary sewer or lateral, not to be Works shall have the right to enter upon any public or immediately used, must have a suitable manhole for flush- private property for this purpose. ing at its upper length and at the point where it is con - nected to the main trunk line sewer. 38. Sewet Layer's License The Examining Board of Plumbers may issue a Sewer 35. Manholes Layer's License to persons engaged in installing or re- No person shall raise or tamper with the cover of any placing sewers. All sewer mains and services including sewer manhole or deposit thereon any refuse or other cast iron bell and spigot or cement-asbestos pipe must be materials without permission from the Board of Public laid by or under the supervision of a licensed sewer layer, Works. - . or licensed plumber. 36. Private Sewer Lines 39. Excavations, Etc. The City shall have the right to connect with and use The site of the work must be suitably guarded, bar- or permit to be used any private sewer built upon any ricaded and protected by red lights from sundown to public grounds. sunrise and by red flags during the day. All excavations must be filled and thoroughly tamped as soon as possible after completion of the work and all 37. Disconnection of Service surplus materials immediately removed. . The Board of Public Works shall have the right to All portions of the street disturbed must be restored to close or disconnect from any public or private sewer, any their former condition . - IV: Rules Governing Installation and Operation of - - - - . Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Equipment Whereas the operation of water cooled refrigeration (d ) "System" shall mean any combination of appara- and other equipment for changing the dry bulb tempera- tus, individual unit, group or collection of units supplied ature or the humidity of air has rapidly increased and with water through any single customer service pipe con- now involves the use of water in quantities never before netted to the public water system. . anticipated, thereby placing unexpected burdens on the (e) "Person" shall mean and include a natural person, public water supply system which are detrimental to other partnership, corporation or association. Whenever used classes of water service. And Whereas, in the interest of with respect to any penalty, the term "person". as applied the public and its water supply system, it is necessary to to partnerships or associations, shall mean the partners or regulate the use of water for such purposes and to require members thereof, and as applied to corporations, the conservation of water and the elimination of waste. officers thereof. - Now, therefore be it resolved that the following regula- tions shall apply to all water-cooled equipment installed ( f) For the purpose of these regulations, in no event for the purpose of reducing the dry bulb temperature or shall the rated capacity in tons be considered less than the decreasing the absolute humidity of air, whether for corn- following : fort air conditioning, refrigeration, processing or what- 1. Total maximum B.T.U. per hour of capacity on the. ever other purposes. installation divided by 12,000, or 2. The name-plate horsepower of any compressor prime 40. Definitions mover unit, for any air-conditioning installation or For the purpose of these regulations, the following 3. Two thirds the name-plate horsepower of (2 ) above terms shall have, and shall be construed to have, the fob for any refrigeration installation. lowing meanings : ( a ) The term "air conditioning" system and "Refriger- 41 . Permit Required ation" system shall include any combination of equip- . ment, whether compressor or other type, by which heat is No person shall install, operate or use any equipment for air conditioning or refrigeration removed from the air and from which the accumulated or which requires asup- eflluent heat is wholly or partially removed by the use of ply of water from the system of the City of Ithaca without water. first having procured written permit therefore from the ( b ) "Air Conditioning System" shall mean an instal- office of the Water and Sewer Division. lation for maintenance, by heat removal, of temperatures hick are not less than G60T. 42. Application for Permit « ( c ) "Refrigeration System" shall mean an installation Application for permit shall be made to the office of for maintenance, by heat removal of temperatures which the Water and Sewer Division and shall provide the fors arc less than 60°F. lowing information : 9 . • P • The Intermunici al Sewer Use Law Local Law -. - 1 -984 - 2 PART .x,X:• -M ( a ) Name and address of applicant. 46. Water Use and Conservation ( b ) Location of premises where installation is pro- ( a) Systems with a capacity of three tons or less shall posed. not use water directly or indirectly, (except when used • ( c ) Name and address of the owners of the premises. with conservation equipment ) from the public supply. ( d ) Names of .manufacturers of the units requiring ( b ) Systems with a total capacity of more than three water. tons but not exceeding five tons may use water directly • ( e ) Manufacturer's identification and classification from the public supply, at a rate not exceeding 2.0 g.p.m. of the refrigeration units. per ton if the water temperature is 75°F or less, or 3.0 ( f) Manufacturer's rating of maximum refrigerative g.p.m. per ton if it is above 75°F., provided that they are . capacity of the unit or units under the conditions equipped with an automatic regulating valve which will of the planned installation. ( Rating may be ( 1 ) Stop the flow of water when the refrigeratin stated in tons/24 hours or- B.T.V./hour) . machine is shut down and . • In the absence of the required manufacturer's max- • imum rating, the Superintendent may specify the tonnage ( 2 ) Throttle the flow of water down to the mome of the installation at the ratings indicated in Section 40-f ; tary requirements of the system. or, if these appear inadequate, then by whatever other (c ) All systems having a total capacity exceeding five ' measure of capacity appears to him to be proper. . tons shall he equipped with evaporative condensers, cool- ( g) Horsepower of compressor prime mover, if unit • ing towers, spray ponds, or other water cooling equip- . is compressor type. ment. This equipment shall be of sufficient capacity to ( h ) Where water conservation devices are required insure conformance with the requirements of Table I ( to comply with Sec. 46 hereof) , the manufac for makeup water when operating under full loading at turer's name, identification, classification and maximum summer temperature. . . size of the conservation equipment. ( i ) Elevation and plan showing general piping an Table I • • rangements and details of all points of cotinec- MVlaximum Allowable Water Use tion to building supply water (piping direct to condensor units, make-up supply into tower fan, Water Hardness . Maximum Use . etc. ) . . . : • • P.P.M. • . G.P.M ./Ton • ( j ) Such additional information as shall be re- 0-139 0.1 quired by the Water and Sewer Division. 140-199 0.15 • Application shall be signed by the owner or tenant, 200-254 0.2 and applications for installation shall designate a plumber duly qualified to receive permits under other sections of 255 .339 . 0.3 these regulations. . . 340-424 • 0.4 • •425 and over - 0.5• 43. • Fee for Permit • . • A fee shall be paid at the time the application for in- 47. Sanitary Protection • spection is filed with the Plumbing Inspector, and shall ( a ) All installations shall be made in conforman be equal to the existing rate for a new fixture under the with the Plumbing Code and subject to the inspection • Plumbing Code. the Plumbing Inspector and will include the following, • general protective measures. . 44. Permit to Install . • (b ) On installations which operate with the use of ( a ) Permits to install piping or connect equipment water directly from the public supply system, every direct will be issued at the office of the Water and Sewer Di- connection shall be equipped with a suitable brass body, vision , but only in the name of licensed plumbers who brass fitted check valve and vacuum breaker installed in are duly qualified to perform plumbing work in the City the branch supply line to each unit. of Ithaca in accordance with the plumbing Code. (c ) Discharge and the connections for the disposal of ( b ) Within forty-eight (48 ) hours following the come waste waters in accordance with the Plumbing Code and pletion of any work authorized by permit, notice of corn- Board of Public Works Regulatibns regarding sanitary pletion and request for inspection shall be returned in sewers. writing on the standard Plumbing Inspection Hank, ( d) Cooling waters which are to be used for other accompanied by the inspection fee, by the plumber re- purposes shall be provided with free, above the rim dis cei + ing the permit , to the office from which the permit charge before entering other equipment, othenvise per- was obtained . mission shall be obtained in writing from the Plumbing Inspector, approving the proposed connections and use. 45. Permit to Operate (e ) On installations other than those described above, After final inspection and - approval of the installation , there shall he a physical break between the public water a permit to operate or use the equipment will be issued supply piping and the piping of the installation , so ar- at the office of the Water and Sewer Division in the name ranged as to make back siphonage to the Public water of the owner or tenant. supply : system impossible. . 10 - • I • • . The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1984 - 2 PART II . 48. Revocation of Permit condition develops in the system, subsequent to the adop- tion of these Rules and Regulations, all installations not Any permit which is issued under these regulations to equipped to conserve water shall be subject to immed- operate or use equipment may be revoked by the Water iatc discontinuance on orders of the Water and Sewer and Sewer Division for any one of the following reasons : Division . . ( a) Failure of the holder of the permit to discon- tinue using water for the purposes covered by the permit. 50. Penalties • immediately upon notice to do so issued by the Water and Sewer Division during an emergency or to forestall an (a ) Failure to comply with the above regulations shall impending emergency. be sufficient cause to penalize the licensee by discontin- ( b) Alterations, changes of equipment, or piping, im- uance of water service for failure to correct the violation proper operation or lack of maintenance which results Within 15 days after notification that the violation exists. in conditions that (b ) Licensed plumbers guilty of violation of any of ( 1 ) are hazardous to the potable water supply the Rules and Regulations herein shall he prohibited from either within the premises or in supply mains or securing further permits from the Water and Sewer Di- vision, and when wilful violations warrant, charges may ( 2 ) cause unnecessary waste of water. be preferred to the Examining Board of Plumbers seeking (c ) The use of water is found to exceed the quan- revocation of the plumber's license. tities under Sec. 46 of these Rules and Rgulations. . 51 . Inconsistent Ordinances • 49. Effective Date All regulations, ordinances or parts of ordinances here- ( a) For new installations, these regulations shall be tofore in effect which are in conflict with or which are effective upon publication. Publication shall be made in inconsistent with, the provisions of these Rules and Reg- accordance with provisions of any applicable laws, acts, ulations, to the extent of their inconsistency are hereby opinions, ordinances or regulations. repealed. ( b) Existing installations shall be modified to con- - -- - form to the provisions of these regulations, applications 52. Separability to operate shall be filed and permits shall be obtained. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence or pro- Modifications shall be completed and permits obtained vision of these Rules and Regulations shall not affect the in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph within validity of other months after adoption. Y o any er part thereof, which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. . ( c) Existing installations conforming to the provisions . of these regulations in all matters except the conservation 53. Changing Rules and Regulations of water shall not be penalized under Provisions of Sec. • 50 for failure to provide conservation for a period of The Board of Public Works reserves the right to change one year after adoption. Such installations shall, however, by resolution from time to time, these Rules and Reg- be subject to all other provisions of the regulations, illations governing the installation and operation of air e • t. six months after adoption. In the event that a critical conditioning and refrigeration equipment. • • 11 • K ' 4 • The I.ntermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law : . 1.984- 2 •. • • PART II SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER MAINS CONNECTING TO THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS • OF THE CITY OF ITHACA, N . Y. • General information to Engineers, Contractors and per- LA-3: Bell Holes sons or corporations contemplating the construction of water and/or sewer lines connecting to the City systems. Bell holes shall be provided at each joint to permit the jointing to be made properly. It is the intent ' of these specifications to outline the . minimum acceptable requirements governing the construe- LA-4. Pipe Clearance in Rock Lion of, and materials used in water and sewer mains which will connect with the Ithaca water and sewer Ledge rock, boulders, and large stones shall be removed ystems, 'whether constructed for the City, either by City to provide a clearance of at least 6 inches below and 8 orces under the direction of the Superintendent of Public inches on each side of all pipe and fittings. 'orks, or by a contractor under an agreement with the City ; or constructed for private individuals, corporations, I-A-S. Excavation to Grade or Water Districts, who may have received a permit, to connect with the City system and which water and sewer The trench shall he excavated to the depth required so mains are to be built by themselves or by contractors . as to provide a uniform and continuous bearing and under an agreement with them. support for the pipe on solid' and undisturbed ground at •No connections to any mains in the water or sewer every point between bell holes. Any part of the bottom system may be made until such connections are authorized of the trench excavated below the specified grade shall by the Board of Public Works, and the plans for the be corrected with approved material, and thoroughly . water or sewer main extension are approved by the Board compacted as directed by the Inspector. The finished of Public Works. . - grade shall be prepared accurately by means of hand . All icork clone on water and/or sewer main extensions tools. connecting to the Ithaca systems must conform to these The subgrade beneath the centerline of the pipe shall specifications, and must be done under the supervision be finished to within 0.03 ft. of a straight line between and inspection of the Superintendent of Public Works of pipe joints or batter boards. All tolerance shall be above the Board of Public Works, or under such inspection as specified grade. may be otherwise ordered by the Board of Public Works. If, in the opinion of the Inspector, soil conditions are The term "Inspector" hereinafter used will mean the duly encountered at subgrade which require all or part of the • designated representative of the Board of Public Works. work to be done in accordance with Section I-A-6, the In- The rules and regulations of the Board of Public Works spector shall have the authority to order the work to be .adopted Jan . 28, 1970 and effective Feb. 1 , 1970 goy- done. - erning the installation and use of service lines and mains, and the Plumbing Code of the City of Ithaca, shall be I -A-6. Excavation in Poor Soil or Rock considered a part of these specifications and shall govern Where the bottom of the trench at subgrade is found uch conditions as are not herein specifically described. to be unstable or to include ashes, cinders, all types of • refuse, vegetable or other organic material, large pieces I—GENERAL or fragments of inorganic material, or rock, which in the I -A EXCAVATION AND PREPARATION OF TRENCH judgment of the Inspector should be removed, the Con- tractor shall excavate and remove such unsuitable material I-A-1 . Description - to the width and depth ordered by the Inspector. Before The trench shall be excavated to full depth and grade the pipe is laid, the subgrade shall be made by backfill- for a distance of at least 50 feet in advance of pipe lay- ing with an approved material in 3" uncompacted layers. ing, but not more than one average days pipe laying in The layers shall be thoroughly tamped as directed by the advance of the work. The trench shall be so braced and Inspector so as to provide a continuous bearing and sup- drained that the workmen may work therein safely and port for the pipe at every point between the bell holes. efficiently. It is essential that the discharge from the The finished subgrade shall be prepared accurately by trench dewatering pumps be conducted to natural drain- means of hand tools. age channels, drains or storm sewers. . The subgrade beneath the centerline of the pipe shall be finished to within 0.03 ft. of a straight line between I -A-2 . Width of Trench bell holes or batter boards, and all tolerances shall be The width of trench shall be ample to permit the pipe above the specified grade.