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SPECIAL PERMIT - Amos Brown 514 W Dryden Rd
December 13 , 1983 Mechanic & Body Garage
Minutes of public hearing # 1 7 : 30PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning
the application of Amos Brown , 514 W Dryden Rd for a special permit to have a
mechanic and body garage at 514 W Dryden Rd .
Statements were received from Jack Hunter , Kim Lewis and David Akin who had
agreed to have the garage at 514 W Dryden Rd . f
Supv Cotterill wanted to know if there was going to be any water or sewage
facilities there ?
Amos Brown - no there wouldn ' t be any .
Supv Cotterill wanted to know if he was going to hire anyone else ?
Amos Brown - it would be just himself .
Supv Cotterill - how many vehicles would he have there at one time ?
Amos Brown - hopefully not to many .
Supv Cotterill - the reason for the question is that he does not recommend keeping
20 cars sitting around . •• You could end up with what some people would call a junk
yard and an eyesore and have cars that have been smashed sitting there for a long
period of time .
Amos Brown - he has a junk yard in Watkins Glen
Closed public hearing # 1 7 : 40PM
SPECIAL PERMIT - Darrell Rademacher
December 13 , 1983 Storage Building
Minutes of public hearing # 2 7 : 40PM
Supv Cotterill read the notice that was published in the newspaper concerning
the application of Darrell Rademacher of 60 Spring Run Rd for a special permit
to have four storage buildings at the corner of Rt 13 and Yellow Barn Rd .
Mr Rademacher - it will be 4 metal exterior pole type barns . No sewer or water
is involved , it is strictly for storage .
Henry Host- Steen , Ferguson Rd - was wondering again what is the special permit
procedure in this particular application as opposed to the special permit application
the last time Mr Rademacher was here to put in an industrial type of building ?
Supv Cotterill - in the commercial areas any type of commercial business the zoning
makes certain types of things allowed uses by a special permit . Anything that is
a disallowed use , this board would not hear . A disallowed use would be heard by
the Zoning Board of Appeals , which would mean that they would have to have a variance .
This means that it would be restricted - from a given area or it didn ' t meet certain
requirements in that area . In this case the zoning ordinance says that everything
is allowed . A. . special permit has to be issued where it becomes a commercial business .
Mr Costantini - is again concerned about traffic . This would depend on the nature
of what is going to be stored there and how often trucks are going to come to this
site . Also , is this going to be part of XCP business or is it a seperate endeavor ? r1
Mr Rademacher - this application is for Darrell Rademacher and has nothing to do
with XCP . It is not for storage for XCP in any way shape or form . This is for X21 , ;
commercial storage in a commercial area . '
? ? ? ? wanted to know if this permit was granted for the storage buildings could it
later be used for storage for XCP or a manufacturing building ?
Supv Cotterill - it is stated on the application for 4 storage buildings and if the
permit is granted it would only be for storage and cannot be used for anything else .
Mr Rademacher submitted a letter from the adjoining propertytowners not objecting
to the storage buildings .
Letter from Frank Liguori , County Planning Dept stating that there is no significant
deleterious impact on intercommunity , county or state interests and the town is free
to act without prejudice
/ 7/
Supv Cotterill read the following letter .
December 2 , 1983
Darrell G . Rademacher
President , XCP Inc .
8 Nest Main Street
Dryden , New York 13053
re : Rademacher Property at Yellow Barn & Route 13
Dear Darrell :
Thank you for your letter of November 11 regarding the
property you purchased from Yellow Barn Development Corporation
at the corner of Yellow Barn Road and Route 13 .
I am puzzled by your request for our approval of your pro -
ject since the only interest we have with respect to the use of
t hat lot is ' as an adjoining neighbor . I understand that the
Town sometime contacts adjoining neighbors when a special permit
or variance is requested so that adjoining neighbors can have
some input .
You may recall that at the time we conveyed that property to
you , we told you that that parcel was not a part of Stage I , Stage
II or Stage III of the subdivision and that it was not subject to
any or all of the restrictive covenants which would affect any of
t he stages of the subdivision .
To the extent that you are seeking our approval as an owner
of adjoining property , we have no objection to your use of _the
property for commercial storage buildings . You may convey that
t o the appropriate To_wn._a_f_ icials .
Very truly yours ,
. -
Wendell Earle , Secretary - Treasurer
WE / a
George Schelcht - hoped that the board wouldn ' t jump to a decision since this
application is followed so closely by the other application of Mr Rademacher .