• to be laid and jointed properly, and the backfill to be I-A-?. Special Foundation in Poor Soil placed and compacted as specified . Trenches shall be of such extra widt}r, when required, as will permit the con- Where the . bottcm of the trench at subgrade is found venient placing of timber supports, sheeting and bracing, to consist of material which is unstable to such a degree and handling of fittings. that, in the opinion of the Inspector, it can not be re- Minimum width shall be sufficient to give clearance of moved and replaced with an approved material thoroughly at last eight inches either side of the barrel of the pipe. compacted in place to support the pipe properly, the con- 12 • -. • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1984= 2 1 .. . . PART II - , tractor shall construct a foundation for the pipe, consist- I-A-12. Trenching by Hand Methods. ing of piling, timber or other materials, in accordance Hand methods for excavations shall be employed in with plans approved by the Board of Public Works. locations where obstructions are shown on drawings or where, in the opinion of the Inspector, property can best I-KB. Blasting • be protected by digging by hand. In other locations the Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after contractor may use trench digging machinery. securing the approval of the Inspector and only when • proper precautions are taken for the protection of persons I -A- 13. Barricades, Guards and Safety Provisions or property. The hours of blasting will be fixed by the To protect persons from injury and to avoid property Inspector. Any damage caused by blasting shall be re- damage, adequate barricades, construction signs, torch paired by the contractor at his expense. The contractor's lanterns and guards as required shall be placed and ma methods of procedure shall conform with State laws tamed during the progress of the construction work and municipal ordinances. until it is safe for traffic to use the highway. All mate piles, equipment and pipe which may serve as obs LA-9. Braced and Sheeted Trenches tioris to traffic shall be enclosed by fences or barrica Open-cut trenches shall be sheeted and braced as re- and shall be protected by proper lights when the visibility quired by any governing state laws, and as may be neces- is poor. The Rules and Regulations of the local authorities sary to protect life, property or the work. When close respecting safety provisions shall be observed. sheeting is required, it shall be so driven as to prevent . • adjacent soil from entering the trench either below or I-A-14. Maintenance of Traffic and Closing of Streets through such sheeting. Where sheeting and bracing are The contractor shall carry on the work in a manner used the trench width shall be increased accordingly. which will cause the least interruption to traffic, and may The Inspector reserves the right to order the sheeting close to travel not more than two consecutive blocks, upon driven to the full depth of the trench or to such additional . the specific permission of the City, including the cross depths as_ may be required for the protection of the work. street intersected . Where traffic must cross open trenches, Where the soil in the lower limits of a trench has the. -- the contractor shall provide suitable bridges at street necessary stability, the Inspector, at his discretion may intersections and driveways. • . permit the contractor to stop the driving of sheeting at The contractor shall post, where directed by the Inspec- some designated elevation above the trench bottom. The tor, suitable signs indicating tliat• a street is closed and granting of permission by the Inspector, however, shall necessary detour signs for the proper maintenance of not relieve the contractor in any degree from his full traffic. responsibility under the contract. Sheeting and bracing which have been ordered left in .Structure Protection place must be removed for a distance of 3 ft. below the es- Temporary support, adequate protection and mainte- whichever street grade or the existing surface of the 3tc•eet, Hance of all underground and surface structures, drains, whichever is lower. Trench bracing, except that which must be left in place, may be removed when the back- sewers and other obstructions encountered in the progress filling has reached the respective levels of such bracing. of the work shall be furnished by the contractor at , Sheeting, except that +vhich has been left in place, may be expense and under the direction of the Inspector. removed after the backfilling has been completed or has structures which may have been disturbed shall been brought up to such an elevation as to permit its safe restored upon completion of the work. removal. Sheeting and bracing may be removed before flushing the trench, but only ' in such manner as will in- I-A-16. Protection of Property and Surface Structures sure the adequate protection of the completed water and/ Trees, shrubbery, fences, poles and all other property or sewer structures, and prevent the disturbance of adja- and surface structures shall be protected unless their . cent ground . removal is shown on the drawings or authorized by the • . Inspector. When it is necessary to cut roots and tree LA- 10. Care of Surface Material for Reuse branches, such cutting shall be done under the supervision All surface materials which , in the opinion of the In- of the Inspector. spector, are suitable for reuse in restoring the surface shall be kept separate from the general excavation material, as I -B BACKFILLING directed by the Inspector. I-B-1 . Backfill Material • 1 -A- 11 . Piling Excavated Material MI backfill material shall be free from cinders, ashes, refuse, vegetable or organic material, boulders, rocks or All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that stones, or other mater al which in the opinion of - the In- will not endanger the cork and that l+ ill avoid obstruct- spector is unsuitable. However, from 1 ft. above the top ink sidewalks, and driveways. hydrants under pressure, of the pipe to the subgrade of the pavement, material con- valve pit covers, valve boxes; curb stop boxes, fire and taming stones up to 8 in, in their greatest dimension may police call boxes, or other utility controls shall be left un = he used , unless specified otherwise herein. obstructed and accessible until the work is completed . • Gutters shall be kept clear or other satisfactory provisions I -13-2. Usc of I:xcuLUted Material as Backfill made for street drainage, and natural water courses shall When the type of backfill material is not indicated on be obstructed. - 13 • / ■ • t •The ' I'r�termunicipal Sewer Use Law - Local Law . .1982 . PART II the drawings or specifications, the contractor may backfill II—WATER. MAINS . with the excavated material, provided that such material II_A ,i1IATERIALS TO BE USED consists of loam, clay, sand, gravel, or other material which, in the opinion of the Inspector, are suitable for 1I-A-1 . Pipe and Fittings - - backfilling. All pipe lines 4" in diameter and larger shall be bell and • spigot, tar-coated, cement lined, centrifugally cast pipe to I-B 3. Sand or Gravel Backfill meet • A .W.W.A. specifications ; class of pipe used to be Where sand or gravel backfill is not indicated on the determined by the operating pressure and conditions of drawings or specified herein , and in the opinion of the the line. All fittings to be Class D, tar-coated, long pat- Inspector should be used in any part of the work, the con- tern, to meet A.W.W.A. specifications. . tractor shall furnish and backfill with sand or gravel as The use of mechanical joints and rubber joint cast iron directed. pipe will be allowed by approval of the Board of Public . Works. .•I-B4. Backfilling Under Pipe . All trenches shall be backfilled by hand, from the bot- II -A-2. Valves • tom of the trench to the centerline of the pipe, with sand, Main line valves shall be "Darling" hub-end valves of • gravel, or other approved material placed in layers of 3 the type used by the City of Ithaca. Valves open . left. in. and compacted by tamping. Backfilling material shall (counter clockwise ) . be deposited in the trench for its full width on each side . of the pipe, fittings and appurtenances simultaneously. • II-A-3. hydrants I -B-5. Backfdling Over Pipe • Hydrants shall be "Darling" B-SO-B, 5 inch hydrants, From the centerline of the pipe, fittings and appurte- of the type used by the City of Ithaca. Hoze nozzle threads nances to a depth of 1 ft . above the top of the pipe, the to be City of Ithaca standard,. Hydrants shall have a 2-21/2 . trench shall be backfilled by hand or by approved how nozzles and 1 .4W steamer nozzle. mechanical methods. The contractor shall use special care 21/x" hoze nozzles to be City of Ithaca standard, measur- in placing this portion of the backfill so as to avoid injur- in 3" OD to top of thread with 71/2 threads to the inch. ing or moving the pipe. The 41/2" 'steamer nozzle shall be National standard meas- The hackfill material from the centerline of the pipe uring 5%" OI) at the top of the . thread and threaded 4 to 1 ft . above the pipe shall consist of approved excavated threads per inch. . material which shall be placed in 3 in . layers and com- • . pacted by tamping. lI-A-4. .Valve Boxes I - B-6. Backfilling in Freezing Weather Valve boxes shall be the Buffalo Screw Type roadway box, with cover marked "Water." . Backfilling shall not be done in freezing weather except • by permission of the Inspector, and it shall not be made II-A-5. Manholes frozen material. No fill shall be made where the Manholes may be built of concrete masonry of 1-2 4 material already in the trench is frozen . i concrete, using tight smooth forms, or standard cement • I -13-7. Backfill Sand manhole blocks formed especially for four ft. manholes. Manholes may be built of masonry using hard pressed All sand used for backfill shall be a natural bank sand, brick. Every fifth course of brick shall be laid as stretchers, . graded from fine to coarse, not lumpy, or frozen , and free the remainders to be headers. Every brick shall have full from slag, cinders, ashes, rubbish or other material which, mortar joints on ' the bottom and sides which shall be in the opinion of the Inspector, is objectionable or dele- formed at one operation by placing sufficient mortar on terious. It shall not contain •a total of more than 10 per the bed and forcing the brick into it. Horizontal joints cent by weight of loam and clay, and all material must be shall not exceed 3s" and vertical joints on the inside of capable of being passed through a 3/.1" sieve. Not more manholes shall not exceed 1/j": Joints on the inside face than S per cent shall remain on a No. 4 sieve. are to be carefully rubbed full and struck as a manhole is built up. In wet trenches water shall be kept drained 1 -B-8. Backfill Gravel away from manholes until the concrete is set. • No backfilling shall be done for twenty-four hours after Gravel used for backfill shall consist of natural bank completion of the . e l manho gravel having durable particles graded from fine to coarse j ,, freezing weather mary . precautions. of heating in a reasonably uniform combination , with no boulders or materials and after protection shall be followed. stones larger than 2 in . in size. It shall be free from slag, Steps. Steps oI. cash iron, or of galvanized wrought cinders, ashes, refuse or other deleterious or objectionable p.s materials. It shall not contain excessive amounts of loam iron, 3.1" in diameter, shall be securely placed in the in- and clay and shall not be lumpy or frozen . No more than side of the manhole during construction, not more than 15 per cent shall be finer than No. 200 sieve. Backfill 18 inches apart. . gravel shall be used in the top 18 inches of backfill of all Diameter. Manholes five (5 ) feet deep or less shall ditches in City streets. have a minimum inside diameter of four (4 ) feet at the 14 • • . . . I I I I i . I I • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1w . 2 • f •. PART II • . . -- . bottom. Manholes ten ( 10) feet deep shall be at least five II-D-2. • Depth of Pipe ( 5 ) feet in inside diameter and at intermediate depths the diameter shall be in proportion. The top of the pipe shall be laid to a minimum depth Frames and Covers. Manhole covers shall be set to the of four (4 ) feet below the established grade. Any varia- tions therefrom shall be made only with the approval of grade given by the Inspector. Covers of manholes in the Inspector. streets shall correspond to the type used and approved by . the City of Ithaca in 1932, frame and cover to weigh not • less than 480 lbs. Depth of frame eight ( 8) inches ; diam- II-E LAYING eter of cover twenty-four ( 24 ) inches. Manholes in park- II-E-1 . Handling of Water Main Material into Trench ings where no traffic can be expected may use covers of light weight type used in the City of Ithaca prior to 1932. Proper implements, tools and facilities satisfactory to Weight of frame and cover not less than 245 lbs., depth the Inspector shall be provided and used for the safe of frame, 4 inches. • convenient prosecution of the work. All pipes, fittin valves and hydrants shall be carefully lowered into 1I-B INSPECTION OF MATERIAL • trench piece by piece by means of a derrick, ropes other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner a II-B-1 . Field Inspection - prevent damage to water main materials and protects MI pipe and accessories shall be laid, jointed and tested coatings and linings. Under no circumstances shall water under pressure for defects and leakage in the manner spe- main materials be dropped or clumped into the trench. cified and in the presence of and as approved by the Inspector. 11-E-2. Hammer Test II•B-2. Disposition of Defective Material • The pipe and fittings shall be inspected for defects and; while suspended above grade, be rung with a light ham- All material found during the progress of the work to mer to detect cracks. have cracks, flaws, or other defects will be rejected by the Inspector. All defective materials - shall be promptly re- - - -- - -- - - -- - - moved from the site. . II-E-3. Cleaning • Pipe and Fittings • - All lumps, blisters and excess tar-coat coating shall be II C HANDLING OF 1\'IATERIALS r removed from the bell-and-spigot end of each pipe, and II-C-1 . Hauling the outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be wire-brushed and wiped clean and dry and free from oil Cast iron pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and accessories and grease before the pipe is laid. shall be loaded and unloaded by lifting with hoists or • skidding so as to avoid shock or damage. Under no cir- II-E 4. Laying Pipe cumstances shall such materials be dropped. Pipe handled on skidways shall not be skidded or rolled against pipe Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign already on the ground. material from entering the pipe while it is being placed in the line. If the pipe-laying crew can not put the pipe int II-C-2. At Site of Work the trench and in place without getting earth into it, t Inspector may require that before lowering the pipe i In distributing the material at the site of the work, each the trench , a heavy, tightly woven canvas bag of suita piece shall be unloaded opposite or near the place where size shall be placed over each end and left there until t it is to be laid in the trench. - connection is to be made to the adjacentpipe. During la - • ing operations, no debris, tools, clothing or other mate- II-C-3. Care of Pipe. Coating and Lining rials shall be placed in the pipe. • Pipe shall be so handled that the coating and lining After placing a length of pipe in the trench, the spigot will not be damaged. If, however, any part of the coating end shall be centered in the bell and the pipe forced home . and brought to correct line and grade. The pipe shall be or lining is damaged, the repair shall be made in a man- secured in place with approved backfill material tamped ner satisfactory to the Inspector. under it except at the bells. Pipe and fittings which do not allow a sufficient and uniform space for joints shall be re- ll -D ALIGNMENT AND GRADE moved and replaced with pipe and fittings of proper dimensions to insure such uniform space. Precautions II -D-1 . General shall be taken to prevent dirt from entering the joint The water main shall be Mid and maintained to the re- space. quired lines and grades with fittings, valves and hydrants At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open at the required locations ; spigots centered in bells ; and ends of pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or other all valves and hydrant stems plumb. means approved by the Inspector. Joints of pipe in the Any changes in either line or grade shall be made by trench which can not be poured shall be calked with pack- using the proper fittings, and not by crowding the joints, ing to make them as watertight as possible. This provision except in laying pipe along a curved line the Inspector shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. If may approve a small deviation in alignment at each joint. water is in the trench, the seal shall remain in place until See Sec. II- E-7. the trench is pumped completely dry. . 15 •. , > .. . • • i . . L • Local Law 1984 = 2 The Ilttermunicipal Sewer Use Law . PART II I1 -E-5. Cutting Pipe II-F4. Lead The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or Lead for calking purposes shall contain not less than closure pieces shall be done in a neat and workmanlike 9 o3vper cen t t pure lead . Impurities shall not exceed the manner without damage to the pipe or cement lining and so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of Arsenic, antimony and tin together ... 0.0Q5%o • . the pipe. . Copper "' Zinc ...0.002% When machine cutting is not available for cutting pipe Zinc 0.002% 20 in. in diameter or larger, the electric-arc cutting . .0.002% method will be permitted using a carbon or steel. rod. Only Silver 0.02%qualified and experienced workmen shall be used on this The producer's name or the mark of Lead Industries worh. y shall be dearly cast or stamped upon each piece of lead. . • The flame cutting of pipe by means of an oxyacetylene y torch shall not be allowed. 11-P-5. Heating and Pouring of Lead • II-E-6. Bell Ends to Face Direction of Laying Lead shall be heated in a melting pot kept in easy reach Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of the joint to be poured-so that the molten metal will . of laying unless directed otherwise by the Inspector. not be chilled in being carried from the melting .pot to the joint-and shall be brought to a proper temperature so that when stirred it will show a rapid change of color. II-E-7. Permissible Deflection at Joints • Before pouring, all scum shall be removed. Each joint Wherever it is necessary to deflect pipe from a straight shall be made in one continuous pouring filling the entire line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane, to avoid joint space with solid lead. Spongy or imperfectly filled obstruction or plumb stems, or where long-radius curves joints shall be burned out and repoured. are permitted, the amount of deflection allowed shall not . exceed that required for satisfactory calking of the joint, II-F-6. Position of Joint Runner and shall be approved by the Inspector. • The joint runner shall fit snugly against the face of the Approx. Radius of curve bell and the outside of the pipe shall be damned with day produced by Succession Pipe Joint Max. Deflection with of Joints with Pipe to form a pouring lip to provide' for filling the joint flush Diam. Opening Pipe Length of : • Leads of : with the face and to the top of the bell. 16 ft. 18 ft. 20 ft. 16 ft. 18 ft . 20 ft. . 4" 0.41 14.8 16.7 18.5 208 234 260 II-F-7. Calking Lead Joints 6" 0.53 14.8 163 • 18.5 203 234 260 After the lead has cooled Ito the temperature of the pipe, 0" 0.65 12.9 14.6 16.2 238 269 297 lead joints shall be calked with pneumatic or hand tools 10" 0.75 12.4 14.0 15.5 248 329 3 2" 00.7755 10.5 11.9 13.2 292 327 363 joints operated by competent workmen, until such joints are ' 16 . 5 7.9 8.8 9.7 390 440 488 thoroughly compacted and watertight. The finished joint • shall show a hard and even hammered surface overall. . i . II -E-S. Unsuitable Conditions for Laying Pipe Care should be taken not - to overstrain the bells during . No pipe shall be laid in water or when, in the opinion calking. of the Inspector, the trench conditions are unsuitable. II-G SETTING 'VALVES AND FITTINGS II-F JOINTING . �- II-G-1. General II -F-1 . Yarning or Packing Material Valves, fittings, plugs and caps shall be set and jointed Yarning or packing material shall be molded or tubular . to pipe in the manner heretofore specified for cleaning, rubber rings. The above material shall be handled with laying and jointing pipe. care in order to prevent contamination and shall be dry c then put into place in the joint. The material shall be II-G-2. Valve Boxes and Manholes • free of oil, tar, or greasy substances. • (See Sections II-A4 and II-A-5.) • A valve box or manhole shall be provided for every II -F-2 . Placing of Yarning Material valve. The yarning material shall be placed around the spigot The valve box shall not transmit shock or stress to the end of the pipe and shall be of proper dimensions to cen- valve and shall be centered plumb over the operating nut ter the spigot in the bell. When the spigot is shoved home, of the valve, with the box cover flush with the surface of • the yarning material shall be driven tightly against the the ground , or such other level as may be directed . inside base or hub of the bell with suitable yarning tool. Where valves are in manholes the operating nut shall • be readily accessible for operation through the opening II -F-3 . Depth of Jointing Material in the manhole, which shall be set flush with the sur- For lead joints a space not less than 21/x" in depth shall face of the finished pavement. Manholes shall be so be left in the hell in pipe having a nominal diameter of constructed as to permit minor repairs and afford pro- 20" or less ; 21/2" in 24, 30 and 36" pipe ; and 3" in pipe pass through h the zln enb and pipe from impact . where they larger than 36". 16 • I -. .. • . . I The Intermunicipal Sewer Use "Earn Local Law 19 $4 - 2 • PART III ' • - •• II -G -3. Drainage of Mains be excavated below each hydrant and filled compactly Mains shall be drained through drainage branches or with coarse gravel or crushed stone mixed with coarse blowoffs to dry wells from which the water can be sand, under and around the elbow of the hydrant and to a level of 6 inches above the waste opening. pumped . Drainage branches, blowoffs, air vents and ap- purtenances shall be provided with gate valves and shall *Note : The Inspector shall determine whether II-H 4 or II•1i-5 is applicable. be located and installed as shown on the plans. • Drainage branches or blowoffs shall not be connected H-I ANCHORAGE to any sewer, submerged in any stream or be - installed in • any other manner that will permit back siplionage into the II-I-1 . Anchorage for Hydrants . . distribution system. - The bowl of each hydrant shall be well braced against • unexcavated earth at the end of the trench with stone II-G-4. Dead Ends slabs or concrete backing. All dead ends on new mains shall be closed with cast iron plugs or caps, with or without a blowoff cock, as II-I-2. Anchorage, for Plugs, Caps, Tees and Bends shown on the drawings. All plugs, caps, tees and bends deflecting 221/2 deg • II-H SETTING HYDRANTS or more on mains 8 inches in diameter or larger shall be provided with a reaction backing. II -H-1 . Location •Hydrants shall be located as shown or as directed and II-I-3. Reaction Backing in a manner to provide complete accessibility, and also in Reaction backing shall be concrete of a mix not leaner such a manner that the possibility of damage from vehicles than 1 cement : 21/2 sand : 5 stone, and having a compres- or injury to pedestrians will be minimized . sive strength of not less than 2,000 psi, at 28 days. Back- When placed behind the curb, the hydrant barrel shall ing shall be placed between solid ground and the fitting be set so that no portion of the pumper or hoze nozzle cap -- to be anchored ; the area of bearing on the pipe and on will be less than 6 in. nor more than 12 in. from the gutter the ground in each instance shall be that shown or di- face of the curb. rected by the Inspector. The backing shall, unless -other- When set in the lawn space between the curb and the wise shown or directed, be so placed that the pipe and sidewalk, or between the sidewalk and the property line, fitting joints will be accessible for repair. • . no portion of the hydrant or nozzle cap shall be within • . 6 in . of the sidewalk. II -J HYDROSTATIC TESTS II -H-2. Position II•J-1 . Pressure Test After the pipe has been laid and partially backfilled All hydrants shall stand plumb and shall have their as directed by the Inspector, all newly laid pipe, or any nozzles parallel with or at right angles to the curb, with . _ valved section thereof, . shall be subject to a hydrostatic the pumper nozzle facing the curb, except that Hydrants pressure equal to a pressure 50 % greater than the co - having two hoze nozzles 90 degrees apart shall be set with puted working pressure of the section under test based ,. each nozzle facing the curb at an angle of 45 degrees. the lowest point in the section under test and correcte Hydrants shall be set to the established grade, with nozzles the elevation of the test gage. . at least 12 inches above the ground, as shown or as di- e rected by the Inspector. II-J-2. Duration of Pressure Test II -11-3. Connection to Main The duration of each pressure test shall be at least one Each hydrant shall be connected to the main with a 6" hour. cast-iron branch controlled by an independent 6" gate . . valve, except as otherwise directed. II-J-3. Procedure - • Each valved section of pipe shall be slowly filled with 11 - 1I . 4. Hydrant Drainage in Pervious Soil ' water and the specified test pressure, based on the eleva- Wherever a hydrant is set in soil that is pervious, drain- lion of the lowest point of the line or section under test age shall be provided at the base of the hydrant by placing and corrected to the elevation of the test gage, shall be ap- coarse gravel or crushed stone mixed with coarse sand , plied by means of a pump connected to the pipe in a man- from the bottom of the trench to at least 6 inches above ner satisfactory to the Inspector. the waste opening in the hydrant and to a distance of 1 ft . - around the elbow. No drainage system shall be connected JI -J -4 . Expelling Air before Test to the sewer. Before applying the specified test pressure, all air shall be expelled from the pipe. If hydrants or blow-offs are 11 - 11 - 5. Hydrant Drainage in Impervious Soil" not available at high places, taps at points of highest ele- 'Whenever a hydrant is set in day or other impervious nation shall be made before the test is made, and plugs soil , a drainage pit 2 ft . in diameter and 3 ft . deep shall inserted after the test has been completed. • 17 • • • • • T The .Iy1termunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law . ' 1984 _ 2 . . . PART II I.I4 -5 . Examination under Pressure existing systems shall be chlorinated. If the available All exposed pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants and joints water is more alkaline than pH 8, the holding time in the shall be carefully examined during the open-trench test. main shall be increased at the discretion of the engineer. Joints showing visible leaks shall be recalked until tight. Any cracked or defective pipe, fittings, valves or hydrants II -K-2. Form of Applied Chlorine • discovered in consequence of this pressure test shall be re- moved and replaced with sound material, and the test shall Any of the following methods of procedure (arranged be repeated until satisfactory to the Inspector. in order of preference ) shall be followed, subject to the approval of the engineer : . II -J -6. Leakage Test Liquid chlorine gas-water mixture • A leakage test shall be conducted after the pressure test Direct clilorine feed ... • has been satisfactorily completed. The duration of each Calcium or sodium hypochlorite and leakage test shall be two hours, and during the . test the _ water mixture _..... main shall be subject to a pressure equal to the computed Chlorinated lime and water mixture working pressure of the lowest point in the section and cor- . rested to gage elevation except that the test pressure shall • be a minimum of 100 lbs. sq. in. in the lowest point in the II-K-3. Liquid Chlorine section . A chlorine gas-water mixture shall be applied by means Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be sup- of a solution-feed chlorinating device, or, if approved by plied into the new laid pipe, or any valved section thereof, the engineer, the dry gas may be fed directly through necessary to maintain the specified leakage test pressure proper devices for regulating the rate :of flow and provide after the pipe has been filled with water and the air ex- ing effective diffusion of the gas into the water within the pelled . pipe being treated. Chlorinating devices for feeding solu- \o pipe installation will be accepted until the leakage tions of the chlorine gas or the gas itself must provide is less than the number of gallons per hour as .determined means for preventing the backflow of water into the by the formula : chlorine cylinder. . L=N DVP/18fi0 • • in which L equals the allowable leakage in gallons per II -K•4. Chlorine bearing Compounds in Water hour ; N is the number of joints in the length of pipe On approval of the engineer, a .mixture of water and a tested ; D is the normal diameter of the pipe, in inches ; chlorine-bearing compound of, known chlorine content and P is the average test pressure during the leakage test , may be substituted as an alternative for liquid chlorine. in pounds per square inch gage. . • • II -K-4.1 . Chlorine-bearing Compounds II -J -7. Variation from Permissible Leakage The chlorine-bearing compounds which may be used Should any test of pipe laid disclose leakage greater are : ( 1 ) calcium hypochlorite, (comparable to commer- than that specified in Section II-J-6, the defective joints cial products known as "HTH," "Perchloron" and "Pinch- shall be located and repaired until the leakage is within for" ) , ( 2 ) chlorinated lime ( frequently called chloride of . the specified allowance. • • lime and known to industry as bleaching powder) and (3) sodium hypochlorite. • . II -J •8. Time for Making Test of Pipe • Lead-jointed pipe may be subjected to hydrostatic pres- II-K-4.2. Proportions of Mixtures . . . sure and inspected and tested for leakage at any conveni- A 5 per cent solution of the powder shall be prepared, ent time after the trench has been partially backfilled ex- consisting of 5 per cent of powder to 95 per cent of water cept at the joints. by weight, due attention being given to the chlorine con- - Where any section of a main is provided with concrete tent of the product used. This calcium hypochlorite or reaction backing, the hydrostatic pressure test shall not be chlorinated lime and water mixture, first made into a paste made until at least five days have elapsed after the con- and then thinned to a slurry with dean water; shall be crete reaction backing was installed. If high-early-strength injected or pumped into the newly laid pipe after prelimi- cement is used in the concrete reaction backing, the hydro- nary flushing: If sodium hypochlorite is used mix the soli- . static pressure test shall not be made until at least two lion as purchased, with water to obtain the desired con- days have elapsed. centration of chlorine and feed into the pipe under treat- lI •J •9. Interruption of Service treat- ment in the same mariner as is used for feeding other hypochlorites. No valve or other control on the existing system shall be operated for any purpose by the contractor. The City 11 -K-S. Point of Application will operate all valves, hydrants, blowoffs and curb stops. • The preferred point Of application of the chlorinating 1I -K DISINFECTION agent shall be at the beginning of the pipeline extension or any valved section of it and through a corporation stop II -K - 1 . Form of Chlorine and Means of Application inserted by the owner (except in new distribution sys- Before being placed in service, all new water distribu- • tern ) in the top of the newly laid pipe. The water injec- tion systems and repaired portions of, or extensions to, tor for delivering the chlorine-bearing water into the pipe 18 . I 1 , • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law • Local