Previously we were treated to a nice sight plan with landscaping , and now he sees
a very rough sketch not drawn to scale and is very difficult to tell what is going
to be done . He felt that 2 years down the road it could be turned into a
manufacturing facility . Also we have talked about the esthetic consideration
to the area .
Mr Rademacher - we bought the -commercial 'property in 1978 and have been paying the
taxes on it since then . It does not border any residential property .
? ? ? didn ' ,t see where this would create. any jobs , this proposal sounds worse than
the light manufacturing . Is there any way we can get this rezoned ?
Supv Cotterill - the board has met with the Planning Board and have requested them
• to look at the commercial zoned property and let the Board know if they want td
change any of them . At this point there has been no suggestion to change any ,
but maybe in the future .
Clm Evans - reported that the Planning Board would welcome any of the residents
t o attend their meetings and give them some input because they will be looking
at the issues of _ zoning very extensively .
s - .
I 1
Mr Domineck , Ferguson Rd - according to the sketh it looks very much like a
compound and was wondering if Mr Rademacher had any plans for making it more
acceptable to a residential neighborhood . Also , is the volume of traffic such
that it would involve the State in making some decision on Rt 13 ?
Supv Cotterill - the entrance is on Yellow Barn Rd so the State would not be
involved .
Donald Seewald , Yellow Barn Rd - felt that these buildings were not in good taste .
There was much discussion .
Mr Domineck - felt that with the last proposal from Mr Rademacher for XCP he
' . • made it clear that he was interested in accommodating the esthetic interests
and wanted to build something that was an asset to the community . He felt
that it was the consensus of all of them that something is going to go in
there . It seems that the major concern is the esthetic concern . He would
like to see a plan in little more detail in which it is clarified what the
buildings would look like to enchance the consistency with the style of the
adjacent community so that the residential flavor of the area is not lost .
He didn ' t think anyone here tonight is against Mr Rademacher to do something
with the property , but to put something there that is appropriate with the
neighborhood .
Closed public hearing # 2 8 : 35PM
DECEMBER 13 , 1983
Minutes of the Town Board meeting held on Dec 13th.
Supv Cotterill called the meeting to order at 8 : 35PM
Members and guests participated in the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call was by the Town Clerk : Present : Supv Cotterill , Clm Evans , Clm Webb
Clm Metzger and Z . O . Stewart
Absent : Clm Jordan and Atty Perkins arrived
at 9 : 30PM
Approval of the minutes : Motion was made by Clm Evans and seconded by Clm
Metzger that the minutes of the Now7th board meeting be approved as submitted .
Supv Cotterill appointed Clm Metzger to audit the highway bills
Co Rep Tillapaugh reported that the County has sold the old hospital .
Also he checked the new German Cross Rd Bridge and he is pleased with the work
that Hwy Supt Humphrey has done , over there and they should be very proud .
Also the County has made a resolution to opt out of enforcing the uniform fire
code and was to notify the state by the first of January .
Clm Evans - reported that the Planning Board discussed a variety of issues .
Residential considerations , possibly for a more restrictive residential zone .
than we currently have and also areas that could be zoned commercial in other
areas of the town than we currently have . We have possibilities on Rt 13 and
Rt 38 . They are going to be meeting on this Thrusday and the public is invited
to give some input .
Clm Webb - reported that both himself and Clm Evans have met with the cable
company but nothing has really ben decided yet .
Reported that the town directory is almost ready to go to the printers .
8 building permits were issued for the month of November . 4 one- family
dwellings ; 1 addition ; 1 mobile home ( replacement )` `2—storage buildings .
ZBOA had no ::hearings for the month of November . Reported that the property on
Baker Hill Rd (Wilfred Wright ) is being cleaned up . The garage and mobile home
have both been removed and the old cars have been removed . The windows have been
boarded up and eventually the building will be torn down .
— .
/ 93
Letter from NYSDOT regarding request for lower speed limit on Lower Creek Rd .
Bd of Reps state enforcement of Uniform Bldg Code .
4 months • report from SPCA
Ambulance report
Letter from Commissioner of Social Services requesting names from the Town for
Social Services Advisory Council .
Letter from Bd of Reps regarding expiration term of George Scullen as the Town
of Dryden representative to the Environmental Management Council
General Fund A $ 6561 . 21 $ 11777 . 03
General Fund B 343 . 03 10979 . 68
Fire Protection District 408 . 64 - 0 -
Federal Revenue Sharing 156 . 13 16472 . 37
Highway 11895 . 21 . . 58158 . 20
JUSTICE REPORTS Judge Newhart - $ 1483 . 00 Judge Sweetland - $ 2532 . 00
Clm Webb offered the following resolution; ' and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Dryden Town Board strongly supports the Route 13
corridor running north of the current route and between the Village of
Dryden and Dryden High School and would connect with the current route
north of Tompkins Cortland Community College ( TC 3 ) providing that it
would follow the railroad tracks from Johnson Road to Springhouse Road
and an overpass where it crosses Route 38 near the Dryden High School .