Law 1984= 2 . . PART II . " � " . , should be supplied from a tap on the pressure side of the III—SEWER MAINS gate valve controlling the flow into the pipeline extension . III-A MATERIALS TO BE USED • In a new system, application of chlorine may be made ad- . vantageously at the pumping station, the elevated tank, III-A-1 . Pipe and Fittings the standpipe or the reservoir. When properly cleaned first, these units are thus chlorinated adequately. All sewer mains shall be cement-asbestos with a mini- mum inside diameter of 8 . . II-K-6. Rate of Application No other specifications for concrete, or cement asbestos sewers are herein contained. The use of other materials is Water from the existing distribution system or other not prohibited and may be done under standard' specifica- source of supply shall be controlled so as to flow slowly tions submitted to and approved by the Board of Public into the newly laid pipeline during the application of Works. . • chlorine. The rate of chlorine mixture flow shall be in . such proportion to the rate of water entering the pipe • that the chlorine dose applied to the water entering the 1I-A-2. Manholes newly laid pipe shall be at least 40 to 50 ppm. This may Manholes shall be constructed at every change of I require as much as 100 ppm. of chlorine in the water left or grade of the sewer main, at every main intersection or in the line after chlorination. A convenient method of de- branch, ( except branches for house connections) and in termining the rate • of flow of water into the line to be straight runs of main so that the distance between man- treated is to start with the line full of water and measure holes shall not exceed 300 feet, except where the grade of the rate of discharge at a hydrant with a pilot gage. Great the sewer is more than five ( 5) feet in one hundred ( 100 ) flexibility is made possible by providing a series of ori- feet the distance between the manholes shall not exceed fices to give good gage readings at high and low flows. two hundred fifty (250 ) feet. • . • Manholes may be pre-cast of concrete masonry of 1-24 II-K-7. Preventing Reverse Flow concrete, using tight smooth forms, or standard cement manhole blocks formed especially for four foot manholes. Valves shall be manipulated so that the strong chlorine Manholes may be built of brick masonry using hard solution in the line being treated will not flow back into pressed brick. Every fifth course of brick shall be laid as the line supplying the `eater. stretchers, the remainder to be headers. Every brick shall • have full mortar joints on the bottom and sides which shall lI-K-8. Retention Period . _ be formed at one operation by placing sufficient mortar on . the bed and forcing the brick into it. Horizontal joints Treated water shall be retained in the pipe long enough shall not exceed 3/b" and vertical joints on the inside of to destroy all nonspore-forming bacteria . This period the manholes shall not exceed 1/�". Joints on the inside face should be at least 24 hours and preferably longer, as may are to be carefully rubbed full and struck as a manhole is be directed. After the chlorine-treated water has been re- . built. The outside of the manhole shall be smoothly tamed for the required time, the chlorine residual at the and evenly plastered with cement mortar one-half inch pipe extremeties and at other representative points should thick. Such plaster coat shall be applied in one operation be at least 25 ppm. after all brick has been placed and must not be applied b • the mason working within the manhole as the bri 1I-K-9. Chlorinating Valves and Hydrants courses are laid up. Plaster shall be proportioned 1 pa Portland cement to two and one-half (21/2) parts mort In the process of chlorinating newly laid pipe, all valves sand. or other appurtenances shall be operated while the pipe- Manhole Bottoms. Inverts of manholes shall be formed line is filled with the chlorinating agent. by running the sewer pipe through the manhole cutting. • out the top half of the pipe after the 'manhole has been II-K-10. Final Flushing and Test completed. Concrete bottoms of manholes shall be placed ' in two Myers. The top of the bottom layer shall be level Following chlorination, all treated water shall be thor- with the horizontal diameter of the pipe, and upon this oughly flushed from the newly laid pipeline at its extremi- layer the brick masonry shall be started. The depth of this ties until the replacement water throughout its length shall, concrete shall be everywhere at least six (6) inches thick. upon test, be proved comparable to the quality of water Particular care must be exercised to insure this depth served the public from the existing water supply system. under the invert. After the top of the pipe has been cut off This quality of water delivered by the new main should and the invert left in the concret base, a second concrete continue for a period of at least two full days as demon- floor must be applied on top of the original bottom to the strated by laboratory examination of samples taken from height of the top of the sewer pipe leaving the manhole. a tap located and installed in such a way as to prevent This floor shall be neatly shaped to meet the cut half of outside contamination . the sewer pipe, and shall serve to confine the sewage from overflowing on the manhole bottom if the sewer should flow more than half full. II -1:-11 . Repetition of Procedure Where invert of manhole is below ground water level, Should the initial f reatment fail to result in the condi - manholes shall be waterproof on the outside of the plaster tions specified in Sec. K-10, the chlorination procedure coat with suitable bituminous waterproofing to a line one shall be repeated until such results are obtained . foot higher than the apparent ground water level. In wet 19 9 • , I The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 1984 - 2 . PART II trenches eater shall be .kept drained away from manholes III -D-2. Pipe Laying . until the concrete work is set. AU pipe shall be laid with ends abutting. and true to No backfilling shall be done until the plaster coat on line and grade, so fitted and matched that a smooth uni- the outside of the manhole shall have set for twenty-four form invert will be formed. The -bottom of the trench shall hours. • be shaped so as to conform as nearly as :possible to the In freezing weather customary precautions of heating outside of the pipe, particular care being taken to recess materials and after protection shall be followed. the bottom of the trench in such a manner as to relieve the Steps. Steps of cast iron or of galvanized wrought iron, bell of all load. . 3/4" in diameter, shall be securely placed in the inside of • the manhole during construction, not more than 18 inches III-D-3. Depth apart. In streets or highways sewers shall be laid to a mini- Diameter. Manholes five ( 5 ) feet deep or less shall mum depth of three feet, grade permitting. • have an inside diameter of four (4) feet at the bottom. Manholes ten ( 10) feet deep shall be five (5 ) feet in III-D-4. Unsuitable Conditions for Laying Pipe inside diameter and at intermediate depths the diameter shall be in proportion. No pipe shall be laid in water or when, in the opinion Frames and Covers. Manhole covers shall be set to the of the Inspector, trench conditions are unsuitable. grade given by the Inspector. Covers of manholes in III-E JOINTING streets shall correspond to the type used and approved by the City of Ithaca in 1932, frame and cover to weigh not . III-E-1 . Joints . less than 480 lbs. • Depth of frame eight (8 ) inches, diam- eter of cover twenty-four ( 24 ) inches. Manholes in park- Pipe joints shall conform to both the materials and ings where no traffic can be expected may use covers of methods of installation of the manufacturer of the panic- the light weight type used in the City of Ithaca prior to ular cement-asbestos pipe furnished for the job. 1932. Weight of frame and cover not less than 245 lbs., . depth of frame 4 inches. III-E-2. Joints in Cold Weather . No joints shall be poured when pipe is at a temperature IlI -I; DISPOSITION OF DEFECTIVE MATERIAL below freezing. - When the air temperature is below 40°F the part of the pipe to be joined shall be heated and a All material found during the progress of the work to • paint coat of G-K primer, or equal, applied both to spigot have cracks, flaws, blisters or other defects shall be re- end and inside of bell before pipes are joined preparatory • jected by the Inspector. All defective material shall be to pouring. . promptly removed from the site. . 1 • 1I-F TESTING • . II1 -C ALIGNMENT AND GRADE III-F-1 . Cleaning and Flushing • Sewers shall be laid straight to line and grade between The interior of the sewer :shall, as the work progresses, be cleared of all dirt, surplus joint material and super- manholes. fluous material of every description. The alignment and grade of the sewer line shall be No sewer main shall be finally joined to the City Sys- checked from a string line stretched along the center of tern until it has been satisfactorily cleaned and flushed. the pipe between batterboards, at every 23 feet. The batter hoard grades are taken from the engineer's grade stakes. III-F-2. Testing The elevation of the batter boards above the invert of the pipe shall be constant for adjacent batter boards. Batter On • a completion of any sewer or such portion of the boards shall be set at every change in line and grade. same as may be directed, and before any connection has • . been made therewith, the sewer may be tested for leakage or infiltration of groundwater on the order of the Inspec- III -D LAYING • • tor. Contractors shall supply all facilities for making such IJI - D 1 . Handling Main Material into Trench tests. It is the intent of these specifications to have the sewer so constructed that the quantity of infiltration will Proper implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to be kept at a minimum. The allowable leakage shall not ex- the Inspector shall be provided and used for the safe and ceed a rate of flow of 175 gallons per 24 hours per inch convenient prosecution of the work.. All pipe and ,fittings of diameter per 1 ,000 linear feet of sewer tested . Should shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece by piece by any leaky or defective joints or defective construction be means of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equip- found they shall be promptly made good, and should any rnent , in such a manner as to prevent damage to sewer defective pipes or specials be discovered they shall be main materials. Under no circumstances shalt sewer main replaced with sound pipes or specials in a satisfactory material be dropped or dumped into the trench. manner and without cost to the City. • 20 • i I i I i The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law 19134 - 2 • PART. I,I, . r Z 3 i j 0 w CC vi cQ N W > Q / essOws U s M s A V N . w I A . tit 1 a w -j w T. . �� � Ls S bd a o I Z SIP( 0 i Q n Et - Z a . Q 1c. >- _ c • _ES 0 ni 4 . Q . o 0 .� � z ' . " .. , IA �• �N Q m m F. de `� a (" 3 0 .Nay -` �4C11 F- v v eel a NNW. d o a .. ........... " ., •_Lb Ip • t • .c . . a >,.,. • I • . ' 0 ...• 0 c aN el 0 i` O h a ee O N F^ QI � ..- _ � N� 0 -6 c ~ r a 0 -1 F- _ 4 111 E '- ° c • .. � a 0. Si cr ,° t .:. 3aENNca ,tc °v f: 4.4 �c • C 4 0 a tit ? :_' _`c u 0 `. •3 a o 1 1,1 �� OO b4 0 = S . -2 a a r 3 0 LL a 7.1.C4) I zT o 0 oo3S z o � m � s � = o fl c c 0. 00 o 0 ) 4 '2 Lo :O V 1- CO O v. �- C 0 0 m Fi W �4 Qa c 0 . _ 3 : O O O O f , V V a c O) N -0 t 0 .c u .c ._ o cL LJ LLC, •Ea0u0 ° 50 urc ., eti 0 , — N 00 0.. 0000 COD ul GL. O c ._ 0 � t ..Y O .apt` - Si CO u z m a a m a -° 0 O c 0 so C) N O O N 'O. O C) c J a U '� � IAIAuI ° -a `va a -o03 ^^ O O N u 0 C 0 c C u C a 0 N _ fl a C a O !f a ` C a O O 0 CO a c •'n a i -C C H ` .c to .y.. .c c u O v 0 „ a, O ~ uis act C 0 Q c Th. 1 c .4 c 9 >. a a -- o D c = ° c to ... a : 0 a v O O aoc N a a — ._ — V W d V z a a p .> � s C to Q O o 7 E - ; ° O a 21 I. I The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law . -1984- 2 . ; PART I I' . c r • ON e O • 1 gro $7)0 3 z 2 n a • q/ tow so- 4 > 4 4-. d a. n x en ' ' �`.'". 4 1- I I ;cc{o.o W z 8 4 z O ?Q 111: 1 1111a ■1: 1111111 - 4 . 4 1 i cc. ' a• O _ �! I i � ND ip ) 1 1 iIsii s-ow �� I •1 • `� . EC 1_L __~ I i o— 1:1111�11r1111I cs tlo 111■1111 lamp I • a S 1 _ A � F i N N to • OWw - �0 ;01 - i _ O aaW to �xj \\• U O W U I- W t l \ J re- n j W 2 a O W O _ VI z tr p y o� tpL 1- - 1- a a . O -iji J _ > W 0 W U. W - a U. a _I ti 4 Fz- n d N p 1° tr _t, j NN o i d co z to zoa ,' � R * a to aQ 00 CC 0 N CC 1- W kJa W ~ toz -1 .., NW - • ' s QC kJ S co F .0.. W ta a co x u } 4 4 J - C . _ (Ll W r W p J CS a tr U d to Q cc— S to N N W 2 4. W - -.J F-' w O u a_ - . U. W o tt F ► >- W � oz �� � N 0 c0 � ow 0 0 S c`� e S otnl- . zoo ao a� a 7 ,_ w E a8 >- noa . .• F_- "-' • wF z f z xF hg a i. _ aoN ~ OF- g WW �,zy z hilt > 1-w LL Q 4 F d ti 4 t - > co N O 1- T _ :a • ■ 11:1111111111 11111111ii11I' °a siill II III■ 111.11 , e.' o o. : I . 11 e�'0 , d;a (2�+j , . o• p 2 At 41> I ` o ' .4• 'o K- - ' - - _ Ta il I ICI ► I • • M ' .▪:c. t 6 • a ' i iii , Q, o: . - - - - i t1 :: i �Q. C) l.le1 ■11IIII1 ' ■ I I 1 a` a9 — I- 111■ 11 i1111i1111i1111i 11111111111119, ° Lt 0 0. 6 -� J . H . e E • i i 1 { • !I l' The Intermunicipal Sewer Use La : . Local Law 1984 - 2 PART II TYPICAL INSTALLATION OF : TEE ELBOW PLUGGED PIPE . /i . . j 1 1 3:0 al lar. ° . ..Ass �►� S 111 . PA. - (v ` 0 • • • • • u , �; 111 ' • • • • � 1 . • 1 . 1 _ �, .• • 1 • /• ttl iii III r PLAN PLAN • SECTION PLAN • TYPICAL HYDRANT INSTALLATION . At in ) • ar , . ' I1 Co .. nsc. .1 ter, C% Ra.V % L nic- ti iet II II ti .6: 1111 / l _ >> �� min. .Z IT �. pi .. { r I - 2//t4 11/ I: : taut! .�na. - • -•iJi- _� ri _ al 1! ItF ..:q c 4- -A, — I _ zit • • • 144 . •• •- • ' • . ♦ / I . A i� a . .• • • • • I• • Thi•,. 5 t {{ _ Pi . - Ilv { i{ = — j. , -- n rrit :„C ,l 1_ --[Li-41 A- 1ci1u' ll--- 11r )I ► = n.��� �`= ii- ls ' / I : ii? 23 , . I I • I I The Iintermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law _1_984 - 2 PART II . I . ; THIS BLANK PAGE CONSTITUTES THE END OF PART II . • • 24 • - r: • . i THE . INTERMUNICIPAL SEWER USE LAW , PART III • SECTION 1 GENERAL . PROVISIONS 1 . 1 Purpose and Policy This • Part . sets forth uniform requirements for direct and indirect contributors into the wastewater collection and treatment . system for the Municipality and enables . the . Municipality to comply with all applicable State and Federal laws required by the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the general Pretreatment Regulations ( 40 CFR , Part 403 ) . The objectives of this Part . . are : ( a ) to prevent the introduction of pollutants into the • municipality wastewater system which: will interfere with the operation of the system or contaminate the re - sultingsludge ; ( b ) to prevent the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will pass through the system , . inadequately treated , into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise , be incompatible with the 111 system ; ( c ) to improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewaters and sludges from the system ; and ( d ) to provide for equitable distribution of the cost . of the municipal wastewater system . This Part • provides for the regulation of direct and indirect contributors to the municipal wastewater system through the issuance of permits to certain non- domestic • • 1 7 ze Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law :1284 _ 2 ° I • • users and through enforcement of general requirements for . " the other users , authorizes monitoring and enforcement ac -, tivities , requires user reporting , assumes that existing customer ' s capacity will not be preempted , and provides for the setting of fees for the equitable distribution of costs resulting from the program established herein . This Part shall apply to the Municipality and to persons outside the Municipality , who are , by . contract or agreement with the Municipality , users of . the Municipality POTS? . Except as otherwise provided herein , the Municipal Engineer of the Municipality shall administer , implement , and . enforce the provisions of this Part . 1 . 2 Definitions • • Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise , the following terms and phrases , as used in this Part , shall have the meanings hereinafter designated : . ( 1 ) Act or ' the Act ° . The Federal water pollution Control Act , also known as the Clean Water Act , as amended , 33 U . S . C . 1251 , et . seq . " ( 2 ) Approval Authority . The Director in an NPDES state with an approved state pretreatment program and the Administrator of the EPA in a non-NPDES state or NPDES state without an approved state pretreatment program . ( 3 ) Authorized Representative of Industrial User . An au - thorized representative of an industrial user may be : ( 1 ) A principal executive officer of at least the level of vice president , if the industrial user is a corpora - tion ; ( 2 ) A . general partner or proprietor if the 2 I • lie Zntermunicipal Sever Use Law PART III Local Law . n1,984 - 2 industrial user is a partnership or proprietorship , respectively ; ( 3 ) A duly authorized representative of the individual designated above if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facili- • ties from which the indirect discharge originates . ( 4 ) Biochemical Oxygen Demand ( BOD ) . The quantity of oxy- gen utilized in ' the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure , five ( 5 ) days at 20 ° centigrade expressed in terms of weight and • concentration ( milligrams per liter ( mg / 1 ) ) . ( 5 ) Building sewer . A sewer conveying wastewater from the premises of a user to the POT. • ( 6 ) Categorical Standards . National Categorical Pretreat- ment Standards or Pretreatment Standard . ( 7 ) Municipality . . The City of Ithaca , Town of Ithaca , and Town of Dryden or the Municipal Board of the Municipality . . • ( 8 ) Cooling Water . The water discharged from ar_y use such as air conditioning , cooling or refrigeration , or to which the only pollutant added is heat . ( 9 ) Compatible pollutant . Biochemical oxygen demand , • sus - pended solids , pH and fecal coliform bacteria ; plus any - additional pollutants identified in the publicly owned treatment work ' s NPDES permit , where the publicly-owned treatment work is designed to treat such pollutants and , in fact , does treat such pollutants to the degree ✓ equired by the POTP7 ' s NPDES permit . ( 10 ) Control Authority . The term ' control authority ' shall ✓ efer to the ' Approval Authority ' , defined hereinabove ; Sewer • Municipality . o r the /Superintendent if the / has an approved Pre - 3 • . The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 194 - 2 treatment Program under the provisions of 40 CFR ,. 403 : 11 . . ( 11 ) Direct Discharge . The discharge of treated or entreat- • ed wastewater directly to the waters of the State of New York • ( 12 ) Environmental Protection Agency , or EPA . The Q . S . " Environmental Protection - Agency , or where appropriate , the term may also be used as a designation for the Administrator or other duly authorized official of said agency . . • ( 13 ) Grab Sample . A sample which is taken from a waste stream on a one -time basis with no regard to the flow in the waste stream and without consideration of time . ( 14 ) Holding tank waste . Any waste from holding tanks such as vessels , chemical toilets , campers , trailers , septic tanks , and vacuum -pump tank. trucks . . ( 15 ) Incompatible pollutant . All pollutants other than com- patible pollutants as defined in sub -paragraph 11 of this section . . ( 16 ) Indirect Discharge . The discharge or the introduction of nondomestic pollutants from any source regulated under section 307 ( b ) or ( c ) of the . Act , : ( 33 U . S . C . 1317 ) . , into the POTW ( including holding tank waste dis - charged into the system ) . ( 17 ) Industrial User . A source of Indirect Discharge which . does not constitute a ' discharge of pollutants ' under regulations issued pursuant to section 402 , of the Act . ( 33 U . S . C . 1342 ) . . 4 a a 984- 2 •Thelaztermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law .. • . . . .. ( 18 ) Interference . The inhibition or disruption of the POTW • treatment processes or operations or which contributes • to a violation of any requirement of the Municipality ' s MDDFS Permit . The term includes prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal by the POTW in accordance with 405 of the Act , ( 33 U . S . C . 1345 ) or any criteria , guidelines or regulations developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act ( SWDA ) , the Clean Air Act , the Toxic . Substances Control Act , or more stringent state criter- ia ( including those contained in any State sludge man- agement plan prepared pursuant to Title IV of . SWDA ) applicable to the method of • disposal or use employed by the POTW . • ( 19 ) National Categorical Pretreatment Standard or Pretreat- ment Standard . Any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in - accordance • with section 307 ( b ) and ( c ) of the Act ( 33 U . S . C . 1347 ) which applies to a specific category of Industrial Users . ( 20 ) National Prohibitive Discharge Standard or Prohibitive Discharge Standard . . Any regulation developed under the authority of 307 ( b ) of the Act and • 40 CFR , . Section 403 . 5 . ( 21 ) New Source . Any source , the construction of which is commenced after the publication of proposed regulations , prescribing a section 307 ( c ) ( 33 U . S . C . 1317 ) categori- cal pretreatment standard which will be applicable to such source , if such standard is thereafter promulgated within 120 days of proposal in the Federal Register . Where the standard is promulgated later than 120 days after proposal , a new source means any source , the con - struction of which is commenced after the date of pro - mulgation of the standard . 5 . II/ 1 . • I The Intermunicipal . Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law ' 2:904 - 2 '. • ( 22 ) National Pollution Discharge Elimination System of NPDES Permit . A permit issued pursuant to section 402 of the Act ( 33 U . S . C . 1342 ) . ( 23 ) Person . Any individual , partnership , copartnership , firm , company , corporation , association , joint stock company , trust , estate , governmental entity or any other legal entity , or their legal representatives , agents or assigns . The masculine gender shall includ the feminine , the singular shall include the plural where indicated by the context . ( 24 ) n.! The logarithm ( base 10 ) of the reciprocal of the concentration of ,hydrogen ions expressed in grams per - liter of solution . ( 25 ) Pollution . The man- made or man - induced alteration of the chemical , physical , biological , and radiological integrity of water . • ( 26 ) Pollutant . Any dredged spoil , solid waste , incinerator • residue , sewage , garbage , sewage sludge , munitions , chemical wastes , biological materials , radioactive materials , heat , wrecked or discharged equipment , . rock , sand , cellar dirt and industrial , municipal , and agri , cultrual waste discharged into water . ( 27 ) Pretreatment or Treatment . The reduction of the amount of pollutants , the elimination of pollutants , or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into a POTW . The reduction or alteration can be obtain - ed by physical , chemical or biological processes , or process changes other means , except as prohibited by 40 CFR Section 403 . 6 ( d ) . 6 I t The I'ntermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law -1984 72 . ` . ( 28 ) Pretreatment Requirements . Any substantive or procedural requirement related • to pretreatment , other than a National Pretreatment Standard imposed on an industrial user . ( 29 ) Publicly owned treatment works (POTW) . A treatment works as defined by section 212 of the Act , ( 33 U . S . C . 1292 ) which is owned in this instance by the Municipality . This definition includes any sewers that convey wastewater to the POTW treatment plant , but does not include pipes , sewers or other conveyances • not connected to a facility providing treatment . For the purposes of this Part , "POTW" shall also include any sewers that . convey wastewaters to the POTW from persons outside the Municipality who are , by contract or agreement with the Municipality , users of the Municipality ' s POTW . ( 30 ) P01W Treatment Plant . That portion of the POTW designed to provide treatment to wastewater . ( 31 ) Shall is mandatory : Maxis permissive . Municipality 32 ) Significant Industrial User . Any industrial user of the wastewater disposal system who ( i ) is subject to categorical pretreatment standards • Municipality ( NRDC Concent Decree Industries ) or ( ii ) is found by the / , ( State Control Agency) or the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to have significant impact , either singly or in combination with other • contributing industries , on the wastewater treatment system , the Duality of sludge , the system ' s effluent quality , or air emissions generated by the system , or ( iii ) is a manufacturing industry using substances of concern , or ( iv) has a process discharge flow of more than 25 , 000 gallons per average work day. 7 Ad I ' he Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1- 984 - 2 - ' yr t4 • ( 33 ) State . State of New York ; ( 34 ) Standard Industrial Classification ( SIC ) . A classifi - cation pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classifica- tion Manual issued by the Executive Office - of the President , Office of Management and Budget , ' 1972 . • ( 35 ) Storm water . Any flow occurring during or following any form of natural precipitation and resulting there - , from . ( 36 ) Suspended Solids . The total suspended matter that floats on the surface pf , or is suspended . in , water , • wastewater or other liquids , and which is removable by laboratory filtering . Sewer ( 37 ) / Superintendent . . The person designated by the Municipality to supervise the operation of the publicaly owned treat- ment works and who is charged with certain duties and responsibilities by this article , or his duly author - ized representative . ( 38 ) Toxic pollutant . Any pollutant or combination of pol - lutants listed as toxic in regulations promulgated by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agen - cy under the provision of CWA 307 ( a ) or other Acts . ( 39 ) User . Any person who contributes , causes or permits the contribution of wastewater into the Municipality ' s POT<7 . ( 40 ) Wastewater . The liquid and water - carried industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings , commercial buildings , industrial faciltities . , and institutions , together with any groundwater , surface water , and storm water that may he present , whether treated or untreated , which is contributed into or permitted to enter the POTW . 8 • i - i \ be Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Lary 1 84 - 2 ( 41 ) Waters of the State . All streams , lakes , ponds , . marshes , water courses , waterways , . wells , springs , reservoirs , aquifers , irrigation systems , drainage • systems and all other bodies or accumulations of water , surface or underground , natural or artificial , public or private , which are contained within , flow through , • or border upon the State or any portion thereof . . ( 42 ) Wastewater Contribution Permit . As set forth in sec - tion 4 . 2 of this Part . • 1 . 3 Abbreviations The following abbreviations . shall have the designated mean- ings : BOD -- Biochemical oxygen demand . CFR - Code of Federal Regulations . . COD - Chemical oxygen demand . 0 EPA - Environmental Protection Agency . . 1 - Liter . . - Milligrams . mg / 1 - Milligrams per liter . NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination • . System . PQTW Publicly owned treatment works . . SIC - Standard Industrial Classification . SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act , 42 U . S . C . 6901 , et . seq . . USC - United States Code . ti TSS - Total Suspended solids . . SECTION 2 - REGULATIONS 2 . 1 General Discharge Prohibitions w No user shall contribute or cause to be contributed , direct - 9 1 I he Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III • Local Law 1984 - 2 ly or indirectly , any pollutant or wastewater . which twill interfere with the operation or performance of the POTW . ' These general prohibitions apply to all such users of a POTW whether or not the user is subject to National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or any other National , State , or local Pretreatment Standards or Requirements . A user may not contribute the following substances to any POTW : a ) Any liquids , solids or gases which by reason of • their -' nature or quantity . are , or may be , suffi- cient either alone or by interaction with other substances to cause fire or explosion or be in- • jurious in any other way to the POTW or to the operation of the POTW . At no time , shall two successive readings on an explosion hazard . meter , at the point of discharge into the system ( or at any point in the system ) be more than five percent ( 5 % ) nor any single reading over ten percent ( 10 % ) of the Lower Explosive Limit ( LEL ) of the meter . • Prohibited materials include , but are not limited to , gasoline , kerosene , naphtha , benzene , toluene , xylene , ethers , . alcohols , ketones , aldehydes , . peroxides , . chlorates , perchlorates , bromates , carbides , hydrides and sulfides and any other Municipality substances which the / . , the State or EPA has notified the User is a fire hazard or a hazard t the system . • b ) Solid or viscous substances which may cause oh- struction to the flow in a sewer or other inter - ference with the operation of the wastewater . treatment facilities such as but not limited to. : g rease , garbage with particles greater than one- h alf inch ( - " ) in any dimension , animal guts or t issues , paunch manure , bones , hair , hides or fleshings , entrails , whole blood , feathers , ashes , cinders , sand , spent lima , stone or marble dust ,• • 10 . • L CAL LAW 1984 - 2 T • • metal glass , straw, shavings , grass clippings , • rags , spent grains , spent hops , waste paper , wood , • plastics. , : gas , tar , asphalt residues , residues from refining or processing of fuel or lubricating oil , mud or glass grinding or polishing wastes . c ) Any wastewater having a pH less than 5 . 0 , unless the POTW any specifically designed to accommodate such wastewater , or wastewater having any other . corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures , equipment , sand /or personnel of the POTW . d ) Any wastewater containing toxic pollutants in sufficient quantity , either singly or by inter- action with other pollutants , to injure or inter - fere with any wastewater treatment process , con - stitute a hazard to human's or animals , create a toxic effect in the receivina waters of the POTW , or to exceed the limitation set forth in a Cate- gorical Pretreatment Standard . A toxic pollutant • shall include but not be limited to any pollutant identified . pursuant to Section 307 ( a ) of the Act . I/ • e ) Any noxious or malodorous . liquids , gases , or solids which either singly or by interaction with other wastes are sufficient to create a public nuisance of hazard to life or are sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers for their mainten- ance and repair . f ) Any substance which may cause the POTW ' s effluent or any other product of the POTW such as residues , sludges , or scums , to be unsuitable for reclama - tion and reuse or to interfere with the reclama - tion process where the POTW is pursuing a reuse . 11 I he Infermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 _ 2 • M . • and reclamation program . In no case , shall a ' substance discharged to the POTW cause the POTW to be in non- compliance with sludge use or dis - posal .criteria , guidelines or regulations devel - oped under Section 405 of the Act ; any criteria , guidelines , or regulations affecting sludge use or disposal developed pursuant to the Solid Waste Disposal Act , the Clean Air Act , the Toxic Sub - stances Control Act , or State criteria applicabl to the sludge management method being used . • g ) Any substance which will cause the POTW to violate its NPDES and /or State Disposal System Permit or the receiving water quality standards . h ) Any wastewater with objectionable color not re - moved in the treatment process , such as , but not limited to , dye wastes and vegetable tanning • solutions . i ) Any wastewater having a temperature which will inhibit biological activity in the POTW treatment plant resulting in Interference , but in no case • wastewater with a temperature at the introduction . into the POTW which exceeds 40 ° C ( 104 ° F ) unless the POTW treatment plant is designed to accommo - date such temperature . j ) Any pollutants , including oxygen demanding pollu- tants ( BOD , etc . ) released at a flow and / or pollu - t ant concentration which a user knows or has rea - son to know will cause Interference to the POTW . In no case shall a slug load have a flow rate or contain concentration or qualities of pollutants t hat exceed for any time period longer than fif - t een ( 15 ) minutes more than five ( 5 ) times the 12 . I , al Sewer Use Law PAM' III Local Law 1884 - 2 4 ;ie Intermunicip average twenty - four ( 24 ) hour concentration , • , quantities , or flow during normal operation . - • k ) Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes , or isotopes of such halflife or concentration as • may exceed limits established by the Superinten- dent in compliance with applicable State or Feder - . al regulations . • 1 ) . Any wastewater which causes a hazard to human life or creates a public nuisance . • Sever When the /Superintendent determines that a Users ) is contri- buting to the POTW , any of the above enumerated subtances in such amounts as to Interfere with the operation of the POTW ,. • the Superintendent shall : 1 ) Advise the User ( s ) of the impact of the contribution on the POTW ; and 2 ) Develop effluent limitation ( s ) for such User to correct the Inter - ference with . the POTW . 