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - Supervisor Cotterill YES
Councilman Evans YES
Councilman Webb YES
Councilman Metzger YES
Councilman Jordan Absent
' • Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Edward Dollaway to the Planning Board
whose term expires Dec 31st 1990 .
2nd Clm Metzger Carried
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Dryden Town Board would like to go on record and show their
appreciation to William Mobbs , Public Works Commissioner , and to the County
Board of Representatives for all of the time and effort involved on the German
Cross Road Bridge .
2nd Clm Evans Carried=_
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the general fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote all voting YES
Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 8 . 05 from garage
A5132 . 43 to garage A5132 . 41
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES
TO SIGNS A3310 . 2
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 370 . 85 from
Contingency A1990 . 4 to Signs A3310 . 2
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
DEPUTY A1410 . 11
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 43 . 00 from Town
Clerk personal A1410 . 10 to Town Clerk Deputy A1410 . 11
2nd Clm Metzger . • Roll call vote - all voting YES
A1420 . 40
Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board authorize the Supv to transfer $ 246 . 00 from
Contingency A1990 . 4 to Attorney Contingency A1420 . 40
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Town Board would like the record to show their appreciation
to Frank Jordan during his four years of service on the Town Board .
2nd Clm Metzger Carried
Clm Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Amos Brown of 514 West
Dryden Rd to have a mechanic and body garage with the following stipulations :
1- hours are from 8 : 00AM to 8 : 00PM ; 2- 6 day work week Monday thru Saturday ;
3- limit the cars that are outside and in sight to 5 cars ; and 4- that this
special permit is not transferable by sale or lease .
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting YES
Atty Perkins felt that the board should look very carefully at the requirements
. in Section 1303 . . 1 in reaching a determinatior,to grant a special permit to
Darrell Rademacher after the public hearing has been held for a storage
building on the corner of Yellow Barn Road and Route 13 . The questions that
the board must consider in - making their determination are whether . Section 1303 , 1
specific requirements have been met with the, sufficiency of_ , the application .
Section 1303 . Specific Requirements .
1 . - 'written application shall be made via the Zoning Enforcement Officer to the
Town Board and shall include the following :
(a ) Name of applicant and . owner of the premises .
(b ) Legally recorded description of premises . (There is attached to the application
a copy of a map which was recorded along- with the deed in the County Clerk ' s Office )
(c ) Description of proposed- use , including parking facilities, - if required ,
( d ) A legible sketch drawn to an approximate scale showing size of building
or structure and location on premises . -
(e ) Sewage disposal and water supply facilities existent or proposed , together
with Tompkins County Health Dept certification . (not required )
(f ) Use of premises on adjacent properties
(g ) Statement by applicant appraising the effect of proposed use on adjacent
properties and development , of the neighborhood . The applicant shall , at the time
of the application for a - special permit pay to the Zoning Enforcement . Officer a
fee of $ 25 . 00 . Z . O . Stewart reported he has received the $ 25 . 00
Section 1303 . 2 In reaching a determination , the Town Board shall consider the
following :
( a ) Whether Section 1303 . 1 requirements have been met
(b ) - Whether the location , use , and the nature and intensity of operation will
. .be in conflict with the allowed uses of the zone or . neighborhood . The
allowed use's in an RC Zone Section 801 Allowed uses .
1 . Farming , farm buildings , gardening , nurseries and greenhouses and the
keeping or raising of livestock and poultry .
2 . One- family , two- family and multi- family dwellings , and tourist homes .
3 . Educational buildings , community buildings , churches cemeteries and similar
semi-public structures and uses .
4 . Village , town , county , state and Federal buildings
5 . CParks , playgrounds , golf courses and recreation areas
6 . Such buildings as hospitals , clinics , nursing or convalescent homes , sanataria
and funeral -homes .
7 . Clubs
8 . Professional offices or studios
9 . Home occupation
10 . Private garage
11 . Accessory farm buildings
12 . Roadside stands for the sale and display of farm products provided that any such
stand shall be at least 50 feet from the center of the road centerline .