2 . 2 • Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards When pretreatment regulations are adopted by . USEPA or NYSDEC for any industry , then that industry must immediately conform to the USEPA or NYSDEC timetable for adherence to Federal or State pretreatment requirements and any other applicable re - quirements promulgated by USEPA or NYSDEC in accordance with Section 307 of the PL No . 95 - 217 . Additionally , such indus - tries shall comply with any more stringent standards necessitated by . local conditions as determined by the Municipality . The Municipality reserves the right to establish by ordinance more stringent limitations or requirements on discharges to the wastewater disposal system if necessary to comply with the objectives of this Part . 2 . 3 Modification of Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards . • Where the City ' s wastewater treatment system achieves con- sistant removal of pollutants limited by Federal Pretreat - 13 1 I 1 • Phe Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 19$4 - 2 • Municipality • • ment Standards , the • / may apply to the Approval huthcrity • • ' . for modification of specific limits in the Federal Pretreat- ment Standards . " Consistant removal " shall mean reduction in the amount of a pollutant or alteration of the nature of the pollutant by the wastewater treatment system to a less toxic or harmless state in the effluent which is achieved by the system in 95 percent of the samples taken when measured according to the procedures set forth in Section 403 . 7 ( c ) ( 2 ) of ( Title 40 of : the . Code of Federal Regulations , Part 403 ) " General Pretreatment Regulations for Existing and Net S ources - of Pollution " promulgated pursuant to the Act . The Municipality may modify pollutant discharge limits in the Federal P retreatment Standards if the requirements contained in 40 CFR , Part 403 , Section 403 . 7 , are fulfilled and ptior - appro val from the Approval Authority is obtained . 2 . 4 Specific Pollutant Limitations No person shall discharge any waters or wastes containing pollutants exceeding the • concentrations listed below . These limiting concentrations shall apply at each point of discharge . to a Municipality - owned sanitary sewer : Maximum . Maximum Concentration Concentration • . 30 -Day Average 24 -Hour Average Pollutant a ( mg / 1 ) ( mg / 1 ) Arsenic 0 . 6 B arium • . . . . . 80 240 Cadmium 2 . 5 7 . 5 Chromium , total 8 24 Chromium , hexavalent 1 3 Copper 2 6 Cyanide . 0 . 2 - 0 _ 6 Iron t30 . . . i CVO Lead 20 Manganese 8 24 Mercury 1 . 5 4 . 5 N ickel 10 S ilver 6 18 Zinc 20 35 14 1 The .Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law : . 1984 _ 2 Is • 2 . 5 State Requirements . State requirements and limitations on discharges shall apply in any case where they are more stringent than Federal require - ments and limitations or those in this Part . 2 . 6 Municipality ' s Right of Revision' The Municipality reserves the right to establish by ordinance more stringent limitations or requirements on discharges to the wastewater disposal : system if deemed necessary to comply with the objectives presented in Section 1 . 1 of this Part . . 2 . 7 Excessive Discharge No user shall ever increase the use of process water or , in any way , attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete . substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the limitations contained in the Federal Categorical Pretreatment S tandards , or in any other pollutant - specific limitation developed by the Municipality or State unless authorized by the State or Federal regulations . ( Comment : Dilution may be an acceptable means of complying with some of the prohibitions set forth in S ection 2 . 1 , e . g . , the pH prohibition . ) . • 2 . 8 Accidental Discharges E ach user shall be provided protection from accidental discharge or prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this law . Facilities to prevent accidental discharge of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the owner ' s or user ' s own cost and expense . Detailed plans showing facilities and operating procedures to provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or other wastes from significant contribu- ting industries shall be submitted to the Municipality for review and shall be acceptable to the Municipality before construction of the facilities . All existing users shall complete such a plan by January 1 , 1984 . No user who commences contribution to the POTW after the effective date of this law shall be permitted to introduce pollutants into the system until accidental discharge procedures have been approved by the Municipality . Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the industrial user from the responsibility to modify the user ' s 15 • • - - --.-i . The ,Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law •1984 - 2 . facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this law . In the case of an accidental discharge , it is the responsi - bility of the user to immediately telephone and notify the POTTY of the incident . The notification shall include location o f discharge , type of waste , concentration and volume , and corrective actions . Written Notice . This notification shall be followed , within 15 days of the date of occurrence , by a detailed written statement describing the causes of the accidental discharge and the measures being taken to prevent further occurrence . • Such notification will not relieve users of liability for any • expense , loss or damage to the sewer system , treatment plant o r treatment process , or for any fines imposed on the Munici - pality under applicable State and Federal regulations . Notice to Employees . A notice shall be furnished and permanently posted on the industrial user ' s bulletin board advising employees whom to call in case of an accidental discharge in violation of this law . Also , copies of this law are to be made available to u ser ' s employees . Waste Connections . Any direct or indirect connection or entry point for persistent or deleterious waste to the user ' s plumbing or drainage system should be eliminated . ' Where such action is impractical or unreasonable , the user shall . approximately label such entry points to warrant against dis- charge of such wastes in violation of this law . • • 16 • lie Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART ill weal baw . 1984 '2 SECTION 3 FEES • • • 3 . 1 Purpose It is . the purpose of this chapter to provide for the recov- Municipality ' s ery of costs from users of the -. / wastewater disposal system for the implementation of the program . established as herein . The applicable charges or fees shall / be set forth in Municipality the / Scheduie of Charges and Fees . 3 . 2 Charges and Fees Municipality • The / may adopt charges and fees which may include : a ) fees for reimbursement of costs of setting up and Municipality ' s • operating the / Pretreatment Program ; • b ) fees for monitoring , inspections : . and surveillance procedures ; c ) fees for reviewing accidental discharge procedures and construction ; ' d ) fees for permit applications ; e ) fees for filing appeals ; • f ) fees for consistent removalby the Municipalityof pol - lutants otherwise subject to Federal Pretreatment Standards ; • Municipality • g ) other fees as the / may deem necessary to carry out the requirements contained herein . • These fees relate solely to the matters covered by this Part and are separate from all other fees chargeable by the Municipality . . 17 I The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 72 • SECTION 4 - ADMINISTRATION • . 4 . 1 Wastewater Dischargers Municipality It shall be unlawful to discharge without a / . permit to any natural outlet within the Municipality , or in any Municipality area under the jurisdiction of said / , and / or to the Sewer POTW any wastewater except as authorized by the /Superinten - i • dent in accordance with the provisions of this -Part . 4 . 2 Wastewater Contribution Permits j 4 . 2 . 1 General Permits • industrial . and industrial users All significant / users /proposing to connect to or to contribute to the POTW shall obtain a Wastewater Dis - charge Permit before connecting to or contributing to industrial and industrial usL the POTW . All existing significant / users / connected t .. or contributing to the POTW shall obtain Wastewater Contribution Permit within 180 • days after the effective date . of this law . . 4 . 2 . 2 Permit Application Users required to obtain a . Wastewater Contribution Municipality Permit shall complete and file with the / , an appli - Mu icipal • ty cation in the form prescribed by the / , and accom- panied by a fee of $ 250 . Existing users shall apply for a Wastewater Contribution Permit within 30 • • days after the effective date of this law , and proposed new users shall apply at least 90 days prior to connecting to or contributing to the POTW . In support of the application , the user shall submit , in units and terms appropriate for evalu - ation , the following information : a ) Name , address , and location , ( if different from the address ) ; 18 • the • I ? termunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III , ` Local Law 1984 - 2 b ) SIC number according to the Standard . Industrial Classification Manual , Bureau of the Budget , 1972 , as amended ; c ) Wastewater constituents and characteristics in- cluding but not limited to those Mentioned in Section 2 of this • Part . as determined by a . reliable analytical laboratory ; sampling and an - alysis shall be performed in accordance with pro - cedures established by the EPA pursuant to Section 304 ( g ) of the Act and contained in 40 CFR , Part • 136 , as amended ; d ) Time and duration of contribution; • e ) Average daily and 3 minute peak wastewater flow rates , including daily , monthly and seasonal vari - ations if any ; • f ) Site. plans , floor plans , mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all sewers , sewer con - nections , and appurtenances by the size , location and elevation ; . g ) Description of activities , facilities and plant processes on the premises including all materials which are or could be discharged ; h ) Where known , the nature and concentration of any pollutants in the discharge which are limited by Municipality any I , State or Federal Pretreatment Standards , and a statement regarding whether or not the pretreatment standards are being met on a consis - t ent basis and if not , whether additional O &M and / or additional pretreatment is required for the U ser to meet applicable Pretreatment Standards ; 19 • i f 1 I I The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law - 1984r2• • ,• • i ) If additional pretreatment and / or O & M will be ' re - quired to meet the Pretreatment Standards ; the • shortest schedule by which the User will provide such additional pretreatment . The completion date in this schedule shall ' not be later than the compliance date established for the applicably Pretreatment Standard : The following conditions . shall apply to this schedule : ( 1 ) The schedule shall contain increments of pro - gress in the form of dates for the commencement and compltion of major events leading to the con - struction and operation of additional pretreatment required for the User to meet the applicable Pre- treatment Standards ( e . g . , hiring an engineer , completing preliminary plans , completing final plans , executing contract for . major components , . . • commencing construction , completing construction , etc . ) . ( 2 ) . No increment referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) shall exceed 9 months . • ( 3 ) Not later than 14 days following each date in the schedule and the final date for compliance , the User shall submit a progress report to the S uperintendent including , as a minimum , whether or not it complied with the increment of progress to be met on such date and , if not , the date on which it expects to comply with this increment of pro - g ress , the reason for delay , and the steps being t aken by the User to return the construction to the schedule establsihed . In no event shall more than 9 months elapse between such progress reports Sewer t o the / Superintendent . 20 . - • t• The , Ih'termunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Latin = 1984 - 2 • j ) Each product produced by type , amount , process or processes and rate of production ; k ) Type and amount of raw materials processed ( aver- age and maximum per day ) ; . 1 ) Number of type of employees , and hours of opera- tion of plant and proposed or actual hours of operation of pretreatment system ; , m ) Any other information as may be deemed by the Municipalit to be necessary to evaluate the perrnit . applica- tion . Municipality The / will evaluate the data furnished :by the user . and may require additional information . After evalua - Lion and acceptance of the data furnished , theMunicipa.lity may issue a Wastewater Contribution Permit subject to terms and conditions provided herein . 4 . 2 . 3 Permit Modifications Within 9 months of the promulgation of a National Cate - gorical Pretreatment Standard , the Wastewater Contri - bution Permit of Users subject, to such standards shall be revised to require compliance with such standard within the time frame prescribed by such standard . . Where a User , subject to a National Categorical Pre treatment Standard , has not previously submitted an application for a Wastewater Contribution Permit as required by 4 . 2 . 2 , the User shall apply for a Waste - water Contribution Permit within 180 days after the promulgation of the Applicable National Categorical Pretreatment Standard . In addition , the User with an existing Wastewater Contribution Permit shall submit to wer theS ef Superintendent within . 180 days after the prornulga - tion . of an applicable Federal Categorical Pretreatment 21 4 . T The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 19154 - 2 Standard the information required by paragraph ( h ) and ( i ) of Section 4 . 2 . 2 . . 4 . 2 . 4 Permit Conditions Wastewater Discharge Permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of this . Part and all other applicable regulations , user charges and fees estab- Municipality . lished by the J . Permits may contain the following . a ) The unit charge or schedule of user charge and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to a community sewer ; , b ) Limits on the average and maximum wastewater con - . stituents and characteristics ; c ) Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulations and equalization . • d ) Requirements for installation and maintenance of inspection and sampling facilities ; • e ) Specifications for monitoring programs which may include sampling locations , frequency of sampling , I number , types and standards for tests and report - ing schedule ; ' f ) Compliance schedules ; g ) Requirements for submission of technical reports . or discharge reports ( see 4 . 3 ) ; h _) Requirements for maintaining and retaining plant records relating . to wastewater discharae _ as speci - Mun ' cipality Municipality fled by the / , and affording / access there - to ; 22 1 1 i 1 1 u The . Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 -.2 ` • i ) Requirements for notification of the cipality of any new introduction of wastewater constitutents or any substantial change in the volume or character of the wastewater constitutents being introduced • into the wastewater treatment system . j ) Requirements for notification of slug discharges as per 5 . 2 ; I ) Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the Municipalit to ensure compliance with this Part . - 4 . 2 . 5 . Permits Duration ' Permits shall be issued for a specified time , period , not to exceed five ( 5 ) years . A permit may • be issued for . a period less than a year or may be stated - to expire on a specific date . The user shall apply for permit reissuance a minimum of 180 days prior to the expiration of the user ' s existing permit . The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to ny modification by the M/ ici dpurinalitg the term of the permit as limitations or requirements as identified in Section 2 are modified or other just cause exists . The user shall be informed of any proposed changes in his permit at least 30 days prior to the effective date - of change . Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall in- clude a reasonable time schedule for compliance . 4 . 2 . 6 Permit Transfer Wastewater Discharge Permits are issued to a specific user for a specific operation . . A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner , new user , different premises , or a new or changed operation without the approval of the Municipality . Any succeeding owner or user shall also comply with the terms and conditions of the existing permit . 23 • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III - Local Law _ 1984 .2 4 : 3 Reporting Requirements for Permittee ' 4 . 3 . 1 Compliance Date Report Within . 90 days following the date for final compliance with applicable Pretreatment Standards or , in the case of a New Source , following commencement of the intro- duction of wastewater into the POTW , any User subject to Pretreatment Standards and Requirements shall subni Sewer to the / Superintendent a report indicating the nature and concentration - of all pollutants in the discharge from the regulated process which are limited by Pre - treatment Standards and Requirements and the average and maximum daily flow for these process units in the User facility which are limited by such Pretreatment Standards or Requirements . The report shall state whether the applicable Pretreatment Standards or Re - quirements are being met on a consistent basis and , if not , what additional O &M and / or pretreatment is neces - sary to bring the User into compliance with the applic - able. Pretreatment . Standards or Requirements . This statement shall be signed by an ' authorized representa- tive of the Industrial User , and certified to by a qualified professional - 4 . 3 . 2 Periodic Compliance Reports ( 1 ) Any User subject to a Pretreatment Standard , after the compliance date of such Pretreatment Standard , or , in the case of a New Source , after commence - ment of the discharge into the POTS , shall submit Sewer to the / Superintendent during the months of June and December , unless required more frequently in the Pretreatment Standard or by the superinten - dent , a report indicating the nature and concen - tration , of pollutants in the effluent which are ' 24 f . 'The • sntermunicipal Sewer Use Law * PART III Local Law 19844- 2 limited by such Pretreatment Standards . In tion , this report shall include a record of all daily flows which during the reporting period exceeded the average daily flow reported in para- graph ( b ) ( 4 ) of this section . At the discretion of the superintendent and in consideration of such factors as local high or low flow rates , holidays , budget cycles , etc . , the superintendent may agree to alter the months during which the above reports are to be submitted . • ( 2 ) Thee/Superintendent may impose mass limitations on . Users which are using dilution to meet applicable Pretreatment Standards or Requirements , or in other cases where the imposition of mass limita- tions are appropriate . In such cases , the report required by subparagraph ( 1 ) of this paragraph shall indicate the mass of pollutants regulated by Pretreatment Standards in the . effluent of the User . ' These reports shall contain the results of sampling and analysis of the discharge , including • . the flow and the nature and concentrations or Sewr production and mass where requested by the/ Super - 11/ intendent , of pollutants contained therein which are limited by the . applicable Pretreatment Stan - dards . The frequency of monitoring shall be pre - scribed in the applicable Pretreatment Standard . All analysis shall be performed in accordance with procedures established by the Administrator pur - suant to section 304 ( g ) of the Act and contained in 40 CFR , Part 136 . and amendments thereto or with any other test procedures approved by the Adminis- trator . Sampling shall be performed in accordance with the techniques approved by the Administrator . • 25 The , Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984-<_ 2 • • • 4 . 5 Inspection and Sampling • Municipality . The 7 . shall inspect the facilities of any user to ascer • tain whether the purpose of this Part, is being met and all requirements are being complied with . Persons - or occu - pants of premises where wastewater is created or discharged Municipality allow the . / or their representative ready access at all reasonable times to all parts of the premises for th purposes of inspection , sampling , records examination or • Municipality the performance of any of their duties . _ The / . , Approv Authority and ( where the NPDES State is the Approval Autho ity ) . EPA shall have the right to set up on the user ' s property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling inspection , compliance monitoring and /or metering . opera- t ions . Where a user has security measures in force which would require proper identification and clearance before e ntry . into their premises , the user shall make necessary arrangements with their security guards so that upon presen - . • tation of suitable identification , personnel from the Municipality Approval Authority and EPA will be permitted to enter , . without delay , for the purposes of performing their specific • responsibilities . Industries required to construct monitoring facilities under Section 4 , paragraph 4 . 4 , must allow access to the facilities by the City , Toms , or , their representatives for the purpose of measuring the rate of wastewater flow or taking 4 . 6 Pretreatment /samples of the wastewater . . . U sers ' shall ' provide necessary wastewater treatment as re quired to comply with this - .Part_ ' and shall achieve compliance with all Federal Categorical Pretreatment Stand- ards within the time limitations as specified by the Federal P retreatment Regulations . Any facilities rekuired 1p re - niczpa ity treat wastewater to a level . acceptable to the / shall be provided , operated , and maintained at the . user ' s . expense . D etailed plans showing the pretreatment facilities and Municipality operating procedures shall be submitted to the / for Municipality ✓ eview' , and shall be acceptable to the / before construc - t ion of the facility . The review of such plans and operat- 27 • i ' The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III . Local Law 1924 - 2 . - ing procedures will in no way relieve the user froth the re - sponsibility of modifying the facility as necessary to pro - Municipality duce an effluent acceptable to the / under the provisions of this Part Any subsequent changes in the pretreat- ment facilities or method ofoperation shall be reported to Municipality and be acceptable to the / prior to the user ' s initiation of the changes . . . Municipality The I . shall annually publish in the Ithaca Journal newspaper a list of the users which were not in compliance with any Pretreatment Requirements or Standards at least once during the 12 previous months . The notification shall also sum- marize any enforcement actions taken against the , user ( s ) during the same 12 months . ' . . • All records relating to compliance with Pretreatment Stand- ards shall be . made available to officials of the EPA or Ap- proval Authority upon request . • 4 . 7 Confidential Information Information and data on a user obtained from reports , ques - tionnaires , permit applications , permits and monitoring pro - grams and from inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agency without restriction unless the user specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the • Municipality satisfaction of the / that the release of such informa- tion would divulge information, processes or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets of the user . When requested by the person furnishing a report , the por - tions of a report which might disclose trade secrets or • secret processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public but shall be made available upon written request to governmental agencies for uses related to this 28 . i ii I 4 i intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Locas Law . . • ! » • ing procedures will in no way relieve the user froth the re sponsibility of modifying the facility as necessary to prb - i Municipality duce an effluent acceptable to the / under the provisions of this Part . Any subsequent changes in the pretreat-- mentfacilities or method of operation shall be reported to • Municipality and be acceptable to the I . prior to the user ' s initiation of the changes . Municipality The / shall annually publish in the Ithaca Journal newspa a list of the . users which were not in compliance with any Pretreatment Requirements or Standards at least - once during the 12 previous months . The notification shall also . sum- marize any enforcement actions taken against the . user ( s ) during the same 12 months . . : • All records relating to compliance with Pretreatment Stand - ards shall be made available to officials of the EPA or Ap- proval Authority upon request . 4 . 7 Confidential Information Information and data on a user obtained from reports , ques - tionnaires , permit applications , permits and monitoring pro - grains and from inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agency without restriction unless the user specifically requests and is able to demonstrate to the Municipality satisfaction of the / that the release of such informa- tion would divulge information , processes or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets of the user . ! • - When ;requested by the person furnishing a report , the por - tions of a report which might disclose trade secrets or . secret processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public but shall be made available , upon written request to governmental agencies for uses related to this 28 • I I . • j I I I . 1 The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law - 1984- 2 Part , the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ( NPDES ) Permit , State Disposal System Permit and / or the Pretreatment Pro- grams ; provided , however , that such portions of a report shall be available for use by the State or any State agency in judicial review or enforcement proceedings involving the person furnishing the report . Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not be recognized as confidential information . Information accepted by the Municipality as confidential , shall not be transmitted to any governmental agency or to the general public by the Municipality until and unless a ten- day notifica- tion is given to the user . . The Municipal Engineer shall implement measures to insure the confientiality of information provided by an industrial dis- charger pursuant to this Part . In no event shall the Municipal Engineer delegate this responsibility or disclose any claimed confidential information to any person without prior notice in writing to the owner and without providing the owner with the o pportunity to protect such confidential information , including the right to seek judicial relief . - S ECTION 5 - ENFORCEMENT 5 . 1 Harmful Contributions The Municipality may suspend the wastewater treatment service and / or a wastewater contribution permit when such suspension is o ecessary , in the opinion of the Municipality , in order to stop an action or threatened discharge which presents or may present an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare o f persons , to the environment , causes interference to the POTW o r causes the Municipality to violate any condition of its NPDES permit . The Municipality is also authorized to issue an order t o cease and desist and direct those persons not complying with such prohibitions , limits , requirements or provisions of the law or the wastewater discharge permit to : .. . a . comply forthwith ; or ' b . comply in accordance with a time schedule set forth by the Municipality ; or . -. c . take appropriate remedial or preventive action in event of a threatened violation . • Any person notified of a suspension of the wastewater treatment service and / or the Wastewater Contribution Permit shall immedi - ately stop or eliminate the contribution . In the event of a failure of the person to comply voluntarily with the suspension o rder , the Municipality shall take such steps as deemed necessary including immediate severance of the sewer connection , to prevent o r minimize damage to the POTW system or endangerment to any individuals . The Municipality shall reinstate the Wastewater Contribution Permit and / or the wastewater treatment service upon proof of the elimination of the non - complying discharge . A d etailed written statement submitted by the user describing the 29 The • Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 19844 • y , ry causes iof the harmful contribution and the measures taken to prevent any future occurrence shall be submitted to the Municipality within 15 days of the date of occurrence . 5 . 2 Revocation of Permit - The Municipality may revoke any wastewater discharge permit • or terminate or ' cause to be terminated wastewater service to any . premises if a violation of any provision of this law is • found to exist or if a discharge of wastewater causes or threatens to cause a condition of contamination or pollution as defined in this law . Any user who violates the following conditions of this Part ; or applicable state and federal regulations , is subject to having his permit revoked in accordance with the procedures . of Section 5 of this Part . . a . ; Failure of a user to factually report the wastewater constituents and characteristics of his . discharge ; . b .; Failure of the user to report significant changes in operations , or wastewater constituents and • characteristics ; c .1 Refusal of reasonable access to the user ' s premises H for the purpose of inspection or monitoring ; or , d : Violation of conditions of the permit . • 5 . 3 Notification of Violation • . • I ` Whenever the Municipality finds that any User has violated • or is violating this law , wastewater contribution permit . , or any . proh.ibition , limitation of requirements contained herein , the Municipality may serve upon such person a written notice stating the nature of the violation . Within 30 days of the date of the notice , a plan for the satisfactory correction thereof shall I • • • • • • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law ' PART III Local Law . 1984 - 2 • '' ' 5 . 4 Show Cause Hearing 5 . 4 . 1 Municipality The . / may order any user who causes or allows an authorized discharge to show cause before . the Municipal • Board • why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken . A notice shall ' be served on the user specie fying the time and place of a hearing to be held by the • .Municipal Board regarding the violation , the reasons why the action is to be taken , the proposed enforcement action , and . directing the user to show cause before the Municipal Board why the proposed enforcement action should hot be taken . The notice of the hearing • shall be served personally or by registered or certified mail ( return receipt requested ) at least . ten days before the hearing . Service - may be made on any agent or officer of a ,corporation . • . 5 . 4 . 2 • The Municipal Board may itself . conduct the hearing and take the - evidence , or . may designate any of its members . or • any officer or employee of the Municipal Engineer ' s Dept . to : a ) Issue . in the name of the Municipal Board notices of hearings requesting the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of evidence rele - vant to . any matter involved in such hearings ; b ) Take - the evidence ; . - c ) Transmit a report of the evidence and hearing , including transcripts and other evidence , together • with recommendations - (to the . Municipal Board for action thereon . . 31. • • • The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 ! 2 . 5 . 4 . 3 At any hearing held pursuant to this Part , testi - mony taken must be under oath and recorded stenograph- ically . The transcript , so .- recorded , will be made available to any member of the public or any party to the hearing upon payment of the usual charges thereof . 5 . 4 . 4 • . tfr er the Municipal Board has reviewed the evidence , it may issue an order to the user responsible for the discharge directing that , following a specified time . period , the sewer service be discontinued unless ade - quate treatment facilities , devices or other related appurtenances shall have been installed on existing • treatment facilities , devices or other related appur - tenances are properly - operated . Further orders and directives as are necessary and appropriate may be • issued . . _ 5 . 