• jy's
13 . Mobile homes on individual lots . •
Section 1303 . 2
( c ) Whether the use will be more objectionable or depreciating to adjacent and
nearby properties (by reason of traffic , noise , vibration , dust , fumes , smoke ,
odor , fire , hazard , glare , flashing lights or disposal of waste -or sewage ) than
the operation of the allowed uses of the zone .
Letter from Yellow Barn Development Corp .
December 2 , 1983
Darrell G . Rademacher
President , XCP Inc .
8 West Main Street
Dryden , New York 13053
re : Rademacher Property at Yellow Barn & Route 13
Dear Darrell :
Thank you for . your letter of November 11 regarding the
property you purchased from Yellow Barn Development Corporation
at the corner of Yellow Barn Road and Route 13 .
I am puzzled by your request for our approval of your pro -
ject since the only interest we have with respect to the use of
that lot is as an adjoining neighbor . I understand that the
-wn sometime contacts adjoining neighbors when a special permit
',o , . 'variance is requested so that adjoining neighbors can have
Strike input .
You may recall that at the time we conveyed that property to
yok3\ bre told you that that parcel was not a part of Stage I , Stage
II * Stage III of the subdivision and that it was not subject to-
art Or ail < of the restrictive covenants which would affect any of
the Stages of the subdivision .
To the extent that you are seeking our approval as an owner
\ f adjoining property , we have no objection to your use of _ the
1Yeapprty for commercial storage buildings . You may convey that
It the appropriate Tac of-f eials .
Very truly yours ,
by . .
Wendell Ear , Secretary - Treasurer
WE / a.
( d ) Whether the use will discourage or hinder the appropriate development and
use of adjacent properties or neighborhood
- - ( e ) Whether a non- residential use adjacent to an existing residential use shall
be screened by a . landscaped buffer strip or suitable fencing .
( f ) Whether health , safety and general welfare of the community may be adversely
affected .
_,. _ __ _ Tho.s.e_•are__the__guidelines_ _that. The board shall consider in reaching their determination
after they are considered than you can make a decision and you may condition the
special permit .
Atty Perkins wanted to know if this was a service to the people in the community
and not of commercial use , warehouse or loading dock type of facility ?
Mr Rademacher - this is for individual use .
There was some discussion over each requirements and the board decided upon
the following conditions .
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board grant a special permit to Darrell Rademacher of
60 Spring Run Rd to have four storage buildings at the corner of Rt 13 and Yellow
Barn Rd with the following special provisions : 1 - all exterior lighting to shine
into the property ( lights may be . placed on building or fence ) ; 2- crushed stone to
be placed around all buildings ; 3- no ' outside storage of any property except the
personal , non- commercial., property of the owner which is too ' large . to be stored
inside limited to a total of 4 items ( i . e . a boat or motorhome too large for inside
storage ) ; 4- no unattended motor vehicles shall be allowed ( except as permitted
in (3 ) above ) ; 5- this permit is for a retail storage facility intended for
community and not commercial use . 6- this special permit is a non- transferable
permit and is limited to the above-named individual only ; 7 - this permit is
issued upon the condition that the premises be built and placed on the lot .
as set forth in the application to the Town` Board .
2nd Clm Webb . - Carried
End of the year meeting - December 29th at 5 : 00PM
Organizational meeting - January 4th at 7 : 30PM
Adjourned : 10 : 30PM
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk
DECEMBER 29 , 1984
Minutes of the special meeting held Dec 29th at 5 : 00PM
Present : . Deputy Supv Metzger , Clm Evans and Clm Webb
Absent : Supv Cotterill , Clm Jordan . . _ :
to SIGNS 3310 . 20
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 352 . 20 from Contingency
1990 . 4 to Signs 3310 . 20
2nd Clm Metzger Roll call vote - all voting YES
to 1989 . 4
Clm Webb offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the Supv be authorized to transfer $ 76 . 03 from Contingency 1990 . 4
to 1989 . 04
2nd Clm Evans Roll call vote - all voting - YES
• Cim Metzger offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption .
RESOLVED , that the highway fund bills be paid as audited .
2nd Clm Webb Roll call vote - all voting YES
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that the general fund bills obe Paid l astauditeall voting YES :
2nd Cim Metzger g. . . _
BUREAU - Town of Dryden Representative
Clm Evans offered the following resolution and asked for its adoption :
RESOLVED , that this Town Board appoint Peter Littman to the County Youth Bureau
as the Town of Dryden representative . •
2nd Clm Metzger Carried
Adjourned : . 5 : 10 PM /
t.4 .
Susanne Lloyd
Town Clerk