5 Legal Action • , • , If any person discharges sewage , industrial wastes or other Mun cipalitv ' s wastes into the wastewater disposal system contrary t o th;e provisions of this Part , . Federal or State Pre - Municipality t reatment Requirements or any order of the / , the Munic Attorney may commence an action for appropriate legal and / or equitable relief in the Supreme Court of this county . - S ECTION 6 - PENALTY : COSTS . 6 . 1 Civil Penalties . Any user who is found to have violated an Order of the Municipal Board or who willfully or negligently failed to comply with any provision of this Part , and the orders , rules , • 32 i i They Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 - 2 ✓ egulations and permits issued hereunder , shall be fined not less than One. Hundred Dollars nor more than One Thousand Dollars for each offense . Each day on which a violation shall o ccur or continue shall be deemed a separate and distinct o ffense . In addition to the penalties provided herein , the Municipality may recover reasonable attorneys ' fees , court costs , court reporters ' fees and other expenses of litigation by appropriate suit at law against the person found to have ✓ iolated this Part or the order , rules , regulations , and permits issued hereunder . 66 . 2 Falsifying Information . Any person who knowingly makes any false statements :, repre - sentation , record , report , plan or other documentation filed with the Municipality , or who falsifies , tampers with , or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device. or method ✓ equired under this law , shall be punished by a fine of not more than $ 1 , 000 or by imprisonment for not more than six ( 6 ) months , or by both . S ECTION 7 - SEVERABILITY . If any provision , paragraph , word , section or article bf this P art is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction , t he remaining provisions , paragraphs , words , sections , and chapters shall not be affected and shall continue in full force and effect . SECTION 8 - CONFLICT All other ordinances and parts of other ordinances incon - sistent or conflicting with any part of this Part are hereby ✓ epealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict . 33 • f ' The intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III • . Local Law 17964- 2 - . SECTION 9 - EFFECTIVE DATE For effective date , see end of entire Local Law . • • • . . • • i 34 • / . i : T d . ►tntormnnicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local is � „p : 2 - . , ` > SECTION 10 - INDUSTRIAL SEWER contemn APPLICATION To tho Municipality : The undersigned being the ' .. , of tape property, located at does hereby request a permit to an Industrial sewer connection serving v which company is engaged in . • • at said location . 1 . A plan to the property showing accurately all sewers and drains now existing is at here- unto -as Exhibit " A " . - 2 . . Plans and specifications covering any .vat pro- posed to be performed under this pest is attach- ed hereunto as Exhibit "B " . 3 . A complete schedule of all process waters and in- dustrial wastes produced or expected to be pro- duced at said property, including a demon of the character of each waste , t:he daily volune and maximum rates of discharge , representative analyses , . and compliance with any applicable Pre - treatment Standard or Requirements , is attached hereunto as Exhibit " C " . . 4 . The name and address of the person or fit who will perform the work covered by this permit is i li . 1 , j $ , i I 'The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law 1984 - 2 H 1 J In consideration of the granting of this ■ permit the unnersigned agrees : . 1 . To furnish any additional information relating to the installation or use of the industrial sewer • for which this permit is sought as may be requested by the Municipality . . I2 . To accept and abide by all provisions of Local Law 1983 of the Municipality and of all other pertinenMdi. nances or regulations that may be adopted ' in the future . ■ 3 . To operate and maintain any waste pretreatment facilities , as may be required as a condition of the acceptance into the wastewater treatment sys - tem of the industrial wastes involved , - in -an . ef- ficient manner at all times , and at no expense to the Municipality . 4 . To cooperate at all times with theMun / cipald this representatives in their inspecting , sampling , and • study of the industrial wastes , and any. facilities provided for ppretreatment . Municipality y 5 . To notify the / immediately in the event of any . accident , or other occurrence that occasions con - tributor to the wastewater treatment system of any wastewater or substances prohibited or not covered by this permit . • • Date : Signed $ inspection fee paid . . i . Application approved and permit granted : Date : Signed 36 • -- i , ■ ■ 1 . Is • 1 . ; i • • Th•j atermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law • 1884 - 2 . : .ION . — WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT CITY OF ITHACA , TOWN OF ITHACA , AND TOWN OF DRYDEN THE MUNICIPALITY • MUNICIPAL ENGINEER '•S DEPARTMENT WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT $umitNo In accordance with all terms and conditions of the Municipal Code, Part ., • Section et. seq., and also with any applicable provisions of Federal or state law c • regulation ; Permission Is Hereby Granted To . Ciassified by SIC No • For the contribution of into the Municipality sewer lines at . This permit is granted in accordance with the application filed on_ - • • n the office of the _ • ( )and in conformity with plans, specific s and other data submitted to the( in support of the above application, all of which are filed with al c nsidered as part of this permit, together with the following named conditions and requirements, • . Effective. this_ day of a 19_ • e . . To Expire day of 19_. Municipal Engineer 37 . 1 The. T•n\termunicipal Sewer Use Law - Local Law i F 2 Permit No . • PART - UIj 0. . L • Limitations on . Wastewater Strength . • • ao .-u • .•-I a • . 0 0 a • cn, • 0 k can o •� b Monitoring D t4 o 0 ai iu Requirements • U I o u 0 }1• ••■• i■ It n g V c (Ea Slip SC) • r-•I 0 B cd art • Parameters (mg/1-) •-I O o A a Eta • %.0• ‘440 ;4... 1-10S Aluminum-dissolved (Al ) . = - Antimony Sb Aruenic ( As . • Barium Ba ) Boron ( B) • . Cadmium Cr . Chromium- Cotal Cr ) Chromium-hexavalent ( Crbt ) Cobalt ( Co ) - . _ Cop . ar ( Cu ) . Cyanide CN . Fluoride (F ) . Iron Fe ) Lead Pb • Man anese (Mn ) I Mercur Hg ) • . Nickel Ni Phonois • - • . Selenium ( SeV ' Silver Ag ) . . Titanium-dissolved ( Ti ) Zinc ( Zn ) • Total Kjcidahl Nitrogen ( TKN ) Oil & Grease ( Petroleum b / or mineral ) . MIIAS • Total Dissolved Solids • I Temperature-maximum, ( ° C ) 1 pH- maximum ( pH units ) I pH - minimum ( pH units ) Biochemical Oxygen Demand Chemical Oxygen Demand Suspended Solids Flow - ( MGD) E - Enforcement Monitoring SV - Surveillance Monitoring 38 SC - Surcharge Monitoring • • dm • The :' Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law PART III Local Law -1984 - 2 ' N. y i . , Permit No Acicicndinn I Tonitorins Schedule • • • • 39 - i • c ¶he , Intermunicipal• Sewer Use Law PART III Local . Law :19842 • • d Permit. No • • • . . • Addendum II • Compliance Schedule • • • • • • • • • • • • • i - 40 I i I - r, The Intermunicipal Sewer Use Law Local Law .1984 72 .. 4 •E ' . 3 0 PART IV 1 . All local laws or ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this local law are hereby repealed , however , the provisions of such laws or ordinances which may have been incorporated into this law shall survive as part of this law as aforesaid . 2 . Notwithstanding any other provision in this law , or any general law , the following procedures shall apply in the event of any modification or amendment of this Intermuni. cipal Sewer Use Law . • A . Any municipality proposing to amend this law , at least 30 days prior to any public hearing , shall send written notice of the proposed amendment to the Clerks of the other . municipalities , to the Chairman of the Joint Sewer . Committee , and , in addition , a copy of such notice shall also be served on the Superintendent of Public Works . Any municipality entitled to such notice may waive strict compliance with this provision . . B . Each municipality and the Joint Sewer Committee , within ten ( 10 ) days after receipt of such notice , shall send written comments with respect to the proposed amendment . Failure to do so shall not deprive the rights of the Committee or any municipality to present its comments at a later date . • C . Any such procedures may also be governed by any regulations proposed by the Joint Sewer Committee and adopted pursuant to any applicable provisions of any intermunicipal agreement between the parties . 3 . The invalidity of any section , clause , sentence , or provision of this law shall not affect the validity of any other. , part of this law which can be given effect without such invalid part or part's . 4 . This law shall become effective immediately . • 1 SPECIAL MEETING i°37 PUBLIC HEARING L7L July 24 , 1984 Minutes of ' the pub1ic hearing held' ..pn July 24th ' at 7 : 15PM . Supv Cbt'terill " read the notice that ' was published ' in the newspaper to consider a swap of land for- the turnaround at Rin iobd Cdurt in said Town between the Town ' and ' Thomas E Hordoni and Mary 7' Sordoni . The purpose of the swap of land would be . to move the turnaround - 50 'feet to the south of its present locat-ion . • • QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS Atty Perkins - both the Bordoni ' s and Hwy Supt Humphrey are satisfied with the turnaround and it will be easier for the' highway department . • ‘; Closed public hearing 7 : 20PM • • • • a SPECIAL - MEETING. • July 24 ; 1984 Supv Cotterill - called the meeting to order at 7 : 20PM • Members and quests participated in ' the Pledge - of Allegiance • Present : Supv Cotterill , e1M Evans ; C1m Webb , C1m Metzger , Clm Schlecht . and Atty Perkins . . . ATTORNEY - . . • Atty Perkins reported that he had received a call from Lozi. er- Engineers since he had written them . 1 - How far up Snyder Hill Rd could they . go ? They believe on available information and all other is subject to further engineering studies that they can go at least 1300 feet from the Town of Ithaca Line . . 2 - Whether or not service could be made to a parcel that is not on the road , but south of the road with a r- o- w to it ? That can be served , with the cost of extending an 8 inch main to serve that direction of $ 22 , 126 . 00 . Atty Perkins - wanted to know how much of the remaining parcel could be served if water was brought, 550 feet ? . Warren Underwood - did not know the elevation . Atty Perkins - Loz .ier Engineers felt : that at least 85 acres could be served by the Hungerford Hill tank without creating a standpipe further up the bill , but . this may require, a bigger, pipe . .. . 3 - How much would it cost ,: the town for a map , plan and report , or : what could be done from the Hungerford , Hill tank ? Lozier Engineer said it would be in the neighborhood of $ 2 , 500 . 00 Tflere was some discussion . . . _ e . ' . . • i. 4 • RES4LIT" 'ION #144 • SNYDER HILL ROAD, MAP , PLAN AND REPGRT - LOZIER EN , INEERS % - ( Water .District ) . • • ' C1m Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : BE IT RESOLVED , . that pursuant to the provisions of 'Article 12 - A of the Town - Law the Town Board of the Town of Dryden hereby appropriates a . aura not to exceed $ 2 , 50, (1 . 00 to _ pay for the cost c preparing _ a general map ,_ _ plan, and report pursuant to Tnwn Law Article 12 - A _ . for . providing the following facil itiy . improvements : The extension of the Bolton Point . waterline . from ._t ', e Town of Ithaca and the furnishing of water from the Hungerford Hill tank to supply water to the properties _on and off Snyder Hill Road f -. um the Town Line of the Town • f Ithaca and in a generally easterly direction and including the_ area within ::ax map parcelts 069 block one ( 1 ) and . 69. block two ( 2 ) . The map , plan and report sha ' l be made by Lazier Engineers , Fairport , New York and shall. cc ) rm to the requirements of Article 12 - i . _ of . the Town Law . • T !; L resolution is subject to a permis :.; ive referendum . 2nd Clm Schlecht Roll call vote - Supervisor Cottcrill Yes Lc,unciiman Evans Yes Councilman Viebb Yes } ; �„ Cocnic .i in -tn Metzger Yes Coo tic I 101$ .. , J. r ti4444 3 s., .. • . • • akS`° Tim Baldwin from Hunt Engineers - gave the Board members a 'preliminary plan and specifications ,for the extension of facilities of the Cortland Rd Sewer Dist .' Mr Baldwin went over the specifications and there was considerable discussion . Mr Teeter , 72 Freeville Rd objected very strongly to having a manhole right near his front door .. There was considerable discussion as to whether it would be better for the line ,to, run in back of the property or to move the line closer to the road . Tim Baldwin- will try to get the manhole moved from Mr Teeter ' s ..front door tothe shoulder of the road , if they can get permission from NYSDOT or to cut. across Route # 38 and hook on to an existing manhole . Mr & Mrs Kenneth Teeter were very adamantly opposed to having any manhole in their yard . . Mr Frederick Apker - had no objection as to whether or not the line went in back or in front of his property . Atty Perkins - the board is at the point where they are examining the plans , sepcifications, estimates and proposed contract . The: board can reject the same or make such modifications and changes therein ( as shall seem necessary and desirable . Once the plans and proposals have been improved as modified to accomodate Mr Teeter the Board will then adopt the plans and specifications and then advertise for bids . RESOLUTION # 145 SUPPORT . FILL FOR DRYDEN SENIOR HOUSING CORPORATION Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : WHEREAS , The Dryden Senior Housing Corp . owns land on North Street in the Dryden Village WHEREAS , said lot is unsightly and difficult to maintain WHEREAS , improvements to the site will improve aesthetic in the general area WHEREAS , a graded and maintained lot would contribute to the recreational and cultural needs of the area WHEREAS , the majority of • said lot has been filled by the Village , Town , County and the State of New York . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED , that the Town Board of Dryden requests the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and other necessary agencies approve said site for the dumping of excess fill dirt produced by • the current ' sewer projects . 2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - Supervisor COtterill YES Councilman Webb YES Councilman Evans YES Councilman Metzger YES Councilman Schlecht YES Atty Perkins = reported that the_Legi.slature _has. . passedarid ':God. : ' Cuoino has signed the local Dryden Industrial Agency bill Within 6 months of that day the Town Board has to cause a certificate to be filed with , the Secretary of State setting forth the date of the special act establishing the agency , naming the agency , the names of the members , the terms of office , specify which member is the chairman , and the facts establishing the need for the establishments of the ,agency such as the municipality . The agency shall consist of not less than 3 nor more than 7 members . appointed by the Town Board and who shall serve at the pleasure of the appointed authority , the Town Board . • RESOLUTION # 146 APPOINT MEMBERS TO LOCAL DRYDEN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Clm Metzger. offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint the following for the local Dryden IDA Commission and their terms of office - to expire on Jan 1st of .that year . Roger Lamipla , Chariman 1990 Randolph Harman 1989 Merton Webb 1988 Anthony Plumbo 1987 Charles Evans 1986 2nd Clm Schlecht Carried • • • 1 I . t Cal / . • RESOLUTION #147 ' FILING CERTIFICATE- WITH SECRETARY- : • • STATE REGARDING DRYDEN I . D . A . Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Town Attorney • and Town Supervisor to take whatever steps are necessary to secure . f ling ' the certificate with the Secretary of, State , concerning the local _ Dryden _ Industrial Agency . 2nd Cim Schlecht • Roll call _ vote - all voting YES _ • RESOLUTION #148 AUTHORIZE ELECTION CUSTODIANS - TO ATTEND • SCHOOL IN JAMESTOWN , ' NY Cim Evans offered the following resolution ' and asked for its adoption : RESOLVED , that this Town Board approve Charles Breckheimer and Bruce Lloyd to att'endnelection ' custodial school in Jamestown , NY on August 9th and 10th and to pay their expenses . 2nd Cim Webb Roll call vete - all voting - YES Scheduled public hearing Aug 14th at 7 : 30PM regarding Flood Law Adjourned : 9 : 45PM _ ._ _ 1- - i Susanne Lloyd Town Clerk • • • • • • • • •